THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAUCH 20, 1002. s NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Minn Mvri Hrfrtinni uei.t ot the Misses Miles of Third sir The Delxng Industrial school will JHISOn MKSTIO. , Eavt sells drugs. Btockert sells carpets and ruga. Mets beer at Neumsyers hotel. ' Wollman. scientific optician. M B wW. Pasturage. Judaon, 929 6th ave. Tel . S. Easter novelties. C. E. Alexander & Co.. 33 Broadway. Telephone 36. J C and W. Woodward, architects, room C, Everett block. Council Bluffs, la. Missouri oak body wood. K 60 cord. V 11 ai. w.inh a N. Main street. Tel. 128. eei. meet this afternoon at 2:3u at ta r-aai w . . . . i l.i thrilr Will The Conre(raiionai inui - meet this evening at 7:30 In the church for rehearsal. ., . Bnrlng trm Western Iowa college, Maren 1 BuSlneaaVahorthand and Kngllsn couraea. Bend for catalogue. For rent, one furnished room or two un furnished rooms for light housekeeping. (Address M. Bee office. City Clerk Phillips haa the sample bal lots for the city election Monday ready for 'distribution at his office. The Council Bluffs Ministerial "socio lion will meet Monday morning at 19 in Slroadway Methodist church. Oo to Morgan dr. Klein for upholstering, traitress making and feather renovating. .122 South Main street. 'Phone M8. Julius Itelnert, aged 45 yeara, died JTMtN ay afternoon at 8t. Bernard a hospital. KJne brother. August ttelnert, aurvlvea him. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wtl rox who lias been critically 111 with typhoid fever, wa reported much Improved yeaer day. , Avery Jennings Is home from the State university at Iowa City to spend the Easter vacation with hla parents. Mayor and Mra. Victor Jonnlngs. Mra. H. V. Sawyer of Chicago, who has een guest of her mother. Mrs. lwls Henn of Vine street, left yesterday for Trenton, Mo-, where she will visit relatives. Mra. W. F. Thorn received word yester day of the death of 8. C. Good, formerly 'of this city, at the home of his mother In 'tviiHams Mills. Pa., on Wednesday. Mlsa Katherine Warner Is home from the Tabor Conservatory oi music io sj-mu Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and SjHrs. F. B. Warner of Washington avenue. E. J. Conrad of Malvern, charged with robbing W. K. Crawford, a butcher of -tjn.,i.a in vhn ha A befriended him. ala not need the services of the attorney for whom he teiegrapnro. io uiiu, case against him was dlsmlFsed in police mottun of Assistant County At torney Kimball. Crawford did not appear to prosecute. Frank Ieech, arrested on suspicion of having stolen brass boxings belonging to the Illinois Central railroad, was discharged by Judge Aylesworth In police court yes terday, as the railroad company did npt care to prosecute. Leech had the brass in anA an. attcmntinB: to sell iMhrn taken into custody. He declared l found It alona- the railroad track The Metr-ipolltan Stock company will present Its famous comedy play. "Phoenix, at the Dohanv theater next Monday night, .ft, hn.Ht rtf foundl Bluffs camD No. 7161, Modern Woodmen of America. The members of the order have been selling tickets all this week and It is believed that ot in the house will be taken by Xfnnriav evenlnK. The play Is said to be one of the best of Its kind that has been booked at the Dohany this season Democratio First Ward Promise! to Bedee m Itself. An Eastr Gift. TODAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 29 arnd for this date only. We offer free beautiful framed picture, alia 12 6-8x114 Inchea, to each purchaser of one pound of Baking Powder. Don't tnlss this rare offer. Sea fine display In our window. ORAND UNION TEA COMPANY, 402 Broadway. N. Y; riumblng Co. 'telephone 250. Blrchard Gets a Divorce. In the dlatrlct court yesterday Judge KVheeler granted Newell E. Blrchard a dl ores from. Grace Blrchard, whom he mar ried In this city. December 25, 1898. Eight months later ahe deserted him. Mra. Laylnla B. Keyea filed a petition yesterday, asking that the court order a partition of the property left by Ezra Ed mund 8anborn, who died Intestate January SO, 1900. Alt the heirs are named aa de fendanta. August Carlson brought ault against SI tnon McOrew for 1500 damages for alleged failure 'to perform a contract for the ex change of farms. J. B. Fulton, assignee of Sorensen Jensen, brought suit in the dlatrlct court to recover from Frank A. Bixby, former chief of police under Mayor Jennings, $143 alleged to be due for