Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1902, PART III, Page 21, Image 21

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- fOrprrigbt. ln. CYocketb)
John Gleadenwra answered readily.
"It to true that la our rhU Stood tbs ps
Mi of TeroBica Caesar and bet!? afTf3
together that we should marry. But, trtnr
at maa baa a rifM to tmcr tie Ufa of
hia fellow, at and I have lour aco derided
mutually that ws will never fulfil the eoa
tract" "Tbea tbere Is cat purpose c' marriage
between you an! Veronica Carear"" sail tit
sis' maa eagerly.
"Nar rrr baa been! said John. clearly
asd definitely. "T erotica herself Till tell
tba same glaiiy. I nrrrr meant ts
marry any bora of womaa aav little Pair
lie tbat la. If ah would bar a fellow libs
"To speak greatly Ilk an booert man. I
aAmlt." aald Da rid, looking dubiously at
bim from under bis abaggy grsy ) ebrows.
"but 1 am mair tbsa srar perplexed, aay
roa dumttfounded and put to coclueioa- I
boa net wbat to think. My pair laaooeat
Jobs sat dowa aad pat bis bands at eo-
tloaataly oa lbs knee of Darid't black
Tell as all tber la ts teO." aaid J eta.
"I win go straight back ta Gcwer with yea
and w will find Kais asd Fairli ovwr
fear. I know their bearta. baUrrs me. lor
1 bare watched themat least Fnirlle. ever
alsoa a a child of I ebs rod my pony to
school wall I ran eosteatedly by ber aids."
Tb father abook bat bead aadly.
Ah. weald tbat 1 could thick aaa." be
said, tb tsars for tba first um trickling
"Caa yoa tell m bow It bappesied?"
"TeU Tt laddie." aaid Devil, "tber ts
1,. v- i
" I
ns asackle te tell. Mair is th
ses It was uus way; wU -
comln- bame tra tb at bale a nicht aad
Kate aaid te me tbat ab wad pit oa brr ,
doaand gang aa
ts." I
. "Wbat need?" ssya L (I was plaata' tb
HA '. eandare Dow's tepmitber colLa at
tbe time, aad tbata tae way i asias.)
ut ab anawered tbat aba was enxioo
a4 wad gaa bersel'. Be I didna debar ber
' dadoed, wbea did I aay ber nay? Aad In
anfihrr an eon It ab was beck wf ber bonnet
a and tb aaarkls Aark-blwa serg etoak
tbat t oo ft at Dramf era at Michaelmas aboot
"'Quid aicbt. tattbsr ebs aaya. staad
ba oa ber tlptaes u p a I bias aa
was ays ber bearteome way.
Havere, Uaa, says L yia wad thtak
ja war gaaa te tb muae or te London
too at tbe least. Ts will asset Fairli
afore ys got ts tb Brig-end."
"Bat aba only giod a kind ' queer law
I tniad It aes. It comes back ts at as cwar
as clear. It was Uk tbe wsy sb laarbed
arboa abs bad tb seariet fever as' waa
licbt r tb bird! But (m as mindla T
baeia' Sander Dow'a eoCa ts finish tbat
alcbU I bads ber be back ts mak tb tea
for tb laddie, aad ab gaed set through
tVt doer. Aa' fras tbat boar ta tbla I ass
Bjswer set eea os cither ' my bairns."
Had yoa ot letter aw sa aay
- Aye this!" said David O lead inning, pat
tlag bia band ta bis breast pocket. H
drew out a net teided small aa Fairli was
ta lbs habit of doing with ber correspond
eatoa. Joha knew tbe taahiosi of tt at tb
erst glance. Tb eight of tbat little oblong
of bluish paper ea bia table bad often maa
bia beart leap aa be entered bis rosea at
David GlendiniOag was regarding b'a
"I eanaa help ts astir" ys. Uddis." b
aid. ia spits rnvia tatber ar. la
epus auyser. I oanna btiirs y bas bad
eogniaaaca aay hurt dune to my bairaa.
And be stretched etst tb letter.
"Tea ar quit sure tbat yoa wish ao
ts read tlT" aaid Joba-
Wltb a areaa tbe eld aaaa cast bis bands
set tree bias, laying bia arms abroad tbe
"baad. laddie, real!" b said, "Dend
N A V 'A
twiner oM'
x a .ear -" . a w .
Glen aiming, tea Lord bath forgotten ta bs
Jcha's baa A tm thai lit " his 'To
were dim as he un'oldej the note.
Tkie tt aald la dear unmistaAsbl char
acters: "Oct dear, eery Bear fatber.
