Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17

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Lou of Bteamcr Twilight and Entire
Cargo of Whisky.
finest Craft oa Hirer Disappears with
' Pttirigrri, Crew o Cealaats
aad SfTfr a Trmc of
' Either la Found.
BT. JOSEPH, Mo., March 14. (Special.)
Awsy back la the early '60i, late la the
afternoon of a rare September day, a
etatery white craft, puffing and throbbing
with Impatience to b off, lay dose to the
chore at the Louisville, Ky., wharf. A
crowd of good-humored darklesdeck
hands, as they were called In those days,
Jostled and 'joked one another In the rush
and scurry of getting Its cargo aboard, and
many sang merrily at their work. . Barrel
after barrel of One old Kentucky whisky
was rolled up over the heavy gang plank
Into the dark mystery of the steamboat's
hold. The last golden shafts from the
setting sun lay athwart the Indiana hills
and bathed the opposite shore line with
sumptuous glory. .Then the dusk fell and
deepened until the silver sheen of the rising
noon Decked with radiance the dancing rip
plea of the beautiful Ohio. Still the songs
of the darkles rang out In syncopatlo
melody clear 'on the night air. At length
(he. last barrel was deposited for safe
keeping, the bell sounded, the signal for
departure was given, and after a sharp
command from the captain the gang
plank was hauled In and Twilight swung
gracefully out from Us moorings. This
cargo of whisky has been estimated to have
teen worth all the way from - $25,000 to
30.000. Amid the cheers and goodbys of
the crowd' ashore. It floated backward Into
mid-stream. Then, with a sudden roar
of; escaping steam and a tinkle of small
signal bells. It stopped, rame about and
the great wheels ploughed the waters Into
foam as It started on Its westward way,
bound for EC Joseph, Mo.
r' doeea of the River,
' Twilight, for Its time.' was a marvel
Of completeness, and was not only one of
(he best boats of Its day, but wss quite
the largest craft in the Missouri river trade
With a length of 230 feet. It measured
thirty-five feet beam. ' It carried a large
aad capable crew and, when set afloat, late
In the 60s, It was the toplo of discussion
for months, not only in Paducah, where It
eras hullL but throughout Kentucky. Its
furnishings were of the finest, and the ar
tlstlo taste shown In the color and gen
oral arrangement' of the women's cabin
would not have set 111 In my lady's drawing-
room I of the handsomest Louisville msn-
- .Ion. , Particular attention was paid to the
ewlaide of -Twilight, and altogether
trip aboard this elegant boat , was consid
ered a treat and a privilege by all so for
lunate as to embark.
On this particular voyage most of the
passengers were bound for Bt. Louis. Many
were on pleasure bent, and anticipated a
good rest on the attractive Journey with
congenial friends. Everybody knew every
body else, and a number of newly married
couples were making their wedding trips.
as the gloom settled Us hush seemed slnls- 1 VI T)AI TAV AT f ADDrP Vfl 171 Tl I tack cam on all 'Ides. A trusted engineer
ter. The man was unaccountably annoyed I jIAl ULLlM Uf VUllLlV II U It LLJ Joined bis enemies and csrrled plans of
at the cessation of the negro melody. For I I Helme's mines. All success breeds some
a time the silence was oppressive, then the I Jealousy. Ileinie's meteorlo rise had left
clouds lifted a bit and the sky showed I Bustler of Thirtj-FiTe Grapples With Two trU sparks which burned and scarred
Mighty Trurti.
lighter. He breathed more freely and In
wardly laughed at his depression, then
cursed himself for his womanish fear and
Immediately rang the bell for departure.
As the gang plank was hauled In, usually
tha i!m tnr. an nuthurat of loot from the
darkles, he heard only a few strsy snatches E.alaeer, Reporter, Prospector aad
Tet In spite of it all that could be done
against him he sold his railway and smelter
to the Canadian Psclflo company at a
VARIED CAREER OF FRED A. HEINZE Profl 300.000. Then be came to Butte
ana tne copper war was on.
in a minor strain. Me thought of laying
up at Liberty landing for the night, but re
considered, and when the boat was well
under way soon regained his accustomed
good spirits.
gaak la the Storm.
Twilight was never seen after it
Mtae Owner Why the Bottom
Dropped Oat of the
Copper Market.
Troable Begins.
President Blgelow of the big Boston d
Montana accused Helnze of mining In that
company's ground and stealing their ore.
This was the treachery of the engineer.
Helnze denied the charge. Then, with
Impressive mien, Blgelow threatened Inv
That one man should defy the power of I mediate suit for $300,000. In Boston that
the Standard Oil's millions Is not of itself I would have been very effective, but In the
left Liberty landing and floated out Into the remarkable. Many men have fought this I rartfled air of Butte its force became alt-
mystery and darkness of Its last voyage. I company only to go down in defeat at the 1 slpated. Helnie replied:
The entire crew and all 'the pasengers with end. But that one man should defy this "If you do. Mr. Blgelow, I'll Involve every
the exception of a few dsrkles and an old I enormous aggregation of dollars, do it sue- mine in Butte in litigation.
