Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THK OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY, APKIL 10, 1002. 3 teKS MAKE GOOD SHOWING CcpiUl Stcckj Increase Almost Half ft Million Daring ths Year. HEAVY SURPLUS IN THE RESERVE FUNDS Lllbl Demand for Leaa mm mm m rominr Bask Are Jet ParlaK latere! Depoalta. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April . (Special.) Secretary Royae of the State Banking board today gars out a ststement (bowing In de tail the unprecedented growth of the atate and private banks ot Nebraska during the year ending March 15. At the cloae ot business on that day the depoalta In the Institution amounted to $34,141,719, while on March 14, Isnl, a year previous, the depoalta were t2S.106.052. The aggregate capital atock during the period Increased over 1450,000, and the surplus almost 1150, 000. "It la a wonderful showing," said Sec retary Roys, commenting on the figures. "and It will give the people some Idea of tbe resources of the state. It Is a recog nised fact tbat tba last season was not a prolific one, so far as crops were concerned, and yet the deposit Increased at an un precedented rat and reserve funds In creased to such an extent tbat but few of tba Institutions ar paying anything on deposit. Loan are easy." Following I a comparison of tbe general condition of tbe bank at the beginning and end of the period: RESOURCES. Mch. 15. l!rj. Men. 14. ln. ...'7.KW.524.SI 1J3,1.77.1 348.6. 03 Loan Overdrafts ... V. 8. bond Stocks, etc Inj from banks., banking house ... Other real estate. Kxnenses Cash Other asset i'remluma paid ... Total .. 472,377 21 10.K7.r67.61 1.276.81S 65 35.375.10 X.446.H47.24 124.010. 5 4.1). 18 3.S23.i 11.4S5.W 3M.9S7.41 8.674.548. 58 1.1W,S15.6S C4.&M.N7 SS.642.77 2,25.832. 0 167.W1 44 380.71 $17,600,190. OS J44.aH, 750.05 LIABILITIES. Mch. 15. !!. Mch. 14. 1901 t 7,4K.0.00 t 7.005.950. 00 1,237.375.67 1.276.244. 25 Dividend unpaid.. 9.4m. M General deposits... 34.141.719.72 Iue to banks 64.W1.3 W.3&3.12 Capital Burplua front 1.107.410. 4 4.71.7? 28.106.i62.04 94.1.47 KJ.745.3 139.572.20 TANGLE OVER TOWN ELECTION (teat Belweea Wet mm4 Pry Likely t Be Takea to "eera far " aettlemeat. KEARNEY, Neb.. April . (Special Tele gram.) Tbe trustees of th villas: of Gib bon are getting Into a great deal of trou ble. At tbe election last week the vlllace trustees, who were supposed to be elected. were understood to be antl-llcense. and to make It aafe the day after the election om of the temperance element put the ballots and on of the tally sheet to an envelop and sent them to th county clerk for filing. Th next day It we found the? did th wrong thing and sent another party after th ballot. On th night of April 7. when the board were to canvass th votes. Attorney Hand appeared on tbe scene In Gibbon a a legal adviser, which created some feeling, and the board adjourned to meet on th nlaht of April I. Again Mr. Hand was present, but there wti no quorum of the board present. Preparation ar being mad for a mandamus to compel th board to meet and a seen a that I don the other aid is ready to begin with Injunction. Considerable feeling la being exhibited over th affair. HEAVY RAINS PLEASE FARMERS Donssssr Visit. Several Section, la Xearaaka, Materially Aldlac Spring Caltlvatloa. NORFOLK, Neb., April . (Special.) After a week of spring weather It began snowing and sleeting yesterday afternoon. It becrme warmer toward evening and rained steady all night. This morning it wa bright and clear. WEST POINT, Neb., April . (Special.) One-half Inch of rain fell last night and soaked the ground thoroughly. Tbe new own Held needed thla moisture badly, as the seed haa not yet germinated. TALMAGE, Neb., April 9. (Special.) The farmers of thl part of Otoe county are rejoicing over another excellent rain, which came yesterday and last nigbt. Winter wheat t looking fine, but a little more rain would cause It to (tool out. Oat also are looking good. COLCMBCS. Neb.. April 9. (Special.) Half an Inch of rain fell here yesterday afternoon and last night, putting the ground In excellent condition for spring work. SHRIXERS TAKE HASTINGS Come From All Parts of the Bute to Escort Forices Oyer the Burning Bands. BRING A BAND AND PLENTY OF NOISE After tke More ANiih Tart f tke PreeeeatatT Tkoae Is) Atteerfanee Sit Ieva ta Eat si Talk. Kedtscounta bills payable Total 144.292.790.06 137.600,190.06 Blakop Bosscsa Appeals. Rev. Thomas