Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20
-4 ' ' 20 TITE OMAHA DATIiT JJEEi SUNT) AT, MAKCII 10, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlseaaeats for these ojrlll he take aatll 13 s. vaala; esltloa aa til 30 y. a, far n,rUi aaa Naiir rsHloa. Rates, I 1-ao m ward Srst lasertlaa, la a ward thereafter. Hatala take far less thaa Sne far tka rst laser tloa. These advertlsesseat at aa ecs t Ivelr. jv.wa.H reaaestlse a b,m tressed to asre lener i" r f Tka Bo. Aaawara addr will ta delivered araaaatatlaa at knk ealy. 1 r Z . " I WANTED. position by experienced man a. of references; can furnish surety bond. k - nuan oP rtl" nnin I iiaa tr-n I. I rveraiEMrrn idv stenorranher: can I furnish best or reierences. v 01. rw. i 1 ' WANTED, by young- woman of quiet dlspo- sltlon. witn nospnai training years experience as a surgical nurae, poaltlon In doctor's or dentist's offlci, -h miM he renerallv useful, nt. Jjouls and Chicago references. Regular hnura more desirable than wsges. Ad- dress Lock Box M. City. A 664 1C WANTED MALE BEL,. "v Tha I .'v BP RING TERM ' HOT LBS COLLEQD will open TUEBDAT, Al'iUL. FIRST. Apply today for new IMS Illustrated Catalogue. Bualness, Shorthand, Typewriting and English. ' Day and Evening session. N. T. UFli BUILDING. B-6G0 31 GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., ill Bourn um. p on btradt work, crofltable work, for neat. eneraetlc hustlers. C. k Adam Co.. 11 Howard. . B 1 c vrv uit.v a riAVB wnmf. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tha farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make 16 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us ' and we will send you our proposition. Omaha, Neb, B M2ll .WANTED, a ood man In every county take subscriptions for ths Twenlle Onturv Farmer. Our aaents maks ao waa-ea everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. v u WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagons; steady worg ana gooa pay. C. Adam Co., ltu itowara eu B-M928 PREPARE for civ. rerv. exam.; bk-kp., etc. H. 15, com. Nat. Bk. Ratnnun. B-M160 WANTED Painter at St Loul for World fair work; 13 per day, 8 hours. B 271 22 THE Moler Barber College, 1623 Farnam St.. wants men to learn the trade; last thirty days mat acnoiarsnip, noara. toois and transportation can be earned before required; ateady practice, expert instruc tion, etc.; write lor paruouiars today. B MU8 It CARPENTERS wanted; two good me chanics can find good . employment at Gretna, Neb; German would do best. Ad dress V 44, Bee. B M464 18 WANTED, three coatmakers, ' two trous- flrst-class work only. City, la. T. H. Boyer, Sioux B A147S 17' SALESMEN (4) new patented articles, attractive,- liberal proposition; worlc In Omaha and vicinity; high grade; tiulck seller. Write us. 620, 66 6th ave.. Ohio go. a Minis ! TAILOR WANTED One good coatmaker; steady work and rood nav: come readv for work. A. C.Lauffer, Falrbury, Neb. a - W ANTED Man to work around private home; must understand care of horse and be a good milker; call, with references, at 414 Karbach block. B M523 18 WANTED, experienced carpet cutter. Ap ply Aiosion more oeiore 10 a. m. B-M538 17 AT ONCE, first-class coatmaker wanted. Price from xg to ilo. C J. Peterson, Lar amle, Wyo.' B Mi31 18 THREJg r four food men wanted; $100 per montn. (aii mi faxton diock. , B M888 FAITHFUL man. aood local atandlnr. manage office business, this city or other good distributing point this section: house large, resources established nearly quarter century, mercantile line, no soliciting, I office duties: must furnish 81.000 to 21.200 1 ctten; guua tr-aitr-renocs. oaisxy, iw monm, extra commission. 74 SU Paul building, Cincinnati, jau. rTVIT. aarvlji nv.rnmMl nnalllnnx S apmilntmenu made last year; probably lo.tMl this year; only common school edu cation required ror examination: cata logue of Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. . B PERMANENT position for the right man. not to canvass but to represent old estab lished manufacturer having $200,000 capi tal; 8900.00 per year and expenses, pavable weekly direct from our office. Straight alary, not conditional upon results, but upon faithful work. No experience re quired. Chance for promotion. State age and give references. Address, liana- I ger. Box 783, Philadelphia. B I Sm L ,mT r, 1 1 TH I WANTED Cornet and elarinette players for Twenty-second Infantry band. E. Helcnardt, Leader, rort crook, Neb. B-6J8 18 WANTED Salesmen who visit the retail druggists. U. W. Meredith & Co., East jjiverpooi, unio. a 6M ltt JdANAOER, by strong organisation, to get out of tha old rut; student of economics preferred; large returns. Dept. 1112-184 lasaue Bt., wnicago. in. u bhi 6 ANT energetic man can make money dls- tnnuting samples or mercnandise, clr- euujra, etc. We secure advertising matter to be distributed In every section of the V. H. and want energetio men to do the work.' Good pay; permanent position. Write for particulars. Horn Adv. Ass'n.. A V v,K L: , .Ma. Ta.1i PI(u ' . . 'B 678 18 HOME work. $12 weekly guaranteed, experi ence unnecessary. Enclose stamp for full Instructions, etc. Address 20th Century V.O., loieuo, j. ii On ltt" SALESMAN wsnted to rail on doctors only on bchslf of the leading firm in the busi ness; alo one for central portion of state; established trade, poaltlon permanent. Applicant must ue intelligent ami Hide, fatltcable. State experience. Address P. O. Box boo. pnuaaeipnia. B 574 16 WANTED, a barnessmaker. 