Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12
TIIE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1002. 1 BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE Imported Wash Fabrics Main Floor Dress Goods Dept. The greatest assortment of silk Etamlnes In the newest and most novel array of atripes, at, yard Silk Moussellne de Sole, allk embroidered and dotted Moussellne de Sole, black, white and colors, yard Linen Tissue, with allk and satin trlpea, at, yard Extra Special in Silk Dept. It M quality whit and cream RDf Moire Veloura ouw 75o quality 24-ln. and i7-liw black and white washable Japanese CXr and China Sllka . JtW fl.S quality, alt colors, 811k Panne ROr Velvets at ll.K quality Natural Pongee, f)Qc X4 Inches wide WW 49c 39c 69c II. W quality black and white tucked, costled and hemstitched Taffeta and Liousenes, at 75c 12 JFashionaJblo Spring- Dress Goods and Silks An unsurpassed display of the most beautiful fabrics of both foreign Black and Colored Dress Fabrics in Splendid Variety, Advance Exhibit of and domestic manufacture at prices that are incomparable. Very Unusual Silk Offerings for Monday's Selling. A New Lot of the Popular Minstrats at 8So yard. .These weaves are the choicest and newest that are shown this prlns;. They come in all the popular eolorlags, on sale In dress C f-i goods department at, yard OOw A superior quality of all wool Al batross and Batiste, 40 Inches wide, In a superb selection of the new spring colors. Including black, on on sale at, yard t)"C Also the new Crepe Albatross, PA In all colors, yard U7W New Iwine Etamines $1.00 All Wool Etamines, $1.00 New Spring Voiles $1.00 Silk and Wool Crepes $1. 00 French Basket Cloths $1.00 French Prunelle Cloths $1. 25 French Aoleans and Crystals $1.50 ...39c Full Dress Patterns, $1.50, worth $5.00. $1.50 60c. 7Bc 85o and SI. 00 Dresa Goods at 30o a yard Batistes, henrlettae, serges, cheviots, camelette, silk novelties, etc., yard. We have added many elegant styles to our $1.50 full dress pat terns, any one of these dress lengths belflg worth $3.00 and up , Black Dress Goods A most brilliant showing and bale of spring black fabrics, all the new weavea that are bound to be popular thia season. 69c 75c newest designs and 50c-85c Black Taffeta Sale Monday morning we will place on sale another big lot of those celebrated black "Bonnet" Lyons, guaranteed Taffetas, very wide and lustrous, regular selling j" 1 1 price $1.60, special Monday, yard New Spring Foulards Black Mohair Etamlaes, In a great assortment. Just received from the weavera, and placed on sale at the very low price of, yard 75c black peau de sole, double-faced, soft finished, SI Inches wide. These goods were bought In one lot, a great many are worth up to $1.25. We will offer the entire lot for quick selling, at, yard gn, uiacK iuu wuuv, uiuun 59c, 75c 75c Black Wool Veilings, a new, clean material, so much In vogue for the tight, clinging skirts. on sale at, yard.... The choicest showing In Omaha, all the colorings, from the foremost makers In Europe and America, exclusive styles, go at, yard 65 pieces high grade, black all silk grenadines, 45 Inches wide, 20 different patterns. Including the new ribbon stripes, moussellne grenadines in broche effects, plain Mexican nets, sewing silk gren adines, all very sheer, and the prettiest patterns ever shown, worth from $2 to $3 yard special I A J price Monday, at, yard 125 pieces of Cheney Bros, and other high grade new spring foul ards In both sstln liberty and twills, faconne Jacquards and Broche ' effects. These foulards are all 24 Inches wide and In the most fash ionable shades of old rose, gobelins, resedas, black and white, modes and grays. The entire lot will be placed on special sale In our new enlarged silk department, at, yard Silks on Bargain Squares One big lot of about 5.000 yards of silk, consisting of printed foul ards, white and black washable allk, black and colored satins, colored taffetas, odd pieces of silk of every de- JfjC scrlptlon, worth up to $1.00, all go at, yard 1,500 