Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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tr1 Mill drug.
Stockert Mil carpet nd Tvtt.
Met -beer at Niumiytr'i hotL
Wollman. sclentlfio optician. 40 B'wey.
Pastursg. Judeon, th ave. TeL
Perry picture for sale- C. B. AUxander
A Co., 23S Broadway.
r. A. Sackett, piano and organ tuner and
repairer, IDS Third avenue.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Maurer, 29J
Harrison street, a daughter.
I, c. A W. Woodward, architect!, room
I, Everett block. Council Bluffs, la.
Missouri oak body wood, t&.ie cord. Wit
llam Welch, a N. Main street. iL 128.
Palm grove dance at Woodmen of tn
World hall Thursday evening, March W.
Mrs. E. W. 8!ier, aged 8S yr.Dd1fJ
lul evening at her home, MM bouth Sixth
The saloon of Pete Helm at 230 West
Broadway was closed under a landlord s
writ of attachment last nlgtU. .
For sale, -roora house, modern, except
furnace; lot 4xl?0. Lk not call unless you
want to buy. 132 Harrison street.
Oo to Morgan & Klein for upholstering,
mattress manlng and feather renovating
IU South Main street. Phone M.
James A. Ihurman ol Huron. 8. D., and
Eva Barker of Hloux City were married
illday evening by Justice Bryant.
Attorney John Lindt left last evening for
Helena, Mont., to look alter his and Jus
tice K. T. Bryant's gold mining Interests.
For rent, office room, ground floor; ex
cellent li cation for real estate or Insur
ance; centrally located. Address 8, Be
The Board of Education will meet Mon
day night. Instead of Tuesday, and the vote
cast at the recent school election will b
For rent, two furnished or unfurnished
rooms, for light housekeeping, for man and
wife; no children; rent reasonable. Ad
. dress M. Be onto.
Two cases of smallpox were reported to
the Board of Health yesterday: Chrlsien
en family, li West Broadway; Miller
family, 1104 South Klghth street.
Attorney I T. Van Slyke of Oakland,
la., former member of Company L, Fifty
first Iowa volunteers, was In th city yes
terday, visiting friends, enroute to Corn
ing. L C. Brackett has received word of th
death of his sister, Miss Harriett E. Brac
kett at Greenfield, Mass. She was a years
or age and had been an Invalid for soma
J, P. Smith ha been offered the position
of resident civil engineer for the Mason
City & Fort Dodge railroad, and left
Saturday evening for Carroll to report for
Horace Lyon, charged with the theft of
wearing apparel belonging to bis room
mate, Carl Horner, was fined 110 and cost
In polio court yesterday morning.
Justice Bryant performed the marriage
Ceremony yesterday for William Coleman
and Mrs. M. F. Dunn, both of Omaha, and
John Bornholft and Sarah Byerly, both of
Weetaide, la.
Lewi Miles, United State prosecuting
attorney, returned to his home In Cory
don, la., yesterday, there being no tur
ther criminal business for this term of
federal court. I
The funeral of Isaac Denney will be this
afternoon at I o'clock from the First Chris
tlan church. Th pastor, Rev. W. B.
Crewdson, will conduct th services and In
terment will be in Walnut Hill cemetery.
J. L, Ellsworth has filed a. petition of In
tervention In the Officer ft Puaey bank re
ceivership, asking to be allowed to settle
for WOO his Indebtedness to the bank, which
with accumulated Interest amount to over
Jam French was' arrested last night,
Charged with viciously assaulting Dan wil
ls ma In a Broadway saloon. French and
two companion, who eluded th police,
are said to have kicked William' fac al
most Into a jelly.
Mrs. George Lee ha gone to Vesta,
Minn., to join her husband, the motor con
ductor who suddenly left this city a few
week ago. Before leaving Mrs. Lee dis
posed of her household effects and placed
her children by her former husband lu th
car of relative.
Helen, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Staroy, 1426 North Eighth street, died
reaterday morning, aged months. The
uneral will b this morning at 10 o'clock
from th residence and burial will be In
Fali-vlew oemetery. Rev, Henry DeLong
will conduct th services.
Boy while playing marble Friday even
ing discovered the body of an Infant that
had not yet attained maturity, In a sewer
catch basin at. th corner of Harmony
street and Washington avenue! It was
wrapped up In two pocket handkerchiefs.
Th pullc are Investigating.
For the next two day wa will sell the
beautiful "Vldette" march and two-step
and the "Queen of the Camp" walttes the
two latest popular pieces published at 24
cent each. Also a large number of slightly
piled popular sheet muslo at cents a
copy, on Monday and Tuesday only. Bourt
clus' Music House, 836 Broadway, where
the organ atanda upon th building.
