Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Captain Harei Eemrrecta Man "Who Buried
Himself Alive.
CUT ProiNntor Thorn" la Quandary
to (harir tpon Wklck Hyp
notist and III Assistants
v Slay Be Prosecuted.
r .
ptatn Hayes of the pollen force has
performed his second resurrection and a a
consequence Alonzo Goodal, who burled
alive yesteraay morning; "In the Interest of
rlence," la low In the city Jail waiting for
City Proeecutor Thomae to find out on what
charge he can prosecute. In the Jail with
Goodal are W. H. Coleman, who dug the
grave and made the pins box that contained
the sleeper, and Willis Lehman and Paul
Quint, who managed the wake.
Uoodal claims to be a hypnotist and for
the last five years has apent most of hl
Urn studying the subject, throwing himself
Into an unconscious state and posing for
the benefit of morbid people in the show
windows of the stores of country towns.
Recently he became ambitious to emulate
Atheno and decided to add to his accom
plishments the art of sleeping under the
His first attempt was made yesterday and
be gave his friends Instructions to dig him
tip In four hours. The grave was dug on
the Union Pacific grounds near Tenth and
Nicholas streets, and after making the
usual passes and going into a cataleptic
atate, Goodal was lowered to his resting
place at 7:30 o'clock In the presence ot a
large crowd of spectators.
Police Officer Interfere.
Before the dull thud of the clods on the
rough pine box had ceased to reverberate
i through the shanties in the neighborhood
! of the grave Officer Ryan telephoned to the
'; atatlon of the doings on his beat. Captain
Hayes and Sergeant Welsenberg Immedi
ately left for the grave and soon had the
, grave digger and the watchers busy shovel
; Ing dirt. The grave was soon opened.
Police Surgeon Borglum climbed down, re
moved the cover of the box and felt for the
pulse of the unconscious man. As Boon
as the surgeon touched Goodal the latter
ralsl his hand, swept the dirt from his
eyes, stared a moment, and then jumped
wildly from the grave. Before be could
escape the officers caught htm and placed
him In the patrol wagon.
The grave in which Goodal had buried
himself was five feet six inches deep and
the box was about two feet and a half wide
and three feet deep. Protruding from the
around over the sleeper's face was a wcoJen
chute several Inches square, over the top
of which was no covering. Through the
chute Goodal was enabled to get sufficient
air to sustain him and also a quantity of
flirt, which almost covered his face.
Goodal is sv Shoemaker.
Goodal Is a member of the Shoemakers'
union and told the officers that he formerly
clerked for Hayden Bros. Quint and Leh
man are also shoemakers and neither seems
to regret that he drove pegs In Goodals
coffin. Coleman is about 65 years of age
and received $1.25 for digging the grave
and making the box. At the jail he was
endeavoring to make a trade with Goodal
to fill up the grave for another 60 cents.
Ooodal aaid the burial was done in the In
tereat of science and that he chose bis rest
ing place out of the way of the busy world
in order not to be disturbed by the officers
and passersby. Prosecutor Thomas was
unable to Bay under what charge the men
would be tried.
Kansas Cltr Mem Secure Control of
Investment Concern in
; . Omaha.
Tho Controlling Interest In the Nebraska
Rome company of this city has been pur
chased by Kansas City parties, who are also
Interested In a similar concern, the Home
Co-Operative company. In the Missouri city.
The Nebraska company Is to be reorganised
with George A. Neale of Kansas City as
president, Samuel Epstein of Kansas City as
secretary and Harry Nott of Omaha as
treasurer. Mr. Epstein is now in the city
and will have personal charge of the busi
ness here.
Foley's Iloner and Tar.
Cures coughs and colds.
Cures bronchitis and asthma.
Cures croup and whooping cough.
Cures hoarseness and bronchial troubles.
Cures pneumonia and la grippe.
The ladles of Kountae Memorial church
rill hold a sale of home-mads cooking Sat
urday, March 29th, at the church, 16th and
Harney. A 25o luncheon will be served
trom 11:30 to 1:30.
brand Ball.
Olven by the Fort Crook Social club at Fort
Crook, Neb., In ths mess hall, Monday even
log. March 31. Musio furnished by Prof,
Relchart. Tickets, 60 cents.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders meetings, etc., to The Bee.
Ws will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone. 231.
