Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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A Boy's Life Saved !
A Grateful M 3th er Writes About
the Rescue of Her Chill
Panic's Celery
Triumphed After the
Failures of Physicians.
Mrs. Tallman of 191 Redmond street. New
Brunswick, N. J., grateful (or the rescue ot
her little boy from suffering and death,
writes as follows:
"I tiara used Palne's Celery Compound for
our llttls boy. He had been under the doc
tor's care for firs months, but did not seem
to get much better. The physician said the
child had spinal trouble. He la S years old
and was obliged to creep on his hands and
Vneea and was too weak to sit up long at a
time. We bought a bottle of Palne's Celery
Compound, and before It was half gone we
aw a big change In the boy. He is now
real fat and strong, and can walk all around
the house, and hss red, plump cheeks.
Tslne's Celery Compound cured him."
In tha face of such testimony who can
deny the fact that Palne's Celery Compound
restores to strength, vigor and new life?
Hundreds of such letters as Mrs. Tallman's
are on Die for the Inspection of doubters.
When your children are weak, run down,
nervous, fretful, despondent, have loss of
appetite, slow circulation of blood, give
them Palne's Celery Compound for a week
ct two, and note well .he cheering results
In returning health and vigor. We stronglr
urge the Immediate use of the great medi
cine for all sickly and weak boys and girls.
PiamnnH Pwo Tms to name and coir
UlalUUnU UJB3 Nothing tan equal the
Best Always
the Cheapest
That's why The Bee has
the best newspaper pat
ronage Best subscribers
Best advertisers.
U On?. Streaked er Blxuihed, u can ba
I restored to any bcanttfnl color by
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
the aoknowledged STANDARD BATH
IOI.ORI.VO fnrOrayor nieacried Hair.
Color, are flnrable ; rulli applied. It, um
cannot 1 net Arteri. rtamjtlenf halroolered
tree. Correspondence ooundeniial.
Imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. 2Ld St.. N. T.
Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
No, madam, NO your
woolens and flannels will
NOT shrink if you wash
them with
Use it according to direc
'tioni and they will come
from the tub as soft and
nippy" as when new. .
Three sixes laundry, toe ;
bath sad toilet. 5c: oil
toilet, 5c.
Cadoeia primer, contain
ing directions for Cudoma's
any UMft, Mat free on re
The. Cuvaht Packing Co.
Omaha... KaruM City.
Green Mountain Renovator
The great Vermont Nerve and Blood Med
icine that has stood the test of time and
defied competition in thousands of
New England homes.
There seem to be more medicines than there are
people to take them, and one sometimes wonders where
hey all go to.
If you will keep an eye on them, however, you will
notice that they make a splurge for a while and then
That is not the way with Smith's Geeen .Mountain
Renovator,' the medicine we are recommending so
highly to our friends and customers.
Up in Vermont the people have been taking Smith's
Greex Mountain Renovator for many years, and every
year finds it stronger in the affections of the public
and without any advertising whatever !
When you come to think of it, it is quite natural that
it should do- so. It is scientifically compounded of roots
and herbs, and contains precisely the elements which
make pure, rich blood, strong muscles, steady nerves
and sound, healthy vital organs.
If you are not perfectly well, you ought to take it.
If there is anything the matter with your blood, if you
have dyspepsia, malaria or rheumatism, or if you are in
that weak and run down condition which shows that
there is something wrong somewhere, a course of
Smith's Green Mountain Renovator will brace you up,
pull you together and give you the snap and vim of
perfect health and strength.
If you try it and find that we are mistaken about this,
you can have your money back.
Dr. Wertenbaker. Deolaret Smallpox a
Preventable Diseaae.
Supreme Justices Establish Sew Holes
to Govern A p pen In Mature Study
at 'Varsity limner
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 28 (Special.) Colonel
C. P. Wertenbaker of the United 8tates
marine hospital aervlce, who has been do
ing special duty In Nebraska, declares in
his report to the governor that smallpox
Is a preventable disease, and that if It con
tinues to exist In a given section, It Is be
cause proper measures have not been
adopted for It suppression or that the work
has not been thoroughly done. The report
was filed In the executive department yes
terday afteraoon, but owing to the tem
porary absence of the governor was not
made public until today. He appends to
his report a set of direction to be followed
for the isolation ot smallpox cases and
for disinfection, and requests that they
be published by the State Board of Health.