groceries. County Attorney Killpack expecta the (rand Jury will make a partial report this jnornlDg. PARTY STRONGHOLD REVOLTS ft Beach Manufacturing company of St. Louis for siiteea yeara aa traveling sales man, Iowa being one of the atatra la his territory. He started from St. Louie on what proved to be hie last trip February 18. Baakraptcr to Escape Garnishment. Edward Fuse, an employe of the Chicago A Northwestern railroad In tbla city, bas Iliad k voluntary petition In bankruptcy, aaklng to be- relieved of debta amounting to $500. Hla schedule showa assets valued at $317 and a homestead worth $800, all of which he claims aa exempt. From his petition It would appear that one of hla credit ore turned over a claim to a collecting agency, which garnlsheed hla wages In Chicago, and Fuse goes Into bankruptcy in order to release his wages from being levied on. HUBER'S HARD RACE FOR RE-ELECTION Hie Record on the Streets Alienates Former Adherents, and Business ' Men Rally Aronnd J. R. Bell. Deeplte the fact that the First ward has always been considered a strong democratic stronghold, Alderman Huber, the represen tative in the city council from that section of the municipality, will have a bard time being re-elected Monday. Even members of his own party living in that ward announce their Intention to vote for J. R. Bell, the republican nominee for alderman. The fear of the possibility of Huber' a again be ing appointed chairman of the streets and alleys committee In the event of hla re election to a seat In the city eouncll baa caused many of his former supporters to turn their backs on htm this spring. The terrible condition of the streets of the busi ness portion of the city la held to bo suf ficient argument against his re-election. As chairman of the streets and alleys committee during the last two years Huber has had practically exclusive control over the expenditure of ' $24,886, and taxpayera ask what there la to ehow for it. Eath year during bis tenure of office Huber has drained the fund appropriated for the streets and alleys of the last cent, yet the streets. It Is charged, do not appear to de rive any benefit from the expenditure of this large sum of money. For the fiscal year Just approaching a close the receipts in the streets and alleys fund have been $11,917, made up aa fol lows: Appropriated from general fund, $6,- 000; road fund from county treasurer. $3,417; poll taxes worked, $2,000; poll taxes paid $500. Malts Not for Council' Sanction. Of the amount appropriated by the city council from the general fund every cent of the $6,000 waa expended by Huber. before November 1. Without receiving the sanc tion of the cltv council, Huber expended a large sum out of the streets and alleys fund on what waa known aa the Elliott street cut. For tbla be waa called to account by the council, but the matter was finally dropped. When the municipal campaign opened up Huber' desiring to be renominated, placed a largo force of men at work on the streets sweeping the dirt Into heaps along the gut ters. These men had to get employment he asserted, although at the time he ad mitted he was unable to secure wagons and teama to haul away the dirt after it had been awept off the streets into the gutters. When the wind began to blow the dirt was awept back Into the atreeta again and the work of cleaning the streets according to Huber's own particular plan was begun over again. In this manner Huber has spent in the last two weeka $l,000.and the atreeta are ailent witnessea that they are aa filthy as ever. Another complaint against Huber la that be Is autocratic; that be refuses to consult with the other members on his committee, but orders the entire expenditure of the streets snd alleys fund aa if be waa the whole committee. ' Rally Ronnd J. R. Bell. In the desire to relieve Huber of the pos sible chance of again wasting, as It la al leged he has, the funda of the city in the atreet cleaning department, the citizens of the First ward are rallying around the re publican candidate, J. R. Bell, an old-time business man, a man of integrity and stand ing In the community, aa evidenced by his unanimous election to the office of president of the Business Men's association, an or ganization Including In its membership all of the leading business and professional men of the city. The feeling in the First ward Is that Huber will go down In defeat with the rest of the democratic ticket and that the re publicans will next