THE OMATIA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY, MAITCII 23, 1002. 2S CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE BuiuieM in All Line Continue Briek for Thii Time of Yur. JOBBERS FflEPARlNG FOR FALL CAMPAIGN t at tea Geed Market Still Retains Ptreasttai aad Maay . ( Hartwtrt aa Grace He Arm ilTtartig. Th demand for all esonable roods con tinues of very liberal proportions In this city. In some lines the bulk of the spring -ods have been bought, but In spite of that fact sales are keeping up much better nan usual and In fact are exceeding all expectations. In such lines as hsrdwar the demand for spring Broods Is still In full wing, and Jobbers report Terr heavy sales. -According to all reports received from the country retail trade la opening up In good ahape and promises to be much larger when the weather becomes more settled. The cool weather, particularly the early tart of last week, rather put a stop to retail uslnesa, but with anything like seasonable weather this week merchants are counting on an enormous trade. After Easter dry T roods Jobbers and boot and sho men are ooklng for more fllllng-ln orders thsn they re getting now, aa storks will undoubtedly be broken bjr that time to a considerable extent. Local houses still report the number of opening stocks being bought In this city as wery large. Several large stocks were sold last week, and It is reported that several more will be sold this week. There has never been a time when as many large opening stocks were sold In Omaha as dur ing the last two months. The markets on practically all tinea con tinue very firm, and In fact eeveral ad vances have taken place during the last few days. There have been no Important Teductlona In price, and none are looked for in view of the enormous demand that Is being experienced all over the country. Col lections are In good shape and Jobbers report very few losses from bad accounts. light Advaac la Sagrar. Wholesale grocers reported the volume of business for last week as being of very satisfactory proportions and better than for the corresponding week of last year. A few lines fluctuated to some extent last week, but aa a general thing the market la In much the tame position It wss a week aro. Sugar continues very strong, and raws are c higher than they were a week ago. The New York market for re fined sugar has advanced c, which affects the entire line. There has been no quotable change In coffee, thoush the market Is very firm and -1-1- O... I- - i .. Iln. In aKnn I ih- ..Z. i.tV.- i. . week mo. Tea is also selling in aooui Ti .t,n.1 m.rk.t I. flrm AS CfSO- 1 tioallv all lines, but there has been no change In quotations since last report. In dried fruits, prunea ana apncois an i attracting considerable attention, as trade I la Increasing rapidly. Peachea are also I moving very freely, especially wnen tne 1 high price being asked are taken tnto con- aideration. btocx or onea iruits on w coast are reported as being well cleaned up with the poaslble exception of prunea, end ven some sues of prune ar becoming aoaroe. 1 In farinaceous goods, beans are a litt e while vamer man liiry wrro K " -T M"i oatmeal Is higher. Corn syrups have also been advanced allghtly. The cheese msrket has firmed up still more this week. In view of the liberal demand and the light supply. Other staple lines are selling In about the same Botches I uey were a week ago. Cat to a Gaoda Still Advaaelag. The cold weather of th earty part of last week made spring lines of dry good look decidedly chilly. That fact, of course, had a tendency to reduce the demand In the country, but It Is confidently expected that n annrtnnua retail trade will be ! I perlenced this coming week. MerchanU say I ney are waiting to reauce meir eiucss 1 tifnm nrriertn strletlv summer roods, and I for that reason jobber look ror a gooo 1 re-oraer DUBiness 10 set in wimin a very 1 abort time. Trade, however, with local house is keeping up In very satisfactory shape and la far In excess of the corre apondlng week of last year. In fact the total volume of business transacted since the first of the year Is much greater than iirtn th urn tlma of inv former vear and'alao much larger than anticipated for I this year. That being ine cae, jeoueri 1 are naturaTlv well pleased with the out' come of their spring business to date. Dis tribution has extended to all lines. Includ ing hosiery, underwear, wash goods, dress mnjt. anil ilnmMtlra Th. m.rk.t fnr rnttnn inndi retains It I former strength and many staple line have been advanced from fee to e within the last few days. All leading brands of rour-yara brown goods nave advanced c an arouno. Manufacturers maintain that stocks are liaht and that the market will continue strong during the entire season. As stated a week a(to. 10-cent cotton Is looked 'or. and local Jobbers do not consider the pre- ana local jwonr uu hui muri.iri v ' 1 Ji.11.. . .11 1 m-.n .hi. hn I im rnn. I Idered that the new crop will not be available for use before October or No- vember. Local Jobbers are beginning to tske or-1 dera for many lines of fall goods and the outlook for the fall season Is considered very bright, Haraware Mevlag Cfwsra. Hardware lobbers are now enjoying a werv nloa trade In soring good and say that all kinds or goods are moving uji at a very rapid rate. In fact they find It tZ, th- J. M. et h A0??? tVi e demand. At the pre- I a dimcult matter u enough to supply the nt rate there la no doubt but what P,rin I 7 f" vm..w i rif all nravlnua records. I The general market Is In a good, strong cent within the laat tew day and good are very bard to get The demand thia ?ear la exceptionally large. It la reported hat there is some talk of an advance In wire and nails. The demand for soms time ha been exceptionally large and the mar ket firm, and for that reason an advance at most any time would cause no surprise, aus no surprise. been marked up Bash weights have also Mo per hundred pounds acarulty of acrap iron. Ax manufacturers have at last reacned aa agreement anu have advanced prices SOc per dosen. A still further advance la loohed lor as a result of the agreement reached. From these changes It la readily seen that the general market 1 In a strong position and as th demand, generally peaking, is fully equal to th demand It la confidently expected that prlcea will continue firm Cor some time to come. After Fall Haelaeee. Traveling salesmen for local boot tna shoe lubber ar in the city getting samples of fall goods. They expect to start out the first of this week and hop to land a ale bunch of adveno ordera. Retailer have been enjoying a nice trade and for that reason traveling men hope to find merchants In a buying mood, lucre la no ircnsnia in a During muoa. i uvre w rtlcular change In atylea from those la vsrui tore rce last winter. There are of course few novelties, but their ar mostly unob trusive. The general hapa remain un chane-ed. The prlcea are also practically the same as they were a year ago. Jobbers say. however, that the market la a little higher, ss some lines cost thera more than they