Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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f Ity tall and !ni been viewed by a great
tnany people during the dir. Tbere li a
light abrsslon on one side of tba face,
lo under the cbln, caused bjr tba scraping
tit tba rope.
Mrs. Woodward, wife of the murderer,
arrived la the city from Tbermopolls Thure
ay bight and did not know anything about
tba hanging until 10 'clock thla morning,
when aba read an account of It in an extra
edition of a local paper. 8ha baa viewed
lha remain a number of tlmea during the
day, and waa greatly affected each time.
The earoner'a Jury haa not yet returned
Ita verdict, but It Is learned from re
liable source tbit tba verdict will be that
Woodward came to bla death at th hand
of paraona nnknowa. . . .
Tba rope used In banging Woodward bai
disappeared. Probably curio huntera se
cured It. The card bearing the Inscription
which waa pinned to Woodward' ahlrt ha
alao disappeared.
Goveraor Mill ek I Pailnk.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.', March 28. (Special
Telegram.) When Acting Governor Chat
ertori learned of tba lynching be Imme
diately sent the following message to
County Attorney Alex T. Butler of Casper:
In the brutal lynching of Woodward the
fair name of Wyoming haa been dragged in
the mire, the order of our supreme court
disregarded and the law grossly violated.
The-report Indicate that no precaution
ary atepe were -taken by the efflcera of the
law to prevent Ita violation.
In the name of the law which haa been
violated. Mid as the acting executive of the
fate, 1 CM I- upon you e the county prose
tutor to Institute and make a thorough In
vestigation of thla crime, with a view to the
punishment" if the guilty parties.
. Tba general feeling In the Wyoming cap
ital city Ik that the lynching waa a bad
move and tbat 'th a'tate will be damaged
greatly thereby.' ' People here were satisfied
that Woodward, ''who confessed on the wit
nest atand tbat be murdered Sheriff Rlcker,
would bo finished In due time, and that It
would be imporaibla 'for blm to escape the
gallowa, but there Hi tittle or nothing that
tba state authorities can do In the case
and the belief I general her that the
lynchers will never' be called upon to ex
plain. ' r
Hlatorr oft the Otme.
The crime ' for "which Charles Francis
JVoodwsrd paid tba' pebally with bla life
Jets committed on the evening of January
f last at Woodward' ranch, near Garfield
peak, In the Rattlesnake mountains, fifty
five miles weat of Caaper, when be shot' to
death and mutilated the body of Sheriff W.
C. Rlcker of Natrona county. ' '
. Woodward, with bla wife. Bertha, and
brother, Clarence, waa arreated last No
vember on tha charge of stealing clothing
and provisions from ranch. ' It waa al
leged that, Woodward' ranch was the head
quarters of a band of cattle and horse
thlevea. j At the preliminary trial Bertha Wood
ward waa releaaed from custody. The
brotbera were held to tha district court, but
were unable to furnish bonds. On the
sight of December 30, 1901, they aawed of
th bar of their cells and a window and
got. away. At the stock yards, east of town,
Charlea Woodward aecured a pistol which
bad been placed there by a friend. Near
Caaper be atole a bora and rode to bla
Vancb, reaching there on the evening of
January 2, 1902. Inatead of finding frlenda
ieady to assist blm ha found Sheriff Rlcker
and two deputlea at the house, who war
look fig for blm. Ha went to tha barn, In
tending to abandon hi horse and ateal one
of. tba officers' animal. It waa about 7
o'clock In tha evening and waa quite dark.
Ha mounted on of the sheriff'! borses and
waa ready to ride away woen tha sheriff
came out pf the house and, approaching tha
barn, ordered him to surrender. Woodward
instantly ahot the sheriff through tha body
tnd tba officer fell to the ground mortally
wounded. Woodward then. It Is said, went
to tba dying man and struck, htm In the
face with bla revolver. Ha took $45 out of
tha officer' pocketa and rode off.
He waa captured aeveral week later at
Billings, Mont., by a ranchman to whom
ha bad hired out and brought back to Caa
per. He admitted the killing and waa con
victed and aentenoed to bang today. Laat
Tuesday the aupreme Court granted stay
of execution, which would have given Wood
ward at least three months mora of life.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne removea tha
cause. E. --W. Grove's signature on every
box. rto 25 cant.
Mob Seeks Revenge.
CKAYTON. N. M., March 28-An attack
n the jail here for the purpose of slaying
Postmaster J. M Ouyer, who killed Wll
,11am K. Bearles, a Jeweler, on Wednesday
last, la threatened by citlsena who have
held aeveral meetings to discuss the case.
Ouyer shot Searles in aelf-defenee, the lat
ter having fired the first shot, Searles at
tempted to shoot the postmaster because.
It la charged, he had circulated pamphlet
reflecting upon the characters of Bearles
and his wife.
the Digestive Organs.
Some humors are Inheritel; others are acquired,
commonly through derangements of the digestive
Whether inherited or acquired, they are radi
cally and permanently removed by one and the same
medicine, and that is
It cleanses the blood,, perfects digestion, cures
dyspepsia, stops all eruptions, clears the completion,
builds up the whole system.
