Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 11
Bee srissj i he Omaha UNDAY PAGES 11 TO 18. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, AP1UL, , 11)02. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Gem Garment Company, tndlanapolls, Ind., close out to us for spot lih. their entire surplus stock of 600 doxen white and colored waists, at about 25c on tli dollar. Read full particular on page IS. Tbe sale begins Monday. Special Sales Mon day in all Depts Eee Hayden's astonishing tales on wash foods, dress goods and silks. No store In America shows greater va rieties to select from. At Hayden Bros' you can find the right clothing at the right price, and your money sack If you are not satisfied. . Be sure and get your coupons with every purchase. Oet Hayden Bros' prices on Groceries, Provisions, Candy, etc. Write for catalogues, prices or samples of any goods you need. Mail orders filled. Monday in the Bargain Room. We search the markets and mills of the world for goods for this department, and you will Cnd bargains In this room that no other house In the west Is capable of Kivlng. We can sell you goods In this room at one-third of the price sold by other house In this city. No goods too good, no quantity too large If the price Is right. BE SURE AND ATTEND OUR MONDAY SALES. NO DEALERS, PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. For 49c We will sell you strietly all-wool challls. In aatln stripes, 64-lnch black and blue all-wool cheviots, 68-lnch all-wool gray ultlngs, 40-Inch all-wool henrlettas, and other goods worth up to $1.50 a yard. For 25c We will sell you 36-Inch English henrl ettas, 42-inch serges, Bilk striped challls, in Persian effects, silk striped challls, in plain colors, strictly all-wool French flan nels and other goods worth up to 75c a yard. . SILKS. For 49c !W will eell you 85c printed allk foulards, 11.00 Roman stripe waisttnga, $1.00 fancies, and hundreds of other kinds of silk, worth up to $1.50 yard; all will go at 49c. For 1q you oan buy Kl Kl cords in all the latest designs, in plain embossed colors. worth up to 75o a yard. Plain China Sllks.-4 fancy silks and other silks, worth up to $1.00 a yard. For 25c Yon can buy 36-inch black skirting allk, 60o Jap allk plaids, nice for little girls' dresses, and hundreds of other kinds of ilk too numerous to mention. WASH GOODS. Wo will sell you 19o and 25c dimities, tiatlstes, organdies, some Mercerised, some Special Sale Ladios' Furnishings. Ladles' sample vests, in llitle thread, short sleeve and sleeveless, worth 26o, at 10c. Ladles' sample lisle thread pants, wide lace trimmed ruffles, worth 60c up, at 25c. Ladies' sample combination suits, in lisle thread and cotton, low neck and sleeveless, lace trlmed, worth 75c, at 25c. Ladles' medium weight combination suits, In long sleeve and ankle length, at 60c Ladles' long sleeve light weight vest, at 19c Ladles' fine lisle thread Harvard mills combination suit, low neck, fine lace trimmed? at 75c. Ladles' fine lisle thread vest, assorted colors, at 25c. Ladles' line cambric drawers, umbrella ruffles, trimmed with One lace and em broidery, at 49c. Ladles fine gowns, empire and high neck mbrllery and lace trimmed, at 49c. Ladles' fine corset covers, Uce insertion Grand Millinery Sale. Hayden Bros.' big millinery department is noted for its grand variety of charming and exquisite new styles. Everyone can find a fashionable and becoming bat here. You are Invited to call abd aee and try on the new shapes and styles. All the popular shape in chic and nobby street hats. Ask to see tbe new colo nial shape. A beautiful assortment of handsomely trimmed hats on sale at $1.60, $2.98, $3 98 $5.00 and up. A very swell line on special ssle at $2.98. Imported pattern bats, showing all the newest creations of the