Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
TITE OMAnA DAILY BEE: TIU7KSDAY, MAKCH 20, 1902. Reward of Merit A New Catarrh Cure Secures 5a tionai t Popularity In Leas Than On Year. Throuifiout k great nation of eighty mil lion It la a desperate struggle to aeenrt en a recognition for a new article, to ssy nothing of.: achieving popular favor, and fet within one year Btuart's Catarrh Tab leta, the new. catarrh cure, had met with such success, that today It can be found In every drug afore throughout the United Btatee and Canada. i .To be aura, a large amoftirt of advertlalng wa necessary In the first Inatance to bring the remedy- to the attention of the public, but everyone familiar with' the aubject knowa that advertising' alone never made any article - permanently atlcceaaful. It must have In addition absolute, undeniable merit, and this the new catarrh cure cer tainly poetesses In a marked degree. Physicians who formerly depended upon Inhalers, (prays, and local washes or oint ments. ' now use Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because, as. lone of the most prominent atated, three . tablets contain In pleasant, convenient form ail the really efficient ca tarrh remedies,. . auch -aa red gum, blood root and similar antiseptics. They contain no cocaine nor opiate and are given to little; children , with 'entire safety and benefit. : J Dr. t. J. Reitlgcrof Covlagton, Ky., aays: "I suffered from, catarrh In my head and throat every, tall, with stoppage of the nose and Irritation Id the throat,' affecting my voice and often extending to the stom aih, cauairig J Catarrh k "'of ' the stomach. I bought a fifty-cent package of Stuart's Cetrrrh Tablet at my druggist's, carried them In my pocket and used them faith fully, and the way In which they cleared ray 'heed and throat was certainly remark able. I had no catarrh last winter and consider myself rntlrely free from any ca tarrhal trouble." ' !n. Jerome Ellison of . Wheeling. W. Vs., writes: "I suffered from catarrh nearly i.' whole life and last winter my two chil dren also suffered, from catarrhal colda and ore throat so jnurh that they were out of achool a Urge portion of thewlnter, My brother, who was cured of catarrhal deaf ness by ualrig Stuart's . Catarrh Tablets, urged me to try them so. nuch that I did eo, and am tryly thankful for what they ' lav done, for myself and my children. I -always keep a box-of i tbs tablets in the house and at the Brat appearance of a cold or sore throat wtv nip it In the bud, and ca tarrh Is no longer a household . affliction with lie." . . ! i Full alied packages of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are aold for fifty cents at all drug gists. ' r 8end for book on cause, sad cure of ca tarrh, mailed free. Addreas F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. Nothing Wanting Purity and perfection , center In ' Hunter Baltimore Rye It Is Everything you want In whiskey, Everything that taste desires, ' Everythlnf that Are can five, Everythlnf of Rick, Mellow Flavor. Everybody like It. So wiU you. , Cols a al) flratelees safes ud by Jobbers, WM. LIMaUaJ a o, auiueors, 4. .Some other time isn t any time at all - Toe will' not move then. It you '. don't rouse yourself now yon will probably continue te put np with the - same Inconveniences tor the nest sU Do they keep your office eleaat Tour windows? The halls The elevator t la the building a lire trap Hm taey aa elevator that runs eaee j.u "hfur earweek dnye end not at all " "night or on'' Sunday? Is your office hot la summer end cold la winter f Any other troubles T The cure for all these Ills la aa office la The Dee Building; K. C PETERS CO., Ground Floor Rental Agent .Every V7ceu.i. BiSMnsJasaaeksulrsew kUim wt4rtiae ierey jegfva kliniiW, lui(M4l4 Va ' II 1&U HfU.-ia8 kad el'rwwf t- tat liinas tua . X T. ror sy BsT tTUHb UHl'O DEFT, sUxtecata and tHujla 8U Omaha. 