Monday retrlve the First ward from the grasp of democracy and Charley Huber. Last Day (or Registration. Today Is the last day of registration for the city election next Monday. All persons entitled to vote who were not registered at the time of the general election last November or who have moved from the precinct, in which they then resided, must get their names on the registration lists before 9 o'clock tonight, or they will not be able to cast their ballots Monday. The registrars will be in session in each of the twelve precincts today from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rlhs Broken In Fight. Ed Fegley and his son William became involved in a fight last evening with E. B. Dowera. Dowers proved no match single handed against father and son, and was badly bruised.- Fegley, senior, is said to have knocked Dowers down, and his son is alleged to have kicked blm several times while he was prostrate on the ground. Dowers was removed to hla home with three broken ribs, while Fegley and hla son were arrested aad taken to the county Jail. Davla sells glass. Funeral of R. 8. Rawlins;. Funeral services over Richard S. Raw- lings at St. Francis Xavler's church yes terday afternoon were attended by a large gathering of friends of the deceased. Nearly 200 members of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Eagles attended and es corted the body from the house to the church. The cortege to the cemetery was a long one The pallbearers were old-time friends of Mr. Raw lines from the Typo graphical union. An Easter Gift. TODAY. SATURDAY, MARCH 29. and for this date only. We offer free a beautiful' framed picture, size 12 6-8x11 inches, to each purchaser of one pound of Baking Powder. Don't miss this rare offer. See fine display in our window. ORAND UNION TEA COMPANY, 402 Broadway. Dance tonight, Hughes' hall. Ladles free. Quarantine OS Jail Today. The quarantine on the city Jail Is to be raised today, after the premises have been thoroughly fumigated. The Jail waa quar antined February 28. when Jamea Payette, a prisoner, was found to be suffering from smallpox. He was Isolated in an upstairs room, while eleven prisoners were kept In the cells for seventeen days under quaran tine. Sergeant Slack and Patrolman John Smith, Immunes, have been In charge at tne jau ever since it waa quarantined. Metzger's restaurant. This weak, Deborah mineral spring carbonated water on the table free. Eagle's Secretary Arrested. Emll Schurs, secretary of the local Aerie of Eaglea, waa arrested last night at the lodge room, charged with embezzling $225 of the funda of the Aerie. The warrant waa Issued on an information filed by a member of the order. Schurz waa taken before Juatlce Bryant and furnished ball In the sum of 600 for his sppearance on Aorll 3. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: J.H. Lnngfelt and wife to Belle M. Cuahman. n 70 feet of nU block 4H. Allen & Cook's add to Avoca, w. d $ 350 flame to First Congregational church of Avoca. m 70 feet of nvU block 48. Allen s Cook's add to Avoca, w. d. 360 John B. Kusch and wife to Sarah K. Brisoo, lot. 7, block 31, Ferry add. w. a. Frank M. Compton and wife to The resa J. Hoc 1 1, lot 7, block 3, Fair mount add. w. d Jethua Aloton and wife to Robert Hagond, nwV g-74-40. w. d 1. Lt Ehugart and wife to George F. HlRglns, efc nw4 7 and ae'4 aw4 t-"6-42, w. d i A. E. Whlttaker to J. H. 8warts, lot ' IS. block 17, Ferry add, w. d John liofus and wife to Mrs. M. Koea Wne Powell, lota 6, 7 and . block 4, and lota . 8 and 10, block . Omaha add, w. d.... Total, eight tranafers 125 2,000 10,400 (.600 100 100 $20,026 Dance tonight, Hughes' hall. Lad lea free. - Dance tonight, Hughes' hall. Ladles free. State Deputy Addreaaes 'Workmen. J W. Gelge of Des Moines, la., deputy of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, ad dressed the local lodge last evening, and proved an entertaining speaker. The state grand lodge will. meet here In May and his remarks were principally on, that subject. At the close of the meeting a social session was held and a lunch waa served. Gravel roofing.' A. H. Read. 641 Broadway. Plumbing and heating. Uixby ft Son. RAILROAD SHOPS FOR CLARION Great Western, Says Engineer Mara ton, Will Establish Division Yarda at that Place. Lett lb GOLD DUST twins do yonr work." EXPECTS HANDSOME PREMIUM Treasurer Davis Anticipates Active Bidding; for Refunding; Bonds of School Dlatrlct. Treasurer Davis of the school