The Omaha. Daily Bee. KSTAIILISIIKI) JUNK 10, 1H71. OMAHA, TITKSDAV MOltMNt, AI'UIL H, liUVJ-TJLN PACiKS. sincili: copv rivi: cents. UNIT FOR EXCLUSION House Votes Without Division Against the Admission of Chinese. PASSES BILL OK DRASTIC CHARACTER Amends It to Exclude Also Descendant and Mixed Races. MEASURE RE-ENACTS EXISTING LAWS Prohibits Employment of Oriental Sailors on American Ships. A. biii loniirc m lucill ID Price 'VQ DILL nriLlta I V liuuinii u 'i - v 4 . r .-.i..i. 't Kmpower. Philippine C on.mL.lo. ; Adopt Unliable Provision for fcn forremrnt of the l.ntv la Arcblpclasro. WASHINGTON'. April 7 The house to day passed the Chinese exclusion bill, after Incorporating In It aeveral amendment which Increased the draatlc character of the measure. The principal one not only excludes Chinese by birth and descent, but all Chinese of mixed blood. The chief struggle was over an amend ment to prohibit the employment of Chi nese pallors on American ahlpa. An amend ment covering thla proposition was at first ruled out on a point of order, but subse quently wa modified to evade the ruling and waa adopted 100 to 7. Aa passed the bill practically re-enacts II the existing exclusion laws and Incor porates with them the existing treaty reg ulations. It extends these exclusion laws to the Philippines and the other posses sions of the United States and forbids Chi nese laborers In our colonial possessions coming Into this country. Kalnrvrnrat la Philippines. The Philippine commission, by the terms of the bill, la directed to adopt proper measures for the enforcement of the pro visions of the bill In the Philippines. The conference report on the war revenue tux repeal bill was' adopted and the bill sent to the White House. Lute In the afternoon Mr. Fowler of New Joraey moved to pass, under suspension of the rules, the senate bill extending the charters of national banks for twenty years. The democrats were taken com pletely by surprise. As It was after the usual hour for ad journment the attendance was slim. The democrats attempted to filibuster, but a call of the house finally secured a quorum and the bill waa passed. When consideration of the exclusion bill was resumed two amendments were adopted without division. One by Mr. Clark of Missouri, to amend the definition of teacher" under the privileged classes, so as to require that for two years before admission the "teacher" snould hare been engaged In "teaching" the higher branches, - mrrfl another by Mr. Coomb of California, to provide that Chines students shall leave the country Immediately upon the comple tion of their course of study. Other Amendments Adapted. The amendments designed to perfect the language of the bill which bad been agreed upon by the committee and the California delegation were adopted. Mr. Clark of Missouri offered the amend ment prohibiting the employment of Chi nese laborers on American ships, as fol lows: "And it shall be unlawful for any vessel holding an American register to have or to employ in the crew any Chinese person not entitled to admission to the United Slates or to any portion of the United States to which such vessel plies, and any violation of this provision shall be punish able by a fine not exceeding $2,000." Against the modified amendment Mr, Perkins of New York raised the point of order that it was not germane, and Mr. Moody ' of Massachusetts sustained the point, but In the course of his ruling in diiaied how the amendment might be made germane. Thereupon Mr. Kahn of Cali fornia modified the amendment to make it conform to the ruling of the chair, his mod lfled amendment providing that it .should ba unlawful tor an American ship, for a voyage terminating at an American port. to employ Chines sailor. Opposition to Clark's Plan. Mr. Hltt vigorously opposed the amend ment. Mr. Clark served notice that it the provision was defeated he would oflvr It as an amendment to the ship subaldy bill. At this point the committee arose to permit Mr. Payne, the majority leader, to call up the conference report on the war revenue repeal bill. Mr. Rlcbarduon. the democratic member of the house conferees, explained why he declined to sign the report. He said the democrats did not believe that all the war revenue taxes should be repealed and taxes on the necessarlea of life remain. For Instance, he aald, he favored the senate amendment which would have al lowed the tax on bucket shops to remain, but which the conferee disagreed to. Mr. Payne In reply aald he bad propoaed the aenate amendment because be did not believe in taxing the small gambler and allowing the big ones to go scot free. Must Keep 1'rouilse. "Besides," said he, "w promised the people that we would remove every veatige of tb war taxes and w want to keep our promise." The report waa adopted without divi sion, v Consideration of the pending amendmeut to the exclusion act was then resumed. Mr. Cannon agreed with Mr. Hut that the adoption of this provision would force American ships to sail under foreign reg ister. The amendment wss adopted on a vole by tellers. 