TnE OMAHA DAIIA' liEEi WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 9, 1002. SON SEEKS TO SAVE FATI1ER Claries Kaufman Practically Admits He is an Embezzler. SENSATIONAL SCENE IN COUNTY COURT -4ed Man Arraigned on Criminal t'harae Whr Ilia Ron llrmindi that l He nlMtl(atrd In the Dark. Charles F. Kaufmann, assessor of the First ward, openly attempted yesterday ! to shoulder tho troubles that hang over his ; aged fnthnr, Charles Kaufmann, a former I councilman, by reason of the latter having been arrested on the complaint of E. E. Wells, who charged him with the embez Hement of $2,0'j.85. Mr. Well 1 the pedal agent In this territory of the Trad ers' Ipsurance company of Chicago, and the funds alleged to have been hold from that lomnany were those Aollected by the senior Kaufmann as tt Omaha agent. j The Incident waa afterward described by Judge Vlnsonhaler of the county court as the most retnarkablo he had ever seen In a (Sourt room. The warrant of arrest was lerved on the senior Kaufmann at the fam ily home, 801 Pine street, Monday night. ZueadaoF he appeared In county court and with him came his attorney, Charles Tuttle, and his eon, Charles F. Kaufmann. Deputy County Attorney Abbott started to read the complaint, which Is long, contain ing five counts, but Tuttle waived that as a waste of time and entered a plea of not guilty. "Well, what shall the bond be?" asked the judge, turning to the state's representa tive. Abbott sugested $3,000 and Tuttle a lesser sum and they were still discussing this when the Junior Kaufmann, who had been sitting at the side of the court room, suddenly arose and stepping nearer to the Judge said: "Ml plead guilty to that. I am the one. Let this action be brought against me, not my father." Insists on Hctnit "nbstltnted. For a moment there was absolute silence and the judge stared at the young man In evident amazement, as did the attorneys (or the state. Counsel for the defense was the first to speak, and he said quickly: "You can't do that. Donf try It. Bit flown!" "No," said the judge, "you cannot bs substituted for your father In this par ticular complaint." "Well, . then," answered the young man, ''make out a new complaint and make It against me. I am the one. It will save a lot of worry and trouble and might as Well be done now." While be was speaking the father sat motionless and with his wyes on the floor. The eon's hands twitched nervously on the book that he bold In one hand and the hat be held in the other. His face was red. bis eyes were Inflamed as if from loss of Bleep and there were tears on the lashes. Finally the fudge set the hearing for April 18 at 9:30 o'clock and accepted from the senior Kaufmann a $1,000 bond signed by Ed Howell of the democratic county cen tral committee. The proceedings came to an immediate close and the younger Kauf mann, walking straight to Attorney Abbott, aid: "I wish to make a full statement to the county attorney. It's the shortest and quickest way and I don't want father to be worried any further. I have been In trouble something like this before and I can stand It better thaa he can. It was up In Dakota few years ago, but I wasn't to blame. And In this case we can fix It up all straight and right. I want to have my name put In, for I am the one. My father doesn't know anything about that money. lAnd the folks my folks at home have bad all the worry they can stand." Kaufmann was true to bis promise and called at Attorney Abbott's office twice yes terday forenoon, but found the latter out both times. NEW SEASON'S NATURE STUDY School Children Degln Active Work In Examination ot Unt 1 door Life. "Nature lessons" began In all the graded schools of the city yesterday and tho shower served In no way to dampen the ardor of the pupils, who sallied forth with hoes, rakes, spades and wheelbarrows to engage In tbe spring planting. Each grade has a 11ns of study peculiar to Itself. For example, the first grade will Investigate In flowers, the tulip and the phlox; In vege tables, the bean; in trees, the maple, and In birds, the blue bird. Nature will speak to the eighth grade (which is the blghest grade taking up this line of work) through the medium ot the rose end pansy, the quash and melon, tbe bass wood and the quail. This is the first season for the nature lessons. Oeneral lines for the study were drawn up last fall, but little was ac complished in actual research, as the vege table world was then engaged in closing out its autumn stocks. Now the work is being taken up in earnest. The pupil Is expected to watch the course of develoo xnent - ot each vegetable