These directions are given as follows:
"If every cafe of smallpox was promptly
located and Isolated, all exposed persons
promptly vaccinated and their clothing dis
infected; all infected housea and articles
thoroughly disinfected; and the entire popu
lace of places where smallpox prevails were
rendered Immune to the diseases by vac
cination, the disease would promptly disap
pear. .Meed for Prompt Action Everywhere,
"These measures are described In detail
In the enclosed copy ot a publication Is
sued by the United States Marine hospital
service on the suppression of smallpox,
copies of which will be furnished free ot
charge, upon application to the aurgeoa
general. United States Marine Hospital
oorvlce, Washington, D. C. I recommend
that a sufficient supply of this publication
be secured and that all communities In the
state where smallpox Is prevailing be sup
plied with them. That a circular letter or
proclamation be issued by the governor or
State Board of Health, calling attention
to the recommendations therein contained,
and urging their adoption. I also recom
mend that the State Board of Health arouse
to more activity In Impressing upon the
people In the state the necessity for prompt
action in suppressing the first case of
smallpox In a community, and tha urgent
necessity for general vaccination.
Mistaken Ideas of Vaccination.
"I have found In this state as elsewhere,
that the opposition Is due to the fact that
In many cases excessive Inflammation has
followed the procera of vaccination. This
is not due, as a rule, to the vaccine virus,
but to rorae extraneous matter. The use
of a pure, ripe glycerlnlied lymph is not
followed by any such unfortunate results.
There Is, It Is true, a slight inflammation
surrounding the vaccine vesicle, and there
Is usually some slight soreness In the
vaccinated member, but it Is not sufficient
as a rule, to Incapacitate one for work, even
though that work be hard manual labor.
"If this fact can be thoroughly Impressed
upon the people, and they can have occular
demonstration of It. ooDoaitlon in vapMna.
tlon will largely diminish.
ir physicians having a patient with a
tvnlcal vaccine vesicle will induce that pa
tient to show It around to his friends In
the same way that one with an inflamed
arm allows it. I think the results will bs
of great value.
Quarantine In Name Only.
"I beg to call attention to the fact that
I have found that the quarantine imposed
upon people detained at their own homes
ia a quarantine In name only. Aa a rule
such persons are merely directed to re
main at home, and hold no communication
with outside parties. No guard la placed
over the houses to see that the regulations
are enforced and aa a consequence they sre
often, if not always, disregarded. The
practice of shutting up a number ot people
in a house with a caae ot smallpox fre
quently without even the precauticn ot
vaccinating them has led to a large In
crease In the number of casea. The small
pox case should be Isolated. The persons
that have been In contact lh It should
have their clothing disinfected, be vaccl-
sted and kent away from possible rein
fection. tDless this la done other meas
ures will be useless.
'I am led to doubt the efficiency ot much
of the disinfection that la done. I recom
mend that no house or article be consld-
red disinfected unlese the work hss been
done under the supervision of the official
dlslnfector and he certifies that It Is thor
oughly disinfected.
'I recommend that the State Board of
Health keep itself informed of the detai l
of methods in use In each locality and cor
rect any errors that may arise.
"In conclusion, I recommend that the
motto, 'Isolation, vaccination and dlslnfec-
Ion' be kept constantly before the people
and that the Slate Board of Health give
personal attention to the conditions In each
locality, assisting the local authorltlea and
encouraging them to renewed efforts until
the last vestage of amallpox Is eradicated
from the state."
New Rale for Error of Law.
The supreme court baa established the
rule that hereafter a Judgment of a lower
court will not be reversed for errors ot
law occurring at the trial unless It Is al
leged In the petition of error and shown
by the record that the court erred In over
ruling the motion for a new trial. This de
cision was delivered by the court In the
case of Gregory against Leavltt and waa
followed In another opinion given at the
same time.
