Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1902, Image 37

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Mnrcli 2.1, 1!X)2.
Centrally Located
13th and Dmirlas Streets
Convenient for All Car Lines, Wholesale and
Retail District. Banks, Etc.
Re-furnished, Re-modeled
Always Popular With State People. Never
more so than now, when all its Unexcelled
advantages are offered for
Two Dollars lld Per Day
I uropean Plan -$l (and up) Per Day.
J. K. MARKET, & SON, Proprii'turs
V. II. PKKI'I.KS. Mnnntn-r.
A. H DAVENPORT. Chief Clerk.
: iX--- . 1
Office of The Millard.
Dining Room of The Millar.
I j :t I in
A Private Uamiuet. Room at The Millar.
In D,J ,J
Ml t -r I I - i
Carpenter's Letter
( Cnnt inueii from Trnth Pae.)
stricken nation. They have many million
aires among thorn and they are gradually
minding un ereat financial Inst itmlnn.
labels. In the morning two boards were
missing from the station floor. The gaudy
labeled tinned things were missing also.
When you tell this bit of gossip to
Tulaate he finds It Btrangely funny. It is
last eating time, but they profess no hun
ger. After a while you have them: it oc
imp, uji k- iiimiiriiii nisi uuiions pi' 1 wimtr juu icave mem; n oc
u-r.lh n 111 An..l.A 1. ... ..lira tn . V. n 1 . I . .
" riinuip iiiriu iu Liiiin-i v wiin lis. " " jvm iuai .riiiHin ini'y nHve no rooi ;
They are good financiers and ttnlr banking ought you to return and offer Home? No,
KVHtotn lu til. nn n.i lit ........ I I, VOI1 U'nillfl hutlai, ttn 1 ia
........ ...n, jUU ciiuiii creep
back so softly that thev could not hear
system Is mc deled on ours. Mni-nul tin
who organized it, came to Washington and
spent some time studying our government
finances and then went back and formu
lated the policy of the empire. Today
Japnn has a paper currency which Is at par
with Its silver and the country Is nominally
on a gold basis. It has one bank which
acts as the agent of the government, having
much the same place here as the Rank of
England In Great Rritaln.
This Is the Rank of Japan. It has a cap
ital of 30,000.000 yen. divided Into i:,n.non
shares, and Its dividends rante from ir. to
16 per cent per annum. The shares are all
registered and can be owned only through
the consent of the Japanese secretary of
the treasury. The bank has I'.nn.nno.Olin nf
deposits and Its loans amount to about
t.u'u.uuu.uuu. Its hank bu d nir in
coBt more than 1,000,000 yen.
Another large bank Is the
you, which you can not, you would see
Talaate and Curlln seated on the log en
joying hugely strange delicaci.s out of tins
b aring gaudy labels.
To Sell Her llnnUela.
On the Journey home we are accompanied
by llttl- Duphlne. hearing baskets Into
town to sell. Straight as her own block
hnlr, she strides befor the horses, her
huge burden on her head. Duphlne Is a
half-breed, and represents in more than
one way the link between the Carlh and
civilization. This fatal admixture of negro
blood has sounded the death knell of the
Carib race. The negro wife Is more and
n-ore in evidence. As
T klo ban1 may not. with comfort, dwell amongst
i lit
Rut slowly, one hv una ihot
to odd
uiiu nun a capital OI HIIOIH jZt.- ' muriien ineir BKUII8 tO Odd
000,000 in gold. It has deposits amounting "hapes, and bound cloths around their arms
li ohm. c-.nn nin ftnn i i 1 . . - t n m i b , . v. n K..
... iiiuncies sweii, wno painted
their faces red and ate their enemies. Is
dying off, and In the near future the Caiib
wi'l be but a name.
to about jnno.nno.Ono in gold and loans of
more than half that amount. The Sneri
hank hns a capital of less than IS.Ooo.oon,
but its deposits amount to $i:n,r)n,(lC0 and
its loans run high Into the millions.
