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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1902)
j r - The Omaha Daily Bee. JTA1JL1HHED JUNE ll, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY JIOHNING, APRIE 1, 1002 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 1 X '4 LAV5 FOR FILIPINOS Ton of Government Decided on by the Senate Committee. BILL IS READY FOR INTRODUCTION Continues the Philippine Commission in Control of Inlands. PROVIDES FOR A COMPLETE CENSUS Currency Section Order Establishment of Mint in Manila. NATIVE SILVER DC VGAL TENDER 5r Majority Member TJr poaed Substitute Hill of Dfmoc, V Order Arrf)4 Meusur. Introduced. "- WASHINGTON. Marrh 31. The senate committee en the Philippines today cora- ' pletsd consideration of the bill prescribing form of government for the Philippine Islands and authorizing Senator Lodge to report It to the senate, after voting down the democratic substitute by a party vote. The amendment provided for a census of the population of the Islands and Is as fol lows: That whenever the existing Insurrection In the Philippines shall have cased and a condition tit general Hnd complete peace hall have bern established therein nnd the facts shall be certllled to the presi dent by the Philippine commission, the - president, upon being satisfied thereof, shall order a census of the Philippine Is lands to be taken; such census in lis In quiries relating to the population shall take and make, so far as prncticable, full ' report for all the Inhabitants, of name, age, sex, race or tribe, whether native or foreign born, literacy In Spanish, native dialect or language, or In English, school attendance and ownership of homes, and such other Informstlon separately for each Island, each province and municipality or other civil division, needful to Inform the ' president and congress concerning the ca pucity, fit nous nnd readiness of all the - people of the Philippine Islands, and of particular Islands, provinces and munici palities and other civil divisions, for the establishment and maintenance In the Philippine Islands or certain of them or a permanent popular representative govern ment. Fall Report to President.. - After-the completion of the census the " Philippine commission Is required fully to report to the president and to congress Its recommendations based on such census and upon the operation of the local gov ernments provided for, whether or not all or certain of the Philippine Islands are capable, fit and ready for the establishment of a permanent popular representative gov ernment. The Philippine commission Is continued In control and there la no further hint than that above quoted of a possible change. The following provision Is made for the ex tension of the commissions authority: That the Philippine commission is hereby authorised and ulrected, In Its discretion, to continue to establish additional munlcl- fsl aVid provisional governments in the 'hlllpWnes with popular representative government, so far and so fast as com nrjritles in such'civll divisions are capable, fit an I reauv lor the same, the qualifica tion of electors in elections In municipalities and provinces to be the same ss now pro vided by law for electors In municipal elections; and said commission, whenever they find other male Inhabitants of lawful age In such municipalities and provinces capable, fit and ready for euch extension, shall Include the same among the electors, with the purpose of gradually extending to municipalities and provinces permanent popular representative govern ment. . . Provision for Currency. The provision concerning the currency to fee used In the Islands covers six pages of the bill. After authorising the Philippine government to establish a mint at Manila and extending the coinage laws of the United States so far as applicable to the Islands, the following la Inserted aa a sec tion: That the snld Philippine government is authorised to coin a silver dollar which shall contain 41S grains of standard silver unit the xanriard of said silver coins shall . tie such that of 1.000 part by weight 9o0 shall be pure metal anu jw or auoy, ami the alloy shall be of copper. And upon the said silver dollar there shall be devices and Inscriptions to be prescribed by the govern ment of the Philippine Islands, with the approval of the secretary of war of the Lnltod Hlatea, which devices and Inscrip tions ahull exnress or symbolise the sov ereignty of the United States and that It Is coin of the Philippine Islands, together with the denomination or me coin ex pressed In English, Filipino and Chinese rhiriuit.r. and the date of Its colnaae. That any owner of silver bullion may de posit the same at the mint In the Philip pine Islands to be coined as hereinbefore provided. Silver bullion brought to the mint of the Philippine Islands for coinage hall be received and coined by the proper nm-ers Tor tne benem or me aenosiior. Provided, that It shall be lawful to refuse at the mint any deposit of less thsn $100 and also any bullion so base as to be un suitable for the operations of the mint; and provided