Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1902, Image 9
v 4.ILWAY THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, MAKCH . 31, 1D02. p f X., r i! A4 Will 1 veal tnr ij? Ral I a far l tlen. 'k Swn eenV .CES jir ! eelama .111 ia mi. for the i4 aatll 1:30 p. am. ,r Snndar edition. ward flrat lasertlen, leafier, ajethlaa; taken JT gfta far th Srst Inser. afverllaesaeats asast 4atlelr. advertisers, ay reejneatlasr n iim. raa1 ta a akn lttr ta ear f The Itee. Answer aa addressed will ho delivered aa areaentntlea of Iki a keek only. W ANTED, two or thre men to work Irora our wagons; sieauy worn and good pay. C F. Co., 14l reward bt - B M92t GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. , A. D. X. Co., iU South Utb. B till 15 FOB HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live in Uia country or in a town and nav a good acquaintance among ma turmers and aloe riors in the neighborhood you can make fa easily by tour or live hours' worn. Wrlie aa and we will acrid yuu our proposition. In be PuulUtilng ui., ooiltitoia lui., Omaha. Neb. UUiU WANTED, a good man lu every county to tax suDsciiptlona tor the Twentieth Century lartucr. Our agent, ma good wages vrywuerc. Kfle rentes required. Ad ore a, Twentieth century Farmer, Omaha, Nab. B tli i'RKl'jii or cir. rery. (urn.; bk-kp., tc H. 15, Com. Nat. Bk. Kathbuu. U M160 'i'HRKK or four good men wanted; $luu per uontn. Call 62 Paxton block, a Mtot FREE ahave and hair cut at Moler'a Bar ber College, ltfcj urnam at., ad Moor. . . B-Mi.3 A17 WANTED A good meat cutter and sausage maker, and lor sale, hair Interest in tne tin eel market In tbe west. X 1, Bee. 11 .Jo 31 WANTED, salesmen to aollclt orders on a new proposition by which you can earn U to 15 a day) young men from U to m desired, wbv are husuera and well recom mended, hoom luti, Omaha Bee bldg. B-MD69 HARNE88MAKER wanted, at once. A. Wolf, Logan, la. 11 M 164 WANTED, a good carpenter; steady work for all Bummer Adcirena Joe Bchleslger. contractor,. Yutaa Neb. B Mis7 WANTED, painter at Bt. Louis for world a fair work; $300 per day, hours B &IU1 A7 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; ran offer all the advantages of free clinic, steady practice, expert Instruc tions, demonstratlnna, etc.; only two months required; complete outtlt of tools presented; c ws and shop experience Maturdaya: diplomas granted, positions guaranteed; catalogue mailed free. Moler barber College, 18.4 Farnam si. H MX ! THE Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co. wants a first-class I if e Insurance man to take charge of district In Nebruska. A very liberal contract will be given. Call or address John 11. Bowman, manager, suite 432, Bee Bldg. B 3fc AA WANTED, for Denver. 15 . union stone masons. Address Stone V-'ontractors As sociation. B U41 31 TRAVELER WANTED State age. refer ences And salary expected. Los Anfelcs Cider Co., HU Louln, Mo. B 347-A1 WANTED, an upholsterer; steady Job and good wages for the right man. At A. K. bhockley s Furniture worka, 1U18 Cuming. B M483 31 WANTED Draughtsman or engineer for shop details and general work. Address W 66, Be. B-43S Al PRINTER, to take chsrge of Job and ad composition; need not be a pressman, but muut be firm-class Job compositor; good wages. - Address the York (Neb.) Repub lican. B 240 29 WANTlD--FICMALfi HELP.. WANTED, two young lady students to learn kalrdresstng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or writs Room , B Bldg. U 4(8 WANTED, two young ladles to apprentlc. In halrdresslng and manicuring. Call at once, 220 Bee Bldg. C M871 WANTED, girl for general housework. 1060 Georgia Ave. C 878 WANTED Ladles at once to learn halr dresslng, manicuring and facial massage. On agcount of Che demand for our grad uates we are making special Induce ments; four weeka completes by our method of free clinic, expert Instruc tions, etc. Call or. write today. Moler College, 1623 Farnam St. C M2ua ! WANTED, experienced saleslady In silk department. J. L. Brandeis St Sons, Boaton Blur. C 219 WANTED, experienced salesladies In mil linery department; only thoae with years of experience In the salesroom need apply; large aalary paid. J. L. Brandela at tions, Boston Btore. C 218 WANTED, nurse with some experience for child 18 roos. old. 3027 Chicago. C-M233 WANTED, cook In family of three. 26is Bt. Mary's Ave. C 2S3 Al WANTED, girl for general housework. 2618 Bt. Mary's Ave. . C 2S2 Al WANTED, girl for general housework. S09 Bo. Stilh 8t. C 320 81 WANTED, lady agents In every county In Nebraska and for Pottawattamie county. Iowa, for the "Self-Heating Flat Iron; exclusive territory and good commission to riant nartlea. Call or address (Irnanl Agent Self-Heating Iron Co., 1213 Douglas i., umana, noo. i c 44d 41 COMPETENT girl for general houaework In family of three; good wagta. Howard Bt. C 173 & WANTED, girl for general houaework. Inquire 140 N. 33d St. C 23 HELP WANTED. WANTED, 100 girls. S3 to 37. Canadlxa trap, Bureau; moved 16th and Dodxe. Tel 184. -0 A 13 FOR HEKT HOlSEg. HOUSES, ate F. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. 