Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1902, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA PAJjfcY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 19011. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES will be taken til 13 a far tha evealeg edit loo a ad aatll : a. bb far morales aa Saadar e-ltle. Ha tea, 1 l-3s a word Ural lasertlea. la a word thereafter. RtW(, takes far leas thaa, Zfta far the are laser tlaa. Thee at vertlseaaeata saost he raa (atlT(lf. Advertlaere, by reaweetlagr na tiered eheelt eaa have aae-rere ad stressed to a aaatbered letter la rare af The Bee. Aaawere a addreaaed will ha delivered aa areaeatatlea af tha eheelc ealy. WA.ITED-MiLB HELI, GOOD messengers wanted; increased pay. A. X. T. Co., 212 South Uth. B 614 BTEADT work, profitable work, for neat, energetic hustlers, C F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. - B 615 tT, FOR HALF A DAY'S. WORK. ' If you live in the country or In a amnll town and have a good acquaintance amone- the farmers and atock raisers In the neighborhood you can maka 35 easily by four or five hour' work. Write ua and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing- Co.. Solicitors' ppt., Omaha, Nsb. B-M213 WANTED, a good man la every county to take ubserlptlons- for the Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agenta maka good wtifi everywhere. References requirea. Address,' Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Nob. . . li u WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagons; steady work and good pay. C. F. Adams Co., 1613 Howard fit. T B M92. PREPARE for clr. rerr. exam.; bk-kp., etc. B- 15, Com. Nat. Bk. Kathbun. ; f:r: V ; . : . B M1S0 IS k' WANTED, a boy lh a home to deliver The ' Evening 'flee, north aide.' Call at I circulation dept.. Bee office, I p. m. " ".' B 171 , a i, r .-; ; WANTED ;PAlntr at St. Louis for ' . World fair Work; Yi per day, 8 hours. I . . ; 4 C : - : i THB Moler Barberif,r,lJeg, MH23 Tartiam sr., wants men To' warn tne tratie; laat thirty days thav aHiolarship, board, tools an transportation an be earned before leaving home special Inducements to ap plicants frem dtntaape; My eight weeks required; steady practice,' expert Instruc tion, etc.: write for particulars today. . . B M8 16' CARPENTERS Wanted; two good me chanics can find good employment at Gretna, Neb' Germans would do best. Ad dress V 44, Bev. B M464 18 WANTED, an all-around tailor In ths country. Steady work, good wages. In quire Sbnday, March IS, at D. Gross' grocery, 24th And Charles sts. , B-M481 16 WANTED, three eoatmakers, two trous ersmakers and one vestir.,,ker at once; first-class work only, T. H. Boyer, Sioux City, Ja, f B M479 17 SALESMEN MV new patented articles, at tractive, liberal proposition; work in Omaha and vlnlnlty; high grade: quick seller.. Write aa, 630, 56 6th ave.. Chicago. 11 ii-ra JO WANTED, butcher, one who has had ex perlenc In grocery buslneea preferred. Charles Hanley, 1016 Pacific St. . ' B 617 16 WANTED, experienced driver for furniture wagon. ' People Store, lath and Farnam. y B 618 14 TAILOR WANTED One good coatmaker; steady work and good pay; come ready for work. A. C. Lauffer, Falrbury. Neb. . : V ,' B M524 16 ' t . WANTED Man to work' around private home; must understand care of horse and .. be a good mllkerr call, with references, t 414 .Karbach block. B-M523 Id WANTED, experienced carpet cutter.' Ap ply Boston Store before 10 a. m. v .' .. B M5M17 AT ONCE,'" first-class coatmaker wanted. Price from $8 to $15. C. J. Peterson. Lar amie,. Wyo. . B M53119 THREj: ir"fourkood hien wahted; 1100 per mon(A.. Call e27 Faxton block. B MM8 4 SALESMK .WANTED. WANTED, will accept a limited number of salesmen. New plan, large commla aiona. Advancement. Push and energy count. Chicago Fire Appliance company, Holyoke. -Maes. 221 SALESMEN By long established manu facturer of flavoring extract, spices, bak ing powder; -, give full experience. We offer to hard'. workers good salary. Box ill. Chicago.-' in. . at off la- WAHTEP fEMALB HBLP.Y WANTED. U. hirdrinT "manicuring ana chi- ropody and scientific massage. Call or write- Hoom tm, iiee uiag U 663 WANTED, at onos.-espable tatloress good wages. Mrs.: Av -C. Msrk,. 17th and Doug laaatreelv ,.. fi C Se4 NURSES' - College, Pueblo, Colo.; three months'- court dlidoanaa; next term opens. April-A. writs.. . C MU419 WANTED, - ladles, to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage; only four Weeks. . required; .eomparailveIy . no ex pense;.1 splendid wages -paid graduates; positions guaranteed or residence trade setabllshed. , Call or writs today, Moler College, lfiar Farnam, sl .Q M427 16 . COMPKtENT girl lor general housework In . family .-of 1 thras; good wagea. 347 I Howard Bt.,. ., , . --C-474 M GIRL for general ikboaework, small family. iglT,N..41u, ..,(. C MI66 15 GIRL for general housework at 2808 Capitol Ave, . , C 475 16 COMPETENT girl, general housework, family Of three; good wages. 416 'So. lath St. ... - -C 2 WANTED, milliners, trimmers, anakera and apprentices, millinery oepartmenC J. L Brandela A Bons..I)oston Store. .. .. . . , . , . C493 15 WANTED, -a thoroushlr exnerlenred aslea. lady tor. Jacket and ekirt denartment. to go- In ataitv;. one speaking German pre- n - - - .. n 1 mi, 111.1 j iinq ex perienca. Anldreaa M.a Splesberger Pon to., vntaaawfueD. - . -.. . - , c M510 16 WANTED, a- eonaelenttoua woman, capable of taking care cf bualneaa and directing employee; must hgva reference. Address V 7. JBaa. ;,. . C-615 16 . WAlNTED-Womaa for genenal' houaework'r family of noes. tZZr&&ril' WUh , ..: j . , C MS2J 16 reAere 1" ' uexp Wantwd: MEN and wme wantedi trades and pro- PA8SEJFRcar.ry-- ww,yJa'n,ted fesslonal poaUiotiS eecured promptly; any and upholstered. W m. BJrg. 1446 Sher plaoe. Address P O. Drawer 677, Chicago. mn Av P U7 -Jl li WANTED. 