Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 21, Image 21
tf THK OMAHA DAILY IlEE: SUNDAY. MARCH 1G, 1002. 5i roil f4tE-R AL ESTATE. The Omaha Realty Company 1)01 DOUGLAS ST., UPSTAIRS. We offer the following list of property recently pur chased from the Omaha Savings Bank at prices that rep resent a mere fraction of what the property cost the bank on mortgages: IMPROVED PROPERTY. tLe-1K17 V. Wh t. a AttMf-ti-A . .-room col la re. i vest front, rn 1th, with email house in rear, renting: , . . M n . k. T-v. ; - - . b . . . very sttrertlve ht m?, within walk- Irg distance of the V. P. shops, nL.iu v zui Aitnrdvt ltorr hoiiM. -. ' . . n..k ' B.7b 122 N. 2M. 7-room story and one- t2 k.if mun: will be newly painted for the purchaser, makes a very st- ith(n . ir, dis- t2.K . - . b - ! ikmo D ana wn pirkr Vroom collage, with! I lot xirru. feet; newly painted, on paved street i t StsMI-Three cottages, N lWt-M; N. i 3d; east front on Ed near Grace, i VACANT I HO Each, two lota faring eaat on Lowe avenue, near Burt, ehxiei. QJ0Mrwr lot, N. W. corner Lowe ave-, nae and Burt St.. 47x4ti. j . tot XS-ft weet front on llth near Ohio. 1 by 14t feet deep. tut Comer lot Kxl2t. south front, on corner lth and Caaa. 70s 7 ft eaat front on Wfth between ' leavenworth and Jsrkson. ! t US so-rt. north front on Van Camp; avenue near Spencer at. I I and Earh. three lota north front on r.mni nt near 2Mh. I I tot earn, three lota, aouth front, on Ban- I In addition to the above we have a long list of im proved property and fine residence lots. Call and get one of our catalogues. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. 1J01 Douglas St, Upstairs. fc. C PETERS CO, 170B Famam Bt-, Be Building. OJa-Wegant lot In the WEST FARNAat 1IBTRJCT. Owner going to leave Omaha and nun aoll thla week. Exceptionally good opportunity. fiM.rcwM lot revr Hanaro m park. FIE JiATCRAL. ahade treea, eay terma. N 111 loan for building purpoaea. m3(.fno lot near Wkh and A at recta, (KUTH OMAHA. O. . ar 10 lota In WILCOX FIRST and SEC OND ADDITIONS. Natural ahade treea. Prior, ranging frma 1 l,-1?'"!?. -foot iot, eaat front, NEAR Mtw BOULEVARD en th atret. Elegant Jot and will be eold at a BARGAIN. DWEUJNO HOV8E8. . I -rooni bouM. MODERN eacept fur nara. Mortaga gl.HXi. Owner tearing the city and wuhea aa offer. UtU a-room houae, ail MODERN eicept furnace; two b.orka north of Hanecom park JO the very beat part of Hanecom park dletrlct- Owner took thla property under foreoloeura at a coat of about li Ml Will now aarrlfire the property for U.7M. A GREAT BARQAIN. 4 7-roora houee. city water, E30 -v-tu Jfcth Street. Houee kEWLT PAINTED. A bargala at ti.(wo; aaay tertna. balaaca BToom BRICK houae on TTTH STREET en block wroth of Vinton. Bargain at lSM-f-room bouse. FIXE RECEPTION HALi, tewlv napered, modem in every reepeit. WF ST F A RN AM DISTRICT. Price only U.7W. O . a room modem houae. GOOD IXJCA TIOK. eloae to center of city, will e chan re equity for good building lot north of Hanaoom park. FARM LANDS. OH M arrea IMPROVED. NEAR t.TONH. Bl'RT COl'NTT, NEBRASKA; fine BOlL gently rolling. Our eaamlner haa In apacted thia land and It la a fine tract. Write for farther rnfnrmetton. m-i acre. FINE BOTTOM IAND. H mllea from Herman, Burt county. Ne frraaka. M t be aold thla week; A GOOD WAROAIN. . . E ALSO HAVE FARM LANDS FOR SALE IS SOUTH DAKOTA- IOVI A. NEBRASKA, KANSAS AND COLO RADO. R. C. PETERS CO, Oataita, Neb. . . RE 71 11 ALFALFA LANDS for aale by PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY -THE ALFALFA LAND MEN." Extract from letter from Geo. B- Parr, caahier Lexington bank. Lexington, ., i , ,4 u.K-h 4 tail: "All our valley lattd In Daweon county will grow alfalfa, and ik. i.nit tvinv la tba Platte valley is ea- Mc4allr adapted ta a rapid growth of tha r 'r .t by raaaoa of aa unaercurrent of nn. I arl feet under tha surface f tha ground, which insures acroa la ua aoccasc ana oi . . ALFALFA LANDS IN niwanv -ountt. Us aorea at glLtu. No. MM. Forty acrea ready to Bead, balance bay. Mlia from ia . .t eti n. No ism. Part la al falfa; all cultivated; good buildlnga; all faaMDed. rj arras at (XLta. No. E1B. Win cost I per aero ta put la alfalfa; will than yield 1 P C. aa . tusl No. 9ga Mil from tow a; uta acrea waals land; balanca llial Llaaa 1 arrea at tit K. Sa. tKft. Raised good com last year: ready to be aeeded to alfalfa- am buildlnaa .0 acrea at tll-K. No. tSM, Laval and m. in aJfalta-. ail readv ta aeed. et acres at tia 9U. Na IBM. Finest kind of alfajfa land, mos-.ty ready ta aaed tfiaran. 1st acrea at tM No. Vm. Net an acre waste; kJl ready to aeed; la grain last vmt: o milldiiin- Mtaerw at t3la. No. HCV Well Improved and ia acrea ready for alfalfa; a Una farm cloa. ta 1 Inrton. ICS aurea at t .1. Na. Wall fenced, mail buildings, near town; aa better soil mostly cuiuvatea. M0 acre al tl 00. No. Run-down buildings; nice creek: ready to seed Am alace for an alfalfa feexllng farm. t arrea it No. Sm. WeU fenced. fair buildings, good ditch; part la al' fairs; luv acrea pasture. 4M arrea at sZj.s per acre. Na. .. Soil is the ery finest; tenant rut t tons of alfalfa to the acre frum s acree last year; well tmpravsd. 