01 N. T. Life. U-4W4 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btorag Co.; office ItfUti Farnam, or Tela. 160-8o4. MODERN 4 and l-room flats. Tlsard. tao N. Kid at. D-M7J8 31 VANS and baggage wagona. Tel. 1195. IX-ROOM house, lawn. shad. Tel. A-.! D-feJ FOR RENT April L l-roora brick, mod ern. 318 North 'M. Inquire at 34 North Od. D 47 FOR RENT, elegant l-room modern brtck home, M So, 26th avenue, 3-w. l-room modern (raw reaidenca, 361 North sain st., 1.4. . l-room modern frame resldenc and barn, ItfelA ntitnaw m lift l-room modern ma residence, 3JD60 Wool worth avenue, 12 T-room brick modern residence. 3421 Erskln L. 116. BRENN AN-LOVr. CO.. 3u So. 13th St. D Mil I Is8 Bl'RT. rooms and bath, ll; 3221 Har ney, I rooma. modern, lib. Othara. Ring wait Bros., Barker blk. D-M277 FOR RENT, 4-room cottage, 3U8 Blondo street. No. I. Inuulr at o7 N. 1 llh at. D-M473 1 BIX-ROOM modem flat. Chart Hanley. 1014 Pacific at., D-M274 4 HOI IQPQ ,n n Prt o' Tb O, I1UUOLJ F. Lavls Co.. bai B Bldg. . . , D vla SEVERAL house for rent, 3 and up. Chris Boyr, 32nd and Cuming Sts. Prion 3Ha. D 804 A18 10-ROOM basement house, )re lot, 2th and Jackson, all modern, WiOO. Nlc -room house,' 22u6 bbermaa av., all modern, t?7.0O. (s. aa. TVRJCl.NAiTON, (06 B. - D-egB "WAITED MALE I1RLP. The Spring Term OF THE Omaha Commercial . College, Begins Tuesday morning, April 1st New classes in all departments. Rohrbough Bros. "-19 FOR REST HOt SEA. . FOR RENT, Handsome Brick Residence On the southwest corner of Seventeenth end Douglas sts. It was built by the late Henry pundt as his home and Is ons of the best constructed aa well as one of the finest houses In Omaha.- It Is built entirely of brick and stone, stone steps, and slate roof. It la finished In the choicest of hard woods, has hard wood floors. Imported English 'lie floor In the reception hall, electric lights, porcelain bath, laundry with stationary wash tubs, large pantry, china and linen closets, cedar lined woolen closet, etc. Twelve Rooms beside the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, atore room, cellar and wine cellar; also large, high attic store room separated from the servants' rooms. It also has large veranda, enclosed as a aun parlor, equipped with steam heat. RENTAL PRICE Includes: Steam Heat, Electric Light and Hot Water us the houae Is connected with th beat ing and lighting systems of The Bee building, tor further Information call on CHARLES C, ROSEWATER, SECY. THE BEE BUILDING CO., Room 100 Bee Buildiug. Telepnone 238 FOR . RENT, 8-room modern detached house, newly papered and painted, 30. 26Z1 Capitol av. Tel. 573. B. H. Roblson. D M2S2 EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, 123. U. M. Nattinger, Bee Bldg. 'Phone 461. D tiit FOR RENT, fine ston 10-room teeidence, one block south Crelghton college, Harney street car line. Clarke, Ramga building. D 134 81 FOR RENT, April 1, t-room house, fcid and California sts., all modern, In good re- Clr,. large yard. Inquire at tur N. Y. fe building. . D 141 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. -61 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Pazton block. D423 20O9 CALIFORNIA, 8-room furnished house. Call afternoons. . . . D423 A2 FOR RENT Defllitsbl, l-room -cottage. Enquire 1931 So. 11th. . , D U4 2 FOR RENT FliR.IISHED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. HOUSEKEEPING, other rooms. 8118.10. E id 400 A3 LIOHT housekeeping rooms. 814 8. 18th. E M3 A3 FURNISHED rooms for rents 1617 Cass. . E M4a 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. Ill 8. 11th st. K M181 TWO furnished front rooms for light house keeping. 3i3tt N. ietb, Flat L. E M481 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE bom for young- men. 103 8. seth St. F-423 ROOMS and board. Qlencalrn, 1803 Douglas. F tv STEAM heated rooms with board. 1M Capitol Ave. F 443 FOR RENT Nicely furnjshed, steam heated ' rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago BU. F CM) ROOMS "The. Farnam," lttta and Farnam, F-4J3 THE R08E, 3020 Harney, rooms with board. F-4-A-lB FURNISHED room, with board. 2118 Grace sL F M278 4 FURNISHED room and board ror two. 2707 Farnam st. . . F M2T1 31 FOR RENT I KFIHNI8HED ROOMS. DESK room space, 35 par month, ground floor room in The Ba building, facing Farnam street; ae expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. O. Peters St Co., Xental Agents, ' Be Balidlng. . O 116 UNFURNISHED rooms. MW 8. 34th. (1 43 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Ba at lt Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Ba press room. This will b rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Be building. J iesi STORE, 24x50. 24U3 Leavenworth St. 1174 A23 FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rant reasonable. Apply R. C. Faters 4k Co.. ground floor. Ba Bldg.. I 366 LARGE room In ths Psston block to let, suitable for lodge purposes. Apply room 36, 1'axton block, or W. FARNAM bMITH 4s CO. I is3 ' AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to aollclt subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CKNTLHt FARMER. Steady employment wtih aaaured good Income. Ageuta In tbe country with horse and buggy especially dealrec. Cao v users make easily 4o to fluu par month. Addree. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Be Building. Omaha. 