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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1902)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAKC1T 10, 1902. 11 4. ) 1 ATHLETICS AT UNIVERSITY Eebraaka Undergraduates Going Ii Boiing Just How. - tot LOOKED ON AS AN ADJUNCT TO FOOTING ruck Beet a. la lastraetla Stadeata la Ta af riata aa Method of Protection aad far Eaferee aaeat af Opinion. If tba prcaent athletic fad pertlita at tha University of Nebraska it will be ao imprudent thing aa a general propoaltlon for any man to treat discourteously tha graduate or undergraduate from that ichool. Possessed of ao Idea that a little physical persuasion la oftentlmea a valuable and necessary adjunct to mental forca, tha stu- tfrnts haTa plunged fiercely Into tba culti vation of tbe "manly art," and tha lateat word la that tha paaalon la spreading ererT day. Coach Roach, tha foot ball Instructor, la ahowlng tha bora tha ways of tha mltta, and It la largely by hla example that they became flrat Bred with thla new ambition. Booth la a Terr clever boxer, and a far tnora effective fighter than ha la boxer. It la related of him br Princeton schoolmate ghat In hie collegiate dare It waa hla fa vorite atunt to get together a half doien Mar Highland Tark college at Moinpe. Mar Open date. Mar a Knox university at Iowa City. Mar 7 Knox college at Galeeburg. Mar Northweatern university at Evanaton. May t Notra Dame at Notre Dame. Mar 10 Purdue university at Lafayette. Mar 11 Mleaourl unlveraity at Columbia. Mar 13 William Jewell college at Lib ert y. Mo. May 14, IS Kanaaa university at Law rence. Mar 1 Washburn college at Topeka. May 17, Morning fit. Mary a college at St. Mary's, Kansas. May 17, Afternoon Kansas B. A. C, at Manhattan. May 21 Highland Park at Lincoln. May 34 Creighton university at Omaha. Mar M Creighton university at Lin coln. In track athletlce everything la looking toward the meet of March 22. Thla will ba an Indoor affair, five event a pole vault, high Jump, ihotput, potato race and three broad Jumps. Carr, Plllabury and Kellogg are now ahowlng form' as the probable stara of the occasion. Coach Booth is putting all bla energy Into the track team and Ita affairs thla season. He tiopea to make this department of ath letics count for more than It haa previ ously at the university. Tha men are doing hard and systematic training dally and everything I being done to make competi tion keen and excellence sure. Tennis will start Hhls week. The courts are being renovated and refitted and a large number of enthusiasts are anxiously await ing the gong. Fierce tournaments are promised by the presence of such men aa Farnsworth, champion of Kanaaa, Iowa and very rough ground or even by a pipe ditch, I ley and Conrad now hold the high total for will be the cane at tha Country Club the tourney, with 1062. aad ao are leaders for a ahort time while the work la open. Tha space alongside the line of play la alao forbidden ground. Tha golfer la sup posed to follow a mora or less accurate oath from a tea to a hole and If he pulls or slices to left or rlcht too far he gets 1 2X; Ed Cndahy, 210; a H. Urine ton, til; himself Into territory which theore'Jcally F. A. Conery, 22; Dr. U Stark, 20; W. 8. and often actually la harder to get out of I Bbeldon, 202; H. Romley, 214; Dod Hunt- than the smoother surface of the straight nd narrow path. The piping on the course will be so planned aa to follow such routes as these. So far the greens are In the earns placea they were at tbe close of last aeaeon and tha holes also are in the position they occupied during the last week or two. Some Dodge, 211; D. W. Williams, 204, 201; King Iterations are to be made In location, how ever, when the watering arrangements are completed. The oetenslbl opening of the golf season will come with a grand flourish about April 1. At that time there will be a formal affair, with some tournament work In tha afternoon and a dance In the even- Inc. About forty players will be on tha links every dsy tha weather permits be tween now and that time and these devotees 111 ba In their last season's form very early. From tha .way In which tba season Is starting- out It seems that there will ba about twice aa many golfers In Omaha thla I John Kelley,' 208, 212, 202; Ed Nelson, 204, rear as ever before. It Is almost aa cer- I 217. fellows as big and huskr as himself and Nsbraaka; Raymond, Senger. Shaw, Peters, go down to some neighboring town to clean Wroth. Wright, Tlnor and Huse. AH are nut tha "Inula." In fact. Booth calned men, such a reputation among the enemy as the leader of these little expeditions that after a while It became Impossible to get a fight anywhere, so great waa tha awe of tha coach's arm. Thla year Booth .began boxing at tha university, after having dropped it for a coupla of years. Hewitt, a prominent uni versity athlete and a large man, alao had a penchant that way, and the two