Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Grand Opening Reception
Tb public la cordially invited to attend our fimt formal opening of th new
tore. Corner 15th and Captlol Ave., (Bennett's old location, remodeled.) Our
new and handsome show room baa been decorated throughout for tbli oc
casion. Saturday, April 12tli,
Afternoon and Evening.
There will be ample accommodation! for all who come. Beats will be pro
Tided for the ladles and roses In profusion. We have arranged to giro
Ofraphophone Musical Matinee.
by the finest Instruments ever heard in the west Selections will Include the
latest bits from popular operas, celebrated band concerts and solos br fa
mous singers. It will be well worth your while to attend this concert. ' In the
evening our store will be brllllantlr Illuminated by a new system of lighting,
which surpasses anything of tha kind erer before shows in Omaha.
Our New Stock is
Never before have Omaha people been shown such a line of vehicles, auto
mobiles, bicycles and graphopbones. It will be a pleasure to show you these
goods and to quote- you money-saving prices. We have it 'few bargain still
left of our old stock. If you are out for snaps, better call and look around.
Don't forget that we have made elaborate preparations to entertain you Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
The New Store. Cor. 15th and Capitol Ave
eral Chaffee Is directed to make the inves
tigation with all speed consistent with a
thorough Investigation.
MaeArthar t'rstea Klndaeaa.
General MacArthur waa again the wit
Bees before the committee today and be
began his statement with reference to the
burning of villages by the native forces In
He said that the order for this destruc
tion bad been issued by Oeneral Luna and
that he found that this waa due to the fact
that Luna had been a student of Napoleon's
campaigns, and had conceived the Idea that
he could compel the American fdrces ' to
retreat aa the Russlana had forced the
French conqueror to retreat from Moscow.
In this connection Oeneral MacArthur
read a number of order Issued by himself,
directing the conduct of troops In the field
and enjoining the utmost kindness In the
treatment of captured and wounded. In one
of these orders tha . American forces were
Instructed to klll If possible, the enemy
found lighting and with arms In his hand,
and In reply to questions Oeneral Mac
Arthur aald that in war the prime object
1 to disable the enemy and to kill him If
possible when In battle.
Pattersoa Presses MaeArthar.
Pressing his question. Senator Patterson
asked if the killing of twenty Filipinos to
one American waa not "simply slaughter."
"No." replied Oeneral MacArthur, "not
when your adversary stands up and fights
'"Then, If under these condition, with
such disparity of casualties, the Filipinos
stood up and fought, are they not the
bravest' people that ever went to war?"
asked Senator Patterson.
"They did not stsnd up and fight after
the first battle," replied the witness.
"Then If they did not fight. Is it not true,
aa I before asked, that their killing was
nothing more than slsughter?"
"No, that la not tha case. The war Is
the most humane that was ever fought. It
Is Simply a question of efficiency against
Explain Cklaeae Immigration.
Senator Carma?k questioned Oeneral Mao
Arthur aa to his meaning when he atated
In his report of 1901 that there was an or
ganised and systematic effort to have Chi
nes Immigration continued for the pur
pose of exploiting the Islands. Oeneral Mac
. Arthur aald he bad Intended to bring out
the fact that tha large European and Amer
ican establishment In the archipelago all
demand Chinese labor, aa the Chinaman la
tbs cheapest and most Indefatigable laborer
la the worlds Their hope waa, be aald, to
continue the flood of Immigration from
China as they were reluctant to come to
the American, standard of wage.
Speaking of. the- educated Filipino. Oen
eral MacArthur eatd that many of them
wera men of good character and generally
ahowed ability. Among others of whom be
spoke was Mablnl, who, he said, had a
dream of a , Polynesian confederacyV'an
able man, but dreamer, and unfortunately
paralysed," be added.
"Where Is he now?" asked Senator Pat
terson. '
"In Guam," laconically responded the wit
ness. "How did fie get there?"
v.. "I sent him there because be was an agi
tator." Then followed a long colloquy in which
General MacArthur explained that after be
bad released Mablnl be continued bis agi
"HI agitation In support of Philippine
Independence?" suggested Senator Patter-
"alia agitation In support ot the Insur
rection," Insisted Oeneral MacArthur. -
Letter froas Taft.