Bonacum. blahop of the Roman Catholic church for th Lincoln diocese, ha appealed, to the auprem court from a decision rendered against him In the district court of Harlan county by Judge Ed L. Adams. Th bishop made an unsuccessful attempt -to excommunicato Father L. J. Harrington from the mission at Orleans. Bishop Bonacum maintain that under tba lawa and order of tbe church he ha the power of appointing and removing priests within hi diocese. Ha point out the fact that be appointed Father Har rington to the mission of Orleans In April, 1895, and tbat he appointed Rev. Father Bernard to aucceed blm In July, 1900. Father Harrington refused to yield pos session to his successor and then the trouble began. The blsbop appealed to a court of equity for assistance and tbe priest combatted th prayer for an Injunc tion. Father Harrington Insists that the blahop wa acting without tb scope of hla au thority, that he (Harrington) had appealed to Sacred Congregation da Propoganda Fid,, that he, -ae. an Incorporated, priest of th diocese and entitled to all the right of such priests and that th parishioners desired him to stay. It waa tbt conglomeration of claim and counterclaim that tbe court la called on to decide. A brief on behalf of tbe bishop waa filed today, setting forth In full the claim on which he base hla action. Brila to Talk Coaveatlna. s Local republican are discussing the time for th county convention. Some where about the first of June Is most fa vored. Delegations to the state and con greaslonal delegations are to be named, a well a candidate for the legislature (two enator and five representatives), county attorney and county commissioner. Mr. Caldwell will have no opposition and It is unlikely Commissioner Tliton will hav any trouble. Of tbe legislative delegation Senator O'Xell and Representatives Mockett and Warner are avowed candi dates for renomlnatlon. Tbe Stat Board of Public Landa and Buildings today started on a tour of In- paction tbat will Include th stat Insti tution at Hastlnga. Geneva. Grand Island and Kearney. Tba member expect to re turn Saturday. Ttasy will make a general inspection of the condition of each Inetttv tloe. Governor Savag and several member ot hi military staff waat thla morning to Hasting to attend a meeting ot Bhrlner In that city tonight. , HASTINGS, Neb., April 9. At S o'clock tonight Hast tugs wa bombarded and suc cessfully captured by a band of 300 Shrln era from all point In the South Platte country. Every Incoming train today brought large delegation of Shrlner. who cam here to assist In Initiating twenty- nine new members Into their order and to participate In a reception and oanquet. At I o'clock they gathered at tbe Masonic tem ple and marched in a body to the St. Josepn ft Grand Island depot, where they met th Grand Island member and many other. The procession waa formed, headed by Har rison's full uniformed band of Grand Island, and the line of march waa taken up Hast lnga avenue and then through the principal streets. While the band played men shrieked and shouted, danced and hopped, fireworks Illuminated the heavens and. In fact, there waa a hot time In tba old town for awhile. Behind the band waa a body of Shrlner In oriental costume, followed by eventy-five strung to a rope, and then came xem tern astride of a Rocky mountain canary. At the rear of the procession fifty Jolly Shrln er marched dreamily along, all dressed In their robe de nult. After the parade the Shrlner went Into tb temple and Immediately began to con duct tbe new candidates across the burning and. The work lasted until 11 o'clock, at which time tbe banquet was spread. George W. Tlbbeta of Hastings officiated aa toast master. Mayor C. J. Miles delivered tbe address of welcome, to which Dr. Oakley ot Lincoln responded. Dr. Hill of Alma re sponded for the novices. H. H. Wilson of Lincoln spoke on tbe "Effects of Ideals" and L. C. Richards of Hebron upon "The Rope." Governor Savage delivered one of the principal addressea ot tbe evening and emphasized the good to be derived from secret order work. The Shrlner sat around HIS LIFE CRUSHED OUT IN CAR tne ' bl ' "ei aajournea ior a smoaer. St. Joseph Boy Meets Death While Stealla Ride at Humboldt. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April 9. (Special Telegram.) David Cather, a colored boy about 20 year old. wa killed la th rail road yards here today while stealing a ride In a box car loaded with lumber. Hi home waa In St. Joseph. He had been vis iting here a few day" and started for Omaha, but during some switching of tbe car the lumber was precipitated upon him and when the lumber was unloaded he was dead. He was taken to an undertaker' and the coroner summoned. Hla mother, who live at. St. Joseph, wa sent for and I ex pected I to arrive here tonight to take charge lot the remain. neccescary to art upon hi resignation. If he Is not back by tbat time the other two member of tbe board, tbe county Judge and the county auditor will appoint hla succes sor. At th time Mr. r'to'a resigned h recommended Allan McDowell of Deadwood a hla lucreesor. It Is not known whether this recommendation will be followed by the board, as there la another prominent candidate for the place, James Munn. who haa the endorsement of a large number ot th taxpayers. Prateetloa for the Bird, DEADWOOD. 8. D., April 9. (Special.) An order has been promulgated by Captain Seth Bullock, supervisor ot th Black Hilt forest reserve, calculated to protect bird In the forests of the reserve. The forest ranger are Instructed to prevent that kill ing of birds on the reserve aa far aa possi ble, since It Is found that they are an Im portant factor In solving the Insect problem among the trees. It la the practice of many persons living upon or parsing across the reserve to slaughter birds by the wholesale purely for pastime, and Captain Bullock propose to put a atop to thl. It 1 thought tbat tbe pine beetle haa about run It course In the Black Hill. Their Influence I becoming less apparent and, while It Is likely that they will operate to aome ex tent this summer. It will not be on so dis astrous a scale as It hss been In the past. HARDWARE COMBINE FORMED jU ft A fr flllMCVQ AMil .KLMIA mUlsLIU ril.U BLADDER TROUBLE Big Jobbing Concerns Consolidate with Main Headquarter at St. Louis. RECAPTURE M'COY JEANETTE Aathorltle at Hopkins, Ieb., Escaped Prlaoaer from Sonth Dakota. Bag Hastings Mayor Appoint. HASTINGS. Neb., April 9. (Special.) The new city council met and organized last night with Mayor Milea presiding. After the mayor had delivered an ad dress, giving a brief outline of the manner in which be Intended conducting the city's affair, be made the following appointment: Chief of police. C. H. Wanzer; patrolmen, William Wldmler, William Dycus, Joseph Buednlck; city welghmaster. William Mc- Grath; city attorney, William Button; chief of fir department, John Hammond; en gineer and assistant at water works and electric light slant. Thomas Chrlsman and Henry Oauvreau. Saloon licensee were granted to Frank Carney, Jamea B. Wallace. Max Lustig. Chsrles Walradt, Paul Scblssler, Henry Blerman, Will Young, Janasen ft Freitag, Andy Mann, Carson Llnderman, Andy Leplnskl, Fred Mucbow. SIOCX FALLS, S. D., April 9. (Special Telegram.) McCoy Jeanette. the young desperado who eocaped from the county Jail In thla city about ten days ago, has been recaptured at Hopkins, 'Neb. A tele gram to this effect has been received by tbe local authorities. The prisoner will at once be brought back to South Dakota for trial on the charge of burglary and horse stealing. When captured he waa employed on a railroad and was going under tbe name of George McCoy. Prior to bis last escape be bad twice escaped from the state reform school at Planklngton. WANT LAND LEASING BILL Soath Dakota Cattleaaea Vote to aweat Passage of Measure by ron areas. He- Xarne Harvard Teacher. HARVARD, Neb., April 9. (Special.) At the regular meeting of the Board of Education held on Monday ten of the four teen teachers employed In the Harvard schools were re-elected, as follows: W. B. Backus, superintendent; Miss A. F. Ab bott, principal; Miss Jean Boaner. assist ant principal; Mrs. T. A. Blakealy. second grammar; Mrs. L. M. Wilcox, first gram mar; Mrs. L. M. Moore, intermediate: Miss Kittle Lee, third grammar; Miss Carrie Ketcbam. second primary; Miss Sabra Alder, northeast district. Mrs. W. B. Backus was also elected to fill a vacancv caused by the resignation of Mlas Budlong. RAPID CITY. S. D.. April 9 (Special Telegram.) A resolution calling upon con gress to pass the land U-aslng measure was passed by the western South Dakota cattlemen after a spirited discussion among themaelvea. Bartlett Richards ot Chadron and Jerry Simpson were the hardest work ers in favor ot tbe measure and the debate lasted half the night. The cattlemen donated 1290 