THE OMAHA DAILY BEE:- TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1902. 15,000 SOUVENIRS FREE Our Ian of Distribution We will register names each day un til we have registered the above mentioned number. ; WORTH YOUR WHILE ' to come In every day you will have TWO WKEKS in which to get your name on our . , . list, and when you have registered we will ' deliver the beet souvenir that Omaha peo ple have ever received. W.":R. Bennett Co, mloe worker rannot with honor to them telvet or with justice to those dependent on thcra continue at work during the corn Ins year under the present low wages and Indefinite conditions of employment, and provides for a general suspenalon of work to take effect upon a date to be designated by the executive boards of districts 1, 7 and 9. "It provides, however, that before resort ing to such drastla measures and with lingering hope for a peaceful solution of the perplexing problem an appeal be made to the executive committee of the Indus trial department of the National Civic fed eration.. Should the civic federation refuse to act or should tbey fall In their efforts to secure a satisfactory adjustment prior to April 1 and it then negotiations are still pending,', anthracite miners, except those necessary to keep the mines la re pair, shall remain away from the mines, stripping, wssherles and breakers on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays of each week.- Should a strike take place no set tlement will be made In any separate dis trict and will not terminate until It has been' officially declared ended by a conven tion representing the three anthracite dis tricts. ' "The committee to negotiate with the civic federation has not yet been ap pointed." ' During the day President Mitchell was In communication by telephone with Secretary Ralph M; Easley of the civic federation, to whom he bad announced the decision of the convention. This organization la empowered by Its con stitution to use Its good offices to prevent strikes when appealed to by one of the par ties to the proposed rupture. In the event of their failure to secure satisfactory con-cessions- the committee appointed tonight will report to the district executive boards, which were, authorized by the convention to declare: a strike. , i NEW YORK, March 24. Notice was given out tonight .by Ralph M. Easley, secretary of the National Clvlo federation, that the national conciliation committee of the as sociation would hold a special section Wednesday mernlng to consider the miners' grievances. Senator Hanna will attend, and others expected at the meeting are Bishop Potter,, Oscar Straus, Charles A. Moore, Frank P. 8argsnt, James 1 Duncan, Johm Mitchell and Frenglln MaeVeagh. . Mtaaourl Coal Miners. BBVIER, Ma, March 24. A general or der was given today by President George Richards of District No. 25, United Mine Workers of America, declaring a strike upon the Murlln Coal company mines in this state. The walkout affects 800 miners, who left their posts today. The cause leading to the trouble waa the discbarge of a miner In Randolph county last week for soma minor trouble. Commercial Artiste' Strike. CHICAGO, March 24. The Commercial Artists' association tonight declared a gen eral strike in fourteen, of, the, principal en graving houses jo Chicago , to enforce an apprenticeship system. At present, U, ' is alleged, some of: the concerns employ' more apprentices than Journeymen artists. Hood's Sarsaparitla Hag iron success far beyond the effect of advertising1 only. The firm hold it has won and retains Upon the heart of the people could never have been rained by even the most lavish expenditure of money. The true secret of the popularity of Hood's Sarsaparitla Is explained entirely and only, by its unapproachable Merit. Based upon a prescription which cured people considered Incurable, which accomplished wonders astonish Ing to the medical profession, Hood's Sarsaparitla Includes the concentrated rallies of the best-inown vegetable remedies such as sarsaparilla, yellow dock, pipsis sewa, uva ursi, mandrake and dande lion, united by an original and peculiar combination, proportion and process, giving to .'-. Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power peculiar to iUelf. It cures of mild and extreme cases of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, and every kind of humors, as well as of ca tarrh and rheumatism prove it to be the best blood purifier ever produced. Its cures of dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness, loss of appetite and that tired feeling, make Hood's Sarsaparilla Ieyond question the greatest stomach oale, nerve-builder and strength restorer the world has ever known. It will cure' you or any one In your family of any of these troubles. You can rely upon. Hood's Sarsaparilla as a thoroughly good medicine. Buy a bottle and begin to take it today. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY F0REVE1 D I.T. FELIX COlRAL'D'S ORIENTAL Cat An. 01 MAGICAL BEAUTIFIED. 