Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Railroad Famed In Bill by Commerce
: Commission Agree on Plan.
rrn A STRIKE i.NGES ,n B?Iern WW WANT TO APPEAL TO BSC holds valuable records
Railway club. He I a mmbf of tb
Northwestern association, of tba Massa
chusetts, Institute of Teeaelogy; le a I Indications at Miners' Ocnvention Suggest
memwr or tns American nauwsy s,ngi-1 , Ant3. Bi Tl.nn
DerK Hat
Or4'i'. J
v Other
Reals Hostralalasr
talon. Paelfle and
Lilt -Are
Taken la. . .
CHICAGO, lit.,' March 19. Attorney! rep
resentrng the Kansas CIty-Chleago rail
roads ul W. A. Day, rcpreeetitlng the gov
ernment will bold .conference here to
morrow, Thursday, with a view of reach
ing an understanding regarding certain
phase of tba proposed litigation teeklng to
secure .an observance of the provtelon of
the Inter-state commerce act.
Br agreement nekt - Tuesday has been
set as the day for hearing the petition at
Kansas City before Judge John F. rhllllpa
and It la expected that before that .time
an understanding wlll .be reached whereby
the rallroada, will not actively .oppose the
grant re g of the Injunctions sought.
Mr. Day la on his way to Chicago from
Kansas CUy and It Is understood that he
has consented to the- Conference. Officials
say'! that' provided the restraining orders
shall be drawn m a manner acceptable to
the railroads, and provided all lines, both
east and ' west of Kansas City, are Included,
no opposition will t made to the litigation.
Want to Avoid. toneplleatloa.
After further , considering the situation
the general counselors of the roads Involved
agreed that injunctions against the eight
railroads named In the bills would briny
about a situation greatly to . bo deplored
by the railroads. The Santa Fe and Rock
Island for example extend west of Kan.
saa City for the. former controlling Its rail
to tha-Paclflo i eoast. ',. Should Injunctions
Issue against them and not against the
Union raclHo and other lines that extend
west from Kansas City, and southwest also,
tho result, so far as the lines enjoined axe
concerned, would be disastrous.
It Is asserted that such a condition would
work as Injustice against these roads as It
would preclude their meeting competition,
Lines which do not 'extend to the Missouri
rivet have deelded la indorse this view of
thaaae and loin in Insisting upon the
governments filing bills against the follow.
tng additional roads:
Vk ',' Other Boede l'acladed.
Kansas City V Northern, connecting Kan
saa City Northwestern, Kanaas City South
ern Leavenworth Kanaas City ds Western,
Missouri. Kansaa Texas. St Joseph
Grand Island. ,8t Louis. San Francisco,
and Union Pacific, .-.
Attorneys Interested declare that they
can see no reason why. the government
should .refuse to Include: the roads, but If
such is not the- case, the present bills will
b iought probably , by the interposition ot
a demurrer. If they can possibly avoid so
doing, ; executive' officials of some of the
lines Interested do not wish to be placed
In the position of appearing in court and
objecting to being restrained from doing
what is admittedly illegal.
' KANSAS CITT. March 18. The expected
Injunction suit to restrain rate cutting,
that la waa slated would be atarted here
today by Attorney William A. Day of the
Interstate Commerce ' commission against
seven Chicago-Kansas City lines may not
be Died: till the end ot the week,. Judge
John F. Phillips Of the United States die
trict eoart.' before whom the proceed log
would have to be filed is Id Jefferson "City
attending eoOTtv 1 Judge Day was "in con
fereoce with htm late yesterday and It la
'stated he refused to. accept a filing In that
city. Judge Phillips. It Is said, will not
return to Kansas City before Friday or
Saturday: i. - : v '
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.; March It. Noth
ing 'was done here today In the Interstate
Commerce case against the Kanaas City
Chicago llnea, The case will be heard In
Kansaa City next Tuesday before United
States District Judge -John Phillips.
.. - . V
i - i
Hearing Beglaa la KeW Yorfc Agalaet
Ike Northera aeearltlee
Conrar ". ' ' J.-y
NEW YORK. Mare U. There- was a
bearing In this city todsy before Richard
Mabey of Minneapolis, special ex
aminer in the suit of Peter Power
gainst the Northern Paclne .BsUroad com convention oegan toaay tne consideration
pany. The object or tne suit. is lo over- v. imruiumi -.-
throw the transfer to the Northern Seenrl- Whether the notices posted by the operators
ties company of the eontrol of the North- M the various collieries, announcing a con-
era Pacific. John , 8. Kennedy, a Danker, tlnuance of existing conditions, shall be
... h flrat wlfnraH loder and was aues- eccepiea or rejectee.
tloned by William A.' Lancaster of Min
neapolis. He said, he went to Europe
In tho spring ot 101. and . when
he he left James J. Hill and Lord
Btrathcona, D. ' WHIlaa James,' George F.
Baker, himself and other friends of James
Hill owned a majority of the eonlmon
stock ot the Northern Paclne. The wit
ness understood .that much ft the stock
waa held by J. P.. Morgan A Co. , The
witness did not know before he. went to
witness ow not ' . sldered by the convention, but the delegate. lHi at Syracuse, N T. He waa next eta.