yards of high grade, fancy taffetas, satin brocades and eorded silks, heavy black taffetas, yard wide black and white china silks, black aatlns, black and colored peau de sole, peau de cygne, Lousenes, Armures, 82-tnch tucked Imported taffetas, liberty satin, printed foulards, In fact the finest lot of silks ever ) n r f n put on barjtnln squares, and worth up to ,lVC. ijUC. O VC $2.00 yard-special Monday, yard wj ' ' Magnificent Showing 0t Smart Tailored Suits and Costumes Also cloth and self with the c silk dress skirts, raglans, jackets and misses' outergarments, in splendid variety. Come and familiarize your- orrect fashions. TAILOR-MADE AND COSTUME SUITS -A special offer of exclusive designs and styles. Including the new collar less Glbsoa, with the new maxim sleeves, handsomely made of new Im ported basket cloths and etamlnes, In tans, modes, grays, browns, black and navy blouse and Norfolk styles full taffeta drop iQ lining, extra values, at ... .$3450 $39 NEW GIBSON AND MAXIM SUITS blouse and vests, extreme broad shoulder effects, vastly different from the ordlnay productions, trimmed with the new black and white braids, stylish cloths, fine quality, popular Bh'de' fH4i W J 50 with silk drop, lining 19 225024s MISSES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS ages 12 to 16 yeara, eton and other popu lar styles, silk lined jackets, and flounced skirts. Suits of this- high grade and character usually J 98 retail for 17.50, Moaday special $4' WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE SUITS In the new Gibson, blouse, Norfolk and tight fitting styles. In cheviots, Vene tians, coverts and basket cloths, some with spun glass drop lining, skirts made with high flounce, mohair, taf feta and braid trimmed, fa 9 8 these suits usually retail for $17.60. tomorrow for .... J Cloth & Silk Dress & Costume Skirts Opening Display of Easter Millinery a ssembled here is a showing of Spring Millinery that has never been surpassed by any mil linery display in America. We pride ourselves on our splendid collection of the famous mas- CLOTH SKIRTS A comprehensive as. sortment made of the most popular fabrics. Including seballne, canvas . cloths, broadcloths and etamlnes, full drop silk skirt, moire, weot braid and taffeta trimmed $12.80, $14.85, $19, $24.60 to $39 SILK SKIRTS-of stylish nets, laoe peau de sole and moire, with self stitched bands, allover net drop, ribbon and rucblng trimmed, at $9.98, $14.85, $19.00, $22.50 and up to $65 WOMEN'S TAFFETA ' SILK SKIRTS with allover tucked tops with high -cut flounce, actual $7.60 and $10.00 values special Monday SILK LONG COATS-of heavy taffeta, made with three full capes, flounced bottom, beautiful garments, jl x08 bottom, beautiful garments, jl - fj $5 $9 House gowns In fcreat va riety avt moderate prices. SILK ETON AND BLOUSE JACKETS good guaranteed silk, plain and allover trimmed, fancy revera and belts, with blue, gray and white lining, special at $5.00 and $7.60. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' silk and cloth' raglans, the silk raglans have large collars trimmed with ecrue lace, the cloth raglans are silk lined and unllned, with yokes and capes, at $1.98. $2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $6.98 and $9.98. terpicces of the modistes of the old world and of our rich interpretation of magnificent de signs. This season we are bound to gain new laurels and more indelibly impress you with the fact that Brandeis' Millinery is strictly "rigeur." 850 Copies of Paris Hats $10, $7.50, $5 xieie is a cuuiiuuig aim tstriKiiig cuiieaiun ui me must, perfect copies that the nimble fingers of expert copyists can (f I I construct. Made up with the new laces, linen effects, chiffons, malines, body braid effects, soft narrow braids, Leghorn chips. Tuscan, Milan, etc., in white, black biscuit tans, ivory, cream, burnt shades, pink, maize, light blue, prettily bedecked with lovely garnitures of pearls and jet beads, new cabachons, cherries, berries, holly, black fruit, foliage, June roses, sprout roses, geraniums, llllies of the valley, for-get-me-nots, magnolias, etc. These hats are in every way the equal of French and New York hats, and are well worth the close inspection of every lady who wears high class millinery, as yorr can effect a saving of at least 50 per cent on this offering tomorrow. 