1st arrea at Ki M. No. tLL No bjllrl'.nga; SMst kind of soil. aU under ditch, all cultivated. IN LINCOLN OOUNTT. Set acres at til on. No. Tviu. On north side of Piatte river. 1 mllea west of North Plane ; sidetrack on land: Irrigated and tevei; eboul all be ia alfalfa. END FOR "ALFALFA FACTS" If yea want )ia aur next excuraioa wssi aend in your aasaa al aoca. PATNE INVESTMENT COM PANT. "THE ALFALFA LAND M EN ' KE Tit M Tukev & Son, DESIRABLE HOMES, ON EASY TERMS la room modem botise, ft. W. oeraer Slat and Popple ton. It b t ream rettsaa. fall lot, 411 Grant. tl K t-rem cottage, f uil ! t, 4i Erkine. tl (uu. t-reoaa cattaae. full lot. 4-l Lraktae lli. t-raca cottage, larg. bara. S. fi. Cor. M and Ersklne. tl.-u. t-room cottage, full lot. 4TS Patrick tl tSl a-rooaa cottage, barn. 4Ait tmBjett, tl Mti t-room cottage and barn, tl'-ii lkr. II 41 t-room rattiie. full lot. CI Corby. Ii cottace, fail W't. S Patrick, tLttn. A P. Tl alEV AND bc'N 4tt Board of Trade Hlg. fcE-fft IT FOR LEASE OR BALE. A beautiful country home of 3a acres riant ta ka city, on paved at met . raamjml for omara or South Omaha man, t rooa bense. aitl kuce bam. corraia and aut buildings: spB-uid ester syitem; lota f a&aoe trees, tiuit orcaard of apples, pea. baa. pluma. rtiemea sad small fruits la aUiatetca V. iii r.ake 1 In t eara laaae ta right party 1 h.a ia aa unutual epportualty ta get a'1 the advaatagea of tl.e cwuatry In the clt). t per saacth Many Bay as much for simitar bouae aa ee city lac Aodreaa V U. b. re tn MOUSES, lota, farms, ranraea. loans; aiaa are laeuraace. bcmia, Paaloa iuk FOR IttCKElL ESTATE. nee It rmnered. tialntefl and paired tnrougnout. ioi mim m one 01 tne Mrpim lm-Mtmnt In the r: t V U.Sor263 at., t-room modem house, newly painted. A most at- tractive borne at a bargain, tlxn iitlk I - l:ii B. 4h at.. -room modem house on 4th neer Francis at; pav- ln paid for. - I;4 Krenei- street. S-reom mdrrti hn'jpr. south front: paving paid for ri sara N. lfrth et.. small house, weet front lot 4f.xhw. Wft-22lt Pacific at., 4-room bouse, lot with LOTS. croft near lath. Handsome shade trees IS 42 feet wet front on Bth between Maple and Bin pry. 70ft-ti-fi. eaat front on ITth near Popple ton ave. 850 Each, two lots. FA-ft, frontage 00 2m h near Shirley. SO '-fU eaat front on Joth near Daven- 400 ft. rtt front on Wth near Daren- port. 700 ft-ft- north front on Jackaon aU, near Etn. mv n. v corner S4th and Jackaon. txl32. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. SW S. T. Ufa. Telephone CI BARGAINS. C.K for a modem g-room hooee, fine large barn. V block from car. north part of city. tlMH) for two-atory a-room modem houee. nna blork from Park achooL and on a crmw t that Thla la a SNAP. C.2HI for a fine large bo una, modem, hot uaf vmim buli roof, two mantela, aewer. water, gaa, atreet pavod. large full lot wltti barn, onlv two btocka from W al- nut Hill car. Cu t build tha tinder K.tM to aara your aouL fl.lKHi for 1SZ7 Locuat eireet. 7 -room two rtory houae, corner lot. la Juat like get ting money from noma H Km for XM South XI t avenue, De, large. roodt-m. well-conatructed reeldence In Weet Farnarn dlatrlct; hot water heat, eerrthlna the beet; la a grand purchaae. and alter aeelng It Inalde you will agraa with me. VACANT LOTS. 4triK. CORNER t4th and Dodge. CHOICE location, aouth front, all aodded, floe ahape. and on account of owner leaving rdi v mt. ailvertlBe It and SELL It the quicker the better; CK would be cheap, but wa will take ieae. Make an offer, i Tell ua what you think It la worth, then dlacount that for Tear ywu pay loo muca. But come la and ace ua. ACRES. t arrea fineet bottom garden land S block Central Park achool. Snap at tlBu per acre. W acrea oa Center at reft eaat of F. E. A M. V. R. R , for only (la per acre. AU bottom land. FARMS. M la one farm and SX In another, t mllea from Fremont, In the Eikhora bottom, all very fine, smooth, level land; good anulatnes on the i a I a slaom, L hav ing Just been pot lata barns, etc, alona. Thla land will raise anything that growa: H will net wear out. no bills to wash, but rtrb, deep, black soil. It ta the baiaaca of a l.lw-acr. cattle and stack farm, which waa aa a whole the finest body of land la the state of Nebraska Price for tha W acres ta per arc. and M'.fcw for the US acrea. Terms, H cash, balance i per cent, and you can get possession tha day after vau bar It. teo X? acres aouth pan of Cedar Co., well im proved, good, line land; none rougn; zjv cultivated, balance hay and pasture. Owner wants ta realise before April t and haa fixed price at CX per acre. It la cbeao. CZ7 haa already been refuaed. Ot la Sarpy county, good, choir farm close ta Gretna at gut per acre, la a par gain. lb near same at K! M Is all right. Ua) ta Waahmgtoa county at tta, with very Dae improvamaata. la tne c bee peat Term we know of in that locality; alx xallea north of Valley J j at over the Una RANCHES. tle acres In Scotta Bluff Co., Neb.. 1006 being owned, l.lev ander Jtf years lease at ta per year, all fenced, for g&Ofe. la a bargain. ALFALFA LANDS. We have Just spent a week looking up these lands an B. a M. railroad bb Ra- lubtlcan valley and have same very ana argalna, la fact, too many to advertise. See "us for lands or rancbea. Wa send salesman . ta show all aur lands. HE 341 It WK OFFER THIS WEEK TWO BEAUTIFUL lota aa th arenas near Farnarn. apatndld neighborhood, H TM esrh. FIVE ACRES, very choice land, southwest or ritr. only ayra. MODERN up-to-date bouao, Jtth near Far narn. for M K ELEGANT la-mom house, every modern oonvenlenca. facinc near Gat. wl.m. - HAXHSOMK resklmc. lot uxl7 fea. near x2d and Pacific, all a pedal taxea paid in i jst, oniy 1 1. mi. TEN ACRES lust west of city, near Cn. ter street, macadamised and paves streets direct to city; price, ti.