1 1 SENATORS GROW WRATHFUL n Cjjifliot of Appropriation Bill 8.iri Up ,H Strife. SUNDAY BASE BALL IS PROHIBITED HUtri. Md, Operators Reach Am (cable. Conclusion Ne Proeneet . ,ef Ceaareeeloaal Re dlstrlrtlna. -.- Jr.- (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEfl MOINES, March IS. 8peelal.) The inevitable conflict of appropriation bill be cam a? burning laaua In tba senate tola morning, and natora grew red in tba face aa they considered noma of tha phaaei of the troublesome question. Tha natter came up an a motion by Oarst, chairman of tbe appropriations committee, to refer to tbat committee tbe house bill to five $37, 000 to tha state fair people to build a pa vilion for Judging fancy livestock. In Tlew of the fact tbat tbla la not an emergency bill and that tba committees are finding It hard to get enough money to go around, ha asked that It be sent to tbe committee instead of being passed ahead of all other bills. Harrlman protested. Ha accused Garat of wrongfully holding back tha sen ate bill of similar Import after the com mittee bad unanimously recommended It for passage. In defense of tha committee Ball declared that it was the understand- Ing that all of tha items were being agreed i on tentatively and tbat tbe chairman was 'sot to report out tha bills ons at'a time, but to bold them until the entire list could be gone over. Maytag, also a member of tha committee, declared that when ha voted for tha $37,000 it waa with tha distinct understanding that tbe bill was not to be reported out until other .matters bad been considered. Harrlman insisted that tha chairman had been ordered to report out the bill, but he had not dona so, and now waa desirous of getting tha house bill Into commute to keep company with the one ba was holding back.- Senates- Smith's Plea I a. Senator .Smith of Mitchell, who .Is a member, ot the aenata appropriations com mittee subcommittee, pleaded that tba sen , ate not foroo this agricultural bill through without giving the appropriations commit tee a chance to consider It along with all other matters. . Tha committees have never had a harder task than thla year. Junkln said tha purpose of the bill waa to provide money with which to build a One pavilion where those who happened to have fine atock could exhibit the animals and to puab It ahead of tha bills for tba charitable institutions would ba unfortunate. He did not know what there waa ao sacred about " this bill' that it could not watt its turn. Oarst stated frankly that if thla and other billa ' for seml-publlo Institutions are to have the light of way over those for tha care of tha state's unfortunates and educational Interests then members of the senate will be forced In tbe end to either vote against tbe moat meritorious bills of the session or Im pose an unconstitutional debt on tha atata. Harrlman denied this and said that the state could raise tha levy of taxes and get all tha money that may be needed for legi timate expenses. During the discussion ' there were many sharp passages indicating tbat there is a real conflict between the diverse interests and a general desire to have this bill for tha benefit of the State fair got out of tha hands of tha. appropriations committee be fore the Board of Control and eduoatlonsl . bills are considered, Tha .motion to tend j,. ta avconunUtaaxwaavaarriad. 20 to 14. , ' . ! Tha senate) was not ready to take up the supreme court-reorganisation bill, awing to tba . absence of Trewln, Healay and . others, and It went over until nest Tuesday. Senator Bachman filed a motion to re consider tha vote by which tba men's re formatory bill waa lost. . Tha highway bill was made a special order for next Wednesday. . Tha bill to re quire telephone and telegraph companies to file plats was defeated. ' Bandar Baa Ball Prohibited. The house this morning passed a bill pro hibiting Sunday .baaa ball and foot ball in Iowa. Tbera waa considerable discussion of tha bill and an effort made to have the penalty for violation fixed at hanging. An amendment to include Memorial flay was put in. . Tba blU bad Et votes to 18 against. . The Jones bill to put catfish in tha list of flab, that are .regarded aa game fish was passed; also a bill to authorise the Board of Control to settle a damage suit at th MltohellvUle Reformatory for Females. . A bill to iaoreaae tha military allowance from SM.OOO te 160,000 and to allow $3S0 a ear for rent of armories waa passed. Tba house took up and discussed at length a bill te Mdlfy tha law of tha atata in re gard to negotiable instruments,, the earn being a bill preaented by the