3 1 o JkUTTtI rrikla. Math Pawns, S.1 WaXi ao.4 Skin dl. . an, avarf imtB n Mut, ui S Sets. Uoa. it aaa stood the lest of r. and la as aaiinl-ss taste tl to a sure ' u Mvsariy saafle. lAeeavt eouatar- irwi f iiuui o-s. Dr. L bsit Mid t a At of tb kt-ta Im. natlantt! "As you ladles will use I hem. I recom- Kmd SJOURAUD'S CREAM' as the UasI ratful of all ths Hkin bMnarallAtii 11 Vna pal bv all Drug a is is and Fancy OoVda iwwi in ma u. a ana Kurop. VKUD. T. HOfKiaS, Vns'r, -. . m Oreet jot St, W. T. 1 m w aw vsy-ws BOERS PUZZLE THE WORLD Burghers' Conference with Kitchener Finds Ho Sure Interpretation. LONDON DOUBTS THAT PEACE IS AT HAND English Are I'nable to Solve the Prob lem, While Other European Au thorities Offer Conjec tural Solutions. LONDON', March 24. The "Associated Press bas good reason to believe tbat Lord Kitchener, in bis Interview with Mr. Schalkburger, agreed to withdraw the ban ishment proclamation loaned In September if Ot nersl Dewet and the other Boer lead ers surrendered. There Is little disposition In London to regard the news of the Boer government's visit to Pretoria any too hopefully. Offi cial circles express the doubts, held throughout, of the ability of Acting Presi dent Schalkburger and the other civilian leaders of the Boers to Induce such men aa Oenerals Dewet and Delarey to surrender. Possibly, they think, the representatives of the Transvaal government are desirous of suing for peace, but there Is nothing to show tbat they have any authority to im pose submission on the commanders In the field. The moat hopeful , sign they see Is the announcement that Lord Kitchener per mitted Mr. Schalkburger and his com panions to proceed to the Orange River Colony, the contention being that unices the British commander-in-chief In South Africa, who is on the spot, and, therefore, most thoroughly conversant with the situ ation, recognised the possibility of fruit ful results and believed In the good faith ot the Transvaalers, he would not have permitted the visitors to continue the pil grimage to the headquarters of their Orange River Colonies. Press Is Caatloaa. The same cautloua reserve nermeatea th newsnaner utterances anil tha rnmmant In Well Informed circle. Soma sls-nlfleanea la attached to the fact that. In approaching Lord Kitchener, Mr. Schalkburger and those associated with him have carried out to the letter the advice a-Iven bv the British foreign secretary. Lord Lansdowne, In his reply to tne peace note of the Netherlands government, that the quickest and most satisfactory means for arrana-ina- a aat. tlement would be by direct communication between the leaders of the Boers and the British commander-in-chief in South Africa. There Is no slcn. however, that tha Transvaal mission received any mandate from the fighting generals or that tha latter are prepared to recognize the author ity or tneir aotlng president to negotiate terms ot peace.' .. Presumably, tbe . latter Satisfied Lord Kitchens tfc h. tain clearly defined proposals to submit to nis any. President Stern, but the best Information from 8outh Africa denrecatre any belief In the likelihood of a simulta neous surrender of the burchers still in tha leld, on the order of the Boer govern ment. Almost the best to be hopsd for la that the present overtures will so mod- iry tne situation as to bring peace nearer. me Westminster Gazette this afternoon urges that any neaca nronoaal shnuM ha regarded on Its merits, pointing out that tne ungenerous assumption that the pre vious Boer overtures were signs of weak ness contributed largely to the failures of the negotiations. Radical Chang Not Imminent. Tbs Pall Mall Oazette would "Ilka to think that the brave, skillful commandera. Dewet ana Delarey, have arrived at the height of moral courage, once attained by General Lee, and have realised that tha trueat patriotism does not consist In the prolongation or a hopeless struggle." The paper confesses, however, that the military situation la not auspicious for auch a change ot mind. The St. James Gazette extracts from tha unlllumlnatlve dispatches thus far received from Pretoria the theory that Mr. Bchalk burger and the other members of his party have possibly already surrendered and have been released on narola far tha mimosa of seeing President Steyn and. General Dewet. i ne aews from South Africa had a gen erally good effect on the 8ock exchange. in tne House of Commons tha war seer. tary, Mr. Brodrlck, announced that a fort night ago Mr. Schalkburger Intimated to Lord Kitchener his desire to be granted a safe conduct through the British l Inaa anil back. In order to see Mr. Steyn with ref erence to peace proposals. Lord Kitchener, who tne consent of the government, has acceded to the request. The announcement of the war aecretar was received with cheers. The Dally Chronicle, this mornlna asserts that an armistice has been arranged pend ing the duration of Schalkburgher's mission to General Dewet and that offensive opera tions against Dewet, Delarey and Botha will be auspended. The three generals have agreed to observe the armistice honorably until tne return or tb envoys to ths Boer lines. It la believed, continue tha DaU Chronicle, that the envoys after acquaint ing Botha with the rsault ot their mission will again confer with Lord Kitchener, although no arrangement for the second conference has been made. In a dispatch from Pretoria, made public tonight. Lord Kitchener gives, his usual weekly total ot captures, etc., but does not mention the Schalkburgher Incident. Reanlt t Eran Plans. AMSTERDAM. March 24. It Is believed In Beer circles her tbat the move of Act