did last year, but so far aa the re tailer ar eoocaroed the market la about teady. The balk of th spring business I of course over with, but still Jobbers ar houeful of dolna- a nice sixlng-uo business from now on. Taking the spring trade aa a whole. Jobbers are more than pleased witn the way it has gone, as they have broken ail nrevioua recorda. The rubber goods trade Is of course a lit tle quiet, aa there have not been enough rains to bring earing lines Into very good demand. Winter rubbers for next fall de livery, however, ar moving out In good soaue. Trait aad Predaee, Thera 1 a steadily Improving demand for frulta and vegetables. Each week more green stock la received ana consequently Drioee are a-rsdually saalua off and coa umptlon Increasing. Strawberries are now coming la quite freely, but they are not flt for shipping a yet. They ar selling to the citv trade at about im per Quart. The prices that are being asked fur the different llnee of frulta and vegetable wUi be fojnd la another column. Receipts of ecus have been very liberal ail this week and the market as a result la a little weak The future of the market, however, la rather uncertain. It ia expected that they will twain putting eiae in stor age next week and there is some difference of opinion what the market will be. Some think It will go lower, while others main tain that the demand wlil be surflcteul to hold It steady. The butter market is good and firm, as receipts ar light The same Is true of poultry. The demand has been liberal all the week and the soar- ket as firm at the quvtatlone given in en- eihsr column. Cnromisskis men are advis ing their customers U be cautious about Lipping dreeaed atock. a the weather la getting moat too warm and stock la apt to arrive in pour condition. Philadelphia Predeee Market. V PHILADELPHIA. March tX BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, sec; extra aearbr brlnla. Ala. bvKsaV-ieedj( baah paarby, Ise; trash western, Mc; fresh southwestern, 16c; fresh southern, lie. CHthJSE Quiet; New Tork full creams, fancy small. Lic; New York full creams, fair to (.bole, lailSc- OMAHA, WHOLESALE MARKETS. Caadltloa at Trad aad Qaatatlaa aa Staple aaa Tmmry FT. EQOS Including new No. 1 cases, 13Ho; cases returned, lie. LIVE PoLLTK Y Chickens. t4Q-; old roosters, 34c; turkeys, lotfc; ducks and geese, 'jWc liHESffEb POTJXTRT-Turkeys. 12ifflS: ducks, Mtllo; geese, 104j.Uc; chickens, 4 loc BUTTER Packing stock. UHcj choice dairy. In tubs, Italic; separator, Z723c. FROZEN riSH-Biack bass. l&c; whit base, luc; blueflsh. 12c; bullheads, luc: buf faloes, Tc; catfish, 12c; cod. luc; crapples, loSc; halibut, 11c; herring, 3c; haddock. c; pike, k; red snapper. 10c; salmon. 12c; sun fish, tc; trout. whltetlsh, kc, pickerel. sc; iresn macxerei, each. iuac. smelts, loc. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 23c: stand ards. per can. 2sc; extra selects, per can. 83c; hew York counts, per can, 40c; bulk standards, per gal. 11.25, bulk, extra ae- lects. U.6iiil.a6: New York counts, per saL l. ' PIGEONS Live, per dot., Kc v tir-noice exisc. tUK.N-a OATS 4c BRAN Per ton. 318 HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers association: choice ud land, id; iso. 3 upland. T; medium. 3.5o: coarse. 16. Rye straw, IB. These prices are tor hay of good color and quality. Dm- mini iair. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu.. Ohina 11 ti! Rose, 11.15; Triumpns, tl. POTATOES Northern. 11.05: Colorado. C AKHUTB-Fer BU.. 76C BtiTB-per bu. basket, soc TURNIPS Per biL sue; Rutabagas, per juo ids., fAitoMru-rir ou.. euc CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dogi. a. GREEN ONION! Per dos.. according to alia of bunches. 30jf0c LEI l LiCav tiea. per namper,; not- Douse, per uo., ofl-syc. KAOinHk.8 Per do& Ac C A Bii AGE Holland seed, crated, l03c umoiss VDsnisn. per crate. u.zt: Mwn Igan, red or yeiiow, per id , JaJi emuittc. TOMATOES Flonaa. per s-baaket crate. rtuiia. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. M.50: Wlne- sap. lb: Jonathans,; Belleflowsra, per ooi. at. , PEAKS V ike re. IZ.B: Lawrence. 32.2563 i.eo. GRAPES Malagas, per kei eg. 7.6o. bL, 7.; CRANBERRIES Per bb per crate. 2.75. t C . i O rr DIL, l.WfliW. . . . r ' . TT" n .... M 1AM M FIGS-Callfornla. new cartons, H; im- . TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, fancy, 12-50 433.7b: choice,; budded. 2.7b. LEMONS Fancy. 83.60: choice. 83.3S. BANANAS per bunch, according to sis. X2.ioaiJa. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft ,heli p., lb.t 12c; lard shell, per lb., UVc; Mft shell. 10c: No. 1 hard ahell. kc: nra,us. per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, sort sneiu lie: nara soeii, ua; ona. laree. ter lb 12c: 1ma.1L. loc: cocoa- nuts, per sack. 13 60. t j . . v-1 - ,r 1 , . . . t . 9 CIDER Nebawka. per bbl.. $1S: New Tora, M-ou. HIDES No. 1 green, sc; No. C sreen. y vca.l ealf, to L2Vs lbs., Sc; No. 1 veal calt tc; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. I ea;isj, ic; No. 11 to IS lb-, tc; dry hides. MTL3c; sheep pelts. Ibc: horse hides, L.0&2Ji rurvuKK-rw id., so. Cattaa Market. NEW YORK. March It COTTON Mar ket opened steady, 14rS points lower. Fu turee closed easy, net 64l7 points lower. NEW ORLEANS, March 23 COTTON vmei; hivs, ,w iic. wrwny, 1, man A ordinary. 3Vc: low middling. 84c; miaanng. -c; gooa minanng. ec; mm- aung iaar. c; reiripi., whict. biw i tf.t&1 bale. Futures, steady; March, t 44 14c; April. .4;ii.4.S; May. .B.&9c; June. 8.6iB6Bc; July. .'gi8.70c; August, I Mfc B60; September, S.10ii.Uc; October, 7.S6-37.K7C. ST. LOUIS, March a.-COTTON Market WtrS0 lower; no aales; middling. 8-16c; receipts, 1,C90 bales; shipments, LM bales; atoca, ei.ono oatea. GALVESTON. March 22- COTTON Mar ket easy at mvc Liverpool Marcn n. c tr t itj in no v limited demand. Dricea easier: American middling. 4 13-ld; sales, (,0u0 bales, of which hat were for SDecuiatlon and export, and Included .0fl0 American. Receipts. at.OQO balee. Including Z3.7W American, futures opened quiet ana ciosea sieeuy, Weel Market. ST. LOOTS, March H WOOL Market quiet, easy; medium grades, isaiiv; nirni 2 ... .' , 1 ..... A - 1, I . ,.K u7i..-,v, vhirmI. 1 4 'ifC . line, , ur-.m j ivtt ui,, tub LONDON. March B. WOOL The offer- Ings at the wool auction saies louaynura Iwred 1J 7M bales. Sales: New South wales. 1 Jf" bales; scoured, s'tdjri. d; greasy, stflld. Queensland. 9M Dales : coureo lldfils 5Hd; greasy. Victoria. 0 bales; greasy. SWfH'i- West Austrslls. -.w. - I . . I'WlM Tinninl. 7 W bales; greasy, sVtfd. New -eaiano. z to bales; scoured, 4d(ris H; greasy, on of Good Hods and Natal. 300 bales: scoured, is ea; greasy. ii. r u. . . Arenas. I V bales: greasy. 4Vtid. The arrivals for th third serle of salea amount to K4.3S7 balea. including J6.000 forwarded VT-JT. w-v- iw. .i Arir i week were: New South Wales. I.3 bales; Oueeneland, 128 bales; Victoria, s.i Dales 3FT2 ,. , , v.i... xr. 7..1...I 'U," Sp, of God i Uo ' InZ SlimX Oil aaa Reals. OIL CITY. Pa.. March TL OILr-Credtt balances, (l ie; certincates, no oia; snip ments. 