Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE (TMAIIA DAILY IIE'Ej TUESDAY, APML 8, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bulli and Br art Have a Lirely Bout in Wheat Pit LEADING CEREAL QUITS WITH ' GAIN Professional Movements Cheapen Ion, and Oals Also Snnr Wenk atss Provision Flnrtnnte Widely. CHICAGO. April 7. Grain spemlators hud conflicting opinions regarding '"''""i" tomfi of the winter wheat crop, which, "when they attempted to reconcile them with the weekly statistics, produced something of a Jagged miirket. Prices roKe and fell with the changing sentiment, but in the nd. In spite of corn weakness, May wheat ahowd gain of 4c, May corn closed 4c lower and .May oats Ho down. Provisions lost 5r to 124c. At the outlet there were numerous bullish Influences at work in the wheat pit. Cables were steady and there had been a big drop In the temperature. The Kannaa state crop retiort, however, wai the early bull factor. This estimate, which Saturday waa re ported at 74, wai corrected today to a con dition of only 70. aa compared to 105 a year ago. The report also showed a 1 obi of ViOmO In the acreage from last year and a possibly, decrease in the yield of bushels. Other states had been sending In lower extlmHtes and these influenced an upturn in prices. Missouri was reported at i, against 98 last year; Ohio, 74, against 83, and Illinois (March figures!, 76. against SS. Under these Inlluences May wheat opened 4"(ic to Wuc up at 714714c. Shorts covered, there was some Rood buying and prices held firm for some time. A Chicago paper printed an exhaustive report of crop conditions, which, In spite of the damages In the southwest, promised about the same ..rr am laat vmr This factor, together with large weekly shipments and a smaller decrease in the visinie supply oi ,wu,uw bushels less than had been expected, wore away the edge of the bullish enthusiasm Hnd wheat began to weaken. Corn, which had some fair early support, also turned weak and helped push wheat backward. May wheat declined to 7o4ii7o4c, but the bulls turned In again to the support. Shorts covered again and there was a good rally, May closing firm, 4c higher at 71i871Se. Hecelpts were still small, the cash- business was moderate and the seaboard acceptances were very light. Klevators were liberal ellera. Commission houses worked on both sides of the market. Tfce crowd seemed disposed to wait for the government report to settle their misgivings about crop condi tions. Local receipts were 30 cars, none of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 257 cars, making a total for the three points of 287 can, against 470 last week and 504 a year ago. Primary receipts were 346,000 bushels, compared to 691,0"0 bushels lust year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 335.0O0 bushels. World's shipments were 8.862,000 bushels, against 6.632,000 bushels last week and 8,102, Ooo bushels a year ago. Hreadstuffs on pas sage decreased only 350.000 bushels. The visible supply., decreased only l,2O6,0oO bushels. Corn ruled weak again. At the opening the wheat strength and the cold weather Induced liberal covering by the shorts and the pit crowd, anticipating a possible hull turn, loaded up pretty well with long stuff. Later when wheat eased they tried to sell and found nobody wanted It at the high prices. Scalpers were forced to BaTlflce their holdings and prices took a sudden drop. The shipping demand was reported very poor and helped In the depression. The southwest sold early and the market lacked bull support. Cables were steady and kept prices up for a time early, and smnll country offerings had a similar In fluence. The selling, however, was too much for prices and May, after selling at 694e, Blumped to 674c and closed weak. Ho down at R7WdWtc. Receipts were only 55 cars. There was little Interest In oats. Prices early were better with other grains, and provision houses bought some. May held rather steady, though at one time because of the growing weakness In corn it eased off from 43c to 424c. There was a partial recovery, after the somewhat free offerings of May stooped and May closed easy, He down at 424c. Receipts were 71 cars. Provisions fluctuated widely again on manipulation. The opening prices were higher on the better hog market and the grain strength. Liquidation soon set In however, and carried all orlces downward Packer sold freely at times, while scalpers bought. The market was not very active and corn weakness helned In the decline. Light weights in hogs were also on Incen tive. May pork sold from $16.55 down to 116.26, but rallied on covering to an easy close, uc lower at tio.i.-. May lard closed 124c down at $9,474 and May ribs 124c lower hi a. id. 78 cars; corn, 130 cars; oats, 135 cars; hogs si.taaj neao. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. SaCy. Wheat l I I I May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lsrd-r May July Sept. Ribs May July Bept. 7147?41 iiTOsmini 70f7i 714' 714! 7141 714 714 70'J7Hi6!70Va7l 6848 741 K14I 87V6TH5SiSsn;in-u 5!4 Mm 64 584'" "9 88141 56V94 I WV5TJKJ58 424rl 43 42H 834 4241 4'4 3341 33 'S3i834 344 294 let 284 16 SR J 1 55 16 25 16 4241 16 174 16 70 16 72H 16 424 16 6741 16 624 8 715 1 S74 8 874 8 74 8 9741 074 No. 2. Cash nuotatlons weie aa follows FLOt'R Steady; Winter patents, $3 70(9 8.90; winter straights, $3.20360; winter clears. $3.0(kff3 40; spring specials. M; spring patents, $3.2003.60; spring straights, $2.75 S J.oo. WHEAT No. 3 spring. KigUHc; No. 2 red, 77 4c. CORN No. 1 yellow. 0c. - OATS No. I. 424c; No. t white, 4646c: No. 8 white, 44V.tH6c. RYE No 5, 67c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 637c. SEED No. 1 flax, $1.67: No. 1 northwest ern. $1.76: cloer, contract grade, $7.95. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $16.35 filS.40. Lard, per 10O lbs., $9.45tf9 474. Short rlbi sides (loose), S.70ffS.H5. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7. 3747.50; short clear sides (boxed). $9 20fi9 SO. WHISKY Pauls of high wines, $1.30. The following were the receipts and snip- incuts eaivrujr Articles. Receipts. Shipments. 37.000 23 0 0 .,...2).oii0 244 00 ..... 72,0 124 OX) 11.000 116 ON) 82. 'WO Flour, bbls... "Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Tlarlty, bu.. 39,000 6,0X1 On the Produce exchange todav the but ter market was firm; creameries, 2ifi3'io; dutrlrs, 22327c. Cheese, steady, 12(120. Kkks, Arm; fresh, lic. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. ttuotatloas of the bar ' Commodities. Vartoai NVTW YORK Anrll f.-ITIVTTT)nA.nt. 9.881 bills ; exports. 2.426 bbls.: unsettled and about steady at old prices; winter pat ents, winter straignts, w. io 3 85; winter extras, $3.1003.30: winter low grades, $2.9oia.l6; Minnesota patent!, $3. 75 tij ; Minnesoui bakers, $2.-(i3 20. Hye flour, ou,ll; fair to good, $3.26iu0.4O; choice 10 lancy. i.outu.o. COKNMa,AL Steady; yellow western. viiy, si. ad; orannywine, i.rM8a3.oa. RYE Easy; No. 3 western, 63o f. o. b. afloat. BARLEY Dull; feeding. Sc c. I. f. New York; malting, 68a73c c. 1. f. New Y'ork. WHEAT Receipts, 77,800 bu.; exports, f76.5SO bu. bpot, steady: No. I red, 82c. elevator; No. 3 red, 860 f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern. Duluth, 807,c f. o. b. afloat r'No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 83c f. o. b. afloat Market strong at tint and conalderuhlv higher on the Kansas state report, a cold w wei ana covering, me wheat mar kct broke at midday with rum. Ko vtifitr, oils was the unloading, however, that trad ers were oversold and In the last hour ral lied prices in an effort to replace sales, the close being firm at 4Hj4c net advance- May. TVlb-lts.