Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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ioJf y s Puro all UEiiGtioy
Cures Consumption!
Dear Blrs-After reading your advertlje
Went I bought a bottle of your whiskey,
which helped me right away. I am now on
my third bottle, using It lor consumption,
and I feel like a new mnn. I think that if
I had known of your whiskey when 1 wan
at home In Chicago 1 would have never
come out here for my health.
ED. 6CHUBARTII, lf Market Ft..
Denver, Colo., Oct. 18. 1901.
Stopped MeiMorrhaaen.
Nanhua City. N. II.. Nov. 11. luni.
Oentlemen-lt la with great pleasure that
I write to Inform you that 1 have used
Ight bottle of your Pure Malt Whiskey.
I would not have been here today only for
your wonderful medicine. I have lined all
kinds of medicine and have been under the
care of doctora. 1 have had three severe
attacks of grip and pneumonia, which have
left me with a bad cough and weak heart.
I am 67 years old. It has toned up my
system and stopped the hemorrhages and
I cough but very little. 1 only regret
that 1 did not know of. your whiskey be
fore. 1 cannot expreas what It has done
for me. I beg to remain, yours respect
fully, Mrs. H. C. AU.INQTON.
Gentlemen I commenced on your Duffy's
Malt Whiskey lant March, and have been
faithful In taking It ever since. I have
used one dozen bottles and am feeling bet
ter. My hemorrhages have almost stopped
and cough very much Improved. ,
WILLIE D. BALL., 718 N. lot St.,
Richmond, Va., Sept. 11, 1901.
Vtaoroas at K4 Win.
Gilbert N. Hay of 70 Lafayette street,
Utlca, N. Y., says: "Since taking Duffy's
partment DUFFY MALT WHISKEY I'll., HWHbSilSK, . x., ireeiy. aii cor.
respondence In strictest confidence. It will cost you nothing to learn how to re
gain health, strength and vitality. Medical booklet free. It Is the only whiskey
recognised by the government as a medic Ine. This Is a guarantee. All druggist!
and grocers, or direct, 11.00 a bottle.
Senators Harris and McLaurin Declare
Subsidy Measure Unconstitutional.
Dale atatesaaasi Admits Preference far
DUarlsstaattw pa ties, hat Is
WlllUf 4a Vata with tfca
WASHINGTON, March 14 Throughout
the session of the senate today ths ship
anhaM Mil was under consideration. Tba
measure wss Olscussed by Messrs. Foraker I
et Ohio, McLaurin of Mississippi and Harris j
of Kansas.'
Mr. Foraker supported the bill, although
he admitted that be, would have pre
ferred to build up the American merchant
tearine by tba levying of discriminating
duties. He was willing, however, to defer
to the Judgment of tbe majority that the
pending measure embodied tbe better plan.
Both Mr. McLaurin and Mr. Harris op
posed the measure on tbe ground that, in
their Judgment, It was not constitutional.
They maintained that It was class legisla
tion, which amounted to little short of
robbery of the people for the benefit of a
lew ship owners. Mr. Harris made the
point that the United States now was pay
ing more to tbe American line for the car
rying of ocean malls that wss paid to for
eign ships for grester service.
Prefers Discriminating; Datles.
Mr. Foraker said that while he had to
vote for the bill, be was not entirely satis
fied with it. Ever since be had studied the
question he hsd been of the opinion that
the most equitable and suitable way to re
habilitate the merchant marine of tbe United
States would be to Inaugurate the policy of
discriminating duties under which the fsth.
ers of the country made oar merchant ma
rine the pride ot the country.
The senator In charge of the hill (Mr.
Frye) bad stated clearly the objections to
the adoption ot tba plan ot discrimination
duties, twenty-one treaties being an abso
lute bar to that policy.
Referring to the purported purchase ot
foreign steamship lines. Mr. Foraker said
by soms It had been mentioned as if it
were a crime. Tbe fact was that if any
offense detrimental to the country bad been
eo cammed it bad been committed by the
enata Itself.
