Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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lduuuu u u uvj
jviu i-i 0
It's sense
111 1 w
it for 5 cents.
a really good cigar1
-Bt's dollars to get
YOU benefit by this.
The tobacco in the
Tom Keene cigar is the only
genuine Vuelta stock ever
grown on American
soil. Bondy & Lederer are
the FIRST and ONLY
cigar manufacturers to
produce this result. No one
ever attempted such enter-'
prise before. It is new in the
tobacco growing world. The
sovlngof importation duty olotie makes it possibt
sell a cigar of 1 his peculiar Vuelta coffee-like ta
for a nickel.
Some reason
a plain state
ment of facts--a
The Tom Keene is pure
Vuelta in every acceptance
of the term, and critical
smokers will immediately
realize it. The delicate, but
positive character of taste
peculiar to Vuelta is plainly
evident to every one in
smoking it. It is so noticed
in this flavor that we have
had occasion to prosecute
several dealers for selling
the Tom Keene as a 10-cent
cigar. These suits were in
stituted because we do not
wish dealers to frustrate
the purpose of our advertis
ing, which is to inform the
that a Genuine Vuelta filled
arrifC &CUL cigar can be had for 5 cents, under
r the name of lorn tveene.
We wish to state to the public that in all our experience of cigar handling we have never seen a brand so exceptionally praised as the Tom Keene. We
wish to add that of our knowledge its popularity is well founded and well deserved, It is to our knowledge the best grade of cigar we have ever known to be soia
for 5 cents. (Signed) THE PEREGOY & MOORE CO,
. "S&aA
to mxms .
te mp
1500 TARN-AM STRBBT, Local Distributer.
Crack Basket Ball Teama Go Back to Iowa
KefSalero ' flqaeese Oat a Victory
by a Snw Marala Bath
Gaaaes Fall of Glaarr
Two crack kukit ball teams from the
Sioux City t Young Men' Christian assoeta
lion were defeated by the champions of
the Omaha association ta tba Omaha gym-
- aaaluaa Friday Bight, the business mea by
aa overwhelming acore, the regulars ta a
eeataat that waa close and thrilling. After
coming Bear being worked for a vtetory by
Jths visitors the Brat team won by the
aarrew margin 01 it to to. jae auaineas
men. however, piled up 47 points te their
ppoaeota 14.
la the cootest betweea the regular teama
lettered most of the interest, because at
the fact that a few weeks ago whea the
Omaha team went to Sioux City It waa de
feated there, 47 to IS. Though the victory
of Captain Jardeea Friday Bight waa aot
80 sweeping, it waa eatlsfaetloa just the
The gymnasium waa crowded wlih spec
tators and enthusiasm rose to concert pitch.
The fortunes of the regulars, however, were
the special cause of tumult, for the local
favorites were nearly beaten by the mere
fexlneea of the Clous City men. The
Omahaa finally wen by superior speed and
athletic agility. The Sioux City mea were
easily the headier players, and the better
schooled la the flne points of the game.
They had a system that was a putale, and
it had a myriad of variations. However,
they were all big heavy men, and the
smaller, lithe locale beat them partly en
that account. .
Oaska Leads at Start.
la the am half it seemed all Omaha a
way. for the seer at the end eteod 1 to .
Then Captain - Parrott would get a free
throw, and at that he was the Star of the
evening, .making fifteen polnta la this way.
By such tactics the visitors gained on
the score, although Omaha made some more
also, and when time was called people were
a their toes with the strata of watching
the enemy gradually rising towards victory.
But the bell came in soon, aad Sioux City
waa beaten by the closest of margins.
Parrott was also tbs mainstay of his
team at field throwing, for he made all
the acores of that kind on his side but one,
which Hope secured. For Omaha Captain
Jardeea was the meteor, with Osborne also
showing a remarkable game. Jardeea la
the most reckless and the fastest man who
aver threw at baskets In Omaha. ;
steatalar Tea at a.
The lineup and summary of the game be
tween the regular teams follows:
tr rarron tv-.i
F Payer
.. Tracy
F.IR. F.