district haa Issued a circular Inviting blda for the pur chase of $102,000 refunding bonds of the district to be dated July 1, 1902, and to bear Interest at 4 per cent, intsrest and principal to be payable In either New York or Chicago at the option of the purchaser. The bonds are to mature July 1, 1913, with the option of the payment at any time after five years from 'date., Sealed bids will be received by Treasurer Davla until 6 p. m. April 15. The bonds to. be refunded consist of an issue of $25,000, dated March 16, 1897. bear ing Interest at i per cent, and an Issue of $77,000, dated June 1, 1897, and bearing 4 ner cent Interest. These bonds took up prior lsauea of bonds which bore a still higher rate of interest. The bonded Indebtedness of the Independ ent School district of Council Bluffs is $229. 000, made up of the following isauea: nfnnHlnor knndi. March IS. 1897. VA ' M A. A oer cent ,. v.r.iniiinar hands. J una 1. 1KJ7. VA ner cent i, ww RnlUlnr bonds. July I. 1K9. 4Vk Per cent 67,000 Refunding bonds , July 8. 1900, 4V4 per cent www GOLD DUCT oh the problem of easy dish washing. It cuts rests and deans dishes batter than anything else. Boss as work Quickly, wail and scononucai la only by THE K. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY. Cnttaso. hew York, Boston, St. Louis. Maker el OVAL falRY SOAP. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director : . niuooeaaer ta W. c keksnt Total $r9,0u0 All of these bonds were originally issued for building purposes and when the last is sue of new bonds for tbs building of the new High school waa made, the indebted ness, of the dlatrict waa safely within per cent of the assessed valuation of the dlatrlct, aa limited by law. Since theae bonds were Issued the mode of assessment has been changed by law. Formerly It waa tbs practice to asaeas property-at one third of Its real value; while now the law requires ail property to be asseaaed at one fouth of ' ita actual value. . The assessed valuation of the Independent school district of Council Bluffs for 1901 was $3,798,842. Treasurer Davis expects to get a band Bom premium on this Issue of refunding bonds at 4 per cent. Davis sells glass. Military Funeral tor Hart. D. H. Hart of 8t' Louis, who met hit death Tuesday by falling from tha over head crossing of the Illinois Central rail road near Lovelaod, waa a prominent mem ber of the Grand Army of the Republic and will bo given a military funeral today In St. Louis. Hs will be burled In the Na tlooal cemetery at Jefferson barracks. FORT DODGE. Ia.. March 28. (Special.) Chief Engineer John Marston of the Mason City & Fort Dodge Construction comnanv in an interview today made the statement that the location of the Great Western di vision yards and shops for the Fort Dodge Division naa been definitely eaxahllnherl t Clarion. This is the first official state ment to be received la confirmation of the numerous rumors which are belna- circulated in regard to prospects of construction at Clarion. The reason assigned by Mr. Marston for this move on the part of the Great Western la that Clarion la the point where the Min neapolis line from Omaha and Sioux City via on Dooge, and to Chicago via Hamp. ton and Oelweln will meet, and that there will be need of extensive yards at that place. Shops snd a large roundhouas will necessarily accompany the yards and sur veyors are now busily engaged laying out the ground which will be occupied for rail road uses. ILLINOIS CENTRAL CHANGES Oreratlna- Officials All Alone; the Line to Be Chanced, Especially Iowa Division. FORT DODGE. Ia., March 18. (Special Telegram.) It is reported hero thta morn ing that a aweeplng change Is about to be made ia the operating fores of all Iowa divisions of ths Illinois Csntral railroad. Superintendent G. A. Clark, In charge of the Omaha division, with beadquartera at Fort Dodge, will be transferred to an im portant division in Ill'.nols. Hs will be suc ceeded by C. K. Dixon, now superintendent of the Cherokee division, with headquarters at Cherokee. ,B. Gllleas, at present road master of the St. Louis divlaion, will come to Cherokee to succeed Dixon. Roadmaster T. M. Cummins of the Omaha division mill also be transferred to another point. This, with changes in master mechanics already made, going Into effect April 1, will make a complete change la the operating officers of tha road In Iowa. TO DEFEAT CUMMINS' VETO Benate Will Try to Pasi MolBberry Bill Over Governor' i Head. RAILWAY ASSESSMENT BILL IS KILLED House Knocks Out Measure hy Voting; Indefinite Postponement Old Man Who Acts Pauper Proves to Hnve Thousands. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, March 28. (Special.) The senate this afternoon came up against the veto message of Governor Cummins on the Mol?fberry bill to remove the limit of in debtedness of railroad corporations organ ized in Iowa and doing aa Interstate busi ness. Senator Trewin moved to postpone consideration of the veto until next Tues day at 2 p. m. This waa opposed by sev eral, but Senator Moloeberry said he had no objection to postponement until that time. The motion waa carried and time given thus for further consideration of ths question. An effort will be made to pass tha bill over the veto of the governor. The position taken by the governor In his message has appealed strongly to the mem bers, but the question raised as to the bill being unconstitutional has aroused some feeling among the senators, and they will attack that feature of the message as mjust. They believe that the bill Is no more uaconstitutional than many other special acts which are intended to have limited application. enate Discusses Atljonrnmcnt. The senate discussed the question of ad journment at some length today. A resolu tion was pending to fix the date for April 9, and an amendment was offered by Modlt to amend to place the date at April 5, but this was defeated. Jenkins opposed fixing the earlier date aad declared that thus far the legislature bad not made a very enviable reputation for passing important measures and he believed they should re main until something is done. So that matter of adjournment is left open for the present. The house has considered April 5 as the date, but has not cited. The compulsory education bill was taken up In the senate after discussion was passed with a slight amendment relating to the truancy schools. . The vote was 34 to 5, and the house immediately concurred in the amendments. The pardons committee reported favor ably on resolutions to pardon or parole Theodore Busheck and William Young. The barber bill was reported favorably and will go on the calendar. A bill was Introduced by Hubbard to provide a sifting committee of seven to dispose of the business of the senate. Interurban Railroad Question. The bill to authorize interurban railroads ' was taken up on a report that the houae had refused to concur in the senate amend , ments and Senator Courtrlght opposed re ceding from the position already taken. The senate held a session tonight and conference was ordered on the interurban railway bill, as the senate would not recede from its amendments. The pardons Committee of the senate to night derided favorably on pardons for Joe McCrary and George Hanley and will re port without reoommendation on Wesley Elklns. 11 Railway Assessment Rill Defeated. The railway assessment bill was given Its quietus in the house today. The bill came up on a report from the ways snd means committee recommending Indefinite post ponement of the measure. The commute had voted overwhelmingly for the killing of the bill, but there was a minority report. The chairman of the committee moved the adoption of the majority report Mr. Cowlce tried to have the minority report substi tuted, but failed. Then he insisted on hav ing it made a special order and suggested next Tuesday, contending that the measure was of too great Importance to be passed over lightly. This waa defeated and the re port of the majority indefinitely postponing the bill was carried, 62 to 81. and this ends the assessment bill. It had become evident the last few days that the bill bad been virtually deserted by Ita authors and those who had favored it In the beginning, as the had come to realize that it was not satis factory to them. Forestry Bill Passed, The Secor forestry bill was passed, nro- vldlng for exemption on account of for estry and orchards. me nignwsy bill was finally passed. An effort was made to have it referred again, out tne senate amendments were concurred in snd this makes it a law. The bill pro vldes for the township system of road lm provement as against the subdlstrlct sys tem, ana an road taxes payable In cash. To Investigate sewagt Disposal. A resolution waa passed to require the State Board of Health to make a thorough investigation or the aewage disposal prob lem In Iowa and report two yeara hence, This relatea especially to the trouble at