For various reasons humors are most quickly
removed in the spring. .
, " ; 'V. ,:: ::; V
' j ' Begin Taking Hood's ntOnce.
"My little boy had
him Hood's Barsaparilla and washing bis face with Hood's Medi
cated Soap, asd tbeae remedies cured him. . I am now giving Hood's
Sarsaparllla to my little girt for stomach trouble. We alwaya keep
tbls medietas la the house and ray husband takes It. and tblnka it
haa ne equal." Mra. B. S. Lacey. Weat Keadall, N. T. . -. .
"I had a breaking
hut reeelved LUle be lit. . My blood waa all out ef order. I waa
troubled with dlsalneaa, headache, and mv eve ware very much
i affected. I therefor thought I. would try Hood' Sarsaparllla,
It has aoae me more good than aU the ether, medicine I have
taken. My fao la bow almost eured. mt ares are better ad I am
feeling setter la every
Accept No Substitute
Coal Miner. Threaten to Tie Up Vast
Peadiaa; Dlfllceltlea Involve T Hna
dred Taoasaad Mlaera, Mao Are
Backed by the National
Mine Workers' tnlon.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 21. A special call
waa Issued from th national headquarter
of the United Mine Worker of America
here thla afternoon by President John
Mitchell, and Secretary W. R. Wilson for
a meeting of the national executive board
la thla city on Monday. April 7. While not
slated la the call. It 1 given out by Mr.
Wilson tbat the mefftlng la to consider both
tbe anthracite situation in Pennsylvalna
and the situation In tha soft coal field of
Virginia and Weat Virginia, where strikes
involving upward of 175,000 miners are Im
minent. It la expected tbat tbe situation
In th eaat Involving vast Interests both to
the miner and operators, demanda the con
sideration of the executive board.
President Mitchell will return to head
quarters next week and will attend the
meeting of the executive board, of wblch
both he and . Secretary Wilson are mem
bers ei-offlcio. Th executive board under
the change made at tha national convention
of mine workers her In 1901 will
April 1 consist of twenty-three members.
those outside of the national officer being
elected by the twenty, districts of the or
ganisation. The advisability of calling a strike In
Virginia and Weat "Virginia has been put
entirely in the hands of tbe board.' A final
demand la to be made, upon tbe operators
for a conference and If refused the atrlke
IS to be called.! .
Troable at Altoana.
ALTOONA, Pa., March 28. The refusal
of L. W. Robinson of the Rochester and
Pittsburg Coal and Iron company ' to sign
tbe miners' scale agreed upon here yester
day by the miner and the rest of tbe oper
ators of district No. 2 may cause a strike of
Robinson' several thousand, men on April
L Robinson's men allege that be departed
from laat year'a scale In compelling tbe men
to push to th heading heavily loaded cars
instead of employing mule and Insisted on
the same conditions for the next year. It
waa bis contention tbat held up the conven
tion and delayed tha signing Of the scale
by tbe other operators and miners. 'The
Robinson miners will hold mass meetings
In Punxsutawney and Sykesville on April 1.
Tbe Robinson field Includes mines at
Punxsutawney, Dubois, London Mines,
Rothmel, Soldiers, Reynoldsvllle, Heynetla,
Eleanor. Adrian, New Florence, Elk Run,
Walaton and Yatasboro.
The United Mine Workers will give moral
and financial assistance to a strike In tbia
field If It Is declared.
' i
Plttabarar asd Itflssn.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. March 28. The coal
miners employed In the Allegheney and
Klsklnetaa valleys have strike ordered on
April 1 against tbe companies refusing to
sign the scale. About 2,500 men and five
companies will be effected.
SAGINAW. Mich.. March 28. The United
Mine Workers of Michigan have been called
out for a general strike April 1 on account
of tbe failure- of tbe operator to adopt a
wage scale and adjust their difference dur
ing their recent meeting here. The call
effects twenty-one unions throughout Mich
igan, with a membership of 2,600... ... ,
MARION. 111.. March 28. An agreement
waa reached and contracts signed today by
miners and operators of the Seventh sub
district, who have been in session here for
three daya. Thla avoids the threatened
trouble In tbls district for another year.
Brewery Strike at. aa Bad. .
CINCINNATI. March 28. The Brewers'
exchange of thla city today telegraphed
President Samuel Compere of tba American
Federation of Labor at Chicago aa follows:
The press her Interpret your decision in
the controversy between engineers and fire
men and brewery workers as sustaining the
charge of conspiracy between the brewers
of this city and engineers and firemen. This
Impression may prove a serious obstacle to
amicable aettlement between proprietors
and brewery workers now in progress, aa it
casta disgraceful Imputation on the pro
prietors. Believing thla Interpretation of
your decision is totally Incorrect we re
quest you In the Interest of all parties to
wire us whether It la so or not. We deslro
your authority to publish your answer.