Southern planter, who died in Louisiana I cessfully and heretofore win every phase I Blgelow sued and Helnse kept his word.
over fifteen years ago. perished In the I of the contest. Is astonishing. It Is more. I There are seventy-two cases now pending
twinkling of an eye and with a suddenness I It Is unparalleled in financial or Industrial I In Montana courts. Until 1899 the
almost miraculous. One of the survivors I history. Tet that is what Frederick Au-l ngnt was purely local; isew lors.
told fhe story of a sharp shock almul- I gustus Helnse (Hlne-eay) of New Tork and I cad but passing Interest. Helnie
taneous with a crash and an awful lurch of Butte has done and is now doing. It is admitted. dividends or itoo.TOO per
the boat hurled back aad downward. The a 400 to I shot, and the one is still much I annum, and used as much more In legal
next he knew he was swimming madly In the race. It has been a five-year run, I expenses that he omitted in annual state
away from the seething rush of water I with handicaps every week and hurdles at menu. In 1899 the Amalgamated Copper
that closed over Twilight. It sank like every month. company incorporated for ana
a flash In midstream, near what is now I Heinze's company, the Montana ore fur- I toon over uaiys Anaconaa properties ana
Parksvllle, Platte county. Mo. Since I chasing company, has a capital stock ot I some smaller mine. Rockefeller's name
those days the MWisourl's course has I sz.uuu.uoo. Tne Btanaara uh at maraei ana tne Daciing ot tne vity cans or iew
changed numerous times, cutting In here I value has $6o0,000,000 and Its offshoot. Amal- Tork assured confidence and the stock was
and there and leaving high and dry many I gamatea copper, nas si&o.uw.uw. two mu- i nve times over-suoscrioea. uy purcnase
Dlacea over which its waters once flowed. I llon matched against $800,000,000; one 1 the Amalagamated became a party to the
within tha laet iw aatilad in a oortlon I against a score ot the richest and shrewd- litigation. Later the Michael Davltt,
nf tha old riMi-twui nurh deener than the "t financiers in America. Thus far the one claimed by both Helnze and the Amalga-
rest and covered with the alluvial deposits m"n has been shuffling the cards, cutting mated, reached the supreme court and the
of decades has been discovered what is them and most of the time dealing the court compelled Helnze to furnish bonds to ' a nnrtioo of th wreck of bnds. the amount of $823,000. The Amalgamated
Twiiirht. I Helnze, who la virtually the Montana Ore placed a double hurdle with a ditch be-
' I n.. i . - . i I . J ii.l. .. a .v. fc. i -
If the supposition becomes a reality and rurcuaaing CODpaul7, ... mnt m .ew ii iwu. oui .n.e ouuU iu wuu
th. e.r.- i. n..rhrf th.ra will doubtless "iner was a mer- me Amalgamated ansornea Boston j
be Uken out -valuable old Kentucky whleky chant ,n "T circumstances. At 1J Helnze tana and Issued $80,000,000 more stock, to
to the amount ot $40,000 or. possibly. $60,- ran away ana was iraceu to W ir raw proauci a ,otH
non i if.n... n n jnaonh anil other I uncle at Heidleberg was cabled to catch the Boston Montana could pay dividends
river towns are to be found old settlers who th t"1 ena "m home. He met the of 7 per cent on the whole $155,000,000 of
remember well the times when the mys- .7 wue" J y u Tr. i, T? ,e . lUB'. 1, . " ,
lug mm, prajseu uiin auu aept uiui t-wu laui neuiio una Deeu auuuiiug a unuiu
years. Helnse returned to New Tork, fin- I new deck in Montana and a political cam
.h. 11. boat uheiJ tn preliminary studies and entered paign was on with the election ot two
vestlgo of a souvenir or rello r the boat ' ,.,,, A.n. v. fn- .,.. ..... . k.
tun HntT belle lettres. Helnze went to the School m which every vote was bitterly fought
which has also passed with time. rj hi. f.miwlf., i . .i.,- k-
' 7 refused a life ot ease and affluence and some pluralities. Then the Amalgamated
This was an old chandelier, which hung left for the west. At 22 he drifted to carried the fight to the legislature, where
in the Baptist church at the corner of Sixth I Butte, then taking rank as a copper camp. I they sought by special legislation to move
and Francis streets. In St. Joseph. It was I in choosing mining he sought a channel to I the cases to other counties, but Helnse
bought of the captain ot Twilight on I wealth where expert knowledge and brains I outgeneraled them and the governor's veto
the occasion of his first landing in that I counted far more than mere money. Sue- I ended that phase.
city and was relinquished by. him at a sacri- I cess came with quicker compensation than
flee because ft had proven Inadequate to I in any other calling,
the need for which It had Been purcnasea. Go In to tho Bottom of Things.
