;Saannuc32njea The Omaha Sunday Bee. PART I. PAGES 1 TO 12. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXISG, MARCH 30, 1002 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. i KKC SHUNS HOLY CUP Edward U Adamantine in Befuial to Take Communion. SEEKS TO SHORTEN CORONATION RITUAL Ecclesiastics Insist on Fulfilling Various Ancient Customs. CEREMONY NINETY MINUTES IN LENGTH Anointing with Oils Bothers Both King and Queen. SET OF HER CROWN PUZZLES ALEXANDRA Sixty Furniture Vans Required o Tlr Veluuhle from Marlbor (k to Baeklnghum Monarch Order Generel Vucrluatlon. Copyright, VV. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, March 29. (New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) King El Ward baa had great difficulty In Inducing the archbishop of Canterbury to ahorteo and simplify th ritual of coronation. In the first plce. tbe king wished the cere mony to occupy not more than forty-five minutes. But Moat Rev. Dr. Temple, sup ported by other ecclesiastical authorities, ha Insisted on retaining several ancient customs, so the ceremony will take ninety tntnutes. On one point the king la adamantine. He absolutely refuse to take communion. This baa caused the primate deep chagrin, as It la likely to provoke unfavorable comment, because it Is common report that the king never has partaken of the communion ac cording to the Anglican rite. The bishop? of Bath and Durham hare Insisted upon their right to support the crown on the king's head after coronation, an assistance (ha king wanted to dispense with. After prolonged protest from the king, the primate ha decided that the king must -avbmlt to being anointed on the breast, also pn the forehead and chin, with holy oils, and la having a silt made In the coronation robes to permit this to be done. As Queen Alexandra positively refuses to have her face anointed, the holy oils are being prepared In the form of a solid Chrism, like wax, for the primate refused to forego that part of the rite. Particular a to Fit Crowa. Further trouble and delay have been saused by the queen's fancies In regard to Ihe color of her coronation robe and the set of her crown. Thirty crowns of the Gothic pattern prescribed by the king were lubmltted to her. but she left for Denmark without having picked one out. The removal of the valuable from Marl borough house to Buckingham palace, where the king and queen will go into residence after Banter, la being carried out with ex traordinary precautions. ' They will fill Sixty large furniture van. Bach van will be aealed bafore leaving Marlborough bouaa ca Its 400-yard Journey to tha palace and will be accompanied- iy th maater of tha king' household. Lord Farquhaf, la whose presence tha seal will be broken at the aalace and the contents carried to tha royal apartments. The king baa Issued a peremptory order that all official and servants employed lo royal realdencea shall be vaccinated, be eause a coachman of hi cousin. Prince EM ward ot Eaxe Weimar, contracted small pox after refusing to be vaccinated. Simultaneously, an order waa made that averyone employed In or frequenting tha Hons of Parliament should be re-vac-llnated, except members, who are not ub- leet to compulsion. Thla order affecta 1,200 persons of all grades. . FINDS- FAMOUS SUN TEMPLE Ctrnu Expedition Dig T"s Evidence af Clvlllsntleu Antedatlag King Solomon. fCopyrlght. 19. by Prea Publishing Co.) BERLIN, March 29. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Not only la ancient Babylon, but alao la Palmyra, baa a German archaeological expedition die tloguiahcd Itself by excavations. Dr. Pack- stein, leader of the Palmyra expedition, baa sent a report Indicating that the eatlr plaa of tha famoua templa of tha aun, 'Tadmor of tha Wilderness," baa been d la- covered. The rulna unearthed consist of colon xtadea, arches and fragments of temple extending In an unbroken line for nearly mile and a half. The wonderful temple af the aun is shown by Pachsteln to have bad a peristyle of 140 column and a most gorgeously ornamented archway. The Ger man expedition to Baalbec. a city built by King Solomon, baa also bad rich finds. The templa ot tha sun there la alao a won derful place and Dr. Pachsteln la convinced that ba ha the entire plan ot It unearthed. In tha cyclopeao walla ba baa Tail bar block of marble twenty feet high, twelve feet aquar and slxty-eevn feet long. weighing about TOO tons each. Another bugs monolith b calculated weigh 1,000 tons. Pachsteln baa discovered beautiful relief of beads and garlands, which data from a time befora King Solomon. Tha great burnt offering altar in tha center ot the court and a magnificent basin for ablutlona bava been unearthed, both of them wonderfully decorated with reliefs atlll in a fair state of preservation. ITALIAN KINGCUTS WAGES Fraaa Prslila Hla Economy tka Pea- ale Ca t Condemning Hlas far HI ttlngtueee. fCoDvrla-ht. 190!. by Prea Publishing Co.) ROMK. March 29. (New York World Ca Plegram Special Telegram.) King Victor Emmanuel' frugality and almpl taste hav already become proverbial la Italy, but al though hla subjects at first praised and ad mired the young king economy, they are aow beginning to call blm downright atingy. The royal chefa pay of 1100 month under tha lata klug baa bean cut t tau. When be complained to Queen Helena, she said: "You bar no reason to complain, for In my country, Montenegro, the minister of war la paid avea las. Th contractor who catara for the royal household of &0 person get only 60 cent a pentoo. a day, although b la expected to provide three meala. Tha dowager queen, Marghrrlta. pays nearly ft a proa to feed the 113 member ot ber household. Eighty horse have been aald from th royal (table la th last two month and 160 employ and servant have been dis missed, most of them without pension. 