H. E. Palmer, Son A Co., have removed
from the Ramge block to the 3d floor ot
Merchants National bank building.
AfTAULj Sheldon, son of Frank said Kate
MccalL oled Maxell 26, 1902.
Funeral will be held Friday at 1 p. m.
from lamny residence, isu urace street.
MOHAN Frank, aired 60 years.
Funeral Friday afternoon, March 28. at
m. m., from Heafey & Hearer's under
taking rooms, Twenty-fourth and N street,
pouui wiiuma, w cu Agnei cnurcn. inter
Jnent 8U Mary's cemetery.
for Easter.
Don't Forget
ten, years.
Handsome Brlclc Residence
on the southwest corner or Seventeenth snj
Douglas streets. It was built by the late
Henry Pundt as bis home and is one of the
best constructed as well as one of the finest
houses in Omaha. It la built entirely ot
brick and stone, stone steps and slate roof.
It Is finished in the choicest ot hard woods,
has hard wood floors. Imported English tils
floor In the reception hall, electric lights,
porcelain bath, laundry with stationary
washtubs, large pantry, china and linen
closets, cedar-lined woolen closet, etc.
besides the basement, containing laundry,
storage rooms, storeroom, cellar and wine
cellar, also large, high attic storeroom, sep
srated from the servants' ronmi. It also
has a large veranda enclosed as a sun par
lor, equipped with steam heat.
as the house Is connected with the beating
and lighting systems of The Bee Building.
For further information call on Charles C.
Kosewater, Secretary The Bee Building Co.,
Room 100, Bne Building. Telephone 238.
Hoard of Public Works Endeavoring
to Secure Repairs to De
fective Walks.
The Board of Public Works has declared
war on defective sidewalks and two men are
now at work inspecting all board walks
In the city. Inspector Morris, whose usual
duty Is the Inspection of permanent walks
In course of construction, has been de
tailed to assist the regular Inspector of
temporary walks. He began work on South
Thirty-fourth street and has mapped out
a course which will take him to the north
ern part of the city next week.
The inspectors report a large number of
walks in the southwestern part of the city
in dangerous condition, as few repairs
have been made for a year or more, and
many complaints of poor sidewalks have
been received from the Sixth ward, which
probably contains more miles ot temporary
sidewalks than any other ward in the city.
Another complaint Is brought against
property owners whose land Is above grade
and the banks come flush with the side
walk line. There has been an ordinance
on the books for many years which makes
It the duty of owners of such property to
slope the bank from the sidewalk at such
an angle that the earth will not fall on the
'That tnere Is such an ordinance Is known
to the officers," said a city employe, "but
no one remembers when it was enforced.
There are places in Omaha, In the center
of the city, where unprotected banks of
clay tower high above the sidewalks and
whenever there is a rain the walks are
covered with mud from these overhanging
banks, while from time to time landslides
take place which cover the walks with
clay to a depth of several feet. One notable
case Is that on Harney street west ot
Twentieth, where It has been Impossible to
walk on the sidewalks at times on account
of the accumulation of mud."
Squadron of Thirteenth Cavalry Goes
from Fort Robinson to
Fort Meade.
Orders were Issued yesterday to the
squadron of the Thirteenth cavalry now at
Fort Robinson to hold Itself in readiness to
move to Fort Meade as soon as the troops
from Cuba to that post arrive. There are
two companies of the Twenty-second in
fantry now at Fort Robinson with the bat
talion headquarters. They will take station
at Fort Niobrara as soon as the cavalry is
moved to Meade. The company of field
artillery now at Robinson will return to Its
permanent station at Fort Riley at the same
With the arrival of the troops from Cuba
there will be three complete regimental or
ganizations in the Department of the Mis
souri, a larger number than has been In the
department since the beginning ot the Span
ish war. The regiments are the Fourth and
Eighth cavalry and the Twenty-second In
fantry. Besides these organizations there
are six companies of field artillery at Forts
Riley and Leavenworth and three companies
of the engineer corps at Fort Leavenworth.
Announcements of the Theaters.