American Bar association, whlob kaa already been adopted in nineteen other states. Tha bill was championed by t Clarke, . chairman of tha judiciary committee. After extended dis cussion it waa passed. Tha senate passed the bill granting rights to Interurban electric roads and reconsid ered tha -eote by which, tha state fair ap proprtation bill waa sent to a committee . Tha houas passed tha Molsberry bill to petards the circulation, weakens tbe stomach, deranges digestion, pollutes the blood, destroys the cenrous force and saps the vitality of the whole system. It causes rains in the side, pal pitation, shortness of breath, smothering, dropsical swellings, 'sinking spells, and frequently ends all suffering in tudden death. "Why tempt death when a cure is within easy reach? i- ' bead would ret so hot It seemed to be burning op, while ( mj feot were like Ice. Uf limbs, would swell and set numb. I r Lad to eit la a chair day and v Vb f or BMutbs and my heart ! bxobbed Md pained me terribly. I After eelna; three bottles of Dr. , liUts Heart Core 1 could do a t (eoddaswwrlc" l-, - , - -J. M. Maclat, s ' . Riippeaabur- Fa. ' ; '.'Pf. Miles' ifcver fail to relieve, and fen cases art too severe for it to care. Sold by druggists or rnarantce. r ""' permit railroads to Increase bonded In debtedness, S7 to 11. The report of the conference committee on the Hoar bill in congress wsa adopted, 48 to 15, but tba Compromise resolution was not voted on. Redlstrletla tba "tale. There Is now no prospect of any redis ricting of the state in the matter of con gressional districts', as the committee bate been unable to agree on anything. The matter has been entirely dropped. . A bill Is pending in tba senate to make a redis ricting of the senatorial districts, and this is being changed from week to week in the hope tbat soma bill may be fixed up that will meet with the approval of a majority of the members. In the bouse a bill was reported from the committee . today to change the representative districts. This takea from Lea and Des Moines counties their extra representatives -each and leaves only seven of the counties with two, lis fol lows: Polk, Pottawattamie, Woodbury, Linn, Dubuque, Bcott and Clinton. Tba fol lowing are the districts comprising mors than two counties: Lyon-Osceola, .' Dickinson-Emmet, Clay-Palo-Alto, Ida-Monona, Humboldt-Hancock and Winnebago-Worth. All other counties have one representative each. It Is believed this will pass, although It la highly objectionable to the democrats from tbe fact that It takes two representa tives from strong democratic counties. Iowa War Clalma.. . It la now asserted- tbat tf "tba position taken by the auditor of tha Treasury de partment, who came to Dee Moines some time ago to go over the war claims, Is ac eepted by tha treasury auditors tha state of Iowa will get leas than $100,000 from the United Btatee. The question Involved Is a legal one, but tha auditor .contended tbat under previous rulings only about the sum named csuld be considered as a debt of tha government. If this Is true thsre will ba disappointment In the legislature because It baa been generally accepted that the aum to ba recovered would ba much larger. There Is hoping that ths auditor will be ever ruled at Washington. BUI for Shot Flrere. The committee on mines and mining has agreed to a bill which will provide aa fol lows In regard to the safety of Iowa coal miners, which bill is in line witn wnai oas been asked by-the miners at their state convention recently held: '"He (the opera tor) shall keep all entries and roadways free from accumulations of ' combustible material and shall causa such entries and roadways to be thoroughly sprinkled as often aa may be necessary to keep them In a damn condition. In all mines where coal is blasted from the solid Da snail employ competent, capable and experienced men to examine all shots and ' to Are the same after all persons connected with said mine, except said shot flrers, have retired to a safe distance from tha vicinity from such shots. Any shot having blown the tamp ing at the first firing shall not be recharged and fired tha second time. Only sand, soli and clay abalt ba used for tamping and the hot hole shall be tamped solidly from the powder to the mouth of the hole. Joist Scale Committee, Today's session of the joint scale com mittee of miners and operators brought no reault as to the shot firing provision. The discussion this morning waa opsned by the miners' committee and a brief statement of the case called for lively arguments on both sides. Tha operators "put their feet