1 1 ii ,& I, 11 "'a goo f750 10 00 Ladles' trimmed hats at Sf .88. Easily a4.B0 tat moat stores. Bilk chiffon hats, all colors all shapes, $3 kind, at .., A magnificent gathering of street hats, st 49c, 69o, $1.29, $1.49 and Handsome bunches of roses and foliage, for . Hand mads braid bats, on wire frames, $1.25 values, at 1.49 198 25c 69c Boys Clothing Correct fashion, in clothes for young men and children at very special prices a good opportunity to buy Confirmation Suits. A 1--' $2.50 Knee Pants Suits for $1.50 ' Boys' two and three piece suits, made of strong all wool material. light and dark colors. D warranted not -4 C?f to rip, special.. l.Ovf $4.00 Knee raius uuuo for $1.98 Hundreds' of styles of these almost Inde structible suits, warrant ed all wool, pants made with reinforced seams, double seats and knees. A new suit for every one that doea not give entire satis faction. -4 f0' $4 valuea for . Ii"0 $5.00 Knee Pants Suits for $2.50 A complete stock of suits, suitable for every oc casion. Confirmation suits, two and three-piece nobby dress suits, and school suits, the very choicest of fab rics. Also Russian and sailor blouse suits C f . splendid styles, $5.00 values, for We O vf $6.00 Knee Pants Suits, $a98 Boy's double-breasted, three-piece suits, vestee suits, sailor suits, Russian 'blouse and Norfolk styles, suits la fancy novelties, $(.00 values, 93 BOYS' AND TOTJNQ MEN'S long pants suits, made of terse and fancy unfinished worsteds. A number of odd lota are Included In this offer, values ranging up to $10.00, choice r aperies f Every Description Our entire purchase from the stock of Lowry & Goebel will be offered tomorrow at one-third actual value The entire drapery department of Lowry & Goebel was sold at auction in Chicago. We were the heaviest buyers. The goods were sold for almost nothing. We bought immense quantities, that is why we will sell fine draperies of every kind at really 1-3 regular value. $5.00 DRAPERY TAPESTRIES 75c YD. In one lot we have put all the Lowry & Goebel allk tapestries, bro gatelles, satin damask and other high class draperies, really worth ud to $5.00 per yard, In the most beautiful and rich colorings, all go at. yard 75c $7.50v PORTIERES AT $2.98 PAIR We have put all the Lowry & Goebel portieres In one , lot, .many worth up to $10.00, most of them are regular $7.50 portieres, they are In heavy derby satin, Repps In plain and fancy weaves, ssv Qg iucj ru gv only ..: $5.00 ROPE PORTIERES $1.25 All the Lowry & Goebel rope portieres which are now so stylish and popular in all color?, beautiful heavy portieres, , 25 dow on saie ior - $5.00 TABLE COVERS AT $1.98 All the Lowry ft Goebel table cov ers, all sizes of fine sjlk tapestry, heavy pictorial damask, many Im ported fancy weaves of all kinds. These table covers would be cheap at $5.00- 4QQ all sizes, for .... 75c Drapery Silk, 39c yd 76c quality of nearly a yard wide drapery silk. In oriental patterns snd colorings, floral designs In greens, gobelins sad terra cotta, also plain colors, orange, blues, all shades of greens, terra cotta and white, these are an exceptional quality, especially 450 Women's $1.50 Kid Gloves, 69c An opportunity to buy new kid gloves at about half their worth. The quali ties are excellent, every pair being made of real kid, the styles and shades are new, they are actual 1.50 values, per pair -e aj v. a w 69c adapted for draperies, go on sale In baaexaent. at, yard ... 39c All the fancy printed drapery velours. Lowry Goebel's price was 75 cents, our price for tomorrow. yard tomorrow, 3 9 C 25c Swiss. 