Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Citj'i Best Business and Professional Men
Are Famed on It
Capitalists, Baakers, Mert-hanta, E4I.
tara ana1 Hotel Landlords Anon
Those Wko Will Be Called
(or Jnry Service.
On the new Jury Hat made up laet weak
Iser M. W. Oleesoa. assisted by lm of DIP CT IfV I 1T pDftlETT
Chicago. TbU work UlU Uinuu LWU invjuvi
very aauoh. If any, change will be made.
Thare mar ba a .advance of about 6 per
cent, to take affect June 1.
thirty people from Chicago.
will occupy the entire afternoon. The
roony win consist of arty men from Dea I Union Pacifio Contemplates Transportation
Moines, thirty from 8t. Joseph, thirty from Xhundsr Mountain.
Kansas city, rmeen rrom uuouque, inriy
from Fort Dodee. tan from Davenoort. llTe
from Burlington, fire from Keokuk, and Ore WILL SELECT A ROUTE NEXT MONTH I the following officer
from Denver. Tha charter membership of
na mailer vvaiea -
of tha Jearaey Will Keceeaarlly
Bo Foot Work t p Steea
number have signified their deilre to Join
the order aa soon as It li Instituted.
At 8 o'clock In the evening banquet to
the newly created knights and their guests
will be gtvaa. The program of toasU at
the conclusion of the feast Is as follows:
Address of welcome, C. J. Smyth: "The
Elect the Basse OIBcera.
8AN FRANCISCO. March 15. The di
rectors of the recently Incorporated South
ern Pacific Railroad company have elected
President. E. H.
Harrtmaa; vice president. Charles H.
Tweed; second vice president, J. Krutt
schnltt: treasurer, I. T. Smith; aaalatant
treasurer at New York, A. J. Vandeven
ter; secretary, J. I Wlllcut; assistant sec
retary at New York, Alexander Millar.
The officers are the aame aa those of the
Administer Sever &ebui to Mother of
Judge Leaxn'i Boys,
County Coart Coasldero Itaelf Da.
crlved by the Colorado Waata
Wko Took the Chlldrea
from Its Jurisdiction.
now defunct Southern Pacific Railway com
T lamt mt tlnlnn Parlflc headauar- I Mnr of California, which, with the South
that railroad I ern Pacific Railroad company of Arlsona I M",e vinsouoaier m ma
The usually amiable countenance ef
by the county commissioners and formally church." Father D. W. Moriartty of South --...r., .hat officials of
approved by them Baturday appear the Omaha: "Our Order." P. U McArdle of Juit now ab,orbed i the taak of se- and the Southern Pacific Railroad company court w elied with a frown yeeter
names of several hundred men who make, Chicago; "The Future of Our Order." Jamee eotln tna most feMlble route from the of New York, were consolidated Into the a' "4 administered a rebuke to the
or at leasi are supposeu m mane, uiu. u Mananan oi Liincoin
; "Columbus," T. J. Ma- I -, . n nr.snt to tha Thun- I new rornnratlon
money In an hour aa their Jury fee of 12 boney; "The Catholic Cltlien." T. J. Nolan . Mountain mining district In Idaho.
per day would amount to In a week. I of South Omaha.
The force In the county clerk's office I set toasts there will be a number of ex-
la busy writing the names on separata temporaneous addresses and talks by visit
slips and these slips will go into the new iDg knights and those of the local society.
shaker. Monday 110 of them, or thirty lor
aachof the jury rooms of the district court, Mr;r:-rQ Qp COUNTY BOARD
win V9 uiiwu, in orucr iut
names come out may have the required
twenty days' notice before their services
are required.
The commissioners determined this time
to meet the requirements that the Bar as
sociation urged when It had the old Hat
At the conclusion of the B,nc matter nrt came to the atten
Uon of the Oregon Short Line, and the poa
nihilities of the Held were realized, plana
have bean promulgating constantly toward
establishing the quickest and most con
venient means of travel to and from the
mines. These have so far been kept secret.
Fine Preaeata Are Received by Mem
be I a of the Sanaoaa Com.
woman who was formerly the wife of Judge
William R. Learn, that was, attorneys say,
more severe than they have heard from the
bench la many months.