President Oompers replied aa follows:
I am not responsible for Improper Inter
pretation ot my opinion. Having omitted
any reference to conspiracy therein an In
ference of conspiracy la unwarranted. In
the Interest of all partlea 1 urge you to
terrible sores, on. bis tao. I began giving
out oa my tao and. tried several remedies.
wsy." Mattle R. Mullens, afarsaatoa, Kaa.
for Hood's Sarsaparllla.
makw an honorable adjustment with the
brewery woikmen'a union.
Following receipt of this telegram the
brewera late thla evening held a meeting
and arranged to take back such men a
could be placed, so that the lockout In Cin
cinnati, Covington and Newport la practic
ally over.
Of the 1.200 men locked out all are pro
vided for except about 150, who still re
main unemployed, most of them being men
whom the brewers will not tske back.
Others of the old men have gone to Chicago,
8t. Louis and Milwaukee. The breweries
co-ooerate with tha union on hours, wagea,
etc., but reserve tbe right to discharge men
who are not satisfactory.
At tbe Grand hotel today about a dozen
prominent brewery coppers from several
states held a meeting behind closed doors.
There was no organization represented. Tho
main object of the coming together waa to
consider the existing labor situation. There
are no labor troubles directly involving
their branch of the brewery interest, but
they thought It advisable to discuss the
situation in all Ita bearings. They wanted
to have a full understanding aa to the wagea
paid In the various sections of the country.
Inasmuch aa labor disturbances prevail In
a great many other linea of Industry they
wanted to be ready for any emergency.
Among those present were: R. S. Meters
of St. Louis, who presided; E. A. Herb of
New York. Phil H. Spaetea or Philadel
phia, Charlea Stapes of Milwaukee and
John Rob of Chicago.
Massachusetts Mill Operators.
LOWELL, Masa., M.rch 28. That the 16,
000 employes of the seven cotton manufac-
atlr-iurlnK corporations of this city who have
demanded an advance of 10 per cent in
wages, with a strike on Next Monday as
the alternative, will be locked out unless
a settlement is reached, became apparent
today when all the agents of the cotton
mills caused to be posted on the gates
notices Informing the employes that after
tomorrow the mills would be closed until
further notice.
LOWELL, Mass., March 29. A secret
conference of mill agents, business men anil
textile -officers has been In progress for
eleven hours, but at 1 o'clock this morning
had failed to reach an agreement. It does
not seem probable tbat a atrlke of 16,000
operatives next Monday morning can be
averted. The police department has re
quested tbe mayor to call a special meeting
of the city council at which an appropria
tion might be granted to enable the de
partment to be better prepared for the
preservation of law and order.
NEW BEDFORD, Mass., March 28. The
mill operatives In this city have been
granted an advance of 10 per cent In wages,
the advance to take effect April 7.
Tbia was the result of a conference tbls
evening between the Manufacturers' associ
ation and ten member a of the Textile coun
cil, which had made a demand for the ad
vance. FALL RIVER, Mass., March 28. About
300 operatives of Globe yarn mills Nos. 1
and 2 are out on a strike. These mills are
owned by the New England Cotton Yarn
company, which did not enter Into the re
cent agreement among the local mills to
advance wagea 10 per cent. The operatives
demand the Increase.
FITCHBURO, Mbbs., March 28. The en
tire force of weavers In the Fltchburg
Worsted mills and the Beoll mills of the
American Woolen company struck today In
sympathy with the Rhode Island employes
of the combine In' the struggle against tbe
two-loom system In that state.
The strike Is against a system whereby
a weaver Is required to operate two looms
and bos been gradually spreading to plants
of the company intt! today nearly 3,700 em
ployes. nearly all" weaver, are out. The
mills Involved are at Olneyvllle, Manton
and Pascoas, R. I., and Plymouth, Black
stone and Fltchburg, Maas.
Cettoa Mill la Rhode Island.
PAWTUCKET, R. I March 28. The cot
ton mill situation in Rhode Island Is caus
ing much concern on the part ot the man
ufacturers as well as the mill operatives.
Tbe Rhode Island Mule Spinners' aasocla
tlon Is the only association of cotton op
erattves wblch has requested the manufac
turers to advance wagea and no definite re
ply has been given. Prices of standard
goods made In New Bedford. Lowell and
other Massachusetts manufacturing com
munities govern the prices of Rhode Island-
made goods' to a great extent so far aa tbe
wages paid are concerned.
Georgians Demand Raise.
AUGUSTA, Oa., March 28.--At a meeting
of the King Cotton mill operatives last
night It was decided to make a demand
for a 10 per cent Increase In wages on April
In ths event of a refusal of the demand
the operatlvea will strike. The King mill
authorities say they will not comply with
the demands and a strike by their opera
tives will be met by a lockout In the other
mills, Including thoas at Bath, Warrenvllle,
Langley and GranltevlUe, S. O. '
Slajra Iowa Mine Scale.
DE9 MOINES, March 28. In accordance
with an understanding reached at 7 o'clock
laat night, tbe joint conference of miners
and operators ratified an agreement and
finally adjourned tbls forenoon.
