THE OMAHA IA1LY BEE: TUKSDAY, MAKOH 18, 1002. JUSTIFIES FILLEY SHOOTING omaha's sewerage system IRELAND'S PAST AND FUTURE City Ea.lneer Ranlalas Ita reaatrae- tlea aad KrlmeT ta Hew TA'r WiaUn nf Rt. Lnnis Descents On Greatness of His Bam. CltUea. Coroner" Jury Bayi Killing of Smith Wu for Good Oatuw. A ftf-life rm Vi a aaaro arai trtttm tstin UNABLE TO FIND FELONIOUS INTENT I writes bis Impressions to The Bee has been IRISH WEAK ONLY IN THEIR SI KLNIj I n answered by City Engineer Rosewster. Tne Cltlsea Saaaert Dead Yeata Wll rrtaptri hy Older Kittti ta Pat t' Ik Jet that Led t Rla Slaaghtsr. FILLET, Neb.. March IT. (Special Tela gram.) A coroner'a Jury wss empaneled today to Investigate the shooting of Wll lard Smith try Prank Shadley. After being aworn in at the B. as M. depot the Jury proceeded to the lata residence of Smith. After an lamination of tbe body the jury went to the church where he got the aack of money and there the examination of witnesses was begun. Frank Bbadley. who did tbe shooting, wai the first witness.. The gist of hla testi mony waa that' his Intention waa to shoot tbe fleeing man In the legs, but the walk In front of the church Is nearly three feet above the ground and the man jumped from the walk as he Bred. As a result the ball correspondence follows: OMAHA. March 15. -To the Editor of The TW: Aa a new resident of your rtty 1 wa Surprised on Inspecting: the sewerage sys tem that for a lire western city you are not more up-to-date. Omaha baa a great future. That future can be made etlll greater by doing away with thin antiquated I plan for allowing this foul matter to now Into the river. The etench arising from the siaugnter House on ita Dana ana allowing the decayed matter to rot exposed are eiK'h menace to health It la surprising that these things are allowed to exist. The dumping Defeated, hat Kot Ceaaserts, They Are mill Traa ta Their Ideals aad Determined to Wl Their Independence, The entertainment given by the Ancient Order of Hibernians at Crelghton university ball last night in commemoration of St, Patrick's day was most successful. The of garbage In yards and alleys I another pan wa8 packed with the members of the 7V "-r.""1.1"-. VZ'.IJU1 order and their friends, assembled to ceie held up Its hands In horror In spending brats the annual feast of the patron saint IMrt.Onn to abate Just auch a state of affaire. 0( tne Emerald tele. The proceeds of tbe ow 11 la coaling tnem i,uw,uw ana "eiure i , , n.-nterl tn the nn Hiwh mnr. ihin ihii . . I entertainment are to be devotea to me HOTEL GUESTS LOSE JEWELRY Late It la Faaad la Roont at aa Km. leye. Waa la Then Ar j rested. Louis Spencer, employed ss houseman At the Millard1 hotel, was arrested yesterday morning by Detectives Johnson and Lahey and charged with stealing two gold wstches and two chains, the property of Dr. S. N. Wllhemy and Lawrence J. Adders, both of Jollet. III. Spencer wss arraigned. In Justice Crawford'a court, pleaded not guilty and bis hearing set for the afternoon. Wllhemy and Adders were sleeping In the same loom, the door unlocked, and each had placed his watch and chain un der his pillow. At an early hour 'Wllhemy heard someone In the room and upon get In g up found thst both watches had been stolen. The theft waa reported to Man ager Peebles and to the police and an Investigation started. Spencer was sus pected by the manager and when hla room W hv not do It now and thus secure the I Sacred Heart narlsh and the arrangements l waa searched the watchea were found neauny conaiuon inai wiii some oay rnaKe were un(jer the management of Father Omaha one of the foremost cities, lours . . .v. tn.iv P. n. C. uuage, pastor oi ids parinu. OMAHA, March 17. Td the Editor of The When the curtain arose It presented Bee: The article signed "C. B. C," sent hemntlfiil arene The decorations were a to me evidently for reply, Is of a kind that "'""V., "cen''T ? ' usually emnntM from rartlee who. like combination of Irish and American colors, this author, are eager to criticise what the centerpiece being a floral harp emblem tlnued the case to allow Spencer time to I"!r.""L"L..V" n ".1 h, L,?h or Ireland, secure witnesses and make hla defense. r.ralr.l. the lft ahAnlriM lai4e neap thai mat . or any city in tne unnen maien. I v.. . orajriu prniu. unci, iciiniiiMDiictr " aa reiurucu to mo ponce siauuu .7. 'm ..- . 1 " a ., I Every-eewer n this city Is provided with l to tbe significance of the day, he Introduced I and locked In. 8pencer has been working at the hotel for the past two years and has a good repu tation. After the testimony of the prosecution bad been introduced Judge Crawford con spinal column and made wound els inches I automatic flushing devices, which give It a ,v 7 . ,,,. " M i a tnor-i - - --- ---- --- dally cleansing. The system has ouglt I .. V OMAl.t. 11 . j. 1. ...... .u ucyiu. Diuiia i iu i" I " 7 Zt. "J I -a A.t m. ar. .1.