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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1902)
24 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 1C, 1002. SENATOR MILLARD AT ;H0ME ays to Caaalr Will Probafcly Seleefed la Few Days. Senator Millard arrived from Wsshlngton testerday and tor the flrat half of tha day put In busy hour between pressing business at the Omaha National bank and friend! who rain In to visit and talk over ther matters. The latter were ao nu merous and Interesting that a number were entertained at luncheon to economize time. There ii notllng to tell that haa not already been told," aald the senator. "Things In WaRhlngton are known almost aa soon In Omaha as they are at the capital. I am at home for a few days on business and maybe when that Is disposed of I will be able to devote some time to other af fairs. "Yes, the question of the successor to Mr. Anderson as cashier of the Omaha Na tional probably will be decided before I re turn to Washington, but nothing decisive la the matter has been done yet." pedal Kotlce to Knights of Maeca-'l bees. Funeral services of Sir Knight Fred W. Burkman will be conducted from his late residence. No. 3503 Seward street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is earnestly re- ouested that all members of Omaha tent No. 76 meet at new Labor Temple, 15th and Dodge, at 13 o'clock sharp, and attend In a body. W. T. MULLEN, Commander. GEORGE A. OSTROM, Record Keeper. colonist excursions. Via Bock titan Heat. Every day during March and April. One-way tickets from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Salt Lake and Ogden 20.00 San Francisco 25.00 Los Angeles 25.00 San Diego 25.00 Helena and Butte 20.00 Spokane 22.60 Portland and Ashland 25.00 Tacoma and Seattle 25.00 City ticket office, 1323 Farnam street. DIED. BURKMAN Fred W., March . 1902. at Ien Vegas, N. M., of tuberculosis, aged 31 years, 8 months, 4 days. Funeral Sunday. March in. at Z t. m. from family residence, 35nj Seward street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. Odd Fellows, Attention. Members of Omaha lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F.. will assemble at I. O. O. F. hall, 14th and Dodge streets, on Sunday, March 16, at I 1 p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother. Fred W. Burkman. Members of alster lodges are also requested to attend. RAYMOND V. COLE, N. O. CHARLE9 A. PATTERSON, Secretary. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectlo and m,iniifi nhvslclan. office at Victoria hotel. 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable inin ran h found. Sseclal attention to all long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tne Bee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. TT si. Fredrlckson. cor. 15th and Dodge. bas Just received a carload shipment of new moulded Edison records and machines. NEW HEALTH COMMISSIONER Mayor Moorea Will Nana Saeceasor to Dr. CoSmaja Before Taea djay Night. Some time between now and next Tuesday evening Mayor Moores will select a suc cessor to Dr. CofTman, who resigned his office aa health commissioner last Tuesday. A half dosen names are now before biro from which to choone. Most of them are of young physicians. The selection will be mads In time to submit it to the city coun cil for approval Tuesday evening. Louis BetU has succeeded "BUlie" Bou quet as charioteer to the health board. Mr. Bouquet used to be skipper of the hack that plyed between Omaha and the Emergency hospital, conveying smallpox patients to and fro, and In addition to this he would assist the board at fumigating. Betts of fered to do the work for less money, so the Bouquet was rejected with thanks. Shampooing and halrdresslng, 25o, at The Bathery. 218-220 Bee Building. Tel 1716. Watoh work by skilled workmen at Hu- bermann'a, 11th it Douglas. No come back. You get the genuine Imported Bock Beer on draught at Maurers. 1306 Farnam. Shampooing and hair dressing, 2Ro, at The Bathery, 116-520 Baa Building. Tel. ITU. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Tsleptone 238. F.H.Wallace.dentlBt.400 Bee Bid. Tel.2016. Chrictenson cleans carpets. 2221 N. 20th. There's only one Btonecypher. He prints. Cameron, plumber, 1110 Farnam, Tel. 469. Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1052. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone 206. Have Root print it Oil Stvnclc am the Gllaanaavaa Place. L. O. Turner, who has charge of the prospecting work of the Omaha Petroleum, Gas and Coal company, reports today that In shaft No. 7, at the base of the sand stone cliff on Beedle creek, at a depth of 16 feet, two and one-half feet of oil was truck. Spring; Stock at Baitings. We are now showing our new spring stock of suitings for ladles and gentlemen and Invite you to Inspect the same. 3. A. KERVAN TAILORING CO., 424 8. 