Europe that B. H. Hrrim.n nMln ut , genkl know,.ag, tloned a. lineman t New Albany. lad., tor othr
acquire a in. jorlty JWorthew Jlflo ct tn;,r eonteoU. de4.,ln(1 t0 al8CU thei, the .Wester. Union, .MM. He waa a p- 8uUer Ml
common. He learned worn j. , Pra nrobable action concerning the communlca- pointed assistant superintendent of coa-
about May 6 or that some Interests In
New Tork were making large purchases ot
Northern Pacific, and later he waa Informed
that these purchases were for Mr..Harrl
man. , In the following, August, Mr. Ken
nedy eald, he acquired 10,000 shares of
Northern Pactno from J. P. Morgan ft Co.
Mr. Kennedy said that the Northern Be-
euritle. company .had been thought of .a t0 th4t na.
S' ; I . . .
was true, ha ald. that Mr. Hill and I """"
bis assistants had ao difficulty In eleotlogl ' The sentiment of the delegates was for
directors of the Great Northern. Originally I the first time officially expreeeed during
the plan was to turn over to the Northern the ' morning ' session ot the convention.
Securities company only the Great Northern I President Nleholr of district No. 1. speak-
Former Barllae-toa Ham Made Geaera
"Maaager of Jersey Oa
tral Head.
PHILADELPHIA, March 19. President
Baer ot the Central Railroad of New Jer
aey today announced the appointment ot
W. 0. Beeler, to be general manager of the
company.' Mr. Beeler has been general
superintendent of the Reading railway alnoe
September, 1900.- He resigned this position
.to weeept his new berth. .
' Mr. Besler was born at Oalesburg, 111.
la 18t. In 1891 he entered the eervtce of
the Chicago, Burlington eV Qutncy railroad
as elerk, and after serving ive years he
left the railroad service to take a special
course la the Massachusetts institute of
Techology. He re-entered the Burlington
service In 18SI as night ysrdmaater and
served three years in that position and as
trainmaster and chief dispatcher. Later
.he constructed and operated a branch line
t the Burlington route and was for si
years the superintendent of the St. Louis
tlvlslon of that , company. Mr. Beeler
served two years as president of the Cen
1 J. C. Ilarelar sal Charles H. Bristol
Preanoted, with Headejaartefe
la Kew York.
Democrats Adopt Basel utioni Looking to
Belief of the Boers,
CHICAGO, "March 19-
C. Barclay,
kflae Owaers Are Xot Dlajtosed
Oraat C'oatreaaloas Booaht by
. tho laloa Work.
I aaea.
SHAMOKIN.' Pa., March 19. The miners'
bea ar pointed electrical engineer ot the
Western Union Telegraph company, with
headquarters at New Tork, vice A. B.
Brown, resigned, The appointment takes
effect April l . - '
; Mr. Barclay began service With the Com
pany in 1868 at Greensburg. Fa., and has
been with it ever since. He waa at one
time Associated: Press operator at BaltU
Deelare la Favor of Ceaeatloa of
Hostilities aad Strlet Heatral-
ly ay the tailed
WASHINGTON. March 19. Ths demo-
more end after filling ether poalttone la the cratic members of ths house at a caucus
held toalght nenlmously adopted resolu
tions declaring that congress ebould ex-
The committee on rules and order ot
business met at 8.30 o'clock, a half hour
previous to the assembling of .the conven
tion, and completed the details of its work.
The delegates this morning displayed much
Interest in the expected presentation by
President Mitchell of the tetter from the
east came td'thle city twenty-five years
ago and . while here baa been chief Oper
ator, night manager aad electrician ot theJrtM tn. ,ymp,tny of the American peo-
wesiern division.
Charloa H. Brlatot superintendent ot con
struction of tb western division, has been
appointed genetel superintendent of con-j
structloa of the Western Unloa Telegraph
Collector of Cwt6sas Takes Chlaeee
Ratios Away fresa Private
SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 19. Ten Jade
tablets, ou which, almost foo years ago, the
cunning hand of a Chinese workman en
graved, by order off his Imperial master,
aa acknowledgment of the wisdom, power
and goodness ot Shun Che, the founder of
the Tartar dynasty in China, are locked In
the safe of the customs appraiser, John T.
Dare, awaiting authority from Washington
to return them to the emperor of China or
hla representative. The stones are one foot
In length, six Inches wide and nearly an
Inch thick. Through holes drilled serosa
their width cords are passed to hold them
together, and when' taken by the customs
Inspector from a private soldier returning
pl for the struggling Boer republic and trom Mnc la China they were wrapped
imaging inemseives to use xneir uimosi en- .uborstely embroidered yellow silk. It
dcators to "force the committees to teport believed that they were taken as loot
resolutions expressive of sucn sympainy, ir fr1n tne imperial apartments la ths For.
Afitv tK.t Mn,M., m.w V.,ii. . n Annnrtunlt. I lu j i . n 1-1.. ..., - t . . .
. . . , . vrk I . rr I oiuaea livy. nnutumui meir thus io tne
company, with headquarters at New Tork, eL chmeae mler. as a descendant of the em.
vice u. c. dob. Mceasea. tne appoint- Representative Hay ot Virginia presided pexor whose deeds they commemorate, the
ment taking enact April L lat the caucus and ReDreaentatlva Robert- I .,,.nn, .i.thnritia. kr. nniiei i
He began telegraphing la a construction I ... . rm.i.n. .i. .. ...i.r.. Th. ...... - .v. . , .. ..... ........
presidents of operating companies declining j fang under M. C Bristol In the fall of 1881. 1 attendance waa large. There was no dl- tlon as to the arrangements he msy have
a . conference with officials of the Unite! istaai n.w " I vision Of sentiment aa te the course to be made for the return ot the tablet.