100 to "4. On motion of Mr. Clark of Missouri, an amendment was adopted adding to tb bill's definition of Chinese those of mixed Chi nese blood. As amcuded the bill waa then passed without division. The li'dtau appropriation bill was sent to conference. Mr. Kowltr of New Jersey asked unanimous consent for the considera tion of the bill to extend tb charters of natioual banks for twenty year. Mr. Smith of Kentucky objected, whereupon Mr. Fowler moved to suspend the rules and lass the bill. Mr. Fowler explained that there ware j0 national banks, with a cap ital of ti:i.T3,3iH, whose i barters would be extended by the bill. Mr. Ball of Texas briefly protested against the proposed legislation. The bill was passed; ayes, 117; noes. 48; present, 1$; a call of I ho house Brat having to be mad in order to secure a quorum. At t.M p. m, the nous adjourned. BALFOUR'S LIPS ARE SEALED Government l,eder Give Oat Xothlan: toucernlna South African Prar Negotiations. I)NIK)N. April 7. The Houe of Com mon rcaxseuioled today after the Easter recess. An early opportunity wn taken to prea the government for Information on the aubject of peace negotiations In South Africa, but the government leader, A. J. Balfour, declared the ministers had nothing In that connection to Impart to the house. Answering a question about the General Buller controversy, the war secretary, Mr. Brodeiick, said that In view of the state ment of General Buller It had been decided to publish all the letters and dispatches re lating to the Splonkop engagement for warded to the War office by Ixrd Roberta. The order forbidding General Buller to pub lish the documents would not, however, be rescinded. rescinded, f Mr- Balfour refused to grant facilities for ,, lh , k. v,.. . . , rlnh national'st leader, censur- nA.L.r William n..llw in CO. wjth the suspension of John Dillo. In corr . ondence between Mr. Balfour and General Buller, recently published, the former contended that General Buller was in chief command at the battle of Splonkop, which resulted most disastrously to the British, while the general denied this. STEAD'S NAME IS LEFT OUT Counsel for Rhode Tesls Wkr II I Xot One of the Uxecntora. LONDON. April 7. The fact that W. T. Stead'e name waa not among the executora of Cecil Rhodes' will has given rise to some comment, for It was generally under stood that he was closely associated with those designated to carry out Mr. Rhodes' aspirations. In order to dispel any misap prehension B. A. Hawksley, who was coun sel for Mr. Rhodes, declared in an open letter that the removal of Mr. Stead s name waa not In any way du to differences on the ubject of the South African war, but for other causes, quite appreciated by Mr. Stead, and which did honor alike to both men. "In the far-bark days." writes Mr. Hawksley. "when Mr. Stead expounded the common Interests of the English-speaking peoples, his acquaintance was sought by Mr. Rhodes, the acquaintanceship ripened Into close Intimacy and continued to the last. Mr. Rhodes recognized in Mr. Stead on who thought as be did, and who had the marvelous gift of enabling htm to clothe with literary charm the Ideas they both held dear. As Mr. Rhodes frequently said to me and others, Including Mr. Stead him self, the friendship of the two men waa too strong to be broken by passing differ ences about the South African war." RIOTING AT M0NTEG0 BAY Serious Disturbances Arise over In- rreaaed Taxation and aa I nvi lae Arrest. KINGSTON. Jamaica. April 7. Rioting at Montego Bay has been in progress since last Saturday night, owing to arrests made by the police. On Sunday night there waa a severe fight between the police and rioters and many on both sides were wounded. Troop have been dispatched from Kings ton to the scene of the disturbance. Advices received here this afternoon show that the rioting at Montego Bay is still proceeding. Acting Governor Oliver and the general commanding the troop have ar rived at the scene and the cruiser Tribune sailed thla morning to land men at Montego Bay. During the fighting of yesterday one man was killed and a police officer was dlsem bowled. The Increased taxation and an unwlee ar rest were the cause of the trouble. The situation Is critical, but the authorities hope to quell the rising at an early date. REBELS CAPTURE JACMEL Release Prisoners, "else Available Ana aad Ammunition aad Evacuate Town. PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl. April 7. A number ot revolutionists, commanded by General Nicola Baptlste, attacked and cap tured Jacmel, a town on the south coast of Haytl, on Saturday, occupied that town for twenty-four hours, released the persons who had been Imprisoned there and then retired to the hills, taking with them all the arm and ammunition they could ob tain. During the fighting which preceded the capture of Jacmel two men were killed and a number were wounded. The Haytlan cruiser Cret-a-Pler has tarted for Jacmel with arm and ammuni tton for that place and the minister of war, V. Guillaume, has also left for Jacmel with a detachment of troops. All la quiet cere. SHAH IS TO VISIT BERLIN Kmperor William Aasare Him that It 'Will Be Acceptable to HI Majesty. BERLIN, April 7 Official circles her confirm the report that tb shah ot Persia will visit Berlin in May and will pay bis respect to Emperor William. The shah Is going to Contrexville, France, for his health and Inquired of the authorities at Berlin whether tia visit would ba accept able to hi majesty, who answered affirmatively. Th visit was designed to tske plac last summer, but was postponed owing to the mourning for the late Dowager Empress Frederick. The shah probably will come to Berlin by way of St. Petersburg. So far aa Germany Is roo cerned. th visit is devoid ot political