The Judge, speaking from the bench, said
among other things: "I feel that this
woman baa deliberately lied to me; that
she was contemplating applying for
guardianship at the very time she made
Clttaen'e Petltloa for Enaaloymeat of I but It Is now understood that the Union
Special Ceaaeel to Collect De
llaejaeat Taaea.
WASHINGTON, March 15. The recent her solemn promise to me that aha would
passage by congress of the act authorizing return these boys. Not one cent of their
officials of this government to receive gifts money will I allow her to have until she
from foreign officials enables the State de- has appeared here and righted this wrong
part m en t to send to their destination three 1 1 feel an Interest In protecting these ehll
handsome presents bestowed by Emperor I dren and their estate sot only In an offi
t?.i t..,is ...t.m .merta to rarrr lntJl"n Oermany which have been held clal capacity, but aa a friend of Judge
vu,v ' r I -a a a, a ii - m . i I w . aa
h- ..inn hatween Mir 1 and lu ueparunein m tao aoaence oi mm wtm, meir lamer.
Pacific system will put In between the Ore
gon Short Line route and Thunder Moun
tain the largest stage route ever conducted
In the world. -
Twenty thousand people Is what the
July 1. The Oregon Short Line la the only bo,ra mentioned authorization. The pres-
The matter came up on the application
of Mrs. Emma Keafer, who was formerly
Mrs. Learn, for the $4,000 estate which
came to the boye aa the insurance paid
after their father's sudden death April
101. In 1893 Judge Lear a obtained a dl
Charlee T. Kountze. Frank Murphy,
thpwn out, partly becauae there had not Luther Drake, Ben E. Wood, James Crelgh-
aeemea a aumciency oi niumna iuu, ton ana otners nave petitioned ma couuij
been unsparing and Inexorable In making I commissioners to employ additional attor-
up this list and have left with Judge Ba- ney, ,nd counsel to aid In the collection fgiia reaching anywhere near. It gets nt8 ,or Commandant James Miller,
ter of the criminal court the task of de- o( delinquent Uxes against real estate la M elM than 142 miles, the rest of the Surgeon Oliver Morton and Edward Mor-
eldtng who shsll and who shall not be ex- Doug C0UI1ty. They aver that It would .ourney beln by stage wagon and trail by members of the commlaaion sent out
eused. The judge has said that no ordl- a paying investment, and the county areeB It woul(l be Impossible even to t0 th Samoan Islands several years ago.
nary reason will be sufficient, so that there board at yesterday's meeting referred the h. . ' ,,. fh. min,- v. ,h.t Commandant Miller's gift Is a splendid
IS excellent proapcv.i iuii men gi I auareatlon to tne commiuee oi am wn. I i . m ,. nmm iinA ran ba built th I au,u tmouuiueier unui a nn dub rturi iivm u wid iu uuuiuoi "iivui
win dbt 10 an luruuau i i Four local attorneys naTs t maae lw" I next best accommodations are to be offered. I lu" " r u 1 'r ' , BUl I ai " "
testifying and arguing In cases that m0re nroooaals In the tax matter, which! ...i - i. mhirh t low gold and the Prussian coat of arms two eons. William R.. who Is now 14, and
Involve no graver things than a I Bay possibly be considered Monday, to L.M- t Omrnn Short Line aurrounda deIlcteIy nbossed. The chain also Is of Leslie E., who Is now II years old. After
cnicaen miei a iiwnj or an iujuiou i arntcn time tne Doaro. too raceaa. idi I tb place In a seml-Clrcle at a distance B iuiuh liuna. tjuucuu muriuu i r- iu luuuon ucatu kiiu
eenger a damage to nis great toe. ins nrat of the two Is that of L J. Flam ana ..,. tram 1M to iOO miles There are "ivea an unusuany nne pair or marine nia lormer wue. wno naa msanume mar-
Judge says that any man drawn who Is not rrank x. Ransom, who wish to make a -.,,,, Dolnti from whlch th, ,.roii.