In connection wltb'lbe report on Tabayaa
Secretary Root alao forwarded to the com
mute a telegram from Oovernor Taft
dated at Cincinnati on April t, In which h
aald."i ., ,
This report waa handed to my secretary
Just before I called from Manila. On reach
ing Washington I submitted It to Secretary
Root, with tha statement that Colonel
Gardener was aa military com
' Tabayua in keeping It peaceable,
that he wae a good governor and waa popu
lar with the people, and that I would be
lieve Implicitly anything atated of hi
knowledge, but that I feared that great
friction between him and those officers suc
ceeding him In military command had so
Influenced his Judgment that charaea made
by him. necessarily based on evidence of
nthera. aaatnet the conduct of military
aftatra In the provinces uught not to be
acted on without giving those accused an
opportunity to be heard and that had I
rend the report before leaving Manila I
ahould have referred II to Oeneral Chaffee
for Investigation and comment. The secre
tary of war accordingly directed me to
transmit the aam to Film fur the purpose
f forwarding it te Oeneral Chaffee, and I
Old SO under aaie 01 reDruary 11.
, Mtsseart, Kaaeaa Teaaa Board.
PARSONS. Kan., April W At the annual
Beating of the Missouri. Kanaaa Texas
railway here today the board of director
re-electad and las members in turn
re-clecied the old ameer for the ensuing
year. 1' real dent Rouse ana other director
and officials of the. company arrived here
this morning from Texas on their special
train and after the meeting departed for
H. Louie.
Jo Grino. Pain
Or discomfort, no irritation ot tha t
testifies but gentle, prompt, thorough
. baailbful cleansing, wbeu you taia
Head's Pills . .,
Ila by all druggist. V cent
Eourke'i Men Do Borne Hitting in Game
with Oreighton.
" .
Rlaley, Stone aad Bars; Get late) Game
, aad Make Themselves. Solid with
Fans Another Game
Today. . '
With the heavy odds f experience and
confidence arrayed against them, the bane
ball team of Crelghton university yesterday
afternoon aucceeded In boldlng "Pa's Pets"
down to a score of IX to 2 In the first game
between tbeee teams at . Vinton street park.
Though the day waa disagreeable, very
nice base ball was perpetrated, and the
falr-slsed crowd of Omaha fan who were
on band to watch. their favorites perform
were for the first time this year given the
treat. of feeing jomt hitting by the
leaguer. Up to this time the game played
at. home have been devoid of any appre
ciable proportion of stick work, but in yes
terday's contest the men came to the front
handily with a little bunch of twelve nice
ones, triple, double and single mixed.
Three of the regular team player.
Hlckey, Fleming and Genlns, were given a
holiday by Captain Stewart, and their three
substitute made themselves solid with the
crowd. Risley, who went iuto middle field
for Genlns, scored two bit and-two runs,
and yet he 1 a pitcher. Stone, (he utility
outfielder who took Fleming' place In left
field, led the list with three bits, one for
three pillow. Little Pete Burg, the
midget, who play an emergency infield
job, went In at third for Hlckey and gave
further proof ot his reliability and value
by handling a few very puzzling bits in
lust the correct manner and with absolute
accuracy and no delay. One time with a
roan on first and second the ball was batted
slowly down tha third base line. Burc
rushsd It and scooped It up half way to
the plate, then turned sharp around and
caught the runner' at aeeond. where two
third basemen out of three In similar cir
cumstances of chaste and position would
have played the cinch and thrown the bat
ter out at first Alloway and Brown di
vided the game In the box."" '
dome Crelarhton Stars.
There were soma prominent Crelghton
stars, too. Ed Crelghton at third base was
the especial meteor of bla team. He not
only fielded a perfect game, but batted out
two pretty hits. Seven clean-, assists are
chalked to blra, and some were difficult.
being short. hits along third,' base Una.
which Ed charged and fleldedrto first rn
good time and well Judged locality. Harry
Welch played first basa" and Va--steady as
a "vet." He made a hit, a run and fifteen
putouts at the bag. Clark's work -on flies
In left field waa ot the sterling sort that
makes you bet It 1 an out as soon as you
see the ball leaning that way.
The game waa . peculiar In that for two
Innings the collage boys . bad It all their
own way. The leaguers- were .- put out la
one, two, three order, and meanwhile Welch
mad a run In the first and O'Kecfe In the
second. Then Omaha tightened up, or else
Wlloox in the box loosened, for the next
Inning showed seven runs for Stewart'a
men and none for the collegians. Errors
by O'Keefe and Callahan had a hand In tha
deluge. With the exception of that Inning
tha game was well fought throughout. To
day the two teams meet again, and Harry
Welch will bltob for the Crelghton men.
while Bton will be on first base 1n Harry's
place. Score:
AB. R.
H. O. A. E.
0 3 0 0
3 10 1
3 110
2 11 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 10
3 0 10
0 0 3 0
13 37 16 "l
H. O. A. E.
0 0 10
1 IS 0 0
110 0
3 0 7 0
0 0
0,0 0 0
10 0 0
0 3 5 3
0 0 3
1 34 15 1
Carter, If
5 1
Risley, cf
Stone, rf
Calhoun, lb.,.