Men's Christian association acrobats did
some clever stunts at tumbling. They
were warmly applauded for their difficult
teaU, which were often of the highest or
der. The four were Fred Hurley, Roland
Finney, Henry Finney and Charles Jennings.
Jardwn C.l C.lC.
O. Wlllard L.U. R.G.
C. Wil ard. .'.... R. O.l L. O.
Goals from field: Osborne (2), Hansen
, Jardeen Hi, U. Wlllard ll. Parrott l4i,
Hope (1). Ooals from foul line: Jardeen (7),
Parrott (13'. Fouls: By Osborne, 1; by
tlanscn. 4: by Jardeen, 7: by G. Wlllard, ;
y C. Wlllard, J; by Parrott, 4; by Tracy,
s: by Turnings, t; by Hope. 1. Referee: N.
H. Nelson. empires: A. C. Jones, fur
Omaha, and ft. L. Miller, for Sioux. City.
Time: Twenty-minute halves.
Baslaesa Mea.
In the business men's game there waa
Intense rivalry. Tba play was furious all
the time. Elmer Neville at guard proved
himself the marvel of the occasion by
throwing six acid goala. good for eighteen
points. He seemed to make them from any
where and from the most impossible pos
tures. Captain klaxon for the visitors
nearly equaled Parrott'a record at free
goals, making thirteen. Like Parrott, he
Biade all the points for his team save those
from one field gosl, which Miller threw.
The lineup of the business men's tesms
and the summary of the game waa:
Defeats Omaha at Basket Ball by
Sear of Kertr-Tws ta
LINCOLN. March 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Omaha High school basket ball
team waa defeated by the Lincoln High
school, 42 to la. In ths Auditorium tonight.
About 1.S00 persons attended and the con
teat, if not the cloeeet, waa one of the most
spectacular of the season. Lineup
Bell (Mgr.)....
Fields C.)....
K Unwell
..F.l F..
Mathawson: Omaha. McKlnlev and Martin.
A series of athletic contests between
classes of the Lincoln school preceded the
basket bsll game. The freshmen were
given trophies for winning the relay race
and the obstruction contest. ,
Hefey (C.
.. Denatan
... Hughe
.... French
Pawley and
Jones and
Hamilton .
NVviile ....
Bturgees ..,
...U F.l a F...
,..R. F.L.
t c
...I- u ; B, o....
...a u.i u o ...
ia-eiocx CITY.
... Miller
Max on ((' I
McCornil. k
....and Hall
(liuli fm flM ttiirirl.. r-la iA ill 1 , .n a
la the next half, however, the rlaltora got Crsmfcrd. Hamilton. Neville &.' Miliar!
In thalr vnrk mnA Ki,.n i m.l m I Goala from foul line: Jeaea (7). Crawford.
wford. I: by Hamilton, ;
Obeys Rale af Faealty ss Faclliaat
aad Deellaee lavltatloa (rasa
NEW HAVBN, Cobb., March 11 The in
vitation by representatives of the London
Athletic club for Tale to send boxera to
tsks part la a teurnsment during the cor
onation festivities, will not be accepted.
It la explained that pugilism Is prohibited
at Tale by order of the faculty, evea box
ing contests for uaiverslty clsss champion
ships having been cut out of the gymna
sium exhibitions.
Tommy Ryan of Kant&i Oity Defeats Port
land' a Bill Smith.
Llsjatalna; Left Blow oa Stomach
Closes the Ceateet, but 8epta
tors Waa Kail to Sea the
Polat Cry "Kske."
Twe-Maa Toaraeys.
Last night on Clark's alleys the fourth
lime of the series In the two-man tourna
ment waa bowled. Score:
1st. M. 3d. Total.