As to the relative eost ot building and
peratlng ships under tbe American flag,
Mr. Foraker said the preponderance ot tbe
evidence was against the proposition that
the vessels could be built or operated In
this country aa cheaply as abroad.
Mr. Foraker asserted that the American
line had made no money by carrying the
malls under the postal subsidy act and did
.ot ear for a renewal of its contract.
Tbe proposed legislation waa such as
would enable the Vnlted States to build
ships and fly tbe flag of tbe merchant ma
rine in every port ot the world.
Mr. McLaurin ot Mississippi followed Mr.
The Erect Form, by placing all pressure of lacing upon the hips and
back muscles, doe away with the ill of tight lacing and develops a beauti
ful incurve at the base of the euine. It is the onlv proper model to wear
rlth the new Erect Form and Princess gowns. Fit your new dress over
an Erect Form and it will be a masterpiece of grace and eltgaoce. Prices
from It up. If your dealer cannot supply you send direct to
w w m A 9 wm n 4v D - J ar v f
I'WC.IiNUIV I Ctt DIKKJ 0. uruauway, new torn
ho other const caa take ths place of the W. B. Erect Fona. Accept as substitute.
'.'1.1 I.'"; 1 u iMMMi-jiiittSicwwieawcesgMnKm i
Pure Malt Whiskey I have gained 30
pounds In weight; It aids my digestion
and acts as a stimulant and tonic.
Psesmosla Cared.
Gentlemen I had a severe case of pneu
monia lant fall and have used about one
dozen bottles of your whiskey to build me
up, and And It uoes wnat you claim ror n.
Yours respectfully, E. PKDKR8EN.
Haml ne. Minn.. May 14, 1SU1,
Thousands of such testimonials are re
ceived from patients who have been cured
by Durcy s pure aiait wniwaey.
It cures consumption, coughs, colds, grip,
bronchitis, catarrh and all diseases of the
throat and limns. It also cures nervous
ness and Indigestion. It gives power to
ha hmin trensrth and elasticity to the
muscle and richness to the blood. It Is a
promoter of health and longevity, makes
the old young, keeps the young strong.
It Is absolutely pure and contains no fusel
It will cure almost any case or consump'
t(nn If tHken In time.
Over 7,000 doctors prescribe It and 2,000
hospitals use it exclusively.
Cant lua When buying Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine,
iTnarmmilnun nrsons. mindful of the ex-
celenee of this preparation, are seeking
continually to put upon the market cheap
Imitations, which, far from relieving the
sick are positively harmful. Demand
Duffy's and be sure you get It. Look for
the trade-mark, "The Old Chemist," on
our label.
FREE Two of our patent game count
ers for whist, euchre, etc.; enclose 4 cents
Foraker. He was opposed, he said, net only
to the bill, but to the principles It rep
resents. Whatever is given by the govern
ment as a subsidy, Mr. McLaurin charged,
would be simply a contribution to the dlvl
diC' if those engaged In shipping, instead
of for l he purpose of encouraging ship
building in this country. He said there
had been no decadence in shipbuilding la
the United States, as reports tending to
how that shipbuilding was experiencing
a boom it had not experienced In ears.
Woaid Bar Feaeraa UlaJ.
Referring to his amendment, Introduced
recently, requiring the names of persons,
firms and members of corporations that
would be benefited by the bill to be made
public, Mr. McLaurin said that the tax
payers from whom the subsidy must come
should have an opportunity . to ki.ow the
Individuals to whom their money Is paid.
Speaking of that portion of his amendment
prohibiting senators and members from en-
Joying any of the benefits of the bill, by
reason ot their Interest In shipping, he
said that the necessity of eliminating one's
Interest when It conflicts with duty to the
United States Is apparent. He cited la
support of his position the charges brought
against Ambassador Clayton, and said that
a government official must not have his
duty on one side and his private Interests
on the other.
In conclusion, Mr. McLaurin said he was
ss anxious ss any republican senator to re
habilitate the American merchant marine,
but he would rather not see tbe American
flag float over our American merchant ves
sets than to see one stained with the taint
ot money which did not legitimately belong
to its owner.
Harris of Kaasas.