Inlan, as
Stewart. Jb....
Bum. 3b
Thomas, c
Alloway, p....
brown, p
..40 11
AB. R.
Lynch, tb
Welch, lb
Dlneen, cf
Crelghton, 3b.
Clark. If
Murphy, rf....
O'Keefe, c
Callahan, aa...
Wilcox, p
Earned runs
Off Allowsy. J
0 0
1 1
0 3
0 0 0
1 11
0 03
5. Baaea on balls:
off Brown, 1; off Wilcox. 3.
tilt by pitcnea nan: uy ncox, i. struck
out: By Alloway, 1: by Brown, 3. Three
base hit: Stone. Two-baae hits: Rtaiey,
Calhoun, Dolan. Alloway. Stolen basea:
Carter, Risley, Dolan. aiewart. Crelghton.
Passed balls: O Keete g. Wild pitch:
Wilcox. Double play: Burg to Calhoun to
Dolan. Time: l:St- Umpire: Keith.
Talmaae Holda Hla Owa.
WASHINGTON. Anrll 'l.-lt waa an
nnunced thia mornirla .that Rev. Dr. T.
DeWitt Talmag. who la lying critically 111
at bla home here, bad neia his own during
the night." There will be a conaultatlon of
physicians this afternoon, when a algned
bulletin recardlna Dr. Talmag a condition
will be lasued.
ratuasala Robned at Its Terrors
Br Foley' Honey and Tar. It stops
th racking cough aad beals and strength
ens tha lung. If taken In ttm it anil pre
vent an attack "of -poeumon!a.-'iRfoae ea
slllute. .. .
Kej to Mjsterj of Hewood's Death Still
Unknown to Police.
Lfaeofa Mm Arrested on aaptrloa,
I niteraoea Thorns wea t Ina,"
the Deed.
DETROIT. Mich.. April 10. The police
admit tonight' that they have not reached a
solution of the murder of George H. Hey
wood, head bookkeeper of the Michigan
Malleable Iron works, whose battered and
llfelex body was found at daylight this
morning within 100 feet of hie borne on Am
herst street.
William M. Jones, who roomed In Hey
wood's boma and who was arrested on sus
picion this morning, wss still in custody to
night,, although a "sweat box" examination
lasting all day and this evening failed to
bring from him any damaging admissions.
Mrs. Heywood, who was escorted to police
headquarters at noon and closely examined
this afternoon and evening, was permitted
to return to her borne tonight. The offi
cers say that no Information was secured
from her that would throw any light on the
cause of her husband's death.
Heywood's murderer first shot him and
then crushed In his forobead with some
heavy instrument. The bullet took effect
behind hi right ear and in Itself would
have caused death. The murderer then ap
parently stooped over his victim and dealt
him a blow on the forehead.
Plad Saaptcloas Hammer.
After Jones' arrest officers searched bis
room at the Heywood house. Jones va a
plumber and made a specialty of retiring
gas stoves. In bis kit of tool was found a
machinist's hammer which the officers as
serted fits perfectly the hole In Heywood's
In a lot near where the body was dis
covered a revolver was found which Hey
wood's young son at first positively identi
fied as belonging to Jones. Later In th
day, however, the lad was not so aura of
the Identification.
Jones was very cocl and collected through.
out his sweating and told freely all he said
he knew of the tragedy. , During the exam
ination of Heywood's little daughter, Kate,
by the officers the fact waa developed that
she heard a shot fired about 3 o'clock this
morning. The officer have located persons
who saw Heywood, who attended a dance
yesterday evening three blocks from bla
home at 2:55 o'clock. Mrs. Heywood told
the officers that at S o'clock In the morning
she gave Jones a headache powder. -Search
for the Husband.
A her husband did not return during
the night Mrs. Heywood waa vsry much
alarmed, and. arising early, she sent her
oldest boy. Earl, aged 12, out to see If he
could find any trace of his father. The
little chap had gone but a short distance
from the ' house when he discovered the
lifeless remains of the parent. The police
were notified and the body was removed
to the morgue and placed beside the re
mains of Miss Jennette, who bad also been
murdered but a few hours before.
An examination or Heywood's body and
clothes showed that robbery was not the
motive. There, was but the one wound,
evidently made with a heavy blunt Instru
ment, a tt penetrated the skull and left
an ugly cut. Detectives, were Immediately
put to work on-the case and they arrested
William F. Jones, a roomer In Heywood'
house, ."The twomen are aald to have quar
reled frequently.
At the etatloo, Jones was examined as to
his relation with the Heywood family. Ha
says bla home I In Lincoln, Neb., where
be ha a wife and three children. He said
be first became acquainted with the Hey
wood family about five years ago, when b
went to the house one day to mend a gaso
line stove for them. Hs haa been board
ing there since last February.