313 WRITE for agents' prices; ball-bearing W heeler-Wllscin. C. A. Lyman, state ggent. Lincoln, Neb. J 333 A2 AGENTS to aell water filters. Easy seller. Retl'sat 11.60. Big Prorll. Exclusive ter ritory. Write quick. Seneca Filter Co., Seneca. Mo. J331-A1 WANTED TO RENT. IHREH or four unfurnished rooms within walklug distance of Burlington Station by tVmtly of two. ' W 44, Boe. K 4o4-31 SI OR AS B. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 813 14 Jones, uil atorag and forwarding. SSI OM. Van Star. Co.. lill Faro. Tela, 16.r-wC MAOUARD VAN CO. TikplwM Has, WANTEU TO BCT. V, NTED at once, tdhand furniture, car I . for St. Louis Expo. Tel. Til, or t.i...r.r Levlne's Furn. Store, to6 N. 16th. N-131 A7 FOK quick sales list with F. D. Wend, 15:4 Douulas St. N-M2J4 A2 WANTED, to buy a good driving mars; state age weight, color, speed and price. Box ti. Kails City, Neb. N 1-Al FOR SALtS FtHNITtRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2'Co. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 4VS3 FOR BALK HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. 10-PAS8ENOER carry-all, newly painted and upholstered. Wm. Burg, 141b bher man Ave. P 13? FOR repair work on light and heavy wagons see Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runabouts, new ana second-hand, at cut prices; muat sell to. make room; It Is no cheap work, but good work cheap; we da painting, trimming, repairs and put on rubber tires. Wm. Ffeifer Carriage Works, 37th and Leavenworth. Tel. 1649. P-M507 A13 HORSE AUCTION. At the Union Stock Yards horse mnrket on Wednesday, April 2d, commencing at 1 o'clock, we will sell TWO HUNDRED HORSES At auction. These will he the best horses that Iowa and Nebraska produces, con - alstlng of draft horses, chunks, expresses, drivers, farm and general purpose horses, singly and In spans, all broken and guar anteed as represented or no sale. These horses have been consigned to us to be sold without reserve. Attend this sale. WALWORTH-HILLIKER CO.. Horse Commission Salesmen. P 449 Al FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 feet; cribbing and hog fence. 301 Douglas. Q (U 3DH AN D saf cheap. Derlgb t, 1119 Farnam. y Mti INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Fornam. FOR BALE Phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument 3 up. Tbe Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 640 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarta, 114 8. 13th, W 100 BTTI.ES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man aV McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. Q 641 WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire Works, 617 So. ltith St. Tel. 1590. QMSS3 J FOR SALE Scholarship in an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bee Bldg. QMx BICYCLES, phonographs and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co., ltith and Chicago Sts. W-74 FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave. Q-181 110,000922-124 Douglas, formerly Lauer Bros., or rent; 91 slso seven living rooms upstairs. Mrs. Kuhlman. 352ft. North 27th. Q 120 A6 FOR SALE New National cash register No. 92. Perfect condition. Cost ls3. i. C. Huteson & Co., Wholesale Opticians, 11S South 15th St. Q 4H5 FINE 6-passenger, rubber-tired, open car riage. 3126: extension, leather top, 2 aeated carriage, rubber-tired, used 6 time, 3175; 20 other phaetons, surreys and carrlagea. DRL'MMOND CARRIAGE CO., 18th and Harney. y-239 A26 FOR SALE, latest model Smith-Premier typewriter, brand new; rare bargain. W 56, Bee. y M367 DRUG Btore for sale. N 16. Address W 61, Bee. y 214 81 MISCELLANEOUS. GROUND wheat, 90o per 100; salt. $1.20 per out. vvagner s r eea Btore, ivus-ii cttming St. R M860 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 81 North 16th. MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. Mrs. Gardcls. Tel. F-1U3. U 647 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Frensr Block. U 643 - MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 15, 2d floor, r. i U 764 A16 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only. In connection with The feathery, 216-2JO Bee Bldg. U 285 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood. M. V.. ta New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb U-654 ACCORDION pleaUng, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 A Douglas. U-6i GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug, las. U 661 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U-548 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade coatumer. 1018 Farnam. U o0 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25c. In connection with The Bathery, 216-120 Dee building. Tel. 1716. U 661 PRIVATE horns for ladles before and dur ing confinement; bae adopted. 2624 Burdette. Mrs. BurgcTT U 444 All Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleuner. Tel. 1739. U MTU Mi RUPTURE CURED, 325; no pain, detention from business ; send for circulars. Empire Rupture Cur Co., 922 N. Y. Life Hl.ig.. Omaha. U Mm OMAHA Dys Works, 1517 Howard, th fashionable cleaners of ladUs' ana gen tlemen's dresses and suits, lacs curtains, draperies. U-tM72 U A PERFECT FIGURE. A perfect figure may be gained by a new system of development. The chest or all hollow or sllghtsd parts are filled out and mad beautiiul in contour. Special treat ments for developing th entire form. Harmless, failure impossible. The per sonal attention of form and face special lata until development Is entirely com pleted. Th only helpful and harmless method at th Isew Hygiene Bathery, 1m Bee Bldg. Consultation free. U-M590 Al GO TO Th Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating. Their new machinery enables them to do better, cheaper, quicker work than ever before. 