Parisian style-mak-ers at $15.00, $20.00. $1-5.00 and $30.00. Copies of these splendid hats will be made for our customers at all prices from $5.00 up. Drjfcry. Special aal curtain and draperies, Not tingham lace curtains, good patterns and .full slse, 98c pair. Finer quality Nottlnghams. $1.50, $2.00 and Vussels lace and Irish point lace cur tail $3.00. $4.00, $4.60, $5.00. $6.00 and up per pVlr. Aratjsn lace curtains,, $6.00, $7.50 and $9 00 pair. TapesLr- and rope portieres In endless varieties. Tapestry portieres. $2.98, $3 25. $4.00, $4.85. Very fine Mercerised silk portieres, $7.60, $9.00 and $12.00. Ellkollnes, go yard. Drapery denim. 10c, 12c and 15c yard. Roumanian cloth, suitable for drapery, bos couches, etc., 20c yard. Silk stripe grenadine, very pretty for summer draperies. !6o yard. Ml I i that where the greatest variety is shown that the greatest number of people will buv their goods. style and finish of the HE8T WA6II FAniJICK for tin coniintr s-:ison Himnlii lmvp pvitv trniif , . . . , , other stores, when their outlet is so much smaller than ours. where the assortment is so large, whether you desire to pay 5c their wash goods purchases. We have Just received a full line of the moot fashionable summer dress fabrlrs, I n in I' D, 39c VIE: ur.rt.MAJN .N bj A MINK, pure linen, opening prlre Monday ileal Imported French grenadine, black grounds with colored stripes, some stores , black i stores 39c auk bho ror tne raonc, our price for Monday The genuine hand-loom embroidered Saint Gaul Swisses, In white and black, also all OUR MAIL ORDER Jewelry Sale Child's silver-plated cups and saucers, 25c. Large fancy glass fruit and jelly dishes, silver mounted, 49c. , $4.00 bake dishes, $2.50. Quadruple plate sugar and cream set, $100. Pickle castors, 49c. Cracker Jars, 9Sc. Cut glass salt and pepper shakers, ster ling tops, 98c. Roger Bros.' 1847 child's S-plece sets, 79c. Solid silver sugar spoons, olive spoons, pickle jars, sardine forks, jelly cutters, bon bon spoons, etc., on sale at $1.00. Rogers Bros.' knlvea and forks, per set, $2.60. Sliver vestry spoons, 25o set. with silk stripes, for Monday only you can buy these at 7Vc a yard. We will sell you organdies and batistes that generally sell all over the town at 25c and 35c. Our price for Monday will be only 10c. 36-inch percales, in dark and light colors, 6c. 28-luch madras cloth, 6c. Yard wide outing flannel, 6c 32-Inch satlnes, in dark and light col ors, 5c. And TSther goods, all on one counter, your choice for Monday, at a yard, 6c. 36-Inch percales, dark and light colors, tbe 19c and 25c grade, you can buy at, a yard, 7Hc. Art denims and draperies, worth 15c 19o and 25c, you can buy Monday at 10c. Extra heavy yard-wide unbleached mus lin, the 6c quality, (or all day Monday, at a yard, 4Vic CLOTHIKQ. Boys' corduroy pants, worth 75o and $1.00, at 25c. Boys' wool pants, worth 76o and $1.00, for Monday, at a pair, 25c. Boys' long pants, wqrth $1.25a pair, at 50c. Do not fail to visit our 6c and 10c coun ters. There you will find tack hammers, lamps, glassware, hardware, lanterns, vases, knives, egg beaters, A, B C mugs, silver-plated ware, cream pitchers, dishes, cups and saucers cuspidors, trays, tack hammers, carpet beaters, in fact every thing In the way of house furnishing goods, worth from 25c to 60c each. and hemstitched tucks, at 49c. Ladles' skrts, with umbrella ruffles of lace Insertion and embroidery, worth $1.50, at 98c. Ladles' fine cambric nightgowns. In fine lace and embroidery trimmed, worth $1.50, at 98c. Children's parasols at 10c, 16c, 26c, 39c, 60c, 75c up. Ladles' fancy parasols, in all the newest hadea, at 98c up. Ladles' Gloria silk umbrellas at 98c up. Ladles' straight front corsets. In all the new spring styles. Tbe Kabo coraet, in batiste embroidery