to the South Dakota Children's home. President Howard giving a check for $100. Tbe business of the meeting U over. Tbe executive committee will Ox the time snd place for the next meeting thla afternoon. Deadwood Is a strong candidate. FATALLY CRUSHED BY CARS Eiapley of Hock Island Road at Falr bary Killed While at Work. FAIRBVRY, Neb.. April 9. (Special Tel egram.) Roy Hartman, aa employe of tb car repair department ot th Rock Island, waa caught between two cars on th repair track this morning and ao badly crushed that hs died in fifteen mlnutea. Tba coroner's Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. It appearing that no sig nal had been placed out showing th re were working on th track. Dedicate Library at Fall City. FALLS C1TT. Neb.. April 9. (Special.) Th Lydta Brunn Wood Memorial library wa formally opened last evening In tha presence of a large audience. The musical and literary program waa given under th direction of tb Sores Is Woman's club. Mrs. Lydla B. Wood, at her death, be queathed $10,000 to Falls City for a public library and J. H. Mile of thl city douated th building ait. Ratal I pea Close Hambeidt Schools. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April 9. (Special.) Yesterday Lloyd Reld, a Humboldt young mil who has been studying music la Lin coln, earns bom sick and whea a physi cian wa called thl morning his ailment waa pronounced to be amallpox. The Reld family live la tbe basement of the school house and do tbe Janitor work and on thl account It was necessary to lose the schools. Strict quarantine regulations will be en forced and It Is thought thst a spread of ths disesse will be prevented. Thlevra ray Mark for Booty. SEWARD. Neb.. April . (8pclal Tele gram.) Albert Welch and Oley C. Knobb ware arrested thla morning for auallng quantity of rones, whip and coata at Tamera last Bandar evening. They pleaded guilty and were fined $7i each by Justice Gladwtsh. 1 .11 1 X tvT f for nerfert WIS) ERECT FOHM COOSETS PERFECT CORSET nrurcs a perfect af ua- tfuxe. It follows the hoc i pcraua, erveioptof all ths si boauty of las form and tbe breathing and dlgesuT Junction. At All peeler Price p float VYCvV WIW011TEH BIOS. 1 k V A 7M mnmimtj. Ktw I a mmm tm cm w a r i ia mj.m.mmmm. A.iaa nsnnaas i DAM SWEPT BEFORE FLOOD Obstraetloa Iaaafflcleat to Restore Swollen Lake aad Water Gash Over Soath Dakota Lowlands. HCRON. S. D., April 9. (Special.) A large dam which confined water In a lake covering many acre on the Fred M. Wil cox ranch In Mtlford township, broke Sun day and the water flooded an Immense acreage ot low land. The lake was fed from artesian wells, but the 1st rains and malting anow Increased ths pressure ot water beyond the strength of the dam and it suddenly gave way. Tbe loaa la very heavy, but Wilcox will rebuild the dam aa soon ss the water will permit. It Is thought that many ot the fish being propogated la tb lake will be aaved. Keepa Land Office Basy. PIERRE. 8. D. April 9. (Special.) The business ot tbe government Isnd office for March shows that five soldiers' declaratory statements were filed and eighty-five home stead entries msde. which withdraw from settlement over 14,000 acre., nearly all of which was taken on th west side of the Missouri river. Besides the filings, two final homestead proof and two final timber culture proofs were made. The first week In April shows more thsn forty filings, with the list growing every day, and tbe month promises to largely exceed March In the amount of lacd taken up. Maalclpal Ticket at Aberdeea. ABERDEEN. 8. D., April 9. (Special.) Tbe republicans have nominated the fol lowing ticket for the spring election: Mayor, A. 8. Reed; city treasurer, George BoIUs, assessor, T. D. Campbell; police Justice, W. O. Jones; city Justice, O. H. Sbepard. Tbe action of the convention was unanimous . and everything went tbroush without a 'skip. The democrats have not as yet made their nominations. SEVEN INJURED IN RUNAWAY Pallbearers aad Driver Throwa from Vehicle Retaralaa; from Chey enne Faaeral. CHEYENNE. April 9. (Special.) A se rious runaway accident occurred this after noon during the funeral ot John Meyers, the oldtlme resident who died last Friday night, and as a result seven men are suffering from broken limbs, cuts and bruises. The funeral procession wss returning from the Catholic cemetery In East Chey enne, and the horses attached to the three seated carriage carrying the pallbearers