3.6 bblst avers ge. 7S.964 bla; runs. M.315 bbls.; avers ge. 76, 13 bbls. savannah, a... March 22. OIL Turo- Un steady. 41c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C. D. JfV : Ft 45; O. tl.60 H. t B5; L SI ! A V U PA. TOLEDO. O.. March H. OIL North Lima. 5c; fiouth I J ma and Indiana. tOe. vrw vriHK March a. OIL Cottonseed quiet; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 4? 42ic Petroleum, steady: rennea, rew York, rr 20; Philadelphia and Baltimore, rrt4: PhiladelDhla and Baltimore, in bulk, I4.SD. itoein. nrm; iirsinso, nimraup m -nA to so Turnenttne. firm, tfrjtc. LIVERPOOI March 3. OIL Turpentine spirits, nrm, zaa. ttosin. common, sieiiay. ik A Patrnlum. refined, steady. 7Ssd. I ua nil. oulet. 11 ed. I rnvDO?. March 22. OIL Calcutta II n ati. ed. spot. Sis Id. Linseed oil. sus ro. J Turp- enlln spirit, us o- Kaasas City Grata aa Pravlslaaa. i iuiriaA0 , . " Mar. ttc: July, s'ic; cash. No. hard. oOT a7uc; No. t, tic; No. S red, S.tAc; No. CORN May, RSc: September. 6e; cash, I No. 3 mixed, Cc; No. 1 white, 8SWlc; No. , 3. 3W. OAT8 rfo. X wnue. ,gc. HAY-Cholce timothy, il0; cholc prai rie. $12 ifwili-sO. . BUTTER Creamery, c; oairy, nut,, EGGS Steady: at mara, new oo. s whltewood case Included, quoted on 'change. l$c per do.; caea returned. l?Vs. RECEIPTS Wheat, xi.zim du.j corn. sb.w bu ; oata. l.Cs bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 43,300 bu.; corn. 44,uO bu.; oata, 14.000 bu. w-t snn u.M-k n -WHEAT-Nervous and excited; closed weak and lower; cash. Tec; May. 7sc; July. Tbc. CORN Excited, weak and lower; May, UVc: July, S9c OATs- Active, weaa aua tower; war, trc; July. 6vc. M , rn . rl.VAv w . W n.1 lower! Vfsrch 8& 8v; April. ; October, $i u6. No. 3 sold Mlaaeaaelle Wheat, near aad MINNEAPOLIS. Msrch Jt WHEAT May, 7c; July, 71W."lSc; on track. No. 1 hard. TJVc: No. 1 northern. WVio.lvc; No. t nnrthrn SBftltDWc. r lAJtlV-r I'll ww. ..v. ,w, " patents. H-oo-aJaS; first clear. ti-sjl.So, Secona cieais. 0 RAN in bulk, 31a. Mllwaakea Crata Market. MILWAUKEE. March 33. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 nor I hern, ,i(j.4c; No. 2 north' em.; Msy. 72c. HIIv-Scarce: fo. l. afitc BARLEY Lower; No. i. toOdHsC. CORN -May, astc Palatk brala Market. PHXTH, March 31-WHEAT-Cash. No 1 hard. TJ,c; No 3 northern, TVc; Ne. I northern, .oc. aaay, n, July, c OA I is eoc. CORN-6TWC Peerla Market. PEORIA. March 3X CORN Lower: Ma OA I av iuii: no. s wnite, jnc. iraca. VSUiokl-H-kl i tlulaii4 tl. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grains Tumble Headlong and Bulla An Demoralised, SENSATIONAL DAY FOR SPECULATORS Over Two Ceat I) rep ta Cera, aad Other Gralas Art la ayaapathy Prevlalees Assaaae atreeg atart, hat Break Kvea. CHICAGO. March C-Oraln market were demoralised today. Bear had a tight clutch on th situation and squeetea Hom ers unmercifully. Weather conditions ia wheat started the drive, but when corn began to tumble speculators became almost fanic-slrkken. There seemed to be no end o the selling and at the end of the session May wheat had lost lVuiy. Msy corn 2Wc and May oata lWc. Provisions were natur ally strong and fought off the grain In fluence, cloaing 2Hc lower to higher. There was nothing but bear talk from tart to finish in the wheat pit. The open ing was very weak on connrmanon oi me rains in the southwest snd additional showers fell west and northwest. Cables also were weak and turned weaker aa the day advanced. Receipts, both local and northwestern, were still small, dui tnis in fluence, toeether with that of aome fair early export trade, was lost sight of In the mad rush to throw stun: overboard, duiis were nearly In a panic There waa a gen eral desire to sell both by the shorts and the tones. Trade waa heavy and at times very exciting. Farmer wer reported sell ing rreely in the soutnwest. May opened eHe to lower at TJSTZSc and be fore the early selling rush quieted down May touched 2Hc Shorts here began tak ing some of their shorts and the market steadied, though there was still a marked bearish feeling prevalent. Then corn, which waa very weak to start, turned still weaker. There waa almost a panic In that pit and the demoralised condition of that market was reflected In wheat. May wheat dropped to 71Hc Bear were selling short in great quantities and every holder of long wheat loat heavily. Stop-loss order also added a downward Impetus. It wss expected that a good export busi ness would spring up at the low prices and late In the day New York did report 1U loads taken. There waa also a sale of 110, 0(0 bushels of No. 1 hard winter sold here for shipment, but shorts were not fright ened. For a time there was some buying by prominent houses but this only brought a sugnt reaction. traders tnougnt tnat had not thia buying come out the slump might have been worse. May continued very weak and closed lS9'me depressed at 72c. This prlc I the lowest for May sine early In October. Receipts, 23 car, none contract; Minneapolis and uuiutn reported K7 cars, a totsl for the three points of 2X9, against 3S3 last week and 453 a year ago. Primary receipt were 447.000 bushela, com- f tared to 676.000 bushels laat year. Austral ian shipments were ZI1.000 bushels, against 4Ss.0no bushels last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equaled iuo.ouo bushels. Corn took a headlong tumble at the open ing. Lower cable, warmer weather and general country selling, following hard upon the wheat weakness, resulted In an opening for May tjc to c lower at B9i 6&Hc. Nearly every house on the floor had Belling orders. Stop-loss orders were soon reached and May sagged to t&c before aome fairly heavy purchases, supposed to be for a heavy short line, steadied prices. but it was soon argued that farmers were more Inclined to dlspoee of their holdings and the bears started hammering again. At times aood covering wss done at tne declining prices. But In corn, as In other grains, there was always more long stuff for sale than could be absorbed. May com lunsed down to 68ic and hung very eavy. closing weak. 2V4c lower at that figure. Receipts, 134 cars. Trade was very large more so than in eeveral weeks. From tne start oats ruled weak. Advan tage was taken of the weakness in corn and wheat to hammer May options, and they suffered much. July and September were weak with other grains, but met with a fair support. Receipt were large and 4 per cent of them were contract grade. The warmer wearner is aning mucn to encour ere bears. There waa still much nervous ness in May, which started XHo lower at 42Hc to 42c and declined early to 414c There was fair support at this low figure and May reacted to 42fcc, but on the second com break oata flattened out and May cloaed weak, lhbc lower at 41o. Receipts were 149 car. Provisions early developed a very strong tone In the face of such depression as was experienced in grain. Hog were higher and receipts lighter. There waa a good demand In all product and offerings wer very light at th advance that were made. Toward tne close, nowever, wnen tne Dig break came in corn, provisions lost soms of their gains and closed only about steady. nit nork. wnicn so d as nisrn a iib.7ti. cloaed 24c lower at S15.ff), May lard a (hade higher at t.479.a0 and May rib ZHc up at s ex1. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, 40 cars: corn. ISO cars: oats, 130 cars: hog. neaa. The leading future ranged aa follows: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I May I72W73 7S 71V Julv iTSVtJiTt 74 TIN Sept. 73H W Corn 1 May !K4iH l4 l July fttw Sept. 67Vy358 U tfe OMs I Mav 4? ?H 4i4 41 K July 84'4'f 84 34V4 Pent. 2S H SSi Pork May 15 BT IS 70 It $?U July 14 75 IS 85 15 72 Lard May tB KH July S7H 62H 58 sept. a 70 an a to Ribs May I 65 I r IK July 8 85 8 7?H 8 3 Sept. a 3 82 I 77H 7? 73Krt 72Tf TIVi Ti't 74 MVWiryeZ 7Vil 6H 411 4S 3 34 35 IS an is ?H IS 77V, a 4?h' f 48-TH a to i a 87H S lijl TO 8 8TH' SS TH 8 87HI 8 7i4 8 80 TVs No. t. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOt'R Dull and depressed; winter pat ents, 83 8o4 00; winter straighta, 33.2Gii3.70; clears. 83.fl"ti3 40: spring specials. 84: spring patents. J2"nJ.n; straignta. xvkii.iu. WHEAT No. 8 spring. 7Hjt71Sc: No. red. 7VWaWWc. OATS No. I. ttKIKV: No. I Whit. 44HO 46c: No. 8 white. 43S444c KTE-KO. 2. 67C BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 2Me. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 8168; No. 1 north, western. 81.73; prim timothy, 84.763.sO, Clover, contract rrad. 8. 75. PROVISIONS Me pork, per bbl., 115.55 515.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 8 4ri'9 42t4. Short ribs sides (loose), t&Mrfitm. Dry salted shoulders fboxed). t7.12Vi)7.2. Short clear Bines innjpoi. ts.uutny.iu WHISKY On basis of high wines, 31.30. Ths following were the receipt and ship ments for the day: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 39.000 810)0 Wheat, bu 39 00 3 ,000 Corn, bu 123.&U 4.O0 Oata, bu Iif7.'v 106, OuO Rye, bu two Barley, bu 44.0U0 ,000 On the Produoe exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, a-nrnc dairies. 19C&c. Cheese, firm, lOallHc, lggs, easy; iresn, ivc. IIW YORK CE.1CBAL MARKET, (taotatleae ef th Day aa Tarlea Camsaedltlea. NEW TORK. March !! Fin TR Re ceipts. 3S.U9 bbls.: exports, 3.224 bbls.; weak and nomloaliy fcyioc lower; winter patenta, .i suto-t ra: siinnesota pntent. 3.7al .su Minnesota baker. r?p(i3.25; winter nat' ents. 83o34.28: winter stralshta. 83 75filK& winter extras. n irm-): winter low gradea, 32")3 10. Rys flour, dull; fair to good. li.Mi s: rnnice to iancy, Hi.Ti. CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow western, 81.80 city. 31 : Rrandywtne. tl 66g3 o. RYE tadv : No. 3 weatern. C!Vc. f. o. b. afloat; state. olc, c L f.. New York, car lota BARLEY Dull : feedine. CfitSc e. I. f. New York; malting. tXtTSc. c L f New xora. WHEAT Receipts. .3o0 bu. Spot, weak No. 8 red 4Vc, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth. 7Hc. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 6'ac. afloat. Amid constderabl excitement wheat sustained a severe break thia morning. Influenced by a beaiia weather map, excessive liquidation, short selling, lower cables and stop-loss offerings prices reaching a new low level. A alight rally occurred near the close on export rumor and th market lert off unsettled a Vr4ke decline, March closing st 7Vc. Msy, 7tnTic. closed at 7Vc; Julv 7v4VrM5. closed at THc; September, T&&Tec. doted at TSc. CORN Receipts H.000 bu.: export. 3.01) bu. Dpet. weak; No. 3, nc, elevator, and me. I. e. d., snoat. itn otner market eora broke sharply and suffered from a ttve liquidation and heavy southwest sell ing. The msrket finally rallied with wheat and cloaed Sc net lower. May, 4 ) Sc closed at OsSic: July. 4H4j4Sic, closed at 84c: September. USvWSc. closed st V HAY nrm: shipping, c; good to choice. 92 a 9c. HIDE8 titrady; Galveetoa. lc; Call- forma . isc; itiu dry. ic. OATS Receipts, 000 bu : export. 18. bu. Spot, wak; No. t, 4TVswr; No. 8, 47 c; No. I atut. li h'o. I whit, tic, rrrk mixed western. 4tffWr: track whit. 51(j7e. Option were weak and much lower ith corn. Ill HI u,n.n..n n rknln l'l crop. i:-tjiiic; lsuo crop, L'fiUHc; olds 4hjc. Psclno coast, 1j1 crop, l&OlSc; lins) p, ll'5131c: olds, 4-utc. tlTurb TI..U- K.lru-V 91U.1TSa WOOL Steady; domestic fleece.' Pj'.c rKovi8iu.Ns-ntr. nrm: ramiiy, iu "j 0; mesa, 10 flr.ffio W; beef hams. l .00; packet. 111 ltil2.nn. Cut meats, steady; ckled bellies. 88 a9 1&: pickled shoulders. M.Xjj9.S; pickled hams, $H g 10 Iird, steady; western stesmed, 19 8u. Pork, firm; family, 14VKM7.O0; short clear, ll7.0tS-JJ; mrss, I !R 7&ol-'5. Creamery held. 21526c: renovated. 18ij24c; Imitation creamery, o.Hc CHKESB Steady: state, full creams. mall, early make, fancy colored, 12tf'.lc; run creams, large, rati max, iancy coioreu, 12yl3Vc; full creams, large, fall make. hlte. 12012i o. EOGS Firm: state and Pennsylvania, 12V; western, at mark, IsHc; southern, at lark, lsyiWac. TALLoW Dull; city, 6c: country. bUOAR Raw, nrm; lair renning, c; cen trifugal, M test. SWc; refined, firm; crushed, 1.10c; powdered, 4.Doc; granulated, 4.8oc; mo lasses sugar, 2c. - . . cor r .h-iJuii; ro. i nto. o u-ioc. RICE Steady : domestic, ttw; Japan, 4HO 4c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 84gtlo. POULTRY All ve, nrm; enicaens, no; turkeys, 13c: fowls. 124c Dressed, firm: hlckens. US 13c: fowls. 12c; turkeys, lifti 12c. METALS Copper was slow of sals loosy, but the undertone was fairly steady, while rices were unchanged. Lake closed at 12 ir12 J7U and electrolytic and casting at 812.015 13.2. Tin was about steady, with a moderate jobbing aemauu. out mere w no speculative activity. Spot waa quoted at S2C.7Mi77.0O. Lead was steady and un changed at S4.12 and apelter waa firm at 84.3S. Iron ruled ateady, but quiet. Pig Iron warrants were nominal. No. 1 foundry, 118 5019 SO; No. 3 northern foundry, tlS.00 U19.0U; 7o. l soutnern lounurv. in No. 1 southern soft foundry, $17.&a 1&.00. EW YORK STOCKS AXD BOSDS. Market Active, hat Aalnsatloa Cos- aed ta Few Stocks. NTTW TORK. March 22. There was a good deal of activity In today' market, but It was congested in a tew hocus, oi. as the favorite and there was some ae- matul for ITnlon Pacific Rock Island was erratic and kept dropping back after lta advances to last night s level, wnere it ended the day. The action of the wheat market gave a hopeful feeling regarding winter wheat, but it ia not clear why St. Paul should be picked for the leader on that score. The hop of a favorable bank statement waa a factor in the buying, but the trader took their profits In bt. Paul before the appearance of that document, perhaps on information a few minutea in advance that It would disappoint expecta tions to a degree. The ear y market for railroad stock was firm. In sympathy with Bu Paul and weak ened with It. but the total range was very moderate. The active specialties were Ir rerular. but mainly reactionary. Those that were strong lost a good part of their galna. The various rubber stocks ana AiocKing vosu were u cuubjjicuuub in stances. The reduction of I11.13B.400 in the deposits of the banka relieved the reserve require ment so as to guard the surplus, which howed