&to. EI.EK1AXT CORNER LOT, Mtb, and Dodge, 7t'xl3 feet, corner 41st and Harney, anly lHs blocks from Farnam car line, for : ju. nuaa aa ooaro or xrade. RE Tm If GEORGE Q. WALLACE, real eatate. mart gages. rauiBM. insurance, urown block. KSJ4V SPECIAL BARGAIN; choice la-arre farm cues irom wtiua, Aea.. well Im proved; twe sets of buildings; 10k bearing apple treea. li give po. session ngM aaay. Price. tO1. oa eeajr terma David Neely. bbelloo. Neb. . RaV Ml IF TOU want ana of tha nicest g-raom bomea ta hiok'ub I'lu. I will give you a bargain. Owaer ssft eM.Muet aelt J. H. bberaood. sU N. T. 11 b,cg. a. Mm COLORADO ranch lands, bomestaada. arbool secUM eaaea. li. W. Irwin, Ak rea, Caia. RE MITt At HOUSES and lota ta aD parte et dty; alee acre property and farm iaada. The O. F Da via Co.. Kaooi auZ. Bea auCdl:.s. FARMS' FARMS! FARMS! Far bargains la farm arapeny g. ta O'Neill r Real Eataie Agency, bom a oma-ta. PATNE. BturrWlCli 00 ul X. T Life. RE NEW Snow-Church Ce . 4th boor N. T. Life bdg.. Omaha. Neb Largest law, collection and real eatate agenry la the rand. Aaaorlale baaaa attorneys and real estate brekera In etcry county ta laa United Ststes and dtiea of foreirn coun- icEcri RANCH and farm iaads for as la bv the I" ilea Pacific Railroad ceres any. B. A MrAlleater. lead eemmlastoner. Unlaa Pa- ctfnc taeaaquarurra. uataa, Men. XE 477 WTl I I UMCnV CHARIJiS E laa garaaat street RE tTt FOR BALE. bce mi let, aaedera. fine roadiuoa. ant biork from tar line, near Hanecom park: bargain to rioae eatate; no agenia jtoeress uwr, r. RE Med It THREE line lots on ttth St . north of Far nam St.. low prtoa C o. Hsmilten. 211 beuia bC . Ki 4,1 14 FOR SALE. 4H-arre farm, flee mllea r-ortbee.t ef Couerii Bluffa. t ree at a lisua m Ivooaa, vi asloa, la, fc-HU PON I41C RF.4L ESTATE. Hicks Real Estate Company OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN ALFALFA, CORN AND GRAZING LANDS AMONG OTHERS: t arret finest a'falfa land hi tha Flatte ; only oca ml from R. R. atation. tW as acre. 1 arrea Valley land. Pa on county, e peclally aultable for aJfaira. Price. C,0W. Ma acree fine alfalfa and hay land, near urana lria rva. kj an acre. SBft-acra farm near Chapman, Neb., 130 arrea In cultivation, balance hay and t-aature. all fenced, rood aoll. fair farm bulldlnra. Price, ti.M. THESE ARE CRACKERJACK FARMS. ana arrea eitra fine bottom land. 31 mllee from Council Eluffa, 1 nllea from R. R. elation, half-mile from another townalta, tenant, farm bulldlnga. a an acre. Hicks Real Estate Company, J26 Board of Trade Building, Omaha. JOHN VV. ROBBINS. lfW FARNAM ST. TEL. i3. BARGAINS IN HOI PES ta.7ao Nearly new a-r.. modem and bam. oak flnian. eaat iroct. Bear ramam; Mrtnt ta id. M.gOO a-r., modern, rak flnieh. paved atreet. w alnut Hill, owner removed irom dtT. Muat cell. JS.aaO t-r., K2 N. (nh St.. eaat front, paved atreet; rente per cent, groaa. can give poaaeaalon. VACANT LOTS. tZ.40C4xUK. Mth and Famam. L.u Ixilii. Jth Ave. Snap. n.K"0 31LK1J4. Cor., Wert Omaha, I erv fct'ilZK. Weat Famam St. if1 IhO 1 run lota, near car. vou wtah to buy for a borne or an In vestment, I can ault you. Let me show you. JOHN W. ROBBINS, IMS FARNAM. RE M 1 A GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE MUST BE SOLD QUICK AS OWNER HAS TO LEAVE THE CITY ON ACCOUNT OF SICK NESS. Z730 Caldwell; aouth front: paved atreet; ahade trees; a good neighborhood. Ask ing C.GUU. . etiiiS, Southwest corner XTtb and Marry ; only Mb. New 4-room cottage. KS0 Grant, gSSO. W. 1L GATES, sia NEW YORK LIFE. RE t3i- It FOR SALE, COM. bouse, story and half, with basement, with gaa. city water, well, cistern, lot 1126. fenced, with shade treea. lawn, ornamental shrubbery, bear ing fruit trees, small fruit and grapea; Urge barn. Rents for Owner, Sfilt Decatur St. RE-M5?t VT LOOK! For ,Uo canh. It eoft-acre ranch, i mllea fence, living water. bb. FOLD In t daye; worth K.ft: 00. Addreaa D K. Peck, care Metro pel' tan Hotel. HaaUtiga. Neb. RE-tM If B. R. BALL, E3t NEW TORK LIFE. 7-r. modern. 11 SO 8. stub av.. Urge bam. nice lawn at.ww t-r. modem, except furnace, large lot, 8-. lath... Two 7-r. houses on lot SXJ40, N. loth Bt., paved a.? T-r. house, dty water. N. 1Kb l. t-r. house, city water. N. Itth st. lot 44xle feel r. modern, except furnace. N. ltth av L t-r. modem, except furnace. Deca tur at, lot gmiZT feet ." VACANT LOTS. Lot . blork IK. E. V. Bmlth g addlUon. Make an offer. Lots Sf and an, rairmounx piace, rarow Make an offer. Twenty lota two diockb irom ecreec car line, nice view, all for tl.Kw. rcc BBS IS HOMES AT ALL PRICES. Saat-e-rooia cottage: gaa, water, sewer; near XUth and Lake. H.K Large house, good lot, city water, I blocks north of Bemls park, tl" t-room bouse, dty water and gaa, nloa lot; ltd and Foaier. C Fine modern home en Maple, west et tth: l rooms. Tun lot. tS.KKe- Brand new modem cottage, east front an St n. near racine. It.Slid Well built and all modem, t rooms and extra large lot; laoes Hamiitoa at, aa ear Una. CHOICE AND CHEAP LOTS. tana-aoxlZ7. Parker, near Mtb. tr. 10 tcxlit. Eia and Manderson. tfttis atnU4Z H blork east of Lowe avenue. Lots In Kaantae Place from ta to tl.BJt. Build your home among nice residences. Na sharks In Kountae Place. Beautiful Bemls Park A few nice lota left aitm to aw HAVE TOU A LOT TO SELL? SEE US HAVE TOU A HOUSE TO SELL? SEE US. HAVE TOU LAND TO SELL? SEE US HAVE TOU A HOUSE TO RENT? BEE US. Wa have tenants seeking houses. Wa have customers ter lands and lots. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Lands. loans. City Property. Rentals. Main floor New York Life Bldg RE M M REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. a feet on lrth. near Crater St.; track age - tM Tao lota la second addition to Meat Side 106 Half lot rear of Xth and A ate.. South Omaha 1M aw feet east front I7ta at-, acuta of t aaa Ooed lot near bt and Amea ave..... Good lot In Central park at feet aa Btnney at., 1st feet eaat of .h 46 acres 11 mllea from rapltoL Chey 400 enne LsOt- House aad let M a., near 27th. South Omaha Four lota ia Wakvaly addltiea Cnmer on Beraon car line in Barker Place We Good let ia Barker Place lkti Choice lot in Kirks ood oa Boule vard ta Good lota in Mystic park He . good quarter section In hueta count v SAMUEL CURTIS. RECEIVER. ta laua rlamey Hirer t. RE 711 It REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. la erder te close out aalee for eastera oar ties, we offer the follewina bara-aiaa- Four houses at 27th aad Blrndo ata. and Sivxls feat ground, rental Uti a month, t Modem cottage at 1011 Webster St.. grwund BSxizv rent (14 a mntitn. n an. Madera t-room bouse, CM Poppletoa ave., ground tuinW. tt-ttBL -Modem rottage on pared street, fronting Hanacom Kara caia Neat cottage, 3 Caaslua st ground StxnV tl HC Modem cottage, Wl X. 221 st , ground biltn. ttsau. Full lot snd three house, la E. V. Smith's add . C fcon. Maera beaea, U2t 8 11th st . ground fxlat, E.raant house and brick barn. 127 R Ith ave.. ereund 120x12s. This Is a decided barrstn. t.i sflr BRENNAN-LOVE CO. tut U. "TH ST. PJE 73 M MODERX SIX-PTIOM dwelUrg aa reraer lot. ia west Farnam detru-t. hot sad cold wster. furnace, cemented oe'lar. bath room, statloesrv wssheta4 e'e , e'e. rasa- be la nee g?s r ennath Wy man, fehiiver Co.. New Tork IJ'e FH. RE MTU It THE OMAHA REALTT CO. 1 DetMraa at . ureialra. Small bouses for aa'e: rhep buTidlna lota Call far cataiogua and prt"e lit Pritata auuc.y la luaa r eay tarag. IF Mita FOI ItLE HE4L KIT1TE. m arrea. Dodge county. Nebraska: highly fine farm bullcilnca. running water; finer farm In Nebraska. MB an acre. ta acrea rholre farmlr.g land, only U mllea from Omaha. : en arm. TWO SPLENDID INVESTMENTS. ,0t arrea rn eaatera Colorado, for only tl.7i an acre. Jna urrrr very chntre rraalng land In weatrn Nebraaka, magnificently watered, abundant hay land. l.i acre fine alfalfa land: no finer lneeetment on the maraet will anon biina no an acre: a bla Inrome producer; can offer for quick Bale for (1 an acre. TRACKAGE LOT ttxM feet, on Nlcbolaa atreet, near Utk, for aae or lease. GARVIN BROS. 1K4 FARNAM STREET. RE 14 lft NEW HOUSE New modem house of six rooms, flret ciaaa In every reaped, aith nice south front lot. near Iwth and Ohio. Price 12,751. Investigate. KEARLT NEW MODERN HOUSE of eight rooma. In choice location, near Far narn atreet car line. Price H.Tb. Investi gate HOUSE ON PAYMENTS SS N. Sth St . I rooma, city water, comer lot. Price I7M. tit N. SUd St., t rooma, city water. Price I7SU. Oak St.. 4 rooma, comer lot, nice shade. Price ITKi. 721 Ohio St., 7 rooma. full lot, TOO H3i Patrick Ave.. 7 rooma. full lot. tSSQ. GARVIN BROS, 1604 FARNAM ST, RE tsr it SEVEN clear lota for aale on Xith and Pratt Ste, in L. P. Hammond a addition to Omaha; lots 11 to 17, block 1 Address S. Hanson. Boone St.. Boone, la. Rt-UM AT W. H- GATES. Clt C. T. Life Phone 14 7 ROOMS, NEW GROUNDS. x3. Bam. cow abed, chicken bouse, permanent waika. all new and In good order. 111 Btnney, S2.u0. t rooms and ground lfcvxlSG, 4411 Ixard. H.l'KI. I rooma. modem except furnace, bam lot east front. UxlM, shads trees. Twenty first and Spencer. T moms, most new, modem, no furnace, Sell Parker street. U.8t. t rooms, 120 Corbv, tijutt. T rooma. 1 N. Twenty-seventh, tl.050. 4 rooma. new. Iay Grant. tfi T rooma, lot ajxXZTS. 4411 N. Thirty-first a-e . tTW. tJixiae Burdette street, vacant, between Twenty -fifth and Twenty-sixth, t'se. RE 7S It W. FARNAM SMITH & CO 153000. will buy a nice cottage in walking distance. Seven rooms, furnace, bath, jas, ce mented cellar, barn, fruit, nice lawn, lot 33x132 ft. AU in first class coalition. A fine home In East Famam district, sev en rooms besides reception hall, lower floor in oak, nicely arranged Interior. An excellent property, cheap at $000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 4 II ACREAGE. ttt acrea near Gretas &4 acres near Elk City . .ise lewo lea acrea near Bennington u acrea twelve miiea out av acrea on paved road, seven miles out. gooci lor iruit. gardening or dairying I acrea N. 24th at. thla aide Miller Park, snap 7axJM feet, fronting eaat on Miller Park boulevard and west on Mtb St.. C1TV PROPERTIES. 