Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The cjmaha Daily Bee.
Dally Be (without Sunday). One Year..M
bally Bee and Sunday, one Year tf
Illustrated bee, Una Tear 1 W
Sunday Hee, One Vear..i !l
Baturday He, one Year l.W
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. LW
Dally Be (-without Sunday), per copy..,.. 1c
Dally tie (without Sunday), per week. ...lie
Dally bee (including Sunday;, per week. .17c
Sunday Bee, prr copy sc
Evenlna Be (without Sunday), per week. 10c
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
week 16c
' Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation De
part oienL
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen
ty -fifth and M Streets.
Council BlufTi 10 Peart Street,
Chicago lw Unity Building.
few York Temple Court.
Washington nil Fourteenth Street
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Business" letters and remittances should
be addreseed; The Bee Publishing Com
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payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa.i
George B. Taschuck, secretary of The ee
PubllstiWig Company, being duly sworn,
says thai the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month, of February, lma, was as follows:
1 80,100
I aouo
15 80.UUO
i so.a-tu
17 80,100
U 60,370
It 80,38V
M 80,320
a 80.1M0
n so, mo
S3 30.1O0
U 80.4TO
25 80,800
2 80,070
T7 SW.880
1 80.BKO
4. 80,720
1 30,480
1 8U,210
10 ...30,100
U 30,340
U 80,230
13 80,140
14 30,420
Less unsold and returned copies.
. 10,184
Net total sales , sUlT.Mlv
Net dally average 3V.U22
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 28tii day of February. A. D.,
W- , v M. B. HUNOATE,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
According to Congressman Richardson
there la something rotten in Denmark.
Mississippi reports eight inches; of
rain. Nebraska will take Its share
spread out over a little longer time.
The tradesman who Introduces the
practice of selling Easter hats by tbe
pound will achieve glory over night.
Governor Savage's surprise party
seems to have been sprung before the
date set for officially launching the
Any candidate for office can make a
platform for himself, but the platform
of tbo republican party this year will as
usual be made by the republican state
convention. '
If the police can resurrect and re
vivify several other Omaha people who
seera to have burled themselves alive,
they can put the community under last
ing obligation.
The Iowa legislature has passed a
compulsory education law. Iowa al
ready baa a good record In low per cent
of illiteracy, but muBt be striving to
outclass Nebraska.
Unless the lawyers in the tax man
damus suit run out of breath, tbe bill
of the referee will run up higher than
the combined salaries of the supreme
court commissioners.
The Turkish government has Called
for 00,000 more men for active duty In
the army. This move would seem to in
dicate that lively times might be an
ticipated In the near future.
The official estimate of the Australian
wheat crop places the yield at a little
over ten bushels to the acre. If present
Indications bold out. Nebraska will
make those figures look small.
It bag not been made quite clear
whether the proposed chorus girls' pro
tective association is to. protect mem
bera against over-greedy managers or
only against occupants of the bald-bead
The recent Douglas county grand Jury
baa been declared an Illegally consti
tuted body. Just think of it, Meaerve'g
attorneys missed one techulcal objection
they might , have used In his embezzle
meot case.
Ex Senator Allen has declared himself
a fuslonlat, but not an abaorptionlst In
other words, he is willing to be hitched
on behind the democratic wagon, but is
unwilling to be swallowed by the deiu
ocratic mule. ,v
Now that the prMMent has signed the
South Oman brldgv bill, tbe ctUsena of
that town will wait with Impatience and
suspense the sinking, of the first pier
as an evidence of good faith on the part
of the promoter.
No one would doubt for a mlaute that
business was brisk In Omaha If he
should happen In the criminal court
room and listen to the excusea offered
why the prominent rltlaeu drawn on
the Jury cannot serve.
Complaint Is made because Iowa
farmers who ars buying out the old
residents In counties on the Nebraska
side of the Missouri have smaller fa ml
lies than those displaced. Iowa Las
population enough -that It can afford to
be mora generous.