significance. The officials here repudiate the aaaertions in th British press that Germany is endeavoring to establish Its influence in Persia, between the British and Rutalan rivalries In thnt country. raaarnarra oa the Teatoale. LONDON. Aprik 7. Vic Admiral Sir Henry lloldsworlh Rawson, formerly In charge of the channel squadron, and Lady Raw on. and Sir Richard Musgruve and ldy Mjagrav will be among th pa, angers on the Tuetonlc, which Is to sail from Liverpool April for Nw York. IjOXDON. April 7-Th Board of Trad rrturna for March afcrtws the remarkable decreases of 6.d2!i,196 In Imports and 2.0M.B6 In exports, compared with March, ISni. This Is attributed mainly to the ab normal clearances of Isst year. In antici pation of the new duties. Iran TORONTO. Canada. April 7 Third Baa, man 8chwa of the Toronto Baa Ball club has decided to join th LouWvUl dub. COURT CLAIMS JURISDICTION Supreme Justices Orerrule Colorado'! De murrer in Arkansas River Case. WANT TO ADMIT ALL FACTS INVOLVED thief Justice Feller Headers Oplaloa Holding Case ta Be of Vital lis. portanre. Demanding; Fall eat In estimations. WASHINGTON, April 7. The United States supreme court, In an opinion de livered by Chief Justice Fuller today, over ruled the demurrer of the state of Colo rado In the rase of the State of Kansas against the State of Colorado. The case Involves the right of Colorado to appropriate, for purposes of Irrigation, the waters of the Arkansas river, which Kansas sought, by an original action, to re strain on the ground that the stream flows through Kansas and the people of the latter state are Injured by Colorado's appropria tion of the water. Colorado contested the jurisdiction of the court In the case and filed a demurrer. The chief justice said that the case la one In which the court can properly as sume jurisdiction. He said also that the action of the court In overruling the de murrer was intended to be without preju dice, but was taken because the Importance of the case is such that It should not be decided without full proof on the questions set up In the allegations of damage made by the state of Kansas. Grounds of Jurisdiction. On the point of Jurisdiction the chief justice said: Without stihipctlnsr the bill to minute criticism, we think Its averments sufficient to present the iiuestton as to the power of one state of the union to wholly deprive another of the benefit of water from a river rising In the former, and, by nature, flowing Into and through the latter, md tnnt. tncrerore. tnts court. BncaKing broadly, has Jurisdiction. Coming to the question of the demurrer. he said: The general rule Is that the truth of material and relevant matters set forth with reoulslte nrclelon. are admitted hy demurrer; lint In a cane of this magnitude. Involving questions of so grave and far reaching importance. It dots not eem to us w e to apply tnat rule, ana we mun decline to do so. He then etated the averments of the con tention of the. states of Kansas and Colo rado, concluding as follows: Don't Act on Technicalities. Sitting as It were, as an International as well as a domestic tribunal, we apply federal law, state law and International law as the exigencies of the particular case may demand, and we are unwilling In this cane to proceed on the mere technical admissions made by demurrer. Nor do we reenrd It necessarv. whatever imperfections a close analysis of the pend ing bill may disclose, to compel Its amend- rrent at tnis stage or tne litigation, vve think the record should show no proofs whether Colorado Is herself actually threat ening to wholly exhaust the flow of the Arkansas river In Kansas, where It Is tie- scribed In the bill as the "underflow" In a subterranean stream following a known and denned channel and not merely water per colating through the strata below. Whether certain persons, nrms and cor porations In Colorado must be made par ties thereto: what lands In Kansas are ac tually situated on the hanktv of th river and what either In Colorado or Kansas, are fibsolutely dependent on water there from: the extent of the watershed or the drainage area of the Arkansas river; the possibilities of the maintenance of a sus tained now tnrougn me coniroi or nooa waters; In short, the circumstances, a variation In which might Induce a court to either grant, modify or deny the relief sought or any part thereof. In view of the Intricate questions arising on the record, we are constrained to forbear pro ceedings until all the fact are before us on the evidence. There was no dissenting opinion. FOR NEW INAUGURATION DAY Committee Find Sentiment Generally Favorable to Last Thursday In April. WASHINGTON. April 7. The agitation in favor of changing the date of Inauguration of the president from the month of March to the latter part of April received an Im petus today ot the meeting of the national committee having the matter in hand. The change had been advocated, owing to the Inclemency of the weather of early March. The meeting was presided over by Dis trict Commissioner Henry B. F. MacFar land. Mr. MacFarland gave a brief his torical review of the movement for a change In the date, emphasizing the una nimity ot sentiment in regard to it and its national character. He declared that the senate of the United States had passed Mr. Hoar' resolution providing for the last Thursday in April aa the Inaugural. It was agreed that the chairman should ap point