Toklo Stock Kxrliange.
I have spent some time in the Rin k
exchange watching the JaDanese hulls nnd
bears. The exchange ia right In the heart
or lokio. it la a three-storv hulldln? mnra
i.LPMOME 10143. 'JfiXS
. r . .
A Parlor at The Millard.
Corridor Leading to The Millard Dinlni
The Millard Buffet.
Omaha the Center
of Industry
Thnl n V. .. I. , ,.
j ..."B, o uiuuiia is proving nseir tne center
... ur ur warenouse man any- or industry and Bteady growth Is constantlv
tnlTlir PIhA. Tf hfla a A in a. ... . ..
. . . , - -r u tuc iiuuiuiT ui new
uuui me wans are groat galleries. As concerns that have been started duriim- h
" e juu uttvu iu iBKB on vour snnnR iaHt venr. fina t,Aan i .
. , , ..... " .u-au in i no lirana
aim mere is a room at tne riKtlt of tha en- Electric romnnnv fAar. ab,...
- v 'vudio. nouuiuDfu un U
trance wnere tne brokers check their
and where they are given atraw sandals in Theee young men strated their career In
uAnioiiftc, bveiTUUH in inR nnimn nraiani umnnn
u bu,, B.uiougu aome or me more swell Mr. Chris Ashmusen. the older hmth.r
we'i. ana Benior member of the Arm, going to
When I entered the nnhn thai.. Phi..... .u- .. ... . . "
.t mA ----"o- . ol iub i, me or me fair, was oni
at least 100 Japanese yelling and pushing of the electrical decorators of the Ferris
,. k ... i ,n,B wa' ana wneel- laler K'ng to New York City, where
that, betting on the various .tnVa rh. ha ..... . ."
- ..r..rU iuo apiioinimeni or chief elee-
Mkreh h.8rt i i tbe'r ha'r "tUCk Ut ,rlrlan ,or the New York State hospital .at
. a ouuc uiubii. ma rvmg b parK, iong Island.
oieeves ci ineir gowns were loose and their t . .
arms showed bare to the shoulder. ... - " . lyA8?mU8en' ,he manager of
swung them and shook their ... ....7:: "". n umana' 18 " extensive
their bids. Tielr almond eye. were full o"im Ul i Prl8 ln ,the
of anxiety and their mouths of nol.e. I exhibit Tt the D,the, electrlcaI
was interested In the si, wh.nh blt. ."A ,he ."Pon. and also having
used In bidding Putting ., ' "tni on nn-erent expeditions in
Indicates an advance of 10 rent. 1"""' rrance- wbile Raveling In Qer
a . . - ' oiijr no was emnioveii lth .,
....gers w cents ana a closed nsr fo cents. known firm , bk..-i. ".. . " 7C1
The president was an old .T.n.n... in . ... . .. V -o.. wnicn had
black gown, embroidered w..h . . ' . V'e "lBrcn"Knt at tb e fair. Mr
of-arma. He stood on a rostrum I . A8nniu- to this country In 1901
ir.i ui iuo coanioer ana airected the sell-
ng. The Quotations were written in T.r... 1 1 t tlnnti 1....:.. i w .
nese on black and white ..ri. U1JU UuS,llC!,S IICUU
me white strips gave the face value of the Brooklyn Eagle: "You say she Is a eood iiiu mo uiacK sir ins indicated ho uumness woman?"
selling nrrpf "ot, u
Bi'iruuiu, incomnarahie sha i.,
The president tells me that the fnclr . absolutely nothing driv. k,,.i.. .... .
, - -- - n ' ii o j ii i- uni or nur
w V u ); 1 1 u I J 1 1 . , 1 U 1,1 III Tpn I 111.. , , 11 V . 1 1 ! K I nnrn.a I I 11 I .( .. I 1 r
j ... . . . " "' onritu ior
iiu iubl is is now naving a vlilnnda E-urope ne nronrvaeri in hD. .... i. .. .
of 25 per cent. He snva thai asked har In iulm,ni, . ..