- rV ...... Aarnlreit fnnv mtnnt.. lat. ttllftmit tittartfl I URn Ventilating prOVIHIOn, Kl lnnuramn 111 nil 1BI MUtlims fcplred tour mlnnta. later without Uttering of tnlete belna nncted i with the .ewers D. j. Hurley relted "Caoch, the Piper." a word. MLhout any trap, thereby so thoroughly I ..k... ,fc ' h, M m., d. nnw aimtlng with rresn air whatever ot ie f--" " ' ' may be devaloped aa to Tender It practical I Tom Moore number, "The Last Rose of for anybody to walk for mllee through the Bummer," was sung by Mlsa Mamie 0"BrIen effecta therefrom. In this respect It Is the la response to calls, she sang "Bendemere only city of over 100.0HO population that has Stream." from "Lellah Rookh." Illness pre- abaolute ventilation through untrappea in- vBtaa the presence of H. V. Burkley, who Toor brilliant critic thinks It horrible be- waa on the program to alng "Kathleen cause the sewerage of the city discharges I Mavourneen into the Missouri river, w nere would he The Jury adjourned at T this evening for supper, to reconvene t t. ' ' The general opinion among the oltltens ef tbe towa is that Smith, although not yet ft age, was addicted to gambling and drink ing unknown to his parents, and eltiieni are unit In saying that the youth never planned and executed the crime without be aid of older heads. A few men who re known Iter gamblers are thought to be responsible for the youth's action. George Suthers and Wade Lafiln drove Into town at I p, m. yesterday, put up their jtajT at the Ji very , parn and did not call for tne team tintll i today. ' Suthers lives three miles, southeast of here and Laflla Is a school' teacher at Crab Orchard. Sub joenae fiavn'.been Issued for' them. The eoronsr'r Jury" tonight brought 'in the following, verdict: . That on the Mth day of March. 1901, that 'one- Frank Dhadley, then and there being in tne town of HMey, in the said UAge bounty, Nebraska, did., with a thirty-eight-caliber' revolver, which he then and there tield, did shoot the aald Wlllard Smith .Without vhy felonloua Intent, and we fur ther find that the same was Justifiable. - 0.."K- 8TEKCE, Foreman, CHRIS ANDERSON. JOHN KLEPPER. E. W. BTARIJNG, ( ; A. K. DAV18. k . I''- KUOCNK BEAU R APR, WILL STANDS APPROVED ..... n . . . Oeaatr adcf Tares Dawa Rejeetel ' ! SUo's pbleetloaa to Its Probating. , After much contesting on the part ef Mary Venabls Wolf, the will of Christian U. Rapp waa yesterday admitted to probate by County Judge Vlns.onhaler. The Instru ment leaves' a $5,000 estate,' Including a drugstore at Twentieth and Grace streets, to be converted Into cash by Luther E. Rob efts, special administrator, to buy a monu FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED Charles Glover, aa Old-Time Colored CHIaea, Paasea Away Bad-denly. Charles Glover, aged 65, a well-known colored man and an old-time citizen of Miss Oenevlve Croft sang I Omaha, wae found dead In bed In hla room at Miss Delia McDermott sang 1 til North Twelfth street yesterday morning. It is believed that heart disease waa the The Meeting of tbe I cause. The body was removed to the morgue and the coroner will likely hold an Inquest. The body was found by Ralph Crooks, a grandson ot the dead man, who went into the room to awaken him. The little boy. after calling hla grandfather and receiving e i iiwmi i h... I. JWk.w.l That nf CMnarn Aim- I iviliarmy. charges Its sewerage Into the river, the city an aria from "Judith," and responded to of Ht. Louis does the same and ao does I calls by singing iviiihi V lljr Mill nunnmn ui uiuvr i-mrn, i it- , both In the TTnlted Bta.tea ajid abroad. The waters. Missouri river has a mean flow of 2S0,(X0 1 Editor Phelan'e Address. .r.lL.ti. hn mmtvA' a .Vila nnlnt T t lmuh I had a txmulatlon of fcio.ood the mixture of The chairman then introduced Very Rev. Ha sewage would contaminate the rlver'tom. 8. Pbelan of St. Louis, as a man who IK t wSufd0,1", tTemUs Personifies the subject of bis address, which .a Ant m , . Mint a mila k.ln t h. I uvm Irfah Phsrar t mrV ITaffier Phelan Is ewer outlet. The city of Omaha has editor of the Western Watchman of St 150 response, called a neighbor and Informed IhitThe generna'reSVio"8 are"Tn Lo'. -" eloquent and that something waa wrong. The neigh- an nTrll forcible. bor found that the man wa. dead and 1m- sewerage or tnat town noes not aiscnarge TO DRILL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Board of Education Looks Toward Regular Army for Commandant. FAVORS ENGAGEMENT OF WEST POINT MAN General Bates Sara that aa oncer Retired tor llg-ht Disability May Be ladaeed to Drill Cadeta Here WEAK KIDNEYS AND BLADDER TROUBLE mil is mi asi ii 1 Had to Pass Water Very Often Day and Night ..... . t - ... .iimn.. I mediately notified the coroner. dl.ctlr h.M""rl.rlver.but lntol , .... " "v., it,. Mr. Glover was employed as porter at a Twelve Mud creek and through Mud creek Into" ireiana I'apiuion creeK, unoouDteoiy creating a serious nuisance. This can be readily abated by the expenditure of less than