Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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    Surprising Results,
A BlmpU Iutcrual Remedy Makes
Remarkable Cures of Cntarrh.
People who have used eprsyi, Inhslers.
salves end washes for catarrh and hsvs
found how useless and Inconvenient they
re, will be agreeably surprised at remits
following the uae of a pleasant Internal
remedy la tablet fortn; druggists every
where admit that Btuarfa Catarrh Tablate,
arhleh they eell at 60 eenta for full ali-d
treatment, la the safest, most effective
end popular of all catarrh remedies.
Nearly all rheap cough mixture, and
throat lozenge, contain opiates; these cheap
medicines give a temporary relief, es
pecially with little children, by deatroylng
Verve sensation; the irritation In ihr at.
Which causea coughing, is temporarily re
tro ved, not by removing the cause, but by
deadening the nerves of feeling, the Irrita
tion Is not felt, although It la still there
nd will promptly return.
Stuart's Catarrh Tableta Is the best rem
edy . to remove catarrhal secretion,
whether In the nose,' throat or etomarh,
because they are composed of wholesome
antiseptics. Blood root. Red gum from
Eucalyptus tree, etc.- when you us? these
tableta you know what you are putting
Into your ayitem and not taking chances
with cocaine, oplatea or similar poisons
found In ao many catarrh cure and cough
Dr. Ramsdell. In commenting on catarrh
cures, says: "I csn heartily recommend
Gtuart'a Catarrh Tablet, became they con
tain no cocaine nor olhT dangerous drugs
found In ao many advertised catarrh cure.
I have known of many cases of long stand
leg catarrh of the head and throat com
pletely cured by the dally use of these tab
leta for aeveral weeks. One case In par
tlcular, which I could not reach with an
Inhaler or spray and where the catarrh
cauaed dally headaches and a noticeable
loaa of hearing, waa entirely cured by this
harmless but effective remedy."
Dr. Walnwrlght says: "I never hesi
tate ts prescribe Stuart's Catarrh Tableta
for catarrhal headaches and catarrhal deaf
neas, because I know them to be perfectly
safe for child or adult and have seen many
remarkable cures resulting from tbelr regu
Isr dally use; because they are advertised
end aold In drug stores Is no reason why
any good physician should not use them
because we should aelse upon the means of
cure wherever found."
Stuart's Catarrh Tableta are especially
valuable for catarrhal colds In children,
because tbey are pleaaaot to the taste and
iray be used freely to break up aevere
colds and croup at the very beginning.
Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered
Famous Doctor-Scientist That .
Cures Every Known Ailment.
Wonderful Cures Are Effected That
Seem Like Miracles Performed
The Secret of Long Ufa of
Olden Times Revived.
Tb Remedy is Free to All Who
Send Name and AdJress.
After of patient study and delving
Into the uusty records of the past, aa well
as following modem experiments In the
realms of medical acience. Dr. Jsmes W
Kldd. Batten bulldlne-. Fort Wavne. Ind
asekes the startling announcement that he
has surely discovered the e'.lxlr of Ufa.
That he la abie with the aid of a mys
terious compound, known only to himself,
produced aa a result of the years he has
spent In searching for th.s precious, ltfe-
giving boon, to cure any and every disease
tnai is known to the human body. There la
no doubt of the uoitors earnestness In
making hla culm, ana the remarkable
curea that he is dally effecting seema to
bear him out very strong. y. Hla theory
whlch he auvancta Is one of reason and
feared on sound exp.r.erue In a nKuUel
fraclice ot many y.ara. It coats nothing
o try his remaraabU "Elixir ot Life," as
be calls It, fur he aio It fre to anynau )
who la a sufferer. In surtlc.ent quantum I
to convince 0f ua aullity to cure, ao itu-re I
Is absolutely no risk to run. Horn of the I
i-ures cited a-e very remarkable, and but
lor rename niuicmi wuuia liaraiy 09
credited. The lime have thr.wn away
rruiches and wa k d alout after two or
three trials of the remedy. The sick, given
up by home doctors, have baen res ore j
to their families in perfect health, rhou
matlam, neuralgia, stomach, heart, liver,
blood and skin diseases and bladder trou
bles disappear as by magic, Headaches,
backaches, nervousn. sa. fevers, consump
tion, coughs, clds, asthma, catarrh,
bronchitia and all affections of the throat,
lunga or any vital organs are easily over
come In a apace of tune that la a.mply
Partial paralysis. locomotor ataxia,
dropsy, tout, scrotuia and piles are qjlcy
and permanently reruov.u. U purines the
entire system, blood and tissues, restores
normal nerve power, rliculatlun and a state
ot perfect healih la produced at once. To
the doctor all systems are alike and
eiually affected by the great "fctlxlr of
Life." Send for the remedy today. It Is
free to every sufferer, state what you
want to be cured of and the aure remedy
for It will be sent you free by return mall
Howell' A fair maiden
- spring day
awful sold
threatened pneumonia treatment, Howell's
Aatt-Kawf overy hoar estll relieved. Io
bottle at drug store.