excused and who attempte to evaae tnia oy flve-year eonUaet with the commissioners eountr route may be started
Dtn GQmiU IUIU vuuifc will uc tm mo q collect oeiiuqueub mi mxm mi
very first day and fined possibly 25. I xs per . cent of all collections ever (2,200
I nnnik wKiik la tha nnunt tnrm. I ona ia at Red Rock. Mont., from which
rt ' " They will do the exhorting and "pushing," the Journey would be west 190, miles, of M'KINLEY
These are eome of the well known names but the delinquents whom they ettr up are I which 127 could be done by wagon, the
that appear on the list: to make payment to the county treasurer, rest on foot. Then Mackay, Idaho, Is
O. D. Klpllnger, E. A. Benson, J. N. Fren- not to the attorneys. I southeast of Thunder mountain about 180
aer. Jsmes Crelghton. Thomas Swift, John The other proposition Is from Charles E. I miles. Part of this can be staged, more
L. McCague, Frank Barker, Burt Dalrancs, Fannlug and Fred Anderson, the latter done In wagons, and seventy-two miles on
B. A. Collins, Wslter Molse, W. S. Shrlver. formerly a etty employe. They wish to ba foot. Ketcham, Idaho, Is farther west,
lsaao Carpenter, Ed Sterrlcker, Charles empowered to get after the delinquent per- being about directly south of the mines.
binoculars and Mr. Morgan, who was sec
retary of the commission, a silver writing
set, both gifts being marked with the im
perial crest.
Contrlbwtlons of rekraary Larger
Thaa Thoae of Any Other
MICHAEL Mcdonald
rled a Mr. Keafer of Cripple Creek, Colo.
appeared before the county Judge and
asked to take the children with her to her
western home for the summer vacation.
Teaporary Caatody Only.
Judge Vlnsonhaler bad meantime ap
pointed their fatber'e friend, Joseph E.
Ballack, a traveling man of Columbus, Neb.,
their guardian and administrator of thslr
estate, but consented that the boys should
be with their mother a few wetks, with
the understanding that they should be re
turned In time for school.
It appears to the Judge that Mrs. Keafer
bad bo sooner taken the boys to her home
CLEVELAND. O.. March 15. At a meet-
Mets, William Krug, W. H. McCord, Ed- I aonal taxes, their "commission to be from It Is the nearest point. 142 miles only, and M" of tn executive committee of the Ns
ward Peck. A. C. Powers, Frank Psrmelee. 5 to 60 par cent of the amount collected, only flfty-two miles of the trip necessitates 'loD, McKlnley Memorial association held
war t..n1IJ . 1 t? V... S .a a- a a. - V aWe S I aA. aHal Vaet lai llnlaa still taieBkdaa wasI I MCI a .weJ . tUCJ UCBIKU IUI UT3 LUUll 1UUIU1
Rom. Miller, R. C. Peters. F. E. Seaborn, "ax . are delinquent. . from which clt, the mountain 1. 170 mile. certlBcate submitted by a New York firm hth? ,'"'u?"c
John Steel. C. D. Thompson. Albert Cabn, County Clsrk Harry C. Miller Is trying to northeast. Ssvsnty miles of this must be " p. ' Pr"" l-T" 'T" . ' I h '
John C. Drex.l. Clement Chsse. Z. T. Llnd- get rid of some old warrant, and wrote the oov.r.d by hitting the trail. Last of all U - "T ,Ute18 Pn flM "rd- n"mt! JSm?.' in ,m.
aey. W. V. Morse. F. P. Charles board that h. ha. In th. office about W0 Wi.s.r. north and west of Boise, and 1S1 oard. sulubl. for framing. TtZSl , VJ!
A. Tracy. Tboma. J. O'Brten, D. J. O'Brien, of them dating as far back aa 18M and mile, southwest of the mountain. Trail I iu" UD"U " " 7""""' ' ' i ' t V.'.i
v-.w w . n t , ti ia .ti wn, i. nM...ur. mnr. th.n hair t h. J eleven inches in size. In addition to children may be provided with necessary
.. ... I ' ' ' I I ih. . i. ..!