planted, the Idea being to stimulate an Interest In such things, that back yards, which now yield large crops of tin cans and old shoes may te made to blossom as the rose. This KA BLUE L, SIGNATURE. GUARANTIES LIEBIG COMPANY'S TRWr I BEWARE OF 'JUST AS OOOOS' at - . V-" X. 6 rillow Tops, Imitation of burnt leather to be outlined. Round Pillow Tops, tamped In new designs. Florodora lithographed Pillow Tops does not need to be worked and U very beautiful. Something very new is tbs MOL'NTMELLICK EMBROIDERY. New designs In tamping on white centers for dining and parlor tables to be worked In tbe whits Mountmelllck silk Boss. Beautiful designs stamped on the Hurk Toweling lo IS and 18-lnch sixes. Colored linen centerpieces and lunch cloths. In beautiful tinted designs, for em broidery. In lace work we have the Irish Point in pretty patterns for collars, etc The braids are especially made for IrUh point work, but the work itself is much like tbs Battenburg. Ws have the very latest in Mextcaa Drawn work. DONE OX THE LIGHT BROWN LINEN, from ll-lnca centers to lunch cloth else. Stamped turn-over collars la many design and eolors, - - COUNT SCHILLER BUSY AGAIN ninfflnar Fraaer Intimidates Women and C hildren In Stir District. "Count von Schiller," a well known po lice character, who In his sober moments, which are few and far between, claims descent from the family of Schiller, the German poet. Is wanted by the police au thorities, who, however, are not making any especial search for him, confident that he will make his appearance at his usual haunts In a short time. The count has been oa a protracted vaca tion from the police court and the habitues of that public building were be coming anxious when a report came that he was manifesting his presence in the neighborhood of Twenty-fourth and Chi cago streets and Intimidating the women and children of that part of the city. According to reports sent in to police officers Schiller has for some time been living upon the enforced charity of the people in that part of the city. The person making the complaint said that he usually selects an hour In the afternoon when all are absent from the bouse but the women, when be will call and demand food. If his demands be refused he becomes abusive and the women usually give him some thing to get rid of blm. Some of the women have positively refused and he has threatened them with violence. Monday afternoon he became more bold and stopped one of the little girls of tbe neighborhood on the street. His actions scared the child so that she ran home crying. This action led to tho complaint. Tbe officer to whom tbe complaint was made said: "We will have the count picked up, but there la really nothing to be feared from him. He will threaten women and children, but there Is no record of any damage having been done by him. Even the children could scare him if they would call bis bluff. He is harmless, but he Is a nuisance and will have to be cared for." PIONEER WOMAN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Mary Bealey. One of Omaha's First "ettlera, Has Joined Her Husband. Mrs. Mary Begley, widow of the late John Begley, died at her home, 1933 South Tenth street, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Begley was one of the first white women to come to Omaha, arriving in this city with her husband in October, 1864. Mr. Begley entered government land on what Is now the site of South Omaha, where the family resided until 1884, when they came to Omaha and later removed to Sarpy county. Mr. Begley died laBt fall and Mrs. Begley then came to Omaha. There sur vives her seven children, John and Daniel Begley of Springfield, Neb., Mrs. Mary Tracy of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. John Flynn, Mrs. Kenselly and Mrs. Patrick Culkln of South Omaha and Mrs. John Sheahan of Omaha. Besides her children, her descendants num ber twenty-nine, twenty-seven grand children and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will take place from her home Thursday moralng at 9 o'clock ts St. Patrick's church. - Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. MRS. DAVIES' STORE LOOTED Thieves Fish Velvet Thronah Win. dow with m Pole and Get Away with Plunder. Ingenious thieves robbed the millinery store of Mrs. R. H. Davtea, 1511 Douglas street, of fifty-three yards of velvet, worth 60 cents per yard, either Monday night or Sunday night. Across the rear windows ot the building sre Iron bars several Inches apart. The thieves, after breaking out the window, took a pole with a hook on the end of it and reached through the bars, hauling