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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1902)
10 THE OMAHA DAIIi" llEEt TIIUIISDAY, MAIICII 27, 1902. KO EVIDENCE ON VALUATION Xrank Mnrpliy Qnits Tai Oaie Without f Giving Id formation. RYAN SUSTAINS WEBSTER'S OBJECTIONS t'ltr Clerk Elbourn (ilvrm Tritlmonr a to Plllna; and Hradlat of Com plaints Ilefore Hoard of Equalisation. It wad generally conceded by those who bave been attending th tax mandamus bearing regularly that Mr. Mcintosh sus tained a severe reverse In the refusal of Referee Ryan to admit evidence aa to the alue of the corporation personal property and franchises. The attorney for the re lators bad been counting on this as one of his strongest arguments In favor of (ranting the writ. An Intimation that this would be the reforee'a ruling wan given out Tuesday morning, but It was not known positively Until Wednesday afternoon, when Frank Murphy, president of the Btreet railway and gas companies, was permitted to leave the witness stand without having testified to a Ingle material fact. Every question asked by Mr. Mcintosh aa to the value of the personal property and franchises of the two corporations was objected to by Attor y Webster or Attorney Connell. The referee sustained all of the objections. After Tresldent Murphy was excused At torney MclntoFh took the stand and Inter rogated himself. The questions pertained to the antecedents of the cane, to what took place before the Board of Equaliza tion January 15 and 20, inclusive, and what the witness did by way of attempting to ecure a bearing for his clients. 'Webster Question Mcintosh. He was cross-examined by Mr. Webster. "Weren't you present at a meeting of the tlty council, sitting as a board of equaliza tion, Friday, January 17?" "I was present, but solely as an Indi vidual. I wasn't representing anybody as attorney." "Didn't you participate In the bearing on that dayT" "I replied to some remarks made there Joy Mr. Webster." The relators Introduced In evidence the city clerk's Journal of the council meet ing of January 20: Mr. Mcintosh then an nounced that the relators rested. The respondents began their side of the case by calling to the stand City Clerk Elbourn. He was asked to Identify a pub lication notice advertising the sitting of the city council as a board of equalization. This was done, and the notice was intro duced in evidence. Mr. Mcintosh's objection was overruled. The original eighty-eight complaints made by members of the Real Estate ex chango were .then identified and accepted In evidence over Mr. Mcintosh's protest. "Waa there any discussion before the board as to what its action would be on ny one of these complalnU?" City Attorney Connell and Mr. Morsman Objected to this and their objection waa overruled. "When these complaints were filed," Mr. Elbourn-answered, "the board laid them 'to one side until the last day of the session 'and then they were acted on." Elbonrn Doesn't Know. - "Didn't you know es a matter of fact I that no action w hatever waa had on any one of these complaints until after the i Morton and Bbrtver complaints were filed?" I "No, sir; I don't know anything of that fltlnd." "Waa anything said by any member of the WW To") . W.UL& ERECT FORM THIS IS THE " Latest ERECT FORM Just now there are two different models Slrle 71 1 which coat IS Style 713 which cast $4 The corset Is rather long and extra pieces at the aide cover and fit the hips, producing a perfectly smooth effect Just now, very tight skirts axe proper. Women who dress with the mode, must wear this model. Tor Sal by All DeaWra If your dealer cannot supply you, mention bia oawa and tend price to WEINGARTEN BROS. 377479 Brsadwiy. Maw York No other corset can take the plate of the W. H. bract r'urm. Accept no aubauiuu. board as to what ita action would be with reference to these complaints?" Mr. Council's objection was overruled. "I don't remember of aoythlDg being said," waa the answer. Mr. Mcintosh railed the referee's atten tion to the fact that the eighty-eight com plaints were atamped with the date January 17. "The purpose of that Is," said he. "to give the impressing that they were beard on that date, wbifh Is not true." He re sumed: "Was any one of these