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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1902)
10 THE OMII ADAILY BEE: 8ATUKDAT, MAPCII 15, 1D02. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Ktarn it Predominating Grain and Ifaj Closet Higher. JHAY WHEAT AND OATS CLOSE DOWN r alls Feree Cora l aad Wtdt Feels Cora Strength at Flrat, hot He lapses with Favorable ' Statistical Reports. CHICAGO. March 14. Corn strength dominated grains for the grester part of the session today. There were fcearlh factors at work In wheat, which finally prevailed In that (rain, but the coarser clrclex retarded for some time the looked for decline and Itself held Arm. At the close May wheat was o down. May corn 44c higher and May oats Ho lower. Provisions closed a shade lower to to higher. Local bulls took corn In hand shortly after the opening and easily forced prices tip the better part of a cent. Many bears went home laat night with short lines, ex pecting a further decline today on yes terday's weakness. Cables, however, wore remarkably steady. There was fear of a general spread of the cold wave In the northwest and a leading bull started In early to ball out the ofteringa In the pit. Feeding demand west was good and the west had nothing to sell. Kansas City was reported bidding lo over Chicago and Iowa yesterday. Keoelpts here were very light, and shorts In order to get out of their tight place had to bid up for the scarce offerings. The cash situation was much ; Improved, New England was buying and 'the southwest was still bullish. The buy ing here was good, but mainly by local people. The sentiment for a time was 'mixed, but eventually sided with the bulls. The break In wheat naa naming out a temporarily easing effect. May started un changed to 4o up at eiTdHKMHC advanced to ttimc eased momentarily, but closed Arm, higher, at tB4'84c. KecelpU I were ninety-one cars, . Wheat at one time during the seaslon felt enough of the corn strength and the below sero weather In the northwest to ac quire a firm tone and sell above yesterday's 'closing price. After the slump of yesier ,day the cables had a very steady tone. Commission houses were executing fair buying orders early; shorts became uneasy land covered. The Illinois crop report, in- rilcatlng a condition of 78, compared to 92 In April a year ago. was not considered bulllshly, ss the authorities stated there was no complaint of winter killing, and the mo In seemed strong and the plant In good color. The market was fairly active and showed a fair amount of strength up to noon. The strength of coarse grains aided materially In the situation, but later when statistical Journals announced the western conditions favorable the extreme heavy selling set in. St. Louis and the crowd were very bearish and prices suf fered a serious relapse. May, which opened a shade to HfiVc to 754c and sold up to 754c, dropped quickly to a weak close, 4fic lower at 744c Ix cal receipts were thirty-five cars, none of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth I reported 260 cars, making a total for tne ' three points of 206 cars, against 278 Inst week and 416 a year ago. Primary receipts were 417,000 bushels, compared to 577.000 bushels a year ago. Seaboard clearances "in wheat and flour equalled 137,000 bushels The seaboard reported thirty-five loads taken for export. Oats were dull and ruled fairly steady. The cash business was reported somewhat Improved and the corn strength aided toward better prices. The late break In wheat, however, caused some selling and a decline. Gossip has It that the leading bull professional, who has been credited with holding almost 10,000.000 bushels of May, has gradually been tranaferrlng hla holdings to July. Traders were predicting that the later option would go even higher than May has been selling at. Today Mav was dealt In very sparingly, opening lower, selling to 46c, anil closing He. down at 454c. Receipts were seventy-two cars. Provisions early were lower. In sym pathy with a lower hog market. Similar lair buying waa done through brokers for packers, but the late trade was dull. For a time prices advanced well, but the close was steady. May pork closed Be higher at $15.45. May lard a shade lower at 9.ft 0.42 and May ribs unchanged at $8.40f8.424. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, SO cars; corn, 96 cars; oats, 66 cars; hogs, 26.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlolee, Open, 1 High. I .Low.l Close, lYes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. pork May July Lard May July Sept, I Ribs May July Sept. 75K,fM4 764 15 40 15 9 40 60 9 624 8 40 8 474 8 tih. 7M! 764 624ff 624, 04, 48 364 1 304&4 15 46 16 674 43' 62i 9 62 8 4J 8 DO 8 66 74 754 i a T476W 76Hf 76 764 75H ei4i624f; M's 60 454 854 8014 15 40 15 624 9 40 9 60 9 62Vil 8 40 8 474 8 62 45 85 80' 15 45 16 674 9 40 9 624 9 624I 8 40 8 6241 80 01 61 4 694 454 16 40 15 66 9 40 9 66 9 C7Vi 8 40-24 8 62 8 65 No. 8. Cash quotations were as follows: FLiOUH Steady, very atui; winter pat- , ents. $3.8(K&4.00: straights, t3.20tTtS.70; clears I3.UIKQ&.40: spring specials. 84: patents. 13.5( 8.70; straights, $2.8iKfr.10. 89.nnfs.BA, Lard, steady; western steamed, $J.fa6.60; refined, steady; continent, n; South America, tlOfo; compound, 744ia Pork, steady; family, 816.6tN317.00; short clear, J17.Kj2"i.OO. P. UTTER Receipts, 8.1) pkgs ; steadv; state dafty, lu-26c: creamery, z2f37c; June creamery, 184j'-4c; factory, lt21c. CHEESE Receipts, 1.57 pkgs.; firm: fancy large, full cream, fall make, colored and white, HV0l2c; fancy small, state full cream, early make, colored, 12V14c; fancy email, state full cream, early make, white, 12Vgic. EGGS Receipts, 14..118 pkgs.; weak; state and Pennsylvania, 164c; western, st mark, 16&164c. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, JS9 -32c; certrifugal. Is) test, 1 13-32C; molasses sugar, 2Jl-.Bc; crushed, 6.26c; powdered, 4.8oc; granulated, 4.76c. t'DKKEh.-Steady ; No. 7 Rio. 64c MOLAHWES- Firm; New Orleans, 34f?41e. TALLOW Firm; city, 64c; country (pkgs. free), 64i4c. POULTRY Alive, Arm; fowls. 12c. Dressed, slow; chickens, lOitfJUVfec; spring ers, l'jj12c; fowls, dressed, 11c; turkeys, METALS Offerings of tin were made at lower prices and the closing range was 26 (126.40, which showed a decline of about 2 points. London declined 12s 6d to 114 9s M for spot snd 111 2s 6d for futures. Copper was quiet and unchanged, with lake at 12.1244flJ.374. electrolytic at 112.124( 12.374 and casting at 812.crK-fi 12.25. At London cop per closed 6s net lower, with spot at 53 17s 6d and futures at 53 lis. Iead was steady and unchanged here at $4,124. but Ixindon closed los 3d higher at 11 ins. Spelter was about 10 points higher at $4.33 at New York, while London was unchanged at 17 15s. Iron was steady but quiet, and unchanged locally. Pig Iron warrants were nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, $1S.5"'( 19.60; No. 2 foundry, northern, tl8.novig.oii; No. 1 foundry, southern, 117.50fn8.00; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, 117.605 18.00. The English markets for Iron were lower. Glas gow closed at 62s 8d and Mlddleeborough at 46s 9d. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Coadltloa of Trad aad dioUtlom on Staple aad Fancy Produce. BOOS Including new No. cases, 84.00; cases returned, $180. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, 88c; old roosters, S4j4c; turkeys, Dfeloc; aucks and geese, 7&'8c. DRESSED POULTRY Tj rkeys, 'll13c; ducks, lwuUc; geese, 10llc; chickens, 94, GUTTER Packing stock, I74c; choice dairy. In tubs, 19fc21c; separator, 272c FROZEN F19H-Rlack baas, Ulc; whits bass, loc; oluetish, 12c; bullheads, 10c; buf faloes, 7c; cattish, 12c; cod. 10c; crapplea. 104c; hallDut, lie; herring, c; haddock, c; pike, c; red snapper, loc; salmon, 12c; sun fish, 6c; trout. 9c; whlteflsh, 8c; pickerel. 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20&36c; smelts, OYSTERS Mediums, per can, 22c; Stand ards, per can, 2dc: extra selects, per can, 33c; New York Counts, per can, 40c; bulk Standards, per gal., tl.2; bulk, extra se lects, U.SiKtfl.fio; New York Counts, per gal., $1.76. PIGEONS Live, per dox.. 60a VEAL-Cholce, fram. CORN-690. OATS 48c. BRAN Per ton, $1100. ' HAY Prices quoted by Omasa Wholesale Hay Dealers' association 1 choice upland. $8.60; No. 8 upland, $7.60; medium, $7: coarse, 86.50. kye straw, $5. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De. iwi, Aidciiiii, i4 cars. VEUETABLES. SEED POTA'lobD-Per bu., $1.251.50. POTATOES Nnrthorn tl ,.7. o.i. Lake i.lwui.20; Colorado, i.lO(fli.a. i.Ainuio i er uu.f oc. BEETS Per bu. basket, 60c. TURNIPS-Per hn Untdko... 10J lbs., tl.2o. ' parsnips Per bu., 60c CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog.. 82. OHEEN UNIONS Per aoa., 60c. LETTUCE Head, ner drum. 1.1- hnthn,,.. per do., Hoc. ' rAnaLiCi 1 1 er aos., 25c. HAniHHESUP., nn- 9F,i SWEET POTATOES-llome grown, per 3c: ICansaH np hnl tl 'M. l!Altniah' Inllanrf J 1 ' . J 4 1, , ...... . ... 1 ... m, nvcu , tinieu, X J LL Auufriivniiirei crate. 13.00. TOMATOEH' ner slhask.f r.. 84.60. ' ' FRUITS. AWJ.Va T)n n.1,1. ru.. kkl ea. nr. saps, $6; Jonathans. S5.0; Belleflowers, per box, $1.76. t'tHAtm Vlksrs, 2.25; Lawrence, 82.2&0 .60. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $7.60. CRANBERRIES Per hhT' 17 ! crate. $2.76. . ' NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.15. V I (iA 'n 1 1 f rirri t a new c.rtnr. tl f ported, per lb., 124; 14c. ' ' TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES California til fkVi n. budded. 82 " LEMONS Fancy, 8S.25; choice. $8. BANANAS Per hnnoh rrflnV n .1.. 82.264j2.76. M15ULLaNOUS. KTTTA VliW Pfnn walnut, W , . v. vv . ..... i u , Al. BUl shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llWo: No. . soft shell, 10c; No. hard shell, ; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c: ImnnrlH nnf t ah ml I 1 7- K u mA asKl I it- . pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa- NUI M DOt. ftl.UV, tiKjro&x rer 24-section case, C1DF.R Nihnwka np hKI M . XT, YorkVtXoO. ' ' ' ' HIDES-No. 1 green, 6c; No. 3 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, fc&Uc; sheep pelts, 76c: popcorn per lb., sc. WHEAT No. 8 spring. 71754c: No. red. 82334c. OATS-No. J. 4M(,if46ct No. 1 white. 471c; No. 8 whits, 46346Vc, RYE No. 2. 680. BARLEY Pair to choice malt In g, 61 s"eED8-No. 1 flax, $1.68; No. 1 north western, $172; prima timothy, 86.40tg6.50; clover, contract grade, $8.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., tl6S0 15.36. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 89 8241.36. Short ribs sides (loose), t888'8.46. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.12V(&7.25 short clear Ides (boxed), $8 6698-76. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.80. Tha following war tha receipts and ship ments for the day: ' Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 84.009 18.000 Vheat, bu 61.000 20,000 Corn. bu.... 88,000 28.0i.i0 lOats. bu. ...... .117.000 168.000 Rye, bu 1.000 6.000 Barley, du u,uax 18,uu0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, "18b'2&4c; dairies. lttSia. Cheese, steady, lOVuLic t-s, easlar, fresh. 144a. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. atatloas ef tha Day mm Varloas Caaaaaodltlea. NEW YORK, March 14. FLOUR Re ceipts, 13,246 bbls.; exports, 6.W5 bbls.; fairly active and steady, closing a shade easier with wheat; winter extras, $3.203.3o; winter patents, t3.864j4.16; winter straights, Minnesota na tents, la R.,ii i Minnesota bakers, li.eDa3.3u; winter low grades, t3ya-10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to Kooa, 3.irTA.4u; cnoice to fancy. 83.6UQ3.75. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western. 83 62: Brandy win. t3.6WJ8.60. RYE Easier; No. 8 weawro. 64c, f. o. b.. PARLST Dull; feeding, 6J3Jc; malting. 66472c. W H EAT Receiota. 16.160 bu. Rnnt No. 8 red, 84e, f. o. b.. afloat; No. $ red! 854C elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8340, f. o. bu afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. k7Uc f. o. b., afloat. For a time after the open ing wheat reflected 00 Id weather talk In tha northwest, but as tha advancing pre miums checked exporters and late reports scouted the cold wave Idea liquidation de veloped. This carried prices In the after noon to the luw point of tha sesson and the nose was weaa, no"o net aecllne. March 804alV, closed at D4c: May, Ka 81 U-lSc. . closed at 80c; July, Hjjiev. closed at 814c; September, fc4ii14c, closed at W'o. CORN Receipts, 8,000 bu.; exports. 11,807 bu. Spot, steady; No. I, t)4c, elevator, and 664c, f. o. b.. afloat. Early strength In corn, based on light movement and cover ing, waa followed In the last hour by un loading, with a final rally on covering, which left the market firm at 4&4e net advance. May. 64i84c closed at 67H.C- tolJ4c closed at so'Sc. OAT-Receipts. j,uO bu.; exports. 6.617 bu. Spot, firm; No. 8. 62c; No. . 61c; No. 2 white, 64c: No. white. 634c; track, mixed western, Mlw; iwi wruie. w.c. op tions slow ail day, but ateadlly held. HAY Quiet ; sblpplcg. isa6ic; good to choice, 8JVac HOPS 6ieady: state, common to choice. iwii crop, itird isc; iwi crop, uyfcc; oias. (JttC. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 80 to 25 U. 18c; California. U to 26 lbs., lc; Texas. 24 to w lbs., 14C 1 IT A THS' U Bta.ilv' k.MlM.b .1. Buaues A res, light to heavyweights, 24 j OC WOOLrSteady; domestic fleece. X&2c RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 4ktie. PROVIBIONS-Beef, flrra: family, $12 C? 18 00: mess. tlO.OutulO 50: bef hams, tis.uuif fiwi Cut meals, dull; pickled belllea. U 25 lb ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $2.26; Mich- CELERY California. 404j)75c. Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOI. March 14 WHK AT RrW No. red western, winter, tjulet at 6s 4d: No. 1 northern, spring, no stock; No. 1 California, firm at 6 4d. Futures, steady: March, 6sl4d; May, 6e d. CORN Spot, aulet: American mixed new 5s 11.d; old, 6s 2d. Futures, quiet; March. 6s 14d; May, 6s 2d. WHEAT-Spot, No. 1 northern spring, steady, 6s 14d. peas Canadian, steady at 6s 9d. FLOUR SL Louis fancy winter, firm at HOPS At London. Paclfla roast mtmAv at 3 10sr410. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra India mess. 79s. Pork, firm: nrlma mens rm Hams, short cut, 14 to It lbs., steady at 47s 6d. Bacon. clear bellies, steady at 47s; Cumberland cut, 28 to 80 lbs., steady, !6s 6d; short tibs, 16 to 4 lbs., steady. 42s 6d : long uitwr miuuin, ugm, IO M IDS., quiet at 46s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet at 44s 6d: short clear backs. 16 tn 2A lbs., steady at 46s; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs.. w.vmjt ciiiuuiuei., Bvuure, ax to JJ lbs., steady at 36a. Lard, steady; Amer ican refined. In palls, 48s 6d; prime western. tierces, steady at 47s 6d. In BUTTER Flrra: finest ITnltad fltatea 86s; good United States, 70s. CHEESE Firm; American finest white, firm at 62s: American finest colored. Arm at 52s. TALLOW-Prime city, ateadv at 29s tA- Australian, In London, Arm at 31s 6d. The imports of wheat Into Liverpool laat week were 26,to0 quarters from Atlantic ports, 2.000 from Pacific ports and 42,0u0 from other ports. The imports of corn from Atlantic ports lait week were 10,0u0 quarters. Receipts of wheat durlnr the ! tV-m days, 163,000 centals. Including 81,000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the uirce uaya, i,.v centals. t. Loals Grata aad Provlaloaa. 8T. LOUIS, March 14. WHEAT Lower; No. t red cash, elevator, 824c; track. 84(3 -M,v.81!0i 'lH8744o; No. i hard. 754(b'78c. CORN-Hlgher; No. t cash, 614c; track, 61 4c; May, 62U24c; July. t-Uiio; rs celpta 81.612 bu. OATS Higher; No. I cash. 454c; track. 464H74c; May, 46c; July. S6c; No. 8 white 47 fen; 4c. RYE Dull at 60504o. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 83.85(3 4.00; extra fancy and straight. ta40r3.5u: clears. 3.b&4.80. ' SEED Timothy, steady. $5.ttff5.2S; prima worth more. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.10. BRAN I'nchanged; sacked Jots, east track. sbfeSOc. , HAY b irons; timothy, $12.00 16 00; prai rie, acarce and wanted, not quoted. WHISK Y Steady, 11.30. IRON COTTON TIEii $1. B AUG 1 NO-64Cg 64c. HE-ViV TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS pork, ateady; jobbing, old. $16.1u; new, $1610. Lard, lower, t 124. Dry salt meata (boxed), steady; extra ahorts. ts.75; clear ribs, $8,624; clear sides, 88.87V.. Bacon (boxed , steady; extra shorts. $S.6J4: clear libs, tu 60; clear sides. J8.TS. METALS Lead, easier at $4.00. Spelter, firm at tt 10. POULTRY 8tsady; chickens. 8c; turkeys. JUTTER Steady: creamerv. S0tfir7c- dairy, 17n1ilc. EGOS Lower at 144c RECElVTBWTIour. 7.000 bbls.: wheat, 82. 000 bu. ; corn. 22,000 bu.; oats, bi.O-iO bu. SHIPMENTS-Plour, 7,0u bbls ; wheat, 38. uw bu.; coru, 72,Ou bu.; oaU, S3.000 bu. Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO. March 14.-WHEAT-Actlv. weak and lower; cash, 814c; May, 814o biu; July, T7Ttek CORN Dull, steady; cash, 0ie; May. 824c; July. 6Vc. OATS Dull, steady; cash. 444c; May, 46c; Juiv. 37c. ter: March, $685; April, 8525; to.074; No. 8 timothy, io.80. October, Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 14. WHE AT Ms y, 724c; July, 724c; Cash No. 2 hard, 734c; Cash No. 8 hard, 724c; No. 2 red. 81c; No, 3 red, 80c; No. 2 spring, 714-37240. CORN May. 624c; Beptember. b9-c; cash No. 2 mixed, 624c; No. 8 white, tc; No. 2 white, 63c. OATS-No. 2 white, 47c. RYE No 2, 61c. HAY Choice timothy, $14.00; choice prai rie. $12.7Fi 13.00. BUTTER Creamery, 21t?26c; dairy, fancy, 20c. EGGS Firm; at mark. No. 1 white wood cases Included, quoted on 'change, 13c per dot. ; cases returned. 124c RECEIPTS Wheat. 2U.800 bu.; Corn. 23,300 bu.; oats. lK.oon bu. . SHIPMENTS Wheat, 8.600 bu.; corn, 69. 3C0; rata, 17.0UO bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 14. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 274c; creamery nearby prints, 29c. EGGS 4c lower; frenh nearby, 16c; fresh weslern, Ific; fresh southwestern, 16c; frtsh southern, 15c. CHEESE Firm and tending upward; New York full creams, fancy, small, K'Hc; New York full creams, fair to choice, 104& 124c Minneapolis 'Wheat, Flour and Dran. MINNEAPOLIS, March 14. WHEAT Cash, 734c; May, 7!iVa724c; July, 734c; on track, No. 1 hard, 764c; No. 1 north ern. 73V; No. 2 northern, 714c. FLOUR Flrat patent, t3.85ff3.9B: second patents, t3.7Mi3Rf- first clears, $2.752.86; set-ond clears, $2.25. BRAN In bulk. $13.25813-B0. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH, March 14. WHEAT Cash, No. 1 hard, 724c; No. 2 northern, 7(r4c; No. 1 northern, 724c; May, 734c; July, 74iic. OATS 42c. CORN 604c Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. March 14 WHEAT Steady; close No. 2 northern, 764c; No. 2 northern, 7t4c. RYE Steady; No. 2, 60c. BARLEY Higher; No. 2, 660. CORN May, 624c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, March 14.-CORN-Nomlnal; No. 3, 604c bid and asked. OATS Nominal; nothing doing. WHISKY On the basis of $1.20 for fin ished goods. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Little Anlmatloa Shovra ia Repreaent ' atlve Stocks Specialties Llvller. NEW YORK, March 14. There were some remarkable movements today among the obscure specialties, but the Important rep resentative stocks were neglected and practically Immovable. Some important de velopments In the money market ultuatlon helped the stock market to face with equlnamlty the forecast of a movement of currency of the week, which on Its face promised to wipe out entirely the slender surplus reserves of the banks. The rise in the call loan rate, about 4 per cent, the highest of the year, Indicated the pressure upon the money supplies. The settlement of the Boston strike was favorably Interpreted, although some un easiness prevails concerning the settlement of the yearly terms with the anthracite miners. The Increase In Southern railway preferred dividend had been expected with great confidence, but the stocks of that company advanced on the announcement, which also served as a checking movement on the general list. There were some sharp re.apses among minor stocks. Wabash debentures were active and strong, otherwise the bond market was Irregular. Total sales, par value, 83,995,000. United States new 4s declining 4, the old 4s 64 and the 6s 8 per cent on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram: The stock market today was Inactive and featurless. Amer ican shares were merely nominal, closing fractionally harder on New York demand for Southum railway and United States B,te'1 .co,rloratlon' the latter on funding plans talk. Rio tlntos sold at 46 arid cop per was quarter down to 63?i the ton Ji",.eXange 18 251: Benin? 24.47. Bill ver is 244 pence per ounce, the lowest f."lc temtep. when Japan estab lished the gold standard. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: $18,518,646; balances, 83,547,696; money, 4 per BOSTON, March 14-Clearings, 322,981,. 82c; balances. tl,973.4?0. CINCINNATI. March 14. Clearings, 33. OM.OciO; money, 24ii4 per cent; New York exchange, 20c discount. WEEKLY CLEARING HOtSR TABLE. Aggregate of Doslaess -Transacted by the Associated Banks. NEW YORK, March 14. -The following table, complied by Bradstreet, shows the bank clearlnga at the principal cities for the week ended March 13, with the preen tags of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIEa New York Chicago Ponton Philadelphia St. liuls I'lttsburg Han Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland New Orleans ........ Minneapolis Detroit Ioulsville Indianapolis OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo St. Paul St. Joseph Denver Richmond Savannah Salt Iake City ..... Albany Ixs Angeles Memphis Fort Worth Seattle Wsahlngton Hartford Peoria Toledo Portland, Ore Rochester Atlanta ., Des Moines New Haven Worcester Naahvllle Springfield, Mass.... Norfolk Grand Rapids Scran ton Portland, Me Sioux City Augusta Syracuse Dayton, O Tacoma , Spokane Topeka Davenport Birmingham Fall River Wilmington, Del Evansvflle Macon Little Rock Helena Knoxvllle Lowell Akron Wichita Springfield, 111 Lexington New Bedford Chattanooga Youngstown Kalamazoo Fargo Blnghamton Rockford Canton Jacksonville, Fla. ... Springfield, O C nea ter yulncy Hlootnington Sioux Falls Jacksonville, III Fremont Houston Columbus, O Wheeling Wilkesbarre Beaumont Decatur, 111 Totals, U. S Outside New York.. Atchison do pfd Baltimore AO.. do pfd Canadian Pac... Canada 80 , Ches. tk Ohio..... Chicago & A...., do pfd Chi. lnd. & L..., do pfd Cht. E. Ill Chicago Q. W..., do 1st pfd....... do 2d pfd Chicago At N. W C, R. I. ft P...., Chi. Ter. ft TT.., do pfd , C. C. C. ft St, L Colorado So , do 1st pfd. , do 2d pfd , Del. ft Hudson.., Del. L. ft W.... Denver ft R. Q... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hock. Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Erie ft W. do pfd L. ft N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Mex. National Minn, ft St. L... Mo. Pacific M . K. ft T do pfd N. J. Central.... N. Y. Central... Norfolk ft W.... do pfd Ontario ft W.... Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d ptd St. L. AS F.. do 1st Pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul 754 St Paul pfd.., 4 80. Pacific .... 104 Bo. Railway .. w do pfd ,113HTex. ft Pacific.., 874 . 464 , 8i , 7o . 6-'4 . 784 ,1604 , 244 . 874 . 46 ,229 W, iTql., St. L. A 1 ao pfd Union Pacific ... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheel, ft L. B.. do 2d pfd Wis. Central ... do pfd ,tt Auiimi jiix 1S84 American Ex.... , 184 U. 8. Ex . 84 Wells-Fargo Ex 1004 Amal. Copper.. , 274 Amer. Car ft F." , 714 do pfd , 43 Amer. Lin. Oil.. ,1704 do pfd .20 Amer. 8. ft R... ,43 do pfd . 91 Anac. Mln. Co... . 8o Brooklyn R. T.. . 64 Colo. Fuel ft I.. , &3 Con. Gas .... .18n4Con. Tob. pfd.. . 704 Gen. Electric ... . 86 ."Glucose Sugar. .1394'Hocklng Coal .. , 48 Inter. Paper .... . 8O41 do pfd:........ . 67 ilnter. Power .... .129 Laclede Gas .... .jo1 Na. Biscuit 134 (National Lead. ,iM ino. Amerlcaji . , 80 Pacific Coast.... , 194'Paclfic Mall ,1104Peoples Gas ... , 99 Pressed 8. Car.. , 2441 do pfd , 634 Pullman P. Car. .188 iRepubllc Steel... ,16241 "do pfd , 904 Tenn. Coal ft I.. . 824 Union Bar ft p. .150 do pfd.. . 644 U .8. teather... . gii-tii -ao pfd . 661; XT. 8. Rubber.... , 0141 ao pfd . 82 iU. 8. Steel . T14I do pfd , 2fr1i,Westem Union.. . 67'Amer. Locomo.. .1634 do pfd 189 64H 834 394 22 . 89 . 984 . 864 . 234 . 424 . 194 . 814 . 224 . 44 .202 .225 .110 .190 . 65 . 314 . fvSV . 234 . 66 . 464 . 98 . 814 . 66 . 94 .220 .1164 .801 . 41 . 164 . ?4 . 74 . 88 . 90 . 49 . 194 .104 . 73 48 .'1004 . 40 .634 .232 . 73 .1264 . 68 . 154 . 77J . 114 . 81 . 154 . 66 . 424 IH' 9f4 814 924 Ex-dividend. ""Trust receipts. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 14. MONEY On call. firm. 34&H4 per cent; closing bid and asked, 344 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44u per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4,874 for demand and at 34.84Vg4.85 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.8tSal.684; commercial bills. t4.S44jf4.8ti4. SILVER Bar, 64c; Mexican dollars 434c BONDS Government, weak; state. Inac tive; railroad. Irregular. The during quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. ref. ts. reg do coupon do ts, reg do coupon do new 4a, reg. do coupon do old 4a, reg. do coupon do ts, reg do coupon A ten. gen. 4s.... do adj. 4s B. ft O. 4s , do S4s do conv. 4s Canada So. 2s.... Cent, of Ga. ss... do Is tno Ches. ft O. 44s... Chi. ft A. 84s ... C, B ft Q n. 4s... C. M ft 8 P g. 4e C. ft N. W. c. 7s. C. R I ft P 4s... CCC ft 8 L g. 4s. Chicago Ter. 4s., Colorado So. s. Den. ft R. G. 4a Erie prior L 4s. do gen. 4s F W ft D C Is.. Hock. VaL 44a. .109 1 .lu4 ,1W4 .1114 ,189 ,1394 .111 .113 .lus ,li .106 . 934 11H L. ft N. unl. 4a. Mex. Central 4a. do Is lnc M. A St. I. im M.. K. ft T. 4s.. do Is N. Y. Central Is. do sen. lUi N. J. C. van Ka No. Pacific 4s do is IN. ft W. con. 4s! Reading gen. in HI L A I M e F.- m St. L. ft 8. F. 4s 107 St. L. 8. W. Is.., ,1104 do 2s , 7t4 8 A ft A P 4s..., 1(I77 Ho ParlAn 4- , 844 So. Railway 6a.. 804 Tex. ft Pac. la.. 1144 T, St L ft W 4s. 13, VUnlon Pacific 4s. . ii.'i ao conv. 4s.... .104 Wabash Is , tl I do 2s . 944 do deb. B .10h West Shore 4s... . M-JW. ft L. E. 4a... . 874iWia. CetiL 4s.... .113ilCon. Tob. 4s .lut4 1024 , 83 , 3.(4 ,lo4 . 4 , 83 1034 108 139 106 , 74 .1034 , 994 lli4 . 984 . 984 . 804 . V14 .944 .1214 .1204 . 86 .1064 .1064 .1184 ..1104 . 744 .113 . 914 . 90 . 664 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March 14. Bank clearings today, $1.191, 891.72; corresponding day last year, $i.o?J 810.43; Increase, MMJ81 29. CHICAGO, March 14. Clearings. $26,648. r.Z; balances, $2,618,202. Posted exchange, t4.66 sixty days, $4.88 on demand; New York exchange, 10c premium. NEW YORK. March 14 Clearings, $231, 633 961; balances. 312.341.112. ST. LOUIS. March aV-Clearings. 88.026.. 876; bslances, 81.341.23. money, 447 per cent; New York exchange, Sue premium. BALTIMORE. March 14. Clearings. 83. 868 193; balances, M4.134; money, 445 per C-"iULADLPmA. MaXb ,i.-Clejrtii a, Clearings. Inc. Dec. tl. 326.24, L0 l8.7i7,379 27.6 136,871.617 2.4 K7,873. 5" . v.... 28.5 60,60,K!M 25.9 39.375.677 9.6 24,843,6:31 12.7 2.947.0' .6 2.3;3.5"0 17.7 19,244.244 24.2 14.710.176 18.6 13.697.983 7.7 12.493.6)1 31.6 3.823.305 8.1 9.575,126 8.5 9,265,121 47.0 7.316,607 8.6 7,0113,171 23.7 6.944,400 11.4 6,015.509 6,446,316 28. 9 6.61S.494 69.9 4,639.66ft 7.6 4.324,595 3.8 2,777,607 10.3 4.130,669 49.6 8, 497,615 36.0 6,3"5.037 65.2 3.768.415 22.3 3.173.413 23.0 3.384,094 29.1 4.391,703 30.1 2,949,640 29.8 3,742.4 67.8 3,726.583 77.6 3.917,923 87.1 2,063,043 11.6 2.461,251 10.3 2.576.707 28.4 1.680,527 15.3 1,677.000 18 8 1.731.663 18.3 1.563.181 34.2 1,406,936 1.424,522 8.7 1,408,360 20.3 1.294,448 18.0 1.868,062 44.3 1.222.078 42.8 1.148.093 11.1 1.436,810 34.0 1.367,223 11.9 1,366,352 51.8 1,407.773 26.6 1,069.346 8.1 1,024,720 1 3.6 1,06'',686 63.8 893,415 1.8 789.073 13.1 725.000 1.3 930.991 83.4 640.044 16.8 705,834 3.8 666,267 6.7 696.000 23.6 696.858 6.2 94,609 13.2 620,576 24.7 634,612 45.2 620,830 26.8 639,073 28.9 471,692 16.0 649,163 872,600 8.4 636,673 46.9 395,000 32.6 413,933 22.1 879.9H9 14.8 347,472 24.8 430,403 868,239 18.7 275,026 25.6 206,197 62.2 189.062 26.0 12,346,548 49.3 8,644,900 83.0 657,449 12.6 714,949 402,839 236,544 $2,121,197,014 1 795,932.189 16.6 CANADA. ......f. Montreal Toronto . Winnipeg Halifax Vancouver, B. St. jonn, in. tf...mtl, Victoria, B. C Quebec ........WW Ottawa ;.,.rj, Totals L...