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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAttCII 15, 1902. PREDICTS 5ATAL REVERSES hineral of john p. altgeld JUSTIFIES RIGHT TO STRIKE Rear Admiral Beretford. Warni Ecg!ani on . Efficient Orguiation. DEFEAT ON SEA KAY FOLLOW LANS LOSSES DeeJerea Msas- warsklaa Are vala. leoo lat rls.ttas rarae an Advise Aaolleala; Alt -r Sack. LONDON, March 14. la ddres today befor th London chamber of eommarca, on tha lack of administratis, efficiency la tba Biitlth organisation tor defense. Rear Admiral Lord Charles Bereeford remarked that Initial naval rvre flmllar to tba military t reverse azpertencad la South Africa would eaUU diaaater which would ta Irreparable aed which would ba eteraal ta their effect. It 'was lack of organ Ua tloa which led to tha remount and other acandala. Hi plan for Insuring naval ef acleacy Included tba addition ta tha board of admiralty a hoard of naral lord of the admiralty whlrh would respoaeibl for placing befor parliament the full require assure of tha aavy. Tha fovemmest, Lord Cbarlea added, 'ought to parches oal field at homo and ta tho eolonle. All warahlpa aaalaaa for fighting porpoee or valuoles on accoant f lack of a peed, ought to bo abollahee. . Taa reserves ought to bo reorganised and aa earl 7 aa poaaibla. tha whola war float aaould bo mobilised to test Ita abllltlea and ta discover Its weak aetata. Ia tha exportation of coal to earn a of the principal atatloaa Lard Bereaford said ha ' had succeeded, after much abstraction, ta aadlag out bow inadequate were tho up pltea at Olhralur and Malt. When he represented thia stst of affair to hla chief ho had to be threatened to haul 4m hla flag, aad publish tho whole thing Is tho aewapeper la order to get tha mat te remedied. Preacher aad Law Pa riser Proaeai Balaele Over Lata Et-et. ereer ef 111 nolo, CHICAGO, March 14. funeral service ver tba body of the late John P. Altgeld. former governor of Illlnot, were held at the Altgeld homo In Sheridan park today. Judaea of the Cook County bench, of which the decedent il ooco a member, attended la a body, all courte hsv. tag adjourned. Many Saga vera at half- mart throughout the city. Re. Prank Crane of tho People'a church preached the funeral eermoa aad Clarence 8. Darrow, the former governor' law pan ic, delivered an addree. Both apeaker paid tribute to the sincerity and courage of Mr. Altld. The service were brief and elm pie. Many people were unable to get Into the hoots. Tomorrow morning the tail of Governor Tate will escort the body to the public library, where tt will lie !n tat rrom 10 a. m tntll 19 p. m. A pro cession of ctrie and social organisation on Sunday will follow tho body to Graceland cemetery. The Boer en tots, Welmaran and Weaeela. and Montague Whit were preaeat at the funeral. Italian Sutannia Declare Proletariat Ex ercised a legal function. TROUBLE IS PART OF SOCIAL DISORDER Toleraaee for Lower Cloaeea Strlvtaa; ta Itnrt Better Coodrtloaa. ROMS. March 14. Replying to criticism during the debate la the chamber of depu ties today oa the policy of tba government Plrnor Giollttl. the minister of the Interior, made a speech In which ha Insisted that many of the recent strike were part of a great social movement of all classes of the proletariat ta secure better conditions of life. This waa a Justifiable desire said the speaker, aad since tho demand were not political tho movement could only become dangerou if the government tried to sup press It by force. The duty of the govern ment waa ta b Impartial and to respect the tight of strike propagaadlam o long as there wa ao Incitement to violence. Until compulsory arbitration became leg alised, continued Slgnor Gllolittl, tha senate should interfere oa both aide of a eontro very to settle a difficulty. Tho government should certainly Intervene la a strike la taa public service, or bakers, or If such a strik led to anarchy. A great result would b achieved, con cluded Signor Glolittl. when tho proletariat ceased to regard tho government as It enemy. Many member of the chamber of deputies congratulated the minister of tho Interior upon hla telling speech. DEATH RECORD. fieavraJ T. T. Garrard. LONDON, Ky.. March 14. News