THE OMAHA DAILY llEEs FRIDAY, MAltCII 14, 1002. II'BTOSH TARES HIS ICRS Fointa Out Soma Extraordinary Features in Tax Mandamus Oaie. NAMES COUNCILMAN AS THE DEFENDANTS Real Estate Crktn'i Uwffr la Iron Daty aad tea Be Called Back. for an hour and a half Thursday after noon Attorney J- H. Mcintosh, arguing be fore the aupreme court referee In favor cf the tax mandamus, made the welkin ring, and Incidentally the six oppotlng attorney! end to their offices for more calf-bound law. It was like the tumult cf rami' horns before which fell the solid walls of Jericho. He started off something like this: "The counsel of the other s!da have been trying for two and one-half days now, , bringing to bear all their energies, all their learning . and all their enthusiasm, to ahow . that there is something rery unusual about this case. Well, there are some extraordinary features In It. It Is, for example, an action by all the taxpayers of the city against their serv ants, the members of the city council, to compel them to do their duty. That la one. Another extraordinary feature Is that on the other side is an array of five law ysrs who rsfuse to be of record,, but who are managing this case to suit themselves Just the same. Beyond these features, I don't think there's anything so peculiar about tbla rase. "I want the court and the counsel to note this, that when I refer hereafter to the defendants In this case I shslt mean, not the five corporations, but the five member of the city council who refused to listrn to these complaints Hssrall, Mount. Trostler, Whltehorn and Karr. They are the ds fendanta in tbla case. It is the tools and not the masters that we have to deal with now." Tot Skat Of Talk. A change has been made In the program cf the case atnea Thursday noon, and the Indications now are that there will be only one spesker after Mr. Mcintosh. At his icqueat the referee made a ruling to thU effect. Aa to which one of the six law yers opposing him will be chosen to make the reply there has been no announcement a yet. It Is likely the court will adjourn thla evening, at - the close of Mr. Mcin tosh's address, to reconvene eome dsy next week. As the supreme court sits Tuesdsy, and several of the attorneys wish to ap pear before It In other casea. the referee may consider it expedient to postpone the remainder of the hearing to the latter part of the week. Attorney Monman at 1 o'clock resumed his remarks where he left off at the neon adjournment. "The Nebraska statute," he said, "allowing the bonded Indebtedness of a corporation to be deducted from the mar ket value of the share of stock for pur poses of assessment Is unconstitutional. The Unltsd States supreme court has said o, not with reference to thla particular atatute, but in reference to another ex actly like it in another .state. The stat- uta should Instead provide for the adding ot ins market value of the stock to ths market value of the bonds. In both cases you dsduct the value of all tangible prop erty, which haa already been assessed from the combined value of the stocks and bonda and thla gives the vslue of the fran chise. Corporate property cant be valued as anything but old Junk without ths value ol Its fraeohtse. A oencern baa an exist ence apart from Its original constituent parte. It Is a unit an organism not an aggregation of poles, wires and cross- arms. Abeat lataasTlble Property. "Row would you get at the value of thla intangible property!" asked Mr. Mcintosh. "By considering It as a going concern. Ths franchise is the intangible property.' At the conclusion of Mr. Morsman's ad drees Mr. Mcintosh said he waa going to ask ths referee to limit the number of at torneys who were to reply to him to one. "They can choose whoever they wish to make the reply," he said, "but I think It only fair that the number of speakers be limited to one.". Attorney R. 8. Hall of the water com paay, who heretofore haa remained silent, said: "Tour honor, it waa arranged In confereaoe that Mr. Webster, Mr. Morsman and Mr. Connell should present this mo . tton and so, so far aa I'm concerned, I shall have nothing to say unless there comes up something out of line that per tains to aomo certain concern." Attorney Prltchett of the gaa company said: "I am In ths asms position as Mr. Hall and unless aomethlng unexpected de velops I don't think I shall care to speak. Referee Ryan said: "I think that one man to reply to Mr. Mcintosh will be enough. Of course, however, this doesn't exclude the others from participating In the caae and the rule refers only to the argument. If we should get so far aa ta admitting svidence, then it no longer ap plies.". elatoaa Healas Araranaeat. Mr. Mcintosh, attorney for the relators, began spesklng at 1:30. It was his first argument, aa his previous addrsss had been 7 i Nervoraciitl, weary and heavy-eyed, the head that seeks repose finds only ceasless tossing and fever ish unrest. Strange fancies vague forboding fill the mind with harrowing thoughts until morning brings its rasping headache, irritable temper, and loss of appetite. Rest the nerves build them up and gentle, restful, refreshing sleep will be yours. My greatest trouble was alespleas aeu. I was nervous and