Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. KSTABLISHED JUNE 11), 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, H02 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ATTACK PAYNE BILL Friends of Beet Bugar Industry Assail Pro posed Cuban Reciprocity. V WILLIAM ALDEN SMITH LEADS OPPOSITION Declare Measure. Would Benefit Trusts I Instead of the Cubans. BREEDER OF STRIFE IN OTHER COUNTRIES Michigan Man Bays Bill Would Kill Domestic Industry. Urges republicans not to support it fays Proposed Redaction of Tariff la Radical leparlire from Es tablished Principles of Protective Poller. WASHINGTON, April 9 The feature of the second day's debate In the house on to cut,an reciprocity dim was an impas- Honed speech In opposition to the measure I Tjy wimam a. smiin, Micnigan repuo ilcan. Senators Spooner and Quarles of Wisconsin and Dolllver of Iowa and a 0roup of Michigan beet sugar manufac turers In the gallery were in his audience and he was Jiberally applauded by bis re publican supporters as he assailed the re publican leaders who were advocating the bill, boldly charging them with being false to the republican doctrine of protection. He announced that he was willing to vote to overrule the cbslr In order to support gin amendment to take the differential off Feflned augar. Mr. Morris of Minnesota, another re publican, who made a strong speech against the bill also, made a similar announce ment. The other speakers today were Mr. Ball (dem.) of Texaa and Messrs. Park man (dem.) of Louisiana, both of whom op posed the bill, and Mr. Mondell of Wyom ing, who advocated its passage. Trylna; to Get Tog-ether. The democratic and republican oppo nents of the measure are trying to get to gether on the proposition to take the dif ferential oft refined augar. The Indica tions are that the debate will be protracted. The demand tor time to speak la great and there Is now no expectation that general debate will be completed until next week. Before the debate on the Cuban reci procity bill was resumed In the house to day some routine business was transacted. Mr. Olmatead of Pennsylvania presented the report on the conteated election case of Fowler against Thomaa from the Third JSorth Carolina district. Mr. Henry of Connecticut aaked unani mous consent to disagree to the aenate amendments to the oleomargarine bill, but Mr. Richardson of Tennessee objected and the bill went to the committee on agri culture. The house then went Into com mittee of, the whole and the Cuban reci procity bill was taken up. niiuam Aiaen noma oi micnigan waa the first speaker. He apoke agalnat the bill. He presented the question from the viewpoint of the republicans who have op posed Cuban reciprocity on account ot the beet sugar Interests and said la part: Sot Infrlendly to Caba. I would not for anything have you be lieve that we who for two montha have been battling for what we believe to be right were animated by any hostility or un friendliness toward the Island of Cuba. Such Is far from the truth. We have al ways aided and austalned It In Us struggle. We glory In Its approaching sovereignty. Unt we must not forget that, while we may sympathise with Cuba, our first daty is toward our own people, and everything that tends to atrengthen and develop our multi plied resources at home and add to the measure of our national strength and Inde pendence should be the object of our pro Xoundest solicitude. I am opposed to this measure because I believe It is calculated to breed strife and dissatisfaction with the other sugar coun tries of the world, which are thus dis criminated against. I believe It will have a tendency to provoke commercial hostility among the other West India islands and our neighbors In 8oulh America. I am opposed to the measure because In order to give It effect It become necessary to violate a solemn promise of the repub lican party deliberately made In solemn convention to the American people; be rause I believe It will he harmful to the agricultural and Industrial classes of the United States whose great Interests have been confided to our care; because I be- Island of Olhe- htniiu 1 hehovo that tho nrlnclnal beneficiary will ba the American Sugar Refining company, which doe not reed our sympathy: because I believe that the Dannie of the (aland of Cuba, will r.. celve no benefit therefrom. Mr. Smith than entered upon a discussion of the policy of protection whtob had re sulted In the upbuilding of American In dustrie with reference to the establish ment of the beet sugar Industry as a rival of the augar trust, which, be said, refined and controlled 91 per cent of the can sugar. He predicted that the struggl for supremacy will be long and relentless and costly. Would Kill Beet laur ladaatry. "The farmers of the country." ha went ton, "hav been encourgd by the rapub- .lean party in tneir ambition to produce the ugar of the onuntry. it was a distinct promise to the farmer that he need not tear that the republican party would per mit the cheap labor and cheap sugar of any tropical territory to be brought In In a manner which would destroy the Infant in dustry of ths beet sugar production which the fsrmers of the Untied States have, under the fostering care of the republican party, been building up during the last few years. "Tbs lamented Mr. Dlngley said with bis unerring wisdom la the discussion of th tariff art which bears bis name: 'Nothing can be done to success fully clip the wings of the Sugar truat as to develop our beet sugar Induatry and at the earn time confer Immense benefit on our farmers and all our people.' He also quoted Mr. Payne, Mr. Groavenot nd Mr. 8teel of Indiana, predicting a great future for th beet augar Induatry If the tariff waa not disturbed, and added: Th areat states of Michigan. California w York. Ooinrrt I' tan. Oregon and Montana took iTieae distinguished states men at their words; bad faith la the promise of party declaration; aban doned th cultivation of wheat and corn, developing a new Industry thus encouraged. 