have teen Indulging In lively settos In the gym nasium, with old Jack Best, the trainer, who Is, by the way, the cleverest of them all, atanding by and giving a few hints In the right place. Best formerly taught boxing to a limited number of students, but of lata years haa abandoned his classes, and refuses to teach Any more. So when the athletes about the "gym" saw what a time Booth and Hewitt were having they got the feeling, and aa a result everybody la boxing now, with Booth aa Instructor. The fellows aay that when they go rooting at a foot ball srama In some othsr city hereafter It will be an unfortunate resident who gibes at them. ... Basket ball at tha university has now given way to base ball entirely -and the latter game la on the high road to a suc cessful season. The field la In Una con dition and from 1:30 tilt o'clock every afternoon now It Is filled with candidates. Tha acruba get out first and have full swing till 2:20, when they go In and leave the field to tha first aquad. It la learned now that two of last year'a old men will not ba In the game after alL They are Reeder and Finley. The latter la a young catcher who made a very good Impression last season, his first st tba' university. Reeder Is too well known to nsed mention. Ha haa played In and out Held for the 'varsity for alx yea re.- All tha other old men are on deck. A big bench of tha acruba la ahowlng up WESTERN LEAGUE AFFAIRS Meetlaa; at Deavcr Discloses Kothlas Rot Already Well Kmwi, Well. The Western league met at Denver, held session two days. Out of the deliberations was evolved nothing the publlo waa not already well advised of save the fact that tbe playing season will begin on April 22. Two days prior tha schedule, which has been1 prepared and endorsed, will ba an nounced. Peoria and Milwaukee were granted franchises and "Millionaire" Burns of Colorado Springe waa elected vice presl dent. In one respect tbe meeting wss notable; this Is In respect to the people who were not there. Harmony marked the entire proceedings. No settlement haa yet been reached by tha National league magnates and the af fairs of that almost moribund Institution aeem to be mora than ever tangled. Spalding's supporters have been worrying over hla apparent Indifference, while the Brush-Freedman crowd shows no signs of weakening. It waa expected that aome an nouneement would be made by the court during tha week, but the decision haa held fire. Manager Rourka still haa tha utmost confidence In the outcome of the contro versy between the Western league and tha American association. As stated last week In The Bee, the brunt of the battle will fall on Kansas City aad Milwaukee, In preparing the schedule. It is said, the Western magnates paid no attention to tba published dates of the opposition, so that tha fight will be waged "on the square ... ... ,. tv, .. v,.m. n.irf.,. from the very start. Two strong cards ones are Thompson, tbe Indian pitcher; Shinier,-an outfielder; Wright, an lnflelder and utility man; Mulllken and Reynolds, catchers; Morse, Klumand Stringer, twirl era. ;and .Wroth. Klunuje - one-handed ball prayer, his right hand being deformed. He pitches a awlft left-banded ball. Tha schedule la now fully dated up by Manager Bh Idler aa far aa completed. The flrat games are with tha Omaha league team at Lincoln on April 7, 8 and 8. Tha ocbedula Is the most arduoua aver played by the university. There are thirty games on It 'now, with more to follow. Then it includes half a dosen strong university teams,, auch as- Minnesota, Iowa, North western, Purdue and Notre Dame. It pow seems, too, that a game will be secured with the University of Illinois at Champaign, which game will ba substituted for tbe one scheduled for May 12, with Wil liam. Jswail college at Liberty, Mo., but defaulted by that school. Psrhapa tha Uni versity of, Missouri will not play in Lincoln thls.jsar, although, the date at Columbia la a certainty. Tba Missouri manager delayed era. Hugh Duffy Is not only a tip-top manager, but la personally popular In Mil waukea. He haa not yet announced bla team, a act that gives his xlvala In the Western uneasiness only because they do not know Just what eurprlses Duffy will spring on. them. They know he baa a lot of talent under cover and look for a strong team. . Billy Hart, who will manage Pe oris. Is another acquisition. Ha la a player of ' many yeara of experience In tbe old Western and tbe big league, and will bring ripe judgment aa well as personal skill . to tha new position. His team has also to ba signed, as haa that of Joe Qulnn, who will manage Dea Moines. Bill Hart la well re membered In Omaha as tba only man who aver hit a ball over the center field fence at the old Miami street park. He wss pitching for Des Molnea at tbe time, and took tba bends out of ons of Dad Clark best so effectively that tbe ball waa never, recovered. It waa last aeen sailing high over tha middle field fence, distant nearly 600 feet from tha home plate, and atlll going. Nlchoia, McKlbben, Rourke, Ejerltt and Wilson, the other managers of for the championship Just now. Denman and Clarkson are second, with 2,041. Tenpla aooree of 208 and better at Lents A Wllllama' alleys: M. Z. Forscutt, 220, tngtoa, 256; B. Kinton, 225; B. Mapee, 200; Al Krug. 211. 