Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 23, Image 23
f CONDITIOX OF OMAILVS TRADE EpringBoiineM Continues Active in Fno i ticallj All Depsxtmeuts. SUGAR SELLING AT BOTTOM NOTCH PRICES -.- " . Cettea Market Itmi 4 It la Free-ly Fredletea that frle " Will - il'fiirt tT Ceat Befer Oeteber. It wan a week aro owing to mora Ubwtl tn Poultrv. hovmrr. ha not been oxmlr.g In my too freely, and th market la firm at the quotation given la another column. OMAHA WHOLE ALB MARKETS. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: -SUNDAY.- MAKCU 1C. 1902. "" ' aaaaaa-aaaaaaaawaaa-aa-aaaaaaaaaaaaiM , aa a Maai h ' I - - - - -"T ...... " 1 - ., erMP-r... Hi BtOrkll. btlt nrhhoilJi tnUin up for yarn to b md. Wonted i an.i w.wiin viirni arc iiraar. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL i r. lf613c; fowls, dreae-d, lie; turkey. ki -ri AT JU-Tndav'i murkft for I wa Arm. Tin was fatrlr steady, with spot quoted at SI -tr. -; some U spots were lOMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Caadltlaa at Trait u tjaetatleae Staple Faaey Prodae. EGGS Including ntv No. 1 case, $4.00; sees returned, li.aj. LIVE PtjULTRT-Cnicker,. SGsHc: old roosters. 3.4c; turkeys, wuIm:; aucoa and geese, 7 'uio. . DKESaED POULTRT Tl rkey, ducka, loyllc; gceee, lu.Uc; chicken, SStC bL'TTER Packing stock. ITHc; choice dairy. I" tube. Ursac; separator, i.bjm: . . -. . , .. I developed thla week owing to peculattve Biwf Rtepra A rmat BtaatlT Wiest Breaks Away from IaqnidaUon demand and the m.n demand for. autaaj eei bieeri AOOM b-Aaaj B , , r, i tt- v tin. Copper waa. moderately, active and So Alt Good SltUED and Enlet Higher. I steady: lake wu quoted at HH; electro- wvv for the Week ud Cows. lytic at Sl2.ootjli.S7 and cawing at tB 12. 2D. LMa riilen null- nu m;ni . . ..-n iniurii rnDU Ai.trr put riOM AT ClOSING Spelter waa firm, after a good HOGS 5IIADT I U IIYt rUIHIS LVWLH vvnn yuiLtf uwi i mm " I advance, for the week, clong tooay at H.Jo. Iron ruled ateady but quiet. Oata Halt a Shad H Inker, bat Pra- I JKW vlatoe Ara Dnll Cal- Saeatner Repert 1.1ft Wheat Market. ' TORS ITOCKI . AD BOSD9. Little Maalfeatatlaa af latereat aaa - Market daeee Dall. NEW YORK. March 15. Little fnclina-1 Hon waa ahown In trada In stock today. Choice beep aad Lambs May B sed Steady tk Week, bet Caaaaaaa StatT ta Tea ta Flf teea Ceat LawaV. - - - . I , . . l... ...M.t. Ki.iiKHa ifter hut. I . . i I owlnc to the complicated altuatlon m toe i Omaha Jobbera In y"" " I t- r.ifi.hl Tio': cod7 ite: craDDiea. -CHIGO JA'VJit tui- money market. Durmg the morning there Receipts were: rrade lor iaat weea aa wmi nwiniuun i .: htii hrfd.rM c- irom ua aiurop aa j i: - " - , " ,h. I waa a latent dread that the bank uue i omrul Monuay ... tone. Aa a .ener.l thin, by tn.a ia,naViir",tIlio& together with "KtBcUonS U.nt would rereal tha narrow margin of gmclal fueeu-v L-e" Tor'that IX' t?; ntn".SS plckareL Tdun " yrffaTwlo-d the .urp.u. entirely wiped out. There waa orncla, W., SOUTH OMAHA. March 11 Cattle. Hop. aheep. '! I.a t4a Mm a.6i , 114 4.JK9 I.Ml 12,"i .; ahl ineiSc lower. There ha a . r. . i Hnwavwr ffp the tl 1 1 quality. whUe the commoner onennaa u been nerie;tea. . Very lew feedera hare been ca aale thlt week, ao that the market can aately be quoted ateady. Wuotatlone: Choice ltehtwelaht Tarllrr, Ji-o-V "; Hood to choice yearltnaa. ak 2m 6 aw; choice wethera, f.t &.; lair to Kfmi wethera. H.TJtia.Of'; choice ewe. 4.s"ti4.TS; fair to good ewea. S.7iti4.S; choice lumtm, .i"i.4ti; fair to C'KM Uoiba. a..frial; feeder wethera. 4.'4.V; feeder Umba. US.!; feeder ewea. tLViii.itx Kepre eeniative aalea: No. . Ar. Pr. al weatern wethera i ' CHICAGO uVi STOCK MARKS t. i.r. 11 v.a a a a a.- aa-w m a n marr-nanii win w . k .xi. ...t Htf ir I Btavnaaras. pt ovuit. tiu- 1 uwcentsini on me SteZed w'llh th'e' amount of oodl the, t'Pi'kJaa' .L gttoiJltot Ur, eold up to thta ttme. and. In fact, aay tALe-tkolca. ad. w" A'rfoo oa. that they hare broken ail prevloua reooraa. i yVE-T"- h.A W.VA- .Vke r"T. -V:";. .7-.. . LUk . i,i. dmn Uc: freah nxacker.L each, Zu&Joc; ameita, hh-r Vorn wc up and Jay oaia no u.Seui. p' rr;; V " i""'1"' and they have received report, to Total thU week 1M iB.5: - -"' "-"-T.r I V ."" niilhaMt' I n.rk Hull ml onW Urf Wk .nin. a U HI 4K LlO the caDie ii. i ateanv at torn, ronceeaiona xrom tne ra.n. i hmk emlln Marrn 1 1 4 iTjn ompared to yea-I xha volume of deallnga In bonde haa I W eek ending rl. tt 14.J &' i um u- aomewnat decreaaed. out pncea nave o-"n i week ending eo. U li.oaa n.aii yesterday a I weH maintained for the moat part. United 1 Same weea iaat year U.le .; 4. - VilMriT I Statea new 4a. coupon, have declined Tt. following table ihowa the average wttA cum parlaona with former years They can now aee that tha late cold wave which vtalted tnie eecuon oi im baa had a wonderfully good eftect apon (ring b ialneva, aa re tneir winter atocaa iu ma inrlf r of raaea. wh them eona'derable ready nut them. In the beat o . creased rhelr confidence Ordere -for that reaa mora "beral tnaa the If tnercnanta naa not tet atocka In good ah A vttrv notlceabla I' trade haa been tha large cu'iomera. and me grea new bur era nave been or thoa who nave un Idea that tney naa a mt ih. fnrta'theV lieaw buvera tarronlied the Omaha mar- I ur. . ket thla anrtng than ever before, and aa I fAKUL-t i Per do.. Sc. tbey epreaed themaelvea aa being well I itAUitSHitS Ier dos, t . . , . - r.. . i.Mk I The coarae eraina HAI-rni quoted' by Omaaa Wholeeala I ana,hlpt? t bare of J,'fcP,uf- I per cent, tha reglatered V and the eld 4 prtc- ot no d on ,n, felt he weather aitua- an1 4, H p cent on call ince laat week. rnarket thV paJt aeveral daye 4 buoy wheat. The Commercial Advertlaer a London prieona with former years. U"AV,"" waa aull ending In crop damaga rePf fln-, Sbtiai Tha gtock mar- 1 bi: N 7 i unTaai KM: Sdtli' tT: "horta. who had tot waa eteaJy and dull. wtth the tone Iats. , !M.a4.1.llM.ilM.,Ut:.ill. ic'h noronly .av. Toarie. ky. raw, Thee price. ""Tata, orned ioV'w.her L.Tba n. Cecil wjw, - :"'(;."ls Sflu ' siyS'fS'ii PfLSSnSS1 aSS f H I ! S is ,5 w Sail n have been mucn Ekd F(JTAiot-Per bu.. WJsBlaJ. though the galna were araa.1 . , .7 --;w l.,T j hrl on the dividend t-ir Zi"' 7 T. I tl 1 ?