The decision of Judge Baxter declar
ing the last grand Jury Illegally drawn
and Its bills of Indictment void will af
ford great relief' to the county attorney
and his staff, but It will be bard on
lawyers who counted on earning fat
fee for defending the lawbreakers.
The attempt of the fusion reformers
at Lincoln to knock out the primary
election law by nJolnlnf the registra
tion officer fronl propounding to voters
the question relating to their party
affiliations bas failed, aa It ought to fall.
Tbe plea of the Injunction petition,
which, by the way, was presented by
Chairman IcFrance of the populist state
committee, urged that the enrollment of
party preferences la an Invasion of the
right of free suffrage by prescribing an
additional qualification for voting. The
absurdity of such argument is plainly
apparent from a reading of the law,
which leave It entirely optional for the
voter to give his party affiliation or not,
as he sees fit. Tbe penalty for refusing
Lto answer tbe question doea not relate
to bis right of suffrage at all, but to bis
right to participate In bjs primaries, tbe
design being to confine participation to
avowed members of the fcartj and to
prevent men from voting at primaries of
all parties. The registration of voters
for primary elections Is unquestionably
distinct advance toward purity In
elections, and it Is surprising that the
fusionlsts, wbo pretend to be committed
to reform, should endeavor through their
party machinery to destroy a substantial
reform accomplished with so much ef
fort. Nor Is It clear what gain tbe fu
sionlsts could expect from the annul
ment of tbe primary election law and
the return to tbe old system of party
nominations by brute force of repub
licans, democrats and populists voting
Indiscriminately for delegates to all con
We do not believe any true friend of
good government wants to take such a
backward step.
The message of President Roosevelt
recommending legislation to enable the
United States to maintain diplomatic
and consular representation in Cuba
when the new government shall have
been established there makes no specific
suggestion in regard to commercial re
lations, but In the cloning paragraph
tbe president speaks of broadening and
strengthening theee relations, as well aa
those of a political character, "In every
proper way by conventional pacta with
the Cubans and by wise and beneficial
legislation aiming to stimulate the com
merce between the two countries, Jf the
great task we accepted in 1898 is to be
fittingly accomplished." It is not diffi
cult to interpret this as signifying that
the president has not changed from the
position be stated in his message of
last December In regard to Cuba, when
be urged a substantial reduction In the
tariff duties on Cuban imports Into the
United States, lie then said that Cuba
having affirmed in her constitution what
we desired, "we are bound by every
consideration of honor and expediency
to pass commercial measures In the In
terest of her material well-being."
This President Roosevelt still insists
should be done, though Jt U the under
standing that he has not specifically in
dicated what he would regard as a sub
stantial tariff reduction, leaving that to
be determined by congress. It has
been assumed that the proposed SO per
cent reduction approved by a majority
of tbe bouse republicans Is acceptable
to the president and it Is most probable
that be would approve legislation pro
viding for such reduction. While the
president will undoubtedly adhere to
tbe opinion that something must be
done for tbe commercial and Industrial
Interests of Cuba, be is desirous of find
ing a way to harmonize the republicans
in congress on this question and with
this In view haa had conferences with
both the opponents and advocates of
tariff concessions to Cuba. So far as
appears he haa not yet been able to
make any impression upon the former,
though a suggestion of compromise has
been made In the' proposition to remove
the differential duty on refined sugar.
This, however, bas not met with much
The recommendations of the Cuban
message congress will doubtless comply
with, but whether of not what is Im
plied In the concluding paragraph will
have any effect upon the question of
tariff concessions is problematical The
coining week will probably bring t test
of strength on the question In the bouse,
with what result cannot now be con
fidently predicted.
. , e..