ing President Schalkburgher la the result ot a communication from ths Boer representa tives la Europe. A former member of the Transvaal government said tonight: After the exchange of the Dutch-Eng lish notes a confrrvhc was called for Feb ruary. This otxifereno waa attended by Mr. Kruger, Dr. Leyds and the delegate and It waa decided to send six enilHsarlea to South Africa by different route with dlspatche lor fHV and . fik-hajkburgber, giving them a detailed account of tb situation. On of these saints ought to have arrived about thl time. Document lately received rrom Schalkhurghcr Indi ra ten that peace terms hnl been recently oisouKei ny the lenders In Bouth Africa but the leaders declared thev could not ac cept anything less than the term" cle. manded at Mldrilehurg (bv Uenernl Botha February 2S, liton and especially the point of complete amnesty for Cape rebels, be cause) the greater part of the commandos aciuauy in arms are composed of Cape in aureenta. The fact that tha Boer In the field are Inclined to compromise their demands for absolute Independence oeeins to be Indicated by the plan Bchalkbtiraher ha outlined for tne government of Industrial centers. This consists or a iiritmn board of admlnlatr.t tion, with proportional Boer representation. Surprise nt The llaarne. THE HAOtE. March 24. Acting Presi dent Schalkburgber's arrival at Pretoria was a complete surprise to the Boer circles here. It was surmised that the step taken was connected with the instructions sent to Lord Kitchener to communicate the text of the Anglo-Dutch notes to the Boer leaders. Regarding the fears, expressed In the British press that the Boer generals would not be inclined to recognize the authority of the civil government of the South African republics in case the latter decided to open peace negotiations, well Informed persons here doclare that such apprehension Is un founded. Tbey point out that the Boer civil and military authorities have always worked In perfect harmony and that Mr. Schalkburgher and the government could not have proceeded to the Orange River colony via Mlddleburg and Pretoria without at least the consent f General Botha. In conclusion it Is said that the final decision as to whether serious peace over tures shall be msde rests entirely in the hands of the Burghers, who will have to decide upon It at a public meeting. Mr. Kruger has not yet received any tele, graphic advices from South Africa, nor has the transvaal legation, but tbey undoubtedly will receive advices in the event of the leaders finding a workable basts for peace terms. Xalei n Boer Victory. NEW YORK, March 24. Rev. Dr. II. D. von Broeckhuysen of Pretoria, who is in this country on behalf of the Boer cause, asserts that he haa received advices pri vately of the capture by the Boera of Rlebeek West, a town of 1,500 Inhabitants, only thirty miles from Capetown, Cape Colony. He declares the new came to him by mail. WOULD CHANGE UNION RULES Maater Painter Agree. to Ralae Waajes bat Want Workmen to Grnnt De mands RpKardlna; Ootslde Work. A committee of the Painters' union met the master painters last night and discussed the proposed advance in the scale of wages, amounting to 2H cents an hour, beginning April 1. The masters agreed to the In crease, but asked for the privilege of changing two rules of the union. To this the union men demurred. The masters want the union men to agree to work for no less than 60 cents an hour tor outside parties, and want them to charge double time for all night and Sunday work done for outsiders. The scale is now 37',4 cents an hour and the Increase will make It 40 cents. Overtime Is charged at price and a half. Two hundred and eighty-seven men in the Painters' union are affected by the raise and fifty are being paid above the scale. Everything Is agreeable between masters and workmen, except on the ques tion of changing the two rules. FIRE RECORD. Phoenix Opera House. ' CHICAGO, March 24. Fire originating In gasoline which Webster Cullerison, an ac tor was using to clean garments nearly destroyed the Phoenix Opera house block In Waukegan, tonight. Cullerison was bsdly burned, but escaped from the building, car rying with him David Horning, a lad who waa with him when the gasoline exploded. The entire .equipment of the "Runaway Match" company. Including costumes and scenery, was destroyed. Tobacco Warehouse. WAREHOUSE POINT, Conn., March 25. A large brick building belonging to the State and used for storing tobacco by Schroeder & Aargulmbau of New York,, was destroyed by fire early this morning, with all' Its contents. Two hundred and sixty cases of tobacco were burned. The total loss will amount to $75,000, covered by in surance of $30,000. Pile Cored Wlrsoat tne- Knlfn. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers ot Faze Ointment to refund money where It fails to cur anr esse of piles, no matter of how long standing. Cure ordinary caaes In six f.sys; the worst cases In fourteen days. On application gives ess iJ rest. Relieves Itching Instantly. This Is a new discovery ind Is ths only pile remedy sold on a post tto guarantee, no cur no pay. Price 60e If your druggist don't keep It in stock send us 50c In stamps and we will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Co., Bt Louis, Mo., who also manufacture the celebrated cold cure. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Liberal Gift to Harvard. RT. IjOL'IS. March 24. Georsre Smith. adopted son of James Smith, founder of the Smith academy, and his wife, Persis Smith, by his will filed for probate today, left $460,000, the bulk of his estate, to Har vard university. The money is to be used In building three dormitories, one to be called after himself and the other two after his adopted parents. Gray Case Goes to Jnry. CHICAGO. March 24. The case against Dr. Robert K. Gray, charged with the murder of Irma Brown, probably will be lven to the jury tomorrow, ah tne evi ence waa presented today and arguments will begin tomorrow morning. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Mon- oay, Marcn it: Warranty Deed. W. W. Kruger and wife to Edward Fennell and wire, lot si, diock z, W I. gelbv'a 1st add S 600 300 250 10 100 2.000 80 175 525 1.400 75 Anna Corrlgan to Josephine Iankas, lot 19, diock z, ist aaa to Missouri Avenue Dark 8a rah H. Farratt and husband to Pa rah Olmatead, lot lv, diock J, Monmouth Park Ellen I.lnehan and husband to Q. T. Morton, lots 7 ana s, diock u. Iiwlnhi A L.'a add W. O. S&ndera to Herman Beselln, s 48 feet of 60 feet lot S. tiasca.ll K.'s subdlv Ella M. Monk to James Neville, s 32 feet tot 1, block 6a. Omaha Rumaey Baling to J. A. fclnjiath, lot 7 and 8, block 2, Baling s add to Elk horn J. M. Stevenson and wife lo 11 L Ida, lot 1. block 70, Floitrnce Same to WlUUm Banks, lots 4, i and 8. block 70, same Alice S. Ferguson et al to T. J. Lund, lot 4. Shlnn'a add Charles I.lnd and wife to J. P. Und, nK, lot 6, block 147. Bouth Omaha.... W. J. Fischer and wife to Minnie C. Montgomery, lots 1 and 20, block , liundee Place Q. V. Binlth et al to A. F. Prins, sti neH and neV neii lo-lt-10 Bam to same, se1 lo-ll-lO 1,000 S.600 4. (MO 2 Qnlt rials Deeds. City of Omaha to C. M. Avery. ni of alley adjoining lot 2. block 203. Omaha, Deads. Sheriff to Julius Peycke. tindlvV lot 1 to S. block 1; lots 1 to 29. block 47; lots 8. 11. 12. 16, Its. 18 and , block 1, Edge wood Park 218 Total amouut of transfers 117,041 NEBRASKA y BILL': DEFERRED Friends of Partitioning Proposal Lose Their Eathngiasm. HAYG000 TO UAVE INDIAN SERVICE Effort I Renewed to Save Rhea from Execution Case County to Be Grldlroned with Rami Routes. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) "WASHINGTON. March 24 (RneM.l Tela gram.) A boulder bas been Disced In the way of the bill dividing Nebraska Into two judicial districts. Who Is responsible for tne present conditions csnnot be ascer tained, but the fact remains that the warmth With which the measure waa re ceived early In the session has given way to a certain measure of coolness, anil Chair. man Ray of the ludlclary committee, when seen toaay, could give no definite answer to tne question when the messure would be considered. Leading attorneys of the South Platte couuirr wno were entnusiasta for the Alvi. slon last summer and early in the fall have recently snown but sllcht Interest In tha status of the measure, which has led to mucn speculation. One representative from Nebraska aunests aa a solution nf this lukewarmness that it may be because all omces which the bill would create if passed have been farmed out and the patriots nave no further reason to lie awake nights planning how to heln tha measure alona As it is, the Nebraska delegation Is much divided, only two members. Rurlratt anA Shallenberger, being outright advocates ot me mil. Htsrk is decidedly neutral, al though his district is Included In the South Platte section, while Mercer, Robinson and Neville have repeatedly said that the dlvl slon was not necessary. Accept Hay good's Resignation. W. F. Haygood. -Chief clerk of the Omaha and Winnebago agency, will leave the In dian service on Anril 20. the department having accepted hit resignation, to take eneci at mat time. Clyde Pllman, assist ant clerk, who filed charaes aeslnat H good, haa been ordered to the Santee agenoy on tms same date, while Theodore Sharp, who Is chief clerk at the Santee agency, goes to the Omaha end WlnnebaffO arencv as cniei cierx there. It Is stated at the India office that M Sharp Is one of the best men in tha arie. and will be a valuable help to Agent maiaewson, wno has been Instructed to carry out some needed reforms at the agency. Effort to Save Kline. Senator Millard has written a leli.e Governor Savage, iolnina- with nth sena tors In asking that sentence of death, which naa Deen passed upon William Kline, alias Rhea, and which Is to be executed next month, be commuted to lmnrlannm life. Senator Beverldge of Indiana has written a touching letter to the governor of Nebraska asking for executive clemency, In view of the fact that the father and motner or the condemned man' reside In his state and be knows they have ruined themselves financially to save their h. from the gallows. St. Edward Postofflce Fight. A war Is on ever tha removal nf tha -- office at St. Edward. Boone county, Ne- Drasaa. . ine present postmaster haa recom mended that it be removed from its present location, but th proposed change is op posed by some ot the prominent citizens of that town. Then an lna.A... - -j uur tf was Beat eena. by the d.4SSJ.. aav "rlvestlgate the amuer. congressman Robinson today re. ceived a telegram