Marshalltown over a glucose factory pol luting the river. Aid normal High Schools. The house this afternoon passed the bill to give aid to certain high schools maintain ing a normal course for the training of teachers. It gives them $500 a year if they hava an attendance of fifty taking the nor mal course and limits the number to fifteen. This Is the Kllng bill, of special interest in Harrison county. The bouse passed a bill to relieve the state treasurer of presonal liability on account of taxes which may have been col lected wrongfully or for aults brought to collect or recover such taxes. The bill also provides that tbs attorney general shall defend auch aults in the name of the state. The bill affects a large number of claims of this character, especially where Swell Easter Toggery You Don't Have to Study Style Books When You Trade Here Because "If you have them from us they'rc right' Smith & Bradley, 415 BROADWAY. 1 A magnificent showing of ABSOLUTE CORRECT NEHS in nil that pertains to men's nnd boys' wearing apparel. ' ' New spring bats, the Stetson, the Hawes, the Miller, in every stylish shape and color. Soft Shirts A beautiful display of plain white, black nnd white, and nil the new colorings for spring 1H02. ' v , ; ' NSpring Suits New Scotch Novelties, in . browns, black nnd white combinations and plain black. A full line of the Stein-IUoch make. Neckwear, Gloves and Hosiery. We nre surely "IT." Insurance companies have paid under pro test. Kevr Incorporations. The following incorporation papers were filed with the secretary of state today: Sioux City Improvement and Trust com pany; capital, $10,000; by E. ,J. Stason and A. B. Beall. W. H. Meyer company of Oelweln; cap ital, $25,000. Iowa Land and loan company of Cor with; capital, $10,000; by W. J. Hartman and others. Iowa Dairy Separator company of Water loo; capital. $100,000; by W. W. Marsh and E. C. Dalley. Iowa-Mlssourl Land company of Iowa City; capital. $10,000; by John R. Roberts and others. James Adams, formerly of Monroe county, Iowa, came to the city a year and a half ago and rented a small, poorly furnished room. In which he lived all last winter with out any stove or fire. A few days ago he was injured In an elevator and was taken to a hospital. He died yesterday. A search of tho ragged clothes he wore today revealed the fact that he owned a big farm near Albla, worth $15,000. had $8,000 In good notes on his person and $1,800 In cash, besides several gold watches. He was quite old and nothing Is known of his past life. DONATES SITE FOR LIBRARY Mrs. Daytoa Gives Location to Cedi rails for Ereetloa of Car negie Balldins;. CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. March 28. (Special.) Mrs. M. N. Dayton has given to tho city of Cedsr Falls ths ground on which the Chicago house Is now Iocs tad aa a alts for the Carnegie library. 8 ha purchased tbs property of tha Townsend-Merrlll Lumber company for $3,600. It Is an Ideal location aad will without doubt meet with the approval of Mr. Car nsgla. Tho drawings of ths surroundings have been sent to him. The city council 1'nlted Evangelical Conference. COLO, Ia.. March 28. The conference of the United Evangelical association is in an nual session with Bishop W. M. Stanford of Harrlnburg, Pa., presiding. There Is a large attendance of ministers of this sect. Rev. K. B. Utt of Lisbon, Ia., has been elected secretary; while Rev. 8. L. West of Harrisburg Pa. haa been chosen advisor. All ths members present signified tnetr willingness to travel during the ensuing year. Rev. Utt and Rev. G. W. Mulen will have charge of the Iowa work. The con ference will continue over Sunday. IOWA WOMAN KILLS A MAN Mrs. ;. B. Walker of Miles Shoots J. S. Jndd of Chlraao In Las Yritas Hotel. KANSAS CITY, March 28. A special to the Journal from Las Vegas, N. M., says: Mrs. O. B. Walker this afternoon shot and killed J. S. Judd of Chicago in her rooms in this city. Judd bad gone to her rooms and tried, she alleges, to assault her, she being alone at the time. The bullet entered bis head just below the ear, killing him In stantly. Judd was 55 years old and was reputed to bo wealthy. He has three sous who are physicians. One la city physi cian of Topeka. Kan., another medical di rector of the Montezuma hotel, Las Vegas. Mrs. Walker Is a health seeker. She is the wife of an Iowa farmer and came here from Miles, that state. She freely admits kill ing Judd, but says ahe was Justified in doing the deed. It is expected her husband will start for this city tomorrow. York Defeats Waco at Haae nail. WACO, Neb.. March 28. (Special.) 