an executive committee. It was re solved a the sense of the committee that the date of the inauguration day should be changed from the 4th ot March to the last Thursday in April, but no particular bill or resolution should be advocated. The proposition to fix the SOth day of April was considered, but received no sup port, because It was felt that it was better to name a day of the week rather than a day of the month a day that would come always In the middle of the week, so as to avoid Sunday. The committee was unani mously in favor of the last Thursday In April. DOUBT OVER THE CUBAN BILL l ncertalaty of Mrnaurr' Passage la Increased by Caucus Called by Democrat. WASHINGTON. April 7. Reprt sent tlve Hay of Virginia, chairman of the demo cratic house caucus, today Issued a call for a conference ct democratic member on th? aubject ot Cuban reciprocity at s o'clock tcmorrow night. The call followed a peti tion, signed by more than twenty-five mem bers, requesting the conference. . The move caused some agitation on both aide of the chamber. In connection with the opening of the debate on th Cuban b II tomorrow, as It was thought to introduce a new element of doubt as to the final vote on thaj measure. The movement for a con ference was understood to have been initi ated by those opposed to the bill, with a view ot concentrating the minority In rp position. It was conceded by the support ers of the Payne bill that a combination between th minority and the republican who rppo reciprocity would make the final issue doubtful. Representative Wat ton of Indiana, who i acting a th "re publican ship" on the Cubau bill, express confidence that tb bill will pas. aampaaa fas Haaaa Oa. WASHINGTON, April 7 Tb United Stales (upreme court refused today to grant the motion recently made to dismiss the rase ot Admiral Sampon, In which he seeks to recover prize money for the guns and armament of th Spanish vel Marls Teresa, la connection with It capture off SaaUaco. OBJECT TO ROOT'S ACTIONS Democratic Senutor ( harri secretary With t nfalraena and Demaada Gorrrsor Ta.t'a Report. WASHINGTON. April 7. The heat ings hy the senate committee on the Philippines on the situation In the archipelago were resumed today, with. Major General Arthur MacArthur on the atand, but before he had begun his testimony Senator Culberson, one of the democratic members of the com mittee, took occasion to call attention to the omission of the repoti of the civil gov ernor of one of the Philippine provinces from the record of Governor Taft's testi mony. This Is the repi rt referred to in the correspondence between Genersl Miles and Secretary Root, of which the secretary said: The reference In the memorandum to the letter of (Inventor Taft t-i the secretary of war. dated February 7, JM. 1 ro a letter transmitting fur the purpose of an In vestigation hy the military authorities, a report by the civil governor of the prov Ince of Tayahas, containing In general terms and without ppecltlcs lions or numts, serious charges against the military ad ministration In that province and agalnnt the conduct of the army generally in Its relations to tlip civil government. Senator Culberson quo-ed this paragraph, saying that Governor Taft had promised to supply these reports of the civil govern ment to t : committee rs they ahould b received. Ha added that the repc t In question had been received by Goverr r Taft while he was before the coramltte . It was evident that this report had reflected on the mili tary administration of the Philippines and he moved that the chairman of the commit tor be requested to procure and present this report. He took occasion to object to what he characterized a the effort of the eecretary of war to direct and control tb proceedings of a committee of the senate. Senator Lodge replied that he had known nothing of the report that had been with held until he had real the atatement quoted and he had then burned that it bad been referred to General Chaffee In order to secure hi comments unon It. Undoubt edly, he said the secretary had thought that the charges agalrst army officers should not be sent out wi'hout an explana tion of them. Senator Allison suggested that Governor Taft had been ill since h appearance be fore the committee and that he should be written to upon the subject. Senators Rawlins and Patterson endorsed the position of Senator Culberson. Mr. Rawlins said that If the investigation was to be more than a mere farce the report should be called for. - He took occasion to say that the secretary of war had withheld other Information which had been called for even by the senate and Jie Instanced the report made by that official on the ques tion of the transport service, aaylng that the secretary had In his reply withheld the reports made by government inspectors which were on file In the department. Senator Culberson changed his resolu tion so as to call directly upon thi secre tary of war for the report, with request to forward any Information be may have from General Chaffee, and In this form the res olution was adopted. General MacArthur then began ht state ment, wnlch, he said, would tie a review of hi observation la the I Ms and opinions he bad formed. Ho said tuat after- eou plete study of the situation be had con cluded that permanent American occupa tion of the Islands was advisable. The general had not concluded hi state ment when the committee adjourned