The miners were defeated in their main
contention, securing neither an Increaae In
the day wage acale nor the employment of
ahot flrers by ths operators. Ths only con
cession by the latter waa the employment
of shot examiners.
larreas la Faraaeemea's Wage.
BETHLEHEM, ' Pa.. March 28. An in
crease of 10 per cent ha been made by the
Thomas Iron company In the wagea ot tbe
men employed at tbe company'a furnaces
at Hellertown. After April 1 laborera will
receive $1.20 a day, the highest rate paid
tbem In many years. The 10 per cent in
creaae includes also tbe men employed in
the mlnea which furniab ore for tbe fur
Linemen Aak (or Aid.
NEW YORK, March 28. The telephone
lineman who have been on atrlke In thia
city tor nearly two mouths appealed today
through President. Elmore of tbe New York
branch of the Electrical Workers' brother
hood to tho national organization for aid
In settling their strike. Tbe strike is for
higher wages, and la againat ths New York
and New Jersey Telephone company. El
more was told that the Civic federation,
under Its rules and regulations, could not
deal with atrlkea of any but national unions
until they bad established local commit
f araace Workers Wast Kalse.
YOUNGSTOWN. O., March 28. At , i
meeting of ths executive board of the Na
tlonal Association ef Blaat Furnace Work
era tonight It waa decided unanlmoualy that
notices should be sent to all blaat furnace
operatora AprU 6 demanding aa eight-hour
day at the present ecale ot wagea, to take
effect May 1. Prealdaat McMahon aaya the
association has the aasurancs of the em
ployes of tbe United States Steel corpora
tion of support la tbs movement. Tbere
are (0,000 worker In th anion.
riasteiws Will Qalt Werk.
COLUMBCS, 0.', March 28. The plaster
ers' union here has decided to go out Men
day morning tor a raise in wagea from 40
to 46 centa an hour.
Heara Kej Deeialaa.
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. March W.-vTbe con
ference of the operators, sod miners ot the
Chicago at Alton subdlstrlct, which ha bea
la ston her for more than a week con
sidering a number ot questlona not act
tied by the atate conference, adjourned to
night without reaching aa agreement on
the disputed questions. It wss agreed that
State President Russell of the United Mine
Workers and Herman Justl, commissioner of
the Illinois district, will consider these
Employers aad Mea Meet.
CHICAGO. March 28.' A Joint conference
between manufacturers and workmen con
nected with the stove trade was held here
today. Tbe conference Is an annual affair
between the Stove Founders' National De
fense association and the -Iron Mouldera'
Union of North America, and Is held for
the purpose of entering Into a contract be
tween the two bodies which shall govern
their relations for the following year.
Easley and Mitchell Confer.
NEW YORK. March 28. No meeting of
tbe aubcommlttee i of , the National Civic
Federation was held today. During th day,
however, Ralph M. Easley, secretary of the
federation and John Mitchell, president of
the United Mine Workers of America, met
and talked over the situation. Mr. Easley
announced tbat no formal meetings would
be held before Monday. Mr. Mitchell aald
be had received no. word from the mining
districts during tbe day.
Street Car Mea Desert I'nloa.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., March 28. The
street car strike which ha been on In Leav
enworth since February 1 was settled today.
The strikers conceded everything on con
dition that they be Uken back. The atrike
was caused by tbe organization ot a union
by the street railway employee. By the
terms of today'a settlement the strikers
agreed to give up the union.
Acre oa Scale of Wattes.
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., March 28. Tbe
joint scale committee of operators and
miners of the Eleventh district, which baa
been considering the wage scale for the
last four' weeks, reached an agreement to
night. The scale remains practically the
same aa last year. The miners, if they
agree to the new scale at their meeting to
morrow m-tll be obliged to purchase their
powder ot the operators tor another year.
About 9,000 men are' effected by the scale.
Hod Carrier Will Quit Work.
'CHICAGO, March 28. The union hodcar
carrlers of Chicago, numbering 1,000 men,
have voted to atrlke on April 1 to enforce
a wage acale of 85 cents an hour, an ad
vance of 6 centa an hour. It Is stated that
the association of employing plasterers will
refuse to grant the concession.
Wife of Wyoming Senator Pa
1 Away fa Hnatlaatoa,
HUNTINGTON, Mass. March 28. Mrs,
Helen Warren, wife ot Francla E. Warren
United States senstor from Wyoming, died
tonight at the home of Representative Stan
ton. She was Mrs. Stanton's only sister
and had been spending the past year In the
hlljs of Massachusetts In quest of health.
Senator Warren and her two children were
at her bedside, The funeral will be held at
Cheyenne, Wyo., Wednesday next.
Major Clasret, Jew Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, La., March 28. Major
J. R. Clagt of the Second United States
Infantry died here today. He came to New
Orleans two months ago from Fort Thomas,
Ky., In search of health.
Major Claget, waa a graduate of Weat
Point and had a creditable record In the
Indian fighting, in, the west. He served for
two years as captain ot Company F, Twenty-third
Infantry, in the Philippines, and
became a malor 'last. veaA The body will
be taken to ' Washington for Interment.
