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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. 3 EDITORIAL SHEET. eViTiTSi fcTSrTtJPr: 3 PAGES 13 TO 24. C ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. With every SIO purchase you get a selection without further cost or conditions. You may get a 25c article and you may get a $1,000 piano of gifts and full particulars at the store. Attend the astonishing special sales in new spring and summer wash goods, silks and dress goods. tiful display of exquisite coin, Neb,, sacrificed to STYLISH SPRING OUTERGARMENTS FOR TKE WQUEH The moat elaborate bowing of ladle' tailor-mad. suit, fin. skirts. Bilk rat tans, atlk waist,, weak walata .Ter shown. We are showing all th. newest and most up-to-date style, manufactured by the leader In New Tork and Beaton, and direct eopie of garments manufactured In France, England and Germany. v vy Butts running from $5 to $75 on sal. Mon day: 200 sample suits, no two alike, at $25, $80. $35. $40 and $50. No matter what also ult you wear, we bay. three or four bun dred In that particular s'.xe to show yon at a saving of 40 per cent. If your sis. Is 82 we have 275 snlU made p In tb. very newest styles and th. very newest fabric at $5. $.I0. $10.. $13.60. $15, 110 and $25. If yon wear a 84 w. have 488 suits In that tlx. In homespuns, cheviot, serges, broad cloths, Venetians, .tamlnes and all th. new material., at $6.50. $8.90. $12.60. $16.80. $18.60, $22.89 and $30. - II you wear 81 . haf 415 suit In that six. to snow you in materials same aa abov., with a few novelties added; .very suit guaranteed to wear and giv. good serv ice from th. cheapest to th. best, at $8.75, $10.60. $12. $14.90. $17.60. $20 and $27.60. If you wear a 88. 40. 41. 44 or abov., w. bav. about 900 suits to show yon mad. op DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Great special aal of lac. curtains and Iraperlea. Handsomest Una of curtains and traperiea ever ahown at ons-balf their real ralua. Nottingham lac. curtains from 49o to U-00. Extra tn. lac. eurtaina 60 Inches wide orth 1250 at $160 per pair. x Fin. Imita Our Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS to now a Its beat. Better, stronger, more original than ever befor.. and at price, to other stor. can match and giv. as good value Fit guaranteed and money back if you are not satisfied. VEmt erniwa hit- i $5.00. $7.60. $10.00. $12 60. $15.00, $18.00. $20 00 and $22.60. Over flv. bandred aew tylea t. select from. MKVS BPR1XO OVERCOAT $3 98. $5.00. $7.60. $10.00. $1150. $15.00. Btcln-Bloch Co. Silk Lined Spring Ov.r- eoaU at $1100 and $20.00. YOVKO KES'I EXTRA BPRIJO BCITB $3.76. $4.60. $5.00. $6.50. $7-50. $9.00. $10.06 and $1160. In th. Creeceat and Steln Bloch Co. makes. No other young man's clothing aa good. BOYS KXEE PARTS il'ITS In the beat make, aad latest style. W. guarantee to sav. you from 26 t 45 per cent in all the following style, of Boys' Kbm Pants 8ulta for spring. SELLING THE MOST Ladies' Furnishing Sale Ladle.' long aleev. ankle length light weight eotton combination suit at 60c ' La lie aleevelees combination suits lac. trimmed at 39c. Ladlea' aleevelea 1 tele-thread veet. at 15 eenta. Ladlea cambric umbrella drawer hem stitched at 25 cents. . Lafile Uoa and embroidery trimmed gowns at 60 cent. Ladies fancy trimmed corset ever la all Sitae at 25 eenta. , Children colored presses trimmed, alxes from 1 to 4 years at 50 eeata. Childress muslin night gown special at 25 eenta. Sheeting and Muslin 43-lach casing at 19c 45-inch casing st 11c 8-4 brown sheeting, 15c. 4 brown sheeting. 14e. 41x84 pillow cases on sal. at 15 a pair. . Mlr mad eheeta aX 4TH4C 4, eBe nuallty of nualla especially for family us. 14 yds for $L Long cloth. 