Tension Commissioner Evans bas
tendered bis resignation, which It la an
nounced will not take effect until a post
tlon In the diplomatic service la found
for him. President Roosevelt has been
persistently urged, as was hla predeces
sor, to remove Mr. Evans, but this he
refused to do, although It baa been un
derstood for some time that the com
missioner would be replaced whenever
tUe president should be able to give him
another satisfactory position. Mr,
Roosevelt haa abown that he bas entire
confidence In the ability and Integrity
of Commissioner Evans and that he re
gards him as entitled to a place In the
public- service. He haa therefore uot
been influenced by the pressure for the
commissioner's removal and that official
will continue to perform bis present
duties until he can be appointed to a
position In the diploma-tie service, which
probably will be soou. course of
tbe president in the case is1 highly com
pllmentary to Mr. Kvaus.
The president wilt have no difficulty
In finding candidates for pension coin
mlasloner. As soon as It became known.
two weeks ago, that there was probabll
Ity of A vacancy In tbo office, several
men were suggested to tbe president
and he bas doubtless, beard of more
since then. Now that a vacancy Is t
ured applicants will doubtless become
numerous. Tbe office of pension com
missioner Is one of the most important
and exacting in the government and
President Roosevelt may be expected to
exercise very great care In selecting
successor to the present -Incumbent. lis
will dire a man who is not only capa
ble and of unimpeachable character, but
who also enjoys the confidence of the
Grand Army veterans, who keep a vig
ilant watch over the administration of
the pension bureau. He may find the
matter of selection somewhat perplex
ing, but there Is no doubt that be will
have an abundance of material to choose
Commissioner Evans will retire from
the office with tbe credit of having had
the confidence of two presidents, one of
them a anion soldier, and the assurance
of general public approval of bis ad
The senate some time since passed
the bill providing for the creation of a
department of commerce and labor. The
house bns not yet considered the
measure, though hearings in regard to
it were begun a few days ago before
the committee on commerce. It would
seem that congress la not In need of any
further Information respecting the prop
osition. The business interests of the
eonntry that ask for the new depart
ment have set forth as fully as possible
the reasons for regarding It as neces
sary. The president of the National
Manufacturers' association, which has
been for several years urging such a
department, told the bouse committee
that the magnitude of the manufactur
ing interests of the country would seem
to entitle them to representation in the
cabinet and In the executive depart
ments. He pointed to tbe fact shown
by the last census that during the year
ended June 1, 1900, the products of tbe
manufacturing establishments or the
country exceeded In value $13,000,000,-
000. The manufacturing interests of the
United States, he said, exceed in volume
and importance tbe Industrial Interests
of any nation In the world, yet we have
no department or bureau, as other In
dustrial countries have, specially
charged with duties relating directly to
these interests.
Moreover, our manufacturing Interests
are steadily growing, thus strengthening
from year to year the demand for a de
partment of the character proposed. If
these great Interests would be bene
fited, as the men engaged In them and
are best qualified to Judge say tbey
would, by tbe establishment of a de
partment of commerce and labor, there
should be no hesitation In providing It.
When Millard 'Fillmore Funkhouser
mesmerized the Board of Education Into
adopting a resolution Invoking the dis
trict court to call a grand Jury to In
vestigate so-called well-defined rumors.
The Bee ventured the prediction that
tbe move would result In loading the
county down with several thousand dol
lars of unnecessary costs that could
Just as well be avoided by inducing the
county prosecutor to file informations
against all parties implicated in any
criminal offense. The sequel fully sus
tains the position taken by this paper.
The session of the grand Jury baa cost
the county $4,289.80, and the expenses
Incurred in subsequent prosecution baa
added upwards of f 1,000 to this outlay.
While no one cculd foresee or foretell
the Judicial ruling by which all the
work of the grand jury bas been nulli
fied, it was well known from the outset
that the street rumors upon which alone
the demand for a grand jury was based
bad no substantial foundation. Tbe
well-defined rumors, however, served
their purpose In furnishing capital for
the re-election of Millard Fillmore
Funkhouser, and the voters of both sexes
who were credulous enough to believe
that they were rallying to the support
of a great reformer have had their eye
teeth cut Tbey have succeeded In
saddling themselves aa taxpayers with
$5,000 to $6,000 of debt without any
thing to show for It
The club women at the Nebraska cap
ital propose to push their campaign for
municipal embellishment by offering a
series of prizes for the handsomest and
best kept private lawns, tbe award to
take Dlace after tbe summer season Is
concluded. It ought not to be necessary
to put up a reward for people to beau
tify their own premises, inasmuch as
they themselves reap the chief benefit,
but since self-interest does not always
prove a sufficient stimulus, this plan
may produce good results. It is a hint,
at any rate, for the Omaha club womeu
who are working to the same end.