Gore H. Mavne haa brought- suit In
th district court to enjoin th collection of
city taxes on fifteen acre ot land within
th municipal limit, which n allege are i
held for agricultural purpose only. He
offer to pay th state, county and school j
tax on a valuation of 112S for the laat flv
years. County Treasurer Arnd and the city
ars mad defendant.
'At the Dohany theater this evening Pol
lard's Australian Juvenile Opera company
will present th comedy and musical suc
cess of Iiondon and New York, "A Gaiety
Girl." This will b th first tlm that this,
plec will be given by children. All th
lrttle one will have a chance, and aa life
guards, ladle of fashion and gaiety
dancers they wear some fetching costume
and Indulge In cut terpalchorean novelties.
A grand Pierrot ballet I also a feature
and th pier will be mounted after th
London and New York model, with appro
priate dresse and aacaorle.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Davis aUa fla.
Marrlaa Licenses.
-Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Nam and Residence. Age.
'William Coleman, Omaha 25
M. F. Dunn. Omaha , to
John Bornhoft Weatald, la
ear a a jpyeriy, Weetslde, la
la apparmost la tb minds of tbe majority
ef women, and the fairest example ot fem
ininity look all th more radlaat If appro
priately adorned with Jewelry rings, neck
laces, brooch, hair ornaments whatso
vr befit bar tyl of beauty. go It'
ur province to bedeck tbe ladle and
(lea tb men, and we do It to the aai'e
faotloa of all concerned, evea thoa who
pay tb bill.'
nt Broadway, Council Bluff.
Optician. Jewel r. Engraver. Work to
guars ted.
Funeral Director
imammt to to . 11 BMDi
$W rtaAava. aIR.T. '
PAfiri I OATJ" R-'S
rAUi.l isUAua Uo.nt
"fiT-t wVhcJ.u
Iftiy'lt.V'aiu' 3
Lawsuit Lasting Eight Tears Terminate in
Agreement at Laat.
la Consideration of Settlement, Appli
cation of Sob ana Daughter for
Distributive Rhnr i
Th litigation over th administration of
the estate of William Siedentopf, deceased,
which has been pending In on form and
another In th district court for the last
eight years, wa brought to a termination
yesterday, when Judge Wheeler approved
a stipulation for settlement, th term of
which. It la understood, hav been com
piled with by William F. Siedentopf, th
on and former administrator until J. F.
McGee was appointed in his place.
A few months ago the court in th suit
brought by Administrator McOe against
William F. Siedentopf decreed that the lat
ter wa Indebted to the estate in the sum
of $11,000, but, this decree wa subsequently
modified. Under the stipulation of settle
ment reached yesterday Slendentopf was re
quired to pay to McOe $3,100 In caah and
Administrator McGee is to sell all th real
property of which William Siedentopf
seised, except Such as bad been deeded by
William F. Siedentopf to Frank Haas, his
brother-in-law, and thereafter deeded by
Haas, and such other property which had
been deeded to other heirs by William F.
Siedentopf, wher such deed have been re
corded. Frank Haa la to recover from Adminis
trator McOee $35.40, which be paid to re
deem certain land in Garner township from
tax sal, and he is required to deed this
property to W. M. Pusey as trustee for th
creditors of the estate. This property I
very valuable.
In consideration ot this settlement the
application of William F. Siedentopf and
his lister, Mr. Frank Haas,, for allowance
and admeasurement of their mother' dis
tributive share in their father's estate is
dlsallowea. William F. Siedentopf, who ha
claims aggregating $2,378.17, will be per
mitted to participate In the dividend de
clared by the administrator the same
other creditor.
All suits brought by Administrator Mc
Os against William F. Siedentopf, former
administrator, will be dismissed and th
litigation closed.
Two suit brought by the First National
bank of this city to recover $1,600 on note
were also dismissed under a stipulation of
settlement by which William F. Siedentopf
1 to pay the bank $500.
Two Aetloas Am Browsht, On by
Freeport Daak, Other ay I
araace Company.
James N. Casady. Jr.; of this city, who
Is .said to b In Chicago, has been made
defendant tn two action In th district
court. The German Bank ot Freeport, III.,
seeks to recover $2,456, and th Scottish
Union National Insurance company want
htm to turn over collections amounting to In the- latter suit. Mr. Ellen M.
Casady, bl mother, 1 made party defend
ant, being on bis bond. Alleging that Cas
ady has absconded with Intent to defraud
bis creditors, th Insurance company baa
attached stock to th amount of $500 held
by Casady In tbe Grand Hotel company ot
tbls city.