a small Increase. But the propor tion of cash in the deposit decrease was anrer than expected by about xs.ouo.wai. What the source of this extra drain on the banks was does not appear. There waa. however, no large resumption of buying of stocks after the bank statement appeared and the market closed Irregular. Some of the seml-specuiatlve bond issues have been In active demand during the week, but the general market has been rather dull and Irregular. United States bonds were all unchanged as compared with the closing call of last week. The Commercial Advertiser s London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket was quiet and Irregular, but generally teady. The attendance on the floor of the exchange was small owing to the university boat race, consols were still easy at im. American share were Idle but Arm, St. Paul. Atchison and Illinois Central were higher, but allil below parity. Any sign of local initiative ia entirely lacking, iuo tinto were weak at 4S- The following are the closing prices on th New York Stock exchange: Atchison 771 St. Paul pfd 191 do pfd 97-V So. Pacific tH Baltimore A O...106So. Railway SH do pfd 96 I do pfd 97 Canadian Pac....U&VTex. A Pacific. .. 40 Csnada So Ht Tol., St. L. A W. 21H Chea. A Ohio 45 do pfd 39 Chicago A A J Union Paclfio ....lmH, do pfd in1 00 pia so ChL lnd. A L.... Wabash Zi do pfd I 00 pia j Chi. A E. Hi 1 Wheel. A L. E.. 19 Chicago O. W.... 3JW do 2d pfd 31 do 1st pia " CTiirai .... zj do 3d pfd 46 do pfd.. 4i A N. W 23oi'Adains Ex 2u0 C, R. L A P. ...179 American Ex 230 Chi. Ter. A Tr...llU. S Ex ill do pfd Vell-Fargo Ex.195 C. C. C. A BU L.lUlJiAmaL Copper.... 62T4 Colorado bo jinuw. tir . 31V do 1st pfd An id rjfd 71 do pfd . o . 24 . 62 . 4t . 87 . 65 .wr .. 42 iAaier. Lin, Oil. ..171 I do pfd ..381 LAmer. S. A R.. .. 4.T' do pfd .. 81Anac. Mln. Co. .. 37 Brooklyn R. T. .. f Colo. Fuel A I. .. 6614 Con. Ga Del. A Hudson. DoL L. A w ... Den. A R. G... do pfd Erie do 1st pia do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... ..1K6 con. Tob. pfd. ...120 Hock. Valley... .. ,otxen. Electric ....31 .. 86 Hocking Coal ... 20 do pfd Illinois Central. e.AWraa avaa w . a m, .. 49 I do pfd . . fill. Inter. Po war Iowa Central .. do pfd . 7o . 80 . 31 . 18 . 19 J18 . 78 .102' . 4o Lake Erie A W . lAcleds Ga .. .132 Na. Biscuit .... .106 National Lead .132V National Salt ., .187 No. American . 29 Paclfio Coaat .. . i Paclfio Mail .., .lio People s Gas ., .100 Pressed 8. Car . i.' do nfd do pfd L. A N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry.... Max. Central .. Mex. National Minn. A St. L.. Mo. Pacific .... M . K. A T do nfd W . 63 Pullman P. Car.. 137 N. J. Central 1-1. J. f.enmi..,..iw .... unu oicei.,,, is ID. H . r, , , 1 i .- n , an N. Y. Central. ...!' uo pio., .'.V.""l33i Norfolk ec w .... m E,ua"-r do Dfd (to iTenn. Coal A T Ontario A W.. Pennsylvania . .. 32 Union Bag A P ..151! do pfd .. a6,U. 8. Leather.. .. 81 T do pfd .. t V. a Rubber... 19 80 Beading 12H 82 do 1st pia.... do 3d Did ?3 St. L. A 8. F. .. as' do pfd 62 .. 82 U. 8. Steel 4-"i .. 73V' do pfd 84 do 1st prd.... do 3d pfd St. L. Southw. .. z nmwn union.. .. SjC Amer. Locomo... 32 do pfd Bt. Paul ..1881 do pfd K Kew York Meaey Market. NEW TORK. March 23. MONEY On call, 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4 per cent. 8TE ERL1NQ EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 3484 for demand and H 56 for sixty days: posted rates. 84 M and 34.88; commercial bllla. 84 84VQ-t8V blLVtiv-mr, mc; Mexican dollars, 4gA BONDS Government, ateady. stats. firmer; railroad, steady; refunding 2s, reg istered and coupon, M; 3s, registered and ooupon. new , registered, 1, cou pon, l; old s, registered, ill; coupon, 112; 6s, registered and coupon, 108. The closing Quotation on bonds ar aa follows: U. S. ref. ta. reg.iot 1L. A N. unL 4 ..102 .. U do coupon iu? Hex. cent. 4a An Xs. res -luSI do 1 inc .. 33 do coupon 1VM. A St. L 4s do new 4a. reg. i.a do coupon 139 do old 4s. reg..lll do coupon 113 do 8. reg 1J Mv K. A T. 4... 99 do 2 h. N. Y. Central Is Iikv do gen. 3s 1 N. J. C. g. im lw No. Pacific 4. ...100 do coupon Iu o. Pacific 4....loi14 Atch. gen. 4 M' do 3s 74 74 n. 4a. Mi 1. 4s.. 9 c &a .119 P. 4. 00 aaj. 1 - vr. con, ss.itn'sj hal at umo ss...w-a "'ng gen. do SHa., 9 8 L A I M c do conv. is KIT St. L. A 8 P Canada 80. 2....h St. L. 8. W. la... 894 Cent, of Ga. i...ll" do 2a - do 1 inc b. A. ; A. P. 4. 81 Che. A O. 4...1 BO. Pacific 4s 8e Chi. A A. 8 844 80. Railway ta...l21'J C. B. A Q n. 4s. 9 Tex. A Pac. U...liOi V , O r p w .- - . -T . PO C A N W e. s...U74 rnloa Pac. 4....U lue loM r R I A P 4s 112 do conv CCC A 8 L g 4S..10 Wabash Is Chicago Ter. 4a.. ( I do 2s , Colorado bo. 4s... 94 do deb. B... Den. A R. G. 4. .Ml West Shore 4 Erie nrlor I. 4...l00 W. 1LE.1 119 .111 Si' .lit 81 do general 4s... 87 W is. Central 4a.. 90 F W A D C la. ..113 tCoo. Tob. 4 i Hock. VaL 4a...los Baak Cleartaca. OMAHA. March -Bank clearing for the week ending today show an Increase of 31.74s 24a il over those for the correspond lng week U.t year. The dally figures read 1d 11. Monday $l.r P 40 tl.osj 114 Tt Tuesday lAv.aii 13 l,4 4fl 3 Wednesday 1.211.4117 48 7 961 Thursday 1.3m. uf 65 1.044 5 Friday 1.444 el 31 1 018.1T Saturday 1.133.013 11 9s2 50 03 Totals rS.140 07 8i.2 4 M CHlCAtJO. March 23 Clearing. 824.364. 460; balances, Jl.Uo.iJJ: posted, 84 M for sixty daya 84.88 on demand; New Tom exrnarge, i"c premruai. NfcW Xvivii. laaxch ii-Clall $21, IT2.K; balanres. r.521.4M. For ths wvek: Clearings, 31.3a.sT7,Jue; balances. te.r.I.4s. PHI LAD tC LP HI A, Msrch 23-Clesrirg. 3m,44.(i; balances, ft,!. For the week; Clearings, tint. 774; balance, $14.20,827. Money. 4tf4 per cent. BALTIMORE. Msrh It-drlng, 83. 74. 7; balance. 8:3.133. For the week: Clearings, la. 1st. 15; balance. 83.130,678. Moner, 4W&o per cent. BOSTON, March 22. Clearlngt, tn.351.14a; balances, ll.174.M7. T. LOUIS. March 32,-Clearings, r.078, S5; balance. 81.3SC.M7; money. 4t(7 per cent; New York exchange. 3oc premium. CINCINNATI' March 83. Clearings, 33. 833.200; money, SSy6 Pr cent; New Tork exchange, 2wf30c discount. Bestea Stack atalleae. BOSTON Msrch 22. -Call loan. per cent: time loane, 4Hu Pr rent. Offi cial closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4.... Oaa Is Mex. Cent. 4s. N. B. a. 4 C. Atchison do pfd Poston A A.... Boston Me.. .105 Adventure . 7 Alloues . 814j Amalgamated . . t9 Baltic . 77-a Bingham . 7S Cal. Hecla... ,.2i4) Centennial .... ,. 31 ,. 4 .. J 4 .. 46 ,. 24 ,.5A) .. 24 ,. 6 ,.llH .. 13 ,. 174 .. 22 . 1 .. 80 .. 29 ..133 .. i'i ..1S2 ..100 .. 1414 .. w .. .. 6 .. 1 .. 53 mvtj copper ttange Boston Elevated. 1 oom. . oaj N Y, N H H...Z18 .Franklin 11 A . 41 A A BB. Il.( .A m , M. sataa s.eee Fitchburg pfd.. ..147 Isle Royal ... Union Pacific ....Iji'H Mohawk Mex. Central Old Dominion Amor. Sugar ....liOs Osceola , do pfd 1L Parrot Amer. T. T....lsvjulncy Horn. I. A 8 44 Kanta Fe Cop Oen. Electric ....320 iTamarack .... Mas. Electric... 