complaints read to the board?" "I don't know. There were hundreds of papers read; I can't remember them all." "How do you know these particular com plaints were read, then?" "By their class and the file marks." "Who read them?" "I dont know." Mr. Elbourn was still on the stand when at 6 o'clock court adjourned until 9:30 this morning. Fleming on the Stand. Tax Commissioner Fleming was recalled to the stand for a few minutes yeeterday forenoon to answer come general questions by Mr. Webster touching the personnel and organization of the Board of Review. Attorney J. W. Battln waa called to the witness stand. He waa a member of the last Board Of Review. "Mr. Battln." asked Mr. Mcintosh, "did you uncertain the fair cash value of prop erty except the property of the five public service corporations," and then did you com pute 40 per cent of that aa the assessable value of the property?" Mr. Webster's objection to this was over ruled. "Yes," was the answer. "Did you make an attempt while re viewing to ascertain the fair cash value of the corporation property?" Objected to. for the reason that the Board of Review Is not an assessing board. Sustained. Mr. Mcintosh excepted. "Did the Board of Review have any fig ures before It to enable it to arrive at a fair cash value of the corporations)?" Objections were sustained and exceptions were taken. Statement by Goodrich. Mr. Mcintosh offered In evidence a sworn statement of the property value of the street railway company, signed by D. H. Goodrich, secretary, which was in the na ture of a request to the Board of Review to reduce the assessment of the company to 14.5,000. Unlike the other schedule previously Introduced, this was not made out on the blank form from the tax com missioner's office, but on Omaha Btreet Railway company stationery. These items were given: Investment, Dec. 1, 1901 JS,363,22t C ab e was paid in stock 2.000.0UO v noiu was pam in Donds BOO.Oni) Horse was paid In stock 2,000 000 Horse was paid In bonds fioo.OHO Motor was paid in stock 1,000,000 Motor Waa Tl.'i 1(1 In hnnrla Original cost 6.500.000 Poregolng all practically wiped out ex cept real estate, which Is assessed sep- Present llirlltmnt n" oner 4nra1 0 'V X Less original cost 6.500.000 $1 863 221 :.timnted investment in paving, ' ' which Is exempt $ 800,000 Thin 1a rnrri.luirntA v. ... count, which, on the entire plant, amounts to 518,00, including building, which are DMPIHaH With Mai .Aa...... 1 1 ,7 , . vnnxs.. re com pelled to carry, and Uo carry, 100 per cent nn svnrvthlnv .w.,nn v. . . 1 1 ( . . ... j.. w I"- miiiuiiiB", BO 11 Will readily be seen that the figures on the ............. .r in uran; correct. K. fair assessment would be 1475.000. This was signed by D. H. Goodrich as secretary. Attorney Webster ohlerted to Ita ininwinn. tlon in evidence, and the objection was sustained. City Clerk Testifies. Attorney Battln was excused, and City Clerk Elbourn was called to the stand. 'Did you Issue notices to the corpora tions January 18, notifying them that com plaints had been filed against their as sessments, and that the complaints would be heard January 20?" Mr. Elboru replied that he had not "Such notices were prepared," he said, "but before they could be sent out tho Board of Equalization revoked the order and they were thrown Into the waste basket." Mr. Mcintosh asked that copies of the notices, which were In Mr. ElboUrn'e pos session, be introduced in evidence. "What good will that do?" asked Referee Ryan. "The witness says be threw the originals In the waste basket." 'But he didn't," answered Mr. Mc intosh. "I will prove by the next witness that the notices were served." Patrolman Louis Rentfrew was called to the stand. Asked if bo served notices on the five corporations January 18, he said he didn't know. He served something, but whatever it was, it was In sealed envelopes. Officer Rentfrew was still on the stand when the hearing adjourned for the noon recess. Prank Murphy was called to the stand In the afternoon, but every question put to him by Mr. Mcintosh touching upon the value of the street railway and gas com pany properties was objected to by Mr. Webster and the objections were sustained. Announcements of tba Theaters. This afternoon and tonight closes