lw,uuu. Arnimuw kuhiswatkh, -, City Engineer. The Rifle Sasnlaats the Sword). A half century ago the sword was con slderel the heat known weapon) In warfare, but It Is now being discarded by the British soldiers and the modern rifle Is substituted. ..imrl.e of the audience, moat of whom "l0 at Fifteenth street and Capitol ave h.n.v.4 htm ink! native of th. island. worked as usual last Satur He told of the first sight of Donegal on " re" " iu 0 cloclt bu,na .k.t .'I- .hi. .nnn.. t... jmi.iniKnt leeiinK wen. n leaves a wu ai respect for anything small; we associate H"as tour aaugnters in mis euy, areatness with blaness. Gauaed br that DEATH KtUUKU. Mrs. Elsla Westerdahl. Mrs. Elsie Westerdahl, aged 65 years, 1717 Burt street, died at 7 o'clock yesterday morning ot pneumonia after an Illness of standard, we have little to be proud of, for we come from a amall country. I never knew bow great Ireland was until I visited the Paris exposition a few years ago, when Many people throughout the country are 1 1 visited the Breton village, where every Uo discarding old methods of trying to I one seemed to be Irish. There are 6,000,000 ours headache, nervousness, Insomnia, In- l0f Bretons in France and they are all Celts, I 0M week's duration. Mrs. Westerdahl was digestion and dyspepsia and are using speak the Celtic language, and the only born ltt swIUerland and had resided In tlxai 4 A'ai OlASMSMh fklMkaa lha rA mm 1 1 avKI a I m . m.ih. I wu vu w i magasine puousnea in tne ueiuo language i Omaha sines 1875. She was the wife of ex rrmauy tor mesa ailments. is nregm- today Is published In thS Breton dialect. M.rhl tL 3. and hestdea her "There are 20,000,000 Irishmen what have we done. We did considerable up to the year 1200. Then we were teaching Europe clvflltatlon, founding churches In Germany and carrying the light of Christianity to all parts ot ths world. Then we stopped snd .have been doing little since then but raising a disturbance." England, like all countries, believed that having conquered the country It could mended by physicians and a trial will con vines you ot Its value. FIRE RECORD. Nebraska City Residence. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., March 17. (Boeclal.) Firs was discovered st about 11 ment for Mr. Rapp's father and mother, I o'clock this morning In ths house occupied burled at Bprlngneld. III. . I bv Jamea Hatdlck on east First Cooso. Though Mrs, Wolf, a niece, lived with her The department responded promptly to I "o with the people ss It it desired; but ths uncle for many yeara prior to her marriage, I tn ajarta and soon bad the flames tinder Irish would not do what was expected ot hl.h ... Vlll..l' mnUil tiA ! I . ' I tk.rv, Thaw -.ftt..4 A V.. .laV.B' tl.V n. W.only IS -when' he tiled Ust January. Th, "hougehold goods wars all removed to die. They are there yet and there th funerml TbUr"' Hftm nrntAsttwi tj ttrobtttinc or tn lniixu i vMiijh.m ii.i .M..A wa mev in iikcit 10 remain, iooukq raauri w " I iruui iua uuiiuiug wuuvui, uauiago. m uv t - w . . . ment. alleging that her uncle was not 11 house Is ths property of Mrs. F. D. I B15r 09 POOP. mT oo weak, he can be de hls right mind and after ths decision yes- I sp,M,r, The loss will not exceed $200 snd I Pded upon to ralas the devil at ths proper husband leaves tour grown sons ot her Im mediate family. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. Samael W. Vance. KEARNEY, Neb., March 17. (Special Telegram.) Samuel W. Vance, father ot W. B. Vance ot this city, died at Saginaw, Mich., yesterday. In his 88th year. Mr. Vance was formerly of this placs, having lived here with his son for a number of years. Ths remains will he brought to tar aha .filed snaUo. ef appeal. 'it was during ths srgument of this esse some ttms ago that' her attorney, W. H. PeFrance, and ths attorney for -the eatate, Charles Klguttsrv grew, openly wsrllks be cause ths Utter called the the former a liar.' Yesterday both were docile and ap parently on good terms. Is fully Insured. farm Balldlasrs Near Blair.' BLAIR, Neb.. March 17. (Special Tele gram.) At I o'clock this morning ths barn, granary and adjoining sheds of Mrs. Oliver Bonvlar, four miles south of Blair on ths Oronba road, vers burned to the PROJECT i crouod. Eight head of horses, a valuable mule team, pre milch cows, three new sets Pk JUeaaes Santar-Gardea 'In-Ttew I of harness, a wagon and a quantity of 'hay time.'' Today, England Is trembling for fear of sn Irish 'uprising and the leaders srs consulting together to do something for Ireland." Irclaad's History Clear aad Brlsrht. The history of Ireland, outside the pale 7 ' Certrade. gaaoiyCT-fVfieaee .'