Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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i-!.;-,,Jm,.a j..m,iUUHWMW.'",l'tOT'!K "..'." iwa r ' i jm .'.un .w Ba.'.wiwtim.W!!wj mt im. a hjiu. !,'. hhiuh. hu.u j. i -iih i J . n... sum '.' imm jl" M i' -, ...kJllL-.....Ji ) II 1, JHBBBM'WHil I.IUI MmtJUIHII1 TinjrW,rlfg"l"IHiri IHMIIJM'N
A bountiful souvenir which la a genuine
Coming events cast their shadow before.
One of the sensations of the opening of
our New Store will be 1 pieces, fast col
ors, heavy wrapper cloths, sold on State
street, Chl'-aao at 16c yd. Our price will bo
6c, 1 or l'W yards.
rnm of
leoe of art. will be given on ojr ursna
fmnln to our customers This souve
nlr In no costly end desirable that we are
compelled to restrict the giving to one In
each, family.
Our prices durin
. Ml t ' 1 . .1 1 .1 t
o -d will stand out like nil
ance sale will be inaugurated tomorrow, continuing through the week, preparatory to our removal to our nW big store. We must clear out our old stock at any
price. Prudent buyers will take advantage of this last call. During the week our Grand Opening Announcements full of Easter dainties and Modes from the
world's greatest marts will appear in the papers. It will pay you to wait for the opening of the big store,
50 COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS IN THE NEW STORE Dry Goods, Millinery, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Sporting Goods, Trunks and Valises, Books
and Stationery, Drugs, Tobacco and Cigars, China, Glassware and Woodenware, Paints and Oils, Hardware, Music and Pianos, Picture and Art, Toys, Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Tea Room,
Draperies, Groceries, Bakery, Tea, Coffee and Spice, Butter, Meat, Stove, Harness, Fish, House Furnishings.
7WB su 3SS&r3Krauxjuxa co.
Crockery Department
Annex Basement
Monday and Tuesday
Values not considered. Removal Sale
Plates. 5g
Fancy Sauce Cc
Butter Dlshea, "2c
open "
Covered Dlshea, iBr
fancy OW
Open .
fallen PI tenets, oer
yj w
Brlc-e-Brac price cut In half. Don't fall to secure these rare offerings.
Crystal U-i
60c and .
Grocery Department
t-lb. can SvruD. in
(full weight) aW
Pepper Sauce, per :
bottle Ofc
Capitol Wheat, 2-lb. Q.
package VW
Assorted Jams, per 10c
Lemon Extract, per En
Hand picked Navy Beam,
per pound
Nice California Prunes,
per pound
H-lb can Capitol Baking
. Powder
Best Rolled Oats,
per pound
Nice Clean Broken Bice,
per pound
Keystone Com Starch, dr
per package
Strictly fresh country a tZ,-i Nice assortment of eountry 9ftr
Eggs, per dozen ItJl Butter, up from SVW
SPECIAL A few mora English Bloaters left.
As long aa they last they Smoked Eels, per 91r
are yours for. each W pound '
Shredded Cod Fish, Jr Cottolena, per OCp
per package pall aSOW
We handle everything In the line of smoked and salt meats, lard,
canned meats and fish. The best goods at loweat prices.
Furniture Department
FIVB-P1ECB PARLOR SUIT Nicely carred frame well made through
out fine damask covering spring edge very attractive suit
worth 138.00 we will clean them out 25 50
COUCHES Thirty Inches wide eteel construction eight rows tufts
frame made of selected golden oak covered In tine imported Bel
glan velours regular price $18.60 sala J J
IRON BEDS Handsome large posts heavy fillings nicely brass trim
med steel side rails best whits enamel finish, at E? f
closing out pries only
LEATHER ROCKERS Very fine Mahogany Rocker upholstered In best
grade leather frame nicely carved piano polish A A A A
flnnsh re gula rprlce $22.60 sals prlca ItiUU
Carpet Clean-Ups
Some Great Bargains in Carpets and Lace Curtains.
