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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1902)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY" BEE: TnCHSDAX, .MAHCII 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Market Takes a Decline and Kay Stock Cloaca Lower. me, 17.S01 RO. Cut meat. teaTy; pica- led bellies, dSkH'; pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled hum, Vwic. Lard, steady; west ern steamed, $9.75; March closed at I" 7H, nominal; refined, firm; continent, JS).9B; South America, $10.40; compound, 7.7&fl.oo. Pork, firm; family, lWfl iron; short clear, J17.60iij2O.Oli; mm, ii.duj IS. 50. BUTTER Receipts. E.M6 pkg.; Arm state dairy. 22ifo; state creamery. PROVISIONS GO QUITE THE CONTRARY I Vrc; creamery, held, 2og26c; factory. 1W Wars Weather Reports aad Steady Cable, with Oaly Few Wheat Damage Resorts, Give Market " ' a Btarlik Meveaaeat. CHICAGO, March 19. Weather rondl tiona and predictions favored Dars In ins (rain pits today and In spite of numerous crop damage reporU, wheat led In a gen eral break. At the cloae of the rsalon May wheat bad lost o. May corn WW and May oau c. Provisions went con trary to grain and closed 6o higher an around. , . Early In tha day, when prices were a little lower on the warm weather reports and steady cables, the local crowd took to the buying side In the wheat pit. Oklahoma and K annas persisted In the complaining of serious damage to the winter wheat crop. On report said that the rce"' showers gars i only temporary that the wheat crop was not In good fnP" Fairly bullish decreases of stocks In JM northwest were reported. May wheat went off Wwka lower at 74V74?jc, dv5-ednt fair commission trade to 760. The out siders, however, did . not buy to enough volume to support such a market, especially In view ot the bearish feeling prevailing In the southwest. Rain pro Slctlons for some of the suffering country gradually had Its effect and the whole crowd changed front. Wheat broke, the crowd sold, coarse grains began to slip downward and prominent longs in wneai loosened their grip and dropped a. good deal of their holdings. Early there had been much difference In the mlnda of trad era regarding the probable course of the market, but as the market turned weak there waa a general hammering at prices and May dropped to 73c Jhf fair export business reported today, but exporters report the situation at the sea board generally as discouraging. buslnesa was good. No. 8 be ng In active demand. This, however, failed to help the market to any extent and May closed weak, 'Ac lower, at 74'e. . Local recelpta were 28 cars, none or con tract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth re ceived 38 cars, or 290 for the three points, against 301 last week and 339 a year ago. Primary receipts were 39000 bu.. com pared to 6S5.00O last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour were large at 464,000 bu. The seaboard reported 24 loads taken for export. . Corn was bearish to atart with on the growing bearish sentiment southwest and the good weather In that country. Although receipts today were small and estimated for tomorrow are smaller, the crowd was Inclined to the belief that the better weather oould not but start early erasing and thereby Induce a freer movement In a short time. Bt. Louis reported Peoria offering cash stuff In that market, the grain trade waa light and the general bear lh conditions Induced considerable selling. It was said that a long time May was sold freely through brokers. Most of the day corn and wheat reacted upon each other. Toward the close as wheat became some what depressed corn broke in sympathy. May opened slightly lower and dropped to 6o'Ac. There waa a weak recovery late, but May closed Vffc lower at lVs114c Re ceipts were 81 cars. Oats were fairly steady In the face of weakness of other grains until the sharp break that carried them all down, the situation had changed little and there was still an inclination to stay out of oats by traders who expect something happen soon In May that will affect other options. .. .1 H1ftrt Orl tCk IAITU Selling. &nd. although the opening was unchanged, the prices did not fluctuate for a long time there was an eventful drop to 4Sc. May closed weak. Q lower, at 3c. Recelpta were 48 cars. - , vnr m fw momenta early In ine day pro- visions were Inclined to be easy. Tha hog nuotatlon run tallied exactly with the esti mate, but hogs were atlll firm and as a good cash demand for provisions sprang un. nit nrlces advanced. Scalpers Bold all nrnduoee. but the offerings were all taken, Trade was not large nor was there any Important feature unless It was the marked ft rmnaM ihnvn In the face of the bad break In grains. All May optlona closed 6c higher. May pork at I15.42V4, May lard at $9.40 and May ribs at . catimutari roceltita for tomorrow: wheat. on rnm. AO ears: oata. 75 cars: hoKS. 84.000 head. . ' .. The leading ruturea rangea as ionows CHEESE- Recelnts. 3.971 nkss.: Arm; fancy, large, full cream, fall made, colored, 12c; fancy, small, full cream, fal made, lie; fancy, arge, full cream, early made, col ored, 13c; fancy, small, full cream, early made, white, lie. ' EGG 8 Receipts, 9,73$ pkgs.; firm; stste snd Pennsylvania, 16-.c; western, st mark, 16c. SUGAR Raw. aulet: fair refining. 7 29-S2c; centrifugal, M test, I r3-32c; molasses suxsr, 2 21-32c; refined, steady: crushed, 6.26c; pow dered, 4.K5c; granulated. 4.75c. i liirrEK-iiiiii; Mo. 7 wo, trc. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, Sialic. POULTRY Alive, firm: chickens, 10'ulle; turkeys, 13c; fowls, 12"e; dressed, lirm; fowls, HU12c; turkeys. 12tt(&ISc. TALLOW Dull; city 2 per pkg.), Hc; country (pkga. free), 44n-Sc. , nKTALie-Light orrerings oi spot iin ana a good advance In quoted values at London caused a rise here, making closing prices for spot 326.621. London gained lbs. eno.r Ing with spot at 115 15s snd futures at U3 7sd. Copper was He lower on the In side price tor lake and the outside price for electrolytic, the rennectlve quotations being $12.001 12.37H and $12.00?il2.25. Casting was quoted at ia ruiir steady but unchanged here at $4.12Mi and unchanged In London at 11 10s. Spelter had a steady tone here and was unchanged at I4..16, whereaa London waa 2s d lower at 17 12s 6d. Iron remained steady here. Pig Iron warrants closed nominal; no. i foundry, northern, $lR.6"fU9.0O; No. I foun dry, northern, $18.0mg1.0u: No. 1 foundry, southern, tl7.o0iffjlfl.on; No. 2 foundry, south ern soft, Abroad prices were slightly higher, Glasgow closing at 62s 4d and Mlddlesborough at 46s Cd. fancy small. 12V: New Tork full creams, fair to choice, loifjlliftc. - Kansas City Grain Pravlslaas. , KANSAS CTTT. March 1. WHEAT May, 71c; July, flHc; cssh. No. 1 hard, 7IW72c; No. . 