out the velvet in sections. The pole was found leaning against the rear of the build ing, though neither the velvet nor the thieves have been located. Announcements o( the Theaters, Andrew Mack's new play, "Tom Moore," is to a great extent historical, and many of the experiences he bad In connection with Richard and Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron, Beau Brummel, Lord Molra, and the prince of Wales, and his. beautiful sweet heart, Bessie Dyke, who became leading lady at the Drury Lane theater, and whom he afterwards married, and lived happily with until his death, are incorporated In the play, as well as the characters. The piece will be seen at the Boyd Friday night, Saturday matinee and night. At tbe Orpheum this week an evenly bal anced bill is proving a good magnet. Hilda Thomas and company in the laughable comedy, "The Lone Star" are scoring big. Miss Thomas sings several topical songs with pleasing effect. The comedy wire stunt of the three Meers is another good feature. The Probyn sisters make a good refined musical feature. The women and children who attend the matinee this aft ernoon will be entertained In regular Easter Bruin fashion, by Wlncherman's trained bears. The Utopians with a good show. Inter spersed with plenty of specialties, songs snd dances, remain the entire week with dally matinees. Amateur night, next Friday evening will be even a greater event thaa the one last week, as sit the acts will be new. In memory of William A. J. Dolan, who died April 9, 1900. D1HD. BEOI.EY Mrs. Mary, age 76 years, at residence, 1933 South Tenth street. Was ailing but a few weeks. Mrs. Begley has lived In Omaha forty-six years. Her husband died lu October, 1101. Her family comprises Mrs. John Sheahan of Omaha, Mrs. James Kennellv of Water loo. Neb., Mrs. John Flynu and Mrs. P. J. Culken of South Omaha. Mrs. William Tracey of Seattle, Wash., and John and Dsn Begley or MpnngneM. INeD. Funeral Thursday inornina. April 10. at 8:80 a. m., from family residence, 1933 South Tenth street, at Hi. Patricks church. Interment fit. Mary's cemetery. Mrs, J. Benson, NEW GOODS IN ART NEEDLE WORK DEPARTMENT OTHER CHANGES IN SCHEDULE Southeastern Nebraska Affected by Bur lington's New Running Card. OMAHA TO DEADWOOD SERVICE CHANGED Trains Roth Ways 'Will Arrive and Depart Later, bat "Will Not linn Any Faster Hetween the Terminals. Assistant General Passenger Agent Buck ingham of the Burlington road has an nounced further changes in the time sched ule to result from ths alterations In the running card of the through trains from St. Louis to Portland. Nos. 41 and 42. "At present No. 42 furnishes a morning service through southeastern Nebraska to Atchison, St. Joseph and Kansas City, leav ing Lincoln for those points about 6 o'clock a. m. When the change Is made this train will leave Lincoln at 1:30 In tbe after noon. No. 22, now an afternoon train, leaving Lincoln at 1:40 for Kansas City, will be moved up to fill the gap In tbe morning schedule. It will wait till No. 6, the Colorado train from Chicago, arrives at 10:15 a. m., so No. 22 will leave about 10:30 a. m. No. 6 Is the train that leaves Omsha at 8:40 a. m., ao that gives this city a service to southeast Nebraska. 'Another charge will be the service from Billings to Denver, via Alliance. Since tbe eastbound through train ts moved back about eight hours, corresponding changes are necessitated In this run, and they will be a great Improvement to the service, ss far as the convenience of passengers is con cerned. At present this train leaves Al liance at 4:30 p. m. and reaches Denver at 11:60 p. m. The change will take the train out of Alliance at 11:30 p. m. and bring It Into Denver at 7:30 a. m. The service from Deadwood to Omaha under the new sched ule will be changed. We will leave there at 2:30 p. m. and arrive here at 3 o'clock the next afternoon. At present we are leaving Deadwood at 7:42 a. m. and reach ing here at 6:45 the next morning. Changes of the service from Omaha to Deadwood will correspond with those of No. 4, which handles this carry from Lincoln to Edge mont. Passengers will reach Edgemont, where they lev .bo main Una and go north Into the hills, about two hours and twenty minutes later than now, and to will be that much later Into Deadwood. They will leave here at 11 p. m. Instead of 9 o'clock, as now." nates to Denver Convention. ' Low rates have been announced by rail roads for the triennial convention ot the International Sunday School association, to be held in' Denver from June 26 to July 2. Ten thousand delegates are expected at this convention and