The German Bank ot Freeport alleges
that In September, 1900, It sent Casady
$3,000 to place a a loan on property of
John Damlt. Subsequently Casady notified
tbe bank that be could not plac th loan
and stated be would return tb money. Th
bank waited patiently. It recites, for It
money, which never came. In January, 1901,
tha bank draw a draft tor th amount on
Caaady. whlch b accepted, but up to this
. , .. ' ttnn
date he be only paid, It 1 alleged. $00 on
tb draft and tb bank suet to recover tbe
balance with Interest which amounts to
Tb Scottish Union ft National Insurance
company, for which Caaady bad acted a
local agent for several years, allege that
he ha failed to turn over collection be
longing to th company amounting to th
sum sued for.
Bona Play Kill a Baby.
IOWA FALLS, la., March . 16.-i-(Spell
Telegram.) WhU playing around a bon
fire last evening, Alice, three-year-old
daughter of Henry C. Adams, fell Into the
fire, Igniting ber clothing, and before belp
could reach bar was so badly burned that
sbe died four hour later.
Cooaell BlaSa Charon.
Tb choir ot tbe Broadway church this
evening, assisted by ths Juantta Glee club
entertainer of Chicago, with Mis Phlleta
Es Church ot Chicago a organist, will glv
tbls musical program:
Prelude Faust Grand March Gounod
Hymn Abide with Me Roger
Anthem Kejolce, Ye Pure In Heart. Whitby
Hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee. Palmer
Selection My Aln Countr
Juanlta Glee club.
Offertory Morsean d Salon Benr
Miss Phlleta Evangeline Church.
Selection Sowing the Tare
Juanlta Glee club.
Hymn Come, Thou Almighty King.. Evan
Poatiua Marcn vriompnaie
In 8t. Paul Episcopal church today. It
being Passion Sunday, tber com
munion at 8 a. m. and morning prayer at
10:30 o'clock. Rev. T. J. Mackay ef Omaha
will preach. Veaper aarvic will be at 4
p. m. Lenten services will b at 4:3$ p. m.
I on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day. Tber will b evening prayer and
sacrament of holy . baptism Wednesday
evening at 7:30 o'clock In All 8alnts' chapel,
Eighteenth street and Third avenue. Tb
confirmation class will, meet Monday after
noon at 4:30 o'clock.
"Preparation for a Revival" will b tb
subject of Rev. Hsrvey Hosteller' rmon
this morning la th Second Presbyterian
church. In tb evening be will apeak on
"Prevailing Prayer." Sunday school will b
; at noon and Junior Endeavor society meet
ing at 4 p. m. Young People meeting
will be at p. m.
la Grace Episcopal church today there
will be morning prayer, litany and sermon
at 10:30. Sunday school will b at noon,
Rev. Allen Judd will administer holy com
munion Monday morning at 9:46 o'clock.
Rev. D. D. Odell. pastor ot the leading
Baptlat church In Jollet. III., will occupy
the pulpit la the First Baptist church to
day, la the morning he will preach on
"The Law of Mutual Help.:' His theme
la the evening will be "The Universal
Call." Rev. Mr. Odell was formerly pastor
, cf Beth Eden church la Omaha
Rev. 8. Alexander will preach In the
church at Seventeenth avenue and Seventh
,trt thu .T,n,Dg ,t T:M .clock.
1 Th rir,t Church of Chrtst (Scientist)
I wlu M Trice thig Biorataf at U la
th Sapp block, when th subject of th
lesson will be 'Matter." Sunday school
will follow the service and tha experience
meeting will be Wednesday venlg at 8.
Rev. Jacob Flook of Omaha will preach
this morning In the First Congregational
church. There will b no evening service.
8unday school and other meeting will be
at tbe usual bours.
Rata Brla; Mark Relief.
Tb rain of Friday night cam a a great
relief to tbe citizen ot Council Bluffs, es
pecially the who lived on paved street,
which bad been subjected to Alderman Hu
bs r's peculiar method ot cleaning. A few
days before the democratic primaries Al
derman Huber, democratic representative
from tbe First ward and chairman of the
streets and alley committee, bad a large
force of men put to work cleaning the
paved streets. Tbe dirt was scraped Into
heaps along th gutters and there left to
dry with the aid of tb sun and wind and
no attempt to haul it away In wagon for
several day. Tben tbe wind commenced to
blow and tb dirt heaps, which bad bo
come dust, were ' scattered everywhere,
principally Into tbe residence and business
bouse along tb streets so cleaned. The
manner In which the dust wa blown about
th streets Friday was terrible and com
plaint about the manner tn which Chair
man Huber conducted tbe street cleaning
department were beard on every aide. Com
plaint 1 made that over $6,000 ha been ex
pended by the street and alleys committee,
of which Alderman Huber Is the boss, dur
ing th last fiscal year and that there I
practically nothing to show for It.