Fxtra quality Velvet Carpets good line of patterns and colors QQn
sewing included per yard .' zfJf
Good Velvet Carpets short lengths soma slightly soiled fQc
sewea at-per yard Jr
All Wool Ingrain Carpets best quality sewed at per R"7r
yard OaTW
Lace Curtains
All our best Curtains go In this lot several pattern all full tSL'y 7(
size curtains at per pair -
Lot of odd Lace Curtains some splendid values some slightly A fir'
solled-cach OV
For Sale on Third Floor.
Music Department
Second Floor
We still have a number of musical Instruments left,
which we will place on sale Monday at actual cost.
Violins $1.78 to $7.98
Accordeons. $1.28 to $12.00
Mandolins : . .. . . . . $5.0O to $2 1. 00
Guitar $2.08 to $18.00
We have few Washburn Mandolin and Guitar In- .
tructors, which sold at $1, our price now 68c
Mandolin and Guitar Steel 8trtngs, per set 15c
Violin and Banjo Steel Strings, per set 10c
Violin and Banjo Out Strings, per set 35o
Violin Bows 68a to $2.50
Mandolin Cases , 88o
Guitar Cases g$
Tea and Coffee Dept.
SPECIAL A number of our customers were unable to take advant
age of our recent Coffee sale. In order to give all an opportunity to
ahare In this great bargain, we have decided to place 1,1000 pounds mora
of the same grads of coffee on sals Monday at
10c per pound
Come Monday at this may be
your last chance.
Bennett's Capitol Porcelain fired Japan Tea-half-pound
package ,
Try this tea once and you will use no other but this brand In the
future. We have In stock a full line of English Breakfast, sun dried
Japan, Young Hyson and Oolong Teas at lowest prices, Also' a complete
line of green and roasted coffees. Ws are also headquarters for pur
Woodenware Department
Annex Bargain Room
Towel Roller with mirror and
comb case, nicely A
Tarnished, ony flOt
Large size Wash
Hard wood Chopping
Bowls, your choice
Nice Hat and Coat Rack, A r
wortn $1, for 40C
8-arm nickel Towel
t compartment Knife
Special low prlca on all wood and willow ware. You will soon need
a refrigerator. We have a Una of sample refrigerators of the best
makes, which we will close out at greatly reduced prices.
Hardware Department
Carpet Tacks, 8-oz. and 10-os..
per paper
Imported Sink Brushes, 2c
each "w
Balsin Seeders,
(This Is the "last call" for raisin
seeders as they are nearly ail
sold oat).
Egg Beaters, full else,
Universal Food Choppers,
Tinned Wire Lawn Rakes,
1-qt. Tin Coffee Pots,
each -
1-ot. Tin Tea Pots.
each .
Mall Boxes, the finest on the QDC
market, each .ztsj
9c r
...8c "TO
1.08 J
38c !
"'7c (UW
Trunk Department
In Annex Basement
Now Is the time to buy yonr Trunk, Suit Case, Telescope or Traveling
Bag. We are making special low prices on all goods In this department.
A large metal covered y flQ
Trunk, only , aS.VQ
Canvas Telescope, 25C
Suit Case, 'rubber "cloth, 4 1 B
while they last l.IO
Before buying anything la this line. look oyer our stock. We can
save you money.
Heavy canvas 8ult Cases, cq.
at Ko. 78o and DOC
Shawl Straps e
from ...rrr. oc up
Book Straps
from 1C Up
Candy Department
We are enjoying a big trade on Easter Novelties. We have a com-
rlete assortment of everything that la new and novel In this line and
he prices are extremely low. We will quote a few of them below.
each ....
each ...
Easter Eggs, fr
10 for W
Chocolate Eagle Eggs,
Bird's Neste. filled
with eggs, each
Also a full line of higher price goods. Call and examine them.
Hoarhound Drops, e
per pound ........... . 'JW
Jelly Beans, Qr
per Dound
Mint Losenges,
per pound ......