nsmoiy. to rurnisn inuminauon tor . me
n n
Mr r
a-", ."er p r I . Dw i. a r il r
"5-DROPS b both aa ksteswaj M aalacasl swaida. wWek
Cfsichsy. saMy and mmlp awsr tWUnf s
eUseasos. Swaswoa's "J-yKOFy
the psiaeaoas acsa, t pe U
deans tho Mood of
intr a I" man sot car. Asi ssnMMJsitiBM 44
DKOP5" to tlM aBtrt-d J 41iHr
almost iastantW. whAa (W isnis al wM
U Itatex s-zreir tsmn-H br M satanal waa,
Achos, peiaw aa4 anrnssas fflsipf isr aa AT hf
snacio wbesi "-OKStrS Is
wowdr sa taw werfct wal snap a poaa so (rsscsarf
or effect a oare ae sooa '9-tXt1JP9.'' fr
afl'Ltvw Trowbtoa asstl MJawuy I
'S-DDOP V A small dose of this retnedr te soace aseceaol and. has
power than a barrel ot other BsMttdoee wbesa thesa dinans are oeaoev,
tha most snccessiul medicine over discovered fc she KVWaya, Xiees aad Blood,
sTWaV IVktaa ansMB: sUtd HaBal tat U4
sMtusvts aor
eta, UtdgmOom Croup, Koii
nr?rr"cr -a-e-toswis
at, fcCJfS SSV
sad. Me cetMr VLZ . IT I I
r't'aisBjaisiis. ttmotmomy. Dytfmn
satimar sanaiajs sod taa t sakaa
i4ak. maa'aliis rilnn la a ttn. RjMa
sktasasMs sa rear Haalrtr esder si set tsses as.
atwoeey ni asr of wals s n. Oat sat hs )
tVBhaMsarwalM ag
SV7AHSQH BUEUITIG CURE CO., 169 to 184 Leke Street. CZ2L23, IVUZZU
uvunu! nmu ui ua I . , , , ,v. VI- mnA ... . . ., . . , . . I
Baptist Church building U now a thing of " r vil 1 m pBy,n "y oiviaenaa m me
in whn.. r.hin it first hunr What Is not ln n cowhides, he grubbed Amalgamated. Legal appeals faUed to dls-
Zl " IL. TT. .k. . 41. patienUy 1,000 feet beneath the surface. He 0i tha court's order and the money in-
ho.e.r.rW i. VTTr'hWrtt studied the trend and the dip of the copper ,tNia of paTlg 7 per oent 0tvldends on
'XiT weU wrtn the effort no" compared hi. note, with the Amalgamated .iock, i. accumulating In the
C!,.a'!gly T!"-WOr.tl1 il 7. aurroundlng location of other claims. He bank. It was an unexpected .olar Plexus
DtUUg KliaUfJ IV'ICVUIw U AUaj. wiuom. ass i - -altst-ar k tha dtfllflflfd fif hlSlwi . . , aVw . " . 1
supposed to have been of fair age at the v. " h- 77.,. L"!
. u u ..v.. tr I WW. m 1UH AU VMUQ V& tAVO.UW.VW. AU lUlfl
He became a mining engineer at a mod-
Battle la the Coarta.
Then followed an injunction secured by I
John MacGInnls, Helnse'. manager, and a
stockholder ln Boston Montana, prohlb-
tlme of It. loes which, added to the forty
den knowledge of the copper - bodies he I WKS the effect of an order ot a county I
year. It ha. lain undisturbed, will make It " ra"
. .W.M, M d dlrable tioesesslon. " . . . "Z . I juugo iwivm! so.ow a year.
fellow well met, seemingly indifferent to I Then Amalgamated demanded more bonds I
vn iTTi.n rilf THE YOUKGSTKR9. 1 any future above a mine management; by i. the Michael Davltt ease and the onurt
day alert and intent on penecung mi i cajied on Helnze for $350,000. W.A.Clark
"Toung man. .aid tha stern physlctan.
do you know where tho evil effects ot
All who were not kinsfolk when the boat tobacco are first teltT" "Yep; In de wood
left the Louisville landing had scraped up I shed," responded the depraved youngster.
aome sort of relationship before Twilight
whistled long and loud for Bt. Louis. I a story 1 told of a little girl who asked
There were exchanging of addresses and lone morning at the breakfast table.
messages to the unknown sisters and broth- "Mamma, Is hash animal or vegetable?"
era of newly-discovered cousins ln fact, all I "Animal, my dear," replied . mamma.
were from Kentucky, which give, the exact 1 "Then' cried the little one. triumphantly,
situation. . I holding up a tiny bone, "herea the hash's
Aside from its own sturdy crew, the boat I tooth!
carried beyond St. LouU comparatively few
passengers. As it pushed away from the! Nurse Yes, dear, this Is your UtUa baby
wharf ot that thriving city and swung out sister.
Into the broad Mississippi, a shout of fare- I Elsie Indeed! And where did she come
well arose from those crowding the wharf.
Women waved their handkerchiefs and men
held aloft children, bandzatchela, or any
thing within reach.