$ $ 20.900,853 61.8 15.627,303 28.0 2,909.234 80.0 1,602,830 10.8 8K, 316 6.9 , 779,131 1.1 . 664,064 11.9 . 418,480 1,014,466 1.781,619 $ 43,706,200) 87.8 15.6 .mi iiiuuucti in (uiBiD urciun contain ing other Items than clearings. noi iiiuiuum in loiais Because 01 no comparison for last year. Bestea Steck taotaleas. BOSTON. March 14. Call loans. SU4 ner cent; time loans, 4944 per cent Official closing: Atchison 4s..... Gaa is Mex. Central 4a., N. E. G. ft C... Atchison do pfd Boston ft A...... Boston ft Me...., Boston Elevated N Y, N H ft H. Fltchburg Dfd... Union Pacific ... Mex. Central .... Amer. Sugar ... do pfd Amer. T. ft T.M Dom. I. ft 8 Gen. Electric ... Mass. Electrlo .. do pfd N. B. G. ft C.... United Fruit ... U. 8. Steel do pfd Westlngh, Com. 1024 , 86 81 68 , 754 . 96 ,264 1944 1724 215 .147 . 8H , 80 1264 117 .166 . 4 .303 . 364 . 964 . 44 . 93 424 . 4 . 95 I Adventure 31 AUouex ,.. 4 (Amalgamated ... 654 Baltic 454 ! Bingham 23 W Cal. ft Hecla 600 Centennial ....... 194 Copper Range ... 434 uom.. uoai 1044 Franklin 124 Isle Royale 18 Mohawk 834 Old Dominion ... 20 Osceola 62 Parrot 304 Qulncy 130 Santa Fe Copper 34 Tamarack Trimountaln . Trinity United States Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... .187 ....106 .... 134 ... 174 ... 22 .... 64 .... 14 tl London Moaey Market. LONDON, March 14.-4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money do account. Anaconda Atchison 77 do pfd 99 Bal. A Ohio 1074 Canadian Pac.... 1164 1 nea. & onto. Chicago O. W 94 1-18 Norfolk ft W.. ,94 3-16 do pfd !.. 64 Ontario ft W.. Pennsylvania . Reading do 1st pfd.... do 2d nfd 46V 80. Railway ... 26 do pfd C. M. ft St. P.. .167U So. Paclfla Denver ft R. O.. 44'; Union Paclfla do pfd 9341 do pfd Erie 374 U. 8. Steel.. do let pfd....... 674 do pfd do 2d pfd 664 Wabash Illinois Central. ..143 do pfd L. ft N 1064 Spanlsh 4s... M.. K. ft T 244 Rand Mtnea do pfd 664 DeBeers N. Y. Central.... 166 I ... 68 ... 934 ... 334 ... 774 ... 284 ... 414 ... 344 ... 334 ... 884 ... 664 ...1014 ... 894 ... 434 ... 864 ... 334 ... 43 ... 764 ... 114 ... 434 SILVER Bar. weak, 344d per os. MONEY 244S4 per cent. Rate of dis count In the open market for ahort bills, 1 11-16(624 per cent; for three months' bills. 24GT-4 per cent. Kew York Mlalaar Uaotatlaas. NEW YORK. March 14.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 40 Alice 46 Breece 60 Brunswick Con... 8 Comstock Tun.... f Co.. Cal. ft Va..l25 Deadwood Terra. 6t Horn Silver 140 Iron Silver 73 Lead villa Con.... 6 Little Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potost Savage Sierra Nevada rimau Hopes ... (Standard ........ .120 .775 . 94 . t ,. . s . 10 . 46 .336 Condition ef the Treasary. WASHINGTON, March 14. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the tl50.000.uu0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $174.700,. 4U2; gold, $94,866,000. Oil aad Besia. OIL CITY, Pa.,. March 14. OIL-redlt balances, $1.16; certincates, no bid; ship ments, 67,0:2 bbls.; average, 74.614 bbls.; runs, 92,281 bbls.; average, 74,606 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 14 OIL-Tur-pentlne, firm at 424644c. Rosin, firm; auote: A. B, C. D. $1.30; E. $1.85; F. tl 40; , tl 46; H. $1.50; I, 11.75; K. 12.46; M. $2 86; N, $3 25; WO, 63.60; WW. $3.66. TO i .EDO. March 14 OIL North Lima, 66c; South Lima snd Indiana. 80c NEW YORK. March 14. OIL Cottonseed, dull. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady. Tur. pentine, firm at 46447c Weol Market. 8T. LOUIS. March 11 WOOluiet; medium grades, 13tI74c; light fine, 12 134c; heavy fine, lullo; tub-washed, Utt 24c BOSTON. March 14. WOOL-The Com mercial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's re port on the wool trade of the United Slates: "The local wool market haa been paralysed bv the Boston strike. Business Is quiet. Ths mills are well stocked with wel and the strikes among the weavers have checked consumption. The market Is firm. The advance of i per cent In merinos and T ir cent In cross-breds in London, vsa wi.UwwV bwppoiI (ceia Aiuu'lka was a welcome surprise. California early wools have paid on the coast at 2c a pound better than last year." The receipts of wool In Boston since Jan uary 1, 1 1'2, have been 41.749.121 pounils, against 24.194,749 pounds for the same period In 19n. The Boston shipments to date are 67,261,058 pounds, against shipments of 47, 9H0.846 pounds for t'.ie same period In 1801. The stock on hand In Boston January 1, 19(12, was 77.40,463 pounds; the total stock today Is (M.& pounds. 1AJNDON, March 14 WOOL-The offer Inga at the wool auction sales today num bered 14.323 bales. Sales In detail: New South Wales, 3.40 bales, scoured. Sdrrfls 8d; Queensland, 3.400 bales; scoured. Is 24' I 'CP 74d; gressy, 6dElsl4d; Victoria, 2iu bales: scoured, 8i4ils94d; greasy. 44d4 lsl4d.; South Australia, 0 bales; scoureo. ""ni.ofi, iny, twi(i west Aus tralia, l.iOrt bales: scoured. 6Vdftle: greasy, 694d; New Zealand, 3,600 bales; scoured, 4,tjls3d; greasy, 3ifil0d; Cape ot Good Hope snd Natal, 1.000 bales; scoured. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 14 COTTON Bpot closed quiet; middling uplands, 94c; middling gulf. 94c; sales, 200 bales. Fu tures closed very steady; April, 8.91c; Mav, 381c; June, 8.84c; July, 8.87c; August, 8.68c; September. 8.28c; October. 8.08c; November, 7.99c; December, 7.98c. The market opened steady, with prices 2 points higher to 1 point lower, and closed steady, with prices net unchanged to 3 points higher. NEW ORLEANS, March 14.-COTTON wuiei; quotations revised; sales, 1,000 bales; ordinary, 74c; good ordinary, 74c; low middling. SSuc: middling. 8c- oml mi,i. dllng, 9c; middling fair, 9-c; receipts, 6.392 unirn, ninn, ist.uni naies. f utures, quiet snd steadv; March, 8.59c; April, 8.68i?f8.70c; May, 8.78cu9.5Sc; July, 8.86ru9.85c; August, 8"9C(i9c: October, 7.98c. Secretary Heater'a sTatement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the total visible as 4,332,631 bales, of which 8,233,631 Is graded American ST. LOUIS, March 14. COTTON Quiet: sales, ID bales; middling, 8 9-16c; receipts 4,0-1 uiin, Biiiijinenis, oaies; stock, 48,158 bales. GALVESTON, March 14. COTTON eieaay, bc. LIVERPOOL, March 14.-COTTON-8pot, moderate business, orlces l-32d h.r American middling fair, 4 6-32d; good mid dling, 4 6-16d; good middling, 4l3-16d; low middling, 4 13-32d; good ordinary, 4 19-32d; ordinary, 4 ll-32d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 1.000 were fur speculation and export and Included 6,900 American, neceipts, corrected, 16,000 bales. iiiviuuuik American. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralti NEW YORK, March 14. EVAPORATED APPLES A fair business was noted, with the Interest confined chiefly to lower grades. The market Is steady In tone and prices are unchanged; state, common to jooa, (ins-ic; prime, 9094c; choice, 9410c; fancy, I04rllc. . . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRITIT3 Firm. ness prevails In most descriptions. Prunes are strong, wun an active joobing demand. Apricots snd Deachea move falrlv well anrl firm. Prunea, 347c. Apricot. Royal, hxg 11c; moor r-ara, imizvic reacnes. peeled, 14 18c; unpeeled, 810c. Dry Goods Market. - NEW YORK, March 14 DRY GOOD8 The labor situation still holds the attention of the cotton division of the market. The wicm reports irom ran rtiver speak or a probable settlement of the dispute without a strike. The general demand today has been of about average extent and without new feature. Tone strong throughout. Linens are very firm, with quiet business. Burlaps unchanged in price, with moderate demand. MANCHESTER, March 14. DRY GOODS Cloths, quiet, with very little business doing. Yarns, quiet but firm, Sogar Market. NEW ORLEANS, March 14. SUGAR jjuh; open kettle, 24 l-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3&4c; centrifugal yellows, 34 t3 13-16c; seconds, 24fc34c. Molasses, steady; centrifugal, 7H8c. NEW YORK. March 14. STTOAR R w firm; fair refining, 2 29-32c; centrifugal, 96 irni, la'uc; molasses sugar, z Z1-32C. Re fined, quiet. LONDON, March 14. SUGAR Raw, Muscavado. 7s 6d; centrifugal, 8s; beet, March. 3s 64d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 14. COFFEE Spot Rio quiet No. 7 Invoice, 64c; cordova, 64 12c. The market opened steady, prices 6 to 10 points higher, and closed 5 points higher: March at 6.40; July, 6.50; Septem ber, 6.70; December, 6.90. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Strong;, Hoots Lower aad Sheep Strong; to Higher. ' CHICAGO, March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head. Including 8 cars Texans; strong and higher for steers, easier for cows and heifers; good to prime steers, $6.60 7.00; poor to medium, 84.2656.30; stockers and feeders. t3.50S6.26; cows, tl.406.60; heifers, $2.506.75; canners, $1.25S2.30; bulls. $2.60S4.76; calves, $3.004.50; Texas fed steers, $4-756.00. HOGS Receipts, 30,000 head; estimated to morrow, 24.000 head; left over, 6,000 head; market 64)10c lower, closing weak; mixed and butchers, $6.0004.45; good to choice heavy, $6.36&.524; rough heavy, t6.066.30; light, $5.93i&6.20; bulk of sales, $6.006.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; strong to 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $4.6(&6.26; fair to choice mixed, $3.754i4.40: western sheep, $4.76t.66; native lambs, 3400(&'6.66; western lambs, $5.25(ii6.65. RECEIPTS-Offlclal: Cattle, 8.154 head; hogs, 22,275 head; sheep, 7,374 head. SHIPMENTS Official: Cattle. 3,643 head; hogs, 7,603 head; sheep, 3,614 head. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head, Including 400 head Tex ans; native shipping and export steers, 84.80 &6.5o, with strictly fancy worth up to $7.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.006 15 steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.26gu.60; stock, $2 75 tl-4.65; cows and heifers, t2.6lxjj6.40, canners. $1.502.76; bulls, $2.764.25; calves, $3.6Oi7.0O Texas and Indian steers, grassers, $3.30(3 4.50; cows and heifers. $2.503.85. HOGS Receipts. 6,800 head; market 10c lower: pigs and lights, $6.0ik&.16; packers. $61062o; butchers, $6 2066.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market stesdy: native muttona, $4.5o4i6.25; lambs, $5.60(H.50; culls and bucks, $2.60&4.50; western lambs, $6.40. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,906 head; firm to 10c higher; steers, $5.46ra.16; oxen, $2.40a6.CO; bulls. t3.50ft6.40; cows, t2.00$'4.66. Cables quoted live cattle steady at 124&)134c per lb., dressed weights; refrigerator beef selling at 10c per lb.; ex ports tomorrow. 1,110 cattle, 75 sheep and 4.400 quarters of beef. Calves, receipts, 78 head; steady, all Bold; veals, t4.76yw.374; tops, t8.60; barnyard calves, $3.25; city dressed veala. 9&12c SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,660 head; quiet; two cars unsold; sheep, $4,000 160; culls. $3.60; lambs, $6.00j?7.00. HOGS Receipts, 3,365 head; feeding, firm: stats hogs quoted at $6.60; no sales of westerns reported. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. March 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 400 head; steady: natives, tS.(XKn.75; cowa snd heifera. $1.6006.76: veals, $3.0Ctif t.OO; stockers and feeders, t2.506.25. HOGS Receipts, 7,600 head; 6'plOo lower; light and light mixed. $5.75ig6.40; medium and heavy, $6.2536.60; pigs. 83.50&4.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,800 head; strong; western lambs, $5.606.40; wer'iern sheep, $4.006.75. Slenz City M' Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. March 14 (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.00itf.u0; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.00ft4.50; stockers and feeders, $3 004.40; yearlings and calves, t2.604 00. HOGS Receipts, 4,000; market 10c lower; selling. $5.96&.25; bulk, $4 0610. SHEEP Receipts, 100; steady. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed en record Friday, March 14: Warranty Deeds. A. L. Fitch to J. T. Alton, lot t. block 3, Matthews' subdlv S10 Ellse Sleh and husband to Henry Bombeck, lot 7, Prun's subdlv 1,600 Ella M. Tzschuck and husband to A. F. Anderson, s 26 feet of n 75 feet lots It snd 20. block 2, Drake's add.. 1,060 O. W. Cole and wlfa to M. R. Kind red, lot t. block 46, Florence 150 game to Jennie Kindred, lot 7, block 44, same 700 E. C. Brunner to Fannie Rice, lots 4. f and 6, block 6, Morse ft B.'s add... 150 Clara J. Haselton and husband to G. F. Harrison, lot 18, block 3, Marys vllle add 3,500 W. R. Growcock and wife to W. H. Merry weather, undiv4 nw4 and 04 ne4 se4 18-16-10 2,000 G. A. Bargent and wlfa to Catherine Brice, w 8 feet of sub lot t. In tax lot 8, In 10-15-13 130 JT- D. Mlllus and wife to Christina Leader. n4 lot t and s 16 feet lot 6, block 3. Horbach's 2d add 100 Phoebe Scott to T. C. Scott, lot 7, block 3. Belvedere add . 1 E. C. Conk ling and wife to F. IX Wead, lot 40. block 11. Orchard Hill. 36 ttnlt Clalaa Deeds. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Steer and Oowi Bell Lower Than the Day Before. HOGS TAKE A DROP OF ABOUT A DIME Reeelpts of Slieep aad Lambs Very Light, bat Demand Is Also Limited aad Market Is Dnll aad Weak. SOUTH OMAHA, March 14. Receints mr. tmicial Monday Official Tuesday .... Otluial Wedncaday . Official Thursday.... Official Friday Cattle. Hogs, cneep. ... 3.0.3 4..189 8.82 .. 3.948 9.161 8.116 .. 2,638 8,663 1.b31 ,.. 3, ltvj 9,8o9 t.276 ,.. 3.063 1-..1S 1.108 Frank Tracy to Sarah E. Tracy, lot s, diock z, v iorenos Five days this week.... 16,378 39,781 Same days last week....U,in 41.094 Same week before 13,164 42.9 Same three weeks sgo...l4.2io 4i,ia Same four weeks ago. ...17,46s tkj.1,4 Same dujs last year 11,812 3o,6u9 Ilia luiiowmg table shows tne average price ot hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several flays with com parisons with former years: Date. I 1902. 1I. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. 