7 J a ltd 1 1 U per cent gross investment, within four blocks of Court House, rental about gwt per year; price x.. 11 per cent gross investment, two t-room modem bouses near 2bih and Harney ats. ; price 12 per cent grows Investment, three bouses near 14th and Case sts. ; price t4 . XU-14-lf Sherman ave., three-story brick building, lot NbxlW feet. I1I.HXJ N. W. corner lfcih and Center, k-room house. lot A.X14V (art: anan. Cwai. 8. W. corner Knh and Chicago eta., nice and sightly, lot lMrxj4 feet; submit offer. 171 S. 17 IB si., t-room bouae. lot fcxU fett, asphalt paving paid, tl.7 Utf and U4t N. 17th St., lot tvxltt feet, pav ing paid; cheap, at t.7tKi. ri' Grant at., t rooma, city Water, tl bSW. N. W. comer Sth ave. and Jones at.. UftlS feet: snap, tl.ane KiK7 feet, near Mth and Chicago. tl.dU. s(l feet, eaat Irani oa N. 34th at., near Sprague, paving paid. 7b0 JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OID P. O. RE Tit It WTMAN. SHRIVER CO., New York Lite Building. Hera Is a rhanos to get a borne cheap and on monthly payments. Why pay rent when yeu can boy on such easy terms? New t-room rot lag a aaooera except fur nace, aouth front, nice lawn, bouse Juat rempleted. Price. tl.kuU. tint) carh. bal ance til per month. House will rent for tit. Twenty-sixth and Spencer sts. New t-room cottage, same as above. Price, u.aa, susv caaa. uianrt per moot a Twentr-elxih and Spencer eta. 7-reom house, two-rtory. eVfoot lot. barn. etc PrVe. li t". t cash balance lr..4v eer aaeath. Will rent for tl. 7-room cottage, to-foot lot on S4th. near teas st. frtca. CLauu. on easy terms. Twe-ctory bouse, t rooma St-foot Kit. east front oa Sitb ave.. near Indiana ave. Price, ti m. will take part in trade. 7-reom bouae. modera except furnace, full tot: very email payment down and bal ance monthly, near 3aib and Chariea at., H.2C. - RE 71. It FARMS. CO acres near Blair, 17a acres bottom land. balance pasture, especially adapted tor siock-raising or feeding farm : bne Im provements, large orchard. Price, tab.uud. )sb acres 2H miles from Gretna ; fine land and fair buildings Price, tii per arre st acrea near SkJiingheid. good Improve ments and good orrhard. Price. te per acre. tie acre aear Ashland, lot arrea under cul tltatioa. balance past ure and hay land. Price. t&0 per acre. HOlSES 14 70s West part ef city, desirable location, t-room beuae. strictly modern and re cently bunt. tJ Ja bouae. Suit Marry at , atrictly pnom mrougnouv. ta.ea New t-room bouae on Georgia ave.. comer lot, aeuee saooem ia every sir. SLtud 1022 8. lrth St.. ! feet, t-room rottage. city eater, GEORGE A COMPANT. ItM Famam St. RE A CHOICE borne, built ef pressed brick. tatenor beeutifully nntabed. .Qua re mo saic tiled ball, porcelain bete, steam beat. bam. c bouse, sbsde trees, larg lot st fee. front : v ry B ne residence lora- tloa; close ta; this property reat tb for mer eaner ever tU.vuD aad raa bs aaid st a decided bargain for cask. Vt rn K. Patter, receiver Omaha Loan and Truat Ce . tut Brewr B.k Ft Mill BUT best bouae paints, varrithes. etc Ouaflty highest; i rie want National Oil A PsvO.1 Ce. 1.A Jer-e- t. Ala FOR SALE MEftL EfTATC BEMIS, Telephone irfG. Paitoa B. k. Do vou rt to bi:v. or trad HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS OR RANCHES? GOOD INVESTMENT FjII lot and 1 h"up wthin one mile of pietofT)c-e. renting ft -' per year. nly Il. and easy terma lnveatigate thia. CHEAP LOTS Near Hernia park, near Miller Park, and also lota near Nth and Fort at . all con venient it. present and pro.1ctd rootor llnea-m to Jam cwh. fc do.n and s rr month. Come In and pk out one t-efore It ia too late, arid make a home of your pirn. ACREAGE One acre within k bloc k of e ar line. -room houae. cloeta and pantrv. bam la . good well. 12 cherry tre-. pea h treea. li maple shade tree, gmpea, raap bemea and currarta Only ti e''. Two acrea within blorka of car line. t room houaa. 11 and cietern. bam If . T3 cberrv treea. So arple treea. ao plum treea. graes and all kinds of be 1 1 lea. Only fc-.fc. We have other of all deacrlptlona. Call and sea ua TRADE a-room cotlare. well located on paved atreet in hiraao. 111., value H.M. to trade for Omaha property. Party will vay reasonable cash d:rTerrnce. We also have cholre residence lota In every part of the city from a few hundred up to a lew tnousano ram. HOUSES AND LOTS Come in and look over our list before buvlng We have them In exery locality. All aise and all prices FARMS AND RANCHES In ever' ct-unty In Nebraska. Also In South Dakota. Wyoming. Kanaas. Iowa. Colorado, Missouri and other neighboring atatra. S PER CENT MONET to loan on first claaa real eatate security. FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE. GEORGE P. FEM18 REAL ESTATE CO. (Eatab'.iabed In Telephone &S&. Paaton Blork. RE;." It A FEW OF THE FAMOUS BARGAINS FOR SALE THIS WEEK ET SWEET HEADLET. HANDSOME NEW COTTAGE, well lo cated In north pan. all modern except f j mere, aouth front, lot 4txl3L for tl,7u0. CHEAP AND GOOD NEW PRESSED BRICK, t rooms, modern. oak finish, tiled vestibule, cement wains, t4.&"0. NEW COTTAGE. 