2ii68 Leavenworth. J. Free-er, B 673 16 WANTED, rood business man In each prin cipal cTTv to conduct caah bualness; guar anteed by local banks; big returns; honor able and legitimate: must furnleb good references snd tfcticash. Address L. R H., f, u. box la, .:ucinnaii. j. . u TVO well-dressed young men, out of city. salary ana expenses, iu b. uin si. B 73S 18 WANTED, men of good appearance, $2 per day. mi n. ma si., eouin umana. . B-744 16 WANTED, state manager, salary $1,800 rearlv and expensvs; man with $6,000 pre rred. Address "President," 188 Madison St., Chicago. B DETECTIVES We want a sharp man In every town to do secret service work; $4 a day and expenses; enclose postage for reply. Box lios, Milwaukee Detective Agsncy, Milwaukee. Wis. B 476 16 WANTED, a salesman for city and coun try to take orders for tailor-made ault and pants. Apply 1607 Farnam it B 761 18 WANTED, experienced msn to solicit tug trade In central Nebraska ; good money to right party. On who speaks German. Graud Inland Liquor anil Cigaf Co., Grand Island. iS'eth, B4M I WANTED MALE BELT. THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SETTLED IN NEW QUARTERS. At 17th and Douglas. Tii nnihi Commercial Colleg lead not mri.nt inatructor. but In having the most i.ted and beet equipped quarter of any tchool of like character In America. W Utea ana .... plt,nm Wopk ,7th .nd Doucla nnw nrruilf 1 UB icliwu auvi iuiiu " itreet. recently vacated by Labor Tempi ,n army of carpentera, plumber, paper Danger Intlnnlxlna - the building. A new entrance .ifio,,. torn out and new onea put in. until All ths rooms ere as convenient and them. No school In the country can boaat of or botUr facilities for Telegraphy, Bhorthana SPRING open April 1. New classes la all department. Call r and for catalogue afonce. PUBLIC RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Thee will occur on Thursday evening. March 87. Both floor of th building will be thrown pen for Inspection and literary n4 musical entertainment of a high character will be provided. Every atudont who ever attended th collet with hi frlead ar cordially Invited to be present, also the public. ROHRBOUGH BROS GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Where they ' SALESMEN WANTED, are and how obtained; full particulars aa " &SS? Si"?SS ufisrn.- ssxr&p .pnc.0' iSuTe. W! JSW M"err'y"Pr: chant a prospective customer. Address EDUCATED people who need an Incom. once, with ref r""' Aavertl!f, .re iddresa Proofreader. Box 1634, Phlladel- Lord A Thomas. Chicago. -73 16 Pnla- WANTED, traveler of experience and high-grade and profitable. No capital re- Detroit, Mich. " gulred. Address for particulars. The ..tI,,um (wn hlirh-axade ad- Xesuo BUu.nSeXMlcrlth B TftoP-, MaJesUo Building, uetroit. Mien. a men worth 8) per month and expense COMPUTING SCALE SALESMAN. wrtttj "TS0""1" "lll W.'F. Stlmpson Co.. Mfrs., Detroit, Mich. nent. V 68. Bee. w WANTED Large wholesale house needs WANTED everywhere, hustler to tack two 1- Addresl" few" W signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; ?r1,,r.'BMoP Aaareas, flois, bu no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertls- Louis. Mo. ly ing Bureau, Chicago. B-639 16 SALESMEN for all llnea of business (splen- WANTED. experienced man to .elicit lug .VVtonLt "0? trade In Nebraska, to call on German f'"6 ."ht,yn1"' J'.Sl'r. wm Say SJrSJ SmGr(rndnisld BNerE'teln- la'gemloni' My Zt 116 West 3d St., Grand Island, Nee. mcn the1r entlre tlm, to our ilna " and make from J78 to $126 every week; 7 waEn? aCBf rhstfetoil wUh &2L ""cll ar.iral8cmlaUHlorVnSxc rnisslon. Ag?. American Nov territory to right men; best good on the elty Co., Cincinnati, O. -W 16 rkretien? r!refered Eck mJddltlon' TRAVELING wlesman, wide awake and wJV for naticrs. The pVefernsd energetic, to sell all classes of retail trade mi? rarPo l8-21 Park Row NeW n exceedingly attractive proposition; Stock Cigar Co., 19-1 J-am 691 very .ajabie line, liberal Inducements. torn. , previous road experience not essential. WANTED, trustworthy person In each Box 84, Detroit. Mich. ' SEES.7 iSTld HnlndSl .l?dlng; WANTED-alesmen calling on the deal i.iht hini fide weeldt cash Balary 818 n manufacturers to carry side line ? L-t LXv wkh all paying unusually liberal commission, paid oy check each Wednesday, wnn an tV , 7. phmlMj Cn. CTlevaland o expenses direct from headquarters; Vulcan Chemical LO,, cieveianati. money advanced for expenae. Manager, vbi 848 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. B-706 11' SALESMEN Three flrst-clas specialty WANTED, experienced man for road who Knnn.einWnrt?hPrrUOilAH,i Ph can aell 'flourj must b flrrt-claaa .ale- Jnf f7CBlon m6n- Add2& U" man; give reierence. Address V 68. Bee . "'""r -w 16 t Office. B 704 16 : : WANTED FEMALE HELP. HAVE good responsible position for re- . liable and capable young man with 8260 WANTED, two young- lady students to cash; 8100 per month and special profits. learn halrdreaslng, manicuring and chl Address Geo. Hunter, Boyca Bldg.. Chi- ropody and scientific massage. Call or cago., B-618 16 write Room 220. Bee Bldg. C 668 WANTED, local branch office manager, 175 WANTED, at once, capable talloress; good and com.; send stamp. Godfrey Co., HU wages. Mr. A, C. Mark, 17th and Doug Louis, Mo. B-420 16' la street.. C-iT WE PAT 11.76 per 1.000 for addressing en vainrwa at vnur home: send us 76o for In structions, material and to how that you mean bualness. We return th 76o after you address 600. Th Dexton Co., 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 818 ! MANAGER wanted, every large county, "Gam n Skill" nickel slot machine for drink or cigars; atrictly lawful; takes place of forbidden slot machines, thereby filling a long felt want; rented or sold on easy payments; sells at sight. Jules Web ster Desk Co.. Chicago. 111. B-809 16 WANTED A yovng man In office. Must write a good nana ana nave Desi 01 reference. Btate salary wanted. Ad dress, V 61, Bee. B 684 18 WANTED Flrst-clas coda dispenser. No understudy need apply, juust rumisn reference as to obrletjr and Integrity. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Corner 16th and Dodge. B60-16 WE PAT 822 a week SDid expense to men with H in Introduce Poultry compound. International 1.1 fK. Co.. Parsons. Kan. a otv io- A GOOD ad-writer makes money for his concern: that l why tney pay Dig sal aries; end 4c for our large, 48-page pros- fiectus; tells how we teach this fasclnat ng bustneea by mall. Page-Davis Co., Chicago or New York. B 630 16 MECHANICS qualified for advancement: our tree booklet. "Are xour Hands riea r Tells how thousands have doubled or largely Increased their earning capacity through our spare-time Instruction by mall. Wtlte to the International Corre spondence Schools, Box 1668. Bcranton, Pa., or call day or evening, Omaha office, 837 Paxton block. B 628 16 wht not trv stern naintlna-T No ex Deri rnce required; no fraud. Samples, In- structlons. etc., 10 cents. City Sign Co., Snrlnstlelii. Ohio. B 666 16 MAN living In Nebraska to travel; dls trlhutlnr: estaD isnea ouainees: expert ence unnecessary; salary $18 per week and exnenses: references: self-addressed en velope. E. Wlmmer, Room 2"1, Pont lac Bldg., Chicago. B o4 lo WANTED Detective; shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality; act under or ders; no experience necessary. For full particulars write American Detective As sociation, Indianapolis, Ind. B 661 16 I WANTED, bill clerk; must be good and rapid penman, familiar with bookkeeping. Address V Hi, Bee. I lis i SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, will accept a limited number oc salesmen, in pw pian, large commu nions. Advancement. Push and energy count. Chicago Fire Appliance company, Holyoke. Muss. 221 EXCELLENT side line for traveling men with established route; demand already created; no samples to carry; big com mission. E. V. M., 61 Franklin at.. Chi cago. WANTED, Al experienced traveling sales men to sell the product or our factory to retail trsde; must furnish best refer ences. Address 1616 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. 666 16 SALESMAN wanted to sell our complete tine or looos to tne trade. Must be ex perienced and capable of handling state agency. Inquire of Capitol Food Co., Tlflln, Ohio. 60 16 WANTED Salesman; one oils and paints; one wan paper; experienced: rererence. Largest line In city. Call. Manager, 81$ South 20th SI. 63616 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers; $1U0 per month salary and expenses; ex perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., St. Louis, Mo. BALE8MEN making less than $8 00 dally write quick. Big proposition. More than double your money. Exclusive territory, experience unnecessary, new plan. Gen'l Atlas of World, to new, accurate maps, $44 pages lO'xlt In., 200 Illustrations. All countries. 1'juO census. Retail price, $2 m). Complete Atlas, prepaid, $1.00. Rand. McNally 4k Co.. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN, automatle copying book, new, needed by every bualneaa msn, bonanza for agent. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. WANTED1, salesmen of experience and good record to represent manufacturing concern with established line in lows; must five bond. Address, with rsfsr- , uni iiuiau. Ohio. WASTED MAI.B HBtP. only In thorough courses of tudy and commodlou. bett lighted, beet rentl- and refitted throughout. For four week ana painters ui wco si " haa been made on Douglas street, oia par- our noora are now aaapieu m kdwi nur- complete a money and labor can make aa fin an actual business department ana Typewriting, visitors ar welcome, TERM NURSES' Collere. Pueblo. Colo.: three months' course; diploma; next term open April x. write. J M134 ! WANTED, ladle to learn halrdreaslng, manicuring or facial massage; only four weeks required; comparatively no ex pense; splendid wages paid graduates; positions guaranteed or residence trade established. Call or writ today, Moler college, im arnam su j M4Z7 16 GIRL for general housework at 2808 Capitol Ave. C 475-18 COMPETENT girl, general housework. ramuy ot mree; gooa wagv. 41 Ho. wtn Bt. c 483 WANTED, a thoroughly experienced sales. lady tor jacket and skirt department, to ?o in state; one speaking German pre erred and only Al: state salary and ex perience. Addresa M. Splesberger A Son to., urn an a, iseo. c M610 IS WANTED, a conscientious woman, capable of taking care of bustnesa and directing employes; must have reference. Address I V 67. Bee. C-616 18 WANTED Woman for general housework: family of two: rood wages: call, with reierences, at it .u-aroacn diock. C-MS22 18 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mr. A. B. jaqultb, 2017 Spencer street. C 647 GIRL wanted, private family. 1718 Doug las BL . tJ MO WANTED Salesladies for th city and Council Bluffs; guaranteed salary. Stamp wnn reierenoa. ajock -sox jutj, umana. C 644 17 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply zud Buraette ot c 640 16 COMPETENT girl for general housework; iaiuiiy ok mree. mt xsoage ot. C 651 IS WANTED, women everywhere to address envelopes at home; good pay, no canvass ing, eoiar -urnace (jo., ix Angeles, cal. o tt& 16 WANTED Two energetic ladies to travel In Nebraska for Targe manufacturing Co.; $12.50 weekly ajid expenses. Salary raised after 30 days. Send self-addressed envelope. Treasurer, 702 Star Bid , Chi- cago. LADIES. copy letter at home; 84 to $8 .. . . nvciui7c ior S.,ppUt7Uon- Monxch ouPP1 Co. . Dept, iu- WANTED, first-class gin for general housework; good cook. 132 B. 82d , it. C 738 19 GIRL for housework: permanent. Mrs. C. CJ. Bed Wll, H IM. Alia SL C 746 18 WANTED Competent lrl for reneral housework; 4 In family; good wages. 2602 Hi Bt., bo. Oman a- - C 711 IS WANTED, ten young, neat, experience waitresses for our tea room and cafe. Apply to Mr. Flook, care W. R. Bennett Co., New store. c 743 16 HOME work, $12 weekly guaranteed, experi ence unnecessary; enclose stamp for full Instructions, etc. Address, 2uth Century L.O., loieao, u. c . ! EDUCATED people Who need an Income addresa Proofreader, Box 1534, Philadel phia, c BRIGHT woman or man wanted to rep- resent us In her or his locality. Business high-grade and profitable. No Capital re quired. Address for particulars, The 6 or ague Publishing Company. 