.': SUPERIOR, Neb., March-17. (Special.) Miss Gertrude Smoyer, sged 20, died last svsning, after a short Illness of typhoid fever. Miss Smeyer's horns was In Syra cuse, Neb., and shs csms hers last fall to teach school. Funersl services will bs held ANOTHER 0RPHEUM ., Orleaas ad Belter Will ' ''1. Miaags It. , Manager Relter ot the Orpbeum received word yesterday from Oeneral Manager Beck lhat he had lesaed Athletle park, the princi pal, summer, playground of New Orleans, thereby adding, another Important amuse eaeot venture to the enterprises ot the Orpbeum Circuit company. - Mr. Beck says ie Will-start-workmen erecting an tin- taaoasj gallery at ones snd push with alt and feed were burned. ' There ' Is strong suspicion that the firs Is tha. work ot an Incendiary. Toe loss is about' $2,000, with no lnsurancs. has been bound up tn ths history of the hers this afternoon, and the body will be church and that history shows clesr and taken to Syracuse tomorrow lor dunbi, bright In tbe last fifty .years we have been I Mrs. Fraaees Coleman. making a good deal or trouwe. nny years wit-MtnOton. Cel.. March 17. Mrs ago we were a very contemptible minority. F'ranceg Coleman, wife of Episcopal Bishop Hoaaa at Table Rack. TABLE ROCK. Neb., March 17. (Spe clal.) About 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, while a fierce wind wss blowing. Ore was discovered at ths residence of John HUI bert. sr. It was soma time before the de partment arrived and ths Ors had made the east and the Irish of the west In Amer- I assure you, but we ars coming to tne front with a rush. The Irloh are weak In their strength. Their constancy has been their undoing. It was constancy to the houss of Stuart which cost Ireland Ita nobility. . Tbe Irish srs constant la their love and constant In their hats. England found ths tactiona warring and kept up the war until Irishmen bad nothing. Coleman of Delaware, died tonight. She was the daughter ot the late Alexander T. Dupont. Brother ot Ellen Terry. LONDON, March 17. The St. James Oa- sette today says T. W. Terry, s brother ot Ellen Terry, the English actress, died at A parish priest in New York told me that Mandalay. capital of Burmah, on Saturday .imJ TJi th. of a score food hsadway. Much of the furniture Was lea. I explained to him that the boldest ' r .... I ....4 ,k.H.k in . ,tam.. .a .a.Iiu. l.n4 hvavMi nuahtid aver to the front. sf big improvements taat oy ins time oi i - ov v-.i.w. opening, which will be about Jans l, at wlir have ready ens of the most elaborate ind complete resorts for amusements In tbe intirs south. Mr. Relter was notified by Mr. Beck to- make no srrsngemsnts for ths coming summer, as he intends to transfer Tha firs Is supposed to hsvs originated from a defective flue. Mr. Hlllbert bad $560 on the house and $150 on Its contents. and bravest hushed ever to the front. "Ireland owes all It Is today to us Sir Richard Temple. LONDON, Msrcb 17. Sir Richard Temple, ths former governor of Bombay snd who Ths Board of Education has gone on rec ord ss favorable to ths proposition ot bring ing to Omaha a retired army officer, grad uate of West Point, to be commandant ot the High school cadet battalion. The mat. ter came up at last night's meeting, and thirteen members, all who were present. voted for It or at least voted to continue negotiations looking to that end. The resolution was Introduced by W. F. Johnson, who said tie had been consulting with Oeneral John C. Bates on the subject. and that he had written several letters to retired srmy officers whom the general had recommended to him. "The general thinks we should get a young man tor the place, someone who would come here and take this up ss his life's work," said Mr. John son. "There are plenty of such men, all young officers who becsuss of some disa bility have been retired from the service on tbre-quarters pay. I remember he men tioned a Captain Piper of New York, who lost an arm In the Philippines. I have written to him, and also to another officer down in Arkansas. "Tbe general says wa can get any ono of these officers for $45 a month during tbe I school year, with commutation of quarters, which would be about $31 a month addi tional. Under such sn arrangement the government would furnish us with all the I guns and other equipments ws might need for the military branch of the school." Mcintosh Ralaes Objection. Member. Mcintosh did not take kindly to the arrangement. "I'm afraid that this would work a derangement ot conditions st the High school," he said. "A graduate of West Point would be likely to want to foist the rules to which he bad been accustomed upon the entire school, and ths tendency would be to take the school management out ot the banos of the principal. Besides, what guaranty have we that the govern ment will furnish us with this equipment?" He was told that the government had promised this as ono of the conditions ot the board's employing a retired army offi cer. Mr. Johnson added that the officer em ployed for such service would also be willing, doubtless, to taks ons or mors classes outside of the military branch, ss two hours work a day would scarcely be enough to content a vigorous man. Being a graduate of West Point, he would be par ticularly adapted to teach