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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1902)
!0 SHOWS CROWING PROSPERITY Business of Every Department of Omaha PoBtoffioe Increases. COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR TWO YEARS First )arlrr Thla Year Surpasses Correspoadlna; Period of La at Tear by More Than Flfteea Thousand Dollara. The receipt of the Omaha postofflce for the first quarter of the year 1902 have been compiled and show an Increase of I15.S93.20, exclusive of receipts from the money order department, over the corresponding quarter last year. The Increase is confined to no one Item, but Includes each department of the service, the most gratifying Increase being from the sale of stamps, envelopes ud miscellaneous supplies. The compara tive figures In this department are as fol lows: 1!M2. 1901. January 1M.7M 80 $31.6i9 H February 30.518 78 27.3S3 fi March 35.(02 81 31.59 87 Total 1102, 2!8 67 IW.543 48 Increase for quarter...! 11.7M 11 In receipts from second-class matter there baa been a gratifying Increase over the cor responding quarter of last year, and al though the sum Is small, It was believed that there would have been a decrease, as during the year many small publications tare been dropped under the recent ruling ct the postmaster general, making an ap preciable decrease In the number of publi cations entitled to second-class privileges. The figures by months for the last quarter and the corresponding term last year are as follows: I 1902. 1901. January .... - $ 3.G04 3t $ 3.5-5 61 February 3.246 34 3.107 74 March 3.874 51 8.5W 24 Total J10.625 1 9 $10.2X1 49 Increase for quarter.... $ 313 70 Showing; In Money Order Bnalnesa. The greatest Increase In the volume of business, however, is shown In tht money order department, and tha showing is all the more satisfactory, as it shows that through the Postofflce department for the three months ending March II the city of Omaha has added to its cash on band the urn of $429,846.08, thla being the difference between the amount of the orders Issued at Omaha and the value of the orders paid during that term. The total value of the money order business at the Omaha office (or the last quarter was $615,543, including orders Issued and orders paid, compared with $524,920.10 for the same term last year, or an Increase of $90,622.90 for that term, the value of the orders issued having in creased about $12,000 and the value of the orders paid having Increased about $78,000, showing an increase of net receipt to the city from this source of about $66,000 over the corresponding quarter of last year. The comparative figures for the two terms are as follows: 1902. 1901. No. of orders Issued. ... 12.3S8 11.302 No. of orders paid 67.W9 6S.9 Value of orders Issued. $ 9.1.T98 47 $ 81,367 23 Value of orders paid.. 621,644 63 443,502 H7 Remittance from money order funds of other offices, num ber 6,816 5.464 Value of above' re mittances $768,946 49 $732,668 10 In addition to these receipts the Omaha office will show an Increase of about $3,700 In the amount of money received from post offices In the state which remit surplus funds aaide from the money order business to this office, the figures being $38,402.88 for the first quarter of 1901 and $42,200.20 for the quarter Juat closed. Special Interest to All Braolters. In the last few years changes have been made in the methods employed by a larga number of manufacturers to Increase the ale of their different brands of cigars. Some have resorted to the scheme of giving away everything Imaginable from a toothpick to a horse and buggy, sewing machine, etc. Other are giving from 60 to 375 cigars rati with each thousand cigars. Other firm J advertise their brands by painting the town red, and the smoker Is asking him self dally who pays for all this. A visit to the F.R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co. fac tory will show what methods they are em ploying to produce such wonderful result on all their brands, especially the Mercan tile. Only a few years ago this brand was made by three men and now between 200 and 800 persons are kept busy on this cigar alone. A member of the firm states their motto Is, "Give the consumer full value and quality only." This card Is packed In every , box of their cigars: 'Does it pay the dealer to give customers full value; or, will the public be satisfied with cigars