- . S id 1 74 f 5S ' PUTATOEB-Northern, tLWrLlii; 8t -?-pt.My?tn.,, uon and New ToVkbW for United State. L'Hll I aiu. thin IU iilW aora out "'f-ILake, Llwai.; t-oiorauo, ei.iwwia Tri' . I . At onetime It atx 1 Steel and Union Padnc. Copper waa firmer, I kj.n.k i 1 r ih, IU I I 4.' 1 74 "u T L' K.S IP Per bu.. -HuUbaa. per y ton kT Local Vhn' roUowTA. are W cToaing price, an MarcS I". ! rv I SI 4 74 I iA C i M V mJ""7-"i, 1 1 lb... l-t. . I SiiiT-T T.m none of contract; ,B. Ntw York Btock exchange: March a .U atw I 14 4 7H 1 54 I S l 1 n .AnS."""I ".V"; FAK.IJr-Kr Dtt.. aw. vj u. .7 ri,Tluth reported J5. car 'ZZ . : March O ii ID h 1 W t W . 5U ,, 'T.?"i CUCLMBfcltMatMaae, par ooa. e J",r.Toe thi thTe nolnta of BO, againat AttAiaoa TV St. Paul March 1. i tC IB I T2 t U it 7 'wted, wore of ,h. 1 Zu. 5?. .J .W. . j"1l" vx" :,Mn'::":"A MH?h ? , . L I M ! ! W ! 2i ! S ! " - 1 r-cwpi wn sra.wv ifui". il. iL-i. I AjaJumorv v. T TTIVI ' ' i xtiarca au.( aW " j i 41 1 wi i . K.0W bushlfl last wwb. orawwu v. - . fl Id n c,. iwiw, 1 ureh u 1 h i I BV..a - r " - I 9 1 L4 L II la. U I O 11 a i 91 I ' l T IT I I A rK. aM. a. BVU1V . a I &a ia I 11 I g ' 1 K AA.. 1 Tm a KZ , 1 al Ital a tar SB. T a.1 m I Uaoh 1i I at 1 Tl. ft. Hat. A T a B-i B Hf 1 Qa I nati vu aw w w i anri w at ( - do pld. iv ri, vuuaipu r . . I LinilUAU ehipmenta for the week were :uiiaa So. Chee. A Onto... .k.i. ...1. rm.n.ntl. .-.uji.i.' crated. l.e2c I ".."r." M. ."'.r ji! ,in,, .mall nd -nKg " Another feature of the trade haa been I CAL'U1"U)WB-Pet crate. 12-iO. I proapecta of a cold wave caused ar open- m w eat atnoka aaprlaVI In mil I . a l - t-T 1 a. T A T . L.' . I I .-vwk A BVntBti Tka I ---a- . - - . . t m P1PBHMH1 Willi ll5 ilM " . " I A afA A Vi "'"ICaS, BVaTBUnBt 61i.WM DUSnCW K 'Sj It'hl ikKara al PMgnnth V BTlir. flf M-ilV. a anaaa 4P fAIll aU.BL I VT ".T . W... .,,1 -! OfTeHTirH I ' VII T . JUirvci m i ' a tu.. aaa, . aw a a ln WIAB1 O U IKL. UUl a L v aa au. - the laree number of opening ttoek. that I ONIONS 8 pan la h, per crate, IXB; Mich- I have been aold within the laat three i if, red or yellow, in per lb. A good many new cvmiuin i K 1 . E. K 1 ciiuoraia, wv iw, aa Dfd Chi. ind. A I.. JS''7rl-,ri I do pfd at one time prices were, allowed to alio off " a W... 24 IV to laat night a cloelng ngure on a. -.-r 0ld........ .;vJ da'ToL. bt- L. io-vi do Cfd . It-. Union Pacific .... W'a do ptd Ma Indicate. Sunday. have alar ted In bualneaa In the territory I ToMATOE-" lonua, per a-baakat crate. nerV for7 their entire atocka. It la not ao FRUIT3. and cablea were higher nd theae f actora very long ago that large opening atocka I APPLES Ben Davla, per bbL, $4.50; Wlna- I brought a good reaction lafa ftil were eel (Torn aold tn Omaha, but that ta not Mp,, jonathana, li.m; Belleflowera, per cloeed Arm, 4c up at CSt Keceipta. lonaee the cla. in iact. loooera aay met ),, ii .a. 1 " . . abaeh 21 I , . . . v . tiite -. .i ii,:iiu..ciria rjxi l tic iuuv w Cattle Seaalaal. Hoga Tlva Ceate Lower a ad Sheep Steady. rttiriao. March 1"C ATT UK Re ceipts, v head; nominal; good to prime ateera. aS.Sieil.uu: uoor to medium. 4.a.tJ ; atockera and feeder., tiout cowa and netrere, l.3VSa; neitera. o--, cannera, l.-j.ja; bulla. lii"U4T!(: calve a. HKij'(); Tezaa fed ateera. 44. . M."S Keceipta, neau; wunnri XI 1 k. l.rt n. .. A .:. Ml hMd : market fa lower: mixed and butcher. $.(.". IU' MH In rhnlce htm tfi Xl14& : MUgh heavy, v(''s'.io; light, au.a-'va.iet " iM aa i . . . , SHEEP AND LA MB3 Receipt. S.W head; ateadv; good to choice wethera. 4.75 tr.a; fair to choice mixed. M.THI4 40; weat ern aheep and yearling, M.ifc ..; native lambs, t.(ja.B; weatern lambs, fci.2j3.65.'is "jmriar tattie hoga, 2s.4t-4 head; aheep, , head. SHIPMENTS Official: Cattle. 2,967 head bogs, 10M' head; aheep. U head. Kakaai Ctty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, March 15.-CATTL&- Keceipta for week. neaa; imi wv. Uflui- tunnlf rnntlnnee lleht: values ahow net advance on week of HJlc: choice ex port and d reused beef ateera. aT tn rood V, iTt; n : atockera and teed era, U 2tu.2; weaterna, 14 -4rS.0; Texas and Indian steers, .a8fi.': Texas cowa. au.a0; native ateera. 1S06.5: heifers, r4.4iv6.7a; cannera.; bulla, Ll-aQ 4.75; calves, ti. 4iejH.75. HOCJd Recelpu for week. S.'WO head; laat week. 4L000: arrivals llxht. quality in ferior; net decline for week, c: top price today. t.4o; bulk ot aalea. K.k'tf.1; heavy. .3.Ht.45; mixed packera, l4iKT).4U; ugni, le.V-a-iZa; Pigs. 4.M(i5.5'. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, for week. 11. uw head; laat weft, Increased sap- ply consisting largely or western mm on, Philadelphia Pradaea Market, PHILADELPHIA. March la.-PUTTr-' Pteady; extra -weatern creamery, -c. extra nenrbv prlnta. ?c. EOtis Bteaay ; weeiern. ."""""t 15c ..... CHEEPE-Frm: New lrit run cr-.m,, fancy small. 12c: New York lull creama. fair to choice, l-t&UV- THR RKALTT MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on rec or T Batuf aay, Atarcn i: Warraaly Deeda. ' Oustar Junge an1 a-lfe to C. A. Oll- lett. lot 1 mock ttv ooutn omi klcCague Inveatment company K Ei.anor P. Stevenaon, lot IS, block 1. Mayne Place Jennie R. Burra to E. E. Logan. H lot 11. In aubdlv of s' block li Reed a add O. U Bowera and wife to H. B. Cal dron, lot. I to M. block 7, Waterloo. talt Clalaa Deeda. D. U Thomas and wife to Omaha Na tional bank, lots and 4. Redlek a Grove F. A. Brogaa and wife to A. U. wr man. lots 11 and block , llxr.a cora Place B. B. Hopper and wife to O. I. Pow ers, lots 1 to w. block 7. Waterloo.. J. C. Rosenfeld and wife to B. B. Hopper, part w nW4 10-16-1 n ..MO I '! . Total amount of transfer.. ..t -IIO 17. da Id bid... C. 4k N. W--- C. R. L P.... Chi. Ter. A Tr.. do pta. The following table how.tna receipte y vnrletv Is luc lower: muttona are at do Id pfd .l or cattle, bogs and .neen at ",-tih I high point of aeason; native iambs, ului. tLviWls. central rer u 7t w am, uu B"m' I t weatern lamba. Hv.f.u; weatern KtAi do tX ,li2 AQima cx.