until 10:30 o'clock tomorrow. RETAINS BUCKET SHOP TAX Senate Passes Conference Report aa the Repeal of War Revenue Taxes. WASHINGTON, April 7. Considerable time was consumed by the senate today In a discussion ot the conference report on the bill to reduce war revenue taxea. As passed by the senate the tax on trans actions in so-called bucket shops was re tained. The conferees struck out that pro vision, it being explained that the house would not consent to its retention. Mr. Berry of Arkansas, Mr, Bacon ot Georgia and Mr. Pettu of Alabama Insisted that the senate should demand the retention of the tax. Mr. Aldrlch of Rhode Island, Mr. Allison of Iowa and Mr. Spooner of Wis consin, while they were In favor of the tax, explained that it could not be re tained without endangering the entire measure. The conference report was adopted 36 to 20. The exclusion bill was read for com mittee amendment, the reading occupying considerable time. Soon after the senate convened today th following bills were passed; Providing for the promotion of anatomical science and for the prevention of the dese cration ot graves in the District ot Colum bia. Appropriating $55,000 for a public build ing at Sterling, 111.; for the establishment of an assay office at Provo City, Utah; ap propriating $15,731 to pay Robert J. Spotts wood and the heirs of William C. Mc Clellan for transporting the malls In Colo rado In 1879; to amend an act for the relief and the civilization ot the Chippewa In dian in Minnesota. Mr. Aldrlch presented the conference report on the bill to repeal the war revenue taxes. After much discussion the confer ence report was agreed to 38 to 20. Conalderation of the Chinese exclusion bill was then resumed, Mr. Simmon ot North Carolina addressing the senate. He said he expected to vote for the bill, but was reluctant to do ao, especially because the cotton manufacturer of his state aud th south generally were appealing against Its enactment. They fear, be said, that It will lead to retaliatory action on the part of China and that their market in the Orient might be checked if not destroyed. Mr. Simmons explained that he did not agree with the cotton manufacturers, and therefore, aa the people of the Pacific coast and other sections were demanding the passage of the bill, he would vote for it. The bill was read at length, and then tho senate at 5:30 adjourned. ttuprrme t'oart Art aa Plae Case. WASHINGTON. April 7 In the United States supreme court an opinion was de livered today by Justice Brewer in the caie of Pine and others, against the city of New York and Comptroller Bird S. Coler. involving th right ot the city to appropri ate all the water of a stream along which th complainants resided. The case was directed against th city by the circuit court of appeals, but today' opinion reversed that decision and re manded the ease tor further hearing, with instructions to consider the question ot damage Hnsial tompaay Wlua. DKN'VKK, Atirll 7 The supreme oourt of Colorado decided today that the Ptmtnl Telegraph company may ionlrut llns along ihe rtuht of way of the l iiton Pac'Me rbllroad. The Union Pacific and the West eru Union Trlegraph company had resisted the application vl the I'uatal company fur right ot way. IRRIGATION MEN ELATED Friends of the Measure Evidently Agreed Upon Control of Water. CONSIDER CHANCE OF PASSAGE GOOD South Dakota Members Pushtna the Free Home VJeasure and Believe It Will Receive Majority la the Senate. From a Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON. April 7. (Special Tele gram.) Representatives of Irrigation In congress are elated over the outlook for favorable legislation during the present session ot rongresa. Representative Mon dell of Wyoming today filed his report upon the senate measure, and upon that measure the fight Is to be made In the house upon this question in which the west I vitally Interested. The Interest which have been fighting the bill have been placated. George H. Max'vell, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the National Irriga tion association, said today: "The bill as reported from the committee today meeta with the full approval ot the National Irri gation association and will receive its hearty support. Every defect In the bill to which the association has objected has been cured by amendment. The rights of Nebraska are protected beyond question by the amendment Inserted In the bill having relation to Interstate use of waters and It will be our earnest endeavor to help the friends of Irrigation pass this most Im portant measure." Mondell Kaplala Bill. Representative Mondell, who has really borne much of the brunt of the lighting which has gone on In favor of some scheme of national Irrigation, said today: "The state control clause of the bill as originally drawn was offered by those living along the lower courses o the Platte river. It not only recognized the validity ot state laws relative to the appropriation and distribution of water, but also (ended affirmatively to ex tend the right of Wyoming and Colorado to an extent which might Jeopardize the Interest of Nebraska. There was no thought of doing this wat soever, as it is universally recognized that in the arid region the rule ot prior appropriation gov erns and establishes the rights regardleaa of state lines, but In order to remove any fear of the effect which the language used In the bill might have an