from some of the citizens asking him to ascertain what the report of the Inspector contained. In response to mis ne caned upon the Postofflce depart ment and loaroed that the rennrt lint yet been received and nothin nmiM k. done in the matter until It reached Wash ington. Rural Routes tor Cass. Cass county. Nebraska. Is to hv t.h. lished within Its borders a system of rural free delivery. All detalla nmr t .t.t. an establishment have been made and maps snowing tne routes are expected In Wash ington this week. VThli haa been a nrnloAt of Representative Burkett. for several years, and he1 has been' gradually working up to having Cass county grldlroned by rural routes, so that every farmer In that territory will receive daily mail. Several months ago Mr. Burkett asked the post masters of Alvo, Avoca, Cedar Creek, Eagle, Elmwood, Greenwood, Louisville, Manley, Murdock, Murray, Maynard, Nehawka, New Plattamouth, Rock Bluffs, South Bend. Union, Wabash, Weeping Water, postofflces In the county to get together and see it they could formulate some plan ot laying out routes that would be wholly satisfac tory. Postmaster Arrange Details, Postmaster Smith ot Plattamouth was made chairman of tha noatmaaters anil since that time several meetings have been held with a view of agreeing upon routes, which has finally been accomplished. The county surveyor of Cass county has rua the routes and has Indicated them upon maps of the county which he has prepared ahowinr all landmarks and houses aa tiro. vlded by the postofflce department and It is anticipated mat upon receipt oi this map the service will go Into effect. It will take SO routes to cover the county, nearly every postofflce having one or more routes going out from it, and these routes will aoDroxlmatelv reach 1.000 families dally or nearly 15,000 people. The success oi mis county system win ds waicnea wun great interest, in view of th recent dis cussion in congress regarding rural car rlers, and may be taken by th department aa an example of what may b accomplished by intelligent effort. - Congressman Burkett Is greatly elated over the matter, which haa been tb sub ject ot many conferences with ths depart ment extending over many months. Far Protection of Nebraska. At a conference of Representatives Ne ville, Stark and Robinson on the Irrigation bill pending In th house, the Nebraska del egation succeeded in Inducing Mondell of Wyoming and Shafroth of Colorado to sup port an amendment to the bill which, tf carried, will give th measure the united support of the Nebraska delegation. The amendment Is of vital Importance to Ne braska and provides that no water shall be diverted by any of th public works to b constructed as provided in the bill from tb watersheds ot the North and South Platte. This, It is contended, will insure Ne braska against any water famine being caused by it use In Colorado and Wyom ing and will prohibit these states from mis appropriation of waters in tb streams named to the detriment of settlers living below Colorado and Wyoming. The Bouth Dakota delegation In congress has had a conference with Speaker Hender son relative to securing recognition tor tb Hot Springs ssnltarium measure. While nothing definite was decided upon the con ditions are much more favorable for th passage of the bill than they were la the last session of congress, and so confident are Burke and Martin that time will be given them tbat tbey have sent for Captala Palmer to report In Washington at one to help along tb project. Ciasabl Defend Frt Homes. Senator Gambia mad bia maldsn speech to th soat today, la a most unexpected manner. His bill to rstlfy an agreement with the Rosebud Indians, ceding a portion of their reservation in Gregory county South Dakota, to th government, was reached on !be calendar, and hardly had tts reading been concluded when Senator Piatt of Connecticut was on bis feet with sn amendment striking out the free homes feature of Oamble'o bill and stipulating that Intending settlers should psy as much for the lands ss th government paid for them, namely, 12.50 an acre. Without any warning a free homes fight was preclDl tated. It was a case ot retreat or fight and Gamble, after hastily consulting his col league, Senstor Klttredte, decided upon the latter course. Ha explained the provisions of the bill He told how the rights of the Indians had been safeguarded by the enabling act of eoutn Dakota, which set apart certain num bered sections for school purposes. He was firm and forcible and was accorded close attention. But he had hardly got started In his dls cusslon of the merits of the measur when Senator Cockrell thought the bill would lead to a protracted debate and he wanted It transferred to the calendar. Senator Gamble asked that It retain Its place on the private calendar and It went over without prejudice. "We will fight It out for fre home. said Mr. Gamble afterward. "We can't do more than get beaten, and If we do we will know who the friends of frPA tinnipa are in tne FIfty-seventl congress." Wnter Resource of III ark llllla. Representative Martin of South Dakoti today Introduced a Joint resolution t, vldlng tor the printing and distribution ot a tnousana copies of the preliminary de scrlptlon of the geological and water re Souroes of the Southern half nf RliKlt uiii. and