Crook. Carl Raltter, A. Hoape, Jr., R. E. In payment of witness, coroner and Jury
Sunderland, W. F. Stoecker. William Byrne, feea. He stated that his deputy, Frank
Ward M. Burgess, H. A. Thompson, Emll
Drsndels, Victor Rosswater, H. L. Fowler,
Alfred Sorenson, R. L. Metcalfe, F. D
Wead, A. L. Reed, R. J. Altchlson, George
H. Payne, Thomas Brennan, A. Love, W.
Farnam Smith, J. E. Utt, J. F. Carpenter,
E. E. Bruce, W. J. Broatcb, Edward Rose
water, O. M. Hitchcock, Mel Uhl, Walter
Just now the Ketcham route seeme to be
In highest favor, because It Is short and
because ae large a part of it can be done
by wagon and stage. The route will not
bo picked, however, until a party can be
Dewey, had sent notices to those whose
names were on the warrants and that
about 100 bad called, but that only a few
of them bed their certificates. He asked
for instruction, believing it would be well sent over each way to Investigate. This
to give the warrants or tax certificates for I will be done In April. It Is desired to get
the amounts In cases where It was shown as far west as possible In selecting the
beyond a reasonable doubt that the war- I way, for the climate nearer the coast Is
Jardlne, Ous Renze, Frank P. Hanlon, W. I rants belonged to the applicants, whether more salubrious. A line In from Red Rock
8. Balduff, Frank B. Kennard. Frank Mur- they could show their certificates or not. could only be used about two months a
phy, Luther Drake, Ben B. Woods. Henry Tha communication wee referred to the year. On all the proposed routes the trail
W. Yates, Herman Kountze, Charles T. finance committee and county attorney with part comes at the Thunder mountain end,
Kouatze, Luther Kountze. Gurdon W. Wat- power to act. where the topography almply excludea
ties, Alfred Millard. Ezra Millard. P. Mar- I Sheriff Power's reappointment of Mrs. horses. It is a climb all the way.
kel, Herman Drexel, H. - B. Peters, Nat I Jennie Mcpherson as matron at the county
Brown, William Buthorn, Jesse Merrltt, 1 1" ws approved.
nsipn Kitchen, N. A. Kuhn, Thomas Mo- I The Sloan Commission company wrote
Cague, Robert Z. Drake, Patrick Ford, Jr. I the board that It had made a mistake In
bidding to euppiy eoap at 13.15 per box.
The company said it meant to make the
bid $2.46. The commissioner smiled sar
donically, for thsy had Intimation that the
real reason wa a compact between local
sosp dealers, for breaking which the Sloan
company had been rebuked right vigorously.
Instead of allowing the Sloan company the
kXv Ail
GENTLEMEN "In March I caught a had cold which lodged lu my kid
neys. At first I paid do attention to It and In April I suffered torture. The
palna In my back were terrible and I decided something uiunt be done. I
I bad never been sick but I could not ignorw the fnct Unit I waa now In danger. 1
secured a bottle of Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure, and after taking nix
does I noted a little relief. I Improved gradually until ntfer taking the.
entire bottle and part of another I am now as strong and vigorous
as ever. It gives me great pleasure to recommend your valuable
medicine as a great kidney cure and blood reconstructor." Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
of Ballot la Booth.
Otherwise the Execatloaer at
New Poaad Mar Have to Da
oaae Work.
Two Uaadred .Will Visit Omaha
Aaalat ia laatalllaa; Local
Delegations from various councils of the "tret at $14 the commissioners gave It
Knlgbte of Columbus arrived In Omaha last to tha P"tn Gallagher company at that
evening to aaalat at tha Institution of a price.
council of the order la Omaha, which will Jude Vlnsonhaler'e "request for a sew
Uke Dlace at tha temola of tha AnM.nt typewriter" brought forth a laugh and an
Order of United Workmen this afternoon. I lnlurT from Connolly ae to whether the
The program of the day will open t ludg mnte1 " maB or f1 The request
1:15 o'clock, when ths visitors and citizen w referred to the committee en court
who are to take part In the formation of
the society w:ll meet at the Millard hotel
and from there proceed to St. Pbllomena'a
cathedral, where an especial mas. will be
ealebratad. From the church they will re
tura to the hotel, where luncheon will be
servsd at 12 o'clock. At 1:30 the party
will assemble at the hall, where the coun
cil will be Instituted.
house and Jail.
The water company'a request for a par
mlt to lay an eight-Inch main to the Coun
try club under five feet cover was granted.
The first week of the dog tag sales dosed
yesterday and the record. In the city clerk's
office ehow that elxty-two tags have been
sold. It le eupposed that next week the
number of sales will be doubled. After
April 1 all untagged dogs are liable to con
fiscation by the poundmaater.