7th floor. AAajeauc uiiuiiig, jviruik, iicn. WANTED, sir! for general housework: permanent home; good wages. Address Mrs. Chaa. Eiburg, Stanton, la. u dsd jtr LADIES, do embroidery at your own homes: material furnished: no canvass- ins: 11.00 to 12.00 daily: send stamD for particulars. Home Industry Mfg. Co., 1U8 Randolph St., Chicago. c-411 16 LADIES Something' new: making sofa pillows at nome; ( to u weeaiy; ma terials furnished; no eanv&Aalng; steady employment; send stamped addressed en velops. Household Mfg. Co., Erie St., Chicago. C 67 16 WE WILL pay you for handing our circu lars to your friends and neighbors; writ quick if you will work for us. United Re fining Cu B, lue La baUe St.. Chl MtiCuT O-ilfl Is WANTEDFEMALE) HELP. GIRL for general housework, good wages. Ltu Bunuuy or Monday, ima-e. U MOflf II- $00 MONTI1LT, coping letters at home. enner sex rena two stamps ior ir tlrulars. Hick Supply Co., 6067 Halmed, Chicago. C-67 1 16 LAD IF: 9 wanted to do sewing at home; steady worn; prompt pay; no deposit; free working outfit. Send stamped en velope. Leavltt Mfg. Co., Leavltt 8ta. D, Chicago. C 868 16 8TKADT horn work for ladles. No can vassing; no depoelt required; no worth less outfit to buv. Send stamned en velope to Dickey Mfg. Co., Dickey Build ing, nicago, ill. c on 1- WANTED Experienced demonstrator on soap, utaie experience. V 66, Bee. i w& lo- ACTIVE Catholic lady to work at home; paia ior u aays trial, permanent u satisfactory. John Engwall, Ijkpcliie Bldg., Chicago. C 5Sl WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 1330 North 23d St, So. Omaha. c 7a 18" HELP WANTED. WANTED, 100 girls, $3 to $7. Canadian Bureau; moved linn ana uoaxe. Tel. 884. 50 A 13 MEN and women to do copying at home; $3 to iu weekly working evenings; no can vassing; enclose stamp, ivlng Mfg. Co., Qulncy St., Chicago. -16 , (12 WEEKLY for copying letter home eitner sex. nena two stampa ror particu lara. Eagle Supply Company, 69 Dearborn M, i nicago. Naiw FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnaro. Jtt 64i HOUSEKEEPING, other rooms. 811 a 20. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 818 S. 18th. & BUSH AM E M43 Terrace. Inquire 2040 Farnam. E 66116 LARGE furnished front room, with or without board, for two young men. 2033 Harney. E 638 18 LARGE furnished bedroom, south front; private lamuy. Z4Z2 cnarie Ht. E M571 18 A FINE lara-e or smaller desirable furnish ea rooms in private family or two; pleasant nome and surroundings, witn teiepnone; reierences exenanged. ivut cafe. E M758 IT distance and near Farnam car line: oreaaiasi 11 aesirea. m a. ztin ave. E 762 J" 3 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 108 B. 25th St J 62B ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1608 Douglas. a Capitol Ave. F 468 FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, witn or without board. Midland notei, i6tn ana Chicago Bta. ' F 472 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, room with board. JT 666 A-l FOR RENT I'NFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room snace. 88 Der month, around noor room in me see ounaing, racing arnam street; ne expense ior ugnt. neat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., tumu Agenui, oea cuuaing, i -no THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. 823 B. Z44 St. ,U-M512 FOR RENT, suite of room In Wlthnell niog., law ana iiarney. u oi&sf li FOUR unfurnished rooms for light house- ftnpuBi aaut waver iu uaLii ivuiii. AM IIUU- utes' walk from postofflce. 26X6 Dodge street. u 68s 16 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu ?iea Dy i ne ee at via amam bu it nas our stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee Dress room. This wAl be rented very reasonaoly. If interested apply at once to u, Ki. rtose water, secretary, room 100, Be building. 1261 FOR RENT Store In first-class location rent reasonable. Apply K. c. meters a Co., ground noor. Bee Bldg. 1268 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agent In eve county to solicit subscription to TH TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agent In the country with horse and buggy especially deslrec. Can vassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Address, century rtrmer eoucitora tsu reau. Bee Building, umana. u A LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, with satis. factory references, can secure a general or district agency contract on very liberal terms from the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance company, room 10, Commercial National Dana oiug., umana, ieD. J-M4S2 MAKE money while you walL 600 ner cent pront; requires only one nour aauy ; agents wanted at every postofflce; exclusive sale In counties and large towns; write for sale and instructions. MoArthur Machine Co., 122 2d st,, Des Moines, la. J M498 IT HOW I made $76,000 in three years; guar. a n tee success If you take my advice; my plan for 20c in stamps; all publishers know me as reliable; employ 100 people; started without capital; rich today; chance for you. Frank R. carte, u -ai ua street, New York. J BIO MONET made In mall order business I pnndunted bv anyone, anywhere: partlcu iur, for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J- I AGENTS, $30 per week to men with rlga to introduce our new cream separator. people's Supply Co., Dept. 87. Kansas I citv. Mo. j I inrWTfl. write now for free samrJe of I work ani terms. Star Harness Mender; I be.. 26-cent seller out: we make other quick-selling necessities. Columbia Nov, Mfg. CO.. Bt. IXIU1S, mo. J WANTED, manager in every city, county, in hiiniiie nest Davina- nusiness Known legitimate, new: exclusive control. Phoa- niX W, T . MIU Dl. VIJ,. J-6S0 16 WANTED, a lady or young man to take ordere In their own ana surrounding towns for Imported shirtwaist materials vrlimlv deslans. sells on slsrht: bis pay experience unnecessary; full particulars n-1 1 J 1.1.... 