100 girls. 69 to 37: Canadlsn Kmj. Bareaur moved 15th and Dodre. TeL 664. s 1 , '- rMR RBNTWHOL'SES. ' - FTVH unfurplshed; -rooms, all modern and Crat-clasa. l-H Miami St. D 314 HOUSES and Bats. fUngwalt, Barker block! . . - ' -i th-i ; HOI Kpc; l? cr The O. Bee Bldg. U iA tIGHT-ROOM,' modern, Ajccept furnace, 322. O. TaL KafUager, Bee Bldg. 'Phona 4o3, D 4E0 HOUSES, 'sto. . F, JX Wegd. 1524 Dougiaa- HdUMi. atora...- Bemtm. J'Atonbjoeh. " roR aALSB-MISCEIXANE S. FATNK, BQSTW1CK CO.. Sol N. T. Ufa, FIR "mb?r" for hu" movera, etc. 0 to 71 . . - . . i-4 feeti cribbing and hog fence, tul Douglas. . ti 4-5 FOR RENT. 2613 N- 17th St. 3U; large 3- ' , ' ' .... ' ' story modern of roma, also barn. 2DHAND safe cheap. Delight. HI Farnam. Th Omaha ft-elly Co., Uul Dougiaa St.. apetairt. 11 4 . 1 Z. ' 1 , , INDIAN goods and reUca, HI Farnam. Srx-ROOM modern flat, 1016 Pacific atreet. Q-att Charts, Hanlvy. JL. FOR BAUE. kindling wood. 1.10 per load.' MODERN 6-ros gAt TUard, Z9 N. Md at aoith- end of Kxuoaiiion grounds, near at. . . L M728 31 lath street. Just north of old Midway. : , 1 u-txi SIX-ROOM ee4tag,"nar1y new. nice lawn, . 1 , water and gas. convenient ta motor; rent. FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any t'l Inquire Wm, L Kierstcad, Room , ether musical tnitrumnt; 3 up. The City liail, -V-443 . WlunuvaCo., 1A Fajoaxo. Q 6-i FOR BEIT-HOtDEI. VAN8 and baggage wagon. TeL 11S D M6P6 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; omce i.iis c arnam. or lei, i.os-- D-4U7 FOR RKNT, lo-room, modern, brick house, (14 N. Uth at. . 6-room. modern, brick house, M fl. Sth avenue. Brennan-Love Co., S9 8. Uth at. D M4H5 19 FOR RENT. furnished house, for six months or longer, modern, first-class lo cation. The O. F. Davis Co.. f Pee Bldg. O " 1 FOR RET FVHSISHED ROOMS. DEWEI Kuropean hotel, 13th and Farnam. TWO housekeeping rooms, ts. 2U2J St. E M9S1 A4 Marys. HOUSEKEEPING, other rooms. ll 8. 10. Jfi fllVJU AS LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1 8. 1'th. lv-MSS As FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1617 Ca-. . E M4.9 FI RSISIIED ROOMS AMD BOARD. NICE home for young men. 10S 8. 2Mb. St. ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 19Jt Douglas. PTEAM heated room with Capitol Ave. board. 190 F ItS FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without boara. Miajana hotel, 16th and Chicago Sta. . F 830 ROOMS "The Farnam,' 18th and Farnam. F 473 FOR REST IJIFVRJIISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, 15 per month, ground . floor room in The Bee building, facing '.Farnam atreet; ne expense for light, heat or Janitor service. K. c raters dfc (., lienral Agents, ilea uuuuing. u us THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. SHJ .. 8. 23U St. .'. , G M512 FOR RENT, suite of rooms In Wlthnell bldg., 15th and Harney. O M533 17 FOR REST STORES AMD OFFICES. FOU RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 16 Farnam St. It has tour stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee presa room, . Thla will be rented very reasonably. If intereated apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room ivu, ties ouuaing. FOR RENT Store in flrat-cless location; . rent reasonable. Apply K. t. fetera Co., ground floor, lies Bldg. 1266 SHOP 414 South IRtb St.. 22x0; cheap; six- room cottage. 1036 South 20th, 114. Hamll ton. 211 South 17lh. 147016 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to TUB TWENTIETH CENT CRT" FARMER. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents in the country with . horse and buggy especially desired. Can vassers make easily 660 to SloO per month. Address, century tirmer solicitors Bu reau, Be Building, Omaha. 213 A LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, with satis factory references, can secure a general or district agency contract on very liberal terms from the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance company, room 10, Commercial national hank Dldg., Omaha, Neb. J-M463. MAKE money while you wait, 600 per cent pront; requires oniy one nouraauy- agents wanted at every postofflce; exclusive sale in counties and large towns: writs for sale and Instructions. Mc Arthur Machlng CO.. I -i Zd St., uea Moines, la. J-M496 17 AOENT8 WANTED Men able to handle large agencies. Competition will Increase sales; postal for particulars. C. S. Page n i l. CO., ues iioines, xa j aiiJU ia AGENTS WANTED Men and women with small capital to take terrltorv for Edi son Electric Blue, which Is the only blus that bleaches a virgin white and is a pre servative of linens. No bottles or rags used; save money and labor; sells at 6 cents a package; big money In It for you: bought by every family at sight and Is a continuous repeater. The Blues Blue Co., 263 Broadway, New York. J Mo 26 15 WANTED TO RENT. HAVE you houses for rentf List them with R. C Peters A Co., ground floor, Bee building. it. 4U la WANTED, 7 or 6-room thoroughly modern house; give price and location.- v h. nee. ft. JUttSf 10- I or 6-room cottage; no children Ad- dress V 54. Bee. WIDOWER With two children wants board snd room In private family close to school (widow preferred). Ad.irees j. T. Bonner, care Bee.. K-M528 16 STORAGE. . PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 12- 114 Jonas, general storage ana forwarding. -wi OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1611ft Farn. Tela. 1659-ft3. MAOOARD VAN CO., Tslephona . 1496. ... 