Grand Opening; Batarday, March S3.
Anna H. Moore, $41 Broadway, announce
the opening and grand display of beautiful
pattern hats, tailored hats, ready to wear
bats, latest Gibson effects, and novelties.
We are also prepared to show creation
from our workroom, designed under the
personal supervision of Miss Roth of Chi
cago, formerly with Marshall, Field ft Co.
Davis wlls glass.
Kerr Incorporation.
Article of tbe Petersen ft Schoenlng
company and the Grahl-Petersen company,
both of Council Bluffs, were filed for rec
ord yesterday.
The Incorporators of tbe Petersen ft
Scboenlng company are Theodore N. Peter
sen, Henry E. Schoenlng and H. D. Peter
sen. Tbe capital stock is placed at $40,000,
and tbe purpose of the incorporation I to
carry on the wholesale and retail business
of Petersen ft Scboenlng.
Th Incorporator of the Grahl-Petersen
company are C. B. Grahl, Henry Grahl,
Theodore N. Petersen, Henry Petersen, IT.
D. Petersen and John Stange. The capital
stock is $10,000 and the company Is formed
to manufacture iron and tinware, roofing,
cornice work. etc. The company will oc
cupy the building now being erected on
Pearl treet.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway.
Enlarged Program for St. Patrick's.
Th St. Patrick' day entertainment to be
given at tb Dohany opera house Monday
evening under tbe auspice of th local di
vision ot tho Ancient Order of Hibernians
promise to be a treat success. Th excel
lent program aa originally published haa
been added to. William H. Brown will lng
"Father O'Flynn," and Mis Rob A. Brady
will sing "Dermot Astbore." Tbe services
of a quartet consisting of T. F. Swift, Clin
ton Miller, John V. Brennan and William
H. Brown of Omaha have been secured and
will take part In tbe program. Tbe accom
panists will be Mr. George F. Hughes.
Mis Minnie Unthank, Miss Mary Roger
and J. H. films. Hon. John M. Oalvln will
preside and make the opening address.
Having Insoeoted th milliner markati
of New York, Chicago and Bt. Louis and
selected tbe most novel pattern will ex
hibit am at my opening on Saturday.
March 23.
203 Broadway.
Rubber stamp. DeLong Tb Printer.
Divorce Case.
Bernard M. Jackson wa granted a dlvorc
a th district court yesterday by Judge
Wheeler from Rosa Jackson, whom he mar
ried In New York May 2, 1897. He allege
that sb deserted blm without causa In
September. 1898, and has ever sine re
mained away from him. . '
Mr. Christina Still began suit for dl
vorc from William A. Still, whom she mar
ried In Council Bluff May S, 1881. Sh al
lege a th grounds for bar suit habitual
drunkenness on th part of ber husband.
She asks th court to award her the cus
tody of their two minor sens, agtd 19 and
16 year.
Miss Nina Gates will return from a two
months' visit in New York City and Chi
cago, bringing tbe latest design and Idea
In embroidered shirt waist.
Plumbing and beating. Blxby ft Boa.
Mapea Not Gallty of Ltqaor Sale.
Tb jury In tb United State dlatrlot
court, before which Leroy Mapea of Han.
cock, thl county, wa triad on a charge of
selling liquor to his poker gam patron
without first obtaining a government li
cense, tound tbe defendant wa not guilty.
Tbls concluded tbe criminal business for
this term.
A jury was Impaneled In tbe $50,000 per
sonal Injury damage ault ot B. F. Kirk
agalaat the Union Pacific Railway company.
Tbe taking of evidence will begin Monday
lsltina; Card.
Tb latest and beat. DeLong The Printer,
$07 Broadway. Telephone 252.
DeLong will print It right.
Old Rosa, uitca and a Yelk
Tb senior of th High school hav se
lected old rose and light green a their
class color. Thl class yell ha bees
Brec ke ke kex koax koaxl
Brec k k kex koax koaxt
Parabaloo! Paraualoo!
One Nine Naught Two I
Mr. J. L. Btewart haa returned from a
Visit with friend at Denver.
Th Moaart club will meet tomorrow
afternoon with Mtas Sander of Park place.
Mra. L. Orlmaley la home from a visit
of several week with relative in Leando,
The Atlas club will meet Thursday after
noon with Mrs. F. H. Houghton of Pierce
MIks Grace Beebe entertained a few
friends Informally at her home Thursday
Mra. E. 8. Maxfleld of Neola waa th
guest last week of her sons, W. B. and D.