2oo Doug las block. U M214 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle rlgbt. 0-133 BECK 4V CO., wall paper cleaners. Tel. 747. U-M213 AS ELITE PARLORS. 615 8. llth St., 2d floor. U-M154 Al VIAVI, woman's way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee bldg Omaha. U J NOTICE. To all concerned: I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife or family, or their ualng my name .whatsoever. A. H. Starkey. U-288 1 GEORGE: Pag 135 April What To Eat will glv you aom hints. Mol II. U M488 31 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrant. George ft Company. IMll Farnam street. W-4 nPER CENT oa business property, per cent on resldenoe property. Options to pay whole or part any tlm. w. a Leikle, 4ui k uia st. W-464 WANTED, city loan and warrants, w. Farnam Smith Co-, 1330 Faruam St W-6E7 FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164a. W 460 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wsad, 1534 Douglas, W-44 I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., 17o3 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 6S MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. iirennan-Lovs Co., 3u9 South 13th. W-C9 4H TO P. C. money. Bemls. Psxton Plk. W-661 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. T L W-462 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1WM Farnam. W 46 3300, SM AND $1,000 private money. 1, 3. 3 or 6 years, on eastern Nebraska farms or well locsted cottages In Omaha. W. U Belby, Board of Trade Bldg. W 413 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglns st., upstairs, small homes, building lots; private money to loan on easy trrms. W M513 FOR SALE, rhoice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., 10t Farnam St.. Omaha. W M974 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE make loans on Furniture. Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattel. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who Save permanent positions. You can get tbe money on very short notice and pay it back In one month, or keep It longer, and pay for It only what time you keep It W ar leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We five you the full amount of the iOAN In cash. W always "try ta please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2L6. (Established 1892.) 306 So. 16th 81 X-466 M O N E Y FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303. Paxton Block. X 669 FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room $03. Paxton Block. X 730 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Paxton block. X-671 BTOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By seeing us today In our private office. HAVE YOUR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE, where you can pay easily. Every $1 paid off loan reduces cost. "SALARY IX1ANS ON PLAIN NOTES" to male or female enuiloyes. Nj ene need ever mow. No mortgage. No lndoraer. No publicity. A little help at the right time often sets a man on his feet. Wise people will at least call and Inquire about our terms and rates. You save money when you borrow of "THE BIG CO." We offer a money-saving chance. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. Room 303. Paxton Block. X-735 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity ; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 663 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried feopje; business confidential; lowest rates. 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 670 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, iewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan ?o., sue. to Duff Green, 1 Barker Blk. X-671 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Reed, I 319 8. 13. X-673 BUSINESS CHANCES. POOLROOM for sale In a good live town of 600; only poolroom in town: bargain if taken at once. Address W. Marmlon, Newcastle, Neb. ' v - Y 478 Al CIGAR furniture, fixtures and stock for sale, good business, fine location, a bar gain. See me. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. . Y M468 TO GET In or out of Vusmess eell on Wil liams, Room 411, McCagua building. - Y-674 WHEN you want to buy; sell or exchange your business or property quick communi cate with one who has th customers. J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y 676 FOR SALE or trade, . my entire livery stock, at a bargain. .Address W. C. Utterback, Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. Y M2o3 EVERETT, WASH., he greatest, growing, hustling city on the Pacltlc coast; more than doubled her population In two years. Our investments are conservative and safe. If you want bargains call on or ad dress Everett Investment Company. . Y-911A1 FOR BALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural aectlon of Iowa; large annual trade; stock will invoice about $10,0u0; profits large; muat close up an estate interest tbe only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y M426 NEW erdcery. with fixtures, at a discount. Address W 48. care Bee. Y 191 21 A DIVIDEND PAYER. A DIVIDEND PAYER. Millions have been and will bo made out of the great Texas oil field, BIRMINGHAM BEAUMONT OIL AND TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY'S SHARES, sell ing st 15 cents each, are considered a splendid security for both small and large Investors. This company has a produc tion of 20,000 barrels of oil per day, and la an operating and marketing concern. A DIVIDEND OF 5 PER. CENT WAS DECLARED by its directors, payable April 16, 1902. This company Is one of the first money-makers on Spindle Top, and Its holdings are very valuable. We urge you to send us your order Immediately, before this valuable stock advances, and share In this dividend. Fifteen dollars buys 100 shares. Send for prospectus. Letters cheerfully answered. MECliEM, CAMERON as CO., Suite E. 42 Wall Street. New York. v Y-913 Al FOR SALE, eaay terms, small cash pay. ment, balttnce monthly, my entire livery atock, hacka and hearse; excellent chance to atep Into good paying business. W. C. Utterback, Ogden barn. Council Iiluffa, la. Y M237 A26 FOR SALE, first-class saloon business, stock and fixtures, st Currie, Minn; sales 326.00 per day; rent, 325.00 per month; cause of selling, sickness. For particulars write or call on W. E. Couplln, Currie, Minn. Y 26 81 T-ROOM FLAT, well furnished, good loca tion, lady going away, furniture for sale cheap. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M467 FOR SALE, drug stock In good city, busi ness every day. living rooms over store; might take some exchange; owner wants $1.4u0. Henry C. Smith, Falls Cltv, Neb. Y-&2-A1 10-ROOM FLAT, best location, roomers only, payng proposition, lady contem plating leaving city, furniture flrst-ciass, for sal right. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Ufe. Y M460 15 ROOMS, well furnished, fine location, full boarders and roomers, paying busi ness, brick flat, furniture for aale reason able. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M4! FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49. Bee. Z M510 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE, a number of stock ranches in th west, also a fin farm of too acres In 8. E. Neb., well located; might take a small ranch and cattle. 160 acres, clear. In Johnson Co., 4 miles from depot, llu.Ouo; might taks soma prop erty as part pay. HENRY C. SMITH, Falls City, Neb. RE 353-A1 FOR SALE. 300 sores fin alfalfa land d, t7 bloj under cultivation, six miles of s yards, 373 an acre. Clarke. Ramies b RE l.VV FOR SALE. 330 acre of land thr1 of Alnsworth; 1J0 hay land. 1 ture; 40 In cultivation, all fev 4-room houae. atable for 13 ht sheds, good well and mill; pr acre, luquir J. c. JJetxm, rxeo. FOR SALE, fine alfalfa fai rapuiion vauey, Koclt isl, ien acres iimoer, one wat4 south stock yards, $;( per gaiu, iiarae, Majng Bun J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE cheap, house and lot In gnod condition at 1614 N. KM. RE 327-A1 FOR SALE, hsy land In Holt county, Nb.; 40 acres 5 miles south of Atkinson, close to chenp range, yields 460 tone choice hay per annum; a splendid location fur stock; price. IH.flno; tS.'Tno cash, balance to suit purchaser; 7 per cent Interest. Address lock box $14, Atkinson, Neb. RE M22S All BEVEN clear lots for sal on 30th and Pratt Pts., n L. P. Hammond's addition to Omaha; lots 11 to 17, block 2. Address 8. Hanson, 1013 Boons St, Boone, Is. RE M6S9 A2 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, losns; also firs insurance. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 673 A CHOICE home, built of pressed brick, interior beautifully finished, square mo saic tiled hall, porcelain bath, steam heat, barn, carriage house, shade trees, larg lot 83 fei front; very fine residence loca tion; close In; this property cost the for mer owner over 3l".O0O and can be sold at a decided bargain for cash. Wm. K. t Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust vo., a 'J Drown uik- r.iL Miis FOR a 13 per cent investment in rental Eroperty or choice trackage see William . Munroe, 811 N. 16th St. RE M819 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gages, rentals. Insurance. Brown block, RE 740 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, school section leases. D. W. Irwin, Ak ron. Colo. RE M179 A3 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; als sere property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Be Building. RE 81 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas St., upstairs. Small houses for sale; ohe.-ip building lota. Call for eatalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE MIA4 IF YOU want one of the nlceat t-room homes In Hansrom Place I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must aell. J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U Bldg. HE M153 RANCH and farm lands for aale by th Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 677 BUY best house paints, varnlshee, eto. Quality highest; prices lowest. National Oil t Paint Co., 1015 Jones St. RE M535 All WILLIAMSON, FMnaitreft,' RE-479 PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., 601 N. Y. Life. RE-675 8-ROOM modern house. 