was re ceived here today of tho death of General T. T. Garrard at hla homo near Manches ter. General Garrard waa a graadaca of Governor Garrard, the oecoad governor of Kentucky. Ho served aa aa officer la tha Mexlcaa war aad a brigadiw general in the federal army during tho civil war. Among hi children ia Major Joseph Garrard of tha regular arm. General Garrard lived oa a farm give hi ancestor by Virginia patent and conducted the famoua salt worka. He WO! SFI FY fiflFS Tfl AFRICA of I r REGRETS CANCELLED VISIT Lara. Lleataaoat af Irelaad Kxareeeee Dleaasalatasaat at Reversal of Kiss's Plaaa. DVB LIN. March 14. In aa address da- livrd at a public meeting here Earl Cado gaa, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, made a rather enigmatic reference to King Ed ward's visit to Ireland. , After declaring that nobody wa mor, disappointed In this matter thaa tha king himself, with whom tho Idea of this visit had originated and after expressing hi owa conviction that his majesty would hare been most. enthusiastically welcomed here, Karl Cadogaa said ha ahared tha full re sponsibility with tb other minister for the decision that the present waa not aa ap propriate time tor the visit, and that thta advice waa given after tha fullest consid eration. Tho speaker said ha refrained from characterising tho difficulties which aad rendered tho abanjoced visit Inoppor tune, bat they were well knowa and de plored by a vast majority of tho Irish people. Karl Cadogaa aald he wa quit aura the difficulties were only of a temporary character aad that before long his majesty would be able ta earry out hla wish, which waa vary Bear hla heart and tha realisation el which 'would bo productive of tha great oat poaeible advantage to Ireland, would disappear. Sagas Leala rroafJaw. MADRID. March 14. The Madrid corre opoadaat af the Suadard aaya that Premier Sagasta I being elbowed out of affioa. Tha premier baa long been aaare, aay tha dis patch, that tha palace favored a eoncentre tloa ministry under Beaor Moatero Bias, tha aroaldeat of tho eeaata aad a lac led to fall oa tha bank bill rather thaa to watt for a crista on tha mora delicate Question af rallgloua creed. le C ha ce eeraaaa Easaaaay, BJCRLIX, March 14. It having been ru mored that a chaago la tho Oermaa em bassy la Washington waa possible, the Foreign office hero ha authorised the ear respondent af the Associated Preea to deny that Dr. voa Holiebea. tho present ambao aader, will be either furious. bed or re tailed, . TREATY THROUGH FIRST STAGE Lower Hoaae ml Dealaa Parlla KtattSea Mala af Wea4 ladle lelaade. COPtXHAOKN. March 14. The Palke thing (or lower houoo of Parllamaat). by IS to T TOtaa, today approved tha treaty are vtdlag for the ealo af Uo Daalak West la dlea to Uo Catted Slates. The treat saw goca to tho Lasethlng (or upper house. rsusseiysia laeast t iesi Bar, was the patriarch of tho Garrard tribe feudists, but tho hope of hi life wa to see permanent peace established. Edoaaod lark. -"5NVER, March 14. A special to tb 4 from Albuquerque, N. M., says: Ed mund Burke, eon of Francis P. Burks of Now York, the millionaire partner of John A. McCall, president of tho New York Life Insurance compeay, died hero of pneumonia. Young Burka eamo her helpleealy 111 with muscular atrophy, for tha relief of which ho had traveled all over the world. Hla Illness of pneumonia lasted only four day. Tha young man was a graduate ta medi cine, but never practiced, as sever appli cation to study broke down hi health. A brother la oa tho way from New Tork to accompany tho remains homo for burial. . 1 Xaiav ft. R. IlacMsllts, Psora. PONCA, Neb.. March 14. (Special.) Ma jor R. R. MacMullen died at tho homo of hla lister. Mrs. Grant Hamllatoa, la thia city, after aa lllneas of several months. Major MacMullen was a veteran of the etvil war. In which Bo woa tho rank of major by distinguished bravery, was post master In Ponca during the last Cleveland admlnlstrstloa, waa a member ef G. A. H. Masonic and Pythlaa ordera. For several rear he had lived ta Coming. Cat., but hla health falling he returned to thia city aoveral week ago. Kaasoa Plooeer. ST. JOSEPH. March 14. Charles Aiier. aged to, who waa one of the pioneer his tory