Yum Yum Mixed Candy, Ort
per pound , aSlw
Assorted Fudge, o pi
per pound Ub
Eureka. Gum Drops, 4 Ep
per pound
Cigar Department
PORTUONDO CIGAR Every smoker knows what this cigar Is.
We tell them at, a
each HtC
Drop In and take advantage of this low price on a good cigar.
Meerschaum Smoking A Durham Smoking
Tobacco, per pkg "ft w
Tobacco, per pkg 1C
Piper Heldslck Q
Tobacco, per cut OC
A line line of Pipes. We are offering some special bargains In this
department Now is the time to buy.
Florence Cigars,
Cutlery Department
In Annex
Comenclng Monday mornl ng we will clear out our entire etAck of the
famous "Griffon" brand Pocket Knives. Here's your chance, boys!
2-blade knives, worth 150,
at this sale
1-blade Jack knives, worth
16c, at this sale
t-blade Pen knives, black or white
btag handles, worth 25c, 1Cr
at this sale 1JU
l-b'.ade Jack Knives, with heavy
5c ,easaiS5:iJ C2i
5C 5a
steel blades and red wood lOi
handles, usually sold for25o.aW
2-blade Pen Knives, black or write
bone handles, with 4 En
double bolster, worth S5! IOW
Large S-blade knives, very fine, real stag handles, good steel, well
ground and tempered. Regular price 66o all closed out at 2Sc
BENNETT Co., h ad Ca"lt("
, .n.iii.niMniiiiiiiiiini .iiiipniiiii i ninM.mim i iiiii.h in ii i , iij.jiiwisiiiijiii)isiiiiIiiiiW!iIiiiiiiiLiiMiiii.i1iiiii,ii w!ii.iiij1.lulsjuij)pHsj li iiiiLimi Mi lui.iut i iisi. in in maul i . i lawi us i iiiiiiii mi is i iispjwaBawjLjijj jjiijiibjiii j'fjffn 3xiMiiiiiui9mmfffpffffBmmvmmmwmwsnmmwttmm9ii luuuum uui jf "'f
Auditor Eittmann Oheoks Up War Olaimi
for Bhaw'i Action.
Vet Serfage avaltariase BUI Beln
Fosters hr Seeth Deitote Dele
retloa Peaslosi Meesevee
of State Iaterest.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 15. (Special Tel
egram.) F. B. Rlttmann, auditor of the
Treasury department for the War depart
ment, la now engaged In checking up the
accounts In his office, comparing them with
the figures which appear on the books In
the state auditor's office at Des Moines, as
given to 8 pedal Agent Blser during his
recent visit to Iowa. During the civil war;
many states promptly responded to the call
to arms and furnished men and munitions
of war, and low was notably to the front
In this particular. The money necessary
to arm and equip the regiments from Iowa
was entirely secured by the Issuance of
Interest-bearing bonds. The state stead
fastly paid the Interest on these state
bonds, amounting In the aggregate to 1435,'
915, and It now eseks to recover the prln
clpal and Interest.
Auditor Rlttmann said today that the gov
ernment had uniformly held that It could
not pay the Interest chargsd In these cases.
The state of New York, which, with patriotic
fervor, went Into the open market and
raised money to carry out the obligations
placed upon It, sought to recover the
mount expended, but was overruled by the
government and thereupon took an appeal
to the supreme court of the United States,
which rendered a decision favorable to the
atata. The supreme court held that where
the state had borrowed the money and paid
Ictereat thereon, the United States should
pay the principal as well as the Interest
Iowa's Boad Baralesi.
la the esse of Iowa, when the general
government called upon the state to supply
Its quota of men and munitions of war,
bonds were Issued to carry out the demand,
The state now seeks reimbursement, The
accounts of the state have been examined
and are now being compared with those oa
record In the office of Auditor Rlttmann.