208. 222; W. F. Weber. 202, 204, 228; F. A. Klrkpatrlck. 217; Bam PlUer, 21; Mlaa Hlckey, 215; Dr. D. H. Westfall. 205, 203; Joe Oleason. 209. 208. 202, 200, 238, 202; William Zltxman, 234; H. Beaelln, 201, 211. 212. 207. 211; Dr. D. S. tain that there will be twice as many skilled players. Quite a number Of men have the firm intention of entering the National Amateur Championship tourna ment this summer. ' For the first time In the history of golf In the United States this event haa been brought west. It will be claved on the Glenvlew course near Chicago, commencing July 15 and lasting four days. This Is a great compliment to western golfers and Is also a boost for the game out here. Easterners have heretofore eontrlved to monopolize completely tbe real big things In the game, but the change haa begun. Since the admission of the Omaha Country club to the United States Golf association all members of It are eligible to register for entry In this na tional championship or any other amateur event from their own club, and the pros pects are that the local organization will be well represented. Some of the Omahans who have already enthusiastically attacked the game are J. B. Rahra, E. R. Lemlst, J. E. Buckingham, Ed Fairfield, Ed Lewis, A. E. Martin, W. A. Redlck, F. J. Burkley, Luther Drake and Hess. OMAHA BOWLERS BRACE SOME Last Week's Play Shows Sosae Better Totals aad gome Movea la Peslttoa. relief of bla game knee. Thla week ba had the defective Joint opened from behind and aome surgical work done tnstds which. It Is said, will make him aa good In tha legs ! ever. Gardner saya that he will ! be all right by next Friday night, and that with a good leg again ha la hla old self. That Is all that has aver bothered him. according to bla own state ments, aa ba malntalna that hla hands are perfectly flu Two other events of Interest will furnish tha bill at Washington hall. Paul Murray and Terry Muetaln, middleweight, will go six rounds. This should be a fast match. Murray went out easily before Haley on February 28, but ha waa outweighed. More over, ha haa had far mora experience than Muataln. and his chancea are certainly good. Terry la a strong lad, with a terrlne punch at any old range, who haa eprung Into prominence only recently. Just what kind of a showing he will make against a man of Murray's class Is a question. He la hardlr as faat aa tha colored man. but la very cool-headed, and may get In that one awtng he needs. Tba battle royal Friday night will ba be tween three whltea and three blacks. This color combination has always been tha moat aucceaaful schema In making hot royals. Of late they bava deteriorated mis erably. The boys fall down at the slightest excuse, some before they are hit at all, and they show a dread of beginning anything. No more auch battle royala will ba Buffered by the club. G0TCH AND COLEMAN MATCHED Iowa Maa Will laitrlake ta Wla Two Falla la mm Hear or Lose. On Saturday night, March 22, Frank Ootch of Humbolt, la., and Frank Coleman of Kansas Olty will engage In wrestling bout at the Trocadero, which from the conditions of the match promise to be the fiercest match of the kind seen In Omaha In months. Ootch la to throw Coleman twice In an hour or lose. Tbe man who has undertaken thla task la heavier than bla opponent, and stronger, but Is no fnrltke anil ha haa certainly lined out a BOXING EVENTS OF PROMISE Job of work that ought to make him hustle Coleman weighs about 170 ponds and Is a bunch of s'new all the way. He earned an enviable reputation here by throwing sev eral lights of the mat, and then br making Farmer Burns work almost an hour to throw him twice. Twentr-nine - minutes waa what one of these falla cost the Farmer In hard work. Denman, 207; Mr. Brunke, 216; T. Reynolds. 200; Mr. Kolla. 212; F. Bill, 218. Tenpln scores of 200 aad better on tba Gate City alleys: H. D. Reed, 205, 208, 218, 200, 202. 224, 2C4; Al Gordon, 240, 205. 203; Tracy, 230, 207. 201, 212; James P. O'Brien, 203, 219. 204; Wood Hartley, 203, 211. 226; B. H. Meile, 214. 207. 212, 20; A. Potter, 204, 208; W. A. Chandler, 200, 202, 221; Ed Lawler, 205. 212; Hanley, 228. 204; G. Ben son. 221, 208. 200; C. W. Gordy, 221, 209, 212; E. J. Koenen, 206. 207; W. S. Sheldon, 223, 216, 204; Bill Emery, 208; Jim Smead. 200, 210; Forscutt. 228, 212, 204; J. J. Davey, 225, 208, 203; Ben Roth, 203, 208; Ahmanson, 203, 208, 212; Fred Graham. 20f ; C. B. Bridenbecker, 233, 201, 208, 208. 212. 204; Tenpln scores of 200 and better at Clark's alleys: W. W. Hartley. 213; F. Conrad. 205, 210; W. 8. Sheldon, 200; W. F. Clarkson, 207, 213, 220) L. E. Lucas. 