makers of Kansas, was killed aear Senara. Kaa.. today la a runaway. He owned a largo a lock raack aear Seneca aad, driving a spirited, team of young horses. left for Seaooa thia morning. That the last aeon of him until thro hour later he waa found near tho road, uncon- clou aad dying. He waa a atrong antl alavery man la tb early daya at Kaa saa aad took part In. many of tho border bat tles. aaaeiel Richardaaa, Plettaaaaatk. PLATTSMOCTH. Neb.. March 14. (Spe cial.) Samuel Richardson, Tf years of age. died t hi home la this city yesterday. Ho wis born In Ohio nd had lived la Cass county 43 yesra. Tha funeral services will be conducted at the resldeaco, Satur day, by Rev. Asa Sleeth. paator of tha Methodist Episcopal church. Besides wife he loaves two Bona, William and Frank, and two daughters. - - Mr. Mary Rockkad. Mat. Mary Rockbud died of paralyala at St. rrancle hospital, Graad Iilaad, last Tuesday. The faaeral took place from St. Mary' Cathelia church Thursday moraing. Mra. Rockbud leavea a husband. P. C. Rock bud, two eons aad two daughters. Edward aad Prank Rockbud. Mia Allca Rockbud aad Mra. Robert C. Seyfer of Omaha. Oliver C Be'atley, Tabla Rack. TABLE ROCK, Neb-. March 14. Spo claL) Oliver G. Benlley, aged 71 yearn. Veteraa Geaeraro TH, a fapetewa gtaurta too Teatset ta Wili. LONoON. March 14. Field Marshal Lord Wolseley will start for Capetown tomorrow. Although the officials deny that his trip I anything but a privato vlait, goaslp eon nects It with the military situattoa. It ta pointed out that Lord Wolseley's knowl edge of South Africa, gained aa a light and administrator, might bo highly useful to Lord Kitchener, either at the base (Capetown), or at Pretoria. Lord Wolseley himself aay hla trip 1 entirely private. Colonel Frank Rhode and Arthur Rhode. brother of Cecil Rhode, and Lady Methuea rill be passengers oa tha ateamer which will take Lord Wolseley to Capetown. ASKS FRENCHFOR WAR SHIP Paris Proao Advewaate CiBkea'i Idea of Rtrea Rewreaeatatloa at Roeaaaakeaa Cereoaoalea. PARIS, March 14. Tha Echo de Part. commenting on the adoption of the resolu tion by the Valted States congress Inviting France to participate la tho inauguration of tho Rochambeau monument at Washing ton May 14, aaya: Washington, naa strong-ty urard the French rovemment to aena a war enip to represent 'ranee at tha ceremony. v e nope toe Biiniatera of war and or tne navy also will be represented by nigh officials. There no doubt toat It la ao excellent oppor tunity, on tha morrow of Prince Hennra visit, to make the exercise, at the Franco- American manifestation or eympatny wirn Rochambeau. Imposing in character and in vest them with solemnity and grandeur. CONSUL WONT PAY TAXES Catted State OeaelaU Saya Bo la Ex- eeart aad Raalclpallty Threateaa t CoaSaeat raralrara. PAIUS. March 14. A dispatch ta th Patrie from Lyons aay there la much com ment there over a conflict between the municipality and tho Catted State consul on account of aa attempt ta Impose certain vw txe oa that official. The lat ter elaima to ba exempt by tho convention of February 2, 1853, and refuse to pay. Th municipality threatena to seise th consul's furnitur. died hero at midnight of paralyala. with laUod State. .ruUar Philadelphia wUl a. H fcu Ted ta tnU loc.m, tB;rty TeBrfc .am. p ta port at QuayaquiL It raw. wlf. 4 tv. children. Th. tweaty-thrwe aad a half faat aad. though hi " v . . I lUDTril Will VWJ a7i twuswi w w aui " MRS. CONGER IN PEKIN SOCIETY Wife of Aaaarleaa Mlaletev Eatvrtalaa Prtaeraaea mt tha Iatperlal Caart. ' PEKIN, March 14. Mr. Conger, wife of tha United State minister hero, aaaiatod by tha ladiaa. of th American legation aad of tke missions, entertained at tlffla today eleven ptlnceasee aad ladiea of the court. Thl departure from th exclueiveneae of tho Chines court t gait ttaprecodeatod. Tho dowager emprooa sent her graotlags aad expreased th hop that tho kindly relatioB established will rsmaln unbroken. high water It might got over tho bar, tasra ta a chance that It might not clear It. Cap taia W. W. Meadt lta commander, aad the officers of tho war ship, were tks gueeta. aa Wednesday, of tho oftciala of tha Guayaquil at Quito Railroad sompaay at Chlmbo, ah present hsadquaatar at