City Comptroller We.tberg aecured tag
No. 1 for hla Great Dane, "Queen, and City
Treasurer Hennlngs drsw No. 7 for his
Pomerlan Spits, "Prince."
A dog owner In applying for a tag must
give the name, breed, sex and color of the
animal for which the tai la intended. Ter
riers seem to be the most numerous clsss
of protected canines, and of these there are
the scroll work it contains a fine picture toot, clothing and shelter." Basing her
of the late president, the White house and rlh' on this stipulation and averring that
the McKlnley home at Canton. while her present husband's Income made
The report of Treasurer Myron T. Herrtck " possible tor her to shelter and care tor
showed that the fund for the monument Is the boys properly It did not permit her
rapidly Increasing, the contributions re- to school and clothe them, aha petitioned
eelved during February being larger than Judge Vlnsonhaler tor the $4,000 held In
for any month since the organization of the trust for them.
association. The hearing came on yesterday, but
the Judge wasted little time In llatenlns
TU rKUbt tLtUMUN LAWS to tba t"enUtlon befor e cut off all
further proceedings with the remarks
Speaker Henderaoa Aaaoaacea Deter I quoted above, declaring that he would not
miaatloa to 81ft Alleged Abaae consider her requests until she accounted
to him lor her course. He believes, too,
that the Bouldsr county eourt eould not
have known of the anoolntment of a
WASHINGTON, March 15. Speaker Hen- guardian here or It would not have a p.
dereon and his lieutenants of tba house I pointed ber guardian and administratrix
nave aeciaea to report tne irumpacaer res- there
olution for the appointment by the speaker
of a committee of thirteen to Investigate $AGAST A FORMS NEW CABINET
me tiecwon laws oi me souinern state.
and to determine whether the right of suf
frage ia abridged contrary to the condi
tion, of the constitution.
The resolution gives the committee power
to summon witnesses and to send for per
sons and papers. The committee on rules
will be called together next week to form
ally report this resolution.
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure comes in two
sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold by all druggists.
Send for Free Sample to the
Cramer's Vegetable Pills Cure, price 25c.
Cornier Premier Recelvea a Caaaaals
aloa from the ttaeea
MADRID, March 16. The queen regeat
bas commissioned Senor Sagaata to form a
new cabinet.
The queen regent only called upon Senor
T0PEKA JOINTS ARE CLOSED fMta to reconstruct the ministry after
sue iouna 11 impoaaiDie to mauoe tne
Llqsor Hoaaes Cease Baalaeaa la Cam.
nllaace with Order of Chief
ef Police.
TOPEKA, Kan., March 15. In compliance
various sectional leaders to attempt the
formation of a coalition cabinet.
The pope has appealed to her majesty
not to permit the recent decree obliging
religious congregations to comply with the
law of associations to be put in force,
with an order of Chief of Police Donovan, The decree becomes operative March 21, ao
with the stipulation thst the county eur- ,l" nMlvislone-fog. Scotch. Alsy, rat. bull wh0 it is sstd Is acting upon the advice the new cabinet will be eerly confronted
veyor supervlss tba work
and Boston. There are four breeds of the
It waa decided to advartua fo, km. . nue hound tbue far represented, as tol-
palnting the office of the register of deeds. low,! ,Gr'7' rx bloo1 nd bMher- ot
I spaniels there are two, water and cocker,
Th. council will be' instituted by Organ- CARLOAD OF CRAZY SOLDIERS - c'.'n'i olTJ
of Mayor Psrker, nesrly all of the "Joints"
closed their places today.
This action was decided on at a confer
ence between Mayor Parker, Chief of Po
lice Donovan and City Attorney Spencer.
Since the decision of the supreme eourt
with a question admitted to be extremely
difficult to settle.
PrellBBlaarr Wrestling; Beat.
As a preliminary to the wrestling bout
between Frank Coleman of Kansas City
The Germs ot La Grippe) arc Con-
eyed Through tha Atmosphere.
No one caa eeeepe the la grippe germ,
because when aa epidemic of the disease le
prevailing the air is laden with it.
The reaaea that everyone doee not have
ttte disease at tha same time le because
.the persona who are enjoying perfect health
are able to successfully resist and throw tt. being than bound to Isolated parts of
os me iniection, wnue tnose woo ror any I the car.