This at the tm win max yoa sad. bat
tt la for tba best and there la no other
wy. Tract your Fairli and th time will
coma wbea ww shall creep hpplly home to
your hearth and heart- All la sot veil, but
tbla seem tbe only way ta make 111 things
better, llrastlmt, God kwp jwi and I lit
bora and all wbe truly Ict oa. Do not
cast ua cff. for are lore jo and tbata if
wfcy v e go!"
Tber waa tie ifr.ture, but He letter
-aa nniniBiAkably la Fairlie's band, tbe
characters vivid and distinct, wrlttea with
out bast and without tremclouscess. Tbe
girl might bare ben setting on of ber
oopy-beada. for all lb algns of emotion
Which tb manuscript betrayed.
One thing struck John Glendoa
curious. Tber was a direct mention of
Kate, aad ear la tbe prosoua "we" and
ae reference te ber. Tot. hiiberte it
bad always beea Kate wbe bad taken tb
lead la ererytblng, and her sister who ac
quiesced la ber decisions, mad ta maey
caaes without ber knowledge- Why se sud
denly should tbe elder sister bar abdicated
ber posit ion, aad permitted Fairli to tab
tba lead?
Dertd lifted bla bead aad bow eat earn
estly regarding tb young maa, bia ryes
fixed la bia bead as If ba desired to read
Into bla vary aoab
"Well?" be aaid. gravely and sternly,
-wbat think r?
"Oa my aoul." said Joha. earnestly. "I
think that tb matter may not b a serious
as tt appears at preeeat. I aa glad ts
hare read Fairli -s letter. It eases my
beart ts some extent. En epeaka aa If a
ret era were net only possible, but certain.
She looks forward te peace and bappin
fatal aerll were basring over inemr
Hae yoa ever known Fairli to tell a lie.
ts bMe aaytblng from yei tbat ab ought
to bar. re-reeled t year'
''Ck. iiii aunlT rwreal tbee ts ma."
-aaetlr reveal these U ma."
artly h4nfl Itpon ta,
mu o ,ttooigai vn ts John
oiendonwa. "But yoa lorget-tber is an
other tbisc- B good enoiigt to explain
u Bpu any comfcrtabls and barmleaa
And one mere b laid before bim tb
rrumpled acrap o PPr which la bia first
t ba bad snatched from John's baad
and tbieea apea tbe floor.
Carriage and coar hmen asd at t ret
trvwtinra t carry tbem tra awa' their
faltber's booee. wha's beart never yearned I
but ta ds tbem gaid! They lea is him
abM asd shamed ta bla old ar aee tbe
werfl-"truat bia t. car for air'-bim-
bias Wbe hi "bimT God. wb set bis t
mark ea Cain, gne ma this ya thing oa
earta great t thm aawortby eertaat tbat
wbil la tb fieeh tbea baaaa may meet
about tb threat of bim aim wbe will
H aald tb last words with a reacentra
tiaa of outer hatred eaich mads John shud
der, think. .eg a b did of tb evening
prayer that first night ibi Rupert bad ai
by Daetd Gieaduiaiaga beanb. altb hi
black eyes glittering aad bia languidly gra-
"Tbere is macb tbat ts mysterious ta
tbat iaappearaax." aaid Joba manfully,
"but oa aay seal aethlag at all that is
hopeless. Tbe aolutioa escapes ua, tbat ts
alb TrU me. bars yoa taqulred at Draa
fera as ts tbs arrival of a can-lag with
tws sir Is? It seems ts aa tbat tt aaa la
poaaible tbat each aa sqaipag euid es
cape remark la a nlac of tbs eis of Draa-
fsra." 1
"I aav taeuired," said Dsrid. "aad tbat
dillgeaUy. going from door te door. Ke
tarriapw ever waa hired tbere. Ken rrer
Ik. 1 uTTY i ami
x t " m m e W tv i : v i ar.- ti -Ah.
a tbs reesa. At least I bar beard of ! rbt k, beuni la spllats sad ewatbed ia
aee arbs aaet wtth auJiks- Bat all admit haadagea. It was ea a feetrest asd as
tbat tbs aat was stormy, with a drrnag j rsd tormidabie. Indeed. Joha stared
um taat seat all wbe eetiid tadaors ts tb
fi ieadly lagieaiooa."
Joha roe aad banded tbs set back t
David Gleadinaliid:.