Thomas P. Kennard's moss-grown
claim against tbe state of Nebraska for
valuable services alleged to have been
rendered . under tbe Furnas contract
which caused almost as much resent
ment as the Bartley pardon, has bobbed
up again serenely, with interest added.
If this celebrated claim Is disposed of
fiuully and forever by tbe supreme court
Its reappearance may confidently be
looked for by the claims committee of
tbe next legislature.
Senator Millard bas trumped Mercer's
card to Increase tbe salary of the sur
veyor of customs at Omaha. Why
Cadet Taylor's salary should be in
creased remains to be explained. No
body conversant with tbe management
of tbe office pretends that he Is over
worked and nobody conteuds In serious
ness that he Is underpaid.
Unless congress takes a rest on pass
ing bills to remove the charge of de
sertion from military records President
Roosevelt promises to make a record In
the matter of vetoes. The crop of this
kind of bills, If .the legislative grist is
up to the normal, will easily enable
him to do It
The senate committee on rules bas de
cided that neither London prize ling nor
Queensberry regulations shall be ap
plicable to debates in that body. The
old fogies are evidently determined to
take all the spice out of senatorial life.
A Crmtmwr ef l.ooosaotlvea.
Springfield (Miss.) Republican.
Ioconotlve engineering waa 100 years
eld last Moaday. On March U, 1(02. Rich
ard TrevitBlck was granted a patent for "as
Improved steam engine, to gle motion te
wheel carriages of tvery description. Here
Is a good measur of the progress of a century.
The Ttss Natloaail Poller.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Peace by moral suasion Is the true policy
of the United States.
Traaltlosi Fteoely Jeered.
Washington Post.
It appears from the experience of the
school teachers we send over to the Phil
ippines that the natives don't think much
of the story of George Washington and tbe
cherry tree. Tbey rather look upon it as s
reflection upon George's mentality.
Which Will it Choose f
Baltimore American.
An electrical expert says that every
storm shows that there Is no alternative
between burying wires er burying cltltens.
Of course, every municipality must prac
tically choose which it considers the more
valuable above ground, and by the contin
uance of the wires overhead the choice so
far is anything but complimentary to the
Toale of Better Times.
St. Louis Republic.
This hopefulness of even better times
than have been the rule for the last few
years Is a good spring medicine. This Is
no time for business pessimism. The en
ergies of the country are still operating at
full tilt and getting results which Surprise
other nations. As long as the present
conditions continue the hum of the fac
tories and crowded stores must be considered
as accurate barometers of business and not
mere Incidents of a boom.
Got lot the Bas4wsgsa,
Chicago Chronicle.
It is reported in dispatches that the
democrats and populists of Nebraska, which
is Mr. Bryan's state, will fuss this year
on platforms and candidates. Each suc
cessive fusion of the democrats and popu
lists of Nebraska since 1896 bas been fol
lowed by larger republican majorities. It
tbo democrats of Nebraska want to gain
a victory they should "fuse" with the re
publicans, whose doctrines are no more
undemocratic than tbe doctrines of the
Rot Staff Amosg Icebergs.
New York Tribune.
Canada bas a superheated patriot named
Oourlay, coming from Colchester, N. S.,
wbo recently unburdened himself in Par
liament of the heroic proposition that "it
It becomes necessary to fight the Yankees
we will be ready In twenty-four hours and
after six months of It we shall capture their
capital and annex their country to Canada."