became frightened near the Carnegie library on Capitol avenue. , The driver. Ed Hoteling, was thrown under the wheels and both legs were crushed. The team dashed down Capitol avenue to Fifteenth street, where tbe car riage was turned over on the curb. All of the occupants were thrown out snd serlously hurt. Philip Noble received a broken thumb and a broken finger and both knees were hurt. Thomas Talbott received Internal injurlea and bruises. , John Mallln's ribs were crushed In. but not broken. He wa also severely bruised. Joseph Rose waa seriously bruised and cut. A. A. Mahar received a fracture of the left shoulder, scalp wounds and bruises. William Farley's right shoulder waa dis located and his head cut open. tASTERN OFFICE IS IN NEW YORK CITY Capitalisation la Flsed at Oae Han drrd aad Tweaty Mllllea Dollars lacorporated lader Law of New Jersey. NEW YORK, April 9. Authoritative an nouncement of a consolidation of the great hardware Jobbing Interests of the country, capitalised at $120.00,000. will be made bv the Iron Age In Its current Issue tomorrow. The consolidation embraces the 8lmmons Hardwars company at St. Louis, Bindley Hardware company of Pittsburg, William Bingham company of Cleveland. Supples Hardware company ot Philadelphia. Pacific Hardware and Steel company ot San Fran cisco. Marshall-Wells Hardware company of Duluth. Blgelow t Dowse company of Boston. Van Camp Hardware and Iron com pany of Indianapolis, George Trltcb Hard ware company of Denver, Janney. Sample. Hill Co. of Minneapolis and forty other houses, representing nearly every Import ant trade center ot the country. Nego tiations are still pending with other houses and It is expected thst there will be further scceeslon to th number already enrolled In the combination. The Iron Age will say: "Several name have been suggested for tba consolidation, such as the Internstionsl Hardware com pany. National Hardware and Metal com pany. International Hardware and Meta! company, and there Is little doubt thst one of these will be chosen. Ths organ ization not being technically completed, there haa been no formal choice of officers. It Is purposed that tbe officials shall be as follows: Probable List of Officials. E. C. Simmons, president; John Blndlev. vice president, and W. D. Simmons, cbalr man of the executive committee. There will be a board of directors, consisting of from twenty-five to thirty person, repre senting the different sections of ths coun try. There also will be an executlva com mlttee of nine. The financing of the company Is attended to by -Moore A Schley ot New York snd George B. Hill Co. of Pittsburg. It is Intended to Incorporate under the law ot New Jersey with a capital ot $120,000,000 $40,000,000 preferred and $80,000,000 common stock. The preferred will be a per cent cumulative stock, preferred both tor liqui dation and dividends. The general head quarters for buying and selling snd trans portation of goods will be In St. Louis. Tbe eastern headquarter will be in New York. The members 'of the executive committee residing In the esst, with Mr. Bindley, will manage the eastern end of tbe corporation. Fanctioa of Eaatera Onsce. Tbe eastern office will have charge ot the finance and the auditing and insurance ot the company, as well as tbe genersl dlrec tlon ot the houses in Maryland, Pennsyl vanla. New York and New England. The general buying for the company will be from the St. Louts headquarters, where tbe larger contracts will be placed, but tbe smaller buying will be done by the local houses. Tbe principle of home rule will be recog nized in connection with the local houses, which will make their own aelllng prices, except so fsr as this may Interfere with the buying department cr the expressed wishes of tbe manufacturers, whom It will be tbe policy ot the company to respect. Each house will oe held responsible for the results ot Its business and If these are not satisfactory the housed ill be closed up. LARGE GAINS IN INDUSTRIES Number of Wyomlasl Incorporations Increases Fivefold la Compara tive Three Moaths' Time. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April 9. (Special.) The records In the office of the secretary of stats show thst during the last year all In dustries In Wvomlng hsve msde rapid growth, tbe oil Industry especially taking enormous strides. Since January 1 of the present yesr S4S instruments were filed, of which 465 were artlclea of Incorporation of new companies formed to operate In Wyoming and Colo rado.. During the same period last year only eighty-eight certificates of incorpora tion were filed, the gain this yesr being over 600 per cent. These articles of Incorporation, filed Had to Pass Water Very Often Day and Night Cured by the Great Kidney Remedy, Swnttip-Root DR. KILMER CO., Blnghamton. N. T.: About two years ago I had a very sever esss of kidney snd bladder trouble. The pain In the amall of my back waa ao severe thst I could not stand It to stay la one position mors thsn a moment or two, and was obliged to pass water very oftea day aad night. I tried medicines snd doctors without getting relief. Noticing aa advertisement in the Topeka State Journal of Swamp-Root, I determined to giv It a trial and bought a bottle. By the time I had finished the first bottl the pain had entirely disappeared from my back. Tbe pain and frequent deslrs to psss water ceaaed. However, I contlnusd to take the medicine, using about six bottles in all. Tbat was over a year ago and I hav had no return of tbe troubl sine. (A. H. Noeney.) Chief Engineer. Stat Capitol Bldg., Topeka. Kan. Jan. tnd, lSoa. kidneys are responsible for more alcknesa and suffering therefore, when through neglect or other csuses kidney SUN SHINES FOR NEBRASKA Two Daya of Fair Weather with Varl able Winds Promised the State. WASHINGTON, April 9. Forecast: For Nebraska Fair Thursday and prob ably Friday; variabls winds. For Iowa Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday; variabls winds. For Missouri Fair and warmer Thurs day; cooler In west and south portions; fair in east; variable winds. For Ksnsss Fair Thursdsy, except pos sibly rain and cooler In southeast portion; variable winds, becoming northeasterly. For South Dakota Fair Thursdav; warmer In west portion; Friday fair; va riable winds. Laral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April . Official record ot tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the laat three years: van. 1901. 1900. lw. (7 m ao 39 44 43 St W SO $) 47 . .14 .00 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation Jdaroh 1. Weak and unhealthy than any other disease. trouble is permitted to continue, fatal result are sure to follow. We often e a relative, a friend or an acquaintance apparently well, but In a tew day we may be grieved to learn of their severs illness, or sudden death, caused by that fatal type of kidney trouble Brlght's Disease. Ths mild snd extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedv. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, la soon realise d. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures ot the most distressing esses. A trial will convince anyone snd you may hsve a sample' bottl sent free, by mall. Sample Bottle Swamp-Root Free by Mail. EDITORIAL NOTE Swamp-Root has been tested In so many ways, and haa proven so successful In every caae that a speclsl arrangement has been tmad by which all readers of The Omaha Bee who have not already tried It may hav a sample bottl aent absolutely free by mall. Also a book telling all about Swamp Root, and containing maay of ths thousands upon thoussnds ot testimonials letters received from men aad women who owe their good health. In fact, their very llvos. to ths wonderful euratlv propsrties of Swamp-Root. In writing, be surs and maa loti leading tuia geueruua ouej iu in Omuha iaihj Bit i.. -.. u...0 , t dress to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Blnghamton. N. Y. If you ar already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you ran pur chase the regular BO-cent and $1 six bottle at the drug store everywhere. Don't msk any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and th address, Blnghamton, N Y. Maximum temperature. Minimum temperature.. Mean temperature Sew Principal for Dorchester. ADAMS. Neb.. April 9. (Special.) Prln- clpal Harry F. Hooper of th Adam schools was recently elected principal of the Dorchester public schools for ths com. Ing yesr. Th new position Is sn advancement for Mr. Hooper In both salary and number of departments. lajarcd While SteallasJ Ride. KEARNEY. Neb., April 9. (Special Tele- gram.) Ira Wolfs ot Lowell waa brouaht down from Lexington today In an Insensi ble condition. He was Injured while beat ing hi way, falling from a Union Pacific passenger train at Lexington Monday even ing. WESTERN PACKING OUTPUT Omaha Coatlaaea