- - - " . . n i j. ii ii c i auBwer.
are worth about 112.000 each, and thai th. "Well?"
daily sales approximate 60.000 shares. Most "Well, most people would have tele
or ine nusine. i .man Tii ... i. . oronha . , . ...
. " u.u 7n ur uo, dui sne nad enough
watering of stocks as in the United States of a business head to wire 'It affords m
mil Ih. I. th.. -l .. . l ouurus me
u. u .T. ... r Z t . """" P "JBure 10 say yes to you,' thus
high dividends. The Toklo tram cars, for preventing thA iilnh
r, - t " buuimii, 1 1 (J III
Instance, pay 35 per cent, the Yokohama getting any advantage nf hr i .k.,..
Irnn ae . . . .. . . . B'"8
11 "ui ui muu some omer mr a ren-wora message. '
stocks equally well.
iMan-HatiiiK Savages
(Continued from Seventh Page.)
bit of the roof left. It is one of the few
old customs remaining. They say it is to
give the spirit free egress. As no Carib
will live where any one has died, and the
pieces carried away can be used for a new
bouse, this custom has a practical side to
It as well.
From the hleh woods (he soft thud thud
or an ax comes floating down the trail.
It is Talaate and Curlln cutting timber
for a boat; clever axmen, as all these
( a ribs are. Presently, with a long sigh,
you hear the tree fall, tearing the countless
long lianas that bang like serpents from
every limb. Fine specimens of men are
Talaate and Curlin. From the fallen trunk
they will hollow out a boat some twenty
feet In length and eight Inches wide. This
they will soften with fire and spread with
wedees. or oerhans naddln It an U In nvor
thirty miles of open sea, to Martinique,
where those who buy it will spread it to
suit their tastes. Lst week thev war.
swept far out to sea and picked up by a
schooner. The captain, not wishing to be
hindered by a tow, slyly cut their boat
adrift. It was two miles awav befora thev
found it out, but without waiting to com
plain they both plunged overboard. Reach
Ins their Drectous canoe, thev clambered In
and paddled safely home. This Is a true
tale, and was not told me as anything
xtraordinary, but as a Joke on Talaate and
Curlln. They are very glad to see us when
we annrnach hut smile a Carib nevitr
laughs at the Idea of their being any the
worse for their experience.
Th.r. t'.r. vlnftnr. frnm Inwn .1 thi
tiny police station last night who brought
with them .tr.nir. and Hellclnii. Ihlnff. tn
eat. all packed in little cans with gaudy
in the coffee bin not
a pleasant thought,
yet when coffees are
kept open in bulk who
knows what different
I'things" come climb.
ing ana tloating in ?
Lion Coffee
DUt un in sealer! r,aL -1
, . """S-a Miauita
Cleanliness, nnilnrn. nn,
Ireshness and dtlici
"l." "ill
- iw .
To celebrate Ka ....
hoald have clean, white linen.' Send
onr laundry to the
And be convinced that there la uo
other Juat as Kood.
ramlly waahlnax by the pound.
Tel. !iS4.
uiti,i u vcu u v live: V-'my
Dlirrn nnNn mTnn.TJT.n I AW'
Miscellaneous Cuts, Newspaper Headings
Subheads, Date-Lines. Calendars, Backgrounds
We have recently installed in our Electrotyping Depart
ment machinery of high grade and late development, which
gives us the best, if not the largest, electrotyping foundrv
in the west.
'Phone 1076. 1114 HOWARD STREET.
Equipped with Moffett Roller Bearing Axles.
Built by P. J. KARBACH 4 SONS,
hirteenth and Howard Streets, Omaha. Nebraska.
reight and Passenger Elevators. Motors and Dynamos.
108-10-12 North 11th St. 'Phone 1181.