-v U '.Amerlcaa. Ex UO 4 I laat year: Mt U. S. Ex. ..11 hava every raaaon -for dealing wel plaaaed PEARU-Vlkei, Lawrenca. xz. juata .ww"-; '"lZ "r-Boaded t C. l 8t Uw iWiUa-fin. Ex.M 4 . k. as. aa. a i Kuainaaa laa anlna I PI. Brinn Sx I I M '.rvj urutniju - " - ' 1 - . . . a i. ima 1 1 AnnAf aVa and If anything like average crops are uRAPES-MalagaB, per keg. I7.W. J-Tiwi? hi T'thi action In corn. Thla rp- do 1st td 71 IA"'- brought In Baturday by each road waa int tsoi. Inc. Dec Cattle lfie.71S 132.U Unn . . SN 4(1 .'! Sheep ;i7S,S Bd.aui KlMl The official number . of cars or .iocs. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. We aBeri aabjeett Caloa Staek Tarsia atoeat at BT. Oaaaha Street Railway ataek. 1320 Fttmara St. Tel. 1084. OIL LANDS for SALE OR LEASE. harvested thla year they are confident i cRABk.RiU Per k.t cm trada will ahow an enormoua In I .. r . i creeae over laat year. . I NAVK BEAN'S Per bu 1X15. bbk.. $7.50; per I fiuenced by ma'ceaVed: tut 'later levered the Ipsa rj. kud.on...l7u. Amer. LUu. OU... 24 ion hi. her eased OS wn en tne oe- i da Zd bid "y:"-"-.:"- So far aa the market quotatlona are riQS California, new cartons, H; lm- ? -VVffertoM were .mail. Receipt., 47 I tnltnver ak R." Q. 43H Amer. S. A R. concerned there have been rew Important! ported, per lb., Uyltc. change, witnin tne iaat ww. lines ara held good and firm, with no sign of any wwaknesa for aome time to come. CoUecttoaa are good and but few business embarrassment a among retailers are being reported. - lagar eSxeeeMeaallr Cheap. 54 4S4 sIia: do pfd ts .... MVa Anac. MUl. to... II TROPIl'll. X-RTTITa 1 A u A, .11 TVt nntninl I . K ORAJlQEaCaUfornla navela, IJ.OC't&J.S.; tendency waa lower, In aympathy with a Aa 1st 'pf'd----t Brooklyn R. T... H ki.nnw, su. I inwr k snarket There waa some eany I ... ,h Colo. uei m 4 LISMON- fancy. .; cnoic-;. aa. - I cash trade, however, ana mat, , I n. Hot. pfd.....!1 vim. va BANANAS Per bunch, according to .laa, I rraln strength, held price up for a 1 Hock. Vaiiey... 7 Cjn. Too. pfd... .IIS ictuationa were narrow. ii . i tren. r-itvinc ti.w.r. Fluctuationa were narrow, ine pi waa m- i - . cllned to sell. The eupport came from I 1 o uiorrt i.iVEOI. vi-tlv ,n walnuts. No. 1 Nft Dtcton. Mav pork closed a shade lower at I Tili1" .U i TtTholaeal erocera renort the volume of 1 .t,.ii r lb.. 12c: Hard ahell. per lb., Hieci tit 42W4S15 .46: May lard closed -at" I fj ... . - - . . . l t r .. : . . , . . v;mi ka11 w.. i it h.i . n Ami- m ak.d. down at n ao. ana i " ' DUBineas as Being - very w.ur, ro. I Boil aneiA, j-v . .'1 'w E.' at tA40e 42. thlB seaaon or tne year, lotre utiin active demand for all kinds of seasonable goods. The market last weec , nuctuatea t . - dmI. . '-in . n MnM Ka for Voft BhelL lc; No. 1 hard ahelL kc; it held all day. a hade down at 40. and Brsaila. ie" lb., 14cJ nlberta. per lb.. Uc; May rlba unchanged at --. . tbla fiSonda aofi ahell. 17c; hard BhelL 15c; Estimated receipts Monday: W heat. ted XSSFlmllSFuZ. I, .mail. lc; coa. r. corn. 105 car.; oats, loo cars; hoga, be nut., per aack. $J .50. . B"?,. .. followa: 1 2VH 74 , W , 4S4 CatUe.Hoga.Shp.HBes. C. M. A St P. RT 1 - . Wabash 1 Union Pacific ay stem 14 C. A N. W. Ry 14 .. 1 F., E. M. V. R. R. .. 1 ' - C, St. P.. M. A O. Ry.. 1 4 .. .. B. A M. R. Ry 1 H - C, B. A i- Rr J - K. C. A St. J I 1 . - i' R L A P..,eaat SI .. .. C. R. 1. At P., west 1 Illinois Central v.. " n,tl. mrA 'In f.M tt CO 11 1 fl . M MP 1 . .w.. .v. -. . . In,.,., rtf. lmr.nrt.nt 1 u.ivrTU., "J ' rase. XL change At an. The sugar market t I CIDER Nebawxa, per bbl., IAS, New ww ,.t 1 w tv. ..m. it waa a week I fLt ago on both rawa and refined. It Is I HIDES No. 1 green 5c: No. areen, hardly expected that any advance will ac; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 sted, oc; No. I take place until the tariff question u vl calf, I lo 1M. k; '."- definitely decided, but when that la finally I jj to is lb... c; dry hides, ttflic; sheep dl.ipoaed of tt ta freely predicted (ht itl, 75c; horse hides, U.oufc'2.26. r luer prica win 1 i. .1 i ir.vii., . . . . wm av twm,w 11.1 wtnnrli lower on refined 1 . rv ar than- they were a year ago at this I " ' Liverpool Grata aad Prevlsleaa. IlUnots Central.. .140 Hocking Coal . I .... w . - SlV do pfd Lake h-rle A W.. Int.. Power.. l. pn iNrTir:..: Manhattan W1?;"""1.4- .t 1 I Ml.fc I Ia. I rtoae ITea V. Mex. National... W re"!"" ... "TOM .racami 1 1 , , , m. at I lltl ATeaaea a. tar. 1 . m. Hammond o ..iii.r. ?, : vearllncs. b.tvm ewes, HN&.la; culls and feeder. I i.35. Sew Terk Llva Staek Market. X- Tr- tx' vrtuv 1t REKVKS Re-1 catpt. O head; no Balea reported; dreased THK lEST B.SOWI riBsJOS beef steady; city dressed nauvea, aides. 14 I THE W EST. 10c per lb. Cablea, last receive. uuuij American .teer. at 12Htfl-ic. dressed WHERE ana reflncrlt. hv bean In . welghta; refrigerator beef at lc per lb.: " " tlon for rear export today, partly eetlraates. head ?nlt lo Claimed certain wolla have beeves, SO head aheep and 4.400 quarters of WeVproduoed T one Ullo dollars worth beef. .... j rt nit one well over one million and IS CALVERecelpts, C head; city drewed "'.o'quanUty. . . .VS? - .... . r w. iT.v. mi .tork for aala Id a good pro- hea.neeiealST.tV nrnrJVJ . firmly held;" about S car. of stock unsold; day loo -o.X.t IrTvestlgation doea-not ' line, ana.-in lacr. pncee are iiow .1 unw . ,..