World'! Conference Will Open at Lamoni
flext Week.
Representatives of Foreign Missions
Will Consult With Horn Lead
ers aa to Work and
LAMONI. I.. March . (Special.)
Tee world s conference of the Reorganised
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
faints, which convenes at Lamoni April 6,
promisee to be one of the largest gather
ings of the church ever held. Among the
ministers and delegatea already arrived
are all the members of the quorum of
twelve apostlea, of whom Oomer T. Grif
fiths comrs from England, R. C. Evans from
the Canada mission and Joseph Luff from
This conference will be one of greet In
terest to the church throughout the world.
The church wss reorgsnlxed In 160, under
the presidency of Joseph Smith, the oldest
son and legal eucreisor of his father, who
waa killed at Carthage, 111., June 27,
1X44. The twelve apostles have been In
dally session since March 20, the special
duty of the twelve being the oversight of
the missionary work throughout the world.
The first presidency of the church is com
posed of Joseph Smith, president; A. H.
Smith and E. L. Kelley, counsellors. A. II
Smith also holds the offlce of patriarch, and
E. L. Kelley the office of bishop. The
patriarch la on a missionary tour to the
South Sea Islands. Australia. Honolulu and
other parts and will not be In attedance
at thla session.
To Improve Fnrela-n Missions.
The probability Is that the foreign mis
sions will be better supplied with mission
aries than at any previous year. They
now have mlsslonerles In the South Sea
Islands, Australia, Hawaii, England, Wales,
Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ger
many and ether foreign countries.
The church believes in a complete or
ganization, as in the daya of Christ and
the apostlea, with all the gifts and bless
ings of the gospel. AS a means of special
blessing and guidance of the Holy Spirit
during the coming conference April 6 has
been appointed as a day of general fasting
and prayer, to be observed by the member
ship of the entire church.
The church Is really organised with a
quorum of first presidency, twelve apostles,
high priests, also different quorums of sev
enties, elders, priests, teachera and dea
ons. It now has a membership of 50,000
and a force of 400 In the general mission-
sry field. The people are still called a
peculiar people for their staunch belief In
all the principles of the gospel. Including
faith, repentance, baptism (by Immersion),
laying on of hands, resurrection of the
dead and eternal judgment. They also be
lieve In present revelation.
They are strictly monogsmlc. being bitter
opponents of polygamy, the abominable doc
trine or the Utah church aa taught and
practiced under the leadership of Brlgham
Their Statement of Belief.
Here follow a few extracts from their
atatement of belief:
..X'. bci!fV8Jn 901' the Eternal Father,
f ,Jn.i.H1" 8on J,u Christ, and in the
Holy Ghost. ...
We believe that men will be punished for
their own aim, and not for Aoam's trans
gression, y - .
VVw,,1"v?. tn4t through the atonement
of Christ all . men may .be saved by the
obedience to the lawa and ordinances of
the gospel.
inW? believe that these ordinances are:
first, faith In Ood and the Lord Jesus
Christ; second, repentance; third, baptism
by Immersion for the temlselon of sins;
fourth, laying; on of the hands for the glit
of the Holy Ghost; fifth, we believe In the
resurrection of the body, that the dead In
Chrlsl w.ul rl,e ,ir"' nd ne rest of the
dead will not live again until the thousand
years are expired: sixth, we believe In the
doctrine of eternal Judgment, which pro
vide thst men shall be judged, rewarded
or punished according to the degree of
good or evil they shall have done.
We believe that a man must be called of
Ood and ordained by the laying on of
hands of those who are In authority, to en
title him to preach the gospel and adminis
ter In the ordinances thereof.
VVe believe In the aame kind of organiza
tion that exiated In tho primitive church,
via., apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers,
evangelists, etc.
We believe that In the Bible Is contained
the Word of Ood. o far aa It la translated
correctly. We believe that the canon of
scripture la not full, but mm iinH i,v mi.
Spirit, will continue to reveal Hla word to
man until the end of time.
We believe In the powers and gifts of the
everlasting gospel, via.: The gift of faith,
discerning of spirits, prophecy, revelation,
healing, visions, tongues and the Interpre
tation of tonguea, wisdom, charity,
brotherly love, etc.
We believe that marriage la ordained of
Ood, and that the law of Ood provides for
but one companion In wedlock, for either
man or woman, exeept in cases where the
contract of marriage la broken by death or
We believe that the doctiinee of a plur
ality and a community of wives are
heresies and ere opposed to the law of Ood
We believe that the religion of Jeaua
Christ, aa taught In the New Testament
scriptures will. If Its precepts are accepted
and obeyed, make men and women better
In the domestic circle, and better cltlsens
of town, county and atate, and conse
quently better fitted for the change which
Cometh at death.