of reduced value and billed at full value? - "We do not work schemes, such as giv ing free cigars, lighter, cutters, etc., nor paint the towns or circus advertise our goods, and In this way really furnish In ferior quality, yet insist the dealer gets something tor nothing; but we give the very best value w can for the price, be lieving that dealers In the long run will find It to their Interest to push straight goods to the front. The constantly in 'creaeing demand for our goods is convinc ing proof that the consumer appreciates full value goods. Is not the retail dealer handling scheme goode the real sufferer In the endT" Btudy this question carefully. Visitor are Impressed not only with the cleanliness of the factory Itself, but also with the body of union men employed mak ing the cigar. It you are not amoklng the Mercantile don't fall to try on and you will ooa find tt Is all quality. Christsnaon cleans carpets. 2221 N. 10th. Grapkophoae at a Bargain. FOR SALIC Latest model type, A. G. combination graphophone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90.00. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thtrty-slx-inch horn and stand. It also Includes twenty Urge Edl son records and carrying case of twenty four recorda. The machine is entirely new and has never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X36, in care of The Bee. H. E. Fredrlckaon, cor. lath and Dodge, ha Juat received a carload shipment of now moulded Edison records and machines. A. B. Hubermao. only diamond Importer in west; lowest prices. Cor. 13th Dcuglai , Notice! Knight and Ladles of Security give a dance in large hall of A. O. IT. W. temple, 110 North 14th street, Saturday evening. April 11, 1902. Admission 25 cents. A cor dial invitation to friends. Mortality Statistics. Tb following births and death have been reported at the otfti-e of the hoard of lioaitn auring ine iweniy-rour nours end lux Saturday noon: Births Harry Htern, 835 South Seven teenth street, girl; Omrar V. Mattheson, 41 mi North Twenty-eighth street, girl; Hugo Y. Blls. 1415 Karnam street, girl: August Fates, 19J0 South Fifth street, girl; Wil liam Jackson. 42U6 North Twenty-fourth Street, boy. Death Christians Broinmer, Immanuel giospltal, aged M years. Horses clipped, Eleeirlo clipper. Omaha Stables, lit B. It at. Tel . . Oeaujn Imported freer on draught, Ed freer mU cVUsrefs, 1304 raraaoilsUeet. KARR SENDS FOR HIS AXE Promises Wild-Eyed Stransrer that Ho Will Do Some Wood j Chopping;. A man with disheveled hair and a wild look In his eye called on Acting Msyor Karr yesterday morning and said: "I want you to go out to Meredith avenue and the Belt Line and cut about three acr of timber that you'll find there. Thugs from town hide la that timber and every time I go by to or from home they shoot at me." Mr. Karr sized up his visitor and con cluded after a moment's scrutiny that he (Karr) had better go Into the wood-chopping business. "George!" he called to his major domo out In the next room. "Will you bring me an axeT I'm going out to Meredith avenue and Belt Line to chop down some trees." George answered that he would go down Into the cellar and get it at once, which so pacified the visitor that he regarded the matter as settled and went away. The man is known to several city hall attaches a being mildly insane. , FOR REXI, Handsome Brick Residence on the southwest corner or Seventeenth and Douglas streets. It was built by the late Henry' Fundt as his home and is one of th best constructed as well as one of the finest houses In Omaha. It la built entirely of brick and stone, stone step and slat roof. It Is finished In th choicest of hard woods, baa hard wood floors. Imported English tils floor In the reception ball, electrlp lights. porcelain bath, laundry with stationary washtubs, large pantry, china and linen closets, cedar-lined woolen closet, etc TWELVE ROOMS besides the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, storeroom, cellar and wine cellar, also large, high attlo storeroom, sep arated from the servants' rooms. It also has a large veranda enclosed as a sun par lor, equipped with steam heat RENTAL PRICE INCLUDES STEAM HEAT, ELECT RIO LIGHT AND HOT WATER. a the house I connected with the heating and lighting systems of The Bee Building. For further information call on Charles C. Rcisewater, Secretary The Bes Building Co., Room 100, Bee Building. Telephone 