mathematics, for example. A vote was finally called on the motion requiring the High school tommlttee to con tinue Its correspondence with these srmy officers, and get additional Information as to what they would bo willing to do. Mr. Mcintosh explained that he did not object to this snd voted affirmatively with tho others. Commandant Pearse'a Reslsraatloa. Tho resignation of A. 8. Pearse ss com mandant ot the battalion was accepted. The application of Lieutenant Jesse M. Tomp- sett for the position thus vacated was received and referred to the High school committee. Attached to this application was s statement sighed' by thirty ' officers and men of Company L, First Nebraska, testifying to his skill as a drlllmaater. Upon motion ths High school - teachers were given two days' vacation, April S and 4, without loss ot pay. A resolution was adopted to tbe effect that steps be tsken to discourage the establish ment of a bowling alley at 4420 North Twenty-fourth street, which Is within 150 feet of tho Saratoga school. It waa Intro. duced by W. F. Johnson. He said there would bs no objection to the alley If its environments were wholesome, but it wss to form sn adjunct to a poolroom and bar. through which patrons must psss In order to reach It. It was also decided to see what could be done toward the suppression of ths poolroom snd bar. The order for the general vsccinstlon In tho schools wss rescinded, tbe reason being that smallpox In the city was abating. A resolution ot thanks -was sxtended to Herbert 8tubbendorf tor repairing thirty guns which heretofore had formed a use less part of ths High school battalion equip ment. Cured by the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root DR. KILMER CO.. Blnghamton, N. Y.: About two years, sgo I hsd a vary severs case of kidney and bladder trouble. ,The pain In the small of my back wss so severe that I could not stand It to stsy In ons position mors than a moment or two, and was obliged to pass water very often day and night. I tried medicines snd doctors without getting relief. Noticing aa advertisement In the Topeka State Journal of Swamp-Root, I determined to give It a trial and bought a bottle. By the time I had finished the first bottle the pain had entirely disappeared from my back. Ths pain and frequent dealrs to pass water ceased. However, I continued to take the medicine, using about six bottle In all. Tbat was over a year ago and I have hsd no return of tho trouble since. EDOAR, Hoaaa at ESdarar. Neb., March 17. (Spsclal.) church. When Englsnd tried to brutaliss I held other Important positions tn India, is ths Irish by refusing them educstlon, ths dead. He was born In 1821 clersr csms to their relief and taught them even In the hedge school. Maay Rioters Probably Killed "You can't bruiausa ins insnman, yon LONDON. March 18. Referring to ths ktm ti ths new park until the reopening ot HM. . W. Christy's hot flrs Ust V.WT. L", ZZl1 Pft-rslmrf Sunday. ihs Omsha houss next fall. .v.nlng between ( and o'clock. The Are f J?r-" .-V J.J.. Vw. i-T.k I,. eorre.pondent or tnoTimes. in the Kua- I n v.. 4 . . I tor weauu, " i siaa Capital, saya tne soldiers were oiaerea Killed.' om!D' w" IZ n UDd ,oon enlisted and let the world taks ears when to uia ?na . thetr ,wor(U Paddy comes out or college. i ,., ,,. -jn... u.,t ha- v.0.m. ... Following the address of Father Fheiss, cUed aad gtruck wlidiy. severs! persons SB.! S . J y j xtinftilabs4 ths flames. new ai.rant. ma.. Marcn 17. npraa-i a v. .... .... i (nVreils caused a wreck today on the Bt. I " T , ,UT " toula XoulaylUe division of ths Southern parlor around ths stovepipe. The house runway.. ear n.ysn. sixiy mim wni oi is quits osaiy aamagea ana toe loss is estl thls city. in. whloh freight brakemsn Wit- . 12oo Mr aad Mr. rhr)- ..... Ilam FMds at Jxulirvi e and Fireman atea at woo. nr. aad Mrs. Christy were r rSOK ulaeson oi lauibvuic, were aiuou i we turn. and Knglnecr Claude JBlttaaoa of this City I was badly injurea. Mssrs Coaatry Plae. O. W. MscDougal gave a selection on ths plpss. Ths program clossd with ths song. 'Uod Ssvs Ireland," in which ths audi ence Joined the chorus. Prickly Ash Bitters curee disease of tha r DANGERqyS SURGERY NEW YORK, March 17.