217. 208, 201; J. H. Hodges, 213; O. Gilchrist, 209, 200; Jack Kaufmann, 215; M. R. Huntington, 212, 229, 227, 213, 211; C. KlUoa. 216. 207, 200. 205, 213. 217; O. T. Zimmerman, 208; C. Lovell, 208, 201; M. Z. Forscutt, 201, 202, 204, 204; D. J. O'Brien, 209; "King" Denman, 225; C. M. Zarp, 211; H. D. Reed, 233, 202; W. C. Brunke, 225; G. Potter, 208; T. Elzer, 201, 219; Tom Reynolds, 202; Ben Tombrlnk, 234; Dr. Davis, 217; C. J. Francisco, 201, 201; E. J. Smith. 225; H. W. Lehmann. 215; C. Matthai, 253; W. T. Heft, 200; Frank Fogg, 222;. W. H. Emery. 221. 216, 201. 231, 204, 212. Omaha , Slarkson .... ate City.... Bt Charles.. German Western Krug Park.. National .... High score: Clab Standi PP. Hiah. Tot. Av. .725 974 59, 861 W. . 60 ..40 39 R7 29 26 17 L. 19 29 30 30 82 40 43 52 .578 .561 .MS .MS .420 .877 .246 966 974 947 924 67.927 58.175 57.636 67,538 66,170 65.576 63.230 839 843 834 834 814 8H6 71 67 56 66 comic to terms, ao ha may not get In at . ,, "l"r De all. . he doe. It will b. for two game. W"t.ern M hva. their team, slgn.d Huntington (Gate City), 255. Indlvldaal Averages. Name and Team. Games. Total. Ave. H. Emery. Omaha.. Fritscher. St. Charles. Read, Omaha Penman, Clarkson...., Seaman, Gate City...., Zarp. Omaha Henelln. German Kolla, Clarkson , Smead, Omaha , Brunke, Clarkson , Tracey, National Weber, German Hartley, Gate City.... Lehman, Omaha Schneider. St. Charles Al Krua;. German. .A,,... 68 Sheldon, Gate City...., Flanagan, St. Charles., Conrad. Gate City Clarkson. Clarkson..... Huntington, Gate City, Lawler, Weatern Bengele, Krug Park... Reynold. Western Conery Krag Park.... Reed. Western Molyneaux. Clarkson.. Swenson, Western Wllle. St. Charles Nlelaon, Krua: Park... Stapenhorst, German.. Zltzmann. Krug Park. Conrad, German Baden, St. Charles.... Ayera, Western Weymuller, German... Foracutt. National Lucas. Clarkaon Miller, National Selleck. Weatern Ahmanaon. National... F. H. Krug. Krug Park. 6t Bterricker, Gate City 12 Reed, Weatern 30 Davey, National 66 Record. ft) 10.690 66 11,670 36 6.3S1 30 6,257 66 11.573 69 12.074 0 , 10.473 48 8.376 64 9,243 69 11.789 36 6.143 60 10.206 11.732 9.6X0 9.313 10.630 6.060 11.066 11.530 68 11.837 64 8.939 66 10. 66 10.8X9 60 9.H76 69 11.353 66 10.832 31 6.079 7.857 36 6,886 45 7,836 63 10.261 63 10.2S7 42 8,795 on tha university grounds. Tba complete schedule follows: April 7, 8, 9 Omaha Weatern league - at April 18. : 17 Omaha Weatern . league at Apra" O, 22 Nebraska Indiana at Lin coln. April 24 Luther college, Decorah. Ia. A aril 26. 24 Minnesota unlveraity at Mlnnoapcilla. ... April 29 Washburn college at Lincoln. May W 2 Kausas unlveraity at Lincoln, and within two weeks all will ba practic ing. Rourke will send out transportation this week and will have his men here by April L Several of tha team wintered here and are getting Into form now. Sit Free to Men. SUNSHINE BRINGS OUT GOLF Eatkaslaats Start far tha Llaka with tha First Slas of Warm Weather. For golfing to begin In earnest aa early as March 1 la something unusual for Omaha clubs or any others . In this latitude, but that la almost what happened here this year. On Saturday, March 8,- a few venture some ones, attracted by the mild weather, went out to tbe Country club, dug up from their memories ths combinations of their lockers and donned the togs they bad not known for months. Favorite clubs were unearthed, old awlnga practiced and then tha crowd went out on tbe course, where they played the first golf of 1902, with the dressing still spread ovar ths green. That night the aewa spread. Every one remem bered that It was much warmer than on the last chill dsys of ths fall, when tba game still flourished, and on Sunday a. great nun ber of golfers went to the links. This time the greens were cleared of loam, the csddlea hsd been rediscovered and everything waa ready for a good day's sport. As a result Monday morning found several Omaha bust neaa man so stiff and sore from unac customed exertion that they could scarcely bobble to their offices. So the golf game la now la full swing again, although the official openings of ths different courses do not occur till April. Tbe links are In very good condition, coo siderlng ths season, and the most remsrk able thing about It Is ths rapidity with which ths nsw grsss Is coming up. Of course ths general surface of the courses A. C E0BINS0N. M. D, C NL. Medical Director u now mostly drr turf, but ths dsad grass Frwo Trial Packago of this Now Dis covery Mailed to Every Man pending atn and Addrcsft -. Quickly Restorcn Strength " - nl Vigor. so trial packagae of a most remark able remedy ara being mailed to all who wrtte the State MouloaJ Institute. They yiradl ao aaanj men who had battled far rivaa at borne. . . The ramaJy haa a peculiarly grateful ef ct of warmth ana aeems te act direct reare againat the mental and phyatoal suf fering of lost mar hood that the laatltuta