Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 19
THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: SUNDAY, AVIUIi 0, 1002. W(!iKM8inf m Tel. 135 or 180 WM MmJ frl Tel. 135 or 180 W HRlfRtlfyTr Our Windows Ten Room and Cafe Re up-to-date. Tnkt your luncheon at our Tea ltooin and Cafe. Everything strictly first-class at popular prices. Music every day 11 n. m. until 2 p. m. Saturdays 5 p. in. until 9 p. m. IS THE RECORD TO DATE OF THE BIG DAYLIGHT STORE. The tremendous aggregate volume of business accomplished marks a memorable epoch in the development of the great west. Thousands of pleased visitors and delighted shoppers have thronged the NEW STORE'S airy aisles and enriched themselves from its gigantic supplies. For any defect in our serv ice, inseparable from the new and rushed condition of things, we offer our sinccrest regrets and herewith assure every patron that the coming week will see us nearer that PERFECTION OF SERVICE which is our unwavering ideal. COME TOMORROW. Have all you want of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. NO TIME LIMITS. All day given to money saving specials. GOODS THAT ARE OUR PRIDE AND YOUR ASSURED DESIRE AT prices that paralyze the nerve of competition. Bargains on every hand. COME. draw a constant stream of interested visitors. Those superb showings o! every grade of merchandise la an In dex to the endless attraction within. Your Interest and attention is tribute to their besuties and the art that supervises them. Come nearer than the windows come In. 18 i am. In Dry Goods Department MAIN FLOOR THE STEADY GROWING POPULARITY of this handsome department la one .of the pleasing Indexes of the sense artistic. STAPLE WEARABLES. DAINTY FABRICS. NUMBERLESS CONCEITS, EVERY NOVELTY OF THE SEASON ALL HERB IN SUPERABUNDANCE. Our showing in all lines eclipses any similar exhibit In the city of Omaha. BLACK DRESS GOODS. BS-lnch all wool black Serge, the best value In America, at, - 45C HV received a few pieces of the 44-Inch all wool aatin finish dress goods with OQ- small designs, regular value 50c yd. Monday sale price, per yard Aw4Zs W. are showing a very complete line of etamlnes, canvaa cloths, mistrals C f s w 43c and armure weaves at $1.50, $1.25, 95c, 89c, 79c and 19-Inch black taffeta ailk 75c quality special, at, per ' yard 19-Inch black taffeta silk, 85c quality (weave guaranteed) special, L f at OVC 14-inch black taffeta silk, $1.25 quality (weave guaranteed) peclal 95c Black peau de soles goods that we will guarantee the wear, at, per yard, $1.25, 89c, 79c and 27-inch black taffeta silk, $1.25 quality (weave guaranteed) special CO at 0"C 36-inch black taffeta ellk, $1.39 quality (weave guaranteed)- at, per yard .. 11 the latest designs and 69c 75c quality at $1.25 quality at These goods are highly recommended for auits. for bicycle costumes or rainy-day New Foulardi colorings. $1.00 quality at C6-inch cloth suitings Just received, eparate skirts and particularly skirts 75c values special at These come In shades of green, brown, blue, oxford and black. 64-Inch fancy chalk line suiting Just received for tailor made gowns, bicycle costumes and rainy-day skirts 89c values special at These come In shades of brown, oxfords, castor and green. 64-inch broadcloth Just received. In all the new colorings, Including brown, olive, tan, gray, blue, old rose and black $1.25 values special 27-inch fancy worsted walstlngs 75c values special t 7-inclT .worsted walstlngs, plain with fancy border, in all the new color ings 89c values apeclal at We place all our 25c dress goods on sale today at We will place all our 25c fancy walstlngs 25c values, at 12c 40c values, at MONDAY SPECIALS All dress goods, plain and fancy that sell at 25o and 30c your choice, at, per yard , All dress goods in mixed cheviots and plain weaves all new goods that aell at 40o your choice, at, per yara , 5 pieces all wool walstlngs, 27 Inches wide, in all the new shades your cnoice, per yarn - 44-Inch colored brllllantlne, In brown, navy, garnet and gray very styllsa at present and dust proof. They aell at 75c your choice, per yard ... We will offer the largest selection of wool dress goods ever shown in this town. Goods worth from 60c to 75c Monday, per yard Wool Challls all the 50c wool 1 AI1 tne 60c wo0' cblllB chains go at OOC go at All the imported extra quality silk and wool challls $1.25 quality go at , ze...