I-awlrr 17 1T 13 tM
Reynolds 147 ltU 1U 461
n i.j w - .... ,. Jiii)n in .
uvj iwicq uwim vui i puiui aiier potat : jOI10 j- hy L'rai
by simply holding the ball en the floor or
ear it gad feinting at making a throw
tilt tba excited Omahaa who happsasd to
be guarding the man would foul him la
aa anxiety to gat the ball or stop Its flight-
by Neville, 4: by 8ur . 4; by JrvU. 4
by Msxoit, ; by McCVrmlt k, 1; by Hall. 5;
by Cody, - Referee: R. II. Kt -Ison. I m
pires: 8vin, for Umaha. and Parrott. for
Btuux City. Time: Twoaty-mlnute halvrs.
Bit sees the halves tour local Young
what joa
; Eat;;.;.!-.
OyspopsSa (Seispo ;
Tbere Is one cerUla way til curlnf lodlzesUoa tad gtomacU trouble,
thatls;giv your fctomarn a rest but etii) rat plenty of pood food to
tep up th nourishment fur your body. You caa do thia by u&lag
Iodol DYsfErtiA Cure because It la the one preparation, which dlet
what you at without aid from the stomach. Nature wilt theo re pa If
rour worn out digestive onraoa and restore them to healthy condition..
It relieve that feeling f fuilneaa, belch In? and distress after eatioif.
"I au tiered with d.vriepaii a great many years. I tried many rewedlea,
without relief until I ued Kuool Uvsfeisia Cur a. Iv health haa
laiproved and I dow feel like a new man. B.J. iTlemmm;, Murray, TeK"-
It can't help but do you good
fvepared by CO. DeWtU a Co Chtrago. Tba SL boUIs ruaiains 14 times the ita siaa,
TVhen you nH a soothfrir and healing appliratioa for pile, epd skin dia
t, 0WITT'3 Wltcri It! ZXlVZ, fiew&r of counterfeits.
Totals ..
Gilchrist ...
Totals ..
H. V. Reed
Totals ..
Tetals ..
F!gg .......
O lrlen
Totals ..
r. H. Krug Ut
bengele 117
.tt4 334
Ba e Ball al lew a I alvevslty.
IOWA CTT. la., kfarrh 14 8peclsl.)
Rase ball prsrtiia at the t'nlversity of
loa le la progress oil Iowa held, with a
promising lot of esndldstes out. The frrsh
snen, who greatly predominate In '-he can
didates, bid fair to give aoms of the older
men a bsrd rub tor their places. L'aptmn
Bury has eharge of the meo this week,
loach Williams will take the men for the
reguia training next week. Several small
practice games may be arranged for the
team this month. The srsson opens April
14 with a st-ries f ten games with tbe
kock Island (Hi t i-ague team. Following
that will romi a number of games with
ststs collegns and the trips will begin in
Among the candidates out for practice
this wsk sre: Outrit-'idors. aarei. funcan.
Scare. Nsbcrhlns. Whlltaker. Saliiiig snd
(kerlin: pitchers. Swigert. Wells. lue and
Story; catchers. HtiUhinsoa, fheliw. Roos.
Law. Rice. Shearer and Ream; first bsse
men. Shearer. VMIlatt. Kulp and Kelly;
secend baas men, Coyne, bare snd Vander
eiaeg; altortriopa, Vlrlsner and Lare; third
bascioea, tiubula, aterear, SeUl aad Good,
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 14. (Special
Telegram.) Tommy Ryan and Mysterious
Billy Smith! of Portland, Ore., met tonight
for the sixth time in their ring careers,
la what was scheduled to be a tea-round
bout, at old Turner - ball, and though
Ryan put his old rival out of ths game
after one minute and thlrty-flve seconds of
fighting in the fourth round, he bsd the
toughest proposition on his hands tbat he
hss had to contend wlia since eomlng to
this city.
Tbe end came auddealy and unexpected.