Elarhteea freaa , Fhlliaaiaes rasa
Throagh Omaha Earoate
to Waahlagtoa.
A carload of maniacs who ware brought
In from the west yesterday caused eome
commotion at Union station. The man were
Vntted Statee soldiers, gone Insane In the
service la the Philippines, and their con
dition waa pltable. All were absolutely
mad and violent. All wore leg Irons and
handcuffs and eome were In straight jack-
SLEL!" tb,,B b' "men " h0,dlD" tb4t th u"el ,laT' 'V U TrScidenwt tuX'. a aldeVold
children. I much pressure has been brought to bear
The city olerk reports that It has been to close these places.
decided to build the dog pound at Seventh
and Webeter atre.t. instead of SUth and TRACY TAKEN SUDDENLY ILL ef threi Tn The guitar aVl. of the awk
match wae arranged last night between
John Holden, a well known local wrestler,
and Jack Bhane, alao an Omaha man.
Theee two will go the best two fa.Ua out
Jones atreete. a. wa. at Brat planned. It
I. supposed thst th. building will ba ready
for us. by the latter part of April. The
; catohlng of dog. by the Impounder will be
gin Acrll 15.
reaeoa are not la the beet ot health, fall
ready victims.
There were eighteen ot theee maniac In
all. As guard and care takers was a squad
ef government soldiers, etatloned at the
Chlldrea at Joha Wltknell's First
Wife Clal at Pertlaa of tha
The chlldrea of Mary Wlthnell have
doors of the ear and at latervala along it, brought ault against Martha Wlthnell and
with clujbed Krags. Henry Farmsr. widow and estate admlnls-
A. the train pulled Into th. station there trator. respectively, ot Joha Wlthnell. wha
waa a confused sound, a. of a menagerie died January 19, 1W1, tor $18,600. They
aiiruwuiua- .mj,..v I allege mat mat amount or property was
Ei-Srer.tary of the Navy Strlekea
While Areata la Ceart
at Brooklyn.
NEW YORK, March 15. General Benja- 1
mln F. Tracy, who wa. secretary of the
navy In th. cabinet of Qeneral Benjamin
Harrison, was taken suddenly ill while
arguing In th. King', county shrievalty
case In Brooklyn today. After having bean
attended by a physician General Tracy wa.
driven to hla horn, la Manhattan.
fakss OIRrlala Come ta A merles,
HAVANA, March 15. Secretary of Stat.
Tamayo and Senor Capote sailed for New
YnrV tririav An f ha ateamor Mavtrn. Thav
chattering, snarling, growling, moaning, left them by their mother, Mary Wlthnell, go to consult 8enor Tomas Kstrsda Palma.
roaring and whining like so many wild who waa John's first wife, and that their president-elect of Cuba, with regard to the
beasts. Each seemed to imagine himself father converted It Into money and then inauguration of the new government. Gov-
son-e representative ot the animal king- mto reel estate after her death. January ernor General Wood probably will leave
qom. wa u .u.v w.. iwrujiut ua , iB8i. He died intestate and the plaintiffs Havana next week
nsartrenuiog o me spet:iwrs. allege that his sscond wife seeks to hold
Depot employee and trainmen who did their Inheritance. The nlalntlffs era I . Central t'niveralty Ueta 50,000,
not gnow of tne prsssnce ot me maniacs Charlee H. Wlthnell. Joha H. Wlthnell. DANVILLE. Ky.. March 15-Prealdent
u. KODeriB oi tenirai university ana
committee In charge, announced that
they have ben auceeaaful In raising a fund
of IZS.CHO In order to meet the tertna by
which a like aum was offered to the endow
ment of Central unlveretty. The donor of
the original was Thomas H. Swope of Kan
aaa City. Mo. Hla Identity was kept a
secret until today, when his name was an
nounced by 1'resident Roberts.
The first symptoms are those of aeate
catarrh, resembling a bard cold, and If
prompt treatment Is appltsd at this time It
caa be easily broken up; one of the best
remedies at this stage la Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets, sold by druggists everywhere, and
If taken freely, eay one tablet every hour
r two tit two or three days, the danger
of pneumonia and serious complications
will be averted
The Rev. L. H. Palmar, Baptlat clergy
man ot Cereeco. Mich., makes a statement
of interest to all catarrh and grip sufferers.