73c: No. S red. 79'c; No. , 78c; No. 1 spring, 70c. - CORN Msy, c; Septembef, 68Hc;ash, No. t mixed, 62c; No. 2 white, 66c; No. S, 83c. OATB No. I white, Vtfic. RYE No. f, ftxi-qiiic. HAT-Cholcs timothy. M 00; choice prai rie, til h0. ' BLTTKR Creamery, 2f; dairy, fancy, 20c. EGOS Steady; at mark. No. I whltewood cases Included, quoted on 'change, 12c per dos. : cases returned, litc. RECEIPTS Wheat, 63,600 bu.; corn, 7,200 oil.; oats, l7.onn bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 44,000 bu.; corn, 45.6U0 bu.; oats, 20,000 bu.' 416.137; balances, 1527.77; money, 4H4JS per cent. HOSTON. March II. Clearlnga. 132.16,229; balances, t).847,4. NEW YORK. March 19. Clearings. IZoS,- 63.'i93; balances, )l.t,102.2t7. ' PHILADELPHIA, March 19 Clee rings, 119.238,114; balances, t2,91,740; money, per cent. , Doilaa Stack Oaetatteaa. per cent: time loans. 4vu6 per cent. OftlclaJ closing: ' 4s.. Atchison Uas Is Mex. Cent. 4s N. K. O. A. C Atchison do Dfd Boston sV Me Dalath iraln Market. . Dl'LUTH, March 19 WHEAT Cssh, No. 1 hard. 4Tc; No. 2 northern, BSc; No. 1 northern, iiitc; May, 72ic; July, 73JiC. OATS 41c. CORN 60c. 8T. LOUIS, March 19 WOOL Lower; territory ana western mediums, ldtj17cj fine, lltfl&Vxc; coarse, JIG 16c. , ..10 Adventure .. 86 A Hones .. 82 Amalgamated .. b94 lialllc .. 77V Hingham .. 91 Cal. Hecla.. ..ISM1 Centennial Hoston Elevated.lfiSi Copper Range N Y. N H A H..2144 Iom. Coal Fltchburg pfd....l48 h'rnnklln Union Paclllo ... WV4 lle Royals ... Mex. Central .... 29V Mohawk ...... Amer. Sugar 129-Old Dominion. lig iitsceoia l,Parrot $1.261.50; Salt Articles. Open. High. Low. aosa.Tes'y. Wheat May July ' Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. pork May July Lard May July Sept Ribs May July 74;"4 ' T6V 7 6V 69T 44H 44S 43 t0 30V4&3 27 18 87H 15 47 15 9VA 16 60 16 85 15 62 t 87 t 82 t 80 47 66 47 60 67 60 g 40 I 47 S 40 ' 8 62 I 60 8 62 74! 75 74 ' YEiU'rl 7& 74?Jj 6ia 69 48 3f. 86 29 15 42 15 62 44 9 62 a 8 45 8 67 BU 44 (7' 30 15 87 la DO 85 60 60 40 62 No. i. ch Quotations were aa follows: FLOtTR Market weak; winter pat ni. lit anfi4.00: winter alrala-hts. 83.2Oira.70: clears. M.OO'a3.40; spring specWls, 4; spring pstents, 83.2onr3.7o; straignts. iz suvj.iu. WHEAT No. spring, 71&(74c; No. I red. 8lS2c. OATS-No. 1 4444e; No. t White. 47 47c; No. 8 white, 44ig46c. riVE No. t- 684fMc. BAR LEY Fa lr to choice malting. 62fi85o. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.68; No. i north western, 81-71; prime timothy, 86.60; clover, contract srade. 88.76. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., 815.80 frlb.35. Lard, per iuu ins., 9.asv.3zs. enort ribs aides tfoose). IS 8y8.80. Dry salted shoulders fboxed). t7.127.26 , Short clear sides (Doxeaj, WHISKY On basis of high wines, 83.80. The following wera tha recelpta and ship ments for tha dart Articles. Receipts. Shipments.' Flour, bbls i 52.000 89.000 Wheat, bu . 72.000 4-i,0iO Corn, rm 123,000 7.000 Oats, bu ...160.0110 102.00 Rve, bu 8.000 l.0 Barley, bu .... 10,000 10.0U0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creameries, zoiffic; dairies. WZ&c t.:neese, nrm, liijjliHO. Eggs, steady; rresn. i4igi4c. trw . YORK GBKEH1L MSnva-r OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Coadltla. of Tr.d. ..d Staple aad Fancy Proeaea. EX3GS Including new No. 8 caaes. 84.05; cases returned, 83.90. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, 89c; old roosters. 80Wc; turkeys. 10L2c; ducks and geese, 8'Sf1,c. DRBBSEb POULTRY Turkeys, lS15c; ducks, 104jllc; geese, lutfllo; chickens, 9 ivc. . , BUTTER Packing stock. 19c: cnotce dairy. In tubs, 19g21c:".separator, 2728c. f HUitrt imii Hiaca Daaa, ibc: wane bass, 10c; bluellsh, 12c; bullheads, Kc;. buf faloes. 7c: catfish. 12c: cod. 10c; crapples. 10c; halibut, 11c; herring, 3c: haddock, 9c; pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; sun fish, 6c; trout, 9c; wUilteflah, 8e; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20835c; smelts, 10c. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 2ic: stand ards, per can. 25c; extra selects, per -can, S3c; New York counts, per can, 40c; bulk standards, per gai, i.: duik, extra se lects. tl.60ffil.66; New York counts, per gal. riOEONB Live, per aoa., sue VEAL Choice, 6680. CORN 69c OATS 4c. BRAN Per ton, $18. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: choice up land, 88; No. 3 upland, $7; medium, $6.50; coarse, 86. Rye straw, 85. These prices are for hay ot good color and quality. De. mand fair. Recelpta, heavy. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu Rose. 81.26: Triumphs. 81. POTATOES Northern, $1.0001.05: Lake. 91. w, uoioraao, CARROTS Per bu., 75C. REETS Per bu. basket. 60c. TURNIPS Per bu., &0c; .Rutabagas, per 100 Ins.. $1.26. -PARSNIPS Per ou., bog, ' CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., $2. GREEN ONIONS Per dos.. according to LUn utis-Heao, per namper, fZ.M; hot house, per aoa ua-c. r AKULHii "er uox vutao. RADISHES Per dos 85c SWEET i"lAuii,6-iiom grown, per ID.. c; jansas, per uoi. w.n. UABBAUB-rioiiana seed, cratea, iuia. CAULIi'LOWER Pet crate. $2.60. ON ION S Spanish, per crate, $2.26; Mich igan, red or yenow, per lo, vt0-Jta, i;u,i,n x .aiiiuriiia, wwiw. TOMATOES Florida, per v-baaket crate. r nuns. APPLES Ben Davis, par bbl.. 84.50; Wlne- aapa, $6; Jonathans, $5.60; Beiieaowers, per box. ti. t. - . - PEA-KB VlKers, 8Z.Z&; tawrenoe, J.. ' . UHArn Malagas, per aeg, CRANBERRIES Per bbl. $7.60; per crate. $8.76. NAVY BBAN8 rr OU., 81WWZ.00. FIGS California, new cartons. $1: im ported, per lb., 124714a. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.26; budded, $2.76. LEMONS Fancy. 83.0U&3.76: choice, 13.25, BANANAS Per buiich. according to else, $2.&a7&. NUTS New crop walnuts, No. l aoft shelL per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., uo; No. 2 soft shell. JOu; No. 8 hard shell. So; Brasils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12o; almonds, sort sneu, lie; nara sneii. xoc; pecans, targe, er lb., 12c; email, 10c; cocoa nuts, per suck, $3.60. HONEY Per i4-seotion case, J. CIDER Nehawka. per bbl., $126; New York. $3.50. HIDES NO. 1 green, Mc; no. i rrrn. I veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, U to 15 lbs., c; ary niaes, suc; sneep pelts, 75c: horse hides, 1.50j2.2o. POPCORN Per lb.. 6o. Mlaaeasolls Wheat, Floar and Bras. MINNEAPOLIS, March 19. WHEAT Msy, -71c; July, 72c; on track. No. 1 hard, 74'c; No. 1 northern, 72ti2c; No. 2 northern, 707Ao. FLOUR 1rst patents, $380sr3.90; second patents, 88.703.80; first clears, $2.602.65; Beroiiu cieHrs, i.otfQ,rz.-b. BRAN In bulk, lower, $13. Mllwaakee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE, March 19. WHEAT Ixwer; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 north ern , (fcc; Msy, 74c. RYE Steady; No. 1, 60c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 66c. CORN May, 61c Peoria Market. PEORIA, March 19.-oRN-Eaay; No. $. 