Mine Workers Thess letters constitute one i'"T ".ana..waa oiscnargea ia taken, the queaUon presented being simply
of the most Important subjects to be con- I when ha went to, school until the tall of I on, of cnol(,e between two resolutions, one
Mr. Randall of Texas and the
Mr. Bulier of New Tork. The
resolution was as follows:
.probable action concerning the communica
tions. ,
President Mitchell today reiterated bis
dental that ths visit ot Secretary Ralph M.
Easley of the Civic federation concerned
the altuatlon tn the anthracite coal region.
When asked It he would make any further
effort to see J. Plerpont Morgan, . Mr.
Mitchell said he had made ao arrangements
Beaolotloa ay galser.
Resolved, tiv the drmncrats of the house
ot representatives of the Vnlted Slates of
America, in caucus assembled:
pointed assistant superintendent
structloa tn October, I88t, and superintend
ent of constnsctlon -the weetem division
of the Western Vnlotr. Telegraph company ta
189T and la bow -considered one of the most
eompetept construe tioa toe la this eoUn
try. . . .r . .
ST. LOUIS, March 19. George J. Fraaket.
assistant' auperlnteadent of the Western outrages the feelings of all llberty-lovlng
Union Telegraph company at SC Iuls. wM p-?-. t --'h." ngr.:', oTth- ITn'ISi
todsy notified kv- Colonel R. C. Clowsry, I atatea. betna committed to the nrlnclDles
oresldeat and sreneval manager of the com I of arbitration for the better settlement ot
- I ... ...... . v.
Nw Vni-k. hl ha had haan an. I t"" "'"f"' "r"""V:
- - r , ,i nr.. unin ni.
(Contlntied 'from Flrat Page.)
pointed aupeiintendeht of the eeeone! dis
trict, weetem division, with headquarter
In tbla city, vice T.- T.' Coo, transferred to
hare, held by the controlling Interest, but ing on the question of a scale committee. . , ,'u rlB'ten(UDt 0I tn.
ater this waa modified ao as to allow all said: I .,,, " . ,
Large Saaa Itaiecd for MeK later Fa ad
la Tea-Ceat Sahacrip
V; ""loas.
the house of representatives of the United
Btates, m caucus asserriMea, xnat tne
congress of the United Stares 'should, by
resolution, express the sympathy of the
and Independence,
people of the United States for the peoples
of the South African republics In their
Appeal to British Gevrerasaeat.
Resolved, That the comrreee should, In
tockhplders to convert all their shares in I "The men of our district want their
Northern Securities stock. ';' I coal weighed, and -they want It weighed
Mr. JCennedy said ttat the object of the I so badly that they are ready to fight for
Northern Securltlea company waa. to protect I It If necessary."
the holdlnga ot the Northern Pacific against I This assertion elicited vigorous applause,
such an attack as occurred here last spring which Is taken aa an Indication that most
and which resulted In. the panic; He said of the delegation have come to the con
that originally It waa the Idee, to pool the ventlon with Instructions to insist on con.
Northern Pacific stock only. , . I cessions by operators.
Waa It the purpose of .you gentlemen A letter algned by several vlotlms ot
to place the stock of the Northern Securities 1 the Lattlmer strike, appealing for aid,
company on the market tor miscellaneous I was read and on Motion a collection was
purchasers?" asked Mr. Lancaster. I taken up for the benent ot tne sunerers.
I cannot remember that any such thing I A Polish delegate suggested tnat as a I tl.497.42 has been raised in the Island and
waa aver discussed or aura-eated." I few ot the delegates could understand but I the number of contributors runs far up
Was It not your Intention to acquire little BnglUh, Interpreters report ths pro- I into the thousands Governor Hunt aaled I nPr2 m)H... .tA ..Lr.-o.. v....
wl- .v. v. .V. 1... . .k.l. .11. A MMlnn n I ...w e.,Mi. I . fvrTiTu, in iw uni
and Great Northern T". Ithls effect was carried and the vice preal-I and ho contribution was to be over 10 cents.
Mr. Kennedy said there had been suites- I dents ot the three district were appointed I Th people ot the Island responded at once,
tlons In that direction. He knew nothing of to serve. I To each ot the contributors will he pre-
his own knowledge about a ' purchase of I Th credentials committee made Its I seated a certificate, aad In this manner pld-
111,000,000 or $12,000,000 of . Great North- I final report, which showed the total num- I tures of McKlnley, the White House and tie
proved by the" comptroller of the currency.
Postmasters appointed:
Nebraskar Charles Charlton, Pleasanton,
That we srmeathlse with the Boers In I Buffalo countr. vice E. C. Maffltt. reslcned.
Ii1i'J'.-h'.rojiC ."'UB8'1 ta m"inU,n...,h'tlX Iowa B. E. Randolph.' Motor, Warren
liberty and Independence, and protest in " ' . ' ... I ,.,
the name of humanity and civilisation county; P. H. Bchowaiter, Mount Hamlll,
against the continuation of a war which Lee county. ' ,. ; .