-w-,T u.v. wtTFAT Kn 1 0 ra nt tha lowest coin ta ever reached. LIVERPOOL, March The coffee market la In a good, firm northern. qule m ia o. reu w -31- .y 1 Msy ITSiiS'TBSpm July r75-,-SI Sept. (75s'SI Corn I I May ItCHfi Sept. ItO'TstafVal Total recelDta S 111 1 Th di.ijiaitioii of the day's receipts wa. 12 I aa follows, each buyer purchasing the mm 7j I ber of head Id dice, ted: 474 I Buyers. Hogs. Sheep. ...LTU .... t04 , Mo. Pacific I)11 a" Pfd W. 8wlft and Company Ji3 ?. .5 i uiTPullniin P. Tir in .'a.riv Pu-klna Co 134 .... era 111 aheep sold t 4.J5?6.50; lamba. KTS; dreed tlculars. 1 1 tnut HOQS-Receipt. 1.962 head; about steady muww-r nm. w, .,, . . v . . i i ., rnreantatuna we win mutton. St8Sc per 10.; 1 your town to tha held. We mention thl guaranty, know- St. Leala Live Staek Market. BT. LOUIS. March 15 CATTLE Re ceipt. head; market dull but tad.-. lng the papers are full of propoaltlona void of merit.. Call on or write to J. M. RAGSDAU0 A BOSS, Caaea City. Cat. av t!'".I.. 24 Pullman P. Car..2dU I Cudahy Pa d. .......... "53. Republic Steal..- 17 I Other buy 75V I ..ft- I . . - . ' . . . . . .1.1 .. -. . . ,m vQ in L n.w E. 1.1; American mixea. oia. aa au; i juiy dried fruit, but stock are reported as future. Inactive; March. 5a lfes; Mly' I Hjr July Sept. July Sept. twiner well cleaned up on the coast, al though, consnmptlon has hardly been a. heavy a In previous seasons, owing to the warm weather which prevailed throughout tha country the greater part tne winter. : ta the Bcarcitv. ft will probably be thirty or mess, 5"- Pork. Arm. prime ratern. Zj forty davo before new good are onerea . nit nwlriar to. the hitch brlce of feed it il thought that new. good, will bring jOcto- tr'.4LJ....ii ateadv at B Sd. FLOUR St. LoaIs taocy winter, firm at OB. HOPS At London (Pactfle coast), firm, j B , MwmLWwfl :-w provisions Beef, flrin: extra India 45H6T4 36'a 30S 15 4S 15 SO S 40 S 50 IS S 40 s to S B I OS, 45': 30S 15 54 15 CO S 40 S U I 74T4 7BMi; Tt'klAl.. av. 7SS! 75S 75HT do pf 751-! 75HI 751i I N. J. Ceatrai..i..iM ."" t V.- Y. CntxaL...ltMk Sugar ...r .......lai , H R fyvLi.hlp.?rtcStlvfSnc?rt worth' 175 Referencea: Fremont County Bank, Flrt Iresaed Vf ndutchertee.O-SS; NaUonal Bank. - Totals CATTLE There were only a, few odd TV . Calv St steera under l.i") ids., sj-a-u j-i. and feeders. $2.7534.0; ; rjai ,f,.h'frr"; cannera. ei.avtiA.ov; wuii, -i 45k!46eHl 3 1 --kj r..ivae f.uif7X: Texas and Indian bunches of cattle here today, and a test of I ateera, grosser. 3.vg4. 36 ; fed. t4.4uOi.lw; the market waa not made. For the week, I cows arid heifere. 2.5Ei3.a5. , h... h.. ku. . VMrv liberal run. I n, tc.n R.relnta. l.Ouu head: market INVESTORS "4 eiUlB, i,WV I IT-rat . aaaea.. and UghU. $5.SNti.J6; packer-. BS Receipts. i,ju 15 4?H 15 42-45; 15 45 la 55 S 40 S 50 s SO I 4ft 50 15 55 50 1 57H S 40 S VH eading MS 'do Pfd.--- and aa wlU be Been from the receipts given .teady; pigs aJidllgMii do 1st pfd S"7. V. S. Rubber 1 bove. there haa been a good, aubatantial ss.mijt5. butchers. PU. j ,.i tA . da cfd 54 I i- - - . w- ihi. fnr ih. laat several I BHCF.P AND LAM ...... -- . Tt a'fit . . , I tCT Li,. I .teadv: native mutton. H.W ply the market baa been la very saua ,heep. 14.75; Texas sheep. U 75. I 8 40-n,l I 40 I 53H S 634 S oa law . , ...r Tt a ctl .-ai Bu at a. -"--?T .-lr.."-7" 1 wee t.t ntii i au liu e" i i. iii. m r.fd ..; ; 71 v. estern union... H l ... St. L. Southw.... iAmw. AKjcomo... j i ttlctoTj condition ao pta wt Last aala. njCererl. A few Iowa banker, and other business men of hlgheat Integrity and buatnea. abfl itv owntna- valuable properties In the rich Svauttona. 4 W Plomoaa Mining District of Turns County. Artaona. deelre to Interest on tna grouna floor a few .mall Investor having from 150 to $300 to Invest with them In ths Unprove- gleax City Llva Stock Market. I ment and development ot uitar propei-iT. lamba, o.G5; sheep. SZ I ri..u v. . . arnad man v beef .tear. I dnem.tddwauVcirnPtot 8IOUX CITT "ifarch Tele- Honert and competent J"-- XwuTik Meaer Mark. S'"n" "iVvirrv and FrTdaf. I VVr rtT 1 head : Urosnect. ot large return. In tha near tu- WDen values too a. . uiwi. - 7 7 I steady: Deevea. a.uua.i0. cu-w, wun . I tura. r or i un inruvuiwi tered, I Ham. ehort cut. 25 to W lb... Km. Bacon, It is I ateady; Cumberland cut. M t Iba.. 42a; Octo-1 short rlba. If to 34 lba.. 4Jd; long clear No. . ' c .h nuntatlnne were aa forlowsr FLOUR Easy; winter paienia, .avwt-w NEW YORK. March call ateady at S per cent paper. 4s percent. iiunrT-on lth te cloae of last week there 1. . not J mUlwL 'tLtu&Ui Mocker l-MOETm . change 'n prices, but It ia noUce-1 fc . WT yearlinr9 and calvi ; pnma mercantile ltgfXg medium gVodea of eatUe ore Hl-RecllpU. 5.0PO he I STERIJGI EXCHANGE Steady, wt & l li takT.' .tactual bualneaav la .-i?'rtt JZ'u,", icily "holca to eeU . much 1 ilfor demand aad atAy6AM. for t .Y?v. tuu. but as high a Pi.50 haa been J teBC as well aa Ah nifxiium weiahta. The t . . a. dfl a. 11 tha AAal lrtf-1 or flaaSI ... 1 ..I.e.. sTSl k aCwA TaA olaaal rm tM nn'f-rttkcau.-M thrt !,: "Pftng PJ?'-- fPrtn P1'0"- oTercialTtlS: RBaiiws,.. . ... J .inrm to 11 the first of the week, bt later or. the. cler jo red. I 6ILVER Bar, Mac; MexK-an aouata, - jji, KKriT lriKjM-;, railroad J------ it 1. expected that both canned ov.ter. BlTTERrrm:nt United But-, No. S w.Mte. tS47c. I oWn.7Xi; "t . 1? coupon? I .Th "JJS'Io t 1 aid a re a . au. wuftiuu, -i i a and feeders. S3.00 calve. $2.i-4.2i. head; 5c lower, sen- I at S5.S0OS.a-; bulk. t6.(iAlS. , IEEP AND 1-AJs.ue rlecaipts, jw neaa; -steady. St, Jaaeph Live Staek Market. ST. JOSEPH, March U.-ATTLr-Re- on or address King Yerda Gold and Copper Co., 1T13 Faraaaa ft. t. h tti. mint I Mint, srat head: ateadv: native. J5.i.7j; .hat win sell within cow and heifers, te.iwffAK: veals, tJ-UO - m. . ... . . i - wn ruw. . i Work for Big Results, If you i wise. It Is just as easy to sarins near future. Stocks are light In packers' Clifctab-firm, Ainr,u.u hands, and. as It will be several monthi W American D miorN. BARLEY-Fair to choice matting. S2Syc. BEEUS- ISO. 1 nax. l.ti uwim- befora the new seaaon opens. It Is thought TALLOW Prima city, nrm, wa an. western. 