Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAnA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY, MAKCH 27. 1002 0 J i It 'if 1 1-' Pi inrniAi iinTinro AlTrrOnrnmti for three roliamt will k taken nutll 13 in. for the lg edition and natll p. ne. fee morning and n4ir rlllloi. flutes, t l-2e a word Srst Insertion, 1e a word thereafter. Kclklas taken far Ira than a He far tar II rat tuser. tloa. Thrae advertisements aaaat he) raa consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting ft lia- drraard ta numbered Irttrr la car f Thf Dec. Anewere so addressed will ba delivered presentation. ( the tkttk aalr. WANTK.D-MALK UBLt, THE SPRING TERM " OF BOYES COLLEGE WILL. OPEN TUESDAY, APRIL FIRST Apply today for new 1902 Illustrated Cat- logue. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting na English. Dny and Evening Sessions. N. Y. LIFE BUlLDl.Ntl. m-im a WANTED, two or three men to worlc from our wagons; steady work ami good pay. C. P. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. B-M93 GOOD r.iessengcrs wanted; increased pny. A. D. T. Co., 213 South 13tli. U-l mm F6R HALF A DAT S WORK. If you live In Uie country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the r.u-mers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make 15 easily ' by four or five hours' work. Write us and we will mr.'i you our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors' D'pt., Omaha. Neb, - B M213 WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscription for the Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B 013 tREPxK for clr. rerr. exam.; hk-kp., etc R. la. Com. Nat. Bk. Halhbun. B M160 THREE or four good men wanted; $100 per month, Call 62V p axton block. B M&3 FREE shave and hair cut at Moler's Bar ber College, loi) Farnain St., 3d door. B-M772 A17 WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on n new proDOSItlon by which vou can earn 13 to 16 a day; young men from 23 to 2a ueeiren, wno are nustiers ana well recom mended. Room 106, Omaha Bee bids. D MS89 HARNESSMAKER wanted, af. once. A. Wolf, Logan, la. B M164 WANTED, a good carpenter; steady work for all summer Address Joe Schlealger. contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M187 WANTED, parties with well-boring outfit for prospecting work. Inquire Geo. T. Hall, 2U8-210 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. . B M1S3 27 WANTED, painters at St. Louis for world's fair Work; $3.00 per day. H hour B M184 A7 ' WANTED Men to learn barber trade can offer all the advantages of free runic, sieany practice, expert instruc tions, demonstrations, etc.; only two months required; complete outfit of tools 6 resented; waxes and shop experience aturdays; diplomas granted, positions guaranteed; catalogue mailed free. Moler earner, college, 13 Farnam st. B M206 ! WANTED, at once, blacksmith, rnna nn plow work and general repair work; state Wages wanted. Address M. 11. Matthle?en, WANTED, a good draughtsman. J. O. and w. vtooawara. Architects, Council RlufTa. . B M236 3H WANTED, shirt. makers at Albert Cahn's, SALESMEN WAITED. WANTED, salesman for Omaha and vicinity to bell groceries to' the retail frrocery trade for a Chicago house hav ng an established trade; none others than grocery clerks or experienced sales men need apply. Address 8 IS, care Lord at i nomas, i.nicago. i MS67 28 SALESMEN with thetr own team to sell "i--.-, i mi'- in racii county, tu. it Keller, Clarlnda, la,; lock box 665. 847 t7 ACTIVE specialty salesman, to take ner. manent agency for well established class of goods used In factories and stables; no capital, but small bond required. Ad dress Vlscol Company, East Cambridge, WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write nuuni im, see mug. c sag .COMPETENT girl for general housework In family of three; good wages. 3567 Howird at. . . C 173 WANTED, girt for general housework. Ad dress 912 B. 37th at. C M885 28 WANTED, two young ladles to apprentice in ntirui rspins anu manicuring. a. ail a once, 220 Bee bldg. C M871 WANTED, gITI for general lo6o Georgia Ave. housework. c-.6 WANTED, cook in ft family of three. 2ig oi. Mary a ave. c MISS 27 WANTED, cook and second girl; amsll family; no washing; large salary; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Inquire 213 bo. inn bl, omana. c 186 26 WANTED Ladles at once to learn hair- dressing, manicuring and facial massage. on account oi me aemann Tor our grad uates we are making special Indue : ments; four weeks completes by our method of free clinic extert Instruc tions, etc. Call or write today. Moler college, rarnam st. c M2o& 1 WANTED, experienced saleslady In silk oepanmeni. j, l. nranoeis Huns. i Boston Store.. C 211 WANTED, experienced salesladies In mil linery department; only those with years of experience in the salesroom need apply; large salary paid. J. L Brandels Hons, Boston more. C 21S OIRL for general housework. Ill N. "lit Ave.. C 23 71 WANTED, a competent girl for general housework; no washing: good waves. Apply at once, Mrs. F. Montmorency, HI bo. uin Ave. c 231 za 60 MONTHLY copying letters at home sex: send two itKmui for nartlou lars. Hick's Supply Co., tt1 Hfllxted cnicago. . . c uui 31' WANTED, nurse with some experience for uniia is mos. oiu. vi CTiicago. C-M2S3 HELP WANTED. WE PAY $1.76 per 1.000 for addressing en velopes at your home: send us 75c for In tructlons, material and to show you moan business: we refund the 75c when you address 6. The Dcxton Co., 187 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 33 27 WANTED. 