It was declared by the court that all
of the assignments ot error relied upon in
this case were predicated on the rulings
during the progress ot the trial and were
covered by the grounds urged in the motion.
The rulings ot the court on the motion were
not complained of in the petition of error.
Commenting on this condition Commissioner
Alberts said: "Such being the case we must
assume that the ruling on that motion waa
satisfactory to the plaintiff and whether the
rulings therein complained of were er
roneous or not there was good ground for
overruling the motion. That being true the
errors assigned in that motion are not
available in this court."
Attorneys say that it this rule Is followed
there are many cases that will turn on
the single point and those who have been
careless In the preparation of their peti
tions In this regard are hastening to supply
their omission.
Nature Study at 1'nlverstty.
The authorities of the University of Ne
braska announce that separate courses In
agriculture and nature study will be con
ducted for the first time In the summer
school this year. The courses are arranged
to meet the wants ot public school teachers
who are called upon to Instruct in these
branches and whose preparation la inade
quate to the new demands.
The summer session covers a period of
six weeks, beginning June 13 and ending
July 25. The school is Intended primarily
for teachers, principals and superintend
ents In Nebraska who desire to work a
short time at the university. Courses of
atudy are offered In the representative de
partments of the university. A series of
lectures on philosophy by Chancellor An
drews will form one feature of the school.
A few courses are offered upon subjects
taught in the high schools, exhibiting prac
tical methods of instruction. The maximum
number of hours for which any atudent
may register la eighteen, and the session
being one-third the length of a semester the
maximum credit a student can obtain Is
six hours. The expenses are light, con
sisting of a registration fee ot $2, a labor
atory fee of $2 for students In botany and
a laboratory fee of 16 for students In chem
istry. Occupation Tax Ordinance Defeated.
As generally anticipated, the occupation
tax ordinance, designed to give the city
1400 ot each $1,500 liquor license fee, was
defeated by a vote of 8 to 5 in the council
this morning. The Excise board had
agreed to lower its license fee from $1,500
to $1,100 If the council would impose the
$400 occupation tax. thus giving the city
some benefit from the Increase. It was
argued that the passage of such an ordi
nance would place the regulation or the
saloons. back in the hands of the council.
This action ot the council leaves tha license
fee at $1,600. all ot which will go to the
school fund of the city district.
Bryan Names Home uFalrvlew.n
W. J. Bryan haa accepted "Falrvlew" as
the name for hla auburban home. In hla
paper he says:
"The new barn, which we are temporarily
occupying, is a commodious brick structure,
with slate roof and cement floor, and Mrs.
Bryan has made It so comfortable and
homelike that we shall not be Impatient
for the completion of the permanent resi
dence. Here at Falrvlew we expect to
spend the remainder of our days, except
such time as may be devoted to travel.
Here the children can find fresh air and
healthy exercise: here I can lndulgs my
taste for farming; here, too, the friends
who are passing this midway point between
the oceans ran find a welcome and a word
of cheer. My editorial work only will be
done here."
Appeals Traction Tax Caae.
City Attorney Strode has snnounced h e
Intention ot appealing thje Traction com
pany tax case to the supreme court. Tna
district court gave the city a Judgment for
approximately $48,000 on ita claim for
$100,000. The action ia for the collection
of dellnauent paving taxes. President
Scudder of the Lincoln Traction is willing
to pay the Judgment, but the city author!
tlea are prevented from accepting lis
money by a restraining order Issued sev
eral months on the application of Dr. G,
W. O. Farnham. who Insists that noth ng
less than the full amount of the claim
should be taken.
Advocates Juvenile Court a.
In an address before the char.tles con
ference at St Paul's church last night
Judge E. P. Holmes advocated the estab
llchment of Juvenile courts in cities the
size of Lincoln or larger. He took iha
around that a more Intelligent and humane
Idea of dealing with youthful offenders
should be put in prsctice. An effort will
probably be made to have the next legU
lature pass a law providing for courts ot
the clasa suggested by Judge Holmes.
New Incorporations.