$ 69c .48c 75c 50c 59c 89c 40c 60c ..125c ....18c ...17c .20c ...24c ..48c A ,40C ..39c 89c A FEW SPECIALTIES IN SUMMER WASH GOODS 6ic 1.00 ..14c New batiste In all the latest colorings, worth 10c special price . A apecial showing of dimities 12 yards In all the latest stripes, floral de signs, etc well worth 12Ho per yard for . Ho Irish dlmlti, a beautiful assortment to select from, sheer, cool ma terial the kind that usually sella for 25c special, while they last EXTRA SPECIAL A complete line of new "Batiste Deauvllle" goods that no bouse in America sells for less than 15c special Monday, per yard , We are showing a strong line of moussellne de sole with ailk polka dots. All the new shades also black and white Monday special, per yard Our line of Swiss embroidered grenadine la the LARGEST AND BEST for miles around. Give us the pleasure of showing this splendid assortment to you. Our prices make every Item a bargain. RARE BARGAINS IN LACES ..10c 40c 3c Fine Torchon lace at, per yard 1,600 yards of very fine quality of Torchon lace, narrow and medium widths 4) ( values up to, per yard On big table full your choice for, per yard Cmbrolderle at, per yard ..3c 10c Worth up to 60e per yard very wide widths narrow and . medium widths Swiss, nainsook and cambric, all go at special sale Monday at, f f ner yard vC Allover laces, per yard 18-Inch fine quality allover cotton lace, suitable for waists and yokes In white only Monday special sale, CJ per yard mJ 25 In Ready Made Department SECOND FLOOR SOUTH Up-to-date woman' costum for th coming rea son. We have a very attractive stock, from th beat manufacturer in the country. Special attention 1 called to two number that we consider great bargain black only, strictly all wool. tyle Eton, with fancy vet, tltched atln on jacket and atin piping and hip tuck on klrt. Finest oft finish, percalln. lining In klrt 27 fift and line taffeta llk lining In Jacket-price.1 Blue and black open Eton Jackets, with fancy vest and reveres. Black trimming. - Jacket and leeve tucked. A i elegant coatum for houaa fJ ttr or street-irlc SJJ.OVF Etamlna silrts 6-gored skirt with flounce, band of taffeta ll open cord Insertion, finest ff Qf lining, bla only prlc ICI.VJ Etamlne skirts drop ailk lining, tucked flounced. 4 row black silk rord Insertion trimming Q QQ very nobby prlc Other price from ,-$7.25 up You are Invited to Inspect our immense stock of muslin underwear. Corset Cover. Iflr r ........................ f 48c up 48c up from Chemle, from Nicht Gowns, from Skirts. A fin fin from -kww Vr,Z. ........25c up W ar J opposed to rubbish and can confidently recommend our muslin underwear from th cheap est garmeti up. DRESSING SACKS AND KIMONAS In AKr itn 11 ths latest materials and style, from MJJ all I Where Cuauty and PaiCE count Mi Win t In the Art Department SECOND FLOOR-SOUTH Water colors, oils, chromos, engravings, pastels, passepartouts. A gallery of the fine arts to refresh the eye and mind in. A RECHERCHE to select from and every Item priced to charm the pocketbook. Pictures framed In newest mouldings, with glass complete, up from Pictures (colored) in sheet, 16x20, worth up to 85c, for Arto-type engravings, 22x28, worth 75c for Large steel engravings, worth from $2.60 to $3.00, r q for i.yo Bring your pictures to us. We'll frame them as you want them framed and do It cheap, too. 21c 15c 55c In the Trunk Department FIRST FLOOR-SO UTII No more select line of Trunks, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases and fine leather bags to be seen anywhere. Our price are as low as the lowest. .1.68 ...20c ....48c 3.48 Large, well made Suit Case, only Heavy canvas Telescope, at Ladles' Club Bags, rubber cloth .