Nova Scotia ia, no doubt, proud of the blue
nose of Gourlay, which, thus lifted In air,
sniffs the battle afar when there isn't any
or likely to be any. and it Is Dot to be de
nied that he does that remote, unfriended,
melancholy and slow province no end of
Inconsistency of the Sods of Former
New Bedford (Mass.) Standard.
A labor organisation located in this city
has endorsed a resolution reciting that "the
Immigration of cheap labor from the south
and east of Europe is a menace to the
American standard of living," etc, . Fifty
ytars or so ago other organizations, com
posed chiefly of work ragmen, were passing
resolutions in similar language protesting
against immigration front other parts of
Europe. Now tbe descendants of the men
and women who wers""then the object ot
attack are In turn adopting the same tac
tics against people whom ' they regard as
Inferior. Fifty years hence, we suppose,
the descendants of tbe Hungarians and
Italians and Bohemians whose Incursion is
now looked upon with fear will be protest
ing against tho immigration of other races
who will then be "a menace." It Is a fact
that the bringing together of men and
women of many races under one form of
government haa produced one of the great
est and most perplexing problems of social
and political and economic life that tbe
world has ever seen. But so far it bas
been proved that the worst evils are the
evils which are anticipated, yet never come.
Every generation has its scarecrows, and
often the scarecrows are Inherited. .We
think in large measure this Is the case with
the Immigration scarecrow, as is evidenced
by the recurrence of the same eld resolu
tions with new excuses.
At last congress bas gathered some Ken
tucky Moss.
Dave Hill might write a book or start a
weekly newspaper.
The municipal budget of Greater New
York for 1901 will reach the snug sum of
Joe Manley of Maine concludes that the
post of assistant postmaster general Is not
quite his size.
Tbe aldermen of Boston are s unique lot.
They actually voted $500 out of their own
pockets to the fund for tbe families ot the
lost life savers at Monomoy.
Former Senator Pettlgrew of South Da
kota Is doing pretty. well, tbsnk you. "I
found," says Mr. Pettlgrew, "that there is
but one step between popocracy and plu
tocracy, and so I took that step."
Direct taxation In the Empire state has
been reduced to thirteen hundredths of a
mill. Besides there Is a surplus ot 17,000.
000 in tbs state treasury. Tbe fruits ot
republican policies are agreeable and ap
preciable. The youngest governor In tbe union Is
the newly Inaugurated governor of the
state ot Washington, William McCroskey,
aged 18, who recently succeeded ex-Governor
Rogers. Mr. McCroskey, who Is a
native of Tennessee, Is a son of Rev. Soloa
McCroskey, a Methodist clergymen. He
was graduated at Oraat university at
Joha O. Mllbura of Buffalo, president of
the Pan-American exposition. Is regarded
as the first choice for the democratic nomi
nation tor governor of New York. From a
Davo Hill point of view Mr. Mtlburn's can
didacy Is particularly desirable. Having
been bora abroad, hla success as a candi
date would not Interfere with the presi
dential plans now in tbe Incubator st
Wolfert's Roost.
As tbe heat of the campaign for re
election grows. Senator Mason of Illinois
finds among bis constituents a rooted dis
respect for the dignity and integrity ot the
upper house. Replying to a question from
a schoolmate, the senator said he was
trying to make a living in aa honest way
In the senate. "Well, you shouldn't have
much trouble," observed tbe schoolmate.
"I don't think you encounter the slightest
While W. J. Bxyan was in Washington re
cently be dined with s bunch of congress
men sad sprung a story oa himself: "A
while ago. he said, I went with a party
of friends to visit the Nebraska Btsts
Asylum for tho Insane. I became separated
from my party and wandered through some
of the rooms alone. Aa Inmate ap
proached me, and, seeking to b friendly.
said: 'What are you la here forr 'Be
cause I believe is tbs free sad unlimited
coinage of sliver st the ratio of II to 1 I
replied, thinking to bo facetious. 'Huh!'