Freshly Discharged.
There was a freshly discharged cartridge
In the revolver found In the alley and said
to belong to Jones. Dr. W. H. Baker, who
examined Heywood'a body as aoon as It bad
been found, is ot tha opinion that the
wound was inflicted by a revolver held at
very close range.
Mrs. Heywood, her three children and a
neighbor, Mrs. Hobart, were taken to po
lice headquarters at noon and examined by
Captain of Detectlvea McDonnell. On her
way to the car Mrc. Heywood said. In ans
wer to a reporter's questions, that so far
as she knew Jones had been In bis room all
night. She said that twice during the night
he wanted to go out and search for Mr.
Heywood, but that she advised him not to
las he did not know where to search and It
would be useless. Accordingly he did not
go either time.
Blood-Btalned Hatchet la Professor
Miller's Room Discovered
by Police. -
DETROIT, Mich., April 10. What the
police consider to be a strong link In tb
chain of circumstantial evidence that they
are weaving about Prof. Joaeph M. Miller.
aged 4 1. a music teacher and a married
man with a family, who la under arrest on
suspicion of brutally murdering Mtas Car
rie M. Jennett on Thirteenth street Just
before midnight last night, was discovered
this evening. It is a bloody hatchet,
which was found In tbs drawer of a table
In Miller's kitchen.
Prof. Miller was the girl's music teacher
and bad paid her such marked attentions
that ber father bad asked him to keep
away from th bouse. When he waa ar
raignea at me ponce station tnis morning
what ars supposed to b blood stains were
found on his shirt sleeves, hi trouiers,
shoes, hat ana overcoat. A towel was
found In bis kitchen with what are sup
posed to be blood stains on it. When be
was asked for an explanation of tha stains
on hi clothing ne gav non.
Girl's Keek Brskea.
Miss Jennett, who was 32 year old and
ho would have become a mother In a few
months, was moat brutally done to death
lust before 13 o'clock last night. She was
felled by a terrific blow on the bead.
which broke ber neck, and ber throat was
cut from ear to ear. Her mutilated body
was found la thia condition in a lonely
spot on Thirteenth street. It was taksa
to the morgue and not Identified until this
Miss Jennett left ber home last evening
to attend a meeting of the Rebekab lodge,
of which sha was a member. She left th
meeting about 10 o'clock and waa not seen
again alive. Her parents wer alarmed at
ber net coming borne and when thex beard
of th murder Mr. Jennett hurried to th
morgue and there Identified the mutilated
He told tha police of tb girl' lnfatua
tlon for Prof. Miller and the teacher waa
placed under arrest. Miller took the sit
uatloa very coolly when be was examtaed
at the atatlon. Nothing could be learned
from queatlonlng blsa. He was then or
dered to take off his clothes and oa tb
shirt th police found blood stalna. Miller
offered no explanation of them. More
tain wer found oa other garment. Mil
ler still maintained absolute Hence a to
them. It was then derided to lotk him up.
Maa f'alata Twice.
Wblle te was being registered on the
blotter the music teacher collapsed and
fainted. He was revived only to fslnt sgaln
as tb officers conducted him to a cell.
Miller left bin' bouse last evening to at
tend a lodge meeting In Baker street, and
returned about U -9 o'clock appareatly
cool and indlsHrbed He alleges that he
did not leave tha meeting until H o'clock,
but several pe neons who were there say
be left between 10 and 11 o'clock. The
murder waa committed about five minutes
after 11 o'clock as near as the police ran
learn. - It would have been possible for Mil.
er to go from the hall on Baker street to
the scene ot the crime In twnty minutes.
This waa demonstrated tonight by a re
porter, who made the trip In sixteen min
utes. From the location of the crime to
Miller's home la but a comparatively short
While the police think they bsve strong
circumstantial evidence against the suspect
they admit tbey are still fsr short of enough
to convict him of the murder. Nothing can
be gained from Miller by questioning, aa h
imply Insists that he knows nothing ot
the murder.
An autopsy today revealed the fact that
within three or four month the girl would
have become a mother. It alao furnished
many evidences of the brutality with which
the poor girl was murdered. In addition
to tha other ghastly wounds on ber bead
ber neck had been broken. Prof. Miller,
who Is under arrest on suspicion of being
the girl's murderer, left his bouse, accord
ing to bis wife, at I o'clock last night, say
ing be was going to a lodge meeting. At
11:20 p. m., according to bis wife, be re
turned apparently cool and collected.
Address to Soath Dakota Voter Form
ulated by Demo-Poa Committee
Assails Elevtloa La w.