100 girls. S3 to $7. Canadian Fmo. Bureau; moved 14th and Dodge. T.L SS4. 60s A (Oil HBNT HOISES. Uni ICCC In all part of city. The O. nUUOtO F. Levis Co., bt Bee Bldg u us 10-ROOM bssement house, large lot, 23th and Jackson, all modern, Nice 6-room house, Mo Sherman ave., til modern, I-7.0D. Q. K. TURKINOTON. 606 Bee. r D6M SEVERAL houses for rent. $6 and up. Chris Buyer, 2Xud and Cuming Bts Phone 3vhJl D u AM g-HX)M flat, 1217 S. lth St., city water, $13 40: l-ruutn modern house, 32-1 Harney, UL Others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker blk. D 4fc EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, fit. O. M. Natunger. Bee Bldg. Phone 4ol D 440 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage !. t oAo kiiH arnam, or Tela. I"rj3. lis"" HELP WA5TKl. The Spring Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College, Begins Tuesday morning, April 1st. ew classes In all departments. Rohrbough Bros. " lf 29 FOR REST-HOV"ES. FOR RENT, Handsome BricH Residence On the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Douglas sis. It was built by the late Henry Pundt as his home and Is one of the best constructed as well s one of the flnpat houses In Omaha. It Is built entirely of brick and stone, stone steps, and slate root, it is iinianea m tne rnoicest or nari woods, has hard wood floors. Imported English Mle Moor In the reception hall, electric lights, porcelain ' bath, laundry with stationary wash tubs, larae Dantrv. chin and linen closets, cedar lined woolen closet, etc. . Twelve Rooms beside the basement, containing laundry. storage rooms, store room, cellar and wine cellar; also large,-high attic store room separated from the servants' - rooms. It also has large veranda, enclosed as a aun psnor, equipped with steam beat. RENTAL PRICE Includes: Steam Heat, ... . Electric Light and Hot Water as the house Is connected with the heat ing and lighting systems of The Bee building. For further Information call on CHARLES C, ROSEWATER, SECY. THE BEE BUILDING CO.. Room 100 Bee Bulldiug. Telepnone 238 FOR RENT. 2613 N. 17th St.; $18; large 8- siory modern nouse oi s rooms, also barn. The Omaha Realty Co., 13ol Douglas 8t., upstairs. D &5 FOR RENT Desirable t-room cottage. enquire m.u bo. Jim. D 114 29' FOR RENT, fine stone 10-rnom residence. one diock soutn creignton college, Harney street car line. Clarke, Ramge building. D 134 31 FOR RENT, April 1. 7-room house, 22d and caiirornia st., an modern, in good re- Eatr, large yard. Inquire at 607 N. Y. J fa building. D 141 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. HOUSES, stores. Bemls,. Faxton block. HOUSES, etc, F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D 623 PAYNE, B08TWICK ft CO.. 601 N. T. Life. v S4 BIX-ROOM modern flat. 1016 Pacific st Charles Jianiey. DM838 27 MODERN 4 and 6-room flats. ' Tizard. 220 N. 23d St. D M728 31 POSITIVELY the most modern dwelling In omana tor rent April l, rooms, :ia. 2418 Hamilton St. D M159 29 VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. D M606 SIX-ROOM house, lawn, shade. Tel. A -2563. o BUI FOR RENT Anrll 1. 8-room brick, mod em. 818 North zsa. inquire at 820 North Via. . . u 47 HOUSE for rent April 1, furnished or un- lurniHnea. Anpiy zaio ieavenwortn st,, or telepnone i;ao. . ; u M178 Zi' 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th st. D-M180 1141 B. 31ST st.. It rooms, modern, 350. anos Capitol ave., 10 rooms, modern, $35. 2610 Capitol . ave., 10 rooms, modern, $J6. . ti. . nuiuvan, bus in..x. Lire Kidg. D-M1S9 27 COTTAGE AND FOUR ACRES FOR RENT, cottage and 4 acres, north or nit inr iaae; il ner monin. . A. f, Tukey and Son, 444- 1-445 I Board of TVade. D 220 23 3-ROOM house. 1633 N. tSd 8t. .D 217 26 2009 CALIFORNIA, S-room furnished house. t an aiTernoons. . m. FOR REXTFIRSISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and' Farnam. H0U8EKEEPINQ, other rooms. 811 8. 20. U M4UV AS LIOHT housekeeping rooms. 118 S 18th. E M399 At FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1617 Cass. E-M1J9 1 OR I nice furnished rooms; gentlemen . . . . , 1 c HA. W . i.r a ma umy. oi o. tviu m L. ooa it - FURNISHED rooms for light housekeen- Ing'; modern; stesm heat. SI3V4N. 15,h, r LUl 1A Hi I ID z 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1113 B. 11th st, FIRKI8HED HOOUI AND BOARD. NICE home tor young men. lot a. tMh St. F-28 ROOMS and board. Olencalrn, lODt Douglas. - f a STEAM heated room with board, lftut tjapiioi Ave. 4i8 FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland notet, iun ana cnicago bis. jr 3u ROOMS "The Farnam," 19th and Fsrnara, F-473 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. F 4xj6 A-16 NEWLY furnished room, with board. 211$ Orace. - F 172 6 FOR RKKT I NFIR.MSHED ROOMS. DESK room sosce. $3 ocr month, around floor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street: ne ex Dense for light, heat or janitor service, ti. .'. relets ft Co., nvnm Aro, Dei ouuaing. U lit UNFURNISHED rooms. lMh and Harney. Wlthnell block G-171 24 FOR RENT STOKES ASO OFFICES. STORE. 24xSO. 240 Leavenworth St. . 