said tbo Inmate, moving off in disgust, 'you
ain't cxaiy; yeu re Just a plain dust foot' "
Finland, having been fettered, Is cow be
ing gagged. That is the purport of the
recent action of the Russian satrap who
now rules that betrayed and crushed coun
try A large part of the Finnish press has
been entirely suppressed, and all that re
insist of it has been placed under a cen
sorship more arbitrary and tyrannical then
that of Russia itself. The object seems
to be the complete extirpation of the Fin
ntsh press. Thst will mean not only the
stifling of the votes of Finland to the outer
world, but the prevention of that commun
ity of Information which has enabled the
Finns to act as a nation, and a degrada
tion of the standard of popular Intelligence
in Finland to something like the Russian
level briefly, to reduce the Finn to the
status ot a mujlk. How grave a blow to
Finland this suppression of the native
press is may be estimated from the fact
that down to the line of the Russlsn con
quest, three years ago, Finland had nearly
two hundred and fifty periodicals and was
one of the foremost nations of Europe in
respect to familiarity with current litera
ture and the news of the world. The
splendid system of education, which Is now
being wrecked by Russia, made Finland
s particularly enlightened nation. Almost
everybody was well read, In current mat
ters, as well as In standard branches of
education. To crush the schools and to
suppress the newspapers and magazines is
to stamp out a large part of tbe national
life and to strike the deadliest blow at the
integrity of the nation.
An interesting experiment in communal
life Is to bo tried In the Schlachtensee su
burb of Berlin. A large house, containing
thirty rooms, situated In extensive grounds
of twenty acres, has been rented by a
community of mutual acquaintances, among
whom are both married and single. A
monthly rent of from IS to 20 marks will
be levied for each room occupied. The
housekeeping will be in common and the
kitchen also. One lady and one gentleman
will be elected to take charge of all the
concerns of the house. These officers will
be changed weekly. A bill of fare and all
other matters of interest connected with
tbe establishment will be posted up In the
hall. For food a dally charge of 1 mark
will be made. Whether so moderate a
charge will bo Increased later remains to
be seen. There will be a good library
and a common drawing room, writing room,
working room, and s dining room. Arrange
ments are also being made for a common
playgrouad and garden. Tho community
will consist at first of forty persons, mostly
engaged In literary and artistic pursuits.
When the census of 1901 showed that
the population of British India bad in
creased only fcbout Hi per cent In ten
years there was much surprise in England
because of the sharp contrast made by such
gains with the very large growth of the
decade preceding. An Increase of 20,000,000
or more had been expected. The famine
and the plague accounted, In great part
ir me siow expansion of the population.
and it seems probable that such destroyers
win continue to keep down the number of
Inhabitants of a poverty-stricken and dis
tressed land. Recent dispatches from La
hore, the capital of the lino provinces
known as the Punjaub, stats that the
plague Is killing 2,000 persons a day In that
part of India. The pestilence spreads rap
idly and Is very virulent. If the mortality
from one disease should continue long at
that rate la a province containing not more
than 25,000,000 people, It would effectually
prevent any Increase in the number of in
habitants of the Punjaub. sad other parts
of India are poorer, less salubrious sad
mors crowded. Anything in the way of
huge calamities Is possible In that land
of swarming human life, barely maintained
under normal conditions and doomed to
perish wheiS anything goes worse than
usual. British rule bas done much for
India, but the condition of the famous old
treasure house of Asia, the goal of many
invasions and generations - of conquerors,
still leaves much to be desired, from the
point of view ot mere decency and regard
for human life, that the possession and gov
ernment ot tbe countrj place terribly heavy
obligations upon Its masters.
In many ways the county of Longford,
Ireland, has served as a prophet for the
whole Island. Consequently Its census re
turns are being studied with considerable
apprehension by tbe Irish press. The county
covers an area ot 269,408 acres, or l.S per
cent of the total area of the country. In
1ST1 It had a population of $4,501; twenty
years later this had dwindled to 62,647,
while returns for 1901 show 46,672. As
compared with the returns of 1891 tbe re
cent census shows a decrease at tbe rate
of ll.t per cent The number ot distinct
families is returned as 9,876, the average
number of persons in a family being thus
4.6, and the number of Inhabited houses
was 1,799, showing an average of 4.7 per
sons to each house. Ot tbe 9,876 families.
