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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MARCII 20, 1002. WILL TOUCn OMAHA REBATES lxterrute ComiceTt Oonranwdoti'i 8uit at J East City Applied Hen. 10CAL SHlPPtFS INTERESTED IK CASE It Maedasses Iseeee Railroads are Eseeeted to aa achate 'Omaha aa Well aa Xaterest ess circlet by the erouted la local railroad that tht Interstate I Commerce eoromlselo is bringing pro ceedings to compel Chlcago-Kantst City railroad to cease cutting and rebatlai freight rates, boeso It la admitted that be rem Hi of the iavrstlgstica and sab i bequest rulings aad agreements will apply directly to Chicago-Omaha lines as welt F"lvi af tba eight railroads against which tba Injunctions were Instituted la Kan aaa City ara Omaha railroads and three of tbeai ar Omshs-Cbtrajro (ruck lln Tbasa ara tbo Burliagtoa, tha Rock Island aad tb Chicago, Milwaukee dc St. Paal. The elea Identity of tha Interests of the two basis. Chicago-KSDaas City and Chi frota the tart that the T,ta trr,,or - 1b extreme eeetb yr each. I; ta learned 'n " ' tba Tar and Hoer- cago-Omaha, arltes Tata la I be asm for from local oonmercla Interests that tb f i Tors offered shippers are also aaalagons a theae two runs. Tha Cut ta 1SH cents per lot pounds oa oafcirg s .tb printed schedule acd ostentibl tied charg af tl cents ta ttisd here as well a at Kansas City. Kaewlng this, the commission Is thus enabled to kill two birds with one stone. Over tba sbe-alders of the Keasas City 11 res they task ths Chicago-Omaha lines aa well, and whatcTer la meted out t tb on elars wfll be capable of a similar Interpretation as retcarda tha traffic here. Tb railroads local shippers say, will undoubtedly eaas rebating here without farther parley In tht vent that they ar laid bare la tha course of tb preeent ineestlgatloa and com manded to atop it oa ths other run. tlart Volley Cwlowlaotloa). rirteca tbotiasBd Is ths number of peo ple the Colon Pacific railway hopes to bring lata .Nebraska aad locate along the Platte river valley. That tba bont coloni sation project of this railroad was so wast as this hsd aot bees Imagined, but Imral- atratioa Aareat George L. McDoaoagb of tha a retain aald yesterday that be had room for about that tnaay and Intended to put tbem ta If untiring energy could do it. This. then, becomes one of the largest, of ' the Union Pacific's many new plans for building up Us system and tha territory covered by It. The four other principal chemea for Immediate eperatioa are the - building of the cut-off acroae Great Salt Lake, the renovation aad revision of the entire Southern Pacific line from Lucin at tha west cad of this cut-off to Saa Praa- clare, the establishment of extensive Dutch Irrigation colonies la Wyoming, with rail road extensions to accommodate them as emaaded, and finally the carrying of many thousands of people Into the Thunder Meua- tela tnlaUkC district. The local eplonlsatloa scheme has twa features. First, tb railroad ha deter- mined apoa Daakarda as the exclusive ool- nist class for this project. The thrift, aa- I potior srricnlutrsl husbandry aad general high moral standard of these people In- fUaecced the choice. The ether feature Is the method which the road has employed ta (si a the ieelred end. It has put tha matter into the heads of a Duakard himself, and a 1 prominent one. Mr. McDoaough at of that faith aad la known the country ever. When It was ' decided last December to . briag DuBkards ta Nebraska he waa appointed tmmlgretioa agent for the road to handle ibis affair. During the three months that have elapsed alace then he has beea busy I Blair giving each apeaker la turn a raccp-among- his brethren and the wholesale ml- I ties so quiz ileal aad yet aa flattering that (ration la about to start now. , I The Duakarda are te be brought from they were uttered, aad still more ao after Illinois. Indiana aad as fsr east as Peansyl- ward. Mr. Whltmore of Valley. Neb.; Mrs. Tenia. The Idea that la etrongest la pre. vailing upon them te move is that they can I aell their preaest farm holdings for 12i or I t.10 an acre, come to Nebraska and buy better land for fU aa acre. Kowadry Resvosts lircitr-iH. It waa Impossible to confirm among: o fa cials of the motive power department of tha Cnloa Pacific railway yesterday tha report that the foundry at the h;ps was soon ta ba I dUacoatiaoed. It waa stated, however, that such a move would be a gradual oae, aad eoaM not be coasummated la leas ths a many months' time. Anient; the aaoldera, meanwhile, the Idea that their place of occupatioa ta aaca te be shut dowa has gained strong