' Its Last Laadlac.
Later In the week, after a rather tedlou.
trip and many atop. 'at way landing, along
the treacherou. and muddy Missouri,
Nurse The stork left her here . m a
clothes basket.
Elsie The idea! Perhaps she'll grow up
to be a washwoman.
There Is a little Alabama girl named
Jessie who never saw snow. One cold.
,fcne"u . raua"7 " ramy day she was standing before the fire-
Twilight put ln snd Isy for an after- ' .k, k. .m. .nrn for
noon for some trifling affair at Liberty
landing, ln Clay county, Mo. Her people
by way ot diversion and "to stretch their
legs a bit." aa the captain auggested, went
ashore and made their excursions Into the
woods to admire the glowing ' beauty ot
color Just then beginning to tinge tho late
September foliage with the warning blush
of an early autumn. The deck hand. In-
plsco watching her mamma pop corn for
her. After a while she went to the win
knowledge of the underground and undls- j an4 nl, BOIU Qrie, w. . Clark, who bad
covered country. i both been Helnse'a friends, had gone over
When his knowledge satisfied him he felt ,a Amalgamated- Ther had alwava heen I
the need of - capital. Brains and ability I read- o so on his bonds, hut now da-1
were his. New Tork had capital. He threw cilned and hers was the hurdle Amalga-
un his position, came to me - metropolis m.ed ' exnected Helnze to stumble ever.
and sought capital. He became a reporter BonaBmen resident ln Montana and holding
en a mining Journal. He could write well ettougn property In the state to -Justify in
and comprehensively of the western mines BO larg,e a gum were Bcarce 8o Helnlo or-
and his vocation brought htm In dally con- KaDlze(j an( incorporated the Delaware
tact with men of mines and millions. It Surety. company. which company furnished
was this experlenca which made him a . hnB. Tha maiamatd ohi-ted and
human querist. He will ask twenty ques- th Burety company put p $350,000 ln cash
iiu an w- . . ------. ina tne ,uriIie tral nassed. '
wanta. say "uooa aay uroaneiy. .w.. Ift miKatloll Helnse has develoned both
be did not oroacn nis pian. w. cat.j. acutene and astuteness. His resources
year passed and he inherited $o0,W0. it wss haT- ,jwaT, been equal to any demand and
not enough. His brothers received a like I . nIw-
rtt Ylt ah rlkfsn near 1 m wzr I
amount and hs persuaded them to embark I gulta h, doe, of tMng a meal. H1,
witn mm. e secureu ." sUff of thirty attorneys are kept busy ap-I
incornoratea nia companj ir ,i,wv,vv ., ... ,,. vi. .. i j i
. - . . . . , I V lJ V. IMV W MU I
ana naa izoo.uw w pm . V, I have become as expert ln evading a hos-
a nonaescnpi smeir. '" r" tile court order as a prairie dog Is In dodg-
secononana pieces o " - lng amateur's bullet. Then, too, Helnze
duced ores. He bought some ore received iTmp.thy of a Tery Iarge political
some on consignment, cheapened tt rlU tollowlQg ltt Butu, and thi, foiiow1ng ,up.
mgcosi oi rr,aui;.uB ports him at the polls, in the Jury box and
t n sn l Tin n w nrira. sa uu uiauo aasuuv i
Miss Laura Teefi
172 EUllcott St., Buffalo. N.T.
"On good turn deserves another and be
cause Vine of Cardul restored zos to health
I have been glad to speak a good word for It
whenever I have had aa opportunity. About
two years ago I suffered such pain every
month from three to four day that I dreaded
, the time. The doctor said there was a mil
placement and that the only real relief laid
In an operation and advised me to hare one
performed. I dreaded the ordeal and speak.
ins; of ft to my aunt she said, why doot
you try Vine of Cardul first ? I took it and
ft cured me of ulceration. Much relieved
and fuQ of hope I bought another bottle and
after taking the medicine for a short time my
general health Improved and thirteen bottles
completed the cure.' It k a grand medicine
for women.'
1ISS LAURA TEEFT'S gratitude
hows how well "Wine of Cardui
did its work in ridding her of this
i terrible iirCering. Her joy at find
ing a medicine that made her a well wo
man is unbounded. Wine of Cardui left
her nothing to be desired in the realiza
tion of the greatest of NatureVblessings
Perfect health to perform the duties and
enjoy fully the privileges of life. Wine of
Cardui, in giving Mis. Teeft health for
sickness, joy for arrow Ani. s Jight heaH
for the dreadful apprehension of the dan'
gers of the operating table ha. made her
bappy and grateful. Her eye. are brighter,
cheeks rosier, her steps more sprightly and
a happy .mile light, up her face once
clouded by suffering, With Wine of
Cardui offered freely this health and youth
is possible to any woman. Banishing suf
fering cannot fail to make any woman
miasaasBssxsazesa sail i astaaziaawasy
Uvelier and more beautiful, because the j
very presence of health means pure blood, '
sparkling eyes, a clear complexion and a
grace of physical poise that is a natural
response to a merry laugh and a sunny
Mr. Donoho, of Handle y Station, Texas,
ha. had a happy experience with Wine
of Cardui, of which her husband write.
as follow.:
"I must write and thank you for what
your Vine of Cardui has done for me. It
has given me a beautiful, healthy, rosy
cheeked wife. She looks so much younger
and prettier that my friends very often ask
me 'Vai that your wife whom you were
with? Vhen I tell them ft was they are
surprised. I always tell them Vine of
Cardui made the change. I expect to keep
Vine of Cardui in my house always."