trimmed, for spring and summer wear, at $1 up. Tbe W. B., erect form; W. C. C, Dr. Warner's, and the R. and O. corsets, at $1.00 and up. Ladles' and misses,' batiste girdles, la white and colors, at 49c, worth 75c. A full-gored straight front bat'iste cor set. In all sizes, at 49c. Ladies' plain black and colored hose, doublo sole and heels, at 124c, worth 25c. Ladles fine black hose at 19c. Misses' fine ribbed and drop stitch hose at 19c, worth 35c. The Wayne knit. Pony forand bicycle hose for boys at 25c. Ladles' kid gloves, in two clasp, In all the latest shades, at $1.00. Ladies' kid gloves, three clasp, in all the latest shades, at $1.50 and $2.00. Ladles' silk gloves, Kayser patent tip, In all the lateet shades, two clasp, at 60c, 75c and $1.00. Ladles' lisle thread gloves. In all the latest shades, two clasp, at 25c and 60c. Misses' kid gloves, three clasp, tans and modes, at 75c. Mlssee' silk gloves, Kayser patent tip, in white, tans and modes, at 60c. Mieses' lisle thread gloves, two clasp, in all the latest shades, at 250. Carpets. Special offerings In spring carpets and rugs. Heavy union Ingrain carpet, 25c. Extra super cotton chain Ingrain car pet. 39c All wool ingrain carpet, 49c. Choice patterns of very best all wool Ingrain carpet, 65c Columbia brussels carpet, 1 yard wide, big line elegant patterns, 75c. 9x12 art aquarea, $3.95. 9x13 Smyrna rug, new line of patterns. $11.75. xll Axmlnster rugs, $20.00, $22.50 and $26.00. 9x13 brussels ruga, no seams, all in one piece. $11 85. 7-ft. window shades complete, 20c. Good carpet sweepers, $1.60. THP fiUEATEQT nih uiihriihUI V We wish to enmhasize the fart the leading soft shades. This fabric Is of ten shown In patterns of 12 yard and les, and sell In this way for tli to $15 the pat tern, our price, and you'll buy AA just what you need, Is on 03C 200 styles In the handsomest colorings ever pnmen or me woria renov. ncd Oros Ro man BWISS, (6 Hue D'laes, Parla), at 49c CUSTOMERS. Great Furniture Sale. We pride ourselves on the quality of our low priced chairs and rockers, as well as our better grades. We have secured a large quantity and are going to let you have the advantage. A very showy dining room rocker, also suitable for sitting room and chamber, worth $2.35, sale price $1.25. Large arm rocker for family use, solid golden oak, worth $2.85, sale price $1.75. A magnificent large arm rocker, cane seat, handsomely carved, golden oak, worth $5.00, sale price $2.25. A large arm rattan rocker, men's size, has extra high back and large comfortable seat with solid roll around back, which strengthens the rocker and adds to its rich ness; well braced and will last forever, shellac finish, retail price $6.85, sale price $2.95. The greatest value ever offered In bed room sets; solid maple set, like cut, with large mirror, only $12.50. This suit Is well made, of solid maple, beautifully carved and nicely finished. The dresser has an extra large bevelled mir ror, two large and two small drawers fitted with locks and brass bandies. The bed is beautifully shaped and carved. It Is six feet high and 4 feet 6-Inch slats; the suit consists of bed, dresser and commode. A suit of this style usually sells for from $22.50 to $27.00, our price complete is only $12.50. Visit our art department for high grade pictures. Bed Spreads. 29 cases of bed spreads to close out at less than mill price. 2 cases 82 inches wide, 90 inches long, Marseilles patterns; each, $1.00; worth $1.75. -. - - ... .. I case, 82 Inches wide, 95 Inches long, extra heavy Marseilles patterns; each, $1.25; worth $2.25. 1 case 86 inches wide, 92 Inches long, fringed crochet bed spreads; each, $1.25; worth 2.00. 2 cases, 86 Inches wide, 98 Inches long, Marseilles patterns, fringed bed spreads; each, $1.35; worth $2.25. S cases Marseilles, pink, red and blue, fringed bed spreads, extra good bargain; each, $1.60. 