credence, and 60V. WE RAVE THE UED10SE THAT YOU KEED. OTHER MetMCIKeS CVKB SOrtETIMES, i Bat SmltR'B r Xeaatala TaUr Care ETrry Tle. ' Smith's Grora Xouatsia Pwcnoxator, ompottndrd of food Tersaoet root sad aarba, sac beea for more tbaa a euarter of a century two beet and taoet aaaeoaaf al blood medic lbs know. Ver p-r.t U its home Venn oct, the home of para air, bsrba and rooU rich in cura tive power, aad etrong. atardy, riforwxa people. A celebrated -Sootcb pbyaiclaa, tnsiU iaf Xortiara Vetatost tot bis baaltli, first compounded it and worked many wonderful aurea sritb it- ' Ba left tba formula aa a Precious lxcy ta'tba oerUoa wbere ba disco re red, aad toe aaaay years VermonUrs have a&ada It their family aaedicina. Xew capitalists, aoting iU retaarkabla toeord, hav secured tbis medicine, aaa are placing it wiUua tba reach of every hods.. It doesn't claim to work miracle, but tte record shows that it never fails ta cases of impure or this blood, dyspepaia and all stomach. liver, kidney and oiaa dcr troaUe. It doesn't offer mere tem porary relief by tba actio of aootblnc; draga. Wa want yoa to try tbU aaedi cina. It can rare yoa joat aa it baa cured thousands. -I have a-o a vtettoa Tr2l aaartv w yvara, wa tiMff" trS2tbs arrl.f C r;f aat aad Shfwa. U-lmg oac. TLfJ locoi arurrna ad out ut tkro or U(MtilMrrva LTZAkTi-I; k auv M B vs of si ' WK ti, M ... Varv trulv wmi. f-red l. a.iS I SB Corporal Q. Co, trt Com. VL lat. Try it If tt doesn't 7 tif w aromlse, yoa cam bare ywar BBoeey back. Oosioii Store DPtUQ DEPT. SOLE AGEnQY. considerable aaxlety Is result tsg. r.-. Br men ar ew cloved la the foundry. thv T-r- tm mM Ahmil tTS o BM 1 lnaportaae ta ladustrtal communitr. Nat only are locomotive parts wb la this foundry, . bat alee general machinery p1eca. Xe machines arc built there entire, but all repairing Incident te the machine shops it dead. Tbe ebolishmeel of tb foundry would mess that this work aiust be Aoae anas ber elee aad erresg-emests woeld doubtless be mode with some lsrg foundry eompeny ta SoaIl the rata Pa tint work. At preeeat tb construct loe of the pattera shop ta being poshed. Till la )ast weet af tba foundry and tie d Irseniioas arc JopxH) feet. Oac ead of the Brat floor trUl b aat asids as the pattera abop, with t empewyed. The remainder of that Boor ant all of tha second Boor will ba pattera atore room. The fouDdry could aet esslly ba dis continued till thia storehouse la finished. At present the pattera shop force Is work ing In a portion of the ear shoe quarter arc considerably era roped. a Ka-w Reek lalead Spar. Geaeral A rest Rutherford of tha Chlces. Rock lalaad di Paetfle railway said yester day ba bad lust beea apprised that his 11a will build a spar lata tba cm Balds la tha aortbera porUoa of New Mexico at owe a. rufm, rwnmng irav a point oeiwees Seata Fa aad Lea Vegas northward. At present oaly tba Dearer dc Rio Grande aad tha Seata Tt railroads tap this section, which Is rery rich la coal. Another phase, though a minor ona. af this extension, will ba that It will probably glv tha Rock Island a lis ta Las Vegaa. Tb spar will be built ever from Tocumearl oa tba new cut-oil ta 13 Paso, aad Las Tegas would aot ba greatly oat of tba way la going ta tba coal Selds. Tba 11a will ba about 10 miles long aad will reach gener al!-7 northwest from Tucumeari. Las Vegaa Is about fifty mil directly weau ANNUAL BANQUET OF. UNITY Hoale. Creators Cawsforto ssd Twaiata Cotablw to Make Enjoy able Affair. Music, creature comforts and toasts, both brilliaat aad pithy, combined te make aa enjoyable aoccoss of the fourth anaaal baa quel bald by tb members of Calty church last alght la that edifice,' It waa aa occa ion of com mom congratnlatioa and good fellowship, seasoned with aclBtillatlng humor and sedate logic from tha tongues of half a score of clever speakers- Three years ago Miss Rowena Morse, now studying for tha ministry, wuggeated ta Cnlty church thia Idea of aa annual gather tag at which neither ths mental, spiritual nor physical phases of Individual eatitl were to be neglected. The first such was a grand success. Similar bappiaesa baa at tended each la tara aiaoe thea. The affairs are always held la March. One hundred aad twenty-five people oat at the banquet last ai-ht and the tables overflowed the chapel of the church, teadlag out late the audi tori am. At :M the feast started, and aot tin t o'clock were a-etters arrived at the point where Toast - aatr Judge Blair epaaed the oral bat terlea. The toasts were all attractive ssd interesting-. Kev. Newtoa Maaa, Mies Laura Pfelffer. Mr. C. R. Sherman. Mrs lTaak Heller and Dr. D. A, root