- Wine of Cardui has been relieving wo
man's ill. for over 75 yean, and it has a
record of cure, that make, it supreme as a
reliable remedy for menstrual disorders,
bearing-down pain, and all the debilitat
ing vital drains which rob a woman of her
beauty and health, then her reason and
life itself. It is sad to see a charming girl
deprived of her natural charms which
bind her to all that i. worth living for.
And this all because of the terrible larking
canker worm of female weakness eo loath
someyet so easily banished by Wins of
Cardui as these two letters have shown.
Write to The Ladies' Advisory Department, '
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Tenn., if you are a sufferer. Tell
all your symptoms and a letter of advice
will be sent you. If yon want them we
can send yon testimonials from ladies
cured by Wine of Cardui in cases similar
to yours. We have over 10,000 letters on :
file and many will fit your case. Bat you ;'
can have a quicker proof of what Wine of ;
Cardui will do for yon. Go to your drug-'
gist and buy a $1.00 bpttle. Take it as
directed and yon will find the treatment is -as
easy aa it has been proven to be power,
ful and effective by over 1,000,000 cures, j
The directions on the bottle to take a table-1
spoonful three times a day is the condition
of health, beauty, happiness and the joy
that Miss Teeft and Mrs. Donoho have,!
Why not start this simple remedy today ?
( iu wiua uwuci., uu ' I in ,ha mlnea.
mrA mm-mr anna falllnc With the rain. I . .......11. .nMh. 111 luB UUie-
"'-.7- -hTaalT Today hi. properties unencumbered by
- I less DJIUO. no wa , i I 11.1.. t Inn .. A,WI A k.l. ..11
Mnrl mi, .h - I . . . .1 -1 -J .Inn I "6"- -' " "" lu VlU'
ir"yir - . - hut rn. 1 waa iu. J I j . . .n.
and the kid had paid good money lor a hole h,m ' d h miunction and rm.
ln the ground.
The Hostess (ln reply to Willie's whl.
per) No, dear, you can't have any more
cake. You've had enough.
Tha Oueat What a good little boy. And
And hampered by injunction and restrain
ing orders, they yield him $1,000,000 an-
They torgot the hour, of undergroun pi
ln adjoining mlnea. He knew the trend -.-tain and h. ha. hla own ludre for thra.
dulged in a Joll.ncatlon of aong and dance w- 7u going to do when you're Z i rmB n. to hi. feeJ In a 10 oom-
vnUl dusk deepened and the captain's l. 8 chutes with mil Hi u nd er n is with copper above cents he can ma
wuiuu - Willie First off I'm gour to nuy myseir . tn noo made 1400 000 la dividends In " " , , ' . J
lJr.. Wt ,Vtt - - . oT. lTZnVZ7t another worth- - i , "
for soma reason cesaed singing as dark
clouds began to gather overhead.
The captain's weather eye was alert and I bL..
"Why. Tommy, the Idea!
Indefinitely upon 1200,000,000.
Helnse cannot checkmate Amalgamated,
though so long as Boston ft Montana dlvi-
one year, ineu u- uBuk Combined with Amalgamated and Judlc-
'Father, I wish you'd spank m. a little ."d hU success became Helnze'. r"! " ' M" C0U'a PM
. . I lUUBUUllDII UllUU aitU.UW.UUU.
l.iv Tint It wasn't. It was ln his blood.
Spank yotr- . ,.. wta anmethln due to this 27-
what lory tmv-man himself. As he rrew I .
.'Tes. then I'll cry, end grandma will feel fYta wenB increased. Did he and a
an. awfuiir aorrv sne'ii give me soma 1 . .. 1 . -t 1 -
" - - - - ... I eem wuiiu nsuiu cui siui maae nis low.
mine D puugui iv mu m -i'"'. I qqq lar.
tcome IO me sunaoo at nm miui pumw Thlrtv-two vaara Aid tia hnla k. .ri..
be mined It regardless of other lines, be- of SUndju.d oil and Amalgamated at
cause tne law aaui uiu cuu. ...w - bajr ,n(I wnlie they halting he Is busy
apex where It led him. By this time loca- devising new methods of attack. Bveniuallv
tlon and cross location and relocation h. ,, . h for-in tn.m ,n -mi.
made a mining map of Butte resemble noth- on terms, and whan ha dna .111
lng as much as a criss-cross of lines, thrown Ju.tiy have earned his title as the Napoleon
napnazara on a sswi 0. wmv. paper. prr of tn, copper world. HENRY E. KNAPP.
senting original locations, relocations auu
mining claims, no two ot the same size and
aeeklaa Hew Fields.