89 c. OATS-45ulet, active; No. I white, 46c, billed through. WHISK Y-On the basis of $1.30. for fin- SEW YORK STOCKS AD BONDS. Market Generally Dall, Interspersed with Speetaealar Movements. NEW YORK. Msrch 19. It Is not often mat tne biock market witnesses such a series of spectacular and sensational move ments as It wss treated to today and In rather a dull market at that. In fact the dullness In the general list wss extreme and prices of the Important railroad stocks movea oniy witn the utmost reluctance. The bond market was rather dull and irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,615,000. United States bonda were unchanged on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial csblegram says: It was an Idle holiday market today, but the tone waa cheerful, due to the continued bear flgetlng over tne namr situation. Jiamr snares were Inanimate, but firm. Canadian Pacific alone was In demand.. Copper was down to vfh tne ton. tuo tintos sold at 44. Money is steady, ine maraet is borrow ing heavily because of revenue collections. Gold to the amount of 19,000 has been re ceived from Holland. The coast offers a 8 ner cent 1.000.000 loan at 9L The following are the closing prices on tne rnew xora oioca exenange: do nfd.. Amer. T. 4k T... Dom. I. A S Oen. Electric..., Mass. KlecfTlc... do Dfd N. E. O. A C... United Fruit.... U. 8. Steel do nfd , WesUngh. Com 48V. .3 JO . ai . 9V . ,.luo 95 . 98 Vulncy Santa Fe Cop. Tamarack Trinity United States. Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine .. S3- .. (3 .. 4t .. 24 ...645 ,.. 21 ,.. 6 ...119 .. 13 ..175 .. M ... 3 ,..-l ... 14 ...130 .. 3 ...180 ... 14 ... 1 ,.. 22 ... b ... 61 ... 60 Rew Yark Mining; 4taatatlas, NEW YORK. March 19 The follnwlna are the ciosion prices on mining atocks: Adams Con....... 30 Alice 45 Breece 60 Brunswick Con., 8 Com. Tunnel 6 Con. Cal. Va..l25 Deudroou Terra. 60 Horn Silver 140 Iron Sliver 72 Leadvllle Con.... i Little Chief Ontario .... Ophir I'noenix ... Potoel Siivage 18 750 90 10 a Sierra Nevada.... 10 Small Hopes 50 Standard 830 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Grades of Fat Cattle Bell Beadily at Steady Prices, i HEAVY HOGS STRONG, OTHERS STEADY AetlT Demand for Sheep and Lass ha f Good Q-allty at Strang; Prices, Bat CeaaMaener Grades Are We More Than Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. March 19. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. She-p. 1..., ... 14... 6... 14... 1.... St.... 4.... 10..., $,a 6.754 7.754 7.4-6 S.4o9 a.064 12.013 3J.69K 16.74H 10.6.J 14,t74 U.058 Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... umcial Wednesday Three days this week. .10,8X6 17.741 Same days last week. ...10,158 Zl.Vn Same week before 9.8.18 23.W6 Same three weens ago... 8.645 , 26.K17 Same four weeks ago.... 9.04 23.3o3 Same days last year 9.433 19.671 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. vThe following table shows the recelpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 1J0JL ' iwh. inc. AJec. ,-176,t?4 137.98 37,636 ..6m.tl2 &"6.4a Vi.ia ,.ln7,we 29.139 table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days with com parisons with former years: . Cattle' Hog Sheep mat following Date. 1808.Iwl.U00.l899,.189a.U97.lli Feb. 77 8t. Paul Dfd 199 97 So. Pacific 66 O... 106 So. Hallway 32 tn ao pia ink Pao....ll6lTex. A Pacific... 40 87ITol Atchison do pfd.. Baltimore do pfd.. Canadian Canada So. Chen. A Ohio. Chicago at A 8fV do Dfd 75 LChl. Ind. A L.... 66 do pfd ( Chi. E. Ill 159 Chicago G. 24 do 1st pfd 87 do 2d pfd 46 C. A N. W ,234 c. k. i. at f in St. L. l W do Dfd Union Pacific... . do Dfd Wabash ......... do pfd.... , VNneeL A L.- E.. do 2d Dfd Wis. Central .... do Dfd...... 'Adams Ex 'American Ex.. 22 9i 87 23 . 43 . 19 . 81 . 22 . 43i .2UU 230 110 CM. Ter. A Tr... 18 U. S. Ex. do Dfd... 84 Wells-Fargo Ex.195 C C A St- L.l01V.Amal. Conner tviU. Colorado So. 27 Amer. Car A F..31 do 1st pfd 71l do pfd 59 do 2d pfd 42 v Amer. Llnu Oil... U Del. at Hudson... 172WI do pfd... 66 Del. L. at W z&4 Amer. a. at it.,., 46 Denver A R. G.. 43 do pfd 9 do pfd ntiAnac. Min. Co.... 80 Erie 7 iBrooklyn R. T... 9tHt do let pro. ov oio. r uei 1...101 do 2d Dfd 65 Con. Gas .224 at. Nor. pfd 184 Con. Tob. pfd. ...121 riOCK. valley ir vreik ,iecirio ....sis do pfd 86 iHocklng Coal ... 17 Illinois Central.. .139'Inter. Paper 23 Iowa Central .... 49 do pfd 76 ao Dia tnier. rower .... so Lake Erie 4k W.. 67 Laclede Gaa 80 do pfd 132 I IN a. uiacult ...... 62 L. A N 104 National Lead.... 19 Manhattan !..... 134 Na. Salt pfd 63 Met. St. Ry 168 No. American.... 118 mcnic uuaai .... ta . 20 jPaclno Mall 46 .110 People's Gas ....10l .100 Pressed 8. Car.. 40 fiu S4 . 64 Pullman P. Car..3S 190 'Republlo Steel.... 18 Mex. Central Mex. National. Minn. A St. L. Mo. Pacific ... M., K. A T.... do pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central. Norfolk A W. do pfd Ontario A W.. Pennsylvania . Reading do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd..... St. L. A 8. P.. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd St. L. South w. do pfd St. Paul 162 do pfd bbi Bugar .. 90 Ten n. Ooal A I. .. 83 ..161 .. 81 .. 67 .. e .. 83 .. 73' 68 Union Baa; A P. do Dfd U. a Leather... do pfd U. 8. Rubber.... do pfd U. a Steel do pfd :. 2bfWestern Unlonu 91 Con, .164! do Tob pfd. ttaetatlens of the Day Varleas Commodities, NEW YORX, Maroh J9.-FtiOrR-Re- ceipts. 31.676 bbls.; exports, 69.649 bbls ; In active and 6ftl0c lower to sell; win ter patents, 83. 9514. 30; winter straight. $3.6t(S.9t Minnesota patents. $3.80(04.00; winter extras, $3.10u3.3o; Minnesota bak ers, $2.nie3.80; winter low grades $2.k$ 8.1a Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.xa a. 40: choice to fancy, $3.603.75. T CORN MEAL Steady: yellow western. $1.30: city. $1.30; Brandywlne, $3.36ti8.a. RYE Easier: No. 3 western. 63c, f. o. b., snuat; state, sututuo c t 1. rew York car lots. BARLEY Dull: feeding, 63&5&o e. I. f New York; malting, ia72c c. L f. New ion. W HEAT Receipts. 865 bu.; exports. 40,020 nu. xpoi, easier; no. M rea, fcttc, elevator fo. 3 red, cH - b., afloat; No. 1 north ern, Duluth.' 92c. I. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. oc, f. o. b., atloat. The prevailing tendency of wheat waa down ward all day. reuniting In heavy HqulJa tton and short account operations, all bated on preaicuons tor more rain In the south west. Including western Kansas. Eaoler English cables, the bearish feeling and the wraa St. Lonta Grain and Provisions. bt. Imifl. March 19. WHEAT Lower : NO. I red cash, elevator, 81 c: track, 81 82o; May. 80c; JUiy, idwiac; xmo. 2 bard, twana. CORN Lower; No. cash. eo(32c; track, 61c; May, 61c; July, . 60c. OATS Lower; ino. 1 caan dc; May, 43c; July. 34c; No. 3 white, 47c RYE Lower at sic. 1 FLOUR Dull and easy; red winter pat ents, $3.76j'3.85; extra fancy and straight, $3.45453.66; clear. 33.0UKfS.2O. SEEDS Timothy, nominal at $5.0006.00; prime worth more. BRAN Steady; sacked, 8)ic. HAY Timothy, steady, $12.6xai4.00; prai rie, scarce, firm, not quoted.' WHIsai-Bveaay, i u. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1. BAGGING-6Sc. HEMP TWIIE-9c. PRaVI8ION8 Pork: Higher: jobbing. $16.00 for old. $16.00 for new. Lard: Higher at i.12a.i Dry salt meats (boxed), stronger:, extra shorts, $8.76; clear ribs, $8.62; clear sloes. ..'