down" against Inserting any sort of clause relating to employment of shot flrers unless it la provided that tha miners shall pay the expense and bear tha responsibility, and there was else objection by tha operators to carina for tha Powder and clay 'used. Very little objection waa heard as to the firing of shots at tbe noon hour as pro. . , ... ....... M.Ji.... -J.. poewj. It is apparent that when the Joint com mlttee gets right down to business on tha hot firing Question both sides will ba obliged to make concessions, or thers Is little likelihood of an agreement before AP'U 1 .... Mlaera Beach Agreement. The miliars and operators lata today cams to a praotioai agreement on all matters re lating to tha mine wage scale in Iowa, and it la now believed a strike will be averted and that tha seals will be adopted within a few days. . Tha grand Jury has Ignored charges pre ferred against P. Stephen Hams, the pal laa county attorney, who waa connected with the Persons embeaslement proceedings before Justice Duncan a year ago, and re fused te return an Indlotment charging him with etnbesslement. Harris waa . Impli cated In a deal last summer in which Mrs, Barah Persons is said to have lost $7,000, Ha was arrested ence on tha charge of am. basiling, but dismissed. Charges were then preferred against him and tbe matter, taken to tbe grand Jury. , Hearlaa mm Railroad BUI. The house ways and means committee this afternoon commenced a bearing on tbe bill, which passed tha aenata, to provide for assessing tha railroad property of the state in a different way. The represents Uvea of the railroad companies appeared before the committee and presented their pleaa. The hearings will 'continue several days. - Sea of Castala Hell te Wee Wedding announcements for ths marriage of Major John A. Hull to 1 Miss .Greta Chass In thla city April S have been Sent out. Major Hull Is the second son' of Cap tain J. A. T. Hull, member of congress from this district He la an assistant Judge ad vocate In tha army stationed at the Pres idio. M'NAMARA MYSTERY DEEPENS Search rails te Aeeeaat for Alalia Stadcat aa Father Beltevea Bey teat Hla Mind. ORINNELL. la., March M. (Special. Tel- arram.) Tha mvatery surrounding the dis appearance of Roy McNsmara, the Iowa col lege freabman. Is deepening and the college faculty has Invoked the aid of the entire police force of the state In the a arch for tbe missing student. .The search ao far bat been unsuccessful. 1 Ths boy's father, Bev. J. E. McNamara of Onawa, arrived here this morning and ex presses his belief that bis son has be come deranged and tbat be Is now winder Ing about the country. " Tbe college Is greatly stirred up over the affair and the matter waa mentioned from the faculty platform at chapsi. '-'Rsv. Mc Kamara scouts tbs suicide theory. Ho aver, young McNamara had no money and It Is difficult to understand' bow hs could go far. ParsJIcla between thla and the 'Bagley case of three years ago continue to be drawn. At that time Ike sewef was opened and tha neighboring ponds searched for the missing student, who has never been found Seeders pond will not be dragged for Mc Namara, except as a last resort Hail Laelc Faraaea persett. CRESCENT. Ia,. March 20 (Special.) While chopping wood today, John poraeit, was severely cut by an ax. Tha blade san up to tha handle la tbs Instep of his left foot. He has lost a great amount of biped but bis physician saye the foot can te saved He Is having exceptionally bad. luck. (He had Just been releaaed from, a twenty-nine day quarantine for smaJlnox.. b'a caaa being the worst of the ntty-aine blju were taken. , THE OMAHA DAILY HEEi FRIDAY, MAHCII SI, 1002. 1TZ WANTS THE LONG END Makes Demands that Strike Los Angeles People as Exacting. ASKS SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT RECEIPTS Wants, Besides, Gaaraatee of Twenty-Five Tboasaad Dollars Deal le Still Pend. Inn. LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 20. Manager McCarry of the Century Athletic club re ceived a telegram from FltisimmonS shortly before noon today, ststing the conditions under which be would accept the club's offer to pull off the proposed fight with Jeffries in this city. Tbe text of Flttslm- mon's message has not been given out. but It Is understood tbat he aska tor 75 per cent of the gate recelpta and a guarantee of $23,000. This combines two of ths club's original bids of a $26,000 cash purse or 75 per cent of tbe gate receipts without a guarantee and ralsee by $5,000 and t per cent the third bid of 70 per cent of the gate recelpta and $20,000 guarantee. Manager McCarry