to Hold leooad Place la the Somber af tfeft-a Blaaahtercd. CINCINNATI. April 9. (Special Tale- gram.) Price Current says a decrease is shown la the marketing of hog. Tb total western packing ta 335.000, compared with $85,000 ths preceding week and $&S,aoo laat year. 81nc March 1 the total la 085.000. against 3.100,000 a year ago. Prominent place compare aa follow: 150J. MEETING PLACE FOR STOCKMEN oath Dakota Aaaoelatlea otea ta Hold Neat Convention at Rapid City. RAPID CITY. 8. D.. April 9. (Special Telegram.) The executive commute of tbe Weatern South Dakota Stock Grower' association ha voted to hold tbe next meeting at Rapid City. There was a aptrlted contest between Rapid City and Deadwood for the place. the former winning by a vote ot 10 to 7. A rainstorm set In this afternoon. during the last three months, represent aa j J11-31 aggregate capitalisation of and , at Omaha for thi day and since are divided among tbe varioua industries 11: AitA-.. . I normal temperature as follows. i.--,.... , th. riv Oil, 368. $26,680,600; mining, fifty-five, ' Total exceaa since March I V. $34,501,000; ratlroada. four, $112,010,000; Normal precipitation mercantile, twelve.. $2,004,000; Irrigation f,," precl pltation i enterprise, six, $:65,70O; real estate, seven, $1,625,000; live stock, three. $95,000; pub lishing companies, three. $12,000; banks, two, $25,000; lumber, one, $250,000: tele phone, one. $40,000; hotels, on. $10,000; opera bouse, ono, $15,000; bottling work, one, $1,000,000. The PhinQfrn Hirl - umuu&u uin WHO SNUBBED Edward Chicago OMAHA Kansas Ctty St. Joseph ... St. Louis .... bioux Cttv Indlanapo 8t. Paul Milwaukee .... Ottumwa Cincinnati .... Cedar ftaplda r,.- 7.'0 ISo.uiO 4.M , 44 UO , 4I.t0 1901. &80.0U) 3 10, uw aa.uJO M.UUi &S.UU0 v.iku to tMt) 6).w) U.MS) Soath Dakota Corporations. PIERRE. 8. D.. April 9. (Special.) Arti cles of Incorporation have been Bled as follows: The Dexter Horse Breeders' association. Dexter townfhlp. t'oddington county, with a capital of tl6uu; Incorporators, John Ruckstad, Uouglas aionanan. ueorge uar- relt. Th Real Estate investment nona company, at Pierre, with a capital of lliy incorporators. O. H. Thompson, Wil liam E. Farrar. G. W. Sanders. The Anglo American Development company, at Pierre. 1th a capital OI u.uuu.uuu; incorporators. licorge J- lJoneny, cviijaiiuii r . Crosby. T. P. Kates. Th Havenswood anu anu 6inc company, at niBumoiv, Lith ft rnnltMl of laiO.OOl): incorporators. Cleurge W. Burohard. jamea i neaue, rhirU M.-Iver. The Ohio Oil and Rrhning company at Huron, with a capital of II.wm,- WUU; Incorporaiorv. r I ru tayiur. r. enstein. Philip Lawnnce. l no uaira at Rrnm-n Raiuh company, at Philip, with capital of Sl'4.00u; Incorporators, Frederick H kuird. Thomas J. Druwne, Arthur Ur-m-uv Th American LODHr Devciou mtni company, at Pierre, with a capital r. tAmit: in corporators, t. u. too ivy J. E. Kwmston. L. L. Stephens. The El Uin Plantation company, at Pierre, with a capital of ll.uuO.o; incorporator. Frauds M. lYawford, Jamea to. LeSleur, Stephens. t. Loa la fair too tract Awarded. LOriS. April 9 Th contract for th machinery building haa been awarded by th Louisiana Purchase EaDoaltlon cols- aanv at a oubllc letuna to a aeneral eon- tractin etneern for liri.!6I. A dosen other firm put la bid for the work. The price bid was tar under th architect's ostlmate e( Sfluu.OiQ. Th machinery building la one of ths larwest or th exhibit grviup, lla u- Commissioner 9'lah May Retsra, DEADWOOD. 8. D.. April 9. (Special.) Tb county commlaaloners of Lawrence county have not acted upon th resignation ot James M. Pish, chairman of tbe board. Mr. Fish has been la tbe south tor two or three month for th benefit of hi wife's health, and early la February tendered hi resicnatioa. giving aa hla reson that It would likely be Impoasible for him to re turn to Deadwood. It la thought so thst he will be back by the first of the coming month, aad la that event it will not bo Railroad Employe's Clabhoaae. CHEYENNE, April 9. (Special.) Gen es-si Manager Ed Dickinson and party of Union Pacific officials were here todsy nroute west. In an Interview Mr. Dickinson stated that th employe clubhouse at Ch-venne will be built by contract. Th pi a . ar now being gone over and work sul be com menced on the building in a few weeks. The clubhouse wilt be completed this year. 17 t 17 .us Inch .05 Inch Total precipitation since March 1.. .86 Inch IJetlclency since March 1 1.41 Inch Excesa for cjr. period 1901 07 Inch Deficiency for cor. period 19o0 77 inch Iteports from etaiioaa at T p. as. CONDITION OF THB WEATHER. D 35 Brakcmaa Fall I ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. 