',,'' .' KT. E. lay. x
ALBION. Neb.." March 28. (Special.) K.
E. Bay died Wednesday morning of scarlet
fever. He waa ill only four days. His
children had been HI with this disease
aome weeka. Mr. Bay was agent for the
Union Pacific railroad for several . years.
He belonged to the Modern Woodmen of
America. He was a member of the Metho
dist Episcopal church and the school board.
The funeral took place Wednesday.
Rev. W. B. Coryn.
QUINCY. III., March 28. Rev. W. B.
Coryn, who waa. for years rector of Good
Shepherd Episcopal church, and also for
twenty yesrs principal of the Qulncy High
school, died today, aged 88.
Eciema, No Car, So Pay,
Your druggist will refund your money U
PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Ringworm,
Tetter, Old Ulcers and Sores, Pimples and
Blackheads on the face, and all akin dis
eases; 60 cent. .
Two Death from Storm.
DECATUR, Ala., March 28. A severe wind
and rain atorm struck thla place today.
Heavy damage was done. All northbound
Louisville V Nashville trains are laid out
here Indefinitely. The track was waahsd
out 200 yarda above Lynnvllle, Tenn., and
the trestle la gone. The bridge la washed
t Murpbyeboro. The railroad wires are all
down and trlan orders are going by loag
distance telephone wlrea. No malls came
In today on tha Southern west of Tuscumbla,
Ala. There are two washouts between
Tuscumbla and Memphis. Hsywood Rob
erts, a white man and Tom Evans, colored,
were killed by live electric wires, which
were blown down.
Doa't Blame the Doctor.
The moat dangeroua falae friend is the
one that under the gulae ot friendship day
by day Insinuates himself into your good
graces and takea advantage of tbe associa
tion to do you harm; tbat is exactly the po
sition of coffee. It enters your sanctum
under the gulae ot a warm, cloae friend and
slowly, day by day, worka away at your de
struction. Why this should be no one can aay. but
It is a fact nevertheless. Hundreds of thou
sands are testifying of the terrible straits
that coffee drinking haa led Ihem into.
In our. clearer momenta we know tba
health, bounding, perfect health, bring
with It the poise of nervo and clearneaa ot
mind that makes us kings instead of slaves,
and brings a heaven on earth to vs.
Through ths very perversity of mankind,
showing tbs elements of a 'tangible demon,
we persist in taking Into mouth and stomach
the falae friend even after we know It la
working to throw ua out of the peaceful
heaven of health and aet up within ua that
condition of disease that the nervea ahow
variouaiy la dyspepsia, heart trouble, kidney
trouble, etc., etc
The patient physician who haa, for years,
been explaining to different people under
hi care th powerful effect of coffee on
highly organized persons, finally becomea 4
bit artless and feels that he can only point
out the facta and then let patlenta go their
own path. Their eery perversity will make
ot them slaves, and they follow the habit
with the blind, dogged fatalism that cannot
be understood.
Coffee "oaks" tbem certain and sure, and
when they ars hit hard enough they finally
come around to the point where they are
foreed to give It up. then Poatum Food
Coffee cornea a a relief la the time ef dss.
perat trouble. It requires ao effort to slip
off coffee drinking for well made Poatum,
and the change In health U something
miraculous In many casts.
Enlist Senator Millard's Aid to Get
Want to Rarhanae Graklasj; Land far
Sections that Will Raise Crops
Western News la Waih
loatnn. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Representatives of the Omaha tribe
of Indians are desirous of coming to Wash
ington for the purpose of taking up with
the Secretary ot the interior the division ot
a portion of their trust fund, for the Im
provement of their land. The Indians had
a conference with Senator Millard last sum
mer looking Into this matter. They were
given to understand that the senator would
do everything In bla power to bring about
such a division. Not content with this,
however, they now make application to the
senator to intercede for them with tbe
commissioner of Indian affairs to secure hi
permission to come to Washington and pre
sent their case In person.
In view of this request the senator has
takea up the matter with the commissioner
ot Indian affaire, but has been Informed
tbat the commissioner, thoroughly under
standing the situation and being In favor
Of a certain portion of the funde being set
aslds for their benefit, does not look with
any great favor upon their presence here.
Senator Millard has Informed the Indians
tbat he will do everything In his power to
pass the legislation needed to divert a
portion of the funds which la now In the
treasury to the credit of the Omaha tribe,
and early next week will Introduce a bill
to carry out tbe desires of the Indians.
Consrresaman Robinson Measure.
Congressman Robinson today Introduced
a bill authorizing the secretary of the treas
ury to pay to the Omaha tribe of Indians
$100,000 out ot the money which said tribe
of Indians may have to its credit in the
treasury for Improvements on ths reserva
tion In Nebraska.