restless, and would toss and roll for hours. Had no ambition and had ta abandon. Wines. One bottle of Dr. Allies' Nervine put me oo my feet ag sin." Simon A. Gibson, Georgetown, TO. Dr. Miles' N ei vine gi-es that weet sleep so grateful to body and mind. Sold by drugs b an ruarantss. Dr. MUca Medical Co, tlkhart, lad. more ta the nature of a statement or re view of the esse. "What Is evaluation?" he asked. "It's Disking all the assessments converge upon a given standardr that's whst I call equal isation. And that stsndsrd should be the fair cash valuation of the property assessed. When our present tax commissioner fol lowed the precedent of his predecessor In office Instead of the ststnte he did some thing he had no right to do. I believe that next year property In thla city will be as sessed, not at 40 per cent or 10 per cent, but at tta fair cssb vslue. "In this caae, no effort was msde to as certain the fslr cash value. The corporations gave no data upon which to form auch an estimate. Ths tsx commissioner put down, as nesr as he could guess at it, 40 per cent of the fair cash vslue, though It wasn't half enough. "The counsel on the other side said the proper thing for me to do was to go befors the Board of Review with my case. Now. your honor, on account of my professional pride, I wouldn't be plsced In that position for a good dsal. The Board of Review would say to me, 'Oo before the Board of Equalization, and there you'll probably get relief.' And it would be right. The Board of Equalisation Is the board that hears com plaints. The Board of Equalisation is the one that glvea six dsys' advance notice of Ita meetings In order that the public may be ready with Its complaints. The Bosrd of Review gives no such notice; It's Dot a part of Ita duty to hear complaints. Reealls Webster's Cltatloa. Now I recall the esse of ' ths Bute against Osborne, which was quoted by Mr. Webster. In this the receiver of the water company at Broken now oDjecteo. to ins low rate of assessment which was being made in the town, because he thought there would not be enough public revenue to pay the Interest on the waterworks bonds. So he applied to the supreme court for a writ of mandamua to compel the assessor to raise the eesesstnent. This writ wss de nied. Mr. Webster thinks this caae ahould form a precedent in this proceeding, but let us see. Why was the writ denied? Be cause, the supreme court said, the receiver of that water company had his remedy be fore the Board of Equalisation. That's ' our position. We believe we have our remedy before the Board Of Equal isation. "Now, we are told by the opposing coun sel that the city council can't be recon vened aa a board of equalisation. Do I un derstand that when that council. Bitting aa a board, aet the time for hearing those com plaints for Monday and then before the time came rescinded their action and ran away, that they can't be brought back and compelled to do their duty? Can It be that the arm of the law Is as Impotent as that; We're asking for a mandamus, brought Just as quick as we could get the papers to gether, and this wa had the right to do. It waa our only remedy and our title to It can't be honestly questioned." At 6 o'clock the hearing adjourned until 9:30 thla morning. Throws Dowa the Bare. In referring to the argument ThursJay morning Referee Ryan said: I propose to throw the bare down and give ths counsel the widest possible lati tude in thla discussion, because if we have a thorough underatandlog of thla matter now I think It will save time In the end. I am convinced that thla suit forma the baals of a very narrow Inquiry," At 9:0 o'clock Attorney W.. W, Mora- man, for the Nebraska Telepnone company. resumed his address where he left off Wednesday evening. "No strength la gained for the cause of the relators." he said, "because ths words, 'and all other taxpay ers of Omaha,', are added to-their -complaint. What right have they to represent all other taxpayers? Have they been au thorized by all. other taxpayers ao to do? It will perhaps be news to soma of us that all other taxpayers are complaining of the work of the Board of Equalisation, I know of some that are not. Take the railroads. for example, that converge In thla city; they have millions of dollars' worth Of property, but I have yet to hear that they have complained of their assessments." Why Railroads Are SailaOea. A moment later Mr. Morsman Inad vertantly let slip a possible explanation of the silence of the railroads, by ssytng that they were assessed at. even a lower rate than the Ave public service corporatlona. "Then there la M. E. Smith & Co.. a large wholesale bouse here, your honor," he re sumed, "which is reputed to csrry from $2,000,000 to IS.OOO.OOO of stock alons, and thla concern is assessed at $300,000!' "Well, why didn't you complain '. of them?" asked Mr. Mcintosh. "He asks me, your honor,, why I didn't complain of them, aad therein be revests ,t the pl,nt ,oout 7,000 hides, four cara of the spirit thst actuatea thia entire action. fertiiiier and three cara of dry bonea. Su it Isn't a question with him and bia clients perlntendent Phlppa remalna here with a of equalising the assessments; it's simply stenographer for