1 Death. April 9. (Spe clsl.) Union Pacific Brakeman Miller waa killed weat of her yesterday by falling from bis train. Mrs. Miller, mother of ths desd msn. arrived todsy from Denver to tak charge ot th remains. Omaha, clear Valentine, raining North Platte, part Cloudy.... Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear Rapid le.'ity, part cloudy Huron, part cloudy Wllliston. clear Chicago, clear 81. Louis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, part cloudy Kansas City, clear Havre, cloudy Helena, clear Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, cloudy Ml &l 461 44! 36 52 4M 4H fol 521 61 541 441 34: 41 66 6 no l T 64 .10 54! .00 46 .00 K .12 56 00 61 .0 5" .00 621 .00 54, .U 641 .00 b T 46i .00 441 T 54 .00 ;oi 00 T indicate trace of precipitation. I I f"7 n Digests what yoa Eat CJ Pyspepsia (Supo The agony you suffer after eating, taat feeling of tullces, flatuleocs (wind oq tbe tomach) and belching is caused by decay of undigested iood which forma a ga tbat dUtends the wall of the gfcomach aod x ens a pressure against all tbe Internal onrana. The eating of more food forces out part of this gas and causes belching. J ust take a little Kodol Dyspepsia Curb. It will relieve you at once. It Deter falls to permanently cure the worst case of Indigestion and dyspepsia. --Iuffered untold pains from indigestion which were always worse af ter eating. Two bottles of Kodol imprpsi a Cube mads me a well mar and life now seems worth llTing. Peter bherman, 'a Stratford, M. II. It can't help but do you good Prepared by E.C. DWK 4 Co., Chicago. Tb . bottl contains 1 limes the toe, aba The favorite hou&ebold remedy forcoutrhs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, throat and lung troubles U ONE BINUTE Couch Cure. U cures aulckl THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK." BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE APOLIO VII. yadfTc FOURTH ANNIVERSARY NUMBER M-ifc Maajaaia laat'a DlnreaU" SOME FUATIHHS IX APRIL. The ThlrS Sv." 7 . . U "J" Til. Kom. ,mZuV DU.I. l Co.. W. cat. 1"n?w CHurai LaeSoa." ky -Mar. Worni at tir ' rail-am by Bloom a Basis. GUV' VIL No. t tnu. 'T salvsttoa Arssr "chics'o Girl." Illwiw4. .i , ..... UMdoouun. (No. 77. etxvi."J ut WH Btrly ,SSTa V. so S ilBOjoblU." b CwalS . P. ituir. lliurUKi. .ra. now KTL"UtIMlf T"S SUa ta IMS." Ilhn. -Haw Vll Journalism Cut." Jsaus -h.w Tors la . ' " Charts fcawuS buu "isSSw.- at II M.a." Oo. amsric 01n s amM iu4." bj Wnmk Aiaan as"iMr," fcr Uaaaoa. lilw i'VTL M . WUm," b aobMt Kmlow. "Ta. Mn e Oraaamr. JJ! Wamiu clue " Tors." IKiutnu. r" o U- World." k Coora lavry. liluatm. o Coay. All Hew.taad. SPICCIAL OFFEIL Ineleae Sl.OO to a, years ...w, www wu Maa ya KHKB a eooy of -New York Glrl.".-430 aasea, neaallfally lllao- trato ta eeler, cssisiaiag tkrllllsg Isti. Caaaot be piifkms elsewhere. Daile Manse, tne re rruie, aayai utbc an oat faaeiaaiiasT aooa. 1 read. Direct ar lareega year aow. dealer. BROADWAYlnAGAZINE Cof 1 West 4 Street IE YORK. D. L R&UICCtO TTI, D.V.S, CTTT VTrTBBTKAJtLall Isilrmary. tstb aa JSallM anX You take your Efe In your hands every time you use gasoline for' scouring jir ment or removing grease-pot. will do the work quicker, better, and without danger. 6sth toilet fancy laundry. Tare, sins laundry, hc ; bath and toilet, c aval - MlM. SC. Ths Cuoaht Packino Co. Omaha... Kansas City. Evar Woman la taut satoS aa sbosid Kaow akual tlx varulArfn MAKVft Whirling Spray TtowwSaftaiSrrtat.. lattt- mm MrrlnMlll1 hiiat EL. aorcptao I Star, but Mf.S suun. Sot 11 luttrtMS SooS ll It rTs full Bartlrulara snd irwr-- r , In. a)ua, l Mat Still la ssoona Ui Tuusa blU.. N. T. For sal t BOSTO iTURt DUIG DEfT, Sixteenth and Douglas sta.. Ossaba. w -"T is I m ra, a 0HrHM4 1SV a a m t wrinifc rrvitHitit-iCMiafi'iOri a . a. T '!assn,s.i CUP.I ICURtElFX Im SI l"t aBsstnrsI SUKbsrs,ts.rauoi.a, ImUIWM or aicwaltoni of ms.oas SMabrsiM Psiulmw, ssd not MfcUO 1 asslsy lvanrtaa. I or seat ta slain rsL S SaaaaaaS mama oa sawtW Dandruff VtJtliwr svsvaf a t-Ti i rt law fW HenW Vjaip pfttm.f ORlf triUB tf KltnfiK IIBWII, S)OSCaAvll PTa MJsi fcaf Pil IssVm ianija ;. brw4 fc.e. Ca m wrim, fH If H WiOtHl lV f) I.. si bi U. fbv sc.