3 cases full-size crochet bed spreads; each, 69c and 69c. Flannel Department. 3 cases white wool flannel; per yard, 12c. 15c and 20c. 6 cases drapery denim, extra heavy; per yard, 10c and 12Hc. 1 case sllkoltne; per yard, 6c. 6 cases shirting; per yard, 8e. Table Linen Sale. 68-inch bleached Table Linen marked down from 35c to 11c. 68-lnch unbleached Table Linen marked down from 31c to 22Hc 62-inch bleached Table Linen marked down from 60c to 37Hc. 63- inch unbleached Table Linen marked down from 45c to 32c. 64- inch bleached Table Linen marked down from 60c to 49c. 68-lnch half bleached German Table Linen marked down from 62c to 49c. 68-inch bleached Irish Table Linen marked down from 65c to 55c. 72-lnch half bleached German Table Linen marked down from 85c to 72ttc. v 72-lnch bleached Irish Table Linen marked down from 86c to 72 Vic. 72-lnch bleached Irish Table Linen marked down from $1.25 to 98c. 72-lnch half bleached German Table Linen marked down from $1.15 to 97V4c. Special Sale on Napkins. Large fringed Napkins, regular 75c qual ity, at, per dozen, 60c. Fine all-linen bleached Napkins, the 85c quality, at 69c dozen; tbe $1.25 quality at 98c dozen. All-linen bleached Napklna In large size, the $1.60 quality at $1.23 dozen; tbe $1.65 quality at $1.49 dozen. All-linen half bleached Napkins, $1.50 quality, at $1.23 per dozen; large aize, $1.65 quality, at $1.45 per dozen. Full 3-4 all linen, half bleached checked Napkins, the $1.60 quality at $1.23 dozen; the $1.75 quality for $1.49 dozen. Dreseer Scarfs, all linen, hemstitched, for 35c, 45c, 75c and $1.25. Stand Covers and Lunch Cloths, all linen, hemstitched, large size, regular 75c. for 59c. Tray Cloths, fringed, all linen, regular 50c. for 29c. K0TICE Grand Embroidery Sale. Beginning Friday morning we place on ale thouaands of yarda of the finest quali ties of Inserting. Flouncings, and AU Overa, at prices running from 1c up. These goods will come In strips of 4Si to t yards, and will be sold by the piece. Goods worth from 6c to $1.00 will be sold from le to 49c WADICTV fie i: IMC ftlllsW I I Ul I 111 3a of our havinir the crentpst Wnsh - . , , . ai L'ljiiiiiiij x, man Third: Because, there is not a store in America where tetter styles, choicer fabrics and more real up-to-date ideas are shown and or ?2.00 per yard. We ask every lady in Omaha to examine our line of wash goods to verify the above statements before maklns Your unrestricted choice Monitny of over 51) stylts In the clebratpd Wm. Anderson, (Glasgow. Scotland.) woven mndras, 32-ln. wide, FAST COI.ORS ONLY, shirt waist and shirting rtyles, (none sold after Mm- nay at less than real value.) THIS BALK FOR , MONDAY ONLY Piaek and linen color, 40-ln. batiste, plain shades, on sale Monday I9c 15c Have every advantage of the greatness of our stork as we will mall samples promptly upon request on any fabrics and quote prices the same as goods are sold her In the house. But we cannot send samples of poods priced special for one day's sale. WE FILL ALL OPEN ORDERS SENT US UN ANY ADVERTISED FABRIC, AND WILL REFUND ANY MONEY WHERE GOODS ARB NOT JUST AS AD VERTISKD. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Sold on Easy Payments. People who purchase pianos generally purchase them where they have the largest stock of standard makes to select from and where they get the lowest prices on well known makes. This Is the secret of the wonderful piano business we are doing. The large quantities that we purchase In for rash enables us to sell for leas than what other dealers have to pay for them, at the same time leaving us a small margin of profit. We are showing more standard makes than all the rest of the dealers together. Think of to be able to find the following well known makes in all the different styles and veneers on one floor: Chickerlng, Fischer, Decker, Conover, Weg man, Krell, Cable, Haines, Jacob Doll, Kel ler, Kingsbury, Wellington and Franklin. This week we place on sale: 1 Upright Walnut case, $85.00. 