-Normahurst, ths ''r- "trengthens the liver. Munlrf nlacaof tha lata Nnnrni I. M.,.r. I Bhaald Bs ths Laat Resort. nesr Long Branch,- N. J., was set on fire ana burned ts ths grsund fast night.) Ths building waa valued at tMJ.OOO. It h also Many . people naffer from pile beoasss haliovsd that It was robbed. Tha lata vi f ter trying vsrlcms lotions, salves snd I president Hobsrt occupied ths cottage dur- slntments without relief or cure, they corns I ng ths summer ot 1898 snd during ths I Permelia F. Combs, Omaha. IS tha eonelusloa, that a surgical opsraiioa month ef August President McKlnley wss Andrew J. Lamb, omana.. Is ths last resort, snd rathsr than submit . vUltor. rior u Jowell. Omaha.... . ... ....... .. . . I . i ai.nt.w v m.,. nmitu I ths shock ana risx to me or aa operation wars wounded snd there Is little doubt that ssveral rioters wars killed. The revolu tionary movement In St. Petersburg, con cludes ths correspondent, is, however, less serious than la ths provinces. Disquieting reports srs dally received from varloua parts of ths country. At Tula ths soldiers refused to firs on ths strikers Marriage Licensee. I at a amall arms factory. A grenadier regi Marriage licenses were laaued yesterday ent has been removed from Moscow bs- to the following: Nmm and Residence. Edwin I. Gardner, Omaha. fltanlev E. Blue. Omaha.. Nellie D. Goodrich, Omaha Stavs Haaafaetartac Plant. vlOeorceW. Hit tie I A J f . I 1 V. - PARAOOULD. Ark.. Msrch 17.-Ths large ".I T! T n.'ki.'.d.'N;V;:: piani or reaia bibvs ana aianuiaciunng I tvther Bergeson, UaKlana, Ilea company waa destroysd by firs tedsy. The Louis Cshn, South Omaha.. laaa innrulaulM ttOfi.oM. neariv raverMl h I Lena SotaloM, Chicago. rr ' - I ... w .... i I , .. - f . lK..r... Ikaul IDA amnlavar SM tlirnoa I i! . , " ' ... v ... I rannis Molt, umana. out ot work. Ths company will rebuild. I . LOCAL BREVITIES. Balldlaca Rear Haaaeater, ROCHESTER. N. Y.. March J7.-A -re f u,Co prefer to suffer .on: very eftea, however, the afflicted one la over-persuaded to rssort to ths knife, snd even though ths opera Uoa Is apparently sucosaaful and there Is templets recovery from the shock Inoldent thereto, the result Is Invariably ths samti ths piles sooner or later return, because Ihslr csuss has not been removed. The result Is logical ons, Inasmuch ss the knlfs removes tks effects of ths dlsesss anly, while ths cause remains as before. thsrs ts claimed to be a remedy which I la ths tillage of Shortsvllls today destroysd 1 Hathaway, who waa sentenced for four teas remove ths. cause, hence eradicating I twelve busiaees places, two residences and I Kr. or tne same onense. ortener re Ave. .... 28 1 .... 27 .... 41 .... 43 .... SS .... U .... i .... 11 .... 20 U 21 4i U csuss It could not bs trusted to firs on ths people, snd there srs evidences slsewhere of the sympathy of ths troops with ths rev olutlonary movement. At Poltava recently several men wers sr rested for participation In a "Tolstolan rsv. olutlon." (A. H. Nooney.) Chief Engineer, State Capitol mag., Topeka, Kan. Jan. Snd. 1901 Weak and unhealthy . kidneys ars responsible for more sickness and suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other cauaea kidney troubls Is permitted to continue, fatal results ars sure to follow. Ws oftsn see a relative, a friend or an acquaintance apparently well, but la a few days we may bs grieved to learn of their severe Illness, or sudden death, caused by that fatal typa of kldnsy trouble Brlgh t's Disease. The mild and extraordinary affect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, la soon realise d. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing esses. A trial will convince anyone and you may have a sampls bottle sent free, by mall. Sample Bottle Swamp-Root Free by Mall. EDITORIAL NOTE Swamp-Root has been tested In so many ways, and hag proven so successful In every esss .that a speotal arrangement has been - mads by which all readers of Ths Omaha Bee who hava not already tried It may have a sampls bottle ssnt sbsolutely free by mall. Also a book telling all about Swamp Root, and containing many of ths thousands upon thousands of testimonials letters received from men snd women who owe their good health, In fact, their very lives, to the wonderful curative properties of Swamp-Root. In writing, be aura and men tion reading Uiis generous ouer In llie Lima ha Morning lice when sending your ad- i . ... . dress to Dr. Kilmer sV Co., Blnghsmton, N. Y. . ( - It you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need,, you can pur' chase the regular 60-cent and $1 sire bottles at the drug stores , everywhere . Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr., f Kilmer's; Swamp-Roof, and ths address, Blnghamton, N. Y. ' .','., . ASSESSORS. HOLD CONFERENCE Meet Today to Talk Over Their Work Which Begins First ef April.' in tbs county commissioners' rooms at ths courthouse this morning tbs sssessors srs to confer over their work, which be gins April 1. There will be nine for the nine wards of Omaha, six for ths six wards of South Omaha and fourteen for tho four teen country precincts, together with tbe deputies that any of them may engage. Such deputies havs bees notified to appear before the county clerk and bs sworn, a proceeding that is said to havs been omit ted heretofore. The meeting will bs sddressed by the county clerk snd such of ths assessors ss havs had previous experience. When they taks their books ths first of ths month ths extra men In the tax department will be through unless the board changes Its orig inal determination and permits Mr. Miller to retain soms of them. Those not so re- talned may have another engagement whea