Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1902, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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A Page Brimful of Unparalleled Bargains
Every department offers its quota of splendid values to make Monday one of the eventful days of this business. We secured a number of lots of new desirable and
fashionable spring merchandise at great price concessions and offer them to you at the same reductions. Read the news below in detail, miss nothing or you'll lose money.
i i
Rich. Exquisite Millinery
$18 and $25 Pattern Hats $10.
26 i Pari and New York pattern hats bought
from a New York designer and importer at one-half
price. Among these goods are some of the most ex
(juisite creations tvhich are 7iow the reigning styles in
the United States, should be priced at G31 f
5 'AV. 00 and $2o, go at k) JL V
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $7.98.
A description of one of the many styles: Fine
large chiffon or soft straw braid hand made hats.
Flat Gainsborough effects, exquisitely draped tcith fine black silk
Chantili lace, caught at the back with two pretty cabachon ornaments,
the drape being arranged so as ends of lace drop softly, making the
muck-liked Uu Harry veil effect. The side is caught up with ban
deau covered profusely with black roses or violets. This FT CG
is an actual $12 value, tomorrow - JL (3
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $5 The best values in America.
litre is a disrriptinn of one of the bcit wiling styles: A yowl quality di iff on or toft braid
hnt, hand made, clrgantty drapjd and fine gwdity silk chiffon, rf 3k yards long, prftlily
tucked and appligned, and trimmed with a garniture of twelre silk and vchct rose, veiled with
fine mnline. Pearl ornament vstd to catch drape, which also has the soft dropping
Lht Hurry rriltjftct, Side bandeaux arranged with black satin foliage, tomorrow . . .
Millinery for Little Money
Ladies' Trimmed Hats $3.98
Ilenutlful black hnlr und Tuscnn hand-made hats, shnpod
into side flare effects, trimmed with beautiful soft silk ma
terials, niallncN, roses, fruits, foliage, Jets, pearls, etc. This
style is a very becoming one for almost any
lady, and cannot be duplicated in any store Z Q W
under $(i.A0 tomorrow at
Ladies' Trimmed Hats $2.98
(0 Mack and prevailing shades of the season in pretty
draped and trimmed hats, thirty-six different styles. These
hats should command the attention of every economically In
clined lady, as they contain as much style as our higher
priced goods, and are sold In most stores at
double our figures tomorrow,
Ladies' Trimmed Hats in Basement $1 and $1.98
1,200 neatly and stylishly trimmed hats, with all silk novelty trim fC OA
minps, should be not leas than 12 and S3 tomorrow at 1 J J m Im zf O
Street Hats 49c, 69c, 98c Gibson Street Hats $1.98
At these prices we bave an endless variety
of trimmed street bats wh'cb are the very
newest styles being shown in fv Q
the eaetorn markets, 4flc, 69c and. VOC
Ff OWPRS' FI OWPDS! VVe have nearly a thousand cartons of French
rmwcKJ. rt,uncKJ. d Amerlcan tfowor(Si whlch were boUght from
Black, brown, navy and natural colors of
Sumatra bodies trimmed with patent leather
hand and patent leather quill, brim
also edged with patent leather.
overstocked importers and manufacturers.
Big bunch of nix ptppies 15c
Big American, beauty rose 9e
Big bunch foliage and berries t9c
Tomorrow we offer the following bargains:
Hiq bunch cherries S'M
Big bunch foliage 15c
Bta bunch crynanthemums S5c
Big bunch black violets 19c.
0 MHW,
A Great Clothing Sale
Levy & Weinsteiu's entire sample line of men's fine suits on sale at about
half price,
$5.98 for Men's $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Suits.
In Kasement.
The variety of patterns is so extensive that we cannot begin to
enumerate them. All the newest ones are included, and the style are
right up to the minute . Borne of the fabrics are:
ltt-oi, Washington Mills bine and black Serges, Fancy
finished Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots, Fancy Caaalmerea.
Every Suit is a combination of style and quality their manufacture
has been given particular attention with a view of giving them the best
appearance possible. Every thread every seam has been
given unusual care, and the Suits show it. They are
garments you would expect to get of you paid
$10.00, 12.60 and $15.00
$10 for Men's $17.50 and $20 Suits.
On Main Floor.
Here are Suits that under ordinary circumstances you would have to
pay 117.50 and $20 for. They are strictly high-class la every respect.