11111, .1 n. Qt.l.i V, I am xree. i nrj duukib -u..u ... to.,,. & CO., Bt. LOUIS, AlO. AG ENT8, we have what- people want 'lamp that makea Its own gas at cost of 1 cent a dsy; sells for $1; will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. write our Uepartment a today, em pire Gaslight Co., 8u West Broadway, New York. J I DON'T accept an agency until you get my samples; particulars free. Say man, St. Louis, mo. J WANTED, will accept a limited number o salesmen. New plan, large commissions, Advancement. Push aad energy count Chicago Fire Appliance company. Holy oke. Mass. J AGENTS, either sex, to demonstrate. Call on dry goods, grocery, drug iraae; reier encea required; mate where last era ploved. salary expected. Cetacolor Co, Buftalo. N. Y. J-827 18 AGENTS wanted to sell new 1102 model Pruwn Prince Holdfast Shirtwaist and Skirt Supporter; no pins used; sells on sight; live agents make $6 a day. Address Mrs. U, M. era way, xteaver pun, is. J-8&3 16 WANTED Local aa-ent in every town In . the United States to represent us, also row traveling representatives to aDDoln ssents; big commission or salary. Ad. dress, Msnager Lawrence, e Mstropollta Allocs, kiuuiy. w AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS, energetic and reliable agents can secure exceptionally prontaDie pwiim with ua In city or country with agreeable, steady work. Btar Book Co., 4W-B. Star liiug., Uhlcajro. J oi w OU can earn 810 weekly working home evenings; no ran valuing. C. Tomaskeen company, Philadelphia. J ovt io- W.ono PER TEAR positively made Introduc ing our just patented nre cxtinguisner. i. Bheldan Brown, Carew Bldg., Clnrlnnatl, made JTOO In one week; others 10, r.DO, a week. Tractions companies order 2"0 to &: factories, villages, hotels 25 to ino: 1 to T easily sold to farmers, private homes, etc.: greatest enthusiasm and enormous salea follow every lire test; all our agents succeed; experience unneces sary; they reluce Insurance and prevent appalling conflagrations; not a square mile of Inhabited territory on the globe where sales cannot be made; we give agent exclusive territory, co-operate with them In every way and offer a grand opportunity to secure a fortune. The Eagle Tool Co., D 181, Cincinnati, O. J C04 16 AGENTS wanted for the greatest Insurance .Novelty ever offered; l,ow accident ana neaitn poilcv, W weekly Indemnity, acci dents or Illness, $3 per year. Travelers' Guaranty Co., Columbus, O. J 613 16 iapvpa ... ii . . i i-i u..-t..- indispenslble for shippers. showcard markers, retailers; quick sellers; large profits; Illustrated descriptive circulars iree. usgooa to., ius jfuiton nt., rsew York. J-07 16 AQENT8 to buy, sell, exchange and solicit patents. Rapid introduction Co., inicago, in. J-870-16 AGENTS A g-o'd filled Eljrtn watch for selling iw Dottle or Belle Mona Hair Re storer. Dandruff cure. Highly auccess f ul. Samples, 26c Writ Belle Mona Co., iuiyna, u. j 667 is- AGENTS. 11.200 yearly: metal bread boards: sample tree. u. v. forshee Co., cincinp AGENTS for our household specialties, sell on signt; iw per cent pront; illustrated catalogue free. M. B. Byron & Co.. 78 cim niug., Cincinnati, u. J ew iw -"'" i ' "ii.i' v., r rv 1 1 1 (i it? 1 1 ro j nprni., eeu-ugniing pocaet lamp, sue leaa pencil, burns perfectly, rapid seller, seeing Is be lieving; send stamp. Fountain Pockt Lamp Co., 127 Duane St., New Tork. J-628 16 AGENTS to sell the new combination life. accident ana neaitn poilcv, issued ex clusively by the Conservative TJfe Insur ance company. AJinots, $1,600,000.00. Old line company. Liberal contracts for en ergetlc, competent men. . Address the company, Masonlo Temple, Denver. Colo. j tssi ib- MAIL order experts; will start you In a gooa Dusiness at your own nome. mree particular. Douglas Mfg. Co., 26S Dear- Dorn, nicaco. j twa 16- $2.60 STARTS yot$ In mall order business at nome; run particulars ror stamp. Mason as wo,, is ia eaaie Bt., unicago. v J 666 16 PORTRAIT agents, 80 days' credit; also new premium plan; washable enameiines; family records, pictures, frames. Family portrait Co., dept. 47, Chicago. J T7 16 LADY or gentlemen agent wanted in every locality to sen our new dock Particulars free. Imperial Publishing WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. 7 or 8-room thoroughly modern nouse; give price ana location, v bt, nee, K M9 ! FOUR or (-room cottage; no children. Ad urea v 64, Bee. K-MM6 is WIDOWER With two children want board and - room In private family close to school (widow preferred. Address J. T. Bonner, care Bee. K M628 16 WANTED, by two young men, room with private ramuy; reierence exchanged. Addree v &v. Bee. k. 646 16" WANTED, houses. If you desire good tenant sea uarvin Bros., leot Farnam. K 6s5 25 FIVE or 8-room cottage, April 1, at $16 per montn; pest references, v oo. nee. K M719J1 FOR SALB MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for house mover, etc., 40 to 71 feet; cribbing and bog xence. 8U1 Douglas. w ID HAND af cheap. Derlgkt, 1119 Farnam. INDIAN good and relics, lilt Farnam. FOR SALE A'honoirraphs, superior to any other musical instrument; sa up. in Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 440 2D HAND safe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 13th. y bit warranted, at a bargain, tioom tit, mo- Cague Bldg. i w u 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man Mcuonnoii urag wo., istn ana Dodge, Oman a. w eu WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, bitch .posts, tree guards, wire Work. 617 Bo. 16th St. Tel. 1590. Q MSS5 J30 FOR SALE Scholarship In an Omaha shortnana scnooi, cneap. inquire z-u nee Bldg. y-MWi BICYCLES, phonograph and supplies. Omana Bicyci co., itn ana cmcago eta. 4 COMPLETE saloon fixtures. Including Na tlonal cash register. Aaareas a. uoran. Sidney. Nen. VI mid u- FLESCHER sell bicycle. 