spoke oa themes ranging from sow till thea, frota oreatry to religVea. Thea Oscar Care Uses delighted the company with a bass solo. which he was compelled to follow with an encore. Equally charming were musical numbers by Mrs. J. Davis aad Mrs-JH. T. toe. ue lormer oa the pipe organ, tha 1st ter vocally. Aad there were five more toasts Judge ths speeches were a aueeees eves before Horace I. Bettls. Mr. Everlngfaam. Mr Harry Brome and Mrs. Alderaoa were the Ba qcintei. A a fltlng coeclusloa ths aasemblage sang -America" te the rolling Botes of the orgsa. DEATH OF Jl. FRUEHAUF nearer Clttaea Eaatree tadldealy, fere Medical Aestataaee Cwold Boaea Bias. J. I. rraehauf. aged 65 years, aa old-time resident af Omaha, died at his heme, IIS South Twenty-first street, at o'clock yes terday morning of heart disease. During the eight Mr. rraebaat eemnlalaed of teellag ill and got out of bed-. After sitting up for a few minutes he lay dowa oa a eofa. Mrs. Fraehaaf spresd a cover aver him aad the illness seemed te pass away. About 1 o'clock Mrs. Freehauf heard her a usee ad draw a deep breath, aad galng to him found that he was dying. ' A physlciaa waa at ones summoned, bat life was estlact before his arrival. Mr. mehauf was ths proprietor of a news store at tSt South Sixteenth street aad had beea la bueiaees la Omaha since 1st:. Us cam te this rlty la 16 front Iglaa. Austria, his brrtpplaee. M was prominent la German circle aad affiliated with the Germs s societies of lb city, being oaper tally Interested la educational work aatoag the Germans. He leaves a widow aad three children. Prod rruehauf of Welertown, Wav. aad Mrs. K. Heeft aad Mrs. K. U Hoag af thm chy. The fun oral will occur at I o'clock Friday afternooa from the family residence; . in term est at Poreet LawB- Ptickly Ash Bit ter rare diaeaee of the kidneys, cleanses and ertrengtheaa th liver. stomsrh aad bowels. Amusements. At tba BeydU . "Hunting for Haw kiss." a farce comedy written eriiaal!y tor- Bddie Clrard of -Na tural Gas" fsBie. aad Eddie Oervte, who starred ta the piece two seasons age was presented al tba Boyd Vedaesday Bight br a typUal "oee-alght ataed eompsayy The redeeming features of the performer a, rf such they may be called, are vaudfeville slants, several of which ar clever enough te be eatertalalBC- The eagagemaat ie far two snare pet farms aces, oae tonight aad the final oae Friday aigrht. There ta wot Os Araaaaeae QaaJlty Will Tesl. We have delivered the goods aad Meet fit Chaadoa has fumped and ia lumping. Th 1 across of 1W1 over 1M e.ual ZU.4U BMUlea. betbg areater thaa 1 per e the eembiaed tacrooa of all the other champagne houses. Meet A Chaadoa "Whit Seal." Bperaay. Fraace. the acme of perfection Adv. Marriage Urease were Useed yesterdsy te the f elles trig: Nome d Heeideneo Age .... a Charles Care a. SujiS yenana Eotth Oeawll. Aibrttai. e rl w Tarw IMuhl .... u u.nMnu M. Walton. Omaha U ii . m . i-4 I Cawniit. Omaha Idwnt K- Hasoiitaa. Omaha St rr.r.k A Baroatt. South Omaha . xt btane Tboraen. South Omaha rttrtat H Kueal. Miliar .mat iirftMMr. touoias county.... Arthur R Awirtwta. twitkt - hlewoe c. v wa&aax, C'Skatta u AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Local Pacifi. Court Unci Bam for Sit Ksit Order. ARE COMPETING NOW H EARNEST Are aa Well Raalppe-d aa Ch trace Flrva aad F-rwpwee to Get the Phlllpplae Baelweao Herletrw tlea flac-re Assvsseed. South Omaha packers are entering ac tively Into competition with Chicago aad Kansas City markets la bidding for govern ment ceatracta. Wlthla the last few days Armour a Company of South Omaha secured a contract from the government for lM,n pounds of meats te be sent to the Philip pines. . Of the shipment owe oaf will be hams aad three cars of bacon. All of the meat eeld te the government for oae abroad Is subjected te rigid tespoctloa. la order te prepare the meat te last aa Indefinite ta any climate special cure Is used. Hams are cured for sixty days aad the bacon goes through a process opacified by the gov ere meet. The meat purchased here tor govern meat use Is inspected three times. Plrst whea the aaimala ar alaugbt- ered, sea la whea the portions are seat t the smoke house and lastly whea taken from tbe smoke house. Those Inspections here are made by tbe chief commissary of the Department of the MlaeourL Of the order sent to the local Aratoer plaat tbe first shipment will be made on April 1 and th second May tt. Tbe gov- ere meat, ta aaklag for blda designates th dates of shipment. la speaking yesterday of these foretga ahlpmeata a packer said "The Sooth Omaha packers ar prepared to take care of any amount