The following are some of the materials:
All-wool Fancy Worsteds, All-wool Cheviots and Casst
nieres. All-wool Thlbets and Scotches, also black and bine
Worsteds and Sersee.
The styles, fabrics and excellent workmanship are right up to the
highest standard, and the vast range of patterns gives you a splendid
opportunity for choosing. In the face of thla announcement It would be
a very unwise plan to speed a dollar for clothing until you have seen
these Suits after you have seen them you certainly
won't go any farther, as the values are simply mar
velous. They are actually $17.50 and
$20.00 Suits
mem ii
11 you have seen
Sale of Men's Sample Hats
$2 to $3.50 Values at
98c and $1.49
We purchased from three prominent manufacturers their en
tire sample stocks of Men's Had, Including all the . latest
spring styles and shades. They are $2.00 to $3.50 values, on
special sale at 8c and $1.49.
Men's and Children's Sample Caps, Worth 50c 75c
and SI. at 10c 15c and 25c
Every conceivable style In men's snd boys' Caps Is included In
the lot yacht and golf also children's tame, all colors and
combinations 50c to $1.00 values, at 10c, 15c, 25c.
Men'sUnderwear at Special Prices
Men's 50c Underwear Spring weight Balbriggan
Shirts and Drawers, In the new fancy striped snd plain ef- (
fects, double-seated drawers per garment
Men's 7 So Underwear X sample line of men's fine
derby ribbed and plain stilt mercerised and striped Shirta
nd drawera
Men's $1 Underwear Real Otis make, pure lisle thread, in lace
and honeycombed effects, new modes, grays, tans and
colors shirt and drawers per gar
. ment
Splendid Silk Bargains
The balance of the Lord and Taylor silks and several new lot will be of
fered tomorrow at prices that signify a great saving.
$1.00 and $1.50 Silks at 39c and 50c Yard.
nk Lord and Taylor's foulards, brocaded silks, plain and fancy anas?
VJ taffetas, Lousenes, plain and striped silks, plain satin duchesse, I I
' and peau de sole, $1 and $1.60 qualities at 39c and 60c a yard..
Black Peau de Soie 75c Yard.
35 pieces new black soft, mellow finish peau
de sole, 22 inches wide, very lustrous and
double faced worth $1.25 yard
special Monday,
27-inch Black Taffeta, 75c yard
An Immense quantity of the celebrated Lyons,
(Treson Freres & Cie) make, every yard war
ranted all silk, 27 Inches wide
worth double our special
sale price, yard
New Lyons Printed Foulards. 59c a Yard.
60 pieces Lyons Imported Foulards, satin finished and twills, all new pretty designs mostly
blues, rose, gobelins, white and black, also small and medium dots and Persian
effects extraordinary values .
per yard
Moire Velours Black and Colors
Moire velours and antique are very popular for
skirts, waists and trimmings a new assort
ment of colors have Just arrived, including the
wanted navies, crenie, gobelins, per yard.
Shantung (Pongee) Silk Novelties
The latest fabrics for gowns and waists we
bave a complete assortment, including self
corded dots, embroidered, geometrical ef
fects large and small designs. Also 24-Inch
and 27-lncb natural pongee, per yard.
69c, 89c, $1, $1,25 69c, 75c, 98c and $1.25
The Latest Dress Fabrics
at Special Prices for Monday
Black Dress Goods Imported Wash Fabrics
Nuns veiling all wool the OQ
60c quality, per yard
Voile Etamine the regular CQ
$1 quality, per yard
Etamines that usually Bell at
11.35 yd. are priced for Monday
Mohair Lustre and Sclllian 4(5 in.
ches wide, $1 quality : n
per yard J J
We have a complete line of all the newest
materials its by far the best showing in
the city.
Linen Etamines, oxfords and crashes
for wash dresses, serviceable and
stylish per yard JVV
Silk Mousseline in white and all the dele.
cate colorings the 50o quality
per yard 0"C
White oxfords and damasks
excellent materials, per yard..,
All wool colored cheviots. 40 inches wide, pure wool, oq
the 83c quality, per yard 0"w
Gamers hair vicuna. 56-inch tailoring cloth and for :n.
walking skirts, f 1.25 value per yard OVC
Mohair lustre and brilliantine in cream, pink, sky Cflr
blue, cardinal, garnet, all shades of navy, brown, gray, elo.. 75o quality, yd. O vIC
$1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 dress goods at 98c yd., including
high grade imported drap d'ete, etc., lamb's wool, vicuna, vlgeraux, French and Q
German poplin, yarn, dyed fabrics, per yard , .VOC
Batiste and albatross the regular 75c grade, per yard
Mohair etamine, canvas and twine etamine
11.50 quality, per yard .'