Mr. Harris of Kansas took cosstltutlonal
ground against the bill, maintaining that
it was a private measure to bestow upon
private individuals or corporations large
sums ot money. He said It was class leg
islation such as Justice Miller had de
nounced as on tba verge of robbery.
Ths principal objection he had to the
proposed mall subsidies, as well as the
present subsidies, was that they were too
large. He asserted that the United States
now was paying ths American line twice
as much as was paid the Cunard line for
carrying nearly twice as much mall mat
ter. The proposed mall subsidies, In his
opinion, were inequitable and unjust.
At the conclusion of Mr. Harris' re
marks the senate, at :30. went Into ex
ecutlve session, and at 6:03 adjourned.
Nomlaatlana fcy the President.
WASHINQTON, Msrch 14. Tbe president
today sent ths following nominations to tbe
Carl Racbs, district attorney, district ot
Chaplains United Statee army: Revs
Francis B. Doberty, California; George H.
Jones, Washington; Julian E. Yates, Kan
Will Stop Perrhaae of Boada.
WASHINGTON. March 14. The secretary
of the treasury will discontinue the pur
chase ot bonds tomorrow afternoon at the
close ot office hours.
Incorporates Provision Classifying the Sural
Free Deliver Service.
gays Ha Readily Offered Passports
Threw) Baer Llaee o Illlaals
Caaple, bat Halted at
Another Request.
WASHINGTON, March 14. The house to
day passed the postofflce appropriation bill.
The only amendment of Importance adopted
waa one to Incorporate la the bill the pro
vision of the bill to classify the rural
free delivery service, passed a tew days
QuHe a number of other bills were passed
including three bills for marine hospitals
at Buffalo. Savannah and Pittsburg. The
Burleson resolution calling on the secretary
of state for the facta relative to the case
of Dr. Thomas and his wife, who desired
to go to South Africa to distribute relief
funds, was adopted after a short debate,
In tbe course of which Mr. HHt, chairman
of the committee on foreign affairs, In
troduced a letter from Secretary Hay, ex
plaining what the Department ot State had
done In the premises.
Large Badaet of Bills.
A resolution wss adopted to authorise
the secretary ot war to loan tents to tbe
Texas Confederate Reunion association,
which meets at Dallas April 12.
A bill was passed to provide for the Is
suance of patent to the townslte of Basin,
Wyo., to the municipal authorities thereof
for the use and benefit of said town.
Bills were passed to permit tbe Issue of
school bonds In Oklahoma; to ratify tbe
set of the Arisona legislature providing a
fund for the University ot Arisona; for the
refunding of the debt of Navajo county,
Arisona, at a lower rate ot Interest, and
to change the boundaries between the south
era and central districts of the Indian
When the Item relative to the free rural
delivery waa reached In discussion ot the
postofflce bill. In accordance with the
action of the house on Monday,
Mr. Loud, in charge of the bill, moved to
strike It out and substitute the provisions
ot the bill to classify the rural free de
livery service as It passed the house. The
amendment was adopted.
Brings I'p Passport Case,
Mr. Burleson of Texas got the floor and
renewed the case of Rev. Hiram Thomas
and wife, whose application to the State d
partment for a request to tbe British au
thoritlea for passports to enter the Boer
lines In South Africa for the purpose ot dis
tributing relief funds was brought, to. the
attention of tba house by him a few day
ago. Mr. Burleson declared that Mr. Hltt'a
defence of the refusal of the Stat depart
ment to accede to the request, while it
might have been able to accede, was lame,
Tbe State department in declining tbo re
quest, he said, did not plead tbe violation
of International comity, as Mr. Hltt bad
Mr. Burleson denied that tho hypothesis
of Mr. Hltt as to our refusal to allow con
federate sympathisers to go through the
lines during the civil war wa a parallel
case and. moreovei, he said, It wa not an
nisioricei tact, tie reaa a letter from a
union surgeon stationed at City Point, Va.,
during the war who told how the union
force allowed relief to pass through the
; Cltae aa Esaaaple.