We believe that men should worship Ood
In "spirit and In truth." and that auch wor
ahlp does not require a violation of the
constitutional law of the land.
The Zloa'S Rellglo-Llterary Society and
General Sunday School association, auxil
iary to the church, hold their eonventlona
bare from April a to 6.
Two De
1 at West Point.
WEST POINT. Neb.. March It. (Special.)
Mrs. Frank Poaplahll, a widow, died at
the borne of her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Recson, and waa burled In the elty cem
etery yesterday. She waa SO year ot age
and had lived in Cuming county for over
thirty years, raising a large family, all ot
whom survive ber. She was very prominent
among the Bohemian cltlsens of the county.
Herman Hoeft, aged 17 years, died at his
home near tbia city and was burled iu the
German Lutheran cemetery west of town.
Rsr. Otto VooGemmlngen. pastor, officiated.
The cause ot death waa bronchitia.
Mrs. Beatrice Garrison.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 29. (Special.)
Mrs. Bestrles Garrison, wife ot E. H. Oar-
rlson, s farmer Dear Adams, died ls:
night, aged (8 years. She ts survived by
ber buaband and four children, one a baby
t davs old. Funeral aervlcea will be from
the family horns tomorrow af era:oa.
nth African OMclal.
LONDON. March If. Sir Sidney Oodo!
phla Alsnder Shlppard, formerly Judge ot
the supreme court of Cape Colony and who
bad bald various etber positions la South
Africa, U dead.
C. r. Bell of Clinton.
CLINTON, la.. March It. (Special Tel
egram.) C. P. Bell, member of the firm
of Peterson, Bell 4 Co., bos manufacturers,
la dead.
Thrco Men Drowned.
NORFOLK. Va.. March .-The schooner
C. O. Cramer. Captain Urate, waa swamped
oft Cape Hatteraa Friday nlaht and brought
In tow. The caplsln. his son and J. H.
White, a resident of Norfolk, were drowned.
Th schooner was being towed here by the
iuM Alexander J Has. captain Snell. which
reached here this afieruuou and reported
the Was.
Prearker Convicted of Heresy Prefers
His Condemn.-! Views to
ARKANSAS CITY, Kan.. March 29. Ree.
Granville Lowther. on trial here for berrsy
before the Methodist Episcopal conference,
has flatly refuaed proposition from the
trial committee to a'.gn aa agreement to
quit- hla alleged heretical teachings. "I
bold convictions," said he, firmly, "and I
will hold true to them."
I making hla defense at the close of
the trial. Rev. Lowther said:
I have gone three times carefully through
the bible. In Order to bring the facta of
acience and our statements of theology
and the bible Into harmony with each
other. I have not fdund it necessary to
change any fundamental principle of the
ology, but to clothe them In the language
of modern thought, rather than that of 130
years ago.
Rev. Lowther said he considered that
none ot the theories bs bad put forth were
essential to salvation or that they were
fundamental in religion.
Rev. Lowther's statement to the con
ference today follows:
To the President and Committee: In the
cane against me for heresy. In which you
have found me gjlity of the charges pre
ferred and agree not to execute the pen
alty provided I would sign a paper agree
ing not to teach In public nor in private
the various views which hv been the
basis of charges against me, 1 beg leave to
reply that I thanK you for your feeling ot
regard and sympathy which offers me a
possible way of eecaps from the natural
coneequencea of your decision, but must
decline to accept It, because I could not be
honest with myself and the cause of Christ
while as a minister of Christ represent and
enter Into such an agreement.
Most truly yours,
Rev. Mr. Lowther saya he will start out
with a tent and preach the gospel as he
sees It. Dr. Lowther announced It as part
of his plan to ultimately enter another
denomination, where he could preach In
accordance with his belief.
When the report of the committee was
received a very effecting scene waa en
acted. Half of the ministers In the con
ference sobbed, and Bishop Mallalleu said
It was with the utmost regret that he had
to announce that Dr. Lowther's ministerial
credentials should be taken away. He said
the findings of the committee was a very
regretable occurrence.
KANSAS CITY. March 29. A special to
the Star from Arkansas City, Kan., says:
Rev. Granville Lowther today formally re
fused to accept the proposition to atoo bis
teachings and the Methodist Episcopal trial
committee therefore declares him guilty of
heresy. This of course means dismissal
from the church.
The trial committee met today behind
closed doors and Immediately a statement
was preacnted from Rev. Lowther, In which
he declined to accept the proposition to ac
quit Mm If he would cease his heretical ut
terances. Seen later. Rev. Lowther aald thai he had
been ao certain of acquittal that be had
made no future plans.
"Will you appeal to the general confer
ence?" was asked.
"No, I think not," was the reply.