the adjoining region In South Dakota and Wyoming, recently prepared by Nelson Horatio Darton, under the directions of the Geological Survey. The senate today passed a bill Intrn duced by. Senator Gamble, nrovldlne for tha reimbursement of certain Lower Brule 8loux Indians in Bouth Dakota, who were forcibly removed from their homes south of the White river In South Dakota In 1893. The bill carrlea an appropriation of $1,500 to carry out the provisions of the act which dl Tects the secretary of the interior to in yestlgato the loss of property resulting irom tneir forcible removal. Commissioner Yerkes of the Internal Revenue department of the government has decided that If the war reduction bill be- comes a law, as every indication Dolnta. he will assess a $50 broker's tax against the secretary and other officers of every corporation issuing stock certificates. This will be a decided blow to bucket shops ana win raise a howl from Maine to Cali fornia. roatmaatera at Rockvllle. Senator Millard today recommended the appointment of William L. Smetzer as post master at Rockvllle, Sherman county, vice Mrs. R. A. Fair. Mrs. Horace G. Burt, wife of the presi dent ot the. Union Pacific, Is a guest of Senator and Miss Millard, having accom panied the senator and his daughter on their return from Nebraska. The city council of Omaha recently passed a resolution in favor of a petition calling upon the War department to construct a sewer from old Fort Omaha to the main sewer of the city, and asked Senator Millard to present the matter, which he has done, but thus far nothing has been heard from the department. J. W. Wellensieck, of Sycamore, Neb., Is in the city. Senator Warrent has been summoned to Massachusetts on account of the serious illness of his wife. A meeting of the Iowa delegation to set tie the federal appointments has been called for the last of the week. It Is not ex pected.; however, that any definite conclu slon will be reached at this meeting, as the members desire to go slowly before making hp the list. Representative Martin today appeared before the house committees on irrlga tlon relative to the bill he Introduced respecting ranges adjacent to stock reser voirs. The bill provides that the ranges adjoining reservoirs constructed on the pub lic domain shall not be occupied as grazing grounds for cattle, but shall inly be re talned on such ranges until they have been watered. Mr. Martin will again be heard before action Is taken by the committee. Department Note. Two rural free delivery route will be es tablished May 1 next at Collins, Story county, la. The. routes cover an area of fifty-six square miles, containing a population of 1,075. The office at Clyde, Jasper county, Is to be discontinued and mall sent to Col Una. Carriers for these routes have not been named. Th following attorneys have been ad mitted to practice before the Interior de partment: William Tlmberman of Keokuk, Frank J. Horton ot Davis City, la., and Edwin Vance ot Herron and Samuel W. Clark of Doland, S. D. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska E. B. Harris, Caldwell, Scott Bluff county, vice E. V. Mebgel, removed. Iowa Nora McNeil, Garden Grove, De catur county; Frank Blrkby, Knox, Fremont county; August A. Vannatta, Landls, Tay lor county. The postofflce at Bulkley, Potter county, S. D., has been ordered discontinued. Omar Duncan and Otis Luca were today appointed members ot the civil service ex amining board ,for tha postofflce at Clar inda, la., and Henry Karwath for the post office at Davenport, la. The National Park bank of New York was today approved aa a reserve agent for the First National bank of Elkader, la. DEATH RECORD. On of Cnster' Old Scout. BUTTE, Mont., March 24. Newa has been received here of th death of Richard Rock, an old-time and widely known scout and frontiersman, at bis ranch near Henry's Lake on Saturday. Rock waa gored to death by a buffalo which he had raised. Rock was on of th scouts with the Ill-fated Custer expedition. A year or so ago Rock was aent by tbs government Into Yellowstone park to count tb buffalo remaining there. Mr. Budlong of Harvard. HARVARD, Neb., March 24. (Special.) A telegram received by friends In this place, announce the death this morning of Mrs. Budlong, at tha horn of her daughter, Mrs. Grsndy, in Faribault, Minn., Mrs. Budlong was a few daya over 86 years of age, and for the past 20 years had lived In Harvard, but owing to declining Health four weeks ago went to the home ot her daughter. Albert K. Marsh, Sutton. BUTTON, Neb., March 24. (Special.) Albert K Marsh died today. He was bora In Now York In 1835 and settled on a home stead near her la 1871. He was on of th first commissioners of Clay county. A wife and tn'O sons survive him. Cardlnnl C laconic Mlassl. ROME, March 24. Cardinal Olaeomo Miaasl, archbishop of Goers. Austria, U dead. H waa born In 1838 and was cre ated cardinal In 1899. 