. riacon tooxea), iron extra shorts. $9.62; clear ribs, $9.60; clear sides. $9.75. METALS ieaa: nrm at 84uzO'4.05. flnelter: Dull at $4.10. POULTRY Steady; chickens, $c; turkeys. 94Yllc; ducks. 9c; geese, 44j5c. BU ri tR-nteaay; creamery. iijsc; dairy, Wa'iza. KtjGS ixwer at lie. RECEIPTS Flour, 6.000 bbls.; wheat. 30, non bu.: corn. 32.UO bu.: oats. 40.000 bu. . SIllPMr-W 1 H r lour, dois. ; wneat. S.OuO bu. ; corn, ev.uw du.; osts, ti.vti du. Jlew York Money Market. NEW YORK, March 19. MONEY On call, firm, at 4a per cent; closing, asaed, w per cent; prime bid and mercantile Daner. 4Vtu6 Der cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand ana at H ior sixty aays; posted rates. 84.m ana ; commercial, bills. $4.84a4.86. 43UC. BONDS Government, steady; state, easier; ranroaa. irregular. The Cloring quswuuoi un oonas are follows: cloae was at March TfcC net dec In. closed at tc; May, 7 is-lbot0 IV 14c, closed at 80c; July, ft0 3-lti&iuc, closed at Soc; CORN Receipts, 25A) bu,; exports, tfS bu. Spot, easy- No. 3, 68c. elevator, and tto, afloat. Corn was affected by the wheat break today In spite of the small movement ana cioeea JNC net lower May, so7c, closed at btc; July. 6oo. closed at toct September, a4ii5c. closed at 4c. OATS RecelptSi 127,600 bu.: exports. 1,416 bu. cpoi. easier; no. s, 4a'c; no. I. 4Vc; rs o. wnue, nu. wnite. uc; track white, 63u6Sc- Options opened steady but later necnnca wim umrr sraans. HAY Quiet: skipping. ua&c; good to choice. 2wi. HOP8 Firm: state, common to choice, lftil cron. 14'0'l4o; old. 4uc; Pad do coast. 1901 crop. 14lc; 19U0 crop, 10&iav:; clus. 4"JC. urni- s-Steady: Galveston. 30 to lhn .. 18c; California, 31 to 36 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, U to lbs.. 14o. LEATHER Misady: hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres. llaht to neavywrigots, Mn-jsc. WOOL Firm; domestic fleece. ki ."Sc. RICE Steady. dimestic, fair to extra. 4 eio1-..-: Japan. 4tiolc. I-ROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $12 00 mess, tie uo-0 10 50; beef hams, $j 60 w2Lt; aavket, $U-wfU.v0; city, extra India Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Msrch 19. WHEAT Snot, red. No. 3 western winter, dull. 6s 2d; no. 1 nonnern. sirins. ss ma: 00. 1 ;an fornta, firm. 6s 41; futures, steady; March, ts lV-d: May, s ld; July. ts. CORN Spot, nrm; American mixed, new. 6s 2d; American mixed, old, &a 3d; fu tures, quiet; May, s iii; July. 3d. PEAS Canadian, aieaay si ss a. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm al HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm. 3 losftljtt 1US. PROVlsittMB-rrieer, prm; extra India mess, 60s. forx, straay; prime snrss. west ern, 67a Ham, steady; short cut. 26 to 80 lbs., 37s ad. Bacon, steady. sa; Cumberland cut. firm: 26 to 30 lbs.. 43a 6d hort ribs. 1 to Z4 ids.. z u: Ions clear mlddlea, light. 28 to 34 lbs.. 45s; long cloa mtddlea. heavy, a to w ma., tuu; snort clear barks. 16 to 30 lbs., 4ua td; clear bel lies, 1 to M lbs., 47s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 Iba.. ateaay, 35s sa. l-aru, steady; prime western, in tierces, is a; American renned. in nails. xe ia. BUTTER Firm: finest United States, 6&s : sood United Btates. 60s. I'liEKBK-nnn; American nnest wnits, 63s; American nnest colored, 63a. TALLOW frime city, nrm, MM., Toledo Grain and Seed. TOI J.DOa O.. March 19. WHEAT Ae. tlve and excited; loed weak and lower cah. lnc: Mav, str.c; July. T7c. CORN rainy active, weak and lower cash. 60c; May. lSe: July. 61 c. OATS Dun ; caan, jc; May, c; July, SEED ciover, nrm; casn and March $6.47; April, ia-Jo; October, 75 2; No. Alayke,; P.O. 1 iimotny, J . Philadelphia Prodoeo Market. PH1LADEI JHIA. March 19. BUTTER Firm, c higher: extra western creamery, X9vc; extra nearoy prima, sue. EOCiS Firm. c higher; fresh ' nearby, 17c; fresh weatern. 17c; fresh south western, .7... fMAh 1 k.. Clitt-oii ivffli nsw sork full cxeama, U. 8. ref. Is. reg.ioa II at N. unl. 4s. .102 do coupon iiww jurx. ts B.'k do 3s, reg I'M do Is I no 83 do coupon ilo9M. & St. L. 4s..l03 do new 4s. reg.. 139 M.. K. A T. 4s... Sv An couDon 139' do 2s K2 do old im, reg. .111 N. Y. Central la. 103 do coupon 112 I do gen. 8s....h'4 lu I .lo .1I6 .104 . as-1 .107"4 .107 .110 75 1 lOl ' :84I C. B A Q n. 4s... 9ts c! M A 8 P g. 4s.11d C. A N. W. C. YS.131 o r 1 a p 4s. ...nam CCC A S L g. 4S.1'UV Chicago Ter. 4s.. 88 Colorado Bo. 4s.. B4i Den. A R. O. 4s.l02 Erie pnor I. 4s do gen do 6s, reg do coupon . Atch. gen. 4l do adj. 4s.. Bal. A Ohio do 3s do con v. 4s.... Canada So. 2s... Cent, of Ga. 6s.. do is tne Ches. A O. 4s. Chi. A A. 8s gen. 6s... 139U. Pacific 48....HJ64I F W A D C Is. ..112 Con. Hock. vai. 4a...ii N. J No. dO 8S : N. A W. con. 4s. 103 Reading gen. 4s.. 94 L A I M c. 6s.lliu St. L. A 8, F. 4s. 82 St. L. 8. W. Is.. 9K UU aaB S A A A P 4s... 80. Pacific 4s... So. Railway 6s. Tex. A Pac. la T. S L de W 4s Union Pac. 4a.. do con v. 4a Wabgsh la ao zs do deb. B West Shore 4s.. 99 W. A L. E. 4s.. 87VWls. Central Condition of the Treaaary. WASHINGTON. March IS.-Todar'a state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral runo, exclusive 01 tne sido.uuo.ouu goia reserve in tne aivision 01 reaemption, shows: Available cash balance, $177,675,$60; gOIQ, 39,WW,21. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 19.-COTTON-DOt closed quiet; middling uplands, 9c; mid dling gulf, 9c; sales, 3,732 bales. The market opened steady. 7fd'll points higher. and changed little during the balance of the eesslon. At the close the market w net unchanged to $ points lower. Some o.OOO March notlcee were Issued early In the day, but were readily taken up by BDeculatton houses. UAbv ehi'oim. March 19. t.-urj.UJN Firm, 8c. sales, none: middling. 8c: receipts. 4.00R bales; shipments, 3,706 bales; atock, 47,890 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 19. COTTON Steady; sales, 6,600 bales; ordinary, 7 6-16o; gooa orainary. 1 is-ic: low mmauna, 8 8-16c: middling. 8 9-16c: good middling. 8 16-16c; middling, ll-16c; recelpU, 11,130 bales; atock, 307,413 bales. Futures barely steady. LIVERPOOL. March 19 COTTON Snot, gooa Dusiness done, prices steaay; Amer lean 'middling, 4 27-32d. The sales of the .. .. 1 T ihbI.. r.r whii.1. 1 nnr. .... for speculation and export and included 10. 600 American. Receipts, 26,000 bales. In cluding 16,800 American. Futures opened quiet and closed steady. Wool Market. ' 8T. LOUIS. March 19. WOOL Quiet and nominal; medium grades, 1617c; Uoht fine, 12gl3c; heavy fine, lollc; tub washed, 14tf24c. LONDON. March 19. WOOL The offer ings at the wool auction sales today num bered 15,817 bales. Sales In detail: New South Wales, 6,600 bales; scoured, 3d2s ld; greasy, 3(5 Id. Queensland, 3,100 bales; scoured, lwSla 7d; greasy, bwiA. Victoria. 2,500 bales; scoured, ,3nyis 6d; greasy, 8d tjla 6d. South Australia, 100 bales; scoured, loaiats Via; greasy, 4a. west Aut tralla, JQ bales; ecbured, la d; greasy, $yfld. Tasmania, 100 bales; greasy, 6 10d. New Zealand, 3,900 bales; scoured, 4"44id: greasy, 8ral0d. Cape- of Good Hope and Natal, 800 bales; scoured, Is id& Is 3d; greasy, 6?d. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 19. DRY GO0D8- The market today haa ahown generally quieter conditions. In cotfan goods ao far as business actually In lieocess Is con cerned, but no loss of Btrath In tone and prices In a number of a"Xvi-1onr"Btlll tend against buyers' Without open advances being quoted. This Is chiefly In brown cot tons. JtTim ciotns are cimcuit to Duy on the basis of 8c for regulars. Men's wear woolens and worsteds are quiet, without change In price. Woolen dress goods firm In all staple line. Worsted dress goods quiet. Oil and Rosin. ' OIL CITY. March 19.-OIL Oedlt bal ances, $1.16; certificates, no bid; shipments, 77,740 bbls.; average,'. 78,393 bbls.; runs, 80,998 bbls.j average, 74,058 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 19. OIL Tur pentine, firm at 4G46c. Rosin, quiet; quote: A, B, C. D. $1.30; E, $1.86; F, $1.46; H, il.oo ; 1,; n., &; n, n.2s; wu, $3 60: WW, $3.65. 1NEJW xuiiiv. aiaron im. oiu-rouvieum, steady. Roeln, steady. Turpentine, firm at 4480. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK. March 1. COFFEE 8pot, aulet: No. 7 Invoice. 64ke: mild, aulet: Cor dova. 84i12c. The market opened steady. with prices unchanged to 10 points lower and closed steady, . with prices net un changed to 10 points higher; total sales were 9.760 bags. Including: March, 6.10c: Mav. 5.30c: June. 5 40c; July. 6.000: August. 6.70c; December, awe. , , , 1 Sagar Market. NEW ORLEANS. March 19. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, 2fi3 ll-16c: open kettle, centrlfuaal. 3iQAc: centrifugai yellow. SUiS ; " ' I -T.. T -. , - J , - . . 3 13-iec; seconds, zweuvsc Moiasses, steaay; centrifugal, liiaisc. a." i.. in viiuu svai a 1 1 ss - 1 111 a sjsr w am mw firm; fair refining, 3 16-lec; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 7-16c; molasses sugar, 3 ll-loc. Re fined market ateady. Holidays 4n the Exchange. NEW YORK, March 19. The Cotton ex change today voted In favor of making Good Friday and the following Saturday holidays. Tne biock exenange and the PnviluM exchanse will Dass upon the Ques tion tomorrow. The Coffee exchange has yet to decide on tne matter. SALE OF FINE SHORTHORNS Fifty-Seven Lots, .Inelodlngr Many Is ported Heads from Famens Herds',' Offered. 24... I 6 6VI I 4 891 3 631 3 831 3 41 8 53 Feb. 26.. . 6 M $881 I 3 t i9 a 4 8 7 s as 1 s M soi - 1 . $ 0 6 7 4 I 2 I 441 8 73 i 90 I 6 2j 4 7i t 3 $7 I 3 74 01 6 321 4 6! 3 61 3 i 3 60 S ft 4 4A, 3 62 1 3 56 3 47 3 74 uvJ 1 ( I 3 6ii 3 8, a 4i a e I 8 Ut-m.1 a 32 1 1 Ml I Hi I 4t I w S SiSsl s l) - I si 00. j S WW a 84 ' 701 M IWII1 10 6 88 71 3 60 a 89 I t4 U6 6 W 4 72 3 U 3 7 3 7 a 41 a ?u a mi 8 76i a 601 a 31 a $7 1 4 73 a ui a 80 a t6i 3 M Feb. 81 Feb. 37.. Feb. 2.. March 1. March 3. March 3. Maroh 4. Marco 6. March .. March 7.. March a.. March 9.. March 10. March 11. March 12. March IS. March 14. March 16. March 16. March 17. March 18. March 19. 6 6 4C liwIKiltn $ 18 I 6 41 4 76 I 8 74 3 70j in a 451 4 ia s ez 13 6 6 4 76 3 63 3 69 $ 10 6 6 4 7 I 6 o0j 4 86 s jo - s a 2ii a 65 1 22 6 611 4 89 8 78 8 59 8 8 3 80 t IV S 01 II 8 6KI 3 731 i a V3i a 8i a 74 3 u a so 8 8 82 3 81 3 77 8 91 3 83 8 5HI B Bl Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders snipped to tne country yesterday aud their uestlnatlon: Cars. J E. Harper, Laurel, Neb. M. A O i ames Hughes, Kesterson, Neb. B. at M. i b. W. Garvin, Foster, Neb. F. E ) D. A. Gelom. Maltland. Mo. K. U 1 B. F. Carpenter, Dunlap, la. 1. C H. Mlchaelsen, Arion, la. 1.' C E. C. Smith, Onawa, la. N. W.-. Varumer A Stout. Mapleton. Ia. N. W. C. O. Carlson, Klron, la. N. W CATTUK There was not a large 1 3 1 1 uppiy . 840 . 648 . ) . t M . -!7 830 7n7 3 50 8 00 55 4 00 4 no 4 10 4 10 9K5' 4 10 , Sb4 4 16 of cattle here thla morning, so mat any thing desirable met with ready saie at fully as aood prices as were paid yesteraay. While the market was not excited, still tne bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season. Although receipts of cattle were not. as heavy as they were yesterday there were more beef steers on sale today. The mar ket as a whole was just about steady, and as high aa $6.36 was paid. Anything at all desirable sold freely at fully as goou prices as were paid for the same Kinds yesterday, and some sales looked a little stronger, but when It came to the commoner kinds the market was none too active and salesmen found it a little" hard to get what they considered steady prices. The cow market was in just aooui im same condition It has been for some time past. All the buyers were looking for the better grades and sellers had no ' trouble In selling out at fully steady prices, but the medium kinds snd canners sold siowiy and at uneven prices, the same as they have been doing for some time paat. Bulls, veal calves and stags aiso com manded just aDOUl steaay prices. iiicio waa a good demand tor tne petier graaes, but undesirable kinds were hard to dls- P?9? inert were i"" feeders on sale, and all but the very best f trades were slow sale and weak to a dime ower than yesterday. Offerings all the week- have been very liberal, .while the demand from the Country has been limited. A a -result speculators nave aooui an tne cattle tney care ior uin urej wu uujr them lower, itepresentaiivs saies; . BEU.JT HTKUrta. Tub. 4s.. 80 . 91 . 94 .122 .120 . 84 .106 .1'H .119 .no . 75 .113 . 91 . 1 . 66 No. 14 i::::::: 1 1 1....... 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 20 14..;.... 14....... 10 26 14 4 13....... 1 U 21 8 16 23 16 14 18..,.. 21 10 1 Pr. 3 60 3 26 a 26 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 76 4 76 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 a 00 6 00 a 26 ..100t 6 26 880 6 25 Av. .. 610 .. 807 .. 670 .. 616 .. 920 .. 850 .. 850 ... 700 ,.. 700 ... 830 ... 900 ..10SO ..1060 ,.. 9o0 940 Bid. London Steeat Markat. p. in. Closing:' LONDON, Msrch 19. - .93 11-16 Norfolk A .... 93V do pfd..7. Wu Ontario A West. 68 9.1 West.. 33 77 2 Cons., money do account., Anaconda ., Atchison 75 Pennsylvania do ptd revaneaaing Raltlinore A O...108 do 1st Dfd... Canadian Paclflc.118' do 2d pfd.... Chesapesks U. 4J Boulbern Ry.. chic (i W.... Wu- do Dfd C. M. A Bt. P... 150 Southern Pacific Denver K. u... 44 union raclno. do pfd. "4 ao pfd Erie 38 U. 8. Steel.... do 1st prd 7tn ao pfd do 2d pfd 64 .Wabash Illinois Central. ..143' do pfd l-ouls. Nan...l Hpanlah 4s M.. K. A T 25 Rand Mlnss... do pfd 6S DeBeere N. X. Central... .17 . 84 1 33 ..ltc .. Kt .. 43 .. 46 ..115 .. 43 BAR SILVER Easy at Ounce. MONEY 148 per cent. 24 1t-16d a per Bank Clearing's. OMAHA. Msrch 19. Bsnk clearings 'to day, $1,211,617.48: ' corresponding day last .r rrkHM lt: Increase. 8421 SRS M crilCAGO, March 19-Clearings, $2.27.. 238; balances. i.iu.e,a; posiea exchange, 14 as 1 or sixty , on aemana; JSc York exenange, at par. CINCINNATI, March 19. Clearings. $3.. (I!.5j0; money, 3'f6 per cent; New York xrhsnge, fqae. aiscouni. ST. LOUIS. March 1 Clearings. $8.41C. (81; balancea. $l.fe96,U; exchange on New York. premium. UALTlMuKt, March U.