4 rooms, sewer, waspr. gaa, near Park car line, ll.uwv Bargain. IN WALKING DISTANCE on I;h street blvd . 7-rocra house, wster. sewer, tun basement, lot tfxiat. rents tit, worth COW. Owner Instructs us to " ACCEPT tl.47i AND SELL AT ONCE." A ENAP. HERE 13 A BARGAIN t-room house, all modem, including rumaop. eoutn front, lot at-xlJO. fine maple shade treea, located m bika. west ot Kountae Place. Owner has left city permanently and haa re duced price from Cat to CtJw If taken at once. WE HAVE SOME GREAT BARGAINS IN VACANT LOTS. BE SURE TO SEE OUR PROPERTIES BEFORE CLOSING A DEAL. SWEET n. A HEADLET. T. L. Bldg. R-726 It FOR SALE. t-room bouse, cistern, city water, gaa. fur nare. lot fxl2 on paved at- all special taxes nald in full. Il.iati. 11 -room house In a nire loration lot Hill. fine shsde trees, rood barn, cistern. t2.tWt. Lot 66x132. with three houses; brings in tit per month: only two blocks to street csr ana areooi; soutnesst part oi tne city ti.ltin. t-room houae. city water, sewer, south front, shade trees, half-block ta street car. two blocks to school, west of High Brhool. CaOU. Something fine IT feet fronting on paved st. bv i&2 in tne nneat resioence pan or the city, with three houses: all special taxea paid up in full; close to High arbool: astihalt navlnc. tlt.(i. Thla ia a bargain: One t-room house, one 4-room. close to school snrl street csr rents for tZl tier month. fl.tiUG Lot Wtxlto. a comer, with t-room brick bouse, room for three more houses; nice location. tl.40u. to acres, good a-room house, bam. room for 17 bead of horses and In tons of hay rood granary, good well with pump about M bearing fruit treea of different kinds: all fenced, lava hlah and alxhtly. one mile from street tar end paved street, t4.tW. I have got 12 very nice lota. Wxiai each. only two blorka from street car, paved roada and school, tl SHO t-room bnrk house, w ith I lots 106x110 each; good well with pump. 11. Let SoclM. east front. 2&th snd A St.. South Omaha: t-room bouse and bara. tieXi Very nice t-room frame cottage, good brick foundstion. good well with pump, stsbiS ground tmxl. SLtort. I have also aome very nice acres and lots in Benson. Bumbam Place. Washington Hill. Bellvidere and other additions. Alao aome very chesa rity lota. It will pay you ts rail r. Investigate and select aome of the abuve properties. J A liOVGREN. Z4 rax ton oiora. RE 70t It WALTER I PELBT RENTS REAL ESTATE AND LOANS No. UK It sections. Hamilton county, Kan aaa clear title, 91' tents per acre. No. 11 tad seres. Boone county. Nebraska, well improved . owner will sell at a bar gain. No. Mi Antelope county, 120 acres; make a a offer. N. B It acrea. near Revmour Park. Doug la a county, cloae to Omaha, b'ghly im proved and adapted to fruit and for rail ing poultry. No. tS 1S acres. Holt countv. tana. No. K'4 ltd acrea. Rock countv. tai. Have party wanting t- purrhj se one or two auerters good hsy land fn Rock or Holt counties. Nebes.ka. WALTER L. FELRT. Rents, Real F-elate acd Loana, Omaha. Neb. RE-M7I It R C. PETERS a- CO., Rental DeriHrtment. Ground Floor. Bee Bulldlna. tV 112 S. nat r. Bi'Kjrn. I rooma. t: Tia S 2ith ave., modem. funic t1 IMS Dewey ave.. tnodem. t rooma. t!& n S leih at., modem. 10 rooma. tui 210? Pinkney st.. modem, t rooma. tA 211 Shirley st.. snodern. I rooms. .'! S Iht h St., modern, It rooms t:ti 111 Pinkney et., modern, t room". t2 2C Martha st, modem, g rooms. t3( fJf, S th at, modei-n. 7 rooma. tl fa Fpencer at., modem, t rooma i7tlr, n. ltth. ctty water and gaa. 7 rvmt. Ill 2b8 Decatur at., dty wster. eocm r.t .ta n FARM FOR S4LK. ADMINISTRATOR'S Sale of Perm-Sealed bios wilt be received at my a free s to March 24V 102. for a well Improved farm six miles east of Ccmnrll Bluffs, conflat ing ef MJ arrea. For further particulars inquire of Cbaa T. OrJirer. admir it rater. 41 Weal Broadway, council Bluff. Ia 63 jg. FARMS FOR REIT. FOR RENT. FARM-A big snap to rant for one year, twelve acres, right-room beuae, good barn and well, orchard and small trull, one and enr-ouarter mile from car line. ITK, cash. B E. Wilcox. Hi Js street, bout a omana. tit c 1 FOR REST HOI ttt. FIVE unfurnished rooma. all modem and nrat-ciaaa. U-c Miana at 1 X.4 HOUSES and Cats. Rlagwalt. Barker bloek. uni 1CFQ ln " f c,,r Tb O. Davis Co.. ki2 Bee Bidg. If ua EIGHT-ROOM, modem, except f J mac, ta G. M 2 a t linger, be Bidg. Phone . D i HOUSES, etc F. D Wead. ISS4 rir'a D2t UOl'Sta, alau-aa. xtaava, taxior FOR ElT-IOlE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. W4 S l:h. -r. brick, city water, -e!lr Snap for av ir.:i N. lth. -r, city water. U ltc S. it-tb, a-r. cottage, near Hanacom park cltv aater. Only t). ;C3 prague. tine -r. cottage In lilca re pair, g-.od ard tnly HI . S iTth. rn-aant s-r ALL MODERN houae. Al shape. Cnly I 11 S Sh . s-r.. nice shape, fine var. Keduced to V n Woolwortk ave,. 10-r . AI L MODERN and only gAL M11 rent to two families. See our list for further particulars on above and for other houaa. PATNE. BCPTW1CK A CO.. N T. 