'If General Baarmaa asked Mr. Burls-
, "bad concsntratsd southern women and
children In camp did anyone Imagine that
the north would not have allowed relief to
be sent to them?"
In conclusion Mr. Burleson called atten
tion to a Berlin dispatch announcing that
Great Britain had been granted permission
for the distribution of charitabl gifts col
lected In Germany for tbe Boer prisoners.
Mr. Hltt of Illinois, chairman of the com
mittee on foreign affairs, replied briefly to
Mr. Burleson. He said he felt some hesita
tion about renswlng the controversy raised
by a resolution which was not before the
house. HI observation the other day, he
Id, had been of an off-hand character. He
would content himself at this time, he said,
with having read a letter he had received
from Secretary Hay. The latter wss as
Letter front Hay.
TON. March 12, 1Q2.-Slri
neiernng to tne resolution recently In
troduced in the house, I beg to make the
following statement of facts:
A few days ago a youna aentleman r-aJimt
and asked whether this department would
mnuo passports to ttev. Mr. Thomas and
Mrs. Thomas, who were Intending to go to
South Afrltsi for the Durnoaa or rii,irihi.
tng funds which had been collected In Illi
nois for the benefit of the sufferers by the
war. J said at once the department would
Issue the passports desired and that I
would give Mr. Thomas a letter commend
ing htm to everyone whom I enuM in..
ance and asking their assistance In nls
i.i w men maae Whether
iVTninrm wuuiu uk or tne British
government permission for Mr. and Mrs
Thomaa to go at will through the British
military lines and campa. a sumrestlon
which I thought impracticable. This " dE
partment is ready at any time to consult
with a representative of Governor Yates
as to the best means of getting Into the
proper hands sums contributed by charita
ble people In Illinois for the relief of the
sufferer by the war In South Africa:
J', '. very respectfully your obedient
servant, JOHN HAY.
Resolatlan la Adopted.
Immediately afterward Mr. Hltt presented
ths resolution reported by his tommoi..
which called on tbs secretary or state for
the tacts la the ess of the anniir.Hm,
made to tbe tat department la behalf ot
vr. i nomas ana wire. The resolution we
saoptea without debate.
A bill wa passed to grant a right-of-way
through Kolaba to the Hawaiian Ditch com
pany. Bills slso were passed to authorise
the cooslructloa of marls hospitals at
Buffalo. N. Y., Savannah, Ga. and Pitts
burg. Pa., and placing tbe limit of eost
in eaca case at, to Include tbe Col
vtlle Indian reservation, in the state ot
wasniagton. unosr tne general free home
stead acta for the relief of boaaflde settlers
In forest reservations. Ths bout at 4:60
p. an. adjourned.
Secretary af Treasarr Dlseeatlaae
far Present the Parcaase of v.
eminent fnatramenta
WASHINGTON, March 14. Th secretary
of th treasury ha announced thst h will
discontinue tor the present, the purchase
of united states bonds of tbs Ave per cent
loan or 1904, tne lour per cent funded loan
ot 107, th three per cent loan of 19o.isi
and th four per cent loan of 1938. such
discontinuance ta tak effect st the close et
business tomorrow.
The secretary believes that the price af
bonds is unreasonably higher, and the effect
ot the governaeat being permsnsatly I
th market helps to maintain this price, to
the prejudice of national bank circulation
Basks said to he retiring circulation as
rapidly as possible, presumably for lbs pur
pose of selling ths bonds now oa deposit
at present prlcee or for tbe purpose et us
ing them with the treasury as security tor
government deposit. Ia making govern
meat deposit th secretary la disposed to
discriminate la favor of such banks as
atslatala their circulation, aad by these
two methods be hopes to overcome the teat
ency to retire bank circulation,
Civil . Kervlee Commissioner Rosen
berg; Qalte Office First of
Seat Month.
WASHINGTON. Msrch 14. William A.