-; closed at 77ic; July, 770 774c; cloned at 77;4c; September, 7tt'4t'7(ic; closed at 764c; December, TSc; cloned at 77V CORN Receipts, -7,360 bu.; exports, 79.000 oj. oiki, easier; no. a, we, elevator, and f. o. b. afloat. At first corn improved on steady cables and cold weather inn meeting heavy western selling on the bulge collapaAd at noon, losing a cent per!. 1-aler It rallied with wheat, closing Si-.c wwrr, Hijr, oj vTt-c ; cioseu at lwc July. l4c; closed at 3Vc; September, S-'ViiVc; closed at 62V c. OATS Rerlpts, 60.760 bu J exporU. $47 uu. opui, sieatiy; no. 1. c; No 3. No. t white. 600: No. 8 white. track mixed western. 444i-4nc; track, white, 48 liooc. options opened steady and then eased off with corn. HAY-julet; shipping, CofitSSc; good to ;noice, viv.c. HOI'S 11 nil ; tate. common to choice, 18UI crwfs liieaa MMO crop, jl4c; olds, 9 624 624 40 19 474 9 60 724 9 7S 9 B24I 9 674 70 80 9 80 9 SO I , 9 674 9 SO 4'5'ici Pacific coast. 19n crop, 16184c; 1900 crop l:it14o; nm 4'uc. H1DKH wulet; Galveston, 18c; California, 19c; Texas dry, 14c LEATHI-H Dull; Hemlock sole, Rtienos Ayres, light to heavyweights. 264fi2c. V )1j Steady ; domestic fleece zo"9c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, li.Hy, 11 50; -mess. $10 60; beef hams, t2u.Ors21.0i; racket, $11.0012(10: city, extra India mess, lft.i JO .00. Cut meats, firm; pickled hams, 9ftl4c; pickled shoulders, 74c; pickled bellies, 014c. Lard, unsettled; western steamed, $9 "ft; refined, easy; continent, $10.10; compound, $7.874C(i8 124; South Amer lea, $10.15. Pork, unsettled; family, $18.itr short clear, $li.754i',io.flu; mess, $lti.26(a 17.25. Bl'TTEIt Receipts, 6.59S rk?" : Arm; state dairy, V.Vu'Ac; creamery, &'31c; June creamer)'. lN'al!c. C1IKKSE H celpts, 3M pkgs.; firm; fancy small full cream, white, Mfyl34c; large full cream fall made, colored, 12c; fancy large, fall made, white, 124fl24c; fancy small, full cream, early make, colored, mi i3v4c. KUiS Receipts, 18.462 pkgs.; strong; state and Pennsylvania, 16c; western, at mark, ltu 18c". MOIA8SES Firm; New Orleans, 84'iNlc. TALLOW bull; city ($2 per pkg.), 64c; oountry (pkgs, free), 64'u4c. POIJLTKY Alive, firmer; chickens, 11c; turkeys, 14c; fowls, 13c. METALS A very good rise In values In tin was reported from London today as a result of a large speculative demand. Closing price were 1 net higher with spot at 123 15s and futures at 131 lus; New York followed with a gain of more than lc a pound, closing with spot at $27.70 4lWt.00, with a strong tone. Copper was easy at New York, with spot at ill.Q 12.5 for lake, $12.15 for electrolytic and $12 for casting; London copper prices were un changed, with spot and futures at 52 12s 6d. Lead was steady and unchanged here and abroad; New York closed at $4,124 and London at 11 8s 9d. Spelter was quiet, stnady and unchanged, with New York at $4.40 and Ixmdon at 17 15s. Iron locally ruled steady and unchanged; pig Iron War rants were nominal; No. 1 northern foun dry, $19(k&2.0o; No. 2 northern foundry, $18.001 19.00; No. 1 southern foundry, $17. 60 (hl8.(); No. 1 soft southern foundry, $17.50 fplH.Oo; the English markets were higher, Glasgow closing at 63a 6d and Middles borough at 47s 74d. , OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Unotatlons on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Including new No. 2 cases. 14c: cases returned, la4c 1JV B POLL! KY Chickens. 9c: old roosters, 4yuc; -turkeys, HxyUc; ducks and geese, 884c; -dressed stocK in good condi tion, ly-'o higher than live stock. BUT'iER- Packing stock. Hl-Ac: choice dairy. In tubs, 22a-4c; separator, 27&2c. f ntsit l Ai utu HBH-irout, 10c; crap ples, 10c; herring, tic; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffaio, a reused, 7c; suntlsh, be; bluenns, Rc; whitetlsh, 12c; catnsh, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, , 13c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codtlih, Vic; red snapper, 1io; roe shad, each, 80c; shad roe. per pair. 30c: spilt shad, per lb., loc; lobsters, boiled, per o., (c; loostPTs, green, per id., zdc. B'HEBH KROZu-N Fl SH Herring. 24c: trout, headless, 7c; whltettsh, 7c; smelts, No. 1, 7c; Smelts, No. 2, 5c. FROZEN FISH Black bass. 18c: whits bass, 10c; bluetlKh, 12c; bullheads. 10c; buf faloes, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, loc; croppies, according to size, 7irl0c: halibut. Uc; herring, 24c; haddock, 9c: pike. 8c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; sun. 5c; fresh mackerel, each, 20&35c; smelts, 7c, uioiMio-aieoiums, per can, uc; stanu ards. per can. 25c; extra selects, per can. 83c; New York Counts, ner can, 40c; bulk standards, per gal., l.2o: hulk, extra se lects, $1.601.65; New York' Counts, per gal., $1.75. nuEuws-Live, per aos., $1. VEAL Choice, 6uc CORN 69c. OATS 47c. V BRAN-l'cr ton, $17. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland, $8; No. 1 medium, 7.6o; No. 1 coarse, $6.50. Hye straw, $5. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. V Eli UT AULJS. SEED POTATOES Per bu., Ohios. $150; Rote, $1.26; Trlumjrtis, $1.16. POTATOES Northern. $1.06; Colorado. $1.10(01.20. . CARROTS Per fcu., 75c BEETS Per bu. basket, 65c. TURNIPS Per bu., 60c; Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., $1.26. PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 60c. ASPARAGUS California, per lb., 20c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., $3. GREEN ONION& Per dos., according to site of bunches, 30060c SPINACH Southern, per bu., 75c. LETTUCE Head, per hamper, $2.50; hot house, per dos., 4046o. - . PARSLEY Per do., 3036c f RADISHES Per doi., 36c. CABBAGE Holland seed, crated, 2c; California, new, 24c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. $2.26; Mich igan, red or yellow, pr lit.. 3w34a. CELERY California. 4075c. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baaket crate, $4.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.801.90. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.75; Wine saps, $0.00; Willow Twigj, per bbl., $j.X; Jonathans, $9.60; Belleflowers, per box, $1.75. FIGS California, new cartons, $1; im ported, per lb.. 12'ul4c TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.75; choice, $3.50; budded, $3; med. sweets, LEMONS Fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.25. BAN ANAS Per bunch, according to slit, 82.204j2.75. . MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. 114c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard thell, 9c; Braslls. per lb.. 14c: filberts. Der lb.. 120: almonds, soft shell, lie; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per iu., u;; small, luc; cocoa nuts, per sack, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 614c; No. 2 green. Kc- No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 644c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, e&ISc; sheep pens, vac: norse niues, i.MK04.a. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. 13. C1DEK Nehawka, per bbL, $3.25; Ntw xorK, o 00. POPCORN Per lb.. 6c St. Loots Urala and ProTlsloas. BT. LOUIS. April 7. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 77c; track, tWW 9c; May. 77Vc; July. 604c; No. 2 hard. 71m IX. CORN Lower; No. 1 cash, 67Hc: track. ooc; aiay, mc; juiy, oodooBVic; peptem per. divic. OATS Steady ; No. t cash, 43c; track, 434 truiici uc; juiy. 4ic; oeptemDer, ir ; in o. j wiiue, wiobc. . iiif: m rm r ttit FLOX?R Dull and unchanged: red winter patems,; extra fancy and straight, o.vAfi cieitrB. W.wnu4. 10. , SEED Timothy, steady. i.50.00: or me worm more. CORN MEAL Steady. $3.10. BRAN Weak and inactive: sacked lota east track. e-UMc. HAY Uulet. timothy. I11.00SI14.50: prairie 114 ior in o. 1. WHISKY steady. 31.30. IRON COTTON TIES Quiet, $1. BAGGING Quiet, 544i(B1e. HEMP TWINE Steady. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing, new. $15.50; old. $16.10. Lard, lower, $9,224. Dry Shu meais imwoi, sieauy; extra snorts, $9.25; clear ribs, $9,124: short clears, $9,374, Bacon (boxed). . steady: extra shnrtn. $10,124; clear ribs, $10.00610.124; short clears. iu-. METALS Lead, quiet at $3.97UII.02U. Spelter, strong at $4.25. put ltky sirm; cnicaena, kic; turkeys 12c; ducks 10c geese, 44fo5c. Bl'TTElV Firm; creamery, 21628c; dairy, EG(4S Steadjf at 14c. RECEUTS Flour. 11,000 bbls.; wheat 22.000 bu.: corn. 45,ouO bu.: oats. 81.000 ba. , SHIPMENTS Flour, 8,000 bbls.; wheat, 19.UU0 bu.; corn, s,ouu du.; oats, 17,000 bu. Liverpool Grain aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL, April 7-WHEAT-Spot INo. i reo, wesiern, winter, 1 northern, spring, firm, 6s fornla, firm, 6s 2d; future 6s liNd: July. So lOd. CORN Spot, qujet; American mlxe.1, new, 5s S4d; American mixed, old 6s. ia; fu tures. steady; May, 5s !d; July, 4a 11V.J 0-tober, 5s 4d. PEAS Cai.ajllan. firm, As M. V'liOl'H St. lxiuls fancy winter, firm PROVISIONS Beef, extra India mess firm. Ma 9d. Pork, prima mesa, western nrm. 72s Sd. tiaras, snort cut, 14 to 16 lbs. steady. 4.-t 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut 26 to SO lbs., firm, 48s: short libs, 16 to $4 I us. . quiet, is: long clear middles, light 28 to 34 lbs.. Arm. 4?s: long clear middles heavy, 35 to lbs., tlrm. 6d; short clear backs. 14 to ? ma., nrm, clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 4s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., firm, S7s. Lard, steady. Amer ican refined. In palls, 48s 9d; prime western In tierces. 48s bd BUTTER Finest United Stales, firm. 4. aoiMl United States, nominal. CHEESE Firm; American finest white, 53s: American flnesr colored, nrm. 54s The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 118.4H) quarters from Atlantic and 18,l from Pacific and 43.0H0 from other ports. The Imports of corn from Atlantic pons last wees were auu quarters. Kansaa City Urala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April !.-WHEAT-Ui r?V; July. 67Sc; cash. No. 3 hard. 69c: No a4c; No. 3 red, 77c; iso. 1, 76c; N llnir. 68c.. COHN-May, 'ei September, 674c; cash. No. I mixed. B9t0c: No. t white. 4c; No. 3, 6iYtrc. . . OA I B NO. 3 White, 4S'Jv.iC. RYE No. 2, 5v. HAY Choice timothy. $13.f"; choice prai rie. $12 ft" BITTER Creamery. Z7c; usiry, tancy. 23c EGOS Firm: st mark. No. 1 new whlte- wnnd esses Included, 1.1c per doi.; esses re- urneo:. 124c. RECEIPTS Wheat. 22.400 bu. ; corn. 94.6(10 bu. : oats. 2.'io bu. SHIPMENTS wheat. ou. ; corn, 40,- 000 bu.; oats, 11,00 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 7 HI "ITER Firm, good demand; extra western cream- ry, 32c; extra nearby prtntr., 34c. EOUS Steady : fresh nearby. ISVifr 15',c; fresh western. 15'i'JilRc; fresh southwestern, lf4c; rreph southern, l,c. CHEESE (Julet: New York full creams, fancy small, 12'fil3c; New York full creams, fair to choice, 114il24c Visible "apply of drain. NEW YORK. Anrll 7. The visible supply f arnln Saturday lust, ns compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is as follows: Wheat, 48, 409.011 bu., a decrease of 1.15 K1 bu.: corn. 8.820.00O bu.. a decrease of aH.OM bu.: oats. 3 300.000 bu.. nn Increase of 1M.0 0 bu.; rye, 2,2n6.i0 bu., a d. crease of 82,(o bu.; barley, 1.4uO,OUO bu., a decrease or ii,wu uu. 1 Toledo, Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. April 7. WHEAT Active and rm. 774c; May, 774c: July, 734c corn Active and steady; casn, ae-ic; May, 584c; July, 594c OATS pair, active and nrm casn, c May. 424c; July. 34c. SEED Clover, dull and weak; cash. $4.90; April, $4.90; October, $6. Mlliraaltee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 7. WHEAT Mar- et steady: No. 1 northern. 720724c: No 2 northern, 71i?714c; May. 714c. RYE Easier; No. 1, 5R''qiiM. BARLEY Firm : No. 2. 66JT664c: sample. Hi54c. COKN May, 68W. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. pvrard Movement Checked and Last Week's Leaders Chief "offerers. NEW YORK. Anrll 7. The upward move ment of stock which had attained some headway during the latter part of last week did not prosper today In face of the rapidly contracting supplies In the money market. The stocks which were made the leaders $f last week's movement were the chief sufferers from the selling. The total volume of dealings fell considerably below the 1,000.000 share mark touched on Friday, but considerably more man one-inira 01 the total was made ud of St. Paul. Louis ville & Nashville and Union Pacific. The selling lost St. Paul 24. Louisville & Nash ville 14 and Union Pacific 14- 1 This course of events naturally detracted somewhat from the Interest In the con jectures of the source of heavy demand for those stocks and tnis community 01 inter est and merger project which might be aimed at. Wall street's suspicion of last week that the movement was a specula tive maneuver to Invite a following In the general market was strengthened. The rather abrupt reaction In these stocks as a result or tne developments in tne money market was chiefly remarkable from the fact that those developments were gen erally admitted to be Impending last week. The answer made to this was that the abundance of capital in the west would re lieve the situation and would give free scope to the buying of stocks. But when tne can money rate snot up to 1 per cent tfils assurance did not avail to prevent throwing over of large amounts of stocks. The foreign exchange market was appar ently not In the least affected by the outgo of Ji.sou.ouo gold, snowing mat tne consign ment Is In payment of foreign obligations, as has been the case with preceding ship ments for some time. v Besides the gold shipment the banks have lost to the subtreasurv since the weekly bank statement some $338,000. There waa a deposit also 01 $100,000 In currency at the siibtreasury today ior transfer to Cincin nati, while New York exchange at Chicago Ten to zo cents discount, as tne Dana. tatement on Saturday showed the surplus reserve down to 32.649.62u. It will be per ceived that today's demands were- suffi cient to wipe out the surplus. ah departments or tne 11st were arrectea and the day's losses run quite generally from 1 to 2 points, and over that In excep tional cases. Amalgamated Copper Ignored the general tendency of the market, as It did when the market was go'.ng up, and rose at the last of the day to 14 over last week. Other firm spots were in tne local tractions, some of the express stocks. Westlnghouse Electric, Chicago & Alton, the Wisconsin central stocks and the Ouluth. South Shore and Atlnntto stocks. The action of the day's grain markets gave some intimation mat last weens stoca market assumptions of the safety of the winter wneat croo were somewnai prema ture. But the flurry in the money market was the overshadowing Influence and the market closed active and easy and gen erally at the lowest. A few or tne newer bond issues were ad vanced, but the general tendency was slightly oasler In sympathy with storks. Total sales, par value, $47640.000. United Htates Donas were ail uncnangea on tne lust call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlaon 778o. Railway .... tlHl do pfd l4Texaa ft P ... I?. do pfd ... 