11.72: prime timothy, ss.w that higher price, will prevail. Cattaa Ceaflaaea Straag. coupon. It. .. ... heifera are now selling from Kt SS.ffi. The closing r nccaaionally a sale reaches ouca kinds are fully steady for the week, im be of aood flesh. I COO: atockera ana leeaers. a-sro? . " j, . u.,i. w. wish ta com- ."uS SefitTgrad Bghtad "lihE mlied: KCufVt .25: medium munlcata with promoter, banker of htwyar good many cowa nl1 "i"..;; 'v, " T .'; i wno appraiaic -"- . w. ai.v 1 ALwn-r. vi. , . i western. Li.v ""--. I rnliovl: ...n foe the week. The 1 The import or wneat Bur. PROV18iU-aieespora. P" "o . - " . , . . , J .,. the first .ki. ,t,n tt,. etnt. nf Conservaavi week were 25.aJ 9? I" U""S 15.15. Lard. Pr W ia " r a ref. la. iwg.109 ,L. A N. unL k..l(SH P T i idaw the, took a 'U"T '."-U .k. Ov;rtncTnii which will i Him Mex. uentrai 4a.. u i ' . - . --- - k. i r .c. . n.i., da la Ino . . itu I drop of about a aim, v ,.' '" .. 1 markals lor Aarcu ja; i ana rciui Little, not?, dhctp. . .nnai 115 il I M .narvai.. L 1 1. HOT lJOi I'lUUHgVif m. - - ports. from Pacific porta and 42.HJ0 rbal aides loose). S 30.45. Dry salted Intereat In drr good circle .till centers from other porta im .houlder poxeo. ... u. t.v v. around the cotton -market. Large operator, from Atlantic .id 1 'hlh wV ' aM "n'tt IM." ?t. of wheat during the U;t th fhet. a", do ta. rag.f. J1!, do la Inc.. thoa. beet posted th.t 10-cnt cotton w 11 days. V- " rf-V tM .u...f " " ..,.i I Aruciea. L.S0. i and Bhlp- . . . . ... n . n w.w. V . 1 Irun Da ana ntiws tow new i-1 h - i - ... A i market. The siren gi h In the cotton mar- i iaat unw "-i ket U naturally affecUrg manufactured , . a Peevlaleaa tinea and aa a result manufacturer, are 1 St. Laa la Grela aaa rravi.isa. All hoi dine their lines at very firm prices. I w.v, is WHRAT Hleher: Oat, bu. ev,M. k... .nt lun .nv n.rtllltf rhlUHl . . i . aii.. tr.i.k sAi. 1 Rva. bu.... . i.. - .'w. - - w. --. - I NO. X rea emeu, wrym . .. , . , , i ; - , sinca last week eo .-lur aa retailers are i M" gj-. jui, , g4c; No. S hard, 75TPaC. I tariey, u aonoerned, but Btlll Jobber say tnat n I eoRSiiigherv No. 1 c the cotton market doea go to 10 centa prices iLtaSc; Jaly. will wm.uin"' - . a . , ' do coupon iv it a new a. rear. -lis do coupon' 13S1, wt.w a lit a. rea. .lit Receipt. Shipments. I . coupon ......118 H."0 'a. fill A rrm ltsj 65.000 IS O'S T couoon ......lO 82wiO MOO .,h n. 4a W6 S7.0W 1OS.00S -Sda adl. 4a....... WH lOW o.i A iihla 4S...10H 40,000 lLOOS ,j. IUe....-.'..... St", a ..h aiVi-- m, t I i wi th. Produce exchange today tne but-i do conv aL'c Iter market waa eicauy, i-iwuri., unr -vanwu ww. Flour, bbla.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu 1 . . . . i 1 . ... . f n.r t h . w eek. Cannera. how. - --- - , I. .11 .n. r. ii-'- : ,r-r , . I'V1" do Ihu... .Uw week, and owtng to rZt'l? .V. We have a nlan Involving th formation of local companies, a plan In which ultrm conaervaav people wtJ gladly Join, a plan mean fortunes to aa eneravue reliable promoter. M. A St. L. 4a.. Ills' Qo M.. K. S T. K.. IH ever. N TCenL"l."iua: have broke 1'Sc. The bulk i of the cowa i yg, aty y. iLllSl now being marketed .ell from 00 to $4.50. 1 Bu X. J. C. sen. a.. LA Bulla, veej caiveuu.e--:- Htjoaepn. No. Pacluc 4a....l'aIin; ln l1 "rCT-l ir.. H 0 no 37.000 ,W0 J.Otfi (.toS S.IM) New York aty. No. Pacltlc -1' f ' a wUk aVo- Th. good kinds sell Nd.:-.on.-::i v:!-arteoodta"ai, th. tTI-cti:! week' for-Btciiir.-nd feader. .h.wtn. Total.... fiMi nil irvrilnnnl ....1,015 47.36 tM UIWUI afll - IVIH wss a Oil aad Sleaia. IN COLORADO. "V-:- M -' L .: ..w .... I i, rWm. Arm. adlUc ofUk opinion ta that cotton good at present I Ste rftroeier at iic.- ouotation are exceetngly ctoap. ana mer- i jrixnjR DuU; red winter patent, S3 Stj .EW YORK 6EIERAL MARKET, . h . n , . -w. .r. nl.Mn. liberal ardara now! . . ! . .,i.t tt 1..1 , I ae.w . .www t. i.smiu. w ..v - r w , .1.1- extra iait:T ma, .u,wai.w , t , will be well fixed for the ummer trnde. extra y WholraaOera are axpenancing coaaioera 1 wjj Timothy, nominal, 8x0006.75; prime I o,--,.,!.,.,. mt ka Day aa Varleaa irfliMii; r in area t riri sr fSMirBiD a iinra awmi i . 1 to the fact that tnJila are weU aold up and "J, u ,-m EAL Steady, $3-10. many of them have aold Shelr enOra BRAN Dull; Backed, east track. SOgSIc. product for several months to-come. Aa iiAyateady: timothy. lAfc-trl.0; prai- long a that !a th case with th leading . -carc- ln demand, not quoted. mill Jobber do not sea how it a poasibi WHISKY Steady, 1130. for value to go .ny lower far aome Urn JRuj COTTON TIES tX to roim. vnii. viiw w . j www. , niiioi.Nir-rtutTic, , . , able for sharp advance a. I MEM? TWINE So. Locally 'the trade situation ta very satis- i . pRoyiSiONt Pork, easier; Jobbing, old, -..ltV-: lsV Jaallty! iijriv. y were Sa...l071 St. L. a. W. Is... higher, buton Frldij VHcearV about -:!sdA i-A p C3iS. VidiVHSZ iMwt-V-rSS lawBT-a-i u- B A Q n.. 4. .. fcS Tex. A Paclftc laa, 'rTA-a There wa a liberal supply of hog. entlne. firm. 46c. Rosin, firm: A. B. C D. E. M A B P g. 4 -l"2lT. St LAW fcSdaV for a Saturday, and aa other nl; p. ri.40; H. S1.50: I. 175; K. 12.46; M, fc N W - ?.ULnlon Paclfld a..l64 here today tor a oa ' 9Tict at. thU utm- N S3 Z5: W. O.. $3 SO; W. W.. S3.65. HI? ' s 1 "S-wJTk a droi! The market w.a NEW YORK. March lA-OIL-Cottotieeo, Caaaaaaelltlea. NEW YORK." March 15. FLOUR Re- eetpta. JS.4U0 bbla.; export. U.l bbla.; , wf.m Anil and a . hail, easier: win ter patents. U sb44.30; winter straights,; Minnesota patents, S3.a5iO-t.lo; in,., .rttu. u Minnesota oaa- era, fl toul ; winter low gradea, S3.4wo Kye Dour, auu; iatr to gouu, s..v estern. w.i i imr-K. nwi .,tp. tt nfv xi 30: Brandvwlne. u 3bd4.a ear rib. .-; clear aides, RTE Easy; No 3 weatern aVIo f. o. a. factory w all concerned. There were many I rf ,. ew tig.o7H. Lard, ateady at J ir-4 I S.M. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, more buyers In tha city than were ex- 1 1 T!jt meats t boxed), unchanged; extra3.4; choice to fancy. S3. Svos 7S. pected. and it waa noticeable that thoee I jT M 75; clear rib. SACV: clear idea. CHJRNMEAL Steady ; )Uo w that were In placed, neavjer oruera "' i m-w Bacon tl they did the week before. For that reason 1 r,,r7, ..; cl last week waa about aa good a any ex- TT4 I. . 4 K1. anrin. .P. In Iwl"....,. T A OIL CITT, Pa.. March 15. OrL Credit balance. SI. 15;, no bid; ahlp mia. M.iI7 bbla.: average. 7S.tsu bbla.; . Tk. auwnanmt ar 1 rt n un U1 l-vPai . aaaga-Bap a fsrsM nni M " t. . 7wi8 A A A P 4a.. .;. ,1 - I steady tor tn .1""n " .Tw- lr"V' " -vil.K' ,krnVnet Chea A, O. 44i...THi8o. Paclfia 4. ..... MH though, , .re. II V7-been iffTred thl. I ma'r'Soulh Lima and Indian SOc. ChL A A. SS . " iuiir ss...i:ij 1 "w at.- - I SAVANNAH. Oa., March li OIL-Turp- Q B six U II.- tal. aSO-Aj 1 CJk. Sat AaUIl-C AA.AJ-V I WTT-BV. C, M C A ae crude, nominal; prime yeuow, roleutn. ateady; refined. New - Phlladelnhia and Baltimore. St. , steady. Turpentine, firm, 4;rH7VrC. Autre a is. uiir- a ur pen uq( i'ERPOOIa March 15. OILTurpenttne em, 1. fid. Ttneln. common, firm. on tn better a- ood aeaaon. u ii.imL.iiia. Fanned, ateadv. 15a Sd. Bid. I o?'rt.n?" r -.rifullv aa good OS thoa I iw1 oil. ouiet. unchanged. Cottonseed Tne late . j. 77, un ..fln.rl .not. ateadv. 23a 10WL "Jf tos'eer S-m'ih. tabl. of receipt. " , " u w r-.n ln.. atiai t J"" ".k. .uonlv for the week m not mucn Baa at llaariais. nusiun, -" ., 1 - ' T , ""'". 1..1 week, but aa compared THE BOULDER OIL FIELDS ProvlaB Boaaaaa. i.- "'aT -OA do 2a - I ST. the" way from tedy to c lower, tne quiet; prin Chicago Te. 4.. do XBj.........4io. t '".Viu,,. being on th lightweight 4,1.. Pet Colo. So. 4a S- do deo. B ........ i1 I sreatest aecuna iu . laraelv from I vVw 17 D A R. O. 4a...lir-' west Bhora 4B....11J hogs. 4' ; .1.. B wis usld. in, .ri;. 1. Hu w A- 1. v. a. nix iimio Ik 25. and as high ae . aaa P"- I Roaln rw:.Wwkt-T. T to medium weight. '-r LONDON. . . 1 . . . THE LEKIUGTQ.J OIL V.ELLS CO., Located ln th center of ths . : BOULDER OIL DASH! ADJOINS GREAT PRODUCERS. OWNS ITS OWN PROPERTY. NO LEAS INO. NO .ROYALTIES. . NO RESTRICTIONS. NO BALARIEA. ONLY TREASURT STOCK SOLD. aAoitTsta'Awc c L- f . New York ear cent; Urn loan. 44 per cent. . tifflclal I different w Vf last year there Is OMAHA. March B.-Bank clearings for .. Mimr Pat lata Develop low. - - ctosmg- ' with lh .TL Prices advanced quite I th week ending today ahow an Imreaaa I eat. J, ,11 Ul- anelter I - . .... . . .1. , mw-wm will h. .1 . . . " I , ,3 Y f V n.,11 . Vln . EUlflu f I r I ' ww. 1 ...... - - 1 lira, j .1 . , 1 J . ..r-t .. 1 t N.. 111-hlua il Wt JiovwiMura it I raoldiy oa lira. Rumnr 01 nrw. t uurviv 11 1 1.. .-t -1 il XTarrr: t-niraena. ac. luriiia new iwi, iu.iviu.. -w - - 1 - - - - ... . : , 1 1 - 1. 1 i . avermav v v - vern Bc; vTW-Beclpta. 33,00. bu, exports. ttjg f t g JSSaT .EewT " aTulat- After that they took foe a falUag I Twae Mi bu. Spot, ateady; No. I red. Ste ele- K & G- iSm-aam U 11 m"" ' sh r7 No. Av. Sh. Pr. off in Immediate bu.1ne. jUwer at I3c. vator and Mc f. o. b. afloat; No, I northera. Atchison .. 4 Wtom No- Av. Sh. Pjj ij,.L!V4 Prepare '-lor. ara being made for. aending kKCeTpIS-Flour 10.000 bbl: wheat, HuUth. SSVc f. o. b, . alt oat; No. i hard. do , Xt-CSntmlal . I.'lS'i y el. I 7, 1......2zl 1W L. at traveling men with tall aamplea. 8v- ; corn. 35 uoO bu.: oata. M.OOS bu. Manitoba, -Wc f . o. b. afloaC For run; gf" "v; gJV CopporKanga "C 112 " 6 7 W I!!.. ... S LT eral ot th.m will start out this week, arvl KIFMENTS-F!our. lou bbla; wheat, after the opening wheat wa. .trangthened Bo-ton A J M. .13k Lpper uang . at 71 . 1 xi by tha first of April It Is P0cfl "at 1SC( bu.. corn, r.Oou bu.; oata, 4u',jS bu. by tha eold wave weat, but getung no aup- Ve afilJ FranAUn:..;.":.v Sv, I K 31 ... 1 all th men will be on the road. Sincere- port, from ahorw. It reacted a little V M a..ais. jnwu - jaa Lw . ,u taller, cleaned up their laat winter tcrk. K.s City Grata aad Pvvi.le.a. Kfore midday. A .light rally near the "fJl"cJ 'm lm a..". w tn good .har. It la thought that trave ing ' . WWBAT clo. Uft the market ateady al So net ad- '"V; " 54 oW Domiiuon ... w " 70 i aO S 14 man wUl Sheet good uccee from th KAN3A CITT March 15. Y vane a March closed at aAfcc; May, SC', Met '"'f" .ijeowL.!..:. SI'S 1 iii I W 40 S 15 Start. May and Jol. 75V; caabi. No I hard. 7JH nc; t llVr. Wy, Wlvtloarf Ar-.S"1" ' "t? nxt . I. ' i M Ita U U Miss raw.. M.v... rree.y. ' r -tr Aa'STt .. a1?t. : ;r::::iL' Uncy-:: :.; tit- l m ... i t .. jr.. o . w.- r. . . v. i .v.w. 1.' . - - - ' 'i nnm i a m wt ranis re uiDDtr s-a I ,.t i a sa rv. .. .. - -r - Jobber ore now experiencing I i X)B-r.. "i'1"'" 314 bu. Spot, easy; No. x. svac aiavaior --,r7c ITamarack .,:..Je" I" iii S 7Mi " S 14 ... .nr,n. it... Rith 1 k i mixed. SPnc: No. I white, eoiac: No. I . i., s .tin.t Aitvamina at the I '-'.'V c. . I4.i.r.. ' IT I ,4 1-3 ... " t ... sic big Increaae. . . , Xhur. of mb.,.7 over those for the correspond- u7w- . .....K-vt asm I in. w u af iu The dally naures are: CAFITAJut . Monday .... Tuesday ... W ednesuay Thursday .. Friday Saturday ... Total laut. 1L Sl.a.4i3. n..03.0 1.353,211.07 1.11.b4 45 Ll.i4.91 5 L3W.4.. 1.11.L73 l.lsa.a.4.07 $15,000.00. Treasury, tS0S,eSa. Koa-Fort at table. ST. 113, 1-4.75 ls.710.4S7 Llil.a.(B LSOSOOS Ekarea. NonAsaaabla. LOW .slO.43 I LOj.);0l OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: HON. PLATT ROQERS. Ex-Mayor of Denver. S5c; dairy, fancy. .t.rt witk wheat and on ateady cablea. corn eased oft through realising but finally raided on covering and closed ateady at a partial net advance: May. sync; cloaed at S7Ae; July. asCVi; cloeed at 7c: September, -Jc; cioeed at aairC. OATS -Urcelpta, l.waj ou. ; exports. A.iajw Hardware .. ..