Wyoming Hf t. ClendennlDg, Union,
Ffehioiit county; "
Mahloh K. Taylor, John H. Barber and
Howard E. Reed' were today appointed sub
stitute letter' carriers in the Sioux City,
la., postofflce. '
Mias Dylla Kirk of Niobrara, Neb., was
today appointed .assistant matron In ths
Indian school.'gt.Fipestone. Mlna. '
MLos L. R. Walter of r lerre. 8. D., Wss
ce upon his majesty th wisdom or
adopting tnls policy for the purpose of
stopping the awful strocltlcs now going
on. in Mourn Arrlca and tnat tne govern
ment ot the United States should maintain
a strict neutrality between the contend
ing forces.
The Randall resolution was as follows:
also annotated' aa assistant matron at PI De-
Resolved, by the democratic members of iWhe( aBa Mrs. ICmeUjeS C. Wlel of Spring.
fiM, S." D.,' was appointed matron at the
Redlands school, Minn
G. A. 13111 of DuUuque, Herbert C. Waason
of Dei Moines, ind George W. ' Lowe ot
CLEVELAND. March , 19. Thousands t
Pnrtn Rlcana hava caOtrlbutad to the Mc-
Klnley naaona! xoemorlal. . Governor Hunt th, ."mA,1 a'nd trTe.h. .ppe'a
in a letter receives, loaay irom nyeraon
Ritchie, national secretary, report that
herolo struggle to maintain their liberty I Clinton, la., were today appointed book
binders' In the government printing .office.
.The postofflce at Boomers,' Pottawatta
mie county, la., will be discontinued after
March 81. - ,
ment of existing differences, to the end
tnat peace may te eataDUHhea.
Resolved, That the United States should
fairly1 and honorably maintain a position
of strict neutrality In this contest between
nations friendly to us, and see to It that
the neutrality law are vigorously and im
partially enfnreed.
Resolved, That we, as democrats and
representatives of the people, will use our
. . ..... . . i. i.w I .. .... . w a . ..... I unnum. wiur.Tui iu i".v .i.e. v-u. ...... v.c.
ern Stock ty Mr. IIUL HO unaersteod tne I oer oi aeiegsies presai i u o. wim ncruaw aomw fc vuum wui auura uw i now dominated bv the repub loan party,
sand of On homes and cabin in forte l having in tnetr charge resolutions similar
to the British government tn the In-
lerrBt oi numnniiy 10 accrpi ovrriums xur i M f e-n v eiAin at MP" tail! I
peace, oease hostilities and endeavor to DESCRIBES SIGNING OF WILL
Witness - Testifies . Rlee Desired ta
Have.TrevBsactlaa Kept
i . . . v . .
NEW TORK. Msrch 19. David L. Short
one ot the witnesses to what Is known as
the 1900 will, '-waa on the witneas atand
again today tor cross-examination In ths
trial of Albert T. Patrick, accused ot the
murder ot William M. Rice. Short told
A request for admission to the conv- yyyg MEN LOST IN BLIZZARD and will it t American Vople.
preealon thereon, declaring the sentiments I again ot his V'.slt to Mr. Rice's apartments
J. B. Haggis, C aliform la MHlloaaJre,
Bald ta Bo Coateaaalatlag;
the Baterprlae. '
admitting them was finally carried.
The convention decided to appoint a seal
committee of twenty-one members, ssven
from each district, and a committee on
resolutions consisting of three members
8AN ' FRANCISCO, March 19. The Pottro,a ch o"ltrlct. The vice presidents I are reported
say: J. B. Haggln. th millionaire mining 1 91 xmm '"cie w aumunua io mmti i ner. nanenrn
man. t conUmplating the. construction ot mbera of th committee. ', . MeLav!'!'
a railroad ia Peru. Some time agpHh Hag- I FreaKteat MioaoHa aMd whtnr tij
Raaehaaaa aad Herder Mlaslasj aad
Their ftoath, ta ferloaslw
Feared. ' '
After some remarks of Mr. Randall, Mr.
Bulxer and Mr. Cochran of Missouri the
Bulser resolution wa voted down, 13 to 85,
nd the Randall resolution wss then unani
mously adopted,
In nureuanr.a of the action taken at tha
D., March 19. Two mea j flumt tonight a resolution will be" framed
,iiiir(aiu.i soruvw Mf0r Introduction In the house and aere
8tewart and Herder Daa after the democraU will d6 everything tn
.vrien ronosincf im i tntr prwer to ecure actios upon It.
oa June 80, 1900, ot Mr. Rice' talk to him
and Morris Meyer and ot the signing and
execution of the will by Mr. Rice. Short
said today that Rice showed the will to him
and to Morris Meyer and then said:
"This' is my last' will. I want you to
promise tne not to' say one word about this
until after I am dead and gone."
Jew Prlsaarr Law Work Well
' JSPTv PAUL.' 'March 19.-Owing to.khe 1st
hour for closing the poll counting of the
ts in ine nrst aicmci primary nonv
m vi' .i . . .. I Seal eommittea -would draw nn. a uniform In n, .-, tr.lvi "r.riifi.A . rim. I nit I TA UFI O nliT DAOTIIICTCD baA
:. :.ZI,:::rZ:Z::. .... rate, or whether aral acal would art', father i. n Iowa banker and ha haa - . T 1 -"TV.. T 7. V""r 1 - ' Inatjonaln this cjty was nw completed nn-
m,h v ..iu.".. w.u.a y,vyw - :.. ...... . . . , i . . - r. i ... ..... . . ... lt fuua v. infl new jaw womwi pui-ctfh
Pasco, Peru, and plans are under way for
working the minek on aa elaborate seal.