th oompany. Today ft large number of Americana aad eome tew others will go down ta th mouth af the river and v'slt Philadelphia. Captain Mea4 kaa, durlas kia atay here, beaa th guest af tha InitrOT-stat coaaul general, M. Do Leoa. AGSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. tftft lw sisnaturo) mt aa aaaao oa oagaak at X 'clock. Jadae 1. W. Dapla, Nwiri. SEWARD, Neb.. March 14. (Special.) Th funeral services of Judg J. W. Dupla took place yesterday at Seward under tho auspice of th Masonic lodge. Tba Wood men af th World also attended. Judge Dupla waa U yeara old aad had lived la thia eouaty n yeara. being prominent In politic aad having held vartoue Afflcea. Brother of Lata Archbtehaa. DL'BLQCK, Ia.. March 14. Michael Hen- aeaaey. a brother of tno tatg Arcnotsaap Henneasey, died today at tho Mercy hos pital, after a brief Ulnae of paralysis of tho heart. Ho waa years of age.- Ho waa a gradual 1 tiarvar ana was a c trlbutor to virleua magaxlaea. Edward S. Desty, NEW TORK. March 14. Edward S. Doner, a sews pa per man, dropped dead of heart disease tonight ta a room of the New Tork Preea club. He was 43 year old and aa real eat ale editor of tho New York Preea. Mr. Doner eamo ta thia city twenty years ago from Chicago. Gaaoral CI I a toot P. Payaa. BALTIMORE, March 14, A private blegram received her today anaouaeed th, death In Naplca yesterday of Gearal Clin- lea p. Payae, a prominent Saaacier ef thia ety. General Payne was formerly active la. laemocrauc poiiuca ia ssaryiaao. Ceatoral D. hL RayaoJda. LTTTLE ROCK. Ark.. March 14 Geaarai D. H. Reyaolda, who waa a brigadier gaa era! In the confederat army, died today at Lake fillag. Ark. Hekeaaallera Moaao Triav. HAMILTON, Bermuda. March 14. Th imperial German yacht. Hohensollera. rhich arrived her yesterday frem New Tors, March 11, coaled aad sailed at I p. m., for the Asoroa. Th omcera of Hohenxoller dined last nig at with tk British admiral. Thia moraiag Admiral Count von Baudlaam. commander at th Im perial yacht, and hi flag officer, vialted the governor. Sir Heary Leo Gary. They were received by a guard af honor aad tha aaual salute wer fired. Ta Carman ex pressed tbemselvea aa delighted with taa reception accorded them la Now Tork. . Ceell Rkaalea la Weaker. CAPETOWN. March 14. Cecil Rhodoa is weaker today. - Otherwise there ta a change la hla condition. LONDON. March 14. Th Pall Mall Gazette thia afternoon aay it uaderstaad that, with a view of preventing a disloca tion of the markets, a syndicate of South African magnataa has been formed for the purpose of taking over tho whole u( Cecil Rhodes' share holdiaga ia tha evaat at Mr. Raodee. death. Brook Thraaatk Cavdaau HEILBRON. Orange River Colony. Tuae- day, March 1L Cammaadaat Meats, with tho Hell broa command of Boera. broke through tho Hell broa-Welvo- Hook block house lino at Gottenburg last Bight. The Boera had booa pursued for several days. So far aa knowa aaly en Boer waa killed. The British celuaoae. during tke couroo of tko pursuit of Commaaoaat Meats, picked ap ecattered part lea of Boer aggregatlag nfty mea. - CARTERS rta attzr.xcs. I 5 rrri t rsi tiu:usixt. I IIVKR rst Tetna uvit. 1 1 tilts! fsa esuTviTisa. M r J" res uuiw sua. i I rta m ccanuusa CUOX iCb: H1ABACHS. rtSERAL ROTICKf. TV. fHH.M 1 Ura V T..n k. died kink 11 at -t Jonph'a boUai. will lu aiaca inia t&tux.i t aaurning at 11 chx'L from H. kL burKet'a chapel, tif North Blxtevnth street. Inlerownl In For. eat lawn ceaxriery. Rev. J. W. Coniey emciaung. r rieaas uvuea. ruaerai of Dr. C. E. Satterfleld. who dWd Mart h W at Coo e koauitai, Fairm.iDt, W. Va. will l ka plaoa this &aturiavl arternuua, lurrt 14. at t ciork. rrum H. Btrset a raapri. 412 .Nona ni-ma sireei. inierwwiu coreat LJtm oeaBalcfY. raaveys BCtrwrla'a Pi FATAL, Axoro bland. March 14. The Royal Steamahlp eompaay'a ataamer Elba arrived her today aader charter to eoavey ta their deetlaatloa the paaaeager of the steamer Etraria, which waa picked up by tke BrlUah ateamer William Cliff between oa aad to xailea weot-aarthweat of Fays! ta a disabled eoaditioa and which arrived at Horta. A so re talaada. March t ta tow of William Cliff. FTieooo Altca set Frntrnmrnmi. THE HAGCE. March 14. Princeea Allc of Albany started for Potsdam todar Goaslp coaaecta her vlait with tho reports of tho coming- betrothal of the arlacaa to taa rrowa annca af Gormaay. Frederick WUliaaw . fmm m (Djxbf, S)G0(WJo (KKB o u m ti ii j i .a til . i L li!' "I li ilia h i i 1 iii isri. " r-Y s w 3 aw r, e n, 1 mmm V. 1 "k v-3wi4V,X-e- Xw-. XV f V I , . 