a short time. One day and a queatlon of bringing. the low onea up. "To the 40 per cent basis," Interposed Mr. Mcintosh. "There is no such thing as a 40 per cent basts of assessment, as viewed from your standpoint. It exists nsither In law nor custom. Tbe Board of Equalisation dora not equalize taxes by fixing the stsess ment at 40 per cent of tha fair cash value, but at 40 per cent. of their estimate of the fair cash value. "I think, Mr. Mcintosh, that I have dis covered the principle upon which you prod Irate thla action. You are aeeklng, not to have tbe taxes equalised, but to have an error corrected. You have dlacovered that tbe statutes give the board tbe right to correct errors, supply omissions, etc., and you are going to take advantage of It. You assume that the action of the board In Its dealing With your cllants waa aa error. Now I Just want yon to stand on that prla Iple and you U aee how you come out. You re determined there ahall be no comparl aon in thla city of one piece of property with another, but you present a bald and naked proposition to bavs ths bosrd reccn vena and reassess the property. Equalisa tion la by compsrlsoa; It's ths only way you can get at It." Ka Cosaaarlsea Passible. -Taen." asked Mr. Melntosn, "you eouldo't equalise tha aaeeasmsnt of a street railway company because you wouldn't have another street railway company to compare It with, or of a water company for the earns reason? Equalisation la by comparlaon. you say." Certainly, by comparison." ssld Mr. Morsman, but he didn't try to meet the objection. He resumed: "There's nothing en earth about which there la so much difference of opinion as the value of property. Take, for instance. the Psxton ble-k In Omaha. Call In 100 ex parts and ask them how. much It la worth and no two of their estimates will be ths same. Without concert, I dare say. there ould be a variation of several thousand dollars batwssa the extremes. How, then, can Mr. Mcintosh coma la here aad aay that be:auae the corporatlona were assessed at a certala figure that there waa an error? That's not aa error In the aense of ths statutes. It simply represents a composite opinion, and ths fact that that opinion dif fers from the opinion of my friend does aot make it an error." ... At 11 o'clock court took a recess of two hours. ' "My daughter had a ttrrible cough whicl ssttled on her lungs," saya N. Jackaon of Danvllls. 111. "We tried a great many ramedlea without relief, until we gave her Foley's Hcaey aad Tar. which cured her.? Rsfuse substitutes. - AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mandamus Increases Interest in Today's Democratio Primaries. HANN0N HAS HIS NAME ELIMINATED Declares He Is t'eateat to .rt Fnaor aad Leeehaer Flsiht It Oat Tkls Time Maalo City Gossip. Democratic prlmarlea today promise to be decidedly Interesting, especially on ac count of the developmenta within the last thirty hours. When served late Wednes day nlgbt with a peremptory writ of man damus Issued by Judge Dickinson In rela tion to the placing of certain names on the ticket the members of the central com mittee expressed the Intention of imme diately complying with the order. Dan Haonon, who was Included In the list of names to be placed on the ticket, appeared before Judge Dickinson yesterday and asked that his name be atrlcken from the order, as he hsd no desire to be a candidate for mayor at thla time. The court granted the request, and so only Ensor and Loechner will be candldatea for mayor today. E. J. Seykora will contest with Tom Hoclor for the nomination for city treasurer, while Charlea Curtis will fight It out with Frank Burness for councilman In the First ward. Instead of being permitted to vote for only six members of the centrsl committee the democrats will have an opportunity of tak ing their choice of thirteen candidates. Ths voting placea will be open from noon today until 7 p. m. Following is the list of the voting precincts: First Ward Collins' music store, Twenty . fourth end K streets. Second Ward rivonka building, Twenty- first and Q streets. Third Ward Blue building. Twenty- aeventh and T streets. Fourth Ward Hefferman building. Thirty-first and Q streets. Fifth Ward Good Shephard building, Thirty-sixth and M atreets. Sixth. Ward Thorson building, Twenty- fourth and O streets. Seventeen candldatea for member of the city council are running at large and the six receiving the highest number of votes will be declared the regular nominees from the warda in which they may respectively reside. While the votes csst at the primaries will bo counted by the Judgea and clerks appointed, the result will not be given out officially by the central committee until Saturday, when the vote is to be canvassed. Fssersl of Miss Havens. The First Presbyterian church. Twenty- fifth and J streets, was crowded yesterday afternoon by those whq desired to pay a last sad tribute to Mies Alice Havena. By permission of the Board of Education the schools were closed at noon In order that all of the teachers and pupils who desired might attend the aervlcea. The casket and altar were literally covered with beautiful floral designs, the gifts of friends, teachers and scholars. Rev. Dr. Robert