Roder.htrg of East St. Louts, III., today
submitted to President Roosevelt his resig
nation as a member ot tbs United Ststes
Civil Service commission, to tske effect
April 1. Rtchsrd Dana of Boston hss been
mentioned as a probable successor, but
President Roosevelt hss not yet announced
his Intention. Mr. Rodenberg's relations
with tbs president and tbe other member
of tbe commission has been cordial, and
the latter today gave out a statement in
blch they announced there always bad
been harmony between tbe three commis
sioners and denying a report that a request
for his resignation had ever been contem
plated. Mr. Rodenberg called on the presi
dent several days ago and Informed him ot
bis intention to resign snd re-enter poli
tics, and the Utter urged him to remain.
Mr. Rodenberg formerly represented tbe
Twenty-first Illinois district In congress.
Following is Mr. Rodenberg's letter of
resignation and tbe president' reply:
March 14. 1902. Dear Mr. President: I
have the honor to tender herewith my
resignation as a member of the United
Stntrg Civil Service commission,' to take
effect Anrll 1. 1902.- In dolne so 1 desire to
express my sincere sppreclatlon of your
personal favor, and to bespeak for your
administration a continuation of Its merited
popularity and success. With assurance
of my best wishes. 1 am yours very truly.
The President.
WHITE HOUSE, Washington, March 14
1908. My Dear Mr. Rodenberg: I accept
your resignation with regret. Tou have
shown yourself throughout my term an
excellent public servant, and I wish it
were possible for you to continue on the
Civil Service commission. With the best
wishes. I am faithfully yours.
Hon. W. A. Rodenbertt. II. S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D. C.
Amendment te Popular Election Bill
Increases I'pper House Rep
resentation. WASHINGTON, March 14. Senator Pen
rose Introduced today an amendment to
the pending resolution, providing for the
election of United States senators by direct
vote of the people, a proposition to increase
the number, of senators In proportion to
population, and providing for other Impor
tant change In senatorial representation ot
the states. The prevision Is a follows:
The senate of the United States shall be
composed of at least two senator from
each atate and an additional senator for
every ratio of 500,000 persons, who shall be
elected by direct vote of the people thereof
for a term of six years, and each senator
shall have one vote. A plurality of votes
cast for senator shall elect and the electors
shall have the qualifications requisite for
electors bf the most numerous branch of
the state legislature. Vacancies In the rep
resentation of any state In the senate shall
be filled In the same manner as such va
cancies are now filled by house ot rep
resentatives. It shall be the duty of congress when Ax
ing and apportioning representatives from
the several states In the house of rep
resentatives after every censua to likewise
fix and apportion the representation of
senators from each state, provided that
each state shall have at least two senator.
changes; Terms of lease
Senate Committee Rednee Rental
Period of Public Domain In
WASHINGTON. March 14. The senate
committee oa the Philippine today, spent
a hnwerid a half going over the section
of jnplna government bill, "which
v4i,i.Mii( ijr palio leads.
JJJapts'made in
rnrw t V. tr the bill reduce the
ternvSt 'bribe public domain from
ninety-nine years to Ave years. This
change was made to conform with otber
provisions authorising the actual fins! dis
position of the lands.
The committee passed ever the provision
of the bill pertaining to timber lands until
the subcommittee, which is investigating
thst branch of the question, csa hve an
opportunity to report. The question of ths
disposition of the friars' lands was not
taken up.
It was announced that General Otis would
be the next witness before the committee
oa the mfc'act of general condition In the
Philippines and that he would begin hi
statement next Monday.
Democratic Members Lay Plane ta
Determine a Party Attitude To
ward Sonth Africans.
WASHINGTON. March 14. Representa
tive Randell, of Texas today, circulated
among hi . democratic colleague ot the
bouse a petition for a caucus ot democratic
members to consider what course should
be adopted In relation to the government's
attitude toward the Boers. The petition
waa addressed to Representative Hay,
chairman of the democratic caucus and
named March 19, as tbe time for tbe gath
ering, Tbe . signatures were very general
on the democratic side of tbs house, and
the caucus probably will be held, although
no call baa been yet Issued.
Bellamy Htorer Near Home.