Restrained by rending: Injunction
Bolt from Acting aa PreaL
dent of Lesgst,
NEW YORK. March 29. Judge Truax In
the supreme court today overruled a de
murrer entered by A. O. Spaidlng and
others to the injunction suit brought by
Andrew Freedman, owner ct the New York
Base Ball club, to reatraln Spalding from
acting as president ot the National league.
Justice Truax decided that the defendants
might withdraw the demurrer and defend
the suit on payment ot costs.
The suit was begun last December, when
Freedman obtained a temporary injunction
restraining Spalding from exercising any
ot the functions of the office of president of
the National league, to which he waa
elected at a meeting of the National league,
held at the Firth Avenue hotel. It waa al
leged in the plea for an Injunction that the
election was void, as a quorum waa not
present at the time. Those who partici
pated In Spalding's election were represen
tatives of the Pittsburg, Chlcsgo, Brooklyn
and Philadelphia clubs.
Spalding demurred to the complaint on
the ground that the court had no Jurisdic
tion over the action; that the plaintiffs bad
not legal capacity to sue; that there was a
defect of parties plaintiff; that there was a
defect of parties defendanta, and that the
complaint did not state facts sufficient to
conatltute a cause of action.
It Is understood that at the meeting ot
tne national league to be held In this city
next week, A. O. Spalding will not officiate
aa president, being still reatralned by order
of the court. By the terms of Judge Trusx's
decision, N. E. Young is still president of
the league, since It is contended that no
election has been held since 1900, when Mr.
Young was chosen tor o stated term or
It will bs months before the original com
plaint can be heard, and during that time
it win be necessary to agree upon a policy
by whlcb the league can be operated.
Members of the Spalding faction will con
sult as to whst course to pursue. President
Ebbltts of ths Brooklyn club said today that
no plea bad been outlined In caae the de
cislon was agalnat them and that hs did
not care to be quoted aa to further pro
ceedlngs until after consultation with the
clube allied with Brooklyn.
Members of the Freedman faction de
dined to expresa themselves further than
to assert that the decision was only what
they had expected.
Hootlna-ten Wins at Ten Pine.
M. R. Huntington defeated "King" Den
man at tenplna last night on Clark e alleys
lenman waa 17 plna ahead at the end of
the fourth game, when Huntington started
inning ana won tne matcn by so plna.
Score :
1st. 2d. Id. 4th. eth.Tot
Huntington 167 174 211 202 235 KS9
Denman 17 181 231 Its) lS-9i9
Coorstna- Mast Abldo by Law.
DENVER Colo., March 2 -The firs and
police board has ordered that no more
coursing meets be held in this city until
the courts deride whether the sport Is
cruei, as cnargeo oy tne numane society
Desblt Wedding; at West Point.
WEST POINT. Neb.. March 29. (Special.)
County Judge 8. 8. Krake officiated at a
I double wedding yesterday. He married Peter
Monaon to Mlas Matilda Johnson, aod John
A. Peterson of Lyons to Miss Josephine
DENISON. In.. March 29. (Special.) D.
W. Weltoo waa married to Miss Gertrude
French last night at the borne of tbe bride's
parents by Rev. F. W. Bateson of tbe First
Baptlat church.
Editor's Bond Forfeited.
PANTA FE. N. M.. March -The bond
of William Berger, editor of the Santa Fe
Capital, was declared forfeited todiy In
the district court on four rharaea at crim
inal line! growlnc out of newsptper attacks
upon Governor Otero. Neither Berg-er nor
an attorney anpeared when the case was
called today. Berger Is at present In Wash
Lawyer Fined for Blsansy.
DENVER, March -H. H. Plgott. I
Philadelphia lawyer, who was recently con
vtcted here on a charge of blaamv. waa
aentenced today to aerve two years In the
state penitentiary and to pay a line of
ll.uuO. The Imprisonment portion of tbe
sentence, waa suspenaru on immediate pay
nwni ei me one ana naou was released.
Papa Bill Expect Hit Family Here Hot
Later Than Wednesday.
First Game Comes with Originals on
Saturday and Other Prelim
inaries Follow la Qalck
a acre as ion.
"Well," said Manager Rourke ot the
Omaha base ball club last night, "after
months of hustle and weeks ot oonstant
strain and worry I am finally set at rest.
My team Is now secure. Every man I hsvs
signed will be here to play ball. For
awhile I waa on the anxious seat, for other
managers were trying hard for some ot my
plsyers, but now my worries sre over as
far aa that part of It ts concerned.
"All the men are expected to be here by
Tuesday, April 1. and many ot them will,
but others will be detained because they
wish to remain home that day and vote.
Pitcher Graham will atay In Greenwood,
Neb., for that reason, and will not arrive
till Wednesday. Pete Burg of Chicago and
Ed Hickey of Indlanapolia also wish to exer
cise their rights of franchise, and will be a
little late on that account.
"Ace Stewart, with Bob Carter and Mor-
decal Brown from Terre Haute will be here
tomorrow night, or at the latest Monday.