1 Upright Mahogany Case, $95.00. 1 Upright Walnut Case, $125.00. 1 Upright Mahogany Case, $135.00. 1 Upright Oak Case, $150.00. 1 Upright Walnut Case, $175.00. New pianos for rent. Pianos tuned and repaired. Telephone 1683. The Greatest Shoe Selling event of this year. Women's, Misses' and Children's shoes from the big Lynn factory failure and men's shoes from the Brockton factory which was forced to close it dcors and the Big Store got the choicest lots, all to be placed on sale in connection with our own Immense stock, all on sale Mon day. This will be a chance to buy good shoe tor the same price aa you would pay tor an inferior article. Men' Vlcl Kid Vesting Tops, worth $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. $1.96. Men's Box Calf Welt Bals, worth $3 and $3.50, $1.96. Men's Velour Welt Bals, lined, worth $3.00 and $3.60, for $1.96. Men's Kangaroo Calf Bals,. worth $2 and $2.50 for $1.48. Men's Satin Calf Bals, worth $2.00 and $2.25 for $1.48. Men' Kid Bals, worth $2.00 and $2.25, tor $1.48. Women' Fine Vicl Kid Hand Turned worth $3.00 for $1.96. Women' Fine Vicl Kid, McKay sewed, worth $3.00 for $1.96. Women' Fine Vlcl Kid, McKay Welta, worth $3.00 for $1.96. Women's Fine Vlcl Kid, Hand Turned, Narrow Toes, worth $4.00 for $1.79. Women's Fine Vlci Kid. Inlaid Vest. Narrow Tpes, worth $4.00 for $1.79. Women's Box Calf Welts, narrow toes, worth $3.60 for $1.79. ' Special sale all day in the Bargain Room Saturday. Men's Satin Calt Bals, worth $2, for $1. Women's Dongola, Button or Lace, worth $1.75, for 98c. Boys' Satin Calf Bals, worth $1.60. for 98c. Youths' Satin Calf Bals, worth $1.60, for 98c. Little Gents' Satin Calf Bals worth $1.35 for 98c. Chllds' Shoes, Lace or Button, 98c, 79c, 69c and 19c. Infanta' Dongola Shoe, 3-6, worth 35c, tor 9c. Sole agent in Omaha tor the celebrated Stetaon and Crossett shoes for men and the Brooks Bros, and Ultra Shoe for women. Muslins and Sheetings. 8- 4 unbleached Sheeting for 15c yard. 9- 4 unbleached Sheeting for 16Hc yard. 8- 4 bleached Sheeting tor 16Hc yard. 9- 4 bleached Sheeting for 184c yard. 42-lnch bleached Plllowcaslng for 100 yard. 45-inch bleached Plllowcaslng for HHo yard. Bleached muslin, regular 6c, for 40 yard. Unbleached Muslin, regular 6c, for 4 Ho yard. . 16 yards Old Glory bleached Muslin for $1.00". Diamond Hill Cambric, regular 8c, for 6Hc yard. One pair Pillowcases, regular I5c, for 16c 9-4 bleached ready-made Sheets, regular 66o, for 47H& CNINA DEPARTMENT. The Big Store Makes the Price Fine Imported decorated china plates. These plates are sold regular at 60o each; our price, 10c. Decorated cups and saucers, 2c each. Fine decorated Imported vases, 6c each. Fine flint-blown tumblers, 24c each. Plain white aeml-porcelaln Cup . and Saucers, le each. Plain white aeml-porcelaln plates, lc, 2c and 3c. Decorated cuspidor. 10c. 66-plece decorated tea aets, $2.79. Decorated toilet sets, $1.09. 100-plece decorated dinner sets. Imported seml-porcelaln, up-to-date style and shape. But look at the price, $4.49. Golf Goods. We will handle a complete line of bag, balls and aticks this season. W have our samples in now and will take order from sample at a discount of 20 per oent less thsn the pric of goods In stock. Come In and leave your order before Thursday. ra UAcii nnccc nnnno IM nn All A If HUH UIIUUU UUUUvl III UlllfillH Goods stork in Omaha. First: Second: That it is perfectly natural that we, having such nn enormous quantity of every make, ndrnntnjrp in hnvincr surh niinntiMps. nnl otmhlrwi tr cull rovainrn a ht - -ittt