WASHINGTON. March 14. Bellamy
Storer, United States minister to Spain, Is
on tbe steamship St. Louis sod will rrlvs
In New York tomorrow. He is on leave
of absence from hi post at Madrid for
the first time In two years. It la said at
the State department that bis treaty work
Is In good shape and will bs completed
when the youog king ascends the throne
in May.
tH ftict
?rSnN x
I" ...'
rS f "K
f1 doctor if he knows of anything better.
A neighbor of mine aad
for a long time, Having used Aver Sarsapaiilla ia my owa family
for a great many years, and always with satisfactory results, I recom
I SUa, an
mended it te my neighbor. Th
greatly delighted." N. K. Vim. Bpeacer, lad.
Colombian Minister of War Bays Govern
ment Haa Broken Rebellion.
Generals Castro and Orlls Arc Re
ceived with Load Acclaim at
Panama by Government
COLON, Colombia, Msrch 14. The minis
ter ot war. General Fernandei, has Issued
a circular letter to the civil and military
chiefs of the departments, In which he de
clares the recent engagements between tbe
government troops and Insurgents were al
together favorable to the government, re
minds tbera ot the value of Individual good
example and says "morality and good disci
pline In the army are the keynote ot vic
tory, while demoralisation result In laxity
and annihilation."
Tho minister also notifies the depart
mental officials thst one final effort Is nec
essary In order to end the revolution.
The Norwegian steamer Simon Dumola,
which arrived here yesterday (bringing
Generals Castro and Ortls and 300 men and
sixty officers), also had on board about
forty government officials from Agua Dulce.
These offlclsls had all msde tbelr way
through tbe woods to Bocas del TOro,
where they chartered the 8tmon Dumols.
Castro and Ortlx were engaged with Gen
eral Herrera, the Insurgent commander,
February 21, 22 and tS. Herrera Is re
ported to have ttacked Castro and Ortlx
with 8,000 troops, while the government
commaader only had 1,000 men.
Ovation to Castro,
PANAMA, March 14. The government
generals, Castro and Ortls, arrived here at
11 o'clock this morning and received one ot
the most entnuslastlo welcomes ever wit
nessed in Panama. Tbe crowds In tbs
streets leading to tbe railroad station made
traffic impossible. The cheers for the cen
tral were deafening.
The correspondent has been told by Gen
eral Salaxar, the governor et Panama, that
the arrival of General Bertie, with 2,000
men of the battalion of Gramalota, Is ex
pected here within a short time. When
these forces arrive an attack upon tbo rev
olutionists under General Herrera will Im
mediately be made.
General Castro traveled over 500 miles In
crossing the Andes from Agua Dulce to
Bogas Del Torro. Many of hi men died on
this march.
A report has just reached here that sixty
men of the Fifth battalion ot Call have
landed near Colon.
Contest Between Private aad Munici
pal Plant Goes ta Vnlted
Statea Canrt.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D-, Msrch 14. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Carland of the United
Statea court ha overruled the demurrer ot
the city to the crossbill ot tbe water com
pany, which seek to prevent an ordinance
fixing lower water rates from going Into
effect. In the arguments on the demurrer,
Attorney Keith argued that th federal
court hsd no jurisdiction. The decision
of Judge Carland, while against the city,
doe not affect th question at Issue, simply
holding that there Is a question for the
United States eourt to decide. This Is only
ana of several cases between the city and
the water company, growing out of voting
for bonds a few months ago for tbe purpose
ot constructing a mualcpal water works
plant. Tbe private watsr compaay main
tained that such action would be a viola
tion by the city of the franchise held by
it and an impairment of the value ot it
Chance at Haroa Land Office.
HURON, 8. D., March 14. (Special.)
Hon. John Westdabl has besa relieved from
duty as receiver of the Huron land office,
and George Scbnepper, for long time
chief clerk, has been sworn In to All ths
vacancy, pending an appointment ot re
ceiver by the president. Mr. Westdahl
sent in hla resignation some weeks since
to take effect March 1. Special Agent
Tbayer of the Interior department came
here and after checking out Mr. Westdahl,
put Mr. Schnepper In tbe position te serve
until sn appointment is mads.