Ace wrote me that the three would leave
Terre Haute thie afternoon, and that would
land them here tomorrow If they came
straight through. But they may stay over
In Chicago one day, and In that case Moo
day will eee them here.
"Dud Risley is In Salt Lake City and
aays be will be here on the dot, and the
aame promkse comes from Frank Oweps
at Ypsilantl, Mich. Podge Alloway la at
Petersburg, Ky., and will be here on time,
while Tom Fleming, Frank Genlna and
Jack Thomaa, a new catcher, will come In
from St. Louts Tuesday. Eddie Gordon will
not come to Omaha at flrst, but will Jola
the team at Lincoln when we play there
on the Tth of April. Hayes, Joe Dolan,
Gondlng and Calhoun are In Omaha now.
'I was badly acared about Hickey at one
time. I did not bear from blm tor about
two months, and knowing aa I did that Wat
kins waa after him bard It worried me. But
It cams out all right. Watkins also gave
me a run for Brown. He bad blm signed, in
'We play our opening game with tho
Originals here on the Sth and again on the
(th. Then we play at Lincoln with the
State university on April T, S and 9. Crelgh-
ton college comes next here on April 10
and 11. Pes Moines comes here on April
12 and 13, and the University of Nebraska
on April 15 and 16. I am holding the 14tb
and 15th open for Pittsburg, ss I hope to
catch that team on its wsy east from Hot
Springs. Cedar Rapids has canceled Its
gamea of April 18, 19 and 20, ao that ends
my preliminary schedule.
"The Originals and Crelghton university
boys have received their new suits, and
they are beautlea. The amateurs will be
togged out in finer rags than the leaguers
when they meet them.
'I cannot give out the league erhcl'ile
yet, ss It is not adopted. They are trying
to do thla by mall, but they never will
accomplish It. I am demanding a meeting
at Des Moines or Omaha at once, so we can
settle It. There are only two little points
In the schedule as now made up that are
causing any objections, but thoae little
things might knock out the . whole busi
ness." ;.-;- - .
High School Athletic Honors Go to
Boys of tho Second
The cadet band blared, a score of musi
cians strong, and 400 spectators, mostly
girls and boya. yelled themselvea hoarse
as Claude Robertson led his fellow ath etes
of the Junior clasa of the Omaha High
school to first honors In the second annual
athletic carnival at Germania hall last
night. All four classes participated.
At no period of the evening's events were
the haughty seniors or the lower classmen
In It for a moment. The juniors won five
firsts out of six events, and were the whole
thing all the time. These nrats counted
three points, second place one nolnt, and
when the scramble was ended the Juniors
had fifteen Dolnta. the seniors Ave, the
sophomores four snd the freshmen two
First of all came a wrestling tournament,
In which Q. Thompson, a sophomore, beat
Freshman c waisn, ana aiernoner. a,
Junior, threw Walter Standeven. a senior.
Bterrlcker then conquered Thompson In
the finals. All bouts were catch-as-catch-can,
for one fall.
Next waa a basket ball tourney. In which
the seniors beat the Juniors. 7 to 1. while
the freshmen succumbed to the sophomores,
S to I. In the final game the aenlora won,
18 to 8. over the sopnomores. eeven-minuie
halves were played.
in the aaca race a. raimrotner. junior,
proved that he could waddle much faster
than Freshman F. Roberta. Souhomore T.
Chambers and Senior W. Standeven. and
took first honors.
Tesms of four boys from each class com
peted In the relay raoe. In the first round
the freshmen beat the sophomores, the
juniors the seniors, snd then the Juniors
beat the freshmen.
An obstscle race waa similarly conducted.
In this the eonhomores won from the
freshmen, the Juniors from the seniors, and
then the tumors neat tne sopnomores.
Six aenlor girls put It over half a doxen
Junior lassies at basket ball, and Anally
the Finney brothera. Hurley and Jennings,
did some clever tumbling atunts.
Webster Sutherland waa the leader of
the aeniors. Oeorge Thompson of the sopho
mores and Kicnara Patterson ot tne irtsn
men. .
Gold and Blno on Top.
A sold and blue flaa- floats over the Hlh
school this morning. In recognition of the
unlor s victory at the athletic carnival
aat night.
Training Stable Deatroyed nnd Seven
teen Vnlnnble Aalmnls
Are Bnrncd.
DETROIT, Mich.. March 29 Seventeen
race horses and promising colts were
burned to death early today In a Are
which destroyed the training stable of
Frank H. Colby, a well Known driver and
trainer in Highland park. The fire atarted
Just before daybreak from aome unknown
cause and completely deatroyed the stable.
Sixteen of the horses were burned to
death In their stalls. One broke loose and
escaped from the burning barn, but the
valuable animal waa ao badly burned that
It waa necessary to shoot It. Among the
horses destroyed are the following:
Red Royal, l:U. a 6-year-old trotting
stallion, valued at to.iM); Harry p.,
trotter. 1:23V. S2.VO; The King, trotter,
2:26't. I2.0OU; Maiden Queen, pacer, 2 13V
I'.UuO: Mono. 2:X!W. trotting stallion. tZ.Ouu.