1 Car cola In On Day tak Laxattv Bromo Qulnln Tablets. ATI druggists refund tb inoasy if It falls t eur. E. W. Grove's signature la ea eask bos. US. CONFER WITH THE PRESIDENT House Members' Discuss Cuban Couditioua at Roosevelt's Bequest. CHIEF EXECUTIVE FAVORS RECIPROCITY While Not Committing Himself to Any I'oaltlie Form of Settlement Prea - Ident Hint at Feasible : Solution, i WASHINGTON. March 24. A conference was held at the White House this afternoon between the president and seven of th republican members of the bouse of repre sentatives which have been foremost In op posing the plan c." Cuban reciprocity urged by the ways and .means committee and un derstood to have the support of the ad ministration. The membcra who called were Representa tives Tawney and Morris of Minnesota, Dick of Ohio, William A. Smith of Michi gan, Metcalf of California and Dayton ot Wtst Virginia. The call waa at the request of the president, who desired an trhmi of views to th end that harmonious action mignt be secured In such steps as are taken In behalf of Cuba. Aa Oenersl Wnnri has arrived here from Cuba, and as several members of the cabinet were at the White House while the congressmen were thefe, a report Calned circulation that Secret. r Root and General Wood were present during tne eonterence. This, however, was not the case as the president and the congress men remained alone in the cabinet room for the hour and a halt that they were to gether; Talk Take Wide Range. The talk took a wide range, covering the conditions In Cuba, what should be done to meet these conditions and also the ques tion of harmonizing conflicting Interests o mat there might be unanimity of action on the part of the republicans In congress. tl waa stated arterwsrds by those who tad participated in the conference that It was of the most pleasant character, and that there was not tha remotest sn.vp.tlnn on the part of the chief executive which could be construed as seeklna t n tiraa them to yield their personal convictions. ine caller were frank to concede that they found the president desirous of extend ing effective relief to Cuba by tho reci procity plan, in this connection it was stated the president drew attention m h fact that the Sibley amendment limiting tne reciprocity period to December 1, 1903, gave the Payne bill a rather one-sided aspect, ss it asked Cuba to adnnt nnr naturalization and immigration laws and give us tarin concessions without limit of time, and In return to e-lve to Cuha t.i-itf concessions limited to about a year and a cair. Cnba Get Short End. Some of the congressmen credent wera In cllned to admit that we were aaklnr a a-nnrt deal from Cuba In return for tha little. a would grant . her. The Interchange of views oecame quite general, there being notning in the way of definite propositions one way or the other, but merely an agree able expression of oninlon as to what was best to be done under the circumstances of tne situation. la the course of thin n. eral talk the suggestion was made that if me rayne bill had been modified so as to tana- on the differential on refined mnr some of the grounds of opposition might uav Deen removed. However, there wss no request, so far as can ha learn h. the bill be amended In this particular at mo present stage. The plan of rebate, which was urged at one time, also came in for discussion and exnlanation At the conclusion of the conference the general unaerstaodlng was reached that any statements made to tha nnhti be to the general effect that no conclusions were reacnea and that the conference was confined to a general interchange of views. It la understood that the nmatrfanr vsL'tll ' - r""imv will son some ot tne members of the ways and means committee tomorrow, thus familiar izing himself with both .Me. of .h. - - " . IDPUO which hss recentlv arisen in th. ,... He hopes tbat this general Interchange with the leaders from hnth .m. about unanimity of action In whatever Is uono ip nenair or Cuba, BRIGIITS DISEASE Of Long Standing;. Said to Be Incurable, Completely CURED In Four Months BY Warner's Safe Cure Alderman Stubif Gralefully Tells How This Wonderful Medicine Cared Him of Brit ht'i Ditesse. 1 T , .1. 1 WTJ IIUUIOI Dlll V. 1111.1111, . . . . . I 1900. Gentlemen; About two years ago 1 had one foot In the grave, as the saying goes, ana lire looKea pretty dibck to me: the doctors called It Bright'! disease. I would give all I had to be cured, but noth ing seemed to do me much good until a neighbor recommended that I try Wer ner's Hafe Cure. It was with but little hope that I tried It, but within two weeks my general health was Improved and in four months I waa completely cured. I hardlv dured to believe that such good fortune was mine, but I have not lost a meal nor had an acne or pain since Words seem but poor to express my grati tude. Yours truly, It. M. BTUblu (al derman, iiith ward). TEST YOUR UH1NE. Put some morning urine In a glass or bottle, let It stand H hours; if there is a reddish sediment in tha bottom of the aiuaa or the urine la cloudy or milky, or It vuu see particles or germs floating about in it, your kidneys are dlaeased and you should loan no time, but get a bottle of Warner's Safe Cum, as It Is dangerous to neglect your kidneys for even one day. WAKNEKB BAKE CUIUS Is the only pnaltlve cure for all forms of kidney, liver, bladder and blond dtseaaes, uric acid poi son, rheuniatlo gout, diulirtes, pain In the back, scalding and painful passage of urine, frequent d.