Las avoided to distribute free trial packa ges ta all who write. It la a home treat ment and all men who eufTer with any fur in f eeiual waakneas resulting from youthful folly, prematura loaa of strength and memory, wak tMkck. varicocele, or amaclatiuu of parts can now cure them- aeivaa at nc to the desired location giving strength rnd avloDinnt lust whaie it Is navded. It cures ail the Ills and troubles that conte from years of rolsuae of the natural fui.o tlnn ajwi haa bik an absolute aiHeaa In Jll casus. A reoueat to the ttite Medical DStilute. T70 Elaktrun Building. Ft- Wayne ii L, etatlng that you desire one of their tra trial inirkagee wlU te ooraplU-l wlih broanptly. The Institute Is ueairous uf reaching that great class of men who ara tinabia to U-ave home to be treated and the free sample wLl enable them ta sea how eaay It is to be cured of aeaual ek aeae when tha proper remedlea ara em kIoil Tha laatltuta niikti no rest no tions. Any niao who writes will bo eent a frae aajnpla, carefully eealed to a pUIn package aa that ita recipient need hae ao fear of embaraaswent or publicity. Haa V aijjauj-,!!. - :8 , 48 , -41 . 27 . 48 . 61 17 8.3S8 8.697 7,718 8.970 4.821 7.64 8.CW0 8.SM 9.130 1.8a 4,b56 8,165 178 178 178 175 ITS 174 174 174 171 170 170 170 170 169 169 168 168 167 167 168 165 166 164 164 14 164 163 163 163 163 162 162 161 161 161 160 160 1 160 lt6 15 153 ir.3 lnl 145 223 257 241 214 237 223 243 224 221 246 224 2.'!S 223 233 223 215 )3 214 223 221 2S5 226 248 215 226 231 13 221 214 198 210 219 22 207 212 223 210 2o6 211 229 212 221 191 190 Omaha Athletic Clab Maa Good Card Arraaared for Neat Session. Though neither man la well known In thla portion' of tha country, the fight be tween Frank Collier of Brooklyn and Wll- llam Rhodes of St. Paul, to be given next Friday night at Washington hall, promises for various reasons to be perhaps the best of tbe affaire given by tbe Omaha Athletic club thus far. True, the Smith-Gardner go of two weeks ago waa so rattling fast all through that It will ba hard to beat, but the fact that, the coming battle Is a welter weight affair will be a great point In ita favor over Ita featherweight predecessor. Tha little men went aa hard as they could. but a match at 145 pounds will naturally be considerably more of a bruising affair. Tba reputations of Collier and Rhodes and their form shown In tbetr training prom ises some very fast and savage grueling on March 21. Before coming west to meet Danny Haley last fall Collier bad engaged In many matches with men of bis own weight and bad made six victories and a draw aa the record of his last seven fights. His go with Haley waa aa unfortunate matter from the start and the match should nsvsr bava been made In tba first place. Haley outweighed Collier more- than twenty pounds and the latter would not have had a abow oven had he considerably outclassed his opponent. Haley overwhelmed Frank from the atart with his weight and a fierce attack and tha smaller man never really got started. Even under such appalling . disadvantages he showed that be was game to the heart, and no one questioned ths decisiveness of the knockout blow which finally stopped mat ure In the aecond round. In training for the present fight. Collier haa had many advantages. Oscar Gardner and Eddie Gardner have been with him to give blm all tbe lightning work he could etand. while Danny Haley haa supplied tbe heavy parts of ths dally milling. With theee three men aa boxing partners. Collier has bad all be could carry, and a chance to profit aa small amount at tha same time. Rhodes Is entirely a dark horse locally La grippe coughs yield quickly to tha wonderful curative . quality of Foley's Honey and Tar. There la nothing alse 'Just as good." QCAIMT FEATURES OF LIFE. A Oeorgia paper says: "At a revival meeting a man arose and said he waa the wlckedeat man in the town. 'I'd go to per dition If I should die tonight,' he concluded. Immediately an old deacon started the hymn, 'If you get there before I do, look out for me, I'm coming, too.' And then the deacon wondered why everybody laughed.' William C. Lloyd, who has Just been re leased from a hospital In Trenton, N. J., haa probably undergone more repairs than any other man living. Three months ago ha was kicked by a mule, hla skull fractured. his scalp partly torn off, bla Jaw broken. his teeth gone and his neck badly lacerated. Tha first operation waa akin grafting. Next bis akull waa trephined, and a silver plate placed In the depression. Then his ribs were spliced. . His Jaw bones knitted to gether, but a new bridge bad to be fixed In hla mouth. Ia this made-over ahape he ta now feeling very well. "Harry V. Emanuel, a local Western Cnlon teleiraph operator." says the Phil adelphia Record, haa returned to Philadelphia from the telegraphers' tourna ment at Atlanta, Ga., after having broken tbe world's reuord for receiving messsges. The test was made at