amendment waa adopted a st follows: 'And nothing herein shall affect the right of any state or ot the federal government or any appropriate user of the waters In any interstate stream.' This amendment recognizes clearly the well understood rule of the arid region that the slate or the citizens thereof occupying the upper courses of a stream cannot deprive prior appropriate of water In another atate lower down the stream The fact I that there has been a consid erable misapprehension aa to the views of those who drafted the original state con trol clause and inasmuch as there was no thought or Intention t change the rule of priorities in the arid region or to give any tat or the citizeas thereof aay right to InjuVe or IS 't7 way' effect Ifte right of citizens of other states. It was not difficult to adopt language which is believed clearly expresses the wish of all friends or irrlga tion." Chanue In Orand Island Postmaster. Senator Dietrich today announced that he had recommended Dr. H. C. Miller for postmaster at Grand Island, vice '.V. H. Harrison, and Frank J. Hakel at Tuohy, Saunders county, vice A. B. Chapek, re signed. In speaking of the Grand Island appoint ment. Senator Dietrich said: "Immediately after my election to the senate I announced that I would appoint Dr. Miller, as post master at Grand Island. I bad known him for a very long time as a splendid citizen and a good republican. Mr. Harrison' term will expire May 5. I have no feeling against Mr. Harrison whatsoever. I have believed that a change would be for the better rnd I am carrying out my long ex pressed Intention by making the nomlna tion." Senator Klttredge stated today that It was the hope ot the friends of the tree homes bill to get the Rosebud treaty bill whlih has a tree homes clause attached to It, before the senate on Wednesday, and that while no definite agreement had been reached It seemed entirely probable that Immediately after the morning hour that day the bill would be laid before the senate for consideration on it merits. While a close canvas of tb aenate ba not been made tho friend of the free home meas ure believe they have votes enough In the benate to adopt this feature ot the bill not withstanding the opposition of some of the older senators Ilk Piatt of Connecticut and Cockerlll ot Missouri. In any event it Is the Intention of the South Dakota delega tion to force a vote upon the proposition on tho theory that If they are defeated they will not be in any worse shape than they are now. Little Hope for Vanhonten. Senator Allison and Representative Hep burn of low had a conference today with the president relative to the consulship for George H. Vanhouten, one of the best known men of Iowa, and secretary of the agricultural and horticultural societies of tbo state, he being the founder of the lat ter society. Mr. Vanhouten U desirous of getting to some country where be can con tlnue Investigations along horticultural lines. The president, however, gave the Iowa contingent but little hope for any thing in the Immediate future. Congressman Hull ot Des Molne stated today that be would not serve on the re publican national congressional committee unless Representative Babcock, who has been chairman of such committee for tho last three terms, la continued in that ca pacity. Mr. Babcock baa Insisted that hi health would not warrant hi assuming the position agalu, but republican generally are urging him t accept. J. M. Edmlston of Lincoln la In the rity. R. O. Fink ot Omaha, who ha been vis iting in Washington for soma time past, left for Nebraska tonight. Upon motion of Senator Kittredge, Con gressman uurae was today admitted to practice before the supreme court. Congressman Burke has recommended Dr. G. W. Potter for appointment aa a member of tb board ot examining surgeons at Red field. S. D. J. M. Fisher, mayor of Deadwood, 8. D., and wife are in Washington. LIT Bird shoot Poatpoaed. KANSAS C1TT. April 7. The hoot at tii live bird for the Cast Iron medal, scheduled for today between W. R. Crosby of i) Fallon. III., and J. A. K. tlllott of Kan;. a City has been postponed on account the death of President Whit tic Id of iha Western league. Liberal Leader I III. UiXliON. April 7. The earl or Kim berley, liberal leader in the House of lirda, and former foreign secretarv. who ha h en 111 for torn time past, Buffered a serious flap this auoruli'g. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Temperature at Omaha trotrrduvt Hour. lira. . . at . . U.t . . 2-J . . iil . . X.1 . . !i.t . . :i:t . . ar Hour, t P. Uca. .1 a. H a. 7 a. H a. a. a. 4-2 4:i 47 4 411 4 4T 4l 41 11 a. 12 m. FIVE OF POSSE ARE DEAD Two Mortally Wonntletl and Two Seriously Hurt by a crate ero. lira- TfSCCMBIA, Ala.. April 7. Five men are dead, two n;ortally wounded and two seriously hurt a a result of the work of he negro. Will Handle, with a rifle yes terday while resisting arrest. Rnndle was burned to death iu bis own house after being fatally shot. The dead are: SHERIFF CHARLES OASSOWAY. BOB WALLACE, who was killed and fell Into the fire. HUGH JONES. P. A. PROUT, shot through stomach. JESSE DAVIS, shot In head. Wounded: William Gassoway, shot through abdo men. James Payne, shot through chest; caunot live. Robert Patterson, shot In leg. James Finney, wounded In shoulder. Gassoway, Prout and Davis died during the night. Will Gassoway is barely alive this morn ing, and Payne cannot