also, that when gold la combined with said bullion In such small proportions that It cannot be separated advantageously no allowance snail us maue lor suco goiu to the depositors. Silver Dollar Legal leader. The silver- dollar Is made a legal tender tn the Philippines. There la further re quirement that the depositor of gold to be coined shall be required to pay I cent for each piece coined. Authority la given for the coinage at San Francisco at the request of the Philippine government of silver dol lar authorised by the act, but It is re quired that the silver coined at the San Francisco mint shall have been produced ia the Vnlted States. Silver certificates of not less than $10 In denomination are au thorlxed. ' Authority la also given for the coinage cf subsidiary Philippine coinage consisting of half dollar and of 20-cent and 10-cent (lecei. This coinage Is to be conducted under the authority cf the Philippine gov ernment, with the secretary of the war of the United States, and there Is a provision that the dollars and subsidiary coins Issued tinier Spanish authority may be recolned Into subsidiary coins by the Philippine gov ernment without consulting the secretary of war. Minor coins of l cent and of 1 cent In copper and of E cents In nickel are also authorized. Provision t made for the mint age of the subsidiary coinage-at any mint In the United States. Existing previsions In force In the Utsnds. making any form of money legal tender are repealed after December II. 190!. , MONUMENT- TO OLD SOLDIERS Shaft Proposed In Honor of Ka-Prls-v oners ml War Killed In . IslUss. - WASHINGTON. March SI." A movement Is under way for the erecttoa of a moau- avctnt a this city In memory of the 1.467 auldlera, ex-prtsoners of war from Andar. V suldlei ) aonvlll ' $ Just a til and Cabala, who lost their lives fr Just after the rlose of the war by the ex 1 l - yloslon of the steamer Sultana near Mem- t ohis. Tann.. on the ntrht of jinrli n lace. phis. " y A -.bill has been prepared appraprlatiug 'O.abo for the mouuratut and It will be I. educed In both house of congres la a time. KRUGER BECOMES ANXIOUS Will fives of Schalkburger's Peace Movement. THE HAGUE. March SI. Mr. Kruger, fr. Levels and the Boer delegates In Europe are expected to hold an Important meeting at Utrecht April 2, to consider the situation. In view of Acting President Schalkburger's peace movement. Well In fomed people here say General Schalk burger was evidently Influenced by the re ceipt of the Dutch note to Great Britain and other matter sent him here. Ills conferences with Mr. Steyn and Gen eral Dewet which heretofore have been dally carried ot, were Interrpted by the recent British military movements, and as It was necessary to communicate with Mr. flteyn and General Dewet before any peace proposition could be formulated, General Schalkburger had to apply to Lord Kitch ener for a sfe conduct. Considerable surprise Is expressed here at Schalkburger' delay In getting In touch with Dewet and It Is thought that something unusual must be behind It. But even If the Orange Free State and Trans vaal officials agreed to peace terms. It would be necessary for both republics to call a general meeting of the commanders and submit the proposals to the burghers before they could be submitted to Lord Kitchener. In any case, unconditional sur render. It Is declared. Is out of the ques tion. REBELS CAPTURE THE TOWN Bombard Rirstoss nnd In Fierce Encounter Forty Soldiers Are Killed. SAN DOMINCO, March 31. The town of Barahona on the south coast was attacked and captured by the revolutionists after a severe fight In which forty were killed or wounded. Later a government gunboat bombarded Barahona and landed troops, who retook the town. The revolutionists retired to a stronghold In the neighborhood. The Dominican minister of war has pro ceeded to Barahona with other troops and will take severe measures to re-establish order. This revolutionary activity Is, for the present, confined to Barahona. The Dominican congress haa declared that martial law be established throughout the whole republic and that the constitutional guarantees be suspended. PROMINENT MEN VISIT CUBA Ei-Kpeaker Heed, Mark Twali II. H. Roger Inspect the Island. and SANTIAGO DE CUBA, March 31. The American steam yacht Kanawha, with H. H. Rogers, vice president of the Standard Oil company; T. B. Reed, ex-speaker of ths houaV of representatives, and Samuel L. Cleme'os (Mark Twain) on board, arrived here today. The party visited the points of historical Interest near Santiago. Mr. Reed expressed himself as greatly pleased with Cuba and. said the Island contained more natural wealth than any country be had ever seen. - Kanawha left this afternoon for-Vassau. GENERAL ELECTION IN FRANCE President I.oubet Signs Decree Call ing It for Issdar, April 27. PARIS, March II. At a council of the ministers this morning President Lou bet signed a decree fixing the general election for April 27. PLAGUE SITUATION TERRIBLE Seventy Thonsand Deaths Monthly In India, and Condition G row ing Worse. SIMLA, India, March 31. The plague sit uation is