' "It will be several weeks before we can
be prepared to submit the Iowa case to
the secretary of the treasury for trans
mission to congress," said Auditor Rltt-
mana. "I have a corps of clerks now s
work checking up the accounts, but It will
be soms time before the task Is com'
pleted snd In shape to transmit to the
secretary of the treasury.
Secretary Sbaw, speaking of the claims
that Iowa has on the general government
tor the premium It was compelled to pay
ee Its bonds Issued for the purpose ef carry
Ing oa the war, said todsy that he had re
called the esse from the court of claims,
whore It hsd been pending. In view of the
paragraph which appears tn the urgency
deficiency bill In refunding te Mstne, Pens
sylvaala. New Hampshire and Rhode Island
the expsneee Incurred In raising volunteers,
He said that Just as soon as ths auditor
for the War department would certify the
amount due te Iowa te him he would as
congress te make aa appropriation tor the
Wells te Be Beaotate at fret.
Senator Dietrich today recommended the
. reappointmitut of H. M. Walls for poet
master at Crete. He also made the follow
ing recosumendatlona in the fourth-class
Campbell; Valparaiso, M. B. Oiffln, vice
E. F. Mengel.
Senator Gamble and Klttredge and Rep
resentatlve Martin saw the president today
tn relation to the Hot Springs sanitarium
bill now pending In the house. The dele
gation explained to the president the posi
tion of the measure and the need for the
sanitarium. In explaining why tbey called
upon the president at this time they said
they did not know what course the leaders
in the house might take and they wanted
the president to have advance knowledge
of the proposition.
Mr. and Mr. A. J, Haneoom of Omaha are
In Washington on their way from a trip
south. They expect to spend several weeks
In Washington before resuming their Jour
ney northward.
H. S, Shears and wife of Omaha are In the
For Ncbrasksuie sutd lowaaa.
Eouflo Passes Over Two Hundred Bills in
One Day.
Wleeeaala Member Is Saeperted kr
oaker la Dealal of Story that
He te laaaeaeeA by
Bills for the relief of Bally Lowe and
Benjamin Contal, Introduced by Mr. Mercer,
passed the house today, as did the measure
increasing the pension of Nathan W. 8 nee,
by Mr. Bhallenberger, and for Eveline Wil
son, by Mr. Stark.
The following Iowa bills were aleo passed:
Qrantlng pension to Elisabeth Rickey, by
Mr. Hepburn; granting pension to Mary
King, by Mr. Lacey; Increasing pension of
Thomas P. Smith, by Mr. Hull; granting
pension to Mary E. Holden, by Mr. Hep
burn; granting pension to Mary Sheltoa
Houston, by Mr. Hedge; Increasing pen
sion of Thorns Flnley, by Mr. Thomas;
granting pension to Mrs. Joseph Lyman, by
Mr. Smith.
Departnaeat Notes.
The condition of the Des Moines national
banka February 25 shows: Loans and dis
counts, 15,71.781; told coin, $161,112; law
ful monsy reserve, S83,004; individual de
posits, $2,510,147; average reserve held,
The posteffice at Klrkwood, Apannooss
eounty, la., haa been ordered discontinued
after April 30.
Byron B. Hill, of Aroadla. Neb., wss to
day appointed a railway mall clerk.
T. W. Daween is the new postmsster at
Boollls, Beadle county, S. D.
William H. Ehlpliog was todsy appointed
a substitute carrier in the Omaha post
office; Carl O. Malnburg a substitute clerk
In the Red Oak, la., poet office; and Arthur
Jordan, a substitute carrier la ths Burling
ton, la., postofflce.
Faaataa Aaaeaaeee Hte Arrival at ae
Capital aa Coasalta with
WASHINGTON. March 15. Brigadier
Oeneral Frederick Funston today lunched
with the president, after having been in
consultation with him.
Early in tas day General Funston called
at ths War department and announced his
arrival to General Corbln. Hs alee paid hie
respects te Lieutenant Oeneral Miles.