12 yds I bolt, at lie per bell. Remnant of table lines. U t 14 aad 8 yert lengths, on aal at the lists couater. THE GRAND 100,000 GIFTS AGGREGATING OVER 877,000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE and fashionable millinery and women's outer garments. The great bankrupt sale of the piano stock of the C us for spot cash by the Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Write In faomeapuna, serges, Venetian and broai cloths. .tamlnes. etc.. at $6.90, $7.90, $10.90. $18.90, $16.90 and up to $15. To avoid tb. afternoon crowds cm. early Monday morning. IN THE SKIRT SECTION W. bar. .elected a few hundred of the best numbers for Monday's selling at a special price. 176 women's silk skirts, nicely trimmed. made of excellent quality taffeta; regular price, 10; Monday's price, 1 8. 1 60 women's fin. taffeta skirts, elabo rately trimmed with tucks, pleating and eordlnga; garments sold regularly for $18.50; Monday at $9.90. 1 Women's rainy-day skirts, msd. of heavy cloth, sereral rowa of atltchlng, worth fl; Monday's price, II. 4 Women's rainy-day and dress skirts, made of all wool material, tb. $5 quality, at $2.90. t One lot of women's skirts. In serges, Venetians, cheviot and homespuns, perca lln. lined throughout, trimmed with satin and taffeta, bands, and sold regularly for $8; sal. price, $5. I I lota of misses' skirts at II, $1.60 and 27AISTS m WRAPPERS Women's fin. waists, worth up to $6, for $2.90. Women's taffeta walsta, mad. up In the very newest style, th. new cuff and the new back, at $3.98. ft $00 sample walsta at $4.98. $6.98 and $10. Woman's wrappers at XSe; t Women's percale wrappers, worth $1. for 69c Women's Sea Island percale wrappers, worth $1.50, for 98c Women's wash waists, 60c each. Women's elegant new stylish wash waists at 76c, $1 and $2,. tion Saxony Brussels curtain worth $5.00. at $2.50 and $3.00 per pair. Brussels nets, Irlah points and fancy novelty eurtaina, very rich and lacy effecta. worth $4.00, at $3.98 per pair. Very handsome tapestry portieres, full lln.ot colors, worth $5.00. at $2.98 per pair. Extra heavy tapeatry portieres, full lap and bottom fringe, worth $5.00, at $3.98 per pair. BAILOR SUITS Age. IV, to 10 at $L60. $1.95. $2.50. $2.95. $80. $8.96. $4.50. $5.00 and $7.50. IOHFOLK HITS Age. 8 to 18 t $160. $1.95. $2.60. $2.75. $1.35. $3.60. $3.95. $4.50. $5.00 and $4 50. THHCE-riBCE 11T Ages t to 14-e.t $1.96, $2.50. $2.95. $3.50. 13.95. $4-60. $5.00 and $6.50. MA SLY HITS Ages S t. 9 at $L60. $L75. $125. $160. $3.95. $8.60. 81.96, 84-50 and 85 .00. TWO-PIECH K.1EE PAST SI ITS Aga. to 16 all wool ult. at 95c. $1-25. $1.60. $1.75. $195. $2.25. $2-60. $195. $125. $160. $116. $195. $4.60 and $5.00. The Steln-Bloch Co.. Hackett, Carhart A Co. aad Hart. Schaffner Marx Tailor Made Men's and Youths' Clothing exclu- Jslvely at Hayoen Bros. CLOTHING IN OMAHA. Hen's Spring Hats . "On the Quiet" hat or th. Hayden B roe spec ial for street or dress; our special low price for either only $3.00 Th. R. and T celebrated Derby hats are as good aa any regular $5.00 hat In shape and material; our price. 63.00. A full line ot derbya at 85 cents to $2.00. Tamro-ahantera in all color and a great variety at from 25 to T5 cents. An elegant line men'a aad boys spring caps in different colors and a great assortment to pick from st prices from 25c to 60c Boys bats from 40c. 60c. 75c. aad $1.00. Green Ribbons A special aal. of green ribbon Monday, BADGES. A beautiful line of hand painted badge. aa aalc Special sales on laces, embroideries, rib bons snd dress trimmings. 200-yard spool eotton ls casta spool. This Is a flral-clasa machine thread. $1.50 Curtain Laces 25c a yard Monday th last lot of th. 12-In. curtain tares worth 11 00. 1 1.15 and $1.50 per yard. will be closed out at 25 cent per yard. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1902. FREE GIFT DISTRIBUTION THE creditors, begins Monday. You can save $100 to Biggest Sale Place A MANUFACTURERS' SILK STOCK DIRECT FROM THE MILLS, ENABLES US TO OF fer you the most unheard of Silk Bargains, Black and Colored Silks, in the very finest grades, at the' lowest prices that was ever known. Monday will be a banner silk day. The big silk department will be at its best. Bargains will be on every hand, and such fine silks at such low prices, will tempt all who look to buy. Sale continues each day until all are closed. Foulard Bilks, this season's latest styles snd colorings, in th. finest twill and aatin finish, pur. silk foulards, over 100 different designs, and a regular $1.00 grade; these go on aal. Monday at only 69c THERE IS ONLY ONE COMPLETE SILK STOCK IK OMAHA AND THAT'S -HERE. Moire Velour, in white, cream and col ors, regular 1150 and $2.00. for 98c Domestic Pongee, pur. silk, warranted to wash and wear, very latest for waists and dresBea, regular $1.00, for 69c Heavy Corded Whit, and Black Taffeta Silka for waists. $1.00 grade for 49c SOME OP THE FINEST BLACK BILKS THAT WERE EVER MADE WILL GO ON SALE MONDAY. New thing never seen before, mad. for spring. 1902. Peau Mlrros Bell, 2S Inches wide, worth $3.00. for $1.75. Peau de Sole. 36 inchea wide, worth $4.00, for $1.98. Peau de Luxor, 44 Inchea wide, worth $4.60. at $2 26. Black Taffeta, 64 lncbes wide, worth $3.50, at $1.98. 5.000 YARDS BEST BLACK SILKS. Worth up to $1.60, all go Monday at 69c Leading Dress Goods House of the West W. are now showing Prlestly's and Lupon's new makes In cheviots, tailor suit tore, wer. - bswkee-rweavea, -, dtagcnala, crabanettea and other goods need in tailor suiting. For reception dress. , afternoon dress, evening dress w. ar. showing everything new in voiles, eollnnes, etamlnes, min strels, cords, lansdowne, sublimes, alba trosses, etc.. also tbs largest line of walet ings and ehallia that was ever shown in tb. city. Monday we will have several special sales 1 during ths day. W. will .ell until 11 a. m. $1.50 basket cloth In all the nice graya. for spring suits, at 98c a yard. W. will aell our $1.98 basket cloth until 11 a. m. at 31-25 a yard. Our $2.50 basket cloth until 11 a. m. at $1.50. FROM S TO 4 P. M. We will aell any of Prlestly's or Lupon's blsck dress goods, only 1 pattern to a cus tomer, goods that are marked from $1.60 up you can buy for these 3 hours at exactly half of what It la marked. FROM S TO B P. M. You can buy any ehallia worth 75c and $1.00 at 5?Vc Any ehallia marked 60c you can buy for 35c. any walstlng marked $1.00 yon can buy for 69c. during these two hours. You can buy any evening abad. of dress goods except Lansdown at exactly half of what It Is marked. There will be seversl other sales la th. dress goods department too numerous to mention. Our samples ar. now ready and any lady aending In her address and stating what kind of goods ahs wanta w. will aead a large package of samples of th. new spring goods. Bed Spreads $2.00 extra heavy Marseille pink blue and red bed spreads, each 81-25. $1.00 extra heavy large crochet bed spread, each 59 cents. $125 fringed Maraelles extra heavy pink and blu bed spreads, each 82.25. 32.60 extra heavy Marseille bed spreads. each 31-50. $2.60 fringed cut corners extra heavy crochet bed spreads, each 81.60. Linen Dcpt 64-inch bleached table linen, all pur linen, on aale. 49c 72 -inch bleached damask, worth $125, on sal. at oc. 54-lnch bleached damask, on aal. at 19c All pur. linen napkins go on sal. Mon day at 9&c. Vhlto Goods India linon cn aal. at 5c, 6c, 7 Vie, 8c, 10c llfce. 15c. 19c Extra fin. quality of 40-inch lawn on aal. at 11c. 15c Nainsook and dimities In fancy cheek and stripes. 