Miss Allen's engagement at the Boyd in "In the Palace of the King." Friday night Mrs. Carrie Nation, the much-talked-of Kansas reformer and lecturer, will deliver one of her characteristic lectures at the theater. Mrs. Nation uses a silver plated hatchet to Illustrate' how she smashed saloons. Mrs. Nation Is a gool talker and full of her subject. The various reforms she inaugurated by main force and the methods she used to accomplish them will bo vividly described. Notwithstanding the report current the Cherry sisters will not assist at the lecture. Ono of the best adjusted and pleasing J bills that has been seen at the Orpbeum In many weeks is serving to draw big houses this week. An unusually bright lit tle comedy entitled "Why Walker Re formed," is presented by Milton and Dollie Nobles. Another genuinely good stunt is offered by Melville and Btetson, who are singing and giving imitations Just as en tertainingly aa ever. The comedy horizontal bar performance of the Wilton brothers is uproariously funny and probably is making the biggest hit of any similar act this season. The moving picture showing the launching and christening of Emperor William's new yacht Meteor and the par ties participating la the ceremonies, in cluding President and Miss Roosevelt, and Prince Henry, Is of interest. Mortality atattattea. The following births and deaths were re- Dnrted to the board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending dneaday noon: Ulrths James Kowailn, Kin bourn (sev enth, girl; band, Ise Memorial hos pital, girl: t- i Imuran, itnu locuei, girl, J. C. Miller. 24u8 South Fifteenth, boy; Thomas Casey. 2226 South Tenth, boy. Deutha K. W. Bartlett, 3334 Manderson, 62; Mrs. Helen Palmer. 207 South Thlrty nfth avenue, 61; Andrew Nyberg, 1324 Capi tol avenue, 46. How to Prevent faeuoaoala. You hive good reason to fear an attack of pneumonia when you have a severs cold, ac companied by pains tn the chest or in the back between the shoulders. Get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and use It as directed and it will prevent the threatened attack. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for colds and la grippe ws have yet to learn of a single case that has resulted In pneumonia, which shows that this remedy ts a certala preven tive -et that-dang aroua -disease, - FOR RENT. Handsome Ilrlelc Iteatdeace on the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Ixniglas streets. It was built by. the late Henry Pundt as his home and la one of the best constructed as well as one of the finest houses in Omaha. It Is built entirely of brick and stone, stone steps and slate roof. It Is finished in the choicest of hard woods, bas bard wood floors. Imported English tile floor in the reception ball, electric lights, pcrcelaln bath, laundry with stationary waahtubs, large pantry, china and linen closets, cedar-lined woolen closet, etc TWELVE ROOMS besides the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, storeroom, cellar and wine cellar, also large, high attic storeroom, sep arated from the servants' rooms. It also bas a large veranda enclosed as a sun par lor, equipped with steam beat. RENTAL PRICE INCLUDES STEAM HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND HOT WATER, as the bouse Is connected with the heating and lighting systems of The Bee Building. For further information call on Charles C. Rosewater, Secretary The Bee Building Col, Room 100, Bee Building. Telephone 238.' Shampooing and halrdrasslng, 25c, at The fiathery. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel 1718. VKHY LOW HATES Via tho Union Pacific. MISSOURI RIVER TO Ogden and Salt Lake $20.00 Butte and Helena 20.00 Spokane 22.50 Portland and Ashland 25.00 Tacoma and Seattle 25.00 San Francisco 25.00 Los Angeles and San Diego 25.00 City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 816. Union Station, 10th and Marcy. 'Phone 629. Capital Lodge Nu. 3, A. F. A A. M. The members of Capitol lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M., and of sister lodges, are requested to attend the funeral of Brother Edward W. Bartlett at Masonic hall, 16th and Capitol avenue, Thursday, March 27, at 1 p. m. By order of the master. JOHN BAM FORD, Secretary. Tubllsh your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telelphone 238. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. Ws will give them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. H. E. Palmer, Son & Co., have removed from the Ramge block to the 3d floor of Merchants' National bank building. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The Batbery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. FINKRAL, NOTICE. M'CAfiTTE Mrs. Henrietta M.. wife of Rev. Thomas MeCngue, D. D., at her home, 428 South Fortieth street, this city. Born at Twenty-Mile Stand. Warren county, Ohio, May 20. 1R32; died March 24. 1902, aged 69 years 10 months 24 days. Leave surviving, husband, five sons and four daughters. Funeral TTrursday afternoon. March 27. DIED. WEARR Elizabeth, March 26, 1902, at her late residence, 3324 Parker, aged 69 vears. Funeral from residence Friday, March 28, at 2 p. m. Interment, Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends invited. SWISHER Harry, at Cedar Rapids, la,. March 26, 1902; born at Kirkville, la., July 4. 1S78. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Stelnway Representatives. Largest Piano Dealers In the West. Wo have the Largest Stock. We have the Greatest Variety We sell at the Choicest Prices. We sell on the Easiest Terms Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha. SOS Uroadway. Council Bl tiffs- Fence Paint No matter whether you want to paint a fence or a floor It can be done with very MTTL43 TROUBLE and not much EX PKNSK if you use SHERWIN-WILLIAMS MIXED PAINTS. There isn't a th'ng so NMALL nor so LARUK for which Sherwin Williams haven't made a paint suitable In shade and slxe of package. Little pots of paint for Bicycles and Baby Carriages. Huge cans of paint for big houses, barns and bridges. Half-pint can Family Paint , Half-pint can Varnlah Btaln Half-pint can Screen Paint , Uuartnr-plnt can Knamel Paint..., Quarter-pint can Bicycle Knamel., Half-pint ran Kuggy Paint , Half-pint can Bathtub Knamel , Half-pint can oil Stain One-half can Fine Varnish , ,15c .30c .15c .20c .20c .6oc .15c .25c CALL. FOR COLOR CARD. Shermans, McConnell Drug Co. Corner Itttb. aad Dodge. ONLY A FEWJORE DAYS. If in need of any clothing, furnishing goods or bats, bear In mind that the Ouarantee la making a special effort to close out what Is left at 1516-18 Capitol. Boys' underwear, 15c; men's laundered and soft bosomed shirts, 25c; full suits of men's clothes, 11.98; pants, from 50c up; gloves, be a pair; odds and ends of all kinds at way below original cost, as we have absolutely no uae for these goods after Saturday night. In the new store every thing will be new, fresh and up to date. The Guarantee's selling out aale, 1516-18 Capitol avenue, near Bennett's old stand. P. 8. Remember, Saturday ts our last day at the old stand, and then will be out .of busl&esa until abou April l&tu, smaBBEUj,lll1f MfU i fill, lUKi 1 HBXB H H I J U .- M Vi bb n si m w m .i j si m au L ' WMW W "a aW Easter Millinery Street Hnts. splend'dly draped and trimmed with tine soft t Cl materials and ornaments I at 4!c, ic and -WW Big bunches Cherries, 39c. Big bunches White Folio ge. 39c. Big bunches June Rosen, 19c. we ny $5 Trimmed Hats at $5.00 The Best Value in America. Aealn we offer another Immense as sortni'nt of our unetiialpl $5,110 Hats. At this price you will lltid as hand some array of Trlmin'd Hats as It is poxslhle to get together. We ny imam mat tnoFe nat are positively the hest value in America for the money Trimmed Hats for $2.49 and $149. Renutlftil conceptions In handsomely draped Trimmed Hat for ladies and mlHseH. These hats are dcMgnd by tlrst-class artists and every detail of newness and freshness has entered Into their construction and they are fully up to the offerings In most stores at double our price HO At V-i'J and qJaS.'aV $2.50 Silk Chiffon Hats, SI. J9. 12 shapes of Silk Chiffon Hats, beauti fully hand tucked and shirred on silk wire frames, In light blue, pink, white, mnlse, bbick, castor, etc., sold every- ty0.?.'