7 - NEBRASKA INSURANCE RISKS - r State Auditing Department Reviews Company Finances for Year. UN DELL HOTEL, LINCOLN, HAS A FIRE W. i. Bryaja.. Observe HI Forty Seeoad Birthday Aaalvereary by Movlaa; treat the City Back to Hie Farm. (From a Staff Correspondent.) . . LINCOLN, March 19. (Special.) The lnr crease of insurance risks In Nebraska dur ing the year 1901 was greater than In any similar . period of time for fifteen years paat. A report showing the actual busi ness transacted by each company In this state wilt soon be issued by the state audit log department. It will ahow all claases of Insurance to bo In a healthy condition, with lees lose Incurred and more business In force. m "I regard the statement as the best show ing given out by this department since the hard tlmee began and I doubt If a better showing was ever made tn the state," said Deputy Insurance Auditor Babcock today. "All lines seemed to enjoy good business, the mutuals aa well as the others. There was a slight falling off la the hall Insur ance, but notwithstanding thai more losses were psld than In the previous year." The business of all regular or old-line life Insurance companlea operating In Ne-' braska during the years 1900 and 1901 Is summarised as follows: 19V lint. Total income.... 371.2M.4U $426.23,671 Total disbursements... U7.067.14 277.19J.1M Amount In force De cember 81 63.214.1! t.1K.740 Insurance written...?.. 11. &. 14Jf).IH Ceased to be In force.. 4,?7S 4(V ,o; nrt Losses Incurred 499.339 41.l Lnssee paid 6M.938 455.l5 Premiums received.... 1,6M.S01 t, 04 1,030 The showing of the two Industrial com panies doing business' in this state Is here given: 1900". 1901. Amount In force De cember 31 $ 2.S4S.47S $ J'.Jfi5 Insurance written 1.M6.987 1,881.7 Ceased to be In force. l,4t.10S 1.M0.821 Losses incurred 16.220 19,&n Losses paid 16.279 19.121 Premiums received.... . M.719 . 118.4M The business of stipulated life Insurance companlea Is shown In the following totals: . 19W. ' 111. Total Income i 14,410,333 I T.95.270 Total disbursements.... 6,998,227 9,094,729 Amount In force De cember 31 6.M0.ST3',42) Insurance written 2,918,(25 2.419.4(0 Ceased to be In force.. 1,041.450 1.464.8M Losses Incurred 89.600 gl.i9f Losses pnld 90.0no 6Sj Premiums received.... 71,437 1S6.613 City aad Village Mntnals. . The business of city and village mutual Ore Insurance companies of Nebraska Is shown by the following summary: 1900. Assets December 31 t 41,157 Liabilities December SI 22.999 Income 134.H37 Disbursements . 141,061 Rleks written during the year 10,4ol,97 Rinks In force Decern- - ber 31.. 9,813.626 1901. 25.404 9 861 78.7)9 77,8:9 6.151,372 11,154.518 Business of the Nebrsska farmers' mutual tire Insurance companies is shown' by the following figures: 1900. Total assets $ 88,111 LliSbllitles 19.410 Income during year... 176,233 Disbursements 174,163 Risks In force Decem ber 31 87,166,614 1901. I 1J,J7 54.6-.1 174.PS6 166,604 104.936.fSl The summary of business transacted by Nebraska mutual hall Insurance companies: 1900. 1901. Assets December SI. ...I 80.671 I 17.BM Inabilities 67.50 10.820 Income during year... 87.438 Plnbursementa .,' 46,333. Risks in foice Decem ber 31 1.109.S4S .69,516 ,. 1.164,879 Business of Nebraaka miscellaneous mutual insurance companlea: 1900. Assets $ 709 Liabilities (9 Income during year... 1.2M) Disbursements ' 1,157 Risks in force Decem ber 31 178.116 1901. 1.47$ 92 2,506 1474 261.815 Decrease la Fire Losses. , The statement of business transacted by fire Insurance companies shows substantial increases In risks written, premiums re ceived and losses paid, with a considerable decrease a losses incurred, as follows: . , 1900. ' ' 1901. Risks written 1131.29,271 IKS. 702.0-9 Premiums received.... 1.63. 8tt) 1.7-O.SS2 Losses paid 673.593 (37.163 lxissea incurred si,jo . Business of the Nebraaka mutual Insur ance companies Incorporated under the law of 1873 Is shown as follows! 1800, 1901. Risks written..'. t .J0O.K 111.131,737 Premiums received.... 181.567 216.404 Losses paid M,00s 78.70 The summary of bualneae of fidelity. casualty and surety companies' la as Yel lows: s . 1900. 1911. t S4.442.4fi9 238,477 9.5M so,S2 , .40,S71 Risks written 1 49,40,240 Premiums received.... 