they will come from all over the world. From Omaha the round trip rate is only $15, which Is S3 less' than the regular fare for one way. This rate applies from Kansas City, St. Joseph and all Intermediate Nebraska points, such as Hastings, York and Beatrice. The same cuts apply from other points. From Chi cago tbe round trip rate is $25. from St. Paul and Minneapolis $25, from St. Louis $21. Tbe Burlington road has been ap pointed official route for Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ken tucky and West Virginia. George O. Wallace of Omaha will lead the Nebraska delegation, which will be very large. He expects to take a big party out of Omaha, four sleeping carloads at the least. Hoke Smith of Atlanta, Ga., ts pres ident ot the association. A notable list ot speakers has been arranged. Besides the United States, there will be delegates from Cuba, Porto Rico, the Philippines, Mexico, British America and Hawaii. Two Carloads ot Immigrants. Two carloads of immigrants passed through Union station Tuesday morning, one for Nebraska points, the other for Cali fornia. All were tbe raw material, having Just arrived lu this country. Tho Illinois Central brought In fifty-one Norwegians in one load, and here they broke and scattered out over the state n ell the different lines. The other crowd was Italian in its makeup and it was a typical lot of young troubadour swains. All were young fellows, swarthy and for tbe most part Intelligent looking. They knew not a word of English, and their recent arrival was attested by the serapes or scarf shawls, which they wore pic turesquely over their shoulders, with the fringe flying about their ears. The fashion plate American men, too, who affect tbe latest style of flaring brimmed black soft hats, would be surprised to see the exact counterpart of this style on the beads of these Italians Just over. Their bats are soiled and greasy, but have the same un bound edge and broad brim. The Italians went on out to California over the Rock Island. Goodnow Goes to Rock Island. Telegraphic Information was received from Chicago yesterday to the effect that Charles A. Goodnow, tor some time past general superintendent of the Chicago, Mil waukee & Pacific railroad, would on April 15 become general manager of the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific. At the local offices of the two railroads no Intimation of such a change had been received and Rock Island officials were loth to place any credence in the story. A. J. Hltt, tbe pres ent general manager of the Rock Island, baa been with the line. in the operating de partment for ten years. He has been promoted from division superintendent to superintendent and then to geaeral super intendent, and finally was made general manager a year ago on., the resignation uf Mr. Parker. Mr. Hitt Is thought to stand very high with the Rock Island and officials here cannot understand why he would be let out for Mr. Goodnow. Rock Island Extends Branch. Announcement comes from Guthrie, Okl., to the effect that the Chicago, Rock Island t Pacific road will extend Its Enid branch down to Guthrie. This line leaves tbe main line to Fort Worth at Enid, swings out twenty-five miles west and then runs straight south parallel to the Fort Worth line aa tar as Lawton. There it breaks away sharp to tbs southwest, headed di rectly for Guthrie, and Is now built about twenty miles out of Lawton. and Is only seventy-five miles distant from Guthrie. This action on the part of the Rock Island would be a forestalling of tbe Frisco. Choctaw ft Fort Scott aa4 Western lines in their snnounced plans to build up from Gutbrls to Enid through Lawton and Fort 8111. This is accounted an important gap In Oklahoma, and as ths Rock Island al ready baa the way two-thirds bridged with rails, it is conceded to hold a big advan tage. Hallway Notes and Peraaaala. H. B. Butler, traveling freight and pas senger agent for the t'hlcago, Milwaukee ft Si. Paul road, has returned from a visit to Davis, lit T. M. Schumacher, traffic manager of the Oregon Short Line, passed through Omaha yesterday en route to hla headquarters at Salt Lake City from the east. As early as 10 a. m. yesterday show ers were falling all over the Elkhorn line In the South Platte country, with pros pects of a good rain everywhere. Superintendent of Transportation Buck ingham, Division Superintendent Baxter and Master Mechanic Barnum of the Union Pacific ib.ll way went west In a private car yesterday. Ths new train rules of the Fremont. Elkhorn ft Miaourt Valley railroad operat ing department are now In print and have been