and hla associates, James F. Norley and John Brink, ara In consultation, and will not make known their plans . until a decision Is reached. They will reply to Fltzslmmons' propo sition. The club officials are Inclined to laugh at tbe suggestion that tbe New Torker can have anything te say about prices tor the fight. , President McCsrry of tbs Century club stated this evening that he had received Fltxslmmona' telegram and had replied In behalf of the club. "Fltxslmmons la too exacting," said Mc Carry. "He combines two of our propo sitions and wants both. We still think our bid of a $25,000 cash purse la tha best to be had, and hope Fltsslmmons will come to see it that way. We have replied to his telegram, but I am not ready to state tha conditions made therein. . An answer Is ex pected tonight, however. If It comes wa will know Just where we stand." NEW YORK, March 20. The telegram of the manager of the Century Athletlo club to Fltzslmmons stated tbat the fighter would have to accept definitely one of the blda aabmltted, failing to do which the club would cancel Its offers. Fltxslmmons shortly afterward replied to the telegram, adhering to the position he had originally taken and aaying that the club could either acquiesce or call its bids off. ATHLETIC BILL FOR TONIGHT Program of Six Events Promises Mach Sport at Washington Ball. At Washlnaton hall tonls-ht will occur the best all around ftstlc entertainment that has been given In Omaha In a year. Though me principle in tne main 'event, irir.a Collier and Billy Rhodes, may not be so widely known nor of such stellar qualities aa some who have participated In previous events, both are nevertheless willing, handy lighters, young and In excellent condition, and it would not be at all surprising If they should offer a much better article of rina- warfare than have several who have appeared In recent mills and been touted to tne nit ie. One thing Is certain, both men are In It for victory and ten rounds will be plenty. Each la a boxer of considerable experience and both have ring records behind them aa lone aa vour arm. There la not a boy on the card. Every contestant or tne su In a man and a fighter of some experience, There are no featherweight bouta between overgrown slender 16-year-olds on the pro gram. Every man who entnre the ring will be At' and responsible. The contestant! In the main event are welterweights, weigh ing 146 pounds. One of the prellmlnariea alao offers some stalwarts. It la the four round match between Paul Murray and Terry Muataln, and these men weigh close to loo pounds. Clarence Kna-Hah haa refused to ao on axaJnnt Oscar Gardner, after he has pro fessedly wanted the chance for eome time. Eddie Robinson, who manages English, an nounces that he haa matched nls man against Australian Billy Murphy of Bloux City. This would appear to be a great mistake on English's part, for after the handaome showing he has made in Omaha recently It was Juat his play to meet Gard ner. It waa a great chance for him, and fights with such ring foaalls ss Murphy cannot help him much. Gardner waa con siderably dlSDleaeed at Enallsh's action. In lieu of thla event, the Omaha Athletlo club has Just succeeded In arranging an other which promises almost as well. Joe Uleanon has been secured to go against Gardner on the same terms, last six rounds and win. Gleason la tne colored Doy wno showed such a square, strong fight against English a a preliminary to the Bmlth Whlttaker affair in Januarv. Ha la a very clever fellow and there is not a streak of yellow In his makeup. Paul Murray Is feeling confident of ths outoome of his go with Muataln. "I have not met Terry since two years sgo," said Murray. "I put him away in twenty-three seconds that time, but, of course, I hardly tnurt tn An the same thins: aaain. Mua taln haa improved a great deal and la un doubtedly a strong reiiow now. Rhodes ana (Joined, meanwniie, are at the top notrh of form. Yesterday Rhodes weighed 143V pounds and Collier 112. so there will be no trouble about weight. Each has now stopped working, but In watching the last workouts of the. two Wednesday it was noticeable with what speed and perseverance they did their ring stunts. V.Afh man ia confident, and it should be a great bout. A battle royai Between tnree whites and three DiacKs snouia De better than the general run or sucn anairs. KID BROAD AND ATTELL MEET Former le Aggressive, bat the Call. foralaa Exeela la Scleatlflo Work. t ri'ia a..h n via rtmmA . Cleveland and Abe Attell of Ban Francisco fought fifteen fast rounds to a draw before the West Knd Atnietic