A young German town (Pa.) mother ln
putting her (-year-old son to bed noticed
that ha clambered under tr cover, witn
cut saying hi. prayers, she grew reproach
fuU "Why, Warren, mother never knew
you to forget your prayer, before." "In'
deed, mother," was the reply, I didn't
forget. Grace and I said them for four
nights during the rain yesterday, when we
couldn't play. We would have gotten
through the whole week It nurse had not
come to dross us."
Th IfiiiIm. nf XVaalavan unl varaltv I
By this time. 1896. Helnse was rich and I Middleton. Conn., the oldest Methodlat col-
his Butte business, now well organized, he lB? In the country, have given their offl
i.m . . 1.11. v. I clal sanction to a bicentennial celebration I
""-"-o"' I of tha birth of John Wealev ln June lEnrt. I
The Loweu. Mass.. textile scnooi now nas 1 souant new neias. 1 T.r,i. narn in 1
ninety day scholars, ana si mgni pupils. 1 Tn ,jeeDy mountains of the Kootensy. lea was built In the town of Groton, New
S'nd' SSTtlSr -boulderlng the upper Columbia 1.000 uJ-"'VS i" ITl'h?"
Yon CAN wuh laces,
embroideries, calicoes snd
colored prints with ordinary
laundry sosp but you
ought not to.
The proper way is to use
It is safer and infinitely
better. '
Good for bath and toilet,
si well as for fancy laundry
Taice sisss lauadty, met
katk aad toilat, JJ aval
Codeaw pilaiar, eaatala
lng airactioBS lor Cudosaa't
suay oats, seat aa request.
Thi Citoaht Paccnto Co.
Omaha... Kansas Otj.
Cbicaoo, Feb. s, isos.
Knbwltoa Danderluo Co.. Chloajto ler
Sirs; 1 have used your Diuidarlu lor Dearly
six months, and I thluk II Is Just Una. My
hair aow sneaaums four lent and ooa loch
aud It was leas than two fact tune when 1
eomnMioced to use your tonic I am roiuf to
It up aad Just bow long It will suako
cu) hair grow, ttlucerety yours, .
SS61 Ktnbark Ave.
DNDEttlNE Is absorbed most e&cerly
by ilia Ktiii, ana Us progenies are so Uivlg
oratlug and siraoitlhauing thai It uiaUr Uio
hair .ruw unusually Uik-a aud luiig. W baa
aipLe4 to tua scalp It Is )ua( as aura to pro
dure an abundant uf tuns, flossy hair as a
torltte sou la to pruuuoo veeiaika taa tho
Sends ars sown. It is wsrsisf .sl.n
aarywhora. We guarantee liiat one M.
utile of U will do tha hair mure suod than a
gallon of any other hair tunic aver nutde. Bo
turo yoo get tue gffnuina, uala auly by TV
Hnowlt Uaadrrtaa CaCbloaea,
" ftfte-. boo. aud St AO xrUti. All
druyits kaop Iiaoderiue or will order U tut
you ti you aak them.
f-a-a, r? to show how quickly PandartDO
rULL acts, the hsua kua Iaauanue
Ok-CUluaga, wul send a Uf aainuks frao by
latura avail lo anyuoo obo acuds us Ibis
- adTartlanuietil wllb luelr tusmo aud addraae
au4 ISO la aUver of asaJBH to ajr jaaa
Vor asUo ht Bootom ator Peac ftowU
organised. They axe. for the wives of ---a 7 7-"'" iwv """ the storms of S years have beaten upon
unloniats. t I from sea. had attracted the ever restless I j, jt j, uil well preeorvod.
Tha National Association of Manafao-1 American prospector. And when he came I nishnn rmna nf Alhanv celahrated hla
turers will hold Its next convention ln Jn- I k nA.K...H ijii...imiu .nl, I .Av.ntith hirthtlav nn Mirrh 1 mA shout
dlanapolla, Ind.. beginning April 14 and ... . .,K ' . -.,. I W0 cltlaens. representing many varied In
tuitu- tore aays. I - - --" I treu, called on him and presented their
Tha flattlev Plow comDanv of Bnrlnrfleld. I winaing uewaney trail, wnere lor ntteen 1 conaratulatlons. aa well aa a Durso con-
Ill., haa sued forty-two of lu striking om- I years pack horses hsd carried aupplles to 1 Ulning over tl.50o ln gold. I ft a ff mtmmt
ploveo for 160,001) damages for Uylng to I Uolated Brlti.n outDosU bocame a hlah. I Dudley Buck, the famous composer and I 1 fl I laa l it 1 1
Interfere with It. busing I JZ., organlat. who recently, resigned as organ-1 fill 1 1" kill W I
L nicago s .uw ciouung majiers win re-1 -list, alter many years service, at uoiy
celve an advance ln wages. The advance I from the pine forests on a mountain side, I Trinity church, Brooklyn, has been en
applleo to vest and panu makers and Du,y witB qoo MODle. and the names I gad organist of Mytnouth church.