In a awift mix-up shortly after tbe fourth
round hsd opened, Ryan put a terrible left
to Smith's Jaw. which sent ths Mysterious
one down for the count. Smith rose to his
feet and squared off. making a big bluff that
he wss not badly hurt, and Ryan put In a
lightning left wallop to tbe stomach. As
Smith doubled up, Ryan awung a left an
the jaw like a sledgehammer. It was all
One of Smith's seconds jumped Into ths
ring and tried to assist Smith, who was
rolling over the csnvssa, to bis feet, but
Referee Owen Perry waved him back and
finished the count. It wss the blow ta the
stomach that did the business. No msa ia
no better condition than Smith could bavs
stood such an awful wallop. It was oae of
the hardest blows ever struck )n a local
Those sitting towards the back of the
house, where the blow could not be seen
clesrly, immediately set up tbe cry of
"fake," which wss Instsntly csrrisd by
others of tba ssms opinion all over the
house. Smith was hissed as he was led to
his corner, by those who thought he had
quit. It wss the general opinion of those
who sat upon the atage by the riag-slds,
however, also that of Referee Perry, that
Smith hsd been put dowa by a terrific blow
and was all la.
Smith aald la bia dressing room that hs
had never been struck such a blow ta hie
The preceding three rounds ended with
the honors about even, Rysa having a ahade
the better or It, for he waa holding himself
In reserve waiting for just such aa oppor
tunity aa he got in the fourth round, while
Smith had let himself out to the limit, going
for all he waa worth.
8ml'h, who was only la fair condition,
ahawed up In the first two rounds ta as
good aa advantags as evsr, and he ha
Tommy plainly worried la the second round.
Rysn rushed lata clinches and showed a
marked tendency to rough It. while Smith
wss putting up aa exceptionally rlesn fight,
smiling and jollying Tommy when Ryan
would strike a trifle low. His ring pres.
eaee. however, was never aa good as that
af the level-headed Ryan.
Ryan fought la his usual manner, devot
ing himself la the opening rounds to feel
ing out his msa snd worrying him as much
as possible. He did no actual hesvy work
until ths third round, whea hs went ia sad
force- matters at a lively pace. Old Turner
hall waa parked to Ha Htnenst eanacity.
rial by Reaaa.
lighter snd finer lines. Rvan wore an easy,
confident smile, while Smith's expression
waa decideUly forbidding. That there was
bad feeling between the two was soon
seen. Smith's famous kidney wallop was
soon In evident', landing four or five
times. The men had trouble In breaking
clean, each indulging in hitting in the
breakaway. It looked to be a beautiful
Round I Smith came up with a bad right
eye. After some fine blocking and eule
stepping Kyan shot a left to stomach.
Smith got in a warm one. but Ryan evened
up matter with a atraight left to fare.
Ryan seemed disposed to rough It. The
round ended in clinching.
Round 3 Ryan atarted In with a vicious
right for heart and ran into a stiff left.
The men mixed like demons and In the
scrimmage Tommy put In two more hesrt
blows and an ugly wallop to the jaw. Smith
was blowing from the effects of ths body
blows, but full of fixht.. In every clinch
he landed his kidney blow, but missed
many a well Intended right. It seemed lo
be Ryan's fight, for Tommy had not let out
his full sp-d, while Smith was going all
he knew how.
Round 4 They advanced quickly to the
center of the ring, and sJter a preliminary
feint Ryan chopped hla right over to the
Jaw. Smith went down and took the count.
He got up and Ryan made a vicious feint
with right to Jaw. and as Smith shot up
his guard Tommy threw his left to siomsch
with all his weight, landing fairly on the
pit. Bill doubled up like a Jackknife and
as his head eame forward Ryan walloped
another left to Jaw.
won. Boo me rack second, Aaron third.
Time: l:lt.
Sixth race, selling, one mile: Swordsman
won, Poynix second, Joe Doughty third.
Time: 1:4V
American Takes Tvva Falls Oat af
Eagllsanaaa la t'haasploa
sbla fastest.
CLEVELAND Msrch 14-Jlm Parr of
England and Tom Jenkins of this city
again faced each other tonight at Forest
Street armory, where before 4.imo enthusi
astic spectators Parr hoped lo retrieve
laurels lost to Jenkins at Buffalo.