V. Maxtield.
Mra. J. T. Stewart and daughter, Mlas
ciisaoeiu, ten yeieraay lor au extended
Southern visit.
Mr. R. B. Judsoa entertained a num
ber of friends luformally at high five
Monday evening.
Mrs. C. A. Wiley will leave tomorrow
ror nearney. jseo.. rnr a couple of week'
Visit wtia her parents. '
Tha Ideal club halii a n iBt.Min .
Ing Tuesday afternoon at the hum of
Mr. Thomas Metcalf. Mra. P. C. Dwvol
acted a chalruia,n. TT.. i.kin n&rt
oa tha Brcyreja wer; Mxa. I. ji, Caviu.
Mr. Terwllllrer, Mr. Arthur L. Btvna,
Mr. W. A. Southard and Mr. Street.
H. II. Van Brunt and n George are
home from ohort visit with friend at
Culver, Ind., and Chicago.
Mr, and Mrs. Krneat E. Hart enter
tained at a dinner Tuesday evening in
honor ef Mis Evana. of Colorado Spring.
Mies Ellen Dodge entertained a number
of friends at an Informal dinner party
given at her home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Oeorg W. Sadler, who ha been
f:uest of Mr. and Mr. W. Farrnnd, left
ast evening for her horn In Montreal,
Mr. D. W. Bushnell will arrive home
this week froen a several weeks' visit with
friends at New York City, Boston and
The literature department of the Counoll
Bluffs Woman's club will meet Thursday
afternoon at the clubrooms, with Mrs. E. J.
Towalee as chairman.
Th members of The Flower Mission
are arranging to give a musical Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mis Grace
Beebe of Glen .avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldln H. Lougee enter
tained a number of friends Informally at
cards Wednesday evening at their home In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Grave of
Miss Mulqueen entertained a number of
friends Informally at her home Thursday
evening at cards. First prise of the even
ing's game waa won- by Mr. Frank P.
Tho Euchre club wa entertained Tues
day afternoon by Mr. Zula Melga at her
home on First avenue. The prises at card
were won by Mr. Will Rigdon and M.1
Cor HarL
Mrs. E. H. Ott, 3011 Fifth avenue, will
entertain the members of Grace Episcopal
church Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6 at
a Lenten tea. tine will be assisted by Mr.
C. A. Atkins.
Ml Ruth Harle entertained a number
of her schoolmate at her home Friday
evening. Game and muslo furnished th
entertainment of the evening, followed by
Miss Alexander will lead the meeting of
the art department of the Council Bluffs
Woman' club to be held In the club room
tomorrow evening. The artist for study
will be Reynold.
Miss Jensen of the High school faculty
was given a surprise party Friday evening
at her home by a number of her pupils.
The evening was pleasantly passed with
music and games.
The members of th Euchre club wer
entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Thomas E. Casady of Sixth avenue.
Mrs. Walter 8tlllman wa awarded th
prize for the afternoon.
The member of the New Century club
were entertained Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. O. J. McManus. The
club will meet thin week with Mr. Dell
O. Morgan of Oakland avenue. . . .
The member of the Derthlck club gave
one of the best rendered program of th
season Monday evening at the Royal Ar
canum hall. The program waa a lengthy
one and every number was thoroughly en
Joyed by the large audience In attendance.
The next meeting' of the club will be an
open one to be held at the Royal Arcanum
hall, Monday, March 24.
Real Estate Transfer.
These transfers were filed yesterday in
tbe abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl atreet:
Mary J. Garnney and husband to
Charles K. Durham,, lota 4 and 6,
block 11, Carson, w. d t $ 733
Oscar E. Schneider and wife to Ed
ward Rattlgan, aft ne and f
nw 21-77-42, w. d 8,000
Catharine A. Woods and husband to
Oliver J. Smith, lots 6 and . block
M. Curtis ft Ramsey' add, w. d.... 1,900
Edwin N. Campbell et al to Raemua
Campbell, S.6 acres In nett 20-74-42,
q- 0. d. , ,000
Total, four transfer $10,635
Mine Coafereace.
DES MOINES, March 15. (Special.)