211,466 Losses paid 70.061 Losses Incurred 69,627 Amount of risks at end of year 86,344,781 Fire la Liaall Hotel. Two steamers, an aerial truck, one book and ladder apparatus, a host cart , and two chsmtcal engines, comprising about ohe-half of the entire equipment of the Lincoln fire department, were called Into service this atiernoon to exunguian a .ore in tne Closet ei siren When that cry sounds how people' rush to help and sympathize I And when some fireman rescues a woman from the flames, the streets echo wtUt ap plauding shonta. And yet if that woman had perished in the flamee tt is pos sible that she would have Buffered less than she suffers al most daily from the inflammation which a. . . ,s , , y ix .r;. 1 J aiseaae naa ugniea in lh T-" delicate womanly I organism That fire of inflam mation can be put out. The gnawing ulcer can be cured. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription not only womanly regularity and dries enfeebling; drains, but it heals inflammation and' ulcerations and cure female weak ness. It makes weak women strong 'and 1 ' sick women well. I auOred for foar wars with what Soar phy sicians proaoancad ulccniUoa aad praUpsua of the atrrua. writes Mrs. Ads Brooks, of airby vill. Tsaey Co., Mimurt Aiaa laSajaaiauoe of bladder aad urethra. My case waa chroate sad eoatpticaud. Mad srvcral good physkiaaa, but kept selling war. Hsd beea Caataed ta my bed ave Moat be wttea 1 wrote la yea. I lcid yaar reply very saoa aad thea dl mused my physician aad beeaa taking Dr, Fierce's aiediciaea. -I took eight bottles of his 'Paoorite lreomotioa aad Golden Medical Discovery,' and aeeaa te get better at aace. la two month I could sM np ia a caair. and kept Kllng better. Ia kar aoathscaald ao all may ne won., iadadiag wanaiag aad sewing Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper cover, is sent rtt on receipt ot at one-cent stamp to pay expense of mailing only. AddxcsLir. &. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. Y. e i y , A XT of the room of Deputy Attorney . Geueral NorrlS Brown In the Llndetl hotel. The flumes were ' extinguished with but little difficulty. A considerable lot of Mr. Brown's clothing was destroyed but the room and building were uninjured. Mr. Brown was at the capltol when the Are occurred and could offer no reasonable excuse for Its origin. A hasty examination by a commit tee of disinterested attorneys brought forth the verdict, however,, that the fire resulted from a combination of hot air from a re cently prepared legal argument, with the flashy colors of the new Scotch homespuns and other Imported cloths tn Mr, Brown's wardrobe. , Oaaaaa Case. SabmttteA. The Omaha fire and police commission mandamus case waa argued and submitted to the supreme court this afternoon. At torney General Prcut sppeared for the gov ernor, while the relator, Carl C. Wright, was represented by Frank T. Ransom and W. F. Ourley. Court adjourned tonight, delivering opin ions In sixty-five rasea, none of which la of unusual state interest. . Te Master Fremont Coat pa ay. t Lieutenant Hull of this city has been detailed by Adjutant General Colby to muster the, Fremont company of Infantry Into the state service March 28. The com pany will be designated, aa an engineer and signal corps. l.larola Eelertle Society. . 'The Eclectic society of the Lincoln medi cal school held Its annual banquet last evening at the Llndell hotel in honor of the senior class,, consisting of twenty-one members. E. W. Goldman acted as toast master and Introduced the following who responded to toasts: William Dugan, John H. Morrow, Rev. Fletcher L. Wharton, George Adams, and Dr. F. L. Wllmeth. The senior class Is composed of the fol lowing: Essie K. Bondurant. Thomas V. DavU, Jamea Oscar Latta, Samuel Metheny, Amy RUua Robinson, Everett F. Harring ton, Samuel J. Stewart, Charles 8. Grabln, Roy Harvey Sawyer, Highland Z. Dean, Jo seph New Campbell, Wellington W. Keith, John H. Morrow, Charles Edward Protx man, George Earl Henton, John R. Gray, Ralph V. Overton, Burton O. Young, Charles A. Yoder, Joseph J. Kenner, Cornelius F. Jenkins. W.. J. Bryss