1 anow it la claimed mat this cut of 1 per cent will do our present factories no Mm irra, but when th Dlngley law was rtaiscd and you Invited us to engage In this busi ness you did not say that you would even agl'ale a change lit th tariff, much less reduc It by per cent. Eitiitritt Coat at Prod action. Mr. Morris of Minnesota cltsd th vl tear of witnesses bctor th commltt. whom h described as "disinterested." to show that th cost of producing sugar in Cuba had been exaggerated; that Instead t being 1 cents per pound It was 1 cent, and therefore, at th present prlc in Ha vana. 11 f. o. b.. th Cuban would re ceive profit ef M cent par pound. 11 furtkar argued that tber waa no (Coaiiaucd pa gcco-A Fag4 FAIL TO DOWN THE TREATY EiFMlri of Weet India "ale Are Again Repalaed la Denmark' I pprr Honee. COPENHAGEN. April 9 The upper boue today concluded Us secret debate on the. treaty providing for the ssle of the tHnleh West India Islands to the United States. A report on the subject will be presented to Parliament In open wlon at an early date. Tm1a'a mr-isii r that t -i rtA oat h 1 n m -VAta Terr excltl ODDosltlon moved to re- A',., Ject the -ht, but the motion .... A. w" ,;?., ; ood to be couched In extreme " '" -'pose of exacting some conce. 'a' Prt of the Folkesthing. The I'd I ted States minister to U'omirk, Mr. Swenson. Ignore the communication which Captain Christmas haa addressed to him, denying the alleged bribery of con gressmen. Mr. Swenson declines to become Involved In the Christmas-Gron quarrel. The min ister's name haa never brjn connested with the scandal and It la asserted that Christ mas Is now trying to secure Mr. 8wenon'i Influence In order to help hl'nself out of a predicament. ST. THOMAS, D. W. I., April 8 The St. Thomas Bulletin, In Its comments on the v,r0D0..d Dlebisclte of the Danish West In i. ' . dMi ara It Is simply Intended to let the inlanders share the responsibility. They cannot undo wnat nas been done, hence ft only aignines further delay, which nobody wants. The people have had enough of trie enormously harmful and dcnioiaiizina- effects of the question. Therefore, Irrespective of party feeling and views, they all wish to have It settled forever. The high contractors hsv. lng agreed on the matter, let the executive end the intolerable situation. CABLE REACHES THE FIJI IS Paclflc Line of Communication De cided on la 1SNT Thai Far Completed. MELBOURNE. Victoria, April 9. The Pa clflc cable haa reached the Fiji Islands. The laying of the Pacific cable referred to In tho dispatch from Melbourne was decided on at the Colonial congress held in London In 1887, but the survty was not completed until 1490. After the report was published in 1899 an agreement was en tered into by the Imperial government wtth Canada and the Australasian colonies for the construction, laying and maintenance of an all-British Pacific cable. It was agreed that the cable should be vested In a board of commissioners, to be appointed under the authority of the Imperial Par liament, and that the governments con cerned should appoint administrators in proportion to their shares in the undertak lng, the Imperial government and Canada each taking five-eighteenths and New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and New Zealand one-ninth each. The board. It was arranged, should Issue debentures for the payment of capital and Interest, which would become a first mort gage on the cable property and its earn ings. The highest estimate of the cost $10,000,000, and It Is thought that the In terest on this sum at 2H per cent (that Is 1250,000 a year), with the cost of repairs and the charge for a sinking fund for the replacement of the cable might easily be covered by the probable earnings, even at a very law tariff as compared with the existing one. A landing site for the cable was pur chased at Kelp bay, Barclay sound, Van couver Island. CHARGES ARE RIDICULED Alleged Owelty of tho British Troops Finds Very Few support ers la London. LONDON, April 9. The charges made agalnat the conduct of British troops In South Africa, attributed to General Ds- larey, have not been brought to the notice of the War office and will be Ignored unless a question on ths subject Is asked In the House of Commons. Even In this event It la not probable that any action will be taken unless a responsible authority formu lates charges In a more definite and direct form. It Is pointed out that If General De larey had wished to make such allegations he had ample opportunity to communicate thm A I Jird Vt(nK.n,P wllA It fa halteveA I ' ' 1 ..... I at the War office, would have notified the I home government ot the fact, which be has I Bl none. I The War office officials ridicule thi Idea I that the charges contain an lota ot truth I .ii.. ,v . , I and are inclined to assign their origin to I purely continental sources. The allega tloos have certainly not created a ripple of Interest In War office circles, and even the pro-Boer press, members of the House of Commons and others appear