1(1 rumored that the king, fearing that rapidly developing socialism may upset hla throne, la putting a 14 money for a rainy WOMEN OF NOTE IN LONDON Wife af Sew hlef (oaitricler of Suvy Mae last Takea Keen later rat la oleuteer. Copyright, VC. by Press Publishing Co. LONDON, March 29. (New York V orld Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mr Philip Watts, wife of tha newly appdl chief constructor of the navy, corner nlii anil nnhla hnitM- the Cnmtrs Si v Paint Omer, who fought gallaK .V!, Ing and country. Her fatbr deva- ller Gustave Slmonau, wi,' ..gulshed traveler and artist. Hex and'a new work takea her away fron. ber present ome at Newcastle, where she will be greatly missed, for her tact and charm of manner had made her popular. She has long taken much interest In the volunteer. After the mar began she spent yesr in South Africa, rendering valuable eervlca In various ways, particularly In for warding stores to the front and in work in the Red Cross depot in Capetown. She laited the principal battlefields, traveled In Zululand and spied out the little known regions of western Cape Colony. The countess of Essex, formerly A dpi a Grant of New York, Is aeeklng to repair her family fortunes by Joining with Mrs. Williams in starting a fashionable laundry, the launderers for which are to be brought from Farls. London laundry work is no toriously! bad. Many wealthy men-about-towa send their shirts to Paris to be laun dered. Lady Essex, whose taste in dress is considered to be ot the highest, le consulted by Taqutn on new styles and gets a hand some fee for such services. The duchess of Newcastle is a keen portswoman and lover of animals. She a always doing something to improve the lot of horses and dogs. Her favorite pony. Lady White, Is an object of her con- tant thought and care. She Inherited her affection for horses from both her parents. rode before she could walk, and has al ways been an expert, fearless horsewoman. Some of the most Interesting spaniel trials ever known In England took place recently at the duke and duchess' splendid country home at Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire. Of the half dozen young unmarried women who are Invited everywhere In so ciety, with whom, in fact all London hostesses have to count, perhaps the most charming la Miss Lillian Thynne, daughter of a brother of the present young mar quis of Bath's grandfather. Her ex tremely pretty face, fascinating manners aad kind heart have made everybody her friend. FOR SHORTER RUN TO PARIS erlcan Syndicate Plan a Kl re Hoar Express Service front London. (Copyright. 1902. by Prea Publishing Co.) PARIS. March 2. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telerram.) "From Lon don o Paris In five hours" may be realised within two years, thanks to a syndicate of Americana, whose representative are con sulting dally with the authorlUea of the French Northern railway. Your corre spondent, though requested to withhold names for th present, t assured that a practical plan haa been devised. ' Tun IsorUtru ' rat. war. whose sunerb Calala branch boast of having tha fastest train in tha world, ba been trying for year to Induce the two English London to Dover line to ahorten tha time of tha trip but the English argument alwaya baa been We bold the short route, anyhow; why go to th expense of this?" ' The American syndicate mentioned has secured the support of powerful English politician, and at tha next session of the British Parliament a bill will be Intro duced authorising a new electric line from London to Dover. The promoter of this enterprise promise to cover the distance In forty-five mlnut. The estimated coat of tha new road la $26,000,000, on which amount the enormoua traffic expected will pay 20 per cent. It la calculated, from the first. M. Loubet. the famous Inventor of one type of th submarine vessel used In the French navy,' la designing th largest sub marine craft yet attempted. He Intend to all It from Brest to New York, guaran teeing to keep under water half way. - KAISER IS OFTEN AT PIANO Composes n Good Deal, bnt Outside Werld Seldom la Favored with Hla Compositions. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, March 19. The kalser'a multi farious accomplishment Include piano play ing, to which ha recently ha been devoting much time. Although he playa aa m ich by ear aa by note, arrangement from Weber and Auber have been specially written for blm. When b I on a Journey It always de light htm to happen on a good pisno. Dur ing the autumn . military maneuver the kaiser alwaya Insist on having a grand piano In excellent tuna wherever ha lodge. On tho Imperial yacht during hla voyage along the coast of Norway he spend hour at tha piano. Several of tha finest instru ments la tha world ar la the royal castle at Potsdam and Berlin. The kaiser baa been compoalng a good deal of lata, but except en th rarest occa sion tha outside world never bear of It. Sometime a favorite lady of tha court, or a musician who baa won royal esteem, I presented with a manuscript aong or ro mance, but thla la rare. Hla majesty' production are numeroua and form on of th most highly treasured of the empress' possessions. She alwaya 1 th first to bear ber husband' work and pas Judgment on it. If that Judgment 1 favorable th work is added to her collec tion; If unfavorable, it I burned. PROVIDES ROOM FOR DUELS Fran Pletseh Thrive aa Steady Es Stadeata. (Copyright. 190C. by Prea Publishing Co.) VIENNA. March . (Nw York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) 'That I an flair that must be settled ia Pietach shop," is what Vienna students say when they mean a duel, perhaps to the death. Pletscb ahop la an apartment kept by Caroline Ptetsch, a sailor's wife, tor th xpre purpose of providing a place for students to fight In. Duels with serious sometimes fatal, results are of dally occur rence here, notwithstanding the earnest ef forts bslag made to suppress tks custom. Frau Plstsch was arrested this week for the fourth time, detectives having sur prised two student fighting with sharp sworda la aa apartment. A duel la which a atudent of medicine named Cokorac was mortally wounded csused a eaattoa lent than a year aao. and she was arrested aad ent to prison for three months. As soon as aha gat out of prison h takea rooms in a different part of th towa aad carrlaa a the asm business. RESULT OFA QUARREL Alleged 8candal Over Sale of Wast Indies - Seems lull Explained. TCOME OF PERSONAL ENMITIES Christmas and Gron Fall Out and Bitter Recrimination Ensues. EACH CLAIMS CREDIT FOR THE SALE Danish Government Repudiates Both as Its Accredited Agents. MEN IN ANGER AND ENVY SEEK REVENGE High Official In Denmark Positively Hefaie All Claims that Either Party Influenced the Kegottatlona. COPENHAGEN, March 29 in an Inter view with a representative of the Associated Press on the subject of Congressman Richardson's resolution for the appoint ment of a committee to investigate a charge made by Captain Christmas, in connection with the sale of the Danish West Indies, a high Danish official says: Neither Christmas nor Gron were ever given authority to negotiate tor the sale of the West Indies. They never negotiated with Washington and have In no way In fluenced the negotiations. The negotiations were conducted through Ijiurlie ri. Swen son, the I'nlted States minister here, and Constantlne Urun, the Danish minister at Washington. The Danish government is under no obligation to any private persons in connection with the sale. Hence no commission Is due or will be paid. The alleged scandal Is the result of a quarrel between Christmas and Oron. Tre latter claimed he effected the sale and that, hence, he wanted a commission. Christmas made a similar claim, accom- Banled by a confidential report to the lanlsh government, containing statements regarding bribery, etc., as recently pub lished In Washington. Gron Becomes Desperate. Most of the report was printed by the Danish press some time ago. Gron, seeing It was hopeless to expect a commission, started for Washington with Christmas' report In his pocket, boasting to the anti sale advocates here that he would be re venged by influencing congress to decline to pass the appropriation for the purchase of the islands. Before the commencement of the negotia tions, Christmas and Gron actually tried to become connected with the matter, as agents. The then premier. Dr. Horrlng, gave them some encouragement and private parties favoring the sale furnished small amounts for their traveling expenses. Dr. Horrlng waa indiscreet. He discussed a commission, but bribery was not suggested. He and the other parties speedily disco -ered that tbev hikd heen tmnosed udoii and broke off their connection with Christmas and Gron, considering them to be without In fluence. Christmas haa now been forced to declare that his report ot bribery waa raise. Christmas Statea Hla Case. NEW YORK. March 29. The Daily Mall'e correspondent la Copenhagen baa bad a talk with Captain Christmas, who is not the leasfwatonlshed by the American scandal, say th London correspondent ' 'of th Herald. ; v - " "Tks Danish 'no sale' arty" bs said. '"hopes to break oft the sale br tha help of the scandal. For that purpose somebody stole my confidential report to the govern ment and engaged a certain person, an American citizen, to go to Washington to tart the scandal, by delivering the report to Representative Richardson and to the newspaper. Captain Christmas gave out here on Frl day a declaration under oath that no mem ber of the American congress waa either directly or Indirectly Interested In the sale of the Danish islands. He say he aent this declaration to the Foreign office, with a demand that It be forwarded to the Danish ambassador. M. Brun, in Washington. It was also published in all the Danish news papers without a denial. Ko Claim on Amerlra. "I never bad any arrangement about a provision with any American authority,' he said. "I have no claim whatever on America, but on the Danish government for my work and expenses. The present gov ernment ha nothing to do with any possi ble acandal. aa all th arrangement re garding me and my work were made with Premier Hoerrlng three yeara ago. when I. by an order from the American State de partment, had brought Secretary Henry White into communication with the Danish foreign minister, M. Ravn. 