7c. 8c, 10c, 12Vic English Madras, Z5c. 35e. Th. latest styles in 12 Vic 15e. lie, 22. SOc. 35c Fancy white goods with lac. and sat la effecta at 12Ve. 15c 20c, CVa snd 25c Hair Coods Not a stock la th country surpasses eur elegaut Una el hair goods. Absolutely the finest in this section. Prices away down. Call aad see them. lTu U for Samples, Prices of Silks that Has Ever Taken in the City of Omaha. Black Armure, Black Royal Alma, Black Armure Brilliant, Black Peau de Gant, Black With Taffeta, Black SaUa Duchesse, Black Pure Dy. Taffeta, Black Brocade Satin, Black Liberty Crepe, worth $1.00. $1.25 and 81.50. all at 69c. Black Taffeta, $1.25. for 6c. Black Taffeta, $2.00, for 89c Black Taffeta, $1.50, for 8Sc Black Taffeta, $1.75, for 98c Black Taffeta, 27 lncbes wide, worth 27 Inches wide, worth 36 Inches wide, worth 36 lncbes wide, worth 36 Inches wide, worth $2.60, for $1.35. Black Peau d. Sole, worth $1.50, at 98c Black Peau de Sole, worth $2.00, at 8L25. Black Pean de Sole, worth 82.50, at $1.50. Black Peau de Sole, worth 84.00, at 81.75. Black Peau de Sole, worth $5.00, at $1.98. FINE LINE OF BLACK GRENADINES, in latest styles, all 44 inchea wide, on ssl. Monday at these exceptionally low prices: Worth up to $2.00, for 11.00; worth op to $3.50, for $1.50; worth up to 85.00, for 82-50. , NEW WHITE SILKS ON SALE. White Peau de Sole, 27 Inches wide, worth I $1.50. for 75c Furniture Sale A few bargains In furniture for this week that can't be excelled in aay fur niture nous, in th. west. W. will bav. for Monday's sal. a solid oak bedroom suit with French plst. glass 24x30, oval, awell front on dresser and commode, cast brass trimmings and good finish for only $16.85. Ws also have a maple ault 20x24 glass, well made and finished, for only $1145 and $14.85. Solid oak dining chairs, brae. arm. can. seat, 60c 75c. S5e and 95c cans seat, at 75c. Wood Beat dining chairs, 60c, 60c 75e, 85c and 95c Solid oak rock ers with arms, cobbler seat, at $1-65, $1.95 and $2.50, ladles' sewing rockers. 3 LOO, 31.25, $1.50 aad up. Iron beds from $1.95 to 335.00 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Special aal. of allverware. Large berry dlshea, mounted, assorted colors. 11-25. Silver mounted wster bottles $1.48. Silver plsted sugar bowls, cream pitchers, crscker jars, syrup pitchers at 98 eenta. 8llver plated plat, trays and caks bas kets at $1.48. Fancy bon boo dishes $1.48. Rogers orange spoons, gold bowl, com. In silk lined box for Monday per set $L4L Rogers' berry spoons. 98c Rogers meat forks 79 cents. Special prices on Clarks celebrated cut- glass. The Wearing of Eyeglasses Is no trifling matter. It is a serious one In our business ws ar serious, thoughtful, ra-eful. Thoughtful ot your needs, seri ously study your requirements aad care fully advise. Lik most ad rice ours is free, but la honestly given aad may be of great value to you. W. make good spectacles and charge a fair price for our work. The work and tb. price will satisfy you. Millinery Sale A most complete and exquisite showing of all tbat la new and stylish la millinery. Ths creation of th. best art 1st a la Paris, Berlin, London and ths east aa well a hundreds of fashionable snd original hats from our own workrooms. . Prices most as tonishingly low. The variety Is ao great you will be sure to find Just the hat you east. l7 LIU snunsnansn SENSATION OF THE DAY $200 on a Piano Dy Buying Now. Agents for.ttie Bctterick or Catalogue of any Whit. Wash Silk, worth 60c. for 25c White Wash Silk. 36 Inches wide, worth 75e, for 49c. ASK TO SEE THE NEW PEAU DE SLANT. This silk is something entirely new and different from anything tbat has been shown. It Is heavy and very soft, war ranted to wear and wash, la made In 100 colors and Is altogether on. of the finest silks msde. Hardens' sell It exclusively for Omaha; Is 24 lncbes wide and Is $1.00 yard. A WORD FROM TEXAS REGARDING THE WEARING QUALITIES OF WINSLOW TAFFETA. Mrs. Milton Powell. 