Lo Rol. Centre Star and War Eagle reached
Toronto and Butte. Helnse came on horse
back and saw mountalna of ore that to
bring cash must pass through a smelter.
maklnr eoiuDauiea In Ureat Britain has a I He built one at Trail on the Columbia. I ndt for last year. Still Lr. Orea-K will set
Philadelphia, engineer erecting two blast I seven miles down from the mines. Then he I a year and ha has an assistant paa-
rumaces on tne American pian ana win pui 1 tft ftftn non f , K . , I lor.
In nve and reorgaiUse 1U entire works. " !f -! !. It t The Very Rev. Bister Agnes Mary, su-
nianutaa over trade lurlsdlctlon have I et ou tBe Ore. freight by team was 12 1 nrl..r f tha Academr oF Notra Duna.
broken out In a new direction. Now It la I a ton and uncertain In delivery and quaa- Philadelphia, haa been appointed provln-
Don't Wait.
There will be a big demand for offices in April and May.
If you want a good selection look oyer our rooms now.
Remember that the rental price includes light, heat, water
and Janitor service you might say, insurance, too, for it's a fire
proof building.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Biiildin
Ground Floor.
Per Month.
ROOM Hi uz43 feet. Faces Seventeenth street and has windows along tho
alley. This Is a large, light room, arid the rental price Includes beat,
light, water and janitor service. It haa an entrance both on The Boo
Building Court and Seventeenth street Price KB. OS
First Floor.
SUITES 101 1 There Is no finer office suite In Omaha than this one.
amounts to t or 1 cents on each garment.
Porta KJeo clararmakers have sained U
more per 1.0U0 without strike. The brick-
lavera. csrmniers ana Dunioni ok ma isi-
I and have organised aunng uie last montn.
One ot tho biggest and beat known Iron
Henry Ward Ueecher'a old congregation.
Rev. Dr. David Gregg, pastor ot the L
favetto Avenue presDyteruui church.
Brooklyn, haa distinguished himself by
cutting down his salary 2,u00 a year be
cause tne treasurers repon snowed a ae-
Howell's ' Just fllU the bill as
a cough and cold
cure. Do not risk
pneumonia, croup
and consumption
by neglecting a bad cold. Antl-Kawf is all
you need, but you need it quickly.
the International Association of Machinists I lty. Hs built fourteen miles of tortunua I clal of the order In the United States, to
and the United Metal Workers' Interna- " l" " . . Zl .. V "T succeed the late Mother Julia, and Sister
tlonai union that are accusing each other ""'"' ana car- Geonrlana. superior of the New England
of encroachlnc on the other's territory. I rled the ore. Brlzham Touna-'a narrow-1 Nc.vltla.te. at Waitham. Mass.. has been
President James M. Lornch of the Inter- gauge frem Salt Lake south supplied roll-1 appointed to the presidency of the new
national Typographical union will have ? ,,. Tha . I Trinity college, Wauhlngton. Slater Agnes
U.ii,wi. V. oi.L.luon for re-election M11 stock. The prophets former private 1 k..m her novitiate in Ciurfnmitl twenty
when tne voles are cast tne tnira wednesv 1 car carriea uni miner, scnemer ana cap- I years ago.
Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hale. Dr.
JvIm RtsnHLh. nmaldent of tha atavflowar
position. The principal contest will be for - .v Dul cue .meiter oareiy -y miny other prominent dtl-
the first vice presidency, the candidates I held its own. The RosaUnd ores were ln Bena of Maaoachusetia, have commended
belna: Charles E. Hawkes, the prevent In- I H.m. ... j I , 1 h. lH.utnr nf tha lists tha itoiitlnn
I cumbent. and John W. Mays ox Minneapolis. I ..Mm.,.n- ,1. ...u.. ..... ol the Capo Cod Memorial association for
The 'sweet tooth" Is an Important factor " 1"" la n appropriation of tAtnu for the erection
S5.oo a r.ionTu
of MEN.
13 years la Omaha.
cured by the QUICK.
EOT, safest and most
natural niathod ihsi
aavs yet neon Oisoswu-ao.
Bonn every sign and symptom disappears
omplotaly and forever. No "BRAKIN1
OUT" of the disease on the skin or face.
In Ihe commerce of the world. kance pro- I treasures
duces annually about li3.iMJ.Ono iwunds of I u was Intended to crush Heinse while
chocolate and bonbons, la 14 the output ..-n1vu ,ha hnrri.r H.
amounted to Ca,uuo.uuO pounds or bonbons I . . " 7 .7 .
and n.Ou.ouu pounds of chocolate and nine-I and lost a cash subsidy from the Ottawa
tenth, of this was consumed at home. Great I government to aid in building 100 miles ot
ttniain maiiuisriiurs v. am snurv 1111117 I .1 that arnuM ou. tin inniuui
I .k. .i,.l ..nnrts laraa ouantlllra I BOW railway that WOUld Open Up 100,000
to Africa, India and America. Herman y I square miles of new country. This angered
ranks third in the manufacture of confeo- I Canadian Pacific. He was encroachlna
Oonary. but Is gaining on aer rivaia. domala and t.kln. oarooia.