This morning between 9 and 10 o'clock
Mrs. Carrie Nation will arrive in Omaha
over the Northwestern. Saloon men along
the line of her route from the depot to
the hotel she will stop at are in a state of
breathless suspense. Some of them will
doubtless secret their most valuable articles
of glassware and silverware, so they will
be safe in the event Mrs. Nation goes on
the warpath. The aale of aeata Indicates
that Mrs. Nation will be greeted by a
large and vociferous audience. The sale
ot seats opened yesterday and the first one
sold was to a aort of "Happy Hooligan'"
spice man, who said his reformation waa
due to Mrs. Natlon'a demolition of his stock
ot liquors in Kansas two years ago.
Trie attendance at the Trocadero, where
the "Broadway Buriesquers" are holding
the boards, has been Increasing at every
performance, the engagement closing
Saturday evening.
The "Stock Thoroughbred Buriesquers"
are underlined at the Trocadero next week
commencing with the Sunday matinee. In
a program that Is said to be new and novel,
and presenting two original burlesques,
written especially for this company. Allle
Burke, Is at the head of this organization
ably assisted by a large chorus and excel
lent comedians.
In spite of the many applications received
Manager Rosenthal can place a few more
amateur acta for his famous old-time ama
teur night on Friday evening, April 4.
Shampooing and hair dressing, I5e, at The
Bathery. 21C-220 Bee Building. Tel. ITU.
We are showing all the new and pretty
tyles in lace and chiffon veilings over
150 styles prices from 15o a yard up to
$1.00. Pattern veils from 60o to real lace
at $4 60.
We have the prettiest stock of silk gloves
ever brought to Omaha. Colors white,
black, gray and mode, plain or combination
backs. All double tipped fingers, guaran
teed to wear. Prices 60c. 76a and $1.00.
have the prettiest line of CHIL
site from the first long cloak up to
Auditorium Directors Besolve to Hake No
Radical Change.
Special Klertlnn on Proposition in In
crease Capital Slock to Five
II and red Thousand Pol
lers In Progress.
At the meeting of the board of directors
of the Omaha Auditorium company yester
day afternoon the building and grounds com
mittee reported upon the result of a meet-
ng held Monday evening with W. II. Mc
Cord, at which Mr. McCord desired the
committee to report upon a plan of build
ing at variance with the plans now pre
pared. Mr. McCord desired to have a one
story structure and fitted more especially
for horse shows and fine stock exhibitions.
The result of the report was the adoption
of a resolution, offered by J. R. Lehmer, to
the effect that the present plans, having
been carefully considered and approved not
only by the members of the board of direc
tors, but also by the advisory committee,
would not be radically changed.
It was decided not to erect a temporary
building for the accommodation of the fall
Musical festival and the Christian church
convention, as such a building would cost,
equipped, about $10,000.
Members Show DUarnst.
The question of subscriptions was dis
cussed at length, the discussion being
opened by the report ot a failure to secure
subscription from a business man who
had been counted on to give $3,000, and
who had absolutely refused to contribute
any amount. The failure of the committee
to secure this subscription caused expres
slons of disgust from members.
The polls for the election to decide the
question ot changing the articles of asso
elation and increasing the capital stock of
the company from $300,000 to $500,000 were
opened at noon. The changes proposed con
template the issue of $200,000 of common
stock in shares of 25 cents each, each pur
chaser of a share of the common stock to
participate In a gift distribution to be held
under the auspices of the promotion com
mittee of the company, each purchaser to
be given an opportunity to estimate the
total vote to be cast for governor of New
York at the election this year. The length
of time the polls remain open depends upon
the rapidity with which the vote Is cast.
At the last election to amend the articles
of association the polls were open a week
An Easter Gift.
and for that date only. We offer free a
beautiful framed picture, size 12xll
Inches, to each purchaser of one pound of
Baking Powder.
See fine display in our north window.
113 S. 16th St., Opposite Boston Store.
Other stores at South Omaha and Council
Shampooing and halrdrasslng. 26c, at Ths
Bathery. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel 1716.
Shot Sends Marauders Over Back
Fence In Record Break
ing Time.
County Commissioner Harte aroused the
neighborhood of his home, 2715 South Nine
teenth, at 11:30 Wednesday night, when he
fired a heavy charge of No. 5 shot at the
place where he expected thieves to be.
He didn't wound either ot the two men, but
he sent them over his back fence and Into
a muddy alley faster than anybody ever did
the trick before.
While painters were at work in his
kitchen Mr. Harte has been leaving a large
trunk containing decoy ducks, waders and
other hunting equipment on his back porch
and It was this that tempted the thieves.