- Large metal covered Trunks Sole leather Suit Case, made extra strong on steel frame, In brown or russet, only 4.98 These are all new goods, latest shapes and styles. A few very serviceable Trunks from old store stock, 34 and 36-ln., mads -fj Pft eixra strong, slightly scratched, worth up to $4.50 your choice for m.JJ CARPETS Third Floor South Axmlnster carpets an extra good quality, all new patterns and clean goods with or without borders 4 4 J per yard 1 1 1 O Velvet carpets we offer for this sale a vel vet carpet, usually sold at $1.35, at, per yard Best 10-wlre Brussels an endless assort ment to select from parlor, hall and stair patterns with or without 40 O-. borders per yard Ot)w A heavy grade of tapestry Brussels, all wool and fast colors worth 75c yard er yard All wool ingrain carpets, 36-ln. wide and any color, per yard Brussels weave Ingrain, fast colors, 36-ln. wide worth 40c per yard at, per yard MATTINGS Heavy China mattings', fibre warp, -4 extra quality, per yard 1 JL C Roll of 40 yards $7.00 Japanese matting, linen warp, all colors, per yard AmtSmt 40-yard roll $7.98 Good grade of floor oil cloths 1, 1M and 2 yds. wide, per sq. 1.00 62c 53c ors, 36-ln. 29c yd29C LACE CURTAINS White lace curtains several good weaves, extra good value per pair Another lot of fine curtains, ' 3H yards long, extra wide, per pair A line of those new dainty, lacy effect In lace curtains sold regularly for $3.75, at, per pair WINDOW SHADES Heavy opaque shades 36-in. wide 6 ft. long fixtures and rings complete, rtA each mVC We make window shades to order any size. Estimates cheerfully furnished. 119 M yards 1.69 r effect In 2.89 H In the Woodenware Dept. Basement Center. Ilere you will always find a complete line of Wood and Wil low Ware. All priced at very lowest. The Handy Vegetable Slicer, only 8c Large Wood Spoons, only 4c Butter Spades, only , 5c Three-Arm Towel liacks, only 5c Fancy Imported Salt Boxes, only 12c Fancy Imported China Salt Boxes 28c Towel Roller, only 5c The Handy Bread and Bacon Slicer J 5c See our Refrigerators. We carry only the best makes. We have them in all sizes. Get our prices on Washing Machines, state to choose from. The best line in the Crockery Dept. Second Floor North SPECIALS. "Columbia, Assortment" of new Opalescent Glassware. In beautiful tinted shades Kiih Bowls, Vast, Card Receiv ers, etc. choice for , Gold and Color Wars Berry Sets, seven ptecea .. Delft Plates. Delft Fruit Dishes, Gold Chop Dishes Choco'at Ware, Fruit Bowls Engraved Wins Glasses ...9c 75c ,23c 18c 3c Crystal Fruit Bowls 14c Cryetal Fruit Bowls " ' rr-seven-Inch Lsre Gold China Decorated Fins B Table Ware choice for IOW Pink and Blue Flora! China. Assortment Imperial Austria. Special values. Wall Paper Dept. Third Floor. Wa bavs th largest selection of up-to-date goods of quality in the state. A se lection of valuea touching th cheapest wall paper made to th best and richest of qualities and designs. SPECIAL. FOR MONDAY. White Blanks sr up from per roll tJW Gilts up from Ci psr roll .. OW Room Moulding up from ilr per foot 1 ' Wall Papr Cleaner the best oa rsC th marast pr oua-pound caj "w In the Stationery Dept. Main Floor An elegant box of Note Paper and Envel ope to match In white and - tints special at per box fiOW Crepe Paper assorted colors O peclal at per roll OC LePage' Liquid Glue o special at OC Best Black Ink ""a special at 4C A regular 5c Penholder pecial at each IC Bennett Special Tlu Toilet '",. Paper at per roll 3C Toilet Paper Fixture "tn - 10c Cigar Dept. Mam Floor. SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY. 3Jc ...$1.75 Sweet Florida Stogies ST no one hundred tor 4 1 iUO Unci Oscar Cigar for each ,. Fifty Full Havana Cigars for Bull Horn Havana Cigar Cllppini one-nan pound lor 50c 18c Piper Heldsleck Chewing Tobacco Q luc cut for Ofc c genuine Briar Pipes on sals only 0n tor Monday your choli each AnJ Box trad a specialty, box from Wo up. M agarr in a Grocery Dept. GINGER SNAPSSPECIAL. 2,000 pounds fresh, crisp, spicy mad specially for this special sale Ac per pound 121c Tea, Coffee and Spices We are large importers of Teas and Cof fees. This moans a complete elimination of Intermediary profit making. The val ues Htrrunm ihtreby uie such that NO WHERE can you do better than here . Teas your choice per pound uuv COFFEE, FRESH ROASTED DAILY Coffee good drink per pounu Coltee splendid Bn per pound auw Bennett's Capitol Coffee most de- OQp llclous flavor 1-pound package stJW SPICES, LARGE VARIETY, LOWEST PRICES. Poppy Seed QC iwr nnunn ...... Car raw ay Seed per pound In the Meat Dept. Jtasement Here's where the tooth waters and the appetite Quickens. Quality Is the irrevoc able dictator and our way down prices de Uttlit everybody. Our dainty Cafe and Dining Room on the third floor TKAKEtl EXCLUSIVELY HERE. NEED WE SAY MORE? MEATS. MEATS. MEATS. Prime Rib Roast 12C per pound Roast Beef- 10C-8C txMf nnnnii V"' Boiling Beef 12c 6c-5c 7ic ...12ic 7ic 5c 9c 10c per pouna ....i Hamburger Steak per pound Legs of Lamb and Mutton per pound Choice Corned Beef per pound Pigs Feet per pound Pork Loins per pound Pork Chops ier Dound Bologna Sausage fC per pound WW Home-Made Sausage link or bulk 'Jlc uer pound Frankfurt per pound HAMS. HAMS. HAMS. FANCY SL'OAR CURED HAMS. TEN DKH AND JUICY most appetising flavor desirable weights. All brands Monday Ifllr1 per pound aaiw Chickens Fancy imt ixjunrt laiui A.nui luoaimt juatUJ. Three-pound can 39C Ten-pound can j 25 T&j!!!i!".!!'