a tttt h 550 styles In the Scotch and Loralne shirt waist, woven tissue, 32-ln. wide, rerfect colors, every shade manufac tured shown In this fabric 25c 5.000 of the most handsome designs ever executed by any printer, In the good, old. roimnle American yuarn batiste, also full line of plain shades, yard 15c Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings. We have over 50 different kinds and sizes of Steel Ranges and Cook Stove In stock at prices at least 25 per cent less than you can buy them elsewhere. Come in and tatisfy yourself. ' The brat solid steel range In Omaha, with a hlph warming closet, gray Iron top, asbestos lined throughout, very handsome ln design, nickel plating on copper, extra large, square oven; sells elsewhere for $37.00; our price, $29.50. The Home Range, as good as the above, only lees nickel, with high shelf, extra heavy. We have 25 and will sell them as long as they last for $26.95. The Medallion, a very handsome cook, large 18-inch oven, nicely nickel plated; sells elsewhere for $16.00; we sell them for $10.95. The Lustre. This la one of our old stand ards; have sold them for over 10 years and have found them our very best seller the finest baker made, warranted in every way, large oven with white enameled res ervoirs; a regular $25.00 stove,; we sell them for $17.65. WATCH OUR AD. ON GASOLINE STOVES NEXT SUNDAY. Seasonable Goods at Prices That Will Save You Money. Poultry Netting, galvanized, after-woven. Beat made. 24 inches wide, per yard, 3c. 36 Inches wide, per yard, 44c. 48 Inches wide, per yard, 6c. 60 inches wide, per yard, 74c. 72 inches wide, per yard, 9c. No. 8 copper-bottom boilers, 69c. Full-sized washboard, 10c. Warranted garden hose, 74o a toot. 14x21 wire photo holders, 7c. Galvanized washtubs, 33c. 10-quart granite palls, 49c. Screen wire, beet made. 24 Inches wide, per yard, 74c. 30 Inches wide, per yard, 94c. 36 inches wide, per yard, ll4o. 12-tlne rakes. 10c. Garden hoes. 13c. Hardwood towel rollers, 6o. Nickel tray and scraper, 19c. Single gasoline oven, $1.25. 10-quart galvanized pails, 11c. 10-quart granite dish pans, 39c. Fancy wood salt boxes, 6c. WATCH FOR OUR AD. ON REFRIGER ATORS. ShirtVaists and White Dress Goods. English Madras, satin striped and figured, for 35c. Baeket weave Oxford, plain and striped, 25c, 35c, 45c and 60c. Imported Linon, striped and figured, the latest thing out for shirt waists, regular 60c, for 45c yard. Piques, in striped, figured and embroid ered, from 124o to 60c. Colored Dress Linen for 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 60c. Dotted Swiss in all tbe latest colors, 224o to 40c. Persian Lawns, 20c, 25c, 30c, 85c, 40c and 60c. French Batiste, 48 Inches wide, 49c, 60c and 65c yard. French Batiste, 36 lnche wide, 18c and 30c yard. EnglUih Long Cloth, regular $1.25, for 85c bolt. Remnants of Table Linen, 2, 24 and I yards, at greatly reduced prices. BARGAINS Feather Sticth Braids. We have just received our Import line of the fine feather stitch trimming braids and will place same on sale Monday. This stock is larger than all other stocks of these goods in tbe city, and we have cut tbe price one-third during the sale. 5c feather stitch braids for 3c. lOo feather stitch braid for 6c. 15c feather stitch braids for 10c. 20c feather atltch braids for 124c 25c feather stitch braids for 15c. Hair Goods. Never was there a more complete and beautiful stock of switches. In all shades, lengths and fine quality hair offered the ladles of Omaha and vicinity than w are showing now on main floor. See our prices and qualities. L 3 yl swill 1 1 II mil ujw IP! Mil So lirr.'iiiRo. it n.itnrnltv fnlinna Mercerised chambrays and ginghams, plain colors, embroidered dots, stripes, etc.. over 3d0 styles to select from, at 25c Falle Du Nord and Zephyr Ginghams, over