According to a letter which Commissioner
Jones has written to Congressman Robinson
concerning the amount of money which Is
held In trust by tbe treasury for tbe bene
fit of tbe Omaha tribe ot Indiana, there ap
pears to be In round numbers $470,000 to the
Omahaa' credit. Leading Indiana ot the
Omaha tribe desire to have set apart $100,
000 ot this amount to their credit to be
spent for Improvement of their lands and
the purchase of stock. According to the
last enumeration there are 1,203 Indians In
eluded In the Omaha tribe.
Commissioner Jones is In favor of this
proposition, and has expressed himself em
phatically in his letter. He says he be
lieves tbe time has arrived when those In
dians capable of managing their own af
fairs should be permitted to do so, and as
the Omaha Jndlans occupy their own farms
and are keeping up their homes Ibey should
be given all reasonable opportunity to work
out their own future.
Banters Want Better Land.
Congressman Robinson has received a pe
tition from a number of Ssntee Indians re
questing Information as to whether these
Indiana have a right to take homeateads
the same aa other citizens of the United
States. The Indians are anxloua to know
whether this right has ever been allowed
to any Indian trlbea In the past. Tbe pe
tition states that allotment In severalty
were mad to the Santee Indiana In 188S,
at which time the Indians signing the pe
tition were little boys, that their parents
selectedallotments for them for their own
convenlenee, for pastursge and timber pur
poses, and not fit for farming, and that
these allotments are almost useless. The
question the Indiana wish decided is
whether they can relinquish their title lo
these allotted landa or retain their allot
ments and still have the right of taking
bomeBtsads. It la their desire to take home
ateads on tbe Rosebud Indian reservation
In South Dakota, when those lands are open
for settlement.
It was represented to the jdepartment
that the Santee Indiana were cltizena of
Nebraaka in everv aense of the word, but
that under the treaty arrangement they
could not alienate their landa for soma
tims to come. Tbe Indians above referred
to who desire to take new lands under ths
homestead law ask tbe ruling of the Indian
office upon their right to take lands In
Gregory county when tbe Rosebud reserva
tion is ooened to settlers. It Is believed
the secretary of the Interior will rule that
there la no legal objection to their exer
cising the right of homestead entry.
Peaalon Bill.
The following bills . were passed by the
house today: Granting an Increase of pen
sion to Joseph West brook ot St. Edward
to (21, by Mr, Robinson; granting pension
of $24 to Frederick Wright of North Platte,
by Mr. Neville; Increasing penalon of
AlonrO Lewis Stockham to $30, by Mr.
Stark; granting Increaae of pension to John
M. Seydel. by Mr. Rumple; granting pen
alon to Henry I. Smith, by Mr. Haugen.
Tbe aundry civil appropriation bill, which
was reported to the house today, carfle an
appropriation ot $27,750 for the purchaae
of 625 acre ot land near the proposed site
of Fort Des Moines, la., for use aa a target
range, and $16,000 to finish the federal
building at Oskalooaa, la.
The Nebraska National bank of Omaha
was today approved aa a reserve agent for
the Commercial National bank of Fremont,
Postmasters appointed:
Iowa Arthur Davis, Hocking, Monroe
county; J. F.1 Jensen, Lorah, Caas county;
W. E. Adams, Sprlngdale, Cedar county.
South Dakota A. U. Granetrom, Roslln,
Day county.
A poatoffice waa ordered established at
Ferguson, Loup county, Neb., with Laura
Strobl aa postmaster.
Reaolatloa Introduce.! Asklnar Gov
eminent to Report DlaertmU
WASHINGTON, March 28. Representa
tive Ooldfoggle of New York today Intro
duced tbe following resolution In tbe
bouse: .
Resolved, That the secretary of atate be
and hereby Is directed to inform this house
whore American citlxens of the Jewish re
ligious faith, holding passports issued by
this government, are" barred or excluded
from entering the territory of the empire
of RuhsIs, and whether the Russian gov
ernment has made or la making- any dis
crimination between citlsena of the I'nited
States of different religious faith or per
suasion visiting or attempting to visit
Russia, provided with American passports;
and whether the Russian government has
made regulations applying: to American
clilaens, whether native or nsturallxed. of
the Jewish religious denomination holding
I nited Stales passports, ana u so to report
th facts in relation tnereio. ana wnat ac
Hon concerning auch exclusion. dlcrlmlna
. 1 a r a t r4 r Hi n If inv. hfia tu..n t . U n
by any department of the government of
the United mates.
Representative Sbafroth of Colorado in
troduced a bill today prescribing tbe size of
tbe field of the United States flag and tbe
arrangement of the star. Tbe field shall
be aquare and one-third the total length of
the flag. The stsrs of the thirteen original
state are to b In a circle, surrounding th
tare ot ths thirty admitted atatea in tbe
form of a star with tbs stars of the last
two admitted states (Wyoming and Utah)
temporarily on each side ot the Interior
(Continued from First Page.)
has not been resumed from New Orleans.
Vlcksburg, or Meridian. Mall from the
north arrived today thlrty-alx hours late,
but no mall has come in from the south
In two days. Pearl river continue to rise
and Is now spread out over a wide portion
of country In the vicinity of Jackson. The
flood from the upper country la being felt
here and Pearl river has slready backed
up to within 100 feet of the old rapltol.