growing worse In the Punjab, where 70,000 deaths are reported monthly. KILLED BY HIS COACHMAN Prominent Cleveland Man la Shot Dead and 111 Slayer Confesses. , CLEVELAND. March 31. George H. Allen, a prominent dealer In coal ant tim ber and timber lands and geuwal teal es tate, was shot to deatii In the yard m the rear of his bom? on Delmoni avemm. East Cleveland, tontgh. The deed was doue by his coachman. John Hageafeli'i, who, a little more than an J our laLer surrendered at Central police headquarters and nade the statement that he had killed Allen. The crime s believed to have 'been the outcome of a quarrel betwie:. the two men about Hag iils work. Higeafeld fired four shots tata AHen's body. Allan's wife was a wltnras to the crlin. Her l'Ubland bad asked her to get him his gun. because he said Haifsfeld was going to kill him. Before the wife could comply with her hus band's request Kagesfe'.d had killed blm. After committing the crlnvi Hagcefeld left the scene, found a son anl told him of thi crime, got Into a downtown car, rode to the Central police headquarter:) and surren dered. EXPELLED FROM THE PULPIT Minister Deposed for Issuing; Paniph let In the Interest of Saloons. MINNEAPOLIS, March It. Rev. Louis Rlchter, a Presbyterian minister, was de posed from the ministry and expelled from the church tonight, after a trial before tha Minneapolis presbytery. He was charged with publishing In pamphlet form article In the Interest of the saloons and else with receiving pay from a Minneapolis brewing company. The pastor admitted the actions charged, but denied that by such action ha had done anything that was not consistent with bis position as a minister of the gos pel. The deposed minister,-who Is $g years of age, held a pastorate In Kansas before coming to Minnesota. " TO BUILD OLD LADIES' REST Mrs. William Small ' ltssstei Fifty ' Thssissa Dollar for Memorial . to llaskand. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.,' March .31. Mrs. William Small, It Is announced,' has do nated 0,0O0 to establish an old ladles' rest la this city, which Is to stand as a memorial to her 1st husband, William Small, who was a pioneer merchant of Leavenworth. Mr. Small died at Chicago two years age while undergoing aa oprs tlon. Some time ago Mrs. Small paid eS the - Indebtedness o the new Youag at co g icraUiaa association UuilOicg. OVER CLIFF TO DESTRUCTION Cattlemen Slaughter Twelve Thousand Sheep in Wyoming Fight. COURIER BEARS FIRST AUTHENTIC NEWS Itefaae to Disclose Identity of Men Involved In Outraae, hot Say None of the Men Were Wounded. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., March 31. (Spe cial Telegram.) A courier reached here late tonight from the scene of the fight between the sheepmen and the cattlemen east of Big Plney, which occurred last Friday. Ho was on the ground Saturday and states that no one was Injured, but that 12 000 sheep were killed and scattered, tha animals being shot, clubbed to death and driven over a cliff Into a deep and narrow ravine. Three sheep wagons were burned, together with the bedding and camp out fit of the flockmasters. The fight occurred between Sand Springs and East Boulder creek, twenty miles east of Big Plney. The sheepmen were sev eral miles beyond the deadline and were encroaching upon the reserve of the cat tlemen, when a band of the latter appeared, heavily armed and mounted. After firing several shots at the sheep men, who returned the lire, the cattlemen closed In and as they outnumbered the sheepmen Ave to one, disarmed the herders and tied them and proceeded to destroy the outfit and kill the sheep. The courier refuses to divulge the nams of those Implicated in the outrage, neither will he give the name of the flockmasters, but he would not deny that the latter wer John and Abe Hill. There Is considerable excitement In the upper Green river coun try, and further trouble Is expected. DECISION ON GRAZING LANDS Wyoming; Supreme Court Declare Il legal the I'se of I nfenced Land of Another, CHEYENNE, Wyo., Marcl: 31. (Special Telegram.) A decision of vital Importance to stockmen who have for years been grat ing their stock on the alternate sections of government land embraced within the rail road land grants was today rendered by the Wyoming supreme court In the case of Cosgrlff Bros., plaintiffs In error, against L C. Miller, defendant In error. Cosgrlff Bros, grazed large bands of sheep on the public land In Carbon county, form ing the alternate sections with the rail road lands owned by the Union Pacific. Miller leased a large tract from the rail road company and was enjoying the free use of the government land adjoining. The Coegrlffs used the government sections, claiming they bad as much right there aa Miller, but it was Impossible for them to pass from one section of government land to another without trespassing upon the leased railroad tract of Miller. The latter brought suit for (6,000 damages for trespass and won, the case being appealed to the higher court. The decision of the supreme court, affirms 'he Judgment of :tae low'or court and In ef feot bolls that the (raxing