The to'al loaa la about tJu.Otio. Mr. Colby
had Intended to buy nominations In the
Merchants' and Manufacturers' 110, mu
stake for 2:14 clasa trotters at the Hlue
Ribbon meeting of the Detroit Driving
club in July tor narry r. ana ine King.
Tommy White, Bantam welsat, at
Point of Death aa Resell
of Flaht.
White, a local bantamwelaht nualllat. Is
said to be at the point of death aa the
result of a sparring contest tonight with
Tom Markey, also of thla city, at the
Knickerbocker Athletic club. He waa badlv
beaten and In the fifth round was rendered
unconscloua by a blow on tha taw. Al
though physicians exerted every effort to
reaua'ltat him. he waa unconscious at a
late nour tonignt. no arreata have been
(Ml Linka mm Battled!.
BVSACO, Portugal, Marta 29. -The his-
You have the most convincing evidence of this fact
every day. Otherwise beautiful faces marred with black
heads, blotches and pimples, muddy or sallow complexions,
and red, rough or oily skins arc some of the most common
and conspicuous symptoms of bad blood.
You can hide these ugly and humiliating blemishes by glazing them over with face
powders and rouge, and the rough and discolored skin is made white and smooth by a lavish
use of cosmetics, but these artificial complexions and false skins only last for a day, when the,
. ........ j . . i i i . j . . . j '
j eruptions ana spots stana out as Dare ana Drazen as ever. The natural beauty and smoothness
of the skin cannot be permanently restored by the use of external applications, for the reason
'that these skin diseases arc due to some poison or humor in the blood that must be antidotcd
1aPa .
ana eiimmatea Deiore tne sKin can or will return to
a healthy state. Under the purifying and tonic
effects of S. S. S. all impurities are expelled from
the blood, the general health is invigorated, and all
disfiguring and aunoj'ing eruptions promptl)' and
permanently disappear from the skin, and it becomes
as soft and smooth as ever.
Bad blood tells in many other ways. Itching
and burning eruptions, rashes and sores, boils and
carbuncles show the presence of some irritating
poison or unhealthy matter in the blood, and these
aggiavating troubles will continue until the weak
and slow circulation has been quickened and the
deteriorated blood made rich and
tell m infancy; scrofulous affections, sore eyes, scalp diseases, nasal catarrh, stunted growth,
brittle bones and soft and flabby mtiscles are some of the early manifestations of bad blood ,b'
inheritance. These symptoms, if nesrlectcd. may develop into some deep-seated and serious blood
trouble later on in life, but the timely use of S. S. S. will check the disease in its incipiency,
and the little sufferers grow into healthy manhood and womanhood.
S. S. S. is Nature's Remedy. It contains no Arsenic,
Potash, or other mineral, but is strictly a vegetable blood purifier and tonic that can be taken
without fear of any hurtful effects, and with perfect assurance of a speedy and lastivig cure.
Our illustrated book on the Skin and its Diseases contains much plain and practical
information about eruptive diseases, their cause and cure, how to take care of the skin, etc.,
that will be of inestimable value to all sufferers. We will mail you a copy free.
Write us about your case and our physicians will gladly furnish any information or.
advice desired without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA.
torlo battlefield here where the duke of
Wellington (Setitember 27. 1R10) renulsed the
Frenc h srmv commanded by Marshal Mas-
sena. haa been turned tnto golf links for the
benefit or visitors, ine first matcn too
place yesterday.
Loses Paeldc Volon Handtcnp to Com
missioner Forater, to Great
BAN FRANCISCO. March 29. Commis
sioner Former, an added atarter. won the
Pacific Union handicap at oakiana today
at 3D to 1. With Homestead out, The
Giver waa thought to have the event at hla
mercy and whs piayeu from even money
to 7 to 10. He waa poorly ridden by
Rannch and could not catch Commissioner
Forster. who won in a drive, water
Scratch was third. The event was worth
K.OOU, of which the winner received It,).
The majority of the favorites went down
to defeat. Bylvla Talbot, the first choice In
the 2-year-old event, stumbled near the
finish and was beaten by a noae by Alsona,
the Burns A Waterhouse colt. Harry
Btover, who shlpa to Chicago Monday, won
purses with f ree trance ana iiowano. Re
First race, one mile, selling: tree i.anre
won, The Oufflr second, Phil Archibald
third. Time: 1:42.
Recnnit race, one-half mile. Durse: Alxona
won. Bylvla Talbot second. High Chancellor
third. Time: ills.
Third race, seven-eighths of a mile, sell
ing: Limelight won, School for Scandal
second. El Filar third. Time: 1:28.