circulated. They go Into effect May 4 and employes sre now acquainting them selves with the details In order to undergo lamination la then baXora that dale. The principal changes relate to signals, a new system of lights being adopted. Oeneral Passenger Agent J. R. Buchanan of the Fremont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad ha Just returned after an absence nf two weeks In Wisconsin. He announced yesterday that arrangements have been completed In Chicago whereby V. If. 1)11 dyne of that city will assume chtirge of tbe Evans hotel, the baths and other re sort features at Hot Rprlngs, S. n., this year. Mr. Dildyne goes to Hot Springs next Friday and will spend a month reno vating and revising different parts of hlH plant. On Mny 15 will be a grand opening. Mr. Dildyne has been a hotel mannaer in Chicago and Sioux City for many years. EXCURSION GOES EARLY IN MAY Omaha nnslness Men to Visit Their Southeast Nebraska Friends Neat Month. At the meeting of the executive commit tee of the Commercial club the question cf the trade excursion Into southeastern Ne braska was discussed at some length, al though tbe committee In charge made no report. The excursion will probably start the first week in May and three days will be occupied by the trip. The secretary stated that the car of sam ples to be exhibited at the lettisg of tbe contracts for Indian supplies In Chicago on April 15 would be sent from Omaha Wednes day and that bidders would probably leave for Chicago April 13. Several communications upon the subject ot Irrigation from Qeorge.H. Maxwell were referred to the Irrigation committee. It Is not believed that this committee will have much work to do, as press dispatches state that the members of congress and the Irri gation association have reached an agree ment on the subject ot control of the water. Tbe memorial committee was Instructed to draw up suitable resolutions In commem oration of the death of Mrs. W. S. Wright, said resolutions to be spread upon the records of the club and a copy sent to Mr. Wright. George P. Cronk was elected a member of the club under suspension of the rules. FOR RIXT. Handsome Brick Residence on the southwest corner or Seventeenth and Douglas streets. Jt was built by ths late Henry Pundt as his home and is one of ths beet constructed as well as ons of the finest houses in Omaha, . It Is built entirely ot brick and stone, atone steps and slate roof. It is finished In ths choicest ot bard woods, has hard wood floors, Imported English tils floor In the reception ball, electric lights, porcelain bath, laundry with stationary washtubs, large pantry, china and linen closets, cedar-lined woolen closet, etc. TWELVE ROOMS besides the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, storeroom, cellar and wine cellar, also large, high attic storeroom, sep arated from tbe servants' rooms. It also has a large veranda enclosed as a sun par lor, equipped with steam heat. RENTAL PRICE INCLUDES STEAM HEAT, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND HOT WATER, as ths house is connected with the hestlng and lighting systems of The Bee Building. For further information call on Charles O. Rosswater, Secretary The Bes Building Co, Room 100, Boe Building. Telephone 238. Graphophone at n Dargraln. FOR SALE Latest model type, A. O. combination graphophone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90.00. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thlrty-six-Inch horn and stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi son records and carrying case of twenty four records. The machine Is entirely new and has never been used; Will sell at a bargain. Addresg'X 36, In care of The Bee. Shampooing ant halrdrssslng, 25c, at The Batberv. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel 1716, Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telelpbone 238. 6tlllman ft Price, att'ys, law, collections. A. P. Lillls, notary. 23 U. S. Nat. Tel. 1720. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The Eathcry, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. NEW PAVING BOND ORDINANCE City Comptroller Preparing; to Pay for Street Improvements Now Contracted For. In the city comptroller's office Is being prepared a bond ordinance, providing for the Issuance of bonds in the sum of $58,000 to pay for the following improvements: Tbe paving of Cass street from Sixteenth to Twenty-second street" the paving of Twenty-fourth street from Lake to the north line of Spauldlng street; the paving of Emmet street from Sherman avenue to Twenty-fourth street; the paving of Dodge street from Thirty-eighth to Fortieth steet, and the pavthg of Hawthorne avenue from Glenwood avenue to Lincoln boule vard. The Black Diamond Express leaves Buffalo at noon via the Lehigh Val ley railroad, for New York. A la carte dining car service and luxurious parlor and day coaches. Stopover allowed at Niagara Falls on all through tickets to New York and Philadel phia. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported at the office of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours end ing Tuesday noon: Births D. W. Neal, 1722 North Twenty fifth street, boy; Leroy Gray, S21 South Seventeenth street, girl; S. R. Rush, 4931 Webster street, girl; Frank Valentine, 8L'ii2 North Twenty-fourth street, girl; John Reynolds, 2446 South Twentieth street, girl; Joseph A. Becker, 220 South Fourteenth street, boy; W. O. Carpenter, 1314 South Fourth street, girl. Ieaths James Morrissey, Forty-ninth and Center streets, aged 60 years; Walter r .Tnhnaon. 2rj'J Castellar street, aa-ed 4 1 years; Joe Zadlna, Second street and Pop- I .. 1-.T.HU .i a di 'w vonra lt'mm.. I Hatcher, 2664 Marcy street, aged 25 years; Geneva Miller, 3420 Boyd street, aged 2 years. A FATAL MISTAKE Is Often Made by the Wisest of Omaha People. It's a fatal mistake to neglect backache. Backache is tbe first symptom of kidney ills. Serious complications follow. Doan's Kidney Pills Cure them promptly. Don't delay until too late. Until it becomes diabetes Brlgbt's dis ease. Read what an Omaha citizen says: Mrs. Kanude Thompson ot 808 Douglas street, says: "It Is nearly twenty years since I first had trouble with my back and kidneys, and in spite of all doctors and medicines could do I gradually grew worse. There are very few people in my neighbor hood who do not know how I suffered. Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I sent to Kubn ft Co.'s drug store for a box. After using It I found the pain in my back had passed away. I cannot use words strong enough to express my opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills after wb&t they did tor me when everything else bad failed." For sale by all dealers. Pries, 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cp., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for ths United States. Remember the cams, Doan's, and taks no substitute, COMPROMISE OF TAX SUIT Donation for Auditorium if Proseoution Be Now Abandoned. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE IS DETERMINED Members Ksprcss Themselves Aaalnat Accepting Bribe to Drop Matter Mo Nearly Passed to a Conclusion, A report gained circulation this week that the public service corporations ot the city had offered to donate $20,000 to the Omaha Auditorium company provided the tax suit now pending In the supreme court be dropped. When the matter was called to the attention of members ot the Real Es tate exchange they unanimously expressed the Intention of having nothing to do with any compromise short of a declston of tbe court upon tbe matters at Issue. W. H. Shrlver, one of the complainants In the rase, said: "I do not think there will be any compromise considered, at least not by me. I am in the fight to ascertain the rights of tbe taxpayers snd of the cor porations and I would rather see Omsha go without an auditorium than to see the de cision of the question lost. The Omaha au ditorium project Is a worthy one, but our contest Is a Just one. Between the two my Interest Is with the question of taxation." W. H. Green, president of the Real Es tate exchange, said: "If the public service corporations were to donate all the money needed to complete the auditorium and then bear the expense of maintaining it I would never consent to abandon the con test. It has reached a point where we must know the rights of the people who pay taxes and the rights of the public service corporations. The case may go against us, but the knowledge we will thus gain of the condition of our laws will be worth all It costs us, and we will be standing upon the solid ground of knowledge from which we can move to a more desirable state of af fairs. The matter has never been brought to my attention before, but this Is tho answer I would make should the proposi tion be submitted." Cannot Buy off Prosecution. C. F. Harrison, member of the tax com mittee, said: "If the public service cor porations have any money to give to the auditorium project I am well satisfied, for this is a worthy project, but how they are to buy off the present litigants by such a donation I cannot see. If we are right, the corporations owe the city several thou sands of dollars. Can the