Articles of Incorporation of these tnstt
tutlons have been recorded in the secre
tary of state's office:
St. Henrv's church of 8 tan ton county;
Incorporators, BUhop Scannell, Vicar Gen
eral Choka, Rev. Schnuttgen and Laymen
Proeat and Welse.
St. Patrlck'a Church, Elkhorn, Doug as
county; incorporators. Bishop Scan n; 11
Vicar General Choka. Rev. Hohelsel and
Laymen Caletly and Smith.
The Spencer Otta Supply company,
Omaha; capital stock, $75,000; Incorpora
tors. Spencer Otis, F. R. McConnell and E
J. Peake.
The Wymore State bank, Wymore. Gaga
county; capital stock, $25,000; Incorpora
tors, Charle O. Anderson. George B. Van
Arsdol, J. A. Reullng, Sherman Taylor and
A. L. Miller.
The Harvey-Limerick Lumber and Coa
company, Ohio a; capital stock, $10,000
incorporators, D. W. Harvey, Ida L. Lira
erlck. W. B. Limerick and R. A. Harvey
The Clearwater Shorthorn company,
Clearaater. Antelope county; capital stock
$15,000; incorporators. F. U. Tyrrell, O. M
Tyrrell and J. W. Parker.
Sheriff Waddington Recovers Only Part of
Skrabel Money.
Roth Sons Admit Robbing Mother and
Are Held Close Prisoners In
Hope of Recovering Fall
BEATRICE. Neb., March 28. (Special
Telegram.) The preliminary bearing of tho
Skrabel brothers will be next Tuesday
morning. They have not been arraigned,
and by agreement of the mother and at
torneys on both sides this afternoon the
two were placed in Jail to remain until
the date of their preliminary.
Aa there Is $1,120 of the $3,700 still mis
sing, the attorneys and Mrs. Skrabel be
lieve that by keeping the two In Jail for
few daya they can prevail upon them
to tell where this amount of the stolen
moner Is.
Late last evening County Attorney 8ack-
ett obtained a confession from William
Skrabel, on whose farm $530 in gold coin
was found, which waa said to have been
stolen from his mother, Mrs. Josephine
Skrabel. Frank Skrabel confessed to his
part of the theft earlier in the day. He
told how he and his brother, William, had
dug up the money from under the hencoop
and had buried It on William's farm.
In his confession William Skrabel told
the officials where about $1,000 could be
found burled under a aill of the barn on
his farm near Odell.
Shortly after 6 o'clock Sheriff Wadding-
ton locked the two men up. One was placed
In the county Jail and the other In the city
About 7 o'clock the officer started for
William Skrabcl's farm to recover the
money burled under the barn. He arrived
at the Skrabel place about 10 o'clock. After
a search had been made he found $1,050 In
gold coin under the all! ot the barn, aa
stated by William.
Of the $2,700 stolen by the Skrabela $1,580
has been recovered. It Is stated on g ol
authority that William, the one' who Is
married, recently spent $700 of the stolen
treasure for a small tract of land near his
The younger Skrabel states that he was
Influenced by hla older brother to steal bis
aged mother's money; that they agreed to
make an equal division of It, but that he
had so far received only $5. There is a
discrepancy ia the amount the men claimed
to have stolen and the amount Mrs. 6k rebel
says is missing. The men stated this morn
ing that they got about $1,800, while the
mother claims that $2,700 waa taken.
The family are Bohemians and fairly
well-to-do. Mrs. Skrabel Is about 60 years
old. William, the married son, is 36, and
Frank is 23. George Skrabel, the father.
died several years ago. The family are old
residents of southwestern Gage county.
In Declining; to Run for Governor He
Criticises Abuse of the Par
doning; Power.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 28. (Spe
cial.) In an interview with Hon. R. B.