1-174 A3 FCR RENT The building formerly occu Died by Tbe Bee at 9li Farnam St. It has lour atones ana a rasemeni wnicn was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasons blr. If . inwreeiea apply at once to C. C Hose. water, secretary, room 100, Bee building, i mi FOR RENT Stores In rlrst-clasa location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A I 26e AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good . Income. Agents lu the country with , horse and buggy ekpeciaily desired. Cso vassers make easily $K to $10 per month. Address, Century Farmer KoUcltars' Bu reau, Bee Building, Omaha, lit W ASTED TO REST. WANTED, by two gentlemen, good rooms and first class table board; central lorn tlon. Would furnish rooms if other things are satisfactory. Address v 50, Bee. K 212 ?7 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 691 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tela. Iiw9-j. -V3 MAGOARD VAN CO. Telephone 1496, 778 WAHTEU to ntr. WANTED at once, Sdhand furniture, car pets, for Pt. I.ouls Expo. Tel. 771, or notify Levlne s Furn. Store, if N. lth. N-151 A7 FOR quick sales list with F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. N-M224 A2 FOR SALE FIR MTlRfc. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2ii20. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged, O 631 TWO bedroom suits, chiffonier, sewing ma chine, lady's desk, bookcase, steel range, three rugs, lace curtains, portlers. couch. two large willow chairs, etc. E. L. Jen kins, 32!1 Harney St. O-8J0 1 OB. SALK MORSES, WAGONS, ETC. 10-PASRENGER carry-all, newly painted and upholstered, Vm. Burg, 1446 Sher- man Ave. P 1Z7 FOR repair work on light and heavy wagons see rrost, mn ana jeavenwortn. P 633 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runHDouio, new ana seconu-nana, at cut prices: must sell to make room; It Is no cheap work, but good work cheap; we do painting, trimming, repairs and put on rubber tires. Wm. Pfelfer Carriage Works, 27th and Leavenworth. Tel. 1539. P-M507 A1S RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted. ti'; glass siue rocaaway, 9izt; six lamiiy carriages, $45 to $75 each; wagons. Drutn tnond Carriage Co.. 18 ;h and Harney, P-4V54 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71 leei; criDoiug ana nog lence. vui Douglas. 8DHAND safe cheap. Derlgat, 1119 Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Fornam. FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any omer musical instrument; sa up. ihe Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 640 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 S. 13th. SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, fully nirrameu. ai a Bargain, itoom 414, Mc Cague Bldg. Q Oil 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, citcn posts, tree guards. Wire Works, 617 So. 16th St Tel. tt0, Q MS85 J 30 FOR SALE Scholarship In an Omaha snortnana acnooi, cneap. inquire Z.U) Bee Bldg. Q-M968 BICYCLES, phonographs and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. W 7W FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave. 181 $10100922-924 Douglas, formerly Lauer Bros., or rent; 9-4 also seven living rooms upstairs. Mrs. Kuhlman. 8526 North 27th. Q 120 At FOR SALE New National cash register mo. w. i-eneci conaition. torn fsa. j. C. Huteson & Co., . Wholesale Opticians, 118 South 15th 8t. Q 445 A COUNTER, formerly used In stamp office, ipuerai Dunning, win De sola cneap. Apply to A. Larson, foreman of new building. Q 193 26 iff. vicinity S9th and Davenport. Apply Ed. O. Hamilton, 211 So. 17th. Q M216 27 FOR SALE cheap, one night scholarship in one or me leaamg Business colleges. Address W 49, Bee oflloe. Q 222 2s MISCELLANEOUS. GROUND wheat, 90c per 100; salt, $1.20 per pin. wagner s teea a tore. iauv-ll Cuming t. R-M860 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North Kith, B 644 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. B 45 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N, 15, 2d floor. R 1 l MlwJ A7 MASSAGE Manicuring; 1616 Howard, flat a. T M521 29 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during eon- nnemeni: uauirt, auopiea. sjuq urant nt Mrs. Gardels. TeL F-1182.. U 447 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nair remuveu ojr eiecinciiy. rl. 12, Frenser Block. U 648 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 1 U 764 A16 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chlro- oay,tor laaies oniy, in connection with rne feathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 28S RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to 60 days; send for circular. O. S. Wood. M V 621 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb U 654 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 & Douglas. U-618 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail, coiiina nano Co., 163 Doug, las. U 651 CHIROPODY a apeclalty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-230 Bee Bldg. TeL 1716. U-&49 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. 1018 Farnam. U 650 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 2Sc. In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. U-661 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur. Ing confinement' bap?s adopted. 