They were trying to get It off the porch
when they aroujed Mrs. Harte, who awak
ened her husband. He peeked through the
elass in the kitchen door and they noticed
him and 'ran behind a woodshed a few feet
in the rear of the house. He went upstairs
to a window, where he could Bee without
being seen. One of the visitors presently
began peering around the corner at in
tervals, and the commissioner fired when
he thought the man's head about due to
appear In range. The head never did ap
pear after that, but the man behind the
gun got a fleeting glimpse of four heels go
lng over the fence and out.
Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a certain cure for
croup and has never been
known to fail.
Given as soon as the child
becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, it
will prevent the attack.
It is the sole dependence
of many thousands of mothers
and never disappoints them.
Price 25 cents.
Large size, 50 cents.
The Elegance
of the Easier Gown
will be more pronounced if you wear with
it a pair of
This Is the new Sorosla Colonial whlei la
one of 75 different styles of Sorosls shoes
and oxfords all ot which are $3.60 always.
Sorosis Shoe Store,
203 So. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Manager.
Deputy Btaae
Food. Tnaxieotna"
n ri v '' w r1" -v ry t-. m r ". t 1 r -?' M
h rr I r 1 f 1 11 11 1 1 1 "ra
1 1 i
The women in and nearby Omnha look forward with
eager expectation every Friday to our sale of
They fully realize the great advantages the sales af
ford them. The opportunities for money-saving are great
and many.
Special Sale of Remants in the Basement
One big bargain sqimre of short rem
nants all kinds of dotted and plain 1n
drapery Swiss go at, per remnant.."
One counter of long lengths all Oln
grades of Silkollne at, yard ... 2V
One counter bleached muslin Olp
remnants, pr yard "a
One big counter Calico rem- Or
nants, worth 6Hc per yard "
One counter best grade apron lr
checked Gingham remnants, yd.. "a
One counter black anil white strlned
n.crcerised lining remnants, Cr
per yard ,J
One counter light and dark 36-Inch
wide Percale remnants, flr
per yard J5W
eavy Madras shirting Kir!
mnants, per yard lW
Remnants of Silks
Bought from Custom House.
A new lot of short lengths of Silk.
Foulards, Taffetas, Brocades and 1'enu
de Sole, lengths 1V4 yards, 1 yard. ,
H and . yard, on sale en
tire remnant at 25c, 15c, 10c, lC
6c and
Silk remnants, In waist lengths, skirt
lengths and children's f
dress lengths go at yard li C
ic. 49o and V w
Silk Mousseline de Soie
75o quality at 39c yard in linen color,
light and dark grounds, Moral de
signs, etc. In shirt waist lengths,
dress lengths all this spring's pat
ternsactually worth
75c on sale at jsC
Buy Your Easter Hat Today
Unheard-of-price conces
sions on high grade
spring footwear. Every
pair cut still deeper in
price for the last two
days ot the great shoe
slaughter sale. P o s I
tlvely must raise the
cash cost and value not
considered. Never again
will you have the op-
portunlty to buy season
able footwear at less
than wholesale prices.
Our loss, your gain.
Don't miss this oppor
tunity. Come now.
The Rochester Shoe Go.
Creditors' Sale
Anything New in the
Photographic World?
If you are looking for a
Kodak or Camera
call and see us. Our new models for
lsi2 are beginning to come in and we
have some new styles that are per
fect In quality, workmanship and
We carry all good makes.
A beautiful folding camera, l-f
4x5 size, with case, only... fO 9U
Robert Dempster Co.,
1215 Farnara St.
Exclusive Dealers In Photo Material.
from time to time are for sals at ths
publication office all in good condi
tion low prices.
-m . SkJ J m ei
Indigo blue print remnants,
per yard
Mercerized Gingham remnants, f Or
per yard IVC
Finest quality mercerized Sateen rem
nants, black and colored, at tc
per yard '"
One big counter ell kinds fancy white
goods remnants and plain 4o-ln. (If
Lawn, worth 20c yard, at
One bis table of fine quality remnants
in long lengths, worth 2ii; I On
at, per yard ivw
At the white goods counter one big
lot of long lengths of tine dotted
Swiss, many worth 4"c, In pin lOlr
dots, all go at, per yard '"5
Broken Lots of Silk Waists.