Windham of this city, who has been so
favorably mentioned throughout the state
as a possible candidate for governor, he
made the following statement, which will
be a disappointment to his many friends
who had hoped that he would be willing
to enter the contest. He said:
No. I am not a candidate fnr vovernnr
I am sorry to disappoint my personal
friends at home, as well as those through
out the state, who desired me to enter the
race. I am not Insensible to the honor
Incident to the office, but unusual home
cares and responsibilities, which 1 do not
care to discuss, together with buslnesa in
terests, preclude the possibility of my being
a candidate and make It necessary for me
to forego what would otherwise be great
pleasure to me. Not since the press first
mentioned my name In connection with the
office have I at any time felt that I could
oe a candidate, and as the state conven
tion has now been culled And frlnla am
looking for me to declare my position, and
having weighed everything in the balance
1 am compelled to decline the use of my
It istto be rea-retted that Governor fiav.
age's convictions as to what was his duty
In the matter of pardoning Hartley have
hindered his being renominated at the
convention for a second term, but I must
say that I am In full sympathy with the
sentiment in me state that looks with
alarm on the exercise of the pardoning
power In cases like those ot Benwell and
Found Guilty of Sendlnax Threatening
Letters Through Malls and Sen
tenced to Penitentiary.
RUSHVILLE. Neb., March 28. (Special
Telegram.) Fred Reno waa found guilty of
aendlng threatening letters through tha
msil to Charles Claflln and waa sentenced
to serve one year in the penitentiary. The
Jury was out seven hours and much inter-
eat was shown in the case.
Claflln is the same man whose house was
burned on February 6 and destroyed with
all lta contenta.
Jadae Jeaeen Says Gable Must Pay.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., March 28. (Spe
cial.) In district court, in the cass of
Adolph Stelnkamp against Henry Gable.
Judge Jeasen overruled the motion for a
new trial and ordered a Judgment on tha
verdict for $800.
In the case of Anna Kepple against the
city of Plattamouth a motion to amend the
verdict of the Jury by striking out certain
Items contained therein was overruled. A
motion for a new trial was sustained and
the verdict for $450 was set aside. The
original amount of damages asked for in
this case for injuries alleged to have been
received from falling on a defective side
walk was $2,500.
Frank Boetel waa found guilty of petty
larceny by a Jury and the court ordered the
boy to pay $20. One dollar each week and
In default ot same to be confined In the
county Jail.
In the case of the State against Cornelius
King, who was found guilty of stealing a
horse, a motion for a new triaf la pending.
The case of Louis Olsen against the Bur
lington Relief company was taken under
The case of Julius Langhor.'t against
Herman Barnmann and others wss sub
mitted on petition in error and argument
by the attorneys.
Court was adjourned until April 7.
Judge Smith Finds John Sane.
BT. PAUL. Neb.. March 28. (Special.)
A few days ago Sheriff Hansen, under a
writ of habeas corpus, took Andrew John
who had been adjudged Insane, from tbs
sheriff of Valley county during a short stop
between trains at Cuahing In tbla county,
This action brought tha case before
Coun'y Judge Smith for trial, which was
held Thursday. Many, principally
from Valley county, were examined, and
after hearing the case Judge Smith found
John to be sane and ha waa subsequently
Michael Croaa of Omaha w'lsa,
O'NEILL. Neb., March 28. (Special.) Ia
the three cases of Michael Cross of Omaha
against Richard Cross and Anna Cross of
Atkinson, Involving real estate at Atkinson,
tha Jury returned a verdict for the plain-
tiff. The ctrrumstanrea of all the cases
were eo similar that all were tried at the
same time before Judge Weetover. The pe
tition set forth that when Timothy Cross?
deceased, gave deed to the property In
question undue Influence bad been exercised
over the unsound mind of the grantor. M.
F. Harrington appeared for the defendants
snd Judge M. F. Klnkaid for the plaintiff.
The case wss h.otly contested, but the Jury
reached a verdict after two hours' of deliberation.
Train Strikes Man Wear Plattamouth.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. March 28. (Spe
cial.) About 9 o'clock last evening W. R.
Brown, section foreman at Oreapolls, heard
a cry and, going to the Burlington bridge
over the Platte river, found a man lying
beside the track. His left toot was badly
An engine and coach sent from here
brought the Injured man back. He was
taken to the county farm and the toes tin
his left foot were amputated today. Hla
body and one shoulder were also injured.