of bwstaesa tbe government desires te give us. Of course bids are received oa a competitive basis aad the packers here are out after tbe trade. have aa good facilitlea her for curing ateats for tbe Phllipplaes as there are at other parking points aad aatur ally ws expect considerable business. The railroad facilitlea here are axcelleat aaa shipments cea be made ta the coast at less expect than from other live stock renters. Hegrotraaa Members of the city council bsve deslg- aatrd the following places for the regis tration booths oa March 2 Plrst ward First precinct, drag store. Tweatieth and Missouri s venae; Recced pre cinct. Collins- Music store. Twenty-fourth aad K streets. Second ward First precinct, - Kubat's drug store. Twenty-fourth aad Q streets second precinct, Plvonks'e feed store. Twee ty-first and Q streets. Third ward First precinct. Broad well Rich coal office. Albright ; aeeend arectaet. Thirty-fourth and W streets. Fourth ward First precinct, Oflermaa's heteL. Twenty-fifth aad P streets: eerotit precinct. SOtl Q street. Fifth ward First precinct, Bradford Kinsley's lumber office. Twenty-eighth aad F streets; eeeoad p redact. Good Sberbard bulldlng. Thirty-sink aad N otreota. Sixth ward First precinct. Guthrie's meat market. Tweaty-teurth aad streets eeeoad proclact, Gallaghers barber shea. Tweaty-fourth and 1 streets. BM a- Keaaalteaa) Kail. Ttore was aa 'enthusiastic rally' of pub: .cans at Fraaek's batt last alght. the meeting betas held under the ausplors of the Norwegian-Americas Republican clou. Frank Keutsky, republican candidate for mayor, was present aad aset with a most cordial reception. The asms msy bs said of toe other republican candidates who were present. Brief addresses .were made aad the meeting was decidedly enthusiastic from start te finish. The aeat big rally of re publicans will bs Friday eight at Wood man ball. Tweaty-nfth and N streets, whea all of the candidates will be present aad speak. fileaao Gets Frwst. , The Sloan meeting called for Evans' hall. Twenty-eighth and R streets, last eight proved a frost. Oaly a few of those whs believe la Sloaae aad his campaign sort nodi were the is, Th majority of the audience was made up of curious democrats aad re publicans, who merely wished te see the candidate fur mayor whe la trying to suae la under the tent and te hear what he had te say tor himself. Elosne la bis remarks dwelt mostly opoa hi record whea he was mayor, aeray back la mi. whea the city waa la Its Infancy. He has little, if any thing, ta say of ta questions of the day. Oae democrat whe attended the meeting last alght remarked when it was over that Sloana eucfct te to wsy back and ait down." Heaaltal Charity Ball. Committees from the Sooth Omaha Hos pital aseeclatiea ar bow caavasslng tbe city wHh tickets for the fourth annual ball of th assoclatlea. which will be at the Exchange Meaday evening. March II- Ticketa are being sold at 12 per couple. This includes refreshmeots. It Is ex pected by moans of this ball ta raise autta aum of money tor the hospital.- Th balls given la the past bsve beea financial sno res ad these la charge ef the affair this year took for a a iarrease la the re ceipts over last year. Lsarb Dealers Protect. A few days ago meatloe was assde la Th Bee of a move oa the part of local res- tauraat keepers te protest te the oeuacfl against tbe maintenance of aight lunch wagons oa tha streets. A common k-atloa from D. J. Flyaa. who operates one of tbe wagoaa. asserts that the food furaishod from luaeh wagoaa hi aa good aa that sup plied by assay of the chepheaoee. Mr. Flyaa further ssys that tbe meat ased oa the alght luaxh wagons Is purchased from city marketa. which are sap posed te bo in spected by the rlty meat Inspector. From t tad teat hoc It looks as far there will ba a brely fight oa ta ease the rostaarnat keepers try to have the eeuacil keep the aight luach wages off the streets. Maate City Ceaela. Ceuntv Commlsoteiter O'Keeffe Is rustl rating la tbe eoutn. William Brennsn, asetstant supertyend- eat at Cudahy a. te oa the sick list. The Board ef Health aset yvsteraay after nous aad trenanctooV routine auaineaa. rirmorrarte candidates sre now flltns their espenaee ef aoaunatioa waa toe clt ciers. xtaa llrrtla Keefer baa returned te bar duties at tbe postomce arter tuae asys tt ration. - A sen wss bora yesterdsy to Mr. and Mrs. timer Chneienaoo, Thirteenth an U etreele. Oaa Martin of lows la her, the gueet af his brother. Psrrtch Marun. Twenty and asid N streets. Pork Butchers union No. B mot Tueodsy night and iadoreed Joeeoh Biaha and 'Mik BmMh tor aaemDere at tne rny cvum.ii. TTm