L. Wheeler, pastor of ths church, officiated and deliv ered a touching sermon. He apoke tenderly of the msny gentle and womanly qualities of Miss Havena and closed with a prayer. J. A. McLean, auperlntendent of public In struction, followed Dr. Wheeler. He spoks of the excellent work performed by Miss Havens during her eleven years' aervtca in the public schools of South Omaha. During ths aervlcea a quartet, composed of Mrs. E. 8. Harrell, Miss Edna Van Arman, Fred Green and C. E. Campbell, sang. At the conclusion of the services the body waa conveyed to Laurel Hill cemetery for In terment. The pallbearers were: James Heatings. C. W. Oarrett, Arthur Miller, Frank Seykora, H. C. Richmond and J. B. Aaho. Labor Coaveatloa Today. The united labor party will bold a con vention at Woodmen hall at 10 o'clock, this morning to nominate a full ticket. At a caucua Wednesday night it was found that the delegates were divided. Some favored the Indorsement of Koutsky, while others rscommended the nomination of W. G. Sloane. It waa originally Intended to hold the convention Friday evening, but as the hall could not be secured arrangements were made to meet this forenoon. Oaly Bltfht Left. Only eight employes are now left at ths Hammond plant. On Saturday laat the last shipment of meat was made to Chlcsgo and tha fnriM was laid Off. Tnsre still remain two nlcht wstchmen are employed and an engineer remains on duty to be prepared In caae of fire. Directors Meet Satarday On Saturday there will be a meeting of tbe directors of ths South Omaha Pontoon Bridge and Ferry company. It Is expected that at thla meeting arrangements will bs made for the opening of the ferry acrosa Woman's Work in Club and Charity There will be a meeting of the houss and borne committee of ths Woman's club to morrow to complete arrangementa for a re ception to be given by tha club about April 1 which will Include tbe school teachers, members of tha Board of Education and their wlvee, Commercial club members and their wlvea and the men frlenda of the olub members. All dstalls will be announced at Monday'a meeting of the club. At the meeting of the city Improvement committee of the Woman'a club yestsrdsy afternoon the aubeommitteea appointed last week to attend to ths detalla of ths pro posed Plngree garden made moat encour aging reports. The women have met with sncouragement and co-operation from tha business men and elty officials to whom they have applied, but aa yet the arrange menta are too Incomplete ta be announced. It ta expeoted that the location of the plot, the superintendent of the work and all other arrangements for appllcatloaa for garden apace and the distribution of seeds will be ready soon, wheo tbe committee wllll make all public. The year book of the Nebraska federa tion will be out thla week, but It will not Include all the clubs of ths federation aa tbe executive board has admitted five new clubs since tha book wss computed. These asw clubs are ths Wlsner Woman'a club. Helen Oould club of Rlaing City. Central City club. Twentieth Century club et Saun ders county, Raudolph Woman'a club and tbe Clenlands Womsn's club of South Omaha, the latter being composed of col ored women. With tha annual election of officers so soon te occur and but one of ths present Incumbenta eligible to re-election, the preparation of a ticket for tha coming year la receiving a food shsre of attention from some of the members of ths Womsn's club Just at present and the orgaalsatioa is be ing qutetly but thoroughly canvassed In tha Intereat of csrtaln strong women by mem- vera W loe various eeparimenia amwueus the river on Monday and the continuation of the construction of the pontoons. Cap tain Talbot of the steamer Castalta says thst the river is now opea snd thst he csa commence running his boat any time. Boms repairs will hsve to be msde to tbe Twelfth street road and the council will be asked to psy a portion of the expense. Commissioner Watsoa Here. C. E. Watson, deputy commissioner of labor, spent yesterday In the city looking after fire escnes. Id compsny with Pudd ing Inspector D. M. Click, Mr. Watson made a tour of the buildings which come uader the law and made a note of those whose owners had not complied with an order Issued some time ago in connection with the erection of fire escspes. It Is under stood thst unless tbe law is complied with In a reasonable time after notice has been j aerved the courta will be called upon to enforce tbe orders of tbe commissioner. Cleaalnaj tke City. Street Commissioner Clsrk Is engsged in cleaning the paved atreets, and thla work will be continued until the mud haa been removed. Then, If the warm weather keeps up, the firs department will flush the pave ments, thus putting the streets in good con dition again. While Clark la looking after the streets. Inspector Jones Is putting In some of his time serving notices on property owners to clean the back yards and alleys. Some of the alleys, especially those In the down town portion of the city, are In a filthy condition, being loaded with the winter's' accumulation of refuse of various kinds. It Is the desire of the city officials to have the streets snd alleys all over the city placed in good condition