"Sir." be aaid. "after yea bar aatiaaed
peuaseb? tbat I hat bad aeliber an nor
part la tbs basts ss I will anrssnpssy yea
ts Clbroar aad do say best ts aartddl tbe
Bvistery. But I wish yoa v bs thoroughly
satisfied Snrt. My laaSlaer bera a-Ul tell
roo I bare aerer be away, aaTe te rollea
ad for aa afiemooa walk lik that t
Craianillrir todiy. I bir fliaed ber aJoae
ertry albt breakiarted bare rrery ora
kj praTeaaora and fellow atodeaia will
b-ar me wltceet wbat I did will tar mara
lata, and If further testimoiir be sewled.
tbe quarrntiea at Bsrdlebonee asd E5k
alde, th piimea af XewbatUe and Banh
wick will declare wtat dara I rpnt with
But Dana lifted vp bla band.
"Nay." be Mid. "mine owa eye bar
een? I do sot seed landladies asd pre
fecaora te adriae me. I an Katfiu Xot
you not yon. laaiiea hath done thia. Aad.
O. Jofca a hilta bile I would te God
that It bad!"
Jota foucd tit broiber alose la tbe grttl
drBwlng-room at Gower Castl. H was j If w sappaa that his leadly expressed aax
amoklng a cigar with bis leg lying in do- ! lety for bis daughter is genuine. On tb
letUy upon another arm cbair. asd gaimg S other band. I am your fatber, a magistrate,
oat ts aea erer tbe t g waters of tb ' aad aoeesterned te weigh eeldeaoe."
Sol way. J "Then you do aot believe me, sir?" Joha
"TVs II, youag acaperraoa." be cried re- I aiked la a stifled woloa.
moving bU cigar and stretching out bis I "FraakJy. I do aot!"
baad. "what to this w bear of yoa run- "Tbea. air," aaid John. "I bid yoa good by.
ami e a couple of girls from tba pariah I shall sever com willingly Into your pres
et which you are to I the paraon? What i enos again- I ears aot whether I receive
will tbe "unco-guld" say to tbat a a der- j tbe parish ar sou Tea yourself baTe placed
leal quallficatioa? And bow yea may man- ' tb greatest barrier In tb wsy of that ever
age to do It ea a hundred a year beau me. being my lot ia Ufa. Bat. tbaak God. I sUll ,
I anppos you bav brougtt a little ached- bare my Integrity, my youth and tbe por-
ale back t tbe governor of Baiaburgb ' tioa left ts ms by my soother. As to tbe I
all for posiboraes and marriage lis ex. I last. I bare aot claimed tt during the last !
Though what yoa wasted witb a brace of I two years, but I sball aak my lawyer to
briAe bang m If I ran mak eat. Oae ' a rfl t yours tbat tb details of the final j
t keep tbe other company wbea yoa were ' settlement rosy be arranged between aa." j
off xplain.r.g things. I suppose !" i John did not asy this la the least by way
John Glendotw-m. haggard aad unkempt ' threat. Nothing was further from bis ,
after a lesg night travel, asd lb Bleep- tbourbts erreTtbeleas tbe change which
leas aaxiely which bud preyed rpoa bis tbeas words predaoed ea bia fatber coun- I
mind stood indignantly before bis brother. tenaare was marreloaa. Ha votoa. at first I
Rupert." bs said, when be tad sutt- ! clrts 4x4 resonant la deauaciatloa of bis j
clently commanded himself, "enough of ' sees son. csld and Icy In tbs rejection I
tbts! Where bar. yoa bidden the girls? ; f his final appeal, beeaae suddewly boars.
I bars com t tsd out. For tbat It was j '"Ne-o. be cried, "your mother s por
.o .v vn. .in., .ho nlanaed and ear- I t'oa to doe ts yoa ea tbs day a hi yoa
ried oat tb elupemeat 1 bav not tbe
shadow of a doubt. Tbe net which waa
j eet te tb school ts rairne tiienaieumg
bas txea found I baTe Bern It, asd. though
f. -
As be spoke b took a paper from bla
pocket and rare It te Rupert. Tbe elder
brother saifJy thrust out bis band t tabs
It, but a ahad of diaappointmeat creased
bia face as bis eyes tell apea It,
"My aTitltg!" b cried, and laagbed
aardonically. "why tbat at your. John. 1
wonder that yoa have tbe face to deny it."
"That to oaly a copy, aa you well know,"
retorted Jcba fiercely. "The origiael ia
with tbs g-iTs father, where U aiU remain
till th appointed time."
"My dear, simple boy." aaid Rupert, tel
eraatly, I ba a littls elemetitary advice
te give yea. rapa ts aot exactly pleased
aits you and he m.ght mak Uoags very
unpleaaant. Da at axger hia aad 1 wiU
ae yoa threcgh.