2020 tsuraette. airs. Burgi. u 444 All Mlddlemlsa, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U M758 M5 RUPTURE CURED. $26: no naln. Aetontlnn from business; send for circulars. Empire nupiura wure to., wis is. x. uie Blog. Omaha. U M273 OMAHA Dye Works, 1617 Howard, the fashionable cleaners of ladles' and gnn- ' ..... .. . HT cuimmi draperies. U M729 II VIAVI, woman's way to health. Home Omaha. U-651 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. lth St., 2d floor. U-M154 A7 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. U-183 A PERFECT FIGURE. A perfect figure may be gained by a new system of develonment. The cheat nr all hollow or slighted parts are filled out and made beautiful in contour. Special treat ments ror aeveioping tne entire form. Harmless, isimre imposalDle. The per sonal attention of fouu and face special. Ists until develoDment la entirely rr.m. Dieted. The only helDful and hurmi... method at the New Hygiene Bathery, He HI. It. ('nnau)ltl,.ii lr U-M590 Al GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating. Their new machinery enables them to do better, cheaper, quicker work than ever before, too Doug. me uioc. C MZ14 BECK A CO.. wall paper cleaners. Tel. 747. I M213 A25 BOARD WANTED for a little rlrl I in old In refined Christian family where mere are no small cnuaren; no board ing house. Mrs. A, V. Man, Omaha oee. Li M2U7 3f I'KH-OVAI If a man's In love thnt's his business. If the girl s in love that's her business. If thry get married that's their buelnees. But If tie smokes that's our business. e recommend the famous STOECKER'S CIGAR. its flavor Is conducive to happiness. W. F. STOECKER CI1AU CO. U M2"0 no MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-655 4H PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part anv time. W. B. ME1KLE. 401 S. 15th St. W-B66 WANTED, city loans and warrants. V? Farnam Smith & Co., 1326 Farnam St. W-8S7 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R, C. Peters & Co.. I7"2 Farnam St, Bee Bldg. W Co8 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th W-6A9 ' FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. W-660 4V4 TO P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. ' W-661 PRIVATE mqney. Sherwood, 937 N. Y l W-663 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W-64 i PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 r amain. w $300, $V AND $1,000 private money, 1, 2, 3 or t years, on eastern Nebraska farms or weil located cottages In Omaha. W. L. Selby, Board of Trade Bldg. W 818 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas st., upstairs, small homes, building lots: private money to loan on easy trms. W-M513 FOR SALE, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam st, Omaha. W M974 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE make loans on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. You can get the money on very short notlcs and pay It back In one month, or keep it longer, and pay for It only what time you keep it. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous trestment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We tlve you the full amount of the OAN In cash. We always "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trsde Bldg. Tel. 229S (Established 1S92.) 306 So. Kith Ht X-466 M O N E Y STOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By seeing us torlay In our private offlre. HAVE YOUR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE, where you can pay easily. Everv $1 paid off loan reduces post. "SALARY IX3ANS ON PLAIN NOTES" to male or female emnloyes. K.i one need ,vpr Know No mortgage. No Indorser. No publicity A little help at the right time often sets man on his feet. Wise people will at least csll and Inquire "uui our irme ana rates. You save money when you borrow of THE BIG CO." We offer a rnnnev-snvlng chance. RELIABTE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor. Room 303. Paxton Block., X 725 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO unuAnir.i rcori.r, rnercnaniR, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In nrin clnal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X--668 FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES. ETC., 1XJANH. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guaVaptee given to thla effect. AMERICAN . LOAN CO.. Room S03. Paxton Block. , ,v .. X 609 FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES. ETC.. lAjAno. "Aosoiuieiy witnout removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room $03, Paxton Block. . .; X 730 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried reopie: ousinesa connaentlnl; lowest rates. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. ... ,v X--670 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. .wweiry, 10 Faiariea people, roiev ixian Co.. sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker Rlk. X-671 MONEY loaned on plnnos. furniture. 1nw- enr. tiuiaov, wwp, eig, i. g. neea, niv s- is. X-672 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. j. w. lAiixjt., usj i-'axton block. x-rt BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, nootn iu, Mccague building. Y-674 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your nueiness or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-4176 FOR SALE or trade, my entire livery siock. at a Dargain. Address w. c. Utterback. Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. Y-M23 TEN ROOMS, splendidly furnished, modern crick nat, best location, rooms all occu pied, first-class roomers; paying proposi tion; Investigate, J. II. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-MS43 CIGAR, furniture, fixtures and stock, for tiaie, reasonaoie, una location, profitable business, rare opportunity! see me quirk. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M42 FOR SALE or trade. $2.fjno general mer- cnanaise stock; gooa Dusiness in north eastern Nebraska town. Address F. R. Kline, Blair. Neb. Y MS72 28 A BARGAIN. $12.00j) to $15,000 general stock, best part Oklahoma, cheap for cash. Willis & Co., Emporia, Kan. Y-8.1 2S EVERETT. WASH., the greatest. rowin nustung citv on tne racinc coast; more than doubled her population In two years. Our Investments are conservative and sate, ir you want bargains call on or ad dress Everett Investment Comnanv. Y-911 Al FOR SALE or rent, brlrkvard and eight acres 01 lana. Address K. . nervosa, Beemer. Neb. Y M189 27 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa: large snnual tisde: stock will invnlc. abont $10.0u0; profits large; must close up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Aouress V 40. iire. Y M4:6 A NEW stock of general merchandise, lo cated In one of the best towns In north eastern Nebraska, for sale, no trades. Ad dress U 53, Bee. Y M738 WANTED, small stock of hardware doing a good, profitable buslnesx. Give par. . iiuumi. i,uta X30X oi, iogan, la. Y-M185 29 NEW grocery, with fixtures, at a discount. Address W 48. care Bee. Y lftl 31 A DIVIDEND PAYER. A DIVIDEND PAYER. Millions have been and will be made out of the great Tnxas oil field. BIRMINGHAM- UKAfMUKT till, A NI TRAN8POR. TATION COMPANY'S SHARKS, .ell lug at 15 cents each, are considered a e pi, nil id security for both small and large investors. 1 ni company nas a produr tlon or 20.010 barrels of oil per day, and Is an nneratlng and marketi A DIVIDEND OF 5 PER CENT WAS DW'LAHED by Its directors, payable April 15, 1902. This company Is one of the first money-makers on 8plndle Top, and Its holdings are very valuable. We urge ou 10 -ii'i un vnur oroer immediately before this valuable stock nivanr,, , share In this dividend. Fifteen dollars Duys i'j"' snares, nenn tor prospectus. WUri i-Mr-riiiiiv RnKWPTfd, MEPHEM. CAMERON t CO. Suite E. 42 Wall Street, New York. Y-913 Al FOR BALE, easy terms, small cash pay ment, balance monthly, my entire livery stock, hacks and hearse: excellent chance i" i'p 11110 gooa paying Dusiness. w 1 Utterback. Qgden barn. Council UliifTs la Y M2S7 A 26 FOR EICHA3GE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for tuiuing nco. n w, at it M510 FOR R A I K R F. A L ESTATE. I HAVE customers for cottages and small properties lor nomes; give me descrip tion. G. E. Turkington. 605 Bee. HE MTV FOR PALE, fne alfalfa frm. ir.o acres. I'Rpllllon valley, Rock Island trsckie-e, ten acres timber, fine water, three miles south stock yard. $75 per sere; big bar gain. Clarke, Rnmge building. RE 136 11 FOR SALE. ?00 acres fine alfalfa land, all under cultivation, six miles of stock yards, $75 an acre. Clarke, Rsmge block. RE 135 31 A CHOICE home, built of pressed brick. interior nesuiiTiiny nnisnen, snusre mo saic tiled hall, porcelain bath, steam heat barn, carriage hou. shade trees, Inrge lot S3 feri front; very fine residence loca tion: close In: this rropertv cost the for mer owner over $lS.0no and can be sold st a decided barg.iln for cash. Wm K. Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 303 Browp Blk P.E M113 SEVEN clear lots for sale on 30lh and i-ratt tts., in l.. F. Hammond's sdilltlon to Omaha; lots 1 to 17. block I. Address 8. Hanson, 1015 Boone St.. Roone. Is. RE-M589 A2 BUY best house paints, rarnlrhee. eto. unaiity nignest; prices lowest. National Oil & Paint Co.. 1015 Jones Ft. RE-M53S A14 WILLIAMSON, EM 1M RE 679 PAYNE, BOSTWICK St CO.. 601 N. V Life. RE 675 FOR SALE A large modern mansion of 16 rooms, ren- trsiiv located, in excellent condition, newly papered and painted, two bath rooms, two largo lots, with handome shade trees. This place would make an ideal home, or It Is suitable for a hos pital or sanitarium. The owner Is anxious to sell at once. The Omaha Realty Company, 1301 Douglas St., Upstairs. RE 142 FOR a 13 per cent Investment In rental properiy or cnoice trackage see William L. Munroe, 811 N. 16th St. RE MS19 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort. Bugus, reuiais, insurance, Mrown block. RE 740 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads. scnooi section 'eases. D. W. Irwin. Ak ron. Colo. RE M179 A8 HOUSES and lots In all rarts of city; also "ci w jiuircrir ana inrm lanas. 'rne O. F. Davit Co., Room 502, Bee Building. HE 681 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas 1., uumairn. pmnii nouses ror sale: cheip building lots. Call for oatalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE M53I NEW Snow-Church Co., 4th floor N. Y. ijire mag., irniana, Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency in the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estate brokers In everv county In the United States and cities of foreign coun tries. RE 676 FARM8! FARMS! FARMS! For bargains In farm property go to iiixeiiir neai csiaie Agency,- South Omaha. RE 680 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the union j scinc nanroaa companv. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. . RE-677 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Are insurance. Bemls. Paxton Block. RE 679 IF YOTT want one of the nicest 8-room noms in ttanscnm fiaee 1 will give you a hnrgsln. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L, Rlrtg. IE-M153 BEAUTIFUL country home. 20 acres, large nuimingn, lawns ana gardens, shnde trees and fruit orchard; would make 3 to 6 years' lease to good party. One mile from Hansonm park, on naved street HARRISON & MORTON, N Y. U Bldg. Tel. SI4- ' - - RE 196 2G TO TRADE, for Nebraska land or first mortgage on land, 40 acres land, water power grist mill, two sets buildings. In York countv. Pennsylvania. $5,000. Fdr sale, restaurant, eastern Nebraska, do ing business of two per month. Price, $1,000. A snnD. Fine improved farms In Thayer county, $25 to $35 per acre. Farms In Buffalo county, $15 to $30 per acre. fiend for my Hat. W. If. GRASSMEYER. Kearnev. Neb. RE M230 10 FOR BALE, hay land In Holt county. Neb.; 4K0 seres 6 miles south of Atkinson, close to cheap range, yleldx 450 tons choice hay per annum: a splendid location for stock; price. $6,500: $3,000 cash, balance to suit fiurcnaser: 7 per cent Interest. Address ock box S14, Atkinson, Neb. RE M228 All MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in aineases or women in Omaha, would csll the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treutment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. CrII or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dndce, Omaha. 683 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are tne nest. Hare, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter bv return mall. Ask your drugelst Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlladelohla, Pa. MANtFACTlRING. P. MELCHOIR. 13th and Howard, ma chinist. ' M704 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty or nre escapes, snutters. aoors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 So. 10th St Mil TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees, vines. shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc. Address, Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. C9 A-14 TREES. Haxet Dell Nursery, S2ng N 24 st. -317 A9 TREE trimming by experienced men. Ad- dres Chas. Destelhorst, 3011 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. 972 29 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16th A Doug A. C. VAN BANT'S school. 71T N. Y. Ufa. tfl BOYI.ES college, court reporter principal. a. a. -a NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd's Tneater. bs LOST. LOST, a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, be tween i!:'4 Dodge and 1718 Douglas Sts. lteturn 10 Mrs. jonn u. reabody, 1718 uougias. LADY'S umbrella, between Boyd's and 26th b w A to iiannnpf m t m 1 s 1 wl . 1 w niAnln Return to 2621 Davenport and get reward Lost M226 27 FOX terrier, all white, exception of black and brown spot around left eye. Suitable reward on Its return to owner. 24oV4 Bo 13th st. Lost M&16 27 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. 4 ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. RUlie BID n. 1. U19 uiug. Act. loot. -4bl DR A. T. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. TeL wm. 44 DR. MRS. MUBICK. Douglas Blk. TeL e BICYCLES. NOW Is the time of the season for you to get yojr new or second-hand bicycle; the largesi ana or it biock in ine city to led from at Flescher's, 1622 Cap. ave. beet equipped repair shop In tbe meat. 16o 29 LAIKDHY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tc; collars. m, mu, su. i.M Maveoworin. I el. mi. 7M FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age ss well as life. Charter members free. Funicu lars from Frank Knsewster. supreme mnnagor. 2? Bee Pl.lg. 72 1 GARBAGE, ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. dram cesspools and vaults, removes garbage A dead animals at reduced prices, B.'l N. 16. Tel. 1779. i2 A3 CAHI'EXTF.RS AND J01F.HS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th snd Lake streets. 370 SEWINO MACHINES. WRITE for agents' prices; ball-hearing Wheeler-Wilson. C. A. Lyman, state agent. Lincoln. Neb. M!H A4 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suitcases; trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, IAD Farnam. tin; DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2042 Farnam. 946 A3 CARPET CLEANING. OM. Elec. Clean. Wks.. 2221 N. 20, tel. lff.9. 97i A4 RALE TIES. OMAHA itay Bale Tie Co., Ill North 16th. -701 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 13th. TOO STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 S. 13th. FENCING. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 336 Ree Bldg. Mi:i7 A?.' NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2f34. 701 FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 12M. -9G L. LECLUSE, florist Blooming and pot plants. 1813 Vinton st. Tel. 267F. ; M997 A 5 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 971. . 114 A6 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. 691 TYPEWRITERS. WILL sell my Oliver typewriter cheap for cash. W 42, Bee. 143 29 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 68S INVESTMENTS. CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. K. c. I'CTltKS & CO., 1703 Farnam St 342 A8 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 & Jackson. Tel. t46 oGS il PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. NATURAL stone, cement, brick. Welsh:in'g Mantel and Tile Co., 3e9 S. 17th. Tel. H8. M225 A? D Next To Nature I artificial teeth made at this J office are the most perfect imi tation of natural teeth. Perform ! all . their functions too with comfort to the wearer. Our 1 improved system Is in advance I of the usual methods. D J I Daileytku Dentist, H Uia Paxton Uloek, t ltth and Farnam Its. JLJ Lady attendant Phone lOM. I d U U b POSTOFF1CK NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested. aa changes may occur at any time.; Foreign mails for the week ending March 29, 1H02, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases at the General postoifloe as follows: PAR CELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany will close at 6 p. ni. Monday, per s. s. K. Wm. der Grouse, and Friday per a. b. Moltka. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing lime shown beiow (except that Supplemrmury Mulls for iluropu and Cen tral America, via Colon, ciose one Dour later at Fi reign Branch). Traasatlantlo Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. aniUhKiiANU, ITALY, SPAIN, PORT UGAU TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QL'EZ, per s. a I .a. Touralue via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe muHt bo directed "ner s. h. Tnnralnn"! SATURDAY At 5:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per a s. Campania via Queenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. K. M. Thereala (mail must be directed "per s. s. K. M. Theresla"); at 7:80 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Ryn dam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Ryndam "); al 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per b. a. FurnestUa (mull must be directed "per s. a. Furnesula" J ; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK dltect. per s. s. Norge (mall must be directed ''per a. a. Norge"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. The same class ef mall matter for oiher parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unices specially directed by It. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls above named, ud dltlonal Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Halls fo Seath and Ceatral America, Weat ladles, Ete. THURSDAY At t a. m. for CUBA, YI'CA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Monterey"). FRIDAY-At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. City of Washington via Tampico (mail must be directed "per s. a. City of Wash ington"); at lr.SO p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. s. Han Juun via San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulia (mail for Suvanllia and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Zulia "); at 9 30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE iSUNU, JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY ToWN, per a. a. Athns (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. a. Athos "; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castle via Havana: at 1 p. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, er s. a. Italian prince. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North etyuney. anu uit-ncu uy steamer, close at this office at 6:3u p. in. (con necting ciose here every Monday. VSednesday and baturdsy;. Mulls for Mlquelun, by ruil to Boston, and thence by stesmer, ciose at this office dally at 6 30 p. ni. Mulls for Cudu. bv rail 1,1 Florida, and thence by steamers, are uaur, uiiai connecung closee, for dispatch via Port TimDi. on Kim. aj at fc. m., Wednesdays and TOKKK E NOTKtt. Fridays, l ::.) p. m. ; for dispatch via Miami, on M"ti.lays and frlilays at H o p. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless si-eclally ailtlrenscd lor dlspalrh by siei.iuer, t lose st this office dully rx lept Hi 1 day at l:3u p. m. and !l:.j p. ni , Bun0a)S ai 1 ii p. in. aiu ii;je 11, m. Malls for Costa Rica, Kelts. I'ueno Cortex aid UimteinHla, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by stcsiner, close st Hill office ilallv except fund ay at 1:."W ;. in., Hjndays at "Imio p. m tcon r.ectiug closes here Mondays for II el lie, Puerto Cortes a id Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa HI. a). "Registered mail closes at 6. jo p. in. previous ds. Tranepaclflc Malls. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii. China Japan and Phil ippine IslHmlK, via San Franclxcn, close here dally at 6;3i p. ni. up to March 24. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. City of Peking. Malls :cr Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe and New .calami, which goes vis ?.-., Krsnclscoi, and FIJI Islsnd, via Victoria. B. C, clore heie dally at 6 30 11. m. after March lii and up to March ''29. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Aornngl. Malls for Hawaii, Japan and China (aln letter mall Slid specially addressed peri odicals for 1I10 Philippine Islands) via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:3') p. m. up to April "X, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New .calHinl. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Han Francisco, close here dally at 6:,14 p. m. after Mnrch "SO and up to April 5. Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. I.ucanla, duo at Nrw York April 5, for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Mnlls for Chins and Japan, via Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to April "S, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. e. Empress of Japan (registered mall musl be directed "via Victoria, B. C." Mer chandise for the V. S. Postal Agency st Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can-ail.