l.ono styles In open stock for your selection, yard 10c The Second Week of the Gigantic Silk Stock of the V. U. Gozouth Co. This salt has proved such a tremendous success that we will offer for the second week the greatest SILK BARGAINS that you have ever heard of. THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF TUB FINEST SILKS FROM THIS WONDERFUL STOCK will bo sold at the most phenomenal reductions to make quick disposi tion of it. W. M. Cozouth Co., Grand St., New York, silk milla at Patterson, N. J., are known everywhere as makers of the fin est and most reliable silks. Many cases of silks from this stock have beeen opened and will be on sale for the first time, com mencing Monday morninp. All who attend this sale will agree that this is the most important silk event of recent years. W. M. COZOUTII CO. SILKS. One big lot silk lengths, from 1 yard up to 10 yards, plain and fancy silk, all colors, worth up to $1.00, for 25c yard. $1.60 SILKS FOR ONE HOUR AT 4!c. All heavy silks from W. M. Cozouth Co. 27-ln. colored taffeta, brocade silks, wide eatlns, yard wide wash silk, lining silk, dress silk, black and colors, real fine silks that will go quick, worth $1.00 and $1.50, from 9 o'clock until 10 o'clock, at 4c yard. W. M. COZOUTH CO. real heavy corded white silk taffetas, for waists, new styles, worth 75c, for 39c yard. TUB FOULARDS FROM THE W. M. CO ZOUTH CO are the best to be had. Over 100 pieces In choicest spring style and col orings, on sale Monday at about half prices. Everybody should have a fine foulard silk dress. We ran suit every taste in design and color. 85o foulards for 49c. $1.00 fou lards for 69c. $1.60 foulard for 98c. THE BIGGEST SALE ON BLACK TAF FETAS EVER KNOWN WILL BE HELD HERE MONDAY. Black taffeta, heavy rustling quality, 27 ln. wide, worth $1.25, on sale at 75c. Black taffeta, heavy rustling quality, 27 ln. wide, worth $1.75, on sale at -97c. - Black taffeta, heavy rustling quality, 36 ln. wide, worth $1.75, on sale at $1.00. Black taffeta, heavy rustling quality, 54 ln. wide, worth $3.00, on sale at $1.75. READ THESE PRICES, THEN COME AND SEE THEM AND YOU WILL BUY. White peau de sole, 27-ln. wide, worth $1.25, for 75c. White Loulslne, 20-ln. wide, worth $1.25, for 69c. Vinslow is the Leading Brand of Taffeta Silk in All the World. It Always Wears. We Fill MAIL ORDERS Promptly and With Sat isfaction. The Leading Dress Goods House in the West. MORE DRESS GOODS THAN THE COMBINED STOCKS OF ALL THE OMAHA HOUSES PUT TOGETHER. You will find in any stock a few pieces of goods, but in our stock you will find complete line of all grade and each grade contains a complete line of shades, and you will find everything made for the spring of 1902. , Our evening ehade line is complete In Voiles, Eoliennes, Bedford Corda, Frunel les. Cream Cheviots, Cream Serges, Cream Slcllllana and everything to make up the) complete evening shade stock. In selecting Voiles, Etamlnes or Mistrals be sure and get Lupin' goods, there is) no other weave a good. See Benton and Art de la Mode for May. VRIEHTLY'9 LEAD THEM ALL. Over 6,000 style to select from. Prlestly's Black Voiles, the $1.60 goods, Monday, at 9Sc. Prlestly's Black Eoliennes, tbe $2 98 good, for Monday at $1.60. Priestly' Black Prunellas, the $1.98 goods, Monday at $1.29. Priestly' $4.98 Broadcloth and Ladles cloth, Monday $3.60. Courtaldts' Crepe de Chene, the $2.93 quality, Monday at $1.50. - Sir Titus Salt' celebrated Mohairs, 81c illian. the $2.60 grade, 64 Inches wide, Monday at $1.67. Priestly' celebrated Fancies, In stripes and Flowers, Embroidered, etc., from $10.00 to $60,000 a pattern. COLORED DRESS GOODS. Lupin's Chateau du Nord Farblques lead the world In colors. Ask to see their Paris Twine Cord Eta mines, they come at 69c, 85c, $1.00 and up to $3.98 a yard. No other goods as good as Lupin's. We carry Etamlnes, Voiles and Mistral Optical Department. If you Buffer from headache or nervous ness have your eye examined. Tbeae trouble can often be removed by correctly fitted glasses. We examine eyes free and supply the glasses at the lowest possible coet. Gold-filled frames, 10-year guarantee, 1169. Fine aluminold frames, good lenses, 98c Wall Paper and Paints. The largest selection of up-to-date goods in the city. Great price cuts this week. Fine white blanks, 2Vo per roll and up. Fine ailt DSDera. 