"But eren yoa will admit tbat X. abom
yea coma bere hectoring te acrase I. who
aav beea spending my time to beseeching
ay father ts zueoerais a is anger again!
yea. hat aa ansscr worth H aiibai! lok
H threw off a light ctrrertet which had
beea ever his knees asd diaewvered his
xtupert aodded Lthtly. almost tippantly.
"Tea," he aaid. "I broke my anaieUo.
tbree weeks last Tuesday. Brave abied at a
piece of P44r and threw me s nasty trick
of hia. He bates ts come oaddealy ea aay
ibiag a bits. I think I bad staid to 1st
at tbs Cress Keys with seas asea I knew.
1 "iicra comes Gnersea atd lbs aotusr.
km ywur doshta "
Tbe butler t.f Caatl Cower abpwed la a
tail, alixn. erk nil with etclner eyea.
"Hew do. 'WarDerT Se bere. Gnernoa.
bow losr la It aiore I wai laid by tb beele
bere? Tbree weeka asd twa dya.' T
yaa '
"Tbaak ywa. doctor all fr well. Tbii
If arwrajpltf day asd yon forfotteaT My
brathrr waata t atop and re tbe apera
tioa. Not attach t sew tor. ia tbera, War
ner? He cofbt to bar beea bere a week
aca. ob. doctor? Tbea we ocald bac
abewa bla eaaetbiDC rmb lookicf at-"
At tbla moment Grieraoa ram la acals.
He bad roaa out la tbe mifltt of Rupert f
"If yoa yleajie, Maater Jota. Mr. Glea-
decwya la waltlsg ta aea you la tb 11
braryr "Wbe-ew!" wkarjed Rupert. -'l fear
as tb rod a la pitrkl. my a. Headman
ter t ae yoa In bis room, you know. Gad.
bw I remember tb feel.nj! And I're sot
rottew rer It yet when I bar any tltUe
hatchmeata of wild oata tbe old maa aoeaa't
kow aboot. ewried oerry far yea, dear
fellow! Goad lock!"
If John bad beea able 1 make little of
Rupert, at ill leas lBformatlrn did be palm
from hli fatber. Small lore ai tier bad
beea between fatber and aoa In tbe put.
Joha bad been wbolly unprepared for Greg
ory Glendaawya a attHade.
-Ton adaut that yoa bare been maklnc
lor to tb etfl bere In tb pariah wblch
waa as aooa ta bo your own. Ton tail me
plumply that It araa tor ber aaka that yoa
pet TVtr Cbrietmaa bolidaya uaxalnx In
that two-penny ba'-pecny dame'a acbool at
KHa-ovr yon ar eo fond of. Ton bare aya
tematlcally. aeeordinc to your own tbowirf,.
kept va a eorreFpondence with tbe yours
woman during your abeenr ta Edinburgh,
tbe elder girl being priTy to your Intrigue.
"Tbeae tbinaw being ao, aoroething lik
tbe preaeat cornea aaout aa rarely ae tb
aowlsx of tbe bempaeed prod aces bemp.
Tu were not cut of Kdi&turgb. yon eay.
Ton ar able ta prove tb tact. Then prer
It. Fu mrself. I have otbisc to d with
tb aal mii3renture- Only 1 adrta you.
U yon 'rl to obtain a cuiet aettlement
la yonr partrh to explain youraelf la a way
tbere ta so mirtaklnc to Dr. Caesar and his
daughter, Teroaic."
-Then yaw da ot beller an, fatber?"
aald iobn. standing rbrJd and angry op
posite bla lather's cbair; "tbetr fatber did!"
Wboe father?" said Gregory Glen
daswrn, tbrewtng back bla bead baugbUly.
"Tbe faxber wi Rate asd Falxlie Glca
dinnlnlg," answered iabn, witb a abitea
Icg and dlstmded nostrU.
aald Gregory, smiling aarrastlcaiiy.
"but you see. my boy, I baTe studied yoa
from you lb up. and. aecpndly tbe man yoa
refer to ta an ignorant country joiner, even
Ftoa and tba 4i realm. Jobs. It
are rrrmnn m vu pama vi uewr us
settled aa ibe ordalsed minister tbereot j
Till then principal aad interest both remain
la my bands."