of stock on the unfenced land of another, although such land Is not marked as to boundary, consti tutes trespass If the owner or lessee of the land gives notice of such ownership and gives the general location of the land. Although the decision doe not pass upon the question of right-of-way over leased railroad lands, it will have the effect of ex cluding stockmen who have been tn the habit of using the alternate sections of Uncle Sam's domain, from going on or passing over leased railroad lands, whether fenced or not.1 It also gives the lessee or purchaser of railroad tracts absolute con trol of every alternate section of public domain, or Just double the amount of land obtained from the railroad. As Wyoming sheepmen have leased or purchased almost all of the best railroad lands through southern Wyoming, they have now absolute control of the vast win ter range that haa been used for years by Utah flockmasters. The case will be taken' to the United States supreme court for final decision. MEETS ROCKEFELLER TERMS Barnard College Halae Two Hun dred Thonsand. Which Give It a Duplicate. NEW YORK, March 81. The treasurer of Barnard college announced today that the full amount of 1200,000, which Is to be duplicated by John D. Rockefeller, had been subscribed. In addition to this amount the treasurer received an additional dona tion of $50,000. This brings the subscrip tion to 1250,000. and as Mr. Rockefeller pledged himself to double 1200,000 and up to $230,000, provided the amount was sub scribed by midnight tonight. The Barnard college will now have an added endowment of $500,000. The $50,000 last subscribed reached the treasurer just before midnight and came In a letter from Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Co lumbia university, who stated the sub scription came from an anonymous donor. . ON TRIAL F0R OLD CRIME Man Defend Himself Against Charae of Murder Thirty-Three Year Ago. AVA, Mo.. March 31 In the trtal here of James Wilson, charged with the murder in 1889 of Orvllle Lyons, a neighboring farmer, the taking of testimony wss begun tods;'. W. R. Lyons, son of the deceased, testi fied that he was 4-yesrs-old at the time of the murder. He saw bis father and some men come up the roadway; heard a gunshot and next saw his father dead; he also saw the men leave. T. H. Andrews said that he bad talked with Wilson regarding tho killing of Lyons. Tha defense Is trying to prove that Wil son's connection with the murder Is a case of mistaken Identity. ADMIRAL SAMPSON NO WORSE la Poor Physical Condition, but Alarming Rumor Are Net Borne Out. WASHINGTON. March 31. Report were In circulation today that Admiral Sampson's condition had taken another turn for the worse and that the end was near, but It was learned upon Inquiry that bis condition la unchanged and that he take his outdoor xerclse regularly, weather permitting, as hsa been hla custom tor some months. At tls residence tonight If was aisled that he was down to his dinner. It Is conceded that be never will regain hie health, but no lien untoward development have oc curred receutly. MILITIA BILL IS DIFFERENT Nehraskaa 1'nder Misapprehension Object to Plan for Imp rove meat of National Guard. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 31. (Special Tel egram.) Members of the Nebraska dele gation have been receiving letters re cently regarding the bill to increase the efficiency of the National guard. From the letters received It Is assumed that the writ ers are under the Impression that the bill refer to the general staff proposition ad vocated by the secretary of war and antag onized by General Miles. Th bill, bow ever, has no relation whatever to this sub ject, but Is only designed to provide for a more stable mllltla than the present laws contemplate. ' Several Omaha Indians, beaded by Hiram Chare, are In Washington to present to the secretary of the Interior a petition ask ing for division of their trust fund. The Omaha Indians have nearly $500,000 held In trust for them by the Treasury department, a portion of which they desire to have set aside for their use. They were presented today to Commissioner Jones by Senator Millard and permitted to state their rase. The postofflce at Mount Hamlll, la., has been made a domestic money order office. George W. Swords of Iowa City, la., was today admitted to practice before the In terior department. , Postmasters appointed: Iowa W. O. Thomas, Onoida, Delaware county. South Dakota D. T. Danforth, Ray mond, Clark county. Wyoming J. B. Budd, Big Tlney, Uintah county. The postoffices at Bethlehem, Clinton county. Center, Wayne county, and Reeder Mills, Harrison county, la., have been or dered discontinued after April 30. EVANS MAY'G0 TO MADRID Pension Commissioner Mentioned a Morer'a Successor In Proposed Ministerial Chansre. WASHINGTON, March 3L Henry White, at present secretary of embassy at London, Is the latest and most formidable candidate for the vacancy In the Italian embassy, to be created by the retirement of Ambassador Meyer. Mr. White is strongly urged by Senator Lodge and haa a most enviable record In diplomatic