' Creamery Men Oraanls.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. March 14. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting bald here by tbe
creamery and buttermen of this part ot
th stat a nsw association, to b known
as the Sioux Falls District Crcamerymen'k
association Ne. 1, was formed. These of
ficers were elected: president, L. N.
Hunter, 8loux Fall; vioe-prtstdent, B. O.
Johnson, Hertford; secretary. D. E. A.
Lundqulst, Irene; treasurer, F. F. Smith,
Crashed tnder Wao Wheel.
STURGIS, 8. D., March 14. (Special.)
John Wallln, a tew miles east of Black
hawk, Meade county, waa thrown from a
wagon and a wheel passed evsr his chest,
breaking his collarbons and five rib. He
has a wit and tour children dependent upon
trlcaen with Apoplexy.
WEST POINT, Neb.. March 14. (Special.)
Herman Klrchenwlts, a farmer north of
the city, wa stricken with apoplexy thl
morning while standing on the business
street, snd now lies In a precarious condi
tion. Help
J.;.;.-- d -r .v4
f 10 neip mem
selves. What
better deed?
Then why not tell
your friend who is ill
just what Ayers Sarsa-
parilla has done for you ?
When you see a person weak
and pale, nervous and debili-
rrrnmrrifnr1 mir Sarca.
a a veem j lawt ) w w v av Wfadt
narilla. If in doubt about this, ask your
a cbild who had suffered from scrofula
child was quickly cured, aad the parents
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and All Affections of the
exclusively for th pait five year and find it not only prevents hoarseness, but It keep
me free from concha and eoMs. I heartily recommend It to any one who speaks or sings
In public, or to any one who is troubled with sore throat, concha, tonsllltls or bronchitis."
Hold by all reliable druc;a;iit; larga bottles, 83c. Boo that th " Bull' Head " ia oa
tbeparkarn. IVfitsesubstltutes; they are Injurious and do noteure. Insist on getting tbe
genuine Dr. Bull s Cou?h 8 vrnp th one tfuil atwnw fire and is perfectly harmless.
.,u; a r i"rti,u! Cslendsr snd a Medical Booklet Free to anyone who will
Write A. C. Meyer A Co.. Baltimore, Md. , and mention this paper.
U lit
Xoaring tho wind-up of tbe great Creditors' Shoe
you have the opportunity to buy high grade foot
wear, in the latest styles and patterns, at less than
the maker's production costs.
Remember this is no fake sale, but that erery
shoe in our mammoth shoe stock is cut in price.
New spring arrivals put on sale
Come now. Not a pair reserved. Extra help.
Every pair fitted.
Tho E3ochQS.Gr Shoo
Creditors' and Bankrupt Sale,
1515 Douglas
Some Boys' Have Feet-
that are almost as big aa a uinu's;
others aa small as a girl's a wide rauge
of sizes aud widths required to fit all
boys yet we can, do It satisfactorily to
you, tbe boy and ourselves (and we're
mighty particular about fitting shoes
Just right) with our boy's fl.BO all
leather shoe an. Ideal school shoe for
spring wear no damp or cold feet and
a Drex L. airship with erery pair sold
fa Saturday, "
Drexel Shoe Co..
saeha's Ve-ate Saee Mease.
$5.00 a imm
of MEN.
19 years la Omaha
cured by the QUICK
EST, safest and most
natural method that
baa yet been discovered.
Soon every sign and symptom disappear,
completely and forever. No "BREAKING
OUT" of the disease on the skin or face,
A ours that ia trueranteed to be permanent
for life.
IflDlftflPCI C cured. Method new,
lAnlwUUt.B.E without cutting, pain;
no detention from work: permanent cur
WKAK MEN from Eacesses or Victims
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast
ing Weakness with Early Decay In Toung
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and
strength, with organs impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Home
Treatment. No pain, no detention from
business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
Oonsaltatloa Free. Treat meat by Mall.
11 B. 14th
Dr. Searles & Searlss. Omaha, Neb.
. la thm opmn door to all dlaoates.