the assessors finish ths first of Juns. $5.00 A TilONTEI Specialist Id all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. ta years la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by ths QUICK. EST, safest snd most natural method that has yet heea discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely ana rorever. iN o BREAKING OUT or tne oiwtM on tne skin or face. A ours that la guaranteed to be permanent lor uin. Iftnnn C cured. Method new, lUUuElX without cutting. Daln! ao detention, (root work; permanent ours guaranteed. WI1K SB from Excesses or Victims ta Nervous DeblHtv or Exhauatlnn W ... lng Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, lack ot vim, vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak. TRICrVRH cured with a new lim, Treatment. No pain, no detention from bualness. Kidney and Bladder Troublea. Cawaaltatloa. Frea. Treatment hr Mail. OliiKQBI LOW, 118 S. 14th St. Or. Ssarles & Settles, Omaha, Neb, the disease. Sad )hat tsT ths. Pyramid Ptls I tares haras. Loss ts about $M.0W.V Curs; It Is ta tha form of a suppository, is kpplted directly to the parts affected snd brings shout a complete cure, quietly and alnlessly. In this coaaectloa the testi mony o; Mr. Joba Cullea Brysnt, ths wsll knows bookseller of Haverhill. Mass., ts ef kausual Interest. HYMENEAL Baeck-Tarheck. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. March lT.(8peclal.) Louis Boeck. a young farmer, and Miss Christina Torbeck went to rails City tossy peated. were taken to the atate Denltentlarv tlt Lincoln, yeatarday. Nlta Daniels aaks ths district court for a Li . . - 1.- T u. . . - V. h waa married at Broken Bow, 'Neb., April za, iw, alleging mat wnen ane waa taken to a hospital mere in June of that year he remained away from her two weeks, nor offered to contribute to her support or comfort. Louis Harvey, charged with cutting John I Christina Torbeck went to rails City today uouis Harvey, cnarged vim cutting John , ,"I desire to contribute aa unsolicited but I were married by the county judge. The Pa,,rih- wae bound over to the dltrlot sural v voluntar testimonial la favor ot J .1!, j L f ., V-7 court yesterday afternoon by Judge Craw- ij teetlmsniai lavor oi i ra trTiytJ kr CBly r.cntly from Oer- ford in the sum of b. Being unable to Pyramid Pile Cure. I havs suffered tor mora thaa twenty years with hemorrhoids tnd have consulted sumsrous physicians snd expended a great deal of money tor aiedteinea that Old me ao good. I had ftea ssea Pyramid ptls Curs advertised but hesitated lams, thinking that had ao merit; but having tried every sther remedy prescribed. I wss finally per tuadsd, ons year ggo, to try Pyramid Pits Curs. I bought a fifty-cent paekags st ths Irug stors. snd while I may not bs perms lently cured, the pest year has been ths kiany. Tbs couple will make their homo on a farm near this place. give the bond, he was returned to Jail. Several weeka aso Smith met Parriah and another man and requested them to shoot Hew ta Preveat Paeaaaeala. You have good rsasoa to fesr aa attack sf pseumonia when you have a severe sold. craps with him. When they refuaed. It Is cnargea. ne cut rarrisn in ins nca. 'The attorneys In the t'nitt-Mlller contest for tbe county clerkship occupied all the criminal court s time yesterday with srsu- liter to strike part h motion. If sua- . . ,r. .. .. ... - siainea. wiu pracuoauy ena mi ... 4 t- 1 1 . . w . w . I r t ,).. k.. rln. rtvmm tint II Wa.nimA t.ach. imn.. th- t.n. of thM,nA. -h th. ha. msy take up today the caae of . - - - j iinirn lAruB aAinai. aiiauinH n aave vvvv luim rvinvay tor coiua ana le I grlpps, we have yet to learo of a single esse that has reeulted la pssumonls. which - . , - . ' l oi paeumoaia woen you savs s severe com. i criminal court a time yeei tor meaths hsrors buying I (jon,,,,,,,,! by i., tn lh che,t or lB tB ment on tbe motion of Ml It a patrnt or quack reoisdy I v.. .v. I of I nltfa petition, whlc v . V . 1 . . . - I " " .v,-.... un.inniwin will nruMlmtllv onrf Ih. .nul. Chsmbarlsta's Cough Remedy and use It as I Ings. judge Baxter was forced to put the PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. aly year of my life wor living duns ths ,howe that thla remedy ts a certain pra ,ast twenty years. St. nothing but ths vsatlvs sf that asagerous dlsesss. , I a Pyramid ' rssnedlsa hsvs wrought tbe ihasga. 1 oger this testisaoay for ths teseflt of suffering bumaalty. Julius 8. Cooley returned last night from trip to uenver. A. B. Hunt -of the Omaha Water com- ShasaoOoUs and halrd remain, lie at Tk. I Pny. returned yesterday from a two I n.h.r bii.. t.i 1 !'" "'f- ai l . . ,.,1. 