776 WANTEDTO BUY. WANTED at once, 2dhand furniture, car- nets, for St. Louis Lxpo. Tel. rn, or notify Levlne's Furn. Store, josN.WtB WANTED, to buy. large-slse mirror; please I state size and price. Address V 52. He omce. i aioiA FOR SALE FtRNITlRft. ' CHTrAOO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodve. Tel. . New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangea. o exi HIGH grade-furniture complete for five- room bouse, an in good condition, very cheap. Bldg. tza Harney SL, or 701 N Y U O 44 FOUR chamber sets, one sideboard and other article ai private aaie, peiween 14th and Uth, 2530 Davenport. O 1 18 SALB-HrRSES, WAGONS. ETC. BUBBER-TilD coup, newly painted. I H'iAi; glass side rockaway,.U; alx family carriages, 645 to 375 each; wagons. Drum- nond C'arrlaae Co.. lain and Harney. . P-634 FOR repair work on light and heavy wagons see CToat, iio ana LMvenworin. . - - - . J Sl'RRET, newly painted, good aa new. LaraaJa for cash. Inquire 410. bee. P-M4B3 19 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetona,' rarrlages. runabouts, new ana ecoiiu-n&na, it cut prices: must aell to make room: It la no t cheap Work, but good work cheap; we do painting, trimminc repairs and put on rubber tires, wm. ftauer iarriae works. 27th and Lravenwortn. iei. iiu. P-M307 A13 WANTED, a Shetland tonr: must be sen ile, call on or address ir. n Davis, u0 Bee building. P MM 16 FOR SALE 3 standard-bred stallions, one standard-bred mare. M. P. Brown, Pa I pillion, Neb. P M53 16 rOR BALK MISCEIXASEOIS. 21 . AND ssfe cheap. gcbwartx, 114 8. nth. SAMPIE piano, eastern manufacture, fully warranted, at a Bargain, novm mc I a sue Bldg. 100 STTIES trusses, catalogue free. Bher- man McDonnell urug .o., mn ana Dodge, Omaha. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree guaros.- wire Works. C17 Bo. 16th St. Tel. V Q M8S5 J 30 FOR SALE Scholarship In an Omaha Inquire 232 Bee Q-MKt shorthand school, cheap. Bldg. BICYCLES, phonographs and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co., Jtm ana ldiciio p Q 7! COMPLETE saloon fixtures. Including Na tional cash register. Address jr.. ioran, Sidney. Neb. Q-M156 19 FOR 'SALE, SECOND-HAND LUMBER 210.000 feet of second-nana lumDer win oe sold at once at north end of Exposition grounds. Inquire of H. F. Cady Lumber Co. TeL 1. Q-31 FLESCHER sells bicycles. 123 Capitol Ave. lio.ono 922-K4 Douglas, formerly Lauer Bros., or rent; k aiso seven uvinsr nx upstairs. Mrs. Kuhlman. 3526 North 27th. Q 120 A6 FOR SALE, only laundry In Co. seat town.. sickness, stebbins' Bteam launary, ucpn, la. Vr a-'i FOR SALE, a complete history of the unl . 'verse by Rldpath. I volumes, well bound, ; good ss new: price reasonable. Address V 41. Bee. Q-M4J2 17 FOR SALE, a six months' scholarship and books, value to5.60. In one of Omaha's best business colleges, at a big discount. Call on or address Dwlght Williams, ' room 100, Bee bldg., Omaha, Neb. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. Sit North" 16th. MME. GILMER, genuine palmist, 215 8. 15. 8645 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. JESSIE LEE, massage, 507 8. 13th. room 2. . T M635 Ml BONTON PARLORS. 221V4 N. lSth, flat B T M734 31 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths: Egyptian treatment; attendant- 221 V4 N. lfith. Flat A. T M93A2 MME. SMITH, baths, 116 N. 15. 2d floor. R.2 A uitu Ar MASSAGE Manicuring; 1615 Howard, flat A. T M521 29 M. AMES, R. 7, CumbTl'd house, 15 A Cap'l . Mo37 Alt' Norma Arlington, vapor baths. 4lH N. 16. i All- PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement: babies adopted, zjue urant (. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. U-447 DR. ROT, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removea oy electricity, n. is, Frenser Block. U 648 MME. SMITH, baths, US N. IB. 2d floor, r. 1 u mo aaiB" HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chiro pody, ror ladies oniy, in connection wun The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 2S5 RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to 60 days: send ror circular, u. . wooa. in. D., 521 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb U BM ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. c. Marx, ii at Lmugiaa. CI ! GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., isa uoug- u u m CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Tne Batnery, rooms zie-u act mag. Tel. 1716. U 64 . t . i LI KB EN. theatrlcr. masquerade costumef. 101s Farnam, ' u GOLDMAN' 8, the only" perfect pleating plant in the weat. auo uougias diock. u naoa SHAMPOOING and halrdreaalng. 25c. In connection with The ttatbery. ZM-rai nee building. TeL 1716. U 6tq PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur. lng confinement; babies adopted. ztzu Burdette. Mrs. isurget. u m aji RUPTURE CURED FOR 328 No pain, no detention from business; send ror cir culars. Empire Rupture Cure Co.. itl N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. U M273 . OMAHA Dys Works, 1517 Howard, the fashionable cleaners 01 laoies ano gen tlemen's dresses and suits, lace curtains. draperies. U-M72 31 Mlddlemisa. wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1736. u ftliW A13 - VIAVI. woman's way to health. Home treatment. Asooauet irea. 4 nee onig. Omaha. U 653 ELITE PARLORS, 815 S. Uth St.. 2d floor. U 1AUI A I FLESCHER will fix your bicycls right. U IAS WANTED. ' good, home for bright boy t yesrs old; motner aeao. Aaareas, wun references, stating price expected. V 35. Bee. U 417 16 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant, sum um. lai. u una Ai WANTED, any person having dealings with Tne American uierary ana Mueicai Association or cnicago to call on or ad dress. William Slmaral, 232 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 440 17. DID you ever atop to think. And then deckle to take a drink? Don't do it; buy a Stoecker Cigar Instead, and you will have been made twice glad. Save the bands and get 1 premium. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO.. 17453 17 V HO wants to sdopt boy 10 years, orphan, very bright and quick. .Address v 49, Bee. D M4S4 16- MOLUB Page 104 March What To Eat will help you out. ulokuh XJ MU6 15 JOHN CASEY Formerly of Clinton. la.. if residing in umana or vicinity, com municate with your daughter, Mary Elisabeth Warren, 4938 S. Center ave.. Chlcaao. who. with mother. Ala rr A" Caaey, left you when aa Infant 35 years ago, residing in cnicago aver euice. U 15 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, -city loans, bonds and warrants. George at Company, 10U1 A arnam atreet. W bi PER CENT on bualneaa property, , I per cent en residence property. Options to pay wbule or part any time. W. Ii. MEIKI.r'.. 4ul S, Uth St. W-856 WANTED,- city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bomb si Co 13JU Farnam St. W 657 WANTED, city and farm loana; also bonds and warrants, m. :. rsurt t la, ii-J. Farnam SC. Bea Bldg. ,V 608 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Airsuuaxi-Love Co., ajs South lath. W-AJ FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. IL iBurau, iwii oiug. .ei. W-tfr. 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis. Faxton Blk. w el PRIVATE money. Sherwood. SJ7 N. Y. U W 663 , PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1534 Dougiaa w- PER CENT loans. Garvia Bros.. 1604 W-6aa arnam. SJuo, 3500 AND 81.006 private money, L 11 or s years, on eastern rxtoraasa arms or well located eottagve la OauaL W. L Belby. Board of Trade Bldg. W-eli FOR BALK, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., la4 Farnam at.. Omaha. W M974 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., l'l Douglas at , upstairs, small aomas. Building tots; private money to loan on easy terma . W-Mii3 MOKET TO l,OAJ-f HATTELI, WE make loans on Furattora, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriage and other chattels. We make M O N E without nfoV,". torsong who I have permanent positions, lou can 1 get the money on very snort notice I and pay It back In one month, or I 5 - Keep it longer, ana pmr or ii oniy what time you keep It. We are leadera la low ratea, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite eompnriaons of ratea. time, peymente. ete. We f;lve you the full amount of the X)AN In cash. We always "try ts please." " OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 23). tEstabllshed 182. So. 16th St. Y STOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By seeing us today In our private offlce. HAVE TOVR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE, where you can pay easily. Everv n Dald oft loan reoucea cost. "SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES" to male or female employes. . No one need ever mow, No mortgage. No lndoraer. No publicity. A little help at the right time often sets a man on his feet. Wise people will at least call and inquire BDout our terms ana raies. Sou save money when you borrow of THE BIG CO." We offer a money-saving chance. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Room Sui, Paxton Block. X.TH LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOAN8 TO SALARIED FEOPLK, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. -X-666 Fl'RNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., I iti "Ahan in, v witnniit rtmnv ni goode."' Written guarantee given to thla J effect. AMEK1UAK lAJAfl itoora ut, Paxton Block. X- FT-RNIT1TRE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC.. LOANS. Aesoiuteijr wunoui removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAM CO.. Koora - tu3, Paxton Block. X 710 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried I people; Business connaentiai; lowest ratea, alt faxton Dioca ids j. a. iiunun o. X 670 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, ete. c. jr. nee a, xiy a. is. X-672 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Paxton block. A III MONFY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to salaried people, roiey itD Co.. sue. to Duff Green. Barker X-671 Bl'SINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y 874 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your bualneaa or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson. 43 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2770. Y-676 BOOTS and Shoes. S2.0U0 stock staple goods: will consider good land for same. Submit offer J. JI. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M349 FOR SALE or trade, my entire livery stock, at a bargain. Addresa W. C. Utter back. Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. I FOR SALE, millinery store doing good bualneaa; also good hotel for sale (or lease to right party), both good locations in N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Life building. Omaha. Y 134 A NEW stock of general merchandise, lo cated in one or the best towns in nor in eastern Nebraska, for sale, no trades. Ad dress U 62. Bee. Y M738 BAKERT goods and confectionary stand, living rooms in rear; splendid location; business good; (TO will buy It. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. . Y-M347 QOOD paying restaurant for sale; good rea son for selling. A. Rock, Boone. la. - Y 328 22 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa: large annual trade; stock wilt Invoice about $10,000; profits large; must close up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Address. V 40, Bee. Y-M426 HOTEL ODDortunltv In Kansas Citv: mod ern loO-room hotel, with rurniture, to be leaaed to good- and responsible hotel man. Address wuiard uougiaes, w. Y. Lire bldg.. Kansas City. Y-M424 17 FOR SALE, flrst-class meat market and poultry business in a good town and doing good buatnesa. Thla la a bargain If taken at once. Address Lock Box 27, McFalk Gentry county. Mo. Y M483 15 FOR SALE or rent, cheap-and easy terms. Grand Island Brewery, large brick Ice house, 12,000 tons ice and lake. Address C. II. Menck, Grand Island, Neb. - Y M504 17 FOR EJt CHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed, w 4. Bee. Z M51P FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort. gages, rentals, insurance, tsrown block. RB 740 SPECIAL BARGAIN; chsice 160-acre farm 2 mllea from Bhelton, Neb., well im proved; two seta of buildings; 100 bearing apple trees. Csn give posae salon right away. Price. 34,200, on easy terms. David Neely, Bnelton, rseo. RO M163 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes in Hanscom Place I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must soU. J. H. Sherwood, 537 N. Y. L. Bldg. j -f P.E M153. HOME OR INVESTMENT EIGHT ROOMS WEST FARNAM. ABA, HAKK1SUM dx AaOKTON. KE-1U 15 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, school section leases. D. W. Irwin. Ak ron. Colo. RE-M179 A6 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. r. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. RE 681 FARMS! FARMS! For bargains In farm O'Neill Real Estate Omaha. FARMS I property go to Agency. South iw-w PAYNE. BOSTW1CK A CO.. 601 N. T. Life. vfw Smnw-Church Co.. 4th floor N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency In the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estate brokers in every county la the Vnlted States and cities of foreign coun tries. RE 676 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans: also Bra insurance. emia, rmiua niocs RE 671 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the union Pacific RaUroad comoenv. B. A. McAUeater, land oummiasloner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, vmana. neo. Hg 677 IMPROVED farm. AGO aerea. mile north I Platte. Saroy-county; easy, terms: price, 655 an acre. Nason, liar Grand hotel, umana, rm. sis auuu u WILLIAMSON, UUI Farnam street, HE 476 FOR SALE. b' and lot, modern, fine condition, one bloc- from car line, near Hanscom park: bargain to cloae estate; no agents. .Address Owner, V46, Bee. RE M 161 16 A CHOICB home, built of pressed brick. Interior beautifully finished, square mo sala tiled hail, porcelain bath, steam heat barn, carriage house, shade trees, large lot 85 feci front ; very nne residence loca tion; close In; thla property coat ths for mer owner over 811.009 and can be sold at a decided barcain for cash. Wm K. Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 3U3 Brown Blk- . K M113 FOR LEASE OR SALE. A beautiful country home of 10 acres, right In the city, on paved street; conventaat for Omaha or South Omaha man; ( room houae, with large barn, corrals and out buildings: aplendld water system ; iota of shada trees, fruit orchard of ' apples, feaches. pluins cherries snd small fruits n abundance. Will make 3 to 6 years' lease to right party. This Is an unusual opportunity to get all the advantages of the country n the city; per month. Many pay as much for similar bouse oa ene city lot. Au areas V 61. Alee, HE-4S1 IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukev & Son. DbSIRABLF t J.1MES, ON EASY TEMS 10 - room. m em house, 8. W. corner Slst and Poppleton, sa.wi". room cottaae, run lot. 41M Grant. fl.KA. &-motn raltno. full lot. 4149 Krsklne. I1.0O. 6-room cott a, full lot, 4S12 Ersklne, ll,a. 6-room cottage, large barn, 8. E. Cor. 43d and gKrektne, iLOrnJ. (-room cottage, full lot, 3S Patrick. I1.S50. 5-room cottage, bam, 418 Kmmett. II W. t-room cottage and barn, 26 Ijike, 11,450. -room cottage, full lot, 4311 Corby. V. 5-room cottage, full lot, 4T4 Patrick. $1,400. A. P. Tl'KET AND SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. - RE 4SS 17 T-ROOMB, 1-story, sewer and water, south front, shade trees, a nice norae ana wen built, in good order, paved street; lot vxli7. No. 2730 Caldwell, 12,100.00. W. t. GATES, til N. T. Life. "Phona I'M. RE 489 15 THREE fine lots on 84th St., north of Far nam St., low price. E. O. Hamilton. 211 South 17th St. KE 471 16 FOR SALE, MH-acre farm, five mlles northeast of Council Bluffs, fob per acre. Os born at Room, Weston, la, RE M410 RTTY heat house naJnta. varnlehea. etc. Uuallty highest; pncea lowesu nauonn Oil tt Paint Co., 1015 Jones St. RFV M53S At! THE OMAHA REALTY CO;. 1301 Douglas St., upstairs, hmin nouses rnr saie; cnrup building lots. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE MM4 FARM FOR SALE. ADMINISTRATOR'S Sale of Farm Sealed bids will be received at my office up to March 26, 1902, for a well Improved farm six miles east oi council iuun, cunii Ing of 242 acres. For further particulars Inquire of Chss. T. Officer, administrator, 419 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 6.19 2S FARMS FOR RE JIT. FOR RENT, 160-acre farm, with goad Im provements, three miles from city; cash rent. Mrs. J. H. Blodgett. Beatrice. Neb. 602 15 OSTEOPATHY. GID K. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1664. 683 DR. A. T. HUNT, 611 McCagtia Bldg. Tel. 2352. 64 DR. MRS. ML SICK, Douglas Blk. TeL 2TO. one MEDICAL DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist rn diseases eg women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladies to his unaurpasaed accommodatlona before and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregulsritles, no matter what cause. Call or addresa, with stamp. Dr. Pries. Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. . 63 LOST. lost. atlckDln. ooal. set In wishbone. Thursday evening at toya s meaier or on Sherman avenue or Dodge car. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning same to Bee business omce. Lost 616 16 L08T, a gold cuff button, set with green lade stone. Reward If returned to Bea office. Lost-feSO 16 LAI N DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. Sc ; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. 701 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. CoL, 14th ADoug S8 ' A. C. VAN BANTS schooL 717 N. Y. Ufa. -647 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. N. Y, Life. , r - NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. If ill MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, chlnlst- 13th and Howard, ma , M7U4 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and sales, u. Anareen. jrrop., iim 00. ucn si. Mil FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as life. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Roaewaler. aupreme manager, 222 Beg Bldg. m 724 SEWING MACHINES. WRITE for agenta prices ; ball-hearing W heeler-Wilson, c. A. Lyman, stats agent, Lincoln, Neb. Ml46 A4 TREES. TREES. Hasel DeU Nursery, 3208 N. 24 at. -an A FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. TeL 1253. L. LECLU8E, florist Blooming and pot plants. Asia Vinton at. 11. o.o . -M997 A3 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES or at bom. Miss Sturdy, 3043 Farnam. aw a STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgs Bldg. !H COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phona STL 114 A6 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 8U North 16th. 7V2 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Lea a Office, reliable, accommodat ing ; all bualneaa cunOdenlial, Uul AVougiaa. ot4 HOl'SB FAINTING. BEST time of year; start early; save money. 'Phone A. o. Clara, lJ Lsaveo worth about it. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Eleetric Co., 16 A Jackson. TeL S446 MS II INVESTMENTS. CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR BALK. K. C. PUT-HS 4h CO., 1708 Farnam St. WAI CARPET CLEANING. . OM, Else Clean. Was.. 2221 N. 30, tel. 1658. 7 A4 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 20 8. Uth. 606 NICKEL FLA TIN O. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 353a. 7ul BICYCLES. LARGE8T and beat selection of new and aeconanano bicycles in tns city, 64 snd up. Prices the lowest. L. Fleacner. la Cap- luil Ave 1 15 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing I promutly atUnded to. J. T. Uchlltree. Ivth and Lake streets. 30 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. Uov 1 runk actor. Las) Farna nv -1 O ARB AGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. clesn. ceaapoola and vaults, removes gartmse dead animals at reduced pricea. CI N 16. Tel. 177. 2 A3 FIR DRKSSIXO. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. l.tth. 70 n tr-s. THERE IS NOTHING NOVEL About the underlying principle of our methods. We simply be lieve In doing the beet work and giving tne moat skillful treatment, -and using the high est grade material. D b b Bailey tk Dentist, ' SI I'ailva Bleak, - 16th and Farnaoi Its. Lady attendant. Phone loss. DUD a UUV k.H.NMIb.T KOTIC10. PROPOSALS FOR FCEL OfTlce of Chief I Quartermaster. St. Paul. Minn.. March 13, 1A. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office, or at following named posts, until 11 a, m. April 11, IleC, for furnishing such wood and coal, during the fiscal year- commencing July 1. 1902. as may be required at St. Paul, and Fort Snelllng, Minn.; Fort Yates, N. D. ; Camp Menitt and Forts Asainntbolne, Hsrrtson, Keogh and Missoula. Mont.; Fort Yellow stone, Wyo., and Fort Meade, S. D. Blank forms of proposals with full Instructions will he furnished on application here, or to quartermasters at the aeveral posts named. 1'nlted States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part inereoi. uhaj. n. ruwu, 14. ai. Mch-D13-14-15-17 Ar-10 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Neb.. February 15. 19u2. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 10 A. m., central standard time, March 17, 1902, for furnishing transportation, dray age and for handling stores In Department of the Missouri during fiscal rear com mencing July 1. 19ua. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro posals to be marked "'ProDoaals for trans portation on Route No. ," addresaed JNO. W. PULLMAN, C. Q. M. : F15d4t-M14-15 PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE PROP ERTY Ofnoe of Purchasing Commissary of Subsistence, Omaha, Neb., March la, 10. Sealed Droooaals. aubiect to the uaual conditions, will be received at thla office until 10 o'clock a. m. March 25, 1902, at which time and place they will be publicly opened for furnishing sub sistence property, as follows: Stationery and miscellaneous articles. Preference will be given to articles of domestic pro duction. nanK proposals ana specinca- tions can be obtained at this omce. v 11. Ham R. Grove, Captain Purchasing Com missary. M 15-17-1S-19 D4t. rOaTOFFICtol MUllCL. (Should be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.; Foreign mails for the week ending March 15, 19u2, will close (PROMPTLY in alt casesl at the General Postoftice follows: PARCELS POST MAILS olosa ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels Post malls for Ger many will close at 6 p. m. Monday, per s. a. Deutschland; Wednesday, per a. a. Dres den, and Friday, per s. a. Pretoria. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing time - shown beiow (except that Supplementary Malls for urope and Cen tral America, via Colon, cioae one hour later at oreign Atrancnj. Traasatlaatlo Malls. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per for ITALY direct, per s. s. Latin (mall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct. cer a. s. Btaatendam (mall must be dl rected "per s. s. Btaatendam";; At 8:30 .a. m. for bwilanu ' direct, per s. Anchorla (mall must, be directed "per s. s. Ancnoria j. j PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa . pers and Samples lor Germany oniy. Ths same class of mall matter for other parts 01 Europe win not oe seni ny mis snip unlers sieclally directed by It. - After the closing of .the Supplementary Transatlsntio Malls above named, ad ditional Supplementary Malls are ODSned. on the piers of the American, English, l-'rench and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing 01 steamer. Malls for Seath aa4 Ceatral America, West ladles, Ete. 8ATURDATv-At 8 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. a ronce, via- ban juan; at a. m. (BUbulementary :3u a. m.) for CL'RACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed per s. s. juaracaiuo j; at s : a. m. (suppicmeniary iu:su a. m.) ror nr. THOMAS, ST CROIX. LEEWARD and ninynAiw j a-wa.. nnu aaa a aoaIi DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Koraima, via uamerare tmau ior Lre- nada and Trinidad must be directed "oer s. s. Roralma); at 8:30 a. m. (aunplemen- tarv 10:80 a. m.l for r OKTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8 A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and ORE I TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall ror uosta rtica muse oe oirectea - oer s. a. Alene "); at 3:30 a. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. a rioma; at iu a. m. fur CUBA, per a, a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10:80 a. m- for BRAZIL, per a. s. Eastern Prince, via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for Northern Brasll must be directed "per s. s. eastern rnnce' j. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office ds-iv at 6:30 p. m. (con necting close nere every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquslon. by rail to Boston, and thanes by steamer, close at thla office dally at 6:80 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dlanalcLed dally, anal connecting closes. for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sun days st 4:80 a. ' rn.. Wednesdays and Fridays. s:v a. m. : ior aisuatcn via Miami, on Mondays and Fridays at 11:) n m. Mails for Mexico City, overland. unless specially addreaaed for dlsoat-h by steamer) close at this office dally ex- oept cu.roay at i:i p. m. ana u:ju p. in., Sundays at 1:00 D. m. and 11:30 d. m. Mails for Costa Rica, BeUss. Puerto Cortes ar.d Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, ana thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. (con necting closes hero Mondays for Bell is, Puerto Cortes gad Guatemala, and Tues days fur Costa Hia). RgUtered mall closes at t'-ou m m. previous aaj. Traaspaelho Malls. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands. via San Francisco, close hers daily at 6:30 p. ra. up to March 12. Inclusive, in, ni.Ti. i n np m .ii.iraiia Malls tor Australia (except Weat Australia. wnicn is lorwarata via ciuropeK ntw Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via baa irsncUco. close here daily at 6.30 p. m, after March 1 and up to March 15. inclusive, or on arrival of a. Etruiia. due at New York March li, fnr deaD&tch tMir a. a. Ventura. Malta for Hawaii, Japart, China and Phil ippine islands, vta Han Jtranclaco. closa here daHy a. I) B. m. uo to March 1. Induslvt, for dispatch per a. a. Amer ica Mara. Malta for China and Japan, via Vancou ver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March "is, inclusive, for dispatch per B. a. empress 01 mws (registered, mall must be directed via Vancouver. Mer. chandlae for the U. B. Postal Arencv at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle, close nere oauy at : p. m. up to March 19, inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Toso Maru. (Registered mail must be directed "via Seattle.") Malls for Hawaii, via Ran Francisco, closa POSIUFFICK NOTlCtS. hero dally at 4.36 p. n. up to March M4. Inclusive, (or dispatch per s. a. Ala meda. Mails for Hawaii, China Japan and Phil ippine islands, via Ban r rauciaco, close here dally at 6:30 p. ra. lap to March U. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. City oi Peking. Malls tor Australia (sxcept Wast Australia. which - goes via. Europe and - New Zealand, which goes vis Ba Francisco). and Pi1 Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 4:30 p. m. after March "14 and up to March 2. inclualve. for dla- patch per a. s. Aorangi (supplementary malls, via Seattle and Victoria, close her at 6.80 p. m. March J0).