Fourth race, mile and one-eighth, handi
cap. Pacific Union: Commissioner Forster
won, ine uiver secona, water ecraicn
third. Time: 1:51.
Fifth rsce, three-quarters of a mile, sell Hilee won. Prlncefs Titanla second.
The Pride third. Time: 1:13H.
Sixth race. eeven-elKhtng or a mile, sell
ing: llowaho won, Vaseallo second. Lento
third. Time: 1:28.
Only One Winning Favorite.
CHARLESTON. 8 C. March 29 Intent
waa the only winning favorite at the Ex
position race track today. Results:
First rxce, selling, four and one-half fur
lonas: Fenny Knox won. Celia second.
Uratla' third. Time: 0:5V.
Second race, selling, elx furlonga: Ohio
King won. Vance second, Grace Wilson
third. Time: 1.22.
Third race, selling, seven furlongs:
Frank B won, Certain second, Sir Kenneth
third. Time: 1:84
Fourth race, selling, five furlongs: 8sml
val won. P-ettle B II second, Cerder third.
Time: 1:0&.
Fifth race, selling, four and one-half fur.
longs: Intent won. Lake Fonzo second,
Oladhand third Time: (J.bbU,.
Sixth race, selling, six and one-half f-jr-longs:
Klnsfull won. Emigrant second,
Hattle Davis third. Time: 1:28.
Make Time la Mod.
WASHINGTON, March 29 Only one
favorite rhowed up in front In a sea of
mud at Beiiiilngs today. Five good-priced
horses captured the remaining racea. J. A.
Warner took the hurdle race from Ta
martn after a hard drive and Woodtrice
defeated Charlie Moore after a atmllar
finish In the handicap. The Hoyden had
little difficulty In taking tha Potomac
stakes for 8-year-olds, ltesjltsi
First race, six furlonga; Cormorant won,
Alnck setond. King barleycorn third. Timet
Second race, four furlongs and a half:
strong again. Some are bora
When the blood is healthy and pure it tells a diflereut
story, a smooth and flawless skin glowing with health, a
sound body and active brain, well nourished system, good
appetite and digestion, and restful and refreshing sleep.
S. S. S., combining both purifying and tonic properties,
contains all that you need in the way of a blood builder and
skin beautifier.
The Bad Boy's Bowel Blessing
Nature punishes every excess, not only of the bad boy, but of ounelvcs as well.
Over-eating, over-drinking, under-ileepiDjr result in bowel troubles liable to
become serious.
"r ehtldrfs will take Casearets soever thsa
ay otaar medicine."
-Mrs. Freak Maner. Prinetoa, III.
"I m'M aalng Cieirei Is bit fenllr and
sasy era wonderful anions rblldrtn.
Ls O ThomMoa. Pormoath, Va.
"Oar little girl ni
treasled with constipation
Caacarats eared her. They
Id for fotda wa erer naed.
nr over we rears
I Slao tba bait remedy for rolda
-Mr. and Mra Ralph (rntord, Clajtca.
B putoni, Ulaytca, N. I.
i and have foand tham a
for both my.elf and mr
MaCroasoB, SM Bead St..
I hare used Caaesrasa an
moat eicauant reaaar
rhlldrea."-Mra. Bridget
raiuMteinaje. ra.
Every good, heaJhy hearty boy Is sometimes a bad boy bad to himself;
and will do thlug in the green apple, mince pie or other over-eating line
that will twist bis bowels. Men are only boys grown tall. In such a caso
what is needed ia not a violent physic that will rack the tender bowel
tissues, but Cascarets Candy Cathartic, gentle but sure to act at once and
put things right. They are the most perfect medicine in tho world for
all forms of indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation.
Toscan won, Morca second, First Chord
third. Time: 0:68 4-6. i
Third race, one mile snd a half, hurdle:'
J. A. Warner won. Tamaiin second, Far
rell third. Time: 3:0a S-6.
Fourth race, six furlongs: The Hoyden
won, Trunk second, Carrol D third. Time:.
1:18 4-8. '
Mrtn race, seven tunongs: illuminate
won, Locket second, Ooldfox third. Time:
1:33 4-J.
Sixth race, one mile and 100 yards: Wood
trice won. Charley Moore second, Lamp
O Lee third. Time: 1:54 3-4.
Arkansas Spring; Meet Closes.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., March 29-The
feature of the last day of the Arkansas
Jockey club's spring meeting waa the Bob
Furth stakes at one mile. It was won by
J. K. Hughes' Nearest. She best W. H.
Gates In a drive by half a length. Nearest
and W. B. Gates raced In front ell the
way. Lauy uauantry won tne juvenile
dash from a fast field of youngsters. Per
fect racing weather prevailed and the
largest crowd of the meeting turned out.
First race, six furlongs, selling: Bound
lee won. Sir Gatian second, Liszle A third.
-lime: i:jf.