Cook'. Champagne to atrlctly pure. Iltea. They threatened to cut off his ship-
There is ao better dinner wine than I menu, to parallel his road and ruin his
Cook'. Imperial Extra Vrj ChAmnagaa, It I smelter by making lower rates elsewhere.
itiaa dlaoft jour toad. lUeUtis . horuoa grew anaaowea. The av-
of a monument at Provlncetown to com.
mnmnrata tha sliminjt of the cooinact In
the cabin of the Mayflower and the flrat
lundiiia- of the Pilgrim at Provlncetown.
Oov. McLan of Connecticut has named
PrUiav. Vlnnh 28. ai a day of faallnsl and
prayer. This is Oood Friday, the date that
la usually chosen In Connecticut for tha
annual fast day. The governor recom
mends that the people of tha state on that
day "ln their horns and churches, de
voutly turn their thoughts and dreiree
from the things that periah with the uaLiia
to I hoe I perishable treasures that bring
to the children of men peaca and honor
and hapvlneas and a faiUs that know no
A cure that Is guaranteed to bo parmaaanl
for life.
VIDinnnriC "red. Method aaw.
lAnlUUuLLC without cuttlnsr. nam:
ao d.taotloa frota work; permanent cure
WEAK HEX from Excesses or Victims
an Nervous Debllltv or Eihauation u..t.
tag Weakness with Early Daoar ln Touost
. V. . A I .. 1. . . . i .
SIM. HIUUI. Afw, 111 S VS V I IU, T I . aUl
Strang th. with orgaus Impaired .and weak.
TIl7rVMJ oured with a new Home
Ti aaunoat. Mo pain, no dotnorlon from
bualnaaa, Kldnsiy aad Bladdar TmuLUs
Csassasmitswiwsa Twaalaaana by Mali.
CMAJVOaJI VOW. la B. Mtss St,
It la Ineatail
lust on the right hand of the great marble stairway, and has unusually
iarge winaows looaing upon tne iront entrance way Of tne building. It
fronts on Farnara street. One room is 17xJ and the other sxl. It has a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be
treacoed to suit tenant Price 7S.0t
ROOM 104 This room is just at the head of the main stairway on the first floor.
It would be a very desirable omce for some real estate man or con
tractor. Tha floor apace Is ltixls feet Price S20.0.
Second Floor.
ll'ITB 220 1 This suite consists of three rooms; a waiting room t2zIT and two
small rooms 8x10. It has an entrance in the broad corridor facing the
magnificent court, and has hardwood floors and a large burglar-proof vault.
It laces north. It Is well adapted for the uss ot two doctors or two law
yers Price MOOt
ROOM a-fcii igixio feet. Faces east and is located close to the elevators, a
sign on window can be readily aean by auy one passing up ITarnani
.treat Prli nana
Third Floor.
ROOM oxll feet. This la a light, pleasant room. It has been newly
decorated, and like all rooms in The Bee Building, the - price Includes
' light, heat, water and Janitor service Price tllOfi
ROOM satti This room Is 17x32 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
This room is particularly adacted for some conoern needing large floor
space and Is a decidedly handsome ortloe, having an entrance facing the
court and windows looking out ui-on (Seventeenth street. It has a very
large burglar-proof vault, hard woo floors and Is one of the cnoloast offi
ces in the building Price S0.9t
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 401i 15x13 feet This room Is next to the elevator and faces court.' It '
haa a large burglar-proof vault and la well ventilated. Has good light,
and for the price furnishes flrst-class aocomqiodatlons Price 117.6
ROOM 40Ti This room 12x11. Faces the west side of the court and Is a room
that la cool ln summer and warm la winter; Is well lighted and well va-
. Ulated Price flXM
ROOM 4iai 1Sx17U. Divided Into reception room and private office. Haa
burglar-proof vault; is well lighted Price 11.0t
Fifth Floor.
ROOM BSOi This room Is 17x20. Faces north and would be specially well
- adapted for an architect, or any one who required a good light for
drafting Price 125.0.
CITE 514i This la a very large room. 17xil feet. It faces weet, but la very
light and well ventilated. It la very seldom that space ot this slae Is of
fered in The Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by some firm
'' employing a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor apace a
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer's agent, who would like to be In a
tire-proof building, or It will be divided to suit the tenant Price $50.00
Sixth Floor.
ROOM SlSiThls is a long narrow room 11x24. The location la not desirable,
but for the amount ot floor space and the accommodations which are In.
k eluded In the rental price of The Bee Building, the price la very low. .Price 115.01
Cental Af eats.
Ground Floor,
Bee Building. '