1 IndML ' Thousands of men and women are turned oat af paaltions and many tail to secure situations be- . cause their gray hairs ssaks tbcm look old. This fioed hot be. eZny'Q Hnir-HcaNh snakes era halt and keeps thouesnds la employ ment becsuss It takes years from their apparent Sge. HAtft-HBALTrl will posi tively restore gray, iaded or bleached hair to its youthful color. It ts Dot a dys. Its uss cannot ha detected. Equally good for men and women. GmUnmm Al forty aiy ash- aad muttack betas luraiBf grsy. A frUad aa aiy raad led his a! placs tereine hi grey kalr aude fcim look oidm iksa fce wai. pruauag T kta eipeneace, 1 kegaa MMftg rwy s naw-neaiin. ma iaai mv imm uu aan.rowa cany awr umi 1 ad at St n aetd mr paeiiiea, aliheuak BMay yauagef an, waeee ealy Uult vat their rnt balr, ksve 1 inaaa yoa for my pouuea. . n. j, AT LEAD!. NO DRUOQ1ST5. LARQQ aoc. BOTTLES. HAJITIHASOAP. Cat eat aad tin tbU ceupok ta ie day, take k le aay of tks following drugglMt aad (key wig give yea a uvge Wattle el May's ttalr-rleaith aod a asc Sana ef Martraa Hedfa-eted heap. tne mm ft rive yea a uvge kettle el nay's rteJr-rteeltk aod a asc cike ef nartraa fled U-e led Seep, Ike keM sess ler Heir. Scalp Coeipieeiea. heth aad Tetlct. kotk lor f-tfty ceatei tmm ulex price, 75c, Pidnnd by leading druf rUte everywhere at thetr sheas anly, e by the phlio Hay isrlariiei Ca . ne Leleyeua St., Newark, h ..eiiner with at wukaut apa by sanreM, steceo. is fins leiled yarUge ea receipt el tor. aad tsia cowpon. NaSSS.aaai There ' a better way than medicine to rid your face of those uniightly blotchet uie It open, the pores of the ,ldn, enabling them to throw off the impuride, of the body. Dixictiomi. Soap the face well, rinse with hot water, then with cold. Dry thoroughly. ... Thrae tliea Uasdry, tec: bath aad toilet, ,ci svsl kuiet, Thi Cudaht Pacxiko Co. Omaia...Katuet City. GUARJINTEE tvz:rte. keeebiad. ail utl kia a.oe. r beck kv addfaeauiaT Pntl Uai SracjALTis Co., aae Lelajrette St., Xmk, N. j. ................ Mium tmitUtuitt. Jtuul tm ianar Ht Htur-Hhk. feaealag DtwggktU sappty Hay's rUlr-Health and tlarftaa does ta thetr snaps ealy IMAHA SHERMA- MeCOHHELL, llk aad Oedge; BCHAFSR'S DRTJO BTORJ8. lfth snd Cblrago. COVMC1L BLirra-MOROAN. 141 Broadway; DeHAVIN, XXX Central Brosdwey; BROWN, tn Mata .WUUJGY4 ill Breadvay, BLOOD POISON la ths worst dlsaaae on aarth. vet the eaeieei 10 cure WHtn you KNOW what iu jjo. Many nave pimples, spots on the skin, aorea In the mouth, ulcers. falllna hair, bona rjaltie. miarrh' t Know 11 is dwaju ruiBDN. tMnd to DK. bkuwb sw Arc 11 st., i-ilisoelphla. Pa. lor onunn B 1JLXJ1J CUHE, ,2.00 pel bottle; lea Is one month. aVild only by Eherman A McConnaU Lrug Co., lLh sad LrUOS BIS., UDUU. Brcwp'x Capsules tWffl VUU DM. fCfDRUMKARDS WHtTl DOVt CURt vrfsUlsloeHroj crmr li4f lur mjut nub, tts ipftUK fur hic4s CeUinuf ilat Avflnr usvihs tblt. rinbtlr. G1va m ny lltjuif villi or without, Kisuwiadce of mUdli tahceiai. ii m DR. McGREVV (Ags53) SPECIALIST. Dtsaasss aad Ulaavaasa af Stem Oaly. M Yeara' Esaarlaaa.. . IB Tears . ta Omahn. VaDlfiflPCI C Cured by a treatment VAnlOUllLlX which U tbe QUiCKi-ttT, aafsst and moat natural mat nas yet oeen diacovered. No pain whatever, no cutting and doea not Interfere wlln work or huai aeas. Treatment at offloe or at home aad a permanent curs guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Dlasases. No "BRluAKINa OUT" on the akin or face and all external aigns ot the disease disappear at once. A treatment that, la more auocasstul and far more aaualBetory man tne 01a lorm of treatment and at leas than HALF THIS CObT. A curs that Is guaranteed to bs permanent for Ufa. Ell Oil nflf1c",d sured or aervous I kit AUiUUU debility, loss of vitality iiu all unnatural wasJtnaaaes Of snea. BUloture, Uleet. Kidney and iiladdar lls saaes. llydrocele. cured permanently. tfetAHGaSS i-O W. CONSULTATION S HEB. Treatment by maJL P. O. Boa 7CS. Office over tit 1 Uth street, between rase tsa ana ooogiaa a lev, om atia. stjus. , . Tho Lakowood Hotel la the PINES of Southern ' Th Ltading HoU of Lakevxxxl. LAKBWOOD. in the heart of a bal samlo forest of plnea, la now- a world-renowned winter resort for health and pleaaure, and The Lake wood, ita principal and largeat hotel. Is a superbly equipped hostelry, In lux urious accommodation fur tha comfort, convenience and entertainment of ita patro'df not Surpassed by any hotel In America. The culalna snd service equal thoaa of ths celebrated restaurants of New York and Paris. At The Lakewood ars Installed the famous Hydrotherapautlo twator cure) Batha of Prof. Charcot of Paris, and Prof. Erh ot Heidelberg. This resort has the most Improved snd perfect apparatus for tha treatment and ours of overwork, nervousnees, Insomnla. and allied oomplalnta, by means of hydrotherapy and electricity, of aay hotel In the world. This department la unaer tne ears or las House fny- LelA8. H. BERRY. Menace. f -f la I ara,J M J SearaeiaaS ML g a eat ,trtetere. s s rfaraaw 11 irlaa V "ISOaaTI,S.l" vt- cum TountEirx Use Big St lor ennetarel dlfrobergae.iiiSaoiluetluija. trritetlues or akmretloiL, of Bttiii BjiaBbroee reiulaee, sad But aaAias Qe, gaut ot suteuneiia. " 1 14 sy OrsumssfS. ppr seat ta sieis -ran, 11 MlHamsstai, I1UtWt m at jhwW 4f 4