live. FLORENCE, Ala., April 7. Simon Simp son, a negro, was killed as the result of yesterday's tragedy at Tuscumbla. Simpson went Into a butcher shop and began cursing all men who had participated In the kill ing was ordered out by a white man named Walker. The negro refused to go and advanced on Walker, striking him over the head with a heavy board, whereupon Walker seized a butcher's knife and hamstrung the negro in each leg and cut off the thumb of his right hand. The negro bled to death. Walker gave himself up to tba authorities. DISGRACES A GOOD FAMILY Son of Former t.ovrrnnr of Inwa In Prison, Convicted of Ruralary. TACOMA, Wash.. April 7. (Special Tele gram.) By means of a photograph printed In the dally papers It has developed that "C. D. Emory," sentenced to the peniten tiary for ten year for burglary, is Peter Perley Lowe, son of former Governor Lowe of Iowa. The family reside at Keokuk. Former Chief of Police Hoge recalls having had Lowe In Jail In Tacoma four y .rs ago and at that time he recognized him as his old schoolmate at Ames college. Lowe made a full confession and said that after leaving college he had gone to China as captain' clerk, there lost his position and finally worked bis way back to San Francisco, where hi career of crime be gap. He said that he had served two terms In San Quen- tin; he also aervrd -onp term in fgon and one at Walla prlaon. At college Lowe enjoyed the reputation of being the most Intractable student, though always standing high In his class. His first bur glarious exploit was the robbing of his own home in Keokuk during the absence of his parents. CHICAGO INVITES KRUGER Send Measaite Thronata .Mayor Har rison to the President of the Transvaal. CHICAGO. April 7. Mayor Carter Har rison today forwarded to Paul Kruger, at The Hague, through Montague White, spe clsl Boer envoy, the following Invitation to visit Chicago: Sir: In compliance with the unanimous wish expressed by the city council of Chi cago In a resolution on the lKth day of Marcn, i!c, i nave tne nonor to invite von, sir, to visit the city of Chicago aa Its guest, at the earliest date compatible with your duties aad engagements and to extend to you the freedom of the city on the occasion of your visit. CARTER H. HARRISON, Mayor. Accompanying the Invitation Is the reso lution, preceded by a long preamble, ex pressing sympathy tor the Boer cause and deploring the long continuation of hostili ties. The Invitation and resolution ar elegantly engrossed on vellum and bound Iti eal. PORTLAND PASSES DIVIDEND President Barn Buy Ksactlon of Smelter Traat Are Partially Responsible. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.. April 7. (Special Telegram.) In a statement to the stockholders ot the Portland Gold Mining company, Issued tonight, President Burns says the directors decided to pass the usual quarterly dividend because of Increased ex pense for mill coostrurtlon and curtailed production. Shipment hare been cut down, he says, because' of the Increase In already excessive chargea hy the mill and smelter trust and the unjust system of sampling adopted by the amelters. President Burn denies all rumors of a pending sale, and say the mines were never in better physical condition and that the company will be ready to handle Its ore at Its own mill by May 15. WRECK ON GREAT NORTHERN Kniinf and Sevan Paaseaaer Coaches Derailed, but So Fatalities Iteported. SPOKANE. Waah., April 7. Great North ern passenger train No. i. eastbound, was wrecked this morning at Winchester, IX) miles weat of thla city. Railway officials here refuse to make any atatement except to abtert that no one was killed. The best advices obtainable are that a high wind this morning blew freight car out on the main track. The passeuger train struck It at full speed, derailing tba engine and seven cars. The fireman t re ported badly injured and It la believed many passengers were hurt. A wrecking train, carrying doctors, left here about t o'clock. RICH STRIKEMADE IN GOLD Proliac Win Is Tapped oa Property ut Charles Millard la Hantaan. VIRGINIA CITY. Mont., April 7 One of the richest gold strikes la the' state has been msde in the Kearsarge mine at Sum mit. Ihe vein is over a foot in width, re ported to be almost pure gol l. Tb prop erty i owned by Charles Millard, son of tailed State Senator Millard ot Nebraska. KEW SBCER SUIT ON State of Washington Present Caae to Tederal Supreme Court. ASKS FOR AN IMMEDIATE HEARING Bill Makes Northern Pacifio and Great Northern Defendant. CHANGES TACTICS FROM MINNESOTA follows Out the Same General Line in the Complaint, However. COURT WILL GIVE AN EARLY ANSWER Former Attorney General Grlaa Ap pear a Counsel for Rnllrniiil Companies and Aranca the Legality of Merger. WASHINGTON. April 7. Attcrnev Gen- eral Stratton of the state of Washington today brought to the attention of the United Slates supreme court the desire of that state to bring suit to prevent the merger of the Northern Pacific and th lr.t Northern railroads by moving for leav to file a bill of complaint on behalf ot ths state against Ihe Northern Pacific and the Great Northern railroad companies and tho Northern Securities company. In making tho motion Mr. Stratton aald that counsel for the defendants were present and pre pared to proceed wtth an oral argument If the ccurt was prepared to hear them, adding that the case Involves the sam questions as were presented In the