4'4 Baltimore ft O... .-. 40t do pfd tGT.. St. L. ft W. ... 11V, Canadian Pacific . Canada southern Chea. ft Ohio .11 do pfd ... " ...101 Union Pacific do pfd .... Wabuh do pfd . . . . . 464 . T4 ... 174 Chicago ft Alton ... 14 do pfd . T4 ... 43 ... ISSej Chicago. I. ft L. . 4 W. ft U K. do Dfd Ta Do id pfd.. ... II Chicago ft E. I.. Chicago Ot. W... .15 . t74' . 464 .1364 .17 Wla. Central .. do pd Adams Kxpreas Amer. Exnreee V. 8. Expreaa. ... 24 ... 47 do lat pfd do Id pfd . ft N. W . R. I. ft P.... ...ZOO ...230 .121 Walla-Kargo Ex......2KI Chicago T. ft T II Amal. Copper 4 Amer. C. ft T.i la do pfd xvt do pfd silt ;. 1;. 1:. at ni. L,. ...lui Colo. Southern . . 174 Amer. Lin. Oil J I' do lat pfd do Id pfd.... .. i.xi 00 pia H' .. 44 lAmer. 8. ft R 47 ..171 I do pfd 7'4 ..188 Ana. Min. Co 1144 .. 41 Brk. Rap. Tr 454 Pelt. 'ft Hudaon. Del.. L. ft W... Denver ft R. O.. do pfd .. 1010. r. ft 1... .. Il-ai Con. Oaa .. W44 Con. Tob pfd.. .. M ,Oeneral Electrlo ..IU I Hocking Coal .. .. 114 Int'n'l Paper .. Erie . ...2244 da lat pfd.... do Id pfd.... ...1IB ...122 ... 2S Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... 214 ... 744 ... 74 do pfd aa 1 10 pin Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... . .142 Int'n'l Power .... .. 4 Laclede Gaa .. H1 National Blacult . . 44 National Vni ., ..110 iNatlonal Salt .... ..1074 do pfd ,t 113' No. American ... ,.14V Pacltlc Coaat .... .. IKVPa'-lfle Mall ... to do . pfd .... al4 ... 18V, L. E. ft W do pfd Louie, ft Naah.. ... ... 70 ...124 ...71 ... 4! Manhattan L ... Met. 8t. Ry Mex. Central ... Mrs. National 1 reopiea uaa .... ...1024 ... 414 Minn, ft 8t. L lnava Preaaed H. C Mo. PaclRc ..ion do pfd ... B4 ...235 M.. K. ft T ... ... JCii Pullman Pal Car. ... (4 Republic Steel .. do pfd ...l(248ugar do sfd ... 174 N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central.. Nor. ft Weat... ... 134 ...131 ... M4iTnn. c. -f 1.. ... H do pfd i I V. U. ft P. Co ... n1. Ontario ft W... 124 do prd if 160 U. B. Leather 12'. MVa ao pfd 84 Pennaylvanls .. Reading do lat prd... do Id pfd... 12 U. 8. Rubber JaU, axs- ao pro Ml Bt. L. ft 8. P. 7(1 U. 8. Steel 414 M I do pfd I3 do lat pfd... do 2d pfd... 74 Weetern Union aos 24Am. Locomotive .... SO-, St. L. B. W.... do pfd M'4; ao pra 17 St. Paul 1(7 K. C. Southern M'4 do pfd 80. Pacino .... ivol ao pia da 4'l The Commercial Advertiser's Kondon flnaiirlal cablegram says: Tne stork mar ket was Quiet on the eve of the settlement but was Inclined to be lrreuular. Kaffirs Improved on the discovery that the specula tlve position had been further reduced by realisations on tne rise following peace re ports. American storks were Arm till New York csme a seller. The feature was Iulsvtlle ft Nashville, which touched the extremes of 11Z and !". closing at 111 The release of dividends had no effect on the money market. The trade volume for March showed a decrease In Imports of 1 per cent and of exports 11 per cent, due to the loss of Easter and two davs and a hair, equivalent to 10 per cent. Allowing this and tne difference in shipbuilding, the re turn is really satisfactory. America took considerably more pig. Iron. London stock Market. LONDON, April 7.-4 p. m. Closing: Conaola. money do account.. Anaconda . ML, 1 Norfolk ft Weeurs.. la 4 e-l do pfd 2 a V Ontario ft Western... 134 Atehtaon 1 Pennaylvanta. . 77' do pfd 10041 Reading Baltimore ft Ohto....lo4 do let pfd .77.. Canadian PaclBc U do Id pfd Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 4714 , Southern Ry Chliago O. W 14 do pfd C. M. ft 81. Paul...l7S:8outhern Peciflc . ! . 42 . ti . U . 47' uenvwr at n. u 4v . t nlon raclnc .U'4 do pfd do sfd 0 Erie do lat pfd... do Id pfd Illlnola Central.. Loula. A Naah.. M . It., ft T do pid M. T. Central... ... la ... to'4 ... Ms, ...147 ...1114 ... 16 ... 44 ...17V United States steel.. 43 o pfd.. wahaaa ja". ao pra 44 Sputa 4a 71' Hand Mlnea 12 lBeni 44 va BAR SILVER Steady at H4d per ounce MONEY-24 per cent The rate of die- Hjuni in me open market for short bill Is 24 per rent and for three-months' bill , per -jer.t. Condition of the Treasnrr. WASHINGTON. April T.-Today, stale ment of the treasury ralsncrs In the gen eral fund, exclusive er the $i5i..'" rold reserve In the division pf redmption. shows: Avalinble cash balances, $lil,S'47.2"7; gold, $97,319,138. Xevr York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 7-MONEY-On call, 417 per cent: closing bid snd ssked, 34fl 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44'uo per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $1874 for demand and at $4.851 for sixty days; posted rates. H 86 and $4,884; commercial bill", J4 MVM-85V SILVER-Bar. K)7c; Mexican dollars, 43c. H INKS Governments, steady; stste. In active; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U."S. rer. s, ,b. A N. tint. 4a in 60 coupon I in M.x. Central 4a ('i do (a, res l" do 1st Inp .l do coupon do new 4a, reg., do coupon do old 4a. rrg... do coupon do 6a. rr do coupon Atrhlann Ren. 4a.. do adf. 4a Palllmopa A O. 4a 4 Minn. St. U. 4i...lli ,M , K. a T. 4a UU ..IM do a H.I "4 ..111 N. Y. r. la n4 ..ill do son. ma 1 ..!( N. . C. Ren. 6a ln ..lftl No. Pacific 4a HKV. ..104 do 3a t4 .. t4 N. W. con. 4a in: ..1"2S Reading gen. 4a M .. a1 S L. fit 1 M. c. r.a..H74 do I '7a do conr. 4a io, -s. l,. at a. f. 4a...ini Canada 80. 2a lndlS. L. K. W. la I4 C. ot O. it do ta gii do lat Inc ft0 8. A. a A. P. 4a 1 C. O. 44a.... limVSo. PaclBc 4a H C. A J,a KHiSr- Hallway ta 1221, C, B. A q. n. 4a Teiae P. la u-ni C M. tk 8. P. g 4a..llVT., 81. l. A W 4a. ftl c. A N. W. e. 7a.. IM1 t nlon Pacific 4a I1KV1 C, H. I. A P. 4a l!lil do con. 4a 1117 C.C.C. A 8. U g 4a.. 103 Wabaah la na'j Chicago Tar. 4a a do Za 110 Colorado Bo. 4a MSI do deb. B 7 P. at R. U. 4a 103", Wert 8hor 4a 113 Erie prior lien 4a ... inn Wheal. L. K 4a... 14 oo gen. 4a uynii. 1 antral a. F W D C la li:i on. Too. 4a..., Hocking Valley 44. lis 3 Offered. Boston Stork Quotations. BOSTON, April 7 Call loans, 4i& per cent; time loans, 44j5 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atehlaon 4a Mex. Central 4a... N. R. O. C... Atchlann do pfd Boat on ft Albany. Boston Malna... .103 . 83 . 60 Alloues Amalgamated . Baltic ... 14 ... 64-, ,.. 14 ... 284 ...4211 ... 21 ,.. 02 ...137 ... It ... M ... 34 ... 214 ,.. ! ... r ..i: ... 1 ...147 ...It HI ... 144 ... 134 ,.. 22 , ,.. .. 14 ... M ... 414 mi Bingham 7VCal. ft Hecla.. t4 ( entennlal ,.1M Copper Range .... Ronton Elaratea .147 Dominion Coal .. N. Y., N. H. ft H..21l rranklln Fltchburg pta... t nlon PacISc ... Mex. Central ... Amer. Sugar ..147S lale Royale ...101 Mohawk ... 4IOId Dominion .... ...limlOai-eola ...II)1, Parrot ...H24 Uulncy ...lit, Santa Pa Copper . ... 194 Tamarack ... M1 Trlmountaln ... S I Trinity ...1024; United States .... ... 404 Utah ... 414 Vlctorm ... 