Scores of families moved to high ground
today. So far there has been no loss of
Terrific Klrrtrlral Xlnrm.
TUPELO. Miss., March 28 A terrific
rain, wind and electrical storm passed
through Tupelo and the neighboring country
this afternoon. It approached rapidly from
tbe west and did considerable damage In
the town. For Several minutes In the
height of the storm nothing but flying debris
could be seen. Plate glass, chimneys and
many of the beautiful trees that lined the
streets were blown down. The top of the
building of Hinds Bros. & Co. was badly
damaged. Seventy-five neero cabins and a
negro church which had Just been com
pleted were blown down.
People on the llonaetons.
NEW ALBANY, Miss., March 2R The
rainfall for the last twenty-four hours and
the wind for the last three hours, have been
extraordinary. - The water in Tallahatchie
river has risen five feet in the last two
hours, washing away the long bridge near
town. Water has risen to the attics ot a
dozen houses and the Inhabitants are on
their roofs awaiting boats, which are rap
idly secured for their rescue. Trains have
been abandoned. Thousands of dollars
worth of damage has been done in the
country and the waters are still rising.
Serious Damage Near Mobile.
MOBILE, Ala., March 28. Traffic on the
Mobile & Ohio tallroad has been seriously
Interfered with by the floods of the last
two days In Mississippi. Last night a
trestle thirty feet long Just soufh of Shu
qulak, Miss., was washed out and the track
is under water from Portervllle, Miss., to
Iron Bridge, a distance of two miles. Minor
waBhouts are reported between Artesta and
Tuscaloosa. The passenger train that left
St. Louis yesterday was turned back from
Port Gibson Cat Off.
PORT OIBSON, Miss., March 28. Port
Gibson for the last thirty-six hours has been
cut off from the world so far as railroad
communication Is concerned. There have
been no trains north or couth since Wednes
day afternoon. The floods are general
throughout south Mississippi, doing a large
smount of damage. Claiborne county has
been one ot the most unfortunate In tbls
Northern Lands Snhmeraced.
GRAFTON, N. D., March 28. Park river
la but of Ita banks and haa risen three feet
since last night. The entire northern and
eastern parts of the city are flooded. Many
bridges have gone out and much Buffering
will result If tbe river rises much more.
MINTO, N. D., March 28. Water from
melting snow and rain ha run upon the
ice of Forest river, which has In turn over
flowed all the lowlands In this section and
is causing suffering and Inconvenience to
many residents. Many bouse are surrounded
and boata are used for communication.
BISMARCK. N. D., March 28. After a
day's trial the efforts to transfer passengers
across McKenzIe slough were abandoned
this aftenoon. Few of the passengers
would risk a trip In the skiffs provided
by the company and an attempt will be
made ' tomorrow to secure a gasoline
launch to use as a ferry. The general con
dition haa not Improved and water still
covers the tracks to a depth of several
Lakes Over Dakota Track.
BUTTE, Mont., March 28. Through traf
fic on the Northern Pacific la still Impeded
by the formation ot lakes ot water at points
along the line In North Dakota, tbe result
of rapidly melting snow which fell to great
depth In that section a few days ago. There
waa no--train for, the east laet night and
there wflf be none tonight. One train la
running between Portland and Mandan, but
Is for the accommodation of local business
east of Billings and through business west
of Billings.
New Life
For ..len
Marvelous Nerve Force Imparted by a New
end Startling Discovery Every Weak,
Ntrveut, or Enfeebled Mao Should
Give it a Trial.
Bead Yoar Kama and Address Today
and Be Strong? and Vlcaroas
all Yoar l ife.
A' well known professor hns made the
fortunate discovery that what has here
tofore been known aa IxiHt .Manhood,
Rheumatism, Hackache, Kidney Troubles,
Early Decay, Lack of Nerve' Force and
Vigor, Nervous Debility and Lost Vi
tality are all due to paralysis of the
Inventor aand 1'atcalee. Patented Oct.
4AJ, 10O1.
nerves, which can be quickly cured by
electricity, Ita unneen current puts life and
force into whatever It touches. The tun
riant, steady life extended by my new
Klectric Invlgnrator Ktvea Inatant relief
and never falls to cure.
The Invigorator has an Indicator ar
rangement, rhowiug the patlrut how much
current he is using and giving the amount
....uru inr m, h rait- The first day s
ua will convince that you have at last
found new life. Every wek I am receiv
ing wonderful testimonials from grateful
men alter failing with electric belts, medi
cines, etu. 1 do not ask you to take my
word for It or anyone elae'a. but aend
your name today and 1 will send my new
Electric lnvigorator to you for a trial in
your own-rume absolutely fre. .
Aitilrean Prof. A. C hrVStttl. 212 FOHtofflce
block. Marstiajl, Mich, as he Is anxious
to have every man Know tor iimtimii
.k.i now unrt marvelous Invlaora-
tor will do. aWnd your name aad adlrka
today without fail for a tree trial ut thla
mod aouuenui juviaoraiur.