MITCHELL. S. D., April 10. (8peolal
Telegram.) The two subcommittees, ap
pointed by the democratic and . populist
stste ceatral committees, to formulate an
address to the voters of the state, finished
their work In ..hat direction this morning.
The address was drafted by the democrat
and It was endorsed by the populist com
mlttee, the latter agreeing to call their
state convention at Huron at the aame time
the democrat meet there for nomination
of state officer.
The main feature of the address will refer
to the action of tha last legislature In pass
ing a law preventing the placing ot the
name of a candidate twice on one ticket,
thu knocking out fusion. The address will
make the most of this feature, though other
matters of not so much Importance will be
The committee Is exceedingly quiet about
Its views as to the result of the combined
convention. In fact, having nothing to say.
Do Honor to Geaeral Torrance.
DEADWOOD.rS. D.. April 10. (Special.)
The various Grand Army poets 'in the
Black Hills are entertaining General Ell
Torrance of Minneapolis, the commander-
in-chief, this week. The commander ar
rived by way of Hot 8prlngs, accompanied
by bis wife and daughter, and they are re
ceiving ovations at all points. .Upon their
arrival In Deadwood they were met by a
large delegation and after lunoh were es
corted to Lead and shown through the mills
of the Homestake Mining company. Tbe
principal business of tbe commander la
relative to ' the ' location of the hatlonal
sanitarium at- Hot Springs. - -
Olympic i Association. Bleats.
DEADWOOD. 6. D., April 10. (Special.)
The Olympic association of Deadwood held
it eighth annual meeting and election of
directors, at which tbe following board was
chosen: J. W. Carse, W. 8. Simpson, C. H.
Hyman, Banks Stewart, M. M. Wheeler, W.
T. Graham and Aaron Nattenbach. Tbe di
rectors will meet in a few days for organ
isation, at which they will elect their offi
cers. Tha reports ot the retiring officers
showed a membership of nearly 200, and a
good surplus la the treasury, as well as a
sinking fund of $1,000. Tbe association Is
a social and athletic organization com
posed of young men.
Mra. Sarah A. Reeve.
One more of Douglaa county's pioneer
women haa gone. Mrs. Sarah A. Reeves,
who had lived at Florence since I860, died
at her home last night shortly before mid
night. She waa 78 years old and had beeu
gradually failing, ao that her death was ex
pected. Four married daughters survive
bar, Mrs. Louise Cowles, Mrs. Fannie Mat-
tox and Mrs. Salome Grebe... Arrangements
for the funeral have not yet been made,
but It will likely be on Sunday afternoon.
John 8. White, Redlanda, Cal. "
PIERRE, S. D.. April 10. (Special Tela-
gram.) Word was received today announc
ing tha death from consumption at Red
landa, Cal., ot John S. White, a former
prominent reaident of this city, who left
for California last winter with a hope of
regaining health.
Two Deaths at Geneva.
GENEVA. Neb., April 10. (Special.)
Verne Wbltxel, 1 yeara old, died suddenly
yesterday. She was th only girl In the
family and the shock was aeverely felt.
Mrs. Henry Muhlenberg waa burled yes
terday from tbe Metbodiat Episcopal
church. Rev. Colony officiating.
Heary W. Barton, Orleaaa.
ORLEANS. Neb.. April 10. (Special.)
Henry W. Burton died here early this
morning. Mr. Burton waa past 90 ysars of
ago. He leave three sons and two daugh
ter. Th funeral will be held from tha
Methodist Episcopal cburcb tomorrow.
Aaat ot Preeldeat Roosevelt.
ATLANTIC1 C1TT, N. J.. April 10. Mr.
Marion Roossvelt, wife of Robert Roose
velt of New York, and aa aunt ot President
Roossvelt. died suddenly today of paralysis.
Mrs. Roosevelt was stricken last evening
and never regained conaclouanes.
Baatlat Female Colleae.
LEXINOTON, Mo.. April 10. Fir la th
Baptist female college here thia afternoon
caused a panic among th students and
several of tb ninety girl fainted. None
waa injured, however. Before tbe flame
wera gotten under control the third story
waa considerably damaged. The personal
property of the atudents wae saved. Tbe
loss Is light.
Photograph Gallery at Falrbary,
FAIRBURY. Neb.. April 10. (Special.)
J. G. Rawle's photographic atudlo la th
Culvr building waa deatroyed by fir last
eight. Tbe loas was about 13,000, with
1 1.600 Insurance. Th damage to th build-
lna la nearly tl.OOO, fully Insured.' W, F.
gcbults's grocery store on the first floor
waa badly damaged by water ana smoke,
but hla Insurance will cover tha loss.
Cottoa Workers' Strike Eadaraod.