189t. Feb. 34... Feb. 26... Feu. JSC... Feb. 37... Fib. 28... March 1.. March 2.. March 3.. March 4.. jkiurcli 6.. March 6.. March 7.. March 8.. March 9.. March 10. March 11. March 12. March 13. March 14. K 9VI 0 6 38, 6 u 1 U t 0 6 Z7 6 90 I 6 28 t 0141 4 3J I 6 2 t 114 v. 6 32 6 t? 6 3m t 9941 i 31 t 104 6 8l 064 W I 41 74l I U9mi 5 40 t 18 I 6 411 t -A) I 6 45 I a W I 4 69 3 63 I 68 4 6il I 4 67 3 62; 4 7(( 8 4 68 8 61 4 6b 8 W 4 69 8 6.1 I $ Ml 4 74 I 4 70 3 64 4 71 3 60 4 72 3 631 4 71, 8 68 4 73 3 681 4 76 I 4 761 3 62i 4 7S 3 631 8 83 '! kl 3 871 8 (81 3 HX 4 kk. IH 3 8j 8 7t 8 76l 3 t0 4 (, V4! 3 89, 3 411 3 83 3 49 8 76 4 44 3 70 8 43 3 73 3 74 W 4.1 3 74 8 4i 8 80 8 48, 88 lto,IM 3 65, I 79 I 80 3 87 3 60 13 81 3 t6 3 84 4 n 62 3 70 3 90 3 78 8 .9 8 82 .. 4a .. 713 .. 4H .. 810 .. 714 ..; ,.. 727 .. 870 .. 9 ..1KO ..1170 I 76 3 7S 4 00 4 26 4 M 4 85 4 90 4 9 4 90 4 90 100 4 1130 1 li10 i io 1 K'li l nn I..., 1..., .... .... 1 1.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 21.... 22.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 3.. 3v.. 1.. 3.. 65.. 1.. ... 1000 1130 1390 1470 14) 1M 1510 1170 ... 970 ...1360 ...1390 ...1075 ...14. (0 ... 880 1 75 I 90 8 10 8 10 I 36 3 85 3 36 3 60 3 76 4 00 4 10 4 16 4 SO 4 25 BULLS. 1. ...l-'IO ...1230 ...1)88 ,..H0 ..1270 ....1W0 ....1410 ....IIVI ....IMo ....1445 ....! ....1770 .... 825 ....1740 ... .19H0 ....1460 ....1710 , ...1660 COWS AND HEIFERS, . 938 4 40 t 1308 . 964 4 80 CALVES, S 60 t 00 6 26 25 70 260 140 210 STOCK COWS 633 2 26 882 384 369 , 640 640 1. 1 1 200 230 830 t 38 f " t 25 I 25 8 2.4 t 38 t 26 ft? t 75 " 4 21 4 26 4 25 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 M 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 6 4 75 I IS t 50 t 60 75 AND 2.... 31 i 44 6 13 1 STOCK CALVES 382 2 40 1 100 3 40 3 75 2 75 2 90 3 00 3 00 HE1FER8. 430 3 00 489 "80 433 470 646 .1000 3 00 3 (A) 806 3 15 3 M 3 la 68 34'.;;;'.! 17 19 M.'.'.'.'.'. 11.'!!!!! STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, t 76 325 6-'0 413 791 , 629 730 41 660 614 780 870 466 Indicates Sunday. RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAH TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ui came, nogs and sneep at soutn umaoa tor the year 10 date, and comparisons with year: A 1902. 1901. Inc. Cattle 1S5,34 130,846 34.6:0 Hogs 6(2.664 48S,U53 i,6i5 Sheep 176,652 201,242 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number ot cars of feeders shipped to the country yes- ieruay ana tneir aestination: Cars. Lot Sailors, Bancroft, Neb. M. ft 0 1 K. Becker A L., Coffman, Neb. M. ft O. n. Buckley, Atkinson, J4eb. F. E.... C. Lorlruten, Wiener, Neb. F. E S. Lewis, Meadow Grove, Neb. F. E.... NIc Thletse, West Point, Neo. F. E.... H. Williams, Fairfax, Mo. K. C C. Gbthmara, Council Bluffs. Ia. R. I.. C. C. Cooper, Logan, la. I. C A. D. Gordon, Bianchard, Ia. Wab.... David Gordon, Bianchard, la. Wab.... C. D. Shelly, Bianchard, Ia. Wab J. G. Lane, Bianchard, Ia. Wab W. H. Perkins ft Sun, Hawthorne, la. Vi C. W. Spargur, Vllllsca, la. W Warren Gregory, Tabor, la. Q , SHKEf. Charles Bowen, Ames, Neb. V. P 1 J. M. Barto ft Son, Honey Creek, Ia. N. W I The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Dec. 34.660 C, M. ft St. P. Ry 9 Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific Ry Union Pacific system 10 C. ft N. W. Ry 8 F., E. ft M. V. R. R 17 C, St. P., M. ft O. . Ry. 43 B. ft M. R, R. R 17 C, B. ft Q. Ry 10 K. C. ft St. J C, R. I. ft P. Ry., east.. 6 C, R. I. ft P. Ry., west.. .. Illinois Central 4 6 3 1 28 14 I 41 21 15 16 1 28 1 4 672 5 1.442 806 3,217 463 947 3,449 818 148 8.831 88 22 8 96 162 63 90 37 63 48 8 36 394 Total receipts 119 The disposition of the day's receipts wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. u. ri nammona o Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co , R. Becker ft Degan Vansant ft Co J. L. Carey W. I. Stephen , Hill ft Huntxlnger Livingstone ft Schaller... Hamilton ft Rothschild... L. F. Husx H. L. Dennis ft Co , B. F. Hobblck Wolff ft M Other buyers Totals . 2,923 12.511 809 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cattle here today for this time of the week, which makes the supply for the five days this week considerably In excess of the same days of last week, and also of the corresponding days of last year. Packers did not seem to have very liberal orders, and as a result they tried to pound the market. Receipts Included quite a few beef steers, and while some sales were made that looked about steady, the bulk of the cattle sold a little lower. The better grades, if anything, were harder to dispose of than the medium kinds that sell from 16.50 to $6.80. Cattle above $6.00 do not seem to be In as good demand at present as the medium grades. Sales today wers made all the way from steady to a dime lower and trading was extremely slow all the morning. All but the very best grades of cows and heifers took a drop today, amounting to about a dime. Buyers seemed to want the extra choice grades, and they sold freely at steady prices, but the medium kinds and canners were very slow and generally a dime lower than yesterday. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold steady to a shade lower In sympathy with the easier feeling on steers snd cows. It took something very choice In the way of stockers snd feeders to bring steady prices. Speculators have about all the cattle on hand that they care for, and as a result they wanted to buy their supplies lower today. Anything common was very hard to dispose of, and prices were un evenly lower. Represents tlve sales: BEEtf' 61GGR6. 3 95 8 00 3 00 3 05 3 15 3 60 3 60 860 3 76 3 75 3 75 3 85 4. 68., 18.. 20.. 15.. 3.. 14.. 26.. 15. 16.. 22.. 730 . m 423 , 667 649 703 , 469 695 . 667 , 876 , 823 3 86 8 96 4 00 4 IS 4 26 4 25 4 45 4 to 4 66 4 85 4 86 1. M.-8 There waa a heavy supply ef hogs in the yards this morning, as will bs seen from the table of receipts above. Other markets were all quoted lower, and as a result prices here took a drop a. so. The general market was about a dime lower than yesterday. In some esses ths very best hogs dla not sell quite, that much lower, but as a general thing buyers suc ceeded In taking off right a round a dime. The market was slow trom start to finish, and the morning waa well advanced before anything like a clearance waa made. The good weight hogs sold largely from $6.1 to 86.26, and as high as i.36 wss paid. Medium weights went mostly from tt.uO to t6.16, and the light hogs sold from $6.00 down. The Isst end ot ths market was weak and very slow, particularly on the underweight hogs. Representative sales; No. Av. Sh. Pr. "6 244 60 6 16 U 234 71.. 22., 66., No, It. 84. 49. 61. 44. 72. 9. 66.... 105... 8u.... 6j.... 83 200 64 199 Av. ,.124 .lo7 .148 .143 .1.0 .197 .194 .195 .198 .166 .187 180 30. 76.... 66.... 78.... 79.... 84..., 76.... 73.... 73.... 67.... 84... 79.... 98.... 93.... 82.... 68.... 86.... 68.... 70.... 85.... 73.... 89.. ..210 .184 ,.181 .185 .179 ..199 .206 .207 .2f .202 .211 .208 .199 .194 .152 .197 .189 .197 .198 .200 .210 ....197 77 204 45 229 67 208 73. ..1. .212 66 224 68 231 74 211 72..rt..212 73 220 72 216 72 228 135 219 92. 61... 18... 67... 92. 64. 46. 211 ...187 ...204 ..214 ..201 ..239 ,222 77 203 82 218 69 222 68 221 86 202 80!!!! 