'f none lint. 61th Floor. D-MTM It PATNE, BOSTWICK a CO, tw N. T. L1fa D C FOR. PENT. N. ITtk St , HI; large - story modem hojae of I rooira al bam. The (maha Realty La, IXi DougUa St, upstalra. D W SIX-ROOM modem Bat. ldt Pacific street. Charles Hanley. D-4J if MODERN t-room Cat. at. Tutard, t!" K. d D-MTM ! SIX-ROOM cottage nearlv raw, nice lawn, water and gaa. convenient to motor; rent. Hi. Inquire Wru. L Klerrtead, Room , City Hall. D-aO VANS and baggage war oca Tel. 11 D MftM TO MOVE light get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office lil I a mam, or Tela J1- FOR RENT. 1 It-room, modern, brick bouae. 61 N. lth st t-room. mooern. brlrk house. W 8 Jtth avenue. Brennan-Love Co., 8 lSth aL D MSi 1 Suit CASS. Dundee Place, rooma r.Tj North 24th, 4-room flat. 1W4 S. 27th St.. S rooms, city water, bam. W. Famam Smith A ta, li.1i Famam St. D Me 14 S-R"OM houae. 17S7 Park avenue, all mod em and detached. t.l per month. H. D. Mead. )T . Tork. Neb. D SIX-ROOM bouse, lswn. shsde. Tel. A-I. Jj aul APRIL 1 1S1 South bib Ave. It-room modem brick, hardwood finlrh: flrst rlsss stl through. Address. W. D. Mead, Jr.. Tork, Neb. D til It GOOD HOUSES FOR P.ENT. 2S2 N. 17th, 4-r . dty water $tar 6127 N 17th. t rooma 2M Marry. 1-r., city water two M'S Patrick Ave., t rooma tae 3ti7 S nh. t rooma 1M Mason, t-r, dty water W aw i n.r Ave fc-r . cltv water ! 1421 Cumtr.g. 4 rooma (flat! 10 21 N. 3th, 7-r , city water 12 , 1L14 S 17th. t-r.. city water 12 ! d?1 N. 16th. 4-r. (flati 12 5fil5 N. 17th Ave., t-r., mod., bam "."ti Burt. 10-r.. modern a 5th Ave and Harney, new modem brick of t rooma. firat-claaa In every reapect GARVIN BROS.. If FARNAM PTKKET. BEAUTIFUL six-room rottage, lawn, full lot. furnished or unrurntanea. Bit a. w. Leavenworth car hne 1 block, D 57 It FOR RENT Fine lo-room. modern, atone front residence. 41b Nortn Z;ib ri. rtar ney atreet rare. One block south Craigh ton college. II. T. Clarke. Ramge Build ing D-ttH-lt FOR RENT April L t-room brick, moti- ern. Sit North KM. inquire at a jortn 23d. d-: FOR RENT t-room cottsge. Vint South Mh. lit: &im shop. 414 uin jatn. nam ilton. 211 South lUh. D-Mi44 19 i47 CALIFORNIA t rooma. 110; 2721 ing. 4 Rlng- Sprague. k rooma. n": s-u t-umtng. rmimi. in bMck flat. tl. Others wait Bros.. Barker Block. D MC4S It 1K N. Itth. water, sewer, SIS. atta Templeton ave., new. water, sewer. gaa. tit. SWEET A HADLET. Tel. 1471. tlS N T. L. D 714 It 2K3 HARNET ST.. t-room bouse. HCst. ZSH Maple St.. a-room house. U. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. -D71i It NEW t-roora house, all modem, one block from Hsnscom Park two blorka from two car lines. Addresa W 1. Bee. D jt ! MOIEV lO LOAH REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds ana warraata irtorgt A Compaii'. laui 1 aruam sireei; 4H PER CENT on business property, i per cent on residence property. Options to pay w ioie or part any tlroa. IV. x. MfciJClilw w. m. du W- WANTED. city loans and warranta. W. Farnam Smiih at lu, u& laraam St. W ' WANTED, city and farm loana: also bonds and warrants, n. rcier. ac c v.. jto Farnam bt.. Bee Ulug. V 4U MONEY to loan oa lmpreved Omaha real eataie. Brcnnaa-Loa Co, got beutn llib, v FARM and dty loans, low rates. W. H Thomaa. 1st Nat. llank Bldg. Tel. Itit. iht TO t P. C. money. Bemls, Paxten Elk. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. M7 N T, PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, UM Douglaa. I PER CENT loana. Farnam. Garvin Broa, VY- ItM tam. IT AND tl.Ote private money, I. 2. 1 ar t year a on eastern Nebraska farms ar well located cottages ia OmabA W. L. 6elby, Board of Trade Bldg. W git THE OMAHA P.EALTT CO, 1J01 Douglag st . upatalrs. email homes, building lata; private money to loan an easy terma v W-Mtl FOR SALE, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., ! Farnam St.. Omaha. W M74 WILLIAMSON Cll A g E.. 1'iS Farnam at. W HOIE1 TO LOAK 47HATTELS. WE make loana aa Furniture, pianoa, Morses. M aguaa, CArriages and other cbaiteav Hi make baLARY loans without mortgage to persons kt have permaneui poationa Vou can get lbs Bunt) oa eery abort notice and pay it tack in one month, or keep it longer, aau pa tur u amy wnat ttm uu keep it. a are leaders in low raiea. quick and coa ndential aarvlce and courteoua treatment. Vic invite comparieona of rates, lime, paymeata. etc Va )ti ibe lull ajnciuat of tb iXiANi ia caah. Vi a aisaja "try ta '"maha MORTGAGE LOAM CO.. li bioard of 'i rada iiidg Tel. tM. ibaiaBUabed llaC. M So. lttb St. M 0 N E Y 8TOP THAT COLLECTOR S CALL by seel eg us louay la aur pniaia c face. HAVE TOUR LSDEBTEDNES l!t ONE PLACE, where yeu caa pay easily. Every tl paid off loaa reouceg coat. "SALAKT IiOAN'k ON PLAIN NuILS" la maia or female ecni .yea Ko ana aeed ever anow. Na mortaaca N tnderser. Ns Dublictty. A little heip st the ngnt time ofi.a sets a snas oa Lia feet. Wla people will at least rail and In autre about our leeaia ane raiea. You sava money w ben yeu borrow ef -THE BIO CXl." We offer a mcifiey-aaving chance. RELlABIJi CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, Room bo, raxtua mocA i-i LARGEST BUSINESS IM LOANS TO bALAMiED rborLt, merchants, teasa atera. boarding bouses, ale, without aa- cunty: eaaieai terms; su omors la pdn ci)isl ciUea. Tolman. 44 board af Trada Bmg. X a FURNITURE. PIANO. HORSES. ETC., LOANS. "Absolute.!