810 Avenue C, San Antonio, Texas, writes Harden Bros.: "Sirs Several years ago In Omaha I bought some Wlnslow Taffeta Silk at your store and bav. been ao pleased with th. wearing qualitiea, and aa I am unable to find any here In the south, you will find en closed order for some, and trust you will send at once "February 28, 1902." W. fill mora mail orders on silks than any other western house. Fine line of samples sent upon yoar request. Writ, today and order your silks by mail. Wash Goods THE GREATEST VARIETY OF WASH GOODS IN OMAHA. FINE W. hav. now on dlaplay th. greatest as sortment of washabl. spring fabrics, sur passlnar'wnT and all seasons la tb.'past. in both quantity and quality; fabrics from th beat looms In Europe and of American manufacture. W. ask you to look over our wash goods and Judge for yourselvea whether or not our store, where you can find uch aa as sortment etc.. Is not the most satisfactory In which to make your spring purchases. Linens sre very fashionable; linen grena dines ar. to be had only In our store' in Omaha. 83 inchea wide pur. linen, 45 cents a yard. . Linen grass cloth (pure flax thread), 32 inches wide, 25 cents a yard. Silk and linen novelties, Honlton, Roman stripe, lac. plaid, etc. 45 Inchea wide $125, $175 and $2.00 a yard. Linen madras, plain shades, (15 shades), genuine German manufacture, (pur. linen). 22 Inches wide, 45 cents a yard. Genuine Scotch madras (Anderson's). S3 inches wide, this fabric has th. most merit of any wash material ever mad. in n simi lar weight tor shirt wsists, men's soft shirts, etc WE OFFER YOU THE REAL FABRIC AT 19. 25. 35 and 45 CENTS A YARD. Aberfoyle madras, 32 Inchea wide. In the styles you would select for shirting, and waiatlnga. a good honeat wash fabric at 15 cents a yard. Groe Roman. French, Swiss, embroid ered dots with beautiful floral, Persian and antique design covering th fabric, giving it either tinted or whit, ground, as de sired. A handsome and atyliah costume cloth. 60 cents a yard. Turlel. Foulard, the finest of the French make, Scheurer, Laath At Cie), in 100 de signs, 35 cents a yard. Silk Oxfords (also known as Etamlne). In 20 shades (plain). Tb. choice waiatlng and dress fabric 80 inches wide, 49 cents yard. American Beauty batUte. th. choicest style aver ahown on a atrlctly American mad. fabric, elegant linen effecta, floral de signs, printed lac. dots, etc., 82 inches wide, 15 cents a yard. ( Embroidered dots, best quality mouses -line d. sols, 30 Inches wide, all new, n. remnants and odd pieces, .very cblor, also blsck and white W. guarantee this qual ity aa good as any fabric offered by any other ator. at 60 cents a ysrd. and w. .ell every color st 29 cents a yard. Ginghams for little folks, assortment In cludes every color made, stripes, plain. checks and plaids at 10 eenta a yard. Mercerised chambray, fast color in tripe, dot or plain shadea at 35, 80 and 25 eenta. Mercerised plain chambray, very aheer, 82 inchea wide, color, pink, light blu. aad ox blood. The beet mad. at any price, 35 cent a yard. Bonnet chambray (all color). Tb. fin. 12 He grade at 10 cent n yard. Shirting percale, full standard, $4 Inches wide, fast colors, 12 H cent, a yard. Dress percales, dark styles, all full yard wide. 16 eenta a yard. Simpson's new spring bins calico, t cent xard. TO MAIL ORDER CUSTOMERS. Our aamples will be mailed you tree .a day your request arrives, but w. aak you t. aid In describing as closely as possible th. colors snd pries of fsbrics wanted, that w. may act to your best advantage, with out aay naneceaaary delay. srNGLE corv FIVE CENTS. Goods You Need. Monday in the Bargain Room EVERY LADY WHO WANTS TO BUY BARGAINS SHOULD COME SEVERAL MILES TO ATTEND THIS