FALL RIVER, Maaa.. April 10. Tbs
executive committee of tbe United Textile
Workers ot America at a meeting here to
day Indorsed tha atrike of the cottoa mill
w rkera of Augusta, Ga., for a 10 per ceat
rnnxi vtihvi irriL',i,h',n,i,pdb,ooirn,r,no"oui,Bl,b'Tt,
rUiVJl A lAllU3nL LLmiLL I riant to com to this country, but under
Lending Business Men of Country Organize
in Interest of Reciprocity.
Will Wane rampaiaa of Kdwratlon
for Reciprocal Relations with For.
elga Ration John I Webster
of Omaha a Director.
CHICAGO, April 10.- Representatles ot
sixty manufacturing and other'' Industrial
establishments of the United States me'
here today and organized the National
Reciprocity league. W. E. Stanley, gov
ernor of the state of Kansas, was elected
president. The object of the organisation,
which Is non-partiean. Is to wage a cam
paign of education concerning the "urgent
need of reciprocal trade relations with
foreign nations."
In a word these manufacturers say ttaer
are manufacturing In excess of the con
sumption of the borne market. Tbey want
the United Statea government to establish
trade relations with other countries that
will tbrow open the markets of tbe world
for the disposal of their goods. Tbe United
Statea senate will be asked to ratify at
least nine treaties that provide for recip
rocal arrangements In the trade relations
of tha United States and vartoua countries
of tbe eastern hemisphere.
M. B. Hulct of Topeks, Kan., waa chosen
secretary of the new league and B. B.
Swift of Chicago treasurer. The following
board of directors was selected:
H. C. Carver, Chicago, chairman; O. Wat
son French, Davenport, la.; C. B. Hoffman,
Kansas; James Deering, Chicago; Henry L.
Little, Minneapolta; L. O. King, St. Louis;
A. B. Farqulhar, York, Pa.; W. 8. Thomas,
Springfield. O.; H. A. Heath Topeka, Kan i
John A. Kasson, Des Moines, la.; John L.
Webster, Omaha; Adolph Kasper, Chicago;
A. D. Brown, St. Louis; F. T. Brunson,
Chicago; 8. R. Calloway, New York City;
E. N. Barton, Chicago.
A national convention of the league will
be called for the near future, probably at
err York Senator Opposes Election
of Senator by Direct
WASHINGTON. April 10. An effort was
made lata today In the senate to obtain
an agreement for a vote on the Chinese
exclusion bill, but it wss unsuccessful.
The measure was under discussion during
the entire session except for about an hour.
In which time the poetoffice appropriation
bill was considered and paased. Three
speeches were made against tbe Chinese
bill In Its present form. Mr. Dillingham
of Vermont concluding his remarks and
Mr. 8tewart of Nevada and Mr. Hoar of
Massachusetts stating their objections to
tho bill. Mr. 8tewart said he would vote
for the measure If It was the beet that
could be obtained, as he favored the ex
clusion of Chinese laborers, but he was
opposed to many of Its provisions. Mr.
Hosr announced bis vigorous opposition to
the bill, declaring that he never, would
vote for It.
Early in the session Mr. Depew spoke
briefly against the bill providing tor the
election of senators by popular vote. He
offered the following amendment to the
Depew' Propoaed tha ante. ., ,
The qualifications of cltlien entitled to
vote for United States senators and repre
sentatives in congress shall be uniform In
all the states and congress shall have
power to enforce this article Dy appro
priate legislation and to provide for the
registration of citizens entitled to vote.
the conduct or sucn elections ana ine cer
tificate of the result.
In part Mr. Depew aald the proposed
amendment under consideration proposes to
make th senate a popular body and re
verse tbe principle upon which tbe govern
ment bss existed down to the present time.
Mr. Depew said It In tbe election of
United State senators a small oligarchy In
any atate can send here representation
equal to that of great states like New York
which have manhood suffrage; If state In
wblch bait of the voter ar disfranchised
are to have an eoual voice In thl body
ltb states like Pennsylvania, of five or
ten times their population and with re- -hood
suffrage: If New York, which
because of Its manhood suffrage, 1.' 1
votes. Is to be neutralized In legl- i
affecting her vast Interests by MUe . l
casting 65,000 votes because the m .i..y
of her citizen are disfranchised then the
situation becomes Intolerable.
Metal Mall Boxes.
At the conclusion of routine business Mr.
Mason, chairman of the committee on post
offices and postroada, called up the post
office appropriation bill and Ha considera
tion was begun.
Mr. Tillman of South Carolina offered an
amendment directing the' postmaster gen
eral to buy metal boxes of uniform size for
the use of tbe patron of tha rural free de
livery service, at a cost not exceeding 60
centa each, and to furnish them to the pat
rons of the service at cost. The amend
ment was adopted and the poetoffice appro
priation bill waa passed.