the Kimball house, In Atlanta. In thirty minutes Mr, Emanuel received fifty and one-half ten-word mes sages, breaking the world's record which. by tbe way, he already held by six mes sages. This achievement Illustrates the re markable advance made In telegraphy. Twelve yeara ago, when Mr. Emanuel was a messenger boy, a man who could recelva fifty messages In an hour was considered a aa far as ring fighting Is concerned, for wimr. and there were perhaps aot mora ha haa nsver been mixed in a bout In this vicinity. However, ha haa been In Omaha llnM tha Ara af (ha r . mr,A kl- W I Play In tha Omaha Bowling league baa I ,.,,., WMM.k., t, .' -i.i. .ui. irnm tnaf a lltfla tha laat waalr. hut It I .. . .... V. . . : na ,n woraing out with other fighters Is atlll considerably below par. It seems strange that In tha very fortnight that the men bava tried hardest to raise their individual averagea the scores should be so poor. But the Chicago leagues have been experiencing thti came misfortune than fifty operators In ths country who could do tha trick, nd now he baa per formed this feat In half tbe time." South Heberton, twelve miles from Haxle- ton. Pa., has Just gone through an exciting elnce that time haa won him considerable regard from the sporting men. He Is now I ePrienee with a tame bear, until recently training religiously, and while Collier's xb property of Hugh Malloy. who bought style of fighting Is mora of tha cautious tn animal from a circus. Tha bear De nature, Rhodea In bla work shows a eon- have while in Malloy's care, but the atant wlah ta' man mil I, u. i. I latter had DO particular uaa foe hrnln ait . . . . . , . i - ' me last two weeaa m tue wmuy cuy not on,T ,,wayi cn tn, mov,f but ,wing. he was disposed of to Henry Krause, a lu, -v,.. w-. ..m v. I a vicious punch whenever ha gets a tavern Keeper st south Heberton. Krause son since nsar .ne Deginning. chance, nurlnv t.u aniut a ,. i.ia chained tha bear In hie barn, where ha hfl AH11U ail .no vuaua w mrajrwiiuu .m.i anri lata In ... n .hi. .I. Intended tO keen It Until summer. Ha Mn. Gata City team Is really the only one that th. Rockle.t however, Rhodea has been duted "ance at bis place Saturday night. engaged in many fistic affaire. Of tha I out tb music disturbed tha bear. and. twenty-eight fights be bsa made in the breaking hia chain. Bruin entered the dancs laat two years, he haa lost but three, and I nMl1 00 b' ulnd ' Constable Ludwlg eleven of the rest were victories won by I na lrah Bcbwabe, two of the dancers, at- a knockout In the early rounds. This I tmp'.ed to get hold of tbe part of tbe chaia aniiM InAltata v., - , I the haap riraaaajt hut thaw wnul..a game mounting teadUr. UU It 1 Mctonouh. Frank Ketting. Andy FiUIon wn nd rendered unconscious Th ni- . . i a .. . . . t a.Jrr and Mapk Nel,0 " thoM hm hif I mil toeo attacked Kraut, who. with -a .a -m a a I I ---a . art a. - . i i iLu "man" piar-u iu lutm iui w, Tk.u .t, . . ., m I ... . , . . , . . , .. j I - ww wmvw wMit vuinrnm u& I I anmiT - un a wamaa vannw. . . . J urawiu me nauooaie, wnoni taey hu),a. f.0ni, i. ,ha ...v v " V .7 u"w three etratght games. Thus ths leaders took , 2 . 7 ruuaoeipnia Kecora. "that In cer- stlll another leap to the fore, but they fh'" hl'!.; ? J? c!."Uiu ,,ne 01 k ia showing form. Despite tbe general backsliding around them, the players In thla quintet have forged ahead Just the same. Both bad weeks thsy bava taken high team total and neither waa a figure to eauae any shame. Meanwhile their team did not deserve it, for their work waa not up to class, the Germans, Clarksons and Gate Citys all surpaaalng It Besides taking high team total for tha week with 2.814 the Oate City men also captured high Individual slngls game with d zuuv.ui.uw a ,,. ww mil m.n. .wrw IU. rest, rolling 968 for high team slngls game, and Weber making high Individual total with 804. The National, 8t. Charles, Western and Krug Park all bowled a team total of less than 2,400 Summarized, tha St. Charlee, Weiterns and Krug Parks bowled a team total of veritable angel of mercy. She would ex plain that her paper had aent her for tha merest details, but little would be written concerning tha traaedv aad that haa h It la predicted that another event on the waa bleedin foe tha h.,i .. t .h. card for tbe night of March 21. tha go and aba would ret a nhntna-ranh . hair ta less than ths previous week's bad acorca. 'tween Charles English and Oscar Oard- ber office chuckling and write the yellowist tier. ..u uw more interesting man the kind of a atory. embellished with all the Collier-Rhodes affair. It will not be long. I .trk.nln, '.t.ii a. a it. .n h xur uiiuucr ui onerea to stop Kngusa inside of six rounds, and that very tea ture la what lends a glamour to tha mill. English is a bandy lad, aa be demon MALADIES AND THEIR CURE. Millions of Men Have Been Wrecked on tho Rock of Sexual Vice. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN RESCUED BY THE STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF MEN. "I made up my mind soon after graduating from college that no one maa waa great . enough to master tha entire field of medicine and surgery. Many physicians bava tried to do thla, but they havo met with reaulta asually dis appointing to themselves and often disastrous to tbslr patlsnta. Par this reason X determined early In my proteeaional career to con fine my practice strictly to a sin gle line of dlsesaes and to originat ing and perfecting ourea for them." We, therefore, treat only what wa ara absolutely certain wa can positively sure to stay cured Varicocele, Stricture, Narvo-Sexual Debility, Contagious Blood Poison, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all reflex eemplloatloa'e and associate diseases and weaknesses of men. To these maladies alone the beat yeara ef our Uvea have been earnestly devoted and, on them all our facultlea ara concen trated. Our consultation and operating rooms are thoroughly equipped with every clentlflo apparatus. Instrument and devloe osaentlal to tba moat modern methods , of practice, and our references, both profes sional and financial, arc among the best eiUsens of thla vicinity, who have been cured by our treatment and made happy. Wa want every afflicted man to fully and freely Investigate our treatment. We treat each case separately, scientifically, eloaely watching It and carefully following Ita symptoms with varied remedies through every stage Longest EttiblHhed, Mott Sacccitfal aid Reliable Specialists In Dls eases ef Men, as Medical Diplomas, Licenses end Newspaper Records Snow. CORRESPONDENCE. Many cases can ba treated suc cessfully at home. One personal visit Is preferred, but If It Is Im possible or Inconvenient for you to call at our offices write a full and unreserved blatory of your case, plainly etatlng your symp toms. Wo make no charge for pri vate counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL, CONTRACT to bold to our aromiaee. Refcrencea Beat Banks and Leading Business Men ot this City. CONSULTATION FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Office Hours 8 a. tn. to 8 p- m. Sundays 10 u m. to 1 p. m. Stato Elcctro-Uodical Institute, 1308 Farnam St. Bet 13th and Hth'Sts, Omaha. Neb. Aft. War - 2fc Owed to Stmy Oured, No Cutting ot Pain, Guaranteed Ouro of Money Refunded tfADIftnnttF radar af traatnathUtaldlsaa ! natal? ITUtf WUUtfctt PPW rata mm aiaoat laataatl. Tbe L? awala af Mafnaat blood are lrl.,1 (ram tea 41 lata auw. eat all afawa aa4 walliaa aalckly ra balds. Every IndlaaMaa af Varleaaale aaaa Taalakaa, aa .auMWi. anu a. a IM Mao eaiaa 1st anww, ,n wwww anu . Firww. - JOHN TILLOTSON. M .0. rrara auwhaad. Haay allmaat ara raBax, ari(1aaUa( Iroa athar II Tka Msrter Saeetallai j Inataara, lou mubtat watriaa aotaaa fraia VartaaMla ar gtrtatura, la st CMoase an esres aaoiamble bleaS dlnaaai ofiaa rani I from aotMaaaa talaw la lb ayMaai, ar VARICOCELE. abyalcal aa4 aiaatal daollna Iraaoaallr fallow laxef laaolr power. Ia traaUna bUblwhMlSM, dl ef aay Had 1 alaayt oara taa mtmat aa wall aa Ue eaaaa. OKBTA1KTT OT CURB I what yea want. I a Lag! Guarantee aura yea ar rat ad rear aon.r. Waat I bara dona far etbara I oaa da far rati. Vartroeela aaOta Baa far baatnaai ar alaamn. I eare yea at kaaM. COKBEdtPOHlJEKCK CONFIDKNTIAL. Write yaar aoa. dittos fully aad ?aa will raealwa la aiaia asTalapa a claa-aa aad keaert aalaiaa ef yaw aaaa, free ef ajaerga. Mr kern kraauuat la aaceaatfai. Addtwaa JOHN T1LL0TS0N, OLD 12a Ttllotaoa Balldlsf, M Dcarkors Street, CHICAGO. PART 7 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY . At The Bee Office Price. 10 cents By mail 15 cents lM --". suaiiower 010007, taner. e.enr time. I'm not emotional enough to rangy, lean and alnewy. The conditions compete with her; I'm not enough of an of the Bght are that the men mu.t weigh actress. Tbst girl can cr7 whenever aha wants to. I've known her to go to a house In at 145 pounds at 1 o'clock on the after- - -.-v. , war. ovto wnere a suicide had taken place, worm her within a few pounda of acale last Thurs- ... ... . It Is a certainty that there will bo ao ,mi,. h .'.?,,Z"l., about this matter Both are ,n Jo, Inti blTn, ar.h. wa. . a Uww buu .ua iiwam uaa no trouble In giving each other a whole lot In tea rounds. the other teams Improving. Then only the Clarkson, Gate City and German teams bettered their game averages, ths rest all falling off. The Germans were the only men to raise their team high score, with that 96 ia the third gams. can cry at a moment's notice." which tops It Is very short and ths playing grounda ara amoother oa the whole than at many times during ths height of the season last year. In patches here and there, however, tbe green aprouta are show Ing and they are Increasing In number so rapidly every day that the use at mowers seems to he a aeceasity Impending In ths near future. Piping ot the course