119 8. 84th St.; full lot; permanent waiKs; possession May l; best' bargain In city. Ed O. Hamilton, Builder, 211 6. 17th St. RE M4S6 2 TO TRADE, for Nebraska land or first mortgage on mna, 40 acres innn, water power grist mill, two sets buildings. In - ...... I.. tlAHH...I..Bl. IE IVA 1UI , uuuiiijr, rTiiiivi.Biiiii, For sale, restaurant, eastern Nebraska, do ing business of $4W per month, price, $1,000. A snap. Fine Improved farms In Thayer county, tJfi to 335 ner acre. Farms In Buffalo county, $15 to $30 per acre. Send for my list. W. 11. GRASSMEYER, Kearney, Neb. RE M230 10 I HAVE customers for cottages and small properties for homes; give me descrip tion. G. E. Turkington, 605 Bee. RE M799 NEW Snow-Church Co.. 4th floor N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency In the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estate brokers In every county In the United States and cities of foreign coun tries. RD-476 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16th otDoug s A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Ufa. 1 -687 BOYLEScollege. court reporter principal. NEB. Business 4 Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 689 A PIANO SAVING. I CAN save you .from $100 to $150 on the purchase of a piano. Having no store expenses to keep up, you are the gainer. Let me show you how easy It Is to save ' money on your piano purchase. One price, eaay terms. FRED 11. WALTER, MFGRS.' AGENT, 3112 California Street. -M46 81 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Eleotrlo Co., 16 St Jackson. Tel. 3846 566 81 CARPENTERS 4ND JOINERS. ALL kinds of car pen tnr work and repairing arornptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, th and Lake streets. 370 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bldg. -64 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 3d door, R.I T-M16U A7 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, r. T. 47o 31 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR. 13th and Howard, ma chinist. M704 OMAHA Saf and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andrsea. Prop., 103 So. loth Bt, M114 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. 4H4 A3 LOST. A REWARD will be given for a box of carpenter tools removed from In front of the Salvation Army hall Saturday night. Return to Salvation Army hall or 916 N. lttlh. L. V. Cramer. Lost M478 $ INVESTMENTS. CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR 8 ALB. . l . . . 1 .'"'I' 1 . . H- .1.1 , . .1. a 343 AS TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees, vines, sbrubs, ros, small fruits, etc. Address, Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. -14 TREES. Hasel Dell Nursary. 3208 N. 24 st 81T AS OSTEOPATHY. GID B. 4k ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bull 516 N. Y. Llf bldg. 1U lfei. PR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCagu Bldg. TL DR. MRS. MUS1CK. Doug-la Blk. TL 343. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tc; collar, v, cutis, su. a'ov Misvcawurui, st. D4i. -703 COAL. MONROE Coal and Fed Co. 'Pbon 971. 114 At GARBAGE. mnpnl.T niininti rn L and vaults, ramovM garbag aj -SUAJ FACTORIES. traveling bags, suit eaaa; trunks Om. Trunk aciory, uttt arnam. ARPET CLE AMINO. aa. Was.. 2221 N. 30, tel. 1661 x -S.6A4 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Pal Tie Co., til North 14th. ?"3 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tannrs. 1424 8. 1Mb, 700 SS I i STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co, 309 8, 13th. EDUCATIONAL, TRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 336 Bee Bldg. M157 ATI NICKEL FLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 235. -T01 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. Tel. 1253. -6 L. LECLU8S, florist Blooming and pot plants. 1613 Vinton St. Tel. 267DF. M997 At PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, 6S PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. NATURAL stone, cement, brick. Welshm's Mantel and Tile Co., 309 8. 17th. Tel. Y. M2L'6 A?6 BICYCLES. GET OUT and take a ride on a bicycle. You need the fresh air. You wilt feel 100 per cent better and have one-half the sickness. Flescher sells good bicycles from $5 tip. Best equipped repair shop In the west. New tires from $1.50 up. 1!2 Capitol ave. M467 6 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as Ufa. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Rosewaler, supreme manager. 223 Bee Bldg. 724 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C. March 1, 19"2. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 236 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, April 15, 1903, for furnishing for the Indian service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence; also for boots snd shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagona, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., hard ware, school and medical supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc." as the case may be, and directed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 7?. Wooster, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, May 13, 1M, for furnishing for the Indian service blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giv ing all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on application to the In dian Office, Washington, D. C; Nos, 77 and 79 Wooster street. New York City; 235 John son street, Chicago, 111.; No. 816 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Leaven worth, St. Louts, SL Paul and San Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux City, Yank ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita and Tucson. Blda will be opened at the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. Mch-24 to Apr-24-d PROPOSAIl FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES Office of Purchasing Commis sary; Omaha, Neb., March 29, 1902. Sealed proposals, in -triplicate, for furnishing name, dry stilt cure, In tierces, will be re ceived st this office and at the offices of the purchasing commissary, U. S. army, st Kansas City, Mo., and Chicago, 111., until 11 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, April 9, 1902, at which time and places they will be pub licly opened. Articles of domestic produc tion or manufacture will be preferred to those of foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. Specification as to quanti ties, date and places of delivery, blank pro posals and further Information furnished on application to either office. Envelopea containing ptoposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores to be opened April 9th, 1H02," and addressed to Wm. R. Grove, captain, Commissary, Pur chaalng Commissary, Omaha, Neb. D6tM29-31Al-2-3-4 SHERIDAN. Wyo., March 81. 1902. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived here until 11 a. m. April 30, 19U2, for electric wiring barrack building, brick. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all blda. Information furnished upon application here or to chief y. M., U. 8. A., Denver or Omaha. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for electric wiring," addressed Captain R. L. Brown, y. M. 6tD31-l-2-8-24-25 WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men between, ages of 21 and 85, cltisens of United States, of good character and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodg sis-, AIL WAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 1UTH AND MA ROY. Illinois Central. Leave. Arrlv. Chicago Express a 1:20 am a 6:10 pm Chicago. Minneapolis St St. Paul Limited i. 7:50 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis St St. Paul Expreas b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express al0:35 pro Chteas-o. Hock Island St PaclSe. EA8T. Des Moines and Dav enport Local a 7:36 am a 9:35 pra Chicago Express bll:16 am a 6:06 pra Des Moines Local a 4:00 pra bll&lam Chicago Fast Express. .a 4:36 pm a 1:26 pm Des Moines, Lock Is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:24 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma St Texas Flyer a t:20 pm a 9 M am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 am Bt. Louis Flyer ..a 5:10 pm all:li am Union Paclflo, Overland Limited. ...... .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast MalL a 8:6u am a 3:25 pm California Expreas a 4:25 pm Paclflo Express aU:30pm Eastern Express a 4:35 pm Atlantlo Express a 7:00 am Llncoln-Btromsburg Ex.b 4:03 pm bl2::n pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am Chtcngrn SI Northwestern. "Ths Northwestern Lin." Chicago Special a 7:10 am all:20 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 1 .00 am Eastern Express al0:66 am a 4:06 pm Eastern Special a 4:65 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall a 1:00 pro a 3:40 pro Omaha-Chicago L t d. ..a 7:45 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mall a t 30 am Cedar Raplda Pass a 6:30 pm Twin City Expraaa a 7:05 am al0:26 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm a 8:40 am Bloux Clt) Local a 6:15 am a t:6o pot WEBSTER DEPOT 16TB at WEBSTER Fremeat, Elkaorn St Mtasaarl Valley. ' Leay. Arrive. Black Hills. Daadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 1:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm t:00 pra Hastings, York, David City, Superior. Oeneva. Exeter and Baward.. ..b 3:00 pm b 1:09 pra Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont t 7:30 am bl0:23ajn Fremont Local...., e 7:30 am Mlasoarl PaetSo. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:16 pm al0:2$ am Caleano. St. Pasl, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin City Pasngr...a 4:30 am a 9:11 pm Sioux City Pangr...a 3:43 pm all:30 am EmarsoD Local..... b i.30 pm b $.41 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun. day only. 4 Dally exoept Saturday. Daily tnleno, Mllwank St St. Paal. Chicago LlmiUd. ...... ..a 4:00 pm a 1:06 Chicago 4Y Omaha Ec.b 7.U am b 3.40 MUsuarl Paelna. pm St, Louis Expreas al0:60 am a 6 36 pm hi. C. 4k BU L. a.Xfiraa,.alv.4 6 Lit km fftlLWAV Y Wabash. Bt. Louis "Csnml Express I 8t. Louis Local, t Ion iX BURL1NUTON STAT Chicago, flartlagton St- QalnN Leave. A-. Chicago Special a 7:60 am alo. Chicago veatlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pra a 7:4 ' . nicago local a s so am Chlcaso Limited a 7:60 ptn am a a -ml t.m i j i i. tiiii. , f Pound Express a 9:00 pra a 6:4 ant Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:09 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b$ Mpm bll.