Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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THE OMAHA DAILV 11EE: SATUHDAY, ma in II !?, 1002.
oln Murptj of Chicago Lose Life While
Stealing Eide,
Ids companion is seriously injured
tight Cm ra of "pedal Frelaht
Kails Drlwrra Woodbine aad
I Loss a, loot, and Fire
Are Smashed.
The ditching of a epeclal Chicago A North
Wth freight train tnt bound between
iWoodblne and Logan, la., yesterday morn
Ins; resulted In the death of one boy who
iras stealing a ride, the Injuring of another
and tie blocking of the line for seven hours.
The two boys, the dead and the wounded,
ere together In a box car. They were
from Chicago. John Murphy, who was
killed, was 18 years of age, and lived at 815
."West Twenty-first street, while bis com
panion, Fred SchulUe, lives at 22 Lincoln
venue. Schultie la 16 years of age. Mur
phy's father to carpenter. Schultze was
considerably hurt but was able to give these
particulars, and will live. It Is thought
that the boys had run away from homo to
gether. Eight cars were derailed and five of them
badly omasbed. The accident occurred at
4:45, about thirty-five miles east of Omaha,
on the main line of the Northwestern. Con
ductor -Kernan was In charge of the train,
which comprised eighteen box cars. The
cause of the accident haa not been learned.
The train waa not making any great speed
at the time.
j Three passenger trains' were delayed be
cause of the wrecks. No. 11 and 1 from
the east, which arrive in Omaha at 8
o'clock and 9:24 In the morning, respec
tively, were behind the freight. They were
taken off the main line at Denlson, run
north to Boyer, thence down southwest
agaJn to Mondamin and Into Missouri Val
ley on the main line again via the Sioux
City branch. Thus the blockaded track
age waa circled and the extra distance was
'only enough to make the trains about an
hour and a half behind time. No 4 also,
'the eastbound passenger train which leaves
here at 7:10 a. m., was compelled to take
the same roundabout route from this end.
'At noon, however, the track waa cleared
'tf debrla and open for travel.
We go out of our way to cut prices deep.
Make every effort to give satisfaction. Hay
Aea Bros., with a big ad. on page 7.
Via (be Union PaclHc.
Ogden and Bait Lake $20.00
fftitte and Helena 20.00
Spokane 22.60
Portland and Ashland 25.00
.Tacoma and Seattle 25.00
San Francisco 25.00
.Los Angeles and San Diego 25.00
jetty Ticket Office, 1324 Far nam St. 'Phone
416. Union Station, 10th and Marcy.
"Phone 629.
I Grant Ball.
IGlven-by the Fort Crook Social club at Fort
Crook, Neb., In the mess hall, Monday even-
'lng, March! 81. Mueto furnished by Prof.
Relchaj-t. Tickets, (0 cents.
1' Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholder' meetings, etc, to The Bee,
Mm will give them proper legal Insertion,
J Bee telephone, 238.
II. E. Palmer, Son & Co., have removed
from the Ramge block to the 3d floor of
Merchants' National bank building.
Shampooing and halrdrsselng, 25c, at The
lathery. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel 1716.
Publish your legal notice In The Weekly
i&ee. Telelphone 233.
The prlcea quoted by the big ad. of Hay
;iflen Bio. In anether part of this Issue will
delight women who are Inclined to save
i money.
Omaha Branch of National Aaaocla
. tloai Convenes Here Xext
F Wednesday.
! The annual meeting of the Omaha branch
f the National Association of Railway Pos
tal Clerk will be held at the office of the
chief clerk In the federal building next
Wednesday. At this meeting offlcers will
be selected for the year and delegatea
elected to the convention of the order in the
Sixth division.
There are a number of ' candidates for
, office this year. For the prealdency F. A,
Holt, J. W. Gillespie, F. E. Yates and P. H.
Oossard are in the conteat There are 'two
candidates for a ecretary-treasurer, E. F.
Farrell and C. B. Sergeant. Eight men as
pire to be delegates, of which there will be
four, 'the candidate for this office being C.
E. Anderson, S. O. Culver, B. B. Holt, O. Of
Whltmore. E. E. Hoffman, J. W. GUI, W. A.
Crosby and D. C. Hudson.
. The annual convention of the national aa
aoclation will be held at Buffalo, N. Y., but
the place for the division convention has
, not been announced by the executive com-
. ntttee.
: I
Thinks the wife, to have the wedding ring
ells front the finger. "Something 1 going
ftotuothlng la happening. That ring
ould hardly be pulled from the finger
whea it wa put there a few years ago.