I u w
Laces & Embroideries at Half
Tomorrow we will place on sale an immense quantity of fine
Embroideries and Insertions at prices that average less than one-half
their worth. Very excellent qualities of finest Nainsook, Swiss
and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions in a great variety of
pretty patterns. They will be sold at the following prices:
8c quality Embroidery and Insertions at 3ic yd.
10c and 12Jc quality Embroidery and Insertion 10c yd.
20c and 25c quality Embroidery and Insertion 5c yd.
An immense quantity of fine Laces, Insertions and Galoons,
fine Valenciennes, Torchon and Chantilly, very pretty styles, dainty
and elaborate effects. They will be placed on sale in three lots,
as follows:
5c quality of Laces and Insertions at 2Jc yard.
10c quality Laces and Insertions at 5c yard.
25c quality Laces and Insertions at 10c yard.
Fine Carpets and Rugs
Never since the birth of the Boston Store have we been able to show such an elegant and
comprehensive line of Carpets and Rugs as we are now showing. Our Carpet Department has
been enlarged to almost twice Us former size, which gives us extra facilities for handling
our Immense stock, and gives our patrons a chance to select from one of the most com
plete lines of Carpets and Ruga this side of New York.
Beaatlrul tw .deslas la Axmlnster Carpels, Sl.lO yard.
Floe Wlltoa Velvet, In (rut variety, at fl.lO yard.
- Klcaaat Moeiaette Carpets, borders t match, UHe yard.
All the Cm ten-wire Hraseele Carpets, MBe yard.
BIsT assortment of Mac Brussels Carpets, 4fic, Site and Ulte yard.
Complete line oC strictly all wool Ingrain Carpets, all the best makes, 50e aad
flSe yard.
Beet aoallty C. C. all wool Filled lairsla Carpets, 3Ue aad Se.
All the best I'nlon Ingrala Carpets, ittte yard.
Rug Department
There it actually no limit to the immense assortment of colors, designs and patterns to
select from In our Rug and Art Square Department.
Hundreds of Bundshr, Silk Irk and Royal Wilton Rugs, In all the latest designs, also hun
dreds of elegant Axminster Rugs, Including Read Axmlnster Rugs, Smith's Axminster Rugs
and Old 8tyle Axminster Rugs, xl2 sUe, at 122. 50 and up.
All the very best grades f Smyrna Rases, In all else, ra.iU( In price from
12.50 a p.
Kail ten-wlre Brnssells Rati, la very hnndsnme medallion and all-over pal
terna, else vslif, ia.t3 nad flo.UM.
Klvaaat Mae f Brnasels Hit, ale OalO-6, at 98.0a.
Vine Kirs ar Pre) Brassela Hii tor
Strictly All Wool Art nares for tt.HM.
' Handreda at ii raalte and las-rain Art Sqaares, from 2 np.
We have Rugs and Art Squares to suit the most fastidious and will w glad to. prove to
you that la this line we have no competition.
Suits and Long Coats.
The Most Captivating Garments at Captivating Prices.
Eton and Blouse Suits black, blue and brown
suits, cton back .nntl blouse front, with fancy tlt'tiiruable
vests. Jackets silk lined, skirts flounced and full taffeta
drop lining a very special value, 17 50
Blouse Suit Special We offer tomorrow choice of
a lot of 123 eton and blouse suits, made with moire and
peau de soie facings, stitched, silk lined jackets, flounced
skirts, made of all the stylish materials, Q Oft
many worth up to $20.00, choice Zs D
Silk and Cloth Long Coats A special
offering of long silk coats tomorrow, a good
heavy peau de soie coat with three capes and
large kimona sleeves, with turn Qk O C
back cuffs a good i5 value at . . .: eOt-J
A Cloth Raglan Special-Full length,
loose or half fitted back radian, turn back
cuffs in oxfords, grays and tans, with or without yokes,
regular $10.00 coats, at
Child's Taffeta Kaglans, with loose back, large black and white col
lars, some lace trimmed
with lace applique, at .
1 white col-
Golf and Silk and Wool Skirts
If low prices interest you the following should he read with great relish.