Mkdwav Inveototeat coauisnr pro cured pormtta yesterSay fur the erection ef three cottogva at xweniy-eiais ana sturox stroota. Nebraska lodge No. ZTT. Ancient Oroeref Cnlted Morkn. aset last tu(M ana eta cuaMd ians fur the erection of a tcmpie at Twetux -ftftb and M etreete. m fmiiv evenlna ths Touno Vvoi ie KKirttM ut the ctiy eul aivo s eectal and eniertautmont at Workman ball for the benefit af the Saiitb-C'olbura coarcrta Btraaaera are rortlieUr lnviioa. Ma Oalia Clark waa tbo eerlsmstory control at tbe Presbyterta-a rhurrb Tuea oar msht and ahe will reweaewt tbe South Omaha High anoui et the state oreioncel iuual te be aid at rkurfoia. Foorkng that ooobo q jOTloi might rstaed stwut the Crawford s stems uaot the recent avmorraiic vustriM ths Oemoceaite oaaaxialea ar etioxtfc te fu peuuona la oraer ie be oa the sai t aide. MADE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT Dr. Miller Helseraseo Hie Bspreeee Tlesee as to tbe Dees' to ftsslird. OMAHA. March If To tb Editor of Th Bee: Too aay that I was mistskea whea said la th World-Herald that hlmetal a waa dead. I was not mistaken, al though, agreetag with The Bee eettre'v the refercace te Senator Joaeo clearly shews that I meaat the aa-eoat dollar ta that allasioa to bimstalism. I was thea speaking ef the bimetal lam of the Jeoes Bryaa bread, but I are referred la the same connection t The Bes s aad Senator Hill'a kind of blmetalltm. or tbe double standard of mosey In which It Is supposed that gold aad stiver are Jointly weed as the rtsBdard. I denied, aad deny now. that this kind of bimetallsm ever had any 1st esc la our country. I alee eald la ths World-Herald, aad ask permission to re neat la Tbe Bee, that whlls there ha bee aa alternative a so (aot tie. aa tba type la the former mad me aay) of the two metals la Fraace aad ether coun tries under certs la coedltroas as to stand ard. I meaat both were never oa need. Two yardsticks caanet be weed la measuring value any more thaa they caa be need la measuring calico. This country never saw bimetallsm. or a double staadard of value. Mr. Jefferson brought It upoa a silver basis for a season. aad It was tbra planted or a gold basis. Ia all the dlvergeaciee of wsr and peace for snarly seventy years It has remained oa that aoual basis. All staiesaeats to the contrary are. aad always have been, simply untrue aad mislesdlng. 1'ntll fies- ator Jiaes msde the discovery of the fa-era dollar this astiea. ia all its history, asrer coined but lean.ooe silver dollars. GBORGB U MILLER- SAMSON APPEALS FOR FUNDS Mia Kalahta Vote to Allow Cbrtstlaa thsrrk rsaveatlss Ise of Cell sea w. At the meeting ef the Board of Governors of ths Knights of Ak-Sar-Bea reprcsenta- ttvos from the general committee of the Christian church coaventiea res seated the use of the Coliseum building for the con vert Ion te be held here la October. The beard created them tbe use of the betiding free of cost, with tbe anderstaadine; thai the cammtttea would pay for the coat of maintenance, lights and host while the coaventioa was In progress and would make ths necessary alterations at its owa ex pease. Ssmeoa will begia active work today, i for thea will be aeat to each peraoa ia tbe city who should subscribe te tbe parade fund a tetter of which the foil owing is a copy: The Ak-8sr-Ben fell festivities of isst Iesr were the most successful la its his tory. Notwithstanding tbe public calamity and rainy weather, tbe program as out lined wrss faithfully carried out. end through the efforts or the osrd tbe state encampment was touted here, bring ing tnouesnds of visitors to our city, which must have Increased tbe business of every lerrbaat. Tb giei mil's by personal effort are rereful of the expenditures and will not tncur any liability beyond the funds la stent an t that end you are asked te snake rowr eubecrtptton as large as pos sible, thst the beard may be sseured thst the boslnees interests of tbe city appreciate Its effort a Many new feature' will be brought for ward that will prove Interesting and tbe governors expect, and should aave. the hearty co-operation of every .resident ef the city. Please alga and return' tbe endowed card and let a ail m'k a united effort to place tfte name of On ba still higher among the galaxy of west? So. cltle "Ywvirs for Greater Omaha. - SAMSON. Where caa yra rarest money snore' profit ably thaa by bayiac a bottle of Prickly Ash Brttsr t yoa got lour for see. A kidney asedlrlae, a liver toalc, -eHoeaach etresgth aaer and bowel cleanser. Four medicines for oae dollar.' LOCAL BREVITIES. Miss J reals Dewey, oaogbter of the deputy county clerk: Is