Tears ago Victor Bogus, the railroad engi
neer who left her laat night for Nevada to
arbitrate the Harrlman Clark trouble, made
a aurvey of the railroad from Arroya to a
point near the Sierra Pasco mine, a rout
which Mr. Haggln ha discovered would be
the most valuable to the syndicate In It
plans for carrying It ore to the coast.
Shortly after Engineer Bogue arrived here
from New Zealand, a week ago, he received
a telegram from J. B, Haggln ia New Tork
requesting htm to hurry eastward for the
purpo ot conferring there concerning th
constitution of the road. He will' go te New
Tork aa soon aa hi work ia Nevada I
V. .. l. ...W Ji1.,.l. . 1 . - 1 ,J. i-
L. V VWU M ..1 1 . VUUVlUVHfl I Wind SlUIVUMf . f S1UU1." iUI BUH.l
are oinerent in eacn autnet," saia jur. stock loea is heavr. zoo catu on the Mar
NlcholU, "and It would be difficult to ar-I ton Jaoor ranch, thirty mile from bar,
rang a uniform rat. Bom region desire I drifted before the storm and were droWnsd
pay by th yard and other want to be paid 1 In a lake,
by wela-ht. In our diatrlct we want the I
coal weighed and we want it ao badly we STORM IN MASSACHUSETTS I the aenate convened today a house bill for
Tk I CMvevaateat -o Itaad Loaa Btansaa
Melea : fresa Chleaa-e '
WASHINGTON. March 19. Soon after
fully and seemed to be popular, over 60
fer cent oi ine. voiers oeing repreaeniea
t the primaries. The ticket chosen by the
democrats is headed by Hobert A. Smith,
resent mivor. who was renominated bv a
ine renuDiican nonet is neaaea
Doran tor mayor.
are willing to fight 'for It if necessary,
The next business In order was th report
ot the special . committee, ' consisting ot
President Mitchell and the district presi
dents appointed at Indianapolis,' te seek a
conferenoa with toe operators. President
Mitchell announced that letters had been
received from the operatora and ha deemed
it advisable for the convention to consider
them in executive session. Hla suggestion
was adoptsd and at 10:86 the convention
went into executive aessloa.
President Mitchell addressed ths conven
Small Cyeloae
tba relief ot Poetmaiter Coyne of Chicago
Strikes Adaan aad I was presented by Mason, chairman of post-
Does Maeh Mtaor
ADAM9, Mass., Msrch 19. A high wind1
which prevailed all laat night suddenly a
sumed cyclonic proportions today and con
siderable damage resulted. Chimney wore
demolished, tree uprooted and th aplr
and belfry on the First Congregational
flic and poat roads committee, and passed.
Th purpose of th measure Is to relieve
Postmaster Coyne from th loss of $74,10,
th valu ot stamps stole by burglars on
October 19. 190L .
Other bill were passed as follows: To
provld tor holding terms of court in ths
diatrlct of Utah; to ratify an agreement
with tk Indiana of th Devil's Lake reser
vation in North Dakota.
Th senate then resumed consideration ot
Jade Phillips Abseaf.. freae Kaasaa
City aad Will Hot Ttetara
Vatlt Friday.
KANSAB CITT, March 19. Th
aad prudenc In arriving at any declstoa
as to further action.- ,
"What the float outcome will b 1. at
this time, purely problematical," waa th
concluding sentence of th press eommlt-
X- I tee's statement.
pectsd Injunction uit to restrain fat cut- Th Indications her tonight point
ting, that It was stated ' would be started strongly to a striks declaration, a let
here today by Attorney William A. Day of tera received from operator oent to hare
th Interstate Commerce commission I caused much bitter feeling among the men.
against seven Chicago-Kansaa City line
may not be filed tilt the end ot the week.
Judge John F. Phillips of the United States I
diatrlct court, before whom the proceed
ing would have to be filed I in Jefferaoa
City attending court.' Judge Day was in I
conference with him late yesterday and it
la stated he refused to accept a filing ta
that city. Judge Phillips, It Is said, will
not return te Kansaa City before Friday
or Saturday.
church were wrenched off. In falling th
tioa and he ,ttd that he advised caution Plr toolc w,tn. lt two large cupolas aad a I th bm for y,, pr6tectlon of the president.
ponton oi me rooi .rum u uougregswonai w SpOoner of Wloosin addressed the
bouse, which adjolna the churoh. ssaate In aupport ot the measure, dealing
big vote.
vy ta. a.
Faaeral of Kdward Carter. )
SPRINQFIfiLD. 111.. March 19. Th
funeral of Edward Carter, father of United
States . Senator Carter of Montana, who
died suddenly at Colorado Springs, Colo.,
took place' today -at St. Patrick's Catholic
church Pana. 111., where Mr. Carter for
merly resided. 1 tie funeral was largely at-
.Jtlleced Marderer In Jail,
NKW ORLEANS. March 19 Ed Batson
the alleaed murderer of the Earl family al
Welch, ia.. .was safely lanaea tn tail at
IiltM Charles.- The narieh seat of Cat
caaeeu, todayi Sheriff Perkins expressed
the opinion .that there will be no violence
attempted against tne prisoner.