Minne sota case. He added that an Immediate hearing was desired because it involved another trip from the state. Ex-Attorney General Griggs, who was present as the reprcentatlve of the railroad companies, acquiesced In what Mr. Stratton said as to the desirability of an early hear ing, but the rourt declined to announce an Immediate decision on that point. The chief Justice said, however, that an oarly response would be given. Make Railroads Defendant. In connection with bis motion for leave to file his bill of complaint Mr. Strattoi submitted copies of the bill nnd a brief lu its support. To avoid the objec.lun under which this court refused to cntcitain tha bill of the state of Minnesota against the Northern Securities company, the state of Washington has made the Great Northern Railway and the Northern Pacific Railway companies defendants. The bill asks for a general order of re straint and Injunction, and iu a genoial re cital of the acts of merger which It 1 claimed are In contravention of the lawa of the state of Washington prohibiting ths consolidation of competing lines ot railroad. It Is charged specifically that "the North ern Securities company was organised solely for tho purpose of carrying out and accepting the designs, agreements and plan or James J. Hill and J. Plerpont Morgan, aad their associate stockholders, to effect a consolidation of the property, ralhysy lines, corporate powers and franchise of the Great Northern and Northern Pacifio Railway companies, respectively, through the Northern Securities oompany." Termed a Conspiracy. This combination is characterised as "a conspiracy" and it Is asserted that the in terest of the individual stockholder in ths property and franchise of the two rail way companies was to terminate and to be converted Into an interest in th property and franchise of the Northern Securities company. The Interests of the Individual stockholders were no longer to hold an in terest In or derive their dividend from the earnings of either said railway com panies, but rather from the earning of both systems collected by such holding cor poration. That the defendant, the Northers) Securities company, I not only exerclalaf tne right or ownership of such stock, but ' also dictating the management of said rail way companies. The interest of the atate In maintaining independent lines of road is fully aet forth and in the accompany brief th legal rea sons In support of the action arc set out in detail. Among these is the plea that uniess the supreme court assume Jurisdiction tb ttate of Washington is wlthou a forum to which the controversy may be presented. The brief, referring to the former caa brought by the state ot Minnesota, sayat Authority of Recent Drclalou. Under thi authority of the recent deci sion of this court in the atate of Minnesota, against the Northern Securities company. It la clear that the Northern Pncltle and Ureat Northern railway companies are panic dt-fomlant, not onlv In this, hut any other court having equitable Jurisdic tion In an action brought bv the state of Washington agalnm the Northern oecurl tle company. This rule bars the state of Washington from maintaining such an action In th courts of New Jersey, for the reaxon that mill railway companies are not within Iha atate for the purtioHe of giving the court Jurisdiction over them. ' An action against the Northern Securi ties company will not He In the state of Waahington, for the reaiton that the court are powerless to obtain Jurisdiction over Its person. Careful Inquiry ha been made, and It ha been found that the atate of New York Is the only atate In the nation In which each of said parties defendant haa dexlgnated an agent upon whom court pro cess may be sfrved, and It Is clesr that auch an action against the defendants, all being iion-residenta of the state of New York, cannot be maintained therein, under section 17S0 of the New York code of civil procedure. Urlrf Filed la Opposition. Two briefs were filed In opposition to th prayer of the complaint, one of the beta by Messrs. George B. Young, M. D. Orover and C. w. Dunn and the other by former Attorney General John W. Griggs. Mr. Griggs takes the position that the bill of complaint does not present a case of controversy of a civil nature, which un der the constitution and law ot th United State Ja justifiable In thla court, that It is a suit to enforce the local law and policy of a state whose right to make law an I to enforce them exist only within itaelt and by means of its own agencies and I limited to It own territory and that "whitever the law of th stat of Wash ington iu on the aubject of consolidation of railroad corporations, it I a municipal or police law and not one conferring right of a proprietary or contractural nature." So Outside Aid Available. Ha contends that "neither th court of the United State nor aay other Jurisdic tion outside ot th stat of Washington will leod their aid to th enforcement of the police law of Washington." He point out that non of th act com plained of 1 alleged to have been dooo within the jurisdiction of the state: rf Washington and says: Lvt-ry siieclflc tiling cha.'ged in the 1)1 I of complaint as having ben done by the Northern Securities company and Its stock holders and by the siockholdtrs of the two railway companies was In the exercise of a usual, universally conceded right In and over ytrsui-ul prupcii the rlLl to buy,