68.... 63.... 91.... 71.. ,.209 .210 .210 .210 .197 .216 62 208 77 206 8J....228 66 219 62 219 81... 79.... 65.... 77 73 69. .235 .210 .237 .204 .214 248 Sh. Pr. ... 4 90 ... 6 60 ... 6 66 6 70 6 90 b 9u ' t 924 6 96 6 96 6 9o 6 UU 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 06 6 05 6 05 6 06 6 05 6 07 6 06 t 05 6 06 6 07 4 6 074 6 07 4 6 074 6 074 6 074 6 074 6 074 074 6 10 6 10 t 10 6 10 6 10 I 10 6 10 8 10 8 10 10 6 10 6 10. 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 t 10 6 10 10 10 10 e 10 6 10 10 6 10 8 10 6 10 10 6 10 l 6 124 8 124 6 124 6 124 t 15 6 15 16 6 15 40 l'JO 160 40 60 40 40 80 160 80 80 '6 80 8U 120 80 40 .'40 80 'so 40 40 40 80 160 70. 7.'.. 67.. 61.. 73.. 73.. .231 ..346 ..222 ..282 ..2.10 ..251 ..237 ..237 ..236 ..244 ..242 ,.1IH 75 220 68. 29.... 29.... 64.... 81.... 62. 80 .224 .236 1.. .264 80 .242 .214 ;S2 67 225 76 78.. 60.. 65.. 64. 68. 69.. 69... 66.., 69.. 70.. 68.. 68.. 61.. 67.. 66.. 66.., 66.... 6S.. 72.... 63.... 80.... 67.... .2u6 .227 .7 .245 .2.(9 235 ....140 ...,:62 ....J 72 ,...174 ....'.fi2 ....280 ....268 ....255 ,....259 ....260 ....274 ,.262 .247 .246 .246 .239 .233 160 130 80 'so loo 40 40 120 120 40 40 63.... 69.... 64.... 64.... 63.... 71.... 75.... 68.... 60..., 66.... 74.... 61.... 59.... 61.... 63.... 61.... 60.... 47.... 72.... 77.... 61 2H8 77 243 .226 .250 ...226 ..241 ..26 ..267 ..307 ..268 ,..28 ..249 ,..260 ,..286 ..274 ..268 ..262 ..308 ..200 ..281 ..251 ..248 ..284 ..249 .246 80 SO 40 iio so 69.. 39.. 70.. 62.. .267 .280 .245 .278 .320 t 16 6 15 t 15 6 15 6 16 8 .'5 t l. 6 16 t 15 t 15 16 6 15 6 16 8 15 6 16 f 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6 16 t 16 8 16 t IS 6 14 6 17-, 6 174 6 174 6 17 6 174 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 t 20 6 20 6 20 . 6 24 t 20 8 20 6 20 8 30 6 20 8 224 6 224 6 2'.,S 6 25 6 25 6 25 t 26 t 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 8 25 6 25 6 26 6 26 t 25 6 25 6 25 t 25 t 26 6 25 374 e 274 t so 6 35 No. 14.'!!! tt!!.'! 4.... 21.... 16.... 6.... 13.... 4.... 15.... 29.... 23.... 1.... 3.... 8.... 26... 18.... 7..'.. 17.... 44.... 6.... 8.... 18.... 15.... 10.... 6.... 40.... Av. 690 834 KH1 , m , 850 70 1032 , 10O6 , 702 , 1128 982 , 882 , 800 1007 1044 962 ......1121 1080 1(06 1020 971 1115 13ii7 1122 1167 1126 985 1197 1136 1085 , 1136 ,.1151 Pr. 4 65 4 90 6 00 t 00 6 10 6 10 6 10 t 16 f 15 5 15 6 20 6 25 6 2o t 25 6 30 6 35 t 36 t 40 6 40 t 40 I 40 40 t 45 t 46 t 50 6 60 6 60 t 65 t 66 t 60 t 60 t 66 No. 17 t . $ t 19 29 3 8 4 6 20 88 11 74 3 13 9 18 6 19 10 18 17 19 17 16 1 19 1 19 1 Ar. ....1174 1260 1136 1302 1232 ,....1266 ....1246 ....1146 ,....1043 ,....1166 ,....1197 L!38 ,....1047 .....1399 1310 ....1243 ....1167 ,....1363 ,....1214 ,....1414 1240 1211 .....1201 ..1246 ....1307 1294 1660 1363 1170 1280 1470 Pr. t 85 I 66 f 66 I 65 f 66 6 70 I 70 t 70 f 70 f 70 6 70 t 76 t 75 t 75 f 76 6 76 f 80 8 80 t 80 t 80 I 80 I 80 ( 80 t 66 I 80 t 96 6 00 800 8 06 8 06 t 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 46. Total tvmouAt X tfenafcrsv M0 J 1.. 1.. 10.. it'.". 17.. It.. 723 ,. 870 . 920 . 805 .1000 . 950 . 666 . 66 .1040 . 91 . 9M . 810 ...... 940 1U40 970 1080 870 770 1011 960 789 665 lfluO Iu60 ......120 1010 1080 9u4 961 I'i60 950 890 13 (0 1120 10K3 1120 10 lo 1(S 3 65 t. COWS. 92 4 36 7. 6.. 46... 10.. 23.. S...A..JA. 403 1 26 3 25 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 76 3 76 3 75 3 86 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 8 10 3 30 8 26 3 26 3 35 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 70 3 75 3 Tj 3 76 3 76 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 X HEIFERS. 9 lb imitW 3... 1... 1... 3... 4... 1... 4... 32... 12... .... 3... 8... 1... 1... 1... 1... t... 3... 1... i::: 1... 1... 1... 1... ...1061 ,..K9 ..lu6 .. 865 .. 640 ..1U66 .. 846 ..1260 ..1108 ..1016 .. 820 ..1076 ..1166 .. tlO ..1230 ..vcii ..1160 ..1210 ..1150 .. 941 ..1096 ..1330 .. 840 ..liMJ ,.1M ..1470 ..1470 ..1280 ..1125 ...1166 ..1480 ..1130 -.10 .. kuO ..130 ..1430 ..1170 4 28 4 25 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 36 4 35 4 26 4 to 4 35 4 35 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 60 460 4 to 4 40 4 65 4 65 4 70 4 76 4 76 4 75 4 76 4 80 4 80 4 85 4 85 4 86 4 90 t 00 f 00 6 00 f &) I 00 6 36 UN 111 SHEEP There were onlv a few ear. e sheep In tho yards this morning and In fact uiciv wu naraiy enougn to make a fair test of values. It waa evident, hdVever. that packers wer not at all anxious for supplies and trade ruled very' slow snd It was late btfore the pens were anywhere near cleared. A strins- of aw om . . $466, the same as sold yesterday for 84.50 and the day before at $4.55. Aside from those ewes, however, the market was very slow and weak. Common stuff In particu lar waa hard to dispose of snd sellers found It almost Impossible to get a bid on w unueairsDiB araaes. f Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings, ..6036.65: good to choice yearlings, UK3 60; choice wethers. t5.009C.26; fair to good wethers. 84 04i4.90; choice ewes, M 1034 78: fair to good swes, t4.26460; common ewes. $300)4.; choice lambs. $6.158.80: falrto good lambs. $5.90fit.l6: feederwethers, t4 00 434.60; feeder lambs. $4.60(36.00, Representa tive sales: No. at. It western ewes 40 western ewes 101 46 western ewes 97 88 western yearlings 128 8 western ewes gx 3 western ewes no 304 western wethers lot 4 25 4 65 ( 50 4 2$ 4 76 I 06 Kansaa City Idve gtoek Market. KANBAJ CITY March 14 CATTLE Reoetpta, 1.000 head natives, 360 head Tex ans. 60 head calves: active, steady to firm; choice export and dressed beef steers. $620 66.60; fslr to good. 86.0Oa.3O: stockers and feeders. t3.26it14.80; western fed steers, 84.75W tOO; Texas and Indian steers, K 65.066; Texas cows, t3.3674.60; native cows, P 0?1 f.26; heifers, t4.0Od6.50; canners, $3.50414.25; bulls. $3.266(4.50: calves, $4.60tKOO. HOGS Receipts, t.800 head; market lOo lower; top, $4 56; bulk of sales, t6.OO1M.46; heavy, $464.66; mixed packers, t6.OChZi6.60: light, $5 464326; pigs. U.Mftatf. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head; market shade higher; native lambs, tt-toa 4 40; western lambs, $4.0004) tO; native wethers, 86.3608.86; western wethers, if, that 1.86; yearlings. 86-7604 00: ewes, $4 66426.15; culls and feeders, 3.6u4.0b, Stock la Siht. Tha following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tha five principal markets for March 14: Cattle. South omana ........... Chicago 8,000 Kansas City L2M St. Louis too St. Joseph 400 Hogs. 30.000 t.8ot l.tuO 7.600 Sheep. 1,000 too 400 Ltuo Totals 1,101 .61s 11, tut Work for Big Results, If you are wise. It la just aa easy to swing a big deal as a little one. We wish to com municate with promoter, hanks or lawyer who appreciates this fact. We have a plan Involving the formation of local companies, a plan la which ultra conservative people will gladly Join, a plan which will mean fortunes to aa anergeUa and reliable promoter. Manager. P. 0. Box 1987 New York City. REMOVAL! Boyd Commlssloa Co. bsva removed from room It, Chamber ( Cetnmeree, to loom 4. New Terk lit BuUdlag. 'Phone, 1031.