at tha Country club has not yet begun, but will eooq be done. This can be carried oa without much In convenience to the game, for all tbe pipes will be laid In "penalty" ground as tsr as poealble, which means everywhere except la the plaeea where they must run up aad tap lh greena themselves. Thla "penalty" ground Is the spacs where a man's ball ought aot to go. Par instance, tha distance from a tee leading off for the aeat hole for about 100 yards, for the player should drive farther thaa that, aad If he falla short he should be penalised, either by buskers, by In tho individual averacea. which tha eiraien 1- a preliminary ai me arst Bght men ara watching ao closely now. Emery th Omaha Athletic club gave, but be la still leads and haa both raised hla pin Mw 10 u 'et -n1 cannot be eapected to average and Increased his high score from "T tn tla' seneralship or tha general 118 to 221. Prltscher and Read follow aa cr-tl of GPdne'. He Is considerably before, but both have dropped off a little tn average. Then comes "King" Desman, who has leaped up from dowa tha .pile somewhere to fourth place. ' For the neat sis placea the men are in the same order heavier, however, and very strong and 1 fresh and young. His methods are con- aunt charging and leading, but be will doubtless change these tactica in his com ing bout because of the conditions. His "SEVENTT-SEVZN" Is Dr. Humphreys' Famous Specific for Grip and Colds,' con sisting of a small bottle of pleasant pellets that nta tba .vest pocket, bandy to carry. DR. McGREVV (Agi53) SPECIALIST. IMaoasao aad UUtflMi of Umm Oaly. M ' Bv.or.oe.. IS I. Oaaaaia. VARICOCELE whici urtbeQUICKJ?bl safaat and moat natural that haa yet baa a Olacovered. No paJn whatever, no cutting e&d does not Interfere wlta work or buai aaas. Treauneut at office or at home and a panneuieut cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment tor Syphilis Ccrestl7b!!9 Tea She? Ia Fifteen C 73 Any sufferer from STRICTURES and Ha Offspring. VARICOCELE, ProstatlUa and Bemlnal Weakneea ta Invited to cut out tha coupon below, write his name and addrsaa as last week. Ths averages ot forty-flvs "Jn w," ot course, be to keep away from uacar six rounas ana get the money If he can. There are aeveral ring followers In Omaha who think ha will ba able to do this. Gardner is perfectly conn dent. "Six rounds Is not auch a ahort time," he aatd, "and It will ba plenty long enough. English may try ta keep away from me, but he can't get outside the ring, and I Intend to find him for the punch that will nulah It If he stays Inside." of ths bowlers ara run this week, but only ths first twenty names, ending with Clark son, are thoie In the roll of honor, having bowled as good aa 600 for three games. Ths twslvs pairs of bowlers who are eon testing la tho two-man tourney have now played around twice each, and with six games to their credit tbey are beginning to total up the scores. Hartley and Conrad snatched tbe high team total from tba former holders, making 1.101, a phenomenal score. Hartley alao took the high Individ' ual total at the same time with 6ti. Tbess ara high for the entire tournament. Hart' mm It must be remembered that Oardnsr Is essaying to put English out In that brief tune Just oa top of hia operatloa for tho Clark's Bowling Alleys? 1313-15 Harney St. Bi&gest-Brightest-Best And all Blood Dlssasee. No "BRJCAKINQ Ob'T" on the akin or face and all externa. alfii of the disease diaappaax at once. A iTweunent mu ia mora iuccmiiiu aua iar mora satisfactory thaa tbe "old form" of treat man I and at ieas thaa UALV TUU COBT. A cure that Is guaxanlead to bo permanent for Ufa. flVCD Ofl finn cases eured of nervous UlLfl A.UUUUdatMUty, loaa of vitality an uosaiunu waaanaaaaa 01 SMBa tHriotura, Giaet, Kidney and bladder 1ms. saaaa. Uydruoale. eured. irennanenUy. tUAMGKS LOW. COHSILTAIION rcLESL Treatment by mxlL P. O. Boa Tea, Office ovar lli K Vtth Street, between PsaW tavaa a4 Oougiaa aia.. oaiAUA. Nat. OIN8ENQ! Cultivate Glnaeng and get rich. Bells fur fa par lb. One-fourth acre yieMs In Ave years l.Wt lbe.. dried root, selling for iK.frrt. Plant aeeda now. Package aeed and full Inatrurlluna on cultivation. U.00. John Fagan, Bu Joaepb, hto. I'UKhi TKKA'l ISfcj tOirul. St. James Medical Association, aa St. Jaaaas Bide, Claelaaatl, O. Please send ms a copy of your Illus trated Work upon the Male Sexual Bystrm, aecurely sealed, PREPAID, iKEK ef aU CHARUKb. Masao Address painly. mall It to Bt. James Medical Assn., U Bu James Bids., Cincinnati, O., and the will aend tholr Iiluatrated Treatlae, ahowlng larta ot the ' male eyatem Involved 13 Grethral allmenU PRkl- EXT? C? PAID. IXCtZm ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASOCIATIUN, 63 St. Jaaaas Blda", CIIXCiaXlATI. O. ReUcve Kldny! a Diaaar 1 1 out In at once. Cures In 48 Hours n URINARY WSCHAKGESj EachCaa U baen th. I ama tsr I Bwara of u!ri rminfarfett. ajMwWwVwWwWvvvy OJ iaa...-?r-aa-aw,i