'The existing government ha accepted the present situation from their predeces sor. Mm. Ahested and Hoerrlng, and has never blamed me with a word for anything I have done. "It aeems to me that the 'no sale' party I not acting for the benefit of Ita coun try In trying to disturb the entente crrdlale between America and Denmark, an under standing which our premier, M. Deuntzer, officially atated tb other day, ha been re markably good." WILL MAKE PROBING PUBLIC Committee ta investigate Danish- American Bribery Charges Will Held Oyts Meetings. WASHINGTON, March . Tb special committee appointed by Speaker Henderson to investigate allegations In connection With the Danish West Indies purchase, held an executive meeting today and determined to begin the investigation next Tuesday at 10 a. ra. The eommltee unanimously decided that tha meetings would be open to the public Chairman Dalxell waa authorised to make any arranaenwnta necessary to secure th presence of witnesses. It waa understood, however, that several parties would appear voluntarily without being summoned. As th charge ahowed that they had been brought to Representative Richardson's at tention by Niels Gron, it waa considered de sirable that tL latter should appear, aad h probably will be beard on Tuesday. POPE VIEWSDARK PICTURE Roman Pont I Pertrar Society as Drifting Toward Slate of Annrcby. ROME, March 29. Th pope today pub lished a long encyclical, the tone of which suggest a testamentary recommendation. After thanking God for hi prolonged life, hut holiness reiterates one more th teaching be ha already promulgated to the Catholic world. He deplore th renewed attack on th church, and th recent error of humanity, instancing d I force and picturing th pre, ent condltioa of society as having drifted into a tat of anarchy. He entreat tha people to return, to Christ and the Roman pontiff, as the only sources hence tha world can bop to obtain peace and salvation. TREATY NOT IN GREAT DANGER - Manrtiartan Pnct Subject tn Mttle Opposition Berssi at Resale' Liberal Cenrse. i , FEKIN, March 29. The Russians are not pressing the proposition fo gtve the Russo- Chinese bank exclusive mining and other right In Manchuria, ao the power are not to likely to oppose the algnlag of the Man- churlan treaty, aa now practically agreed upon between Paul Lessar, th Russian min ister here, and Prince Chlng. president ot the Chinese foreign office. The signatures probably will be attached la a few day. M. Lessar haa been auggestlng to Prince Chlng that Thibet should be granted In dependence. The Chinese believe that thla portend a Russian attempt to acquire Thibet a compensation for compromising Russia's Mancburlan ambltsnna. Certain German instructor who were formerly employed In th Chines army have requested their reinstatement, but the officials replied that China bad agreed not to employ foreign instructors, on ac count of the Jealousies of the power. Nevertheless more Japanese officer re cently Joined Yaan-Shl-Kal'e army. They are wearing Chinese clothing and their efforts already have resulted in great Im provements in the equipment of the forces. The latest report from T Ming Fu ay the greatest lose of life occurred during the fight between Yuan-8bt-Kat'e soldiers and the populace. The inhabitant of aeveral villages who were enlisting in the so-called united vil lagers society resisted the soldier, but a most of the villager were only armed with spears and swords, they suffered great laughter. LOUBET'S VISIT TO THE CZAR Rigid Protocol Gaverna Correspond ence Between Prcaldent nnd Foreign Rrler, (Copyright, 108, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. March 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) M. Loubet s coming visit to the ciar haa drawn atten tion, th Daily Messenger notes, to th protocol governing correspondence between the president ot th republic and foreign rulers. The svritlng of a letter In such a case is no simple matter. Sentence have to be carefully considered, the exact mean ing of word has to be weighed and even the size and quality of the note paper are a question of important. The shape and size of the seal are also decided by protocol. The first page of parliament letters to rul ing sovereign must contain onlyalx lines, legibly written, and with strict attention to punctuation. No coat-cf-armsynor printed heading must appear on the paper and th president signs himself "Emile Loubet." Strong effort ar being made in Spain to secure President Loubet' attendance at the coronation of King AlTonso. The queen re gent ba aent a special envoy here, but It i rumored that aartoua . objections have been raised by th French government be cause it ia th only republic Invited. While this government ask that Swltserlsnd, Mexico and Argentine br Invited. It Is un derstood that Franc le especially unwilling to appear to countenance willful Ignoring ot the United States. M y " ' J-: FRANCt:ilVt CAMPA.'GN If Hla VlBTOrons Republican Policy a Vindicated, Ronsseaa In tends to Reslara. (Copyright. 