aa soon aa pos sible. Mastic City Goesla. Mrs. A. J. Caughey la in Iowa visiting friends. wmiim Rawlev is at home, after a two months' trip through lows. Mrs. 8. J. Gosney has been caliea to Syracuse, Neb., by the serious Illness oi her mother. Mamhara nf the HOUth OmsKS CSVSirT trooD drilled in uniform for the first time last night. Charlotte Winkler died at her home, Thlrleth end Y streets, Wednesday night, aged 80 years. The Woman's Relief corps or rmi - ney post will meet ai me numo vi F. J. Etter Saturday afternoon. hHa fnr the new iclns- olatrorms ai a ' n,.liallv romnLtMl. The Improvement cost In the neighborhood of $12,000. . . , The funeral of Frank White, wno ciea at St. .Joseph's hospital of consumption, will be at. St. Agnes' church this morning. Interment at St. Mary'e cemetery. On Monday evening the boys or t. Agnes church will present "Major Andre' at Woodman hall, In honor of St. Patrick. A program has been prepared, which will be announced later. Rev. James McGann of w estboro, Mass., and Rev. P. H. Gallon or Florence, Mass., are the guests of Rev. D. W. Moriarty. The vUltors are on their way home from a trip to the eanawico, Mortality Statistics. The' following births and deaths were re th nfflm of the Board or Health during; the twenty-four hours ending Thurs- JlrtheAlexander Hill, 706 Pacific, boy; Arthur White, 12M South Fourteenth, boy; John WennlnghofT, 2426 South Twentieth avenue, girl; Michael Qulnlan. 1710 South Thirteenth, boy; Carl Witt, 22S4 South Twenty-eighth, girl; William Maxwell, 4418 Capitol avenue, girl. Deaths-Max Bellman. 114 South Twenty eighth avenue, 46; Dora A. Gannon, 618 South Seventeenth, 1 day; Margaret fc,. Shields, 2616 North Nineteenth avenue, 40; D. B. Beever, county hospital, to; Louise HilUke, county hospital, 78; Maria Estelle Holman. 242a South Twentieth, 11 months; Andrew Hedman. Immanuel hospital, so; Mrs. Rose Msyone, St. Joseph's hospital. S2; John Terrill. S114 Woplworth, 7.; Mra. Mansfield, 216 Cuming, 63. ' THE, REALTY MARKET. . js 4V r. sf INSTRU&'&ra VaceWtto Thursday, March It: Warraaty Deads. n .t . 1 tn T . James. Bit lot 12. block 86, South Omaha 1,000 Lucy Mitchell to E. T. Johnson, part lots 1 and 20, Terrace add 1.000 A. M. Brown and husband to F. H. n.rrv m n feet lot 11a. w 20 feet lot 12. block 3, Patrick's add 1,600 P. P. Felthelmer and wife to M. T - n.ln.kl m 1 In, 9 M,Wlr Arbor Place "00 Packers' Savings bank to V. Cecetka, lot 10. block 1. Potter & C.'i add 900 W. J. Green and wife to I. N. Dech, eVa lot 7, block 10, Isaac S.'s add.. 600 Ida A. Jonrenaen and husband to David Beckett, a 20 feet lot 4, block 7, 8outh Omaha 1.700 F. R. Le to Maud Lee, lot 6, block I, South Omaha 1 Byron Reed company to C. O. An derson, lota 21 and 22, block 1, Orchard Hill 240 3 W. Robblna and wife to John G. 'Bull, 4 ne4 aw1, seVi swV 23-15-11 1,400 J. B. Hodge and wife to M. B. Erlon. n W feet lot , block 3, Dwlght & U'a add 800 Ellas fivenson to A. M. Oberg, m lot , block 1, Patrick's sdd 2S F. J. Fltsgerald and wife to A. C. Ong, lota 1, i and t, Morse & B.'a add 1.12 John Ryburg et al to John Jacobson, lot 12, block 456, Omaha, q. c. d 1 W. K. Potter to R. C. Wagner, lot 3, block 6. Reed'B 1st add 8,500 Harold Glfford and wife to Sarah V. Raedln. e 42 feet lot 26. block 16, Hanscom Place 1,3j0 DIED. ' KENNEDY Hugh, Jr., March 12, 102, aged 35 years. Funeral : a. m. March 15, from St. Patrlck'a church. Fourteenth and Caste! lar. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery, South Omaha. Frlenda Invited. . for ths emphssls of their respective Inter ests. While the club Is practically united In Ita choice of president, the main effort will be tor supremacy between two factlona, the one that would emphasise ths social slds of the organisation and another that would letaln it as a reformatory and moral fac tor In the affaire of the city. And then there Is another faction compoaed of tboae cautioua onea who oppoaa ths election of tha younger women to any but tho minor offices oa the ground that the ability to manage the affairs of the organisation cornea only with the experience that at tends the more mature years. Their theory Is not receiving very enthusiastic support, however, even from those who respect their Judgment most In other matters, for tha ability of many of tha younger women is too wall known and too much depended upon. The first of the aeries of atereopticoa illustrated art lectures to be glvsn by tha art department of ths Womsn's club for ths fund with which tbe department propoaea dsroratlng tbe new High school building will be in the large lecture room of ths First Congrsgatlonsl church at o'clock on Saturday afternoon. There will be threa lectures la the series and the department will suspend Us next regular meeting, aa the lectqres Include tbe review of the American palntera that would come In the course of study. Ths special topic at the meeting Thursday morning waa "Minia tures." Mra. Lewrie acting as Isadsr. At ths First Presbyterisn church Tuesday evening. March 25. Miss M. Josephine Petrie of New York City, young people's secretary of tbe Presbyterian Home Mlasloa bosrd, will address the Christlsa Eadeav orera of that deaomlnatloa upon tbelr