SALE AND THOSE WHO HAVE NO MONEY IT WOULD PAY THEM TO BORROW IT WHILE WE HAVE GIVEN SEVERAL SALES BEFORE AND THEY HAVE BEEN TALKED ABOUT ALL THROUGH THE STATES OF IOWA AND NE BRASKAWE NEVER GAVE A SALE THAT WILL HAVE SUCH GEN UINE GOOD BARGAINS AS WE WILL HAVE MONDAY READ EVERY ITEM OF THIS NO DEALERS, PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM, from 8 fo 9 A.M. W. will .ell 6c Skirt Lining, only 10 yards to a customer, at l4c yard. From 9:30 to 10 A. M. W. will sell 15c, 19c end 25c Dimities, Lawns. Batistes, etc. only 12 yards to a customer at IMe yard. From 10 to fl A B W. will aell short lengths of Press Goods, goods that we aell every day from 35c to 75c n yard, lengths from 2 to 7 yards, not over 10 yards to a customer, at 9c a yard. From 11:30 A H to 12 El W. will aell th finest LL Muslin made, yard wide, only 10 ysrds to a customer at 3c a yard. From 2 to 3 P U W. will aell Black Crepons worth $2.98. Cheviots in black and blue, worth 31.00 to $1.60; French Serges, regular 85c grade. Mohairs, Brilllantinea and other goods worth from 75c to $3.98 a yard. In lengths from 3V ysrds to 7 yarda. only 1 pattern to a customer, at 25e a yard. From I to 1:30 P U We wllfeell full Standard Prints, dark and light colors, only 10 yarda to a cua- tomer. at le yard. From 4 to 4:30 PU W. will 11 12e Whit. Good. In check, tripe, cords', etc.. only Iff jsxde to a cus tomer, at 3V4C a yard. Hardware, Stoves, and Housefurnishings SEASONABLE GOODS. ALL MONEY SAVERS. SPECIAL COOK STOVE SALE FOR MONDAY. No. 3 4-hol. cook, war ranted on. of the flnet baker you ever used, regular $11. Monday. $7.95. No. 8, 4-hol. cook, 18-lnch oven, very handsome. Ant-class stove, regulsr $16, Monday. 11.95. 6-hole. No. 8 range. 20-lnch oven, very nlc, smeolh cast, plain, honest msde. warranted a fins baker, a regular $16 range, Monday. $12.49. No. 8 4-hol. cook, with 18 square oven, nicely nickel plated with cast enameled reservoir, a very fine, first clasa stove, usually sells for $24, Monday, $17.49. Extra large, first claaa cast range, very knir. eastlnc very beautiful designs, nicely nickel plsted trimming, 20-inch square oven. a regular $22- stove. Monday. i.a. Ths best steel range made, extra large. 30x40 inch top, high warming cloaet, large square oven, very handsome In design, duplex grata for wood" or coal, asbestos lsed throughout, others sell not so good for $38. Monday. $29.95. HOUSEFURNISHINGS IN BASEMENT. The Beat Ironing Board made, ths only one that stands perfectly solid, regular $2. Nltro loaded 11-gauge shells. 60c. Mondsy, 98c 6-foot stepladders. 29c Ten papers l-oi tacks, 5c. GranlU dipper. 10c Nickeled clawhammer. 10c Extra fin. towel roller, 6c 40c washboard. 11c 1-gal glass oil can. 19c A aet of Mrs. Potts irons. Nickel Dieted solid iron, no cap to com. off, handl. that can't break, Monday, 81c All willow clothe, basket, 33c OranlU washbasins, 10c Dover eg beaters. 5c 22-short rifle, $1.95. No. t gallon boiler. , (9c lOH-ineh scrub brush, 6c Galvanised tuba, 85c Universal food chooners. 89c WATCH OUR AD ON POULTRY NET TING, 8CREEN CLOTH AND DOORS. Ghina Depl Large sixe decorated cup. aad saucers. 1 cents each. All else decorated plate. 6 cents. Decorated vegetable dlshea, 9 cent. Decorated platters. 15 cents. Decorated sauce dishes, 8 cents. Decorated oat meal dianea, 5 cent. Decorated sugar bowls, 15 cents each. Decorated covered dishes, 19 cents each. Decorated tea pots, 16 cent each. Don't read this It you hav. heart trou ble. 100-plec. decorated division sets English semi-porcelain, now decoration, $3.89. You might alao aklp this, 6-piece deco rated toilet sets, $1.19. Tumblera. li cents. Win glaaaes, lVa cents. All slxs lamp chimaeya, 2V4 cents. Plain whit, cups and saucer. 