-o. Mulls for the Philippine Islands, via Bun Francisco, close here dally st 6'.8o p. m. up to April "11, Inclusive, for dispatch per I". 8. transport. Mails Tor Tahiti nml Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close Here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to April 17, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally ind the schedule of clos ing is arranged . 1 the presumption of their 1 nlnterrupted overland transit 'Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. ni. rrevlois day CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofllce, New York. N. Y., March 21, 1(2. iAILWAY TIME CARD. INION STATION IOTI1 ANU MARC Y, Chicago. Rock Island A ParlBc EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Local a :35 am !:35 pn Chlingo Express till 1.19 mil n o.n I'll 1:00 pm bll:60 am 1 1H . . ... 1 ' " r., Des Moines Local a 4 Chicago Fast Express.. a 4 l.a All.Ana t?, la. land and Chicago a 7:40 pm A 8:25 am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. SpriiiK". Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pnr Colorado, Okiaiioma ft Texas Flyer a 6 :20 pm :So pm ;10 pm a 9:M ant a 615 am all:15 am Arrive, a 6:10 pro a 1:06 am b!0:35 pm al0:35 pm a 7:30 pm at;? pm a 4:35 pm a 7:00 am W2:3o pm b 9:35 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0 St Louis Flyer a 6 Illinois Central. Leave. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Chicago. Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited. a 7:60 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul . Express b 7:20 am Chicago Express I'nlon Partite. Overland Limited ..a 9:40 am Fast Mail a;Wm California Express a 4:25 pm Puclflo Express all :30pm Eastern Express Atlantic Express Lineoln-Stronishurg Ex.b 4:05 pm Grand island Local o a.w pm Chleaain A Northtveatern. "The Northwestern Line. Chicago Special ...a 7:10 am Chicago Passenger -a 4:15 pm Eastern Express ..al0uii am Eastern Special a 4:65 pm Fust Mall a 8:00 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm Fast Mail Cedar Rapids Pass Twin City Express a 7:05 am Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm Sioux City Local a 6:U am all:20 pm a 8:00 am a 4:05 pm a 4:06 pm a 2:40 pm a 6:20 am a 8:30 am a 8:30 pm al0:2G pm a 8:40 am a 3:50 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH A WEBSTER Fremont, Elkhorn A Missouri Valley. Leave. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm Wvomlna. CasDer and Arrive. . 5:00 pm Douglas d 1:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hasting". York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pro Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont .- b 7:30 em bl0:25am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am Missouri Paelflc. Nebraska Locnl. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am Cblcaito, St. Paol, Minneapolis . A Omaha. ' Twin City Passenger... 6:80 am a 9:15 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:45 pm all:20 am Emerson Local ...b 6:30 pm b 8:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Daily Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicago & Omaha Ex. ..b 7:16 am b 8:40 pm Missouri I'si-me. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm a 6:15 am K. C. A St. L. Express.. a!0:50 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" A CIS -.M ,A EtHIJICM MM, U.IU yiU 1.1V 1D 6t. Louis Local, Council uiuas aiu:uu am aiu:su pm UtRLINGTON STATION 10TII A MASON Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy, Leave. AirWe. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 10 -.20 pm Chicago Vesnouiea n.x.a t:uu pm a 1:13 am Chicago Local a 9:30 um a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall ft 2:40 pm Unrllngtun A Missouri River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:36 Dm Denver IJmlied a 4:25 pm u t:00 pm Black Hills and Puget Sound-Express... a :w pm a : am Uncoln Fust Mail b 8:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth o i.M pm 011 :uo am Bellevue A Puclflo Jet.. a 7:4o pm 1 8:20 am Bellevue ft Pacltlo Jet. .ft 8 .00 a in Kansas Cly, St. Joseph A Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:06 pra HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. S. M. New Twin-Screw a. a. of 13. wo tons register. Steamer " Ryndam Mar. 29, 10 A. M. Twin-Screw Deft flr Him Steamer liuiioiuulll Apr. s, 19 A.M. Steamer AMSTERDAM. ...April It, 10 A. M. Apply to Harry Moorea, 1416 Farnam street; J. B. McNally, 1X3 Farnam street; H. 8. Jones, Iwi h amain street: Lou II Neese, First National Bank. Oraabft. CS) FOUR SEPARATE AND CZ DISTINCT SERYICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passengef Steamert tailing- weekly from Boston, Portland snd Montreal to Liverpool, also Boiton to Mediterranean porta. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated1." For rates, etc., apply to local agent or company'a office. S9 Dearborn St., Chicago, lil EUROPE Best tours. IOWf st prices. Ball June 18th and July Int. Address Edwin Jones, rumam Ave., Brook lyn. N. Y. vlsilng England, France, Tour July 1st, Belgium, $U5. Transport Sherman Ready. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. -The United Statea transport Sherman, for month past undergoing repairs and alterations at the Union Iron works, will go Into dry dirk on Saturday, preparatory to taking Its place on tho Manila route, under com mand of Captain Fraser. As reconstructed Sherman Is said to be the finest vessel In the transport service.