8,246 or 8S.5 per cent were In occupation
ot less than five rooms and of these t were
occupiers of part of a room oaly; 460 occu
pied one room and 2,095 occupied two rooms
apiece; 4,381 occupiers ot three rooms and
1,308 occupiers of four rooms. As regards
tbe tenements of one room, there were
193 cases In which the room had only one
occupant,' 197 where tho room had I, 2, or 4
occupants, 62 eases with 6, or 7 occupants
and 9 where the occupants exceeded T In
number. Including 6 cases of I persons
and 8 of I persons in tbe room.
It seems plain that Austria-Hungary Is
preparing to take every commercial ad
vantage of the growing Russian impatience
with German trade methods. An Austria
Russian Commercial association bas bean
formed in Vlenns, and Herr Pol, one ot the
staff of the Austria-Hungarian consulate in
Warsaw, in aa address delivered before it
the other evening, explained the best method
of obtaining access to tbe Russian mar
kets. He said that conditions had been
greatly changed by recent political events,
and that large Russian merchants were now
very reluctant to deal with the Germans.
Tbey were aware thst Austria had s highly
developed Industry, but from lack ot direct
latercourss with the manufacturers did not
know how to profit by it. The Russians
wished to favor Austrian Industry, but de
sired that the Austrlsns should maks the
Brit overtures. Herr Pol said that Austrian
exporters ought to send crowds ot travel
ers to Russia. The consular authorities
at Warsaw, Moscow, Kleff, and other cen
ters could render them valuable assistance,
but were powerless to do anything alone.
They should follow the example of tbe
German and English by issuing s periodi
cal la the Russian language directing atten
tion to their wares. Prices should be given
In rubles, and It would be a great advan
tage It they were made to Include customs
duty and freight. Trading circles In War
saw had long been engaged in tbe discus
sion of an Austro-Russlan commercial
treaty. All classes declared that they were
tired ef tho Germans. At a Ister meeting
for the discussion of this subject repre
sentatives of the Foreign office, the Min
istries of Commerce and the Interior, and
ot the most Important industrial and com
mercial associations were present. Herr
Pol's remarks evidently have s general ap
plication. A Melosteholjr BoajsjeetiOB.
Detroit Free Press.
The nezt time Mr. Neely wishes to rob
Cuba maybe ho will know enough ts la
corporals, t 1
Oghtp Sweet
read, Cake
arc more easily, speedily,
unfailingly made with
Royal Baking Powder is the great-,
est of time and labor savers to the.
pastry cook. Besides, it economizes
flour, butter and eggs, and, best of
all, makes the food more digestible
and healthful.
The "Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" over 8oo practical
and valuable cooking re
ceipts free to every
patron. Send full address-
St. Paul Pioneer Press: ' Meanwhile
what Is Henry going to do with W. J.
Bryan T
Chicago Record-Herald: Still, this Isn't
the . first time Henry Watterson bas
thought the republic done for.
Philadelphia Ledger: Editor Watterson
talks with the abandon of a man who has
no expectation of ever being president.
Boston Globe: Colonel Watterson now
sees a man on horseback where once he
saw a path through a slaughter house to a
Kansas City Journal: Colonel Watter
son waked up rather suddenly out ot a dis
turbed dream and Imagined he saw a bloody
shirt waving. Tbe colonel should take a
liberal dose of bromo-ieltser for that shaky
Chicago Inter Ocean: Henry Watterson
has returned to his muttons. For the time
being he hss dropped tho lighter questions
ot politics sad has taken up again "the
man on horseback." He Is seeing "mili
tary despotism" ghosts once more.
Indianapolis Journal: Since Mr. Wat
terson first denounced the Ooebel election
law and then applauded it because It was
framed to count In the democratic candi
dates regardless of the majority of repub
lican opponents be has been entertaining,
but bis criticisms in politics or morals
have had no weight.