He says: "Stuart's Catarrh Tableta have
certainly been a bleaalng to ma. I have
used them freely this fall and winter and
have found them a aafeguard against La
Grippe and catarrhal troubles, from which
I have suffered for yaara. I feel that I
can freely and conscientiously recoouBead
Persona who Buffer from catarrh of tha
head and throat are very susceptible to La
Grippe and such will Bod a plessant, eon
venleot and safe remedy la (his asw ca
tarrh cure.
Stuart'a Catarrh Tableta are composed
entirely of harmless antiaeptloa and may
be used ae freely ae neeeaaary, as they
coatala no eecalae, opiate er poisonous
, ot aa klsd.
Caastraetlaa af Read Will Be Vader
Wllllasa KeaeSek af Kaasas
Froteste aa farina; Daty.
were given .hock, when passing the car I Frank R. Wlthnell, Li bole W. Wlthnell, P- c
by hearing a snarl of rage and then looked Eiua Wlthnell, Cora B. Baltls, Blanche they
up into nenaisn isces, wnicn naa tneir lips I Williams and Arvlda Graves.
drawn back and teeth expoaed. One un- I
witting man became weak and faint from CONTRACT
pity and horror ana wae compelled to lie
down In the men'e waiting room to recover
hla poise.
The Chicago. Milwaukee A St Paul road
took the men on east. They are moatly
young man and their affllctioa la due to one
of two causes, or both combined, the heat
and general climate of the Phtllpptnaa and
Indulgence In tne liquors sold there.
The guards said that a platoon of maniacs 10 connection with the Iowa Central, I Is held by the authorities until the duty Is
I m . . a w . I i.alil ne lha .IM'A f-n man S ear Ivaa ska visvVifr
was a common coaslgnment from the "r t-eniervme. ia.. ana tne Chicago A n-V.V." .k. a Ti,Vr.r:'w,u T."!
i.i. -j. u. - - ... NerltiMUrn R.,.in. i. ..j.-l "f -""7 "V7". .....,-
wwuh. uv niwif ui vioivqi and " , luuaj
persistent nature, they aald. and will not r to WUiam Keneftck ot Kansas
respond to treatment. A soldier's Insane Clty Mo- Ttk contract calls for the com-
hospltal and asylum has been established In P'tlon ct th tln not later than August 1.
Washington. D. C . and there these men To ros4 bln bullt b7 tn Gates-Lam-
SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. D. Soccl.
in p. Amt tt MantlA. hu nrntatn
CHICAGO, March 15. The contract for I against a duty of tS.uu aaaeaaed against a
tha nifiiinirtinii rj tha t. m. c. ...i. I bin war picture ne brought over Irom Ma-
. r . " " w " "w "" nlla on the last trio of America Maru.
railway irom earner, no., on the Banta Fe. Tha Dlcture. which la an immanaa canvas.
ward aidehold method. In this any three
points down, any hip, knee or shoulder,
at the same time, constitutes a fall. A Mo
the first man to break the hold loses a fall.
The men place one arm about each other's
walats and look the oppoaite hands out in
Eye and Hand Clah Chaagei Heme.
The largeat attendance ever known at a
business aeaalon marked the meeting of the
Eve and Hand club In Modern Woodman
hall laat night. An Important step was
taken In changing the name of the club
to the SUenllum 'association, which was
aareed UDon unanimously. New officera
were elected a. follows: President. Francis
Dulaney; vice president. Mlas Stella Ho1
ley; secretary, John Zadlna; treasurer, H.
Neleon; eergeant at irmi, A. Chlnnock.
Tha new executive committee comDiise.
Otho McMullen, John Helnsman and George
Teachers' Leetnre Coarse.
On Monday evening at Boyd's theater
the Slayton Concert company will appear
aa the current numner in tne teacners
lecture course, lte membership comprises
VI mm Rnaa LJnde. contralto: Mr. Frede
rick Carberry, tenor: Mlsa Georgia Bentley,
pianist, and Mr. caul u. eeo. cellist.
These artists are well known and very
highly spoken or.
. . . T 11 . ..11...
Ia.. is the guaat of Mrs. M. J. Greevy and
Mrs. W. H. Bherrsden.
A man who aald his name waa T. T.