Nothing has yet been arranged with re
gard to the future duties of General Funs
ton, but It is probable he will not be sent
back to the Philippines until he wishes to
go there.
Hew to Freveat Faoaateala.
You have good reason to fear an attack
of pneumonia when you have a severe cold,
accompanied by pains In the chest or in the
back between the shoulders. Gel a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aad use It as
directed and it will prevent the threatened
attack. Among the tens of thousand who
have used this remedy for colds aad la
grippe, we hsvs yet to learn of a single cas
that haa resulted In pneumonia, which
a there was not a word or shadow of truth
In any statement made In It.
Immediately following this incident the
house at t:0 p. m. adjourned.
First Assistant Postmaster Oeaeral
Johnson Tenders His Reels-
WASHINGTON, March 16. The letter et
resignation of First Assistant Postmaster
General Johnson, whose determination te
resign waa announced some time ago. Is as
shows that this remedy Is a eertala pre-
official Mead, Orlaad Adam, vice W. B, , ventlve et that dsngerou disease.
WASHINGTON, March IB. The house de
voted today to private pension bills, pass
ing 229 bills and clearing the calendar.
This is the largest number of pension bill
ever passed by the house at one session.
Earlier in the day a resolution waa
adopted calling upon the War departmeat
for Information concerning the government
transport service between San Francisco
and the Philippines. Later in the day Mr.
Minor of Wisconsin, rising to a question
of personal privilege, denounced a published
statement regarding the speaker himself as
falee. Speaker Henderson alao stated that
there was not a shadow of truth In the
Mr. Parker of New Jersey reported back
from the committee on military affair the
resolution Introduoed by Mr. Richardson
the democratlo leader, a few day ago, call
ing upon the secretary of war for the re
port of certain army offloera who examined
Into the transport service between Baa
Francisco and Manila, with the recommen
dation that a substitute be adopted, which
calls for the facts relative to this trans
port service Instead of the report.
Richardson Aeoeat Sebstltate.
Mr. Parker explained that reports were
confidential and contained in many cases
freely expressed opinions, which it might
be unwise to make public. All eongress
desired or waa entitled te, be said, were
the facts.
Mr. Richardson said that while he would
have preferred the reports called for In his
original resolution he would be satisfied
with the substitute if it elicited the facts,
aa hs was assured it would. Hs was the
more disposed to accept the substitute, as
the senate had already adopted a resolu
tion slmost identical with that introduced
by him. If congress got ths facts relative
to the transport service, he eald, he be
lieved the eountry would receive a chapter
of very interesting reading. The resolution
was sdepted without division.
Ths house then went into committee tf
the whole ana entered upon conslderatioa
of private pension bills.
A message from the prssldent wss re
ceived returning the bill restoring Edward
Klrschoer to the nsvy for technical correc
tion. Minor Denies Prese Revert.
Mr. Minor of Wisconsin then rose to a
question of personal privilege. He sent to
the clerk's desk aad had read a Washlagton
dispatch In a Cincinnati newspaper to the
effect that he (Minor) had chaaged his po
sition on ths shipping and oa the Cuba
tariff question because of the speaker' in
tentlon to advance a local revenue cotter
meaeure la which ths Wisconsin member Is
Mr. Minor followed the reading with de
nouncing the article aa false. Never by
act, word, deed or intimation, be said, had
ths spesker attempted to change Mr. Min
or's position relative to the Cuban ques
tion. As te the shipping bill, he said, the
speaker waa not aware of his position,
Speaker Headersoa added that so tar a
the article referred te htm, the evermeats
made by Mr. Minor were absolutely untrue.
WASHINGTON. March 10,-The Presi
dent: Sir Owing to the condition of my
health and for other personal reasons,
I deem it advisable to rellnautsh the
office of first assistant postmaster general
and have the honor to tender to you my
resignation of that office, to take effect
wnen my successor anau nave quaunea.
In submitting tne same i wtan to express
my appreciation of the consideration
shown me by yourself and your predeces
sor, and aleo by the postmaster general
and his predecessor, with botn or whom
my official and personal relation have
been most agreeable.