Second race, 2-year-olds, six furlongs: I
Lady Gallantry won, Mansir second, The
Advocate third. Time: 0:51.
Third race, five furlongs and a half: Carl
Kahler won, Huntressa second, Lady Al
berta third. Time: 1:0914.
Fourth race, Bob Furth stakes, selling,
$500 added, one mile: Nearest won, W. B.
Gates second, Plead third. Time: 1:44.
Fifth race, aeven furlons-s. selling: Or
leans won, Loone second. Chickadee third.
Time: 1:80H.
Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards,
selllne: Henry of Franstamar won. Pay
the Fiddler second, Florrle 8 third. Time:
Coralshmna Mnnlfeats Prefereneo for
Exposition Terms Over 1-os
Angeles Proposition.
NEW YORK. March 29.-J. C. Jaudon,
representing- Charleston exposition, has
ported a certified check for ti.OuO sa a
guaranty of the offer of a purse of U&,(M
for the Fltislmmona-Jeffrlea fight. Charles
ton's olTer Is 75 per cent of the gross re
ceipts, with l2n.MO guaranteed to the fight
ters aa a minimum sum.
A formal tender coverlnsj the offer waa
made and consideration of It with the other
bids when they are opened April 1 waa
asked by Mr. Jaudon and his asslstanta.
They have conferred with Fltsalmmons,
who assured them that he preferred their
pioposltlon In comparison with the Los
Angelrs offer.
Jaudon said today he was positive there
would be no Interference with the fight.
His plsn Is to have a daylight contest In
a great arena within the exposition grounds
on any day between May li and June 1
that may be agreed upon.
Is-Ronnd Draw.
CHICAGO. March . The six-round bout
at the riilmrn Athltl. lnh Vt ........ f .....
Connollv and Owen Zelgler ended In a !
draw. The fighting waa very even through- J
out the contest. I
John Wolf Cased for W lfe,BeallnB.
John Wolf. v South Twenty-fifth street,
was arrested last night on complaint of
hla wife, who aald he whipped her about
i o'clock yesterday afternoon and rene.iel
1 the performance again at J o'clock. Wolf
Is la Jell.
When aar daughter wae three months old Ecaema
broke out on her head and cont'.uued to spread until
ber head was sntlroly covered. She wss treated by
several rood doctors, but grew worse, and the dread
ful disease spread to her face. She was taken to two
celebrated health springs, but received no benefit.
Many patent medicines were taken, but without rcault,
nntil we decided to try S. S. S., and by the time the
first bottle wae finished, ber head beg-an to heal. A
dosen bottles cured ber completely and left her ekln
perfectly emooth. She la now twenty years old, and
has a magnlfioent growth of hair. Not a aim of tbe
dreadful dlaease baa ever returned.
H. T. 8H0DE.
C814 Pino Street, St. Louis, Mo.
with bad blood, and it begins to
'Tstrareta are tha eaaleat medtflne to glee to
children I aver came scroti."
Mra. I. r. Hellly, UN Calvin St., PlUabnrg. Pa.
"Mr two bora thtnk Cearerela are' eandr. I
fievtr hare tnslat on thnr tainf tbm.
sleep arltb a boa or Caaeareta an-Ur my pillow.
lio noma abould ha without tham."
Mra. u. A. Fraaeoti, Chicago, 111.
"Csacarets are wonderfully good f-ir children."
Mra. VTm. Kuan, Catamount. M. Y.
Wa have naed Caaeareba for thre rara for tha
ehlldren aa wall aa ouraelraa. They do Juat what
tliey are reommcnaad to do.
Mra. r. M. auilUng , alt Dook St., SuaheavUla, O.
Best for ths Bewels. All druggists, toe, sjc, soe. Never sold ia
balk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. (Guaranteed to cure
or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. as
aOTi isar
Pacific Coast
March & April
Island Route
Daily Tourist Gars
Kansas City
El Paso Short Lino
Personallv Conducted '
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
sjanaaafl ALSO fmmm
Personally Conducted
Tourist Excursion!
( Wednesday.
Omaha Saturdaym...
via Soenlo Una
Through Colorado
Rate for Double Berth $5.00.
City Ticket Office:
atatadrosr and All Beat A See t leas Cared at
taar Heava by llaoauurf 's
a aee la 1 Trcaimant.
When your scsId ts dry. full of
I Dandruff or irritated; when the
hair falls out, splits, fsdes. loses
its lustre or shows other evidences
of decay or disease. Ltermatolocist,
Woodbury can positively eradicate all ab
normal conditions and promote anew and
healthy grow til. Thousands owe their
beautiful hair to a timely call on him. Con
sultation is free, and S years practical ex
perience Is a guarantee of the beet possible
results in all cases. Those unable to rail
at tbe offlce may write for book and full
information. Address JOHN 11. WOOD
bUHY I). I., lttl Bute Street, Chicago.
V Bee for All News