Violent cAthartkt ksvtj you vent tkui I hey fln4
yon. Thar la oly en m4icM tb tcti ily.yet
surely, upon thm to well whit acrinf st s Ionic, n
contains vslusbU vofctabU properties wbklt set
Moo ins Mosmocfe, Uvf, kidneys ud blood, snd Inst
Laiskolt is not only the momt eAeitnl of y
feanedie, but the moat economical, betceues it coat
bae two medicines, vii I Uutivs snd tonie, sod et
no pries. No other remedy ivec to much (or the
ssoney. At draff' 5C- IOC or n tor free
Mvpl to LAX A KOLA CO., 15a Nsaism ilroot, MY.
In the
Th Ltading JJoUl of LahtvMod.
LAKKWOOD, la the heart af a bal
awio forest of pi ms. Is now a
wsrld-reitowDed winter resort for
health and pleasure, and The Lake
weed. Its principal and larsest hotel.
Is a superbly equlppe beetslry, In lux
urious accommodation for the comfort,
convenience and entertainment of US
patrons not surpassed bv eay hotel la
America. The culsln and service equal
those of the celebrated restaurants of
Ksw York and Farts. ,, .
At The takewood are Installed ths
famous Hydrotberapeuli eure)
Viathe of rrof Charcot of Pari. en4
rrof. Krb of Heldelbarg. This reaurt
as the most Improved and perfect
apparatus for the treatment and eiire
ef overwork, aerveuenses. Insomnia,
End allied complaints, by meene ef
ydnxharapy aud electricity, ef any
olel In the world. This department
la under the aare ef the Houae Fhy-
JAB. H. BERRY, Manager.
111 TMttfn i
Throat and Lungs can be
rertnanontlT and twedilv rv the onlv safe and rollahla mira.
which has been prwrilied Vy Doctor for 8A years, and baa
saved tbnnsands of lives that would have been cut short by
(.ommmption-DR. BULL'S COUOH 8YRCP. James L.
Burden, one of the beat-known hiin.orlsts, whose residence)
lnwt 120th St., Now York City, sayst "Slnca 1 have
been recitinr In publlo I find It neceamry to take something
t" keep my throat in normal condition and free from boarsa
ness and coughs. 1 have taken
Street 1515
We have the best t?5 bicycle made:
the only way we can tell you how good
It is Is to come In and see them. We
sell the three leading high grade
wheels the
National, Cleveland and Racycle
f car A6tov6so sr
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
DR. McGREW(Af,i53)
Diseases aad Ulsvsaesa el ate Oaly.
M ears' Ktaerieaee. Years la
ssfsst and most natural that has yet been
discovered. Ne pain wbstevar. no cutting
and does not interfere wila work or buai
BMi. Treatment at offlee or at hetae aad
ay permanent sure guaranteed.
. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Diseases. Ne "BR&AKINQ
OUT" on the skin or facs and ail sateraal
Slso e the qiseese oiapps .
treatment thai Is more suoosssful and far
more satlatMiory than ib ''. " J
treatment and at leas than HALT THsJ
COUT. A cure that 1 guaranteed I be
permaaent for life.
OVER 20,000 debility, less ef vitality
anu ail unnatural weakneeaee ef oea
sUriclur. Ulaet, Kidn.y and gladder Luv
sasea. Hydrocele, eured permanently.
tuAHCfci lvw, tossiitrAi ion rata.
Treatment by mxll. t. O. Bos 7,
Office ever lit . l.tb street, between r
teas aae Doug la a La.. OalAUA. NaVis.
This BMaaa Just vket
Itsa.Te. Inrtil M jmii'
fratk I duworervd aa
nlalllbleeunlor Seaiiaai
aad XerfouslMbUliy.aad
111 sad a full curative
eoarse of th Remedy, luting thrus siosUis. to
eay eee en tril. to te paid for U satulactory.
Mo Cure, ho Fay. rUntply wl year ea4
41rM. luOinn from V arteeL. blood Peleoa.
Hur.tur,Kldny.ml1rnd PruetUs Ineas.
rlu lr vr Una Trwlnul m Aldras.
6k. WILLIAMS, UaeJtS U WUWUa bs, Wig.