1 cent each. Wall Paper and Paints The beat grade of whit, blanks at 8c per roll up. Fin. gilt paper, at 5c roll np. Th. beat grade of ready-mixed paint at 98c per gallon. W. alao hav. varnishes, stains, enamels, brushes snd room molding at greatly re duced prices. mm s Complete list See our beaux M Rodman Co,, LW Patterns and Publications. From 5 to 5:30 P fl W. will sell Apron Check Gingham, th. regular 6c grade, only yard to a cus tomer, at 2Sc a yard. During the Day W. will aell boys' Knee Pants, regular 75c. and $1.00 goods, only 4 pair, to a cus tomer, at 25o a pair. W. will aell yard wide Percale, 16c, 19. grades, at 6c a yard. W. will sell Silks, In Foulards, Pltsaea. in China. In Ki Kla. In Back Skirting Silk, at 19e, 25c, 39c and 49c a yard. Several sales on other silks In th. Bar gain Room. 5c and 10c Counter Sala W. will aell 15c, 19c Salta and Peppers, Bowls, Platea, Glassware Egg Beaters, tack pullers, graters, pocket knives, silver plated spoons and forka, and a thousand other articles, worth up to 25c, all will go at 5 eenta. On our 10c counter yon can buy cuspidors worth 19c, vases worth 25c, cup. and sau cers worth 20c plates worth 20c, statu ettes worth 25c. lanterns worth 25c car penter's hsmmers worth 25c large buck knlve. worth 60c, all will go on ooe counter Monday at 10c. Thousand of other bargains all through th. bargain room. $1.00 will go In this room. a tar as $5.00. wilt go tn-noy other house in th. city. " Did You Ever Stop to think that when you buy your shoe outside of the Big 8 tor. that you are paying mora for th. aam. claaa ot good? Not. th. following price, for Mon day: Men'. Vlcl Kid Bala, worth $3.00, at $1.95. Men'a Box Calf Bala, worth $3.00, at 31.95. Women'a Vlcl Kid. welt aoles, worth $3 00, at 11.96. Women's Vlcl Kid, turned soles, worth $3.50, at $1.96. Boys' Patent Leather, Goodyear welt. worth $3.00. at $1.98. Youths' Patent Leather, Goodyear welt. worth $2.50, at $1.60. Sol. agent in Omaha for ths Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and th Brooks Bros. 'and Ultra ahoea for women. Don't fall to visit th. bargain room. Men, aatln calf bale, worth $2.00, at $1.00. Women'a dongola, lac. or button, worth $1.75. at 95c. Boy' aatln calf bala. worth $1.60 and $1.75. at 98c Child' dongola, button, worth 60c at Uw. Carpets T. open the spring season w. offer th. most astounding bargains In carpet and rug. W have tb. greatest variety, latest pattern and the lowest price. 9x12 all wool amyrna rugs at $17.60. 9x12 one-piece Brussels rugs at $11.95. 3-lnch Moquett. ruga at $2.50. Brussels carpet worth 90 cents a yard at 69 eenta. Heavy union ingrain carpet, at 25c China mailings. 10c, 12ttc 20. and 25o a yard. Japanese mattlags 20c, 26c, 80. and 81 eenta. Ask to e th. Roxburg Brussels carpet th. beat carpet made Grocery Sale Ginger .nap. VA cents. 24-lb aack of rye flour 65 cents. 10-Ib ssck pur. buckwheat 15 eenta. 10-pound breakfaat oatmeal 30 oenta. 6-lb hand picked navy beans lTVfcoect. 5-lb pearl hominy 15 cents. 3-lb fancy japan read rice 18 cents, tlbs. Scotch grown peas, 19c 3 pkga Burnham Hasty Jellycon 15 cent. Fancy California, prune per lb. 4 cents. 1 pkg. seeded ralalns, 9c Fancy Mulr peaches, per pound. 10c 2-lb. cans string beans, 7e. , 31b csns garden beets 6 1-8 cats. Cholo Rio coffe. per lb 13 cents. Fancy golden aaatoa coffee per lb. n cent. Choice tea alftings front finest teas 21 cents. Dig Cheese Sale WUconeln Limberger, UVfce McLaren's Imperial, per Jar, 10c Full Cream. T. A., llc New York. Herkimer Co.. 16c Neufchatel. per pkgc, 3 Vic Special Meat Salo No. 1 California Ham. 7e.' 6-lb. pail Pur. Lard. (3c No. 1 Sugar Cured Haas. 10c Bologna Sausage, 6c IL10 keg Herring. Monday, 86c. Fsncy Fat Mackerel. 10c Fruit Specials New Milk Cocoanuta, 8c Fancy Apples, per do.. 10c Large Virginia Peanuts, per measure; 3V4 n