Jenkins again proved his superiority In
the wrestling game and put Parr to the
mat in the first snd third falls In twenty
one snd nineteen minutes, respectively,
psrr taking the second fsll in thirty nln
utes. The little Englishman gave a fine
exhibition of skill and midt Jenkins work
hard to win. Parr was the fsster of the
two ard was quite as aggressive as Jen
kins, who relied an his heavier weight to nrr aown.
The contest was announced lo be for ths
championship of the world and a side bet
of ll.Oi"). the purite offered by the club also
being fl.Out). Police Uasette rules prevailed.
nese r.eine considered more lavorsnie to
Parr. There was not much bet tine at the
odds of a to I on Jenkins.
Fleet-Feale Twe.Year-Old Wlaa at
Odds af Forty ta
BAN FRANCISCO. March 14. There were
several upsois at Oakland today, only two
favorites winning. The greaiast surprise
vl the afternoon occurred in the 2-year-old
event. Don Ami winning at odds or 40 to 1.
He got away flying, while Ora Viva, the
favorite, had na chance at the start. Ths
Forum, favorlta in ths other 2-year-old
event, waa beaten by Carinette through
getting off poorly. Sweet Tooth and Lauv
Sterling of the L. B. Belt etabla won
purses. 8weet Tooth won from Pope Leo,
who waa played from KM to 1 to 3D to 1.
Blrkenrtith and Ranech each rode two win
ners. The Thornton stakes at four miles
will be the feature or tbe card tomorrow.
First rsee. one-half mile, maiden f-vear-
olds. selling: t'larinette won, The Forum
second. Fire Us nee third. Time:
Seond race, seven furlongs, selling:
Tufts won. Lento second, U wight Way
third. Time: 1.31W.
Third race, one-half mile, maiden I-yeer-
olds: I Km Ami won. j. it Bennett second,
Ora Viva third. Time: S ix.
Fourth race, six furionea. selling: Sweet
Tooth won. Pope Leo second. School for
Scandal third. Time: 11.
Filth race, one mile, selling: Klckumbob
won. Bangor second, llerculesn third.
Time: 1 4o.
Sixth rsee. seven furlongs, selling: Lady
Sterling woa, Huacbuca second, Quiet
intra, lime; i:srv
Jess La wss a, Faaaaaa Bleyele Rider,
Die of Paeaaaeata la
MILWAUKEE, March 14 John Lawson,
the Terrible Swede." the wvll-knnwn
bicycle rider, died tonight at St. Joseph s
hoepila.1 In this city, gfivr a five days' 111.
r.ess, or pneumonia. Lawson arrived In
Mllwsiikee Isst Surd.iy ta fill a theatrical
engagement of a week. He appeared at
tbe opening performance, but on Mondvy
wae stricken with oneumonta and tik t
the hospital.
Lswsoa had lived In Salt I .eke Cltv and
i Chicago at different times. It ta not c.
known where the body will be taken for
Bsrsir flaale aad Carder.
CHARLESTON, 8. C. March 14. Barney
Saale and Corder were tbe winning
favorites today. The weather wss cloudy
ana ins iraca last, nesuus:
First rase, four furlonee and a half. sell.
Ing: Klnsfull won, Venloro second. Gratia
third. Time: 0.5.
Second race, for maiden 1-year-olds and
upward. Ave furlong and one-half, aelllna:
Harrison F won. Pudge second, Motile
itruoaa intra, time: i 14.
Third race, six furlongs: Corder won
Bad Penny second, v irgie C third. Time
Fourth race. Ave furlongs, selling: Bar
ney Saale wun, Ursy second, U. O. Reed
tnira. Time; l:w.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Ellison wen
t incus second. The Brother third. Time
Round I The mea ehaaed up exuctlv f
height aad reach, wuu Rjaa bout oa ,
Two tbeiee Usti His.
NEW ORLEANS. Msrch 14 -Nsnnls
and Swordsman were the winning favorites
iiMiay. nesuiis;
First rare, selling, one mile snd a six-
levma: atspie won, Kose or May second,
tvyai t-enny tnira. Time:
SVcond race, aix furlongs snd a hslf
Imo. Albula won. Horseshoe Tobacco sec
orm. iiovonne third. Time: 1 :2s.