Some advancement wa made by the joint
cale committee thl morning toward ad
justing difference In th Third district
This 1 th district in which th Des Moines
and Polk county mine are located. Tbe
committee decided that last ' year' scale
should continue. It provide that to cent
ball b paid tor lump coal and $ cent
iur screenea or min run coal. An eight-
foot entry will be cut at $1.75 and a twelve
foot entry for $1.70. A Dries of 84.48 waa
agreed upon tor room turning, with a nlne-
root neck, and longer necka to be nald fnr
at 50 cent per foot. The committee ad.
journed at noon until Monday at 2 p. m..
at which time th joint convention will alio
meet again. It is expected the negotiations
Deiween tne miner and ODeratora will rnn.
sum all of next week. Each ot the flv
uD-aistricts are to be gone over by the
Joint seal committee and renorted tn h
Joint convention before the question of shot
firing will be taken up.
Accused of Attempted Harder.
MT. AYR. Ia.. March
Norman Crecellus, a young grocery clerk,
has been arrested, charged with assault
with Intent to commit murder, w- tnrm.
erly went with Miss Louie Campbell, but
was juiea a montn ago and she alleged be
threatened If she went with "Vln" Newton
he would shoot Newton. Laat night New
ton and Mis Campbell were riding to a
secret society banquet. They aay a man
whom they took to b Crecellus, fired
a shot from a revolver at them. Crecellus
denies being the person who fired the shot.
ne i out on ituo ball.
Telegrrapn Companies geek to Enjoin
Broker front geadlagr Oat
United State circuit court today tbe West
ern Union Telegraph company, the Postal
Telegraph and Cable company and the
Cleveland Telegraph company filed a peti
tion for an Injunction against "bucket-
shop" brokers located in several towns ot
Illinois, to restrain them from havlnv wire.
In their offices, over which market quota
tion are being sent. Tb writ i directed
against "bucketshop" keepers In Spring
field. Decatur, Cerro Gordo, Bement, Vir
ginia, Jacksonville, East St. Loul. Olney
and other towns.
The petitioner alleaa that anma iim. ..a
tha Cleveland Telegraph company closed
witn tn Chicago Board of Trad a con
tract to furnish market nnnri. ...
the Western Union and Poatal Telegraph
companies hav similar contracts, and that
tb receipt of dally market reports by. It Is
alleged, unlawful methods by tbe keeper ot
so-called bueketshops prevents them from
carrying out their contract with the Board
of Trade. Tbe petition 1 et for bearing
on April 4.
Batt Jadgr Refaaea Motion for Re
he rl a or of Miaalo Healey
Mlalaa: Case.
BUTTE. Mont.. March 15. Judge Harney
In a decision banded down today refused to
grant a new trial in the celebrated Minnie
Healey mining case. He also ordered
stricken from the court files the affidavit
which allege that tb court had been un
duly Influenced In deciding that tb Min
nie Healey property belonged t August
Oa Klllea, Many lain aaa The a.
and of Dollar ot Property
COLUMBUS, Kaa., March lS.-r-Two mill
of tb Lafiin ft Raad Powder works, four
mile north ot thl city, exploded at Soon
today. Walter Reld. a workman, waa killed
and several other war Injured. Many
thousand ot dollar worth of property wa
destroyed. Tb exploalea wa plainly felt
thirty mil away.
Men's Spring Millinery
There's n
Suit and
Here for
Called Before the Convention, He Fledges
. Support of Ticket.
Hold City ad Coonty Convention
Governor Make Appointment
K. S. Kevcham for Rail
, road Commissioner.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, March 15. (Special.) Tb
republican county and city convention
wer beld today. Tbey followed tb pri
maries of a week ago when tbere was a
bard Debt for nomination. Under tbe rule
In Polk county wbere a candidate get a
clear majority b la elected, but It there
Is a larte field and not a clear majority
the matter goes to the convention. This
has caused a great deal of uncertainty about
some tbe offices. In the matter of the con
gressional light, or rather tbe contest for
control of the delegation from tbls county
to tbe district convention, there was-much
bad blood stirred up. Captain Hull, tb
present congressman received a small ma
Jorlty of the popular vote in th county and
got 1S5 delegate while bla opponent, Judge
S. F. Frouty, secured 106 delegates. But
the Prouty people have been declaring that
they were cheated out ot tbelr right by
fraud and hav been threatening to divide
the convention unless tbey were given a
chance to prove tbelr claims or have them
disproven. Tbe Hull men were in full con
trol of everything. y.
Frosty Is Defeated.