3b Trimountaln . do pfd i Trinity N. E. Q. r C... United Fruit .. U. 8. Steel 7 IVnlted Stale asn'rtah 4:mi Victoria do pfd.. Mw inona WeeUngh. Com.. 7V Wolvrln Lesisa Stock ttaetatloaa. LONDON. March 22- I p. ra. Cloaing: Conso s. money. 93 8-18. Norfolk 4k West. 58 do account 83S do pfd t:4 Anaconda Ontario A West. 3S Atchison 74 Pennsylvania .... 77i do nfo 1(0 Reading fci do 1st pfd 41 do 3d pfd Southern Ry 3:iVs do pfd V Southern Pacific. 9H Union Pacific... 102 Baltimore A O...10 Canadian Pacific. 118 Chesapeake A O. 47 Chicago O. W.... 85 C. M. A Pt P.. 171 Denver A R. Q.. 444 do pfd 84 Erie 37 do 1st pfd 70H do 3d pfd 56 Illinois Central. ..145 Louis. A do pfd.. U. 8. Steel., do pfd 43V4 Wabash do rfd Spanish 4... Rand Mine. n T7S M . K. A T 24V do pfd a6tDeBeera N. Y. Central.... 167 1 BAR SILVER 8teady at 24T4d per ounce. MONEY 2I4&3 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills I 2 ll-l&q-'i per cent and for three-months' bill 2 per cent. Xew Tark Mlalagr ttaetatloas. NEW YORK. March 32. The followtng ar th cloaing price on mining stock: Adams Con 25 Alice 45 Breece M Brunswick Con.. 7 Com. Tunnel i Con. Cal. A Va..l20 Dead wood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 140 Iron Silver 70 Leadvllle Con.... S kittle Chief .Ontario .... . 11 .750 . 90 Ophlr Phoenix 8 Potosi 8 Savage 6 Sierra Nevada.... 20 Small Hopes .... 45 Standard 340 Weekly Baak atateaaeat. NEW YRK. March 33. The statement of the associated banks for the week end ing today shows: Loans. 85112.863,100, de crease r7.T70.uiO; deposits, 3973.234.eoo. de crease $11,138,400; circulation, $31,434,500, de crease 3a.4uo; legal tender, xns.rtiuo, de crease $t7,0UO; specie, 8176.832.400, decrees $3,368,500; reserves, $248,778,900, decrease 32,42S.6U0; reserve required. $243.30S,50, de crease 82,783,800; surplus, 83,471,250, Increase S3&8.350. CHICAGO LIYB STOCK MARKET. Cattle Ifoaalaal, Hog Stroasr Higher aad Bkeep Steady. CHICAGO. March 23. CATTLE Receipt. 200 head: nominal: good to prime steers. 38.60&7.10; poor to medium, 34.3&j.&d; Block ers ana feeders, xz.bOQa.; cows, ii.aoa.w, heifers, t2.6CKff.00; canner. tl.402.40; bulla, $3.&O.0O; calve. 83.00(S.S5; Texas-fed steers, 88 0fttj.00. - HOGS Receipts today, 19,000 Head; Mon day, 37,000, estimated; strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers. 86.20.S6; good to choice heavy, 86 45fl.62; rough heavy, $8.2S8 .40; light. $6.0v$.3u; bulk of sales, 86 2f.M.45. BrixLhir AM) LAMBS KSCeipt. 1,000 head; sheep and lamb, steady; good to choice wethers, $5.0uu6 60; fair to choice mixed, tt.loien.m; western sheep and year lings. 35.25fe6.25; native lambs, 33.60&6.7&; western lambs, t6.2o4.7S. Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 1.776; hogs, Sl.1.2; sheep, t,26tt. Shipments Cat tle, 2,166; hogs, 8,738; sheep, 1.3iS. Kansas City Lira Stack Market. ITlVHUmT Msnsh nirpt V t. celpta for week, h.000 head; last week, 23, 0i0 head; for the week there was a slight railing off in supplies: quality was about the average; values show slight advance; top native steers. 86.70: fslr to good. 850.nU 8.40; stockers and feeders, 33.4C4tfe.36; west ern-fed steers, H.uve.oo; Texas and in dlan steers. 84 .50$. 00; cows. $3.&0u'4.7B; na tlve cows, w Sj'iiO-DO; netters. w.,a.a; canners, $2.713.70; bulla, 83.oOS.00; calves, 84 b"U 00. HOGS Receipt. 1.800 head; market about teady; quality Inferior; sjpply for week liahL 38.000. compared with 40. (M) last week: top lor day and week,; bulk of to day' sales. S6.1o5.SO: heavy. .l5e.: mixed packers, 86.2o3.S0; light, $6.7wu 30; Digs. 3o.10tu6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.200 head; last week, 15,000; week shows gen eral advance of t&c, with price today at top; native lambs,; western lambs. 36.2643. &5; native wether. ft.OoQ (.611; western wethers, 3S.OOtg6.60; yearlings, xa.tKxge.uu' ewes, h wtjo.ia; Blocker and I sea era, Hew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 12. BEEVES R- eelpta, 668 head; dressed beef, steady, city, 7 ' loc per lb. Cables last received quoted American steer at 12113C, dressed exports today, partly estimated, 10,118 head beeves, lao quarters of beer. CALVES Receipts. 9 bead. ' no market: city dresaed veala, 9il2c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 1.2ti7 head; market about teady; state. 34.7b. bllfc-KP AMD LAMBS Receipt. 2.000 head; aheep, quiet, steady; lambs, firm; sheen sold at to.'"?i6.50 per 100 lbs.: culls. $3.60; lambs. 86.007.10, one car desirable we Kht at 1.16: culls. 5.2f,'(Tt).0: dressed mutton. W3yo per lb. ; creased umba, lutf agar Market. NEW ORLEANS. March 22. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, 34)3 ll-16c: open kettle, centrifugal. 3a 30 ; centrifugal yellows, 3 cju i-ic; eeconas. -HfO i-ioc MOLABHhat eteaoy; oentrirugai. 7Bisc NEW YORK. March 22 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, c, centrifugal, 88 teat. c; moiasee sugar, sc; rennea, unset tied; No. 6, 4 96c; No. 8, 4 OSc; No. 8, 4c: No. 10. 3.95c; No. 11. 3 95c; No. 13. 3.90c: No. 14. i vc; standard A. 4.auc; conrectloner' A. 4 0c; mould A, 6.15c; cut loat, i.auc; crushed, tax;; powdered, 4 9uc ; granulated, ( 9ir: cubes. 1 06c. LONDON. March ZX BEET SUGAR March. 6 4d. St. Jasepk Live Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. March . CATTLE-Bs. celota. 2iu head: ateady: native. 35.35476 90 enwa and heifers, $1.50j6 .75; veala 33.000 4.25; stockers and feeders. $2.b045.25. HOUs-Kecelots. . bead: 5ul0a hls-her light and light mixed. 86.05(&; medium and heavy, io.31ti6.60; pigs. 84.Uoe5.30. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.360 head: steady: western lambs. 86.00fi.ii& western tneep, et-raue-w. Bleaa City Live Uses Market. SIOUX CTTY, March tX-tBpadal Tele gram.) l AI I1.H Receipts, J0 Head; steady: beeves. $4 5006 60; cows, bulls and mixed. 83 5ui)6.0O; stockers and feeders, 83.U) ti4 td: yearungs and caivea, n w' HOGS Receipts . 8,0u0 head; 6i Wc higher, selling 81 1'-U-'; DJia, a.xr.M SHEEP AND LAMBS Recclpta, 100 head teauy. Dry baada Market. NEW YORK, March U. DRY GOODS The week closee with a general quiet de mand in tne market, Dut tne tone con tinues fully as atrong aa before In cotton goods. Print cloths are quiet and strong Fail River sold about 3u),0uO pieces this week, nearly all irregular goods. Cotton yarns are In fair demand. Stock ysrns selling at previous prices, but contracts tend upward. No change In worsted, woolen or llnea yarns. Ce Market. NEW YORK. March 32. COFFEE 9r-ot ttio. dun; ra. 7 Invoice, t U-lac. Mil J quiet: Cordova, 84712c. The market open. steady. witn prices unchanged. an throughout the session was peculUvel flat. The close waa Inactive, with prices net unchanged t 8 pouil higher. There i wr &o Mwia, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef Steort and Good Oowa Hara Adtanoed During the Week. HOGS NOT AT HIGH POINT OF THE MONTH Used te t hole 8heep aad Lassbs Hav laapreved A beat Flfteea ta Tweaty. Five Ceat a a Cass pa red with Prlees Paid last Week. SOUTH OMAHA, March tl Receipt were: 1 Cattle. Hogs. 3h-p Orhclal Monday Official Tuesday OfTlclal Wednesday Offlclal Thursday Offlclal Friday Official Saturday Total this week.... Week endln Mar. tt. 3d 8,754 7.74 12.8-T 8 t3 8.7W Week ending Mar. 8 13 S.i Week ending Mar. 1....13.r8 Week ending Feb. 33....14.JW Same week laat year... .14.1X4) RECEIPTS FOR THS YEAH TO DATE. The following table show th receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, with comparisons with last year: IVX 191. Inc. Dec. Cattl 180,118 144.MS 3S.5&3 Hogs 627,043 tV27,461 W.iiVl Sheep 2U2.7&1 841.ftt6 .... 