-OS an Bellevue St Paclflo Jet. .a 7:40 pm a j JO am Bellevue Pacific Jet.. a M am . Knnaaa City, St. Joseph Conarlf Blair. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:30 am a t m pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm allill am Kansas City Night Ex.alOO pm a 6:15 am HOLLAND-AMERICA LIKE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogn. & M. New Twin-Screw s. a. of 13.0VO tons register. 'steame?" fsOttOrdSIl Apr.$,lA.M, Steamer AMSTERDAM.. ..Apr. IS, 10 a. m. blrumer w Stttendam Apr. 19, 10 a. m. Apply to Harry Moore. 1415 Farnam street; J. 8. McNally. 1323 Farnam street; H. 8. Jones, lout r arnam street: Louis Neaae. First National Bank. Omaha. CAUSE OF POPULARITY. Credit Therefor Not Das 4 Hassan Members of th Family. He who tell this story Is the owner of a blue-ribbon St. Bernard dog, a masterly fellow, and winner of admiration aa well as prizes, reports the Washington Star. Last summer the dog went with his master and family to a fashionable resort, and was there the center of undiminished In terest throughout the season. "It was the most delightful summer we ever spent," recited the teller of th story and the owner of the dog the other day, "and the people were the nicest aa a whole we had ever met. Our popularity with th summer colony was most marked, and when the time came to depart It was with no end of sorrow that wa began to make our adieus. Naturally, it filled us with a good deal of pride to think that those with whom we had sojourned should wish we were not going to leave them. Hut our vanity was snort-lived. There came a shock which set us all to thinking and wondering as to whom the credit for our prestige was due. It happened when a bright-faced, breesy little girl of 18, who waa wont to express her sentiments with out reserve, came to ssy goodby. " 'Don't tell me you are going awsy?'' she negatively queried In a depressed tone of voice, and we began to feel that from her we were to get the most genuine ex pression of regret of the colony. " 'Yes,' I replied. 'We hav to go neck to the city now, but we live In tne hope of seolng our very dear friends up here again In the near future.' x- " 'Oh,' she continued, 'I hate to have you go Indeed, Indeed I do for we cer tainly will miss your dog.' " Still Keeps It Vp. "During period ot poor health som tlms ago I got a trial bottle of DeWltt's Little Early Risers," says Justice ot th Peace Adam Bhook of New Lisbon, Ind. "I took them and they did tne so much goo I hav used them ever sine." Safe, reliable and gentle. DeWItt's Little Early Risers neither gripe nor distress, but stim ulate the liver, and promote regular and easy action tit th .bowsls. . Seasonable Fashions. 4071. Eton Jacket, 3a to 43 busL " 407I. Five-Gored Skirt, 33 to. 3s waist, Eton Jacket 4071. Five-Cored Skirt 4075 No color la mora fashionable for spring wear than tags green, no material than taralne. The smart costume Illustrated exemplifies both th material and the color, with trimming ot moire bands In a darker shade. Beneath th jacket la worn a waist of whit loulslne silk, and with tbe costume a bat ot Tuscan straw, with trim ming of sage green and a quill In natural colors. ' ' The back ot the Jacket Is seamless and Qui with perfect smoothness. Th fronts are pointed snd extend slightly beloW th waist line. At tbe neck Is a square collar that adds greatly to tbe effect, but which can be omitted whes a plain finish Is pre- . ferred or It fe desirable to rednce either weight or warmth. The sleeves are la coat style, slightly flaring at the wrists. Tbe skirt Is cut in five gores aad U lengthened by s graduated circular flounce. Both front and side gores are narrow, tn conformity with tbe latest style, and the fitting is accomplished without hip dartt. Tbe fullness at the back la laid la In verted plait that ar pressed quit flat. The flounce Is carved to glv tbe fashion able fullassa and It seamed to th lower edga. To cut tbl suit tn th medium alte i$ yarde of material H inches wide. 11 yard 27 Inches wide. 6 yards 44 Inches wide or (4 yards 52 Inches wide will be required. To cut the eton alone 6 yards 21 Inches wide, 3 yards 17 tnohes wld. 1 yard 44 or 1 yards IS Incbee wld. To cat th skirt alone 9 ysrda tt Inches wld, l4 yards $7 Inch wide, 7H yards It, t yards 44 or 63 locoes wide. -Tbe Eton pattern 4071 Is out in sixes for ' II, 14, 16, 33, 40 and 43-tnch bust measure. The skirt pattern 4076 Is cut la sites fee a 12, 14. It, !, SO and SJ-lnch walat meat, ure. For th accommodation of Th Be read ers, tbese patterns, which usually retail st from 26 to SO cents, will be furnished al s nominal price, 10 cent, which eovei all xBns. In order to get any pat tarn en close 10 cents, give number and tuua el patters wanted and boat ueasmrev 1 , - a 4:06 V a 7 46 A 3:40 I . narlli.glun at Mlaaonrl Rlvar, Wymore, Bra trio and Lincoln a $:40 am bl 1:55 3m - Nebraska Express a 3:40 am a 7:36 bm V Denver Limited a 4:1 nm Iki ,,n r