Tbere were two reports from tb commit
tee on credential, tb majority report
stating that It would be Impossible to In
vestigate the accusation of fraud at the
primary In that It would be Incompetent
to go back of tbe return of the Judge. A
minority report wa presented which In
cluded a letter from Judge Prouty setting
forth specltto claims of fraud, to asking a
postponement of the convention for one
week to allow an Investigation. Tbe report
set forth many claim ot fraud on wrong
doing In th primary. Ex-Senator Cheshire
moved the substitution of the minority for
the majority report and this precipitated
a direct conflict. The discussion waxed
warm for soveral hours, and tbe utmost
excitement prevailed. Th convention ball
wa packed to suffocation as tb partisan
of Hull and Prouty were enthusiastic and
dsmonstratlve. Tbe committee rejected the
minority report and adopted the majority
After the minority report ot credentials
committee bad been been rejected and ma
jority adopted seating tbe Hull delegate
In convention, the delegation to congres
sional wa selected and county ticket
named. Judge Pronty who friend bad
talked of bolting the convention, wa
called befor the convention acknowledged
defeat and pledged support to th ticket,
at th earn tlm declaring h would be on
band tomorrow.
City County Tloket.
Tbe four Juflge nominated are C. P.
Holmes, A. H. McVey, William H. McHenry
and James A. Howe. Tb remainder of
the county ticket waa named without op
poaition, a follow: County attorney, Jesse
A. Miller: county clerk, B. P. Coffin; county
auditor, Fred A. Copes recorder, Mr. F. W.
Dodaon; coroner, Pr. J. W. Beck.
In tb city convention Jamee M. Brenton
wa named for mayor, having an over
whelming vot In tb primaries. In addi
tion, a full city ticket wa named, including
aldermen and township officer. Other
nominated for city office: Solicitor, Wil
liam H. Bremner; auditor, John B. Lucas;
treasurer, Hrry F. Gross; engineer, John
W. Budd; poltc Judge. U I. Sllvara; alder
men, George King. B. F. Whitney, B. F.
Prunty, Al Smith, Eugene Van Dyck, W. H.
Brereton and W. S. Fraley.
Appointment by n Governor.
Governor Cummins this v afternoon an
nounced th appointment of Dr. P. O. Koto
of Winnebago county aa state veterinarian,
to succeed J. I. Gibson of Denlson; also the
appointment ef Miller, Verner sad Sweeney
as stat mine Inspectors. Sweeney suc
ceed Campbell.
Governor Cummin thl morning cent to
th enat tb name of two of bl ap
pointees, tha only two In which confirma
tion 1 necessary. The wer of Judge
K. G. Klnn ot Dea Moines, for member of
the Board of Control for tat Institutions,
and T. W. McCurdy of Buchanan county,
for custodian ot th capitol.
Judge Klnn I th chairman of th board
and has been a member lnc th first
organisation of tb board. H wa elected
to tb supreme court of Iowa on the demo
cratic) ticket some year ago and had previ
ously served oa tb district bench. H baa
devoted himself to th work ot managing
tb Institution and I regarded a a man
of very great ability. "Tim" McCurdy wa
a member ot tb laat general assembly,
representing Bucbsnsn county, and as such
was a friend and uportr of Cummin
tor senator. Great pressurs wss brought
oa blm to havs blm change, but b refused.
There wer a number of other applicant
for tb piece. It pay 1 1,600 a year and
tber I practically nothing to do.
Governor Presents BIIL
Th two houae of tb legislature tbls
morning reoalved a massage from Governor
Cummin In regard to ,tb necessity for
some geaaral leglalatlon) granting to the
United States exclusive Jurisdiction over
any ground or property acquired for tbe
purpose of federal building. H enclosed
a copy ot a bill which b bad ta urged
The newest and freshest -styles in men's head wear ever
shown in Council Bluffs.
Every hat model for Spring 1902 that is correct, can be seen
in our immense assortment.
No other store begins to show you the variety of absolutely
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COME IN we have a happy combination of STYLE,
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& BRADLEY, 15 Broad
to present to the legislature If this bill
I paesed it will obviat tbe necessity for
special legislation to grant thl excluslv
Jurisdiction wher new poitofflc are built
In tbe cities of Iowa, and will enable the
government to go ahead in all case with
out waiting for a session of tb legislature.
Governor Cummin urged tbe passage of
the bill.
Debat on Board of Manna-era.
Tha bill to create a board of manager
for tb state educational Institution cam
up in tb bouse this morning.
Temple offered several amendment and
asked to hav them printed before tbey
were considered. Tbelr purpose wa to
leave the faculties undisturbed so tar a
the educational work Is concerned. Oppo
sition arose to consideration of the bill at
all and a motion waa made to refer to a
special committee of seven members. This
would have the effect of delaying the meas
ure until the close of the session.
Tbe bill was finally recommitted to the
Judiciary committee of the bouse wblcb
had unanimously recommended It out for
passage, with the understanding that a
date be set for bearing on tbe measure and
especially that the beads ot the state edu
cational institutions be given a bearing.
