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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1902)
I 1' FORCING THE FIGHT. II. II. Kohlson, President of Omaha's Own Life Insurance Company, the Successful BANKERS RESERVE LIFE Sot Content with the Phenomenal Achievement of III Company at Home, Move Into Jifw Territory. "Last week we obtained license to do business In the state of Michigan, " said B. II. Robison. pres'dcnt of the Bankers Re serve Ufe Association. "We have ap pointed a general agent In that state. The insurance department gave us a cordial welcome and we expect results from this field which will startle some of our active alien competitors. "Life Insurance is no longer an expert ment and the Bankers Reserve Is not now an Infant. Our company has fought Its way to the front. Insurance commission ers throughout the Union approve its plan of Insurance and cordially extend the right hand of fellowship. The malignant com petitor Is silenced by the facts of the past two years, during which our company iia forged forward in a manner which makes the criticism of Jealous business rivals ' ridiculous. "Every Nebraskan, loyal to the common wealth, bids Godspeed to every worthy Ne braska enterprise. Only the mercenaries of the Life Insurance trust are willing to attempt the Injury of Nebraska's strongest and most vigorous company.' "With nearly 14,000,000 written on Ne braska Uvea, we go Into the adjacent states with an endorsement from our own people of which we are Justly proud. It is a card of Introduction which carries the proof of the high standing of the Hankers Reserve on Its face. It Is the best guaranty of soundness a young business organization can offer to a strange community. "Colorado, Utah and South Dakota are also opened to the Rankers Reserve. No Insurance department of any state in the Union will refuse the Rankers Reserve en trance, because an examination Into Its af fairs convlncea all Insurance experts that it Is building upon a safe foundation and Its policies are modern, business-like and secure. "I am, personally, very proud of the Bankers Reserve, but It could not have been so successful except for the loyal people of our state, who have manfully risen In their might to push along the good work It has undertaken. "We promise to continue to deserve the approval and confidence of our patrons, and with their help will build In Omaha one of the greatest financial Institutions of the great west." We can give lucrative contracts and choice territory to ten addlt'onal special, general or state agents. Active solicitor, salesmen or life Insurance producers re quested to call or write for Information and terms. Address, BANKERS RESERVE LIFE, OMAHA SCHOOLS AND t'OI.I.Kfl RS. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and KnglUh. Day and evening. Students furnished work for board when desired. Kiirlnu Term. Monday. April l. Gregg Shorthand by mall. Send for cata logue. New York Life B id g, Omaha, Neb THE PERFECT BREW BLUB RIBBON BOTTLED BEER- the product of the most modern principles in urewing, up-lo-uuie uienmis, perieciiy Dure water and the choicest tmrlry. mult and hoim the nroner beer for your horns and family. Rich In flavor, perfectly fer mented and properly aged before leaving the brewery hence healthful, palatable ami nourlHlilng. II LI El RIBBON Is all to brewer raa rrcat from the arlentme ferments tlon of the best ingredients brewed In an environment of the most perfect sanlta tloa by experts whose, lives have been d voted to mastering J he secrets of the brewer's art Storz Browing Company Telephone 1260. - OMAHA ! t ' ! t ( ; 4 - - - - - ' 4 I 1 J An Ovcrzealous Justice B. W. Waybrlght of Denver told the fol- lowing story to a New York Tribune re- porter the other evening In the course of a talk about Abraham Lincoln and the men of his time: "Judge Foley of Lincoln, III.," said Judge Waybrlght, "was brought up In the shadow of Lincoln and Douglas. The Judge once told me a tale that he had had from Douglas himself of a murder case In which the 'little giant was once engaged. Douglas had Just been admitted to the bar, when he was called upon to go down Into the country, some thirty miles from any where, to defend a man accused of murder. The preliminary examination took place late In the afternoon before a backwoods Justice of the peace, who wholly mistook his powers and authority In the matter. Under the English common law all that a P. can do in a murder case Is. If orob- able cause or reasonable probability of guilt more. ton of feathers or a ton of coal?" Is shown, to bind the accused over for In- "A ton of feathers," chorused they, show dlctment by the grand Jury, which, being 'n that tne Innocent are not necessarily one, the case Itself must be tried by a petit Jury. This was, of course, all that this J. P. could have done legally, but, as the event proved, he did not think so, and, hat was more, he came within an ace of making that thought stick. He broke suddenly Into Douglas argu ment with the words, 'I find the accused guilty and sentence him to be hanged at 6 clock tomorrow morning.' Douglas en- tered a strong protest. He showed the P. that he was exceeding his authority, nd that If he hanged the man It would be neither more nor less than murder. "Ho might as well have talked against or at the four winds of heaven. The J. P. was as adamant, and at once supplemented his sentence by an order to the constable to see that it was strictly carried out and, to that end, to erect the gallows lnstanter. Douglas, beside himself, appealed to the leading storekeeper and explained how mat- ters stood. 