Pennsylvanlai Freight Wrecks Part at
Werktrala aad Iajarea Two
- , Mom Fatally.
KILE8, O., March 19. A westbound Penn
sylvania freight train crashed Into a work-
Goaerat Faastoa Asalcaed to Cola.
rado aad.Kohhe Comsnands
th Dakatae.
KILL THE RUSSIAN GOVERNOR train caboose todsy containing eight Hub. j WASHINGTON, March 19.-By decision of
gariaas, injuring an m inem. xwo or wnom i pr,iaeot Major General Arthur Mao-
Flaalah Paper at Calaaaet Frlats
Story Said ta Have Been
appro aaea.
CALUMET, Mich., March 19. The
Plvatlcht, Calumet' Finnish daily, th only
will die. The wreck Immediately caught
fire, destroying th caboose. Th engineer
and fireman of the freight escaped by Jump
Acree Reveaa Bill.
DENVER. March 1. The conference
Jin Honest
Tired Feeling
There it an "honest tired feel,
lng,w;.caused by necessary toil and
cured Jy natural rest. .
But Tery different Is that tired
feeling' from which' to many com
plain and which 'may even bo
Classed aajt disease.
That tired feeling take yea to
bed tired and wakes, you tip tired.
YoUjJyj no appetite, have bil
ious taste, dull headache, art ner
rout and Irritable, blue, weak and
In tuch Conditions Hood's Baraa.
' parllla does a world of good.
It begins In the right place in
the blood, purifying it and impart
ing vitality, then ita tonio effect it
felt by. the stomach, kidneys and
liver ; appetite comes back, all waste
it removed - naturally, headaches
cease, that tired feeling departs and '
you feel like a new person.
This hat been the experience cl
It wiU be yours if yon take
Sold by all druggists; Prepared
by C I. Hood & Co, Lowell, Mast.
Railroad Mea CoafeV.
DENVER, March 19. Representatives ot
on la th United States, published today I committee of the two houses of the state
........ it.. .( Dnhri. I lerlalature announced tonight that an
Z X : o i . - " 1 i r V. aarreement has been reached on the revenue
koff, th Russian governor general of Fin- h?H ,nd wt.ula nDOTiA ,a the legislature
land. Th new wa brought by parties I tomorrow morning. The belief Is general
Arthur wa today assigned to the command
of the Department of th Lake, with bead-
quarter at Chicago; Brigadier ' General
Frederick Funaton to th command ot th
bepartmant of Colorado, headquarter ' at
Denver. Colo., and Brigadier General Wil
liam A. Kobbe to the command ot the De
partment of Dakota, headquarter at St.
Paul. Mlna. These change will take effect
March Z6.
th operating and mechanical departments .rriTDr at Calumet from Finland, vaster- that the agreement will be accepted By both I nnftTAD nil l e
ot th Burlington wtem .t ta annual . " 1 ??Lx ur'n.xTFTwaV0' th M KLEY S DOCTOR BILLS
Littlo Liver Pills.
Must Beer Slgneture of
convention tn this city toaay. u. w. I n.m ci.ims that ths account nsvr
ttaoae. essieiani supennieoaenL at ui has been nubllahed. aa the Russian gov-
coin. Nab., presided at the opening session. I ,rnment censored th matter.
About 16 general auprtatendenta, uperln- 0n February 11. according to th report.
Undents, master mechanics and other head I Bobrlkoff took a train tor Bt. PeUrsburg
of the tw departments -wat attend th ,t Helslngfors. ths Finnish caplUU He
was followed by an old soldier. As ths
governor alighted from the train at the
Russian capital the soldier fired three j
I shots at blm. BobrlkoS died February 14.
The soldier committed suicide.
8T. PETERSBURG. March 19.--An inves-
meetlng, which wUI last three day.
Takea fraaa Jail aad Uaaajred
tho Harder of a Whit
extra session will occur neat Friday.
Three Her Tesa Vletlaas.
BEAUMONT, Tex.. March U Three more
arrests have been made in connection with
the operations of the Mattle Bennett gang
of robbers end murderers. It Is suspected
. . nr.. . f hr ihM la th hacknian era-
ployed by the gang to haul the bodies ot
their victim to
Csaae at Hay Fever.
Aeeoaate Filed at Washtagrtea Are
Said to Bo Fair la
WASHINGTON, March 19. The bills of!
the physicians who Attended the lata pres
ident McKlnley have been received here
gad will be transmitted to congreas at 4
early date.
It baa been varloualy auted that thee I
bill would assume enormous proportion,
out of all reason, but from th highest au
thority ths Information Is obtained that
to Pee-Steall Wrapper Mew.
ligation ot the report published by the
Palvatcbtl, a Finnish daily newspaper of I Hay fever I not so touch a result of clt
n 1 ... UI.V 9 V . ..I , . i . . . i . 1 W i . L. .U.l . . . .
NATCHEZ Miss. March 19. John Wood-I ' ""-"' " i mauo oonoiuons as n tm w tbey are lair ana wis excessive,
Finland, who wa said to havs been shot I th body. If a hay fever aufferer can be
three time by a aoldler while alighting I ted up I a prim condition of health by
from a train, who wa alleged to have died I the uae of well selected food tb chances
trom his wound February 14, shows that I are the bay fever will not present Itself.