1622 Capitol Ave. VI 131 $10,000822-824 Douglas, formerly Lauer Uro., or rent; r-t aiso seven living rooms upstairs, an. n.uniman, sue norm in a. 4 uaj Mr FOR SALE, a complet history of the uni verse oy Rldpatn, s volumes, wen oouna, good as new; price reasonable. Addresa V 41, Bee. uatiia FOR SALE, a six months' scholarship and books, value i&, in one ot timana s Pest Dusiness colleges, i a Dig aincoum. Call on or address uwirnt wuuams room 100, Bee bldg., Omaha, Neb. THOROUGHBRED White Plymouth Rocks splendid layers, grand taoie Diras; eggs, $1 per setting. X144 a. jkw Bt. vt-o-i- FOR SALE Showcase and counter to match, jonnson t uooaiett in., w Lake. Q w 17 FOR SALE, reclining Invalid chair on wheels, reasonable, jtaoreaa v ot, nee. Q 702 16 FULL-BLOODED Jersey cow. 715 4th St, Council muns. vi ivi la- vnti SALE, t hacks In good repair. coups, 1 bus, 1 nana wogan, cneap. r.n Sign Btaoiee, ijtncoin. rveo. w wo io- FOR SALE New National cash register No. 81. ferieci connnion. voec .io. j C. Huteson & Co., Wholesale Opticians, 118 South loth Bt. vt 644 SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled ana pre in gooa repair ana are very cheap: 1 Domestic machine $10.00 2 Blngers, square bed, very latest head.. 16.U) Singer, nign arm iu.w Sinner Z.U0 Singer, tailoring n.w Shoemaker machine 16.00 1 Howe - $60 1 St. John 3.00 1 While 10.00 Modern dron-neaa macnines. siiKiiiiy used, of any make, very cheap. We rent ma chines for 76 cents a week or 82.00 per month, and repair ana sen parts ior any make or macnine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1663. Comer 16th and Harney, 'Phone B-618. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 812 North Z4tn street. Bouin omana. i-42-l ifflR RAI.E One 240-ea-g else Burr Incu bator with electric regulator; on 10O-egg slse Hatching Wonder; one 100-c-hlck brooder; 260 feet chicken wire posts and base boards ror poultry runs; aiso pure, bred White Wys.ndotte eockrells and pul lets; cheap If taken at once. Call 2734 Caldwell Bt. U 724 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 871. 414 A6 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO, (aaner. 1428 8. 13th, VSINBSS CHANCES. nir.Nirn At. vrnpiNniflE. $3,000 TO $1&,0 Clean, up-to-date staple stocxe in neorasKa, lowa ana iiunom towns, doing profitable ouslnees; part cash and good Improved land will handle these. GROCERIES. ONE Special Bargain Stock $4,500. clean and Mrst-closs, tine locstion; volume 01 business $3.S,0U0 per annum; owner wishes In rllra- fnr nillrk rash deal Will dis count 15 per cent. Take this ere It Is too late. Many smaller stocks In and out of City. lll pay to lnveniigaie. $2,800 TO $.000-8taple stocks In Nebraska ana lowa towns, aomg no Satisfactory deal ran r naa on tuese. nHi:n $1,000 TO $4,800-8taple stock In good Ne- Drasxa ana lows, towns; gooa traae. i ran deal with land and cash on equitable basis. HAKF.RT AND CONFECTIONERY. 8500 TO 81. M i'avinar business, aood open Ing in Nebraska towns, investigate tnese. FLOURING MILL. 75-RBL. capacity, fully equipped, doing good business, together with 16 acres choice land, an 8-room frame residence, bams, cattle sheds; entirely fenced for cattle feedlna: located In aood Nebraska town, rich community. It you have $8,0U0 in good property you can oeni. OILS AND PAINTS. $1,000 stock In barrels and packages. Can deal ror mod nrortertv riant. NEWSPAPER AND PRINTING PLANT. $750 value; located In live eastern Nebraska town, xou can deal ror nnir-interest. LfVERY BUSINESS. $1,800 value of horses, rigs, etc. Will deal for good land good lowa town. HOTELS. ONE In city, fine location, modern, good capacity, paying Business, completely rur ll.llcu, III VWllct llwuw . ' " . , house for lease, furniture for sale, bar gain. Others of ressonable capacity In tne state doing good nustnesa. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES. From 7 to 20 rooms, fine locations, well furnished, doing splendid business; rural ture for sale, houses for rent. RESTAURANTS. One of the finest In the city: a fine prop osiuon. rurniture ana nxtures me can be had at right figure, a owner de sire to go east, other less vaiuaoie, but doing good business; right location, ree me aooui mem. All lnaulrlea answered promptly. li. JUiiiNauis, in. x. Lite, -r none iziv. X 714 16 TO GET In or out of business call on Wll llama, Room 411, McCague building. Y-674 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your Dusiness or property quick communi cate with one who has tha customers. J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2TI0. Y-7S BOOTS and Shoe, $2,000 stock staple goods; win consider good iana ior same, euomit oner J. II. Johnson, is. z. Life. Y-M34I FOR SALE or trade, my entire livery stoca. at a oargain. Address w. u. Utterback, Ogden Livery, Council Bluff. FOR SALE, millinery store doing good business; also good hotel for sal (or lease to right party), bom good locations in in. j. iNenrasKa. can or write 64 N. Y. Life building, Omaha. Y-134 A NEW stock of general merchandise, lo cated in one or tne pest towns in north eastern Nebraska, for sale, no trades. Ad dress U 62, Bee. Y M738 BAKERY good and confectionary stand. living rooms in rear; spienoid location; busines good; $200 will buy It. J. H. jonnson. n. x. Life. Y M34T GOOD paying restaurant for sale; good rea son ior selling. A. itocK, uoone, la. . Y-236 22 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about $10,000; profit large; must close up an estate Interest the only reason for soiling. Auaresa v w, Alee. X M42S HOTEL opportunity In Kansas City: mod rn n v-room noiei, wiui rurniture, to oo leased to good and responsible hotel man Address Wlllard Douglass. N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City. Y M424 17 FOR PALE or rent, chean and easy terms. itrana isisna urewery, large briclc Ice house, 12,000 tone Ice and