practice. He was secre tary of the embassy, when Mn. Hay was ambassador, and consequently be has a warm friend In the secretary. ' , Bellamy Storer, now minister to Madrid, Is to go to Berlin as ambassador to succeed Mr. Andrew White, when that officer re tires, which probably will be next fall. The only contingency which, may defeat Mr. Storer's aspirations In this direction He In the attitude of the Ohio senators toward his promotion; If, tbey are Jointly opposed they may defeat The proposed ap pointment, r. Mr. Storer'a retirement from Madrid will leave a vacancy there which rumor con nects with the name of Henry Clay Evans, the retiring pension commissioner, though it Is learned upon inquiry that this la not yet assured. J,, , HOLD UP THE BQXfcH CLAIMS House Committee Derides to With hold Payment Pending China's ' 'Remittance of Indemnity. WASHINGTON, March 31. No action has been taken thus far by the appropriations committee of the house on the recommenda tion of the president to pay by appropria tion $2,100,000 of the missionary claims growing out of the Boxer troubles In China and an Informal understanding has been reached that it will be Inadvisable to pay these claims before they have been adju dicated tn the usual manner by a commis sion or some other body, and also before China has paid the $23,000,000 Indemnity coming to this country. The latter came up recently when the sundry civil appropriation bill was under discussion and Chairman Cannon called In Mr. Hltt of the foreign affairs committee to get bis view on the subject. All agreed that the claims ought to be adjudicated be fore being paid and ought to await China's settling up. It Is probable this terminate any present appropriation of the amount of these claims. OFFERS SYMPATHY TO BOERS Resolution by Bnlser F.njoln Prexl ' dent to Protest for Civ ilised Warfare. WASHINGTON. March 31. Represents -tlve Sulzer of New York today Introduced In the bouse the following resolution: That we sympathize with the heroic Boers In their struggle to maintain their liberty and independence and protest In the name of humanity and civilization against the continuation of a war which outrages the feelings of all liberty-loving people, and that the congress of the United States, being committed to the principle of arbitration for the settlement of In ternational disputes, the president I here by respectfully requested to urgo upon the government of Great Hrltain the wisdom of adopting this policy for tho purpose of stopping the awful atrocities now going on In South Africa, and that the presi dent Is hereby directed to maintain a strict neutrality between the contending forces, and prevent the shipment of con trabsnd goods from ports In the United States to aid the British soldiers In South Africa and respectfully Inform the British government that if the war in tfouth Af rica be continued. It must be conducted In accordance with the. rules of civilized warfare and the provisions agreed to and sdopted by the CJeneva convention and Th Hague convention. COLOMBIA CONSENTS TO SALE Agrees to Disposal of Canal Right by the Sew I'nnnmn Company. WASHINGTON. March 31. Senor Concha, the Colombian minister, today delivered to Secretary Hay a definite protocol between the United Statea and Colombia, embodying the terms under which Colombia will agres to concede the rights necessary for the con struction of a Panama canal. It la understood that Colombia gives un qualified consent to the sale of the rights of the new Panama Canal company to the United States government and the consum mation of Its offer of $40,000,000. SHAW GETS JEW SECRETARY Appulat Robert B. Armstrong, Chl- th Position. WASHINGTON. March 31. Secretary 8baw has appointed Robert B. Armstrong of Chicago to be bis private secretary In place of C. V. Rich, who has resigned to accept a responsible position In New York. Mr. Armstrong has been couaectsd aita one of tbs Chicago newspapers. MORGAN WINS IN THE BLUFFS Republicans Elect Major Against Jennings' Third-Term Effort. CITY COUNCIL'S COMPLEXION STICKS Six Republicans to Two Democrat I Maintained a Ratio Alder anna Huber Lose by Tw Vote. Major DELI . O. MORGAN. Rep. Aldermcn-at-Large....JOHN OI.BON, Rep. 1 A. CAPI'KK, Iem. Solicitor B. 8NYDKR, Rep. Treasurer FRANK T. TKl'K. Hep. Auditor FRKI I. EVANS. Rep. Engineer H. U KTNYRK. l'm. Asessor FRANK F. EVEREST. Rep. Welghmaster WM. HIOtlESON, Hem. Park Commissioner.. A. C. UKAUAH, pern. Ward aldermen: First ward : J. R. BEI.U Rep. Second ward K. H. LOI'GEE, Rep. Third ward M. H. TINI.EY. Pern. Fourth ward W. C. M'PONAI.P. Hep. Fifth ward J. C. FI.EMINO. Rep. Sixth ward ISRAEL. LJVETT, Rep. COUNCIL. BLUFFS, April 1. (Special Telegram.) After one of the hardest fought municipal elections In the history of Coun cil Bluffs, the republicans elected Pell G. Morgan mayor over Victor Jennings, the democratic nominee, and holder of the office, who was seeking a third term. The other republicans elected are: John Olson, alderman-at-large; 8. B. Snyder, solicitor; Frank T. True, treasurer; Fred Li. Evans, auditor; Frank F. Everest, as sessor. Ward aldermen: J. R. Bell, First ward; E. H. Lougee, 8econd ward; W. C. Mc Donald, Fourth ward; J. C. Fleming, Fifth ward; Israel Liovett, Sixth ward. The democrats elected are: I A. Cas per, alderman at large; S. L. Etnyre, engi neer; William HIggeson, welghmaster; A. C. Graham, park commissioner; M. H. Tin ley, alderman Third ward. The city council will be of the same com plexion aa before, six republicans and two democrats. Alderman Huber was beaten In the First ward by two votes. Owing to the large number of scratched ballots In each precinct, the returns were slow In coming In, and it was after mid night before definite figures were obtained. The complete election returns from Coun cil Bluffs are printed on the fourth page. DES MOINES REPUBLICANS WIN James M. Benton Defeat Mayor Jerry Hartenbower by Twelve Hundred Majority. DES M0INE8, March 31. (Special Tele gram.) At the city election today the en tire republican city ticket was elected by about 800 majority, James M. Brenton being elected over Jerry Hartenbower (dem.), the present Incumbent of the office. The repub lican elected nearly all the aldermen and will control the city In full the next two years. A. L. Moore, on tho citizens' ticket, waa elected alderman In the Third ward by a small majority. J Complete returns on the head of the ticket give Brenton, 7,306- Hartenbower, ,0l. ' , . In the city election In Des Moines today a voting machine was for the first time In Iowa put into successful operation and used In one voting precinct throughout the day. This was In the Fourth precinct of the Third ward, one of the beet precinct of the city and contalnlhg as large a per centage of Intelligent voters as any In the city. The machine gave entire satisfaction and waa declared by all wbo lived in the ward to be a great Improvement over the old method of voting. The state law now provides that under certain circumstances voting machines may be used, and this was tried by authority of the city. It is proba ble that other machines will be put in use In Des Moines before the next election. CALDWELL CARRIES SIOUX CITY Republican Nominee Ha Thonsand Plurnlltr Over Judge Van W Sne llen, Democrat, for Mayor. SIOUX CITY. Ha., March 81. (Special Telegram.) Ten precincts out of twelve give E. W. Caldwell, republican, a plurality of 1,000 over Judge A. VanWagenen, demo crat, for mayor of Sioux City. The campaign was one of the hardest fought In the city's history. VanWagenen announced that If electe-1 he would close the gambling houses and made bis cam paign on the anti-gambling platform. The republicans adopted a platform opposing gambling, but were not so outspoken In their promise. E. W. Caldwell Is widely known as "Happy Cal." For years he was Intimately and prominently associated with the history of South Dakota, where he was editor of the Sioux Falls Press for many years. He re cently returned to Sioux City, bis old stamping ground. He was one of the foun ders of Sioux City's first dally newspaper, the Times. Charlie Colllus was bis partner. Caldwell Is well-known In Omaha, having been engaged In the printing and news paper business in that city In 1867-68. For the laat five years be bai been city editor of the Pally Evening Journal. The retir ing mayor Is A. H. Burton. DEMOCRATS TAKE BURLINGTON Elect Mayor aad Six of klne Conn ellmen, Also Take All City Hall Office. BURLINGTON. Ia., March 81. Special Telegram.) The democrats elected a mayor and six of the nine councilmen. The former council was republican by four majority. The democrats also elected every candidate for city offices. The campaign waa a hot one. Brown Klerted Mayor of Oanwa. ONAWA, Ia., March 31. (Special Tele gram.) William D. Brown was elected mayor over Henry Harlow by ninety ma jority. For councilmen 8. 8. Cody and H. B. Pessenden were elected; clerk, Oeorge Underbill; treasurer, B. 13. Holcomb; as sessor, L. P. Paine. The library tax car ried by thirty. All Republican la Missouri Valley. , MISSOURI VALLEY, Ia., March 31. (Special Telegram.) At the city election today the vote waa the lightest polled In years. Three councilmen and an aasesor were voted for and the republicans carried the city by a landslide, electing their ticket from top to bottom. Marshalltewn Avoid Parly Maes. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia., March 81. No party lines were drawn in today'a election. Kirbey was elected alderman In tha First wsrd. McBrlde In the Second, Green In the Third, Webster In the Fourth, Arnold and Psenica la the Fifth. A light vote was polled, ""-"Saw. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forei .t for Nebraska Fslr Tuesday; Wednesdsv. Fair and Warmer; North to East Winds. Hour. Den;. llonr. Peg. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! K n. m aa t p. m M n. m a-J p. m :n T n. m ...... aa a p. m 4i S au m aa 4 p. m 42 S s, si at K p. m 4 10 a. m...... a n p. m...... an 11 a. m ar T p. m a 12 m 37 Hp. m atl A p. m ..... U3 SENATOR JONES IS HOPEFUL Decline to Concede Rlectlon ef Clarke, Which Generally la Considered Certain. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., March 81. Tonight the senatorial situation remains unsettled. It Is claimed by ex-Governor Clarke and friends that advices have been received from forty-four counties, showing that they were carried by Clarke. These coun ties have seventy-five members of the gen eral assembly or eight mors tbaa a ma jority on Joint ballot At the Jones' headquarters no definite claims are put forward, but Senator Jones has not abandoned hope. It is thought that by tomorrow morning the result will be definitely known. Senator Jones left Hope, for Washington today. The democratic state ticket o far as known Is as follows: Governor, Jefferson Davie of Hope. Secretary of state, J. W. Crockett of Ar kansas county. Attorney general, George W. Murphy cf Pullaskl. State treasurer, H. C. Tipton of Boone. Auditor of state, R. C. Moore of Columbia. Land commissioner, probably E. H. Con way of Pullaskl. Superintendent of public Instructions, J. H. Hineman of Jefferson. Railroad commissioners. J. q. Hampton, J. B. Hudglns and F. M. Hanley. The races for agricultural commissioner and associated Judge of the supreme court are uncertain. ttr congress. 8. Brundlge, In the 8ccond; J. 8. Little. Fourth, and C. C. Reld. Fifth district, are renominated; Joseph T. Rob inson is nominated In the Sixth. Agricultural commission, uncertain be tween P. H. McHenry of Pulsskl and H. T. Bradford of Llnoka; associate Justice of the supreme oourt, uncertain between B. S. Battell, B. M. Martin and J. O. Wa tell. The latest returns show the following re sults in congressional districts: First, un certain between B. M. Mason, E. O. Taylor and Eugene Pariss; Second 8. Brundlge (renominated); Third, close between Con gressman Hugh. A. Dlnsmore and J. C. Floyd; Fourth, J. S. Little, renominated; Fifth, C. C. Reld, renominated; Sixth, Joseph T. Robinson of Linoke; Sev enth, uncertain between R. W. Wallace and W. V. Tompkins. LOCAL ELECTIONS IN KANSAS Cities of First and Second Class Will Kleot Municipal Officer. TOPEKA, M.'reh 3U-AT1 firs', and' seconl class cities In Kansas' will bold municipal elections tomorrow to elect councilmen, members of the school board and constables. Townships also elect constables. The cam paign In most of the big towns has been along party lines. In most Instances where the liquor fight has entered Into the csm palgn, the republicans have taken the "dry" end and the democrats the "wet" end. It has been a wet and dry campaign In To peka, the republicans lining up against the joints. HUGHES MAYOR OF CLINTON After Kxcltlno- Klectlon the ew Council Will Stand Five Repub- .. llean nnd Four Democrats. CLINTON, Ia., March 31. (Special Tele gram.) The municipal election hero today was one of the most exciting In the history of the city. It resulted in a victory for the republicans, who elected all the city officers with the exception of one council-man-at-large The democrats elected three ward councilmen. The council will stand five republicans to four democrats. E. A. Hughes defeated T. M. Oobhlo for mayor by 600 majority. Both of the candidates for mayor have served four years heretofore and each had defeated the other In a pre vious election. Creaton Goes Democratic. CRESTON. Ia., March 31. The election tn this city today resulted in a democratic vic tory, the democrata electing four out of five aldermen. The Incoming council will be composed of alx democrats and four re publicans. Republican Lose tn Shenandoah. 6HENANDOAH. Ia.. March 31. (Special Telegram.) In the local election here today all republican candidates wer defeated by majorities of 40 to 50. OBJECT TO EVANS, NOT LAWS Grand Army Men Find Fault with the Conduct of tho Pension Bureau. MINNEAPOLIS. March XI. Judge Ell Torrence, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, Just back from a conference with th president on pension matters, says the report of the Grand Army of the Republic Tension committee was submitted to the president over a week ago. At bis request, however. It will not be made public for some little time, a the presi dent has under consideration the election of a successor to Pension Commissioner Evans. Judge Torrence, discussing the re port, said: "The committee found no fault with the pension law as tbey now exist, but rather with the manner In which the laws have been construed and administered by the pension bureau." Incidentally Judge Torrence denied tbat be was to be made pension commissioner, nor waa be a candidate for that or any other office. Movements of Orenn easels March 31. At New York Arrived Lahn. from Ge noa sni Naples. Slled Konrdland, f(,r Liverpool; Munltou, fr London. At New York Arrived Mcsaba, from London. At Antwerp Arrived Kensington, from New York. At Gibraltar Arrlved-Hohenxollern. from New York, foe Naples. At Liven"1' Arrived Iulgln. from Se attle; Helgenland. from Philadelphia. At Glasgow Arrived Hurmatian, from Portland. 