-Clcarlnga, $3,- KANSAS CITY. March 19. The dispersion sale of W. R. Nelson's thoroughbred Short horn csttle began here tooay ana lancy prices were realised. Fifty-seven lots were offered. Including Imported animals bred by the queen of England, J. Dean Willis of Wiltshire,' ff.ngiana; A. m. uurrun, AKr. deenshtre, Scotland; C. E. Wodehouse. Hertford. England, and other noted Scotch and English breeders. In addition to the Imported animals, a number ot the best Hates Drea came were puiu. Cattlemen from an pane 01 ine country attended the sale, which included soma of the best cattle ever offered In sale ring. Bidding was active, ine oig saies: Lavender Lily (Imported), calf at side; bred by J. Dean V I Mia. Bapton Minor, Codford, St. Mary's, Wiltshire; sold to Dan R. Hanna, fl.aoo. Mlranaa (importeoi, cair at siae; orea ny her majesty, the queen, W Indaor, Eng land; sold to Dan k. nanna, cottage mil farm, Ravenna, O., $1,500. Village Belle (Imported), bull calf at side; bred by her majesty, the queen, Windsor, England; sold to D. R. Hanna, $1,080. Bapton Arrow lDOii tuniwrieu . urea vy 3. Dean Willis. Bapton Manor. Codford, St. Jdary s. w ntanire; soia to o. Daeioy, west- port. Mo., 3H50. UlB-l 1 M , 1.1L . I wiuv, v ' ff w. ...... lis, Bapton Manor. Codford. St. Mary's, Wiltshire; sold to J. F. Masters, Brooklyn, N;T, $700. . w Violet or Mapie rtiu n; wro by it. . Duncan. Oaborn, Mo.; sold to 11. B. Dun- ran, usoorn, mo., w- The first snimai onerea ior saie was vil lage Lllv 3d; bred by Charles' Hogg of Gib rallar, Ont.; sold to C. C. Blgeler A Sons. Harwich. Ia.. fpr $550. Countess Mary stn umperuai; orea oy C D. Wodehouae, Woolmers Park. Hertford.- England: sold to T. J. Wprnall, Liberty. Mo., $550. Second Du-heas of Atchtaon, calf at side; bred bv Elbert Fall. Albta. Ia.: sold to F M. Marshall. Blackwater, Mo.. $400. Duchess of Loundale 6th; sold to F. M. Marshall. $415. Duchesa of Loundale 6th. sold to Sam E. Womall. Kansas City. Mo.. $480. Duchess of Loundale 7th, sold to J. F. Masters. $430. .. . Wild Eye Winsome 11th. cslf st side; bred by G. W. Gilck A Son; sold to Besets Lale. Odala. Mo.. $425. Cornelia (Imported;) bred by A. M. Gor don. Newton. Mo.; sold to J. 8. Masters, $441. Marchioness of Oxford 5th: bred by Alex ander Fraslerj sold to J. ". Stoddard, Bur tun, Kau., (Mkk . . a 10 1 6 11 a 4 10 2 10.... 3.... 1 19 2 3 1 1 8 12...., 10 12.... ....1061 ....10U2 ....1076 .... 854 .... 856 ....101 .... 795 .... 930 ....1073 .... 970 ....1060 .... 903 ....1112 ....1041 ....1497 ,....1077 ....1103 1075 ,....1160 .... 931 ....1340 .... 916 ..... 832 .... 9o0 .... 94J 806 .... 7tSU .... 900 ..... 9B7 ..... 860 1020 .....1020 8ai 8tt9 101O 770 1030 1185 , 1W8 1325 110 949 8ti5 833 9H0 DM) 851 9o2 831 1030 lut 1230 1110 1001 ..... 635 760 920 1150 .wK. 933 llJ a ao a 36 $36 6 40 6 40 $ 46 a 46 6 46 6 45 a 60 6 60 6 20 a 66 6 66 6 66 a eo a eo 660 a o $ 60 6 66 No. 19. 23. 20.... .... . 20.... 17..:. 20.... 13.... 14.... 20.... 6.... 22..., 18.... 18.... 7.... 21.... . 19.... 21... 16... 22... ?4... 10..., 12... 16... 4..., 13... 4.... 18..., 22..., 22... 12... 14... 4..., 18..., 18..., 21... 26... 9.... COW8. . 14... 3 Av, ,1066 1077 1041 ....1WS ,....10WI .....1136 1155 ..... 966 1110 1244 ,...M166 1147 1268 1354 .....1360 1170 1203 Hi8 .....1230 .....1255 1158 1185 1313 6 90 1239 6 80 1352 1260 1325 1170 1299 1266 1246 1449 1225 1347 1273 1316 1453 1442 . Pr. 6 66 6 65 6 65 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 76. 6 76 6 76 . 6 80 6 80s 6 80 6 80 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 86 $ 90 6 90 6 90 6 96 6 95 6 96 6 00 00 00 6 00 10 10 20 SO a 33 1. 11. 10 1 3 '1:::::: 31 16 . 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...... 1 ..-... 1 1 !::::: a 1 1 1 3 740 622 94 .. 60 .. 84) ..1110 .. 64) .. M .. 857 ..1020 ,.. 932 ..1020 ..140 ..UuO ..1610 ..1100 ..1060 ..1150 ..1550 ...1268 ..1780 ..1160 ,.. 10 ... 414 ,.. 2M) ... 246 ... 2M ... 130 ... 430. ... 165 a 00 ItS 3 10 . 2 16 2 26 2 25 2 80 2 30 2 SO I 30 36 40 40 $ 40 3 76 3 76 2 76 3 00 a 00 3 00 a 00 a 00 a 60 3 60 a 60 3 75 3 75 3 76 3 76 i 76 3 76 $ 86 $ 90 $ 90 4 U0, 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 HKIFEKS. 1 Vtse-seesei a t a 3 $ 1 , 3 7 1... I:::::::: 23 6 X:::::::: 3 , 6 1.. 9.. 3.. 4.. 3.. 3.. 1.. ..,923 ...1160 ...11(7 ...1140 ... 91 , ...1160 ...lOuO ... 9v4 ...1130 ... 910 ...1060 ...1196 ...1180 ...10KO ...13 ... 840 ...1216 ,...1126 ,...1550 ,...12o0 ,...HoO ...12U0 ....1021 .1370 .1015 .1250 . 8t5 ,.1102 ,.1170 ..1106 .. 970 ..1161 ..1370 ..1W1 ..1336 ..1237 ..1333 ..1660 410 4 20 4 20 4 2a 4 ia 4 26 4 2j 4 30 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 76 4 90 6 00 6 00 $ 00 a 00 6 00 a w 6 00 a 00 6 00 6 06 6 10 a 10 6 16 $ 25 & 25 $ 25 6 25 6 25 a 35 6 80 6 60 a so 2 86 3 00 a ao 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 60 4 4 86 4 90 a to 2. 6. 2. 2. t 76 a 00 3 00 s 10 3 15 3 20 3 25 3 86 8 40 3 40 3 60 BULLS. 1015 81 8"0 8U) 1091 Ill) mo 80$ 1120 1270 .....1200 660 ..1270 1.. 1.. 1 140 1... CALVES. a 26 4 25- a 00 a 00 00 1 00 35 50 1 1. 1660 26 STOCK COWS 40 1 60 76 t 90 STAGS. M5o0 ..lt0 ..1870 ..1930 ...1460 ,..2) ..17W ,..1760 ... 150 .. 130 ... 200 ,.. ... 1) ,.. 150 210 ... 140 5 00 6 00 a 00 a 00 a 16 a 25 a 25 a 25 a ao a 60 a o . a eo a 76 a 85 4 10 4 25 " 4 30 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 60 4 60 a 60 75 . 75 T Oo 7 W 1 00 7 00 7 00 AND 18. HEIFERS. .... 44a 3 95 .7u0 8 00 1. 1. 3. 3 I i:::::::: 0TOCKEKS AND FEEDFRS. 640 ... 6a) ... ... 3 3 00 3 00 3 C-t 635 - 8 26 610 $ 2 4. 15.... 10.... 26.... 17.... IS.... I.... im 4 20 .... 7t 4 25 .... 7 4 25 8h 4 25 .... 6! 4 26 .... 6:3 4 30 .... 67 $0 13 feeders.. RI2 1 feeder... 730 11 feeders.. Ha 1 leeder... 830 2 feeders.. 76 1 cow (mo HOUS-There 4 18 10 4 3 ll... 10 2. .A., itt WYOMING 4 86 673 6t7 , M6 . !C5 . 96 . Nil . Mto 745 . 753 4 35, 4 35' 4 so 4 W 4 Ml 4 55 4 70 4 75 4 76 4 00 4 86 4 00 3 60 3 76 wss ( feeders $ feeders 8 feeders 3 heifers. 4 cows... . 803 4 85 94 4 N6 . Vii 4 85 ,. ao 4 76 .1040 8 76 . . .. . Iimvv run of hogs here today, and aa the local demand waa In good shsps an active and stesdy etrong market, was experienced. The lighter hogs did not show much change from yesterdsy, snd were slow sale, tne same as usual. The better weights, how ever, sold readily at ateady to strong prices as compared with yesterday. The hugs beaan to mnve inaird ine scales In good season, and It was not long before the bulk of the offerings was disposed of. Ihe range of prices was about the same ae jemtnuiy, ine heavy hogs sold largely from $6,126 to 86.45. Medium wemhts went argely from SK.IK In and ine llahter oaus soia from 46.15 down, sales: No. Av. 18 -;3 235 . 2'.'7 4 224 IM 312 42 Tit) 69 221 t 2.V 1 241 Sit 240 4 2X3 16 234 DO 239 No, 17... 10... 20... ia... in... 85r.. 151.. 80... 9J... 28... 83... 91.. A v. 8h. ...109 ... ,..1'6 ... ...128 ... ...1-2 ... ...136 ... ...PS ... ... ...169 40 ...159 . 40 ...176 ...IMS 46... ...197 120 63 o4 81. 62. a. 73. 62. 