payment of that amount to the Auditorium company cancel the debt to the city? If It can, I have studied for naught. So far as I am con cerned, I am In the fight to stay until Jus tice Is done all parties." F. E. Sanborn, president of the Audi torium company, said: "While no such a proposition has been made to me, I think that such a compromise is one much to be desired. If the corporations are wrong in their contention they will owe the city about $30,000 In taxes. If they could be Induced to put this amount of money In the Auditorium company the city would get tbe benefit of it as much as though It would go to the city treasury and the unpleasant litigation would be stopped. The persons responsible for the present suit evidently do not take Into consideration the fact that under existing conditions tbe public service corporations pay one-fourth of all of tbe personal taxes received by tbe city and that taking the personal property schedule as a basis of comparison they are taxed heavily enough. If they thought of this they might be willing to come to a com promise upon some basis such as has been suggested." Bend articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. Ws will glvs them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER'S Spring Clearing PIANO AND ORGAN SALE Has been av ancceaa, entirely beyond onr expectation. Each day brings more customers than the day before. We have always been known as tbe bouse that SELLS pianos, but this spring clearing sale has ex ceeded our fondest anticipations. The Instruments, the quality, tbe prices, tbe terms, have brought the - business our way, and it still con tinues to come. GENUINE BARGAINS ' Among them are such standard makes as Decker Bros., Emerson, Vose, Steger, Ivers & Pond, Cramer and Malcoin Love. Many are entirely new, the only thing oft being tbe case, wblch In some Instances may be marred in others, new styles of architecture compel us to sacrifice these in any and all cases we guar antee you a genuine bargain. SPRING CLEARING SALE OF PIANOS 1 used ebony case upright, a bona fide snap $ 75.00 1 concert size upright, value guaranteed 90.00 1 parlor size rosewood upright, good condition j 100.00 1 elegant sample piano, shipped us on approval 118.00 2 other sample pianos, made to sell for $100.00 more 148.00 1 modern style oak case, full Blze, wsrranted 152.00 SPRING CLEARING SALE OF ORGANS TERM 81.00 CASH AVD 2ftC A I WKKK. Pelton, at $ 3.00 Beatty, at 6.00 Beatty, at 800 Western Cottage, at 11.00 Western Cottage, at 13. 00 Sterling, at 13.00 Cornish, at 14.00 dough sc Warren, at 15.00 Packard, at . 1( 00 Camp, at 17.00 Mason ft Hamlin, at 18.00 Earhuff. at 19-00 Lakeside, at 30.00 Story ft Clark, at 81.00 SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 Farnam St., Omaha ftoa Broadway, Coaacll Blasts. 6,000 DOZEN WET HANDKERCHIEFS On sale taday at half and a third of their actual value' A remarkable event. During the recent floods at Passaic. New Jersey, Messrs. Acheson, Harden & Co., handkerchief manufacturers, suffered considerable loss. A great por tion of their stock became wet. We bought 6.000 dozen cf their finest hand kerchiefs at auction and will place them on sale tomorrow at trifling prices, offering an opportunity for handkerchief buying that has never been equalled. After a trip to the tub these handkerchiefs will be Just the same as though you had paid full price for them. Considering the continual need you have for handkerchiefs, It Is advisable to lay in a large supply. We will devote about ten bargain squares on main floor to this sale. Below are a few of the bargains: . Ladles' 7ic llanrtkercliicfs 2tc Ladies' Handkerchiefs, slightly wet and a trifle mussed plain white hemstitched and with lace Insertion corners extra ordinary bargains at ' Men's 10c Handkerchief .lie. Most of tbem are quite wet and considerably mussed they are made of fine sheer cloth, with all the widths of hemstitched hems, plain white and fancy borders 10c qualities at Ladle!' Linen Handkerchiefs. Ladles' plain all linen Handkerchiefs narrow hems tbey are quite wet and somewhat mussed big bargains at Ladies' 15c Handkerchiefs tic. , Handkerchiefs, made of fine sheer IriRh linen wide and narrow hemstitched borders slightly mussed worth regular 15c on sale tomorrow ,. 