Governor General Bobrlkoff waa transacting I a ah Illustration, a lady In Cav Sprlngl,
business at Helslngfors, th capital of Fin- I os.,' etptalas'-how the change of food at-
land,, March IS. I (ecUd hor
ward, the negro murderer of Leonard CaU
rltt, a white planter of Unloa Point, Con
cordia Parish, La., waa lynched early to
day within 100 yeardt of the pariah prison
la Vldalia. La. Tba mob gained admission
to the JaU by claimlog they had a pris
oner from Cataholiah parish. . After the
door waa opened they demanded th body of
Woodward. JaUor Such refused te sur
render htm and vrl teen .caught him.
A member of hla family, fearing tb mob
weald do him violence, gave up th key te
Woodward eell. Woodward pleaded for
hi life, but b was taken' ta a. tree aad
The negro bad atolea some cotton from
Calvltc Oa February IT he confessed te
tb theft aad promised Calvitt to make
restitutio it the Utter would go te hi
(Wodard' house, and Calvitt did ao,
but wee he appeared the aegro allied hla.
. Xeaalaetleas ay the' Preeldeet
WASHINGTON, March 19. Th president
today seat tb following nominations . to
th senate:
Second lieutenants ot Infantry Robert L.
Week. New Tork: Albert 8. Ooodwin. Ala
Thi past summer I looaq I bama.
iktuK la a varv low Stat of health and I Tn-f m.tra
TWENTY SOLDItRS ARRtSTED much emaciated. I got dowa to 96 pound I Arlsone John J. Hodnett, Tempo; Rus
and ws worried, especuuy l naa to iook i sou H. Chandler. Tnma.
fC ara Saeaeeted et Partlclaatlaa I forward to my annual luasie wia ay i-tbi i cailiornia uavia w.. saorris, saooesio;
In September and felt It would push as I Oeorg Q. RadecliS, Watsonvuie
even further dowa. I Illinois Oeorge J. Pries, Flora.
"One day a friend told me h bad bees I Iowa Christian H. Wegersley, Alt.
ualng Orape-Nuta Breakfast Pood aad that
MOBILE. Ala.. March l. Th. auiH.r. I h felt Ilk a new person wita greatiy m
maater' boat reached her today bringing creased strength and vigor. I grasped at
th dead body of Michael Kuan, who waa 1 th trw nd Dega tn use oi urape-wuia.
killed th rioting Sunday nlahL No I Th ffet wa rny magical, in a we
m ukUaU" j ,
rC DIUISEta. 1 ' i
rui uucsim.
rat Tctna LiYi. v
f 61 COSlTIf AT1CI. "
nx iauiw taiS.
atSa Faxary Tsewtahjafca.. lC
Are Saepceted et Partlclaatlaa
la Fatal 'Riot ta the
Worn Out?
. .w .a. i '
To Care Woman's .1111 Lydla K.
rinkharu's Vegetable Com-
Joand Hnrrecds. Mrs. raulino
udson Write.
H Put Mrs. Piitsai t Sooa after
trty tnarrlafre two yrara Bern 1 found
himself In constant, patn. Th doctor
aid my womb wa tafbed, and thl
caused the parit wita 'comiiderabl ta
flainmatioa. lie prescribed for vat tor
MRS. iiann jrjMOW,
8eorety ot rVharaethora OoU Clab,
Brooklyn, Nw Tork, ,
four month, when my husband beeamd
Impatient because I arraw wana lnta1
ot better, and in apeakino; to th drug.
isc ne aanasKi him to (ret IvydU k,
Mnkham's re table Compound
and Hanatlve V asb. How 1 wish I
had taken that at first ; It would haw
saved m weeks of suffering-. , li took
three long- month to restore me, but
lt is a happy relief,, and w are both
most trratef ul to vou. Yon'r fVim rvn, a
haa brought joy to our horn and
health to me. Mm. TAWismJvvon,
41 Hoyt Street; Brooklyn, N. Y.
9000 ftfflt If eo Ultimo fmJ tt set awmrf
It would seni' br thla
ment that women would aare
time and much slckneag If they'
would pet Lydia K. Plnkbam's
Vesretable Oamnonnd at-. nnM.
and also write to Mnu link ham
ft Lynn, Mu., for aneolal ltd
tlo6a It la free and always heliMU
Not in Nature
or aayone to stways feel tired. There
a no need to drag out aa eziateac
without ambition.
Weak Derves are reaponslDl for laa
gaor, aVpreeaJoa, debility Sad vArloa
cele. Diseased aerrea, whether daelo over
work, over-lDdalarcace or asy other
eanae, caa be made strong as steal by
th ase of
They tonesnd ravigorste every ergaa
of thehody. soothe and strength: the
nerves end tmflaforta broke a dowa
men and womea into strong, healthy,
vigorous, raddy-eheeked persoas. If
yoa Bod this ian't so, yon get year
BBoaey naca, .. .
U.OOperho; A boxes (with goaraa-
tecj, o.ww, , aooa irea, -
For aale by Itunn A Co., Fuller Paiat ah
Drug Co., Omaha: Dillon's Drug stor.