"I think aot." aald Joha; "both my moth
ers marriage eettlemeat and will mak lt(
perfectly clear tbat ber fortune la mine
treat my tlet birthday. I waa at tb trouble
t obtata a copy of the last-aamed. and sub
mat It ts Mr. McCrosty. abs corroborated
it treat tbs deeds la bis baada with regard
ts tb marriage settlement, I requested
aad obtained a copy af tbat also ta ao far
as It eoarereed myself."
"Tbea you took aa Infamous liberty, sir."
cried bis father, furiously.
"Mr. McCreety did bet eeea te think as.
sir." said Joba. rw calm wtth tbs chill
fighting spirit which cams ts bia at such
tiatea. " "aad wbea I aaa bidding- yea what
may bs a last farewell let m aasur yoa.
sir. that Terwnica Caesar aad I bar sever
had tbe least tnteauoa of aaarrying. Sb
weald aot marry me en asy tarme. I have
Be desire te marry ber. Sa years age w
mutual! agreed that w wwuld remaia
friends astbiag score!"
"Asd wee Dr. Cesser knew this?" gasped
Gregory. - "1 yea fatber tbe only pereea
left a tbe dark ssseijt ail. tbeas plots and
strategeana ?"-
"Tbat I ds net ksow." aaseered his aoa.
"Tsreauoa aaid L ta agrwelag to be fries da,
left each ether free ts inform tbs members
of Ota- several bouse according as neces
sity sboald arise."
Tbea as these two roatagaed te face each
ether In the 1-hrary the attuad of Gregory
Gleikdoawya toward his ansi seemed ts aa
ecrge a reaaarkable c hangs.
Tbs lines of that bard lacs quivered, yet
tt did aot ansa ts bs wah lose: rather
a klsd of tear looked oat of th chilly eyea.
A raid sweet bad brekea seer hi grayish
face, ea abich a fteck at hnlliaat peon
from a painted wtndew lay clearly lik a
erar. Neretibeiess Gregory Gieadonwya
smiled upon his aecosd son aad beid ut
bis band.
'John." be aald. "I da beiie-r yoa. I
waa only trying ytu perhapa too bard aad
twa birV Why sbould not yoa and I b
frtends? Tber r but 4iTrt. yoa aad I
left of tbe Giendnawyna. Why sbouid ot
tb three of u keep tba peso?"
Tb lad's btart letpt within him. ret not
altogether with trust- He knew bia fatber
fur a bard but bnttorable man. Bat h bad
never brd bim speak thus before. Ta
tba aemsltlTe ear of yocth there was a
chord that eid not ring holly true.
EtiU. be could sot roriat tbu appeal. HI
heart was to simple, too rarer, too
tstural. aad be stretched out bis baad t
meet bis father's, gladly enough.
"I for one am willing." be aald. "yoa
will nd me Jrs for pesca. I am glad
that yoa believe ma."
"I do, my boy." aaid Gregory, "aad for
tba rest I win ae Dr. Caear at one aa to
tbe date of your Induction into tbe parish.
It Is high tim that we bad a rtrocg man,
able ta speak his mtcd asd well aSerted
to th gcTerametit. When tbeae things ar
arranged w can bae tbat littie aet'.l
mrx.t I spoke about. A to wbat you tell
me about Veronica Caesar, yoa bad bettor
leave me to deal with tb girl's fatber."
His fatber watched ioba depart with a
calm countenance, nodding to him pleas
antly till b closed tb door. But Imae
distely tb door was shut aa astonishing
chang came over tbe old maa's far.
So," be muttered between bis clenched
teetb. "yea are working aralnst me. ar
you? Tea ar sailLng ts tad oat well, two
ran play the game. Eupert baa nearly
ruined me. Toe, my dear good ton John,
comfort of my old ar, eiatf of my declin
ing years yoa sball belp you old fatber ts
reetabHh himself or be will know tb
reason a by "
Jota set cff tbat very afternoon to se
Veronica Caesar. Tbere bad alwsyt been a
special sens of comradeship between bia
and tb girl. Fbe Uted Jota GlenOonwyn
dot than aba dared owa. rrrn to herself,
and 3otm, lik a tros mas, ancocaclevaly
traded tpoa the tact.
Oa this weoasieB Veronica waa busy aal
be did aot aee ber at once. It waa ber duty
ta prejure half a dotes brotbera and aatters.
notry. rackety. knickerbockered. eurt
sblrted and assorted In various combina
tion of twlafchip and friendship, for their
aftemeoa walk. Ia Itself thia was a heavy
enouea task, but Vera Caesar tall, athletic
and not to be trifled witb made light of it.
Alone la the drawing room eat Mre. Dr.