1902. by Tress Publishing Co.) PARIS. March 29. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) France la in the midst ot a highly exciting political cam paign. Despite Btrenuoue effort to prevent It, all the antl-republlcaa factions are sol idly united for the nrt tim in history Nevertheless the country already givea In dication that Premier Waldeck-Rousseau'a prediction that the monarchists, Napoleon ites, clericals and eonservstlves would cease to count In political affairs In the next par liament will be thoroughly fulfilled. It thla ehould b reallxed, the result would be mo mentous, for gigantic reforma would follow. The Americana must not forget that, though France la a republic, until now the reactionary minorities in ths aggregate have so nearly equaled the party devoted to republican Institution that a radical de Dsrture from tradltlona was rendered al most impossible. Your correspondent 1 in formed on high authority that If the elec tlone generously vindicate hla prudent though determined republican policy, M. Woldeck-Rousseau Intend to resign th premiership, being satisfied with having held th office for th longest tim on record. PLAYS PIANO ONE FULL DAY Kew the Perfermcr le navlsg nnd Hla Arma Grew Ele phantine. (Copyright. 19. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Match 19. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Guitav Oar nler. a composer, won bl wager that ba could play the piano eeaaelessly for mors than twenty-four hour without repeating th nam piece. He played twenty-aeven hour and four minutes without notes, en tirely from memory, playing lis piecea, ranging; from a concert ball waits to a Beethoven aymphony. Twice be waa fed by an assistant, but without interrupting the playing. Tb performances ended when Garner, who had peea raving more ana more for two boure. fell lneniWe. The kin was worn off bis finger tips and after he stopped hi arma began to swell. At tb present moment Oarnler Is still out of bis mind and tha doctors say hla condition la precarious. OMITS PRAYERS FOR THE CZAR Priest la Therefore Arrested by Rassian Soldiers While Of. flclatlaa nt Altnr. (Copyright. 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) ST. PETERSBURG, March 29. (New York World Cablegram 8peclal Telegram.) A Catholic prteat waa arrested at th altar In Bortnlkl, a towa in Russian Pa land, before hi congregation and la tb midst of dlvln servlc. Th congregation reflated, the police drew their sword, and ia th fight that followed a doxea person were wounded. The priest bad been ordered arrested be cause at a church festival he bad omitted purposely. It waa charged, to say the prayer for th csar. Th incident bat reused latent excitement among the Catholic and atlll further Increase their bitterness against tbelr Russian oppressors. Frnnee at St. Lanla Fair. PARIS. March 29. The Senate today adopted th bill previously passed by the Chamber of Deputies, providing a credit of too. 000 franca to defray th fin art and tat manufacture exhibit of Franc at tb BL Loula ax position. DICKINSON GOES OUT United States Diplomatic Agent is Hot Wanted by Bulgarians. RESULT OF HIS COURSE IN STONE CASE Foreign Government Manifests Displeasure at Eis Firmness. NO SUCCESSOR MAY BE APPOINTED Washington is Annoyed by the Conduct of Bulgarians. MAY MAKE DEMAND ON THE RANSOM Breach Formed by Attltnde of Sofln Aathorltlra Will Sot Soften Feeling; Here Over the Abdnctlon. j WASHINGTON. March 29. A one re sult of hi activities In the Ptone case Mr. Dickinson has lost his position as dip lomatic representative to Bulgaria. When he was tn Sofia last fall he addressed some very strong representations to the Bulgarian minister for foreign ffalr and appar ently he hat not been forgiven, for now Information come to the end that he It persona non grata. A minister or diplomatic agent cannot be retained at a place against the will of the country to which he Is accredited, and that la Mr. Dickinson' position. It Is very probable, however, that our government, as a manifestation of its displeasure, will refrain from sending another diplomatic agent to Sofia, though It will not be thus prevented from making any demands upon the Bulgarian government In the matter of the Stone case which the Inquiry now In progress may seem to Justify. The Bul garian government has no representative here. Mr. Dickinson I consul general at Con stantinople beside being diplomatic agent to Bulgaria and receive a lump salary nt $3.0iXI per annum. It is not likely that he will suffer financially by this Bulgarian action. FREES TSILKA FROM GUILT Mlas Stone Denounces Charare af Preacher's Complicity as Crnel aad Absnrd. LONDON. March 29. Mis Ellen M. Stone, tho American missionary, arrived In Lon don today. She said to a representative or th Associated Press: "I am very tired, but I am glad to be here. I cannot reiterate too often my thank to my many friend on the other aide. I shall be delighted to get home once more." Mis Stone listened eagerly to the read ing of a copy of the dispatch detailing the Interview which a representative of th Associated Press bad with her at Vienna cm Thursday night ' . - Teit,- b ' td,-tha'a juat - na-1 aid and tha way I feel. I cannot aay any more than la known about the causes ot the kidnaping. The Idea that Tsllka had anything to do with it la just aa absurd and cruel as when some people hinted I had connived at my own abduction. "Yes, Macedonia la a very troubled state. It Is seething. What I going to happen I cannot say. The government must settle who 1 to make amenda for our capture. "Throughout my captivity I felt the hand of God guiding and protecting me. Why people are so anxioua to aee me and hear what I have got to aay puxzles me. If I had done something myself I could understand; but, I was only an unwilling agent In the Incident, which. I hope and pray, will eventually benefit tha work of the gospel In Bulgaria and Turkey." Miss Stone I staying at a frlend'a house, where she ba so far, successfully evaded a amall army ot reportera who had been acourlng London In search of her. While ah talked, Misa Stone constantly played with her umbrella and started nervously at any noise. Th lines in ber face show the anxiety she ba gone through. Ray Stannard Baker, who brought Misa Stone from Sslonlra to London, said to th representative of the Associated Press: The interest Miss Stone created was ex traordinary. All through Turkey and Servla the crowda waiting at the station pressed around the car in the hope of seeing Mis Stone. Some of the newspaper men came tn. talked with her and bade ner lareweu. Until we got to Servla the most stringent precautions were taken by the officials to prevent a repetition of the kidnaping. One of the most Interesting parting scenes was the baptism of the Tsllka baby last Sunday. The ceremony took place In Mr. Houses' little Bulgarian chapel at Sa lonlca. Miss Stone became god-mother and the baby was named the Belgian equiva lent for Ellen. It will be a long time before Miss Stone recovers from the effects of her captivity. Blie scarcely slept until she reached ostend vesterday evening and Is atlU very nervous and slightly lame aa the result of the fall from her horse while she was In the hands of the brigands. Sine her release Misa Stone time ha been greatly taken up with letter from all parts of the world evincing the sympathy and Interest which her capture created. During nearly all the tourney from Salonlca Miss Stone worked hard In an effort to answer these corre spondents. SHE IS DONE WITH BALKANS Miss Stan Declares She Hover Again Will Visit the Scenes rf Her Cnptur by Bnndlts. (Copyright. 1902. by Pre Pubhshlng Co.) VIENNA. March 9. (Nw York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) When Mlas Ellen M. Eton passed through hers on her way from SalonUa to London, bound for ber home In America, she (aid to th World correspondent: "It 1 not likely that I shall ever go back to the Balkan states. , "I Intend to stay wtth frtenda in London for om time and then go to New York. What I shall do in America remains to be tattled by out missionary board In Boston. "I may undertake a lecture tour through tb United 8tatea for tha benefit of mis sion funds, but nothing has been arranged yet. "I bar no complaint to make of my treatment by the brigands, who did all In their power to keep m In health, as a dead missionary would be of no us to any body. "During tha daytime I was Invariably la soma cava or remote mountain refuge, traveltag only by night. If I had not bad fifteen years of previous experience tn th Balkan climate I could Bot hav kept altv." Miss Ston warmly defended Pastor Ttilka. "Mr. Ttilka waa certainly honest," th laid. "He and Mr. Ttilka were educated ia America, ar Intelligent, kind hearted and true. Mr. Ttilka was my only com- (Continued on Fourth Page.) THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Sindav, Colder In Kast Portion; Mondny. Fair and Warmer; West to North Winds. Paa. 1 Kins: Refuses the Cnmmnnlnn Cnp. Denmark Explains the lataad Deal. Dickinson Loses Hla Foreign Post. 'War Renewed on Wyoming Range. 5 White's Resignation Anticipated. Flood Dnmnae Over Two Millions. Democrntle Plnn for the Filipinos. 8 Snvnxe Wnlts In the Rhea Case. Woodward Lynchers Are t'nknowa President Agnlnst Irrigation Mill. 4 Congress I.cnrns of Miles' Case. Western Xhnoters nt Big Handicap. Two nf the llatfleld t.ang Killed. B Rash to Florence to Stop Violence. Strike In nn Omnha Shoe Factory. Mrs. Nation's Toar of the Town. 6 IJist Week In Omnhn Society. Woman's Clnb and Charity Work. Clarke Beats Junes In Arkansas. 7 ooK Omaha aad Ita Affairs. Teachers Want to Tnke the Censes. 8 Council BlneTa nnd Iowa Sews. R l.ntter-Day Saints In Convention. . Ronrke Family Bcglna to t.ather. tl tinaalp of the Handicap Shooters. Athletics nt Nebraska I nlverslty. 14 Woman i Her Ways and Whims. IB Amusements and Musical Notes. 14 "Banner of Blue," by S. R. I rockett 17 Easter Maalc In Omnhn Churches. Street Curs Promised for Florence. 