ciud foment. Hroau was ths aggressor throughout, but hia bull doe stvie availed him nothing as aaalnxt tne extreme cleverness oi tne laiuorma fighter. Broad strove with might and main to land a knockout blow in every round, but his efforts were futile, Attell, either block ing hla leads or getting inside of them, and at tlmea rlghtlna; back vtcloualy in Broad'a own style. Attell put a left Jab to the face wnicn tne latter coum not avoia, nut tne latter broke even in the clinches with ons arm free. The men were announced to go on at tit pounds, but It waa evident that It's in the Brew MILWAUKEB appeals at once to lovers of the beverage as a most extraordl aery brew. There's that ladeaeri b a b I e u&loodM charecterla- MUe of "BLATZ" and It nsver varies. - Try It and you'll aay say so too. BLATZ MALT-VIVINE (Nea-Iatoxloant) Tonic. Druggtate , or direct. VAL BUYZ BREWING CO Mllwaekct. OMAHA BHAHCH, 14 IS DoasTtaa St. Tel. loAl. BLATZ BEER Atlell waa several peands below and Broad several pounds above that figure. FAVORITES HAVE GOOD DAY Their Markea Ssreesa at Oaklaad is Featare el the Bares. HAN FBANrmro. March 20 Tha tarlna at Oakland today war marked by clone finishes and the success of favorites. In the mile and a sixteenth event Foucor, on Jim Hale, the rhoeen favorite, teok thlnara rather easily, but Hansen, gettlna; thretirh next to the rail with Horton, landed him a winner in one of the closest mushes wit neseed this season. Alaona, who made his first pperahce In the 2-year-old race, waa heavily played, and. well ridden by Turner, won from Oro Viva by a narrow marartn. Quint, plaved from T to 1 to t to 1, In the last event, got away badly, but was the beat and won by a length from Mies Mae Day. Kesults: First race, three-quarters of a mile, sell ing: Klldoe won. Ned Dennis second, Roysl a third. Time: 1:17. Second race, one mile and a sixteenth, selling: Royal Koeue won, Laa of Lang don second, Dwlahtwav third, lime: 1:04. Third race, seven-sixteenths of a mile. selling: Alaona won, Ora Viva second, uon Ami tnira. i ime: u:. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile, selling: Duckoy won, February second, Bchool for Bcandal third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, one mile and a aixtnentn: Horton won. Jim Male second. Black t'lck third. Time: 1:60. Btxth race, three-atiarters of a mile.1 sell ing: Quiet won. Miss Mae Liay second, John Boggs third. Time: 1:16. Chora. Boy, Death. Ban I ...r-a NEW ORLEANS. March 20. -Chorus Boy. Death and Bam Lasarus were the winning favorites today. Death had the Flight stakes at his mercy, leading from start to finish, and winning very cleverly by a length. Resulte: Firat race, seven furlongs: Chorus Boy won. Boot second. The Messenger third. Time: 1:28H- second race, handicap, one mne ana a quarter: Wood Trice won. Jesale Jarboe second, Undenella third. Time: 1:0. Third race, selling, seven furlongs: Four Leaf C. won. Tragedy second, Blm W, third. Time 1:J7H. Fourth ra". Flight stakes, six furlongs: Death won. Maggie Davis second, Barbara rreitcnie tnira. 'rime: i:w. seventy yards; Bam Lasarim won, Chancery second, Harve B. third. Time: 1:51V Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Banish won, Ida Ledford second. Van Hoorebeke third. Time: 1:4S. Seventh race, seven furlongs, selling: Lady Wsdsworth won. Bertha Nell second, icon tnira. nme: 1:2s. Welch Girl a Wlaaer. Girl was the only winning favorite at the exposition tracx today, itesuus: First rsce, selling, six and a half fur longs: Laura's First won, Nellie Fonao second, Orlcus third. Time: 1:28. Second race, setting, tour ana a nair mr lonars: LAdv Havman won. Lake Fonso second, Fannie Knox third. Time: 0:59. Third race, selling, six snd a half fur longa: Welch Girl won, Domlnis second, Hattle Davis tnira. 'nme: i:t. Fourth race, selling, five and a half fur longs: Bettle B. Ill won. Certain second, Barney Bhall third. .Tims: 1:13. Fifth race, selling, seven furlongs: Frank B. won, Lady Alntree second, Bad Penny third. Time: J:SSH. LUTHER KOUNTZE IS WINNER Defeate Sent Barns, Jr., la First Hessl of Sqaaah Toornaaaeat After Heated Contest. Luther Kountxe won the March sauash tournament at the courts of the Racnuet club Thursday afternoon by defeating Bam Bums, Jr., in the final round. The contest waa exceedingly close, each man putting up a beautiful game. Earlier In the afternoon Kountse defeated Conrad Toung in the seml-nnale. This will probably be the last tournament of the club thla year, unless the weather should turn severe again. In which event the April contest will be held. Blnce