'x&r&LmY Operations Avoided When a-fjBician tells a woman Buffering with otr rlan or womb trouble that an operation is necessary, it of course frightens her. Tha ver thought of the operating table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. And our hospitals are full of women who are there for ovarian and womb operations t ' It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation-is the only resource, but such cases are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have been cured by Mrs. Pinkham's med icine after the doctors had said the operation must be performed. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has been rery successful in curing ovarian troubles. In fact, up to the point where the knife must be used to secure instant relief, this medicine is certain to help. Ovarian troubles are easily developed from womb troubles, and womb troubles are so very common that ovaritis is steadily on the increase among women. It is, nevertheless, a most serious trouble, and to recommend wrong treatment for it is a crime for which there cannot be too deep a penalty. It is, therefore, with full consciousness of the serious, ness of the disease and the steady failure of other medicine to cure it, that we present for ovarian and womb trouble Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound as the most certain to help of any medicine in the world to-day. Any person who could read the letters in Mrs. Pinkham's files at her office in Lynn, Mass would be convinced of the efficiency of Mrs. Pinkham's Compound. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who have escaped the operat ing table by the use of this medicine. Let any woman suffering from these troubles, or anything which may de velop into them, write and get Mrs. Pinkham's advice. If you are beyond the reach of the medicine, you will be frankly told so, but, if not, you will be fully and carefully , and kindly advised. The most serious of all the diseases of women, as well as the minor ills, are promptly overcome by Earnest Words of Gratitude. e- , i -1" il ' I MvAit r)Afttv " Dzas Mtt. FrsxaTAJf: Y cmr Vegetabla Compound haa eompletaly eared m of tha worst form of womb trouble, and made me a atrons;. neaixor, roonss woman, ceiore uiur s-vaiai E. PtakJuun'a Vegetable Coanponad, I suffered with aevere pains in back and aide, headache and Berrooaneaa. Menace ' Tmld sometime oecrar every two weekt and once I had a ee vere heroarrhagw which uted a month, I waa confined to any bed ana the attending' physi cian told me I would have to nnderg-o an oper ation aa eoon aa I waa strong" enoug-h. I read la one of your little books several testimonials from ladies who were cured by your Compound after having been told by their doctors that an operation waa necessary, and I made up my mind then and there to commence taking' your Compound. I did so and it has completely re Btored me to good health. I have gained twenty two pounds ainc) taking1 it and my flesh is as solid as a rock. My friends remark about the chanre ia ma. I am a living? advertisement of what Lydia E. PlaUkam's V efetable Compound can do, and have in fluenced many of my friends to try it, which has proved very gratify lag ia it results, I thank yon for restoring ma to health," A'2 IS HAJLILXY, 20t & Sangamon St, Chicago, 111. ANOTHER OPERATION AVOIDED. M DBA Mas. Fcruajn I feel very grateful to you for the benefit I derived from your kind advice and remedies. I was troubled wi'b a complication of female troubles, had ovaritis, painful and Irregular menstruation, Uucorrhaea, nervousness, and weakness. I had no a p pe tit and could not aleep nights. The least exertion would cause short ness of breath and dull pains in my hips and side. The doctors all advised me to have aa operation aad have one of my ovaries removed, but this I could not bear to think of. I was Induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co