- wit bout removing goooa." Written guarantee glvea to taia enect ixtaittA iaiai CCJ. , jtooa A Pax ton Biock. X tm FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC- LOANS. ' Absolutely without remevliig goods." Written guaranire given to this enact AHLitii.A LUaX cu., ttoem 0. Pa xi oa Biock. X Its MONEY loaned an plala note ta salaried peopt; business ceidential; lowest rates. J4 fsxioa block. T be J. A btuttoa Co. X-e:t j IWira D. Xtl.Bn.. 1 UT UJ I UIT A I aurjr, aeraea, CO a a, A C T. Reed, I S OUt TO LOAV CHATTEL. LOANS on CHATTE1JI and a ALARtES J. W. TATLOK. C4 Patton black. MONET loaned on furniture, live atork. Jewelry, to salaried people- Foley lxian Co, sue to Duff Oreen. a I'.arktr B;k X-Cl MEDICAL. DR FRIES, tha arknowledaed lead'-g In diseases of wanea in tmaba. woukI call the attention of sufirntg ladloa ta hla tinsurpaased accomtnoostioMa before and durlr.g confinement, and bis treatment for lrregularltlea. ta matter what causa. Call or addresa, with Biamc. Dr. Prlea. Arlington Block, lait Doe. Omaha. LADIES'. Chlcbeter Fngllah Pennyroyal llhj are the beat. Safe. re;tah:-. Take n o'ber Send c atampa lor partVculara. "Ruef for Lad lea In letter b return nali. Aak your druagiat. Chichester Cbeailcal Co . Philadelphia. Pa. DR W. HUTCHINSON, aperlallst of a omen and children; K years practice Offl'-e a Cuming. Rca tel. F r'; office B rs. AGNES V SWETLAND. M D.. N. E Cor ltth dV Howard. Social In dlwasrs of womea and obstetrics. Tel. ra. m ir MEN only. If your vitality la weak and yu have lose of pomer send for ToMm bin recipe. No. C. O. D. fake: a pcttU cure free Write Ivdsv. Kenwood Rem edy Co.. Zl Dearborn St.. Chlcaao ir W HT suffer, be half aU k and miserable when a few weeka' phyaital treatment wl cure vou. Address L. H. Thomwa. Mar tjuette. Neb. 36 if MEN ONLT If your vitality la weak and you bave loss of power send for Ychlmtn recipe No C. JO. D. fake. A pewit ive cure free. Write todav. Knmod Rem edy Co.. ti Dearborn St., Chicago. 1 OSTEOPATH T. G.K.D1NJIAN MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH. Cures all chronic diseases without the ure Of medicines or surgery. Refprenccs from former patients Miln office, e Bee bldg Branch officee. South Omaha and Counrll bluffa. la. 70 la GID K. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite El N. t. u:a biag. ici. jabv DR A T. BUST. IH McCagua Bldg TeL xcr DR MRS. MUSICK. Dougla Big. TeL r-21. LOST. LOST, stickpin, opal, set in wishbone, Thursday evening at Boyd a theater or on Sherman avenue or Dodge car. Finder will be eultably rewarded by returning same to lre business office. Lost alt It LOST, a gold cuff button, set with green Jsde stone, peward If returned to Bee office. Lost : LOST A cberk. payable to bearer, bet ween Sherman A Met onnell a and Hayden a. Return lo Bee office. Liberal reward. Lost B Ifi WILL party that plrked up marten fur collar on Soutn Nineteenth Thursday morning kindly return same to 102 South Nineteenth and receive reward. Loat 71 If Pl beaver collerette In front of J. C. How ard a reaidence return the same to tlTI Famam su and receive reward? 740 17 TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental treea. vines. shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc. Address. Omaha Nursery, 1'a pillion, Neh. -14' FOR SALE Maple treea. D. P. Redman. half mile west fort ubiu. TREES. Haxrl Dell Nursery. N. 74 st 37 At LAI ADR 1 . OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tc: -ollarr. !e; cula. 4c. La Leavenworth. Tel. 64 . gHORTH AMD AD Tl PEt RIT1AG. GREGG Shorthand On. C. Col.. IGth ADnug b!ft A C. VAN PANT'S school. 711 i. T. Life. BOTLES college, court reporter princUal. N. . Life. fcm NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. aeD Mill FACTl MlXb. P. MELCHOIR. Utk and Howard, ma chinist. M7ot OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, aoors asU aalaa. U. Aaa re a. prop lu? So. Im k at. Mil Fit ATE MX a L ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well as ufs. c'aarter members tree. Particu late irom Frank Koseaaicr, supreme manager. 222 Be. Blag. Tt tlCWHG MACMIXES. WRITE for agents neeier-Wllauu. C agtmi. unrtun. Nen. prices; ball-aeartag A. ufB.a, autia jaait At rACTOaUEa. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks iepeiTfca. cub. l.-aa acuiry, ijua r arnia FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. Jill Famaia. TeL UU - LECLUSE, florist Bioomlt.g and pel l la cue lau Vlntaa su leL at.sF. 17 Ai DREtgs AKIhG. IN FAMILIES ar at home. Sturuy. tuil rriim -( Al STAMMER IKQ itD STt TTKRIkti. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 410 Ramge Bldg ALL klnda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenoea to, J. I. ucniitree, jttb and Lake streets. J,K BALE TIES, OMAHA 11 ay Bala Tie Co.. HI North !' A i rtWIIROK ERg. EAGLE Loaa Office, reliable, aoaemmodat- Uig; all busineas con&denual. lata Deugiaa. HOI tat FAIlTltC. BEST time of year; start early; aava money. Phone A B. Clark, 21ul Laaveii worta about ic ELttlTRK AL COhTKACTOHg. GRAND Electric Co, It Jackaoa. Tel 244 ste ti IIIKITHKITI, CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SA1JC K. C Pk.iAiS at CO.. lAa Faruam St. U Aa CARfaCT CaACAhthta, Oa. Esse Uua Wka. tm N. t. tet. last " A4 STAMPS. rOISa. ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Sump Co., ) A 12th VtrttEt, PtATtbtS. OMAHA Plating C Bea glide, ZaL . 11.