Janu ary 1 a tournament naa oeen piayea eacn month, a cup being the prise for each one. Frank Haskell won the first two. There were eighteen entries, in tha tournament Just closed. , SENATOR. D0LL1VER? TOKICK His Maalpalatloa of the Piaekla Will Bo Feataro of Athletlo Park Dealcatloa. Telegram.) United States Senator Dolllver will kick on tne pigaKin in a Dig pm 01 foot ball at Mornlngalde college here on flentember SS. The event will mark the opening of the fine athletlo park which the college will estaousn tnis year, nenaior Dolllver aWo will deliver the dedicatory address the same day. It Is expected a mnt crowd of visitors will be In the rltv on this oocasion. The railroads have prom ised reduced, rates and a nne program 01 exercises win be arranged ty tne college management. Olarkaoas Take Three Straight. gtn Clark'a alleys last nitiht ths Gate citya lost three straight to tne ciarasons, Ecore: CLARKBON9. 1st. 2d 8d. Total Denman ITS 178 158 164 164 196 159 1X5 178 164 134 606 201 538 181 514 1!"8 62s 146 474 Brunke . Lucas ... Kolls ... Clarkson Total.... 839 880 GATE CITT8. 850 1560 1st. Id Id. Total Huntington Hartley .... , 16 14 U7 , 1K1 10 202 200 (61 127 v 131 404 47 4 458 F. Conrad.. Bheldon .... 17 163 138 lfil lttf 1S1 Seaman .... Total.... T81 823 78 2.290 Whist Scores. The following scores were made at the regular meeting of the Omaha Whist olub Wednesday evening, Aiurun NORTH AND SOUTH. Cahn and Heth 160 147 Allee and Boulten Burrell and Ullah Dox and Lit tie tir Id Rosa and Kelly McNutt and Crummer EAST AND WEST, .. 150 .. 149 .. 141 .. 142 Thomae and Bcrlbner.. 168 Bushman and Thomas 180 Redlck and Cahn 187 Herdman and Foster 166 Voorheee and Miller 16S Comstock and Gross 161 Meaty for Olyanalaa Gausaea. CHICAGO, March 20. Benjamin J. Rosen thai, who has Just returned from a trip from tne east in tne interest 01 tne uiym phlan games to be held in Chicago In 1904, aars: "New Tork financiers ara to take a sub stantial block of the stock of the Interna tional Olympian Gamea association." Mr. Rosenthal said that his trip had been pre-eminently euccessfuL He expecte that at least 10 ner cent of the atock will be dlapoaed of there without difficulty. The f Tester part of the remainder will be sold n Chicago. He added that the total atock to be sold will amount to 1600,000, and that an equal amount will be asked from con gress. A member of the executive commit tee of the association will be dlapatohed to tha capital very soon. hoof at Beaver Crossing;. BEAVER CROBSINO, Neb., March 20.- (Bpeclal.) The two days shoot of tha Beaver Crossing Gun club was concluded laat evening. The first day was so windy that little effective work could be done, but yesterday was an Ideal day and thirty mt-rkemen participated. The mag-all trap which was used threw 1,000 birds during the two days. Priaea were awarded aa follows: J. G. HUlbery of Beaver Crossing won first monev. Reed of York took second snd G liulachlser of Friend won third. Reed and Harnnv took first in tha fifteen-bird event. Hulschlser of Friend won first In the twenty-nve-blrd event. Iowaa Gets Seventy-Five Straight. INDIANAPOLIS. Maroh 20. Fred Gil bert of Spirit Lake, la., rave another re markable exhibition of marksmanship at the Limited Gun club tournament today. He broke seventy-five straight snd mlaaed but two targets out of a possible 166. Kleven fifteen-bird races were ahot, K4 Rike of Dayton waa again aecond gun and the other expertav Tripp, rieisea, uuaa. mc- the first and aecond moneys' in nearly all events. Cowboy Still WlaalaaT. NEW YORK, March BX In the profes sional continuous pool championship tournament tn Brooklyn CharW-s Weston, the Wyoming cowboy champion, today da feated William K. MK'una by a score of Uk to 71. Wrstou's high scores a are it, 24, aua awiune e m . I FIRE MARES BOYS BEDLESS Flames Level Bradley Dormitory of Ken tacky Beferm Bchool to Ground. ORIGIN ALLEGED TO BE INCENDIARY All Ineaates Are Saved, hat Two F.s eaae Believe Boys Started the Fire to Escape Lose $20,000, Partially lasared. LEXINGTON. Ky., March 10. The Brad ley dormitory of the State Bchool of Re form, near this city, was destroyed by fire shortly after midnight, but all tha Inmates, numbering 125 boys, were saved. The fire was discovered In tbe third story of the dormitory by tbe hlght watchman. He Immediately notified Superintendent Hoax, who aroused tba Inmates and got them safely and without disorder out of the building. The officials and tbe boys went to work to save tbe office furniture, but the flames spread quickly and tbe dormitory was soon in ruins. A telephone