Aarustaa Caesar, languid of body. aSicted
with ehrcinlc creep, diastases, q-uahns,
orereomlzigs. palpitation. Indeed all tb
weaknesses tbs spirit of womaa is heir to.
Ebs waa a martyr ts Indigestion, and fainted
at tb idea of taking a walk ta tb garden
or performing tbe least domestic duty.
But to mak tip for all she owaed a
tonga late which ail tb superabundant
nourishment of her dietary appeared to find
its way. With this unruly eigan sb ruled
ber husband, made herself the hatred of the
few overworked domestics asd the aversion
of her owa children, a ho were accustomed
te crawl past tb drawing room aa if It bad
been tbe lair of a tlgeresa. Only Veronica
feared ber net, with tb obvious conse
quence thst Mrs. Dr. Caesar feared her
daughter and spake much nil of ber behind
bar back.
T tbto lady Joba bad In tb absence of
Veronica, been introduced a sb sat with
tb very silliest last year's novel oat of the
town circulating library oa her knee.
She lifted up ber bands at sight of bim.
ihka i j .. .
ureouwuis, an erica. 1 am
surprised that jou bsre tbe face te appear
among decent people, sir. Ton bav
brebca my poor girls heart. Is aot tbat
enough aiibout braaening U oat? She hu
not had th spirit oS a warm erer since tb
rneacB of your conduct was broken ts
her. She cannot rrea bear ts snswer me.
aer owa mother, when I speak ts ber about
ii. tut goes instantly out of tbs room. But
yoa will suffer for this wye. bitterly!
Heaven alU reckon with yoa and my bus
band, air yea. my hut band! I her spokea
ts mm. and yea will aot find bim as lergtv
lug bs poor, a-ronged. tiim rt trusting
giris us my sear t erotica, wboas bean
yoa firet woa abea you were bota la long
frocks aad ablch you bars now broken
yea. aad trampled under your feet. And all
for tbs sake of wbat? For tbe sake of a
pair of gjpaie that should be whipped at
tbs cartiaU through tbs streets! Ays, and
would be if 1 bad my say. I said ss only
yesterday ts my buabsjid. My fatber. tbe
proTost af Kllpatntk Juxta. bas eeea that
doas la tbs year as matter la a bat year
And I eouid bar ail each bold womea
whipped. How would yea Ilk that, sir?
aav ae patience aith you aone. air. My
ho band will speak with you. Ring the bell
for my husband. August ua Veronica will
yoa see your poor mother Insulted yea. la-
sal tad!"
'wnat can a the matter mama?" aald
Veronica, sadoealy opening the drawing
room door with a half -attired youag geaUe-
maa sf sis held firmly by tbs arm ba
one hand aad la tbs ether the largo falling
collar which she was about te affix with a
lia ts his Jacket.
atra. it. jtuajusxus cast up aer aaada mars
piteoua! y t
-Oa, ay poor tr-n my poor, poor, de
ceived, despated i-fctld!" she cried.
bikid prepare yourself! Her to tb auoa
ster. com ts Insult us sa parpoas te gloat
ever the rata be baa made
"New. sate keep quiet. Bobby, ar I aril
knock yohr bead off yea! a bat ia u
rm '-m i t 11U B I
won't be fooled with. Tell your druggist that all Kidney
medicines are good for something, but nothing will do you
but CRAMER'S. Speak fharp so he'll know you mean it.
There's one little ingredient in CRAMER'S that goes right
straight to the Kidneys and Liver and all the other ingre
dients follow, They first stop tbe pain, then commenoe
curing right away. Every weak spot in the kidneys and
Liver is searched out and healed, cures it as it goes along.
You're well in no time. Set the bottle away, and be care
ful for a day or bo, but don't forget what cured you
It's a very pleasant medicine to take, especially for chil
dren. Send for a book and free sample. Its worth iL
Two Sizes 50c and SI .00.
The Cramer Chemical Co.
Albany, N. Y.
world s""e yoa talkies about now. mama?
O, Jobs I am glad to see you! Come and
speak to me wbea I hare got tb aur
oS with then young asbdodltea. And yoa
mother, b good enough ts let Jcba aad
ms aetlls our own affslra. I told yoa
plainly wbat would happen last sight If yea
did cot I wlU ro ts a est Fisher, and ask
her te let m help la laundry. Tea know
whether she will bs glad of me er aot
Tbea yea can undertake tbe management of
this household., which yea think I look after
se bsd!y. Com alorg, Bobby. Toa will
find me In tb nursery, John. Now, mama.
remember wbat I told yoa!"