to attach small importance to the matter. General Delarey'a courteous treatment ot Oeneral Methuen, it la asserted, makes It difficult to believe that the Boer commandant was personally responsible for the charges, which Include persecution of Delarey'a own family. I CONTEST IS VERY CLOSE Higher Vatleaa Circle Eiswt Arch btahep Falconer to B Named Papal Delegate to United State. ROME, April 9. Th contest for th ap point men t of a auoeeaaor to Cardinal Mar tlnelll a papal delegate In the Untied State ha apparently narrowed down to tw candidate Archbishop Falconer, th papal delegate in Canada, and Mgr. Z AllnakL formerly papal delegal In th East Iodic and Bow private secretary to Car dinal LdorhowkL Many other are men tloned, but that higher Vatican circle, where keen Interact U evinced as to the outcome. ar aatlafiad that either Archbishop Fal coner or Mgr. Zallnakt will be appointed. Th chance of th former ar considered to b th bast, a it ba been shown that b ba undeniable diplomatic ability and I a man of profound learning. Mgr, Zallnakt, however, 1 actively supported by Cardinal Ledochowskl, who wields great power as prefect of the propaganda. Th declalo will be delayed becaua th eon clatory. at which Cardinal Martlnallt win finally gain th red hat, has been poet I poa from June ta uctooer. Thin Troahlo la Over. KINGSTON, Jamaica, April 9. Th po He at Mootego Bay ar still making au meroua ar reals of rioters. Blu Jackets front th British cruiser Trlbun ar fre quently leaded to support th police. No mor fighting ha been reported and the I pmnt cBlclal think th troubl i vr. Cotton aad Llaea Daty. MELBOURNE. Vtotorta, April 9. Th tariff commltt ot th federal house representative ba fixed th daty on cot ton aad llaea piece goods at I per cant ad. valor eau, FAVORS HIGHER EDUCATION Omaha Medical College Becomes Connected With 8tate University. a REGENTS ADOPT WORKING ARRANGEMENT Flrat Two Yfura of Medical Conrae at Lincoln, l,aat Two at Omaha, and Thea Cornea 1 nlver. ally Diploma. The regents of the University of Nebraska at the meeting held yesterday formally adopted the working arrangement with the Omaha Medical college, which has already been adopted by the trustees of the last r.amed Institution, and which, with the formal signing of the articles of agreement, makes the one Institution the complement of the other with respect to the complete medical course of study. The first two years of the court e will be at the University of Nebraska and the concluding two years t the Omsha Medical college. Upon the completion of the course of four years di plomas will be Issued by the University of Nebraska. This union, or working arrange ment, has been under discussion for several years, but only during the last year have definite steps been taken to secure formal action on the part of both Institutions. Edson Rich, recent of the University of Nebraska, in outlining the terms of the agreement, said: "There Is no medical de partment In the university, and even If one were established the hospitals In Lin coln are not large enough to afford proper material for clinical work for the last two years of the medical course. We have recognized that the Omaha Medical college I on a good foundation with respect to the studies in the last two years, while not so well equipped as the University of Nebraska as to the first two years of the medical course. Will Reach Highest Standard. "Both the trustees and the regents have agreed that by a combination both Instltu tions contributing, a medical course of tho highest standard will be established. We wil create In the university at Lincoln department called the "School of Medicine of the University of Nebraska.' The tuition for the first two of the four years course of study will be paid to the university, and the first two years' work will all be done at Lincoln. But the university will aot be put to any expense on account of lectures. The trustees of the medical college agree that the university Is better equipped with respect to the study of chemistry, biology and kindred studies, while on the other hand the medical college has superior facil ities for the last two years of the course, After the student completes two years' tudy at the university he will go to the Omaha Medical college, and upon a proper record as to examinations the university 111 Issue a diploma covering the four years' course. The university will bear o part of the cost of the last two years ork and Is In no way responsible for any thing done In the Omaha Medical college, except that upon a proper showing the nnl- ersity will assume the responsibility of Issuing a diploma. The plan Is almost If not exactly slm liar to that adopted by Cornell university." continued Mr. Rich, "the last two years of the medical course In that institution being carried out In New York City. The plan does not contemplate or Include purchase by the university of any property of any kind used by the Omsha Medical college, nor of furnishing anything neces sary for the two years' work in that lnstl tutlon. The -whole work of co-operation Is secured by bonds executed on the part of the medical college. This Is a general outline ot the whole matter as discussed at various meetings attended by representa tives of both Institutions and which came before the regents yesterday for final action. In addition to establishing perma nently a course of medical study of the highest character, we hope to create in Omaha a lively Interest In the State uni versity. Omaha never has had