.!!!r.'.!!!!!$2!5o Fifty-pound can jjg 25 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL VARIETIES OF CHOICEST DAIRY PRO DUCTS. Quality i all you can doslr and very pries lower than tbs lowest. .7ic lie In the Furniture Dept. Third Floor North and East. You will be ammed at the extraordinary fineness to which we carry our assort ments. This Is a beautiful section, daylight streaming In upon everything alt around gives treasure and confidence In making selections. Varieties galore. Styles ranging from the Interesting antique to the trig, cute idea of yesterday. Iron Bed. Exactly like rut massively built through out, continuous post construction, ar tistically shaped top, latest designed and well Ta wrth $ti.0O salo vf p pno Extension Table. For artistic beauty, reliable construction, and rich finish, you will find this as de sirable an extension table as the $13.50 table elsewhere. The best of solid oak is used throughout and the plllnr legs are beautifully arranged Sale price .8,24 Go-Carts, One special from our long list of bargains very substantial, ha sleeper attachment. patent brake, rubber tire, ruffled parasol, nicely upholstered Special sale price 8,15 Sanitary Steel Automatic Folding Couch. Made of beat quality, has durable steel mattress, strong, and a most use- f q ful article In any home Special price OfO A DAINTY SPECIAL-Entirely New. A LADIES' WORK BASKET. 24 Inches high, hangs hammock-wise on four crossed sound oak supports. Ornamental, indispensable and cheap A Monday, only, each AnC QllHA rctycf tict 'Main Floor, West, We have the best line of Men's Work Shoes west of the Mississippi, pair of them and you will always do your shoe trading at Bennett's. Buy a franklin Shoes The only reliable and fixed price line before the people to-day. No shoe have ever been made that met with such universal favor. Do not take substitutes. Every pair warranted per fect, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. n "bootsI!o J' WORKERS UNION. Jackie I V FRANKLIN SHOES Fit the Foot, Fit the Eye, and Fit Your Purse. rem, $2.00 nine Men's. $1.25 FRANKLIN SHOES. IN placing this line of shoes before the people, we have endeavored to see how much (not how little) we could give the purchasing public for their money. How well we have succeeded a critical Inspection' of the shoes will show for itself; by wearing, the shoes will speak for themselves. WE GUARANTEE THESE SHOES because we know that everything that can be put into a shoe to make it wear, that every device known to strengthen a shoe has been used, and that they were nude by the most skilled workmen procurable. THE iifi In addition to being sole agents for the also the most complete new stock of Men's, Shoes in the west. All of our shoes have days. Men's Satin Calf Dais., plain toe or tip Men's OH Grain Creedmore, neavy ooudip soles and tap; all solid Famous Franklin Pprclal Shoes, wa have Women's, Boys', Mleses' and Children' been made for us during the pnst ninety Men' Oil Grain, lace or con gresa, hand-pegged, (extra good) 1.10 1.25 1.50 (union made) ALL SHOES GUARANTEED. Men's Kangaroo Calf, U. 8. army bals., double sole Th Artisan Kangaroo Calf Bala., seamless, double sole, union made all through.. The Franklin Creedmore, bals. or congress, made of soft oil grain. y-v double sole and taps, I 1 1 1 1.75 200 Candy Department Main Floor. Assorted Chocolates, very '"5 C choice, per lb 0"C Tank. Peanut, -4 per lb IOC Cocoas ut and Mapl. Cream Bar, -4 Q per lb IOC Lemon Drops. -f per lb - IOC M-: 20c Burnt Peanut, per lb t IOC Eureka Cream Mixed, f f 1 per lb I XMlZ French Cream Mixed, per lb Gum Dropr, per lb Champion Mixed, per lb. SPECIAL VALUE. Soda Fountain. Ic Cream Soda, pure fruit flavors, per glc All fancy drink 5 (AM WHERE Cl P 18c , lef I ( 1 J6TAHARNEY.ST5.MAHA,