-nire to urinate, painful periods, bearing down and So-called fe male weakness. WAKNEK B HAFE CL'BK la purely vege table and contains no harmful druga; It doee not constipate; It Is now pgt up In two regular sizes and Is sold by all drug gists or direct, at 60 CENTS AND ll.uu. A HOTTLH leas than 1 o-nt a dose. Refuse substitutes. There la none "just a inxl" aa Warner's Safe Cure. It has cured all forma of kidney disease during tha last thirty years. It Is proscrlbod by all doctors and used In the leading hospitals aa the only absolute cure for ail forms of dlseaae of the kidney, liver, blad der and blood and so-called female weak ness. - TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. Tn convince every sufferer from diseases ot the kidney, liver, bladder and blood that Warners Rate Cure will cura them a trtul bottle will he sent absolutely free n imiiiia who will writ Warners Hats Cure Co., Rochester. N. Y., and mention having sean this liberal offer In Tha Omalut Lully Hue. The genuineness of tola ofter la runy guaranteed ny ina puo Ubher. Our doctor will send medical book let containing symptoms and treatment of each dlsessa, aad many convincing testi monials, free lo any uiie wuo will write. Pnhie's Celery Compound HAS THE APPROVAL AND ENDORSEMENT OF THE BEST PEOPLE AS A LIFE GIVER. No Other Spring Medicine Can Give Such Cheering and Happy Results to Sick and Diseased People. As spring ushers In. the nhviru m-e.ic sick, and diseased realize that their condi tion Is one of extreme dan err. it u a well known fact that while the trees bud and dress anew, thousands of men and women are cut off by the common diseases of life. This fact should arouse the attention of the ailing and sick to the folly of under estimating and neglecting the Ills that make life miserable at this season. The use of Palne's Celerv Cnmnntimt at this time will save manv a nreclnua ur The great compound eauallies and im. all the nervous tissues and Induces the Doay to take on firm and solid flesh. It purifies tho blood, aa Is clainlv shown h the rapid clearing of the skin of all evi dence or bad humors within; It regulates the organs of dlgeetlon; It gives natural sleep and sweet rest. All our beat chvslclans rwonlo'. Celery Compound as the one scientific spring remedy, and It la scribed by them wherever there Is need of a vigorous and prompt restoring to health and atrength. The use of one bottle of Palne's Celery Compound will bring the happiest results to all weak, broken down, and despondeut sufferers, and will quickly banish the fears of doubters and unbe lievers. Palne's Celery Compound bas the approval and Indorsation of clergymen, pro fessional men cenerallv. lud sea. memhera of parliament, merchants, and the best peo ple, test its virtues, dear sufferer; it can not disappoint you. niflmflnd nW0ro,or anything any color UI4I1IUIIU UJBSsimple, durable, economical STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVB WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Disease. DoflB. A small wlae-f lass full three, times day. Sold by an DroftislsJ Refute SsbitHpfet. BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on ths skin, sorea in the mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, catarrh; don t know It is BLOOD POISON, Bend to DR. BROWN. 3S Aroh St., Philadelphia. Pa., for BROWN'S BLOOD CURE. M00 pe bottle; lasts one month. Sold only by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bta.. Omaha. Brown's Capsules liWolV"& ; Dodge Bu. AMISKMENTS. b o y D's wo,IIua.r,ir',,,'' WED.-TH URM AT. THl'R VIOLA ALLEN In ''A PALACE OF THE KING." Prices, Mat. 25c to J1.50. Night 60c te fl ONE NIGHT ONLY-FRIDAY. CARRIE NATION , In a characteristic Reform Lecture. Prices, 26c, 50c. . CRKISHTON Telenhona 1531. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Bun- day, z:ic. .every omnt, s:it. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Milton and Dollie Nobles. Melville and Rimmn. Hanks and Winona Winter. 8u.l-. Fisher, Wilton Brothers, Vera King, Knight Brothers and the Klnodrome. l'rlces, loc, sec ana boc. Burlesque Catches 'Em Every Time - Maco'iTrocadero. iK, ENE MATI!NEIS TODAV lOo aad SOo. Entire Week. Including Saturday Evening. BROADWAY BURLESQUERS In a grand triple bill comedy, vaunevm Hurlesque Shapely girls, catchy music Two shows dally. Evening prices, 10c, 7 and 80c. Smoke If you like. HOTELS. The Lakewood llotol In tha PINES of Southern New Jersey 7 V Leading Jiottl of Laketpood. LaKBWOOD, in the heart of a bal samlu toraat of vines, is now a world-ranowned winter resort for health and pleasure, and The Lake wood, Its principal and largnat hotel. Is a superbly equipped hostelry. In lux urlous accommodation for the comfort, convenience and entertainment ef tts patrons not surpass bv any hotel la America, Tha euialu ana ear trie etjual those of tha celebrated restaurants Of haw York and Parts. At Tb Iekewood are Installed the famous Hydrotherapautlo (water cur) Baths of Prof. Charcot of Paris, and Prof. Erb of Haidalbers;. This resort has the most Improved and perfect apparatus for th treatment and our of overwork, nsrvousn, Insomnia, aad allied complaints, by means of hydrotherapy and electricity, of any fcoul In - th world. This departsnaat is under the ear of Lk House Pair SlclaA. JA0. H. BERRY, Menace. THE MILLARD ,,,hVa,?'KS.8- Newly furnished, greatly improved, Sl avs a tavorlto with atate beonla. TWO DOLLARS (and up) per day. lJuroixaa KklL t SON, proprietor. 1.'. H. Veeplea, Manager. A. u. Uavenpuri, principal Hera. M a. a IB