in the uni versity Its proper quota of students, con- iderlng population. Unquestionably this union of work on the part of Institutions bat have In their respective spheres earned the highest regard Is a step that will com mand attention on the part of every person Interested in the cause of advanced educa tion." Dr. Mllroy'a Statemeat. Dr. W. F. Milroy of th Omaha Medical college, regarding the plan of co-operative work, said: "The plan was unanimously adopted by the regent of th university. It bad already been approved by th trus tee of the Omaha Medical college. The plan ha been under discussion for sev eral years, but has been given special and definite attention during the last year. Tentative arrangement were proposed to Chancellor Andrews laat summer. Dr. Ward, head of the biological department In the medical college, hag been especially active In bringing the matter to a conclu sion. Finally a formal draft of the arrange ment waa prepared by Judge Pound of Lin cola and submitted to the trustees of the medical college for approval. This wss given and the regents yesterday com pleted the work except as to the formal signing of the papers. 'Th plan la in Una of greater stability and tends to th advancement of medical education in the west. Chancellor An drews ay we will have the greatest med ical school between Chicago and th Pa cific coast. We undergo soma financial sacrifice by adopting the arrangement, but we have waived that consideration In the interest of higher education. We wltl have the tuition of two years Instead of the four years in the course. All liter' tare, catalogues, circulars, etc., will be in the nam of the regents of the univer sity and at their expense. Preliminary Retialrement Hlaher, "The requirements ot the preliminary course," continued Dr. Milroy, "will be higher as a result of the arrangement. W bav heretofore always maintained tb requirement of what la known aa th Association of American College that is, th equivalent of a twenty-four point high cbool record of study. It should be known that upon giving satisfactory evi dences of qualifications a student may ea ter tb medical college to take the last two years' course of study and a diploma will be Issued by the State university. We will continue for several years our pre liminary course a already established, but no new students will be taken for prelim inary tudla. We bav a contract with th dental college requiring us t con tinu our preliminary course until, so to speak, the field is cleared, when wa will eonfin our work to tb final two year ot the medical course. Wbll everything con nected with this new arrangement will be concluded In every detail be for May 1, It actual operation will begin with the open ing of the school year In leptember. am aaagulne that th step now take will prov of lmmens benefit and will rate till higher, th already high character aad JrJHltUM At bttjg JjuUUUewVI MaVnV EXCLUSION BILL IN SENATE Meaaor Declared by Opponent to Be t necessary, t njnat and Is. American. WASHINGTON, April . Throughout to day's session of the senate the Chinese exclusion bill was under consideration. Mr. Galllngcr of New Hampshire and Mr. Dillingham of Vermont opposed the bill end Mr. Turner of Washington supported It. Mr. Galllngcr urged that the pending bill was unnecessary, unjust and un-American and was clearly In contravention ot our treaty obligations with China. In an extended address Mr. Turner ao- pealed to the senate to pars the proposed bill, not merely for the protection 'of the people of the Pacific coast states, but to prevent the entire body politic from being contaminated by the Chinese. Mr. Dillingham advocated the re-enact ment of the present Geary law. He de clared that representatives ot the Pacific states had expressed themselves as per fectly satisfied with the operation of tb existing law and that there was no proper reason for a change, particularly as tho change would involve great trouble and expense. Mr. Galllnger maintained that the pending subject was a matter for diplomatic nego tiation and not for congressional action. In this connection he read Minister Wu'a recent letter to Secretary of tate Hay. in which be protested against the passage of the bill, declaring It would disturb the friendly relations between the United States and China. Mr. Turner, in reply to Mr. Galllnger. contended that the pending bill Is no more severe than former laws for the restriction of Chinese Immigration; Indeed, he asserted that the bill Is practically a re-enactment of existing law, except that It la more lib eral in the admission of Chinese mer chants. He defended the provision prohibiting the employment of Chinese crews on ves sels going to sea and said that criticism ot it is Inconsistent with the recent action of the senate In voting the ship subsidy bill for the purpose of enabling Amer ican ship owners to pay extra wages to Amerlcsn sailors. The aenate Insisted on its amendment! to the Indian appropriation bill and Messrs. Stewart, Piatt of Connecticut and Raw lins were named as the senate conferees. Mr. Dillingham of Vermont, resuming hi speech In opposition to the Chinese bill, said he was heartily In favor of a law which would exclude Chinese laborers in accordance with the treaty of i94. He would vote, he said, for a substitute tor the proposed bill which in effect would con tinue in force or re-enact the present Geary law. He believed that the real iiuea- tin". i resented to congress was bow best to protect American labor, American