39.. 9.. 85.. 16.. 71.. 82.. 69.. 79.. 82.. 77.. 87.. 7sT 93.:.v 76 225 (3 19 48 2i i 74 202 ....199 ....197 ....220 ISO ....227 80 I. ..228 ... ....2-J5 ....229 ....231 ...207 ....4 ....226 ....213 ...,22 202 198 ....20 ....190 ....211 ....204 ....204 ....184 ....192 ....190 ....180 ..213 ..210 ..2V3 ..215 ..202 ..209 ..16 ..218 215 202 08. 70. 20. 75. 85. 84. ft5. 85. 71. 36. 15. 80. 69. 69. 18.. 40 80 80 160 iio 40 80 40 80 80 40 '80 '80 ' 80 80 40 120 160 80 40 i20 80 (5... ...222 66 220 5 209 6 29 47 217 0 215 120 40 40 'ro 120 Pr. 6 00 6 15 6 25 6 30 6 So 00 00 6 00 00. 6 00 . 00 05 06 10 10 6 10 5 10 10 6 10 10 6 )? 12 6 16 15 15 6 15 Is 6 15 IS 15 13 15 15 6 15 15 16 17 6 17 17 20 20 20 8 20 20 . 20 20 20 20 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 20 6 20 . 20 I t' a 26 Representative Sh. 130 80 80 160 78 2X oo.rt...21 41.. o7... 6... 66..., Kti. .228 .241 .38 .226 .231 16 291 69 67.. ).. 21.. u8.. 83.., 66.. 60.. 80.., 66.., 49... 61.. 66... 60... .4.. 64.. 67., 00.. a, oil., 66. 53. 70. 73. 82. 69. Dl 231 ...230 ...238 .'..263 ...272 ....225 ....260 ....240 ....2S3 ....246 ....2!Vi 279 ....273 ....265 ....2X8 ....272 ....247 ....318 ,....261 ....276 208 272 ,....280 ....245 ....241 240 ....23 2S8 69 268 40 SHEEP quite liberal today 55., 72., 82., )0., 71., 49.. 61.. 15.. of but .187 ..274 ..276 ..297 ..310 .295 ,.2S3 ,.328 Pr. 25 it 2i til 2o 25 ... 2a, ,.. 6 2o ... 2a ... ( 25 ... 625 , . . 6 25 40 2a ,.. 25 a 26 81) 2a 40 27 .. t7 ... 27 ... 30 ... ( 30 ... 30 ... $0 ... ( 30 ... 30 30 a ao 30 6 30 6 90 5 30 - 30 6 32 35 35 35 85 6 35 a 35 35 35 C 25 ( 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 80 160 V20 40 80 '46 40 40 40 80 160 42 42 a 45 sheep continued tne demand was rquai t0 the occasion and a good, active, steady to strons- market waa exnrrie.ieed. It was noticeable that the prices paid were rather uneven and ranged all Uie wav from weak to 10c higher, aa compared with ves terday. Good stuff. hnvvr mM vii),mii difficulty at very satisfactory prices, while commoner grades were more or less neglected, the same aa nannl. Tjtmh. anlrl high as $6.45, and the Mexican yearlings timi sum yemeraay ior ..& nrougnt 5 no today. Wrethers sold up to $5.15, and ewes brought $4.75. The bulk of the' offerings was disposed of In good season. There Is no Chans-A to note In the fnerlee situation, as offerings continue very light. wim. 1110 uemanu is 01 iioerai proportions. Quotations: Choice llrhtwelehi vearllnaa $5.5oft5.86; good to -choice yearlings, $5.25f f. Hit. .hnl. w.k... , I rus:;- n . .... " .-.'. .j . , . 10, .iMvii.M, lair iu KOOQ wethers, $4.75(65.00; choice ewes, 34.6IKji4.7o; fair to good ewes, $3.754.25; choice lambs, IK 41- ' fair- f n l.K. .A r..., , . ' . . - - - , " - , ..o. 'W.M.J4V.IU reeaer wetners, H.wm.wi; feeder $4.505.50; feeder ewes, $233.50. sentatlve sales: No. Av. 31 cull ewes ..1 m 4) western ewes . 99 li.4 western ewes M6 15 South Dakota ewes loo 463 western ewes,,... 97 451 weatern ewes 97 87$ western wethers Ill 27 western wethers 83 10 South Dakota wetftera 110 618 western yearlings 85 295 native lambs 6$ 4H0 western lambs 66 90 South Dakota lambs 79 640 western lambs 78 649 Idaho feeder lambs.; 73 372 weatern wethers 138 CATTLE BRING niGH PRICES 1 One Cow from Iowa Sella for Orel Eleven Hundred Dollars. .' ANOTHER BRINGS OVER A THOUSAND Average ef Over $208 Per Head Main, talaea al Tin Date' Sale ef Pare Bred Aberdeea Aaas . toek. ' ". The conclusion of the tale of pure-bred Aberdeen- Angus cattle took place at the Union Stock Yarda yesterday. The prices of the previous day were maintained. Two cows were aold at figure above $1,000, the top of the sale being $1,110 for a cow con signed by Mr. Davis of Iowa City, lows. An average of more than $200 per head wae secured. on the entire 115 head aold In the two daya. Iowa and Nebraftke buyera were prominent. Below la a list .of thoe oll yesterday: ' , '" ' COWS.' Ida Blackbird 3169. B. R. Pierce. Cres- tort, III $ u0 Prophetstown jueen 4419, P. H. Fen Ion, Vail, la 155 Jesnle Kirk 11426, M. W.i Harding, , Humboldt, Neb . 3rt Pearl of Wood I awn 19319, B. R. Pierce 3i0 Sybil R 14204, Colaon Bros., Oakland. Neb i: Sharp's Beauty 40813. W. H. Kerr 1M) Wlldflower I8099. B. R. Pierce, 2i Novice Mcllenry 24 2S444, W. J. Miller,' Mets. Ia : 349 Inverness Lido 40626. B. R. Pierce 250 Maybella 26387, T. E. Wagner, Han ford, la 430 Inverness Minnie 6th 46472, P. L. Sever, Stuart, Ia 245 Ines of Lakeside 23618. B. R. Pierce.... 4o6 Oak fie Id Ijidy 452K3, George Nelde meler. Charter Oak. Ia... 4th of Mllisland 21S91. Rey- 163 lambs. Repre- Price. 8 25 4 63 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 75 6 15 6 40 6 40 5 85 6 86 6 00 8 2.T 6 45 K 60 $ 20 . CHICAGO LIVk2 STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady aad Lower, Hoc Steady and Sheep Higher. 1 CHICAGO. March 19 OATTT.R Re ceipts. 20,000 head; steady to 10c lower; good to prime steers, $6.75S'7.35; poor to medium, $4.005.25: Blockers and feeders, I2.504m.25: cows. 1. 26-66.50: heifers. M.fitYri 6.00; canners. $1,264)2.30: bulls. 32.50ft6.15: calves. $3.0033.85: Texas fed 'steers. 14 7Fi) $.00. w HOGS Receipts. 30.000 head: tomorrow estimated 31.000 head: left over Knnn hr. bulk, steady to strong: mixed and butchers. W 1066.67; good to choice heavy, $6.40 60; rough heavy, $6.1oti35; light, $5.954i 135; bulk of sales, $6.15(a6.40.. SHEEP AND LAMHtt Reolnta unn head; strong and higher; good to' choice wethers. t4.75Cn6.60: fair to rhnlra mi, $4,264)6.00; western sheep, J4.754iS.00; native lambs, $4.00ft6.75; western lambs, $5.25B6.75. Official yesterday: Receipts, cattle, 6.120 head: hogs, 16,715 head; sheep. 16.128 head. BhlpmejUs, 3,542 head; hogs, 6,368 head: sheep, 3.088 head. ' , Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY March 19.-CATTLF: Receipts. 4.400 natives. 1,000 Texana. 100 calvea; market stesdy to a shade higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6 30 (M.70; good to fair, $5.00.25; atockers and feeders,; western fed steers. 86.00 ?6.00; Texas agd Indian steers, t4.frtnn6.50; exas cows, $2.5Ofi4.50; native cows. $3.25; S.86; heifers, $3.756.10; canners. $2,5043.25: bulls, $3.25r5.00; calves. $4.5a.00. HOGS Receipts. 8.100 head: Dacklnv grades steady; pUrs. 10c higher; top. $6 60; bulk of aalee, $6 KKf?.45; heavy, $6.45a6.60; mixed packers,. $6.2O&6.60; light, $5.(6ih6.25: plKS. $6.10&i6.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 8.000 head; msrket steady to a shade higher; native laniba. $6.25a.60; western lambs $6.2004.40: native wethers, $5.25435.60; west ern wetheis. tft.aotfiii.SO; yearlings, $5.5o 6 00; ewes, $4.64(6.2o; culls and feeders, $3.0Ofj6.00. t. Loals Lite gtoek Market. BT T riTTB UaK 10 PITT? IP T. celpts, 2,600 head. Including 2,100 Texana; inniMi o iciu.t iv i"v ms'ir; native snip ping and export steers, to 2.Vrf .T5; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.90fii.l0; steers llnH.r 1 fmn lha 11 FU.oA KiV inb.H feeders, $2.8o!&4.85; cows and helpers. $2.26a 6.80; canners. $1.4012.60; bulls.