15 Editorial nnd Comment. 19 Omaha Firemen na Life Savers. Delarey, the Boer Sheridan. Proflts of Fire lasarance Concerns. 22 Preservation of Good Eyesight. Echoes nf the Omnhn Antr-Hooms. 88 Condition of Rnatneas In Omnhn. Commcrclnl and Financial Matters 24 Evolution of Modern Big Stores. Temperntnre at Omaha Veaterdavi Hour. Dcg. Hour. Dep. B n. m 34 1 p. tn 4(1 6 a. nt 3:t 2 p. m 4t 7 n. m 3t 3 l. m 4S a. m HH 4 p. m 4t 9 n. m :H B p. m 4 10 a in ,1U A p. m 4 11 n. m 41 7 p. nt 4 12 m 43 CLUB WOMEN APPEAL TO KNOX Ask Attorney Gcnernl fo Define L,e arallty of Coler Ques tion. CHICAGO. March 29. The attorney gen eral of the I'nlted State will be called urou to determine whether the club women ran make discrimination upon race, color or previous condition of eervitude. A com mittee of Chicago club women was ap pointed todav to ask Attorney General Knox about the constitutionality of what the general federation propose to do at Los Ans-eles. This committee represents the moat In Duentlal clubs in Chicago. Within the last year the congress ot the Vnlted States ha era n ted the YJeneral Federation of Women's Clubs special corporation papers. This charter provide for the organization of women' club engaged in philantrophlc, educational or charitable work, or In literary, art or music culture. Thpre are specific provision against political and re ligions discriminations. The question .now arirrs whether, tfte. rluhs arehnuoHto oh serve th constitutional provision lu regard to race, color and previous condition of servitude. Mrs. R. A. Cole of Milwaukee la the woman who oroDosed the appeal to At tornev General Knox. She is ot the opinion that this will throw the whole color ques tion out of consideration at the Loa Angeles meeting. The federation proposes to reorganise, she ays, and In doing so, must remember that It will have to consult congress, which (ranted the charter In the present form. That would at once raise the question, she believes, whether clubs would have the riant under the constitution to authorize a national federation should It recognize race and color. RIOTOUS SCENES IN CHURCH Congregation. Transformed Into Mob, Engages la Violent Encounters and Arreata Follow. CHICAGO, March 29. Five mn and three women entered the Seventh Day Adventist church, where an Interstate Adventist con ference I in session today and created such a disturbance that they were finally beaten and rushed from tha church by almost 150 worshipers. The eight alleged disturbers were arrested and taken to tb police na tion. All these persona are member of th same religion, but ot another church. The trouble began when one of the party denied a statement being made by Mr. Anna White, a "prophet" from Battle Creek, Mich. When this man was ordered out, it Is said, hit seven companions spoke up and In a moment the church was in an uproar. Mrs. White ordered that the dis turbers be taken from the church. Nearly every one in the ball arose to obey the or der. They were led by J. E. Woodward, a trustee of the church. In the rush which followed pew a ere overturned, clothing mas torn, face scratched and the church bad tha appearance of a riot. When the police arrived the noisy one were bundled Into the patrol wagon and hurried to the police atatlon. One of th men In tha party waa ao aeverely injured on the right leg that be could scarcely walk. VETERANS AGAINST EVANS Petition Scnntor Burton ta Oppose Any Appointment af Pension Commissioner. TOPEKA, Kan., March 29. A delegation of thirty-one Crand Army men called on Senator Burton In this city today and asked blm to us bis Influence against the con firmation In the senate of any appointment which may be give to Pension Comm a- sloner Evans when tbe latter retlrea from bis present position. Tbe veterans rep resented that they were much annoyed by tb announcement that the policy of Mr, Evans waa to be continued by bit succes sor. Mr. Burton promised to bring tb matter before th president as soon as possibl after ba return to Washington. Movements of Oeenn Vessels, March 29. At New York Arrived: St. Paul, from Southampton and Cherbourg: V'mbria. from Liverpool and Uueenstown. Balled: Moltke, tor Hamburg vk Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Havre Arrived: La Gascoene. from New York. Billed: L'AqultaJne, for New York. At Queenstown Arrived: Belgenland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. At IJverpofii Arrived: Numldlan, from St. John and Halifax. Balled: Lucanla for New York. At Hamburg Arrived: Pretoria, from New York via Plymouth and herbotirc. At 8t. Vincent. C. V. Arrived: Falls of KVItie from Tacorna. At Ant werp Sailed: Vsderland, for New York At Bremen Sailed: Freldrlrh der Grosse, for New York. At Yokohama Arrived: Peru, from Ran Francisco via Honolulu and Hong K.uog. WAR ON THE RANGE Bloody Battle Reported in Upper Green Hirer Country. CATTLEMEN AND SHEEPMEN CLASH Roan and Abe Hill, Wyoming Brothers, An Seriously Hurt. HUNDREDS OF THEIR SHEEP SLAUGHTERED Old Trouble Renewed Over Division of Grating Lands. fLOCKMASTERS DRIVEN TO DESPERATION Cattlemen tee Gans aad Claba tn Wholesale Destruction Wounded Hill Brothers Disable Ram of Their Oppeaeata, ROCK