Now It Uo off by it own weight How
thin the finger have grown 1 And the
Oarers don't grew thin alone. How thin
the fee t and how thin the once plump
for. Almost unconsciously the wire
has been fading aad wasting away. The
strength given to children ha never been
regained. Drains which should have been
tapped have been neglected.
aa i a common experience with
women, nnlee some friend has shared
wtta them the secret of the etreugthenin;
and healing power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
rreaenpuoa. It regulate the penoda,
Ariee the drain which undermine the
strength, heals innammatioa and ulcere
' tioa. aad cure female weakaeaa. It make
th baby advent practically painless and
give Tiger and vitality te nursing mother.
Word cannot tU bow grateful 1 am for
yaw kt sdvic and auod mrdiciaes.' write
Mi. John Cuuks, of Huusp, Northumberland
Co., Ontario. Ih.vt Wca ia poor health far
four year bark aad this spring got ae bad I
could aot ao aiy work. I wnt to In doctor tad
be mI4 I had alccrwtlca and aUtlng of th
Inter km! mo. pus bourn t I would trv vour
'Favorite Prescription.' f took In bottles and
tare of the 'Golden Modioli Discovery' and
one viaU of Dr. Herat's rclUta, aad I caa aaJtly
jr that I never felt better la say Ufa.
I A Ladle1 Laxative Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellet. Oa cisgla, small pellet ia
laUUva Ae
ton RENT.
Handsome Brick Itesldeaee
on the southwest corner or seventeenth an4
Douglas streets. It was built .by the late
Henry Pundt as his home and 1 one of the
best constructed as well as one of the Snest
houses In Omaha. It I built entirely of
brick and atone, stone steps and slate roof.
It is finished In the choicest of hard woods,
baa hard wood floors. Imported English tile
floor In the reception ball, electric lights,
porcelain bath, laundry with stationary
washtubs, large pantry, china and linen
closets, cedar-lined woclen closet, etc.
betides the basement, containing laundry,
storage rooms, storeroom, cellar and wine
cellar, also large, high attic atoreroom, sep
arated from th servants' rooms. It also
baa a large veranda enclosed as a aun par
lor, equipped wltb steam heat.
a the house Is connected with the heating
and lighting systems of The Bee Building.
For further information call on Charles C.
Rosewater, Secretary The Bes Building Co.,
Room 100, Bee Building. Telephone 23S.
A progressive buying people demand goods
that are high in quality and reasonable In
price. Tbeee requisites are strikingly com
bined In all departments at the store of
Hayden Bros. Read our ad. on page 7.
Announcement of the Theaters.
With two preformances today, matinee
and evening, one of the most uniformly ex
cellent bills of the season will be brought
to a close at the Orpheum. It would aeem
invidious to single out an act or two for
praise, there are so many of them really
commendable. The new bill opening Sun
day is calculated for entertainment of uni
form quality. It includes the Blossoms,
In a skit entitled "The Hot House;" the
four Collnle, International dancers; Jessie
Oouthol, refined monologue comedienne;
the five Nosses, instrumentalists; Jack Nor
worth, singing comedian; Louise Dresser,
In a Blnglng specialty, and the klnodrome.
Tomorrow afternoon Williams and Walker,
the best of all colored comedians, will open
an engagement at Boyd's that will continue
until Tuesday night. A special matinee
Tuesday Is Included In the engagement. They
will present with their own company of fifty
people their latest farce comedy success,
"Sons of Ham." The piece Is not a con
glomeration of nigger acta strnug together,
but a farce with a plot and some pretence
of continuity of story. The two comedians
will sing eight new songs written and com
posed by themselves this season. From box
office indications the company will play to
the biggest Sunday receipts of the season.
Fannie Bloomfleld Zelsler has made out a
program for her Omaha engagement tonight
only which consists of the number with
which she has had the greatest success
during her eastern tour this season.
Attention Camp So. 1U, W. O. W.
Members are requested to meet at Wood
men hall. S. E. corner 16th and Capitol
ave. at 1 p. m., Sunday, March 30, to at
tend the funeral of Sov. J. F. Hertzmann.
All members are earnestly requested to be
preaent. PHIL MILLER, C. C.
J. M. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at Th
Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1711
Cleveland Man Hero Trying to
Straighten Ont Mutual Oil
, .
J. I. Lamprecht, president of the National
OH company of Cleveland, O., came to
Omaha Thursday evening and yesterday he
interviewed the grocer of the city
who at one time expressed willingness to
co-operate with his company In the forma
tion of the Mutual Tank Line company,
which was to be operated la this city for
the sale of coal oil and gasoline. So far as
can be learned Mr. Lamprecht did not meet
with the cordial reception which was ac
corded the secretary of the company when
he first visited Omaha in the Interest of
the co-operative company.