'Well, I dunno.' rejoined that orthy, 'the squire's powerful sot In his ways, and If he said Bill has got to hang I recKon mil win nave to. ir I was you and really wanted to save him I'd employ lawyer. Houglas was quick to grasp the fuiui, iftiiu wnru w iirro uo cuuiu nan a lawyer. The only one within reach as Jim Simmons, who I'ved some ffteen miles away, and In between was a stretch of as vllllanous roadbed as ever existed. The storekeeper, however, supplied buggy and a guide, and Douglas s'arted the ride. The 'wee sma hours found ths future 'Idol of the people' at Simmons' I home, and that legal light was soon routed out of bed and the case explained to him. Again a demurrer and another, and more decided reference to the 'sotness' of the squire In his ways. Again more scruples and fears overcome, and the reluctant. Sim mons was at length persuaded to accom pany and Join Douglas In another attempt o prevent the threatened execution. 'But, stranger,' protested Simmons, you're putttn' me to an all-fired heap of trouble, and I'll have to charge you right smart for It, especially as BUI orter he hung anyway.' " 'How much?' tersely queried Douglas. " 'Five dollars!' rejrlned the grasping Sim mons, and with a gold piece or that de nomination In his hand the twain started on the return Journey. "It was searing 6 when they got back to the little backwoods settlement, and not a second was lost In getting the Justice out of bed. In the worst of humors, he listened to luminous argument, and then, with a snap, reiterated his sentence. 'I appeal from your sentence,' put In the brilliant and desperate Simmons. Douglas said nothing. Simmons had no more right to appeal than the Justice had to sentence. It was, however, no time for legal quibbles, or. Indeed, for legal knowledge. The Jus tice hesitated. 'Jim,' he Anally said, 'you've got the right to appeal, and If you Insist I'll have to put off the execution. but If I do I'll have to make you put uo a powerful lot of money as hall for Bill d d sight more than he's worth!' he wound up, testily How much?' said Douglas, automatic ally. " 'Well, stranger. replied the Justice, I'll have to have SIS' "Douglas arranged for the ball, and 'Bill' was afterward legally tried by a Jury of his peers and sentenced to tha gallows, but the experience was not lost on the young law yer. To his dying day Judge Douglas de listed to tell the tale." One on Polonius Portland Oregonian: Polonius, behind the arras, heard the clanking of Hamlet's sword and began to shake. At this the prince laughed merrily. "You're all right as a shaker. Polonius." he said, In his rich baritone voice, "but I am afraid that you'll be atuck this time And subsequent events proved that the first gentleman of the court or Denmark could use his prophetic soul effectively on other things beside his uncle. Sausage While You Wait PhtladelDhla Record: "Another new waiter has come and gone," said the vet eran of the 15-cent restaurant as he de posited a beef stew In front of his favorite customer. "What was the matter wun him?" asked the favorite customer. "Well, It wasn't exactly his fault," explained the veteran. "You aee, ths second day hs was here a customer comes In and asks for a brace of Frankfurters. 'Sausage Is all out,' says the new waiter, 'but If you wait awhile I think I can get you some.' IT THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. WM Rer 10 be obi8 uat was going to send across the street for 'em. Well, sir, as he went through the door Into the kitchen he happened to tread on the d(5's tall. The dog set up a howl, and tn customer yells: 'Hey, there! Never mind that sausage. I guess I don't want l-!" Then he puts on hie hat and goes out. The boss saw the whole thing, and tnat night the new waiter was paid off, and Q'1"- Tretty tough, wasn't It?" T Not TOO IllllOCCIlt Town Topics: I thought of the good old question that visitors used to ask the school when I was a boy. "Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a Pun(1 ot lead?" said I. "They weigh the same. A pound Is a pound," said the children. correct, said I. "Now which weighs unaiscernmg. Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: Sneers are the weapons of a hopeless fool. A man's disgrace can always be traced back t0 himself. Sound sleep Is usually the result of sound- less sleep. Oil snd truth are hound ta rnmn to aur- face in due time. om mon , . mania tnr tntn nnikh. ,, , .,m,i. In this world of strife a man must be either an anvil or a hammer. Knowledge and timber should be well e"oned before being put to use. Mind your own business unless you are abIe to employ a private secretary, It Is better to say one word that counts than two that don't cut anv figure. Manv a man's failure In small thtnss is aue to n8 being troubled with great am- bltion. Some men sow a few seeds of kindness an, expect to reap thelr reward wItn a t U1U TV Mlg U1UV UIUU Many a man breaks his bills down town, then growls because his wife wants a little of the small change. When a man postpones the pleasures of ,lfe Indefinitely he Is apt to And them mlss- ,n8 DV tno tlme ne 19 rea(lT t0 enl5r lbem- OUR ENGRAVERS JManz Engraving Co. ' 195-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois, Are Justly celebrated as the engrav ing establishment which can at all times be relied upon for satisfactory results, whether the engraving be a i One half-tone, wood cut or sine etch- tng. Their facilities are so extensive that work which must be executed J quickly for shipment to distant cities can be easily turned out. , When ordering engravings, from your printers ask for Manz Perfect Engraving. The Incomparably easy and elastic touch of ths NeV CentUry Typewriter g Is most note worthy. Full i particulars from I united Typewriter : ona supplies go., 1 415 Bo. 15th St.. , Omaha, Neb. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to tlmo In Ths Illustrated Bss. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of 1.00. On larger cuts f cents per square Inch. They are all In first-class condition. Our photographic - department Till also print additional copies of eur original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb. Some Coffees ft are Glazed with a cheap coating. If glazing helps coffee why aren't the high priced Mochas and Javas glazed also? Lion Coffee is not glazed. It is per fectly pure and has a delicious flavor. lnii.anl MhnM. I A Mm quality anil IrMhn ""ARIIICA TOOTH SOAP FUnltna tha arum a rlaanaM nrMsrvM nd httuliAt tha t"rlh -awetn tha hreatth. No powdar or liquid it most run.nttit ) htg to rarry or nn 1 am twrmgimvm MO, 5 IDRfllTOCOCnrt Per rear a B SSa V WS JJJ Expenses. FOR HUSTLERS BOTH MEN A. WHMFH At honm or traTwIinu. Let mm trt j mm. Our I'uritan Water Still wontinrfol invention. Uretit twller in monejr timber. norm oust denmnd. Over 6().(U al ready aold. Every bod jr burs. It rnrifie th foulest water hvdis- ' ACRATrNfi' ;S tillation remoTeneverTimpuritjr. ;J Furnifhei ahiohitelT pure, aertv I ted, delU-iouft drinkinu water. lOSTlUfBl " I MUTER htvulbiit nar r litem, iavea liTeere enta fervr. sicknerw, doctor bill caret diraeane. Write for NEW PhkS AND OFFITR. HARRISON M'F'G CO.,12 Harrison Sldg.,Clnctnnatl. 0. Mm 1 f ,. a aai i THE HALFTONE- PLATES FURNISHED rrtTPi TTTX T.QfVT 7t Tn"EVTi TVP,V, w trt r PI BAKER BBOS.EftGRSMNG CO. OMAHA. Famous The Bee has secured a series of beautiful boautlful pictures In colors. These pictures look handsome In any home. The 10th of t he i .Is;1 ' ' - ' h t, ; 7 . 1 1 - ! HIS HOLINESS, POPE LEO XIII. The magnlflceat painting of His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII. Is the work of the cele brated artist, J. A. Mohlte, who has had the advice of the highest dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church In America, who have devoted unusual time in going over the details with the artist so that the finished work would be as near perfect as anything that has ever been brought out. Those who have been favored by His Holiness with an audience exclaim over the remark able likeness of this painting. It la Indeed s portrait absolutely true to life. HOW TO GET THEM. These pictures are 16x20 inches and have never been sold at the art stnr fnr less than one dollar. By securing an Immense auantltv of thm w ahi. A them WITH A COl'PO FOR 15 TEXTS. When ordering state the name of the subject, and If they are to be mailed en close six cents additional for postage and packing. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Pressnt at Bee Office or mall this coupon with 16e and get your choice of Photographic Art Studies. Wkea ordering by mall add le for postage. ART DEPARTMENT. BEE PUBLISHING CO.. OMAHA. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY Art Department, Omaha, Neb. March 10, 1902. Vou ought by nil means to drink ft malt whiskey and ILERS PURE MALT la conceded to tie the turcKt mill lcst malt whiskey in addition to being ty lar lue unesi iu flavor. WILLOW SPRINGS DlSTlLLtKY, Omaha, Neb.,U.S.A. PRICES REDUCED t.VU? i on Vapor Bath Cabinet each .M) Ouaker " " . .&Oeach flOlMi - .10erh (I 01 Ksre & Uenti 8tnm. Attrh. 5c Otmltty In'Bt. Uiiarantiod. S3. Bonk ree wttu all " Quaker.'' Write for onr New Cata logue, special 60-Pay offer. IMtn't nii.n it. Your lt ch'-nce. New plan, new lrl-ea to asrrnta, sales- Kile II. mnllliMM. Wnnrler. fill (oilers. Hustlura Ki'ttiiiK rirh. I'lentj territory. Werld MT Co.. T World Hide., 4inrlDaatt O A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled when accounts are properly kept. Don't practice falae economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a set ruled and printed to order at such a small coat that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-416 8. 11th St., - OMAHA, NEB. 1 j 1 J.1 Pictures reproductions of famous paintings and are all suitable for framing and will series will be lrl. advantage of the constant criticisms and SBBBBBMBlBlBSBBSBBBaM T V 11 I