15th St We Get Letters from many people asking 1 we would send roods which wa advertise to out of town paople. W hy. certainly that's our long suit treat everybody alike. Make up a list of ?our arug neas ana sena 10 us lor quotat ions and see how much we can save you. II. ou Wine Cardui (1 to a customer)....! At 81.00 rerun u to a customer) .60 Syrup Figs (genuine) .36 Castorla (genuine) 81. uu Dec's Mult Whisky 81.00 Duffy's Malt Whisky ... .60 Cramer's Kidney Cure fi.OO Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills !.00 Succus Alterana (McDade's).... 81.00 Etexln. PlUs .......... .26 WeetmaTs Coldolds 11.00 LJstertuo 11.00 Avers Hair Varor... .36 Meonen'a Talrum Powder 31.(10 Dr. Butler's Female Regulator.... 81.00 Parisian Hair Toiilo (guaranteed). ii.oo a b. s il.oo Dromo 8-lUr (genuine) .60 Ltebig Extract of Beef 1 pound Sassafras Bark No old stocks to dispose of. Moss-back inainoas ot uuinj Business not our style. ui-mni auj night. .67 it .30 .60 71 .40 1.00 1.36 76 .13 .68 60 11 75 '5 .67 .67 .13 10 eriiinrccnio cut frice aUllUI.ri.Il O DRUGSTORE Tal. T4T. . W. or. lota ana Chicago. Goods delivered FRICB to any part of city. Easter Clothes While "Easter Clothes" embrace everything a man wears, from his hat to his shoes, the bulk of It is spent for bis clothing. Are you ready tor your Easter Suttf It not, you still have time to get It. And Ws Hava tha Goods You Want You will make no mistake by care fully Investigating our statements. DRESHER Maker of Men's Clothes. Tel. 1857. ISIS Farnam St OPEN EVENINQ3. HOSPE'S Leading iiiii PANO IIIII No better nor more reliable Pianos can be produced than the KJtABE PIANOS, Nothing more artiatlo or desirable in an instrument than the KRANICH A BACH Pianos, The greatest mustclsns of both hemispheres are attesting to the qualities oi the New Scale "KIMBALL, PIANOS, No one has ever been able to pro duce a piano that was worn out, with the name on the fall-board, of the HALLKTT A DAVIS. What better evidence can be pro duced that It is safe to Invest in any of the afore-mentioned pianos? Tou can buy them at the light prices and on terms that 'will suit,- Look at thtfl list of pianos that beat competition both In quality and pricei The Krell Pianos, The Melville Clark Pianos, Tha Hathnshek Pianos, The Schamana Pianos, . Tha Hospe Planes. You don't have to pay 1400 to $500 and 600 for a durable high-class up-to-date instrument when you can buy it here for about halt price on easy payments, and in the finest mahogany, walnut, quarter-sawed oak and rose wood cases, w(th stool to match and fine silk or velour scarf thrown la. Oar Celebrated f5 Per Month planes cost you from one-third to one half the price asked for elsewhere. Think of buying the usual sold everywhere $200 piano for only $100 n $5 payments! Then look at the fine $225 piano which we sell for $125; then again the regular $250 piano, which we are glad to sell for $135, In different finishes, also on $5 pay ments. . Our $150 piano Is the $300 kind else where. It pays to examine our stack; It's a money saver, you will aay so. We can likewise save you big money on organs some at $10, $23, $28, $38, $45 small payments. We rent pianos, tune pianos, repair pianos. Remember the quality the highest, the prices the lowest and the terms the easiest. A. HOSPE, ISn.l.RlR nWlat Strut I i S lllll I Ill I I, I i -i - Headquarters for Amateur Photo Supplies IIIl We carry the greatest assortment of KODAKS and CAMERAS outside Rochester. We have all the latest styles as they come out and already have on hand several of the 1902 models. If you intend getting a camera call In and see us. We are pleased to show everything we carry. Ail instruction free. Developing and finishing a specialty. the- Robert Dempster Go., 1215 Farnam St. Exclusive Dealers in Photo Material. tilOVE Protect Your Sands aster footwear Don't overlook the fact that Easter is getting pretty close, and that it Is time to select your Easter footwear. We are all ready for our cus tomers with all the newest and most fashionable -styles foe spring, in all sizes, widths and shapes. Don't wait, but come In at once and select your shoes before the rush commences. March. 