With assurances of my best wishes for
the success of your administration. I am,
very respectfully,
First Assistant postmaster uenerai.
WA8HINOTON. Maroh 16. My Dear
Johnson: I accept with regret your res lu
nation of the position ot first assistant
postmaster general. Your administration
of that office haa been moat satisfactory
and I wish It might have been possible for
you to continue In a post whose duties
you have so well performed. Hoping your
health may be fully restored, believe me
with kind regards, sincerely yours,
William M. Johnson. First Assistant Post
master Oeneral.
Senator Proctor Reaffirms Former Opposi
tion to Union with Island.
Insist that Pledgee of Self-Govera-saent
gbonld Be Redeemed and
tiaestlon of Annexation
Left to Caba.
strongest opponents the English war party
ha today. Until two months ago ha left
no stons unturned in ths House of Com
mon In his efforts to have the war brought
to a close. He ie now one of the ac
knowledged leaders of the peace party in
England. In his opinion the Boers should
receive liberty. His mission to this coun
try, it Is said, has been kept a secret and
none of the Boer envoys or Transvaal
league officials will say much ot It.
The dinner was behind closed doors and
no one eave the host and bis five gueets
heard what was discussed. Those present
were the three special envoys. Dr. Olark, 8.
A. Calhoun, a member ot the Chicago
Transvaal league, and Mr. Van Vllsslngen.
Preeeeetnsja Aaalnet the Admiral Involving-
Pvlsw Manor la Snnretne
WASHINGTON, March IS. The trans
erlpt of the record la the ease ot the United
Statee against Admiral Sampson and other,
which has been appealed to the supreme
court of the District of Columbia, was filed
In the United States supreme court today.
The case Involves the case as to whether
prise money should be awarded to Admiral
Sampson and the officers and men of the
North Atlantic squadron en account of the
vessels and supplies captured In the battle
off Santiago July t, 1898.
Confirmations by (he Senate.
WASHINGTON, March 15. The senate
today confirmed these appointments:
Kansas T. E. Dtttemere, Eureka; C. O.
Klnne. Alma.
Iowa P. Mac Lean. Creston; I F. Maple,
South Dakota C. K. Neff, Oroton.
Wyoming W. F. Brittain, Sheridan.
Kemlnatlons la the Kavy.
WASHINGTON. March 15. The president
today sent the following nomination to the
Navy Captain Arent Schuyler Crownln-
sblsld, to be rsir admiral; Lieutenant
Commander Robert M. O. Brown, retired, te
be a commander en the retired list.
The Rile Sapnlaats the Sward.
A half century ago the sword was eon
sldered the best know weapon In warfare.
but It is now being discarded by the Brit
lab soldiers, aad the modern rifle is sub
stituted- Many people throughout the
eountry are also dUcardlog old methods
of trying to cure headache, nervousness,
Insomnia, Indigestion and dyspepsia, and
are using Hostetter's Stomach Bittere. the
old reliable remedy for these eilmentat It
la reeemsaeaded by physicians, aad trial
will convince you of It value.
BURLINGTON, VC. March 15. In a let
ter to the Free Prese, Senator Redfteld
Proctor denounce aa a fraud a letter re
cently published and attributed to him fa
voring the annexation of Cuba a the solu
tion of the Cuban problem. The senator
declare that be wrote no euch letter and
that It wholly misrepresents his position.
He say:
On my return from Cuba four years ago
this was all I eald about annexation;
'I am not In favor of annexation, not
that 1 would apprehend any particular
trouble from K, but because It Is not wise
policy to take In any people of foreign
tongue and without any strong American
"If the objection stated la that sentence
were removed," continue tn senator,
there are other reasons why we now can
not properly advocate annexation. We have
premised Cuba Independence. Her govern
ment la soon to be Inaugurated. We must
keep our promise strictly and give her a
fair opportunity for aelf-goverament. So
long aa she compiles with the requirement
ot the Piatt amendment w have no right
to irterfere In Its affairs. If she succeeds
in establishing a stable and well conducted
government and her people are satisfied
1th It we have no occasion to interfere.