-Itr. . ..... . . ' , 1 . . . K.itlit.r.' I rhXrvrrlierat In fact U kind. OAT9 No. I white. rffTH . . . , . " . , - . H...i .,, . i j v NT n x. ale Ot aea.oia.aie oi I ,iA,w- tit T11 Oft- tk.b a ranld rata, llu aemaiMl coanuarvm tirj i 11. 1 ,i,.,iv. u--,,i - '-w favorably with last year, ao that Jobbers I prairie, S14 are tn the beet of spirits. I BUTTER Creamery, of th moravt, aa ail lines are tn prac- I EOGS Weak; St mark. Wo. 3 wwtewood I bt gpoti ,ledy; No. A 61c; No. 3 white, iu.Hi th. aaeie noeltlon ther were a wek I case Included, quota J oa caanga, am per I vv, I white. 53Vc: track, mixed weet- ago. trie aituation u. uwi otk:ii-p i sua., mw. . . , i ,rn, wtfuc; trace, w hilc, -v-jo-. vyuuii. caillng the market firm on all line. Job- I , . iw p i.. I teadier but firm. bare are at ill romntaining ot tne aiucuiii i,fi.i.m ww- i jAx uuii; atuppuuj, s-vw; gooa to t&ey hava ta getting gooda. but that haa I Krw YORK. March IA EVAPORATED I choice, '-,c. been the casa for so long a time that It 11 .Sp. FCJTne movement ahow. no lm- HtPS-b.-dy ; atate. common to choioe. na longer an unusual condition. I XimmnL but with the upoly of prim to I ISA crop. U-Fl-ac; old, 4wc; Pacific roaat. Rabaera Bell Slowly. . I fc, grade limited prices for these quail- ld crop. A.,-e. crop. x-w-. tlee are strong; pnma. mw. ... n.,,- ... a a. k'lactrte... 9- ' do pfd S7 iTrinity ,1V l. E. O. AC 4 United State .... 17i I'nlled Fr-lit S3 Utah 33 tr M Steel 4t!Vlctorta do nfd So- Winona 1 1. Wearing, Com.. ai:wwveni ao ek. M,h mvl. trad, k.a af murM. bea rather quiet of late owing to tne . riyoRKIA DRIED FRUITS Prune. lc; CaUfornla. Qtoa wa.. isc; uxaa ory, lack of th proper kind of weather. Job- v . . ahow firmness and activity at 34 to So lba . 14c. bara. However. My that It will take only . S"AXi, R.lil. l-trl4c: Moor Park, LEATHER Julet; hemlock sole. P.-eno a few day of stormy weather to make the !?? Vt achea, peeled, lteltc; unpealeu. Ay rea. Ught to toavywetghta. Sofl-jic. demand aaeum very aatiafactory propor- J'j" . WCfOLr-Steaoy ; domestic fleece. -twuio- tiona. A atorm which only laata for a day -w RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, It n,U form. I Ml t ' " " I 1' k 6 V 1 S H N t lw f ! fl fa mil v tlltt) of clothing and footwear aell at a rapid I MINNEAPOLIS, March U- WHEAT I eiitw; mesa. S10 wil05; beef hams. $ rata - . 1 Cash. nft'1. May. T"-c: July. .c I g-iiaj; packet. SU.inrll--0; city, extra India Leather good, are in as guoa orraana c. traca: no. 1 nar, ' a -ii i meas, SI' ewj ia su. tut mei. auu; picaiea e-ntilil n. exoecied at tni time ot tne -. i 7irr: no. I Bofinrru, i.r. but there as no pclal feature to the tra le. 1 FlUR First patent. tl.l4S.SS; eeond Itetailer era finishing their spring pur- I pa tenia, S3 T-a ; Brat ciaara. H .uw chaaea ana getting incir .i-t ui.uip. i aecona ciesjra, s.-ss. the Senvsnd that atu set ia wiuu. a i faKA- la auia, aiji.A-viA.-. stiort Uaa. . Fratts aad Prwd aee. Grata Market. March 16. WHEAT- i-iiiM. .iHr.c: pickled houlder. 7c: pickled hasui i. - !-c. Lara, ateady; west ern at-med, STI'-js.S-: refined, steady; con- Unent, Slo. bout a America,; com twin ml t75au. Pork, steady: famlir 4 il7 Oo; abort clear, Sll.uwaii-OO; meaa. SiS-i.'.a--. 0LTI1.K nna; crawje-ry, jziru-,"c Each week there ta a notloeahla increaae I 'hwt. 1 -tart bei7w75: MayT-- tactory. Ir21c: ereamery. held at Um:c fruit, ad vegetable a-d t-.d- aort hernK sow iooku.g foraard to the I 5 YStTHlaeV" SoTl een stock W.U be more plea- I ARLkl-H,Mr. no. a. tn- the demand tobbere are ao tif uL There aa aw. a no particular change I X,'' vM av CwC In the market thla w-k. ar.i the quotattont I cXRN May. bjc. hanaed. .wwc; aompia, creamery at which the-different linea are Baliic will noticed that seed potatoes 1 re low OB tfce taarket and are quoted at from SI 26 to -l h. pradia-e esA-tiange haa cstabuahed aa . ..-i n.rui ou b,,ta butler and eeaa. aad as wtd be area fro the quotaiiin below eggs are quoted by the cam. One TT.T jViL-iudM the ca... aad the other I doea n-K. tn-erav-r aay that they -jok for an uaeettWd market for at kaaat another ?!,.T .., th. fact that ail th ea now being offered have to ge Into tor.aie rV.' La, AiV as the aeeaoa oaa j sther. ih. WisTket will doubt 1 ben-vre '- I renovated. 14Mj'iie ; ImltaUoa 17t-ij.--. atata dairy. Sw'Jic. CHEEfeE Firm, atate. full cream, (mall colored. l-VO-Hc: tat white. U4iLlc; Uil cream, large colored. Hs3c; full cream, white. Ilal3c- FE.IUA, aarca -uiu,-ii..i 1 I lower; 8 ta I a ana rennsyivaaiA. lac; weat ern. at mark, lac: aoutnern. at mar a. ne. I liAlv-aAV, wa: lair ream a, is-dc Peoria Market. a a , . .Li,. Mtr ' .. fcillLul ()A1 IrlOaCUfl, fta, a ww, W3SV, wm.wi. WHilAl-va in aaata tu at-at kit - th4 good. r.ntrtfuaai. lei test. Il-fic: molaaee sugar. 3 21-JSc. refined, steady; cruahed, 6.36c; puw- l tJr r ra wwj.m r w " MOLAaK um; new uriaana, . open Lralatk Grata Market. . 1. -uriTj-..i, wA I k.nle. e-vd to cholc. Sw)Mle. iVardrTw?:; m ft-wGwSiL aaat. iw-i w I n. iri.TkT AiivA. nominal: fewia Me. Dra.ieil. aiew; chicken. Jpgi-fec; spring aaaatry a iSc. CO&N-lSa, t lilt. aao-a i-i.w.iiin . w,,- JAHCS tl. i--'1 l.'-.' , . V; belsnceB. S-'.312.144; posted exchange, I Former Supt. Biratton s Independence auna, u; 1 CHAKLLa w. HADM.-I1, t-apitaiiat. Si).. S4., ;- 5S. li. 4. Lssdsa Stack aad. Beads. . LONDON. March 15. 4 p. m. Closing: iai Ha 71 W- w s w .la ... " ,UI IS l .14 40 .134 ... W ... tsi .2111 lw IW .17 40 vU 40 S tw S tal Cons., money B4 Norfolk West. 6 do accuai -- na. a.-a Anaconda sa Ontario a w Atchison 11 reniiayivaota .... 11-e do pfd. ivrauing ja Baltimoi A 0...k du 1st pfd...... 41i Canadian Po....Dta! do 3d pfd St'. Cheaa. A unto... - Boumtrn ny Chicago G. W.... 35 r do pfd. kn 77 3i OS a . .. 2n0 tt vm os t5": :: ju 5 1!. 7i......m .2J1 ... SO 73 a So ... 