tit Izenship and American progress oud prcs perlty. All were anxious that such protec tion should be afforded. The daggers ot the admission of Chinese, he thaught had been exaggerated and waa not so serious a? had been pictured. After a brief executive session the sen ate at F:0S p. m. adjourned. REBELS ARE PUT TO FLIGHT Chinese RovnlntlonUt "fh W.vaaa;-8 Paraaed by Imperial Troop and Mlaaloaarlea Are Safe. WASHINGTON. April 9. A cablegram re ceived at the Stat department today from United States Consul McWade at Canton 1 to the effect that Governor Peng has re ported to the consul that the rebels in Kwang-St have been defeated and aro being pursued by the imperial troops. The mis slonariei are reported to be safe. Mr. Rockhlll considers this dispatch to mean that the rebellion In that section, likn most outbreaks, will be from this point on gradually suppressed. HONG KONG, April 9. Advice received here from Liu Chow say that the Imperial General Me and Marshal Su have defeated tho Kwang-Sl rebels tn a Bangulnary battle at Kong-Chuen. The Imperial army wa first driven back, when General Wong, ith three quick-firing guas and two Maxims, arrived on the scene and turne-1 the tide. The rebel retreated to tb4 mountain strongholds, whence they have been making occasions! sorties. Marshal Su Is blocking the roads to the seaports, from which the rebels have been deriving their supplies. The rebellion .Jnland is spreading. SHOWS GRATIFYING GROWTH Philippine Import Increase Twenty One Per Cent ant the Export Ten Per Cent. WASHINGTON, April 9. The insular dl vision of the War department ha pre pared for publication a statement giving In comparative form the commerce of the Philippine Islands for the eleven month! ended November 80, 1WH, and 1WQ. It la shown that the total value of mer chandise imported during th eleven month nded November SO, 1901, wa 127 219,813, against t::.432,474 for the cor responding period of 1900, The exports of merchandise during the eleven month ended November 30, 1901 amounted to 2S,266,1W. against 2L068,5S for tb same period of 1900. The figure how an increase of 21 per cent In the fm port and 10 per cent In exporta. The value of merchandise comlag from th Vnited Btates for the months ended November 30, 1901, was $3,190,976, an In crease of tl.lW.S97 over the corresponding period of 1900, while the exports for the period of 1901 amounted to 11,181,107, an Increase of tl.768.T48. RE-ELECTS OLD DIRECTORS Committee Medina Presided Over by Representative Mereer. WASHINGTON, April 9. Th republic eongresatonal campaign committee at meeting tonight, at which Repreaentatlv Mercer of Nebraska presided, unanimously re-elected th old directors, as follows Rspreaentattve Babcock of Wisconsin chairman; Representative Sherman of New York, vice chairman; Repreaentatlv Overstreet of New York, secretary; Colon! W. B. Thcmson of this city, treasurer. Tb chairman was authorized to appoint an executive commute of nine members and to fill any vacancy existing in th membership of the committee. Th only vacancy now existing is that of the mem ber from Oregon. The meeting was unanl mou and harmonious. gentenerd far Forgery. BERLIN, April 9 Noel Laeterner, whs tried to cash checks for $14,000 which ware stolen from the office of tb Amerlcsn Ex press company in cans a year ago, wa tried ber today and aentenced to thre year and three months' penal aervltud Laeterner represented himself as a Boaton merchant and tried to cash th cbacks la qusca at Dm Praueg ma. . PROMISE OF IRISH FREEDOM William Eedmond Sayi United Torcei Give Hope for Suocess. ELOQUENT APPEAL FOR LOCAL AID Mretlaa Adopt Reaolatlon Plcdnla; Material and Moral Support of Mehraeka People to Irlah Parliamentary Party. Boyd's theater was comfortably filled last night to greet William H. Redmond, the Irish representative, who came to lay the cause of his people before the people of the state of Nebraska. The audience was not entirely an Omaha gathering. Judge J. J. Sullivan and Edgar Howard headed a large delegation from Columbus, while many were present from Neill, Jackson, Norfolk. Greeley Center nd other towus where there are large Irish ttlements. It was 8:30 be-fore the cutrain rose and the Elka' quartet sang "Klllarney. In introducing Mr. Redmond, T. J. Ma- honey spoke of the educational work being eprformed by the Irish parliamentary party nd called attention to the fact that John Flnerty, president of the American branch of the league, was also present. He esn Introduced Mr. Redmond. The Irish parliamentarian showed the effect of his work, his voice being hoarse as be opened his remarks. It cleared as he continued nd before the end rang through the hall like a bell. Every reference to Charle Parnell was received with cheers. Mr. Redmond said in part: In coming to America as representative of the parliamentary party we believe that the Irish race In all lands is a unit and were we to receive no financial aid from America we feel that we should consult Ith the American branch of the race. While this is true, we claim that we In Ireland, and we In Ireland alone, are In a SSSZr sued, and wbll we are willing to receive nd desire your support we would willingly surrender that support if in consideration of it we must surrender the right to follow our own policies without regard to the opin ions of others. "I desire to emphasize the authority upon which I speak here tonight. I speak for no section or party of Irishmen in the old country, but by the command of the whole peopie ot ireiano