Philadelphia Press: "Doctor, a friend of
" " Burea me mat sucking lemons
. 'prevent seanlckness. Is that true?"
(JR. vea. nrnvlH. .1 i . v. i
of a tall tree while you do it."
Washington Star: "Some folks." said
Uncle i,ben. "Is so terrible good-natured
flat dev rnttta H 4 ( . r i . i . -
?.wmlh folk dt has to take up der 'spon
slbllltles an' do de worryln' furTem."
Ohio 8 ate Journal: Mrs. Crlmsonbeak
One swallow does not make a sprlnc.
Mr. Crlmsonbeak That's ridiculous.
Mrs. C Why Is It ridiculous?
Mr I Tl.... . . 1 1 .
- -. . " . tiu swallow aoes mane
a spring. I ve seen it spring from one twig
CO another.
Turf aa ' Xfwm V. i n . .
. ....... vuu.lujci your aaugn-
Is a great admirer of nature?
x-arvenue res, indeed. Nothing
The Store of the Town
.. Our cut to fit and ready-to-wear clothing that we have
for them this season, establishes a new standard of excel
lence. And they don't cost more than the "bargain sale"
sort. But you get your money's worth. Here are some
Easter novelties:
Norfolk suits, $3.50 up. 'Khaki suits, f5.00 up. Sailor
suits in all colors, $1.00 up.
Single breasted jacket and pant 6uit, f 4.00 and up.
Double breasted jacket and pant suits, $4.00 and up.
Long pant suits, $7.50 and up.
And the little fixings that brighten tho boys' appear
ance so much, such as waists, blouses, shirts, gloves, ho
siery, neckwear, hats and caps, are here in quantities and
qualities and colorings that are almost bewildering, and
the prices are as attractive as the selection.
A very creditable showing is represented In our boys'
window on Douglas street, for your inspection.
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
H. B Wilcox, Manager.
There are cheap baking pow
ders, made from alum, but
their astringent and cauter
izing: qualities add a
dangerous element to food.
S leases her so much as to gather wild
nwers and grasses and then dye them all
the colors of the rainbow.
Tonkers Statesman: "I like to hear a
man whistle at his work, Molke."
"Sure, and I do too, for when I hear a
whistle I always shtop," replied Mike.
Chicago Tribune: The battle was shift
ing to another psrt of the field.
"Here, orderly," auld the commanding
general,' "take this mesnge to Colonel
Garahy, and don't let the grass, grow under
your feet, either!"
"How can I prevent It, general," re
spectfully asked the orderly, "when I am
to travel by balloon?"
James Barton Adams In Denver Post.
The Queen stands at the gate.
The Queen of spring.
And seems to hesitate
To come and bring
Her birds and flowers and bees,
For winter's bresth
Tet lingers and may freeie
Her pets to death.
But soon her smile so warm
Will melt the front.
Her motherly alarm
Be from her tossed;
She'll deck the lawns and trees
With living green,
Breathe balm Into the breeze,
The gracious Queen;
Shn'll paint the timid flowers
With heavenly hues
And strew the vernal bowers
With gemH profuse,
Her hand will tint the skies
A charming blue.
And from their unseen eyes
Bring freshening dew
As livening tears to fall
Upon the earth
And mystically rail
The seeds to birth.
That iasv feeling she
Will give mankind
Till screwed "n faces we
All walk behind.
Our maidens' rheaks she'll flush
With bloom 'twill take
The cookie from the blush
The chemists make.
She'll causa the wishing ones
As birds to mate
And start Ike Walton's sons
To dig for bait.
She'll bring us hats of straw
And circus socks.
And place within otir paw
The beer that bocks.
These, and a thousand more
Rich blessings she
Will lay beside our door
With hand most free.
Hence, as a mighty throng.
We'll rise and sing
That grand old welcome song:
"Hall, Gentle Spring!"