thought te bsve pessed tbe dsager poiat la kr attack ef appendicitis. Rev. Charles W. Sarldge, who bas bea eheeot from the city for several srewks, will hold a special service at tbe People's church tonight. S. Mar rules, who wss srrested on a charge of larceny as bailee several weeks ago. waa discharged in police, court yes terdsy, there being; no evidence agninst him. L. U Eaufmana and Pt U Schricker of Davenport, la., were et the county clerk s oAos yesterdsv Investing tit each for a Keener permitting them to hunt and 6h aa a ranch near tran4 lalaad. . Charles E. Friend, eaid ta be th founder ef the towr of Friend, Neb, la being sued for divorce br Wellmlna. who alleree non- support snd offensive char res against her ay her nuseana. i ney were mamca ai tbe town of their came April T. UTS. The Dee Moines Brick Manufacturing company thinks it baa a good claim against tne rite tr usnaAa on eome oia wirrtnu a1 baa a one tnte the Oiatrict court or iKturlaa countr to see If tt can aot collect tl.S4 t7 aad a email a mount of Interest. In the trial of Ida Mitchell, colored. charged with larceny from the person, the state has concluded, and the defease has only two more witneeees to rail, so thst before nlg-nt tne cowt win prooaotv ream the trial ef William Norton and Richard Non-la. charged wit a burglary Herman Aiexaader was convicted of throwing a reck through the window of aa engine on the Chicago, St. Paul, htinao- noils a omana rauroae ta police court eaterdsy afteraooa aaa eenteured te eeveaty-nre aaya ia Jail. Jos EieMott w-ss seat up for twenty-nve os-s jur stealing brass. M. C. Peters has announced that ths work am tha addition to the Bemte baa actory will begin May i. The new bulid- ina win be ma stories sad basement and will be used for a new line of goods to be manufactured by tbe company. A part t ha room will be usea vy tne Americss Hi Buear companr tor the aeoraae of sugar produced at Nebraska factories until su a tijua ss the sugar company caa aecurs larger store rootae. In the state's cases scatnst Rufu L. Clark and Flo Comar. the county attorney baa entered nolle pros. Clark naa sever! lnOtctments returned against him aa the utt of a la wnfe cbarguia ana wita tnn- aehty, the womaa in the rase bring Miss Cutnar. alias Mra. R. U. Bradley. Basne weeks Sgo he was Orovght Oetr audg Baker, then on the criminal beach, and Br,6 tltn. he having previously aajuated alters te bis wire s sanereeuoa. Ia his reply te the plea te statement filed bv the attorneys for George Hill a Charles Hill, the county sttorney affirms that ths alea Is tnsumcsent sns invsna. hM-ause it Ooea not alleae the kind ef box from which tbe grand Jurors' siamea were drawn nor allege any legal impropriety la the manner In which tr-y were drawn. The Hilia sought to svoid trial-oa a rharee of aellins' lluunr wntnout a ncense ay si tscklng the vslldity of ths grsud jury that indH-tea t 11 feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood wita tadeacribable dread snd fear. Every womaa should know that the danger, paia aad horror of child-birth c&a be entirely avoided br the oae of Mother's Friend, s scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens sad readers 1 : . V 1 - M .U- . - M ; Meuw u t-u BUU ataiata nature ia its sublime work. By it aid thouaaada of women have passed this great criU ia perfect uferr sad without raia. Sold at oalne to all women sent free. 9AUnOM mnVLATOa TwV. Oil - it Oae msy sail the aeaa aad that nrea r stairs, whs are woTJ Isformed, hsv aeithor tb Mas aor the lBcIlnation. w betaer oa pleaaare beat or baatana, to as the medicines which ran excessive psrraOoa aad fbea leave the Uteraai srrans la a roaoUpated renArtlem. yrsp of Tift la aot bafM oa these Daea. Tl ada aatarally, aria eSretlvety, cleaners. e etsea sad atrroxibea the Internal ersaaa aad leavea tbem ta a hearth y eowdltlen. If la need ef a laxative remedy tbe atest exroOeat b vrep of Flf. Vat when aaythlag more thaa a Utattv b required the safe aad erteottfie plan b to rwaraK a oempeteat pkrsiriaa and aet to re to thee atedlrlae which rlalm U ear all manner ef dJseaaea, Ta rallfrala Tig Srrsp Co, waa to tret ta msasfbrtars a Usootve remedy which weald (tee aaUafbrtiea te all; a laxative which aeraViaas eeold aaaetfoB aad oae frlead loteaimt ad to ae other ; as that today tta aaloj prsbahly rtraed all other laxatives raethiBed. la aeme place eesalderabts eeaarttlia of oM-Uaa ealharttra aad modera baltatten are attn aala. bat wtU tba feaorel dlfnetoa of knee ledga, at to the beat medietas! agotMa, yrsp of fTga boa eoaM rots general aa with the we!l-ls fnrmed, becsese k it a