7S4IWInona , ...101 I Wolverine ... tt I topper Range Con do pfd Amer. T. T.. Oen. Electric ... Maaa. Electrlo . do Pfd N. E. O. AC... nlted Fruit ... Pally Weat ..... . a. steel do pfd Weat. Common . Adventure Hear York Mlnlnsr Quotation. NEW YORK. April 7. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: A da ma con 20 Utile Chief 11 Alice T f Ontario 800 B recce F0 Ophlr US Rrunawlrk Con It Phoenix Comatock Tunnel ... Potoal It Con. Cal. ft Va It Ravage 1 Deadwofid Terrs 40 Sierra Nevada 22 Horn surer 140 Small Hopes 45 Iron silver 15 Standard 338 Leadvllle Con Forrlarn Financial. LONDON. April 7. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 14S.70; Madrid, So. 85; Korne, - i n. A large supply or dividend money being available today discounts were steady. Business on the Stock ex change was generally dull, the nearness of the settlement checking; speculative business. Consols and high-class securities were slightly lower. Home rails and for eigners were Inactive. Spanish 4s were steady. Rio tintos were dull. Grand Trunks were firm. Canadian Pacifies were easier. Kaffirs were quiet at the opening. nut rauiea later in tne aay. ueneers were harder. Americans had less strength; St. Pauls reacted on profit-taking; Loulsvllles were supported. Prices were steady at the close. PARIS, April 7. Business was generally more active on h bourse today. Spanish securities were In great favor, rails ad vancing and 4s were in demand. Rentes were firmer. Ottomans and Russian in dustrials recovered. Metropolitans were supported. TnomsonHoustons were dull. Kio tintos were s ready. Kaffirs and L)e Beera finished very firm on, substantial purchases for English account. The pri vate rate on discount was 2 5-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 100eHi74c for the ac count; exchange on London, 25f 154c for cnecK": epanian ts cioseo at Hfc,KUlN. April 7. Exchange on London. 20m 4B4pfg for checks: disco 11 nt rates for short bills, 24 per cent; three months' bills, 14 per cent. Business was stagnant in an departments on tne bourse, owing to the absence of any encouraging factors. Locals were not supported and suffered a relapse. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Am-11 7. F.ank clearlnra torlav. $1.177,A51.10: corresponding day last year, 1975.327.26: Increase. .12V2.63.84. CHICAGO. April 7. Clearings. I28.350.flR3: balances, $2,428,978; posted exchange, 84.86 ror sixty days, 4.t4 on demand; xsew York discount. 20c CINCINNATI. April 7. Clearings. 84.679.- 7!i: money. 4gb per cent: xxew York ex change. 25c dlacount. new york. April 7. Clearings. 8124. 194,in: balances. 18.170.326. BOSTON. April 7. Clearings. 817.191.8(8: paiances, ti.tai.ztiu. PHILADELPHIA. April 7. Clearings $13,101,245; balances, $1,8,16,8S8; money, 44 per cent. BALTIMORE. Anrll -Clearings. 1T231.- tu; Daiances, iiq,44b; money, & per cent. hi. uui' la. April v. Clearings. .M.42g: balances, $1,266,447: money, steady. 4oti per cent; new torn exenange, mo premium. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 7.-COTTON-Snot closed uulet: middling uplands. 9 3-16c: mid dling gulf. 9 7-16c; sales, 1S) bales. Futures closed steady; April, szc; May, gstc; Jjne, 8.96c; July, S.93c; August, 8.73c; September, B.Xic; octooer. .itic; November, s.oc; ue cemoer. .obc: January, e.ofc. The cotton market ooened firm, with prices Va9 points higher, following an unex pected snow 01 strengtn in tne Liverpool market, where futures were tip 2 points snd spot l-32d to the highest level of the season. The opening figures proved .to be top for the season, however, as soon after the call tremendous liquidation set In and soon carried the whole list 3tfil4 points lower. Arbitrage houses were very large buyers all the forenoon and at times In the latter session commission houses and Wall street appeared anxious to reduce their hereto fore enormous load. The west seemed to be an eager seller In the afternoon. put cotton houses, Philadelphia interests and Kurope bought near months. Port receipts were large, yet untler those of the same week lust year. Conservative estimates, plartnp: this week's In sight at 80,0ti0 bales. as against 1.2'.'i',oi0 bales for the snme week last year, were not without their Influence. Interior town receipts were very small and shipments large. Near the close July eased off to 8.91c under a flurry pf commission house selling, but immediately stiffened on active. bull support and demand from shorts. The close waa steady, with prices net 3U10 points higher. Total sales wre extlmated at 3U0.0U0 bales, mostly May, July and August contracts. NEW 'ORLEANS, April 7. COTTON Strong; sales, 4,4W bales; ordinary, 7 s-loc good ordinary, 8 l-16c; low middling. 8 7-16c middling. 8 13-ltio; good middling. C4c; mid. tiling fair. 9lX-16r: receipts. 4.731 bales stork. 24D.313 bales. Futures, steady; April 8.Kc: May. 8.854i8.b6o: June. 8.tan 91c: July 8 fr,fii. as,,. August. 8KViiJ 86c; September, 8. .'.Vf! 8.26c: October. 8.ftli.2r. , ST. I.OriS. April 7 COTTON Firm and '.c higher: sales. 1190 hales: middling. Kc.; rerelpts. 1.123 bales; shipments. l.JuQ bal-s; stock. 44. not) bales. GALVESTON, April 7. COTTON Firm, Se. LIVERPOOL. April 7 COTTON-Soot. fair demand, prices l-32d higher; American middling fair, 5 1-32d; good mlddllna, V-.d; middling. 5d; middling low. 4 29-32d; ordi nary. 4 17-1'd. The sales of the day were I.'.inW bales, of which 1,000 were for specu lation and export and Included 8.200 bales Amtrliitn. Receipts. 2I0 bales, all Amer ican. Futures opened quiet and closed un changed. American middling g. o. c. : April, 4 57-64d. sellers; April and May. 4i-64'l. bjvers: Mav and June. 4 fxl-"ri t i-6ltl. sel lers; June and July, 4 Fi-Hfi4 ."i7-4.1. rellers; July ami August. 4 M-64'a 1 57-Md, sellers; August and September. 4 "'?- 1,1, sellers"; September and October, 4 3S-64d. sellers; October snd November. 4 32-ttl, sell, ru; November and December, 4 29-64d, sellers. Kvapornted Apntes and Pried Prnlta. NEW YORK, April 7. EVAPORATED APPLES There was no Improvement in the demand and quotation were more or lees nominal at the f r.ner basis. Su'e. rotsmon to good. 7fcs4c: prime, !rlS4c; choice. Wti1(V; fancv. lMtflrllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIIT3 In prunes the feeling was steady on all sides. The large sixes were In good Jobbing de mand, while small slses were quiet. Sun piles were moderate. Apricots were In fa'r request and steadv. peaches were dull. Prunes. S44f7c. A'prlcots. Roysl. lWfl'c: Moor Park. livfil4c. Peaches, peeled, 14$ 2oc; unpeeled, 843 luc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kindt oi Fat Cattle Sold at Just About Last Week' Price. HOG MARKVT SLOW, BUT FIVE HIGHER ghei and l.amba Hold Freely at I'rav tlreliy tead Friers, lint Ibeie Were ot tauugk Feeders Of feietl to Test the .ifsrWet. SOUTH OMAHA. April 7. ttecelots were: Cau.e Oiliuial Aluntiav 2...i4 Hogs ane-u. o,vta 4ni Hume day last week o,Jt bante week uetore bame tnree weeas as,o., 4,wl bame tour weeks aao.. a.j.i Wame day last year l.ttw 4.140 o,14J 4.oo n.'.'Ki ,4so ,.. 4,oN lth.ctlr-i'b roit iHt lr.AII 10 UA'Ib. i lie lollowing table alio a the receipiH oi cattle, nogs and shetp at eouin tunalia ior tne year to uale, and (.omparUoua with ail A var: 1 19u2 1 1901. battle 2lD,i'oS 17o.t4 t"s IV. 4 1 1 tJU.Il4 "'"ep i-St.vil Inc. ll,-,l4 Dec. 4ti,.t4l 1 he following table snows the aveiatis price ,01 bogs sold on tne riuun. onialia market the past several days with com parison min lornier years: ' Date. 1 U02. illajl.iHrJO.IlMO.ilsss.ll.Usy. March 17.1 March 18. March 6 lo4i 2141 "4, I'TSI 26- il I 2!4l I 6 65 i n e i 6 Kij 6 tt'l 6 Hl 5 76j 6 8,i b 861 b 91 ts5 0 W 5 97, 6 U0 6 98 0$ 4 4 I 4 , 4 ! 