He gave his name as Andrew Johnson
Amonds and said he waa 40 years old. He
asserted that he waa on the track, when a
train struck him.
The door of a loaded freight car, which
passed through this city east on the Bur
lington last night, was open, but the ex
amination of the car did not reveal an oc
cupant. The aeal had been broken with
probable intent to rob the car.
Declamatory Contest at Aahland.
ASHLAND, Neb.. March 28. (Special.)
The annual declamatory contests of the
Ashland High school was last evening at
Simington's open bouse. May Tennyson
and Evelyne Lytle spoke in the humorous
class. Miss Lytle being awarded the hon
ors. In the dramatic class the contestants
were Llnnle Kackley, Mabel Service, Phoebe
Davis, Corrtne White and Wlllah Christian.
Miss Davis won first prize and Miss Chris
tian second. The entertainment closed
with a comic drama entitled "A Regular
Fix." The High school chorus furnished the
mimic. The Judges were Rev. Frank M.
Sturdevant, pastor of the First Baptist
church of Ashland; Hon. J. L. McBrlen of
Geneva, deputy state superintendent of pub
lic instruction, and George L. Towne, ed
itor of the Nebraska Teacher, Lincoln.
Charged with Beating; Aged Father.
ELK CREEK, Neb., March 28. (Special.)
Frank J. Durfack, who lives In the north
part of town, was arrested yeeterday after
noon, charged with assaulting and wounding
his aged father, who lives with him. He
pleaded not guilty In court and trial was
set for Saturday morning. It le reported
that a continuance of several daya will be
asked for by both sides.
Dismiss Zlorh Assault Caae.
PAPILLION, Neb., March 28. (Special.)
Joseph Zloch, who was charged with
criminal assault, will not be tried, as he
will pay the costs and the case will be
End of Parker Will Case.
BEATRICE, Neb., March 28. (Special.)
In district court this morning Judge Letton
denied a motion for a new trial In the
Parker will case.
Nebrnskana Assured by Government
Forecaster They May Wear
Their Xew Toggery.
WASHINGTON. March 28. Forecast:
For Nebraska, North Dakota and South
Dakota Fair Saturday and Sunday; west
to northwest winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair, colder Sat
urday; Sunday fair: fresh north winds.
For Kansas Fair Saturday; colder In
southeast portion; Sunday, fair; north
For Wyoming and Colorado Saturday,
fair, preceded by colder and anow in north
ern portion; Sunday, fair and warmer;
north winds.
Local Record.
OMAHA. March 28. Omnha record of tem-
rerature and precipitation compared with
he co-responding day of the last three
ll 1800. 199.
Maximum temperature... 90 40 38 .14
Minimum temperature.... 40 SO S4 20
Mean temperature 60 3B 36 27
Precipitation T 00 .26 00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 41
Kxcess for the day" a
Total excess since Mirch 1 208
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day 07 Inch
Total precipitation since MarcTl 1... .68 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 61 inch
Kxces for cor. period. lnoi 35 inch
Excess for cor. period, lJ0 IS inch
Reports Irons stations at 7 p. an.
t? K H
a c S 2
S?ir i
: a : 0
:3 a ?
: R : T,
i 3 :
. 1 .
40 60 T
36 40 T
40 44 .00
20 2 .04
30 3K T
28 36 .00
42 42 .12
30 38 T
42 54 .14
62 64 .00
I 56 56, .00
56 62 .00
60 64 1 .(10
3" 341 T
26 261 .01
32 40. T
74 78 1 .02
Omaha, cloudy
valentine, clear
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne, snowing
Salt Lake, clear
Rapid City, partly cloudy.
Huron, clear
WiUlKton, cloudy
Chicago, raining
Fit. 1,0111s riouay
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, clear
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck, partly cloudy..
Galveston, clear
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bar Signature) f
fee Fac-Satlre Wrap ear Below.
aa smgaa,
rot luiAe.E.
roi DiniNCtt.
roi iiuoumti.
roi iauiw tin.