remedy ef ksewa valoe aad ever beneflrlsl action. Ta eualttv ef Syrap ef ITga b das aot oaly to the excellest osmMaattea of the laxaUe aad carmlaatlve arlneiplea ef pleata, kaowa to aot meet beoetctatly oa tb tysbFBx, with agreeable aad rfxreshlag hremaOe tlqaida, box alas U tt ertinal method ef munfantare, la order to gv the gwauln aad tat beaaaeial effecta oa ahonM alwayi note Prrsp Ca-'ptisted oa the treat A. 4.. f -Vt'; NEGRO INSULTS YOUNG WOMAN Parrot Her oa Street and Males Vulgar Remarks to Her. PERSECUTION CONTINUES FOR A YEAR Tletlaa Fl welly Deolaee to Have ear re Arreoted aad Praeeeate. xeaple tbo t adealraM Fablirlty that Moot Cease. - A. U. Bowler, colored, has beea arrestet hy OfBr Bloom aad charged with insulting a wemaa oa tbo atreet- Bowler was 'ar rested at the instance of Mies Jess Kramer, a clerk, employed ia tha atore of Cremeal Chess, roar Sixteenth aad Paraam streets. who ssys for over a year past Bowler has inserted her almost dally as aha weat te her work. The first insult the negro offered her. eaid Mis Kramer, waa aboot the Srst af last winter. She was oa Farnam street between Thirteenth aad Sixteenth streets, going- ta work whea a colored maa. whom tbe after ward found te be Bowler, came np behind her and aa he passed whispered aa Indecent remark ta ber. Miss Kramer was so fright ened that she did not mention th Incident to anyone- The aext mors lng shs waa again aset at the same place by the negro, whe mad aa obecea remark ta her. lateraae Her Mather. After tbe second lneult Mine Kramer la- farmed her mother, Mrs. Lillian Kramer, a widow residing at M4 South Thirteenth atreet. Tbe latter desired the police ia formed aad tbe aegre arrested. This, how ever , Mis Kramer would aot consent to. fearing tha publicity attached to such a proceeding. Tbe offense wss repeated al most dally tntr1 Mint Kramer became ao frighteaed that aba aoeer Tea tared oa the atreet sales it was crowded. Oa one oc ca slsn. said Mies Kramer, tha aegrp raa across the atreet aad la his attempt to speak .to her oashed bar against a brick building. Last Toesdsy morning, while Miss Kramer was earning to work, ebe saw tha aegro at Fifteenth aad Harney atresia. lie followed her to the atore door aad barred ber way, at tbe earns time making insulting remarks. Miss Kramer Baa fly passed by him late ths stars aad seat a boy for aa officer. Tbe boy notified Ofnrer Bloom and told him te watch the colored maa, who hsd Just left tbe treat ef th atore. The officer started after Bowler aad arrested him la a drug atore at Sixteeath aad Chicago streets. Miss Kramer wan ao frighteaed aad excited after ordering the sns a 'a arrest thst she fatated- Sao weat to Ike police ststloa later aad told ber story te Ctty Prosecutor Thomas, whs Sled a complaint eg Inst Bowler. Did hot Kaesv Bearrw'a Same. Miss Kramer eaid ahs did aot know the name ef tha maa aor. had abe ever aaea him uatll the time be began te las sit her. She la 17 pears of ags. retaed aad well eda rated, modest and pretty, and resides with her widowed mother. Sbe has beea em ployed at the Chase store for three years. Bowler te M years ef ags. Hs does )snl- ser work for oeverei arms aad baa a wife aad aae child. He ia prominent among the colored people aad lg a church member. Hs dsales that be ever saw Miss Krsmer aad said the Bsaa oho Insulted ber was another peraoa of hb aoeueloiaer ah resembled bias, htlas Kramer positively ideatlnrs Blm. The care b aet for this afternooa. the hoiiaehold, for without ineat caa be complete. How picture of mother ad babe. aogek am ile at snd commend tbe thoughts sad aspiration of the mother beading otct the cradle. Tbe ordeal through which the expectaat mother must past, how ever, is so full of danger sod suffering thai she looks forward to the hour whea (he shall rank's tt.oo nor nn f'. f Addxeas I j j i -Man l dLa, U liUI t 3)0013 visit every had s td verrw her wtfl tsd. the fell name of the Cempnay - vajirorsis of every parks- or I.' -V . PEXSIOS, :r:s5.oo a normi Wtr fwrvl General Ceveraaseot. Nebrssks: Increase, rewtoratlon. reissue, etc. WUltsm Alfred Bsbb, Stsnton. 