le Ferty-Twe. - Mr. Bryan was 42 years old today, and he celebrated the event by reAovIng from the city to his farm. The residence at 1626 D street, with Its historic porch, was vacated, and until his new residence on the farm is completed the family will reside In the barn. . ' This barn Is not the small frame jne fa miliar to many tn the 1900 campaign, but a aubatantlal brick atructure, plastered and partitioned off, and as comfortable aa many houses. . Mr. Bryan's new home has reached the foundation stage, and his object In moving was to enable himself and wife to be present and watch the building of the superstructure, the putting In of the crops, the plsnting of the trees aad the beautifying of the place generally. The farmhoune and barn erected a few years ago have been re moved to another part of the place, and the new home stands en the broad eminence overlooking the city. OIL EXPLOSION CAUSES DEATH Jasnea Lawless, Victim of Hastings Fire, Give Aeeosst of the Origin, Then Die. HASTINGS. . Neb., March 19. (Special Telegram.) James W. Lawless died early thi morning from the effects of the burns received yesterday In the fire over Klein's restaurant. A. short time before he died Lawless regained consciouenese and gave sn account of the origin of the fire. H said it had been about thirty minutes' after he retired that be was awakened by smoke in his room and on getting up he saw flames leaping to the ceiling In the next room, where he had left an oil stove burning. When he reached the stove It was a mass ot flames. He attempted te turn down tta wick, but the stoveexploded. Lawless eald he remembered be;lng in a mass of flames after that, but that was all. , His father' and brother are expected to ar rive tomorrow from Michigan. PapMllea Ha a Case. PAPILLION. Neb., March 19. (Special Telegram.) A membe?vof the family of C. L. Sharp la down with- smallpox. This I the first esse Papllllon has had in year, and it is thought it. will not spread, a the village ha placed a atrlct quarantine on the house. Always patronlie the home article. Spe cially if it's better. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne ha no equal. ,. RAIN OR SNOW AND COLDER Another Teach of Winter Premised Nebraska Today, with To-morrow- Warmer. WA SHIN9TON, March 19. Forecast: For Nebraska and South Dakota Rain or snow and colder Thursday; Friday fair; north winds. For Iowa Cloudy Thursday, probably rain, warmer In east portion; Friday fair, colder except rain In extreme east por tion; east winas, oncoming vnriaoie. For Missouri Partly cloudy Thursday, warmer In eaat and south portions, rain at night or Friday; colder Friday in west por tion; south winds, becoming variable. For Kansae Fair In west, probably showers In east portion Thursday; colder in north and west portions; Friday fair; winds shifting to north. For Wyoming Rain or snow and colder Thursday; Friday Jalr, north winds, becom ing variable. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, March 19. Official record ot tem- rerature ana precipitation comparea witn he corresponding day of lbs last three years: 1901 1901. 1909. 1899. Maximum temperature... W 3 43 81 Minimum temperature.... X4, 21 23 19 Mean temperature 46 90 S3 25 Precipitation 00 .S3 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1902: Normal temperature 34 Excess for the day 11 Total excess sine March 1. ,.10 Normal precipitation 06 Inch DeAclency for the day .06 Inch Freclpltation since March 1 .bo Inch Uenciency since Mareh 1 29 Inch Excesa fur cor. period', 1901 31 inch DeAclency for cor, period, 1900 34 Inch neyarta. from Stations at T n. m. , n ff n CONDITION OF THB WEATHER. i Omaha, cloudy ..' 62 U .00 4 M .00 64 so .00 40 64 .00 4D Ml T 44 4o .00 .44 4b .00 44 .00 42 44 .00 4K ii ,u Sn 42 .00 Sn S .0 64 6S .U ' 4f soi .tio 34 42 T SO 34 .00 65 6U .U Valentine, partly cloudy North Platte, partly cloudy. C heyenne, cloudy .' Bait Lake, raining Rapid City, partly cloudy.... Huron, partly cloudy WUiieton, clear Chicago, cloudy fit. LjuIs. cloudy , Bt. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy Helena, snowing v bismnrck, cloudy Oalvesloii. cloudy T indicate trace of precipitation. U A. WEIXH. Local rvrecaat Official. A mm Mr. Rebecca Smith of WestOed, N. J., who is 82 jreari old. was cured of kidne and bladder disease and so-called female weak nest and l kept perfectly beUh br Warner's Safe Cure. She says her kidneys and bladder are as healthy a when she was twenty years old " A Simple Test If any of your family in this or past ationshave been troubled with Kidney make a Test of your Urine and satisfy self. TEST YOUR KIDNEYS. Put some morning urine In a glaaa or bottle, let It stand for twenty-four hours; if then it Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish brick-dust sediment, or If par ticles or germs float about In it, your kid neys are diseased. This is the supreme moment when you should begin to take Warner's Safe Cure to arrest all these un natural conditions, for they are the un mlstakable symptoms of kidney disease. If after you have made, this test, you have any doubt In your mind aa to the develop ment of the disease In your system, send us a rample of your urine and our doctors will analyse It and aend you a report with advice, free of charge. WARNER'S Are you tlredt Low-eplrited? Weak and flabby f Have you a constant drubbing ache in the small of your back? Have you chills? A frequent desire to urinate? Are you ttro ubled with sleeplessness T Have you headache? Is your appetite'bad? Do you find your food does not nourish your body and make your blood rich and red? Have you a bad taste in your mouth In the morning? If you have any of- these symptoms your kidneys have been dis eased for a long time, for kidney diseases seldom put out such symptoms until they have been working several months and the tiesuee have been eaten away with the disease. You have every reaaosr to be alarmd, and you should take Warner's Safe Cure at once. You will, And full di rections with each bottle. Warner's Safe Cure la guaranteed to cure any form of kidney trouble, Brfght's disease, dlabetee,. uric acid poison. Inflammation of the blad der.' rheumatic gout, liver complaint, female weaJtnesa and Irregular periods (female weakness and Irregular periods are caused by kidney disease neglected), a toe often desire to urinate, gravel, stones in the bladder, blood disease. Indigestion and headaches. All these dlmaaes originate In the kidneys. If the kidneys are healthy and strong, so that they can perform their work properly, there would be none of these complaints. CURES JUDGE) T. A. M'MAHON of 738 Farra rut ave., Chicago. 111., says that for ten years he had kidney and liver trouble, which seriously Interfered st times with his official dutlee, and he suffered eo from pain that he walked with great difficulty. After all other remedies failed he tried Warner's Safe Cure and eas eight bottles cleaned him from head to foot and have permanently ,cured him. This la a sample of the thousands of unsolicited letters re ceived from prominent people who have bean cured by Warner' Bafe Cure. COLD IN KIDNEYS. . "For aome time I waa. so sick at my stomach that I could not eat nor could I sleep. I caught a heavy cold and it settled in mv kldnevs and stomach and. in fact. through my entire (ystem; I had palna In my uaca, ana neaa Ana couia get no reiter until I look Warrfr's Safe Cure. It has absolutely ' cureu jp) . It - Is a wonderful medicine; It ctirne after other medi cines failed." Yd if truly . Nellie Joflea, PreeldenOf'avniljLiry .club, 193 Tance St.. Uem&tiirrJ 1901. - AH teetlmonlals Tecelvod' hnsoUcited. . . . . DROWN IN THE PLATTE RIVER t Mrs. Henry Bima and Kieoe Borne Away by IoeoLaden Torrent HORSES BACK BUGGY OFF THE BRIDGE Schayler People Wltaess Tragedy and Raa Aloae Baalk After Bodies, bat Are V'aable ta Aeceatpllsa Their Reaeoe. 