I Terr email en
I totaha
m t
Professor Powell, of Washington,
D. C, Recommends Pe-ru-nc
v x
Prof. W. B. Powell of Washington, D.
the country. For fifteen years he has
Washington, which Is considered the best
sor Powell is the author ot a number of
United States.
This well known gentleman does not
less friends and acquaintances all over
1410 N street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
"Persuaded by a friend I have used
ure in recommending your remedy.
and should be in every household."
SUCH straightforward evidence cannot
uomoioa am isq.w' 'P3100lJaAO eq
' people, say "carries weight, but when
a man of national prominence says "Peruaa
should ba used In every household," it is a
significant fact to the Increasing promi
nence and undoubted efficacy of Peruna.
Peruna la of national fame as a catarrh
remedy. It Is the only internal, systemic
catarrh remedy known to the medical pro
fession. It makes diseased mucous mem
branes healthy, whether It Is the mucous
membrane lining the nose, throat, lungs,
stomach, kidneys cr pelvic organs. It cures
various diseases of all these organs, be
cause two-thirds of the Ills of mankind are
due to catarrh. With healthy mucoua mem
branes climatic diseases lose their terror,
the system is enabled to throw off contagion
and health follows Inevitably.
Mr. A. T. Wood. Mt. Sterling. Ky., writes:
"For many year I have been a suf
ferer from catarrh, and bnve 'spent
time and money with physicians and
used many kinds of remedies which
were 'guaranteed aure cures,' but In
erery rase it was money thrown
I reaped no benefit whatever from
them. In my aeemlngly vain search
for relief I purchased a bottle of Pe
runa, having no confidence In It what.
ever at the time. This waa about one
PARTS 1 to 11
The Living
Animals of
the "World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents
On account of Ita frightful hldeouaneas, Hlood Poisoning Is commonly called
ths King of s II Diseases. It may be either hereditary or contracted. Ilnrg the sys
tem is tainted with it, the dlneaae may manifest itself In the form of Sirofula,
fcVsatna, Rheumatic Pains, BtlfT or 8wollen Joints. Kruptlons or Copper Colored
.Spots on the Face or Budv, little I'icsra, in the Mouth, or on the Tongue, Bore
Throat. Swollen Tonsils. Falling out of Hair or Kyebrows, ami Anally a leprous
like Decay of the Flesh and bones. If you have any of these or similar symp
toms, get BROWN S BLOOD Ct'KE Immediately. Thla treatment U practically
the result of life work. It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of the Disease and forces out every
particle of Impurity. noon every sign and symptom disappears ompivtely and
forever. The blood, the liasue, the fl-sh. ths bones snd the whol iviirm are
cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, and ths liailent prepared anew
for ths duties and pleasures of life. BKOVNB KLoOD CLUE. U.Jj a bottle,
lasts a month.
eld only by Sherman t McCeaaell Dr ug Co., lata and Dodge ate.. Omaha.
C, is one of the bpst known educatora in
been superintendent of the public schools of
school system In the I'nited States. Profes
school books which are used throughout the
hesitate to recommend Peruna to his count
the, United States. In a recent letter from
to Dr. Hartman of Columbus, Ohio, he says:
Peruna as a tonic, and I take pleas-
Peruna is indeed a good medicine.
rear ago, and I began to Improve and
waa able . to attend to my .business
without being constantly hampered
by every kind of pain known to a
hnmnn being. My hearing, which was
almost entirely gone In one ear, got
very much better. The medicine not
only srema to cure but to prevent dis
ease. "This winter when everyone waa
suffering from la grippe, I stood Ilk
atone wall, ahaolutely proof agalaat
It. 1 am not n believer In 'patent
medicines,' having found the majority
of them fakes, but I do not hesitate to
recommend l'rrnna as the beat medi
cine for catarrh the world haa ever
aeen. I keep a bottle of It at home
constantly nnd shall continue to do
so, because I believe It to be the beat
medicine on earth. I never - leave
home that I don't put a bottle of It In
my grip." A. T. WOOD.
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use ot Peruna,
write at. once to Dr. Hartman. jiving a full
statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
' Address Dr. Harttnnn, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.