- V - - " " , V
1119 NERVES.
The Her. Henry- J. Ilnstnn of the Rock
Hlver C'oefrretioe Haa Carried the
RIHe as Well as the Bible.
For twenty-two years the Rev. Henry J.
Huston has worked In the Rock River con
ference of the Methodist church. Now a
man ot peace, his lifo story la a thrilling
one, at least from the time he entered the
union army as a member of Company F,
Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer. Colorado in
the early seventies was not tbe well gov
erned commonwealth that It Is today, but It
Is his military life that this pioneer clergy
man recalls most vividly. He consented
to tell a reporter something about himself
recently and in the course ot the Interview
"When I entered the army, Id Company F,
Fifteenth Illinois regiment, I was In per
fect health, but the exposure and hard
ships entailed In the service brought on a
chronic diarrhoea. Thla caused great
weakness, but in addition to that, In 18!5,
I had necrosis of the lower Jaw, and tho
suffering produced extreme nervousness.
"After the necrosis had left me my
nerves were still suffering from the shock.
I had severe pains la my heart, so acute
that I could not rest at night. I was also
subject to fainting spells snd sometimes
would remain unconscious for more than
an hour. My strength and nerve power
were at a low ebb, my blood like water,
my complexion white and waxen looking,
my ears colorless and almost . transparent,
and whenever I undertook the least exer
tion I became short ot breath.
"My wife and her sister, had both been
benefited by Dr. William' rink Pills for
Pale People, and finally X . determined to
try this medicine myself. I cannot ssy
Just how long I had been taking these pills
before I discovered I waa being helped, but
It was not long. I soon found the pain in
my heart bad left ma and I could aleep at
night. I have had no more fainting spells
and my color Is better. . Dr. William'
Pink Pills for Pale People have done won
ders for me and I take pleasure In recom
mending them. They helped me when
other remedies failed."
The Rev. Mr. Huston Is now pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Elizabeth,
Elbert county, Colorado. His endorsement
aa give above means that he has given Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a thorough test and
found them worthy of recommendation.
Not only have nlRny cases similar to Ms
been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, hut equally wonderful results
have been accomplished by them In a large
number of diseases arising from thin blood
or shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of
almost every lit td which flesh Is heir.
They are a positive euro for such dlseasea
as locomotor1 ataxia, partial paralysis', St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma
tism, nervous headache, the after-effects ot
grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal
low complexions and all forms ot weskness
either in male' or fomale. ' Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People are also a spe
cific for troubles peculiar to females. In
men they effect a radical cure In all cases
arising from worry, overwork or excessea
of whatever nature.. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pilla are sold In boxes (never in loose bulk)
at fifty centa a box or six boxes for two
dollars and fifty cents, and may be had ot
all druggists or direct by mall from Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady,
N. T. . Be sure to get the genulae; substi
tutes never Mfcd-anybody." s '' ,!
of MEN.
' 13 years lo Omaha.
cured by th QUICK.
EHT, sateat and most
natural method that
ha yet been discovered.
Soon every sign and symptom dlsappean
completely and forever. No "BREAKING
OUT" of the disease on tbe akin or face,
A oure tbat la guaranteed to be permanent
(or Ufa.
IflBIPflfltTI C cured. Method new,
lAnlwUuCLC without cutting, pain:
no detention from work; permanent oure
WiOAK SSBlf from Excesses or Victims
to Nervous Debility or Kxhaustlon, Wast
In weakness with Karly Decay la Young
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and
Strength, with organs impaired and weak.
STRICTURE eured with a new Home
Treatment. No pain, no detention froia
business. Kjaner ana Biaoaer rrouoiee.
OemMltttoai rret. TrrMut by Mall.
CHAJtOES LOW. 11 . lta t.
Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Ksb,
For 5 performancea, starting Sunday Mat.
Williams & Walker
prIc.,Matlnee. 2Sc, &0c; night, 25c, Mo
and 75c.
Thurs. Night. Special Mt. Wed.
Seat on sale.
rf-lV.-,- 1 "11
Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Sun
"... i-,i7i. wrhi. MnlvlUe ani
Stetson. Banks and Winona Winter, Susie
brothers and The Klnodronre.
Frlces, IOC, too ano ovc.
i.i..nil, r.trhn 'Em Kvery Time
MATlM&tQ 1ui-iii aaa
wub Innliirflne Haturdav Kvenlna.
In a grana iripie oiii-iinc
Hurlesiiue Shaiiely girls, calrhy music
Two shows dally. Kvenlng prlcea, loc, o
and 30c. amok It you Ilk.
Fannie Bloomficld
Saturday Nlfht Only
Seats 50c, $1.50.
Newly furnished, 'Ttly Improved, al
way a favorite with tU poople. TWO
IXUXARS (and ur?) per day. European
plan tl and up) per day. J. lb. MAR
ittL. V SuN, proprietors.
C. 11. Veeples. Manager.
A. li. Davenport, frinclpal Clerk.