Mr. Dillingham of Vermont then con
tinued bla speech begun yesterday In op
position to the Chlneae exclusion bill. He
maintained that some provision of tbe
bill were unconstitutional and Instanced
that section which referred to children ot
Chines parents born In this country. Fil
ipinos, mixed with Chinese blood, be said.
could not com to tb United State from
th Philippine under thl bill. He thought
Acts Like Magic it)
:tj Sold by all Dealers la
)? Mcdidn in
25 aad ROo sizes.
1 the pending Mil they would not bsve that
. right.
Mr- Stewart of Nevada opposed the bin
m ChlDlimpll ha(1 com. ,0 ,hli C0UBtr'v
' upon their own rcs6urces. Nine-tenths of
! ihrm bd b"n bought here under con-
! tract and the contracts were of "life most
horrible desrrlptlon."
Tu Preserve t. Itlaeaahlp. .
M-. Hoar said he was not indifferent to
anything which threatened the lofty quality
of American rHItenshlp and he regarded
the pending question as a queatlon af-
1 feeling the quality of our cltlxenship.
"It is aot race," said he, "but it is
Cegradatlon that we ought to strike at and
keep cut of thia country if we can. The
objection to the legislation proposed Is
that you strike at men, not because of their
Individual degradation, but because of
The advocates of the pending measure,
he said, maintained that every Chinaman
should be kept out of the United States,
even If he possessed every known virtue,
and all other foreigners should be admitted
even though they msy have every known
"That." said he with great feeling, "is
a stab at the essential principle upon
which this republic is founded. I will not
mar the close of my life by joining In such
sn act."
An amendment was read eliminating sec
tion 56 ot tbe bill and substituting a pro
vision that nothing In the act should be
construed to prevent any foreign ex
hibitor from any country from bringing to
tbe United Statea such assistants at
might be necessary to enable him to make
an exhibition at any fair or exposition au
thorized by the government.
Dee In res Prenrst Tariff on Sagar Is
Unreasonable aad Demands Change
In Schedule. -
WASHINGTON, April 10 The debate on
the Cuban reciprocity bill In the house to
day was devoid ot enlivening features. The
most notable speech of the day was made
by Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio. He answered
the critics who have charged him with In
consistency by- saying that reciprocity was
sound republican doctrine and that tariff
schedules were not sacred. He predicted
that the time would come when there would
be an Inexorable demand for revision of tbe
present rates.
Mr. Hilt of Illinois, chairman of the for
eign affairs committee, reported back tbe
Cochran resolution of inquiry calling on
the secretary of state for Information re
garding the alleged removal by Canadian
officers of landmarks along tbe Alaskan
border. The resolution waa adopted with
out division. He reported back the Sulzer
resolution, railing upon the aecretary of
state for the report of the governor of
Louisiana and all other correspondence re
lating to the establishment of a British
base of supplies uesr Louisiana and the
shipment of horses and mules for the use
of the British army in South Africa. The
resolution was adopted.
The house then resumed the consideration
of the Cuban reciprocity bill. Mr. Grosve
nor of Ohio, the first spesker todsy, made
an earnest speech In favor of the bill. The
president and his cabinet, he said, favored
legislation on the line of the pending
He said with great emphasis that he had
never yet permitted himself to worship the
tariff system as a fetich-not to be touched
or examined. He warned the young repub
licans about him that tf they believed the
present tariff schedules were to ba forever
defended they had as well retire to private
life. The republican party, he announced,
must not chain Itself to the tariff schedules.
With some feeling Mr. Grosvenor then
answered tbe charges of Inconsistency
brought against himself. He called atten
tion to the remarks on reciprocity made by
President Roosevelt at Charleston yester
day, which be described as "tbe beet SDeecb
the president ever made," and humorously
remarked that he wondered at tbe temerity
of tbe president In making such statements
while republicans In the house were de
nouncing such statements ss party disloy
alty. The present tariff on raw auger, he de-
! dared, waa high beyond all reason. If the
-0 I" cent reduction were made tbe tariff
n. sucar would then be 5 per cent higher
ihnn the fratnera of the Dlngley bill ln
ici d d. If the beet sugar people had an
'i.e'uitry that could not stand against the
world with $1.40 a huudred protection, then
it had better be abandoned.
In conclusion Mr. Grosvenor denied that
the pending bill constituted an assault unon
the protective theory.
Mr. Weeka of Michigan followed with a
speech In. opposition to the bill. He argued
that there waa no ' obligation upon us .to
aid Cuba. It was ridiculous, be contended,
to say that , because we freed Cuba at the
cost of hundreds of lives and millions of
dollars, that therefore we were under a
load of debt to the Island.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 10. (Special.)