work along tbla line. Mlaa Petrie haa coma to attend the women's Preshyterlal meeting at Waterloo. Ths last of ths series of home culture talks to be given this winter by' the Young Womsn's Christies association will ha Moa- SEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Another Novel Dealing with Life on the Western Frontier. STORY OF MODERN FRANCE AND ENGLAND Head of Ooa la Amerleaa History Practical Work oa Irrtaatloa for the tee at Farmers aad Eagtlaeere. There has always been an Intereat In books relating to the frontier. There were writera before tbe 70s whose capital was drawn from auch a aource. Then Bret Harts came upon the scene with a vivid re production of character la ths 60s, fol lowed by Msrk Twain soma ten yeara later. But It remained for Alfred Henry Lewis to describe the last stand of the frontier a little atrip of wild life remaining pinched between the civilisation of the effete east and the Pacific slope. Aad he haa done his work thoroughly. His lateat book, "Wolfvllle Days," contalna about 810 pages, and It Is safe to say there are easily 300 laugha and nearly as msny grins to be found therein. It' la exactly the book tor the tired man who deslrea relaxation of either a few minutes or a few boura and wants a book that la not written In "words of four syllables words that run about eight to the pound," as Lewis himself aptly puts It. Frederick A. Stokes Com psay. New York. "In White and Black," by W. W. Plnson. la one or the latest additions to ths list nt new books. The story, like maay other southern tales, Is largely Interspersed with the dialect of ths colored people and full of the pathos characteristic of that child like race. Tbe atory Is laid at the time of the Proclamation of Independence, and the re lease of the colored people gives a chance for a fine display of loyalty and devotion on the part of an old colored woman, nurse and foster mother, to the heroine. Tho story Is strictly a lore tale, and. while ths plot Is not a new one, still It Is treated la a manner to hold the Interest of tbe resder. who will not And himself dlsap pointed in the final outcome. The type of the book la exceptionally large and clear, a good recommendation In Itself for any publication. The Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron. O. Tha acenea of "The Glant'a Gate," Max Pombertoo'a new book, are laid In France and England of today, at a time when the national feeling against the Jews broks forth Into froquent and bloody riots. It Is a strong picture of present conditions In France. The gay, thoughtless life of ths people, their pitiable weaknesses and vacil lating temperaments are portrayed with a truthful hand. The personality of Jules Davlgnon, the youngeat general In tho French army and the one most beloved by tbe people, stands out In bold relief. A msn peculiarly endowed with the gift for leader ship, he devotes his time and energies to but one end to give his country its rell glou, its army. Us place among nations. Tbe woman who loves him a beautiful English girl of rsnk Is strongly In sympathy with his work for the lifting of Franca to Its proper position among tha nations, and re nounces her claim to his love In order that he may unreservedly serve his country. Her devotion to Davlgnon. her faith in the final realisation of his hopes for France, encour age him when all else falla. And the re ward that France glvea tor thla unswerving loyalty la banishment from tha country. Frederick A. Stokes company, New York. Robert Ellis Thompson In his new book, "The Hsnd of Ood In American History," has written the story of his country from an entirely new point of view. The time of the discovery of this continent Is regarded aa tha first significant factor; it waa with held from the peoples of the earth until a modern civilisation had begun to rear ita head. It waa prepared as a safe refuge for the persecuted of every country and every creed, who suffered for religion's or con science's sake. Thua were aown from the Brat the seeds of freedom. The causes and effects of each war and each atep In colonial and national existence are traced out In a similar way, and the final result a book of some 230 pages proves a gratifying add I tlon to our historical literature. The attl tuda la new, fresh and convincing; the viewpoint broad, the statements free from prejudice, the diction clear and forcible The work Is talculatsd to arouse a strong healtby admiration of our native land, an Intense patriotism and a reverential love for tha Guiding Power that baa ahaped our deatlalea hitherto. ' Thomas Y. Crowell A Co., New York. A book thst Is most timely by reason of the Impending irrigation legislation Is "Irri gation In the United States," by Frederick Hsynes Newell. Ths author Is one of the most capable writers of such a work In thla country, bis long official and practical ex perlence giving him authority In hla utter ances. But ha haa not brought together tbe abundance of material here presented Into day evening at tha home of Mrs. J. C. Wharton, S20 North Twentieth atreet. Mra Bella M. Stoutenborough will make tha ad' dress ot tha evening, her aubject being. "Tha Bible In tha Horns." Mra. B:ay and Mlaa Boreneon will