After our great silk waist sales we
find a number of waists, only one of a
kind, one of a style. In black, white
and colors, some are buttoned In the
back, others are buttoned in front,
tucked and shirred, all this spring's
styles, they were :.., $7 s fQ
and $10 each, go on bar- - JtjQ
gain square at v"'
Washable Shirt Waists.
Having purchased a snmple line of
this spring's Washable Shirt Waists,
In percale, dimity, madras, etc. all
this spring's styles worth p ' v
$1.W and $1.23 on main floor vJC
Wool Dress Goods Remnants.
Another lot of Press Goods remnants,
in yard lengths, but 4 and 5 to
match enough for ladles' waist or
child's dress goods worth $1.50 yard
on bargain square, at 'J'JC r" f
for entire rem- iVyC
mint w
Don't Wait Until Last Day.
We earnestly request you not to delay pur
chasing your Faster hat. The time Is limited, and
our workrooms are taxed to their utmost capacity.
We are showing very extensive lines of low price
medium and high grade millinery. Our display of
iiattern hats has no equal in the west. Kvery recent
European innovation and New York creation is
shown here. You can choose from an elegant line of
trimmed hats at
$2.50, $3.98, $5, $6.98,
$9.98, $12.50 up to $25
Once more we request you not to wait until the
last day.
Our enlarged millinery department In the base
ment offers special bargains in handsomely trimmed
hats at
$1.49 and $1.98.
Piano Wonders
Ths Grealest Array of Rich,
Ran and Rellabli Pianos
, No better nor more reliable pianos
can be produced than the
Look at this list of pianos triat
beat competition, both in quality and
the: krell pianos.
the melville citaric pianos.
the mathitshek pianos.
Tou don't have to pay MOO or tSOD
and WOO for a durable, high-class, up-to-date
instrument when you can buy
It here for about haJf prloe on easy
payments, and in the finest mahogany,
wajL&t, quarter-sawed oak and rose
wood cases, with stool to matoh and
fine silk or velour scarf thrown In.
Our Celebrated $S.OA Par Month.
pianos cost you from one-third to
one-half the price sjtked for elsewhere.
Think of buying the usual sold any
where $300 piano for only C00, on $6
pay man)! Then look at the fine 1226
piano whloh we sell for 1125; then
again th regular 2N piano, which
we are glad to sail you for $135, In
different finishes, also on $6 pay
ments. Our $UO piano is the $$00 kind elsa
whr. It pays to exaroiris our stock
It's a money saver you will Bay so.
We nan UkawVta mmjvr you bis money
on Or ana soma at $10.00, tZaCu, $2100,
$38.00, $46.00 small payments.
We rant planoe, tune pianos, repair
pianos. Remember, the quality the
highest, ths prices the lowest and the
terms the aaslest.
1513-4515 Douglas Strait
Ih a well known employe in the boiler
making department of the I'. 1'. uhopa
In Om.ihu. He was bavliiK much trouble
with dandruff and bis hair was falling
out badly; what hair he bad Wilt was dry,
harh and lirelrss. lit- has uaed two hot
ilrH of Parisian Hair Tonlo and iJandruff
Cure and all of Hie above troubles are
now history only. Mr. Joe LvIiik. who
owns a furniture store and genta fur
nishing establishment at 3ot-6 North ltith
Ktreet, Omaha, had the uama experience as
Mr. Trauthen, used the name remedy and
derived the same result; these and many
others, but newspaper spate costs money
atik these men about this.
Jl.on I'ariflan Hair Tonic and Dandruff
6": Syrup Figs (' 'alifornlat 3nc
in; Caldwell's Syrup 1'epBln 30c:
nc Gem Catarrh Powder :ic
$l.c) I'eruna, 1 to a customer ,..B7c
Hromo Seltzer &7c
ll.Ou Herpiilde (if you want it) r&c
U.'MI Dully Malt Whiskey 70
Mail orders solicited. No charge for
boxing or drayae; goods shipped same
day order is received; prescriptions tailed
for ami delivered without extra charge day
or nlhl; live registered pharmacists in
our Mure to do this work. NO ONE BI'T
Tel. 747. S. W. t or. loth aaa Calcajta.
Qf4 acllvsrsA FfiS X Ft ?
for Easter
Men's Suits
be, but how every detail of making should be done.