... $L39 Tailor-Made Suits, Raglans, Skirts Shower-Proof Raglans. At 86 98, formerly $12.50 made of good, shower-proof ma tenuis, yoKe iront ana nncK. wttn and witnout tho ne triple capes, some with the new belt back nave day , ! capes, some with the new belt back T f g- .j been selling at Jlii.DO choice Thurs- aBOe-JO Silk Dress Skirts. $7.50 At $7.50. formerly $12.50 made of good, heavy taffeta silk, with all-over tucked tops, very richly designed flounces also some good taffetas with lace and rib bon trimming Thursday very special at Golf Skirt Special. At $1.9. formerly $4.00 a heavy, strictly all wool Golf Skirt, In all colors, with the new high-cut flounce, jj' m ft heavy stitched bottom, perfect fitting and finish Thursday w Ladies Tailor-Made Suits. 84.9R, formerly $10 made In blouse, eton and reefer Jacket styles, silk faced and lined skirts, with flounce and good lining, In all col ors, madoaof cheviot, Venetian and covert, In cluding misses' sizes, ages 12 (4 OU to 16 years qJ'i.VO $9.98, formerly $15 now, stylish eton and blouse effects, with the new white moire trim med collars and reveres, also taffeta and satin stitched, all colors, rich crea- irt I1U tlone; Thursday only 4VVO At 98c Silk Capes, with ribbon andlace trimming, good lining, full sizes very special at 98c i Special Sale of Picture Frames Today we will place on sale an Importer's sample line of Frames, In the highest quality. These Kramei are all beautifully constructed, elegant designs, embossed with Cupids, forget-me-nots and very beautifully hand chased. They are made of gold plate, gun metal and oxydlzed. In gray, rose and gold. They come In all sizes. Including mlnature and cabinet size, square and oval, also double frames almost everything In Frames you can wish for worth from 50c to $2.00 each on sale at 10c, 15c, 25c and 39c Each IMlHYn ' 1 FOR THE EARLY SPRING. An Economical Coal... Spadra Soml-Anthracite $8 TheTon. In the morning, a good shaking and open draughts will furnish aa rellent Bra In fifteen minutes. Then close draughts, regulate your lira as wanted. Just the coal for this time of year, In Furnaces and Heating; Stoves Account of Its free burning qualities, the Are can be perfectly regulated to suit the weather. With damper tightly closed, SPADRA will bold Are easily for twenty-four hours. C. B. HAVENS & CO., TcL 317 and 825. 1522 Farnam Street BBC 10 you (Own Ualuable Papers? We have a suite of rooms with a Are and burglar proof vault. It consists of ? waiting room and two smaller rooms. Electric light. Hardwood floors. THE BEE BUILDING It will be a pleasure to work in offices like these. The rent is 40. We have another, single good sized office with a vault, only ?17.50. RENTAL AGENTS, GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG R, C PETERS & CO,, The Druggist's Dream It was in the balmy month of June, 1901 the 12th day of tho month, to b accu rate, when the druggists of Omaha (us ex cepted, aa we don t dream) had a Joint diram with the N. A. K. 1. to the effect that they would all go Into cohoots and bump up the prices to a uniform point of Ilia butohtnan a 1 per cent of years ago the mossbark age. What a snap It waa going to be for the fellow wbo likes to sit around and wall for cuatomera to come lit aad pay his price 'cause they waan't to De able to do any better at the other fellow's place who punhed Ins buslut-sa, 4H he wan to be FROZE OUT. Hut the OTHKR FELLOW couldn't see It that way and he startled them on the 1st of Sep tember with that "Trusts don't go tn Nebraska" ad, and they haven't gotten over it yet. $1.00 Peruna (one to a customer) S7c SI U) Uromo Seltzer uTc $1.00 l'arlhlan Hair Tonic (guaranteed) 7"ic il.iiO Herpicide (If you want It?) 60 11.(10 Coke's Dandruff Cure 47c tl.u Duffy's Malt Whiskey 7j 1. 00 Her s Malt Whiskey .'Ac tl.OO Wine t'ardill tone to a customer) 4c Prescriptions called for and delivered to any part of the, city day or night without extra charge. CUT PRICF. DRUG isTORE Tel. 74T. . W. tor. lUtta aad l'btca-o. Goods delivered FRKE to any part of city. SCIIAEFER'S YOU MAY TALK till doomsday and you can't convince a user of METZ BROS.' BEER that there's any equal to It In body, flavor or palate tickling qualities. Carefully selected malt and hops and an essentially perfect brewing method have won for It a preatigu critical beer users admire. Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 118. Oaaaba. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Keumaytr Hotel. Council Bluffs, low a. DANDRUFF Pomltlwly Curmd mi jrotw Vmm FftlHaj tUif 4 all fTaKtion of th Hetlr ami fy:ip p ff tivcty luicd uly rlU niV talent, tW UVaUUBtl. lUsXlll V car Pre1 fi t cfti-h .. Full iul"i msvt.on nth rvx. fr- Call or wrl. J -US H. H Ml HI h T I) I., aba MsUf !.,-hi i H. !W Q Easter Suggestions 3 Tor those who nro desirous of purchasing new weara bles for Easier and appreciate correct and exclusive Btjles, will welcome this opportunity to see the very latest" crea tions in ready-to-wear apparel for men, women and chil dren. "or do the benefits end here. There is a decided price advantage at this store, for our plan of merchandis ing is not to mark an article as high as it could probably be sold for, but as low as we can possibly afford to sell it. Easter shopping will be pleasant here, and at no store will you find values equal to ours. Women's Alan-Tailored Suits There is nothing like our women's suits that you have ever seen before. We lay our first claim to your suit pat ronage to the fact that we give you styles different from what others can show. Women's Tailor-Made Suits Women's Man-Tailored Suitsmade of a very fine all wool cheviot serge, Jn black, blue and brown; tho new eton effect, with silk vest front, jacket and skirt trimmed with stitched taffeta bands, jackets taf feta lined throughout, $10 7ff a suit worth f 18 lUa I J Women's Tailor-Made Suits Gib son blouse and eton shapes, our own models, etamines and canvas weaves, in black and colors, the handsomest costumes ever offered at t hese $ prices :29.75 Women's Jackets & Raglans Women's Cloth Jackets made in cheviots, broadcloths and Venetians new eton and blouse effect, well lined and tailored, $lO yr from $4.90 to I0IJ Fine Silk Jackets wonderful col lection in moire taffeta and peau de soie, many exclusive effects, at 7.50, f 9.75, 14.75 $JJ QQ Lon Silk Garments in moire, taffeta and peau de soie, lined and unnned, trimmed and plain, at f 14.75, ?16.75, $18.75 up to .. ,. H5.00 Easter Millinery Nothing has been left undone that would add to the popular ity of our millinery. We have spared no pains to provide the women with the newest ideas the market affords and at prices one-half the milliners. We would particularly call your attention to our magnificent display of ?5 trimmed hats, exact reprodm:- tions of foreign models, only one of each model, never such values and style for the money, $f? fi positively worth f 10.00 at ,. . ....... JiUU In the Boys' Section We invite th parents to closely examine the goodness of our boys' clothing. We have bent our best energies to se cure the best clothes at' the most moderate prices. In our boys' department will be seen clothes made by America's foremost manufacturers. Children's Suits Children's Butts made of a chotce lino of suitings, made to wear, cor rect in style and well made, they come In light and dark checks, plain and fancy patterns, they are made in doublo breasted or Norfolk styles well worth $3.75, at Children's Suits made of serges, casstmeres, plaids and overplalds, checks and plain colors, are perfectly tailored, with the best of linings, they come in double breast ed, Norfolks and three-piece styles, they are well worth $3.00 $2.50 Youths' Suits Made of fancy Scotch suitings, in sizes 13 to 19, cut In the new style coat, strongly stayed, perfect fitting and the equal of any $7 suit displayed by any other store, our popular prlt s :r.::,.,:.r.u.,.t' $4.50 Ytuths' Suits made of fancy worsted, cheviots, made In the swellest single breasted sack, they are for young gentlemen IS to 19 years, these suits are the perfec tion of high art tailoring, and are r.rrM.18.0.0:. $9.00 Men's furnishings You know what should be in the Easter wardrobe gloves shirts hose neckwear handkerchiefs. We have an exceptionally fine assortment at most tempting prices. 'iLWAi' .1..- l -i. 1 L EASTER GIFTS Ioclieta and chains, opal rings, book marks hat pins, stick pins, cuff buttons, broochea. We are show ing a beautiful line of these good at all prices. Spend a few minutes at our store. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE a a Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigars. T. & iUcs atercaaUl Cigar Ca Maau (actursra. Lroula falon &Uda ,