A Big Golf Skirt Value We have just received
two different styles of golf skirts, in gray, oxford,
blue and tan, corded designs and tucked flounce,
elegant materials, made to sell at 5.00, Q52
choice -ny30
Wool Skirt Special Tomorrow we offer the
choice of 400 hue dress skirts, in cheviot, covert,
tiau, broadcloth, homespun, etc.', with fine satin.
or taffeta stitched, with flare and flounce bottoms. Not
one in the lot worth less than $3, and most O Q O
of them worth up to $7, your choice J Z7 CD
Manufacturer's Sample Silk Skirts
Having purchased an eastern manufacturer's
sample line of taffeta, peau de soie and moire
skirts, we place them on sale tomorrow, and
give you choice of any worth up Q ( C
to $17.50, at
New and Stylish Wash Waists.
We have a most complete stock of stylish wssh waists the eorrpct modre and fahrlrs. The
The entire north eectlon of our second floor is devoted to the display and sale nf these
waists. Unless you see them you will fall to thoroughly comprehend the most popular faph
ions for the coming season unrivaled assortments and values at
50c, 98c, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Omaha's Best Drapery Dept.
Our drapery stock Is now replete with everything that Is new and de
sirable In that line. Since enlarging our department we are in a posi
tion to show a greater variety and more novelties than we have shown
formerly, aa our extra space allows us to carry a much more complete
and extensive stock. Tou can have the largest stock west of Chicago
to select from and at the same time buy your draperies at the Boston
Store's proverbially low prices.
Real Brusels Net Curtains, big assortment,
from $15.00 pair down to $3.98
Fine Arabian Curtains, handsome designs,
up from $3.9S
Elegant Cable Net Curtains, 60 styles to se
lect from, at pair 5.98, $4.98, $3.08
nd $2.98
Beautiful Point de Calais and Rococcco Cur
tains from $10.00 pair down to.... $2. 98
Besutlful Point de Calais and Rococco Cur.
hundreds of patterns to select from, at
'$5.00 pair down to 50c
Immense assortment of Ruffled Net Cur
tains at pair $4.98, " $3.98, $2.98 and
1 98
Ruffled Swiss and Grenadine Curtains, from
$2.60 pair down to 98;
Full Size Tapestry Portieres, heavy fringed
top and bottom, or with cord edge, from
$15.00 pair down to.. $1.98
Complete line of Rope Portieres, In nsw
and handsome designs and ever Imagi
nable combination of colors, from $7.50
pair down to $1.98
Big assortment of Couch
m-lriA latest stvlps Is jt
Ottoman rib, Bagdad, 1i
Oriental and Persian
designs, at each $3.98
and $2.98 "
Oriental Striped Tapestry for dens and
cozy croners, 60 Inches wide, at
yard 59c
Elegant line of Fine 811k Tapestry, in all
colors and the latest designs, yard. $1.39
Fine Dotted and Figured 8wlss, In esdless'
variety, In all white or new colored dots,
figures or stripes, at yard 19c, 15c
and 10c
Brass Extension Rods, for sash curtains,
10c and 5c
Brass Extension Rods, one-half-inch tub
- ing, 48-inih extension, each 15c
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery
A number of unusual bargnins, all offer great saving chances.
$1.50 and $2.00 Kid Gloves 85c.
An Importer's entire sample line and odd and end lots ef high class
Kid Oloves, Including the very best makes, such well known brands as
Carlton, Majestic, Peerless and Monarch, styles tbst retail universally at
$1.60 and $2.00, In black and all colors, made of
real kid, on sale per pair
50c and $1.00 Corsets 25c.
Sample line of Corsets, lncludisg every late style, straight fronts, in
all lengths, made of various materials, In black, white and all colors, some
a little soiled from being shown 60c and gj
$1.00 values, at
35c and 50c Hosiery at 19c a Pair.
A very excellent assortment of Fine Hosiery for ladies and men. Including plain and
fancy hose In black, brown and fancy colors, some sik mercerized, .great variety of atylea.
drop stitch snd allover lace patterns, 35c snd 60c vslues
ler pair.
Sample Underwear at Less Than Half.
We are selling a manufacturer's entire lot of sample garments at leas
than one-halt their worth. The lot Includes badl.a', atlases' and Boys'
Bummer Knit Underwear ef every description, lisle thread, mace cotton,
senium weight ribbed, silk mercerised and all silk underwear, on sale la
four aaaortaaenta at
10c, 15c, 25c and 49c,