Third race, selling, one mile: Ninnii
won. Top Boots second, I'illardiat third
Jims: i .vev
Fourth race, handicap, seven furionea
Tom klngs'ey won. Lady Kent second,
Di'tw Bell third Time: I V
fiiia rats, scluug, a XuxitMigs; ILga Ho
Rarvlvars Remembered ky
Geaeral Gsversnesl. .
WASHINGTON. March 14. tSpeclal.)
The following western peaalosa have been
Issue of February 24S:
Nebrssks: Inrresse, restore tlon, rsissue,
etc. Samuel L. Brass. Juniata. 112: Her
man Vanderlioof, Omaha. 114; Eseklel U.
Palmer, Cameron, $8. Original widows, etc.
r-Sperial accrued February JS. Mary Ann
Reyner, Marquetle, 8; Elizabeth Banta,
York. 8.
Iowa: Original Itenlamln F. Whlsler,
Outhrie Center. : Ueorge A. Stone tdeadl.
Mount Pleaaant. 111. Increase, restoration,
relsnu, ett Rirherd t.'onsnt. Van Mster.
18; Thomas E. Marshall, Bella Plalne, 111';
lsniel I. ceprley. Ullmore City. flu;Chiries
Stevens, Farnhamvllle. 112; Ellis Wright.
Washta. 114: Truman B. Forher. Tlronlc, t:
William W. Street. Peru, II 7. Original
wldowa. etc. Special March 1. Nancy K.
Cunningham. Elkhart. 112; special accrued
February 28, Amy D. Luacomb. Lonetree,
112; Christina Oauger. Lyons. IS: Msry A.
Witters. Ida Orove, Is; minor of Thomas J.
Armstrong. Mount Vernon. 110.
South Dakota: Increase, restoration, re
issue, etc. Isaac E. Macy. Maey, 112. Orig
inal widows, etc. Special accrued Feb
ruary -a. Susan Sella. Springfield, at; Cath-
rinv uwyer, iiuriey, ss.
Fraak aar tialltr Basglsry.
FLATTSMOl'TH. Neb., Msrch 14. (Spe
cial.) In the case of the stste against
Frank Sharp, or La Plaits, charged with
burglary, which has been occupying ths
attention of the district court aU this week.
tbe jury returned a vardict af guilty.
Sharp was convicted of having gtolea goods
from a car oa the Rock Itland road. He
wss sentenced to one year la tke penitentiary.
Chess Match by Cable Begins.
NEW YORK. March 14. The aeventh an.
nal contest by cable between A m ..
Greet Britain for chess supremacy and the
ntwwi irupny was Degun today on eight
boards. It will continued tomorrow an !n
ooaras. ins mstcn ta Delng held under
the auspices of the Brooklyn Chess club
uu in Driiun iiuu vi ijvnoun.
Dr Itell Breaks fteeard.
NEW TORK. Msrch Ji-At the Snorts.
men's show today br. L. P. Itu i vk.i.
adeiphla broke a record by making a score
of 2,45a In the 100-ehot chsreplonsliip shoot.
.... jrmr urii sna a man
named Ross tied at i.4SL the record at that
Packers Arqalttcd.
YORK. Neb., March 14. (Special Ib ths
case la district court wherein Deputy War
den Bteepleton had caused, the arrest of
Armour Co.'a representative at this eity.
charged with having caneealad la the plant
hers chickens and quxll. Judge Good de
cided that Armour Co. were aot guilty.
lastaat peat a by Fall Jraas Tavver.
LOCP CITT. Neb.. March 14 (Special
Telegram Meses H. Smith, oaa of the
oldest resideats of fihenoan county, fell
from tbe windmill tower pa his farm today,
broke bis Beck snd died Instantly.
Meease TleWet at Carrall. '
CARROLL. Neb., March It (Special
Telegram.) Tba license people bavs nom
inated J. Bailey. A. P. Child and W. L
Porter for trustees. -
last longrer if
washed with
NXl 1 I I I I I 111 91 A I M
I lLULiij a
In 01