And th energetic young lady wantoned.
adjusting the ctoa collar as she marched
ber prey upstairs waerrupoa at tbe open
ing of a door tbe sound of civil etrlf
ceased aad there was a great calm.
John, who, during all tbla, bad aot rpokea
obc solitary sord, stood uncertainly with
bis bat la hia band looking with alarm apoa
lb relaxed countenance of Mrs. Doctor
Caesar. At Veronica's departure tbe bsl
fallen back on ber eota. aa an erected 1
bolster subsides wbea smitten In tbe mid-
die. New she lay back, feebly a angling ber
bands and calling variously. "Water! ,
Water! My vinaigrette! Augustus!" a tbat
John, t whom tbeae symptoms were new.
became seriously alarmed for ber safety.
Accordingly be tiled a glees of water and
held tt to ber Up. H dabbled ber larr.
florid face with cologne water. He held a
small decanterful of troei: ltig Baits ts tb
lady" nostril and ia a littls bad th satis
faction of finding tb lady com te herself.
"Where am I? Wbat have I beea Baying 7
Soma folly. I fear me. Dear Joba. II ta my
paroxysms I bar aald er donB anything ts
hart your feelings I pray you pardoa a dy
ing worr. an a heartbroken weman a wo
maa who bas suffered In ber family more
Ul-ireaxment and Ingratitude than falls to
tbs lot of a score of women. Toa bar
aeea roe In tbs dreadful grasp cf one ef
tbee attacks wblrb ars despised. toaSe
light of by n. es-n daughter nay, too oftes
by my husband, also. O. I do not say a
word against dear Augustus. H is a man
of many at Irs, but Veronica it buna me
erea te speak tbe name O. air bav yoa
ever known a bat It Is ts be a another
to bare eberisbed la your bosom the ser
pent that bit you? Ns. of course not you.
too. arc a maa and cannot feel for mother.
Vet were I ts reveal ts yoa yea. rrea to
I oa ope-tenth of tbe misery, tbe hapless,
hopeless misery, tbe tssulta. tbe slights, the
absolute and fiendish tortures tbat bav
been lefiirted upoa me In this my own
bouse eves you would shudder asd turn
pale. O, sir. my boy, my son (I must call
yoa se), I feel that yoa bars always beea
la sympathy with me. Toa bare erer been
kind. Never bare I permitted anyone ts
rpeak a word against ywa In my pieeence.
Oh. It is coming ag-sia. I feel It! hty smell
ing salts! Water! A little drop of of that
third phial my medicine Ah! A-h-h!"
Jota poured out tb "medicine. which
wbea decanted, bad aa odor of of a cer
tain specific largely used ia Boot land exd
succeeded la warding off tbs threatened
She wared Jobs Glendoawya oat of tb
room with a gesture truly dram tie-
As the girl bad aald. b found Vera Caesar
putting away tb debris of tbs 1st general
ergLgemrct ba tbe anraery. Martha, tbs
stagis domestic other tbaa tbe cook, was
was "kept" at tb mans of Kllgotr, b4
beea dispatebed ta rbargs of Caeaar's
army." aa they were called through out tb
I fear yea bars found mother mora than
erdltarily trying thia moraing." Veronica
began cheerfully, without aay other greet-
t be certainly talked rather wildly.- ad
mltted John, "and oae ar twice stunted
ss 111 tbat abe quits fnghuaed me!
Teroalra's ltpa, lovely, deaicaed and lytag
apea each ether with tba large ease of tbos
of Athene Partbenoa. were eempressed a
llule more as Joba apoka.
''Has she beea abasing yew er mr sbs
taulred. wltbeat tbe shadow of a smile.
"Both! said Joba. ewuelly gravely.
"Ah" Ware I was Is I feaad my mother
out. Could any child's rwrereae bav enr-
rtved ew a aa abrtiging? I wonder I ata
not la Seed the perfect tyrant and bearUeea
wretch abe tells every est I ara. Ferha;
ta aoass way ab la right. But think bow
many tbiaas I have berae ta ailence axd
bow much I knew. I don't think tbat tact
eatecusiirg clrcmstaaocs ar s;uii ade-
cur means business.
You did some-thing to bring
on the pain in Your Kidney.
Head our little book and e
what lifting, rtraining, or
wrenching your back will do
to your Kidneys. It's the
Kidneys thst bold the pain,
and bad usage brought it out.
Nothing but CRAMER'S
j will go right into that hurt
I and drive it out Take- it
when j ou feel the first twinge.