ana eignty-mree memDers of the British Parliament at this time. No other representative of Ireland ever came witn tne same power. I am aware mat in certain quarter It has been stated that the majority of the Irish peopl are not atls- Bed with the demand of the Irish Parlla-I mentary party, but at th last election In ireiano tne people ireeiy elected tn pres- ent party la the House of Common by over whelming majorities in cases where any contest was made. Irish People Politically Inlted "The first thing thst I bav to tell you tonight Is that the Irish people are united politically. For the last ten years the Irish people bava been spilt up into factions. km not going into a discussion of those fac tions tonight, but I will say that Charles Stewart Parnell was a man who had done so much for the country that his retire ment from political life would bring con fusion, and I do not believe that less dls senslon would follow In America If the same cause existed. But with this dis sension the Irish people were ashamed to ask America for aid, but now the Irish members of the House of Commons are. 1 believe, more firmly united than they were Under Parnell In the days of the Land Lea gue twenty years ago. My appeal comes from a uaited Ireland. The present union Is due almost entirely to the work ot the United Irish League, which is the successor of the Land League The league represents every nationalist constituency In Ireland. It has branches In almost every parish In Ireland. It Is supported by the majority of the clergy and the hierarchy of the land. One of the trustees ot the organization, who will handle the funds. Is Dr. ODonnell, the bishop of Raphoe. These things I mention to show the force which bss united the Irish people, north, south, east and west Our objects are not new. They are the same as those of Michael Davltt, when be raised the standard ot the Land League In Mayo twenty-five year ago. You who come from Ireland know what Irish landlordism haa been. The land haa been confiscated from the native and given to those alien from the people by blood, sympathy and religion. Thla conditloa haa become ao well known in England that Parliament was forced to take from them the power of fixing the rent upon the land which they claim for their own. Although thla bss Improved the condition of th peopl In the last twenty years, the land question Is not settled, as we wish a law which will Dermlt the people to purchase the land. "The Irish people are. witntn sigm . ot the time when by act of Parliament the landlord system will be wiped out and the landlords given a fair remuneration for their holdings, for the Catholics of the south and the Protestsnts of the north are united upon this question. One hundred year ago, in th city of Belfast, Woire Tone aad other Protestante of Ireland dreamed ot the day when religious differ ences would be forgotten and Ireland would be united. At the end of tb century we find the dream cornea true. Tenants Are flreesilag Owner. Already 60,000 tenants have become own era of their own aoil. In my county or Wexford, owing to ct of parliament .one third of all tne larmers own men "' " upon fair and easy terms they are paying the government for th money advanced. If a bill now pending passed the time will come when every homestead will be owned hv the family who occupies It. I am here to appeal to you aa practical men to aid tis In Ireland In this movement, which I in the end sure to suceed, but will succeed th sooner If we can receive the id of Irieh-Amerlcans. I want you to bear In mind that the present movement Is ex tremely practical. W are not asking for something w cannot obtain. What we are asking for is something we can get If th Irish rare at bom and abroad win unite to auuport the eighty-three men who In parliament ar fighting the battle of Ire- land day and night. With twenty year of practical expert- I with th Irish people I am certain that It we had all the land laws and other law we need the peopl would atlll b dlnatls- (led until they hav th right to mak their own law upon their awn soil. 'A hundred year exactly bav passed sine our parliament waa destroyed. What has been tb result? Our population de creased one-half, our industries destroyed. Judged from any standpoint, English rule of Ireland has been a failure and Ireland will be th enemy of England until Eng land doe Justlc to ber. Nothing ha JCoaliaii oa Bacon. J?f J condition ojhe weather Forecast for Nebraska Fair Thursday ami Friday Temperature at Omaha letleflsri tlonr. Hen. Hoar. Dev. A a, m an Ha. m ,t4 1 t. 2 P- a p. p. nT 57 Ml im r! r Ml n.t no 7 a. tn :n N a. m M P. m 41 m . f p. tn. It p. ni . T p. tn. H p. m , II . tn. 10 a. m 4.1 11 a .m 4t lit to ftj MEN TELL DIFFERENT TALES Governor Yates and General Fltsalm- nton Make Confllctina state ment Abont Resignations. SPRINGFIELD. III.. April 9 Governor Yates said today that he was anxious to lay bare all the facts connected with the resig nation of Charlea Fltzsimmons of Chlcsgo as brigadier general of the Chicago regi ments in the Illinois militia. He said emphatically that the resigna tion came unsolicited by the soldier. The governor branded as false stories Intimating that the general was asked to resign be cause he several time refused to accom pany Governor Yates oa the latter'a ha bitual Jaunting tours. CHICAGO. April 9. When seen todsy re garding his resignation from the Illinois National Guards, General Fltzsimmons said: Some time ago I sicned what has been called a "round robin concerning the ac tions of the republican centrul cummittee. A lew days later I heurd, througn a menu, that Governor Yates was inieni-vl at find ing my signature there and took the " round robin" as a reflection on his administration. I tried, without waning, to hear from the governor, wrote him and explained mat 1 h rirnti 1:i r afrfinll n u in t h Ujilch l had signed It, did not reflect on the Mca wun dmlnistration, but merely on the state central committee. A few day ago I got a l.ann-wora letter from him. asking for my resignation. Ac cording to the nillltla regulations, a briga dier general can be removed only by resig nation or court-martial. 