5 ... u V 0 ; j.. .., s 1 au ... I C. M. A St. P.. .17, Boutnerri Pec.... 0, i X.7, I 2 riAu.. a m 1 . . a 1 11 Mia rxcine 1 " 1 ... -- " . . i. - .. .1, -7. " I t do pta. 'i . w ""- " - - Erie L n. Kieel - 44 ; laf sTr re . IV.-. n (S I 1U IiUi 1 e- . a a- -w no Id ttfd.!..... 64 iWabaah . 34 I rntnni. Central.. .13 I do pfd. 4J4 I Iula. A Spanlah 4 .. Ji M . K. A T f1, ln I li" do Pfd- avuwown Al I N. T. Central.. ..IS. 1 - .it wt n.e .ul.t. 24 S-lad nee itonc. ui,NET-u,it tier cant- Rate of die- I T count tn the open market for ahort, 1 3 U-lw per cant; fur three moo the' blue, 1 ' JSww Pf emDt- ... Swi .. 05 SO SOS ...14 40 6 LD 10 ...7 ... 10 ...IM ... 14 ...1J ... 10 ...21 ... SI ...2U ... S IS ...20 ISO S 14 ...IW ... S10 ...E.-7 ... 10 ...ill 4 10 .21 40 S 10 75 i;o ... 10 T 23) 130 4 Ik! S 11 71... B) 11 ... S 10 ... S U-i a 40 la al 2-d U0 15 74 IIS ... 1 il IJB BO S la 4 ii ... t tt as is ... S la U 34 4 li a tn ... s IS . 71 fcl ... 4 li 5 4 SO S 15 .. S 15 SO S li 40 IS .. IP ri 1J I 17m ..i'0 a) l .. 30 40 S JO SO 6 20 , 40 SH .. S30 .. M HIM ,.. so ... 20 M 30 ... 30 ... S SO - ... S 3 40 fu ... fa) ... S 30 ... 30 67 JftO ... g 20 70 2o6 ... S 20 SS I I 130 S SO s 3i ... ... 4 26 . 47 wi$ ... 4 25 41 4 ... 4 25 42 I'M ... 4 26 130 Mt 40 4 25 S 2V7 SO 4 SO SS -LJ ... 4 40 60. 67 Kt 3f7 SO la 64 340 73 233 71 23 SI 3i 44 SaD 42. .....33 . 4u......t. 6a 244 42 d 63... 71... 41... 0.. 67.. 6S.. S4.M for sixty days and S4-w on demand; new Tors exenange, tuc prtnuum. n.-i.'W YORK. March 15. Clearing. S24S.- 141 74; balances. SI3.'7.C4. ftrr lAii ui. atarcn ia. titinnn, a,twi- 471; balances. $1,412,463; money. 4r7 perl cent: new I or a exenange. sue premium. nvriNMATL March 16. Clearings. SS.- SM.750; money, S1, per cent; New York ex change, Stic discount; clearings, a,aa,iM Saga Market. K-PW ORLEANS. March IS. SUGAR Dull: open kettle. z-Jiac; open actue cen- j l.t,,,f lw- centrifueal yellow. 3 13-lac: aconda. id-mtC Molaaaea. steady; cen trifugal. 7fclc. 1 HUtory of oil Industry and official go-r r Ev 1 utt n., xurcii c l . in.. 1 logical Oil tnapa ot t automia ana firm; fair refining, 1 2S-32c: centrifugal tS Lrmjio n colors. Worth dollars. Free lot WV.H A SPVRRY President th E. A Sparry Inv. Co. GEORGE KOOERfl. Ex-County Judge. Reference: Any bank In Denver. You can buy Lexington Oil Stock ao a- for S CENTS A SHARE. Next week yea may have to Py 10. Order stock and proapectus front Ths Lexbstsn Gil XU Co. 303 Quincy Bldg.. Denver, Colo. . FREE .247 .- -s .3t, P.7 .24 .260 x ix-x?c Molasses sugar, t 21-S2c. Re fined, stesdy: No. A 4. 20c: No. 7 Al'Jc; No. I? No. S. S S6c; No. M. tSOc; No. 11, .ic; 'Tar. 17 a Mil?- IN O .Mr. IllllUalU A. -.- . confec'tloners' A. 456c; mould A. 10c; cut loaf I 2oc; cmanea. a. ax. , puwucrva, a i-c , granulated, ATia.-; cube, sc. Sew York Mlalsg faeetatleaa. vrff YORK. March 15. Th following gre th Closillg prices on nuning suicaa: Adam Con I lttl Chief 11 Alio. 40 .Ontario - 775 Breece aj Vt""r , Rrunawtck Con... I iPhoenU 4 Comatock Tun ... 6 IPotoal S Con. CaL a tra..iJ a rjeadwood t erra, m nur nnni ., 12 Horn Silver 1-0 Small Hope M Iron Silver TS Itandar 335 Lcedville Coa 6 two-cent stamp. THS3 KK9DRICK PROMOTION CO. 730-734 Incluslv. Exchange'-Blag-. Denver, Colo. OiL-SMU.TDl-r.7WE3. Orelafae.w'-'wyaag Af Ataesv OU aW .at.wae sisaas, Aa.a mmm DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO., Itaaaar A Brekan, Fiscal Ageata. Stamtwrs . T. Ceasnllnsls Black 1 1 ratal a M HO. WAT at 17 If W ITN ( W I IL Itookieia frtwa ear saeawafal piaa tar isaiiiinig Ike late, fail 1 aa i.l. el wiumie m v lliA. a,iaa4 a,ai'af auto, k ...a, tail aariwakaia, eta, 1 Caflee Market, wV.aklw a..k ItallsuaL ' 14 ill NEW YORK. March 13 The statement I (1 3W nf the aaeociated bank for th week end- I 72 lng today shoa: Loans,,7w.lo, de- I 75 Tst creaae S14.Sw.wa); depoaita. Sw4.r vu, de- I SO 2T7 crease tJl.7'J; circulation.-iu.j;.e, in crease crea Si. lis o; 6e.le.:ta: reserve crease B.X4.ia a of laat year. The market haa 1. 1. e.lrlv .Mid utn. .11 11. m.wwk. ww a.. .ax, 1 ew. . ' - - - . , ' - w. - 1 psruculariy waen 11 come to gooa stun: ST. LOUIS. March li-WOOt Quiet, and the better grade of both aheep aad r'&Wi; "J:- red-wTthYh. cto-rfrcr-'TK irtr'.vr.'v.j A washed, laa.. NEW YORK, March 15. COFFEE Spot Rio. steady. No. 1 Invoice. 6 Sc. Mild, quiet; Cordova. StfUC l ne maraet openea ateaiy, with prices unchanged. Near the flow rh.r. waa nartial reaction, with the market SHEEP Thar were not enough aheep I Bnally steady and net unchanged to 6 point ere today to make a market, but for the I higher. Total aalea were SaJbO bag.. In cluding March at sue: May, .sac; June. me, eptemoer. BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY SVaaaa 4 Baw Terk Ufa Bld. GRAIN PROVISIONS STOCKS u .1 - L...1 i,n,Wi trO eilaai d. I Bnx.c V. r.VT.1. .ri. i, aii .ilrA. here loo. Ay to mass a marsn, put lor tne I tM ae SAILI"1. lo. i1.7 d-creaaa I k . raceipt hava been ai " le; rawer. aa. .-. aecrease r rmr, i, ,ha eunole foe Ih. li ;'""l..i. 1 L.ri ,.,.. nJJ.- ant.w 'Vrtlm'tATdwAwa eral weak , It t to b noticed b.w.v.r. 1 October, I Tie; lecsnibar. Iai; J , Bjrplua, ei.Ui.a-, aecraaa thrrm u stlll a kea oompared with tha j qia-atwAoOc; February. 4c Dry Gawds Market. Bought and sold for eaah or oa margin. - All telegraph, telephone r mall orders wUl receive careful and prompt attention. Telephone km OMA11A, NEB. SB PER CKBT PER MOBTH . . earned during past five year by Pur In fallible araiern of speculation; dividend wwwr vn w- vr.n-h 11, DRY RraOniX I nald weeaiy: ao fail uraa; highly ' endorsed: T. tw.. .m, .noted iti.t .hnnt .itv Tbt'. market here aaa shown DO chancre I particulars irwa. ,,,.iv.ri. riaai- . -.v t . : . . -- . 1 - - - . ...i ... ;.ili,.kit a rt.. n park row. CORPirta w il. i" . - w . . 1 .... 1 ... - m a . . - . , . , , . lee deslrabla grade, kowsvsr, axe prub- 1 piece gooda ara concerned. Cotton yams Kub-o CITT. & PARK it4.v 2k butter snaraei ia a - w- (