33,744 The following table snows th average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the pait eeveral day with com parison with former rear: Data I lja.;iwl.l00.13S.lS88.1897. 11834. March 1.. March 3.. March 3.. March 4.. March 8 . March 8.. March I.. March 3.. March .. March 10. 8 01 U I Kl 4 Ml 8 611 3 731 8 601 I t t'i 4 Obi t kU t 6j 8 471 I 74 U 6 8 6.1 3 a, 3 4S 3 S4) j 52! 3 ; 3 4; 3 I 8 ttii iw, 3 M I S4 3 ail 3 79 1 soi 3 89 13 14 8 U.'i I 32 . t .! 4 74 6 $i 4 7o( a! 4 7ii 9 8 10! 6 06, 6 39, 4 72 , 3 631 t 74, 3 67 ill 4 71 3 6 8 3 oj t 81 5 97; I 4 7 Ml S Mi a W1 Maroh 11. J 091 J 8 18 6 K 41? 4 7( ' 6 46. 4 751 3 I 1 u 1 it, 1 1 March 12. t 74. 3 70 I 80 March 13. C 2u 1 6 46, 4 75 3 62i I 3 181 3 73 3 83 March 14. March IS. March 18. 8 UU I U 4 7il I 13 I fl t loVi 8 56, 4 79, 3 59, 8 3 M I M. I Kl 1 M, I iU s ei I 77 March 17. a 15 4 84, 3 85 3 71 3 911 3 S3 March 18. March 19. 21 t 65 3 68 1 71 1 m 1 H a 22, t ail ti a 73i 3 i a 74 I 4 Ovj 3 67 March 20. e 17 a 4 Su, 3 Mi March 21. 6 2S 6 82 4 81 3 66 $ 75 1 March 23. 8 3Hi i 9w 4 9o 3 vt 3 76) 3 98 Indicates Sunday. The offlclal number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle, nogs, no p.n r . ., M. A St. P. Ry 5 . A St. L. Rv 1 Missouri Pacltlc Ry.. .. 1 .. .. Union Pacific system .. 11 . A IS. W. By F., E. A M. V. Ry a I ., St. p., m. & u. tty .. s .. m. k. rty.. ...... 1 11 .4 1 B. A Q. Ry 1 8 .. .. C. R. I 4 P.. east.. .. 18 .. .. Illinois Central t Total receipts .... t 81 i The disposition of the day'B receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 24 .... wlft and Company. 23 Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co t.7-3 1.696 367 Other buyer Tout 23 .99 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. 367 The following table show the number of cars or feeders shipped to the country yes terdav and their destination: . are. Crawford A Moor, Turn, Colo, B. A M. 4 Bruce A Hlllabaugh, Marsiana, ieD. B. A M W. H. Streeter. Marquette, Neb., B.AM. 1 N. Morris. Herman, Neb., am. A U J. G. Finney. Pllger. Neb., F. E 8. Lewis, Meadow Grove. Neb.. F. E... Hr Schinatock. West Point, Neb.. F. E. W. J. White. McKensle. N. D., N. W.... I Wlnchell, Hswklns A Co.. Indianapolis, lnd . Wabash Wheeler A Gibson, Loulsvllls, Ky., Wab. 1 Hubbard Hauss A tc, Cincinnati. . u.. Wabash JS. nviuiein. uma nvrr, 111., n. August Dameron. Council Bluffs, I a., R.I. 3 u, j-Tanra, aiauning, ia., aiu. Taylor A Caton. Dedham. la.. Mil M. A. King. Red Oak. Ia., W J. H. Donahue, Btanton. Ia., Q.... SHEEP. Thomas Mortimer, Leigh, Neb., F. E.... 1 CATTLE There were not enough cattle here today to make a market, and for the week receipts have alao been rather moderate. A decrease of about 2.000 head la noted aa compared with the previous week, and aa compared with th same week of last year tnere is a suu greater oe crease. The demand on the part ot local . . . . Th. ,l.mafi packer ha been active all tne week, and aa a result th market ha been active and trans. A fair proportion ot in onennga tni week consisted of beef steers, and some of the cattle showed considerable quality. The hulk of the offerlnaa. however, waa made up of the medium grades, and the demand for that claas of cattle was exosptlonaily good. In fact, handywelght cattle of medium price are selling better than the choice heavywelghta, though all kinds are higher than they wer a weea ago. as a feneral tning tne maraet may oe quoieu ora2on hlxher. The s res test advance has been on the medium kind. Good to choice rattle are Quotable from $6.00 to $6.76. me dium grades from $640 to $5 90, and th commoner grade ar Ulnar' from $6-25 down. .... The cow market is also very active so far a good stuff la concerned, and price ar now at the highest point reached so far this year. Packer are all very anxious for the better grades and are paying pro nnrtlonatelv higher price for them than for steers. In view of th high price ruling the market U, Of course, rather uneven, nut tnere is no doudi out wna the kinds that ar selling from M 75 to 60 mrm hlHhcr than they were a week ago. Cattle that sell below $4.00 are neglected ni no more tnan steany witn laat wee. Canners, In particular, are hard to dispose nt aa none of ths packer eem to wsnt them snd sellers hav to take whatever they can get. Bull, veal carve and stag are all fully as high a they were a week ago. Good stuff sells readily, but common stuff nevlcted. There hav been a good many atock cattl on sale, and prlcea on both ateers and she tnflr la 15i25a lower for the week except where the quality Is very choice. The beet grades are fully atesdy. Strictly prime steer weigmng irom iw i.iw pounc.s would doubtless eli st 36.0O or better. The bulk of the cattle being offered, however, are selling from 33 76 to $4.36, with most ot the good to cholc grades going from 3AS5 to $4 76. rllUB '1 sirs w hui v' f mn of hogs here today and th tendency of price continued upward, which earrie the markt to th highest point of th month. Th demand was active on the part of local packers and tt only took a short time for the bulk or tne oirenngs 10 cnangs hands. The extreme close of the market waa a Uttle slow and weak, aa packers seemed to have their more urgent orders filled. The general market, however, waa a big nickel higher. In soms eaaea aales wer made that were a good deal more than a nickel higher, but that occurred more often witn tne iignier noga. rrora this It la seen that the market was rather uneven, but the avtrage price shows an advance of more than 5c. The bulk of the hogs sold from $6.26 to $6.46. Choice heavy hogs sold largely from $6 35 to $4.45, me dium weights went from 86 26 to $6.35 and the lighter loads from $6 25 down. The quality of the hogs bb a whole was good. Receipts of hogs for the week have been a trifle leas than for the laat several weeks, but aa compared with the same week of last year there 1 an increase. Th gen eral tendency of price has been upward all the week, the only setback having oc curred on Thursday. Ths total advance for the week amojnta to a llttl over Joe Representative aales: No. A. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Bb. Pr. 41 118 ... 1 25 81 tJJ ... $80 13. l(k ... II to m 40 8 30 2 10 120 W M lei ... e 10 13 no ... 8 ii 5 lo2 ... 115 87 17 120 $ 15 4. IK so 8 17 W in 40 8 17',, 7! 14 ... 8 20 73 la 80 8 30 75 217 ... 8 30 80 213 80 8 30 47 222 1J) 3 30 80 -m 80 8 S24 77 SU 140 8 32V. 72.... ... It;, .217 ... (1 69... 70.... 77.... 48.... 13 ... 74... .... 82.... 7.... u til .214 8 35 ...1b4 130 W ...iso 40 e to ...LsO . . 8 3U n .2-Jo .237 .244 ..247 80 8 35 so 8 35 40 4 35 ... 4 35 40 4 38 40 4 35 ... 4 35 a.. 74.. M. . W.. 77.. 