80 is Easter day. We are showing the handsom est lines of spring styles for men and women to be seen in the city, and at right prices. AT THESE PRICES, FOR IP TOU DO YOU'LL BE TEMPTED TO PART WITH TOUR COIN AT THE CUTTING CUTTER'S CORNER. $1.00 Peruna E5c 60o Syrup of Figs 30c 25o Mennen's Talcum 12c $1.00 Wine Cardui 47c $1.00 Plnkham's Compound 63c $1.00 Coke's Dandruff 42a $1.00 Iler's Malt 68o $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 63o $1.00 Magnet Pile Killer 25c $1.00 Wahoo 26o FRY SHOE CO., rORMMtfY CARTVYRIGMT & Ca., N.' E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Don't Look Peyton, Ph. G. Catting; Catfer of Drags 24th and Leavenworth Sts. SPRING THINGS We carry a complete line of HAIR CLIPPERS BEARD CLIPPERS HORSE CLIPPERS FETLOCK CLIPPERS FLORAL SETS GARDEN TOOLS We want your Garden Tool trade. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 Dodge Street. Tool Headquarters. Groat Comfort Men who ata standing or walking ot deal can obtain great releif and a sense of ease py wearing a (suspensory, we have nice ones, with leg straps, at 25e. bOo and 75c. At 60o we have one In white silk bolting cloth aid at 75o a cloeely woven black silk. At 85c and SOa wo hi two good kinds of silk banuage with just the una u.iiu ruuna ma ouay (do leg straps) The 60o kind Is a little heavier silk than the 35c. All bandage sent postpaid upon re ceipt of price. Write for catalogue of IVUUUW UWUI. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. SIXTEENTH AND DO DOB STREETS. Uo AptoE for the disordered condition of our store, but If you are looking for bargains in any of the many lines we carry, you can buy now nt almost your own price. The painters and decorators are rushing our new store room at - . . 1513 Dodge St., One-Half Block East of 1 6th Street. where we will be located on or before March 20th. MARCH 20TII AT 1513 DODGE STREET. Now at 1519-21 Douglas Now at 1519-21 LI "THE 09 CENT STORE" Douglas March 20th at 1513 Dodge St, 1L Safe Tailorin You are perfectly "safe" in having us make your clothes, for several "safe" reasons. The goods shown are entirely "safe." The variety is large enough to meet the most varied taste. The workmanship is "safe," for all garments are made in our own shop by skilled tailors. Our guarantee of perfect satisfaction or no sale makes it a "safe" proposition for you when giving us an order. Safely yours, Woolen Co, Omaha's Busiest Tailors ' 1305 Fartiam Street. rn 1 ir M Is approaching and now is the time to consider what to paint, what to paint it with and where to get the paint. LOWE BROS, DAYTON, OHIO Manufacturers of high grade paints for all purposes. It has stood the test for years, and GIVES BEST RESULTS. Color cards and full information can be obtained from agents whose names appear below. Floor Wax, Floor Varnish, Furniture Polish. Stains., all of the above for sale by Meyers, Dillon Co., 16th and Farnam St. J. II. Scheldt, 24th and Cuming Sts. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1403 to 16 Harney St. A SATISFACTORY GOAL FOR THIS '1 IME OF YEAR IS Spadra Semi-Anthracite, $8.00 the Ton When your stock of Pennsylvania anthraclts la used try SPADRA to finish the season and you will use no other coal for the early spring. Ths beat can be perfectly regulated with damper and fire will hold easily for twenty four hours, i Adapted for Use in Furnaces and Heaters It is not necessary to throw open all windows on a mild day to cool tba rooms, as with Pennsylvania anthraclts, thus wasting fuel and money and In viting draughts, with sickness. C. B. HAVENS & CO., Tel. 317 and 325. 1522 Farnam Street Tha Nonpareil Rubber Glova ptbtsots your hands, keeps them soft and white. Will stand housecleanlng. dishwashing or gardening. Every pair warranted. Soap or hot water does not Injurs, Prloe, 11.2b. stall orders filled; postage prepaid. MYERS-DILLON DRU6 CO., Telephone 160. lta ass Kara a Straa. OaaaJaav Full Una of Rubber Quods. Death Will Take You A ittle pain In tha right aid is an Indi cation of appendicitis. Shrader's Laxative Fig Powder is a pre ventive and a cure. A doctor's knltt is an uncertainty and an expense, frequently followed by death. Guaranteed to curs any case of appendi citis with one Zoo box of Shrsder's Fig Powder. Sold at all drug stores. Manufactured by W. J. Shradsr Medicics Co., Mew York and Omaha. Blchardson Drug Co., Distributors, Omaha. Neb. BNieHrtTI.