7ic yard. All the colored and plain dotted Swiss, together with the new . stained glass or cathedral glass effect drapery swlss, made to sell at tie, go at, yard ' All the denim, cretonne, Hungarian cloth, mercerised sateen and other cotton drapery fabrics that Lowry 4c Goebel sold up to 45c yard, go In one lot. at, yard Lowry at Goebel's sllkollne. yard , .75c 10c Lowry & Goebel's Lace Curtains In this purchase there were thousands of pairs of all grades of lace curtains, it is almost impossible to describe each kind, we have divided them into lots as follows: All the Lowry & Goebel All the Lowry & Goebel Window Shades All the Lowry A Goebel window shades. the felt shades that they sold at 15c, we will aell at , 5c Lace Curtains, worth $1.25 pair, for sale at, each ...... All the Lowry & Goebel Lace Curtains, worth $1.50 pair we will sell at, each.... All the Lowry & Goebel $2 Lace Cur tains, at. pair , a m,m, 4 y if w s m-m 25c ' & Goebel ins, worth 39c 75c 98c $2.50 Lace Curtains, pnir - All the Lowry & Goebel $3.00 Lace g All the Lowry & Goebel $5.00 Lace Curtains on sale at, per pair ;c wurinina 2.50 AM Lowry & Goebel's finest Lace Curtains In Irish point, Brus- i no sels net Arabian net and other hijh class lace curtains, pair 0t70 All the opaque shades that Lowry 4b Goebel sold at SOo. we will -4 g- sell for IOC Brass Rods All of Lowry 4 Goebel's brass drapery rods that they sold as high as o, they go in two lots at 5c and 10c $1.25 Damask Squares 15c, 25c, 50c. All the satin damask squares, sultabls for plllbw covers, chair seats, etc., Lowry A Goebel's price was up to fl.25, they go In thrse lots, at 15c 25c and 50c GREAT SALE OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Women with an eyejto the future will take special interest in our lare and embroidery Kale tomorrow. We offer almost every grade and character of fine lace and embroidery at special reduced prices. Considering the constant use you have for merchandise of this kind, it is well to lay in a good supply.when you can buy to good advantage. Women as a rule provide for the future and the values we offer in this sale are bound to appeal to them. Laces and la nertlons, torchons, valen- rsscy trimming laees ana gaioone. an . . . , . excellent variety, worth up to ttM yard, sclennes, Normandy Vals. set top oriental. , 10c, 15c, 25c 35c and 69c yd Embroidery, insertion and beading of Sns swlta, nainsook and cambrio In a great variety ot patterns, la different widths, goods that usually sell for 15e yard, spe cial at I 15c 3k, 65c, 10c yard Embroidered galoons, fancy styles, besu- tlful patterns, worth upto Si cents, on sals, per yard Allever embroidery and lacs, very ex- tenslve variety, excellent styles, regular 11.00 quality, speclat, yard a vary large variety, all good desirable pat-' terns, worth 15a, ea sale at 59c 35c, 5c, 10c yd. L. B. Moore, Sycamore, 111. Bankrupt Stock of Shoes On Sale at 50c on the Dollar s This sale created the liveliest interest in the shoe section Saturday. Monday we continue the sale of these well known makes of shoes at the prices that have created the sensation. Men's "Walkover" Shoes famous everywhere, and sold for 1 ff $3.50, only..1 V Women's black & tan lace and button shoes," Reed's, Lobdell's and other celebrated makes all3.50 1 AQ values lJzs l Boys' black and tan famous Usher, Utz and Dunn's shoes all reliably makes, 98c & 1.19 Misses' Shoes in black and tan, C. W. Marks' and Moloney Bros make?, $1.50 and Qn OQi $2.00 values, at.. OVC, VOC 1100, Pairs Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes, women's oxfords and slippers, tan shoes in good y Cr assortment, at "-v Special Prices on Drugs Lb. Kali Absorbent Cotton, worth 40c c New Sassfris Bark, per lb "' 10c . . ... f i , r . u aoiiis koac s vsnorsn curs , tc ' 11.00 bottle hewbro's nerplclde j,c 23c Ksowltos't Dasderins iSc Quart bottle Port Wine jsc I Quart bottle Sherry Wise jc Borated TslcsmPswdcr.... & Pears' Vatcented Soap , 4711 Soap, per cake , 2 tsipty Captalct. 101 for. . , jc Bclladoess Plsi ten . gc 2-ssacs bottle Machine Oil ic J.quart Fountain Syrisje , 4c SOc Bulb Syrinre j$c 0c Medical Atomlier Jlc BOSTON STORE J. L BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE " 1