lake. Address c. M. Menck, Grand Island, Neb. Y M604 17 GREAT new balloon-airship attraction oy iving Murpny, zoio Buraette street, uioiiw, mo, write quick. i ot 18" "DOLLARS AND HORSR RPTNfiB; ' rVif, hiiLlnA.. la - In, 1 ,AAnAHA,iua nA vwv.uwm. ,a vv..... vu-VVimi .CiKIIU as sucn an imerestea snare kLXAirrivr THE SAME, in proportion to the amount of their Investment. We pay the same dividend from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and from Canada to Mexico, aa also our foreign subscribers. Concerns who claim to operate separate pool do so for no other purpose than to pay a larger dividend In one section of the country than another. (Their object Is readily understood.) in oner, "rob peter to pay r-aui. xou may oe on tne faur list, but you are sure to get on the "Peter'1 list In the long run, and It Is equally aa sure that you will be on the loslnar. or wiped -out list, some day. We never have found It necessary to employ agents, pay commissions or resort to trickery of any kind to secure business. Our booklet, "Dollars and Horse 8ense," tells how we do It, and the extensive references ac companying it la only a very small pro portion of the hundreds of satisfied cus tomer who have voluntarily written ua letter Indorsing our methods, and veri fying every claim made In our literature. Money placed with ua la alwaya subtect to your control, and earns a LARGER PROFIT EACH WEEK than any other AS SAFE Investment pays In six months, or savings banks pay annually. Twenty years' experience aa owners and commis sioner, and two year under the present co-operative plan, with a record un equaled, enablea us to -have LEGITI MATE financial agencies report on us, In addition to bank and other reliable refer ences. W. W. O'HARA, Nos. 1120-1121 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Y-648 18 GOOD Incom from $100 Invested: positively no losses; over year in operation; beat reference In your own state; no stock, bonds or grain; it will pay you to In vestigate this at once. Al Fetser A Co., Hammond, Ind. Y-667 16 WANTED, a good location for general store; will rent bunding: stale particu lars. Address V 56, Bee. T $3,600 WILL buy first-class business, clear ing over iuu a montn. wuuams, tii mc Caue Building. -66 16 RESTAURANT, good one, for $: fine location, ror particulars see wuuams. Room 411, McCague Building. Y 864 16 WISH to go out of bualnes on account or neaitn. win exenange- sioca general merchandise for clear land and part cash. Stock Invoices about $2,800. Want about $6u0 cash. Give full description of land. M. Z. Evans, Creston. Ia. Y o9S 16 AN ENERGETIC business man with $2,600 can secure large interest in corporation and active position paying $150 per month. V 68. Bee. T-868-16 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES All kinds. Cash required, W, bmju, ii.vw, $1,200, $l,6u0 up to $H0.0U. If you are going Into any business, any slse, any place, call on Williams, Room 411, Mc Cague Bldg. Y-86S-16 FOR SALE hi Omaha and country towna. Hotels, restaurants, cigar stores, gro ceries, general merchandise, meat mark ets, pool rooms, barber shops, country newspapers, news snd confectionery stores, job printing office, manufacturing business. Insurance business, office busi ness, blacksmith shops. Iron works, drug stores, laundry, doctor's practice, bakery, saloons, mantis business, livery, dental parlor, show outfit, millinery. Ice ma chine, machine ahon. hardware, bow Una- . alley, photograph gallery, express busi ness, rooming nouaes, ooaruina nouses and all kinds of business places. Call on me. William, Room 411 McCague Building. Y-667-18 MUST be sold In ten day. Furniture and fixtures In Hotel Crane. Only first-class house In city of 1.600 people; 80-room house; doing $&j0 to $6u0 worth of business per month. Don't wait to write. Coma and look It over. Price U.VO. F. J. Marquis, Proprietor. Oakland, Neb. Y 635 FOR SALE Book and stationery stock; doing good business. No other In city of eight thousand. Grand opportunity. Also new 20th century soda fountain and fix tures. Cost S1.2Va last April. Good as new. Will sell fountain separata. Mrs. Daisy C. King, Executrix, Beatrice. Neb. Y-638 1 BEFORE Investing money with rsclng schemes, mining, oil or Investment brokers, write us and save money: reports confi dential; correspondences solicited. Ameri can Credit association, 160 Naaaau St., Nsw York. Y-688 16 A TRIAL account will convtnea you that ur customers ar Justified in endorsing us and our plan or operation ss tne only method of handling accounts of email Investor. Write us. Henry Flint & Co., iiidsoa Bid-., Kw, York, Y-6W It BISINES9 CHANCES. A CLIENT Instructs me to have erected for him a five or lx-story wartnouse. Any one desiring to rent part or all of such a building address, John T. Dillon, Suite 2, Barker Block. Y 652 16 A SMALL Investment made through us will pay you a rasn weeKiy income, r reater every week than a whole year'a nterest on the same amount In bank. Will commence to earn this at once and continue to do so until you withdraw your money. No gambling scheme or speculation, but by mesne of a legitimate licensed business. Address E. J. Arnold Co., Ith and Tine streets. Si. Louis, mo. y FOR SALE, stock of dry goods and shoe will go ror 70c If sold quira. u. A. iviai. 131 t. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. Y AN ENERGETIC man with good business qualifications can secure managerial po sition with Ohio corporation capliallel for $280,000; must come well recommended and be able to take stock In company during term of engagement, from $1.0t0 to $3,000; same to be taken up at expiration . .of agreement. This company Is composed of the representative buslnr-ss men ot Columbus. Salary, Sl.SOO. nnd liberal com mlsslon. Address Howard 1. Kemp, Sec retary, Sphar Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. A DIVIDEND paying business proposition: We desire a good representative in every city In the U. S. to sell stock of a Cal ifornia Electric Power and Mining com pany. This Is the most profitable Invest ment stock ever offered the public. It ha three distinct dividend paying fea tures, all combined In the one invest ment. Will pay a liberal commission, fur nish all required advertising matter and highest bank and commercial referencra. Roanoke Investment Co., Marquette bldg.. Chicago, 111. Y- 8TOCK of groceries and fixtures, except counters and shelving, doing nice busi ness; will Invoice about $l,dU).00. B. R. Ball, 626 N. Y. Life. Y-890 18 MANAGER WANTED. A national concern, 15 year In business, $100,000 cash capital, being Increased to $200,000, with centers at New York, Chi cago, Boston and Philadelphia, wants a manager at Omaha, who will Invest $1,500 In preferred stock. Position permanent and will pay from $2,500 to $3,000 th first year. Address V 60, Bee. Y-100 1$ PROPERTY free offered you; Southern Pacific railroad; traverses famous Beau mont oil district. Write for plat, map, application blank. Address. Texas Colo nisation Co., Deed Dept., Chicago. Y-621 18 8END $10 today for 100 shares stock snd be happy In knowledge you made good Investment. Texas Big Four Oil & i'lpa Line Co., Galveston, Tex. Y 622 18 INVESTORS WHO HAVE $25 or upward Investigate this; 25 to 40 per cent earned monthly with no chance of losing the original Investment; Interest ing booklet and statement sent free, showing how to make your Idle capital earn a good Income; dividends paid weekly; highest references. Denver Co operative Investment Association, Ex change Building, Denver, Colo. Y-03 16 LEARN about Angora goats a money, makers. Read American Goat Breeder, room 63, 147 Fifth Ave., Chicago, pub llshed monthly; 20 cent a copy. Y-614 18 CORPORATION CHARTERS PROCURED Digest of corporation laws of leading states sent free. Address National Incorporat ing Company, 141 Broadway, New York, or Pierre. S. Dakota, Y 608 1C "SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." Large profits can now be made in stocks and grain on small Investments by our safe system. Send for our book, "Modern Method for Safe Investments," and our special letters of advice free. M. B. Flower & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Chicago Stock Exchange Bldg.. chlcHgu. Y 626 16 SECURE a certificate of Laramie, Harm's Peak & Pacific Ry. Capital stock now selling at twenty cents on the dollar or . two dollar a share. Ties being distrib uted along grade. Bridges being con structed. Sufficient tonnage to pay divi dends already contracted for. M. J. Greevy, Financial Agent, 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Telephone L-2038. Y 64616 WANTED, men of good address to talk up attractive, reliable, financial proposition, to Investors of moderate means. Sp.-ire time or full time. George Sanborn, Scc'y.. D. J. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. - - Y 628 16 AN INFALLIBLE method of operating In stocks, grain and .cotton. Strange, but true. For particulars address Am. Finance Co., Provident Bldg.. Phila delphia, Pa. Y-562 16 FOR SALE, Millard hall and bowling al ley, hotel, drug store, furniture store Hnd several stocks of general merchandise. Call or write J. C. McClay, Falrburv, Neb. Y 720 111 HOTEL MEN, take notice, we have th.c of the best hotel propositions west of Chicago, at prices that are right. Ad dress W 1, care Bee. Y-717 16 HOW 2100 average $30 monthly profit. If you are looking for a speculative, sound and very profitable Investment send for particulars showing how we make $100 average $30 monthly In a carefully tested and thoroughly proven Investment. No sensible Investor can afford to overlook this opportunity, as It Is the moat suc cessful money making proposition ever offered; highly Indorsed by all. Raymond Co., -do isasaau at., new rom. Y 755 18 HOW $100 averages $30 monthly profit. If you are looking for a speculative,- sound and very profitable investment send for particulars showing how, we make $100 average $30 monthly In a carefully tested and thoroughly proven Investment. No sensible Investor can afford to overlook this opportunity, ns It Is the most suc cessful money-making proposition ever offered. Highly Indorsed by all. Ray mond & Co., 83-85 Nassau st., New York. Y 756 16 FOR SALE, the leading butcher shop in a town oi . innaDitania in northern Ne braska. Address all communications to W 4. Bee. . Y 758 18 - FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed, N 48. Bee. Z M510 FOR EXCHANGE, good stock of millinery for city or town, property, vacant lot preferred. Luke, 1034 O St., Lincoln, Neb. . Si 681 1 IF YOU wish to exchange clear lands for good Btocas ot merchandise, correspond with me. Give full description of Ixndx. Can find you profitable exchanges. M. P. Flawen, Topeka, Kan, 2698 16 FOR EXCHANGE I have some fine farms ana rancnes ror mercnanaiae. it you want in or out of business, writ T. M. Cllne. 1238 O st., Lincoln, Neb. Z 752 16 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 812 814 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 691 OM. Van 8 tor. Co., 1511M Faro, Tela. U5-K3. M MAGGARD VAN, CO. Telephone 1IH TV WANTEDTO BIT. WANTED at once, 24 hand furniture, car pets, for St. Louis Expo. Tel. 771, or notify Levin' Furn. Store, $08 N. 16th. N-I61A7 WANTED, to buy, large-als mirror; pleas uiia u ytmm Auuress v oi. Mae office. . N M511 MODERN home; I want a 7 or R-room mod-' ern house, well located. Address V 65, Bee. N-707 IS HOIT st ROCK OOUNTIE8. NEBRASKA. I have a client who wants to rent or buy one or two quarters of hay land In Rock or Holt counties, Nebraska; give descrip tion, section, etc., and lowest price. W. a-awu, fevMViif w i am iiu J L. Bel by, Omaha, Nob. N 748 1 8 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage ' t"" 'l, W 111 IVH, . Ft. IS. 2sL IT. d AT A 1 A i r V I