8CHUTLER, Neb., March 19. (Special Telegram.) In attempting-to pas a team wlille crossing the Piatt river bridge this morning at 11 o'clock, a (earn driven by Mrs. Henry Rima, of Butler .county, accompan ied by her niece, Amanda Rima, aged 12, became frightened, began backing, crowded the buggy against and broke th railing, and precipitated the buggy, It occupant and th team Into th river. They fell Into Ix feet of madly-rushing, tee-laden water at the middle -of the main channel, now about sixty-five yards aid. Two men ahead on th bridge descended to th bank of the stream as soon as pos sible and were at -times within ten feet of the drowning bodies, but were unable to effect a rescue. Th bodies were not altogether lost light of until nearly to th railroad bridge, a mil down stream, and one person claimed to have seen on body pa under the bridge. A vlllgant lookout waa maintained by nearly 100 people until nightfall, but! without avail. Mr. Rima was about twenty-four year ot age and leave a husband and a three-year-old child. Th niece was Rlma's brother's child, living with them. Th horses effected their escape. DEAD MAN FOUND IN BLUE Body ef Riley ttrattea" tl lrii Reach la th Hirer Hear Shelby. SHELBT, Neb., March 19. (Spaclal Tele gram.) Riley Stratum ot Spring Ranch, Neb., aged 65 years, waa found la th Blue river, by William Scott, at Scott' plac three mile south of her. Coroner Kepner and Sheriff Hartmaa of Osceola were notified and an Inquest was held. It wss prssumed that th dead man had- been washing in th river, as hi coat. hat and hand basket were found hanging in a nearby tree, and that h had fallen la nd drowned. ' OLD STORAGE RYE' 14 . Mellow and Medicinal Yars Old. 4 rmc quaits $3.50 This prime old whiskey ,eJbwcd by age, y lies using a fragraal banquet, sever sails te please tb fastidious drinker. We seU direct, eUnlaaUaf auo'dlemes's aroats aad efer yea s whiskey for fJJI wkkk woaid cast you 95-ss st retail. Pfafa pmt eg. iMprttpmid. Xaakby Psstal or Express dar, ar ftegis- rrrr.. terad letter. , Refeteacss: Dai's ar Etadstraet's. BECKER BROS. CO. ttSTtLLCItJ. . Wssssi Mka a Vareaeaesi m v.fck iu, iajius cut. Ma A a HIS I SI m Will Tell 1 j li 'MI I 1 Disease- ' j. ... S j uiiaxg!jmjs?C j :.l fe?L-i tSS& -a' imale MMniiirrs-CHANut v .-r. ar al 0EBI LITY. MALARIA.HCART.rJlOOD.SKIff AND OTHER OISEASCS CAUSED BY 0ERANGED KIDNEYS AND LIVER. Keep in a cool place t Cgyj wl1 before using. DOSE; for ADULTS. One tablespoonhtl. Six or Eight times a day. takes clear or In aa equal amount of wnter, or ia warm or eold milk, before or after meals, to suit time or taste. If It nauseates, as it may In extreme canes, reduce the dose or beat It moderately and take alter weals In warm or cold milk, until tne tone of the stoDiach Is Improved. FOR CHII.DHBff osder J years. One teaspoon fill; under 10. t wo teaspoons ful warmed and taken la pin. Keen the boweU open, of Dabes by In lections, of Children and Adults by Warner's SAFE Pills only, rlscsrd aU Drurs snd otber mettlctDes during treatment. Wear flannel or warm unaerciotmnr. avoiq iu expneun? blur once a day, taklnc care not -DIBT (IN EXTREME CASES) - Diet Is very Important, brar. wine, loe water, t Do not nse oner, wine, toe water, tea, couoe; r any rich areasy auustancos. potatoes, soft boiled ecu. boiled with but little vlnetar) ; mhn. If arreeable, aim pie brotbs: oorn and rranam bread; tomatoes, asparafus. celery; Irons, moderately. In seAso! . craved. Hot water, with almple lrult Cavorlng, should be drunk ex clusively. POBDiABl-AjirOT"oiUyy jlTORONTO, CAN. Miss Moiie Bowey No. 38 Perry Street, .Detroit, Mich. "A couple of winter ago I slipped on a rotca sitlrwilk and fell flat on my back. On being examined I found that I -had sus tained internal injuries which laid me up for more than two months. After that I noticed that I had pains in the back and groin which I never had before. I doctored and doctored or several months but as the pains incrcxied .in stead of (rowing better I deck&dthat I wasnot having th right treatment. Reading la th paper of th wonderful cures performed by TTTJj.- f.t.A I wot rM rJ th .