The special committee to wblcb wa re
ferred th bill to establish th Torren sys
tem of land title registry reported recom
mending the consideration of tbe bill to
the next general assembly on the ground
that there la not time for Its consideration
Tbe Freeman bill In regard to listing
places M application of the mulct tax wa
passed. This require flv day' notlc to
tb property owner before tbo tax can be
assessed against bl property.
The bouse appropriation committee thl
afternoon approved a bill to appropriate
$60,000 with which to build a new arsensl
for the state, but mad tb provision that
It should not be done unless It comes out
of tbe refunding of war claims. Tb same
committee has approved a bill to give tb
Stat Poultry association and tbe State
Dairy association, 11.000 annually each.
Woal Bay Oil Palatine.
In tb ent a bill wa Introduced by
Harper appropriating 110,000 for tbe pur
chase of oil paintings for th historical
department, tbe painting to be purchaaed
being portrait of Washington, Lincoln,
Grant, Sherman, Larrabe. 1 Bole. Jackson.
Drake, Shaw, Curtis. Crocker, Cor and
Several minor bill were passed, the most
Important being on to make It a felony
to kidnap any person for ransom and fixing
heavy penal tie therefor. Others were, bill
to prevent sale of cocaine except on phy
sician's prescription, bill to provide amend
ments to tbe registration law to meet caaes
where person move from one wsrd to an
other after registering to vote, bill to per
mit township trustee to appropriate money
to support cemeteries in an adjoining town
ship, bill to legalise ordinance of Sballar,
Sao county, bill to raise tbe age limit at
th girl' reform school from 18 to tl year,
bill to forbid flsblng by tb eln In th
Big Sioux river, bill to create tbe position
of colonel of cadet t the state educational
Institutions. '
Both house adjourned to Monday after
noon. Flea for Common Behoof.
8tat Superintendent Barrett, la respoase
to an Inquiry from the chairman of tbe
committee on schools, bss addressed a
letter to tbe member of tb teglslstur
In regard to needful legislation In tb In
terest of tbe common schools.
His biennial report has not yet ben
printed and It recommendation are not
before tbe legislature, but b call atten
tion to tb tact that th common school
ot tb stat are coaling annually $8,&00.0O8
a year, and that it all tbe appropriations
asked for the universities, college, penal
and charitable Institution and all other
purpose war granted the state would only
be paying out for the purpose about
12.000,000 a' year. Yet tb legislature ia
giving very little consideration to bill af
fecting the common school of tb tat.
H particularly call attention to th bill
for compulsory oducation, a bill to recog
nli work la big a acaeeit la tb prepara-
On Easter Sunday
the man who does not have his linen fur
nlshed by the Bluff, City Laundry had bettor
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Have that old-fashioned. unsanitary
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Increase ot health and the saving on doc
tor' bill. We do overhauling and refit
ting thoroughly. Let us give you an esti
mate on replacing all that old plumbing
with up-to-date work that will keep out
aewer as.
J. C. Blxby & Son,
202 Main St., & 203 Pearl St.,
Did It ver occur to you that a fatal m re
take can be made in filling a prescription T
Well, It can, and It can be made, too, by a
competent druggist. Thl would ba due to
the annoyance from surrounding while
filling it, owing to Improper facilities for
being alone where his thought ran be di
rected to his work.
We Are Thoroughly
for filling prescription In a painstaking
msnner, having a room properly fitted up
for this work alone. Then, too, w have
registered pharmacists to do tbe work, and
you caa rest assured when you bring your
prescription to our store that they ar
filled Just as prescribed. W ballev In
thoroughness in all our departments, but
give tbls branch our special attention.
Sunday, March 16
In a grand soenle ' production "A
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Prices 35c, 60c, 76o and 11.00,
iww mane
tlon of teacher, tb bill to grant diploma
to teach on diplomas Issued by th stat
educational institution and bill looking
to consolidation of tb rural schools. II
urges upon ths legislature that everything
possible t don to tmprov tb stat
schools, which ar so costly to th tag
payer. For Railroad Commissioner.
Official announcement 1 made of tbo can
dldacy of N. 8. Ketchum of Marshall county
for member of tbe railroad commission. Ho
will be a candidate before tbe republican
stat convention to be beld next summer.
He U a prominent buslnea man of Mar
sballtown, tor many years engaged In th
Implement business a a manufacturer and
Jobber. He wa a candidate last year, but
did not pre bl candidacy bard, a tber
was soother csadldat In tb same district.
This yar b 1 assured of a good aupport
frcxa hi district. E. A. Dawson of Waverly,
chairman of tb board, retire thl year
and la not a candidate for r-lcttoa