20c Handkerchiefs 8c. Ladies' and men's genuine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, In all sizes sheer and medium weight very neatly hemstitched wide and narrow hems they are actual 20c qualities only a trifle wet and mussed on sale tomorrow at Men's 25c and 35c Handkerchiefs 15c. Men's extra fine Linen Handkercbtefs size, different widths of hems regular slightly wet on sale tomorrow Ladies' 25c and 50c Ladles' extra fine Linen Handkerchiefs chiefs in great variety of hasdBome patterns and designs values range from 25c to 50c, but slightly wet on sale at , 75c and $1.00 Handkerchiefs 25c. Ladies' Real Hand Made Handkerchiefs, beautifully drawn worked and lacs effects Mexican drawn work centers totting trimmed real 75c and $1.09 mussed $2.50, $3.08 and $50.0 Handkerchiefs at 69c and 08c, Ladles' real Hand Made Lace Handkerchiefs Battenburg, Re naissance, Honiton and Real Irish Lace every handker chief Is a work of art actual $2.60 to $5 values on sale at each GOOD TIME Ir what you get when vou buy one of our clocks. We are showing a pretty !lna of clocks of all descriptions. Mantel clocks i-Hsed in Dresden china, white onyx, Iron enamel and gold, traveling clocks, wall clocks, electric clocks and alarm clocks. Prices, $1.00 up. livery clock we sell guaranteed to give satisfaction. .lawhinney & Ryan Co., SCDFIELD ODAmUITCO. 1B10 Dtailu at. Suits Ladies' Suits Latest Style Suits We have received within the past two days a large variety of ladles' new suits representing new effects in blouse suits, Eton suits and fitted suits. Prices range from $1R.00 to $35.00, but they are above the or dinary. Walking suits also big as sortment, $18.00 to $25.00. GOLF SKIRTS $6.50. It you want to see the best skirt you ever saw for $6.60, beautifully tailored fine cloth perfect hang just call tomorrow we have them. sHT Department store prices or lesn. SCDFIELD ootmuiTcci. DON'T PAY for something you don't get. There sre thousands of people In this town who don't known good port wine from a mixture of logwood and alcohol and they are willing to pay for a good article, too. Thoy put up with Imitation liquors year after year when for the same, or less, money we can supply the real article In whiaky, wine, brandy, champagne, cordials, etc. Why not by liquors which you can drink your self and can offer to your frienda without an apology? Speaking of whisky, we re tall It at wholesale prices. We have the real stuff for 75c, 83c. $1.00 and $1.25 per quart; In gallon lots, $3.00, $2.75 and $2.50. This Is real whisky. CACKLEY BROS. Only Family Liquor House in Omaha. Opposite Postofflce. Telephone 1148. If the rose is red, And the violet blue No doubt Shradrr's tig Powder Is good fur you. Shradcr's fig Powder is a good spring medicine; it removes Alvlna Poison, ths cause of all ills, such aa Impure blood, biliousness, constipation, bsadsches, tired feeling, appendicitis, gall stones, snd all liver and kidney com plaints. MANUFACTURED BY W. J. Shradar Medietas Go,, NEW YORK AD OMAHA. Richardson Irug Co., distributors, Omaha; Harle-Haas Drug Co., Council Bluffs, la.; Dos Moines Drug Co., Des Isolates, J. 3c 3c 6c 8c 15c superior quality full 25c and 35c quality, but Handkerchiefs 15c. also Lace and Embroidered Handker 15c 1 and lacs edged with lace and qualities only a trifle 25c 69c-98c 15th and Douglas Jewel era and Streets. Art Stationers. Are You Interested in PHOTOGRAPHY If so, call on us and see soma of the latest makes In Kodaks & Cameras We have the largest assortment of reliable makes of any house outside of New York. We have a few more 4x5 Folding Poco Cameras, with automatic shut ters and case, complete, for $6.60. A large assortment ot Photo Albums from 10c to $5.00. THE Robert Dempster Go. 1215 Farnam St. Send us your plates and pictures gj for development. It Pays" to Paint There Is nothing that adds to the selling value or tho renting value of a bouse like good paint there Is nothing that makes home more home-like than good paint. It pays to paint. The better tbe paint, the better It pays. The Sherwin-Williams Paint pays in the beginning because It goes so far pays In the end because It lusts so long and looks so well as long as it IhkIh. There Is no paint like it for beauty and durability, for economy and satisfai tioii. For HOUSE PAINTINU there aro forty shades to choose from In the Sherwin-Williams line. CALL FOR COLOR CARD. Sherman& LMcConnsll OrugGo.- CORNER IHT1I AND DODGE. OMAHA. MANY OF THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TONE GUTS USED IN THE ILLUSTRATED BEE from time to time are for sals at tba publication office all in good condi tionlow prices. CAREY Omaha Roofing and Supply Co., 542 Ramre Building-, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Long Distance Telephone 171. svutr tass Faoa laapaotsv. H. L. RMJICCIOTTI, D. Y. S,' CITT VETERINARIAN. AOS aa Infirmary. 71th aa KlMt stts) r1 itlrtJiVf t iHL '