L. W.. Hager and Lulu . Kinnaraon, two
young people of this city, were married
April 8 at the residence' of the bride's
mother In this city. The newly married
couple will be at home to their friends in
this city after April 16.
Horm lato Banaraptry.
KANSAS CITY, April 10. James Ross. Jr..
a wholesale grocer, who haa been In busi
ness here for the last twelve years, today
filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy and
alao an application for the appointment of
a receiver. HIk Uubllltlea are placed at
4,600, with aaaeta estimated at 114,000.
Tkt lgaatars Is oa ovary baa at tb sjsaata
LRiative Bromo-OuiaioeTabtot
reaseay that eaursa a cala la aaa Oay.
The Children, Heaven
Bless Them!
Are They Frnil, Restless
and Nervous?
Will Make liient Vigorous,
Healthy, Hright anJ Happy.
As a rule, parents, are to blame if their
children are puny, tuk. nervous and Ir
ritable. The little ones may be well
clothed and fed, yet still be sadly neplected
from a physical point of view.
It ahould be remembered that the chil
dren Inherit many of the trouble that par
ents suffer from. Thousands of little ones
re subjects of nerve troubles, a condition
Inherited from father or mother. This
nervous condition begets irrltablenttes, bad
temper, headache. Indigestion and stomach
derangements. Such children need the
beat and moot Intelligent care or they will
grow up In misery and disease.
Give the little ones Pa lues Celery Com
pound for the next tew weeks and Bote
well Its fortifying effect on the nervous sys
tem: wstch the growth in muscle and flesh.
Thousands of thankful letters have been
received from glad fathers and mothera
who have had their dear ones perfectly re
stored to health and strength by Paine a
Celery Compound.
Mr. J. P. Surface. Bluefleld. W. Va .
deems It necessary to give testimony in
favor of Paine's Celery Compound. Hi
little son was nervous and In a dangerous
condition from heart trouble. Dr. Phelps'
marvelous prescription ass used, and the
little fellow's health is now satisfactory.
Mr. Surface writes thus: "Up to the time
our little boy commenced to take Palne'a
Celery Compound he had heart trouble.
Every night after going to be he would
have nervous spell and could not get his
breath, and did not kaow what he was do
ing. In aix weeka that he baa been using
Patne'a Celery Compound be has wonder
fully Improved In health and strength."
Diamond Dyes
Color anything sny color.
Never fall! Always sura!
Pacific Coast
March & April
VIA THE aaaaaBaa
Rock Island Route
Daily Tourist Gars
Kansas City
El Paso Short Line
Personally Conducted"
Tuesdays and Thursday.
aaaaaat ALSO
Personally Conducted
Tourist Excursions
From ffig2inyJ
Omaha Smtm3mym.
via Soonlo Lino
Through Colorado
Rate for Double Berth $5X0.
City Ticket Officer
Goes to the sore spot
at once. Do not be
without a bottle In
the house these
April days. They
are sore throat days and cough dsys and If
care Is not taken to stop the cold at once,
they may be coffin days.' Better keep a
bottle of. Howell's Antl-Kawf around for
WHITS DOVE CURKoever.'slla lodcuruy vrsr
ln for troiiR drink, tha appetite fur which cstisor
el after lulns this rrmvij. Given In any liquid
with or wlthnutKDowledire nf patlenu tatlrM; tl t
Vherraan a McConnsll. dtutiltUh Itib and Dodse
Business Stimulators
a-y mo I Woodward A Burgess,
tSJ T U O . Manager.
Sat. Mat.
Andrew Mack
'Tom Moore'
Prices-Mat.. J5c to Ibo- Night, 26o to II.
Prices 26c, 50o and. 75c.
TULKrilOSH 1S31.
Matins, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
1:16, every night, a: 16.
The Tbree Meers, Prubyn Sisters, Hilda
Thomas & Co., Wlncherman's Trained
bears, Jo Flyim. Broa. lioat and the Kino
dromt). prices 10o, 26c, 80c.
Waco's Trocadero T;pn-
ialine !- aad ISUv.
special. AMATEl'tt Nl'JHT NO, 2. Better
than the last one. Sunday matinee, April
The most reckless blcycla .race ever xt
temnted. taking place in a bowl-shawe-1
enclosure. In conjunction with the UH.h
rr a ii
n a n ..a m
Refurnished throughout. Cuisine and
aervlce Ural-clsas. Many Omaha iwoW g
to The Millard for Sunday i Mi dlnnm
American plan, 2.0u and up; l,urp-an, U vj
and up SE&ARKEI, BOS; Propt
C. H. Peeples. Manager.
A. U. Davenport, afituclpal Clerk.
Irijrsass la wage.