-l aad received a very Mtlsfactory reply and I immediately sent for some. In a very short time I felt generally better tad after seven weeks faithful use I was once more well and strong. I have never had a sick hour sine and I daily bless your splendid medicine'" pMEN have a very delicate organ ism. Their strength needs fre quent reinforcement. Wine of ' Cardni is one medicine that should sjway be iepl on band in every home for immediate tue when female weakness first make it appearance. Mis Bower's pain ful and dangerous accident would not have resulted so serious! had she taken Wine of Cardui promptly to soothe the afflicted organs. The months of suffering which' followed only served to aggravate the trouble. Every function in sympathy with menstruation was in turn affected. All through life Wine of Cardui is needed. CM coming to womanhood need the prompt and effective treatment that can, WINE OF CARDUI A trial bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, the only kidney mdicln ever discovered that Is guaranteed to cure all cases ot kidney, bind der, urinary and blood disease, will be sent absolutely free to any reader of The Dally Dee who will write (or It and mention The Omaha Dally Bee, . Healthy Kidneys Are Vital II 1 IMDo. 1Ul.' l!la wurcflCNcnciuin gestation". mm m iwivuib iuw to catch eold. fresh or salt meats, er pork; spirits. tobaoco; not nreaa, oaira, p. vmj. obaooo; not rrt Eat apann-ly: II ireaa run. mmw wivu onions: raw oysters, rnw cabbac o (both in ROCHESTERflf.YfUS.A. W.S.ftM "LOnDO 14X1 N I a . KJf , i 1 11 17 VI r - 1 a 1 nl a..fcsi His s i. i. km in i i fcil '--,' " ' .,' The Morning's Mourning Aa George Ado says, in his new opera, "Ki-Ram:" i . .. ? 7 "It Is no rime for mirth and laughter '.'The cold gray dawa of the morning after." A fur overcoat on your tongue; "hair on your teeth;" a taste "as if a eat had littered in your mouth;" nerves a-tremble; Aching hair; a "bust-head of splitting agony;" ' appetite none; movement of the bowels not a sign; present (unwelcome visitor), Gen. R. . Morse. Never do it again, eh? Oh yes, you will. Remember "The Devil was sick; the Devi! a monk would bev "The Devil got well; the DevO a monk waa he.-" and a Cascaret three times on the day of misery will make you well.' But, for good ness sake, be wise, np to the century, and the next time you go out with the boys, eat too much, drink too much, irritate your stomach, block your bowels, don't forget' that you can prevent the "morning's mourning" by taking a Cascaret Candy Cathartic before you go to bed. They work while you sleep and make you awake bright as a new dollar In the morning. Always carry a box in your pocket, and have another on your dresser and another on your night table. Also one , "In your grip on trip," lest you forget. v . s Best for the Bowels. All oains tablet stamped C C mala and booklet free. sssH&ssaw" alerting v Il be administered Cardni. ' The woman expecting confinement can do no better than to prepare herself well in advance for th coming ordeal which is to try the rigor of her constitution. In this case Wine of Cardui makes her a strong, healthy woman with healthy organs and regular function. Confinement can have no terror for a prepared ,and healthy wo man with a bottle of Wine of Cardui at her hand. Faithful use of Wine of Cardui remove all Vrror from the ''change of life" that reckoning time, when so many women go down quickly to their graves, because they have not eared for their health in year leading np to this important period. Wine of Cardui is adapted to women at any age in any walk of life. For the working woman it give her strength for her tasks and better treatment than a doe tor for a very small cost. The wealthy patient pay her specialist thousands of dollar aad does not get relief, so she a a i , iir z m s x . r - m u inem by rr use ui i New York's most successful Specialist in Women's Diseases says: "Nearly every case of so-called Female Weakness and Painful Peri ods is due to Kidney r Bladder Disease of. home Form." FEMALE TROUBLES. Mis Lillian Ramsey- l'reeldent of th Denver yulncy club of Denver, Col., says I was all run down, hnd no appetite, was troubled with indigestion. Imitaestlon, pains In bark and suffered untold mv monthly nerlodn until '. red untold ir misery durlna periods Thonks eriodn