Don't wait ibrthe next. There
won't be a next if you take it
at first That's why we tell
you to always keep a botUe
bandy by, for a Lame Back
cuately provided for Is tbe first oommanS
ment with promise.
Tbere la no one la the world eo kind aa
yoa. Vera.' aaid John, aoothingly. "Toa
work harder tbaa a whole staff of serr
ants! Toa are a eoor of aarsas all ha oca
besides governess, tutor, sewing weeaan.
housekeeper "
"I am th daughter of a bouse without a
bead." said Veronica, witbewt looking a
a memeat from ber werb. What I do ts
rarely selfish perhaps doss to deist my
conadeooe tbat I may reader with say
Lands tbe Berries wblch any heart and my
lips refuse!'
"I would give the world If I could be!p
you. Vera! said John, lockirg dowa aS
ber with a great pity ia his heart.
The girl looked up with a single swift
look of anger, then as quickly dropped bar
eyes upon ber wwrk again, aad went oa me
ebasicaiiy as Before.
"Tour abe cried, with a little laugh,
bitter t bear.
Thru, a mllfler look coming gradually
Into tbs wide gray erea, abs added: "Ah.
my boy, yoa bare your owa troubles. I
know, and I am sorry. I did wrong te be
angry aith yoa wfcea you came here last
time. That agaia was my selfishness.
They bare beea telling yoa tales ts my
discredit. I bear." aaid Jobs. "Tea bare
been told tbat I that I "
He pa uer&. for tbe words which ought ta
bavs com next seemed ts cboks bim.
"I have beea toed wbat I ever for a mo
ment believed." aald tbs girl, lightly. "I
laughed at those wbe an aligned yoa, Lavd
die. I bare spoken maty edged wards ta
yoa. but I am your friend. I never leved
yea or say maa aa a womaa anight ts lew
th maa ah Is tryst d to carry. But da
yoa think that ta all thee rears I bar
aot aeea te tbe bettors f yoa aye, as If
yea were mads of clear glass? I think
tber are deep la row which aa oae baa
ever fathomed bat me a, net eeu your
little Falrlie!"
"Toe hare heard abswt ber wbat doe tt
mraar said Joha. grateful for evwa ao
dubious a wort of encrai-a-ernt
That I aav a gwesa at." abs aaswejad
"at least not more tbaa a roeas ao remote
and taiat that I dare not pat It lata wards,
rea ts myself. But let this ebtda la your
soul. Jeha. Dark things may com ta llgbL
Things painful assuredly win. Bat Usey
ahall aot aula Utile Fairlle aay mora tbaa
tbe breath I breathe on this mirror. Leoa
It Is gone!
John was lmiaeaselT towcheC His beart
bounded with gratitude. "Vera '." ba cried.
impulsively, catching tbe girl la bia
"yoa ars tbe noblest a naia 04
Hs aoali bar kissed ber oa tba lips, aal
for a aingle quivering moment tbe girt
stood motionless, as If sbs might bav par.
miUsd him., Tbea aha coldly shook bassulf
tree aad turned away. '
Ks. John," abe apok slowly aad dis
tinctly, keeping her back ts him. aad aetn
oa all tbs tim with ber politli.g of tbs
furniture. "I aa aot noble or etl'-aecrtfic-tng.
or Indeed anything edctival. Bat I
happea aot te mind work, and ts tbs aver
age mlad that covers a maltttads af alas."
aad so rt ought" cried Joha. 1 bav
been a lry dog. but I will aot remain so
oae hour banger. Toa newer cared a braes
farthing lor me. except te lertare sad te
tease. And roc can do that now aa much as
erer. As for m. ytr kaew tbat I lows y-a
and honor you aaor tbaa any cav ta all tb
world. Toa bar always beea rcy world mi
friend mother sister, sad Indeed all art
"Except r tuetied Veronica, owletly eslp
pmg a thread between her email, wa
"Well." slATamerwd Jofca. 'except what
yew wwuld bet let roe be!"
"It Is certainly most cosaionla" e-M
Veronica Caesar, sweetly.
And abe rose, holding out a band ts Iter
Boms tims fiance.
"roll, Joba. 'An your lessee except
bas ber father lunch ts tAka ap ta klar
goocby ! " aha aald.
(To be Coattaaed
Te Irs Vera sa immm rUaa
A most ertrsdlve aad pleasant trta if
made Tie th Lehigh Valley ILaUroaA. teiid
Vsetibale Train. Dining car aerrtoa a la
Surp-ewer allowed at Kiaamsa PaHe M
through ttckss is Xw Yark and noavael-