The request of the grocer to have their
name stricken from the subscription blank
of the proposed company haa been sent to
Cleveland. On the subscription blank there
were twenty-seven algnatures and on the
request to have the name stricken from
the list appeared the namos of about twenty
Individuals and firm who had signed.
While the nature of the visit of Mr. Lam
precht is confidential, it Is understood that
he has a modified proposition to offer and
that if this proposition I accepted the total
amount of money to be raised by local sub
scriber will be considerably reduced, if not
entirely wiped out.
At the aame time it la said by Interested
grocer that the National Oil company will
endeavor to enforce It right under the.
first, subscription paper If the modified plan
1 not accepted and that every person who
signed the original subscription blank will
be heid for the full amount for which be
Suit In Which One Man Call Another
for Calllngr Illsn
In Judge Estelle' court there has been
called the suit in which Louis Richard
seeks to call Harrv Reich
for calling him (Richards) by name other
tnan ni parent bad called blm. Incident
ally it may be added that the.a num..
neither complimentary nor elegant and that
who mem were delivered aundry and di
ver blow which knocked off the hat of th.
plaintiff and exposed to a gaping and un-
ympaxneue multitude the polished dome of
Ma bald head. Thla encounter, nliitd in
the petition, appear to have been the re
eult of Relchman trying to sell groceries
in Hicnaru- neighborhood after he bad old
Richards hi store at Sixth nmt pia-..
streets. The battle took place at Eleventh
and Howard street July 6, and Richard
ask $2,000 damagca.
Sal Mararnlt Wants Five Thousand
Hollars from Dana and
Sol Margulti ha filed a petition
first atep ia a suit In district court against
Henry W. Dunn, et al, for $5,000. Patsy
Havey, desk sergeant at the police station,
I a part of th et al, and th suit Is
grounded on th fact that Dunn, a detective,'
placed Margulti In Jail for reasons not men
tioned In Margults's petition, and that Havey
and th other attended to th task of de
taining htm there until liberated. This oc
curred March 6 and the petitioner allege
that h was much distressed, physically
and mentally.
Prickly Ash Bitter cure dlseas of th
kidney, cleanse and strengthen tb llvar,
stomach and bowel.
Read about th big Saturday offering In
th ad. of Hayden Bros, on page 7.
HERTZMANN Dr. J. F. In thl. ltv
Mrrh , lfcO. aged it yeara. I
Kum-ral front the residence. Kit North I
lath tret, bundajr afternoon, March Nl at I
S o'clock. J
f EL
iVu atix. .Bwiiaum w
Swell Easter
A most stupendous assortment of exclusive styles you ever bad the op
portunity to select from what human hand and skill ran possibly bring
forth la embodied In the make up of our shoes. We Invite your criticism and
ask you to pass Judgment today.
Women's "La France" Shoes $3.00
We were fortunate In securing the sole agency for Omaha of these grand
shoes. The exclusive right to the sale of them is ours. "La France" shoes
are made by the most skilled workmen of the country $4.00 shoes hardly
compare with them.
Boots $3.00 Oxfords $2.50
Women's New Oxfords at $1.50 a pair
Special efforts have been put forth to make this
the strongest line la all Omaha and -f rj v
mir efforts were crowned with I iI I
Washington Shoes for
Men and Boys
We are Justly proud of the Wash
ington line because It Increases the
number of our frlendn daily. We
can't ay too much In favor ni
them the comments of our pa
tron are very favorable and we
congratulate ourselves on securing
the agency.
Little Boys' Washington Shoes, $1.29
Big Boys' Washington Shoes, $1.50
Men's Washington Shoes, $1.98
Men' and Boys' shoes have seal tops and crlmpled vam
Misses' Shoes, $1.25 to $2.00
New designs new leathers new styles.
r LOifW
Easter Candies
and Novelties
On Sale in Candy Department, Basement
Rabbits. 5c,
Hens, 5c,
Rabbits, 10c,
Roosters, 10c,
Eggs 5c a dozen
Chickens, 5c,
Ducks, 5c,
Baskets, 5c and 10c
Nests, 5c and 10c,
Eggs, 10c a dozen.
Eggs, 20c a pound,
Large Paper Eggs, 25c,
Large Rabbits, 25c
Grass Boxes 25c
Large Hens 25c
For the Convalescent
there Is nothing o strengthening a bock
beer. We keep the Justly famed Meti
brew, a strictly pur product of hop and
malt Nothing in the Hllghtest deleterious
in It manufacture. Nutritious, whole
some, palatable, invigorating. None bet
ter at any price. Bend us a trial order
and be convinced.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. 110. Omaha.
Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt.. car Keumayer
Hotel. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
B" m -
Why Experiment?
with mercury, insect powders and blow
guns, when SCHAEFEKrj Sl!RK DEATH
is within reach of all and does the work so
satlsfactor'ly. Every bug turns up his
toe where this is used. Cornea In pint
bottles at 13e; i inrt bottle at Z5c; -gal-lon
bottles at 5)c; 1-gallnn Jugs at 8oc; a
nice pint oil can with long spout free with
H gallon or 1 gallon; 6c extra with 15e and
25c else; delivered to any part of city at
above prices.
Eight $1.00 article at money saving
$1.00 Peruna (1 to a customer) 67C
!! JS,Vlna fardul (1 to a customer).. 49c
$1.00 Bromo Seltser 1 to a customer).. 67c
$1.00 Her' Malt Whisky (1 to a cus-.
tomer) TAp
fuJy'".WaU,W.hl8ky (1 to cuatomeV) 72c
$1.0o Herplrlde (1 to a customer) 68c
$1 Coke Dandruff. Cure U to a cuuto-
mer) 4-
$l.u0 Cramer' Kidney Cure 75c
Tel. T4T. S. W. t or. 16th mm Chlcaa:.
flood delivered FRKC to any part of ctty.
Order now for Eaater. W have the best,
only. Allegrettl Chocolate Cream and
Huyler' dainty Bon-Bona.
In the city we deliver orders promptly
Jut phon the atore. Out of tojwn orders
promptly filled. Fresh candies Jutt re
ceived. Telephone 160.
10th pea Faraaot Streota. Omaha.
A Full Lint of Rubber Goods.
Condensed Phosphorous Water
r-VeSrof RHEUMATISM i7.,-'i
y to JOHN HGEKa. Ulh and OUv 'fiuk.
Louis, Me.
ve SuL,
When the wardrobe wants ore so numerous and so particular, the
advantages we offer shine out even more brilliantly than usual.
It is our business and pleasure to provide the people with tho swcllcst
styles, known to the world of fashion. The Nebraska gives more and bet
ter than you can find elsewhere, and it gives many things you cannot
find anywhere else.
In Our Boy's Section
We have nursed this department with so much care that it has grown like a cultivated
flower. You can draw a very clear distinction between fiction and. tacts by reading
carefully these special values:
BOTS" Sl'ITS Made of the best black unfinished worsted. In double and single
breasted sacks; tbey have the broad military shoulders and close-fitting back and
flaring hips so popular with the young v
man, worth $15.00, at jJJ
BOTS' SUITS Made from the best French fancy flannel and English blue serges; cut
In the two-button double-breasted sack; an entirely new production; they are
perfect examples of the high art tailors' suit. 4 Cf f
worth $18.00. at 1 W.O U
BOTS' SUITS Made of the best fancy Scotch cheviots and English homespuns, cut
In the new three-button single-breasted sack. The workmanship Is equal to that
of the best custom tailors, a x "
values $20.00, at I4Ul
Women's Jackets, Raglatis
inc. uumu fiLK coats that we are
bowing are simply beautiful; there's a grace of
awing tothese garments the eye admires and
searches for the reason of It all and can oaly be
answered by the one word genius.
LONO SIUC; RAGLANS In moire, taffeta and Peau
de sole, lined and unllned, trimmed and i q rr
untrlmmed, at $U.75, $16.73, $18.75 to.... OtUU
broadclotths and Venetians, new eton and blouse
efforts, well lined and tailored, 1Q "T C
from $4.90 to lOt iO
ri.Nh. mlk JACKETS Wonderful collection in moire taffeta and peau f- ff
de sole, many exclusive effects, at $7.60. $.75, $14.75 to V uOiUU
Women's Tailor-Made Suits.
WOMEN'S MAN-TAILORED SUITS Made of aery fine all-wool cheviot serge, in
black, blue and brown; the new eton effects, with silk vest front. Jacket and skirt
trimmed with stitched taffeta bands; Jackets taffeta lined m
throughout a suit worth $18.00 g j 5
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
WOMEN'S MAN-TAILORED SUITS A special assortment of about 250 suits In all the
new shapes, in etamlnes, shark skins and canvas weaves; suits that f a pm t
you cannot duplicate elsewhere for less than $35.00 'mmMk'A J3
Extra Special for Saturday
One lot of women's silk dress
skirts made of the ht
.ai.i-i am. moire Sim inmmeo wun rumes, cnirron and ribbon ruchlng perfect hanging skirt,
well made and well lined positively worth $12.00 Saturday
Easter Millinery
Stetson Hats
In our millinery department will
be found a wonderful assortment
of women's trimmed hats. We
care not what your taste may be,
you will surely And something that
will please you In this vast depart
ment. Special attention Is called
to our $5.00 trimmed hats, exact re
productions of foreign models, only
one of each model, never such
value and style for the money,
josltlvcly worth $10.00, at
Men's Shirts
Men's shirts In fancy colored mad
ras and percale, plain and pleated
stiff bosom.