238. The Barton Holmes Lectures. "St. Petersburg" is the subject of the first lecture to be given by Mr. Burton Holmes. This lecture wa received with particular favor in the east during the last winter, as it gives a much more Intimate Inatght into the dally life of Russians of all classes than any traveler heretofore has been able to obtain. The lecture will be magnificently Illustrated with beautiful col ored still pictures (for which Mr. Holmes baa obtained a most enviable reputation) and also a large number of motion pictures. among which the most noticeable is that taken of the czar and the royal family. Among the other motion pictures to be shown will be an exhibition fire drill of a Russian Ore department. In marked con trast to this old-faehloned organization, Mr. Holmes has shown during the last winter a motion picture of the Omaha fire department, which he took In thla city ome years ago. This will natural'? heighten the local interest In this lecture. Among other motion pictures to be shown will be several magnificent view of the Shoot of Imatra, A Savage Whirlpool, The Fish Market of Helslngfors, numerous street scene on the Palace qual and In the Nevskl prospect, besides a large num ber of unusually dashing motion pictures of Russian troop during the Imperial re view, which took place while Mr. Holme was In St Petersburg. Attention, A. O. V. W. The members of Omaha lodge No. 18 are requested to meet at the temple, No. 110 North 14th St., Sunday, April 6, at 1:30 p. m. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Alex. I. Henderson, which will be held at the residence of hi brothoa. No. 1314 Jackson St, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mem bers of sister lodges are invited to attend. S. A. SEARLE, M. W. Attest: C. H. COLLIER. Recorder. Ssnd articles of incorporation, notlcaa of stockholders' meeting, etc., to Th Bee. W will give them proper legal Insertion. Be telephone, 231. . A Pnlaee of Light. The Cudahy Packing company does not believe In hiding It light under a bushel. At least that I th opinion of the thousands of men and women who have had an oppor tunity of examining the new Diamond "C" Premium Store, 804 South 16th at An exceptionally attractive location by day, the new store takes on added beauty when darkness fall. Then It la nothing less than a little palace of light brilliant, beautiful and effective beyond belief. Unusual ingenuity haa been displayed In the arrangement of the electric signs, a a result of which the new store not only catches, but holds the eye ot every passerby. The Premium Store is thronged with vis itors all day and every day. Never since Diamond "C" soap was placed on the mar ket ha the demand been a great as at present Attracted by th "two-for-one" wrapper proposltloa. In effect all this month, hundred of Omaha housewives who have hitherto remained loyal to other laun dry aoaps are now using Diamond "C." Etillman ft Price, att'ys, law, collections. A. P. Llllla, notary. 28 U. S. Nat Tel. 1720. Johnson Bros., coat Tel. 106S. Shampooing aad halrdresslng, 15c, at Th Bathery. 116-220 Bee Building. Tel 1711 Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone 208. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. at Th Bathery, 216-220 Bee. Building. Tel. 171. There's only one Stonecypher. He print. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telelpbone 238. Cameron, plumber, 1110 Far nam. TeL 46. Dividing Colorado Road. DENVER. April 5. The Republican says that It baa the Information from good au thorities that th Colorado Southern will be divided between .he Union Pacific and Santa Fe roads, the former taking the lines north ot Denver and the latter taking those running southward. It also says that the Colorado ft Southern has an Interest in the Colorado Midland road, which will be offered tor sale at auction. Have Root print It DIED. BROMMER Mrs. Christina, at her home. HJO H.iutli Twentietn avenue. Funeral from German Lutheran church Twentieth and Mason streets. SuinlHy April 6. at 2:30 o'clock. Burial Laurel Hill, WRIGHT Kloise. wife of W. 8. Wright, April 6, 1902, aged 33 years, months and 22 days. Funeral from the residence, 1302 South Thirtieth avenue, Monday afternoon. April 7, at 1 o clock. Friends Invited, jvo nowera. Interment private In Forest Lawn cemetery. LANE John M , born In New York Cltv. May 10. 