Tnblaa waa arrrated laat eventnar at I
o'clock, charged with mallcloualy breaking
tha large glaaa In the entrance door of the
Hotel Gordon, Sixteenth and Chicago
It's All Right. A Clear Havana Smoke
A. J. SHERRET CIGAR CO., 1302 Farnam,
During th months March and April the Union Pacifia will sell
One. Way Colonist Tickets at the following rates:
Ogden and Salt Lake $20.00
Kutte and Helena
Portland and Ashland
Tuconia and Seattle
San Francisco
Los Angeies and San Diego
will be take.
bert-Mltchell Intareata.
Reeldeaae el Mrs. Callea aa Pecatar
Street. Haras a the
Oisssl. .
fire originated Is not knows. No alarm
was turned la until the reflection of the
blase was (tea by the flremea at fortieth
and Cuming streets. When the are
anally located aad the department arrived
pines are American possessions.
Mlsaoarl Kermer Haras te Death.
8T. JOSEPH. March U. Frank Dunn,
f rower of blooded Block and a well-known
armer. Derlshed at hla home near Weat-
boro. Mo., today, during a Ore In ona ef
his large barns. Several horees and cattls
wers Inside the barn and it waa to release
theae animals that prompted hlra to ruah
Inalde and aever the halters. The roof tell
Vistas; Kate aa Coal ta Lakee.
FITTSBl'RO, March 16. The annual
meeting of the officials Of the coal-carrying I ln nl Dunn e body was Incinerated.
roaas ot unio, rennsyivania aad West Vir
ginia to fix the rate for the lake trade for
the next year Is being held todsy at the
Hotel Bchenley. The meeting is attendsd
The OBe-ssd-a-haif-stsry frame residence 1 bT about twenty-Bve of the representatives
of Mrs. Anna Callsn, 2811 Decatur street, ot different roads. Including ths Columbus,
wtth Its contents, wss totally destroyed by Hocking Valley A Tolsdo. Toledo A Ohio
tre at 1:20 yesterday moral og. How the Central, Columbus, Bbswnee A Hocking,
Wheeling A Lake Erie. Pittsburg A Lake
Erie, Lake Shore A Michigan Southern,
Brie, Pennsylvsala company and Baltimore
" ' ' .... .... VICKSBIRQ, Ulaa.. March 15. -The
The railroad rate oa coal to lake porta I bodies of n'neteen of the twenty victims
the building was almost totally dsstroyed I hae not changed much ta tha past three 1 t the stestner Providence dlnaater have
and nothing could be done. The conte.te years, aad It U not anticipated by the J2-uv"S!h 'CT. li.."ni1 Vh.VSl
were valued at 100, with 1300 Insurance. I offlclale wbe are la attendaace today that I Dr. N. a. Lancaster.
Sabstltate far St. Patrick's Day.
CHICAGO. March 15.-A mlaalonary
movement for atrengthenlng the t'nlied
Irlah I yen sua of. America will taks the
place of the uaual St. Patrick's day parade
or Irishmen on Monday. William E. Red
mond and Joaeph Devlin. Irish membere ef I
Parliament, will arrive In Chicago Sunday
morning fo rthe purpose of addreaelna the
meeting. They will remain In Chicago for
three weeaa to runner tne movement.
Oaly Oae Boe MlaelnaT.
.Poor .Little Sick Stomach
It's over-loaded; that's what's the matter, and if this
boy don't get a Cascaret he'll be a sick boy all over.
Too much of a good thing! That's what we are all
liable to take. Grown up, sensible peof le will some
times do it and make themselves sick. "In time of
peace prepare for war," and have about the house a
pleasant, perfect, palatable, positive it.dicirie for
tour stomach, sick headache, colic, winds, belching,
biliousaesi, furred tongue;., laxy liver, constipation,
bad breath, bad taste, all liable to result from
over-indulgence in the good thiags of Hfe. Cascarets
Candy Cathartic ate whit you want. Eat and drink
what and as much as you please. A tablet after a
biff meal w Ml prevent -swknasa, or a tablet at night
before going to bed, after A food time, will fix you
. all right for morning, aad let you get up clear as a
belt, ready for business or pleasure.
Btaat res tea Bawrala. AM dnieftsM. t
Nrrf et id Mis. Tk ,
C C C. OuiArntesS our or Mur-mensy back.
klat atamesd