115; Vrilltsra Wirt Veorhees. Cambridge, as. Original widowa. etc Elisabeth tl. Lmrsev. Siantoo, Uwcinda Kvana. Lexington, ts. Iowa: Original FrankJIa H. Juckett. Cedar Rapids. K; William S. Guthrie, Cedar Rapids, ta. Increase, reetoratioa. reiestie, etc August LueiofT ideadi, Brando, 6; George E Wood. Big Rock, I. Joseph C. Price. Wapello, tl. ; Uoorg S. Noble, Howard, ti; George L. Bamer, Cedar Falls, te: ieae Bailor. Wapello, tie. Original widows, etc Minors ei Wllllsm H Smith. Lerrabee, fll Renewal widow h-Christens Mulklns, Shambaurh. tlt. Soutb Dakota: locreaee, reel oration, re issue, etc Wllllsm L. Miner. Had see, 17. THE kElLTl MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wednesday, March 1 - Worraaty Ocean. Christ Poppennsgwi and wife te Jnarhlm Hroikmu. lota 11 ta It block 14. Millard .....4 IT Caroline M. Mess and Husband to William Johnson, w to feet lot X. hlork & Bnaaklina add. B of county road !3 PVoa Jahnaon and wife te Merr O, Becker, lot 1. block . Kilhy Piece.. Mt Auce AlldrMge end husband te M. . Mae. ot lots 21 Bad M. block L Matthew-e' eubdiv Zit Juha Vt Rrhenck to N. L Dora, lot 22. block 4. Omaha View s0 Alma C. Anureen to Z. Cuddicgtoa, lots t and a. Benson's subdiv t.UO olt tta I as Deeds. Q O. Francisco to John aad Hsnnih Fiynr.. lot 4. block tS. Booth Omaha 1 City of Omahs to G. w. VTsttlos. s . su feet of Hsrney street, between Thlrtv-seventh snd Thirty-eighth streets, e cf alley I Minnie Glandt and husband to Henry ' Rolfs. S se snd ea son, le-la-U.. l.ftnt Fred Rolfs and wile te eame. same... I 'M Henrv Rolfs snd wife te essn. same.. l.MO Christ Rolfs and wlfa to as me, aware . l. Louia Rolfs te same, same LOto Citv of Omshs to J. E. Boyd, a strip adjoining lot t. block IX. Omsha 1.9S Sheriff te M. W. Acbeeon. 4.SS arras la swv nS t-it-n o.... Same te H. S. Thomas, lots 1. Z and (, block t. 1st sdd tb Mount Dougiae.. Same to I'hllsdelpbls Mongaa and Trust company, lot U, block 2, Marysvilie add Same te same, lot 14. block L asms.. eame to tint, Jot U. block z, sams.... Total amount of transfer. .. .tf.CtS DAVID O'BRIEN Manufacturer of Caady, AoVlg a Few Words ef Praise. OMAHA. June II. IK. CBAMEB CHEMICAL CO.. Albany. K. T. Cenllemea: Tear remedy for kidney trouble, with which 1 uOard for aevornl years, gave aae stick relief that I felt la duty bound to address yew this letter to aay I hat I do aot think there I a mediclae to day that equals it for compleinte of tba kidney. My ease wss a bsd oae, with ae vers palaa at times, -la tact, I had ao much distress that I was often compelled te lay awske nights. Seeing your remedy advertised eitenstve4y 1 waa induced to try It. After tbe us of a few bottle I am seals in perfect health aad aevs to thaak your wonderful remedy for It- 1 skill rec ommend It te all my friends having this dire trouble. Respectfully yesra. ' DAVID O BEIK.w. Cramer's Kidaey Cure cesses la two sUeo fcCc aad II W si! druggists. Send for free sample to ths Cramer Chemical Co., Cclcnial Tiei Tbe Colonial tie of ye aides tymea 120 year ago are eoiof to b tbe proper thine for tba woxnt-a to wear this sprtof and suiamrr W ar ehow hie wore a ha pea, styles and variety than any- other atore in tbe west In ever grade Beautiful tiea in rid kid paut kid and dull kid-Tula with the sua metal buckle to tuattb We lnrh the la 4 leg of Omaha to atop at tbe atore and aee these aew aboea. wblcb give yoa tbe teat Moa of what will tie the correct Oil&e this year. Drexel Shoe Co.. aasa't tg s date aaa Meeea. aata ria iTaaat. A a-' 1 j t . '' - ' Specialist la all DISEASE! and DISORDERI f MEN, IS years la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest end saost natural method that has yet bee dlatoevewd. aVtoa ety eiga and symptom dlsanpeart aoraaietolr and forever. No "BRKAKINO OCT" ef tbe diaeaee an tbe aktn or face, A euro that ta guaranteed to bo permanent tar life. VolRICOCaE wSbew. ewt JS:" ao oeteatma from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WEAK HI frean grrssess or VtctJms to Nervetis Debility or Exhsuetion, West teg Weak with Esrly Decay la Tooaa; and Middle Agwd. lack of vtm, vigwr aaa Btrena-th. with organs Impaired acd weak. , gTItrCTlRBl cured with a new Horn Treatment- No pain, no detention fror bostneee. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Cowealtatlaa t roe. Trewtaeeat br Mat cnAnaea lw. us s. iath at. Dr. Sesrtes & Sesrlts. OiSuj, ieb. "Man wants but little here below" Said a morbid poet long years ago, I'm prone to doubt that ancient sage Whoa I look at Tbe Bee's .real "Want Ad" page. can TosRSEir, Vm ate h aaeatsr. dteBbuaxOaeivastiotia. irmuuo or alMratMsj waxcz cuEarjM nu enAjabvess. K3!i:n.l, CM:- er E.eje'.i ?f you buy eliher on ef these whsls you get ths best there is on tbs mar hat. Theae sre mnsioered ths highest rrade wheels, prices $, Sru. Vo aod av; coaster brake, S extra. We have the beet tS wheels made, call and ece them. A new wheel 1'h Morgan v tight three as low ss (Ik. etrat-clasa repairing at is west prices. . , . cor 6tjtKGO st Edison Phenoa-rsphs and Victor Disc Machinee. . i t r3 rn 'tern. ' Paial end aot Utt ' - auMcn, I' J se ay Bwaaoa,