-. ruuaa mm4 miA MUlk Km r..i. Si asutUM mm Imitm mm 4. Is . s r 7 i i V Jr hn , e4a Wsv. JM.isns tZZZfmZl5ZtrlZ LOOK LOOK ALL WOOL PANTS $1.70 A LEG. FOR 15 DAYS ONLY awni; S'X?5' ssasCaatf And All $3.00 and $10. OO Pants for I2 Suits to Order $15.00 and Up O o HILL PANTS GO. mMm ir ill reM! SENSATIONAL yilS BANKRUPT PBAE30 SALE THE EXTIKH STOCK OF THE C. W. HODMAN CO., LIN COLN, NER, CLOSi:i) OUT TO US UY THE CUEDITORS AT OUli OWN SPOT CASH OFFER. The pianos are now being shipped In and the grand sale will begin tomorrow, Monday, March 17th. The C. W. Kodman Co. started October 1st last, and were in business for only a few months. The pianos are absolutely new and perfect in every way. This firm started out well but they found it easier to buy up a large stock, INCLUDING ALL THE LEADING STAND ARD MAKES, than to sell them. The instruments they carried were of the higher grade for the general trade, and they were compelled to close their doors, and their creditors sacrificed their entire piano stock to us for spot cash. Ilayden Bros, will make prices that will quickly sell these elegant instruments.' Abso lutely the most astonishing opportunity ever offered piano buy ers to secure a fine instrument at ridiculously low prices. Every piano and organ in this sale will be fully guaranteed by ns In every respect. This tremendous purchase will crowd us so for room that we have decided to make special cut prices on our. own splendid line of pianos now on, hand to move them quickly. Such a genuine bargain giving sale in fine pianos was never known be fore. These pianos and organs will be sold for cash or. on easy payments if desired. DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT heusren & mm 'i . Are th Tailors to Maka Your f New Spring L Telephone 3034. 3U Suit. South lth Street. The Bee Want Ads Produce Results- 1150 upright, Voae ft Son 65.00 $175 upright, Smith & Barnes 75.00 $200 upright, mahogany case... S5.00 $225 upright, walnut case 95.00 $250 upright, oak case 110.00 $275 upright, mahogany case 125.00 $295 upright, golden oak 135.00 $300 upright, French burl walnut case 185.00 $325 upright, Flemish oak casa 195.00 . $360 uprlKht, golden oak case 210.00 $375 upright, English walnut case ... 225.00 $400 upright, mahogany casa 235.00 $450 upright, walnut case 250.00 $500 upright, mahogany case 800.00" $500 Baby Grand Stelnway 150.00 $450 Baby Grand Ivers & Pond 150.00. Piano Dealers Who take advantage of this sale will have to move the pianos themseves as it will require all our facilities to execute the or ders of our retail customers promptly. Be sure and get particulars of our great free gift distribution at the store. Gifts varying in value from 25c to $1,000 can be selected with every 10 purchase. We have arranged for 'extra salesmen to wait on our custom ers during this sale, so there will be no delay in making your selections. READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 13. TJ ii mm L2)bD Peerless Malleable All Steel Range The only range on the markt made en tirely of steel. Wrought po.lshed steel bodies and malleable steel tops and doors. Bteelold nrebacks. Warranted Five Years. To those dextrin? a malleable range we present the Peerless as the finest made. They reaulre no blacking, either on bodies or tops, and are warranted not to warp or crack. They are quick, perfect bakers. Let us show y"U. JOHN HUSSIE HAROWARE GO 2407 Cuminf St., Sole Agents. "If you buy it of Hu.sle it's right." COPVBIGMT THE DICTATES OF WISDOM should impel anyone not to take a drink Into their stomach that Is not absolutely pure. For beer drinkers MeU's beer offers in point of purity and wholesomeness ad vantages possessed by few it any other brew. Metz Bros., Brewing Co. Tel. lit. Oaiaha. Or Jacob Neuniaver. Ast., care Neumayer Hotel, Council lilulta, iowa. ilP y s ' NEED A PAIR? Better sea our shoes before you de cide on your Easter footwear. Look at our window display of $3.50 and $2.60 "Onlmod" Shoes and they are all for men. All our shoes are direct from the factory Just consider the advantage of being able to purchase shoes at factory prices. We manufacture we sell. Onlmod $3.50 for men only. Onlmod $2.50 Goodyear welts. Only shoes we carry are for men. Regent Shoe Go. 205 S. I5tln Catalogua A on Request, WHAT IS JACKDAW JACKDAW WHERE IS JACKDAW Spring Weddings We suggest the early placing of orders for Wedding Invitations, An nouncements. At Home Cards, etc., In order that ample time may be allowed In whlc to complete tha work in the best possible manner. Samples and estimates furnished upon request. Prices reasonable and consistent with skillful and Intelligent workmanship. Special estimates submitted to clubs,' libraries, colleges, etc. Correct forms. Correspondence invited. Artlstlo workmanship The Moyer Stationery Co., 220.222 So. 16th Straet. IP YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE. .... Try one. then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigars. F. H- 1US aiercanUls Clear Co.. ktaou facturars. 8U Louis, Union liada, . -