Bouth Omaha, and Davis Drug Co Couuell
biuffa, la. .
la kr aakt. !'one ar lHatM, It karai
Mn4 Ht aManl caiw wtttwi taowr taktatai
aciy aaes'luMia aU
Impstial Hair Rsger.srator
feu. OHETr f LICA Tl O KXasT
months, ei4Wrhr (.
Imperial Chemical Co4 1 ,W. ad Bu. M. .
To remove greate-ipott
from garmentM .Urttj ' gt
bar of
moisten a iponge or cloth
in hot water ; rub on op
JJehdyi pply rponge vigor
ouilyi rinte wjtli warm
water. ' "7: A;.
Quicker and better thaa
rsioline no dancer.' ' ' , '
. i t '. '
Thne tuas laaadry, seel
bath as asiUt, et oval
ellat, as. j
Wtiaa tar heaktet glttag
dliecaeas far waaalag la naa,
wnliM,aaela . .
Thi Cvoaht Paccrua Co.
Oaaaha,..KaasM City. "" '
Kansas Bruce Deanla. Lecygn.
OaTered to heltaer Uardeld.
CLEVELAND, O.. March U.-Jame R.
Oarneid. oa hie return from Columbus te-
Msht. eonftrmad the atateaaeat of bis
brothsr, U A. Oarfield. that no tender of
the civil service core mlMtuoetaUl had beea
made to eitlxxr.
Tw Cwrw twlat la, Oaa Day
take Laxative Brass Quiaiae Tablet. All
druggist refund th. Banner tf it tall t
cur. . W. Grov' slgnatar la o ak
bs. at.
CeaSraaatlaas hy the Seaate.
WASHINGTON, March To aenat
today anad the coaflrmsUons:
Captain A- t- Crowalnshleld, to be rr.
admiral la th navy.
PoeUaaatsr: IlUnol William H. 8b'
Plaae tor ktallraad Ma a.
World Famous llarlani
y;j'TpnIo ;
A Restorer o! the
Vital Forces
Via lvUriani Is a perfectlf
elvlllans took part as ws at Brst reported. 1 1 felt toned up and ta a month begat la
Private Walsh aad Llttl are reported the I earnest to gala flesh aad strength. By
mna. vinniv kr4 T..i. I flDtamhar tnv welaht had laereased to 11
ot th company ar under arrest pending I pounds, and much to my giaemat I die J Cantoa.
a laveetlgatioo. I covered that waea tae nay tever uotrers
f . . 1 .M m.J mJt . . .Va 1.. . . I K. W A .Alllnllla I had Bflt SftA IVttatAM
that twe hour after It was know that nd aaped U altogather. laassJiKh aa I thf ?V?hKhfArTp.l vind ftlUUc diffusible tCtfllc
Kuha would dl from hi wound tb mea bad .uttered for year from thl mlierabl B3iana. tuinoS lowV rViiroao? ii M" . :. t , Uwmm .nrrU
asaamoled te lyaca Stewart, the suspectet I oiaease
murderer. Threats were also made to burn
hla at the stske. ,
The officer of the day bad th call ta
arm souaded and ths mea were sent te
thetf tuarter.
Woodward Burgees,
"Hunting for Hawkins"
Prices, Mat., ao. oc: nignt. jdo, aw, w.
Sunday Matinee. Nrght V Monde y NlgbU
The Jingling Musical Comedy,
Prtcea-Mat.. tic, Wc: Blgnt, tbO IV fl.
rolu'irf Ht for Viol AIIn us-
pended. ' '"
Telepbooa) IUL
Th .Three Merrills, Mr. and Mrs.
w aureus, Btuart Uarnes, Julia
and Nelson LewU. Pelcbin 1.. auat
Trio Emrnonda, Emersou aod Lmmeaoa,
and the avlnkKirome. . . . .
Prloea loo. and Wc
.. a i ij.a.l'J luuai-lw aad
Entire Week. Excepting Saturday Evening.
, aatarday ktvealasi. ,
Ding eblbttlon toetween rranit ootcn
y rank Calemaa..-t'nulsr iprleaaw-Jfec
Wr. duariay llaa-THaj. UltyAXWAr
bt.'RLL' i've . burlesque
show. '
erea ior years irwa tuie meraois Indiana, Illlnol at Iowa railroad. Is aeid . j. ' ... ...-,l,
and bad mad BO change except ia te have beeo tendered the position of traf. aUd . ttimulantj It gIVtl tXttala
L I aaturall, eoncluda that m, SHe'mJ. ,d vifcTOf tO ' bo4y. btaln and
d condition wa caused by the dally hi,, tihoqts e position will be practically ."'fc v .ay.
my food.
uae of Orape-Nuis and by obaervlog tb
usual lsws of health." Name caa be glvea
by Pottum Co., Bttl Creek, Mkh.
Nw1y furnished, srestl
tth aod Voaglae ata..
et(a iwople. TWO
created, cofillnurs the Newa, though the! .
duties of traffic manager now devolve upon I v "
A. C. Casa. third vice president of the . ..
Calarad h ual and Xroa conuan JLU Pruf gUtf .
Rl UM BkLbtlUiiVod.
wave a Tevoruo
i.iI.i tni tnA udi tyer
plan-ll and up per day,
vtL A BON, proprietors.
C. H. Verplea, Manager.
A. h. Laveupurl. friuulpal Clcrh.