6c cer roll and no. All other grades in proportion. Fine room moldings, IVic per foot aad up. The beet grade of ready-mixed nainta on the market; per gallon, 98c. Also Tarnishes. stains, enamels anil brushes at greatly reduced prices. Soft printed flannel In washable material. yard wide, suitable for waitings, ehuV dren dresses and klmonaa. I2ic all new, yard (SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL FANCY 48. INCH SILK EMBROIDERED LINENS, EXCLUSIVE STYLES.) White gro grain, 27-ln. wide, worth $2.00, for 98c. Black satin duchesse, 27-ln. on sal at 79c. Black satin duchesse, 24-ln., on sale at 69c. 30-Inch wide colored china silk for 29o Satin rhadame, evening shades for 39c Black Liberty peau de sole, worth $1.25, for 58c. Black armure eilk, worth $1.25, for 69c Black peau de chene, worth $1.60, for 75o. THE PEAU DE SOIE SILKS FROM THI3 STOCK ARE THE VERY BEST AND WAR RANTED TO WEAR. Black peau de sole silk, 27-ln. wide, war ranted regular $1.50, for 88c. Black peau de sole silk, 24-ln. wide, war ranted regular $2.50, for $1.25. Black peau de sole silk, 3G-ln. wide, war ranted $3.76, for $1.98. MORE SAMPLES SKIRT LENGTHS OS1, FINE BLACK TAFFETA ON SALE. . 8 yard sample length, worth $14, on al at $7.75. 10 yard sample length, worth $17, on ssle at $9.76. . . . AN ATTRACTIVE- LINE OF NEW BLACK GRENADINE3 ON SALE AT HA LB! PRICE. Black grenadines, 44-ln. wide, in new styles, worth $1.50, for only 75c Black grenadines, 44-ln. wide, new styles, worth $2.00, for only $1.00. , Black grenadine. 44-ln. wide. In new styles, worth $3.00, for only $1.50. as low as 60c a yard. These are domestlo goods and although tbey are as good a sy sold In this town at 75o w only recom mend those made by Priestly and Lupin. EVKMNO SHADES. Cream Mohairs are very stylish tor hlrt waists. We have them In -the silk finish at 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 and up. W harsj them In all colors, auch as baby blue, pinks, Nile green and othe evening shades. Wa have Bedford Corda In creams at from 76a to $1.50 a yard. Yachting Cloth In cream, Cheviot In cream and Mohair Surge at less than they can be bought In any other houae in thj west. WAISTIXGS. We carry everything that 1 mad in Walstlngs for the spring of 1902. For tea dresses, kimones, dressing mo ques, waists, etc., we carry 300 style of Challia and over 300 styles of printed cash mere. , We carry all kinds of Tucking In Alba trosses, crepe de chene. Mail orders promptly filled. Sample cent free on application. Grocery Sale. $-lb. can garden beeta worth 25o at 6c, S-lb. can table peaches, 12Hc Can salmon, 10c. Swet chocolate, 6c Seeded ralslua worth 15c, we sell for 7o Wool soap, 6c. Oil sardines, very good, at 6c Mustard sardines, 7Vac Prunes, ihic Oregon prunes, 8Hc. Santa Clara prunes, 12Hc Come to Hayden Broa. for good candA We make a fresh batch of candy every hour. We would like the ladiea of the city to come and see how we make the candy. Cheeses and Meats. Wisconsin llmberger at 12Vic Prince Henry brick cheese, 15c Neufcbatel cheese, each to. No. 1 California bams, 8c. Boneless rump beef, Hc. Pure leaf lard, rendered, HVic Imported herring, each 2c. Potted ham, per can, $Hc Anchovies, per pound, 6c. Family white fish, per pound, 60. i