123. died Saturday. April S. 1!W2. Wife and four children survive, Charles B. Lane of l'MMtiufcburs. Kan.. Harry u Lane, Jennie Lane and Mrs. L 8. Mole ot Omaha. Funeral from residence. 2424 North Twenty-fourth street, Monday, April 7, at THE OMAHA TRAM CHANGES. The northwestern I Ine C, St. P., M A O. Ry. Commencing Sunday, April 6, the after noon train for Sioux City, Wayne, Bloom- field, Hartington, New Castle and Interme diate points, on the C, St. P., M. ft O. Ry. will leave Webster street depot at 2 o'clock Instead of 2:45, as heretofore. The Emerson local will leave at 6:40 p. m. Instead of 6:30 p. m. No change In the morning train. No changes in arriving time of trains ex cept that evening train from Sioux City will reach Omaha at 9 p. m. Instead of 9:15 p. m. Hamilton Warren. M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, office at Victoria hotel, 1301 and 1310 Dodge street, till a sultabl location can be found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering disease of women and children. Shoe Supremacy. DEPENDS on qual ity of materials, smartness of style, trimness of fit, and fineness of work manship. Foremost excellence In these four cardinal points has given the shoes of Laird, Schober & Co. Philadelphia their world-wide reputation for superiority. Women's Misses' Children's Grand Prix Paris Exposition, iooo We are exclusive Omaha agents for these, the finest Women's Shoe in the world. Spring style now ready for inspection. FRY SHOE CO. Formerly Cartwrlght & Co. N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. WALL PAPER We have the most com plete line of Wall Paper in the city styles correct prices right no dust or dirt left in our tracks. If you are thinking of painting your house this spring come and consult me. Paint now and avoid rain, dust and heat. S.A. Kelsey 17th and Douglas Sts. Phone 1608. Drug Stock For Sale AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE: The well known stock of drugs, store fixtures and household furniture oi the late Chris tian Ci. Kauu tor the uaat ten year, lo cated at 20th and Grace streets, Omaha. A splendid opportunity lor a wide awake drug man to continue the first-class busl neua founded by Christian Q. KauD. Tha store and the living apartments upstairs will be rented to the purchaser If desired at reasonable rent. Hie stock appraised at 1772.24. The store fixtures appraised at $244.1. The household furniture appraised at 3134.06. The Inventory can be examined at tiie office of the county Judge of Doug las county, Nebraska. The property can be Inspected at the premises, 2utn and Grace streets. Omaha, daily from 10 to U and from I to l Sealed bids will be re ceived for the purchase of this property. all or singular, and the good will of the business, until Monday, April 7, at 12 o'clock noon at the office of Charles 8. El gutter, attorney for the administrator, 6-6-L'H lies building, Omaha. Terms cash. possession given Immediately upon con firmation of tl.e sale by the court. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is reserved. L. E. RuBKRTS, Special Administrator of the Estate of Christian U. Kapp, Deceaaed- A STRONG PULL on public favor our exquisitely flavored, rich and invigorating bo-k beer has taken, as well as the regular brew of Mela. It Is a delightful beverage, as. well as an appetizer and tonic, and will benefit any one who Is weak or run down. if you are a physical wreck. Met beer drank freely will make a new man of you. ON DRAI'OHT OR IN CASES ON AND AFTER APRIL 11TH, ml Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. TeL 11, Oaaaaa. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt.. care Neunaayer liuleL Council UluJr, Juwa DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, a amusii tin mil i mi ii mm jmyi Jtfljili 11 111 IsTflWTfflnTTII "IJ""L LJ"liliVWlllflf '"'"llh Renowned Pianos. 