4 all 4 to, 4 9U 4(IM 4 89 4 9., 6 t& 6 10 u, 6 1U I 5 0S 6 lo o 6 3111 & 3", 5 27i 1 M 1 ! 1 t. 6U 8 6.i w, V! $ 60 3 6t 3 60 3 6o i o'J 3 6 I 3 6i e ou( 3 6b 3 2 3 64 3 71 8 78; ! i 7u 3 i6 3 Jt 8 .1, 1 67! $ 6t 8 1 8 (J 4 Mi 3 81 til 74 Uwi 8 kl I I 71 1 S 3 9S 8 9o t 66 2 93l 3 Da mar en at. March March Zl. March 14. March March 26. March 2. March 21. March 28. March . March M. March ill. 3t7 4ov 3 91 3 66 I ' Ml 3 il 0 69 6 59 3 6 S 70 3 65 3 6-1 3 6i 3 bo 3 s; 1 I t 73 3 7 3 79 3 72 t 83 3 bt 3 9i 3 66 8 bo 6 564, April 6 & 3 91 3 64 April 664 3 92 3 64 3 911 3 ho I J Ik! 3 90 3 85; 3 57 8 83i 3 59 April April 6 feS (m4 April April April 634i I 6 m , 6&4I I Indies tea Sunday. The official nilmher of rfira nf stock brought In today by each road was: fattln lt,ttr Sheen H'r'S. v.. . et st. x 3 O. & St. L 1 3 4 12 2 6 1 1 42 I nlon Pacific System 21 14 c. N. w 8 r .. E. & M. V 7 C, St. P., M. & O.... 8 B. & M 2 C, B. & Q 6 C, R. I. & P., east.. 4 c. K. 1. Ac P., west.. 10 Illinois Central 3 Total receipts 95 19 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer 01 jitaa indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omana Packing Co. 9S 447 513 417 592 550 3n4 t l,li4J 69 tx4 215 107 230 9 113 115 239 19 !3 - 17 213 A. '.. 7 27 ..... 245 151 .... 100 Bwltt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country Hammond, from K, C R. Becker & Degan Vahsant & Co J. L. Carey....'.". Lobman & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone Ac Kohaller.. Hamilton & Rothschild.. H. L. Dennis & Co Hobblck Wolf & M Crelgh Packing Co Other .buyers Total 2,022 8,072 2,508 CATTLE There waa a light run of cattle here today for a Monday, but the quality of the offerings was not particularly goon. wnicn tended to make trading a little slow. Packers, however, took hold in fairly good shape, and the bulk of the cattle was dis posed of In good season. , There were quite a few beef steers on sale today, but the .quality was far from being as good as It was last ween. Aa a general thing the market was about steady, put not very active. The more desirable grades of handywelght cattle sold without trouble, but when It came to the less de sirable kinds the market was draggy. Everything, though, was disposed of in good season at what looked to be about steady prices. There were several cars of hayied cattle on sale, and they sold to fully as good advantage as the cornfeds, and In some cases vales were made that looked a little higher. The cow market waa active and fully steady when it came to the better grades. but the medium kinds and canner.4 were a drug on the market, the same as they have been for some time past. Packers did not care whether they got such kinds or not, so that the prices paid were very uneven. Good Btuff, though, sold as high as ever, and a big bunch of heifers brought $6.00. Bulls, calvt and stags of good quality sold without much trouble, at about the bame prices that were paid last week. The stocker and feeder trade was In good shape when It came to those showing qual ity, and neavy ieeaers in particular snm well, and In many cases commanded slightly higher prices. The light and com mon stockers, though, were hard to move at any price, tne same as nas Deen tne case for some time past. Representative sales: BEE o 1 ccno. No. I 1.. J 1 4 1 J 4 i 1 1 I It 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 av. Pr. Mo. AV. ... 434 ...1U0 ...1200 ... 494 ...1070 ... no ...loat ... ol ...11:0 ...1060 ...1161 ...1041 ...1241 ...11.11 ...1246 ...1120 ...1536 ...1131 ...UN ...1061 ...10H0 ...100 ...1327 ...11KO ft. 8 40 8 60 i 6 6 60 t 76 6 T6 I 76 (10 g 00 g 05 g 10 10 g 16 1 la- 15 g 16 t 60 4 30 U t 16 40 4 40 4 43 4 60 t 40 00 I 7 8 00 00 I u ' I 64 3 7t 7S 4 00 4 00 4 75 4 it 4 t5 4 ti 4 to 4 40 . 4 46 ' 4 75 I (10 i 00 i on i 00 1 ts l u t IS t 1 1 16 1 1 , I , to 1 11 10 10 , 13 - 1 41 17 II i 10 g 10 11 12 tM t0 100 870 710 ..... W6 107S lOOg M0 1000 M0 .r... Ml 10 JO 1070 1110 7 100 S10 low) HWS 12H0 1140 . 12SS t a 2.. 1311 STEERS AND HEIFERS- .... 'li'i 4 " STEERS AND STAGS. ....1434 uu COWS. .... .. 750 1 M i 900 I 60 t Xll I 76 10 963 I 75 1 1010 76 9 911 4 00 1 70 4 00 1 1016 4 00 1 90 4 00 1 1000 4 m 1 1030 4 16 T IU25 4 40 1 1166 4 76 i 847 4 To ( 944 4 76 1 89U 4 75 1175 4 80 9 H'1,4 t 00 1 930 6 on J ,...11)1 6 00 1 U4U i 50 1 1220 6 60 1 1') 6 64 1 1130 i 25 4 1127 6 wi -4 1230 6 1 1460 g U0 D HEIFERS. 'I 8S IFERS. 1 170 4 71 14 -,611 4 K 1 103', 1 6u 1 JL. 676 6 64 1 12M t 75 1 11 SO g 0 1 1180 26 1 142U t tt) ULLS. 1 lf'tu 1 66 I n3'J 1 U 1 1 i 40 1 .Hl 1 gu 1 1 3 to 1 lain 4 oa 1 ... 4 00 1 7 16 I 26 1 avi i n;o 4 i'. 1 76U 4 n't t 1:1-11 4 :' 1 iw I 00 1 1H ( UO l itM 6 a .. lit .. Hi .. 110 .. 140 .. -a .. 600 .. 166 .. l .. 191 .. 940 .. 970 ..1040 ..1140 .. 970 ..11116 .. 690 .. 93) .. 970 .. 911 .. 840 ,. SOU ..11,0 .. 915 .. -.. Mil. t 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 I 26 1 16 I 35 1 60 1 60 1 60 t 60 I 0 1 75 t 76 1 75 2 75 2 ft6 1 86 3 J.'. 1 26 1 10 1 50 :: 6 . 710 !' '. . tf'l . kM . t'i . 15U . 9u . 550 . 7TU .li .110 3 U 1 ' I 6u 4 on 4 00 4 15 4 6" 4 W 4 . E i 7j 1 00 1 00 I "0 1 15 1 20 11... 1... . .ltU I hill 1 20 : 1 1 liji 1 31 9Ttl l n I 15 ...12'0 ., .li'2v ...111(1 . . . 1 ...1340 ...i:j ... ltw ... 90 ... 10U ... 90 1 40 1 40 1 6U I 60 " CALVES. I v I ... g Oil 2 g li 1.... 6 6u 4.... 6t 110 160 HI 4 60 4 7n 4 76 4 75 HTAtiO I 6 Aft AND HEIFERS e 411 10 6 7s 1 e 1 6" 1 OU 1 77 I 0 t 775 1 UU 19 ... 4.1 I UO 2 835 I 16 1 g 3 16 tt 4.1 1 16 4 7;i 1 m 1 l"!u 8 25 834 1 16 1 1240 I 24 1 eu 8 16 CALVES. 1 i 4 us 3 U) 4 6 .. a0 .. t0 .. . .Ii0 ..lota) .. ; .. .. 417 .. 711 .. 647 1 uu I 16 1 16 1 4A 1 60 I 40 J au I 5 I 76 94 t 85 I 90 7t 3 i - 80 ! STOCK (70 1 75 , 844 8 1 ian I to I I'M 4 7 1 870 I 60 1 190 6 M 1 tan 10 STOCKERS AND FLEDER8. to t n ; 4 It 1 470 I 6 s5 4 ! t 668 I (to 1 6 W 4 15 4 : 1 nn - I Ml 4 16 I .- a no a kj t 15 827 I 16 1 710 4 26 1 684 I iO 1 644 4 ti 3 I 64 14 716 4 14 1 ! s (,0 . 1 818 4 1 8.10 I 64 18 44 4 JS 6 814 I 64 67 71 4 .V, 1 670 1 6.) 1 416 4 36 2 v.ti I 611 1! M 4 46 2 6.14 1 611 24 721 4 VI I M I Cti J 87 4 50 1" 41 I 85 48 782 4 6i I" 54t I 75 St 6,85 4 45 4 71 I 75 29 87J 4 70 S'tJ 4 00 17 617 8 75 3 ... r. 820 4 44 .12 8i" 4 75 1 426 4 0U 29 671 4 86 1 n 4 nit 6.1 1.-.0 4 94 4 7W 4 00 34 619 4 96 1 4m) 4 16 28 621 4 96 HOGS Receipts of hogs were light this morning and the marktt opened slow but about 5c higher on the good weight hogs. Packers, however, did not like to pay the advance, ami as a result the hogs changed hands slowly. Owing to the light receipts, though. It wss not lung before the bulk of the dislrahle Ion tin was disposed of. letter in the morning the provision mnrket broke and the market closed very slow and weak. Resides that the lighter loads were left until the last, which also helped to make the clofe slow. In some cases the lightweight stuff sold a little better than on Saturday, but aa a general thing sellers could not get more than steady prices for that class of hogs. The bulk of the heavy weights sold from $6.65 to 16.78, and from that to $6X5. Mrtliitmwctghts went mostly from .6o to 86.65, and the light Btuff from gti.oa down. Representative sales: No. A v. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. .2'J8 120 6 70 33.. 19.. 35.. 4:1.. 63.. 7.. 63.. Ml.. 40.. ..17 5 50 6 ft) 65... S3... 4... 60... 67... 6S... ..115 ..1.15 ..2iiO ..1S4 ..ls6 ..its ..2n3 .20S f 70 .. 5 .V, ... 6 50 80 6 55 Ml 6 55 .. 6 55 . . 6 55 40 6 60 . . 6 60 .. 6 60 ..230 ..210 ...225 ,..212 ... 6 70, SO 70 40 70 ... 6 70 M. ..32 70 78 234 2'") 6 72i 66 244 80 6 724 92.... 1H5 76.... ,230 ,222 6 724 6 724 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 216 75.... 20.... 46.... 3S.... 66.... 4S.. 67.... M.... 10.... 211 160 6 60 .211 .252 .2! l:i2 SO 6 60 80 ....202 ....2H ....1SI6 80 6 65 40 6 6". 40 6 65 Hi 6 674 .240 160 ...254 160 ...,2'i6 ...22S ...231 ...237 ...223 .. .226 ...257 ...274 . ..i4H l.M H t,li ...L"il 120 6 70 ...210 40 6 70 . . .24S 160 6 70 ...232 160 6 70 ...240 40 6 7tl 40 6 75 80 6 75 .. 6 75 40 75 .. 6 774 .. 6 85 86. 72. 60. 4. SHEEP There were nearly many sheep on sale todav as there were a week t'go and the market opened fairly active and Just about steady all around. Colorado Mexican lambs with the wool on sold as high as $6.55, and Standard clipped lambs sold at IS. 00, the same as they did last week. The Standard yearlings brought $5 611, which was also a steady price, so there was not enough change In the market to be worthy of mention. Sheep were very scarce today, and It is evident from the way packers act that good sheep are in active demand. There were not enough feeders on sale today to make a test of the market, but it is safe to say that anything desirable would command good, steady prices. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings, $5.505.75; good to choice yearlings, $5.2,vrf 6.50; choice wethers, $5.25fi5.50; fair to good wethers, $5.O0lft5.25; choice ewes, $4.vji5.2i; fair to good owes, $4.75fi4.90; choice lambs, $6.50fi6.75; , fair to eood lambs, $6.25'6.50; spring lambs, $S.O0fn 11.00; feeder wethers, $4.()O'(5.00; feeder lambs, $4.5nj5.75: feeder ewes, $2.504.00; clipped stock soils 25ti50c below wooled -stock. Representative s-iles: No. , Av. Pr. 2o ewes 84 1 ewe 80 3 clipped stags 103 128 western ewes 98 266 clipped yearlings 90 S2 western Iambs 60 2S0 clipped lambs 80 278 Colorado lambs 79 556 Colorado lambs 75 240 Colorado-Mexlran lambs 84 $2 00 4 50 4 60 4 50 6 60 6 75 6 00 6 50 6 55 6 66. 245 Colorado-Mexican lambs 84 6 65 255 Colorado lambs.. 76 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Hogs and Sheep All Take I p- ward Tnra. CHICAGO. April 7. CATTLE Receipts. 18,500 head, Including 22 cars westerns; strong to 10c higher; good to prime steers, $6.60ii7.30; poor to medium, $4.2o4i6.60: Block ers and feeders, $2.50t!-3.25; cows, $1.26(fi.75; l. .. 1 .. en r.. ,-. f fu. .......... 1 Ait?M 1,1. ,...11.. Iiriiri b, e-.'V'.vt', V iiiifi v, fi.iwii.w, nulla, $2.50(fr5.25; calves, $2.6O(ti6.00; Texas fed steers, $5.00ift6.00; western steers, fed, $5.20 8. Of). HOGS Receipts today. 24.000 head: est! mated tomorrow, 23,000 head; left over, 4.(860 nean; mostly mc nigner; mixed and butchers. $6.6.-(Sr7.0O: good to choice heavy. T.8r.ffi7.0f.; rough heavy. $6.65rn6.8S; light, ill. 4i fii 6. 70; bulk of sales, $ft.75iti7.0o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 17.000 neao; steady to 10c nigner; gooa to cnoice wethers. $5.25S.75: fair to choice mixed. $4.50t3.25; western sheep and yearlings, $4 to (iti.00; native lambs, $4.757.00; western lumhs. $5.25fd7.00. RECEIPTS Official yesterday: Cattle, 67 head; hogs, 8.860 head; sheep, 780 head. SHIPMENTS-Offlclal Saturday: Cattle, 697 head; hogs, 3,123 head; sheep, 873 head. Kerr York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. April 7. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4,303 head; steers firm to 10c higher, bulls and fat cows strong, medium and common cows slow; steers, $5.4iK'(f7.:;5; scrubs. $4 50: oxen. $5: bulls. S3 2ii5.35: cows, $2.005.40. Cables were higher, with live cattle quoted at 13tT14c per lb., dressed weight, and refrigerator beef at 12c per lb. ExiKirts, 35 cattle. 40 sheep and 15 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 720 cattle, 2,056 sheep and 2.611O qusiters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 7,000 head; market 10c lower; veals, $3.50fd4.45; city dressed veals, lower, at llc per lb, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9 M8 head; market 25c higher; a few cars held over: western s-het-p, $4.00fti6.00; export sheep, $; clipped sheep, $3.60jT4 75; unshorn lambs, $6.0tn7.70; clipped lambs, $6.50; spring Iambs, $3.00(86.00 per head. HOGS Receipts. 7.4 neao; mantel very firm; state hogs, $6.90447.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Anrll 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 400 head natives, 10,000 head Texans, 200 head calves; market strong to 10c hiutier: choice export and dressed beef steers. $6.3fa6.75; fair to good, $5.25(&6.3o; stockers and feeders. $3.25!So.50; western fed steers. $5.4i6.00; Texas and Indian steers. $4.5orp6.10; cows. $3.MiruT).tJ0; native cows. 93.50 h'S 25: heifers. Sl.oOCa6.iO: eanners. $2.50(&3.5O: bulls. $3.WVa5.50; calves, $3.00t&6.50. HOGS Receipts. 4.600 head; market 610c higher;- bulk of sales, $6 6"tfi 90; heavy, $6 85 Si 7.00; medium packers, $6.7o&6.90; light, $5.9 j6.75r Pies, $.V355.75. hHKBr AINU i.Arvi t)n iteceipis, head; market strong to shade higher: na tive lambs $6.40f?i6.75: westerns, tti.35Tf6.70; native wethers, t5.5fi7r$.st; westerns. $5.4ftf 6.75: vearllngs. $5 9u(i6.2: ewes. t4.Siynt.20: stockers and feeders, $3.255.40. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOl'IS. Anrll 7. CATTLE Receipts. 3.800 head, Including 2.000 head Texans; market steady; ralr to fancy native ship ping and export steers, t5.75fr7.25: dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.50i6.50; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.10i6.25; stockers and feeders. $2.90i5 .00; cows and heifers. K.lh'd 6.50; eanners. tl.40fc2.H4; bulls. $3.00W 6r; calves, $3.001 per 100; Texas and Indian steers. graers. $3.6iH.60: fed. 4.5tK,ni.2&; cows and heifers. $2.50if?4.5i). HUGS Receipts. 2.!m0 head: market 10c higher: pigs snd lights. t6.rAii4J.85; packers, 6 5IKV6 !; butchers. S6 Wi's 7.05. SHEEP AND LAM H8 Receipts. 100 head; market strong: native muttons. $4.50fj 75; liimhs $5.'t04tV7ri-. springs. $6 VifJS 50: culls snd bucks. $2 MHi 4.50: stockers. $1.604fC.2S; Texas lambs, $1 6oi6.o0. 4. Joseph Live Stock Market. . HT. JOSEPH. April 7 CATTLE Re ceipts, fro head; steady: nstlves, $5.&"f '.; cows and heifers. $1.2.'rftr: veals, $1.00 8.7?,- stockers and feeders. $2.0ofi5.I5. HOGS Receipts. 1.800 head; rVnlne higher: light snd light mixed. $6 Ji6 SO; medium and heavy, $6.WVr(4.924; pigs. $5.(8i6 25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.200 head: steady; western lambs. $6.00j6.85; western sheep, $4.ui"d6.1. Stork In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of I ne iniiowing tanir eiitjwo iii rerriita oi ttle, hog and eheep at the five principal arkets for April 7: , v Cattle. Hors. Shep ra ma Bo ith Omaha Chics go Kinsas City St. Louis St. Joseph ... 1.524 a. Bui 1 .18,500 .10 4"0 . S.St-1 . Sit) 17 m , t II ""I 1.710 1") 5.2iw Totals 36.024 36.369 30,n6 Dry .oo. Market. NEW YORK. April 7 DRY GOODS The market for the week has opened quietly with a fair amount of mall orders from faraway sections. Prices remain in sellers' favor and are steadily maintained, notwithstanding quiet conditions. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, April 7 COFFEE-Ppot Rio. quiel : No. T invoice. 74c. Corduva. Kval2c. The coffee market Cened s'eady, wlih pricts unchanged to t iiolnts higher, and followed the customary, of late, narrow rut, with trailing unite of a professional character. German Interests bought a few straggling lots, after which room operators had the market to themselves. Near the close there was a flight decline, unner sheer absence of speculative s U'P'Tt. The market wss finally triilet ami net unchanged to 6 points lower. Total sales were nniy 7.720 bag-. Iiicudlfig ,M.iy nt S. ..'; Jul, 6 5oc: September, 5,t0c; lotmb-r. i.i'.c. March, lie. Oil and Rnals, . OIL CITY. Prt . April 7 OMe-Credll snees. $1.15; t. rtlllt nt. s. no bbl; nil pint "is. 2-W.563 bbls.; n v. rage. 1"6.114 bblf.; runs, ltia.'tta! bbls.; average, 78. 1 t-bls. NEW YORK. April 7 OI ly-Cottonsee.;, quiet. Petrnletini. steady. Rosin, sternly; strained, common to good, $1674111711 Turpentine, weak. 44o47c. TOLEDO, o . April J. OI I Nori h Limn, S5c; South Lima ami Indtunii. SAVANNAH, (la., April 7 OI I Turpen tine, tlrm, ;te. Hosin, tlrm: A, It. c 1, $1.25; E. $1 30; F, $1.35; G. $1 4iV,il 45; 11. II Si; I. II m; K, $2.45; M. $2.S5; V. G., $!.h0: V. '.V., Rl v5, leONIXiN, April 7.-Oir-Cn!eutt linseed, spot, 6.7s 6d. Llnstcil o.I, :.0s. Petroleum spirits, 6VI- Turpentine spirits, 3"s I141I. Ngar Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. April 7. Sl'G A R Mar ket quiet; oiten kettle. '-'34e; open keitlt centrifugal, .VuTjc; centrltugitl yellow, 3' fj34c; seconds. 2ts(ii34c. Klaln Rotter Market. ELGIN. 111.. April 7. BITTER Mn tie a decltled gain In price today, the quotation committee declaring the market llrm at 8"o. a sharp advance of 3r over last week. No butter was offered and none sold. The sales of the week were 6oO,450 lbs. Moot Market. ST. LOUIS, April 7. WOOT, Dull and unchanged; mediim grades, 15:r7l74c; light fine, 124iiU4c; heavy fine, lojllc; tiii washed, 14Q'24c. Yankton (ioea Deniocrntlc. YANKTON, S. IX, April 7. (Special Tele, gram.) Yankton at the city election to day went democratic by a good majority. James Crowe, Fred Burgl, Charles Frcney and David Finnegan were elected alder men. Frank Fanslow was elected mayor and Will Plerson marshal, all democrats. L. M. Yeatman, Justice, was the only re publican elected. Knglebjr Inspect the tinards. PIERRE. 8. D., April 7. (Special Tele gram.) Adjutant General Conklln, who ex pected to start today on a tour of the state for Inspection of the state guard; Is ill with pneumonia and the work will be looked after by Colonel Engleby ot Watertown. Attorneys Admitted. PIERRE. S. D., April 7. (Special Tele gram.) The supreme court has admitted to practice Charles H. Warner ofJesniet on certificate from the supreme court ot Minnesota, and C. E. Smith of Custer on territorial certificate. Is Appointed Professor. SCHENECTADY. N. Y.. April 7.-Dr F. W. Schneider was appointed professor of German at Wallace college and Nast Theo logical seminary at Berei, O., by the Get man Methodist Episcopal conference, which closed its thirty-seventh annuul session today. Tower to Take a Vacation. ST. PETERSBURG, 'April 7.-Charle-magne Tower, the I'nitetl Htates ambassa dor to Russia, will start from this el!y for IiHUsanne, Switzerland, tomorrow. later be will leave for the t'nited States, p.nd expects to reach Washington early in May. Gold Goea to l'nrls. NEW YORK. April T. Laiard Frercs will export $1,600,000 gold to Paris on the steamer Kron Prins Wllhelm, sailing to morrow. Heldelbach, Ickelhelnur & Co. have engaged $1,000,000 for shipment. , TUB HKALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, April 7: Warranty Deeds, J. E. George to Michael Wolfsbauer, n 12 feet lot 6 and s 28 feet lot 7, Youngermnn's add $ 250 Gertrude Fisher to L. J. Nedd, lot 6, block 5. Kilby Place 600 F. J. Fitzgerald and wife to F. R.' Blgnald. lot B. .Whittlesey's subtil v.. 200 Alonzo Ruckley and wife to John Havllk et al. lot 18. Holmes' add.... 615 Atlantic Reultv association to N. P. Frandset et al, lot 6, block 3, Bemls park 450 W. O. Pre and wife to O. J. Plckard. w 21 feet of e 84 feet lot 7, block 74, South Omaha '. 300 G. A. Morton and wife to J. H. Harte, lots 6 and 6. Luke & T.'s add 12,000 Nebraska lian and Building associa tion to Joseph O'Connor, w4 lot 7, block 14. Omaha Ytew add 325 Anna Johnson to Margaret Peterson, n4 se4 nw4 27-16-12 1,000 John Musselman and wife to Christ Musselman, Jr . untllv4 lots 1 and 2, block 3, McCormlck's 2d add 6 C. P.. Smith and wife to Anna G., Rip log, lots 7 to 10, block 37. Henson ?,500 A. F. Howard et al to Eva T. French, 40x135 feet In se4 4-15-13 1,075 W. T. Graham et al to C. E. Cham bers, lot 9. block 6, Isabel add 105 O. A. Ltndquest and wife to J. A. Carlson, lot 9. block 14, Rose Hill.... 130 Llllle M. Wood row and husband to J. B. Fry. lot 7, block 3. Marysvllle add 600 Lld( McKelgham to L, M. Rawltzer, lot 15, block 6, Jerome park 1,000 tiolt Claim Deeds. Anna Corrlgan to Peter Plcqueur. lot 6. block 2. 1st add to Corrlgan Place 1 Andrew Nelson and wife to McCoy & 1 Olmetead, lota 6 and ,8, block 66, Florence I Nellie Priest and husband to C. A. Tracy, lot 1. block 3, Central park... 137 a. D. Stewart to E. R. Hume, lot 3, block 1. Stevens' Place 10) Deeds. Sheriff to E. A. Lane, e 11 feet lot 11 and w 29 feet lot 12. block 7. Reed's 1st add 2,600 Same to Anna Johnson, n4 tet nw4 27-16-12 636 Same to P. R. Conkllng, lota 17. 24, 25 and 32. Mayfteld 3,000 8. 8. Curtis, receiver, to O. J. Plckard, e 21 feet of w 86 feet lot 7, block 74, South Omaha 600 Total amount of transfers $27,835 Poor Indeed are those weighed down by mental de- Breaalon. Men rise In this world 1 rough buoyant nerve force. The loss of this force daily drags down to failure some of the worltfg brightest minda. 8u h a condition is commonly known as Nervous Debility, When you lose sell-confidence aud feel your strength, energy and uerva lore arc slipping swsy, it 18 high time you seek sensible sid. You prefer health and success to miaery aad failure. have no equal as a nerve restorer. A coiiDle of buaea will disoel that haaw I feeling; the unnatural weariueas die-I spiwars and replace languor who new furce snd vigor of body and brain, bis I boxes will cure any ordinary rase of nervous umuuy. 11 not, you get your money but k. II Of) o-r hog 1 8 for 15 00. mallei In Mi plain na-Keee. Bonk tree. War sale bv K'.iiui A. Co.. Fuller Paint Drug Co.. Omaha; Dillon's Drug slur. South Oinubt. ai,u fans Drug Co . Council bluffs, la. GOVERXMKVr OTI( E. WANTED, for 17. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and citizens of United Htates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, reud and write English For information apply to Recruiting Orilrer, 16th and Dodge t., Omaha, and postofflce building, Lincoln, Neb. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Rooan 4, ftrsr York Life Bldg. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought and sold for cash or on margin. All telegraph, telephone or mail order will receive careful and prompt sttentiou. Telephone luZS. OMAHA. NfcU. MDl.ASSKS Steady; centrifugal. 7571Sc. NEW YORK, April . SI'GA It-Fair re fining. 34c; centrifugal, 86 test. 3 9-Hit-; mo lasses sugar, 11.1-16c; rellned. steadv; ctushed, 5.3iv; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4c. 1