message was sent here tor help and the local fire department quickly responded and an engine was started at once. They bad about six miles to go and, although they were too lata to save any part of the dormitory, they prevented the flames spreading to tha manual training building, which Is near the dormitory. At 10:10 o'clock the dormitory collapsed and at t o'clock tbs fire waa practically ex tinguished. Tba burned building was erected in 1891, during tbe administration of farmer Gov ernor W. 0. Bradley, at a cost of $25,000 and waa Insured for two-thirds of lta value. It was the only dormitory completed to this time, excepting tba one occupied by the girls, three-quarters of a mile away. Three Inmates of tba school escaped dur ing the Are and nothing has been heard of them. The management of the Institution believes that tbe building was set on fire by the boys who desired to escape. They also believe tbat others were In the plot to get away, but tbe night watchman's prompt action prevented It. Superintendent Doak 111 not say that the Are was Incendiary, because complete In vestigation has not been made, but W. P. Walton, one of the board of directors, says he has Information as to who are the guilty ones, and will go before the grand Jury thla afternoon and have them Indicted. There baa been no confession except such as Mr. Walton may have. Tha two boys who es caped have not been- recaptured. The superintendent called out tbe guards and, arming them with rifles and shotguns. held tbe boys completely under control. WILL MEET TO FIX SCHEDULE Rational Lea nne Men to Gather In dependent of Judge Traax' Decision. NEW YORK. March 20 Dlaeusslnr the oase oau situation, tne weraia will say to, morrow 1 'Next week a meeting: will be held in this city of the owners of the Bt. Louis. Cincinnati, Boston and New York clubs of the National base ball league. The meeting? will take Dlace whether or not juuge lTuax nas nanaen aown nis aecision relative to tne aemurrers in tne injunc tion suit. "It la not Improbable that the owners of the Chicago, Pittsburg and Philadelphia clubs will find It expedient to drop Into the city nbout the same time, ana before tney leave the disagreement in the National league may be adjusted In such a manner that a uiaylnsr acbedule can be arranced Eavch Wlaa a Fall. ROCHESTKR. March SO. Tharlev Witt- mer of Cincinnati quit in his match with HJalmar Lundin of Worcester In Me chanics' hall tonight. Wlttmer won the first bout at Greco-Roman style In forty minutes and thirty seconds ana the second bout at oatch-as-catch-can waa won by I.undln In thlrtv-ona mlnutea and thirty seconds. During the third bout the men went tnrougn tne ropes ana reu to tne floor from the platform, Wlttmer Wrenched hla knee In tha fall and when thev resumed operations he simply set on the mat and Lundin could do nothing with him, as his hands were practically gone. Kills Twenty-Five Straight. SPRINGFIELD. III.. March 20. In the hoot for the silver cud of the Illinois Gun club today Herman Groswold of Bprlngfleld won. Killing twenty-nve Diras straignt, ana wresting tne cup irom v.. n. uoeoei 01 Jacksonville, the present holder of the trophy. Goebel killed twenty-four. Bpiing- nelu will sena a strong team to tvanaua City next month for the grand American handicap and will make a vigorous effort to secure the meet for this city In 1903. Fireproof Graadstaad. BT TrtlTIS. March Ml Accord I na- to Bsn Johnson, president of the American base ball lea sue, the new grandstand at Ath (.tin nark, a lire nroof atructure. will be completed April 23, the date of the opening of the local American league season. The letting of the contract for a steel and fire proof granastana win result in tne issuance 01 a permit, aemeo. tor tuv wuvucu uuu ture. Topeka Defeats Lincoln. I.lNrntJI. March 20. CSoecfal Telerrarn.l The basket ball team of the Young Men's Christian association of this city was ae feated by the Topeka association tesm to night, 81 to 24. The visitors played a prac tically faultlass same, while the local team was not up to its sianaaxo. Six Roaads of Tamo Work. VJHTT.AniTT.PHTA. March 20. "Phlladel. fhla Jack" O'Brien and Rufus Graham of his city fought six rounds at the Broadway Athletlo club tonlaht. The bout, which was a very tamo one, was In every way In O'Brien's favor. Sufferers from this borrible malady nearly always Inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be front some remote ancestor, foe Cancer often runs throujh several generations. This deadly poison tnay lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or