1 A. HOSPE, Represents the Highest Grades of Well Known Instruments. t T KrAnirh ft ! J rviidut Pianos. Kimball Pianos, J y IN GRANDS AND UPRIGHTS. SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Slightly Used Pianos. One Mahogany Case f 98.00 One Mahogany Case, large slie. 108.00 One Oak Case, beautifully paneled 118.00 One Standard Piano, oak case.. 140.00 One High Grade Flano, ebony case 150.00 SECOND-HAND PIAN08 Used Organs, Mason & Hamlin $38.00 Ithaca 6.00 Starr 8.00 Lyon & Healy 35.00 We sell the low priced pianos on $5 payments. Our price Just lower, our terms easiest. Our guarantee the best. A. HOSPE1 r YOU HIT THE MARK when you order your NEW SPRING 8UIT made by HELGREN & G RAD MANN 309 S. 16th St. Tel 2034. BBS Go to The right place for your fine table liquors. Don't pay two prices for a cheap whisky. Don't go to one place all the time See what we have to offer. We don't sell li quors at the regular retail price we retail at wholesale prices. You will know a good brand of whisky when you taste It, even If you are not used to It. Next time you want a quart bottle or a gallon demijohn sent home for family use come here, we will give you "whisky as Is whisky." We have the real stuff for 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 per quart; In gallon lots. $3.00, $2.75 and $2.50. This is real whisky. CACKLEY BROS. Only Family Liquor House In Omaha. Opposite Postofflce. Telephone 1148. Babrados Our New 5c Cigar. ABSOLUTELY CLEAR HAVANA Made by Fernandoe Hermanso A Co., manufacturer of the well known "INDEPENDIENTE" CIGAR This week, to Introduce them, we will sell a box of fifty for $1.75. Give them a trial. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 16th sad Fsrssm Streets. Omaha. TELEPHONE 150. Cicilian Easy terms. Play while you pay. WEBER COLLIER PIANOS. PERFIELD PIANO CO., Room 7 Bee Bldg., Main Court Omaha, Neb. Telephone 701. II, GOLDSTEIN Exclusive Ladies' Tailor (Formerly with Hsydea Bros.) Has Just opened a new Ladies' Tail oring establishment. Skirts saade to order .... fli.OO op Its made to order. . . . 12.00 sp Purchase your gools where you like. All work guaranteed and promptly done. New spring styles now ready. II. GOLDSTEIN Rooms AO aad 01 Doaslas Block, Opp. Hayden Bros. ATOIL 0, 1005. J 111 UIIIVII V Bach Pianos, llallet & Davis Pianos, One High Grade Piano, mahog any case 215.00 One High Grade Piano, oak case 225.00 Another High Grade Piano, oak case 240.00 Also one Stelnway Piano 105.00 FROM $15.00 UP. Chicago Cottage $32.00 Ithaca 25.00 Burdette.... 40.00 ,15131515 'DOUGLAS STREET. Are You Interested in PHOTOGRAPHY If so, call on us and lee some ot the latest makes In Kodaks & Cameras We have the largest assortment of reliable make ot any house outside of New Tork. We have a tew more 4x5 Folding Peco Cameras, with automatic shut ters and case, complete, for $6.50. A large assortment ot Photo Album from lOo to $5.00. -THE Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Fartiam St. Send us your plates and picture! for development. U3 IS HE CRAZY ? Some funny stories come to us In the way of comments on our method of dolmj tmsl- n. jtecenny a traveling man, repre senting a well known Philadelphia phar maceutical house, told us that the proprie tor of the leading; druc store in Sioux (Jitv asked him If that drug man, Schaefer, of umana, vvao lkazi. "wny, ne sens many things for much less money than 1 can buy them, even In Quantity ana dis count lor cash." The gentleman evidently ib ime 1119 i. a. jy. u. ana me umtuia Drug Trust Don't know where we buv goods. Maybe we steal them? At any rate, the Insanity commission has not BAT U.N UU It CASK IET. 75c Dr. Qunn'a Blood and Nerve Tonic, no $1 West's Brain and Nerve Treatment., l'c ll.UO Mothers' Friend 730 i vvampoies wine uoa uver OH 73c 11 Rwanson's Five Drops ; 73c tl Wine Cardul ic $1 Kodol , , ; 73c 50c Kodol , , ; ;&c $1.00 Lambert's Llsterine bxo $1 Herpiclde (If you want It?) 5Sc $1 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed)..'. 75c 50o Cramer's Kidney Cure 40c 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder nc SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STOKE Tel. T47. . W. cor. 18th avad Chlcage. flood delivered FRKI to any part of city. Tha Tags on Our Shoes Are the kind that make big values for the price psrtlcularaly so la our new Colonials for spring ne such line waa ever shown In Omaha before the popular mili tary and Louis XV heels bright and dull leather gold, silver and gun metal buckles this is the on shoe store In Omaha where you get the full value of your money In ahoes or your money returned. If you want the latest style you can't afford to pass our store It ha slm ays been this way, and w propose to keep tt so. Drexel Shoo Co., Cataloss Free for the Aaklas;. Omaha's tp-to-dafe Shoo II ease, 1410 FARNAM ITRGET. H AllEy C is most durable UMIlLl O Roofing known Omaha Roofing and Supply Co., 942 laroje Buildinf, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. LMfDUteKt TetepboMl7L little Gigantic Shirt Waist Purchase. The well known manufacturers of Ladies' Hiph Grade Waists, (lein Garment Co., of Indianapolis, I ml., accepted our spot cash offer and shipped at once. The stock consists of about 000 dozen High Grade Color and White Waists, worth from $1.00 to ?C.00. This entire stock will be placed on Sale Monday. 