1 am not care io have anv fuss, however, and sent about three lines, tendering my resignation. CRm READY FOR INQUIRY Colonel to Investiaate Alleged Rrltlah Army Post Mnttcr nt Chalmette Open Office. NEW ORLEANS, April 9. Colonel E. H. Crowder of the War department, who ar rived here yesterday to Investigate the allea-ed British armr Dost at Chalmette, nM opened an offlce tne custom house and galll he . ready to begin his Inquiry, H ..nreased a wish that those Interested on opposite sides of the controversy would urnuK him with a list of their wltneases, .., he miht examine them. He ne expected to go over much the ,.me -yldence aa had been presented to Governor Heard, but would also personally vl.u chalmette and make a full Inspection of the system and extent of the operations there. The Investigation, he thought, would last a week or ten days. Colonel Crowder received Instructions to day from Washington covering the investi gation. SHAFTER IS NOT AMBITIOUS General Refuses ta Re Considered Candldnte for Governor of California. BAKERSFIELD, Cal., April 9 Referring to the rumor that be will be a candidal for governor of California before the com lng republican convention. Major General Shatter said: I have no Intention of trying for the office, or the nomination. This has ail come about through a letter written to me hv one of niv oll army friends, stal ing that I was talked of as a candidate for the nomination. While I appreciate the kindness of my friends. I can state fiosltlvcly that my name will not be used n the list of proliable nominees, nor will I try to obtain tne nomination or permit mv name to oe prescmen. many oi my armv friends would be glad to see me In the gubernatorial chair, but I must dls annnlnt them. I would not rellnuulah mv position on the retired list to accept the governorsnip. NAILS HIS HEAD TO THE WALL Woman Take Strang; Method of Fro- tectlna Herself Agalnat Her Haaband. WELLINGTON, Kan., April 9. In Grant county, Oklahoma, Just across the line from bare. Mrs. Psonlaa. a Bohemian, fs rn- portea to h.T, xilled her husband by drlv- lng a nail lnt his bead. Peoples, who wa a farmer, went bom drunk, beat his wife and after ordering her to get supper went to sleep with hi head leaning against a pine partition. When supper was ready the woman tried to waken him, but failed Fearing that be would beat her again when k wokfl for nQt calllng hlm ,he drov a nail through from the other side of the partition Into the man's head, killing him, Mr. Peoples mad no attempt, to escape. SIDE STAKE TWENTY THOUSAND Article of Agreement to Re glgned , for Raea Between Lord Derby ad Roralma. NEW YORK, April 9 A. J. Welsh of the Charter Oak track haa arrived here with article of agreement for the match race between P. F. Smather Lord Derby and Thomas Lawson's Boralma for a side atake of $20,000, Th articles call for the race to take place on September 2, which la the second day of the Charter Oak meeting, the racer to get SO per cent of the gross receipts. Both owners bave accepted the Charter Oak offer and already have posted their forfeit to bind the match. The article will be signed immediately. ILLINOIS TOWN IS BURNED Prlaelpal Portion of Casey Destroyed, with Lo of Fnlly Flftr Tboasand Dollar. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., April 9. Tb prin cipal portion of th business district of Casey, III., waa destroyed by fir laat I night and tb loss will exceed $50,000. x grocery, Jewelry store, restaurant, saloon, meat market, the town ball and Adam Express company's office were de- I stroyed. DEATH IS A NATURAL ONE Womaa I Hot Victim of Fonl Play, a Wm at P1rt Saa. pected. PITTSBURG. April 9. Investigation to day developed that Mrs. Ada Myers, th young woman found dead at her bom at Montour last evening, and who. It was be lieved, was a victim ot foul play, died a natural death. Mr. Myers wa subject to cramp and ber death wss du ta on ot th attacks. PRESIDENT'S BIG DAY Kation'i Chief EiecntiTe Viewi Im posing Ceremonies in Hit Honor. CHARLESTON TENDERS FORMAL RECEPTION Great Military Parade Given for Comm an d er-in-Cbief. the ROOSEVELT MAKES ELOQUENT ADDRESS Lands the Valor and Bravery of Sons of the Sunny South. DWELLS ON VIRTUE OF REUNITED PEOPLE One nt the Day' Featnre la Presen tation of Sword by President to Major Mlrah Jenkins, a Rough Rider. CHARLESTON, S. C, April 9. Greeted end honored by manifestations of respect and esteem of enthusiastic thousands. Pres ident Roosevelt was the guest of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian ex position today. The weather wVs ideal. The events of the day began with a grand procession through the streets of Charles ton and afterward there were speeches In the Auditorium, the presentation of a sword by the president to Major Mlcah Jenkins, a luncheon at the Woman's build ing and Inspection ot the grounda and buildings. The