nicer makes its ap pearance or g swollen gland ia the breast, or some other part of the body, give the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be eliminated from the blood every v stage f it driven out This & S. & does, and is the only medicine that can reach deer seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Ehlrer shows I A snvallplaple came on my law a boa aa lack ciowthecereatkeUfteideo! saylaot. Ufn sse ao pata er iaceaa etaoe, sad I should have fenrottaa about U had it aotacgua te inftame a ad itch It would bleed a little, tca scab over, but would not heel. This cootiased for eoate list, when any Jaw began to swell, becoaslaf very painful. Tbe Caucer be gan te eat sad apraad. aatfl it was as large as a , half dollar, wheal keard f of a. a. a. and detennla-f ed to give it a lair trial. !T sad U was lemarkaMe vkAl a Mndrlul t04 it badlroaa the yery bejlanlof : the sore began te heal aad after tekiag a fw kuttlca dtaanytmrad ealiiciy. This was two years are thaie ara still Be sisaa of the Caacrr, sad any gtaeral hcatlh coatmeea seed. hu su aaiasa, l ruua, ao, is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. 6end for our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest, ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. W mske no charge for medical advice. iHl M CVeCiFlO CS, ATIASIA. SA. Jap Ko J 1 treses naaaj one sixth pure glycerin, is ex quisite and delightful. These qualities are the result of simple purity and extreme care in manufacture. It has the delicate odor of spring-time flowers. Soothing to an irritated skin; it makes bathing a pleasure. ee JAMES S. KIRK It COMPANY RAIN WATER MAKER SOFTENS THE HARDEST WATER SEND TEN CENTS FOR SAMPLE AILINQ WOMEN HILL A Bsassnt find Palatfve Crushed Fruit Laxative CoEsSjua to tha Tasta Qzs&o ta Action It Is a blood meter aad a blood purifier. Its purity; aocnanoods it to iaraaJM women, especially mothers, Mo fcoeae sboald ba without it. It prevaots ennui, laasiludo, torpidity, (toapQtvtenoy, aad produces energy, active vital ity, firm sjarre tissued and mirthful mentality. It irreofto cna, soothe, stfrnaJatae aad sustains tbe systam, builds up the till, tishoi blood vaanhi and worn out nerve 000 tors. ' Qood for owarboo atok. haU-aick-oc wail; it imparts new Uaaaant'TkroT. Ik wtU paw yea to pwohaae a boAle to SHtybwfcOTeosureMfetsbeVoodaiA. Qot a bottle for COo ae lam ad tbose you are aoooasorned so pay tl.00 for. mzvx & !:;cor.::ELL onua co., g. W. 0. ItU auad Paaaro . Onaaaus. I atoll's UgrnaJaeJ'edn itlllsr cores save Uvea, aroup, eolda, I reeoaWsuaa. ete. PrtsJtls or rsb H ea. Stent. I ko m0L niijwn Rat f a Ulnnntnf wiiwaaS iiais iy smoibm w ww awa and North Dakota. On March 4th. Jlth, 18th and 36th. April 1st and th, especially low one way rates will be made to nearly all points In Minnesota and North Pa- THE ORHAT NORTHWEST. Every day durlna March and April, spe cial rates will oa in eff.ct to points In Montana. Idaho, Washlnaton, Oreaon, 'tHB ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, bring- the shortest line and opera tint; mornina and evening- trains to St. Paul, where direct connections are made with all Western lines, offers unexcelled faclli- . ties for reaching- these points. Full particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Office. No. leu Faxnam Bt., or write. W. H. BRILL, D. P. A. Illinois Central K. I, Ocsabs, Neb. PARTS 1 to 9 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY At The Bee Office Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents New Eleetrle Lighted train, the "Meteor, e o m mancliif Sunday, Kansas City Union Depot dally 7 15 p. m.. reaching" Okla homa City 7:9) a. tn.. El Reno It a. ra., D.nlson 11:06 p. m., Bherman 11 :fc a. m.. Dallas 110 p. m., fort worm i:u p. m., C'oralcans 4:16 - p. m , Waco 7:15 p. m., lirown wood 1:4ft p. m. All catering service, Including cafe ears, under management of Mr. Fred Harvey. For detail Information write or call on W. C. MELVILLE, f ass. Agt., 90S 8. 14th Bt., Omaha, Neb. Thla f-?T1 j'mt j-rn a I a v rjL -ir - v, 4 Howc's Just fills the bill as a cough aad cold Anti-Kawf cure. Do .not risk pneumonia, croup and consumption by neglecting a bad cold. Aatl-Kaaf is all yen need, but you need It quickly. SVHITI DOVE CUNK never UIm twdratroy crar fj fur atruus drink, tu. aapauta fur whli h cauaot il4 afier uaas tula reined. Gltea lu aay llgul witli r wlthuut knowledge of psllantt taatciees; 41 s aiisrmaa 4 aiecouaatl. drutaUu. wui aad V4s signature la oa every be el the geaalae X .., Laxative Bromo-gumine Tawes remedy Us cares a cel la eae .