8lled Hueno Ayrean, fur Philadelphia; I'arthagenlan for New Tork. At Plymouth Arrived Kaiser Wl'helm der Grosse. via Cherbourg, from New Tork; Minneapolis, from New York. At Ijueenetnwn Arrived Marlon, from Hoktnn. for IJverpool. At Gibraltar Arrived Trave, from Genoa end Naples, for New York. t I'VcrliiMirg Sailed- Frlederlch der Grusse, Iruia Urtiueu. fur Near iork. MEN BLOWN TO BITS Twentj-Two Miners Killed Vj Terrifla Explosion of Oss. LIST OF DEAD MAY GO STILL HIGHER Largs Hnmbers of Cthers Injured, Boms of Whom Will Die. PREMATURE BLAST CAUSES TROUBLE Seventy-Five Men Are Employed at the ratal Plaoe. MOST OF MINERS ESCAPE UNHARMED Scene of Disaster I Tennessee Coal . Shnft In Which Two Other Serl ' on Kiploalona Are Said to Have Occurred. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.. March 31. At 4:45 o'clock this afternoon an explosion of gas In the Nelson mine of the Dayton Coal and Iron company at Dayton Ignited the dry coal dust In the mine and caused a ter rific explosion. Twenty-two men are known to be dead. Reports from Dayton at midnight are that eleven bodies have been taken from the mine. The company claims there are but eight more bodies In the mine. Miners claim there are twelve to fifteen more. Rescuing parties are at work, but at a late hour tonight atruck a heavy fall of slate that will delay them for a day or two. ( Dead. LARK HUNTER. ALEX TAFFER. JAMES FRANKLIN. JOHN HARNEY. TOM SHAVER. JAMES HARRIS. P. G. TRAVIS all white. GEORGE GRIFFISS. BEN GRIFFISS. REESE DEAN. NORRIS PIERSOLL. MORGAN SMITH. JOHN ROBINSON. J. E. HILL. BRYANT SMITH. MACK FOUST all colored, and six others, names unknown. Injured. , W. T. Head, brother of James Head, su perintendent of the mine, burned Inter nally; will die. James Riley (white), right leg broken; bruised about the fare. Will Prebsncll (white), badly burned. William Scarbrough (while). badly burned. Arthur Hughes (white). George Waflord (colored). Tom Cummlngs '(white). Henry Gonyon (white). Gas exist in the Nelson mine and ths men sre required to us safety lamps. It la iue ruie ui mv vuiupsuy tur ini uiiuera in, place their fuses ready to be lighted for 1 . ,i ' ' ..l. ...... . , . . I. j.... and there are workmen known as "fire men" who go through the mine after all tbe miners are out and set oil these blasts. ' Shoot Blast Too Soon. . The miners quit work at 4:30 o'clock thla afternoon. It take about forty-five mlntes to get out of the mine. The two "firemen" today who are supposed to have caused the explojlort are Lark Hunter and John Har ney. They thot the blasts about 4:45 o'clock before all the miners could get out of tbs mine. It Is supposed tbat one of the fuses was defective aud resulted tn what Is known as a blown blast. Tbe flame shoot ing out from tbe blast Ignited the gas. which in turn Igniled the accumulation of dry coal dust In the mine. Tbe explosion that followed was terrific. The flame shot out of the mouth of the mine and the shock completely wrecked tbe shed at tbe mine entrance. Three men were killed, while standing outside the mine and two wer seriously and one fatally Injured. Two Other Serious Explosion. This mine baa been tbe seen of two serious explosions In the past. In 1884 four men were killed and eight seriously In jured by an explosion of gas. December 20, 18H5, an explosion cf rain dust occurred, in which twenty-eight Uvea were lost. This w as caused , by a miner carrying an open lamp, contrary to regula tions. In May, 1901, an explosion of a similar nature occurred In the EhalUdar mine, operated by the am company. 1m ' V, i o K tui.nlO.nn. II m The force of the explosion In the -Nelson..' mine today was terrible. Bodies. 'were literally mangled and torn to piece. Tha company states tbat there wer but seventy-five men at work In the mine oiy. Most oi mem were out or tor mm labtia tbe explosion occurred. -, MISS MORRISON BACK IN JAIL Alleged Murderess Surrender to Sher rttf aad Talce Cf Old Cell. ELDORADO, Kan., March 81 Mis Jessl Morrison, whoso bond waa nullified when the stat supreme court granted her a new trial recently on th charge of murdering Mrs. Olln Castle, her rival, eurrenderod to the sheriff today and waa placed la th cell she occupied several months previous to her first trial. Miss Morrison will. It Is said, have no troubl In furnishing a nw bond, tha amount of which will be fixed when the district court meets tomorrow. . ONE YEAR FOR EACH WIFE Confessed Bigamist Nelson Sentenced to Penitentiary for Three Years ' for Possessing- a Many Wire. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March SI. C. C. Net eon, who waa brought her from San Antonio two weeks ago, eharged with big amy, pleaded guilty to having three wives today and waa sentenced In th criminal court to three years In ths penitentiary. . Nelson came under Jurisdiction of th St, Joseph courts by reason of his marriage here last September to Mrs. Mary Parker nf Plattsbura. ' DICKINSON TO SHUN SOFIA laltrd State Couasul Will Star Away from Bslgsris Car-Ma! la til Action 1 Taken. 4 WASHINGTON. March II. It Is stated her that there will b no movement la tbe case of Consul Dickinson by tbe govern ment in the Immediate future.JI simply will stay away from Sofia, and as th Bul garian government ba no representative here, there can b no retaliation la th shape ot an Invitation to him to depart, A V. t