Showing many beautiful patterns
In stripes, rings, spots and small fig.
urea. These ehtrts are properly pro
portioned and finished in every detail
Boys Neckwear
8.. m c uucnug a inrge variety or
boys' ties, in bows, lock, strings,
WlndOTB, fOUr-ln-hands haniliinma
patterns to select from
Men's Hats we sell
the celebrated
In the latest shapes
in stiff and soft at
$3.50, with the swell
flare brims. In other
brands we can insure
you a positive saving
of 50o to $1.00 on
every hat purchase.
With a hat depart
ment complete In
every detail, embrac
ing every new and
fashionable chape. We
are ablo to offer you
stylish up to tho min
ute headwear at less
than regular hat
stores. Our Nebraska
Special at $1.60 is tho v
.11 th? new and popr,pn,'1' W BhW ln
Never' before was our stock of neck
wear ao complete, and so mauy beau
tiful enappy aoveltles, appropriate
, , for Easter and Spriug. The shield
,. 4 bow-apji string tie in beautiful silks
at 15o And 25c. The narrow revers
ible four-ln-handa and narrow shield
and band tecka are very popular and
tyllsh. They come Id beautiful light
and dark colored (ilk at
We are offering by far the largest
and most complete Hue n the west ft
we offer only such lines as we can
guarantee. Our $1.00 dress glove la
a beauty in Btyle, fit and quality. It
comes in a wide variety of shades. In
cluding tana and browns
Men's Hose
No auch hosiery values before
offered; from the most ruodlst solid
colors and plain blacky, to the highest
coiorea stripes and lace effects.
el r A-i jrm Baal
uc, 25c and 35c 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
Come Early
Saturday, Please
GIRLS' DRESSES up to 14 years, In
lawns, piques, gingham and woolen.
FAY STOCKINGS are now In our strong
line of Hose. . .
. We're convincing parent that "ECON
Lilliputian Bazaar,
Talker 2SS1. Opp. Orchard Jt WU
Helm. t
. Catalogue ready.
Better than imported.
Cook's Imperial
Delicious Invigorating hartal
Absolutely pure.
Do you Own
Claluable Papers?
We hare a suite of rooms with a fire and
burglar proof vault. It consists of si
waiting room and two smaller rooms.
Electric light. Hardwood floors.
It will be a pleasure to work in offices
like these. The rent is $40. We have
another single good sized office with a
vault, only 17.G0.
ThounandA of egg will be dyed today
come tomorrow. We Bell the dye enough
to color 'Jim egg lw colors for 5c.
We aell the t-gga. too, all dyed, per
25c Porou Piaster, w sell 7c
11.00 Wine of Cardtil, we aell
10c Frog 11 Your Thront, we eell
Buaaafraa Kara, we aell big package....
Jap Koae Hiup. we eell
Colgate English Glycerine tioap, we
aell Gljcothvmohliie we aell
Il.wi Kirk's Dandruff Cure, we sell
Il.ou Hurnham'i Saraapanlla, we aell...
$1.00 Newbro a Herplrlde, we aell
fl. IJKterine, genuine, we aell
tl.W Kilmer Swamp Hoot, we Kell
we give you what you utk for.
Craev loth ana Uoage, Omaha,
Swedish and
Norway Punches
the genuine Imported kind at prtre laa
than ev-r before offered-to Introdoc
them We make thi-jut atrial prices- "
UKM'IN'K 'AI)K1C l'I'NCll ( I ' r.A
i.nHu CI. ....... 1. 1.1 ... , -
Hweden, ;r quart buttle...
Ml LIT A It J'(N.SH (.pL.j
t.'o., tloteberg, Sweden:
per quart rattle
No 1 AQUAVIT fSSorger'a
i rnndhjema. Norway
per ouurt buttle
Mail order tilled: eltv nrrWa h,.ii..-j
Flee Wine aad table Metiers.
Opposite 1'ostuttice. Telephone 1148.
HUNT tit KVli
lioxxe tk