enthusiasm ot the people was un bounded and there was (landing room only ou the sidewalk and porches and doorways and wide plazxss of the houses along the line of march. Tb parade started from the St. John hotel, the pres ident's headquarters, at 10 o'clock and wa composed of marines, seamen, cadets, ar tillerymen and militiamen ot four states, under command of Colonel Chsrles Morris. U. S. A., ot the garrison at Sulltvan'a Island. Order of Parade. The order was as follows: Squad of dis mounted city police; Colonel Morris and staff officers; marina corps, under Captain Henry Leonard, with drum corps; Charles ton Light Dragoons, Captain Kollock; spe cial guard to the president; President Roosevelt in carriage with Mayor Smith; President Wagener of the exposition and Secretary Cortelyou, followed by, fifteen other carriages containing Attorney General Knox, Secretary Wilson, Governor MrSwe ney. Governor Ay cock of North Carolina. Murat Halstead, Major Mlcah Jenkins, ex- Governor Hugh 8. Thompson, th aldermen of Charleston and others; the civil repre sentatives In carriages, followed by a bat talion of coast artillery from 8ulllvan's Island, under Major Henry A. Rees, and th First Artillery band, six companies ot naval forces from the United State ship Cin cinnati, Topeka and Lancaater, under Lieu tenant Commander Tullam; a battalion ot seamen, infantry, from tb re van u cutUr Forward, Hamilton and Algonquin, under Lieutenant Van Bosklrck: tho Virginia"" Polytechnic, Institute cadets. Colonel J. S. A. Johnson; a provisional regiment of New York state troops. $00 strong, under Col onel Jsmes F. Armfleld; the North Carolina naval reserves. Captain W. T. Old, Ocala, Fla.; Rifles, Captain G. A. Nash; battalion of cadets of the South Carolina Military and Porter's academy; the Third regiment of Charleston mllltla. Colonel Henry Schachte, and the Germania artillery. Lieu tenant Puckhaber. Route of Proceaalon. The route wa along Queen, Meeting. Cal houn, Rutledge and Grove street to tb exposition grounds and time after time th president stood In his carriage and ac knowledged with a smile and bow the en thusiastic plaudits of ths people. A tally ho containing member of Charleston's Har vard alumni, decorated with the college colors, greeted the president with the col lege yell. Arriving at the exposition grounds th president reviewed the troops from a stand near the Auditorium. Mrs. Roosevelt stood at the president's left snd near br were Mayor Smith, Captain Wagener, Gov ernor McSweeney, Governor Aycock and othera. The president was particularly pleased with the appearance and marching ot the Jarklea and made aeveral compli mentary remarks as various state troops passed before htm. When the president entered tho Audito rium he bowed and smiled bl acknowledge ments to the cheering which greeted btm from 10,000 throats. Flsgs and bunting were draped within th building and a dlaa reserved for Mrs. Roosevelt was cov ered with a large flag. (eater uf Attraction. The audience heard the speaker with at tentive appreciation and cheered to th echo many of the sentiments expressed, but the president was the center of attrac tion at all tlmea. President Roosevelt's Incisive, clear cut words never fell on mor attentive ears. Msyor Smith lntroducd Mr. RoovU, who spoke as follows: Address of th President. It is to ms a peculiar prtvllrg to spak here in your beautiful city. My mother people were from Georgia, but bfor th ay came to Georgia, before th revolution, in th day of colonial rule, they dwelt for nearly a century In South Carolina, and therefor I can claim your state aa mine by inheritance no less than by th stronger and nobler right which make each foot of American soil in a sense the property ot all Americana. Charleston Is not only a typical southern city; It In also a city whose history teems wtth event which link, themselvea to Amerloan history aa a whole. In the early colonial day Charlialon wa the outpoet of our people against the 8anlarda In the south. In th days of the revolution there occurred her oin of the events which vitally affected the outcome of the atruggl for Independ ence and which lmpreeaed themselves most deeply upon the pop.l'ar mind. It wa her that the tremendous, terrlbl drama of th civil war opened. With delicate and thoughtful courtesy you originally asked me lo come to thi expoattlon on the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Th Invitation not only showed a fine grnerualty and manliness In you, my hosts, but It also emphasised what hardly anything else could have emphsstsed, haw completely we are now a united people. The wounds left by th great civil war. In comparably th greatest wr of modern times, have healed and l mm memortee ar now piicelesa heritage of honor alike t tli north and to the south. Th devotion, the aelf-saciific, th etnadfaat resolution and lofty daring, the high devotion to th right a each aaw It whether northerner or southerner all the quailllea of th men and women of he early 'a now shin luminous and brilliant befor our eye, while the mist of anger and hatred that once dimmed them hav passed away for ever. Valor of Bio aad Gray. All of us, north and south, can glory allk In the valor of tb men who wore th blue and of th men who wore th gray. Those were iron tlmea and only Iron man could fight to it terrlbl finish th glwnt struggle between th hosts of Orant and To u of the present day. our children 1 - v. 1 1 . n . u . . , th high endeavor and abnegation of aril owa la Una struggl by. . who vols