100 DOZEN WAISTS In silk ginghams, fine Madras and im ported batiste, button back or front, worth up OHf to Jfl.75, at each , UlIU 90 DOZEN TINE TAILORED WAISTS Made of pongee silk, silk batiste, white India linen, button back or front, hand somely trimmed with lace and insertion, worth up to $3.00 on sale at each......... .., ALSO WAISTS UP TO fLOO, $5.00 and ?0.00 on sale at $2.98, $2.50 and During this advance sale of Wash Waists, we place counters 100 Ladies' Fine Suits, 'made of" Venetian, cheviots and broadcloths, in Gibson, etbn and blouse effects, worth up to $20.00, from B., S. & M. stock, Q QJJJ All our $25.00 and $30.00 Suits from 13., S. & M. stock, silk lined throughout, at. All our $35.00 and $40.00 Suits, from the O I , 'fl fl B., S. & M." stock at fc&iUU SPECIALS FOR MONDAY. SILK DBESS SKIRTS, worth $7.50 for '...$393 LADIES' HEAVY PERCALE WRAPPERS, worth $2.50, for 98a LADIES BLACK MERCERIZED UNDERSKIRTS, worth : $2.00 for 98c SILK RAGLANS, worth $20.00, go at each.... $10.00 ir A 1513 Dodfe St Middle of the Block 1 Va& "THE 69 CENT llavo You Visited Our Flew Store? You'll be surprised and pleased with it's complete and condensed appearance. No unnecessary stairs to climb no fatiguing space to overcome no tedious waits everything 1 in easy access giving a decided comfort and pleasure to your buying. 5 WE OFFER THE LARGE8T AND BEST ASSORTMENT OP FINE - PLEASURE - VEHICLES Made by the Buckeye Buggy Co., Columbus, O.; Morris Woodhull, Day. ton, O., and the Anchor Buggy Co., Cincinnati, O. L'5'').J OUR PRICES will certainly please you. b mm Depot Wagons, Rockaways, Doctors' Stanhopes and Traps. The Kingman Implement Company, Cor. 10th anJ F.iruain irts.. Omaha. HOLD FAST to what you have Is a good motto. Did you ever think of it? Hold fast to your balr by usftig Kinney' Hair Tonic. It cleanse the scalp, cure dandruff and prevent falling hair. You can't ask for any more from a hair tonic. . Kinney' doe it. Ask your barber or druggist for It If be cannot supply you, send us your order and bis name. Kinney Hair Tonic Co. 908 No. 24th St., Omaha. Phone L2943. CP YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigar. r. K. Klea MsrcantUa Cigar Ca Masufeeturara, St. UniU. Vuiom ktsa. . LOT. NO. I. 25 dozen Ladies Waists 10 ft at' each I WW 75 dozen Waists, made in percales, dimities and heavy Madras cloth, worth up to QQf fl, at each OuC .One table Ladies' Waists, made la all the new styles, pretty pat terns, mercerized pinghams, ba tiste, Madras, worth EtAf $1.25, at each ,,,,'JUU 100 dozen Waists, made of French ginghams, percales and chain brays, worth up to "FKf $1.50, at each , I OC 1.50 1.98 on our 16.30 1513 Dodg-eSt Middle of the Block STORE" Ml aiaiaaanMBaaaalh GET YOUR PICTURES FRAMED NOV We display hundreds of the latest designs in mould ings to choose from mats that blend prettily with them. The very best workmanship. Our framing is excelled by no one. Mouldings, 2c to 50c per foot, and we guarantee to save you one-third to one-half. Pic tures .ire here In endless variety. Everything that Is new and desirable and at much lower prices than you would expect to pay. A beautiful Una of pictures at 25c, 39c, 49c and upward. it OUR GOODS suit the most fastidious. ... ... Phietons, Runabouts, Stanhopes, Carriages, The Only Witchcraft w have used Is buy ng tho right goods ; riftni ana selling the rixnt goods at right lirinji. II... tm an (I lllial r. tinn itrtc Hroiuo Uolnlir .......lOa $l.tM Coke Dandruff ( art r.r..4Ao LOW Win ardal ... .Slto a ,oo Pvrsna ......'...'.'.-... II Aa I.(H Iter's Malt r.r..rr.,r..fiAs I.OO Daffy's Malt rr,rHJt 5c Ueblst'a Process Ileef Extract 11a 2Ke Srhlls Malt.. ......... - . ,1 let a.1c Casturla ... ,21s II Quart Hot Water Botlle..... , ..81o 91.UO l lvblsr's Beef, Iroa aad Wise KAo 2Rs Kntaymol Tooth Past. ...... . 14t iilie MUtletoa Cream .Wa BOe Poad's Ki trat.. ............. .afto 2(l t'atlmra Koap. IKo These prices are right, lie sure you get the right price. Howell Drug Co., Cut Price Druggists. 16th unJ Cttpitol Ave. Successor to James Forsyth. fl