- TranapaclAa malls ars forwarded to oort oi sailing oauy ana tne sc-neuuie or clos ing is srranged J the presumption of meir vmnierrupiea overiana transit. Registered mail closa at 4.09 p. la, jrevloaa oaf. .... (AIL-WAY TIMR CARD. tSIO STATION lOTH AIO MARC'Y. Illaals Ceatral. leava. a 7.30 am Arrive, a 6:10 pm Chicago Express f'htcatfft Mfnneanotla St. Paul Limited a 7.50 Dh :05 am Minneapolis St. Paul F.xpreea b7;gm bio X pn Chicago Expreaa alO.Ji pm Ihlraaw A Xorthweatera. "The Northwestern IJne." Chicago Special a 7:10 am all.lOpm tblraen I'aaaencer a 4:15 pm a i0 am Eastern K.xprese alO W am Eastern Special a 4 56 pm Faat Mall a f rm Omaha-Chicago L t d. ..a 7:45 pm Fast Mail 4: pm a 4 : pm a 1:40 pm a t 2o am a 9.K am a 5 i pm a!0:36 pm Cedar Kaplds Pass.., Twin City t-ipress... Twlu City Limited... Sioux City Local ..a 7:08 am T:M pm a 6-40 am ' a 6:16 am a t pm I alea Paelde. Overland Limited 1 1: im a7 pn a V) am a 1:25 pm . a 4:2f pm .all.aopm . a 4 J pm i Fast MaJL California Express... Paclno Express Eastern Express Atlantic Express... a i " am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4 0S pm blJ M pm , Grand Island Local o o:w pin o . t hlraga, Mllwaakee A t. Paal. Chicago Limited a :on pm a I 06 am Chicago at Omaha Ex...b 7:15 am b 1:40 pra Mlasoarl Paelfle. Bt T vin Is Rxnreaa alO fO am a 6:26 pro, K. C. A Bt L. Express.. a!0;50 pm a 6:15 am Chicago. Haek lalaad dt .l'acldr-. EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Ixn-al ..a 7:JO am a .. pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 5:05 pra Des Moines Local npm "u . Chicago Fast Express.. a 4;3 pm a 1:25 pm, Des Moines, Rock Is- land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a s:n pro WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs, " Denver. Puebio and West a 1:30 pm a 4ns pm Colorado, Oklahoma A ' Texas nyer a :w pra a .ov era Wahaah. .. , St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ' Exoresa s :lo pm a i:zu am St. Loula Local, Council Bluffs'i:wam uiwrn BIRLINGTON STATION 10TH A MASON Chicago. Barllagtea A Qalacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a7:am alrt:?0 pro Chicago Vestiouied tx.a : pm a mm Chlcaso Local...., ?.a :30 am a tM pra Chicago Limited. ...v.. ..a 7:50 pm a 7:46 am r ast Mall ., " r" Darlington A Mlasoarl River. Wymore, Beatrice and ' Lincoln a b:t am on ; Nebraska Express. ......a 8:40 am a 7:S5 pm Denver IJmlted a 4:25 pm a 3;00 pm Black Hills and Tuget . Sound Express a tJ pm a : am Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:00 pm a 8:17 am Fort Crook and Plaits- mouth .....Di iipm ou.wi am Bellevue A Paclflo Jet. .a 7:40 pm a 8:20 atn Bellevue A Paclflo Jet.. a i:w am Haaaaa City, St. Joseph A Council BlusTs. Kansas City Pay Ex.... a 8:29 am a 6.0S pra Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 ant St. Louis Flyer ....a 6:10 pm all:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH A WERSTEf. Fremoat, F.IVbora A Mlasoarl Valley. - Leave. Arnvs. Black Hills, Dead mood, Hot Springs a aw pm a e.w pia Wyoming, Casper and Pour las o srw pm s.w iih Hastings, York. David City, euperior. wneva. Exeter and Bewara o s:w pm d m.w ym Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont T:So aTn bi0:5am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am Mlasoarl Paelflc. Nebraska TxicnL Via W eeping water o i;w pra . Chicane, St. Paal, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:30 am a s:is pro Sioux City Passenger., .a 2:45 pm all:20 am Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:45 am a Pally, b Pally except Sunday, c Inn. day only. d.Dally except eaturoay. e oauy C ht9 FOUR SEPARATE AKD iC DISTINCT wERYICES. F8t Twin-Screw Patsenger: Steamers sailinfr weekly from Botton, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, alio Boston to Mediterranean port6. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated.' For rates, etc, apply to local agent or company's office. 6 Dearborn St. Chicago, III, HOLLAKD-AUERICA LINE New York-Kotterdam, via Boulogne. 8. M. New Twtn-Bcrew s. s. of 13,000 tons register. Steamer MAASDAM Mar. 22. 10 A. M. Twin-Scrsw Rvnifsm ' . ' Steamer fiiuuiu Mar. z, iv a. as, Rotterdam Apr.., 10 A. M. Harry Mooree, 1415 Farnam McNally. 1324 Farnam street Twin-Screw Steamer AddIv to Street; J. 8. H. 8. Jones, 1502 Farnam street: Loult Neese, First National Bank, Omaha. Atilaaat, Oerana la Caaeer, NEW YORK. March 14 A young Berlin physician. Dr. Ludwtg Fetnberg. baa made an Important discovery of Independent ani mal organisms in cancer growths, eayg th Tribune's London correepondsat. This dis covery, he gays, means s diagnosis of cancer. Seasonable Fashions. 40JS. Mltses' P1v6-Gof 4 Skirt, -13 W 16 Years. Misses' Five-Gored Tucked Skirt. ' No, 4055 Tucked skirts are much in egng and are always charmingly worn by young girls. The fashionable model showa ts designed for all the soft clinging wools and ailka that are so much worn and tor dainty wash able fabrics, such aa lawn, Swiss muslin, taffeta cnoQsaellng and ths like. ' The original la mads of ..embroidered Swiss, bluet blus with whits rings, and is trimmed with edging and applfttua oMaee. Ths skirt is cut In flvg gores, so provide lng ampls fullness at ths lower edge with out unnecessary balk about tb. tllp. The tucks conceal all seam and are stitched In graduated Jsngths. with silk, that they may ' give a n ounce affect wherg they tall free. Two gather ruffles ara set- oil ths lower sdge, which enhance tha desirable Oars and Huffy effact Ths sxtra fullness at tha back ia laid in losrte4 plaits under tha tucks or it soar ns (alh red If so preferred. ' ' To cut thla skirt (or a mis. at 14 yeara of age, t yards of material tl inches wide, 4 yards 37 inches wide. 4 yard 82 inches ' wide, or 1 yard 44 lnebaa wide, will be required, with 1 yards tl inches wide. 1 yards 27 laches wide, 1 yards 32 tnchaa wide, or 4 yard 44 Inch ld for two ,. frills, S tnebea wide, 1 yards af to trim a Illustrated. Tha patters 4065 la cut la alaea for mlaseg of 11, 14 and II years af as. I I .. w vr wwuiiawHiva v, mw siea rsaoe ra, thaa patterns, which usually retail al from 24 ts 86 cents, will be furnished at a nominal pries, 16 cents, which cover all xpensa. Is order to get any pattern an close it cants, give number and nanv aff I patura wan(4 aa4 hu4 ao4rr,