alng. Conpilmentary to tha membera of the basket ball team victories In tbs recent tournament at Llncolu, Mrs. George H coo ler eatertalned them nd the secretarlea at a dinner at her homa Saturday evening. Tha dinner waa another of those delightful affairs that tha varloua membera of tha board hsve given for the pleasure and en couragement of the young women. Thirty-two new membera tame Into tha association laat week and. with the mem bership tsa ahead, wblch requires each par ticipant to bring la a new member, there la promise of fifty accessions this wsek. Tha gymnasium prayer circle will meet at I o'clock 8cafay afternoon. Mra. Byera will preaent tha association work at Kountse Memorial church on Sunday morn ing. The local Womaa'a Christian Temperance union has adopted tha plan of devoting the first part of ita meetings to the bearing and reviewing of reports of ths Woman'a Chrlatian 1 snipers ncs union work from ths state, rational and International fields and tha plan la proving moot helpful, as It keeps all In touch with all that Is being dona and affords msny excellent sugges tions thst msy be applied In the local work. On Wsdnssdsy afternoon Mra. Mary O. Aadrewa read accounts of ths action that haa been taken la the various colleges regarding cigarette smoking and that In atttutlon known aa the "smoker." Miss Msgee made a report of her work at the mlselon aad asksd for seeds to be distributed among tha members of ths Mothers' club for the small gardens. Ths members of the union will supply tha aeede Though the union gave up coatrol of tbs mission building March 1, no action haa been takea regarding future support of the classes tbers. Ths matter waa referred to a committee, which a til visit the nilsslpa aad then make Ita decliloa. i,i...... ..p....i i w,.i. ...inns II I I Ill J .Shoe Bargains. In Basement Fridays Six bargain tnMes are overflowing with tho best sort of shoes for Friday's selling. The prices hardly, represent the cost of the leather, let alone the makirig. Table No. lHeaped with women's ox fords, in all sizes, worth up to $2.00 pair, at Table No. 2Heaped with women's ox fords and slippers, in dozens of styles, worth up to $4 pair, at ...... Table No. 3 Heaped with womeu's good, durable, stylish shoes, in all kinds of leathers, worth $3, at $1.39 and Table No. 4 Heaped with shoes for dress and school wear, with tbi and extension soles, worth up Table No. 5 Heaped with hundreds of pairs of men's sample shoes and regular lines, all sizes, worth up $3 pair, at Table No. 6 Heaped with infant's kan garoo, calf and vici kid shoes, in lace and button, worth up to $1.25, at i a dry, technical trestlss the typical flavor of a government report. Instead, he baa given a lucid, comprehensive and entertain ing study of some 600 psges. which com mands attention from atart to finish, and leaves the reader with a much better Idea of a great problem than be could t-oestbly get In the same length of time elsewhere. He haa written' clearly aad atmply, avoiding technical terms, of the problems of home making In the desert, showing what has been done in certain regions and what will be done In others. ' Homeseekers will thus find the work of the most Immediate utility. They will be made acquainted with the amount and desirability of tha public ter ritories and the probable line of develop ment to be pursued. A somewhst element ary and popular description of Irrlgatioa and of the devices for obtaining and distrib uting water is given. Including detnlls of interest to persons who are beginning to give attention to the subject. Thomas Y. Crowell ft Co., New York. One of the most practical book a published In a long time In any department of knowl edge Is O. F. Byxbee's "Establishing a Newspaper." It Is a handbook, not only for the prospective publisher, but Includes sug gestions for tbe financial advancement ot exlatlng dally and weekly Journals. Tbe author In bis preface saya thla of hla work; As a title for a book covering every phase of the atartlng and developing ot a news paper property, 'Establishing a Newspsper1 Is chosen advisedly. To atart a newapaper U easy, but to establish It Is quiet a dlt ferent matter a much deeper subject. To establish anything a newapaper for ex ampleIs to originate and secure Its per manent existence, or to set It In place and make It stable there. Accordingly, I have endeavored to treat In a complete and prac Ileal manner every detail entering Info the establishing of a newspaper In all the term implies." A csreful perusal of the work will convince ods of the thorough manner in which Mr. Byxbee haa treated hla sub ject. Every detail haa been carefully en tared upon, and to a beginner it is replete with valuable and helpful auggestions, while an old newspaper man can profit by tta many practical and sensible hints. Tbe In land Printer company, Chicago. 