1SS 120 8 30 M 8 32V4 .115 80 8 35 44 8 25 ao 2S ) 38 77. .2o8 217 t2 4 71 227 . 4 38 S5. .317 r. .210 130 4 35 M. ....7 130 3S ....1 40 8 25 ....ltt ho 8 25 ... 2-4 130 e 25 ....218 k) 121 ...AH ... 8 35 ...215 48 8 25 47.. 74.. 72.. 82.. .. ? 73"; 74.. i . 45.. 84.. ...3.1 4 3a 74 .. SO... 74... ... 70.".'. 87... M... 75... 73... .. .2-3 ...2i ...2JJ ...227 ...147 ...45 ...248 ...2.4 ... 4 35 40 4 35 40 4 3S ... 4 36 130 4 35 80 4 .15 feu 4 35 4 36 fee 4 35 ... I: .214 ... t 2b ... e 23 .3o3 40 e 35 .Xi in lii 84n9 t.t3 3.U 1073 44.387 H9 W.mO 38. 14 4R.l. 30.151 47.638 14lfcl 4S.t 19. i- 8S.873 32.350 tt m . . to etc ... a ... a 40 ... 840 ... a 44 no a a 82. 7 2i2 a. 24 70. 87. 5. 73. ttS . 63 64. 1. 68. 69. 31... ....33 ... 21 ...3n ,...n ....2". .... ....2f3 21 bi... 30 a 40 77... a) IN ... a 46 87... 71... 87... 71... S3... ... C 46 ... a 46 leo e 45 ... a j ... a ... 84 80 a 48 n... 85. .. 60.. .tt ltFRP There wer bo fresh arrival f sheep and lambs ner todar with which a make a teat of th market. For th week recelpta hav only been fair, as a slight decrease Is noted compared with last week snd a compared with th sam week of last year there IS a ami greater decrease. The table at the head of th column shows th exact figures. The local demand ha been of libers! proportions all the week and as a result th market is considerably higher than It ws a week ago. It Is noticeable, however, th" pckr all want the gigvl stuff, wnl.e in commoner kinds sr more or less neglected. The quality of the offerings this week na not been very good, which has hd rthr a had effect upon the market. It is safe to sav. however, that anytning icon in ire war of sheep I 154y?.ie higher than at tha rloee of laat week. Lambs have also Im proved, but there has been nothing cholca offered the last few days to make a fair test of the market. The general opinion . however, that strictly choice lambs would sell 15c or 25c higher than th am kind broutht last week. Feeders have been in light supply an tn week, while the demand hns been null liberal for desirable grades of both sheep and lambs. As a result prices are strong and. If anything, a little higher than laat week. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearling. $S.654j00; good to choice yearling. $&.26f 85; choice wethers, xo.iis.4o; lair to gooa rethers. 84.8otre.16: choice ewes. $4 J6 00: fair to good ewes. 84.0O4i4.e0: choice lambs. $.4ve.aj; fslr to good lambs. $6.0S V; feeder wethers.'tft.&O: reefler ifctins, $46iU50; feeder ewe. $2.6otl3.50. Repre sentative aales: St. Leal Live Stock Market. a-p immb vr. wk 9 ATT T.TC Re ceipts. 250 head. Including 150 Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and expor steers, $5.Ti.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.5u.4t: steers under l.ono lbs , $3.00jj6 5o; stockers and feeders. $2.754Jt3 OA; cow and heifers. $2.2f8'5.60; tanner. $1.404J 3. 76; bulls, $2 8wj4.4"; calve, n.w.i" Texas and Indian teer, graaser. 33 4fx, 4 45; fed. t3 4i.30, with fancy worth t; cows and heifers. t2. 254. 86. HOGS Receipts. 1.7o hesd; market st tidily; pigs and lights, ttt.0rv44.26; packer. $6 2oTrf 40; butchers. .. SHEEP AND lambs-no receipts: mar ket nominally unchanged: native muttons. $4.60!fi6.&0; lambs. $5.0"j.75, with springs worth $3.50; culls and bucks, $2.5oy4.7i; stockers, tl.S0tuC.25. Stock ta Sight. The follnwlns? tsble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at the nv principal markets for March 22: Cattle. Hors. Sheep. South Omaha 44 .ts Chicago ) 19.00 LOW evd 1.850 Kansas city JUU 2,tu St. Louis 250 1.7tO St, Joseph 200 3,600 Totals 794 33.088 3,459 Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. We offert sahjeeti Co Ion Stock Yard atock at 97. Omaha Street Railway stock. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064. D "DOLLARS AND HORSE SENSE." WE NEVER EMPLOY AGENTS OR PAY COMMISSIONS. and a w understand co-operation, all interested should snare alike, wny should some other person receive a commission on your Investment? Con cerns that resort to thia method of securing business are generally short lived, grab all there la in sight and go out of business, probably to open up later under a airrerent name, we nave ample evidence to substantiate this statement. No mis representa tion In any respect, do everything we claim, everybody interested share alike. Our booklet. Dollars and Horse Sense. will tell you how we do It. and the extensive reference Hat accompanying tt will verify our claim that your money earn a Larrer Weekly Profit than any other a safs Investment pays n six montns or savings banka pay annually. And tne Investment la al ways' subject to your control. Twenty years of experience and two years under the present co-operative plan. with a record second to none. '1 the evidence we have to offer. Legitimate! financial c rw I a mrur1 nn 1 1 an1 n this we will add the Indorsement ofi tw National Banka and an extensive list of customer. Y. W. O'HARA, 1.120 and 1.121 Union Trust Building, Cincinnati. Ohio : : OIL LANDS for SALE OR LEASE. I TUB BEST KIOW8 THB WEST. FIELDS I WHERE wll and refineries hav been In operation for year. WHERE it U claimed certain wall hav each produced one million dollar worth of oil on well over one million and la till producing good Quantity. W hav oil atock for ie In a good pro ducing company now In operation; prlc to day, luc to lao per aha re. Write for par ticular. If fullest Investigation doe not substantiate our representation w will pay railroad far from your town to tha field. We mention thia guaranty, know ing th paper ar full of proposition void af merit. Call on or writ t J. M. HAUSDALB at 0!J, Caaoa City. Cola. References: Fremont County Baak. First Katlouel Baak. OiL'-SMU TOlMlNkZS. Dhrtdmd.Prtnm Mining, Oil aW miilmr JjaoZa, aiaeV ausaf Unltmtmd, mhi MmmolmHj. DOUGLAS, UCEY&CO., llaakersA Uroaera, fiscal Ageata, tismbers X. Y. Consvudsle Block Lxetisnga 66 BROADWAY AV 17 N(W IT., MEW TORK. Hook .4H. m w.vm osrHWNtfnl blavb fnr rMLinii tb ltr imtrw t 4 gtrvftta of iesexitUfksl sBtttt mw. oiivr.ti Mitiiri uvtvimwit, Mb. biavr.t. tll 8UUCUATK taw, MBt fF4MJ 4M t8l Itltj41 ,..r.l 340 I IS ... 40 6 36 ,..2"1 120 6 . 213 40 r e rr . .r-e t4o e 80 ...2-0 ... 830 ...22') 80 8 30 ,..trs r a 30 ,.. 120 8 80 ,. TA ... 8 30 ...211 ... 8 30 ,..l!t 40 8 SO ...Ml ... 8 30 ...4 1M 8 30 ...2 40 t 30 RELIABLE OIL STOCKS FOR SALE. Estate to be closed, stock sacrificed. 1 have 40 shares LI'CKY LIME and 1.V4 GLADYS OK GALVtBTON, must be sold J held st 9 cts. s share; make me an offer. Address ETC ECT'TOH, rare of ED M'CAK THY, Banker, Galveston, Texas. DO NOT 8PECULATE Tou can make 8508 annually by Investing with us flOO. This is no schems. A good, safe business proposition. It costs yoa nothing to Investigate. Write for Informa tion. THOMAS at CO., 60S Prevideat Uuildlag Fhlladelpkiia, BOYD -COMMISSION COMPANY Roaaa 4, lew York Life Bids. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. STOCKS . Bought and sold for cash or on msrgin. All telegraph, telephone or mail orders 111 receive careful and prompt attention. Tiehoc.e IMn, CiJAitA, Nttt.