an pound, and after taking the first bottle I was much improved. It renewed my appetite, health, and strength. I continued taking it, also your Blood Purifier and banative Wash, until entirely cured of aU my trouble. Tba pains have never returned, and mj health is aplendid. M Your remedies have been a boon to me. and I am aura many a woman owes her Ufa to them." MA&IE WEBB, (50 Columbus A,re.t Boston, Mass. " Dbas Vk PnrrHAir: I feel it my duty to publish tha woxuXerfnl help Lydui B. Hnkhana's Vegetable Compound has been to me. I waa like a eraxy person could not aat or aleep; there was no rest for ma day or night. Physicians examined ma and said aa operation was aeoeeaary. Before undergoing it, however, I determined to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. I am ao glad I did, for it cured me. I am a well woman now and eaa do aay kind of work. I want thia published throughout tha land, ao that aU my Buffering sis term may read, and if ia aay way asuciea wttn xemaae trouble, toey mav ba induced by my sincere statement to try this wonderful Vegetable Compound and be cured. " M&S. MA&GAJLET BAAUTORD, Centennial Ave., Crescent Beach, Eevere, Uaaa, Ml. AH HA ASTON M Dsab If ax. POTH A I wish to send yea m; testimonial stating tha grand effect Lydia E. Pinkham's V ogwtsbie Compoaad has had oa my health. I waa suffering to such an extent from ovarian trouble that my physician thought aa ope ratios would ba necessary. Tour ne having been recommended to naa, I decided to try it. After using several bottles I forrad that I was eared. M y system waa toned up and I Buf fered ao more with my ovaries. Your medicine is the greatest boon on earth to suffering women," ULs. ANNIE ASTON, Box in, Trc, Mo. REWARD Owing to the fact taateomo tb I aiiiiiiiiaias of ospcatted wttS too Xanooaa to any paraoa who eaa show that ta above asariiiaMiiata are at writers apaoai pi mission -trau . fiaiMiS kf tini tss Co.. Lvna, Ataaa taataomo akeptinal paople aasBmntual let tare wo ai noaa City Baas, of Lyn aave from tax to thaa stir puMkhiaa-. we tJ.OOO. waicb win bt bafor oMainiBC Lyam, at ass FIRE RECORD. loataaa Valveraity BatlSluc. VISSOCLA. Mont.. lUrch 14 Science hall, one of the State nniveraity buUtling. was psaetlcally destroyed by fir early to day. Th hail waa th largest building a th campaa aad was worth la th aeighbor aood of SIOC.OOO, although th luaa of th rurnisaings ortngs in total toes ap to a mora larger Bgura. aaaSall Xattrvoo feaisssy. CUKYELaND. March 14. Fire early te eay, fractically deotroyad the five -story brick buildiag. accupled by th P'nell Maltrasa coaaaay. Lea, e.tea, philif Btopel, foremas of tb factory, lumped front a third Door window. Ua Buffered a brokea leg aad waa otherwise lajured. Tee Bremen were overcome by smoke and were carried from the building. Thay will re cover. DwelUaaj at Clearwater. CLBARWATCR. N.k.. March 14. Spe cial Talegraas. ) Luadgreaa Brother dwell inc. four miles oast of Clearwxtsr, aaa do. etroyed by fire this afternoon. The loaa la $:.o; insurance. Sl.oou. Saaser m4 allStasa. WINeLOW. I1L. March 14- Fir early this . moraiag destroyed too blocks ef building la tb business psrt of thia lows. Tho bank, poatofflce, fifteen buaineaa bouse sad several private reaidenees war entirely consumed. Tha loaa la tLU.OOt; laaaraac. 160.004. laoUa Blaia Coaaaaay. PHILADELPHIA. March It The build lag of tha India Refining company, refiner f cocoa butter, waa destroyed by fire thl morning. There were 100,000 pounda ef oil la tho building. Loaa. t0te; fully la-s-red. Kill ta m Baaaway. IT. JOSEPH. Ma.. March 1L A asocial ta tha Daily J4r from Seneca, Kaa., aays: Char Us Axir. oa ef the wealthiest farm ers and stockmen in thi part of the eoaa try, died today from lajurtaa received a tew daya ago by being thrown from a ve Dear ateaart af Uaa. NEW TORK. March It. J. P. Morgsa A Co. authorised a denial today of tha report that they are aegotiating a loaa for ill.bOQ, 0U0 or any other amouat tor tha Chilean govornmeat. Trtpteta. All Cirls. MATTOON. 111.. March 14--Mre. Gonrga Hrrbardt f Artnur has given birth to trtp lets, all airia. Cmo irinhi four pound a an4 tha other tour pounl and a half ax (rertecti fermcU aiul bcoitu.