'Verba Crusts" Is a small volume of ser mons suggested to Rev. T. Calvin McClel land by the last words of Jesus Christ This dainty little book will aid to give a new meaning to tha words 01 cnrlst ut tered from His cross. The last words ot any life are always regsrdsd as significant utterances for the soul, when face to face with the beyond, sees with larger, clearer vision. How much more significant ahould be tho messages which fell from Jesus' lips bis seven short utterances Verba Crucls rn Calvary? Here they are treasured up tenderly. ' They are not treated la dry didactic exposition, but with the brevity ot simple affection. Tbe writer displays rare, cloas aympathy, and chooses lan guage well befitting his noble theme, Thomaa Y. Crowell A Co., New York. "A Golden Way; Being Notea and Impres sioos on a Journey Through Ireland, Scot land and England," la a new book by Al bert LeRoy Bartlett. Tbe author haa gone over a aomewhat familiar road, but he has given It fresh Interest by the little incidents of life, the legends, stories, bits ot history and pictures of nature In her most plo turesque moods, that ha haa wrought to aether with great delicacy and beauty. One will read every word ot the book, and linger over and reread many parte of it The Abbey Press, New York. . Ths above books are for sale by tbe Megeath Stationery Co., 1S0S Farnam St. MILLERS CHOOSE OFFICERS Nebraska Exporting Associativa Has Aaaaal Kleetloa aad Seleeta Ita Old Corps. At the annual meeting of the No braaka Millers' Exporting association the Millard hotel yesterday afternoon, the following officers were re-elected for tha en suing ysar: A. Jaeggl, Columbus, presl dent; J. C. Hedge, Hsstlngs, vice prealdent F. B. Hadley, Cedar Rapids, aecretary an In tha Philippic. the tnisaes do not Deed shoes but here In Omaha s good, substantial shoe) is a necessity for that reason we want to call your attention to Drexel's misses' $1.60 school shoes calf skin snd plump kid uppers genuine rock sole leather soles a shoe made to fit tbe growing feet, with a style the same as tbe higher ptid shoes We recommend this shoe for everyday school wear as having more value tban sny otber shod at tbs price 11 to 2 elsea, 11.50 2V to tt, $2.0O-cblldren's, S-i to 11, S1.25. Drexel Shoe Co., ssaha'a lle-aaie Saae Maase. 141 FAStN AH STUB ST. Thia aBSMattkv 89c 98c 98c boys' and girls' r;98c to $2 pair, 98c 29c 69c, 39c and tressurer; Cbauncey Abbott aad O. A. Brooks, directors. Ths purpose cf the association Is of fur thering the exportation of Nebraska flour and tha members report themselves well pleased with the proepecla tor an Increaeed ouaiuess ion rear. We will have a splend'd wheal crop ta work on," aald E. M. Loflai.k "snd mors wheat means more flour. A )..?-r jreagi has been sown than for many . .nl thi yield per acre, according to .ay the wheat looks now, will be out of the ordinary. In fact, It wouldn't surprlsi me It ail previous records were broken." The meeting wss well attended by mill- era from various portions of the state. CATHOLIC ORDER TO ORGANIZE Kalht of Columbus Win Institute First Coaacll la Nebraska la This City. A council of the Knights of Columbus, the first one to be Instituted In Nebraska, will - be organised in thia city on Sunday after noon next. The exerclaea will take place In the Ancient Order of United Workmen tem ple. The following visiting delegations will attend: From Chlcsgo Patrick L. McArdle. deputy aupreme knight ot Illinois; John A. Lambert, elate secretary; M. J. Daugherty, state advocate; John J. Ryan, grand knight of Phil Sheridan council; M. W. Gleason and over forty others; Dr. C. P. Cowdon, Springfield, 111.; D. Harmon, La Salle. 111.; Thomaa 8. Klernan, past state deputy ot Illinois; J. C. Moore and others, Keokuk, T. J. Fltcpatrlrk, a leading attorney ot Dubuque, la., and about twenty otbera; C McCullough and a party of twenty from Davenport; John B. Sullivan, a very promi nent attorney, and party ot Des Moines; M. F. Healey, grand knight, and thirty from Fort Dodge; J. H. Rlddln, a prominent law yer, and a party of fifteen from Denver; Judge Tecsdale and thirty otbera from Kan sas City; J. J. Fleming and othera of Bur lington, la.; Rev. B. X. O'Rellley and thirty others from St. Joseph. Mo. All the leading Catholics of Omaha are on the charter mem bership list ot the new council. Following the installation cerenitntes a banquet for 800 people will be aerved at the Millard hotel. LABOR UNION HONORS ALTGELD Eulogises Late (ioteraor of Illinois aa Frlead of taa Work latinaa. WILKESBARRE, Pa., March 13 The State Federation of Labor convention today eulogised the late former Governor Altgeld and adopted the following resolutions on his dc-'.h: Whereas. John P. Altareld. late aovernor of Illinois, has nasaed away; and. Whereas, In his death the workers of the world and the esuse of humanity have lost a true friend and advocate; therefore be it Resolved, by the State Federation of Labor of Pennsylvania, That ws consider It a proud distinction to be able to pay this last tribute of reieet and honor to the memory gf a man noble in deeds, generous in sarrirk-es and valiant In the cuuse of the oppressed everywhere. Always fouxthlnK New to Show You. Society Stationery Our dlspluy la tbe largest. Our goods tbe proper thing-. Society Stationers. IX Fama.m St. BO OK S Sta-vt.vvaa oa thla Pa aaa tukel ( as. We aaa also farmlsh ssy took Barkalow Bros.' "Book shoV' 11S raraaaa St, - 'fa. tSUk efgaasare la aa avary boa af the geaalss laxative Dromo-Quioiae Tablets tbe remedy that eawaa calel la ea day.