until I usee Warner s Bnfe Cure. Thanks to It, I am now as stronc and healthy as any woman could be. My mother Buffered for over two year with what our doctor called -weak- r.n Mmr wnmon ' Rhm hait aevera pains In her bark and her head ached al most constantly; In la-t. she was an In valid. The doctor prescribed Warner's Cafe Cure. Three bottlea made a perma nent cure. Bhe hae no more of her old troubles and enjoys perfect health. All her complications were caused by dleeases of the kidneys. Had my mother taken Warner's Safe Cure In the first place, In stead of a lot of eo-caJled cures for female weakness, she would have been saved a great deal of suffering. SAFE CURE "If every poor, Door, aurterin J woman Knew afe Cure she the merits of Warner's Safe Cure mliiht be restored to perfect health." Miss Kamsey'a experience le similar te thot of thousand of women who have been cured by Warner' 8af Cure when all other remedies failed.'' DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT. Dr. C. F. H. Burvhmore, a prominent physician of 878 Huntlngton-av., Dos ton, Mass., says: "1 alwayi prescribe Warner Bafe Cure for all forms of kidney - and Diaaaer aisease ana remaie weaanraa, ana I have yet to' see a patient dissatisfied with the result where diseases of the kid neys, bladder or urinary orgaha existed. Count on me every time as a strong ad vocate 'of Warner's Bafe Cure." TRIAL BOTTLE FREE To convince every sufferer from dleeases . V. 1. 1 ... , Hi. kl..l.P mwA hlnnil that Werner's Bafe dure will cure them a ample bottle will be sent absolutely free to any one who will write WARNERS BAFE CURE CO., ROCHE9TER, N. T.. and mention having- seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Dally Bee. The genuine ness of this offer, ls fully guaranteed. Our doctor will send' medical booklet, contain ing symptoms and treatment of each dis ease, and many convincing teetlmonlals, free to any one who will write. KIDNEYS Warner's Bafe Cure is now put up la two regular else and sold by all drug let. 50c AND $1.00 A BOTTLE. The accompanying illustration Is a fae-slmllle.- of the 11.00 bottle, full slsa. Th 6o-cent sire is nearly one-half a large aa the 11.00 bottle. Be sure you get tha gen uine. Refuse substitutes. There Is none "lust as good aa" Warner's Safe Cure. It ha cured all form of kidney disease during the last thirty years. It is used In all the leading hospitals aa th only ab solute cure for all forms of kidney disease. WARNER'S BAFE CURE was discov ered over thirty years ago by a prominent specialist on diseases of the kidneys and has cured hundreds of thousands. It is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs; It Is a most valuable and effective tonic; it stimulate digestion and wakens the torpid liver, putting the patient Into the very beat reroptlv state for the work of the restorer of the kidneys.- It doe its work "with absolute method, prepares the tissue, soothe where soothing is needed, stimulate the enfeebled organ and heal at the earn Urn. . dVugi .sts, toe, ssa, joe Never sold ia bulk. Th C. Guaranteed to cure er your money baca. Addres u jr wwrapauy, vuiufv VI .-.w Ul . comes to Win of Cardui for a cor. Hun dred of such eases hv happened. Win of Cardui makes women more womanly make weak women stronger. As a medi cine for all women in every -trying period of their live can yon think, of a better medicine for yourself, your sifter, your daughter or your mother ? Can you think of a more acceptable present to give youi friend than a bottle of this medicine which will bring her health and happiness? You are suffering ? Tour duty is to rid your self of this pain. If your daughter, mother, sister or friend is tick and In need of re lief, your duty ia equally great to them. Many women, now well, owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. Your druggist will sell you a 11.00 bot tle of Win of Cardui. Secure th medi cine today. Take it in the privacy, of your home. Relief will com to you a surely a you take it. .. i ' ' 'omen who Lav suffered and ara now cured know how greJt a remedy this is. ..J