FTRINGS. Wyo.. Mrch 29. (Spe cial Telegram.) A telephone measag was received from Big Tlney In th upper Green river country in Pint and 8weet ater counties thla afternoon ttatlng that a bloody battle had been fought near that rlaoe between cattlemen and abeepmea, the trouble having grown out of a division of the range. The report laid that two sheepmen, brothers named Hill, bad been badly hurt and that It was feared other participant tn the Cgbt bad been wounded. Before further details could be learnt d the telephone line broke down and aa Big Piney Is twenty-five miles torn the nearest point of communication there ia no way of confirming the report or learning more about the trouble until tomorrow. Trouble has been brooding tn the upper Green river country for some time. Sev eral years ago the cattlemen of the regtoa drew a dead-line around a certain traot of range, which la said to be the finest feed ing ground In the Rocky mountains, and Issued warnings to sheepmen to stay away. Local flockmasters obeyed tba mandate, tor they knew that If they crossed th line their sheep would be turned back or slaughtered. But nomadic herds were frequently pushed Into the forbidden territory, with the re sult that flocks were driven oat, some sheep were slaughtered, herders wer ahot at and wounded, and sheep wagon and outfits were destroyed. Old Fenda Revived. Last spring John Butterfleld and a com panion herder were at'acked by masked men. Both were wounded and on waa crippled for life. November Tom Ryaa and Chria Peterson, herder In tha employ of a Salt Lake City outfit, were ahot at and run out of the country, their aheep were slaughtered and the camp outfit waa destroyed. As feed 1 getting acarc and tha range are overcrowded. It ia feared that the aheepmen, driven to desperation, will fight It out t the bitter and with th cattle men, who. It la claimed, have no mora right to th rang than tbe flockmasters, for it is government domain chiefly. Fur ther trouble cf asriou nature Is ex- ' pected." ' Further particular of the battle on tb range In the upper Greea River country between cattlemen and aheepmen wer re ceived here late tonight. Roan and Abe Hill, sheepmen, were seri ously wounded, but were not dead when th courier came out. Eleven hundred of their sheep were clubbed and shot to death. Tbe Hill brothers ahot two cattleman. whose names have not beea learned, bnt they were not fatally wounded. Another report aaya several sheep herd er were severely beaten and a large num ber of sheep killed, but that no person waa fatally hurt Reliable information la hard to obtain. for the telephone line to Big Plney la atlll down. SCORES SOCIAL POMP IN NAVY Represeatntlve Smith at Mlchlnnn Criticise Thla Arlstoeracy a nn Evil. WASHINGTON, March 29. Th bous de voted the greater part of today to tha bill Increasing tha efficiency of th revenue cutter service, but did not complete Ita consideration. Tb opening argument was mad by Mr Sherman of New York. Speeches were mad in favor of tha bill by Messrs. Minor of Wisconsin and H. C. Smith of Michigan, and against It by Meters. Richardson of Alabama, Little of Arkan sas, Cochran of Missouri and Mann ot Ill inois. Immediately after th bous met today Major Pruden, the assistant secretary to the president, appeared and transmitted from the president tbe Miles correspond ence called for by tbe Burleson resolution, which waa adopted several daya ago. Th Chines exclusion act was mad a special order after the dlspoaal of tba revenue cutter bill. Tbe speaker then laid befora the bous th military corres pondence. Th member appeared greatly Interested, but only tba letter of trans mittal waa read and there waa considerable disappointment. Tne ho us then proceded with tha eon- alderatton of the aenate bill to promote tb efficiency of th revenue cutter serrlee. It waa agreed that there should ba eight hours general debate upon th MIL Mr. Sherman of New York, who was la charge of th bill, explained that It purpose was three-fold, namely to Increase tbe rank and psy ot the revenue cutter officer; to regulate tha atatna as to command where revenue cutter and naval officers were thrown together, aad to provide for tbe retirement of revenue cutter officers. Mr. Richardson of Alabama opposed the bill. Mr Minor of Wisconsin support the bill, as also did H. C. Smith ot Mich lgsa. Tbe latter declared that the nsvy bad snubbed and shamefully mliuted th marine corps. Th aocial aristocracy of tb navy, be aald, waa on of ita worst evils. Comparing the peril of th navy and marln corps, Mr, Smith said about th safest place a psrson could occupy waa that of a high bureau officer of th navy. Mr. LiUl of Arkansas and Mr. Cochran of Missouri opposed anything leading to ward a civil pentlon list. Mr. Maaa of Ill inois spoke in opposition to tba bill. With out completing tb measure th bout at 1:15 p. m. adjourned BABCOCK FOR PAYNE BILL' Wisconsin Representative Doelawe He Will Vote for Reciprocity Men nr nt Committee Meettag. WASHINGTON, March 29. RepreaeaU ttva Babcock of Wlsconslu today authorized th statement that he would remain In Washington for th waya and mean com mute meeting on Cubaa reciprocity and would vote for th Payne bUL. 1