4 game of base ball played here yesterday be tween York and Waco was won by York, 23 to 13. Tho York team was made up principally of York High school students, who are playing better ball than they have played in several years. The team repre senting Waco was picked up men who had had scarcely any practice. New Bank for Henderson. HENDERSON, Neb., March 28. (Special.) -This town will have two banks. Croker & Sons are starting the second bank. They are building a brick building 20x30 and two stories high, sad expect to start business sooa. R. M. Ball Acquitted. RUSHVILLE. Neb.. March 28. (Special Telegram.) The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of R. M. Ball, charged with starting the fire which con sumed the dwelling of Charles Claflln Feb ruary 6 at Sheridan Gulch. Eichansei Close fur Uood Friday. NEW YORK. March 28.-There was gen eral observance or uooa rmay in this city. The six exchanges of the city New York Stock. Consolidated Stock. Cotton Coffee, Produce and Metal suspended buxl' nesa and there waa no sugar market. Of the larger financial houxea only the banks were open for bualneatt. Bervloea were held In a majority of the churches, with special observance of the hoirs between 1J and s o clock in the afternoon. The Produce will be the only exchange to resume tomorrow, tne others having aa Journed until Monday. Last year's shirt waists aro gtjoaasnew,. PRIDE OAP was used in the laundry. I He? ' Old Feopl WiMl ' Wis Dl Omega Oil th old people will rub leir arms, legs and backs every night with Omega Oil, it will do them a world of good. The Oil loosens stiff joints, softens the. skin, relaxes the muscles, and starts the blood flowing ; more freely. It drives out most of the aches and pains of Old Age, and relieves Rheumatism when nothing else will. Oataga Oil Is goe4 for everything a liniment ought to be good lor. It VERY LOW RATES.... EVERY DAY. During tho months March and April the Union Pacific will acll One. Way Colonist Tickets at the following rates: OMAHA TO Ogden and Salt Lake Kutte and Helena Spokane , Portland and Ashland Tucoma and Seattle San Francisco ..... Los Angeles and San Diego $20.00 20.00 22.60 25.00 25.00 28.00 25.00 CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 TARN AM ST. TELEPHONE 3IO. UNION STATION. lOTH AND MARCT. TELEPHONE) 629. E&at ARE Ynii i DEAF? ANY HEAD NOISES? DEAFNESS ARE ALL CASES OF OR HARD HEARING NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. r. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS I Bai.tivobb, Md , Msrea ., loot. Grntltwttn .- Bring entirely cured of desfness. thsnks to your treatment, I will now give von a full hi&lory of my caur, to oe ucrt si your discretion About nv years ago my right ear began to sing, snd this kept oa getting worse, until I lost hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three month, without any aiareeas, consulted a num. tny hearing nh..,M.n. a ..... w. Ah.. h nmu .min.nt ... .tiM.ialiii nf this eit v. who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, tout the bead Botaes would then eease, but the hearing in the affected ear would le lot forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, acd ordered your treat ment. After I dad uaed it only few days according to vour directions, the noikra ceased, snd to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diaeased car has been entirely restored. I thank you heart ily and beg to remain Very truly your.. r. A. WERMAN, 7JoS. Broadway . Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation,' YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT H0MEM"?..t,Bt INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AYE CHICAGO, ILL.; Examination aud advice tree. Penmyroyal pills a'.'v la-iJ a.a valr tuilai jK C-V'a. rmcHic.vrsR'n iliiuuilri . I. ktca a.4 .I4 vuliu i libullilliu lil. ttfm fvwtdkn, i'Maln.Biaia ul MmUtf Sr I.l,mm Utim. r CURE YOURSELF llse Blfti I'.r uanataral 4iacbars.Uifiaeiiia(luLi, iniuiiuca or aloorailoii. in, ( D.irt'raius tarn uua, ralala, aad at ata ftwutUMUi 0i oa, iwio(iw'iw sjolw r Uragla or atot In slam wrauM. by aiBr.., trmH. tat tf talt.ta.ra, I M -w risiri laasl aH M start to mmU V-V0"""".' 'A oo, or t ix-uto-i. r i A Hs ba4 been in tbs smpio of the Bridge Jnaa accepted the site, I bliliu. I kUhMU. 1 fe aaalMl r. atataua , gauJUU fa J