If at any time In the future they think It
desirable to become a part ot this country
tbey will say so and then it Is for u to
decide whether we wish to rscslve them
Into the union or not.
It Is plainly for them to say first that
they wish to come. Until they express
such a wish it does not come with good
race from us, snd It Is not fslr, in view
ot our promise to them, to talk about aa
nexatlon. It la neither good morels, good
manners or good policy. We muet first give
them the fair chance for self-government
we have guaranteed, and to bring any pres
sure to bear upon them or to advocate an
nexatlon until they ask for It Is, to ssy
the least, prsmature aad tends to defeat its
Prnmlaent Baalish Peace Advocate
Meet the Delegates at
CHICAOO, March 15. The Inter Ocean
tells of a meeting between Dr. G. B. Clark,
a former member of the English Parliament
aad a strong peece party man, who la tn
Chicago supposedly en business, aad the
Beer savoys. C. H. Wessels. A. D. W. Wo!
marans and Montague Whits, at a small
dinner given by Peter Van Vllsslngen In a
private room at the Chicago Ataletlo club.
The envoys arrived la Chicago from
Washington yesterday. Dr. Clark reached
here Thursday. Dr. Clark visit and ths
motive therefor, according to the later
Ocean, la vsiled la mystery and It is also
alleged that it was against his wishes that
his presence In the elty st lata time be
came keowa to anyone outside the officer
of the Transvaal league.
Dr. Clark U knowe te be en ef the
Italy Deellnea to Ask Intervention.
ROME, March 16. In the Chamber of
Deputies Slgnor Prlgnettt, ths minister of
foreign affairs, replying to a question, said
the government of Italy declined to take
the Initiative In asking for European in
tervention in South Africa.
He waa glad to say that the relatione be
tween Italy and Great Britain were never
more cordial than at present.
Confident of Evans' Removal.
WASHINGTON, March 15. A high official
of the O. A.,R. is authority for the state
ment that ths pension committee appointed
at the last encampment will soon submit
Its report to the president, and that tbey
feel greatly encouraged as to ths result
They are confident ot Commlaeioner Evans
removal. Although not Immediately and
not In a way to humiliate blm.
Rear Admiral Howell Retired.
WASHINGTON, March 15. Rear Admiral
John A. Howell, president ot the naval
retiring board aad next to Admiral Dewey,
the ranking officer of the navy, reached the
age of 2 today, and. In accordance with the
law, was plaoed on the retired list.
Head of Firemen'i Brotherhood May Be
Commissioner of Immigration.
Commissioner at New York and HI
Asalataat Also te Be Relieved
from Dnty April 1 foe
game Cause.
WASHINGTON, March 15. The pcatttot
of commissioner general ot Immigration
has been tendered by the president to
Frank P. Sargent, chief of the Brotherhood
ot Locomotive Flfemsn, to succeed T. V.
Powderly, the present Incumbent.
It is understood that ths reason for the
president's action In desiring to relieve
Mr. Powderly Is because he has not
worksd In harmony wtth ths higher offi
cials ot the Treasury department, which
has resulted in more or less friction.
It also haa been determined to relieve
Thomas Fltchle, commlsslsner at New
York, and hi assistant, Edward F. Mc
Sweeney. The changes, it Is raid, will
take effect April 1, although It Is not given
out who will succsed the two latter officials.
Changes on Southern Railway.
WASHINGTON. March 15. In the gen
eral order Issued by the Southern rstlway
today in regard to the appointment ef the
new officials named last night, it Is an
nounced that the office of traffic manager
and assistant traffic manager are abolished.
These offices were held respscttvely by J.
M. Cu'.p, who becomes fourth vice presi
dent, and W, A. Turk, who becomes passen
ger traffic manager.
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