Men's Spring Suits SIO, $12.50, $15, $17:50
At theso prices we offer plain black worsteds, thibets,
fancy Scotch mixtures and English novelties, in the new
two-buttoned double breasted sacks, the single breasted
sacks, the new military and conservative sacks, more style
grouped in these four lines than any store can show
at any price.
Top Coats, $13.50, $15, $17 and $22.50
They are the extreme short box coats, and the extreme
long cut' coats, with all the fashionable lengths In between
they come in plain black thibets, new black and whito
mixtures and some of these with indistinct stripes, such
coats as we are showing for the price will certainly cost
you more money elsewhere.
Confirmation Suits.
A full line of these in all proper styles, either in short
or long pants, with a price range to suit every purse.
A magnificent gathering of men's Easter neckwear, all
kinds of beautiful colors, light, medium, dark. We 6how
them in every new and popular shape. We make a spe
cialty of selling the best' line and most com- OK ft
plete assortment in America, at 2"c and..., Owl)
$1.50 The Nebraska Special $1.50
The NEBRASKA SPECIAL is made up in all the newest
shapes, of stiff and soft fur, the Panama, the Pantowust,
golf and Fedora. We back THE NEBRASKA hat against'
.the best $3 hats of the hat stores.
We SELL STETSON HATS, the latest shapes, flQ C ft
with the new flare brim, in stiff and soft OOl uU
j gnife!fesM 1
MHlaUlIMWB"1'1'"'1 i-iuuiJuswajnMaasaiais "'",1',1rTlaTtFf1MI MMSF'
An Economical Coal
Spadra Semi-Anthracilo $8 ThoTon.
In ths mornlna-. a good, shaking and open draugtibs win forntah an ex
osllaat firs In fifteen minutes. Then olase draughts, ragwlate your flra
as wanted. Just the coal for this Urn of year, la
Furnaces and Heating: Stoves
Aooennt of Its free burning qualities, the lira oaa be perfectly ragnlaioa
to ault ths weather. With damps tightly closed, SPADKA will hold flra
easily for twenty-four hours.
Tel JI7 and 825. IS22 Firntm Street. .
We will send fnnr fall
Quarts or Ration Jng: of Mil
ler's pare rre for f.t.SO. All
charges prepaid. We ship In
plain pteliSKrs no marks to
indicate contents. When yon
aret It and test it, If It Is not
satisfactory return It at our
expense and we will return
your S3. SO.
Henry Hiller,
Prayer Books atid Hymnals
We have a nice line of Prayer Books and Hymnals, covered In aeal and sterling
silver mounted, which wfll make a very appropriate Kaster gift and would bs much
appreciated by the recipient.
Mawhinney & Ryan Co., ,5,h,.t7e,M
.. ... - A .Via r. r atwl.
We sen you a pii"
egg dye containing enough to dye MO 1 eggs
1IM) different colors for 6c by mail, 7c.
- ...... . k -M' , .norra'it Itunn
2no Strengthening Plaster, our price Tc
pio Krog in Throat, our price fo
fine Pozznni I'owuer, 0111 in ito
fiic I.aHlache Face Powder, our price.... afic
n; Claret Wine, quart bottle, our price. 2-c
. 1 twttlt. nnr nrti'H 'Jf
ttn: s.iiuniiiit-i, .U,..v - , , .
tl Pe-ru-na (genuine), we sell &ic
&c Hires' Root Heer E.xt., we sell , 14c
2ic Vermont Root Rer Ext. (makes 5
gallons) He
23o Thompson's Cherry Phosphate, wo
Hires' Root Beer, ready to drink 1'c
Hunyadl Ijijos Water , , lAc
Violet Water tlong green bottle) 2,.c
Velvet Candy luc, 15c and 2;c
Corner ltttb and liodae.
and Overcoats
The man who used to
pay his tailor a fancy
price in order to get ex
clusive fabrics is the man
who will thoroughly ap
preciate the handsome as
sortment of suits and top
coats for men that' we
have on display for
Men tell us right along
that our clothing appears
so much different from
the ordinary ready-made
kind. Nebraska Clothing is
made for us planned by
us made according to
our own ideas. We not
only say what the style
The thorough aging of Hiller'
Rye brings to PERFECTION ITS
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tured, W. J. Shradar Medietas Co.,
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This slgaatsrs Is aa erery a of the geavala
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