- $3.0004.36; caivea. u.unn no; Texas ana Indian steers grassers. t3.4Mi4.45; fed. $4.6Oft6.0O; cows and heifers. $2.66&4.80. irrwiia nAintH A l. . . ,1 . - .. stesdy; pigs and lights. $6.00i.lS; .packers, SO. r,jTi.; , wuicners, SI "1.D1V1. , SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 1,600 head; market stesdy; native muttons, $4.40 47-5.50; lambs, to. 601.00: culls and bucks, $26U44.25; Blockers. $1.16'2.76; Texas sheep. fa.wi. ia. Kew York Live Btoek Market. NEW YORK. March 1.-BEEVES-Re. celpts 2.317 head; active and generally loft 15c higher; thin cows, ateady; steers. $5.3t9 S ; oxen sna siags.; extra fat, 86: extra bulls. $3.5ra4.8TH: cows. 32.2fxf?4 &n Cables, firm; exports, 63 head cattle and 30 head sheep. CALVES Receipts. 190 head; strong and 35&6GC higher; veals, $6.00&6.6; tops. $8.75; barnyards and fed calves, $3.25414.00: city rireiised veals. I'.muW 12.50 per l'H) lbs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 465 hesd; lambs. 2f05oc higher; sheep, $4 0it b ,&; cutis, sa.iM06.ou: ismus, I. Za; culls. 35. v HOG8 Receipts, 1,325 head;, stesdy feel ing; state,; westerns, nominal. loas City Live Sleek Market. SIOUX CITY. March 19.-(Spectal Tele gram.) CATTLE neceinis, 1.600; market steady;' beeves. $4.004i6.75; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2 50H-75; Blockers and feeders, $3.00 Q4 ; calves sna yearnngs, Knvia. HfG8 Receipts. 2.6A; market about steadv; selling, 8eoo0ao; bulk. 86.1096.15. SHEEP Receipts, 100; steady. . tork. fa aiKbt. The following table shows the receipts of ittle, hogs and sheep al ths Ave principal larkets for March 19: Isabella nolds A Son, Prophetstown; III, 1,110 nine tieciioa j. ji.. uumpter, Kalnna, Ia Gypsy Bloomlleld 15520, II. A. Eye Btone, Oresham, Neb Gipsy Blackwood 32361, Pat O'Grady, Dawson, Neb Alice 33d 27123, B. R. Pierce Mlna Blackbird 2d, 36764, Thomas, La tham, la j Maple Iaf Darling 2d ' 27814.. C. M. Hulbert, Oakland, Neb ..- Prairie Lawn Evelina 460SA, B. R. Pierce Prairie Lawn Primrose 40420. J. H. Bumpier Playfalr 46030, R. M. Crowder Juanlta of Maplehurst 20635,- B. R. Pierce Maplehurat Alice 2d 36108. B. R. Pierce Alice 24th 22365, Pat O'Grady. , Honesty ot Mount Vernon 29388. Alex ander McQueen Elsie of Mount Vernon 36731, A. C, Blnnte. Alta. Ia Jennet 5th of B 21487, B. R. Pierce..... May Bloom A 32936, T.' J. McCreary, Highland, Kan Quen McCreary 38390, P. L. Sever...... Alfalfa Daliy 37805, Thomaa Ryan, Elk Point. S. f) .. Alfalfa Barbara 44393. W. J. Miller Alfalfa Kate 48269. II. A. Young, Ded ham. Ia . Alfalfa Jane 37809, Charles Fulton, .Lewis, la Alfalfa Bessie. 48265, B. R.- Plrce Alfalfa Georglana 48268, J.. A. Bump ier ; Nosegay Effie 48702, Alton Hammers, Malvern, la r Darkness ?d 35349, B. R. Pierce.-.,..:..,.. Boxy P 24226, James Williams, Mar cus, Ia , , Lady Heather 26SI3, W. S.. Kelley, Mondamtn, la Blythedale Csnle 2d . 20042, B. R. Pierce ; Jean 2d of Cherokee 38907. B. R. Pierce Laxy Lass 22202, Oeorge Neldemeler. .. Rosebud of Valley View 2d I 29453, B. R. Pierce .i.; Mattle of Brenna 3d, R. M. Crowder. Elk Point. 8 D Pride of Brenna 6th 30061. James Wll- , Hams 1,025 Carson Valley Bess 37991, B. R. Pierce 155 Black Beauty of Mount Pleasant 16!4a. B. R. Pierce Zara of Long Branch 28899, B.- R. Pierce . BULLS. Willow Lawn Prince 39513, B. R. Pierce Kirk s Lad 4S661, M. W. Hsrdlng Pearl Lad 41692, W. H. Kerr. Water loo. Neb ..v. .-.....:.....-.;. Queen's Albion 48644, J. H. Fitch. Lake City. Ia .Pride's Albion 3d 46058, John Morgan, Atkinson, Neb , Maplehurst Victor 2d 41787, Thomas Latham, Portsmouth, la Maplehurst Rugby 2d 41S02, Hiram Brown. Hamburg, la..... Maplehurst Hero 2d, W, H. Adama A Son, Jefferson, Ia , Pilot Knight 45618, J. A. Sumpter Rex of Mount Vernon 42833, F. H. Hogue, Russell, la Bnnwell 45621, H. 'A. Escher, Harlan, la rr : Victor Bloom 45468. Pat O'Grady McCreary's George Washington 48064 Muxon Bros., Wall Lake, la.... Proud, Laddie of Alta 38558, G. T. Ijitta Center Hill Mayor 48352. II. A. Eye stone Prairie King 8th. E. F. Sullivan, Cres- ton, ia Crescent Domino 86916, George Nelde- meler ; Center Hill Progressive 48358, James W illiams market South Omaha Chicago Kansas City. St iouls .... St Joseph .. Cattle. 2.7"! SO.oiO 6.4a) 3. 1.3U0 Hnss. 7.7H4 SO.ouO 8.1 t.PM t.OuO Sheen .( 64.(j0 . $.uuO l.VO S.6u0 I TOUl , ....;.. $1,901 M.U tlJMt 16) 90 100 3M 100 12a 10i 170 80 250 155 15a 205 $: 130 400 3"0 175 is; la'i 16) 110 105 28i IG'J 275 1S9 145 175 13S lj e K.5 300 195 275 . 25a i '2(J ; 200 " 135 105 106 170 150 1C3 150 130 150 315 ' 125 250 10S 12S WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Tendeney Klsevrhere (o Redaeed Of ferlagrs Shows Omaha Still Gala, laar ad In Second Plaee. CINCINNATI. March 19 (Special" Tele-' rrsm.) Price Current savs tha tenrfenov tn reduced offerings of hoga ha continued. The total western packing for the week la 870,000, compared with 896,000 the preced ing week ana 380,000 last year. Sine March 1 the total la 980,000', against 860,000 year ago. Prominent Place comnara aa follows: Chicago OMAHA Kansas Cltv... St. Joseph Bt. LaU18 Indianapolis .. Sioux City Milwaukee . . St. Paul Cincinnati ..... Ottumwa Cedar Rapid.. 1L 1901 " .....840,000 .....120.01V) 100.000 80,000 ..... 66.000 ' 41.000 40,000 ..... 81.000 , 30.000 ..... 20.QIH js.ofio 15.000 1901. , S.omv 101,0.' 130,00a 76.010 90,000 40,000 , 29.000 30.0K) 22.000 ' 2.00(i lt.Ooo 19-.OJ0 I. Joseph- Live atock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Msrch CATTLE Re- nalntsi a 9iVa t atak A as t am at A w ! a. s)C tySs V ' ' J-' iw six r m , mw t,,asaj t , r( ati. 1 f'y $ 90: cows and heifers, $1.6034.76; veals, $3.60 (iw; stocsers ana reeaers, :.fc((jo36. HOGS Receipts. ,ono head; steady; light and light mixed, $5.90 ); lgB, $3,75415. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.600 hesd; strong; western lambs, $5.76fi.6o; western sheep, $4. 254(6. 86. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frelt. NEW YORK. March 1. EVAPORATED APPLES Show no change from the aulet ocndlilaas prevailing yesterday. OIL LANDS for SALE OR LEASE. IU THB3 IEIT KkOWW riBUDS IH TUB WEST.. WH1RE walls aad retinerlea have keen In operation for years. WHICKJC It U claimed eartain well havs each produced one million dollar worth ot oil one .well ever on million and I till producing good auaatlty. We havs ell stock for sal In a good, pro ducing company now In operation; price to day, toe to lio per share. Write for par ticulars. If fullest Investigation dos not substantiate our representations we will pay railroad fare from yeur town to the Bold. We mention thla guaranty, know ing tb papers are full of propositions void ef merit. . . Call oa or write te j. m. Rao Ida lb OK. Caaea C4y, CeJe, rUfsrenoeet Fremont County Bank, Vtrst National Bank. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Reea 4 less York Life Bide;. GRAIN PROVISIONS STOCKS Bought and aold for rash er on margin. All telegraph, telephone er mall order will receive careful and prompt attention. TleJhoo 108. OMAHA, NJtB.